
The London School 伦敦派 关键词:系 统;功能; 上下文 Lay
stress on the function of language and attaching great importance to the contexts of the system aspect of language
Hockett 霍凯特 Tagmatics 法位学 认知层次理论: 层次语法--把语言看做系 Cognitive 统关系--简化与概括 通过 stratificational
龙菲尔德时期的 Pike 派克 语言学
Sydney M Lamb 兰姆 节点和线把层次上的所有 theory 关系联系在一起,把语言 神经认知语言学 分析带入一个节点和线交 (Neurocogniti 织在一起的关系网络 ve linguistics) 美国结构主义的特征:1.共时 2.美国不 同于欧洲的许多的语言都有其历史文化 1.Descrptive instead of perscriptive 2. 背景,美国只有英语 3.任务:记录在迅 没有一套完整的语法规则 3.重视独特性, 速消亡的土著美国印第安人的语言(无 却不重视意义 书面记录,奇特,多样性大 为什么Bloomfield 对语意关注较少:整个印第安语与欧洲语言差异很大, 无必然联 系,而且,印第安语快灭绝了, 因此, 重描写。贡献:最大程度将印第安语记录下 来。反复的使用即刺激--反应--行为主义

《普通语言学教程》索绪尔绪论第一章语言学史一瞥语法(规范)-语文学(过于注重书面语)-比较语文学或比较语法(只比较)-新语法学派(语言集团集体精神的产物)第二章语言学的材料和任务;与毗邻科学的关系语言学的任务是:a 对一切能够得到的语言进行描写并整理他们的历史,尽可能重建每个语系的母语;b 寻求在一切语言中永恒地普遍地起作用的力量,整理出能概况一切历史特殊现象的一般规律;c 确定自己的界限和定义。
语言的特征是:1 他是言语活动事实的混杂的总体中的一个十分确定的对象,是言语的社会部分。
2 语言是人们能够分出来加以研究的对象。
3 言语是异质的,而规定下来的语言是同质的,它是一种符号系统,在系统中,只有意义和音响形象的结合是主要的,符号的两个部分都是心理的。

索绪尔瑞士语言学家费尔迪南•德•索绪尔(Ferdinand de saussure 1857-1913)是现代语言学的重要奠基者,也是结构主义的开创者之一。
《普通语言学教程》(Cours de Linguistique Generale)是索绪尔的代表性著作,集中体现了他的基本语言学思想,对二十世纪的现代语言学研究产生了深远的影响索绪尔去世后,他的两个学生巴利(Ch.Bally)和薛施霭(Albert Sechehaye),收集许多听课笔记,据此整理出《普通语言学教程》,1916年出版。

语言(langue) (社会的主要的 言语活动 (langage) 言语(parole) (个人的从属的
2.把语言学分为 内部语言学和外部语言学
❖ 内部语言学:研究语言本身的结构系统 的语言学。❖ 粗布裤—失礼❖ 裙 — 礼索绪尔的语言学说
形式:符号的外在形状、结构,以某种物质的 方式存在(如声音、线条、色彩)——可以感知 ——“能指”;
意义:符号所代表的内容——“所指” 符号是形式和意义的统一体,二者互相依存。
❖ 历时语言学(diachronic linguistics)集中研究 语言在较长历史时期所经历的变化,又称演化 语言学(evolutionary linguistics)。
❖ 20世纪80年代 : 漂亮妹妹——英俊哥哥
❖ 20世纪90年代: 靓妹——酷哥
❖ 20世纪90年代末—21世纪初: 美眉——靓仔 美女——帅哥
音节 bo p f m e 、 o de t n l ɡ k h … … … … 声 母 群 韵 母 群 索绪尔的语言学说
❖ 共时语言学(synchronic linguistics)就是研究 一种语言或多种语言在其历史发展中的某一阶 段的情况,即语言状态(language state),而 不考虑这种状态是怎样演化来的,又称静态语 言学(static linguistics)。
❖ 语词(声音)-->所指(概念)-->指称(现 实)。

第七章 索绪尔的语言理论(大字体)

