
1 CFR(cost and freight) 成本加运费价2 T/T(telegraphic transfer) 电汇3 D/P(document against payment) 付款交单4 D/A (document against acceptance) 承兑交单5 C.O (certificate of origin) 一般原产地证6 G.S.P.(generalized system of preferences) 普惠制7 CTN/CTNS(carton/cartons) 纸箱8 PCE/PCS(piece/pieces) 只、个、支等9 DL/DLS(dollar/dollars) 美元10 DOZ/DZ(dozen) 一打11 PKG(package) 一包,一捆,一扎,一件等12 WT(weight) 重量13 G.W.(gross weight) 毛重14 N.W.(net weight) 净重15 C/D (customs declaration) 报关单16 EA(each) 每个,各17 W (with) 具有18 w/o(without) 没有19 FAC(facsimile) 传真20 IMP(import) 进口21 EXP(export) 出口22 MAX (maximum) 最大的、最大限度的23 MIN (minimum) 最小的,最低限度24 M 或MED (medium) 中等,中级的25 M/V(merchant vessel) 商船26 S.S(steamship) 船运27 MT或M/T(metric ton) 公吨28 DOC (document) 文件、单据29 INT(international) 国际的30 P/L (packing list) 装箱单、明细表31 INV (invoice) 发票32 PCT (percent) 百分比33 REF (reference) 参考、查价34 EMS (express mail special) 特快传递35 STL.(style) 式样、款式、类型36 T或LTX或TX(telex) 电传37 RMB(renminbi) 人民币38 S/M (shipping marks) 装船标记39 PR或PRC(price) 价格40 PUR (purchase) 购买、购货41 S/C(sales contract) 销售确认书42 L/C (letter of credit) 信用证43 B/L (bill of lading) 提单44 FOB (free on board) 离岸价45 CIF (cost,insurance&freight) 成本、保险加运费价AAA制自动许可制AAC 亚非会议A.A.R 保综合险(一切险)ABCコ-ドABC商业密码ac. 英亩a/c(或A/C) 银行往来存款acpt 承兑;接受a/cs pay. 应付帐款a/cs rec. 应收帐款ACU 亚洲清算同盟A/D 出票后ADB 亚洲开发银行a.f. 预付运费AFA 自动外汇分配制度AFDB 非洲开发银行A.F.E.B. 核准的外汇银行agcy 代理公司agt. 代理人AIQ制自动进口配额制A.M. 互相保险A.N. 到货通知A/P 委托付款证A/P 委托购买证A/P 附加保险费A/P 付讫APO 亚洲生产率组织APU 亚洲支付同盟A/R 综合险,一切险A/S 销货帐单A/S 见票后A/S 见票即付ASEAN 东南亚国家联盟ASP 美国销售价格ATAカルネ暂时许可簿册,临时过境证A.T.L. 实际全损A/V 从价A/W 实际重量A.W.B. 空运单BB/Aレ-ト银行承兑利率B/B 买入汇票B/C 托收汇票B/D 银行贴现B/D 银行汇票B/E 入港申报单B/E 汇票BETRO 英国出口贸易研究组织BIS 国际清算银行B/G 保税货物B/L 提单B/N 钞票B/N 交货记录B.O. 分公司B.P. 应付票据B.R. 应收票据B/S 再进口免税证B/St 即票BTN 布鲁塞尔税则分类B.T.T. 银行电汇CC.A.D. 凭单付款C.B.D. 交货前付款C.B.S. 装船前预付货款C/C 商会C.C. 时价CCC 关税合作理事会CCCN 关税合作理事会税则分类表C.F.S. 集装箱货运站C.H. 货舱C.H. 票据交换所C.H. 海关Chq. 支票C.I. 领事签证发票C/I 保险证书CIF関税込条件成本,保险费,运费加关税条件CIF条件成本,保险加运费条件CIF通関费用込条件成本,保险费,运费和一切进口费用条件CIF&C条件成本,保险费,运费加佣金条件CIFに関する国际统一规则CIF买卖契约统一规则C.L.货物「コ」(集装箱)整箱货CLP 装箱单C/N 发货通知单C/N 贷记通知书C/O 转交C/O 产地证明书C.O.D. 交货付款C.O.F.C. 平板车装运集装箱COGSA 海洋货物运输法cont. 合同c.o.s. 装船时付款C/P 租船合同C.Q.D. 习惯快速装卸C.T. 载货吨位C.t.l. 推定全损C.W.O. 订货付款DD/A 承兑交单D/C 绕航条款D/C 贴现,折扣D/D 码头交货D/D 即期汇票,跟单汇票D/F 空舱运费D/M 速遣费D/N 借记通知D/O 交货单,出货单D/P 付款交单D.P.V. 完税价格D.R. 码头收据d.t. 交货时间DW 载重量D/W 码头栈单D.W.T. 载重吨位DWTC 载货吨EECAFE(UN) 亚洲及远东经济委员会ECE 欧洲经济委员会ECM 欧洲共同市场E/D 出口申报单EEC 欧洲经济共同体EFTA 欧洲自由贸易联盟E/L 出口许可证EMA 欧洲货币协定EPU 欧洲支付同盟ESCAP(UN) 亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会ETA 预计到达时间TTD 预计离港时间ETE 预计开航时间exch. 兑换,汇兑;交易所exd 已查,已检验作者:夜半一点钟2006-2-9 02:38 回复此发言-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 国际贸易术语英文缩写FFA 外汇配额制度F.A 货物运送代理行f.a.a. 一切海损不赔F.A.K.「コ」同一费率F.A.Q. 良好平均质量,大路货F.A.S. 启运地船边交大货价F.B. 运费单F.B.E. 外国汇票FC&S约款「保」捕获拘留除外条款FCL 整箱货FCL 整装集装箱f/d 自由港FEFC 远东水脚公会f.f.a 船边交货f.g.a 共同海损不赔F/L 运价表F.M. 不可抗力f.q. 实盘FOB 船上交货价FOR 火车上交货价FOT 卡车上交货价F.P.A. 单独海损不赔frt.pd. 运费已付frt.ppd. 运费预付F.W.D. 淡水损失fy.pd. 付讫GG.A 共同海损g.b.q. 故障货物G.M.Q. 上好可销品质G.N.P. 国民生产总值Gr.R.T. 注册总吨grs.wt. 毛重GT 总吨位G.T.C. 撤销前有效G.T.M. 本月中有效G.T.W. 本周中有效HHKD 港币H.O. 总公司Hr 港口II.B.R.D. 联合国国际复兴开发银行I.C.C. 国际商会ICHCA 国际货物装卸协调联合会I/D 进口申报单IFC 国际金融公司I/L 进口许可IMF 国际货币基金组织IMF借款国际货币基金信贷IMF引出権国际货币基金组织提款权INCOTERMS 国际贸易条件解释通则INTRADE 国际贸易发展协会I.O.P. 不论损失率如何全部赔偿IQ制进口配额制I/R 汇入汇款ITC 国际贸易中心ITC 国际贸易宪章ITO 国际贸易组织IUMI 国际海上保险联盟LL/A 卸货代理行L/A 授权书LASH 载驳船L/C 信用证L/G 保证书L/H 质押证书L/I 赔偿保证书Lkg 漏损LT 书信电报l.t.,L/T 长吨,英吨LWL 载重线Mmarg. 保证金m/d 出票日后……个月(付款)MEA 制造厂商外销代理人M/F 舱单,载货单MFN 最惠国M.I 海上保险min. 最低限度M.I.P. 海上保险单mk 包装标志M/Lクロ-ズ溢短装条款M/O 汇款单M/R 大副收据M/T 公吨Nn/a 拒绝承兑,不接受N/C 新租船契约N.C.V. 无商业价值N/F (银行)无存款N.G. 纯收益N.L. 纯损,净损失N/M 无装运标志N.N. (票据)无签名N/R 备装通知NRクロ-ズ免责条款N/S 无存货N.S.F. 存款不足NTB 非关税壁垒N.U. 船名不详NW,N.wt. 净重OOAEC 亚洲经济合作组织O/B 开证银行O/C 货港未定租船合同O/D 见票即付O.E.C.D. 经济合作与发展组织O.F. 海运运费O.G.L. 公开一般许可证OR 船舶所有人承担风险O/R 汇出汇款ovld. 过载PP/A 单独海损P.&L. 损益payt. 支付,付款pd 付讫,通过P.D. 港务费pm. 保费P/N 期票P.O.C. 停靠港P.O.D. 交货时付款P.O.R. 避难港QQ 检疫Q/D 快递件,快速装卸qlty. 品质quotn 报价,行市quty. 数量Rrd. 收讫R/D 与出票人接洽R.D.C. 碰撞条款rept. 收据R.F.W.D. 雨淋淡水损害SS.C. 救助费S.D. 海损S.D. 装运单据s.d. 交货不足S/D 即期汇票SDR 特别提款权sgd 已签署SHEX 星期日和假日除外SHINC 星期日和假日包括在内sig. 签署SITC 标准国际贸易分类S.L. 海难救助损失S/N 装船通知单S.O. 卖方选择S/O 装货单百度文库SP 起运港spec. 说明书,规格S.R. 本船收货单S.R. 货运收据,装货收据S/S 轮船S.S.B.C. 沉没,触碓,火灾和碰撞S.T. 短吨stg. 英镑stor. 存仓费,栈租Ttfr. 转帐,过户T.L. 全损T.L.O. 仅保全损T.M.O. 电汇票T.P.N.D. 偷窃及提货不着险T/R 信托收据T/T 电汇T.T.B. 买入电汇T.T.P. 应付电汇T.T.R. 应收电汇WW.A. 承保单独海损,水渍险W/R 战争险w.r. 仓库收据W/W 仓单W/Wクロ-ズ仓至仓条款W.W.D. 晴天工作日17 11。

报关水平测试报关常用英汉缩写语2016报关水平测试报关常用英汉缩写语英语在报关员水平测试中也是十分重要的考点,下面店铺收集整理了以下2016报关水平测试报关常用英汉缩写语,希望对大家的.学习有所帮助!英汉对照报关常用缩写语1:1.L/G (Letter of Guarantee) 担保书,保证书2.M/T( Metric Ton) 公吨3.N/N (Non-Negotiable, Not Negotiable) 非流通的,不可转让的4.O.B/L (Ocean Bill of Lading) 海运提单5.O.No. (Order Number) 定单号数6.S/D (Sight Draft) 即期汇票7.NTB (Non Tariff Barrier) 非关税避垒8.T.P.N.D. (Theft, Pilferage and Non-Delivery) 偷窃,提货不着9.W.W. (Warehouse to Warehouse) 仓至仓10.Yd(s) (Yard(s)) 码11.W/M (Weight or Measurement) 重量或体积12.W.R.(W/R) (War Risk) 战争险,兵险英汉对照报关常用缩写语21.A/S (At Sight) 见票即付2.A/W (Actual Weight) 实际重量3.B/C (Bill for Collection) 托收汇票4.B/D (Bank Draft) 银行汇票5.B/E (Bill of Entry) 进口报关单; (Bill of Exit) 出口报关单6.BE (Bill of Exchange) 汇票7.BHD (Bill Head) 空白单据8.B/M (Bill of Materials) 材料单9.COD (Cash On Delivery) 凭到付款10.CD (Charge Paid) 付讫11.CY (City) 城市12.DA (Documents Attached) 附凭单英汉对照报关常用缩写语3:1.XL (Extra Large, Extra Long) 超大、超长2.TW (Total Weight) 总重量3.TDO (Transhipment Delivery Order) 转船提货单4.L/T (Letter of Trust) 委托书5.QA (Quality Assurance) 质量保证6.RAM (Registered Air Mail) 航空挂号邮件7.STL (Style) 式样8.TEU (Twenty-foot Equivelent Unit) 20英尺集装箱等量单位9.W/L (Woven Label) 编织标签10.XPRD (Experation Date) 失效日期11.M/T( Mail Transfer) 信汇12.S/O (Shipping Order) 装货单(俗称下货纸)13.G.S.P. (Generalized System of Preferences) 普遍优惠制度14.C.C.V.O.