新发展大学英语 学习指南



















大学生新学期英语学习计划6篇大学生新学期英语学习计划 (1) 时光悠悠,一年半载已经流走。
































1、“英语高级口语”课程配套教材的使用该课程主要使用《英语口语交际》教材,以“提高学生英语口语交际能力”为宗旨,学习指南如下:(1)学生可以利用富有现代性和趣味性的话题激发口语交际兴趣并锻炼创新性思维;(2)学生可以利用听力练习、视频导入和配对练习等多模态手段加强口语输入对口语输出的示范、促进作用,以调动学习积极性;(3)学生可以利用Topical Words and Structures等与主题相关的词汇和结构练习, 同时利用对话输入、例句输入和口语交际技巧传授等模拟训练,提高口语交际的语言准确度;(4)该教材的Speaking Tasks是口语任务,充分融合了如任务型教学法、合作型学习法等多种外语教学方法的优势,学生可以通过小组讨论、个人演讲、看图说话、模拟访谈和课堂辩论等多种互动性很强的口语交际活动有效锻炼参与真实交际的能力;(5)该教材的Further Practice Exercises是拓展练习,强调了口语交际能力发展与听、读等其他技能的关联性,学生可以利用课外阅读、名言警句、小幽默和著名演讲等内容,增强英语语感、享受英语学习过程。



《大学英语教学指南》教育部高等学校大学外语教学指导委员会王守仁1.前言2.课程性质与定位3.教学目标和教学要求4.课程设置5.评价与测试6.教学方法与手段7.教学资源8.教学管理9.教师发展确立多元教学目标,提供多种选择1 前言当今世界,经济全球化和科技进步奖不同国家与地区的人们紧密联系在一起。













---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 新发展大学英语听力教程第四册教师用书Unit One Urban Life or Rural LifeⅠ. Pre-listening ActivitiesPart 1 略Part 2 There are positive effects and negative effects of living in the suburbs. Positive effects:1. The air might be cleaner. 2. There are more trees and less traffic congestion. 3. You’ll probably have a garden. Negative effects: 1. Most people drive more and walk less. 2. You’ll have little time for cooking and thus rely heavily on junk food有积极影响和消极影响住在郊区。

l 积极作用: 1。




3 所示。


l 负面影响: 1。




■ ScriptIn the suburbs the air might be cleaner, as there are more trees and less traffic congestion. Better still you’1/ 149ll probably have a garden, which most inner-city dwellers don’t. Gardening is a healthy activity for you, and your children have the chance to play outside every day. This is a lot better for them than playing computer games all day because there is nowhere to go.The disadvantages of living in the suburbs are the flip side of the city advantages. Most people living in the suburbs end up driving more and walking less, as nothing is particularly close. This leads to weight gain and general lack of fitness. Those medium sized journeys that suburb dwellers need to do could be done on a bicycle, although this is not always practical or even possible.A less obvious effect of having to commute is little time for cooking. If a considerable portion of your time is spent getting to and from work, it is tempting to rely heavily on junk food, ready meals and takeaways. None of these is very healthy and too many can lead to obesity and the associated health problems. 郊区的空气可能会更干净,有更多的树和更少的交通堵塞。



大学英语教学指南(教育部2017最新版)1 前言为了全面贯彻党的教育方针,进一步深化大学英语教学改革,提高教学质量,根据《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》和教育部《关于全面提高高等教育质量的若干意见》等文件的精神,在总结大学英语课程建设和教学改革经验的基础上,特制订本指南。









2 课程定位与性质2.1 课程定位大学外语教育是我国高等教育的重要组成部分,对于促进大学生知识、能力和综合素质的协调发展具有重要意义。





大学英语教学指南(教育部2017最新版)1 前言为了全面贯彻党的教育方针,进一步深化大学英语教学改革,提高教学质量,根据《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》和教育部《关于全面提高高等教育质量的若干意见》等文件的精神,在总结大学英语课程建设和教学改革经验的基础上,特制订本指南。