第七章索绪尔语言理论简介瑞士语言学家索绪尔(F.De saussure)是现代语言学的奠基人。

…语言 (le langage / language) 在人类社会
(les sociétés humaines / human societies) 中起着
如此重要的作用 …
“Langage/ language/ 语言”是普遍的 ,为人类所共有 , 在人类 (各个) 社会中所起的作用也是同样重要的 。此 处的 langage ,可理解为人类区别于动物的活动或能力 。
(language) 这两个术语 ,否则 ,我们何以能找到 “人有思维的机能”或“人有思维的能力”,意思是一样
一种具体〈完整〉而统一的语言 (langue) 或言语 的 。
活动 (langage) 的现象 ?
(笔记 1 ,p . 627)
在每一个人身上 ,都存在着一种机能 ,可以
称为分节语言 (langage articulé/ articulated lan2
(langues / languages) 所独具的现象中剥离出来 。 学”;所谓“普通”(法文 générale ,英文 general ,德文 allge2
meine) ,等义于“普遍”、“一般”。“绝对合乎理性”的说
法 ,令人想起 17 世纪普遍唯理语法的传统 。
(笔记 1 ,p . 5)
存在 为 先 决 条 件 。 ……[ 一 种 ] langue ( a lan2 《普遍唯理语法》,书中也利用来自拉丁语的 articulus 这
guage) 存在的前提 ,则是所有个人使用者都具有 发音器官 。通过区分语言 (la langue / t he lan2
一概念 ,给词作了如下定义 “: 词是不同的 、清晰的声音 (sons distincts et articules) ,人类用这些声音构成符号 ,以 便表达思想 。”( 中译本 23224 页)

他的两个学生巴利和薛施 霭收集许多听课笔记,整 理出的《普通语言学教 程》,1916年出版。
《教程》成为语言学史乃 至学术史上一部重要的经 典著作部著作,开启了语言 整体结构研究的新阶段。
“语言学的唯一的、真正的对象是就语 言和为语言而研究的语言。”
后人考证这并不是索绪尔的原话,但却是和索 绪尔的整体思想一致的。这句话反映出在索绪 尔语言理论中,语言学的研究对象是语言自身, 研究方法是就语言结构自身来描写语言的存在, 而研究的目的就是对语言自身的把握。这正是 结构主义语言研究的基本特点。
(Ferdiand de sausure,1857-
1913),出生于瑞士日内 瓦的一个学者世家,祖籍 法国。
1857年生于日内瓦 。 自小受到良好的语言教育和语言学教育,掌握
法语、德语、英语和拉丁语,初通梵文。 1872年,15岁的索绪尔写了一篇《语言论》。 1875年,在日内瓦大学学习两个学期的化学、
廓清了语言研究的多种途径,为语言学各个分支 的研究奠定了重要的基础。
提出了新的语言学术语范畴: 内部语言学与外部语言学,共时和历时,语言 和言语等 ,使得语言作为一门独立的学科的 研究更趋严密精确
物理和博物学。 1876年索绪尔转入德国莱比锡大学学语言学。

索绪尔的《普通语言学教程》1.前言《普通语言学教程》是由美国语言学家George L. Trager和Bernard Bloch于1941年合著而成。

从《普通语言学教程》中的比喻看索绪尔二元对立的语言理论“现代语言学之父”索绪尔(F.De Saussure)是19世纪末20世纪初最杰出的语言学家。
一、内部语言学和外部语言学索绪尔把语言学分为内部语言学和外部语言学,区分了语言的内部要素(internal element)和外部要素(external element)。
现代语言学的开端——索绪尔(The beginning of modern linguistics -- Saussure)