(Combined Certificate of Value and Origin) 估价和原产地联合证明书15.A.W. B(Air Way Bill) 空运提单16.C.O.D.(Cash On Delivery) 货到付款17.D/W (Deadweight) 重量货物18.D.W.T. (Dead Weight Tonnage) 载重吨位,重量吨位19.D.P.V.( Duty-Paid Value) 完税价格20.E/D ( Export Declaration) 出口申报单21.GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) 关税及贸易总协定英汉对照报关常用缩写语4:1.P.A. (Particular Average) 单独海损2.F.P.A. (Free from Particular Average) 平安险3.W.P.A. (With Particular Average) 水渍险4.G.A. (General Average) 共同海损5.LIBOR (London Inter Bank Offered Fate) 伦敦银行同业拆放利率6.EXW (Ex Works) 工厂交货7.FCA (Free Carrier) 货交承运人8.DAF (Delivered at Frontier) 边境交货9.DES (Delivered Ex Ship) 目的港船上交货10.DEQ (Delivered Ex Quay) 目的港码头交货11.B/L (Bill of Lading) 提单12.L/C (Letter of Credit) 信用证13.D/P (Documents against Payment) 付款交单14.D/A (Documents against Acceptance) 承兑交单15.T/T (Telegraphic Transfer) 电汇16.CF,C/F (Cost and Freight) 成本加运费价格17.C.I.F. (Cost, Insurance and Freight) 成本、保险费加运费价格18.F.O.B. (Free On Board) 装运港船上交货价格19.F.A.Q. (Fair Average Quality) 良好平均品质20.FCL (Full Container Load) 整箱货21.LCL (Less than Container Load) 拼箱货22.D/D (Demand Draft) 即期汇票23.DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid) 未完税交货24.DDP (Delivered Duty Paid) 完税后交货【2016报关水平测试报关常用英汉缩写语】。

关于REACH保证书一、背景介绍REACH(Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals)是欧盟制定的一项关于化学品管理的法规,旨在保护人类健康和环境。
三、REACH保证书的内容要求1. 供应商信息:包括公司名称、地址、联系人等基本信息。
2. 化学品信息:明确列出所提供的化学品的名称、CAS号、用途、含量等。
3. 符合REACH法规的声明:供应商需声明所提供的化学品已经进行了REACH法规要求的注册、评估和授权,并符合相关的限制要求。
4. 技术支持和信息提供:供应商需承诺为用户提供必要的技术支持和相关信息,包括化学品的安全使用方法、风险评估报告等。
5. 变更通知:供应商需承诺在化学品信息发生变更时及时通知下游用户,并提供相应的更新信息。
四、REACH保证书的编写流程1. 收集化学品信息:供应商需要收集并整理所提供化学品的相关信息,包括名称、CAS号、用途、含量等。
2. 确认符合REACH法规:供应商需要核实所提供的化学品是否已经进行了相应的注册、评估和授权,并符合REACH法规的限制要求。
3. 编写保证书内容:根据REACH保证书的内容要求,供应商编写保证书的正文内容,确保准确、清晰地表达各项要求和承诺。
4. 审核和签署:供应商内部需要对保证书进行审核,并由相关负责人签署确认。
5. 分发给下游用户:供应商将编写好的保证书发送给下游用户,确保其收到并了解相关内容。
6. 更新和变更通知:供应商需要及时更新保证书内容,并在化学品信息发生变更时向下游用户发出变更通知。

出口方和进口方共同声明Joint Declaration of the Exporter and the Importer出口方和进口方确认上述产品符合□中国质量标准/ □国外质量标准(请勾选),且符合双方协议确定的产品质量标准。
The exporter and the importer hereby confirm that the above products are compliant with the □quality standards of China/ □quality standards of foreign country (please tick the box) and the quality standards stipulated in the agreement between the parties. The importer shall guarantee the product quality standards stipulated by the agreement are compliant with the quality requirements of the importing country/region, and shall confirm it has accepted the quality standards of the above products.进口方承诺严格依照协议不将所购口罩用于医用用途,并提示第三方不可用于医用用途,如因进口方或第三方使用、维护、保管不当造成损失的,出口方、生产厂商不承担责任。
The importer shall commit to strictly abide by the agreement and not use the face masks it purchases for medical purposes and to warn any third party against using the face masks for medical purposes. The exporter or the producer is not liable for any losses caused by the inappropriate use, maintenance or keeping of the face masks by the importer or any third party.本声明一式两份,双方各执一份。

跟单结算及国际保函信用证Documentary credit跟单信用证Back to back credit背对背信用证Transferable credit可转让信用证Un-transferable credit不可转让信用证Red clause credit红条款信用证Revolving credit循环信用证Standby letter of credit备用信用证Negotiation credit议付信用证Acceptance credit承兑信用证Payment credit付款信用证Irrevocable credit不可撤销信用证Payment credit付款信用证Deferred payment credit延期付款信用证Confirmed credit保兑信用证Usance credit payable at sight假远期信用证Commercial contract商务合同Importer进口商Exporter出口商ApplicantxxBeneficiary受益人Opening bank/issuing bank开证行Advising bank通知行Reimbursing bank偿付行Presenting bank交单行Confirming bank保兑行Negotiating bank议付行Accepting bank承兑行Drawee bank付款行Freely negotiable自由议付Restricted negotiable限制议付Cumulative可累计Non-cumulative不可累计Deferred payment延期付款Discounting贴现Acceptance承兑Negotiation议付Discrepancies不符点Presentation date交单日期Period for presentation of documents交单期限托收Collection托收Collecting bank代收行Remitting bank托收行Principal委托人Drawee付款人Clean collection光票托收Documentary collection跟单托收Outward collection出口托收Collection instruction托收指示Collection order托收指令Inward collection进口代收Financial documents金融单据Commercial documents商业单据Documents against acceptance (D/A)承兑交单Documents against payment (D/P)付款交单Documents against payment at sight (D/P at sight)即期付款交单Documents against payment of usance bill远期付款交单Commercial invoice 商业发票Customs invoicexx发票Consular领事发票Pro forma invoice形式发票Insurance policy保险单Transport documents运输单据Bill of exchange/draft汇票Usance bill远期汇票Packing list装箱单Weight list重量单Quantity certificate数量单Certificate of origin原产地证明Certificate of quality品质证明书Bill of lading提单Blank back bill of lading/short form bill of lading背面空白/ 简式提单Charter party bill of lading租船提单Combined transport bill of lading多式联运提单Container bill of lading集装箱提单Airway bill空运单Postal receipt邮包收据Cargo receipt货物收据其它Banking charges银行费用Presentation of documents提示单据Reimbursement/claim instructions索汇路线Payment付款Advice of payment付款通知Acceptance承兑Carrier承运人Consignee收货人Shipping mark唛头Shipment date装运日Discrepancy不符点Freight charge运费Freight payable at destination运费预付至Correspondent bank代理行Partial shipment分批装运Transshipment转运Port of loading装货港Port of discharge卸货港Price terms价格条款Release documents against payment付款赎单Release documents against acceptance承兑赎单EXW(ex works)工厂交货价FCA( free carrier)货交承运人价FAS(free alongside ship)装运港船边交货价FOB(free on board)装运港船上交货价CFR(cost and freight)成本加运费价CIF(cost, insurance and freight)成本、保险费加运费价CPT(carriage paid to)运费付至……价CIP(carriage and insurance paid to)运费、保险费付至……价DAF(delivered at frontier)边境交货价DES( delivered