



Unit 1 How many?一Analysis of the Teaching Material.How many? is the content of WY version, from Grade 3, Grade 3 Book 1 Module 5 Unit1. This lesson is mainly around the numbers and focus on how to ask and answer . This is the first time for students to learn the numbers in this term, and there are eight numbers. So it’s a little difficult for them to grasp the sentence and the numbers ‘How many? One/two/three/four/five/six/seven/eight.’二Analysis of Students’ Learning.My students come from countryside, they haven’t learned English before. And they have a great passion for learning English. They are lively. They dare to think and dare to do. They like acting. So according to the characteristic of the students, I try to adopt a more interesting teaching method to attract their attention in the class.三Teaching Aims.(一)Knowledge aims: students can listen, speak and read the targetwords ‘one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight’ correctly and grasp the target sentence ‘How many?’ and answer it by numbers correctly.(二)Ability aims: develop students’ abilities of using language and theabilities of communication and cooperation with others.(三)Emotion aims: develop students’ interests of learning English.(四)Important points and difficult points:1.The important point is to say the numbers correctly—‘one, two,three, four, five, six, seven, eight’(五) 2.The difficult point is to understand and use the target sentence‘How many’ and answer it by numbers correctly.四Teaching Method.According to the teaching aims and students’ characteristic, I adopt Situation Teaching Method, Interactive Teaching Method, Inductive Teaching Method, Game Teaching Method, Task Teaching Method and Chant Teaching Method, to develop students’ ability of learning English synthetically.五Teaching Preparation.I prepared PPT, word cards, a panda picture and stickers.六Teaching Procedures.Step1. Warm-up.a.Greetings(self-introduction, groups)b.Sing a song. PLEASE STAND UP(M3U2A4)Please stand up. Please sit down.Point to the window and point to the door.Please stand up. Please sit down.Point to the blackboard and point to the door.Please stand up. Please sit down.Point to the desk and point to the door.Step2. Revision—Big Eyes.Show pictures of ‘blackboard, window, door, boy, desk, chair, bird, panda’ fast and ask students to say the words loudly.Step3. Lead-in and the task-presentation.Set a scene, T says ‘I bring you a friend--panda, if you perform well I’ll give you the panda. OK?Step4. Presentation.a.New sentence and words, show PPT, ‘How many pandas? One.’learn ‘how many, one’ .b.Tell students ’The panda is going to school and he goes into the classroom. ‘Ooh, there are so many things.’, the panda says. First, he seessome blackboards, let’s count them with him. ‘One, two.’ then show word cards and learn the word ’two’.c.Then the panda sees some windows, ‘How many windows?’ ’One, two,three’,Three.’ Then show word cards and learn the word ’three’.d.Then show doors/boys/desks/chairs/birds, learn the words ’four/five/six/seven/eight at the same way.’Step5.Practice.a.Which one is missing?b.Look and match.Step5. Consolidation.PK. Who is the winner?Step6. Chant.How many pandas? One, one,one.How many blackboards? Two,two,twoHow many windows? Three, three,three.How many doors? Four, four,four.How many boys? Five, five,five.How many desks? Six, six,six.How many chairs? Seven, seven,seven.How many birds? Eight, eight,eight.Step6. Summary.a.I’ve learned...from this lesson.ment on students’ performance.Step7. Homework.(Choose one to do.)1. Read the words and sentences after the tape.2. Find your stationary and count with friends.3. Draw your favourite animals and count them.七Blackboard Design.To show the important points and the difficult points clearly, my blackboard design is like this:M5U1 How many?How many...?One./Two./Three./Four./Five./Six./Seven./Eight.。


4.Look and listen看课本,听录音
接着教师播放本部分的动ET'How many?对话练习”,让 学生观看动画。
T: Please turn to page 26. Let's look at Activity 2. Now Panpan is a magician, he will pull out rabbits from an empty hat. How many rabbits will he pull out? Let's watch and find.
2.学生能够运用句型How many?来询问数量。
1.学生能够理解和运用数字单词one, two, three, four (five, six, seven, eight);
2.学生能够运用句型How many?来询问数量。
Module 5
课时划分:共分2课时第 1 课时Unit1How many?
木模块是三年级教材的第五模块,教学的内容是针对数量的询问和表达。 本模块共有两个单兀。Unit1和Unit2各 个课时。
本课时是本模块的第一课时Unit1How many?通过熊猫Panpan一边变 魔术,一边数自己变出来的兔子的数量,呈现了从一到八的英文单词,以及 询问数量的问句How many?对于前四个数字单词,教帅可以引导学生反复 操练,像顺口溜一样让学生牢记读音。
1.学生能够理解和运用数字单词one, two, three, four (five, six, seven, eight);



