
--梁实秋2.以下加线的字注音有误的一项就是()(2分后)A、踌躇chóu 颓唐tuí 宽绰chuò 棉絮xùB、栅栏zhà 琐屑xiè 问世dàn 濡湿rúC、擦拭shì 举箸zhù 龟裂guī 搀扶chānD、祷告dǎo 唆使sǒng 数落shǔ 慈祥cí3.下列词语中有四个错别字,划出来并在方格中改正。

外贸函电期末复习试题及答案外贸函电期末复习试题及答案1.We are sending you the samples C_requested.a.beb.arec.asd.for2.We trust that you will find our goods D_.a.attractingb.to be attractivec.attract your attentiond.attractive3.The brochure covers_B wide range of products we deal in.a.theb.ac.ofd.about4.We would B_very much if you send us some samples immediately.a.thankb.appreciate itc.appreciated.appreciate you5.We look forward to_A__a trial order.A.receiving B.receive from you C.receipt D.receipt your 6.We_C__some brochures to illustrate the products we manufacture.A.enclose,to you B.enclose,you C.enclose D.enclose, your7.We shall_D__very much if you will send us a catalogue by air.A.appreciate B.appreciating C.appreciation D.appreciate it8.We would like to take this_B__to establish business relations with you.A.step B.opportunity C.advantage D.opening9.The shipment time is June or July at our_A__and the goods will be shipped in one___.A.option,lot B.option,consignment C.choice shipment D.decision,cargo10.The first shipment of pens has turned out to be_B.A.satisfy B.satisfied C.satisfaction D.satisfactory11.In case the said goods are not available_A__stock, please keep us informed soon.A.in B.by C.from D.out of12.Shirts are packed_B__carton and l0cartons___a strong seaworthy wooden case.A.in,in B in,to C.to,in D.to,to13.We cannot see any possibility of doing business, _A__your price is too high.A.as B.while C.thought D.that14.We are glad that we have_C__an agreement on this matter.A.come B.got C.reached D.arrived15.If any of the items is B_to you,please let us know.a.interestb.interestingc.interestedd.interests16.Our products enjoy B_in word market.a.most popularb.great popularityc.good sellerd.selling fast17.We are D_a copy of our catalogue for your reference.a.sendb.coveringc.closedd.enclosing18.We are anxious to C_the market for our T oys,which at present enjoys a limited sale in Europe.a.increaseb.enlargec.expandd.extend19.We are sure that both of our companies will B_from the joint venture.a.make benefitb.benefitc.be benefitedd.mutual benefit20._B in the export of Chinese arts&crafts goods,we express our desire to trade with you inthis line.a.specializeb.specializingc.specializedd.to specializeⅡ.Filling in the missing words in the blankets of the following.(1×15)1.I would like to direct your attention to_the quality of the goods which is superior to_that of other makes.2.If you could make a reduction by_10%_in quotation, we have confidence in_securing large orders for_you.3.We will withdraw the offer if we would not hear from_you _within this period.4.We refer to_your offer of_16th March.5.We offer you for_500sets of Machine Tools at_US$...on_CIF London basis for_June/July shipment. For at on forⅢ.Translate the following sentence into English.(3×10) 1.我公司是该地区经营电子产品的主要进口商之一。

宁波工程学院2013-2014学年第二学期《外贸英语函电》期末考卷2本试卷适用班级:营销111,112Ⅰ.Translationofterms 术语翻译(10%) A.TranslatethefollowingtermsintoChinese 将下列术语译成汉语(5%): 1.uponreceiptof……一收到……就 2.Itgoeswithoutsaying 不言而喻 3.conformto 符合 4.tradefriction 贸易摩擦 5.partialshipment 分批装运B.TranslatethefollowingtermsintoEnglishinfull 将下列术语译成英语(请用全称)(5%): 1.订购(货物)Placeanorder 2.即期汇票draftatsight 3.装船通知shippingadvice 4.内包装innerpacking 5.不可转让untransferableⅡ.Makethebestchoiceforeachofthefollowingsentences 单项选择(20%):(提示:请题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七总分 复核人应得分 202015101520100实得分 评卷人班级:姓名:学号:在各题所提供的四个选项中选择一个,并将所选中的答案相对应的选项字母填入句中横线上。
)1.Ifyouagreeto_____,pleasee-mailusbyreturnandwewillapproachyoufurther .A.proposeB.proposingC.beproposedD.ourproposal2.Astheitem_____thescopeofourbusinessactivities,weshallbepleasedtoest ablishdirecttraderelationswithyou.A.lieswithinB.fallwithineunderD.bewithin3.OneofourcustomersisinthemarketChineseblacktea.A.ofB.forC.onD.in4.Wewouldverymuchifyousendussomesamplesimmediately.A.thankyouB.appreciateitCappreciateDappreciateyou5______recriptofyourinstructionswewillsendthegoods.A.InB.HavingC.UponD.After6._______themarketpriceisfalling,werecommendyourimmediateacceptanceA.WhenB.IfC.AsD.For7.Incaseyoucanreducetheminimumto5000yardsperdesign,thereisapossibilit yof_______ordersyou.A.reaching???B.placing????C.doing???D.making8.Owingto_______competitionamongtheairlines,travelexpenseshavebeenred ucedconsiderably.A.fierceB.strainedC.eagerD.critical9.Please?refer?the?chart?enclosed.?????A .to???B.with??C.for???D.on10.Weshallbegladtosendyouourlowestquotationreceiptofyourdetailrequire ments.A .onB.withC.inDassoonasⅢ.CompletethefollowingsentencesinEnglish(15%)1.Thepriceyoucounter-offeredis outoflinewiththemarket (与市场不一致),soitisbeyondwhatisacceptabletous.2.Wearenotinapositiontoentertainbusiness_asperyourprice (按你方价格)withyou,sinceitis20%higherthantheaverage.3.We confirmit (并予以确认),yourtelegraphicorderofJune10,for100cwt.Ofthebestsugar. 4.Weareairmailingyou (兹航寄)threesamplebooks.5.Wehopeto establishbusinessrelationswithyou (与你们建立利益关系).IV.Fillintheblanksintheirproperformswiththefollowingwordsandphrases:(10%)1.offer2.captioned3.keen4.onthehighside5.average6.reduce7.increase8.concludi ng9.takeadvantageof10.favorable DearSirs,Wethankyouforyour__________bytelexofSeptember3for5,000piecesofth e____________goodsat$10perpiece.Weimmediatelycontactedourcustomersandtheyshowed____________interfavorable,keen,reduce,onthehighside,captioned,increase,concluding,average,takeadvantageof,offerestinthequalityanddesignsofyourproducts.However,theysaidyourpric ewastoomuch____________,5%higherthanthe__________.Theytoldusifyo ucould___________yourpriceto$9.5perpiece,theywould___________1,0 00piecestothequantity.Sothereisagoodchanceof___________abiggertr ansactionwiththemifyoucanmeettheirrequirements.Wehopeyouwill____ ________theopportunitysothatyouwillbenefitfromtheexpandingmarket .Weawaityour____________replywithgreatinterest.Yoursfaithfully,Mark V.TranslatethefollowingsentencesintoChineseorEnglish(25%)1、Wesparenoeffortsinendeavoringtobeofservicetoyou.我方将不遗余力为贵方效劳。

第 1 页 共 15 页班级: 姓名: 学号:10. 商品应该由塑料袋包装以免受潮,外包装用纸箱包装。
11. 你方所订购的合同号NB-17501项下的120吨大米已经准备发货了。
第 2 页 共 15 页班级: 姓名: 学号:7. The relevant L/C shall be established before January 16 2015 according to the contract.8. We would like to remind you that you should open the relevant L/C on time in case of delaying the shipment on March.第 3 页 共 15 页班级: 姓名: 学号:四、 商务信函写作2(10分)根据以下材料写一封关于投诉的英文信函。
第 4 页 共 15 页班级: 姓名: 学号:We received your inquiry on March 20 for walnut kernel.5.我们想通过即期付款交单的方式付款。
We would like to pay by D/P at sight.6. 通过信用证的方式付款对我们来说成本高。
第 5 页 共 15 页班级: 姓名: 学号:1. We obtained your name and address from the website of Global Sources. 我们从环球资源网上获得了你方的名称和地址。
2. We would like to establish business relations with you. 我们想和你方建立业务关系。
第 6 页 共 15 页班级: 姓名: 学号:根据以下情景写一封英文商务信函。
(Write a letter to introduce your company to establish business relations with your potential第 7 页 共 15 页班级: 姓名: 学号:(每小题3分,共45分)第 8 页 共 15 页班级: 姓名: 学号:13. 我公司已经向你公司在中国银行的帐户汇款325000美元。