现代语言学的开端——索绪尔(The beginning of modernlinguistics -- Saussure)The beginning of modern linguistics - SaussureI. biography and backgroundThe realism, restriction and systematicness of Dirk's modern sociology; Freud's psychology; Whitney's languageSymbolism, convention, arbitrariness, variability, invarianceTwo, comparative linguistics1, it points out that the comparative linguistic school does not specify the nature of its object of study2, it distinguishes the two methods of comparative linguistics: facing the law and reviewing the law3, point out that the method of reconstruction is comparative law, and the only purpose of comparison is to rebuild. The purpose of reconstruction is to record research results, not merely to restore a form, but the form of reconstruction helps to look at the whole type of a language and indicates some common linguistic facts. There are three factors for reconstruction: the number of phonemes that distinguish a word; each language has a certain number of phonemes; the quality of the phonemes does not need to be described; it is enough to look at different entities.4, correct the Schleicher language evolution theory, points out that language is constantly changing, a language does not always belong to a type of language, the same language does not necessarily belong to the same language type. Some languages, such as English and Irish, have become another language type. In the same Indo European languages, the inflection gradually diminished, but Slavic language resisted the change and almost all English inflections disappeared.5, basically agree with the new grammar school's point of view, change and analogy are two phonemes promote language change. An analogical form is a form created by one or more other forms, by a specific principle. Such as pension - pensionaire, so intervention - interventionaire. And points out that analogy is not language change, but language creation, because the two words can coexist for some time. Analogies always arise from spoken language, and its basic elements already exist before the creation of a form. In this sense, analogy is a grammatical phenomenon.Three, language and speech1, the dual nature of language: sound image and vocal action; speech and semantics; personal and social aspects; speech itself is the social system; it is also the evolution processThe language phenomenon is divided into speech activity, speech, language, speech activity = language (social, psychological) + speech (personal, psychological, physical). The speech is divided into two parts: speech "is the sum of what people say, including (a) to the speaker's will for personal portfoliotransfer, (b) needed to achieve these combinations are also related to will behavior and pronunciation. So there is nothing in speech that is collective, and its expression is personal and temporary." "It is the will of the individual and intelligent behavior, which should be distinguished (1) combination of speakers which the application rules of the language to express his personal ideas; (2) makes it possible for him to show the combination of these psychological * physical mechanism."2. Language and speech: the two are closely related. Language is both a tool of speech and a product of speech.Linguistic norms; the means of social speech expression; a single mental movementThe act of expressing language; variety; material performance3, the external research and internal research of languageThe external study of language refers to the study of the relationship between language and ethnology, culture, politics, language policy, geographical distribution, and so on.4, the object and task of LinguisticsObject: the only true object of linguistics is language and the language to which language is studiedMission: to describe and organize the history of language; to analyze the universal laws; to determine the boundaries anddefinitions of LinguisticsFour, the symbolic nature of languageSaussure was the founder of Semiotics (semiology).1, symbolic. The name of the language is not symbolic connection of things, but the concept and the sound image, the latter is not a matter of sound, purely physical things, but the sound psychological imprinting, combined with the concept of sound and image of the symbolic. Call the concept "signified". The audio image is called "signifier","It can show the antagonism between them, and show the opposition between them and the whole they belong to."2, arbitrariness. The relation between the signified and the fingers is arbitrary, and there is no natural and necessary connection. It is impossible to prove that there is no natural connection between the reality and it is arbitrary.3, invariance. The arbitrariness of language should not suggest that the signifier is entirely dependent on the free choice of the speaker, but that it is not free, but coercive, to the language society in which it is used. The same reason: "any sign itself actually makes the language is designed to enable him to try to avoid" change, cannot prove who is more reasonable; there must be a lot of language symbols, the symbol is difficult to change; the use of symbols by the control group; the inert collective of all language innovation resistance. Not only because it is tied to the collective town stone, but alsobecause it is in time."4, linear relationship. Signifier is a sound in language and must depend on the order of time, one by one. "It represents a length that can only be measured in one dimension: it is a straight line.".5, chain relations. When speaking, a symbolic link emerged to become a symbol and symbol sequence, each before and after opposition in order to obtain their value, relationship with lines based inter symbol called linkage (or combination relationship), combined with this relationship is called structure.6, association. A symbol can also cause many associations, meaningful associations, forms (roots, affixes), associations, and so on, also called choice relations and paradigmatic relations. Relating to or occupying the same location in a structure. Saussure believes that the whole language organization is nothing more than the use of these two relationships.Five, systems and values1. System: the language symbol is not purely the fact of the language, but the component element of the system. The system represents language; the system is always temporary and changes from one state to another.2, valueIn the language, and every element due to the elements of other opposition to its value, the value of Ci not by the relation between the object of it to determine, but by its relation to other words in the language and the position to decide. Value is the function of the system, and the value is the meaning of the language fact in the language system.Words that have the same meaning do not necessarily have the same value. Such as French Mouton and English sheep, because the two are different in their vocabulary (table below); the plural of French is different from the plural value of sanskrit.Value is issued by the system, so "language is form, not substance."".(value) the functional characteristics of an entity when examined in a rule governed system. From Saussure's point of view, language is a system of independent items in which the value of each item depends only on the simultaneous existence of other items. They are connected by syntagmatic and paradigmatic relationsSix, synchronic linguistics and diachronic linguistics1, the definition of synchronic linguistics (synchronic: Linguistics) is the study of a language or languages in a certain stage of the historical development of the situation, the state of the language (language state), regardless of how this state evolved, also known as static Linguistics (static Linguistics); diachronic linguistics (diachronic linguistics) change focus on language experience in the long historicalperiod, also known as evolutionary linguistics (evolutionary linguistics). Saussure believes that this does not mean the two major components of linguistics, but the two research methods.2. Sources: synchronic linguistics and diachronic linguistics are based on the distinction between language and speech. All language belongs to the diachronic, but only because of speech." In other words, synchronic linguistics is only concerned with language, while diachronic linguistics is concerned with language.3, the difference:Relationships with systems, methods, scope, propertiesThe synchronic language system itself collects data and analyzes all the coexisting phenomena of a languageDuration has nothing to do with the language system. The positive and review methods can be regarded as compulsory measures in several languages4 Views: synchronic linguistics is more important than linguistics; two can not study, "these two views - synchronic perspective and diachronic viewpoint of opposites is absolute, does not allow any compromise; diachronic linguistic phenomenon does not change the language system, language change is accidental (after being in Prague School criticism)5, from the two points of view, each grammar school:Criticism of history, comparative linguistics, "preoccupied with the aspect of tenses", the understanding of language is "mixed", "hesitant"".Criticism of traditional grammar has nothing to do with word formation; it is normative...... Rather than affirm the facts; lack the whole point of view; do not distinguish between written and spoken language".The praise Luowayaer grammar "faithfully follow a horizontal axis, never deviated from, so this method is correct."To defend classical grammar, "the object of it is more explicit."".Seven, the influence of SaussureSaussure's historical influence can be divided into two major aspects:First, he puts forward the general direction for modern linguistics, defines the nature of language, and sets the task of Linguistics: to analyze language as a unit, system and relational system. The various linguistic schools of the twentieth Century were influenced and inspired by his thoughts and drew nourishment from them.Second, Saussure makes several main distinctions: language and parole, synchronic linguistics and diachronic linguistics, interlocking relation and choice relation. Most of the work in linguistics is now exploring the true meaning and nature ofthese concepts.He not only pays attention to individual and concrete problems, but also pays more attention to the study of the whole structure of Indo European languages. He not only studies historical linguistics, but also pays more attention to general linguistic theories. His theory marked the beginning of modern linguistics.Saussure, and, His, Main, ContributionsSichuan Radio and TV University, Tan Ruijuan________________________________________[Abstract] This paper probes into the father of modern linguistics, Ferdinand de Saussure and his main contributions to linguistics. Ferdinand de Saussure was responsible for three key directions in the study of language. He distinguished between the synchronic and diachronic dimensions of language study, and made a distinction between langue and parole. Furthermore, Saussure assumed that language is a system of signs. He suggested that all signs have a signifier and a signified in common.[Key, words] Saussure, Main, contributions, LinguisticsFerdinand de Saussure (1857-1913) was a Swiss linguist who occupies an important place in the history of linguistics. He was the pivotal figure in the transition from the 19th to 20th century, and is generally considered the founder of modernlinguistics. Saussure was a classmate of Brugmann and Leskien, and an important figure in the young grammarians. He published a few highly respected papers, but his more influential work was published after his death.他在日内瓦大学的学生们对他的演讲印象深刻,他们认为他关于语言问题的想法是独到的,有见地的,应该加以保留。