Module 5Unit 1 She goes to school on Mondays.教学目标:a 知识目标:Students can read " plays, goes to school, goes to work“ and know Chinese meaning of these words.b 能力目标:Students can say “She /he /does."c 情感态度目标:Students like to say "She /he does ... She /he doesn' t." 教材的重点:plays, goes 教材的难点:第三人称的转换教学准备word cards.Teaching procedures:Step one: lead-inGreeting1.Do with meT: Now, stand up! watch TV, play basketball, play football.(学生品艮着教师做动作,既是对前面内容的复习,又能从中猜测新词的意思。

)T: Sit down, please!Step two: RevisionQuestion: What do you like?Ss: What do you like? I like....T: Great! Football Ss: I like football.T: TVSs: I like TV.T: swimming Ss: I like swimming.T: fish Ss: I like fish.T: Now, all of you have new names. Group 1, you are football. Group2, you areTV. Group 3, you are swimming. Group4, you are books.Step three: I do, you say.T: I will do some action. Please tell me what the action is.(教师分另ll做like meat , go to school ,play football 的动作。



M5 Unit 1 How many?Ⅰ.Teaching goals:1.The knowledge goal.Let them to learn the new words:one two three four five.....And let them to learn the sentence:How many?2.The ability goal.Let them read the numbers from 1 to 8.To increase their reading and speaking skills.3.The emotional goal.Let them count the number use English in their daily life .Then talk to others.Ⅱ.Teaching difficult:1.key pointNew words:one two three four five six seven eight .New sentence:How many?2.hard pointTo read the numbers and the sentence all. Leteveryone can read them.Ⅲ.Teaching steps:Step 1:Lead-in:Sing a song.(please stand up)Step 2:Review the numbers with PPT.One two three four five six seven eight.(纠正孩子们的发音)Step 3:Look and see which number can you read?Please hands up.S1:two S2:four S3:seven.......Step 4:Teach them the number with difficult ways.(加上身体动作举手、抬脚、起立)Step 5:Now let’s count the number.there is something in my packet,let’s count it together.(8个棒棒糖、三朵花、五朵小花)Step 6:Play a game:Guess the numbers,How many ?PPT设计一个框,孩子们猜猜里面有几个事物,举手猜猜,猜对的孩子得一面红旗。



Module5 Unit 1 How many?教学目标1、能听懂、会说和认读单词:pen pencil ruler crayon pencil box 2、能听懂、会说本课重点句型:How many books do you have ? /I have one book. / Three.3、能在真实情景下,运用How many…?询问物品数量多少。


教学重点1> 单词教学:pen pencil ruler crayon pencil box (实物教学法)2、句型教学:How many ... ? /1 have ...(情景教学法)教学难点1、师生之间、学生之间能够运用本课重点句型及单词进行简单交流。



教学过程Step 1 .Warming up:T: Hello! / Hi / How are you ?(师生相互问候,增进师生情感)Review :(1).以唱《字母歌》的形式复习26个英文字母。

(2) .以师生问答的形式复习与本课内容相关的旧知识:T: Whafs this ?(手中举着一本书)SI: It's a book.Step2. New lesson、listen and learn(利用实物文具学单词)T:(教师手中拿起一支钢笔)大声说a pen.然后领读,让学生也拿起自己钢笔大声的模仿读“It,s a pen.”教师利用此法依次教学其它单词。

and say(1).师生问答活动T: What's this ?Ss: Ifs a ....⑵.学生问答活动SI: Whafsthis?S2: It's a ....and write要求学生在练习本上严格按四线三格书写规则认真规范书写上面学生的单词,边写边读):游戏活动(先师生,后生生)游戏规则:教师把一件学习用品遮盖起来,然后用英语问学生是什么,让学生用英语猜。