外贸函电期末外贸英语函电期末复习题(附答案)一、词汇翻译(中翻英)1、折扣2、建立贸易关系3、发票4、索赔5、信用证6、利息7、目录8、电子商务9、订单10、合同二、词汇翻译(英翻中)1、Insurance2、Packing list3、Sample4、Inquiry5、quote6、brochure7、fax8、quote9、In duplicate 10、Arbitration三、选择题1. We thank you for your letter of May 13 and the _____ catalogue.a. sentb. enclosedc. givend. presented2. We wish to introduce ourselves as a state-run corporation dealing _____ textiles.a. forb. inc. ofd. with3. Please quote us your lowest price CIF London basis for 100 pairs Sports shoes.A onB fromC atD for4. No discount will be allowed you could place an order for more than 500dozen.A untilB unlessC besidesD except5. We will place an order you in the near future.A inB withC forD on6. The buyer demands that the goods within a week.A must shipB should shipC must be shippedD be shipped7. We are willing to enter into business relations with you on the______of equality and mutual benefit.a. baseb. basisc. basesd. based8. What kind of products do you think are particularly interested______ ?a. inb. ofc. /d. on9. Please let us ______ your firm offer before the end of this month.a. hadb. havingc. haved. to have10. ______ we thank you for your enquiry, we regret being unable to make you an offer for the time being.a. Whileb. Whenc. Asd. Since11. If you can ______ your price by 5%, we may conclude the transaction with you.a. offerb. bring downc. fixd. quote12. In this case, the buyer ____ cancel the contract.a. couldb. may have toc. has the right tod. reserve the right to13. _____ the present market trend, we have to say that our price is really the best we can quote.a. Withb. Onc. Becaused. For14. The goods are urgently needed. We _____ hope you will deliver them at once.a. thereforeb. soc. thatd. should15. We thank you for your letter of May 17 and the _____ catalogue.a. sentb. enclosedc. givend. presented16. We ___ your terms satisfactory and now send you our order for 2 sets of the generator.a. findb. believec. thinkd. trust17. We need an agent in that district to help us to ___ our products.a. marketb. sendc. selld. buy18. In this connection, we regret being unable to comply______your request.a. withb. fromc. atd. for19. We look forward to hearing______you again the possibilities of your further orders.a. inb. fromc. atd. on20. They have informed us that you are in the market _____ chemicals.a. inb. ofc. ond. for21. We shall be pleased to receive from you catalogue and samplebooks______airmail.a. byb. atc. ond. in22 We look forward to ______a trial order.a. receivingb. receive from youc. receiptd. receipt your23. We require payment______confirmed irrevocable letter of credit payable by draftat sight.a. inb. ofc. byd. on四、句子翻译1. 我们从商会得知你公司有意购买大量红茶。

外贸函电期末复习试题及答案1.We are sending you the samples C_requested.a.beb.arec.asd.for2.We trust that you will find our goods D_.a.attractingb.to be attractivec.attract your attentiond.attractive3.The brochure covers _B wide range of products we deal in.a.theb.ac.ofd.about4.We would B_very much if you send us some samples immediately.a.thankb.appreciate itc.appreciated.appreciate you5.We look forward to _A a trial order .A.receiving B. receive from you C.receipt D.receipt your 6.We _C some brochures to illustrate the products we manufacture .A.enclose, to you B.enclose, you C.enclose D.enclose, your7. We s hall _D very much i f you will send us a catalogue by air.A.appreciate B.appreciating C.appreciation D.appreciate it8. We would like to take this _B to establish business relations with you.A.step B.opportunity C.advantage D.opening9. The shipment time is June or July at our _A and the goods will be shipped in one .A.option ,lot B.option ,consignment C.choice shipment D.decision ,cargo 10.The first shipment of pens has turned out to be _B.A.satisfy B.satisfied C.satisfaction D.satisfactory11. In case the said goods are not available _A stock, please k eep us informed soon.A.in B.by C.from D.out of12. S hirts are packed _B carton and l0 cartons a strong seaworthy wooden case.A.in ,in B in ,to C.to ,in D.to ,to13. We cannot see any possibility of doing business, _A your price is too high.A.as B.while C.thought D.that14. W e are glad that we have _C an agreement on this matter.A.come B.got C.reached D.arrived15. I f any of the items is B_to you,please let us know.a.interestb.interestingc.interestedd.interests16. O ur products enjoy B_in word market.a.most popularb.great popularityc.good sellerd.selling fast。

外贸英语函电期末考卷答案版(考试时间:90分钟,满分:100分)一、选择题(10题,每题2分,共20分)1. 在外贸英语函电中,关于建立业务关系的常用表达是:A. We are interested in your products and wish to establish business relations with you.B. We are sorry to inform you that we cannot establish business relations with you.C. We have received your products and wish to establish business relations with you.D. We have terminated our business relations with you.A. send the sampleB. send for the sampleC. send out the sampleD. send off the sample3. 在外贸英语函电中,关于报价的常用表达是:A. We would like to offer you our best price.B. We are unable to offer you our best price.C. We have received your offer and find it unacceptable.D. We have accepted your offer and look forward to further cooperation.A. letter of creditB. credit letterC. credit cardD. letter of guarantee5. 在外贸英语函电中,关于订单确认的常用表达是:A. We confirm the order as per your terms and conditions.B. We regret to inform you that we cannot confirm the order.C. We have received your order and will process it immediately.D. We have cancelled your order due to unforeseen circumstances.A. shipmentB. transportC. deliveryD. distribution7. 在外贸英语函电中,关于索赔的常用表达是:A. We wish to claim for the damage of the goods.B. We refuse to accept your claim for the damage of the goods.D. We have received your claim and will investigate the matter immediately.二、填空题(10题,每题2分,共20分)8. ________ is a written document issued a buyer to a seller, authorizing the seller to transport goods to a specified destination.9. The term ________ refers to the process of sending goods from the seller to the buyer.10. In international trade, ________ is a widely used payment method to ensure the seller receives payment and the buyer receives the goods as agreed.11. When a buyer receives defective goods, they may filea ________ against the seller.12. The ________ is responsible for arranging the transportation of goods and ensuring they are delivered to the buyer.13. In a sales contract, the ________ clause specifies the terms and conditions of the shipment.14. The ________ is a document issued the carrier, acknowledging receipt of the goods for transportation.15. ________ insurance provides coverage for loss or damage to goods during international transportation.三、翻译题(5题,每题4分,共20分)四、简答题(5题,每题6分,共30分)21. 简述外贸英语函电中建立业务关系的常用表达。

