
以下是外贸函电考试题库及答案的示例内容:# 一、选择题1. 外贸函电的主要作用是什么?- A. 传递情感- B. 促进交流- C. 记录交易- D. 以上都是答案:C2. 以下哪项不是外贸函电的基本组成部分?- A. 信头- B. 信尾- C. 附件- D. 信封答案:D3. 在外贸函电中,"Dear Sirs" 是用来称呼什么的?- A. 女士- B. 先生们- C. 尊敬的收信人- D. 以上都不是答案:C# 二、填空题4. 外贸函电中,"Subject:" 后面通常跟的是_______。
答案:信件主题5. 当需要表达紧急性时,可以在外贸函电的信头部分加上 "_______"。
答案:Urgent# 三、简答题6. 简述外贸函电中报价信的主要内容。
答案:报价信通常包括以下内容:- 信头(包括发信人和收信人的名称、地址、联系方式等)- 信件日期- 称呼- 引言(说明写信目的)- 商品描述(包括产品名称、规格、型号等)- 报价(包括价格、货币单位、价格条款等)- 报价有效期- 付款条件- 交货期- 其他条款(如包装、运输方式等)- 结尾语- 签名# 四、案例分析题7. 阅读以下外贸函电案例,并回答问题:```Subject: Inquiry for Product XDear Sirs,We are interested in your product X and would like to know more about it. Could you please provide us with the following information?- Product specifications- Quantity available- Price details- Delivery timeWe look forward to your prompt reply.Best regards,[Your Name][Your Company][Your Contact Information]```问题:- 这封信属于哪种类型的外贸函电?- 信中询问了哪些信息?答案:- 这封信属于询价函电。

每小题1分,共20分)1. 我国加入《专利合作条约》是在( )。
A. 1970年B. 1978年C. 1993年D. 1995年2. 我国《商标法》规定,商标侵权行为的认定以( )。
A. 侵权者主观上是否有错误为前提B. 侵权情节是否严重为前提C. 侵权是否带有欺骗性为前提D. 损害事实是否存在为前提3. 在合同主体条款的开头需( )。
A. 写清双方履行的义务十分重要B. 单独拟定定义条款十分重要C. 单独拟定双方的权利、义务十分重要D. 单独拟定利润的分成十分重要4. 转让方和受让方,这种称呼主要用于( )。
A. 技术咨询合同B. 专业技术的转让C. 权利的转让D. 工业产权技术的许可合同5. “协议”与“合同”实质上是( )。
A. 一样性质的文件B. 不同性质的文件C. 交叉性质的文件D. 包容性质的文件6. 运输公司所使用的标记是( )。
A. 制造商标B. 生产商标C. 服务商标D. 销售商标7. 一项发明专利必须具有新颖性、创造性以及( )。
A. 超前性B. 盈利性C. 实用性D. 明确性8. 在提成支付方式下,要确定提成的基础,下列哪一条不是..确定提成基础的做法( )。
A. 产品产量B. 产品销售价C. 产品成本D. 利润9. 下列哪一条不是技术引进合同履行的特点( )。
A. 履行合同的大量工作在卖方所在地进行B. 履行合同的大量工作在买方所在地进行C. 合同履行需有关部门通力合作D. 合同履行的各个环节对最终实现合同规定的目标至关重要10. 世界上许多国家都对总付方式的使用加以限制,下列哪一种不是限制方式( )。
A. 总付金额必须在估计的销售额基础上确定B. 有条件地采用总付方式1C. 限定总付方式的适用范围D. 限定总付方式的使用区域11. 中国也出口技术,始于20世纪的( )。

1. For goods concluded on FOB basis, freight for shipment from Shanghai to Hong Kong is to be ________ to buyer’s account.A. borneB. paidC. changedD. charged2. We wish to call your attention ________ the L/C covering your order No.185 has not reached us.A. to the fact thatB. to thatC. toD. that3. We have received your enquiry of 15 October ________ you show great interest in our electric heaters.A. whichB. at whichC. in whichD. from which4. You can file a claim with the insurance company in your area, who will ________ the loss incurred.A. compensateB. compensate forC. compensate to youD. compensate you5. ________ will be highly appreciated if you will send us a brochure.1A. WeB. YouC. ItD. Which6. Please effect shipment immediately as L/C will ________ on July 31.A. validB. firmC. dueD. expire7. Your order No. 123 was confirmed by our fax of September 15 subject to ________ of your credit within 15 days from the date.A. arrivalB. reachingC. arriveD. reach8. We are now ________ your inquiry of October 12.A. on receiptB. on receipt ofC. in receiptD. in receipt of9. Our new low cost solutions may be ________ particular interest to you.A. inB. ofC. withD. for10. Drafts drawn in compliance with the terms of credit shall be duly ________ on presentation and paid at maturity.A. honoredB. dishonoredC. discountedD. declined11. Please ________ the shipment date of your L/C to October 15 and validity to October 30.A. amendB. extendC. establishD. expand12. We look forward to ________ the goods in fourth quarter.A. the delivery ofB. your deliveryC. deliverD. delivery13. Should your price ________ reasonable, we will place an order with you ________ the2item.A. is...forB. is...fromC. be...forD. be...with14. ________, we are airmailing you our latest quotation sheet for your consideration.A. As requestB. At requestC. At requestedD. As requested15. We are sorry for the trouble the printer has caused you, but we are confident that it can be fixed ________ your complete satisfaction.A. toB. withC. inD. for16. We hope the goods you ordered will arrive at the port of destination ________.A. in good conditionB. in good conditionsC. in a good conditionD. in the good condition17. We lodge a claim ________ you ________ the short-weight.A. with...onB. for...forC. with...forD. for...with18. Please insure ________ WPA ________ 110% of the invoice value.A. with...forB. against...atC. for...forD. against...for19. 90 percent of the credit amount must be paid ________ the presentation of documents.A. atB. byC. whenD. against20. ________ you don’t reduce your quotations, we shall have to buy elsewhere.A. BeforeB. IfC. UnlessD. When二、填空题(本大题共24小题,每空1分,共25分)3请将答案填在答题纸相应的位置上。