ex ship)目的港船上交货价DEQ(delivered ex quay)目的港码头交货价DDU(delivered duty unpaid)未完税交货价DDP(delivered duty paid)完税交货价Tender guarantee/bid bond guarantee投标保函Performance guarantee履约保函Advance payment guarantee预付款保函Warranty guarantee质量保函Retention money guarantee留滞金保函Payment guarantee付款保函Financial standby letter of credit融资备用信用证Counter guarantee反担保函Principal被担保人Guarantor担保人Written statement书面声明Multiple drawing多次索赔Claims under a bank guarantee保函的索赔Place of jurisdiction司法管辖地Commission on bond保函佣金外汇资金Remittance; funds transfer汇款Outward remittance汇出汇款Inward remittance汇入汇款TELEX电传CABLE,TELEGRAM电报Draft票汇Mail transfer信汇Remitter汇款xxPayee or Beneficiary收款人Remitting bank汇出行Receiving/Paying bank汇入/解付行Intermediary bank中间行Drawee bank汇票付款行Issue of draft汇票的签发Reimbursement of drafts汇票的索偿Clearing清算Trade date交易日Reference date参考日Value date起息日Maturity date/Expiry date到期日Basis point基点Buyer’s market买方市场Purchase and sale of foreign exchange结售汇Foreign exchange surrender结汇Spot即期Forward远期Current account经常项目Current account convertibility经常项目可兑换Managed floating exchange rate 有管理的浮动汇率Pegged exchange rate钉住汇率Real effective exchange rate实际有效汇率Position头寸Term structure期限结构Capital account资本项目Interest-bearing asset生息资产Foreign direct investment外国直接投资CHIPS (Clearing House Inter-bank Payment System)同业支付清算系统Closing price收盘价Extension展期Fixed exchange rate固定汇率Floating exchange rate浮动汇率Premium升水Discount贴水Financial derivative instruments金融衍生工具Futures期货Option期权Option trading期权的交易Swap掉期In the Money溢价期权At the Money平价期权Out of the Money折价期权Put option看跌期权Call option看涨期权Long (buyer)买方Short (seller)卖方Position买卖角色Long call买入看涨期权Short call卖出看涨期权Long put买入看跌期权Short put卖出看跌期权Out-Of-Money不执行(期权)Interest rate lap利率上限Interest rate floor利率下限Relative value相对价值Pay swap支付互换Option contract期权合约American style option美式期权European style option欧式期权The strike price/the exercise price执行价格Hedge对冲Dual currency deposit双币存款USD/CNY linked deposit美元/人民币挂钩产品Interest rate derivatives利率衍生产品Interest rate option利率期权Structured interest rate products结构性利率产品To hedge currency exposures对冲货币敞口Speculate投机Yield enhancement products增值产品Interest basis计息方式Principal amount本金Principal guaranteed本金担保Principal guaranteed deposit本金担保存款Spot reference即期参考汇率Short-term view products短期产品Hedge against套期保值Exchange-rate regime汇率机制Deposit account定期存款账户Cheque account支票账户Clearing bank清算银行Foreign currency (exchange) reserve外汇储备Devaluation货币贬值Revaluation货币升值International balance of payment国际收支Cross rate/Arbitrage rate套汇汇率Foreign exchange fluctuation外汇波动信贷基本词汇(包括会计)Accounting convention会计惯例Accounting for acquisitions购并的会计处理Accounting for debtors应收账款核算Accounting for depreciation折旧核算Accounting for foreign currencies外汇核算Accounting for goodwill商誉核算Accounting for stocks存货核算Accounting policies会计政策Accounting standards会计准则Accruals concept权责发生原则Achieving credit control实现信用控制Acid test ratio酸性测试比率Actual cash flow实际现金流量Advance payment guarantee提前偿还保金Adverse trading不利交易Advertising budget广告预算Advising bank通告银行Age analysis账龄分析Aged debtors analysis逾期账款分析Aged debtors’report逾期应收款报告Aged debtors’exception report逾期应收款的特殊报告All—monies clause全额支付条款Amortization摊销Analytical questionnaire调查表分析Analytical skills分析技巧Analyzing financial risk财务风险分析Analyzing financial statements财务报表分析Analyzing liquidity流动性分析Analyzing profitability盈利能力分析Analyzing working capital营运资本分析Articles of incorporation合并条款Asian cris亚洲(金融)危机Assessing country risk国家风险评估Assessing credit risks信用风险评估Assessing strategic power战略地位评估Assessment of banks银行的评估Asset conversion lending资产转换贷款Asset protection lending资产担保贷款Asset sale 资产出售Asset turnover资产周转率Assets资产Association of British Factors and Discounters英国代理人与贴现商协会Auditor's report审计报告Aval物权担保Bad debt坏账Bad debt level坏账等级Bad debt risk坏账风险Bad debts performance坏账发生情况Bad loans坏账Balance sheet资产负债表Balance sheet structure资产负债表结构Bank credit银行信贷Bank failures银行破产Bank loans.availability银行贷款的可获得性Bank status reports银行状况报告Bankruptcy破产Bankruptcy code破产法Bankruptcy petion破产申请书Basle agreement塞尔协议Basle Agreement《巴塞尔协议》Behavioral scoring行为评分Bill of exchange汇票Bill of lading提单BIS (Bank for International Settlements)国际清算银行BIS agreement国际清算银行协定Blue chip蓝筹股Borrowing money借人资金Borrowing proposition借款申请Breakthrough products创新产品Budgets预算Business development loan商业开发贷款Business failure破产Business plan经营计划Business risk经营风险Buyer credits买方信贷Buyer power购买方力量Buyer risks买方风险CAMPARI优质贷款原则Canons of lending贷款原则Capital adequacy资本充足性Capital adequacy rules资本充足性原则Capital expenditure (Capex)资本支出Capital funding资本融资Capital investment资本投资Capital strength资本实力Capital structure资本结构Capitalization of interest利息资本化Capitalizing R&D costs/expenditures研发费用资本化Capitalizing interest costs利息成本资本化Cascade effect瀑布效应Cash assets现金资产Cash collection targets现金托收目标Cash cycle现金循环周期Cash cycle ratios现金循环周期比率Cash cycle times现金循环周期时间Cash deposit现金储蓄Cash flows现金流量Cash flow adjustments现金流调整Cash flow analysis现金流量分析Cash flow cris现金流危机Cash flow cycle现金流量周期Cash flow forecasts/projections现金流量预测Cash flow statements现金流量表Cash position现金头寸Cash positive JE现金流量Cash tank现金水槽Cash-in-advance预付现金Categorized cash flow现金流量分类CE优质贷款原则CEO首席执行官Chairman董事长,总裁Chapter 11 rules第十一章条款Charge抵押Charged assets抵押资产Chief executive officer首席执行官Collateral security抵押证券Collecting payments收取付款Collection activity收款活动Collection cycle收款环节Collection procedures收款程序Collective credit risks集合信用风险Comfortable liquidity position适当的流动性水平Commercial mortgage商业抵押Commercial paper商业票据Commission佣金Commitment fees承诺费Common stock普通股Common stockholders普通股股东Company and its industry企业与所处行业Company assets企业资产Company liabilities企业负债Company loans企业借款Competive advantage竞争优势Competive forces竞争力Competive