二. 短语翻译1.From English to Chinese1) terms of payment 2) net weight 3) Bill of Lading 4) Country of origin2. From Chinese to English1) 供求2)标题项下的货物3)商会4)共同努力5)保兑信用证6)会签三. 句子翻译1. 我们男士衬衫的包装为每件套一塑料袋,五打装一纸箱。
2. 因无直达班轮,请允许转船。
三. 信件翻译敬启者:你公司11月5日的报价单和尼龙女式运动成衣样品都已收到,谢谢。
我公司对价格和品质均感满意,并乐意按你方报价单所提条件订购下列货物:小号尼龙运动衣每打80美元成本加保险费加运费到伦敦价, 5打。
….谨上二.翻译短语翻译1.支付条件2.净重3. 提单4. 原产地1. supply and demand2. the captioned goods3.the chamber of commerce4.joint effort5. confirmed L/C6.countersign句子翻译1. Our Men’s Shirts are packed in poly bags, five dozen to a carton lined with damp-proof paper and secured with 2 iron straps outside.2. As there is no direct steamer, please allow transshipment.3. We have learned that the relative L/C for the above-mentioned goods will be opened immediately. You are assured that upon receipt of your L/C, we will arrange to ship by the first available steamer.信件翻译(注意格式)Dear sirsWe thank you for your quotation of Nov.5 and the samples of ready-made nylon women’s sports garments. We are satisfied with both the quality and price,and pleased to order the following goods according to the terms of your quotation:Small size women’s sports coat US$80 per dozen CIF London 5 dozens .Medium size women’s sports coat US$120 per dozen CIF London 7dozens.Large size women’s sports coat US$160 per dozen CIF London 4dozens.We place the order with you for the above-mentioned goods subject to your delivery of the goods prior to December 15.Our normal term of payment is D/A after 60 days.Please let us know whether you agree to the terms of payment.Yours faithfully,外贸函电试题库MatchA. “INCOTERMS” ( ) 1. 货交承运人B. FOB ( ) 2. 信用证C. FCA ( ) 3. 欧洲主要口岸D. T/T ( ) 4. 海运提单E. D/P ( ) 5. 装运港船上交货F. L/C ( ) 6. 协会货物条款G. EMP ( ) 7. 国际贸易术语解释通则H. FPA ( ) 8. 平安险I. B/L ( ) 9. 付款交单J. ICC ( ) 10. 电汇A. “INCOTERMS” ( ) 1. 货交承运人B. FOB ( ) 2. 信用证C. FCA ( ) 3. 欧洲主要口岸D. T/T ( ) 4. 海运提单E. D/P ( ) 5. 装运港船上交货F. L/C ( ) 6. 协会货物条款G. EMP ( ) 7. 国际贸易术语解释通则H. FPA ( ) 8. 平安险I. B/L ( ) 9. 付款交单J. ICC ( ) 10. 电汇A. “INCOTERMS” ( ) 1. 运费、保险费付至B. CFR ( ) 2. 承兑交单C. CIP ( ) 3. 银行保证书D. D/D ( ) 4. 预计到港时间E. D/A ( ) 5. 国际贸易术语解释通则F. L/G ( ) 6. 海运提单G. ETA ( ) 7. 中国人民保险海洋运输货物保险条款H. WPA ( ) 8. 票汇I. B/L ( ) 9. 水渍险J. CIC ( ) 10. 成本加运费Answers:7,5,1,10,9,2,3,8,4,67,5,1,10,9,2,3,8,4,65,10,1,8,2,3,4,9,6,7Business terms translation1. Chamber of commerce ______________2. Quotation ________________3. Counter-offer _____________4. Customs invoice _____________5. Open account terms ____________6. Certificate of origin _____________7. Import quotas system _____________8. Bill of exchange ______________9. Promissory note _______________ 10. Confirmed L/C ______________1. Quantity Discount ________________2. Proforma Invoice ________________3. Non-Tariff Barriers _______________4. Sales Contract _______________5. Documentary Bill ________________6. Sight Draft ________________7. Irrevocable L/C _________________ 8. On Board B/L ________________9. More or Less Clause ________________ 10. Insurance Policy _______________1. Cash Discount ______________2. Commercial Invoice _________________3. Import Licence System ____________4. Sales Confirmation ________________5. Commercial Draft ______________6. Time Draft ________________7. Collection ______________ 8. Clean B/L _______________9. Warehouse to Warehouse Clause ______ 10. Insurance Certificate ____________Answers:1.商会2。

一. 单选题1. As we are ______ the market for tablecloth, we should be glad if you would send us your best quotation.a. inb. onc. enteringd. at2. We ______ a copy of our pricelist.a. putb. enclosec. envelopd. wrap3. We shall appreciate samples ______ your offer.a. concernedb. coveredc. includingd. covering4.________ receipt of your instructions we will send the goods.a. Inb. Havingc. Upond. To5. We always adhere ________ our commitments.a. tob. forc. towardsd. in6. By joint efforts, we can ________ both friendship and business.a. promoteb. enhancec. improved. develop7. We are interested ________ a specimen of the new type.a. to receivingb. to receivec. in receivingd. in receipt8. Y our letter has been passed on to us for ________.a. attendanceb. carec. attentiond. cooperation9. We regret _____ to offer you this article at present.a. to be ableb. being ablec. being unabled. unable10. Should your price be found competitive and delivery date ______, we intend to place a large order with you.a. acceptedb. acceptablec. acceptingd. accept11. Y ou will receive ________ on the sale.a. two commissionsb. two terms of commissionsc. two items of commissionsd. two commission12.The buyer demands that the seller ______ the goods within a week.a. shipb. to shipc. would shipd. be shipping13.We trust this new product of ours will appeal ______ your market.a. forb. toc. byd. with14.The offer is _______to confirmation.a. subjectedb. subjectc. subjectived. subjection15.It has ______ us that Type 32 might suit your purpose as well.a. happened tob. occurred toc. been happening tod. reminded16.We are making you our quotation for shoes _______.a. as followsb. as followedc. as followd. followed17. Damage ______ the goods was caused by heavy rain in transit.a. withb. toc. ford. in18.Will you send us ________ return mail pamphlets and price list of your exports.a. byb. withc. ind. of19.The shipment time is July at our ______ and the goods will be shipped in one lot.a. choiceb. disposalc. optiond. opinion20. The documents will be sent to you under separate ________.A .covering b. cover c. coverage d. covers21. The present situation of the market _______ entirely new measures.a. calls inb. calls forc. calls upond. calls off22. Our ________ of insurance are to be effected by the sellers for 110% of invoice vale against all risks and war risks.a. termsb. conditionsc. itemsd. bases23. Regarding insurance, the coverage is _______ 110% of invoice value up to the port of destination only.a. forb. atc. withind. on24. The delayed shipment of the goods on your part ______ our heavy losses.a. resulted tob. arose formc. broughtd. resulted in25. we recommended ______ a small quantity for trial.a. to buyb.to buyingc. buyd. you buying26. Please make us offers ______ our enquiry note.a. in compliance withb. as perc. according tod. with respect to27.Thank you for your letter of March 3, in which you promised immediate shipment of the computer we ______ on January 10.a. purchasedb. orderedc. haved. order28. We have the pleasure in _____ your letter of Nov. 11,in which you inform us that you are satisfied with our men’s shirts,shipped per S. S.“East Wind”.a. admittingb. acknowledgingc. acceptingd. adjusting29. We wish to call your attention to the _____ in the L/C,since there is no possibility of L/C extensiona. varietyb. validityc. possibilityd. probability30. We place this order _______ the understanding that the discount is 10%a. inb. byc. ond. through二. 短语翻译1.From English to Chinese1) terms of payment2) net weight3) Bill of Lading4) Country of origin2. From Chinese to English1) 供求2)标题项下的货物3)商会4)共同努力5)保兑信用证6)会签三. 句子翻译1. 我们男士衬衫的包装为每件套一塑料袋,五打装一纸箱。

外贸函电期末试题及答案[正文]一、期末试题(以下为外贸函电期末试题内容)1. 根据以下情景,完成一封英文询盘信:假设你是ABC国际贸易公司的业务员,请根据以下情景给你的英国客户Smith Ltd. 发送一封询盘信,询问他们能否供应汽车配件并告知相关要求。
请根据以下要点完成信件:情景:你的公司计划扩大汽车配件供应商的业务,并对Smith Ltd. 进行了初步了解。
要点:- 介绍自己的公司和背景- 表达对Smith Ltd. 产品的兴趣- 要求提供相关证书和报价- 提供联系方式2. 根据以下情景,完成一封中文报价信:假设你是XYZ国际贸易有限公司的销售经理,请根据以下情景给你的墨西哥客户Garcia公司发送一封中文报价信,提供相关产品的报价信息。
请根据以下要点完成信件:情景:Garcia 公司已向你们公司询价,并要求提供报价及产品说明。
要点:- 表达对Garcia 公司的感谢及对合作的期待- 提供产品的报价及相关优惠政策- 附上产品说明及相关图片- 强调公司的优势和服务质量- 提供联系方式3. 根据以下情景,完成一封确认订单的英文回复信:假设你是EFG贸易有限公司的客服经理,请根据以下情景给你的印度客户Singh公司回复一封确认订单的英文信件,确认他们所订购的产品和相关细节。
请根据以下要点完成信件:情景:Singh 公司先前向你们公司发起了订单,并希望得到确认,以保证订单的准确和及时交付。
要点:- 表示感谢并对Singh公司的订单表示认可- 确认订单的产品和数量,并检查是否与原订单一致- 提醒订单的价格、交货时间和运输方式- 询问付款方式和相关细节- 强调公司对订单的重视和良好服务二、期末试题答案(以下为外贸函电期末试题答案)1. 英文询盘信范例:Dear Sir/Madam,I am writing to inquire about the possibility of your company supplying automotive spare parts to our company, ABC International Trading. We have recently learned about your company, Smith Ltd., and are highly interested in exploring potential cooperation.Our company is expanding our business in the field of automotive spare parts and has a growing demand for high-quality products at competitive prices. We would like to know if your company can meet our requirements in terms of product quality, pricing, and delivery times. Additionally, we kindly request you to provide us with relevant certificates and a detailed quotation.Please feel free to contact us at your earliest convenience to discuss further details. We look forward to hearing from you soon.Best regards,[Your Name][Your Position][ABC International Trading][Contact Information]2. 中文报价信范例:尊敬的Garcia公司,非常感谢您向我公司咨询并提出报价要求。