Module 5 Unit 1一、教学目标(-)知识目标.能识别one to eight这八个数字。

1.能用“How many ?”询问个数。

(二)能力目标能用“How many?”进行询问,识别one to eight这八个数字。


二、教学栏目Listen and say. & Practise.三、教学重点识别one to eight这八个数字。

四、教学难点用“How many?”询问个数。

五、教学步骤Step 1 Presentation1.Teacher shows some objects and say: Boys and girls, Ms Liu brings you many things, Let's see, what are they?T says: Oh, so many ... How many? Do you know? (Then show word cards, teach "How many^^.)T: Today we are going to talk about numbers.2.( Teacher shows one pen ) and then ask : How many? Help the students say “one”,teacher shows the cards and ask the students to read it in this way “ one ,one, one”(Shows two birds) Ask: How many? When the teacher says, she must say slowly .Students read after the teacher and learn “ twoT: Lefs count, one two.T: How many?并引导学生回答:Two.3.用同样的方法教学:"three, four (Pay attention to the pronunciation of the words “three”Practice “one to fbur”.出示实物及手指,问:“ How many?”学生自己数并回答。

外研社小学英语三年级起点三年级上册How many教学设计+教学反思【完整版】

外研社小学英语三年级起点三年级上册How many教学设计+教学反思【完整版】

教学设计Module 5 Unit1 How Many?教学反思我本次的授课选自外研社小学英语三年级起点三年级上册Module 5 Unit1《How many?》。

课程内容以数字为主,教给学生运用“How many”提问,并用数字回答。




本节课一开始,为了消除学生的紧张情绪,师生共唱《Good Morning,Sam》,让学生在轻松愉快的氛围中学习英语,这一环节充分调动了学生学习英语的积极性。










Module 5 Unit.1How many?一、教材分析本课主要有两个重要的语言知识点:1.准确认读数字one to eight; 2.用“how many”询问个数并回答。



2.能用“How many?”询问物品的数量。

(二)能力目标能熟练运用“How many?”询问物品的数量并用one to eight 这八个数字回答。


三、教学重、难点教学重点:能熟练运用“How many?”询问物品的数量并用8以内的数字进行回答,识别单词1-8 。


四、教学方法:情景教学法五、教学准备:课件、音频等六、教学过程Step1:warming up1.sing a song :《please stand up》2.游戏导入:猜一猜Step2.presentation1.课件出示“how many”并板书,学生跟读。

讲解“how many”的意义及应用并举例,让学生学会用how many 提问。


学习相应的单词,围绕“what's this ?”, “how many ……”这两个问题,引导学生仔细观察图片,鼓励学生大胆地开口说英语。

3.音频动画播放课文part1的录音,学生有节奏的跟着说“one,two,three,four,”并听清兔子的口令是什么?(how many)4.出示表示数字5到8的课件。


Step3.teach text1.音频动画播放课文part2的录音,学生关上课本听一听魔术师panda说了哪几个数字?2.播放part2录音,学生观看动画,看一看panda的魔术情景,并数一数从它的帽子里跑出了多少兔子?3.再次播放音频,学生跟读,模仿语音语调。



Module 5 Unit 1 How many? 第一课时教学设计一、教材分析二、How many这一课是新课程标准(三年级起点)第一册第五模块第一单元第一课时的内容,主要让学生学习数字1-8以及句型How many……?并能灵活运用。



因为这是,只要求学生会数数,会用How many…询问物品的数量,不必说出物品名称。



四、教学目标(一)知识目标1.能听懂会说出数字1-8的英语表达2.能用“How many…”询问事物的数量及其回答(二)能力目标1.能用“How many…”对物品的数量进行询问2.能在实际情景中运用1-8这八个数字单词(三)情感目标培养学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生的参与意识和合作能力五、教学重点、难点(一)教学重点1.能听说、认读数字单词1-82.能用句型“How many…”询问事物的数量及其回答(二)教学难点1.数字1-8以及句型How many…的灵活运用2.正确掌握three 和five的读音,尤其是th/θ/和v/v/的发音五、教具准备点读笔,配套的教学录音带,单词卡,多媒体课件,磁铁等六、教学方法任务型教学法、情景教学法、游戏教学法等。