每小题1分,共20分)1. There is ________ doubt that the defective goods were damped before packing. ()A. withoutB. littleC. someD. a little2. Our quotation ________ Tiantan Brand Shirts is valid for 10 days. ()A. toB. afterC. inD. for3. We cannot see any possible of business ________ your price is on the high side. ()A. whichB. sinceC. thatD. though4. We assure that the goods can be supplied from stock ________ you order early. ()A. whetherB. thatC. afterD. if5. We ________ well ________ with the demand of Asia market. ()A. shall …acquaintB. can …acquaintC. are …acquaintingD. are …acquainted6. We will see to ________ that the L/C is opened within the stipulated time. ()A. itB. makeC. letD. them7. After inspection of the above shipment we found 5 cases ________. ()A. missedB. missingC. lostD. losing8. ________ your terms and conditions be accepted by our clients, we will place a large orderwith you. ()A. ShouldB. IfC. UnlessD. That9. Sometimes, transshipment and partial shipment are ________ by the buyer. ()A. permissionB. permittingC. prohibitedD. prohibiting10. We offer you our lowest price, ________ we have done a lot of business with other customers.()A. whichB. that1C. with whichD. at which11. Because of the weak market, we have to decline our price ________ 5%. ()A. withB. toC. byD. for12. As the selling season is approaching, please ship the goods with the least ________ delay.()A. possibleB. profitableC. impossibleD. portable13. Enclosed is a copy of our price list ________ for in your letter of December 12. ()A. askB. asksC. askedD. asking14. ________ to our regret, at present we cannot entertain any fresh orders. ()A. manyB. muchC. moreD. most15. We wish to receive your shipping advice soon for the goods under the captioned ________.()A. letterB. cableC. contractD. communication16. We have ________ stated that we are not in a position to supply at the moment. ()A. stronglyB. expresslyC. seriouslyD. gladly17. The importer will go to the wharf and ________ delivery of the goods. ()A. makeB. effectC. fulfillD. take18. ________ shipment, please amend the L/C to allow transshipment. ()A. RegardingB. CoveringC. ConcerningD. Referring19. The seller should be responsible for the losses due to the improper ________. ()A. packageB. packagingC. packingD. pack20. Please do your best to ship our order ________ S. S. “Dongfeng”. ()A. byB. ofC. toD. at二、填空题(每空1分,共25分)21. Increased production results ________ the adoption of new production method.22. We assure you ________ our close cooperation in pushing the sales of your products.23. Our usual terms of payment are ________ L/C and we hope they will be acceptable ________you.224. We shall pack each pen ________ a box, 24 boxes ________ a carton.25. Please open as soon as possible the relevant L/C ________ our favor .26. We consider it necessary to bring this matter ________ your notice.27. Please keep us informed ________ the customer’s response ________ our new products.28. You should avail ________ of our favorable offer ________ your own interest.29. We are already represented by Hussian & Co. ________ the sales of our raincoats ________your district.30. Any changes of specification would involve us ________ a great deal of trouble.31. We have to ship the goods from Shanghai to New York ________ Hong Kong, as there is nodirect steamer.32. The time of delivery is approaching, we haven’t received your shipping instructions________ date.33. ________ reply, we regret that we are not in a position to be responsible ________ the loss.34. Our clients are in urgent ________ of the ordered goods.35. Such insurance should be provided ________ your cost.36. Our head office has passed your order ________ to us ________ attention and reply.37. We have only 100 sets of sewing machines ________ stock, so we make you this offer subjectto ________ sale.三、英汉翻译(每小题2分,共20分)38. We are a stated-operated corporation, specializing in the export of electric goods.39. The L/C should reach us one month before the shipment and remain valid for negotiation inChina till the 15th day after shipment.40. We are in a position to promise you that the goods supplied are in compliance with the samplein both the quality and design.41. We would ask you to cooperate with us in advancing the shipment to the end of September toenable us to catch the brisk demand in Christmas.42. Since the premium varies with the extent of insurance, extra premium is for buyer’s account.43. This damage is due to the rough handling by the shipping company. You should claim onthem for recovery of the loss.44. To acquaint you with the products we export, we have sent you three brochures under separateuncover.45. If you find our arrangement agreeable, please cable us your confirmation to enable us toexpedite shipment.46. It’s our sincere hope that you will direct your efforts to the promotion of this new product inyour market to our mutual benefit.47. Since competition of these fabrics is very keen here, it is necessary for you to quote us themost favorable prices.四、汉英翻译(每小题3分,共15分)348. 鉴于我们之间长期的友好关系,我们才给你们这种照顾,例外地接受付款交单。

外贸函电试题及答案一、选择题1.在外贸函电中,正文是指( A )A.函电的主体内容B.函电的落款和称谓C.函电的附件和资料D.函电的主题和要求2.以下哪个选项不属于外贸函电的常用结尾语?( B )A.期待您的回复B.希望尽快获得回复C.敬祝合作愉快D.谢谢您的关注3.下列哪个选项可以作为外贸函电的起首语?( D )A.咨询某项产品的价格和供货期B.对上次订单及送货延迟表达不满C.询问供应商是否接受信用证支付D.向客户问候并表达感谢4.以下哪个选项不属于外贸函电的常用附件?( C )A.产品目录和详细规格B.合同草案和价格清单C.付款方式和货物起运港口D.公司资质证明和信用证复印件5.外贸函电的主要目的是( A )A.传达商务信息和开展商业活动B.展示个人写作能力和语言表达能力C.获取他人私人信息和进行非商业活动D.随便发邮件,没有具体目的要求答案:1. A2. B3. D4. C5. A二、填空题1.外贸函电应遵循简洁、明确、______的原则。


外贸函电自考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 在外贸函电中,"Proforma Invoice"是指什么?A. 形式发票B. 商业发票C. 订购单D. 装箱单答案:A2. 以下哪项不是外贸交易中常用的支付方式?A. 信用证B. 汇付C. 托收D. 现金交易答案:D3. "L/C"在外贸函电中通常代表什么?A. 信用证B. 订购单C. 装箱单D. 形式发票答案:A4. 外贸函电中,“CIF”价格术语代表什么含义?A. 成本加保险费加运费B. 成本加运费C. 免费交货D. 工厂交货答案:A5. “FOB”价格术语中的“F”代表什么?A. 工厂B. 自由C. 船上D. 固定答案:C6. 在外贸函电中,“D/P”通常指的是什么?A. 付款交单B. 承兑交单C. 付款D. 承兑答案:A7. 以下哪个不是国际贸易中常见的运输方式?A. 海运B. 空运C. 铁路运输D. 邮政小包答案:D8. “T/T”在外贸函电中通常代表什么?A. 电汇B. 信汇C. 票汇D. 托收答案:A9. 在外贸函电中,“B/L”是指什么?A. 提单B. 商业发票C. 保险单D. 装箱单答案:A10. “C&F”价格术语中的“C”代表什么?A. 成本B. 现金C. 承兑D. 信用证答案:A二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)11. 在外贸函电中,"S/C"通常指的是________。
答案:销售确认书12. 外贸函电中,"E-mail"的全称是________。
答案:Electronic Mail13. 外贸交易中,"D/A"支付方式指的是________。
答案:承兑交单14. "TEU"在外贸术语中代表________。
答案:20英尺标准集装箱15. "H.S. Code"在外贸中指的是________。