products竞争产品Complaint procedures申诉程序Computerized credit information计算机化信用信息Computerized diaries计算机化日志Confirming bank确认银行Conservatism concept谨慎原则Consistency concept一贯性原则Consolidated accounts合并报表Consolidated balance sheets合并资产负债表Contingent liabilities或有负债Continuing security clause连续抵押条款Contractual payments合同规定支出Control limits控制限度Control of credit activities信用活动控制Controlling credit控制信贷Controlling credit risk控制信用风险Corporate banking公司业务Corporate credit analysis企业信用分析Corporate credit controller企业信用控制人员Corporate credit risk analysis企业信用风险分析Corporate customer企业客户Corporate failure prediction models企业破产预测模型Corporate lending企业贷款Cost leadership成本领先型Cost of sales销售成本Costs成本Country limit国家限额Country risk国家风险Court judgments法院判决Covenant贷款保证xxCovenants保证xxCreative accounting寻机性会计Credit analysis信用分析Credit analysis of customers客户信用分析Credit analysis of suppliers供应商的信用分析Credit analysis on banks银行信用分析Credit assessment信用评估Credit bureau信用机构Credit control信贷控制Credit control activities信贷控制活动Credit controllers信贷控制人员Credit cover信用风险担保Credit cycle信用循环Credit decisions信贷决策Credit deterioration信用恶化Credit exposure信用敞口Credit granting process授信程序Credit information信用信息Credit information agency信用信息机构Credit insurance信贷保险Credit insurance advantages信贷保险的优势Credit insurance brokers信贷保险经纪人Credit insurance limitations信贷保险的局限Credit limits信贷限额Credit limits for currency blocs货币集团国家信贷限额Credit limits for individual countries国家信贷限额Credit line授信额度Credit management信贷管理Credit managers信贷经理Credit monitoring信贷监控Credit notes欠款单据Credit period信用期Credit policy信用政策Credit policy issues信用政策发布Credit proposals信用申请Credit protection信贷保护Credit quality信贷质量Credit rating信用评级Credit reference agencies信用评级机构Credit risk信用风险Credit risk assessment信用风险评估Credit risk exposure信用风险敞口Credit risk insurance信用风险保险Credit risk:trade credit信用风险:商业信用Credit scoring信用风险评分Credit scoring model信用评分模型Credit scoring system信用评分系统Credit squeeze信贷压缩Credit taken ratio受信比率Credit terms信贷条款Credit utilization reports信贷利用报告Credit vetting信用审查Credit watch信用观察Credit worthiness信誉Creditor days应付账款天数Cross-default clause交叉违约条款Currency risk货币风险Current assets流动资产Current debts流动负债Current ratio requirement流动比率要求Current ratios流动比率Customer care客户关注Customer credit ratings客户信用评级Customer liaison客户联络Customer risks客户风险Cut-off scores及格线Cycle of credit monitoring信用监督循环Cyclical business周期性行业Daily operating expenses经营费用Day’s sales outstanding收回应收账款的平均天数Debentures债券Debt capital债务资本Debt collection agency债务托收机构Debt issuer债券发行人Debt protection levels债券保护级别Debt ratio负债比率Debt securities债券Debt service ratio还债率Debtor days应收账款天数Debtor's assets债权人的资产Default违约Deposit limits储蓄限额Depositing money储蓄资金Depreciation折旧Depreciation policies折旧政策Development budget研发预算Differentiation差别化Direct loss直接损失Directors salaries董事薪酬Discretionary cash flows自决性现金流量Discretionary outflows自决性现金流出Distribution costs分销成本Dividend cover股息保障倍数Dividend payout ratio股息支付率Dividends股利Documentary credit跟单信用证DSO应收账款的平均回收期Duration of credit risk信用风险期Eastern bloc countries东方集团国家EBITDA扣除利息、税收、折旧和摊销之前的收益Exports Credit Guarantee Department (ECGD)出口信贷担保局Economic conditions经济环境Economic cycles经济周期Economic depression经济萧条Economic growth经济增长Economic risk经济风险Electronic data interchange(EDI)电子数据交换Environmental factors环境因素Equity capital权益资本Equity finance权益融资Equity stake股权EU countries欧盟国家EU directives欧盟法规EU law欧盟法律Eurobondsxx债券European parliament欧洲议会European Union欧盟Evergreen loan常年贷款Exchange controls外汇管制Exchange-control regulations外汇管制条例Exhaust method排空法Existing debt未清偿债务Export buyer’s credit出口买方信贷Export collection loan出口托收贷款Export credit agencies出口信贷代理机构Export credit insurance出口信贷保险Export factoring出口代理Export sales出口额Export seller’s credit出口买方信贷Export negotiation出口议付Extending credit信贷展期External agency外部机构External assessment methods外部评估方式External assessments外部评估External information sources外部信息来源Extraordinary items非经常性项目Extras附加条件Facility account便利账户Factoring代理Factoring debts代理收账Factoring discounting代理折扣Factors Chain International国际代理连锁Failure prediction scores财务恶化预测分值FASB (xx)财务会计准则委员会Faulty credit analysis破产信用分析Fees费用Finance, new business ventures为新兴业务融资Finance, repay existing debt为偿还现有债务融资Finance, working capital为营运资金融资Financial assessment财务评估Financial cash flows融资性现金流量Financial collapse财务危机Financial flexibility财务弹性Financial forecast财务预测Financial instability财务的不稳定性Financial risk财务风险Financial risk ratios财务风险比率Fitch IBCA惠誉评级Fitch IBCA ratings惠誉评级Fixed assets固定资产Fixed charge固定费用Fixed charge cover固定费用保障倍数Fixed costs固定成本Floating assets浮动资产Floating charge浮动抵押Floor planning底价协议Focus聚焦Forced sale risk强制出售风险Foreign exchange markets外汇市场Forfaiting福费廷Formal credit rating正式信用评级Forward bill discount远期信用证项下汇票贴现Forward rate agreements远期利率协议FRAs远期利率协议Fund managers基金经理FX transaction外汇交易GAAP公认会计准则Gearing财务杠杆率Geographical spread of markets市场的地理扩展Global target全球目标Going concern concept持续经营原则Good lending优质贷款Good times良好时期Government agencies政府机构Guarantee of payment支付担保Guaranteed loans担保贷款Guarantees担保High credit quality高信贷质量High credit risk高信贷风险High default risk高违约风险High interest rates高利率High-risk loan高风险贷款High-value loan高价值贷款Historical accounting历史会计处理Historical cost历史成本IAS国际会计准则IASC国际会计准则委员会IBTT息税前利润ICE优质贷款原则Ideal liquidity ratios理想的流动性比率Implied debt rating隐含债务评级Importance of credit control信贷控制的重要性Improved products改进的产品Improving reported asset values改善资产账面价值In house assessment内部评估In house credit analysis内部信用分析In house credit assessments内部信用评估In house credit ratings内部信用评级Increasing profits提高利润Increasing reported profits提高账面利润Indemnity clause赔偿条款Indicators of credit deterioration信用恶化征兆Indirect loss间接损失Individual credit