七、教学过程Step 1、Warming up1、Greetings2、Sing a song: “Please stand up.”(师生边做动作边唱)设计意图:通过问候,歌曲等活动,增进师生之间的情感交流,营造轻松愉快的英语氛围,使学生迅速进入到英语学习的状态。


通过学习让学生学会运用one 、two、three、four、five、six、seven、eight八个数量词进行英语数数
2、通过出示实物,引导学生说出It’s a black dog, It’s a yellow cap.复习上一模块内容。
2、通过游戏“Listen and show”练习英语数字。老师随意说出数字,请全班学生伸出相应数目的手指。学生在伸出手指的同时,要重复老师所说的数字。几轮游戏过后,老师可以请掌握得较好的学生上前说数字。全班学生基本掌握后,开展小组游戏,给所有学生发出指令的机会。
3、数字学习过后,告诉学生:“Panpan”今天又为我们准备了魔术表演。我们来看一看,今天他要为我们表演什么。”请学生打开书,边听录音边指图。然后把课文挂图贴在黑板上,指着图片向单个学生提问;“How many?”引导学生给出相应答案。
It’s a…
角色扮演பைடு நூலகம்
Module5 Unit1
How many?
Module5Unit1.How many?



Module 5Unit 1 How many?Teaching aims:1.Help the students recognize the numbers:one two three four five six seven eightHelp the students ask and count numbers.2.Encourage the students to use the numbers in their daily life. Teaching key points:The students can recognize and say the numbers correctly.Teaching difficult points:The pronunciation of the words: three ,five, seven.Teaching aids:Word cards, computer, screen, PPT, E-pen, stickers, giftsTeaching steps: Step 1 Warm up (3m)To greet the students.1.Encourage the students to sing the song "Please stand up" with actionsand the song "A Rainbow”.Step 2 Lead in (2m)Ask the students a question: "How many colors did we learn inModule 4?”Help students to review the colors(PPT) and introduce the title:Module 5 Unit 1 How many?Step 3 IntroductionIntroduce the numbers one to five . Teach each word by using word card. Help the students to say the words correctly.(4m)1.Guide the students to open their books and turn to page 26, look, listen andlearn Part 1. Then ask students to listen and repeat. (3m)Tell students Panpan is a magician, he can use magic to change rabbits today. Let's listen and see how many rabbits there are. Watch the video, help the students to say six seven eight. Then show pictures and learn six to eight.(5m)2.Revise the numbers one to eight. Have the students read the new words,together, in groups and by individuals.(3m)Play the video, have the students watch, listen and repeat, then try to read this text together .(5m) Step 4 ConsolidationSay the chant together with claps.(2m)1.Match the words with numbers.(3m)Play a game: see who is the quickest one. (2m)2.Practice. Look at the picture and find how many. : A:How many doors ? B: Three. Then students can find out their books, pens, pencils or other things in the classroom to practice.(4m)to say the phone number as quickly as you can.(2m)students there are some useful numbers in our life that they shouldremember. (2m)Step5 HomeworkPoint and read the text loudly.1.Count the numbers from one to eight.2.Try to say your mother's or father^ phone number in English.。