三套《外贸英语函电》期末测试题期末测试题及答案一一、单项选择题(每题1分,共15分)1. 以下有关发盘表述错误的是( )。
A. 畅销货一般发盘的有效期较短B .滞销货一般发盘的有效期较长C. 市场价格变动剧烈的商品一般发盘的有效期较长D .贸易术语与运输、保险的逻辑关系要一致2. 唛头一般不包括以下哪项内容( ) 。
A. 收货人简称或代号B. 参考号C .件号D. 装运港3. 对产地和报关地相一致的出境货物,经检验检疫合格的,出具( ) 。
A .《出境货物通关单》B .《出境货物换证凭单》C. 《出境货物换证凭条》D. 《出境货物不合格通知单》4. 一般出口商品应在出口报关或装运前( ) 天报检。
A. 3B. 5C .7D. 95. 下列哪种单证不是在所有出口报检时都要提供的单证( )。
A .信用证B .商业发票C .合同D. 出境货物报检单6. 根据《UCP600》的规定,开证行的合理审单时间是收到单据次日起的( ) 个工作日之内。
A. 5B. 6C .7D. 87. “单单一致”的纵审时,以( ) 为中心。
A .保险单B .商业发票C .海运提单D .装箱单8. 下列哪项不属于“正确”制单要求的“三相符” ? ( )A .单据与信用证相符B. 单据与货物相符C. 单据与单据相符D .单据与贸易合同相符9. 装货港和卸货港的表示方法,发票、产地证、海关发票等单据的这两部分内容的表达方法较简单,一般按( )。
A. 托运人的意愿填B .合同和信用证价格条款以及实际情况填C .买方的意愿填D. 开证行的意愿填10. 出口退税申报时间是报关单上注明的出口日期起( ) 天内。
A .60B. 90C .120D .18011. 当 L/ C 规定 INVOICE TO BE MADE IN THE NAME OF ABC…,应理解为( ) 。
A .一般写成××(中间商) FOR ACCOUNT OF ABC(实际购货方,真正的付款人)B. 将受益人 ABC 作为发票的抬头人C .议付行 ABC 作发票的抬头D .将 ABC 作为发票的抬头人12. 根据联合国设计推荐使用的用英文字母表示的货币代码,如下表示不正确的是( ) 。

《外贸英文函电》复习题AⅠ.Fill in the following blanks with appropriate prepositions.1. The middleman receives a commission ______ 5%.2. To trade _____ the people of all countries _____ the basis of equality and mutual benefit is our established policy.3. Please make sure that the stipulations in the L/C are _____ exact accordance _____ the terms of the Sales Contract.4.Our foreign trade policy is based ______ equality and ______ our mutual benefit.5. We prefer payment by D/P ______ draft at 60-day's sight6. _____ view of the long-standing business relations _____ us , we wish to settles this dispute amicably.7._____ orders _____ 500 pieces or more , we give a special discount ____ 2%.8. Insurance will cover All Risks and War Risk for 10% _____ the total invoice value.9. We trust the mentioned shipment will reach you ______ sound condition.10. We are glad that in the past few years, ______ joint efforts, we have greatly promoted both business and friendship11. I'd like to direct your attention ______ the quality ______ the goods which is superior_____ that of other makes.12. We refer _____ your offer _____ 16th March.13.If you could make a reduction ___10% ______ quotation ,we have confidence___ securing large order ___ you.14.Thank you _____ your quotation _____ October 8th ___ 1000 pieces _____ the captioned goods.15. Please be assured _____ our attention _____ your order.16. _____ request of your previous letter, we enclose our Sales17. If you could make a reduction ____ 10% ___ quotation ,we have confidence ____ securing large orders ____ you.18. The letter of credit has been opened ____ your favor.19. Thank you ___ your quotation ____ October 8th ___ 1,000 pieces ____ captionedgoods.20. We offer you 300 cartons ____ candle ___ US$3 ____ carton _____ the usual terms. Ⅱ.Choose the best answer from A, B, C and D.1..An offer may be made in reply to ___or made voluntarily with a view to expanding business.A. bidB. counter-offerC. inquiryD. counter-counter-offer2.When the seller receives the buyer’s counter-offer, and he finds some terms and conditions unacceptable to him, he will state his own opinions in a letter, which is called as_____A. bidB. offerC. inquiryD. counter-counter-offer3. _____ refers to signing a document which has been signed by the counterpart.A. “Countersign”B. “Sign”C. “write”D. “rewrite”4.In order to start a concrete transaction between us , we take pleasure in making you a special offer , ___our final confirmation.A. under the conditionB. in respect toC. subject toD. with reference to5.If a new firm , or ____ a certain corporation of ours ,wishes to open up a market to sell something to or buy something from firms in foreign countries ,the person in charge must first of all find out____ he is going to deal with .A. rather…whomB. such…asC. such…thatD. as…whom6.An offer made by the buyer is usually called as _____.A. inquiryB. offerC. bidD. order7.____ is a promise to supply goods on the terms and conditions stated.A. An offerB.A bidC. An inquiryD.A reply8.An order is a request to supply a specified quantity of goods, which may result from ____or ___with subsequent quotations.A. an offer…a bidB. an offer…an inquiryB. C. a bid…a counter-offer D. a counter-offer…a counter-offer9.A contract is an agreement , enforceable by law,____ two parties mutually agree to carry out a trade ___after negotiation or exchanges of correspondence.A. On which…reachedB. By which…includedC. In which…agreedD. By which…reached10.An acceptance or a confirmation is in fact an unreserved assent of the buyers or the sellers , who after mutual negotiations are willing to enter into a contract ___the terms and conditions___A. according to…negotiatingB. according to …agreementC. in accordance with…agreed uponD. in accordance with…concluded11.Purchase confirmation or sales confirmation ,as short form contract , used mainly for trade of ____.A. large ordersB. odd goodsC. agricultural goodsD. stock12.Indent is often used by ____ or ___ in other countries.A.agents…midmenB. sellers…buyersC. retailers…wholesalersD. distributors…brokes13.____ carries no mark of the name of the origin country of the packed goods and no sign of the original trademark, with the view to elude the tariff of the import country or satisfied the buyer’s special requirements.A. Good packingB. Outer packingC. Inner packingD. Neutral packing14. In recent years a new type of carriage appeared , which is called_____.A. sea transportB. air transportC. container transportD. rail transport15.The credit of letter will be confirmed by the Bank of China , Shanghai ,that will ___ your draft on the documents at sight for the amount of y of your invoice.A. acceptB. pay forC. receiveD. obtain16.The term ___ means the seller makes the goods available to the buyer at the seller’s own premises.A.EXWB.FOBC.CIFD.DAF17.According to the term of ___ the collecting bank may release the shipping documents only against the buyer’s immediate payment.A.L/CB. draftC.D/AD.D/P18.One of the following terms is not to show a shipping document.A. Final InvoiceB.B/LC. Packing listD.D/A19.A note written by the seller and telling details of goods being shipped and the date of arrival of the goods is called____.A. Shipping documentB. Shipping InstructionsC. Packing listD. Shipping Advice20. A person or a company who sends goods to to the buyer is called_____.A. consigneeB. consignorC. postmanD. transport21.We thank you for your letter of May 17 and the ____catalogue.A. sentB. enclosedC. givenD. presented22.The letter we sent last week is an enquiry _____ color TV sets.A. aboutB. forC. ofD. as23.We should be pleased to send you some samples of our new typewriters on approval,_____ our own expense.A. atB. onC. forD. in24.Your full cooperation ______.A. will be thanked very much.B. is to be appreciated.C. is to appreciate.D. will be highly appreciated.25.This price is ____ of your 5% commission.A. includesB. coveringC. inclusiveD. including26. ____ your Enquiry No.123,we are sending you a catalogue and a sample book for your reference.A. AccordingB. As perC. AsD. About27.While _____ an enquiry ,you ought to enquire into quality ,specification and price etc.A. makingB. offeringC. sendingD. giving28.We _____ your terms satisfactory and now send you our order for 2 sets of the generator.A. findB. believeC. thinkD. trust29.We place an order provided your goods can be supplied _____ stock.A. outB. out ofC. fromD. in30.We place this order ____ the understanding that the discount is 10%.A. based onB. withC. onD. through31.In this case, the buyer ____ cancel the contract.A. couldB. may have toC. has the right toD. reserve the right to32.As agreed upon in our negotiations, payment ___ L/C.A. byB. willC. is to be made byD. is by33.We regret to report that a consignment of Silk Piece goods ____ Order No 567 has not been delivered.A. withB. forC. onD. under34.We will do our best to ___ shipment to meet your requirements in time.A. complyB. makeC. expediteD. arrange35.Passenger liners often take a certain amount of ____.A. cargoesB. cargoC. shipmentsD. quantities36.We have the pleasure to inform you that the shipment has gone ____ per s.s."East Wind" and hope that it will arrive at the destination in ___ condition.A. on, goodB. for, completeC. forward, perfectD. onto, perfect37.The shipment time is June or July at our____ and the goods will be shipped in one ____.A. choice, shipmentB. option, lotC. decision, cargoD. option, consignment38.The price for the Bed Sheet is _____A. as followingB. followsC. as followsD. as follow39.If you order 200 ____, we will grant you 5% commission.A. dozenB. dozensC. setD. dozen40.We suggest that you _____ "Cash against Document".A. should acceptB. acceptC. acceptedD.will acceptⅢ. Translate the following into English:1.国际商会2.付款交单3.议付行4.分期装运5.结算帐目6.进口许可证7.兹附上我方第135号销售合同一式两份,请会签退其中一份以便我方存档。