2 课程定位与性质2.1 课程定位大学外语教育是我国高等教育的重要组成部分,对于促进大学生知识、能力和综合素质的协调发展具有重要意义。





新指南大学英语自主阅读3电子版English:"New Orientations in Reading: University English Autonomous Reading 3" is an electronic version of a textbook that provides extensive reading materials for university students studying English. This book is designed to enhance students' reading skills, expand their vocabulary, and improve their comprehension abilities. It covers a wide range of topics, including science, technology, culture, and society, which allows students to gain knowledge in various fields while practicing their English reading skills.The book consists of multiple units, each focusing on a specific theme or topic. Each unit is further divided into a variety of reading passages, such as articles, essays, and short stories. These passages are carefully selected to cater to the interests and preferences of university students, making the reading experience more engaging and enjoyable. Moreover, the passages are supplemented with comprehension questions and vocabulary exercises, providingstudents with the opportunity to actively interact with the text and deepen their understanding.One notable feature of this book is its incorporation of authentic materials sourced from reputable English publications. By including authentic materials, such as newspaper articles and excerpts from books and magazines, the book exposes students to real-life English language usage and familiarizes them with different writing styles and genres. This exposure to authentic materials not only enhances students' language proficiency but also broadens their understanding of the cultural and social aspects of English-speaking countries.In addition to the extensive reading materials, this book also offers various learning aids and supplementary resources. These include audio recordings of selected passages, which allow students to practice their listening skills and improve their pronunciation. Furthermore, the book provides a glossary at the end of each unit, offering explanations and definitions of key vocabulary, which further supports students' vocabulary acquisition and retention.Overall, "New Orientations in Reading: University English Autonomous Reading 3" is a comprehensive and valuable resourcefor university students studying English. With its diverse range of topics, authentic materials, and interactive exercises, this book effectively promotes autonomous learning and helps students develop their reading skills in English.中文翻译:《新指南大学英语自主阅读3电子版》是一本电子教材,为大学生学习英语提供了大量阅读材料。

大学英语教学指南 2022年版

大学英语教学指南 2022年版

College English Teaching Guidelines 2022 EditionThe College English Teaching Guidelines 2022 Edition is a comprehensive reference document that outlines the objectives, principles, and strategies for teaching English at the university level. It serves as a valuable resource for teachers, administrators, and policymakers involved in English language education in higher education institutions.The guidelines emphasize the importance of developing students' language proficiency, communication skills, and cultural awareness. They recommend the use of a variety of teaching methods and resources, including technology-enhanced learning tools, to engage students actively in the learning process.The guidelines also focus on the integration of English language teaching with other subjects and disciplines, recognizing the role of English as a medium for academic and professional communication. They encourage teachers to create an inclusive learning environment that caters to the diverse needs and backgrounds of their students.Additionally, the guidelines address the need for continuous professional development of English teachers, highlighting the importance of staying updated with the latest research and practices in language teaching and learning.In summary, the College English Teaching Guidelines 2022 Edition provide a comprehensive framework for effective English language teaching in higher education, emphasizing proficiency, communication skills, cultural awareness, integration with other subjects, inclusive learning, and teacher development.《大学英语教学指南(2022年版)》《大学英语教学指南(2022年版)》是一份全面的参考文件,概述了大学英语教学的目标、原则和策略。



《大学英语教学指南》1 前言为了全面贯彻党的教育方针,进一步深化大学英语教学改革,提高教学质量,根据《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》和教育部《关于全面提高高等教育质量的若干意见》等文件的精神,在总结大学英语课程建设和教学改革经验的基础上,特制订本指南。









2 课程定位与性质2.1 课程定位大学外语教育是我国高等教育的重要组成部分,对于促进大学生知识、能力和综合素质的协调发展具有重要意义。





《大学英语教学指南》1 前言为了全面贯彻党的教育方针,进一步深化大学英语教学改革,提高教学质量,根据《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》和教育部《关于全面提高高等教育质量的若干意见》等文件的精神,在总结大学英语课程建设和教学改革经验的基础上,特制订本指南。