德阳市青衣江路小学外研版小学英语教案三年级上册第五模块主备人:上课人:T: Can Sam come in?/Can Sam read all he books?Step3 Practice.1.Show some picture. Let students throw and say.2.Let students ask: Can I fly a kite?/ride a bike,watch TV, play football...)Practice in pairs.3.L et some pairs act it out this page.Step 4 Teaching of A6Show some pictures of visiting the school library.1.Then ask and answer.Can I write a letter herer?Yes, you can J No, you can't.2.Practice in pairs. Then read together.Step 5 Homework and do some exercise.Teaching reflection:Module 5Can I have an ice cream ?Can I come in?Analysis of teaching material:This unit is about ability questions and expressions. We should help the pupils use language to describe the personality of others and their own learning performance. This Unit 1 is about Amy's story. She is ill, but she want to do many things. Analysis of students: This module is close to life. It's interesting. All pupils have learnt some words and sentences for two years. They've le arnt “have a drink, have an ice cream,go out " So, helping them to use "Can L..? Yes, you can./ No, you can't"Teaching aims1,On knowledeGrasp these words & sentencesWords:can9 have, drink, shop, go out, thanks, Sentences:Can I have an ice? Yes, you can./ No, you cantOn abilityTrain the pupils' ability of speaking and listening. Help ss to learn how to express request.2,On emotionGuide all pupils to express request politely; Have some healthy food.Key points and difficulties:Key point: words and drills:Words: shop, drink ,go out, thanksjibrarySentences:Can I have an ice? Yes, you can./ No, you cantTeaching difficulties:Ss can use the knowledge to express request Teaching preparations: ENs, English cardsTeaching procedures:Period: 4Date:Teaching preparations: ENs, English cards Teaching procedures:M5U1 Can I have an ice cream?Date:Stepl Greeting and reviewT: Good morning, boys and girls. How are you today? Please look out of the window ,what's the weather like? Yes jt's... so , are you happy today? Yes, I feel happy too. Because I meet you again.1,Now there are four groups. If you can answer my question, ril give you an ice cream or a cake and other food. Are you clear? OK, now let's listen to a song.Step2 Teaching of AlT:OK,the little boy has a friend. If s a T-Rex. If s very cute. I want a T-Rex. Can I have a T-Rex?(学生回答,Yes or No.) OK, I can't have a T-Rex.But have many friend. So Bob has a friend too. They are playing now, so please look at the picture. What are they doing?(学生回答)They are looking atsomething.Oh it's a worm(教一下worm)T:Now,let's watch the flash read after it.(PLAY Al)OK Jet's read together.Step 3 presentation.( teaching of A2)Just now we know that the little boy is happy.Bob and his friend are happy. How about Amy?(展示Amy 生病的图片)Is she happy? Yes, she is unhappy. A bad thing happened today. So, I have a question : what's wrong with Amy? Let's watch the flash and find the answer.(playA2 第一次)(call back the answer)Yes, her mom said: you are ill. So, she is ill.(Show a picture about “ You are ill. Tm ill")She is ill, but she want to do many things.what does she want to do? So, please watch the flash again find the answer.(PlayA2 第二次)1.(call back the answer)(一起完成表格,边填表格边教单词和短语:have, have an ice ere am,have a drink, shop, goout分组读,依次读)Oh, she want to do so many things. But what can she do?(展示图片)OK Jet's watch the flash again and find the answer.(看完以后让学生上讲台贴板书,Yes or No)2.Now please open your book and turn to page 26. let's listen to the tape. This time you should read after it and fin d "can" and “can't" and I'll give you 3 minutes,you can practice with your partner. And then I'll ask some of to show it on the platform..Are you clear? OK, go!.(Play)(用光盘跟读边读边教新单词thanks){ show time)Step4 writing and singNow ,I'm hungry. Are you hungry? Can I have an ice cream? So, lefs sing a song.(用两只老虎的曲子编一首歌:can I have a cake? Can I have a cake? Yes, you can. Here, you are. Can I have an ice cream? Can I have an ice cream? No, you can't No, you can't.)OK, now ,can you sing this song? You are clever. You can discuss with your group members. Please look at this picture you can use these words.(分食物的图片给学生让他们自己编写歌曲)2mintues OK. Ready? Go!(编完歌曲请小组表演)Step5 conclusion/ Homework.OK, you did a good job today! Now, you know you should eat some healthy food, such as (边看图片边说)That good for you!After class you should teacher your parents your own songs. Now, let's see: who is the winner. Oh jt's group ....congratulations!OK, that's all fbr today! Thank you! Goodbye!Blackboard design:M5U1 Can I have an ice cream?Can I have a drink?Yes. Here you are.Can I have an ice cream?No, you can't.Teaching reflection:1,课堂指令要尽量简化。