外贸函电复习题及答案一. 单选题1. As we are ______ the market for tablecloth, we should be glad if you would send us your best quotation.a. inb. onc. enteringd. at2. We ______ a copy of our pricelist.a. putb. enclosec. envelopd. wrap3. We shall appreciate samples ______ your offer.a. concernedb. coveredc. includingd. covering4.________ receipt of your instructions we will send the goods.a. Inb. Havingc. Upond. To5. We always adhere ________ our commitments.a. tob. forc. towardsd. in6. By joint efforts, we can ________ both friendship andbusiness.a. promoteb. enhancec. improved. develop7. We are interested ________ a specimen of the new type.a. to receivingb. to receivec. in receivingd. in receipt8. Y our letter has been passed on to us for ________.a. attendanceb. carec. attentiond. cooperation9. We regret _____ to offer you this article at present.a. to be ableb. being ablec. being unabled. unable10. Should your price be found competitive and delivery date ______, we intend to place a large order with you.a. acceptedb. acceptablec. acceptingd. accept11. Y ou will receive ________ on the sale.a. two commissionsb. two terms of commissionsc. two items of commissionsd. two commission12.The buyer demands that the seller ______ the goods withina week.a. shipb. to shipc. would shipd. be shipping13.We trust this new product of ours will appeal ______ your market.a. forb. toc. byd. with14.The offer is _______to confirmation.a. subjectedb. subjectc. subjectived. subjection15.It has ______ us that Type 32 might suit your purpose as well.a. happened tob. occurred toc. been happening tod. reminded16.We are making you our quotation for shoes _______.a. as followsb. as followedc. as followd. followed17. Damage ______ the goods was caused by heavy rain intransit.a. withb. toc. ford. in18.Will you send us ________ return mail pamphlets and price list of your exports.a. byb. withc. ind. of19.The shipment time is July at our ______ and the goods will be shipped in one lot.a. choiceb. disposalc. optiond. opinion20. The documents will be sent to you under separate ________.A .covering b. cover c. coverage d. covers21. The present situation of the market _______ entirely new measures.a. calls inb. calls forc. calls upond. calls off22. Our ________ of insurance are to be effected by the sellers for 110% of invoice vale against all risks and war risks.a. termsb. conditionsd. bases23. Regarding insurance, the coverage is _______ 110% of invoice value up to the port of destination only.a. forb. atc. withind. on24. The delayed shipment of the goods on your part ______ our heavy losses.a. resulted tob. arose formc. broughtd. resulted in25. we recommended ______ a small quantity for trial.a. to buyb.to buyingc. buyd. you buying26. Please make us offers ______ our enquiry note.a. in compliance withb. as perc. according tod. with respect to27.Thank you for your letter of March 3, in which you promised immediate shipment of the computer we ______ on January 10.a. purchasedb. orderedc. have28. We have the pleasure in _____ your letter of Nov. 11,in which you inform us that you are satisfi ed with our men’s shirts,shipped per S. S.“East Wind”.a. admittingb. acknowledgingc. acceptingd. adjusting29. We wish to call your attention to the _____ in the L/C,since there is no possibility of L/C extensiona. varietyb. validityc. possibilityd. probability30. We place this order _______ the understanding that the discount is 10%a. inb. byc. ond. through二. 短语翻译1.From English to Chinese1) terms of payment2) net weight3) Bill of Lading4) Country of origin2. From Chinese to English1) 供求2)标题项下的货物3)商会4)共同努力5)保兑信用证6)会签三. 句子翻译1. 我们男士衬衫的包装为每件套一塑料袋,五打装一纸箱。