2 课程定位与性质2.1 课程定位大学外语教育是我国高等教育的重要组成部分,对于促进大学生知识、能力和综合素质的协调发展具有重要意义。






















《大学英语教学指南》(最新版)1 前言为了全面贯彻党的教育方针,进一步深化大学英语教学改革,提高教学质量,根据《国家中长期教育改革与发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》与教育部《关于全面提高高等教育质量的若干意见》等文件的精神,在总结大学英语课程建设与教学改革经验的基础上,特制订本指南。









2 课程定位与性质2、1 课程定位大学外语教育就是我国高等教育的重要组成部分,对于促进大学生知识、能力与综合素质的协调发展具有重要意义。




























大学英语 学习指南

大学英语  学习指南

Learning GuideComponents and Course OrganizationThere are four levels for New Standard College English to be used over the two years of English language instruction. Each level contains:•An Integrated Course•Word List•Listening and Speaking•Fast Reading•WorkbookEach week we have 3 periods for college English. Of course, it is impossible to cover all these materials. In fact, we will mainly deal with the integrated course. As to the other components, you will have to handle them by yourself after calss. However, they will be tested in our mid-term examination and final examination. For instance, one of the reading passages in the test paper is taken from the Fast Reading. Part of the listening materials is chosen from the textbook Listening and Speaking. I suggest that you should adapt your learning pace to our main pattern. In this semester, we will cover 8 units in the Integrated Course. That is to say, we will finish one unit in two weeks. Since there are 8 units in Fast Reading, you can finish one unit every two weeks. However, there are more than 8 units in Listening and Speaking, so you will have to allocate your time to adapt your self-study to the pace of the integrated course.How to Use the Teaching MaterialsThere are several types of college English, such as New Horizon College English, New Century College English. However,we choose New Standard College English as our major textbook. The main reason lies in the important principles embodied in the textbook.•It presents a balanced approach between language knowledge and language skills, so that you not only learn about English but also learn how to use the knowledge in interactive situations.•It develops effective communication strategies by integrating all the language skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening in a holistic way, which reflects real-life language use.•It encourages the development of intercultural awareness, to allow you to use your language knowledge and skills with speakers from differnt cultures.•It promotes a learner-centered approach, where you are encouraged to personalize the process of language acquisition, to make best use of the resources within your classroom as well as on line, and to develop learning strategies which are most appropriate to your personal requirements and circumstances.•It exposes you to the variety of language which is spoken and written in everyday situations today.•It develops critical thinking, which encourages you to look beyond the passages and consider the broader implications of what you have read or listened to.Course Design and SyllabusesThe course design adopts a multi-syllabus approach appropriate to you university students.The Syllabuses Include:•Themes, chosen for your interest and relevance. You are studying in China, but you havea desire to learn about countries and cultures around the world•Lexis, guided by the wordlist in the College English Curriculum Requirements(CECR) and supported by the Masmillian English Dictionary for Advanced Learners (2nd edition,2007) •Grammar and sentence patterns, presented in the context of the passage•Skills: reading, listening, speaking, writing and translating•Pronounciation, focusing on particular areas of difficulty for Chinese speakers of English •Intercultural awareness, through exposure to a wide variety of international issues as well as the linguisitc and non-linguisitc conventions, customs, traditions, attitudes and beliefs of cultures from all round the worldUnit Organization in the Integrated CourseThe unit follows a basic pattern: (let’s take Unit 1 as an example)•Starting point introduces the unit theme by a variety of speaking activities, including questionaires, discussion points and famous quotations.•Active reading (1)contains the first main reading passage and focuses on the words which should be learned either for receptive or productive use. There is preparation for reading and prediction work, a while-reading activity, and a Language and Culture box with information about cultural references in the passage which may be unfamiliar to you.Then there is a series of stages which focus on:Reading and understanding, in which the main ideas and detailed meaning of the passage is exploredDealing with unfamilair words, where there are three types of words and activities.The words in the tinted vocabulary box are words which are prescribed by the CECR wordlist, and the activities which accompany them are designed to explore their meaning and form. There are also lexical sets in the vocabulary box which are related to the topic. The final type of words are those which are beyond the required level, but which need to be understood in order to be able to understand the main idea of the passage. The accompanying activity encourages you to develop skills to deal with unfamilair words, both within and beyond the passage.Reading and interpreting, in which aspects of inference, style, and writer’s purpose are examined.Developing critical thinking, a series of questions which develop the ideas presented in the passage, and encourage independent thinking.Talking point is a short section where the unit theme is further explored by an oppertunity for less intensive discussion and interaction.Active reading (2) contains the second main reading passage, and covers the same stages as in Active Reading (1). The passage explores the unit theme from a different perspective and is written in a different genre from the passgae in Active reading (1). This ensures that you are exposed to a variety of viewpoints and genres.Talking point occurs again, and serves a similar function to the first Talking point.Language in use is designed to explore aspects of grammar and complex sentencepatterns which are presented in the two reading passages. There may also be extra information about particular words or expressions, or some work on collocations. The section finishes with translation from and into Chinese.Reading across cultures contains a passage which shows an aspect of cultral life, customs or behaviour in a country or culture other than China, and with which you may not be familair. There are comprehension questions and questions which provide an oppertunity for you to compare the cultrue shown in the passage with Chinese culture.Guided writing uses the passage in Reading across cultures as a model for writing practice. Aspects of language which are commonly found in written English, especially academic writing, are explored, and the section finishes with an activity designed to help you perform a new and unique piece of writing which practices the aspects of language explored earlier.Unit task provides a task which allows you to review all the language skills you have encountered in the whole unit.Unit file is a summary of the language points and skills presented in the unit.It can be found from the unit orgnization that all aspects of English learning are integrated into each unit, including listening and speaking. However, it is impossible to address all the aspects within class. Now you are college students, you have mastered the fundamental skills to deal with most of the content after class. In class we will mainly focus on Active Reading (1) or Active Reading (2). Even in that case we will concentrate on reading and interpreting, developing critical thinking instead of all stages. We hope this Integrated Course can enlarge your vocabulary, enhance your reading comprehension, broaden your vision, and above all, develop your critical thinking.附录1:教材特色一. 选材内涵丰富,语言鲜活地道,体现社会发展与时代特色在选材上结合新一代大学生的知识结构与思维特点,主题内容以人与人、人与自然、人与社会的关系为主线,涵盖生活、学习、情感等日常话题及政治、经济、历史、文化、科技等深层问题。