Module5Unitl How many?一Teaching Aims:1Words:one9two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight.2Sentences:How many?3Master how to answer the question "How many?”and use the number 1—8 to answer it.二Teaching procedures:Stepl warm-upGreet the studentsT:Good morning boys and girls!How are you?Whafs your name?Lefs do a warm-up, ok?Ss:Ok!1Divide them into three groups.2Let's review.Show them some colourful pencils and ask them what colour is it?Step2 PresentationTeacher show them the colourful pencils and say boys and girls,Miss Deng brings you many pencils.Lefs see ,how many?1T:oh, so many....How many ?Do you know?Then show them word card “How many?” And teach them "How many?"T:Today we are going to talk about numbers.Look carefully how manyyellow pencil?Ss:lT:Yes one,teach them one.2Use the same way to teach them 2-8.3Games:©High and low voice②What's missing?(3)Fire eyes.Step3 : Practice one to eight.①Ask them to count the things in the classroom.②Show them my fingers and let them count quickly.③Show them number cards and ask some students to say the numbers. ©Show them my PPTs.Step4 TextListen and repeat.Read it together.三SummaryToday we have learnt some numbers Jet's say them out together, ok?四HomeworkRead the text and try to recite.Count the numbers with your parents.五Design the blackboardonetwo 2three3How many?four 4five5six6seven7eight8。



Module 5Unit 1: How many?一、教学目标(-)学生们能熟练掌握数字1—8。

(二)学生们能听懂、会用How many?这个句型。

(三)复习学过的单词:red, yellow, blue, black, green, dog, cat, el叩hant二、教学重点难点(一)重点:数字1—8的掌握。



四、教学过程Step 1 GreetingsS:Hello, Mr Deng.T:Hello, boys and girls. First, let' s sing two English songs together.(师生共同随伴奏演唱,并做动作。

)Step 2 ChantDesk, desk, desk, it' s a blue desk.Desk, desk, desk, it' s a blue desk, chair,Chair, chair, it' s a red chair.Chair, chair, chair, it' s a red chair.Step 3 Free talkT: Hello, boy.S: Hello, Mr Deng.T: What' s your name?S:My name is...T:How are you?S:I,m fine, thank you. And how are you?T: I f m fine, too. What colour is it?S: Red.T: What colour is it?S: Yellow.(老师另选几个学生进行问答,然后再让学生相互问答)Step 4 Review the wordsRead the words together.(通过播放课件,让学生集体复习单词panda, chameleon, red, yellow, blue, green, black)Step 5 Teach new wordsT:Today we'll learn Module 5 Unit 1 How many? First, let7 s learn the numbers.(打开电视,通过课件学习。



教学设计教学过程Step1. Warming up1.和学生打招呼并分组。



)Step2. Presentation1.Learn Activity1Q:How many rabbits can you see?(请学生看动画,再回答问题。

)学习数字one,two, three, four.(教授数字的读音,通过课件展示兔子图片,老师提问“How many?”引导学生回答看到的兔子有多少只,并说出相应数字单词。


)2.Learn activity2T: Now, let’s look at the activity2, please watch the video and circle out “one” to “eight”on your book.(让学生看动画,并在书上找出数字1-8,再全班一起检查答案)学习数字five, six, seven, eight.(教授数字的读音,通过课件展示兔子图片,老师提问“How many?”引导学生回答看到的兔子有多少只,并说出相应数字单词。

特别注意学生five和seven 的发音,通过齐读,小组读,个人抽读来巩固学习,并在黑板上板书5~8的单词,请学生一起书空。

)3.Listen, point and repeat.学完了活动二的内容,老师请全体学生一边听课文录音,一边看书指读每一个句子,逐句停顿,让学生巩固课文新知。

Step3. Consolidation1.Practice:Look and count.老师在课件上出示动态或静态的图片,请学生看图,数一数,说一说。

T:How many...can you see? Let’s count.(出示图片,并请学生回答,或全班学生一起数数,说出结果。

外研社英语三年级起第一册 Module 5 Unit 1 How many-教案与教学反思

外研社英语三年级起第一册 Module 5 Unit 1 How many-教案与教学反思

外研社英语三年级起第一册 Module 5 Unit1 How many?教案与教学反思本课教学内容是《英语》(新标准)第一册 Module 5 Unit 1 How many?本模块主要Abilities展开,通过围绕“How many+表示复数的名词?”句型的学习来学习1—8的单词。