外贸函电A 2022秋复习题提示:输入题目题干部分文字,按键盘快捷键Ctrl+F查找题目答案。
超越高度一、单选题(每题2分,共35道小题,总分值70分)1.We should be pleased to send you a sample()our own expense(2分)A、atB、inC、againstD、of正确答案:A2.As requested ()your letter of October 25,we are sending you herewith the required B/L triplicate4(2分)A、by ofB、in inC、for inD、from of正确答案:B3.Pens are packed 12 pieces ()a box and 200 boxes a wooden case.(2分)A、to, inB、in, toC、to, toD、to, of正确答案:C4.will you please ()to take out All Risks insurance for us on the following consignment?(2分)A、helpB、arrangeC、coverD、insure正确答案:B5.Our quotation()30 tons of Shan dong groundnuts is valid for 10 days(2分)A、toB、afterC、inD、for正确答案:D6.The purpose of a sales letter is to()the prospective customer’s interest.(2分)A、arouseB、encourageC、attractD、secure正确答案:A7.Documentary collection is to be made with the documents to be ()to the draft.(2分)A、enclosedB、attachedC、togetherD、along with正确答案:B8.We will refund the premium ()you ()receipt of your debit note.(2分)A、to, uponB、with, uponC、to, atD、with , at正确答案:B9.Damage()the goods was caused by heavy rain in transit.(2分)A、ofB、toC、forD、on正确答案:B10.Our terms of payment()been stipulated in the relative sales contract.(2分)A、havingB、hasC、haveD、had正确答案:B11.()any change in the date of delivery, please let us know in advance.(2分)A、There should beB、Should there beC、There would beD、Would there be正确答案:B12.We are sending you the samples ()requested.(2分)A、beB、areC、asD、for正确答案:C13.We understand that you will treat this information as()(2分)A、confidenceB、confidentC、confidentialD、confidently正确答案:C14.We would suggest that you ()the carton with double straps .(2分)A、Will secureC、secureD、are secured正确答案:C15.It will be appreciated if you could ()the L/C for another 15 days(2分)A、expressB、developC、extendD、extension正确答案:C16.Although we are keen on meeting your requirements, we regret that we are unable to ()your request to reduce the prices as our prices are closely calculated.(2分)A、comply withB、comply toC、subject forD、subject to正确答案:A17.We specialize ()all kinds of metals and are always ready to buy in large quantities.(2分)A、inB、fromC、onD、at正确答案:A18.If you can supply your goods immediately, we shall()to place a prompt trial order.(2分)A、be preparedB、be preparingC、prepareD、preparing正确答案:A19.We give you on the attached full details ()packing and working.(2分)A、regardingB、be regardedC、regardedD、regard.正确答案A20.Your letter of May 9th addressed to our Nanjing Branch Office has ()to us for attention and reply.(2分)A、been passed onB、passedC、passed onD、been past through正确答案:A21.This price will remain()for ten days from the date of the letter.(2分)B、validC、invaluableD、good正确答案:B22.We will see to()that the L/C is opened within the stipulated time(2分)A、itB、makeC、letD、attractive正确答案:A23.we find your quotation().and ,therefore ,place an order with you now(2分)A、attractingB、to be attractiveC、attract our attentionD、attractive正确答案:D24.Please insure()Leakage (Breakage, Fresh Water Damages)(2分)A、onB、atC、withD、against正确答案:D25.We ()of this opportunity to approach you for the establishment of trade relations with you.(2分)A、takeB、availC、avail ourselvesD、take ourselves正确答案:C26.please see to ()that L/C is opened by cable whenever order is placed with us(2分)A、themB、itC、the matterD、your way clear正确答案:A27.This container can be easily opened ()both ends.(2分)A、byB、onC、atD、in正确答案:C28.please insure()invoice value plus 10%.(2分)A、forB、withC、atD、against正确答案:C29.we shall credit your account ()the invoice value of the returned goods and the cost of return freight(2分)A、toB、onC、forD、with正确答案:D30.()will be added to invoice amount together with freight charges.(2分)A、coverageB、insuranceC、premiumD、rate正确答案:C31.()your inquiry of March 3 for a supply of Forever bicycles ,we are pleased to quote as follows(2分)A、Replying toB、Replied toC、Replying onD、Relied on正确答案:A32.We are not in a position to offer firm ,as the goods are()(2分)A、without stockB、outside in stockC、out of stockD、no stock正确答案:C33.we are in receipt of your enquiry of sept.5, ()which we replied by fax this morning (2分)A、betterB、forC、inD、to正确答案:C34.Good will be shipped ()30 days after receipt of the L/C(2分)A、toB、onC、forD、within正确答案:D35.We regret that we have suffered heavy loss ()your improper packing.(2分)A、resulted fromB、resulting fromC、resulted inD、resulting in正确答案:B二、名词解释(每题5分,共4道小题,总分值20分)1.财务状况(5分)正确答案:financial standing2.B/L(5分)正确答案:Bill of Lading 提单3.保险凭证(5分)正确答案:insurance certification4.适合海运的包装(5分)正确答案:seaworthy packing三、撰写英文书信(每题10分,共1道小题,总分值10分)1.收信人:史密斯贸易有限公司敬启者:你方7月10日关于甘薯片(sweet potato slices)的回盘收悉,谢谢.现确认接受你方还盘如下: 1000公吨甘薯片,每公吨成本.保险费加运费鹿特丹价(Rotterdam)为185美元,包括5%的佣金.质量符合样品SP-03号,水分(moisture)最高16%,装运期2008年10月/11月.随函附上我方有关销售确认书08C137号一式二份,请即签寄一份供我方存档.本商品为散装货(bulk),其数量及金额均允许5%增减,这点请你方开立信用证时特别注意.我们希望能在装运期前一个月收到你方开立的保兑的.不可撤销的即期信用证,以便我方如期装运.至于保险费,我方将按惯例根据中国人民保险公司1981年1月1日中国保险条例,按发票金额的110%投保一切险和战争险.敬上山东土畜产品(Native Product and Animal By-products)进出口公司正确答案:Sales Confirmation No.08c137Sellers: shandong Native Product and Animal By-products Import and Export CorporationB、uyers: smith trading co.ltd.This contract is made by and between the buyers and sellers .C、ommodity: sweet potato slicesSpecifications: As per sample No.SP-03 with moisture not exceeding 16%Quantity: 1000 metric tons,5% more or less allowedTerms of price: at USD185per m/t CIFC5%Rotterdam,USD185,000.00,5%more or less allowed. Terms of packing :in bulkTerms of insurance: to be covered by the sellers for 110% of the invoice value against all risks and war risk as per PICC dated 1st Jan.1981Terms of shipment: during october/ november ,2008Port of shipment: china portPort of destination :RotterdamShipping mark: :At seller’s optionTerms of payment: by confirmed ,irrevocable L/C available by draft at sight to reach the sellers one month before the time of shipment.外贸函电B 2022秋一、单选题(每题2分,共35道小题,总分值70分)1.We are sending you the samples ()requested.(2分)A、beB、areC、asD、for正确答案:C2.We specialize ()all kinds of metals and are always ready to buy in large quantities.(2分)A、inB、fromC、onD、at正确答案:A3.We will refund the premium ()you ()receipt of your debit note.(2分)A、to, uponB、with, uponC、to, atD、with , at正确答案:B4.This container can be easily opened ()both ends.(2分)A、byB、onC、atD、in正确答案:C5.We certainly accept your offer()you will ship the goods during June.(2分)A、exceptB、providedC、unlessD、but正确答案:B6.Please insure()Leakage (Breakage, Fresh Water Damages)(2分)A、onB、atC、withD、against正确答案:D7.()will be added to invoice amount together with freight charges.(2分)A、coverageB、insuranceC、premium正确答案:C8.Our quotation()30 tons of Shan dong groundnuts is valid for 10 days(2分)A、toB、afterC、inD、for正确答案:D9.Documentary collection is to be made with the documents to be ()to the draft.(2分)A、enclosedB、attachedC、togetherD、along with正确答案:B10.()any change in the date of delivery, please let us know in advance.(2分)A、There should beB、Should there beC、There would beD、Would there be正确答案:B11.we have sent you samples by airmail()your instruction(2分)A、toB、afterC、as perD、for正确答案:D12.As requested ()your letter of October 25,we are sending you herewith the required B/L triplicate4(2分)A、by ofB、in inC、for inD、from of正确答案:B13.()your inquiry of March 3 for a supply of Forever bicycles ,we are pleased to quote as follows(2分)A、Replying toB、Replied toC、Replying onD、Relied on正确答案:A14.Pens are packed 12 pieces ()a box and 200 boxes a wooden case.(2分)A、to, inB、in, toD、to, of正确答案:C15.We should be pleased to send you a sample()our own expense(2分)A、atB、inC、againstD、of正确答案:A16.Your letter of May 9th addressed to our Nanjing Branch Office has ()to us for attention and reply.(2分)A、been passed onB、passedC、passed onD、been past through正确答案:A17.We would suggest that you ()the carton with double straps .(2分)A、Will secureB、securingC、secureD、are secured正确答案:C18.We understand that you will treat this information as()(2分)A、confidenceB、confidentC、confidentialD、confidently正确答案:C19.We will see to()that the L/C is opened within the stipulated time(2分)A、itB、makeC、letD、attractive正确答案:A20.If you can supply your goods immediately, we shall()to place a prompt trial order.(2分)A、be preparedB、be preparingC、prepareD、preparing正确答案:A21.please see to ()that L/C is opened by cable whenever order is placed with us(2分)A、themB、itC、the matterD、your way clear正确答案:A22.The purpose of a sales letter is to()the prospective customer’s interest.(2分)A、arouseB、encourageC、attractD、secure正确答案:A23.we are in receipt of your enquiry of sept.5, ()which we replied by fax this morning (2分)A、betterB、forC、inD、to正确答案:C24.Our terms of payment()been stipulated in the relative sales contract.(2分)A、havingB、hasC、haveD、had正确答案:B25.please insure()invoice value plus 10%.(2分)A、forB、withC、atD、against正确答案:C26.Damage()the goods was caused by heavy rain in transit.(2分)A、ofB、toC、forD、on正确答案:B27.This price will remain()for ten days from the date of the letter.(2分)A、ValuableB、validC、invaluableD、good正确答案:B28.()our long business relations and our amicable cooperation prospects, we suggest that you accept our terms.(2分)A、in thatB、In view ofC、for whichD、because of正确答案:B29.we shall credit your account ()the invoice value of the returned goods and the cost of return freight(2分)A、toB、onC、forD、with正确答案:D30.We give you on the attached full details ()packing and working.(2分)A、regardingB、be regardedC、regardedD、regard.正确答案A31.It will be appreciated if you could ()the L/C for another 15 days(2分)A、expressB、developC、extendD、extension正确答案:C32.Good will be shipped ()30 days after receipt of the L/C(2分)A、toB、onC、forD、within正确答案:D33.will you please ()to take out All Risks insurance for us on the following consignment?(2分)A、helpB、arrangeC、coverD、insure正确答案:B34.Although we are keen on meeting your requirements, we regret that we are unable to ()your request to reduce the prices as our prices are closely calculated.(2分)A、comply withB、comply toC、subject forD、subject to正确答案:A35.We regret that we have suffered heavy loss ()your improper packing.(2分)A、resulted fromB、resulting fromC、resulted inD、resulting in正确答案:B二、名词解释(每题5分,共4道小题,总分值20分)1.佣金(5分)考生答案:正确答案:commission2.价目单(5分)考生答案:正确答案:price list3.资信状况(5分)考生答案:正确答案:credit standing4.B/L(5分)考生答案:正确答案:Bill of Lading 提单三、撰写英文书信(每题10分,共1道小题,总分值10分)1.收信人:史密斯贸易有限公司敬启者:你方7月10日关于甘薯片(sweet potato slices)的回盘收悉,谢谢.现确认接受你方还盘如下: 1000公吨甘薯片,每公吨成本.保险费加运费鹿特丹价(Rotterdam)为185美元,包括5%的佣金.质量符合样品SP-03号,水分(moisture)最高16%,装运期2008年10月/11月.随函附上我方有关销售确认书08C137号一式二份,请即签寄一份供我方存档.本商品为散装货(bulk),其数量及金额均允许5%增减,这点请你方开立信用证时特别注意.我们希望能在装运期前一个月收到你方开立的保兑的.不可撤销的即期信用证,以便我方如期装运.至于保险费,我方将按惯例根据中国人民保险公司1981年1月1日中国保险条例,按发票金额的110%投保一切险和战争险.敬上山东土畜产品(Native Product and Animal By-products)进出口公司正确答案:Sales Confirmation No.08c137Sellers: shandong Native Product and Animal By-products Import and Export CorporationB、uyers: smith trading co.ltd.This contract is made by and between the buyers and sellers .C、ommodity: sweet potato slicesSpecifications: As per sample No.SP-03 with moisture not exceeding 16%Quantity: 1000 metric tons,5% more or less allowedTerms of price: at USD185per m/t CIFC5%Rotterdam,USD185,000.00,5%more or less allowed. Terms of packing :in bulkTerms of insurance: to be covered by the sellers for 110% of the invoice value against all risks and war risk as per PICC dated 1st Jan.1981Terms of shipment: during october/ november ,2008Port of shipment: china portPort of destination :RotterdamShipping mark: :At seller’s optionTerms of payment: by confirmed ,irrevocable L/C available by draft at sight to reach the sellers one month before the time of shipment.外贸函电C 2022秋一、单选题(每题2分,共35道小题,总分值70分)1.Good will be shipped ()30 days after receipt of the L/C(2分)A、toB、onC、forD、within正确答案:D2.We will see to()that the L/C is opened within the stipulated time(2分)A、itB、makeC、letD、attractive正确答案:A3.Please insure()Leakage (Breakage, Fresh Water Damages)(2分)A、onB、atC、withD、against正确答案:D4.Damage()the goods was caused by heavy rain in transit.(2分)A、ofB、toC、forD、on正确答案:B5.We are not in a position to offer firm ,as the goods are()(2分)A、without stockB、outside in stockC、out of stockD、no stock正确答案:C6.This container can be easily opened ()both ends.(2分)A、byB、onC、atD、in正确答案:C7.We ()of this opportunity to approach you for the establishment of trade relations with you.(2分)A、takeB、availC、avail ourselvesD、take ourselves正确答案:C8.Our quotation()30 tons of Shan dong groundnuts is valid for 10 days(2分)A、toB、afterC、inD、for正确答案:D9.Although we are keen on meeting your requirements, we regret that we are unable to()your request to reduce the prices as our prices are closely calculated.(2分)A、comply withB、comply toC、subject forD、subject to正确答案:A10.We certainly accept your offer()you will ship the goods during June.(2分)A、exceptB、providedC、unlessD、but正确答案:B11.please insure()invoice value plus 10%.(2分)A、forB、withC、atD、against正确答案:C12.We would suggest that you ()the carton with double straps .(2分)A、Will secureB、securingC、secureD、are secured正确答案:C13.Documentary collection is to be made with the documents to be ()to the draft.(2分)A、enclosedB、attachedC、togetherD、along with正确答案:B14.The purpose of a sales letter is to()the prospective customer’s interest.(2分)A、arouseB、encourageC、attract正确答案:A15.will you please ()to take out All Risks insurance for us on the following consignment?(2分)A、helpB、arrangeC、coverD、insure正确答案:B16.we have sent you samples by airmail()your instruction(2分)A、toB、afterC、as perD、for正确答案:D17.we are in receipt of your enquiry of sept.5, ()which we replied by fax this morning (2分)A、betterB、forC、inD、to正确答案:C18.Pens are packed 12 pieces ()a box and 200 boxes a wooden case.(2分)A、to, inB、in, toC、to, toD、to, of正确答案:C19.please see to ()that L/C is opened by cable whenever order is placed with us(2分)A、themB、itC、the matterD、your way clear正确答案:A20.Your letter of May 9th addressed to our Nanjing Branch Office has ()to us for attention and reply.(2分)A、been passed onB、passedC、passed onD、been past through正确答案:A21.()our long business relations and our amicable cooperation prospects, we suggest that you accept our terms.(2分)B、In view ofC、for whichD、because of正确答案:B22.()your inquiry of March 3 for a supply of Forever bicycles ,we are pleased to quote as follows(2分)A、Replying toB、Replied toC、Replying onD、Relied on正确答案:A23.()any change in the date of delivery, please let us know in advance.(2分)A、There should beB、Should there beC、There would beD、Would there be正确答案:B24.()will be added to invoice amount together with freight charges.(2分)A、coverageB、insuranceC、premiumD、rate正确答案:C25.We give you on the attached full details ()packing and working.(2分)A、regardingB、be regardedC、regardedD、regard.正确答案A26.we find your quotation().and ,therefore ,place an order with you now(2分)A、attractingB、to be attractiveC、attract our attentionD、attractive正确答案:D27.we shall credit your account ()the invoice value of the returned goods and the cost of return freight(2分)A、toB、onC、forD、with正确答案:D28.We should be pleased to send you a sample()our own expense(2分)A、atC、againstD、of正确答案:A29.We will refund the premium ()you ()receipt of your debit note.(2分)A、to, uponB、with, uponC、to, atD、with , at正确答案:B30.We regret that we have suffered heavy loss ()your improper packing.(2分)A、resulted fromB、resulting fromC、resulted inD、resulting in正确答案:B31.It will be appreciated if you could ()the L/C for another 15 days(2分)A、expressB、developC、extendD、extension正确答案:C32.Our terms of payment()been stipulated in the relative sales contract.(2分)A、havingB、hasC、haveD、had正确答案:B33.We are sending you the samples ()requested.(2分)A、beB、areC、asD、for正确答案:C34.We are offering you goods ()the very high quality.(2分)A、ofB、atC、forD、with正确答案:D35.As requested ()your letter of October 25,we are sending you herewith the required B/L triplicate4(2分)A、by ofB、in inD、from of正确答案:B二、名词解释(每题5分,共4道小题,总分值20分)1.资信状况(5分)考生答案:正确答案:credit standing展开2.保险凭证(5分)考生答案:正确答案:insurance certification展开3.可撤销的发盘(5分)考生答案:正确答案:irrevocable offer展开4.D/A(5分)考生答案:正确答案:Documents against Payment承兑交单展开三、撰写英文书信(每题10分,共1道小题,总分值10分)1.收信人:史密斯贸易有限公司敬启者:你方7月10日关于甘薯片(sweet potato slices)的回盘收悉,谢谢.现确认接受你方还盘如下: 1000公吨甘薯片,每公吨成本.保险费加运费鹿特丹价(Rotterdam)为185美元,包括5%的佣金.质量符合样品SP-03号,水分(moisture)最高16%,装运期2008年10月/11月.随函附上我方有关销售确认书08C137号一式二份,请即签寄一份供我方存档.本商品为散装货(bulk),其数量及金额均允许5%增减,这点请你方开立信用证时特别注意.我们希望能在装运期前一个月收到你方开立的保兑的.不可撤销的即期信用证,以便我方如期装运.至于保险费,我方将按惯例根据中国人民保险公司1981年1月1日中国保险条例,按发票金额的110%投保一切险和战争险.敬上山东土畜产品(Native Product and Animal By-products)进出口公司(10分)考生答案:正确答案:Sales Confirmation No.08c137Sellers: shandong Native Product and Animal By-products Import and Export CorporationB、uyers: smith trading co.ltd.This contract is made by and between the buyers and sellers .C、ommodity: sweet potato slicesSpecifications: As per sample No.SP-03 with moisture not exceeding 16%Quantity: 1000 metric tons,5% more or less allowedTerms of price: at USD185per m/t CIFC5%Rotterdam,USD185,000.00,5%more or less allowed. Terms of packing :in bulkTerms of insurance: to be covered by the sellers for 110% of the invoice value against all risks and war risk as per PICC dated 1st Jan.1981Terms of shipment: during october/ november ,2008Port of shipment: china portPort of destination :RotterdamShipping mark: :At seller’s optionTerms of payment: by confirmed ,irrevocable L/C available by draft at sight to reach the sellers one month before the time of shipment.。