自考外贸函电试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共10分)1. 在外贸函电中,"CIF" 表示什么贸易术语?A. 成本加保险费加运费B. 仅成本C. 成本加运费D. 仅保险费答案:A2. 以下哪个不是国际贸易中常用的支付方式?A. 信用证B. 汇付C. 托收D. 现金交易答案:D3. 外贸函电中,“Proforma Invoice”是指什么?A. 形式发票B. 商业发票C. 装箱单D. 合同答案:A4. 在外贸函电中,"L/C" 通常指的是什么?A. 信用证B. 海运提单C. 空运提单D. 保险单答案:A5. “FOB” 价格条款中,卖方的责任不包括以下哪项?A. 将货物装上船B. 承担货物装船前的所有费用和风险C. 提供出口清关D. 负责运输过程中的货物风险答案:D二、简答题(每题10分,共20分)1. 简述外贸函电中“唛头”的作用及其重要性。
答:唛头(Shipping Mark)是用于外贸货物外包装上的一种标记,通常包括收货人的名称、目的地、批次号、件数等信息。
2. 描述在外贸函电中,如何进行有效的价格谈判。
三、案例分析题(每题15分,共30分)1. 假设你是一家公司的外贸经理,收到一封来自潜在客户的询盘邮件,客户询问了产品A的CIF价格,并希望了解支付方式和交货期。

1.In our letter of May 10, we make ______ clear that shipment be effected in June.()A. youB. themC. usD. it2.As said in the email today, we are forwarding you under separate cover the samples, ______youwill find them satisfactory.()A. hopeB. to hopeC. hopingD. hopefully3.Letters of complaint should be written with care and tact ______to harm future businessrelationships.()A. in orderB. in not orderC. in order notD. not in order4.Our products are of better quality than ______ from other sources.()A. thatB. thisC. themD. those5.We are unable to offer firm, as the goods are of ______supply.()A. shortB. lowC. smallD. fresh6.______accepting the draft, the bank will require you to present documents such as B/L, PackingList, etc.()A. AfterB. BeforeC. BehindD. On7.As the shipment was delayed, the buyer ______ the seller for an explanation .()A. forcedB. pressedC. hastenedD. expedited8.It is important that your client ______ the relevant L/C not later than April 10.()A. must openB. opensC. openD. has to open9. I wonder if you could advance the shipment by one month ______we need it urgently.()A. as B. providedC. orD. because of10. The relative L/C should be issued through a third bank in Austria ______ the sellers.1()A. available by B. available toC. acceptable byD. acceptable to11.Please make serious efforts to get the goods ______ promptly.()A. dispatchB. dispatchedC. dispatchingD. to dispatch12.______your inquiry for a supply of TV sets, we are glad to offer as follows.()A. Relying onB. Relied onC. Replying toD. Replied to13.For all the remaining items the stated dates of delivery are approximate, but______ wouldthese dates be exceeded by more than 10 days.()A. in no caseB. in any caseC. under any circumstancesD. by all means14. ______our S/C 1805 dated March 15, we are able to make the goods shipped by the end ofnext month. ()A. Refer toB. ReferringC. With reference toD. With refer to15.We shall ______you as soon as the supply position improves.()A. communicateB. notifyC. advise toD. make known16.The design of the garment is very nice but its color does not______ to me.()A .attract B. suitC. appealD. fit17.Damage ______the goods was caused by heavy rain during transit.()A. ofB. forC. onD. to18.After unpacking the case we found the goods did not ______ with the original sample.()A. agree B. matchC. compareD. measure19.Because of their superior quality, our silk coats always ______in Europe.()A. are sold fastB. sell fastC. have been sold fastD. be sold fast20.Your firm has been referred to us by the ABC Co., ______ we have done business for manyyears.()A. whichB. with thatC. whomD. with whom二、填空题(本大题共25空,每空1分,共25分)请在每小题的空格中填上正确答案。

⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯精选自学考料介绍⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯浙江省 2019 年 7 月高等教育自学考试旅行英语试题课程代码: 06010Ⅰ.Fill in the spaceA.Insert the word or phrase in the blank that will make each sentence correct.Then write the answer on the Answer Sheet(5%)1.The work of the air traffic controllers is so important that they have to be people who can make fast,______ decision.2.In addition to the money that tourism brings into a country,tourism provides a great many jobs,especially for unskilled or ______ workers.3.For several thousand years,Chinese arts and crafts have been handed down generation after ______.4.The repair and ______ departments take care of the heating,air conditioning,electricity,and plumbing in the hotel.5.The main part of a diet is called the ______.B.Select the correct word or phrase from the list below to complete each of the following sentences.Then write the answer on the Answer Sheet:(5%)1.Airlines and accommodations facilities are ______ of the tourism industry.2.A feeder line usually has short routes that connect smaller towns with each other or with major cities on ______ flights.we go on a ______ tour,we don't have to worry about accommodation,the meals and other things like that.4.When you ______ for a person,it means that you are taking responsibility for that person.5.Because there is so much competition for passengers among airlines,there are many different kinds of service ______ as well as different types and sizes of aircraft.C.Choose the word or phrase to complete each sentence.Then write the answer on the Answer Sheet:(10%)1.An immigration card may also be called a disembarkation or () card.rmation for customs2.When the plane (),it moves to a higher altitude.3.() is a special endorsement by a country to allow a foreigner to enter the country.A.A passportB.A visaC.A customs declarationD.An immigration card4.All airlines that are members of the () use standard codes for carriers,service and airports.5.The front-desk clerk checks the () to find an available room.A.guest folioB.reservation fileC.room rackD.guest ledger1⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯精选自学考料介绍⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯6.Generally,() reaches the largest and broadest market,cutting across many different social and income groups.7.Tourists want to have an enjoyable experience () the money they spend.8.The country from which the tourist arrives is called the () country.9.The baggage comes into the baggage area from the aircraft on a ().A.conveyor beltB.baggage compartmentC.claim check10.The hospitality industry and the accommodations industry () the same thing,and either theword hospitality or accommodations () used to describe the places,people and services.A.is,areB.are,areC.are,isD.is,isⅡ.Match each word or phrase in the column at the left with its meaning in the column on the right.Then write the answer on the Answer Sheet:(10%)a.ready for useb.thanks or gratitudec.working lifed.leaving a country to live elsewheree.hotel where guests can park their automobiles near their roomsf.instructions on how to get to some placeg.a person in charge of special services for guestsi.the place a person is going toj.to record or note somethingⅢ.Indicate whether each of the statements is true (T) or false (F).Then write the answer on the Answer Sheet:(15%)1.Many countries call the cards that they ask arriving travelers to fill out “immigration cards" because the travelers intend to stay and live in the country.2.The captain is the only person who can decide if weather and other conditions are safe enough to attempt a landing,or whether it would be better to fly to another airport.3.An amusement park is a place for people to enjoy themselves with games and rides.4.The job of tax collectors is to examine the contents of all baggage brought into the country.5.A resort can also be a large hotel that has facilities for guests to swim,play golf or other games,meet other guests,and rest.6.A twin room usually has one large bed for two people.7.Cloisonne ware is a handicraft product which uses copper painted with colored glazes.8.The Grand View Garden was built after the traditional Chinese architectural style of thegardens described in the classical novel “ Dream of the Red Mansions."9.The departure tax is used to promote tourism and to train people in the tourism industry.2⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯精选自学考料介绍⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯10.A large hotel corporation that builds hotels in the world often runs them itself.11.Hostels are known as either pensions or bed-and-board houses.12.Diversely located motels belong to the group of“ commercial hotel".13.A's is the sign of the top hotels.materials,such as cleaning materials,bed linens,pillows, towels,paper products, matchbooks, ashtrays,stationery and so forth, are products of the housekeeping department of a hotel.15.The front desk employees give the service of mailing letters and packages.Ⅳ.Give a short working definition of each of the following words or special terms.Then write the answer on the Answer Sheet:(15%)1.Guest checks2.Hotel chain4.Local tours5.Crafts marketⅤ.Answer the following questions according to the Reading:(25%)1.Why are the attitudes a country's people have about tourists so important?2.What facilities does a hotel need in order to get convention business?3.For people who work on airlines,what are the three kinds of baggage?4.Why is word-of-mouth advertising the most important kind of advertising?5.What are some of the responsibilities of the manager of the crafts market?Ⅵ.Translate the following sentences or short passages into Chinese.Then write the answer on the Answer Sheet:(15%)1.It is also vital that the rate of occupancy is never so low that the hotels cannot stay inbusiness.Therefore,during certain times of the year when tourists may not travel so much,the government and the accommodations business work together to bring tourists to the country.The accommodations people may offer special rates for rooms.They advertise and try to get people to come in groups at the same time.2.Many companies have special meetings away from their home,or main offices.Many industries and professions have associations to which people in the industry or profession belong.These associations have conventions which their members attend.Conventions can be very important to the tourism business because they are usually held during a time of the year when most tourists do not take vacations or holidays — a time that is called “ off season."Convention business fills up unoccupied hotel rooms during off-season times of the year.3.In the United States,no airline may operate on a route until the CAB gives permission.If an airline wishes to start a new route within or to the country,it has to prove that it has the equipment and people necessary for operating the service.This airline must also prove that the new route is needed,that it will bring in money and be a good business.3。

浙江7月高等教育自学考试外贸英语写作试题及答案解析浙江省2018年7月高等教育自学考试外贸英语写作试题课程代码:00097Part One:Questions 1-20Directions:Thee are 20 sentences in this part.For each sentence there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the ONE that best completes the snetence.Then write the answer on the Answer Sheet.(在下列各题中选择一个最佳答案填空。
)20%1.If your prices are competitive,we are confident ________ the goods in great quantities in this market.A.to sellB.in sellingC.in being soldD.to be selling2.We should be grateful ________ you would tell us ____ they are reliable for a credit up to US S10,000.A.if…whetherB.whether…ifC.if…thatD.whether…that3.We can only ________ this very advantageous offer for a few weeks.A.hold openingB.hold openlyC.hold openD.hold to open4.________ subsequent amendments please see to it that the L/C stipulations are strictly in accordance with the contract terms.A.Having avoidedB.AvoidC.Being avoidedD.To avoid5.We shall appreciate ________ us FOB Sydney.A.you quotingB.your quotingC.you to quoteD.your being quoted6.For most countries,the value of merchandise entries is _____ the biggest in the current account which covers imports and exports of goods.A.by farB.muchC.by a great extentD.a great deal7.A ________ for middle management personnel is typical in this country.A.S40 000-a-year-salaryB.salary of $40 000-a-yearC.S40 000a-year-salaryD.salary of $40 000 a year8.Your answer to the question is ________ than others.A.correcterB.more nearly correctC.most correctD.more correct9.He uses too many ________ and ________ when he talks to the manager.A.and…butB.ands…butsC.and…butsD.and's…but's10.There is ________ for a businessman than failing to meet the sales target.A.nothing frustratingB.no frustratingC.nothing more frustratingD.no more frustrating11.The shipment arrived late;________,several items were damaged.A.furtherB.moreoverC.thereforeD.or12.Knowing little about computers,________.A.talk about hardware and software confused the visitorsB.hardware and software confused the visitorsC.the visitors were confused by the talk about hardware and softwareD.the visitors confused by hardware and software13.Our new billing system totals all balance,gives weekly reports and _____.A.prints statementsB.statements are printedC.printed statementsD.statements print14.I find the internal control system of the company very ____./doc/cc13030839.html,plicated/doc/cc13030839.html,plicatedly/doc/cc13030839.html,plicateD.to be complicated15.Either a book or two articles ________ to be read to fulfill the assignment.A.wasB.hasC.has hadD.have16.I consider you a better candidate than either ________.A.she or heB.her or himC.her or heD.her and him17.Since its tune-up,the engine runs ________.A.smootherB.smoothlierC.more smoothlyD.more smooth18.You can find ________ in the world who works harder than he.A.nobodyB.none elseC.no oneD.no one else19.We should like to go ________ into your proposal for an agency in Brazilia.A.furtherB.farC.more farD.ahead20.The importer will submit reference if these ________ given inthe preliminary negotiations.A.are notB.have notC.has not beenD.were notPart Two:Questions 21-30There is one mistake in each of the following sentences.Detect and correct the m istakes.Write your corrections together with the mistakes one the Answer Sheet.( 下列每句各有一个错误,找出错误并改正。