transactions个人信用交易Individual rating个体评级Industrial reports行业报告Industrial unrest行业动荡Industry limit行业限额Industry risk行业风险Industry risk analysis行业风险分析Inflow现金流入Information in financial statements财务报表中的信息Initial payment初始支付Insolvencies破产Institutional investors机构投资者Insured debt投保债务Intangible fixed asset无形固定资产Interest利息Interest cost利息成本Interest cover ratio利息保障倍数Interest cover test利息保障倍数测试Interest holiday免息期Interest payments利息支付Interest rates利率Interim statements中报(中期报表)Internal assessment methods内部评估方法Internal financing ratio内部融资率Internal Revenue Service美国国税局International Accounting Standards Committee国际会计准则委员会International Accounting Standards(IAS)国际会计准则International Chamber of Commerce国际商会International credit ratings国际信用评级International Factoring国际保理International Factoring Association国际代理商协会International settlements 国际结算Inventory存货Inverse of current ratio反转流动比率Investment analysts投资分析人员Investment policy投资政策Investment risk投资风险Investment spending投资支出Invoice discounting发票贴现Issue of bonds债券的发行Issued debt capital发行债务资本Junk bond status垃圾债券状况Just-in-time system(JIT)适时系统Key cash flow ratios主要现金流量指标Labor unrest劳动力市场动荡Large scale borrower大额借贷者Legal guarantee法律担保Legal insolvency法律破产Lending agreements贷款合约Lending covenants贷款保证契约Lending decisions贷款决策Lending transactions贷款交易Letters of credit信用证Leverage财务杠杆率London Inter-bank Offered Rate (LIBOR)伦敦同业拆借利率Lien留置Liquid assets速动资产Liquidation清算Liquidation expenses清算费Liquidity流动性Liquidity and working capital流动性与营运资金Liquidity ratios流动比率Liquidity run流动性危机Liquidity shortage流动性短缺Loan covenants贷款合约Loan guarantees贷款担保Loan principal贷款本金Loan principal repayments贷款本金偿还Loan review贷款审查Long-term debt长期负债Long-term funding长期融资Long-term risk长期风险Management管理层Marginal lending边际贷款Marginal trade credit边际交易信贷Market surveys市场调查Marketing市场营销Markets市场Matching concept配比原则Material adverse-change clause重大不利变动条款Maximum leverage level最高财务杠杆率限制Measurement and judgment计量与判断Measuring risk风险计量Medium-term loan中期贷款Minimum current ratio requirement最低流动比率要求Minimum leverage ratio最低举债比率Monitoring credit信用监控Monitoring customer credit limits监管客户信贷限额Monitoring risks监管风险Monitoring total credit limits监管全部信贷限额Monthly reports月报Moody's debt rating穆迪债券评级Mortgage抵押Mpr’oving balance sheet改善资产负债表Multiple discriminate analysis多元分析National debt国家债务NCI无信贷间隔天数Near-cash assets近似于现金的资产Negative cash flow负现金流量Net book value净账面价值Net cash flow净现金流量Net worth test净值测试New entrants新的市场进人者No credit interval无信贷间隔天数Non-cash items非现金项目Non-core business非核心业务Non-operational items非经营性项目Obtaing payment获得支付One-man rule一人原则Open account terms无担保条款Operating leases经营租赁Operating profit营业利润Operational cash flow营运性现金流量Operational flexibility经营弹性Optimal credit最佳信贷Order cycle订货环节Ordinary dividend payments普通股股利支付Organization of credit activities 信贷活动的组织Overdue payments逾期支付PAT税后利润Payment in advance提前付款Payment obligations付款义务Payment records付款记录Payment score还款评分PBIT息税前利润PBT息后税前利润Percentage change百分比变动Performance bonds履约保证Personal guarantees个人担保Planning systems计划系统Pledge典押Points-scoring system评分系统Policy setting政策制定Political risk政治风险Potential bad debt潜在坏账Potential credit risk潜在信用风险Potential value潜在价值Predicting corporate failures企业破产预测Preference dividends优先股股息Preferred stockholders优先股股东Preliminary assessment预备评估Premiums溢价Primary ratios基础比率Prior charge capital优先偿付资本Priority cash flows优先性现金流量Priority for creditors债权人的清偿顺序Priority payments优先支付Product life cycle产品生命周期Product market analysis产品市场分析Product range产品范围Products产品Professional fees专业费用Profit利润Profit and loss account损益账户Profit margin利润率Profitability盈利能力Promissory notes本票Property values所有权价值Providers of credit授信者Provision accounting准备金会计处理Prudence concept谨慎原则Public information公共信息Public relations公共关系Purpose of credit ratings信用评级的目的Purpose of ratios计算比率的目的Qualitative covenants定性条款Quantitative covenants定量条款Query control质疑控制Quick ratio速动比率Rating exercise评级实践Ratio analysis weaknesses比率分析的缺陷Real insolvency真实破产Real sales growth实际销售收入增长率Realization concept实现原则Receivables应收账款Recession衰退Reducing debtors冲减应收账款Reducing profits冲减利润Reducing provisions冲减准备金Reducing reported profits冲减账面利润Reducing stocks减少存货Registrar of Companies企业监管局Regulatory risk监管风险Releasing provisions冲回准备金Relocation expenses费用再分配Reminder letters催缴单Repayment on demand clause即期偿还条款Replacement of principal偿还本金Report of chairman总裁/董事长报告Reserve accounting准备金核算Residual cash flows剩余现金流量Restricting bad debts限制坏账Revenues总收入Risk analysis reports风险分析报告Risk and banks风险与银行Risk and Return风险与回报Risk capital风险资本Risk-reward风险回报Risk-weighted assets风险加权资产ROCE资本收益率Romapla clauses “一手交钱一手交货”条款Sales销售额Secondary ratios分解比率Secure methods of payment付款的担保方式Secured assets担保资产Secured creditors有担保债权人Secured loans担保贷款SecuritiesandExchangeCommission(SEC)(美国)证券交易委员会Security guarantees抵押担保Security of payment付款担保Security general principles担保的一般原则Segmentation细分Setting and policing credit limits信用限额的设定与政策制定Settlement discount (提前)结算折扣Settlement terms结算条款Share price股价Short-term borrowing短期借款Short-term creditors短期负债Short-term liabilities短期债务Short-termism短期化SIC常务诠释委员会Significance of working capital营运资金的重要性Single credit customer单一信用客户Single ratio analysis单一比率分析Size of credit risk信用风险的大小Slow stock turnover较低的存货周转率Sources of assessments评估信息来源Sovereign rating主权评级Specialist agencies专业机构Specific debt issue特别债券发行Speculative投机性Speculative grades投机性评级Split rating分割评级Spot rate现价(即期比率)Spreadsheets电子数据表Staff redundancies员工遣散费Standard security clauses标准担保条款Standard & Poor's标准普尔Standing Interpretations Committee证券交易委员会Standing starting credit limits持续更新信用限额Statistical analysis统计分析Statistical techniques统计技巧Status reports (企业)状况报告Stock