这里,我们概要地介绍一下索绪尔的生平和他的《普通语言学教程》,并从历史的角度 分析一下他的语言思想具有的划时代性的历史地位以及理论的局限。
费尔迪南·德·索绪尔(Ferdiand de sausure,1857-1913),出生于瑞士日内瓦的一个学者世 家,祖籍法国。他的家族中多自然科学家,有自然科学研究的传统。祖父是地质学和矿物学 教授,父亲是地质学家和博物学家。但他父亲的一位挚友阿道夫·皮科特(Adolph Pictet)研 究语言古生物学,他引导索绪尔学习语言学,这使得索绪尔很早就掌握了欧洲多种语言以及 古拉丁语和希腊语。上中学时索绪尔就已经开始学习梵语了。
索绪尔的语言思想很具有时代性,他通过对语言系统的阐释提供了一个新的把握世界的 方式,这就是结构主义的方法和原则。从结构主义的观点出发,世界是由各种关系而不是事 物构成的,在任何既定情境里,一种因素的本质就其本身而言是没有意义的,它的意义事实 上是由它和既定情境中的其他因素之间的关系决定的。要对整体有所认识,必须由整体出发 切分出要素,而这些要素是彼此联系的。

索绪尔普通语言学教程英语Ferdinand de Saussure's "Course in General Linguistics" is a seminal text that laid the foundation for modern-day linguistics. Saussure's distinction between 'langue' and'parole' is one of the central ideas of his linguistic theory. 'Langue' refers to the system of language, the abstract and systematic rules and conventions that govern a language. It is the social side of language, the community's reservoir of linguistic resources. 'Parole,' on the other hand, is the individual act of selection and actualization; it is the concrete use of language in specific instances.Saussure also introduced the concept of the linguistic sign, which unites a 'signifier' (the sound pattern of a word) with a 'signified' (the concept or meaning of the word). This relationship is arbitrary and based on convention; there is no inherent reason why a particular signifier should be attached to a particular signified. This arbitrariness is what allows language to evolve and change over time.Another key concept is the idea of 'synchronic' versus 'diachronic' linguistics. Synchronic linguistics studies language at a particular point in time, typically the present, without considering historical context. Diachronic linguistics, on the other hand, looks at the development and evolution of language over time. Saussure's focus was on synchronic linguistics, as he believed that studying the language system at a specific moment was the most scientific approach to understanding linguistic phenomena.Saussure's work also delves into the structure of language, suggesting that the relationship between different linguistic elements is more crucial than their individual identity. This structuralist approach views language as a system of interdependent parts where the value of each element is determined by its relation to others within the system.The impact of Saussure's ideas extends beyond linguistics into other fields such as anthropology, psychology, and philosophy, influencing structuralism and semiotics. His work has prompted scholars to consider the underlying structures that govern all systems of human communication.In conclusion, Saussure's "Course in General Linguistics" is not just a study of language but a framework for understanding the fundamental aspects of human communication. His insights into the nature of linguistic signs, the arbitrariness of the sign, and the importance of structural relations within language systems continue to resonate in contemporary linguistic theory. Saussure's legacy is evident in the ongoing exploration of how language shapes and is shaped by human experience. Through his pioneering ideas, Saussure has ensured that the study of language is not just about words and grammar but about the very essence of human interaction and culture. 。

三、 索绪尔“语言”“言语”区分理论对英语口语教学的启示
语言习得是一个复杂的过程,其中包括听、说、读、写等方方面面。“语言学习最终的目的是将其付诸实践,因此言语交际是语言学习的高级阶段,是语言的本质” (李江,2000)。也就是说,言语是语言的前提和基础,语言是言语的抽象。语言存在与言语之中,但是语言只有通过言语才能表现出来。而言语交际是语言的最终归宿。因此,英语教师必须明确语言教学的本质目的是提高学生的言语交际能力,即学生的口语表达能力。为了达到这一目的,我们应该借鉴索绪尔语言和言语区分理论,了解二者之间的关系。在英语口语教学中,我们应该遵循这样的一个规律:“言语”先行,帮助学生提高语言能力,最终使学生以语言为系统指导,付诸实践,进行言语交际。
二、 索绪尔“语言”和“言语”的本质
在《普通语言学教程》一书中,索绪尔回答了语言研究的对象问题。他提出,“语言研究包括两个部分,本质的部分把本质上是社会的和独立于个人的语言系统本身视为研究对象,这是纯粹的心理研究;次要的部分把言语行为中个人的方面即言语也包括发音视为研究对象,这是心理-物理研究。” (Saussure,2001:19)根据他的观点,我们可以发现者两部分是主要和次要的关系,两者紧密相联而又互为前提。
索绪尔语言学signifier signified

索绪尔语言学signifier signified索绪尔语言学是当代语言学中一个非常重要的分支,它主要探讨的是语言的本质及其运作机制。
例如在中文中,“苹果”这个词就是一个signifier,它用汉字形式表示,同时也可以用拼音“ping-guo”来表达;在英语中,apple 就是一个signifier,它用26个字母排列组成。
换句话说,signified 是signifier所映射的意义,而signifier则是用来传达这个意义的符号形式。

《普通语言学教程》索绪尔绪论第一章语言学史一瞥语法(规范)-语文学(过于注重书面语)-比较语文学或比较语法(只比较)-新语法学派(语言集团集体精神的产物)第二章语言学的材料和任务;与毗邻科学的关系语言学的任务是:a 对一切能够得到的语言进行描写并整理他们的历史,尽可能重建每个语系的母语;b 寻求在一切语言中永恒地普遍地起作用的力量,整理出能概况一切历史特殊现象的一般规律;c 确定自己的界限和定义。
语言的特征是:1 他是言语活动事实的混杂的总体中的一个十分确定的对象,是言语的社会部分。
2 语言是人们能够分出来加以研究的对象。
3 言语是异质的,而规定下来的语言是同质的,它是一种符号系统,在系统中,只有意义和音响形象的结合是主要的,符号的两个部分都是心理的。

《普通语言学教程》索绪尔绪论第一章语言学史一瞥语法(规范)-语文学(过于注重书面语)-比较语文学或比较语法(只比较)-新语法学派(语言集团集体精神的产物)第二章语言学的材料和任务;与毗邻科学的关系语言学的任务是:a 对一切能够得到的语言进行描写并整理他们的历史,尽可能重建每个语系的母语;b 寻求在一切语言中永恒地普遍地起作用的力量,整理出能概况一切历史特殊现象的一般规律;c 确定自己的界限和定义。
语言的特征是:1 他是言语活动事实的混杂的总体中的一个十分确定的对象,是言语的社会部分。
2 语言是人们能够分出来加以研究的对象。
3 言语是异质的,而规定下来的语言是同质的,它是一种符号系统,在系统中,只有意义和音响形象的结合是主要的,符号的两个部分都是心理的。
索绪尔 普通语言学教程 单词