1. We are sure that our new products may be ______ particular interest to you.A. onB. ofC. inD. for2. The L/C should be issued through a third country bank in America ______ the seller.A. available byB. available toC. acceptable byD. acceptable to3. Any ______ information about their financial standing will be valued by us.A. detailedB. detailC. partD. particularly4. We enclose our invoice amounting to USD2300.00 ______ the first consignment per s.s. “Haihe”.A. includeB. payingC. coveringD. compose5. During business, the party who makes payment based on the draft is called ______.A. drawerB. draweeC. beneficiaryD. applicant6. We find it ______ that you failed to delivery the goods before our selling season .A. regretB. regretfulC. regrettableD. regretted7. Our Green Tea is customarily packed ______ standard boxes,10 boxes to a carton.A. inB. with1C. ofD. to8. We are ______ your letter of January 8 and will duly act on your instruction.A. upon receipt ofB. in receipt ofC. receiveD. to receive9. we will keep you ______ for any change in price or delivery.A. informB. to informC. informingD. informed10. Your application for an import license will be rejected ______ you make the mistake again.A. ifB. as long asC. on condition thatD. provided that11. The automatic washing machines ______ Order No.AE953 are now ready for shipment.A. onB. atC. aboveD. under12. We should be glad if you would send us , ______ 30 days’ approval, a selection of your rugs.A. atB. onC. forD. with13. The clocks you required are out of stock now, we have put your items on ______order.A. trialB. delayC. backD. repeat14. We require the goods be delivered in two equal ______ by direct steamer.A. weightsC. colorsD. lots15. The letter of credit in our ______ is advised by Bank of China, Zhejiang Branch.A. paymentB. desireC. favorD. choice16. Our best quality products will find a ready ______ in your area.A. marketB. orderC. customerD. consignment17. A franchise of 5% means claims are payable only for the part of the loss ______ 5%.2A. aboveB. belowC. equal toD. of18. We confirm ______ your counter-offer yesterday.A. to acceptB. having acceptedC. acceptedD. accepting19. We feel confident that your orders will be ______ smoothly.A. doneB. executedD. affected20. To our regret, we find the machines arrived to our port ______ such a bad condition.A. inB. onC. atD. by二、填空题(本大题共25空,每空1分,共25分)请将答案填在答题纸相应的位置上。

浙江省2018年7月高等教育自学考试外贸英语写作试题课程代码:00097Part One:Questions 1-20Directions:Thee are 20 sentences in this part.For each sentence there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the ONE that best completes the snetence.Then write the answer on the Answer Sheet.(在下列各题中选择一个最佳答案填空。
)20%1.If your prices are competitive,we are confident ________ the goods in great quantities in this market.A.to sellB.in sellingC.in being soldD.to be selling2.We should be grateful ________ you would tell us ____ they are reliable for a credit up to US S10,000.A.if…whetherB.whether…ifC.if…thatD.whether…that3.We can only ________ this very advantageous offer for a few weeks.A.hold openingB.hold openlyC.hold openD.hold to open4.________ subsequent amendments please see to it that the L/C stipulations are strictly in accordance with the contract terms.A.Having avoidedB.AvoidC.Being avoidedD.To avoid5.We shall appreciate ________ us FOB Sydney.A.you quotingB.your quotingC.you to quoteD.your being quoted6.For most countries,the value of merchandise entries is _____ the biggest in the current account which covers imports and exports of goods.A.by farB.muchC.by a great extentD.a great deal7.A ________ for middle management personnel is typical in this country.A.S40 000-a-year-salaryB.salary of $40 000-a-yearC.S40 000a-year-salaryD.salary of $40 000 a year8.Your answer to the question is ________ than others.A.correcterB.more nearly correctC.most correctD.more correct9.He uses too many ________ and ________ when he talks to the manager.A.and…butB.ands…butsC.and…butsD.and's…but's10.There is ________ for a businessman than failing to meet the sales target.A.nothing frustratingB.no frustratingC.nothing more frustratingD.no more frustrating11.The shipment arrived late;________,several items were damaged.A.furtherB.moreoverC.thereforeD.or12.Knowing little about computers,________.A.talk about hardware and software confused the visitorsB.hardware and software confused the visitorsC.the visitors were confused by the talk about hardware and softwareD.the visitors confused by hardware and software13.Our new billing system totals all balance,gives weekly reports and _____.A.prints statementsB.statements are printedC.printed statementsD.statements print14.I find the internal control system of the company very ____.plicatedplicatedlyplicateD.to be complicated15.Either a book or two articles ________ to be read to fulfill the assignment.A.wasB.hasC.has hadD.have16.I consider you a better candidate than either ________.A.she or heB.her or himC.her or heD.her and him17.Since its tune-up,the engine runs ________.A.smootherB.smoothlierC.more smoothlyD.more smooth18.You can find ________ in the world who works harder than he.A.nobodyB.none elseC.no oneD.no one else19.We should like to go ________ into your proposal for an agency in Brazilia.A.furtherB.farC.more farD.ahead20.The importer will submit reference if these ________ given inthe preliminary negotiations.A.are notB.have notC.has not beenD.were notPart Two:Questions 21-30There is one mistake in each of the following sentences.Detect and correct the m istakes.Write your corrections together with the mistakes one the Answer Sheet.(下列每句各有一个错误,找出错误并改正。