valuations存货核算Stocks股票Straight line depreciation method直线折旧法Strategic positioning战略定位Surplus assets盈余资产Surplus rating盈余评级Supplier power供应商的力量Supply chain供应链Support rating支持评级Swap agreement换合约Swaps互换SWOT analysis SWOT分析Symptoms of failure questionnaires企业破产征兆调查表Takeovers收购Tax payments税务支付Technical insolvency技术破产Technology and change技术进步Term loan定期贷款Term of borrowing借款期限Third party guarantees第三方担保Tier 1 capital一类资本Trade credit商业信用Trade creditors应付账款Trade cycle商业循环Trade cycle times商业循环周期Trade debt应收账款Trade debtors贸易债权人Trade financing贸易融资Trade Indemnity贸易赔偿Trade references贸易参考Trade-off协定Trading outlook交易概况Trading profit营业利润Traditional cash flow传统现金流量Triple A三AUCP跟单信用证统一惯例Uncovered dividend未保障的股利Uniform Customs & Practice跟单信用证统一惯例Unpaid invoices未付款发票Unsecured creditors未担保的债权人Usefulness of liquidity ratios流动性比率的作用Uses of cash现金的使用Using bank risk information使用银行风险信息Using financial assessments使用财务评估Using ratios财务比率的运用Using retention-of-title clauses使用所有权保留条款Value chain价值链Value of Z scores Z值模型的价值Variable costs变动成本Variable interest可变利息Variety of financial ratios财务比率的种类Vetting procedures审查程序Volatile revenue dynamic收益波动Volume of sales销售量Warning signs of credit risk信用风险的警示Working assets营运资产working capital营运资本Working capital changes营运资本变化额working capital ratios营运资本比率Worldwide credit统一授信Write-downs资产减值Write-offs勾销Z score assessments Z值评估z score models z值模型Z scores z值Z scoring Z值评分系统。

海关英文常用语以下是海关英文常用语:1. Customs Clearance 报关2. Declaration of Value 价格声明3. Declaration of Origin 原产地声明4. Inspection Report 检验报告5. Certificate of Origin 原产地证书6. Customs Declaration Form 报关单7. Export License 出口许可证8. Import License 进口许可证9. Quarantine Inspection 检疫检查10. VAT Refund 增值税退税11. Duty Refund 关税退税12. Temporary Importation 临时进口13. Temporary Exportation 临时出口14. Free Trade Zone 自由贸易区15. Customs Valuation 海关估价16. Customs Duty 关税17. Excise Duty 消费税18. VAT Value Added Tax 增值税19. Tariff 关税税率20. Import Quota 进口配额21. Export Quota 出口配额22. Certificate of Free Sale 无限制销售证书23. Certificate of Origin Form A 一般原产地证书24. Certificate of Origin for preferential Tariff Treatment 优惠关税原产地证书25. Certificate of Origin for CEPA 内地与香港/澳门CEPA原产地证书26. Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures 动植物卫生及植物检疫措施27. Technical Barriers to Trade 贸易技术壁垒28. Harmonized System of Commodity Classification and Coding 商品协调制度29. Valuation Methodology for Tariff Purposes 关税目的的估价方法30. Rules of Origin 原产地规则。

信用证常用术语信用证常用术语We insist on a letter of credit.我们坚持用信用证方式付款。
As I've said, we require payment by L/C.我已经说过了,我们要求以信用证付款。
We still intend to use letter of credit as the term of payment.我们仍然想用信用证付款方式。
We always require L/C for our exports.我们出口一向要求以信用证付款。
L/C at sight is normal for our exports to France.我们向法国出口一般使用即期信用证付款。
We pay by L/C for our imports.进口我们也采用信用证汇款。
Our terms of payment is confirmed and irrevocable letter of credit.我们的付款条件是保兑的不可撤消的信用证。
You must be aware that an irrevocable L/C gives the exporter the additional protection of banker's guarantee.你必须意识到不可撤消信用证为出口商提供了银行担保。
Is the wording of "confirmed" necessary for the letter of credit?信用证上还用写明“保兑”字样吗?For payment we require 100% value, irrevocable L/C in our favour with partial shipment allowed clause available by draft at sight.我们要求用不可撤消的、允许分批装运、金额为全部货款、并以我方为抬头人的信用证,凭即期汇票支付。

payer 付款人consignee 受托人consignor 委托人drawer 出票人principal 委托人drawee 付款人endorsement 背书bailee 受托人,代保管人payment against documents 凭单付款payment against documents through collection 凭单托收付款payment by acceptance 承兑付款payment by bill 凭汇票付款letter of guarantee (l/g) 保证书bank guarantee 银行保函contract guarantee 合约保函payment guarantee 付款保证书repayment guarantee 还款保证书import guarantee 进口保证书retention money guarantee 保留金保证书documents of title to the goods 物权凭证authority to purchase (a/p) 委托购买证letter of indication 印鉴核对卡letter of hypothecation 质押书general letter of hypothecation 总质押书discount 贴现draft 汇票promisory note 本票cheque 支票clean bill 光票documentary bill 跟单汇票sight bill 即期汇票time bill 远期汇票tender/bid guarantee 投标保证书performance guarantee 履约保证书consingnee 受托人truster 信托人acceptor 承兑人trustee 被信托人endorser 背书人discount 贴现endorsee 被背书人endorse 背书holder 持票人。

保证书的英文怎么说保证书的英文:guaranteerecognizance参考例句:ransombill=ransombond)(被掳船只的)付赎保证书Affidavitofsupport生活保证书letterofindemnity;trustreceipt 赔偿保证书,信托收据LetterofQualityGuarantee质量保证书;质保书Letterofhypothecation押汇负责书,押汇保证书Ex-drinkerswhohavetakenthepledge.已作出保证书的戒酒者Bondstopayweretreatedasnegotiable.付款保证书被认为是可以转让的。
ThepumpWarrantyrequiresthatthepumpbeproperlyinstalledandtha tstart-upbeperformedbyqualifiedpersonnel..美国约曼泵的质量保证书要求泵设备经过正确的安装,并由拥有授权、有资格的人员执行泵设备的启动操作。
Guarantee/warranteeofthemanufacturerfortheequipment 制造商为设备提供的担保Theyhaveguaranteedpromptpayment.他们保证及时付款。

关于REACH保证书一、引言REACH(Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals)是欧盟制定的一项化学品管理法规,旨在保护人类健康和环境,确保化学品的安全使用。
二、REACH保证书的标准格式1. 标题:REACH保证书2. 保证书编号:每份保证书应有惟一的编号,用于追溯和识别。
3. 保证人信息:包括保证人的名称、地址、联系方式等。
4. 化学品信息:- 化学品名称:准确描述化学品的名称。
- CAS号:化学品的CAS注册号,用于惟一标识化学品。
- 份子式:化学式表示化学品的组成。
- 份子量:化学品的相对份子质量。
- 用途:详细描述化学品的主要用途和应用领域。
- 生产或者进口量:说明化学品的年度生产或者进口量。
5. 化学品安全数据表(SDS):附上最新版本的化学品安全数据表,确保提供全面和准确的化学品信息。
6. 符合REACH法规的声明:保证人声明其所生产、进口或者使用的化学品符合REACH法规的要求,包括但不限于注册、评估、授权和限制等方面的要求。
7. 检测报告:如适合,提供化学品经过第三方机构检测的报告,证明其符合REACH法规的相关要求。
8. 保证书签署和日期:保证人签署保证书,并注明签署日期。
三、REACH保证书的要求1. 准确性和完整性:保证书中提供的化学品信息、安全数据表和检测报告应准确、完整,不得有任何虚假或者误导性的陈述。
2. 及时更新:保证人应及时更新保证书中的化学品信息和相关文件,确保其与实际情况保持一致。
3. 法规符合性:保证人应确保所生产、进口或者使用的化学品符合REACH法规的各项要求,包括但不限于注册、评估、授权和限制等方面的要求。