!!!《⼤大学英语教学指南》!Guidelines on College English Teaching!(讨论稿)!!!!1 前⾔言!为了全⾯面贯彻党的教育⽅方针,进⼀一步深化⼤大学英语教学改⾰革,提⾼高教学质量,根据《国家中⻓长期教育改⾰革和发展规划纲要(2010—2020)和教育部《关于全⾯面提⾼高⾼高等教育质量的若干意⻅见》等⽂文件的精神,在总结⼤大学英语课程建设和教学改⾰革经验的基础性上,特制定本指南。

































大学英语教学指南 新形态教材

大学英语教学指南 新形态教材

大学英语教学指南新形态教材English:In the modern era, with the advancement of technology and the changing needs of students, there is a growing demand for new teaching materials in college English education. These new materials should be tailored to the needs and learning styles of the current generation of students, integrating multimedia resources, interactive content, and real-world applications. They should also be adaptable to different teaching approaches, such as flipped classrooms, project-based learning, and blended learning. In addition, the new teaching materials should reflect the diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds of students, and promote critical thinking, creativity, and communication skills. Overall, the goal is to create a dynamic and interactive learning environment that engages students and prepares them for the challenges of the 21st century.中文翻译:在现代时代,随着科技的进步和学生需求的变化,大学英语教育对于新的教学材料的需求不断增加。