《外贸函电》自考真题试题及答案解析一、单选题(共20题,共0分)1.Fifty cases of Green Tea you sent us were found to be badly damaged. This was apparently attributable to ____ packing.( )A. inferiorB.superiorC.faptyD.mistake2.We trust you will do your best to have this matter __________ right away.()A.settleB.to settleC.settlingD.settled3.By joint efforts we can ___ both friendship and business.( )A.increaseB.promotedC.expandD.extend4.We ___ you for the special offer you send us.( )A.thankB.appreciateC.be gratefpD.beindebted5.We are looking forward to ___ your L/C for Order No 123.( )A.receiveB.receiveingC.be receivedD.be receiving6.This is our best price, ____ which we have concluded many orders with other buyers in your city.( )A.onB.forC.byD.at7.As it involves only a small ___ , we hope you will have no difficpty on promotion.( )A.qualityC.quantityD.number8.Our payment terms (付款方式)are ___ , irrevocable letter of credit for the fpl invoice value.( )A.con firmedbi ned(联合)mittedpleted9.Since the premium varies with the scope of ____ extra premium is for buyer ' s account, shopd additional siske covered?( )A.assura neeB.in sura neeC.bus in essD.en terprises10.Please see to it that the goods we ordered are shipped as soon as the covering letter of credit ____ you.( )A.getsesD.reaches11.We shall advise you by cable as soon as the goods ____ .)A.will shipB.will be shippedC.shipD.are shipped12.According to the shipping _____ it will be impossible for us to ship the goods in October.()A.schedpe ( 时刻表 )B.timetable ( 公共汽车、火车的时刻表 )C.planD.scheme ( 计划,方案 )13.This offer is firm, subject to your immediate reply ____ shopd reach us not later tha n the end of this mon th.( )A. itB.theyC.whatD.which14.We cannot entertain your suggestion ________ it does not seem workable.()A.becauseB.forC.soD.therefore15.____ your in formati on, we have received a crowd of enq uiries from buyers in other directi on s.( )A.OnB.ForC.ByD.At16.We en closed our Purchase Co nfirmation No. 4848__in__ duplicate^ ) 一式两份 in triplicate (一式三份 )A.inB.forC.withD.through17.We cannot _____ present entertain any fresh orders for Younger Bra nd Me n's Shirts.()A.ofB.at (目前)C.toD.for18.___ you like other items, kin dly let us know and we shall be only too pleased to make you offers direct.()A. In caseB.in the caseC.In this caseD.In that case19.Gen erally we cover in sura nee __ defi nite ( 明确的 ) in structi ons from our clie nts.()A. i n abse nee ofB.in the abse nee ofC.in no abse nee ofD.in all abse nee of20.Welodge ( 声明) a claim _______ you _____ theshort--weight.()A.with …withB.for …forC.with …forD.for …with二、填空题(共15题,共0分)21.Can you offer us machine tools ___ the following specification?22.To trade ____ the people of all eoun tries ____ the basis of equality and mutual ben efit is our established policy.23.Please make sure that the stippations in the L/C are ______ exact accorda nee ___ the terms of the Sales Con tract.24.We shall certai nly con tact you, as soon as we are ____a positi on to en terta in new bus in ess in your district.25.We note from your letter of September 10th that you are interested ____ walnut meat.26.0w ing ____ unu sual shortage of stock, this offer is made, subject to the goods being un sold.27.There is always a ready market ____ Sewing Machi nes, provided they are ___ good quality and competitive in price.28.We shall can cel the con tract if you fail to ope n the relative L/C ____ the end of this year.29.We shall ope n an L/C ____ you favor _____ Barclay's Bank here ___ the exte nt of 15000.30.lt is n ecessary ___ you to comply with our shipp ing in structi ons.31.We refer ___ you letter of May 2.32.lt is our sin cere hope that you will direct your efforts __ the promotion of this new product in your market __ our mutual ben efit.33.We shall be glad to receive you offer ___ walnut meat,shipme nt,____ September/October; _____ tran sshipme nt at Hongkong.34.We prefer Chi nese bicycles __ Japa nese bicycles ___ their fine quality.35.Will you send us _____ return mail pamphlets and price list ____ your exports?三、问答题(共10题,共0分)36.翻译:We wopd like to in form you that at prese nt we can supply you with various ki nds of me n's leather shoes.37.翻译:As we said previously, it is only in view of our long friendly relations that we extend you this accommodation38.翻译:f you make us an offer at competitive prices we can sell a large quantity of chemical product in our district.39.翻译:We advised you in our letter of Dec.1, that we wopd like to place a trial order with you for 50 pieces Flying Pigeon Bicycles.40.翻译:After reinspection at the port of destination, the quality of the goods shipped ex S.S. “ Red Star ” un der Con tract No. CT7543 waotfiou nd n complia nee with the con tract stippatio ns.41.翻译:We wish to call your attention to the validity of the L/C, since there is no possibility of L/C exte nsio n.42.翻译:We send you a brochure on the various kinds of bicycle now available for export43.翻译:Please advise us whether you iron nail packed in plywood kegs of 60kgs ,net and whether you can ship our order from stock.44.翻译:Si nee the premium varies with the scope of in sura nee, extra premium is for buyer's aeeo unt, shopd additi onal risks be covered.45.翻译:We shall be glad to ship the goods by a direct steamer to Van eouver within 30 days after reeeipt of you L/C.1、正确答案: C2、正确答案: D3、正确答案: B4、正确答案: A5、正确答案: B6、正确答案: D7、正确答案: C8、正确答案: A9、正确答案: B10、正确答案: D11、正确答案: D12、正确答案: A13、正确答案: D14、正确答案: A15、正确答案: B16、正确答案: A17、正确答案: B18、正确答案: A19、正确答案: B20、正确答案: C21、正确答案:with22、正确答案:with、on23、正确答案:in、with24、正确答案:in25、正确答案:in26、正确答案:to27、正确答案:for、of28、正确答案:by29、正确答案:in、with、to30、正确答案:for31、正确答案:to32、正确答案:to、to33、正确答案:for、during、for34、正确答案:to、for35、正确答案:by、for36、正确答案:我们想通知贵公司我们目前可以供应你们各式各样的男式皮鞋。