教学目标1、知识目标:(1)语法:学生能够明白在英语中,how many 后面接的是复数名词。

(2)三会单词及词组:one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight,how many(3)学生能够听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语“How many+表示复数的名词?2、能力目标:学生能用“How many+表示复数的名词? ”询问物品的数量和8以内的回答。


教学重点和难点重点:学生能够对新词汇(one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight,how many)进行听,说,读训练。

难点:学生能够听懂,会说,会读句型(How many…?)及其回答。

设计意图Step1 Warm-up Sept 2.Lead-inSept 3PresentationStep 4 PracticeStep 5 Text learningStep 6ConsolidationStep 7 Homework1、Greetings2、播放音乐 Please stand up 课件T: Now, let’s sing and do the actions.引导学生边唱边做动作。

小学英语外研新标准三年级上册(2022年新编)Module 5How many 教案

小学英语外研新标准三年级上册(2022年新编)Module 5How many 教案

Module 5 Unit 1 How many?高县实验一小解莉教学目标:1.Learn the new words : sixtenTo say the important sentences: how many? six2..Encourage the students to cooperate with each other, help each other and learn from each other. 教学重难点:1.Learn the new words : sixtenTo say the important sentences: how many? six教学过程:Step 1 Warming up Greeting.1.Divid the team and do TPR Step 2 Presentation1.变兔子T: Look at this bag, there isn't anything. Now, what are they? Ss: rabbits.T: they're rabbits. How many rabbits?Show card: how many? Then teach x3T: How many? Let's count. One, two, three, four. Show cards and teach: one, two, three, four.贝占卡片PPT:兔子图片T: How many?Ss: fourT:兔妈妈要带兔宝宝去看熊猫Panpan的魔术表演,我们也一起去看看吧。

2.The textT: open your book, turn to P44, listen and answer. How many little animals does Panpan conjure up? Five? Ten? ( Show cards then teach: five, ten.)1)Watch the video.T: how many? Ss: ten.3.Teach 69T: Panpan的表演还没结束,接下来它又变出来什么?T: Wow, rabbits, how many?Ss: six.Show the card and teach:six. Practice:大小声读,开火车。

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The teaching plan of Module 5 Unit 1 Can I have an ice cream?教材分析:本课是外研社新标准英语第五册Module 5, Unit 1的教学内容,是在第四模块运用can you表达能力之后,再次运用Can I…?句型征求别人的意见或是询问别人能否做某事这样一种语言结构,并能够对别人的询问给予正确的回答。

一、教学目标(Teaching objectives):1、语言目标(Language skills):A. By the end of the class, the students can listen and read the words and phrases: ill、shop、have a drink、watch TV、have a cake、have an ice cream、go to the shop、go out, etc.B.The students can master the sentence patterns:---Can I have……?---Yes, you can./ No, you can’t.2、能力目标(Language ability):学生能够在交流对话中真正运用功能句Can I……, please?询问别人自己是否可以做某事以及答句Yes, you can. / No, you can’t.3、情感目标(Objectives of emotion and attitude):学生能够在日常中运用所学知识询问别人是否可以做某事,培养学生礼貌待人的习惯。