绪论第二章语言的材料和任务;它和毗邻科学的关系Data and Aims of Linguistics:Connexions with Related Sciencesearly periods早期classical periods中古elegant优美的aim任务parent language母语incorporate归入,划分unravel阐明/解决/破坏unilateral单方面的phonic声音的/语音学的,语音的/有声的nature本质language言语denounce揭破eradicate消除第三章语言学的对象The Object of StudyObject对象prior优先的Perceive察觉,理解articulated连接的Auditory impression音响形象Articulatory发音physiologically生理Evolution演变institution制度Ontogenesis个体发生illusory虚假的,幻觉的Muddle混在一起的prescriptive规范的Language faculty语言机能astride跨Human phenomena人文事实discernible可识别的Substitute代替visual image虚拟形象Lesion损害localization区域化essence本质sign符号foster孕育superior较高的syllable音节/划分音节vocal organs发音器官reducible可减少的psychologically心理product产物simultaneously同时的manifestation表明,显示classification分类whole统一体aphasia失语症absurdity荒谬Linguistic structure语言identification识别sensation感觉Executive执行receptive接受passive被动的Association联合配置crystallization结晶化Reproduce复制collectivity集体speech言语Envisage设想social bond社会纽带ancillary补充的,从属的Apprenticeship见习期separate分开heterogeneous异质的Homogeneous同质的amenable有责任的,经得起考验的Abstractions抽象概念tangible有形的,明确的,实际的Writing文字fix固定utterance发音Represent描绘visual image视觉形象constant固定的Repository宝库,贮藏处semiology符号学the deaf-and-dumb聋哑人Symbolic rites象征仪式hitherto现在stifle窒息,扼杀,掩盖Nomenclature 分类命名集第四章语言的语言学和言语的语言学第五章语言的内部要素和外部要素Internal and external elements of a languageEthnology民族学civilization文明intermingle混杂在一起Reminiscent怀旧的、提醒的correspondence对应关系conquest征服Incalculable数不清的,不可预料的colonization殖民Danish丹麦语。