浙江省2018年7月自考旅游英语试卷课程代码:06010Ⅰ. Make the best choice to complete the following sentences. (16%)1. I’d like to book a ticket ______ the 8∶15 flight. ()A. inB. forC. onD. at2. The ticket might be falsely used by any person ______ the one named on the ticket. ()A. besidesB. other thanC. less thanD. from3. Make sure you have two pieces of identification, at least one of ______ must be issued by the government.()A. thatB. thoseC. whichD. these4. History has shown that criminals use passengers to carry bombs or other dangerous items ______. ()A. on boardB. above the boardC. overboardD. under the board5. Even when it is not the case, hotels have ______ describing their offering in terms of the star-rating system.()A. taken offB. taken downC. taken overD. taken to6. Emily wasn’t sure if she had enough points to qualify ______ college admission. ()A. atB. forC. asD. to7. Many problems! The sheets and the carpets are dirty; ... and the room still ______ cigarettes!()A. smells of B. smellsC. hears ofD. hears8. They have similar responsibilities; they take reservations over the phone, greet customers ______, register arriving guests, and assign rooms. ()A. by personB. as a personC. in personD. to person9. To be a hotel manager, you should have the ability to be ______ and diplomatic. ()A. angryB. tactfulC. bitterD. jealous10. All the suites have been carefully preserved in their ______ style of the 1930’s. ()A. originalB. shabbyC. messyD. difficult11. That Guasha treatment removes blood stagnation and promotes health is still ______ me.()A. beyond B. belowC. aboveD. over12. In 2000, the medical association suggested that acupuncture ______ be made more readily available.()A. mustB. shouldC. has toD. will13. When ______ the beauty of the night, they naturally remember the beautiful legends about the moon.()A. enjoyedB. is enjoyingC. enjoyingD. are enjoying14. What ______ to foreigners is probably the marvelous acrobatics. ()A. appealsB. attractsC. strikesD. surprises15. They built this all in less than two years. In two years in Germany, we______ a plan for the evacuation (撤走) of the birds along the way. ()A. would just haveB. will just haveC. just haveD. had just had16. Another terminal is in the works, ______ for completion in time for the 2008 Olympics.()A. due B. availableC. validD. owingⅡ. Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write T for True and F for False. (30%)1. An air ticket serves as a contract between an airline and a passenger. ()2. Foreign currencies can be exchanged for Chinese yuan at any bank in China. ()3. The Yellow River is one of China’s world famous natural wonders. ()4. When travelers break a certain law of China, they will be sent back to their home country immediately.()5. Non-stop flight is the only safe way of air travel because air crashes happen at the take-off and landing of a plane. ()6. The three oldest dramatic art forms in the world include Chinese operas, Greek tragic-comedy and Indian Sanskrit Operas. ()7. Established by Tang Taizong, Liyuan that is Pear Garden was originally a Beijing Opera troupe.()8. Chinese operas combine elements such as music, fashion, acrobatics, and literature. ()9. Exaggeration and symbolism can best summarize the characteristics of Beijing opera.()10. Originally, Huangmei Opera was a combination of folk songs and dances in Anhui Province.()11. Huangmei Opera started as an opera about life of the common people and it is still struggling for national recognition. ()12. Each herbal medicine prescription can treat different patients suffering the same disease.()13. Different tastes of the herbs have different medicinal functions. ()14. In ancient China, a marriage was decided by both the love of the young couple and the parents’desires.()15. In China, punctuality is regarded as a virtue, especially in the business world. ()16. The inside address is almost without exception identical to the recipient’s address on the envelope. ()17. RSVP in an invitation letter means “contact us only if you are not able to come”. ()18. Both the host and guest are referred to in the third person in formal invitations. ()19. Travelers are not limited how much money they can bring to China if they use credit cards.()20. When a Chinese nods his head, it does not necessarily mean he agrees with what is being said.()Ⅲ. Match each word or phrase in the column on the left with its meaning in the column on the right. (14%) ()1. outlet a. likely to explode()2. farewell b. craftsman()3. festivity c. goodbye()4. groom d. maltreat()5. vacuum e. a man on his wedding day()6. abuse f. place selling goods()7. explosive g. inside()8. artisan h. a statement of dissatisfaction()9. schedule i. celebration()10. complaint j. absence of air()11. interior k. timetable()12. routine l. holiday()13. cancel m. day-to-day()14. vacation n. withdrawⅣ. Choose a correct word or phrase to complete each of the following sentences.(9%)a. stocked withb. subject toc. Motelsd. averagee. regardless off. put through1. They made up their minds to go on with the plan ______ all possible difficulties.2. Every piece of luggage is ______ X-ray screening at the airport.3. Sorry, sir, I can not decide this. May I ______ you ______ to the manager?4. Though very small, the store is ______ almost anything we might need.5. Hong Kong International Airport sees an ______ of more than 650 aircraft takeoff and landing each day.6. ______are usually located along a roadway for use by people traveling by automobile.Ⅴ. Identify parts 1 and 2 in the sample business letter and give them correct names (4%)The six essential parts of a business letter include: (PART 1) ______ , (PART 2) ______ salutation, the body of the letter, the complimentary close and the signature.Ⅵ. Fill in the blanks with proper words to complete the formal letter. (4%)(Hints: Jerry Peters夫妇恭请David Smith夫妇于2018年7月4日晚上7点光临上海和平饭店共进晚餐。

浙江省2018年7月自考经贸知识英语试题课程代码:00095Ⅰ. Translate the following words and expressions: (10%)1. From English into Chinese:a. grace periodsb. non-discrimination principlec. escape claused. export-orientede. compensation trade2. From Chinese into English:a. 外汇b. 当地装配c. 理论重量d. 差别待遇e. 资金周转Ⅱ. Match the words and expressions on the left with the explanations on the right: (5%)()1. indemnity a. sphere of activity()2. maturity b. the amount paid by an insured for coverage under the contract.()3. incidence c. compensation for loss()4. field d. occurrence()5. premium e. the time when a note or bill of exchange or a loan becomes dueⅢ. Make brief explanations of the following terms in English: (20%)1. common carrier2. clean credit3. irrevocable credit4. tariff5.IMFⅣ. Fill in each of the following blanks with an appropriate word from the list(You can only choose 10 from the following 12 words in the square) : (10%)The greatest dynamic (1)_______ from the formation of a customs union is the increased competition that is likely to (2)_______. That is, in the (3)_______ of a customs union, producers are likely to grow sluggish and complacent behind trade barriers. But when a customs union is formed and trade (4) _______ among member nations are eliminated, producers in each nation must become more (5) _______ to meet the competition of other producers within the union, merge, or go out of business. The increased level of competition is also likelyto (6)_______ the development and utilization of new technology. All of these efforts will cut (7)_______ of production to the benefit of consumers.A second possible benefit from the formation of a customs union is that economies of (8)_______ are likely to result from the enlarged market. Another possible benefit is the stimulus to investment to take advantage of the enlarged market to (9)_______ the increased competition. Furthermore, the formation of a customs union is likely to spur outsiders to set up production (10)_______ within the customs union to avoid the trade barriers imposed on non-union products.Ⅴ. Translate the following into Chinese: (15%)The rapid development of NASDAQ market can be attributed to the demand of economic development of society and the support of its own advanced technological means.Since the 60s of last century, world economy has undergone rapid development. The emerging medium and small-sized enterprises are in the information, biotechnology, telecommunications and finance industries. Although they are still immature, they enjoy good prospect and are worth investing. The founding and rapid development of the NASDAQ market was the very product of such demand. It is estimated that of the 100 American companies which saw the fastest development in 1993,67 were listed on NASDAQ market. Of the 200 best small-sized enterprises,154 were listed on NASDAQ market. A diversified, multi-layered NASDAQ market makes it a global capital marked suitable for the listing of enterprises of different types, with different scopes and at different stages of development. Therefore, the objective demand of economic growth and resource distribution is one of the chief reasons for the rapid development of NASDAQ market.The development of modern computer and telecommunications technology has made it possible for the appearance of the modern electronicized securities trading market. This is also one of the important reasons for the rapid development of NASDAQ market.Ⅵ. Translate the following into English: (25%)1.对销贸易可以分为易货贸易、互购贸易和回购贸易。