二、教学重点(Teaching important points):(1)学生能够掌握并灵活运用功能句型Can I have…, please? Yes, you can. / No, you can’t.(2) 学生能够掌握新单词ill, shop, out.三、教学难点(Teaching difficult points):(1)学生能够区分can的两种不同意义并加以正确应用;(2) 学生能够在交流对话中真正运用功能句Can I……, please?询问别人自己是否可以做某事以及答句Yes, you can. / No, you can’t.四、教学过程:Step1: Greetings and warming up(1)Sing a song of “Can you throw high in the sky?”(2) Review:T: Can you ride a bike/row a boat/run fast/make a cake?Ss: (引导学生说出):Yes, I can./ No, I can’t.Step 2: Lead-inT: Look, boys and girls, I have a pencil. Have you got a pencil?Ss: Yes!T: Wow! Can you show me your pencil?T: You have got a beautiful pencil. Can I have a look? 你能给我看一看吗?Ss: (引导学生说):Yes, you can.T: Oh, it’s a yellow pencil. I like it. Thank you! Here you are.T: Have you got a pen? Can you show me?T: You have got a pen. Can I have a look?(板书:Can I ……?Yes, you can. /No, you can’t.)S: Yes, you can.T: Thank you! What color is it?Ss: black.T: Yes, it’s cool.T: Look, boys and girls! There is a dog and a cat. Let’s watch the video and see what are they doing?(播放活动一动画)T: So, the cat is look at something. Then what does the does say?Ss: Can I have a look?T: How about the cat?Ss: Yes, you can.T: What do they see?Ss: 大虫子T: Yes, it’s a big worm. Now, boys and girls. Please listen and repeat.Step3: PresentationT: Oh, boys and girls! I’m hungry now! I want a cake, I want a hamburger. Do you want a cake?Ss: Yes, I do.T: Do you want a hamburger?Ss: Yes, I do.T: But! There is no hamburger, no cake. So, what can we do?Ss: (引导学生说)We can go to the shop.T: We can go to the shop for a cake, for a hamburger. Right?Ss: Yes!T: Ok! Let’s go to the shop. There must be lots of food in the shop.T: Look, boys and girls! What’s this?S:It’s a cake.(强调a cake)T:Yes, if you want to eat a cake. How can you say? You can say: Can I have a cake, please? “Have” here means “eat”.(教读短语have a cake)T: If you want to eat a cake. You can say...Ss: Can I have a cake, please?T: Look! What’s this?Ss: It’s a hamburger.(强调a cake)T: Yes. If you want to eat a hamburger. What can you say?S1: Can I have a hamburger, please?T: So clever!T:If you want to have a drink, what can you say?Ss: Can I have a drink please?T: That’s right! And if you want an ice cream, how can you say?Ss: Can I have an ice cream, please?T: Good! Now, I want to have an ice cream. If I ask you: Can I have an ice cream? You can answer like this: Yes, you can. Or?Ss: No, you can’t.T: Clever! Now, let’s try! xxx, Can I have an ice cream?S1: Yes, you can.T: Can I have a drink?S2: No, you can’t.T: Now, If you want these food! You can ask me. Who can try?S: Can I have a cake, please?T: Yes, you can.(教师板书) Here you are! (递出卡片)S: Can I have a drink, please?T: Yes, you can. Here you are.(递出卡片)S: Can I have a hamburger, please?T: Oh! No, you can’t. (教师板书)No hamburger(摇头). There is no hamburger. But you can have a candy. (掏出糖果)Here you are.S: Can I have an ice cream, please?T: Yes, you can. Here you are.(递出卡片)【设计意图:以已学过的食物单词及图片来引出本文重点句型,在巩固旧知的同时达到了以旧知带新知地文本导入。

】T: I have talked too much today, I’m thirsty now. Can I have a drink please?(拿出水杯)S: Yes, you can. (老师喝水)T: Thank you!I feel better now! Can I have an ice cream?Ss: Yes, you can.T: Thank you! But can Amy have an ice cream?Step4: ListeningT: Please watch the video and find the answer ! ( without words)T: Q1: Can Amy have an ice cream?(抽一到两位学生回答问题并通过再次播放视视频检查答案)Ss: No, she can’t.T: Yes, Amy can’t have an ice cream. Why?Ss: She is ill.Ss: No ice cream. (check the answer)T: Because there is no ice cream. Then what does Amy say? Let’s listen!S: I can go to the shop for an ice cream!T:Can Amy go to the shop for an ice cream? Let’s watch the video again!S: No, she can’t.T: Yes, Amy can’t go to the shop. Why?Ss: Amy is ill. She can’t go out!(教读单词ill和短语go out)T: So, what can Amy do? Let’s watch the video (with words)and find the answers.T: Can Amy have a drink?Ss: Yes, she can.T: Yes, Amy can have a drink. Can Amy watch TV?Ss: Yes, she can.T: What else?Ss: Amy can have a cake.T: That’s right! Now, boys and girls, please listen and repeat.Step 5: PracticeA.Role read.Ask several students to role read the text. And then read in roles. Girls be Amy and boys be Ms. Smart.B.Pair work:Can I have……?Yes, you can./No, you can’t.【设计意图:以练习来巩固本课所学的内容,同时检查学生的掌握程度,能使学生更好地掌握新知。