课时:2课时教学对象:大学英语基础较好的学生教学目标:1. 培养学生对英语口语表达的自信心,提高实际交流能力。

2. 通过学习生活中的英语,拓宽学生的词汇量和语法知识。

3. 培养学生运用英语进行跨文化交流的能力。

教学内容:1. 问候与介绍2. 日常对话3. 购物用语4. 餐饮用语5. 旅行用语教学过程:第一课时一、导入1. 教师简要介绍本节课的教学目标。

2. 通过互动游戏,让学生用英语进行自我介绍,激发学生学习兴趣。

二、教学内容1. 问候与介绍- 教师带领学生复习常见的问候用语。

- 学生分组练习,用英语进行自我介绍。

2. 日常对话- 教师展示日常对话场景,如问路、询问时间等。

- 学生分组练习,模拟对话场景。

三、课堂活动1. 教师展示购物、餐饮、旅行等场景的图片,让学生用英语描述。

2. 学生分组进行角色扮演,模拟购物、餐饮、旅行等场景。

第二课时一、复习1. 教师带领学生复习上一节课所学内容。

2. 学生分组进行自我介绍,展示所学问候用语。

二、教学内容1. 购物用语- 教师展示购物场景,讲解购物用语。

- 学生分组练习,模拟购物场景。

2. 餐饮用语- 教师展示餐饮场景,讲解餐饮用语。

- 学生分组练习,模拟餐饮场景。

3. 旅行用语- 教师展示旅行场景,讲解旅行用语。

- 学生分组练习,模拟旅行场景。

三、课堂活动1. 教师组织学生进行“英语角”活动,让学生运用所学英语进行交流。

2. 学生分组进行角色扮演,模拟购物、餐饮、旅行等场景。

教学评价:1. 课堂参与度:观察学生在课堂上的表现,如积极性、参与度等。

2. 英语口语表达:评估学生在实际交流中的英语口语水平。

3. 课后作业:检查学生对本节课所学内容的掌握情况。

教学反思:1. 关注学生的实际需求,调整教学内容和方法。

2. 鼓励学生积极参与课堂活动,提高学生的英语口语表达能力。

3. 注重培养学生的跨文化交流能力,为学生的未来发展奠定基础。

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新发展大学英语学习指南Unit 1Reading comprehension1.The reason why the son was not happy is thatD__A.He didn’t feel good because of the cold air in the room where the birthday party washeld.B.He could not eat ice-cream at the birthday party.C.He was not allowed to eat the birthday cake.D.His mother did not agree to buy him some ice-cream.2.Sometimes when the author is with one of her children without doing anything, she feelsA__A.HappyB.RelaxedC.EmptyD.Nervous3.The author writes about her childhood story in order to tell the readers_A_A.What happiness really meansB.Her parents’ intentions in buying her the pianoC.Her thankfulness for what her parents did for her at that time.D.Her great regret for giving up learning to play the piano4.Another possible title for this passage is _B_A.Happiness is having a peaceful mind.B.Happiness is a matter of feelingC.Happiness is being together with the people you loveD.Happiness is being useful to othersUNIT 25.The word burden in the article means all of the following except_B_A.AshesB.Heating systemC.Negative feelingD.The painful past6.According to the author, what prevented Jean from attending her grandmother’s birthdaycelebration was _C_A.Her former husbandB.Her children’s perception of the relationship with their parentsC.Her false prideD.Her children’ behavior after the divorce7.The 104-year-old woman wanted to convert her heating system to gas because_D__A.Gas is cheaper and safer than coalB.She had to carry the coal home by herselfC.Coal causes pollutionD.She had to lug 拉the ashes out of the basement8.Which of the following is true of John? (C)A.He was the author’s patientB.He was not on Medicare because he was not 104 years old.C.He was with a government agency and in charge of loan application approval.D.He undertook an investigation into the 104- year-old woman’s age claim.9.The tone of the article is _C_A.IndifferentB.ObjectiveC.PersuasiveD.PessimisticUnit 410.From the passage, we see that _C_A.The author tries to persuade us to give and receive highly –valued complimentsB.The author tells us how to give and receive highly-valued complimentsC.The author thinks it is greatly significant to give and receive highly-valued complimentsD.The author offers us some different ways to give and receive highly-valued compliments.11.If you compliment others sincerely and quickly, __A_A.It’s likely that you are welcomeB.You are possibly considered having everything planned beforehandC.You are probably thought to be manipulativeD.You are possibly considered being pure hearted12.According to the author, which of the following statements is true? (A)pliments are supposed to be conveyed in simple termspliments should be made in privatepliments must be in a written formpliments have to be original13.According to the passage, which of the following is not true?