绪论第一章 A Brief Survey of History of Linguisticsinstitute 建立,实行prescriptive 规范性的Alexandria 亚历山大Philology 语文学inaugurate 倡导scientific 学术上的literary 文学的institution 制度criticism 考订insofar 只有/在…范围内/达到…程度decipher 解密archaic 古代的problematic 难懂的couch v. 表达、措辞slavishly 如奴隶般的subservient 有帮助的/奉承的antiquity 古代文物affinity 亲属关系furnish 提供elucidation 说明,解释Sanskrit 梵语broader 广阔的sounder 牢固的Paradigm 范例/词性变化(表)Latin 拉丁语hypothesis 假定Vowel 元音Proto-Indo-European 印欧语faithful 如实的havoc 杂乱,浩劫by chance 偶然,意外Germanic 日耳曼语etymological 词源学comparative mythology 比较神话学school 学派principle 原理mutual 互相的,共有的codification 法典编纂systematization 系统阐述volume 著作instead of 然而warrant n授权/搜查证/理由/委任书/证明vt.批准/成为…的根据/向…论证/[ 口]断言elude 困惑/躲避exclusive 高级的/排外的/独有的validate 使生效/承认/验证Bizarre 异乎寻常的permissible 可容许的methodological 方法论的Initial stage 初期magnify 放大attest 证明Restrict 限制,约束Junggrammatiker 新语法学派inadequacy 不足第二章语言的材料和任务;它和毗邻科学的关系Data and Aims of Linguistics: Connexionswith Related Sciencesearly periods 早期classical periods 中古elegant 优美的aim 任务parent language 母语incorporate 归入,划分unravel 阐明/解决/破坏unilateral 单方面的esse nee 本质phonic 声音的/语音学的,语音的/有声的sign 符号nature 本质language 言语foster 孕育denounce 揭破eradicate 消除第三章语言学的对象The Object of StudyObject 对象prior 优先的superior 较高的Perceive 察觉,理解articulated 连接的syllable 音节/划分音节Auditory impression 音响形象voeal organs 发音器官Phonetic 语音的duality 二重性redueible 可减少的Articulatory 发音physiologically 生理psyehologieally 心理Evolution 演变institution 制度produet 产物Ontogenesis 个体发生illusory 虚假的,幻觉的simultaneously同时的Muddle 混在一起的prescriptive 规范的manifestation 表明,显示Language faculty 语言机能astride 跨elassifieation 分类Human phenomena 人文事实discernible 可识别的whole 统一体Substitute 代替visual image 虚拟形象aphasia 失语症Lesion 损害localization 区域化absurdity 荒谬Linguistic structure语言identification 识别sensation 感觉Executive 执行receptive 接受passive 被动的第四章语言的语言学和言语的语言学Linguistics of language structure and linguisticsMap out 确定…地位 symphony 交响乐assistance 帮助Suffice 足够,满足 subsidiary 次要的 presuppose 前提Precede nee 在前in terdepe ndence 互相依赖 absolute 妨碍 Deliberate 谨慎的,故意的interference 阻碍,干涉 comprise 包括 Ephemeral 暂时的impossible 不可能clarify 阐明Blur 抹杀第五章语言的内部要素和外部要素Internal and external elements of a languageEthnology 民族学 civilization 文明 intermingle 混杂在一起 Reminiscent 怀旧的、提醒的 correspondence 对应关系 conquest 征服 Incalculable 数不清的,不可预料的colonization 殖民Reproduce 复制 collectivity 集体 speech 言语 Envisage 设想 social bond 社会纽带 ancillary 补充的,从属的Apprenticeship 见习期 separate 分开heterogeneous 异质的Homogeneous 同质的 amenable 有责任的,经得起考验的Abstractions 抽象概念 tangible 有形的,明确的,实际的 Writing 文字 fix 固定utterance 发音 Represent 描绘visual image 视觉形象 constant 固定的 Repository 宝库,贮藏处 semiology 符号学 the deaf-and-dumb 聋哑人 Symbolic rites 象征仪式 hitherto 现在stifle 窒息,扼杀,掩盖Association 联合配置crystallization 结晶化Nomenclature 分类命名集Danish 丹麦语。
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绪论第一章 A Brief Survey of History of Linguisticsinstitute 建立,实行prescriptive 规范性的Alexandria 亚历山大Philology 语文学inaugurate 倡导scientific 学术上的literary 文学的institution 制度criticism 考订insofar 只有/在…范围内/达到…程度decipher 解密archaic 古代的problematic 难懂的couch v. 表达、措辞slavishly 如奴隶般的subservient 有帮助的/奉承的antiquity 古代文物affinity 亲属关系furnish 提供elucidation 说明,解释Sanskrit 梵语broader 广阔的sounder 牢固的Paradigm 范例/词性变化(表)Latin 拉丁语hypothesis 假定Vowel 元音Proto-Indo-European 印欧语faithful 如实的havoc 杂乱,浩劫by chance 偶然,意外Germanic 日耳曼语etymological 词源学comparative mythology 比较神话学school 学派principle 原理mutual 互相的,共有的codification 法典编纂systematization 系统阐述volume 著作instead of 然而warrant n.授权/搜查证/理由/委任书/证明vt. 