每小题1分,共20分)1.The analysis of the first shipment is not( )certified by China Commodity Inspection Bureau.A. satisfyB. satisfiedC. satisfactoryD. satisfaction2.We regret the need for you to write to us and hope the steps we are taking ( )the safe arrival of all your orders in future.A. ensureB. assureC. insureD. sure3.Will you( )a gift for your mother this coming Mother′s Day?A. buyB. sellC. tradeD. exchange4.If you will send us a catalogue by air, we shall( )very much.A. be indebtedB. be gratefulC. thankD. appreciate it5.While we appreciate your order,( )we very much regret that we are unable to accept any fresh orders at present owing to heavy commitments.A. andB. butC. nilD. nor6.If you should( )able to reduce your price by 3%,we could probably come into business.A. beB. beenC. beingD. are7.Should your L/C( )us at the beginning of May, we shall be able to ship your order.A. arriveB. reachC. comeD. get8.In reply, we have the pleasure of informing you that an L/C has been opened amounting( ) $2,000.A. atB. toC. upD. for9.Your delay in shipment will( )us in great difficulty.A. causeB. leadC. concludeD. involve10.Regarding insurance, the coverage is for 110% of invoice( )up to the port of destination.A. worthB. valueC. priceD. cost11.The( )has been shipped on S.S. “Tiantaishan”for transshipment at Hongkong per S.S. “Flying Cloud”.A. produceB. productC. cargoD. manufacture12.The direct steamer sailing( )your port calls at our port only around the end of the month.A. underB. onC. withD. for13.Your quotation of bicycles is( )high to be acceptable.A. tooB. soC. suchD. as14.It is beyond question( )we can get the necessary import license from our authorities.A. whichB. thatC. whenD. where15.We shall be glad if you will agree to ship the goods to us( )before on Cash Against1Documents Basis.A. forB. becauseC. sinceD. as16.As this item falls( )the scope of our business activities, we shall be pleased to enter into direct business relations with you at an early date.A. withB. withoutC. withinD. in with17.The manufacturers are heavily committed for many months to come and are unable to supply your requirements( ).A. in caseB. in a caseC. in the caseD. in this case18.Such a growing demand can only result( )increased price.A. inB. fromC. toD. for19.Please( )your utmost to expedite shipment, so that we may execute the order smoothly .A. doB. getC. takeD. make20.Please arrange shipment of the goods booked by us with the( )possible delay.A. mostB. leastC. latestD. worst二、填空题(本大题共15小题,每空1分,共25分)请在每小题的空格中填上正确答案。
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每小题1分,共20分)1. ( ) the delay on the part of the suppliers, we must ask you to extend the date of shipmentfrom July 11th to August 12th.A. Owing toB. According toC. In order toD. So as to2. The buyer made a bid ( ) $600 per ton for peanut meat.A. inB. atC. forD. with3. So far we ( ) business relations with the firms in more than one hundred countries in theworld.A. are establishedB. have establishedC. had establishedD. shall establish4. ( ) the goods under Contract No.1986 are ready for shipment, please rush your L/C withthe least possible delay.A. IfB. UnlessC. AlthoughD. As5. Under separate cover, we have already sent you samples of ( ) sizes of shoes.A. varyingB. variousC. variableD. variant6. We shall be glad to send you the necessary information about our machine tools on ( ).A. replyB. orderC. requestD. call7. We wish to ( ) that this is the best price we can quote, and therefore any counteroffer from you cannot be considered.A. point atB. point toC. point ofD. point out8. We find your price is rather on the high side. We wonder ( ) you can do better in the near future.A. ifB. whyC. whatD. as9. All the cases are strongly packed ____compliance _____ your request.( )A. for...withB. in...withC. for...inD. in...for10. Please ( ) that the letters of credit are established with the least possible delay.A. see to themB. see themC. see itD. see11. Can you offer us machine tools with the following ( ).A. informationsB. messagesC. specificationsD. arrangements12. The analysis of the first shipment is not ( ) certified by the China Commodity InspectionBureau.A. satisfyB. satisfiedC. satisfactionD. satisfactorily13. It is in pushing the sale of Chinese toys in your country ( ) we assure you of ourcooperation.A. thatB. whenC. whichD. where14. It is necessary for you to ( ) our shipment instructions.A. comply withB. consist ofC. insist onD. persist in15. Because there is no direct steamer from here to your port, we suggest that you accept ( )at Hong Kong.A. transportationB. transshipmentC. transformationD. transmission16. Samples and quotations _____favourable prices will be immediately sent to you _____ receiptof your specific enquiry.( )A. at…atB. upon…uponC. at…uponD. upon…at17. We are glad that in the past few years, we, by joint efforts, ( ) both business andfriendship.A. have greatly promotedB. have greatly been promotedC. had greatly promotedD. had greatly been promoted18. We regret ( ) that your price for iron nails is out of line with the market here.A. to sayB. sayingC. saidD. to be said19. ( )is hoped that you would do your utmost to effect punctual shipment.A. ThisB. ThatC. OneD. It20. The firm is well connected with the manufacturers of lathes and, ( ), is able to supplyvarious kinds of lathes.A. howeverB. thoughC. thusD. therewith二、填空题(每空1分,共25分)1. We note that you wish us to insure shipments to you ___ 10% ____ invoice value.2. ____ accordance ____ the request contained in the last sentence of your letter, we have thepleasure of sending to you three copies of catalogue.3. We are anxious to make business contact ____ your corporation.4. We note from your letter that you are ____ the market for chemicals.5. Shipment will be made in three equal monthly installments and payment _____ confirmed irrevocable L/C payable ____ draft at sight.6. Our company always adheres ____ the principle of equality, mutual benefit and the exchange ofneeded goods.7. This offer is firm, subject ____your immediate reply which should reach us no later than the end of this month.8. Please do the best you can ____ your end to cut your price to our level.9. It is necessary to stress the importance of making punctual shipment _______ the validity of the L/C; any delay ____ shipment would be detrimental to our future business.10. While we appreciate your intention, we feel it very regrettable that we cannot accept anyorder ____ Tin Foil Sheets _____ present.11. The export of glassware falls ____ the scope of our business activities.12. We advise you to get ____ touch ____ them ____ your requirement.13. Will you please ship the goods ____ us _____ Cash Against Documents basis?14. We are ____ receipt of your letter of May 5, contents ____ which have been duly noted.15. We refer you ____ our bank ____ our financial standing .三、英汉翻译(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)1. We send you by airmail a brochure on the various kinds of bicycles now available for export.2. We are in possession of your letter of the 12th June, of which we note that you have establishedthe L/C in our favor.3. Please give this order your best attention and ship the goods with all speed.4. Our price of 5 ply strong paper bags is reasonable compared with that in the international market.5. When we book such a large order with other supplies, we usually get a 2% to 3% discount.6. Our corporation always strictly carries out the contracts that have been entered into with foreignbuyers and sellers.7. The buyers complain that part of pens supplied to the order No.6868 were defective beforeshipment.8. At your request we send you under cover a quotation sheet showing our lowest price for walnutmeat at RMB¥8,500 per metric ton on CIF New York basis.9. Regarding insurance, the coverage is for 110% of invoice value up to the port of destination only.10. This is our design for the packing. Could you possibly give it to the manufacturers for theirreference?四、汉英翻译(本大题共5小题,每小题3分,共15分)1. 为了便于报价,能不能请您谈谈你方所需的数量?2. 你们价格那么高,我们很难以这个价格销售。