When a(n)_____is made,a foreign trade transaction is concluded.得分/总分A.offerB.counter-offerC.acceptanceD.inquiry正确答案:C你没选择任何选项2单选(5分)When making an inquiry,it is improper to include in your letter____.得分/总分A.the way of payment for the goodsB.the bargaining over the pricesC.the product nameD.the packing of the goods正确答案:B你没选择任何选项3单选(5分)The above prices are on a CIF San Francisco____.得分/总分A.offerB.basisC.counterofferD.request正确答案:B你没选择任何选项4单选(5分)Our payment terms are_____,irrevocable letter of credit for the full invoice value.得分/总分A.confirmedB.combinedC.D.completed正确答案:A你没选择任何选项5单选(5分)The main document adopted by the insured to make claims against the insurer is______.得分/总分A.Bill of ladingB.transportation documentsC.insurance certificateD.insurance document正确答案:C你没选择任何选项6单选(5分)All delicate parts are to be in soft material and firmly packed in cardboard boxes.得分/总分A.packedB.placedC.putD.wrapped正确答案:D你没选择任何选项7单选(5分)We have lodged a claim the seller for the shortage of shipments.s DONGFENG.得分/总分A.against;exB.with;inC.on;as perD.with;to正确答案:A你没选择任何选项8单选(5分)You go to dinner with your boss and he offers to pay,what should you do?得分/总分A.Insist that you should pay.B.Consider that by rank he should pay.C.Never offer to pay.It is considered impolite.D.Nothing.正确答案:A你没选择任何选项9单选(5分)甲方应尽快在协议生效后,或最迟在本协议生效后六十天内,按上述乙方地址交给乙方有关特许产品的全部技术与销售情报。