(C)A.Sincere compliments are profitable to the persons who give themB.Sincere compliments are advantageous to the persons who receive them.C.Sincere compliments are beneficial to the persons who give and receive themD.Sincere compliments are instructive to the persons who give and receive them14.The tone of this passage is_ B__A.NeutralB.InstructiveC.CriticalD.IronicalUnit 515.If you are a typical Chinese and go to any airport or train station, you will see scenes ofgreeting and good-bye with all the feelings expressed__B_A.By exchanging hugs in publicB.In the face and the eyesC.By saying “ I love you”D.Through mobile phones16.Why don’t you hug a foreigner according to the text? (C)A.Because a foreigner is a dangerous personB.Because a foreigner has some infectious diseaseC.Because a foreigner is a wai guo ren, a person outside the wallD.Because we Chinese don’t like foreigners17.In the West, people of different social statuses communicate in a way that__B_A.The high-ranking person will convey the message”I am superior to you”B.Tries to reduce the status differencesC.The lower ranking person will communicate in a way that sends the message”I am inferior toyou”D.Tries to reduce the gender differences18.In China it is considered polite to __C_A . stress your high position and other person’s lower statusB. Hug in publicC. Stress your low position and other person’s higher status, greater accomplishments or finer virtueD. exchange greeting loudly in public19. Which of the following is the reason why we should hug a foreigner?(A)A. it will reduce the social distance between you and the WesternersB. it will bring us financial benefitsC. it will narrow the gap of social statuses between you and the WesternersD. it will show our dignityUnit 720.What is the author’s attitude toward Western fast food?(D)A.AngryB.IndifferentC.PositiveD.Negative21.The word “patronize “ in paragraph 6, means__B_A.VisitB.Be a customerC.LikeD.Refuse to come22.What relative merits does Chinese food have?(D)A.Nutritional valueB.Delicious tasteC.Artistic presentationD.All of the above23.What should we not learn from the western restaurants according to the text?(B)A.Good service and inviting atmosphereB.Quality of the foodC.ManagementD.Decoration24.What food is beneficial to our health according to the text?(C)A.Diary productsB.Animal foodC.Fresh vegetablesD.Refined foodUnit 825.According to the article, a great number of people prefer__C_A.Walking in the park to talking to each otherB.Talking on their mobile phones to sending emailsC.Talking on their mobile phones to having a face- to – face conversationD.Human contact to an electronic voice26.The reason why the more modern communication devices there are the lonelier the authorfeels is that__D_A.People can communicate on their mobile phones without seeing one anotherB.People can carry on entire conversations without ever reaching anyoneC.People can leave messages on an answering machineD.Every advance in communications technology has a negative effect on the intimacy of humaninteraction27.The phone number of another person can be got__B_A.By calling a person to ask for itB.With the help of automated directory assistanceC.By sending an emailD.By writing a letter28.All the following statements are not true except_A_A.The communications industry is meant to contribute to convenient communicationB.The author doubts about the benefits brought about by the communications industryC.The communications industry is meant to make people disconnectedD.The author always communicates with others by email or mobile phone29.The author writes the article mainly to tell the readers__C_A.The benefits brought about by communications technologyB.The introduction of modern technological and communication devicesC.The negative effects brought about by communications technologyD.Both the positive and negative effects brought about by communications technologyUnit 1030.What did Picasso mean by saying “Bad artists copy. Great artists steal.”?(C)A.To be great, an artist should not only copy but also steal some masterpieces.B.To be great, an artist should steal masterpieces instead of copying them.C.An artist should try to learn from others before achieving success.D.Great artists, good or bad, should neither copy nor steal.31.According to the author, all the following factors except__D_ have contributed to thepopularity of cheating and plagiarism in higher education.A.College studentsB.College professorsC.The authorities concernedD.Parents32.The word”around” in line 4, paragraph 1 means_B_A.NearbyB.PresentC.NoticeableD.Severe33.The author writes about plagiarism in order