希望对你有帮助哦!drawer 出票人principal 委托人drawee 付款人consignee 受托人truster 信托人acceptor 承兑人trustee 被信托人endorser 背书人discount 贴现endorsee 被背书人endorse 背书holder 持票人payment 支付,付款to pay 付款,支付,偿还dishonour 拒付deferred payment 延期付款progressive payment 分期付款payment on terms 定期付款payment agreement 支付协定pay order 支付凭证payment order 付款通知payment by banker 银行支付payment by remittance 汇拨支付payment in part 部分付款payment in full 全部付讫clean payment 单纯支付simple payment 单纯支付payment by installment 分期付款payment respite 延期付款payment at maturity 到期付款payment in advance 预付(货款)Cash With Order (C.W.O) 随订单付现Cash On Delivery (C.O.D) 交货付现Cash Against document. (C.A.D) 凭单付现pay on delivery (P.O.D) 货到付款payment in kind 实物支付payment for (in) cash 现金支付,付现pay...Co. only 仅付...公司pay...Co. not negotiable 付...公司,不准疏通pay...Co. or order (pay to the order of...Co.) 付...公司或其指定人refusal 拒绝the refusal of payment 拒付the bank interest 银行利息decline 下降,下跌something goes wrong 某事上出问题,出现差错commodity 产品convenient 方便的discount 贴现draft 汇票Promisory Note 本票cheque 支票clean bill 光票document.ry bill 跟单汇票Sight Bill 即期汇票Time Bill 远期汇票Usance Bill 远期汇票Commercial Bill 商业汇票Banker's Bill 商业汇票Banker's Bill 银行汇票Commercial Acceptance Bill 商业承兑汇票Bankers' Acceptance Bill 银行承兑汇票invoice 发票Performer Invoice 形式发票Sample Invoice 样品发票Consignment Invoice 寄售发票Recipe Invoice 收妥发票Certified Invoice 证明发票Manufacturers' Invoice 厂商发票At sight 即期,见票即付At...days (month)after sight 付款人见票后若干天(月)付款At...days sight 付款人见票后若干天即付款At...days after date 出票后若干天付款At...days after B/L 提单签发后若干天付款remittance 汇付Mail transfer (M/T) 信汇Demand Draft (D/D) 票汇Telegraphic Transfer (T/T) 电汇collection 托收clean Bill for Collection 光票托收document.ry Bill for Collection 跟单托收Uniform Rules for Collection 《托收统一规则》Collection Advice 托收委托书Advice of Clean Bill for Collection 光票托收委托书Collection Bill Purchased 托收出口押汇Trust Receipt 信托收据copy 副本original 正本document. against Payment (D/P) 付款交单document. against Payment at Sight (D/P sight) 即期付款交单document. against Payment after Sight (D/P sight) 远期付款交单document. against Acceptance (D/A) 承兑交单dealing 交易,生意sales-purchasing 促销,推销stage 阶段,过程destination 目的地to make exception 例外Cash Against Payment 凭单付款Letter of Credit (L/C) 信用证form of credit 信用证形式Terms of validity 信用证效期Expiry Date 效期Date of issue 开证日期L/C amount 信用证金额L/C number 信用证号码to open by airmail 信开to open by cable 电开to open by brief cable 简电开证to amend L/C 修改信用证fixed L/C or fixed amount L/C 有固定金额的信用证Sight L/C 即期信用证Usance L/C 远期信用证Buyer's Usance L/C 买方远期信用证Traveler's L/C 旅行信用证Revocable L/C 可撤消的信用证Irrevocable L/C 不可撤消的信用证Confirmed L/C 保兑的信用证Unconfirmed L/C 不保兑的信用证Confirmed Irrevocable L/C 保兑的不可撤消信用证Irrevocable Unconfirmed L/C 不可撤消不保兑的信用证Transferable L/C 可转让信用证Untransferable L/C 不可转让信用证Revolving L/C 循环信用证Reciprocal L/C 对开信用证Back to Back L/C 背对背信用证Countervailing credit (俗称)子证Overriding credit 母证Banker's Acceptance L/C 银行承兑信用证Trade Acceptance L/C 商业承兑信用证Red Clause L/C 红条款信用证Anticipatory L/C 预支信用证Credit payable by a trader 商业付款信用证Credit payable by a bank 银行付款信用证usance credit payment at sight 假远期信用证Uniform Customs and Practice for document.ry Credits 跟单信用证统一惯例I.C.C. Publication No.400 第400号出版物Credit with T/T Reimbursement Clause 带有电报索汇条款的信用证method of reimbursement 索汇方法without recourse 不受追索Opening Bank' Name & Signature 开证行名称及签字beneficiary 受益人guarantor 保证人Exporter's Bank 出口方银行Importer's Bank 进口方银行Seller's Bank 卖方银行Buyer's Bank 买方银行Paying Bank 付款行,汇入行Remitting Bank 汇出行Opening Bank 开证行Issuing Bank 开证行Advising Bank 通知行Notifying Bank 通知行Negotiating Bank 议付行Drawee Bank 付款行Confirming Bank 保兑行Presenting Bank 提示行Transmitting Bank 转递行Accepting Bank 承兑行Additional Words and Phrasespay bearer 付给某人bearer 来人payer 付款人consignee 受托人consignor 委托人endorsement 背书bailee 受托人,代保管人payment against document. 凭单付款payment against document. through collection 凭单托收付款payment by acceptance 承兑付款payment by bill 凭汇票付款Letter of Guarantee (L/G) 保证书Bank Guarantee 银行保函Contract Guarantee 合约保函Payment Guarantee 付款保证书Repayment Guarantee 还款保证书Import Guarantee 进口保证书Tender/Bid Guarantee 投标保证书Performance Guarantee 履约保证书Retention Money Guarantee 保留金保证书document. of title to the goods 物权凭证Authority to Purchase (A/P) 委托购买证Letter of Indication 印鉴核对卡Letter of Hypothecation 质押书General Letter of Hypothecation 总质押书。

信用证英语acceptance L/C 承兑信用证advising bank 通知行anticipatory L/C 预支信用证applicant 开证申请人applicant 开证申请人back to back redit(back to back L/C) 背对背信用证banker's acceptance L/C 银行承兑信用证beneficiary 受益人buyer's usance L/C 买方远期信用证clean credit (clean L/C)光票信用证collecting bank 代收银行confirmed L/C 保兑信用证confirming bank 保兑行credit with T/T reimbursement clause 带有电报索汇条款的信用证deferred payment credait (deferred payment L/C) 延期(迟期)付款信用证divisible L/C 可分割信用证documentary credit(documentary L/C) 跟单信用证documentary credit amendment 跟单信用证更改单expiry date 有效期fixed L/C (fixed amount L/C) 有固定金额的信用证freely negotiation L/C 自由议付信用证irrevocable cradit (irrevocable L/C) 不可撤销信用证issuing bank 开证银行letter of credit (L/C) 信用证negotiable 可议付的negotiating bank 议付行negotiation advice 议付通知书negotiation cradit(negotiation L/C) 议付信用证non-transferable L/C(non-transferable credit) 不可转让信用证notification 通知书notifying bank 通知行open by airmail 信开open by cable 电开open negotiation credit(open negotiation L/C)公开议付信用证opener 开证人opening bank (issuing bank) 开证行original credit 原信用证overriding credit 母证payee 收款人paying bank (drawee bank) 付款行payment advice 支付通知书payment credit 付款信用证payment order 付款单preadvice of a credit 信用证预先通知书presenting bank 提示行principal 委托开证人reciprocal L/C(reciprocal credit)对开信用证red clause L/C "红条款"信用证remitting bank 汇出行restricted negotiation L/C 限制议付信用证revocable credit (revocable L/C) 可撤销的信用证revolving credit (revolving L/C) 循环信用证sight credit (sight L/C) 即期信用证sight payment L/C 即期付款信用证stand-by L/C 备用信用证subsidiary credit 从属信用证terms of validity 信用证效期trade acceptance L/C 商业承兑信用证transferable L/C(transferable