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Prof. Dr. Christiane Nord





The topic: Intertextuality as a Translation Problem



On the basis of a corpus of English, Spanish, French and German book titles, the lecture st rives to apply the functional approach to the translation of intertextuality. i.e. the relation ship between different texts. Drawing on de Beaugrande/Dressler's textuality criteria, it is suggested that titles are texts in their own right and that they form a text type of their own. Intertextuality occurs in various forms: between the title and its co-text, between t he title and other texts, and between the title and other titles (= intertitularity), and it ca n be intended to serve all the functions we find in other types of text (= phatic, referenti al, expressive, appellative). Moreover, they usually have a distinctive function (like proper n ames) in that they distinguish their co-text from other texts.

附件:Prof. Dr. Christiane Nord 简介

Christiane Nord, Prof. Dr. phil. habil.

born 1943,

married to Klaus Berger, professor of New Testament Studies at Heidelberg University,

2 children (Britta Nord, 1969, Oliver Nord 1972)

1 grandchild (Mascha Isenberg, 2004).

Graduated from Heidelberg University in 1967. Degree: Diplom-Übersetzerin für Spanisch un d Englisch (University Diploma equivalent to an Honours Degree in Translation Studies - Sp anish, English), Ph.D. in Romance Studies: University of Heidelberg, 1983; doctoral thesis o n neologisms in modern Spanish: "Neueste Entwicklungen im spanischen Wortschatz. Unters uchungen auf der Grundlage eines pressesprachlichen Korpus" ( Publications). Habilitation a nd Venia legendi for Applied Translation Studies and Translation Pedagogy (University of Vi enna, 1993) with a thesis on the translation of titles and headings ("Einführung in das fun ktionale Übersetzen. Am Beispiel von Titeln und Überschriften", Publications).

Has been teaching translation theory and practice at various universities. University of Heid elberg/Germany (1967-1996), University of Vienna/Austria (visiting professor, 1991-1992), University of Hildesheim (1994-1996), University of Innsbruck (visiting professor, 1996). Sin ce 1996 Chair of Translation Studies and Specialized Communication at the University of Ap plied Sciences of Magdeburg/Germany, 1998-2000 Vice Rector of the University.

Several short-time teaching appointments funded by the German Academic Exchange Servic e (DAAD) in India, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam; Argentina, Brazil, Cuba, Chile, Mexico, Ven ezuela, South Africa, Jordania; seminars and lectures in Spain, Denmark, Finland, Belgium, I taly, France, Portugal, Sweden. CETRA professor (Misano Adriatico, Italia) in 2000. More tha n 80 publications on translation theory, methodology, pedagogy, among them Text Analysis in Translation ( Publications), Translating as a Purposeful Activity ( Publications). Several tr anslations, among them, together with her husband, Klaus Berger, a new German translatio n of the New Testament and Early Christian literature (Das Neue Testament und frühchristli che Schriften, Publications).

Member of the Board of Advisors of several scholarly journals, such as The Translator (Man chester, St. Jerome), Sendebar (University of Granada, Spain), Cuaderns (Universitat Autòno ma de Barcelona), ACROSS LANGUAGES AND CULTURES (Budapest, Hungary), Cadernos de Tradu玢o (Florianopolis/Brasil). Member of the German Federal Association of Translators a nd Interpreters (BDÜ), the European Society of Translation Studies (EST), where she was a member of the Board from 1998 to 2001.