青科成人教育《外贸英语函电》期末考试复习题及参考答案2019/2020 学年第一学期外贸英语函电课程考试试题(C)卷类别继续教育学院拟题人国贸教研室适用专业(答案写在答题纸上,写在试题纸上无效)一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)1. We _____ be glad if you could send us samples and quotations.A. shallB. willC. shouldD. could2. We have received your enquiry of October 15 ____ we learn that you are interested in our black tea A. in which B. from whichC. whichD. at which3. We shall appreciate ____ us your most competitive prices.A. your quotingB. you quotingC. you to quoteD. quote4. ____ your enquiry of 6 September, we are pleased to quote as follows.A. Replying forB. ReplyingC. Replying toD. To be replied to5. We agree to the amendments to the contract _____ requested in your letter of May 5.A. asB. likeC. to beD. when6. Our offer will remain ___D___ August 31, that is, two weeks from today.A. valid forB. expireC. expirationD. valid till7. If you find our price _____ , please send us an email for our final confirmation.A. acceptanceB. acceptedC. acceptingD. acceptable8. As soon as we have studied your catalog, we shall _____ you by fax.A. contact withB. be contacted withC. contactD. contact to9. We are sending you by separate airmail a complete set of samples, _____ you will find them satisfactory.A. to hopeB. hopefullyC. in hopingD. hoping10. To give you a general idea of various goods now available for export, we _____ a brochure anda sample.A. enclose youB. encloseC. enclose to youD. enclose for you二、填空题(本大题共21小题,每空1分,共25分)11. There is likely to be enquiry or order _____ men’s shirts.12. Thank you for your enquiry of May 17. We are now sending you our latest catalog and price list for your ___.13. Please _____ the letter of credit to read “Allowing Transshipment”.14. You are required to open a letter of credit in our _____ , arriving here ____the end of this month.15. As you will note in our illustrated catalog, our products are superior ____ quality to any other competing product on the market.16. A growing demand can result _____ increased price.17. Our quotation is subject to change _____ previous notice.18. The goods are available __ _ stock ____ prices as follows.19. Please refer ____ the catalog enclosed _____a list of models and their specifications.20. We are offering you goods ____very high quality.21. To conclude this business , you need to lower your price at least ____5%.22. If your prices are reasonable, we’ll plan to place orders _ _ you____ the products.23. We regret that your counter-offer is not acceptable ____us as the price we quote is quite realistic.24. The goods you enquired for are now out ____stock.25. We prefer your quotation ____ CIF San Francisco basis.26. As agreed upon in our negotiations, payment is to bemade ____ letter of credit.27. After the contract is signed, we shall open__ _ the Bank of China here an irrevocable letter of credit at sight.28. We will inform our customers ____ the arrival of the shipment ourselves.29. ____ receipt of your letter of credit, we shall make shipment immediately.30. Regarding insurance, the coverage is ____ 110% of the invoice value up to the port of destination.31. We lodge a claim with you ____ short-weight.三、英汉翻译(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)32. We sincerely hope the quality is in conformity with the contract stipulations.33. As for the shortage, I suggest your making it up in your next shipment.34. So far as we know there are risks of pilferage or damage to the goods if they are transshipped at that port35. Since the premium var ies with the scope of insurance, extra premium is for buyer’s account, should additional risks be covered.36. As the shipment was delayed, the buyers press the sellers for an explanation.37. We have booked shipping space on S. S “Haihe”. The voyage norma lly takes three weeks.38. On checking with our bank, we are told that your letter of credit has not arrived.39. We can continue to offer credit only if our customers meet their obligations.40. You will find that our offer compares favorably with the quotations you can get elsewhere.41. We have no way but to ask for replacement for the order because you sent us the wrong goods.四、汉英翻译(本大题共5小题,每小题3分,共15分)请将答案填写在答题纸相应的位置上。
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外贸函电期末复习试题及答案1.We are sending you the samples C_requested.a.beb.arec.asd.for2.We trust that you will find our goods D_.a.attractingb.to be attractivec.attract your attentiond.attractive3.The brochure covers_B wide range of products we deal in.a.theb.ac.ofd.about4.We would B_very much if you send us some samples immediately.a.thankb.appreciate itc.appreciated.appreciate you5.We look forward to_A__a trial order.A.receiving B.receive from you C.receipt D.receipt your 6.We_C__some brochures to illustrate the products we manufacture.A.enclose,to you B.enclose,you C.enclose D.enclose, your7.We shall_D__very much if you will send us a catalogue by air.A.appreciate B.appreciating C.appreciation D.appreciate it8.We would like to take this_B__to establish business relations with you.A.step B.opportunity C.advantage D.opening9.The shipment time is June or July at our_A__and the goods will be shipped in one___.A.option,lot B.option,consignment C.choice shipment D.decision,cargo10.The first shipment of pens has turned out to be_B.A.satisfy B.satisfied C.satisfaction D.satisfactory11.In case the said goods are not available_A__stock, please keep us informed soon.A.in B.by C.from D.out of12.Shirts are packed_B__carton and l0cartons___a strong seaworthy wooden case.A.in,in B in,to C.to,in D.to,to13.We cannot see any possibility of doing business, _A__your price is too high.A.as B.while C.thought D.that14.We are glad that we have_C__an agreement on this matter.A.come B.got C.reached D.arrived15.If any of the items is B_to you,please let us know.a.interestb.interestingc.interestedd.interests16.Our products enjoy B_in word market.a.most popularb.great popularityc.good sellerd.selling fast17.We are D_a copy of our catalogue for your reference.a.sendb.coveringc.closedd.enclosing18.We are anxious to C_the market for our Toys,which at present enjoys a limited sale in Europe.a.increaseb.enlargec.expandd.extend19.We are sure that both of our companies will B_from the joint venture.a.make benefitb.benefitc.be benefitedd.mutual benefit20._B in the export of Chinese arts&crafts goods,we express our desire to trade with you inthis line.a.specializeb.specializingc.specializedd.to specializeⅡ.Filling in the missing words in the blankets of the following.(1×15)1.I would like to direct your attention to_the quality of the goods which is superior to_that of othermakes.2.If you could make a reduction by_10%_in quotation, we have confidence in_securing large orders for_you.3.We will withdraw the offer if we would not hear from_you_within this period.4.We refer to_your offer of_16th March.5.We offer you for_500sets of Machine Tools at_US$...on_CIF London basis for_June/July shipment. For at on forⅢ.Translate the following sentence into English.(3×10) 1.我公司是该地区经营电子产品的主要进口商之一。
Our company is one of the leading importers of electronic products in the region,we take this opportunity to contact you,want to enter into business relations with you. 2.希望我们的商品能够使你们满意,并能从你们那里获得更多的订单。
We hope that the goods can make you satisfied,and can get more orders from you.3.关于支付条件,我们通常要求保兑的、不可撤销的、凭即期汇票支付的信用证。
Regarding the terms of payment,we usually require confirmed,irrevocable letter of credit payable at sight.4.我们正在执行你方678号订单。
We are running your678Order.please be assured that we will be specified in your shipment within the time limit stipulated by you.5.请将你方信用证6789号的船期及有效期分别延展至10月15号及10月30日。
Please send your letter of credit No.6789sailing date and term of validity were respectively extended to October 15and October30.6.你方愿接受错发货物,致谢。
Thank you for your acceptance of the wrongly delivered good. We will give you a discount8%on invoice price.Please agree.7.有关我们的资信状况,请向中国银行上海分行查询。
Please kindly check the credit position of our company through Shanghai Branch of Bank of China.8.我方的产品质量好,价格合理,因此相信贵方能大量订货。
We are studying the offer and hope that it will keep open till the end of month.9.检验报告证明,箱子及货物受损是运输途中粗鲁搬运所致,而不是你们所说的因包装不善引起的。
Inspection reports shows that the Department of the box and damaged goods in transit due to rough handling,rather than the result of what you said caused by poor packaging.10.请报你方最优惠的上海到岸价,包括我方3%的佣金。
Please quote your lowest price CIF Shanghai,inclusive of our3%commission.11.我们从贵国驻京使馆商务参赞处得悉贵公司名称和地址,现特致函与贵公司建立业务关系。
We have your name and address from the CommercialCounselor’s Office of your Embassy in Beijing and are now writing to you for the establishment of business relations 12.请尽早寄来贵方最新目录5份。