to_A_A.Remind students of the real meaning of educationB.Accuse cheating and plagiarizing studentsC.Criticize the university authorities and facultyplain about the poor quality of higher education34.Another possible title for this passage is _C_A.Say no to declining quality of higher educationB.Say no to university authorities and teachersC.Say no to campus cheatsD.Say no to hiking tuitionUnit 1135.Homo Sapiens are _A_A.Human beingsB. robotsC. computersD. the Earth36.In this passage, robots and computers are described _A_A.In a negative wayB. As geniusesC. as world leadersD. as inconvenient37.According to the letter, in the future_A_A.Some people will become poorerB.Everyone will have free timeC.Everyone will be saferD.People can enjoy a comfortable life38.Which of the following is not an interest of the computer research?(D)A.Artificial intelligenceB.Robots recreating themselvesC.Parallel processingD.Turning men into robots39.Which of the following statements is not true according to the passage?(C)A.Robots will control the worldputers will one day be smarter than humanputers can think independentlyD.Robots may make people their slaves.Vocabulary studyUNIT 11.When I was 5, I was seized by a desire for a baby grand piano. (D)A.ArrestedB. caughtC. heldD. taken2.I wanted one so badly; my parents cane to believe I must be some kind of piano prodigy.(C)A.So moreB. not so wellC. so muchD. so seriously3.I know that parents who try to make their children happy with toys and ice-cream cones andgrand pianos have the best intentions, but they are somehow missing the point . (B)A.In some wayB. for some reasonC. somewhatD. somewhere4.Happiness doesn’t come from desires being fulfilled; it comes from emotional needs beingmet. (D)A.encounteredB. agreedC. experiencedD. satisfied5.it’s not the acquisition of the new book or a Lego set that makes him happy; it’s theknowledge that he will be allowed to pursue the interests embodied in those things. (A)A. carry outB. run afterC. chase afterD. search out6.I make him happy by honoring his passions, not by gratifying them. (B)A.praisingB. respectingC. lovingD. celebratingUNIT 27.John was responsible for imporving loan applications for major home improvements. (B)A.favoringB. authorizingC. appreciatingD. denying8.Happily, we don’t have to shoulder this emotional load until we are 104, or even for anotherday, or even for another moment. (C)A.packB. goodsC. burdenD. freight9.that must have done the trick because when Saturday arrived, Jean appeared at herdaughter ‘s home bearing her famous chocolate-chip cookies and a beautiful birthday cake.(A)A.achieved the desired effectB. cheated fateC. made a jokeD. played a trick10.because she had literally raised them single-handedly, Jean was hurt and angry that thechildren didn’t take her part after the divorce. (A)A.support herB. live with herC. do her share of the houseworkD. get involved in herdivorce11.By choosing to let go of the past, we can sweep out all the ashes that weigh us down andsubtly affect every aspect of our health, our friendships, and our peace of mind. (D)A.ruinsB. bodily remainsC. gray or black powderD. emotional burden12.Picture the ashes as any heavy burden that one might carry inside for years, unwilling orunable to release feelings of anger, resentment, envy, or any other negtive connection to the past. (A)A.unpleasantB. pessimisticC. hostileD. contraryUnit 413.By consciously focusing on the good in the other person, I was able to give a sincere andhighly-valued compliments by finding a positive quality and backing it up with evidence in their talk. (A)A.goodB. usefulC. confidentD. sureIf the compliment is too over-the-top, then the receiver may feel uncomfortable with the compliment and doubt its authenticity or suspect your motive. (A)A.incentiveB. motionC. objectiveD. object14.Find the unique compliment.(D)A.familiarB. soleC. similarD. particular15.By being specific and giving details, you can give the gift of a subtle sincere compliment evenif you’re not the original source.