批准/成为…的根据/向…论证/[口]断言elude 困惑/躲避exclusive 高级的/排外的/独有的validate 使生效/承认/验证Bizarre 异乎寻常的permissible 可容许的methodological 方法论的Initial stage 初期magnify 放大attest 证明Restrict 限制,约束Junggrammatiker 新语法学派inadequacy 不足第二章语言的材料和任务;它和毗邻科学的关系Data and Aims of Linguistics:Connexions with Related Sciencesearly periods 早期classical periods 中古elegant 优美的aim 任务parent language 母语incorporate 归入,划分unravel 阐明/解决/破坏unilateral 单方面的essence 本质phonic 声音的/语音学的,语音的/有声的sign 符号nature 本质language 言语foster 孕育denounce 揭破eradicate 消除第三章语言学的对象The Object of StudyObject 对象prior 优先的superior 较高的Perceive 察觉,理解articulated 连接的syllable 音节/划分音节Auditory impression 音响形象vocal organs 发音器官Phonetic 语音的duality 二重性reducible 可减少的Articulatory 发音physiologically 生理psychologically 心理Evolution 演变institution 制度product 产物Ontogenesis 个体发生illusory 虚假的,幻觉的simultaneously 同时的Muddle 混在一起的prescriptive 规范的manifestation 表明,显示Language faculty 语言机能astride 跨classification 分类Human phenomena 人文事实discernible 可识别的whole 统一体Substitute 代替visual image 虚拟形象aphasia 失语症Lesion 损害localization 区域化absurdity 荒谬Linguistic structure 语言identification 识别sensation 感觉Executive 执行receptive 接受passive 被动的Association 联合配置crystallization 结晶化Reproduce 复制collectivity 集体speech 言语Envisage 设想social bond 社会纽带ancillary 补充的,从属的Apprenticeship 见习期separate 分开heterogeneous 异质的Homogeneous 同质的amenable 有责任的,经得起考验的Abstractions 抽象概念tangible 有形的,明确的,实际的Writing 文字fix 固定utterance 发音Represent 描绘visual image 视觉形象constant 固定的Repository 宝库,贮藏处semiology 符号学the deaf-and-dumb 聋哑人Symbolic rites 象征仪式hitherto 现在stifle 窒息,扼杀,掩盖Nomenclature 分类命名集第四章语言的语言学和言语的语言学Linguistics of language structure and linguisticsMap out 确定…地位symphony 交响乐assistance 帮助Suffice 足够,满足subsidiary 次要的presuppose 前提Precedence 在前interdependence 互相依赖absolute 妨碍Deliberate 谨慎的,故意的interference 阻碍,干涉comprise 包括Ephemeral 暂时的impossible 不可能clarify 阐明Blur 抹杀第五章语言的内部要素和外部要素Internal and external elements of a languageEthnology 民族学civilization 文明intermingle 混杂在一起Reminiscent 怀旧的、提醒的correspondence 对应关系conquest 征服Incalculable 数不清的,不可预料的colonization 殖民Danish 丹麦语。
丹麦人Denmark 丹麦Norwegians 挪威人Switzerland 瑞士coexistence 并存unification 统一Literary 文学intimately 紧密的salon 沙龙Reciprocal 相互的geographical extension 地理上扩展Fragmentation into dialects 方言分裂Realia 实物知识Constantly 不断地borrowings 借词provenance 来源Organic 有机的remote 偏远的valleys 山村Abnormality 异常,畸形artificial 人工的,假的Zend 禅德语Old Slavonic 古斯拉夫语undergo 经受demonstration 证据Enumeration 列举,细目Persia 波斯ivory 象牙第六章文字表现和语言Representation of a language by writingIntrude 侵入,打扰compile 汇编,收集taint 污染,腐蚀Retard 阻止,推迟ascendancy 凌驾stability 稳定Undermine 侵蚀usurp 侵占,盗用misconception 错觉Lithuanian 立陶宛语successor 继承者artificial 虚拟的Unwarranted 不该有的reverse 颠倒victory 胜利Orthography 书写,拼写ideographic system 表意体系phonetic system 表音体系Irreducible 不能再缩减的objectionable 令人厌烦的prototype 原型Harmony 和谐in the case 由此可见repercussion 影响,反冲Constituent 由…构成etymological 词源上的preoccupation 偏见Obscure 遮掩,模糊aspiration 送气音exhaustive 花费时间的Vowel 元音indicate 指出aberration 过失Monosyllabic word 一个音节consonants 复辅音complication 情况Fluctuating 举棋不定phonetic 音位的chronological 按时间顺序记载Garment 衣服disguise 假扮,掩饰grammarian 语法学家Pronounce 念pronunciation 念法compound 混合的,合成的Contravene 违反,否认initial 开头的aspirate 送气的Ghost 虚构东西liaison 连音elision 元音省略Etymological 词源derivation 派生transcription 转写Vacuous 枉费的defensible 可防御的,可拥护的tranny 晶体straightforward 肯定的,简单的,正直的genuine 真的,由衷的monstrosity 怪物,畸形,丑恶distortion 畸形第七章音位学Physiological phoneticsPhysiological phonetics 音位学amorphous 没有形状的cork float 救生圈Vague 模糊地the physiology of articulated sound 发音生理学weight Pitfall 陷阱auxiliary 辅助的phonetics 语音学Inappropriate 不合适的mechanism 机构incompatible 不相容的Stress 强调,重读音,使紧张none the less 但是tapestry 挂毯Strand 搁浅,使处于困境outline 梗概transcription 音位学文字Be given due weight 被考虑abdicative sounds 外破音adductive sounds 内破音Diacritic 能区分的,区别发音符号counterbalance 使平衡,明显的,出色的Evidence 证据conclusion 结论contemporary 同代的Hypotheses 假设rigour 严谨regularity 有规则的Eliminate 消除departure 离开,背离,偏差diphthong 复合元音Palatal consonant 腭音dental consonant 齿音poetic text 诗歌Versification 诗体alliteration 头韵assonance 半韵Rhyme 脚韵pun 双关语parody 改编诗Gothic 峨特语revolutionary 革命的tribunal 法庭Revision 改造。