(B)A.considerateB. delicateC. moderateD. dedicated16.When another person takes the time to compliment you, don’t toss it back in their face.Instead , be gracious acceptor of the gift by simply making eye contact, smiling, and saying”thank you”. (C)A.roughB. distinctC. politeD. genuine17.It is also one of the most powerful mental and emotional shifts that any person can make forthemselves in order to change their lives for the better. (B)A.approachesB. changesC. solutionsD. suspiciousunit 518.It is unlikely that someone will put their arms around the returning or departing dear oneand squeeze. (D)A.PressB. shakeC. kissD. hug19.Sure, you might welcome a guest to your home or office and that guest would be given thebest hospitality you can offer. (A)A.welcomeB. likenessC. careD. treatment20.That was never meant to be a question but a reminder to parents to physically demonstratetheir affection for their children every day. (B)A.determineB. showC. designD. illustrate21.I am not suggesting that you put your arms around the Westerners you know, but I amsuggesting that you put aside your home culture rules of politeness that say you should show your sincerity by being humble and deferential. (A)A.Pay no attention toB. put backC. set upD. pay back22.In the West people of different social statuses communicate in a way that tries to reduce thestatus differences. (A)A.Exchange informationB. respect womenC. love childrenD. celebrate holidaysUnit723.The Chinese are being introduced to a diet that markedly increases the death rate fromcertain diseases in any population. (A)A.noticeablyB. clearlyC. largelyD. attractively24.This causes diseases in almost every organ, but in particular it damages two of the most invital ones, the heart and the brain. (B)A.Specially/greatB. especially/ importantC. particularly/convenientD.typically/attractivelypare these problems with the excellent health one may enjoy if one consumes goodChinese food. (A)B.Eats B. swallowsC. buysD. uses26.The white flour used in hamburger buns and pizza dough has had most of the vitamins andminerals removed. (C)A.Cleaned upB. cleared upC. taken awayD. taken off27.However, Chinese food chains could do likewise if they would organize themselves as theWestern chains do. (A)A.SimilarlyB. likelyC. otherwiseD. certainlyUnit 828.I was walking in the park with a friend recently, and his mobile phone rang, interrupting ourconversation. (B)A.InterferingB. breakingC. involvingD. entering29.Every advance in communications technology is a setback to the intimacy of humaninteraction. (A)A.ReversalB. limitationC. restrictionD. defeat30.With voice mail, you can conduct entire conversations without ever reaching anyone.(C)A.DirectB. guideC. carry onD. carry out31.As almost every conceivable contact between human beings gets automated, the alienationindex goes up.(D)A.ConvincedB. workableC. believableD. imaginable32.Giving them up isn’t an option ---they ‘re great for what they’re intended to do.(A)A. A choiceB. an objectC. an aimD. an offer33.It’s their unintended consequences that make me cringe.(C)A.RequestsB. chainsC. resultsD. checksUnit 1034.The current wave of student cheating and plagiarism is brand new to higher education.(A)A.presentB. fashionableC. popularD. serious35.Picasso may have been a jerk in his personal life, but he was a smart guy when it came tobeing a student of his art.(A)A.cleverB. well-dressedC. cuteD. quick36.But beyond that, grades don’t mean very much.(D)A.Out ofB. prior toC. besidesD. except37.Their behavior cheapens college degrees in general and tarnishes the reputation of anyinstitution that gives them a degree. (A)A.StainsB. polishesC. diminishesD. strengthens38.They miss out on an opportunity to learn how to deal with a tough situation.(D)A.ViolentB. strongC. determinedD. difficultUnit 1139.People installed security systems in their homes and businesses.(A)A.Set upB. foundedC. establishedD. mounted40.When security deteriorated, people started thinking about having robot guards.(C)A.Became betterB. cameC. became worseD. declined41.But when robot guards started being destroyed, people insisted that the robots be armed.(B)A.Supported by usB. supplied with weaponsC. lent a handD. defeated by us42.Eventually, of course, the robots ruled the world.(D)A.UndoubtedlyB. inevitablyC. equallyD. at last。