credit) 可转让信用证traveler's L/C 旅行信用证unconfirmed letter of credit 不保兑信用证usance L/C payable at sight 假远期信用证usance letter of credit 远期信用证with recourse L/C 有追索权信用证包装英语aluminum Bottle 铝瓶amp(o)ule 安瓿 (药针支)bag 袋bale 捆,包bale cargo capacity 包装容积bales off 散包basket 笼、篓、篮、筐block 块bobbin 绕线筒bolt(piece) 匹Bottle 瓶bundle (Bd) 捆(包装单位)bottom 下端,底部,底层box 盒braid 瓣bundle 捆can 罐cartridge container 尾管case(-s) 一件(货物/行李)casing 套(罩)coil 卷container 集装箱,盂,箱copper Pot 铜壶cup 杯、盂deep 深degree 度denominator 分母depth 深度dozen 打drum 桶fraction 分数gross 箩hard 硬的height 高度high 高in the form of a fraction 分数形式kilogram 公斤length 长度line 直线long 长lot 堆nailed on 钉上numerator 分子pair 双package 一件(货物/行李)piece 件、支、把、个pot 壶ream 捻,令roll(reel) 卷sack 袋set(kit)架、台、套sharp 锋利的side 边side of a case 箱子的一面thick 厚thickness 厚度tin 听unit(cart) 辆water tight 水密wide 宽width 宽度yard 码packing material 包装材料adhesive tape 压敏胶带backing 缓冲衬板bales 包件bamboo batten 竹条bamboo skin 竹篾batten 狭木条bituminous Kraft paper 地沥青牛皮纸brass wire 铜丝buckle 扣箍buffer 缓冲材料bulrush mat 蒲、苇by pattern, by stencil 按图安板canvas cloth 防水布,粗帆布canvas sheet 防水布,粗帆布cardboard paper 厚板纸cargo compressor 货用压缩机cargo lashing chain 货物捆绑链cellophane 玻璃纸cloth, canvas 粗麻布coated paper 涂层纸container loader 装箱机,集装箱装箱机container moulding apparatus 容器成型装置container sealing compound 容器封口胶compressed gas 压缩气体container boar 盒纸板container board 盒纸板container material 容器材料cord 绳子,绳索cushioning material 衬垫材料film 薄膜,胶片film membrane 薄膜Flexible Container 集装包/集装袋foamed plastics 泡沫塑料foamed rubber 泡沫橡胶foam plastic bag 泡沫塑料袋foil 箔纸heat seal 热封口indelible paint 不褪色的涂料,耐洗涂料iron Rod 铁条iron Wire 铁丝Kraft paper 牛皮纸lead Pot 铅壶metal strap 铁箍metal tag 金属标牌non returnable container 一次用包装old gunny bag 旧麻袋packet (pkt.) 包裹,封套,袋packing case 包装箱,包装件packing cloth, packing canvas 包装用的粗麻布packing cord 包装用的细绳packing paper 包装纸packing string 包装用的绳子,运单packing, package 包装,包装材料packing supplies 包装材料paint 颜料,油漆,涂料pallet 托盘pallet 卡板palletizer 堆卡板机paper 纸paper scrap 纸屑paper slip 纸条paper tag 纸标签paper tape 纸带paper wool 纸层paperboard 纸板partition 隔板patter, template, stencil 图案板plastic foam 泡沫塑料plywood 胶合板poly foam(snow box) 保丽龙(泡沫塑料)polyethylene film 聚乙烯薄膜polythene 聚乙烯preservative 防腐剂press packed bale 紧压包reusable tare 多次使用的包皮satin-covered 缎包装的seal 封口second-hand case 用过的箱子silk ribbon 绸带single sound bag 单层完整袋子size of a case 箱子的大小strap 带,铁皮带staple U型钉stencil 印上油墨tarpaulin 防水布,粗帆布throwaway tare 不能继续使用的包皮transparent paper 透明纸twine, string, pack thread 绳子,绳索.used gunny bag 旧麻袋vial 玻璃小瓶kind of packing 包装种类bag container packing 集装袋装bare in loose 裸装can 罐装,听装card board package 硬纸盒包装collective packing 组合包装container packing 集装箱装consumer packing 消费包装customary packing 普通包装, 习惯包装flexible container packing 集装包装/集装袋装flexible package 软包装hinge cover container 挂式包装homogeneous cargo bagged for stowage purpose 同类散货压舱包装,同类散货袋用压包in aluminum foil packing 铝箔包装in block 块装in bulk 散装in bundle 捆(扎)装inner packing 内包装,小包装in nude 裸装in slice 片装in spear 条装interior packaging 内部包装moisture proof packaging 防潮包装neutral packing 中性包装nude parched 裸装outer package 外包装outer packing 大包装,外包装packing exterior 外部包装packing for export goods 出口商品(货物)的包装packing interior 内部包装packing of nominated brand 定牌包装palletizing 托盘包装paper packing 纸包装plastic packing 塑料包装prepackaging 预包装regular packing for export 正规出口包装rustproof packaging 防锈包装sales package 销售包装,内包装seaworthy packing 海运包装sellers usual packing 卖方习惯包装single packing 单件包装shipment packing 运输包装shock proof packaging 防震包装tin 罐装,听装transparent package 透明包装transport package 运输包装tropical packing 适应热带气候的包装unpacked 散装vacuum packaging 真空包装water proof packaging 防水包装water proof packing 防水包装(材料),不透水包装without packing 裸装outer packing 大包装,外包装保险英语actual total loss 实际全损additional premium 附加保险费additional risk 附加险aflatoxin risk 黄曲霉素险air transportation risk 航空运输险average 海损breakage of packing 包装破碎险China Insurance Clauce (CIC) 中国保险条款claim adjustment (settlement of claim) 理赔claims and arbitration 索赔与仲裁clash and breakage 碰损,破碎险co-insurance 共同保险constructive total loss 推定全损contractors all risks insurance 建筑工程一切险cover note 暂保单(证明同意承保的临时文件); cover note 承保单,保险证明damage caused by heating and sweating 受热受潮险disbursement policy (船舶)驶费保险单double insurance 双保险endowment insurance 养老保险extra premium 额外保险费extraneous risks (additional risks) 附加险failure to delivery risk 交货不到险floating policy 浮动保险单franchise (deductible) 免赔额;免赔率free from/of particular average(FPA, F.P.A.) 平安险freight policy 运费保险单General Average (G.A.) 共同海损guarantee of insurance 保险担保书health insurance 健康保险hook damage 勾(钩)损险Institute Cargo Clauses (ICC,I.C.C.) 协会货物(保险)条款insurance 保险;保险金额insurance against air risk (air transportation insurance)航空运输保险insurance against all risks 保一切险,综合险insurance against breakage 保渗漏险insurance against extraneous(additional) risks 附加险insurance against rain or fresh water 保淡水雨淋险insurance against strike, riot and civil commotion (SRCC) 罢工、暴动、民变险insurance against total loss only (TLO) 全损险insurance agent(s) 保险代理,保险代理人insurance amount 保险额insurance applicant 投保人insurance broker 保险经纪人insurance business 保险业insurance certificate 保险凭证,保险证书insurance claim 保险索赔insurance clause 保险条款insurance commission 保险佣金insurance company 保险公司insurance conditions 保险条件,保险契约约定条款insurance coverage 保险范围,保额insurance declaration sheet (bordereau) 保险申报单(明细表)insurance document 保险单据insurance expense 保险费用insurance industry 保险业insurance instruction 投保通知,投保须知insurance law 保险法insurance on last survivor 长寿保险insurance policy 保险单, 保单insurance premium 保险费insurance proceeds 保险赔偿金,保险赔款insurance rate 保险费率insurance slip 投保申请书,投保单insurance underwriter 保险承保人insurance value (insurance amount) 保险金额insurant 被保险人insure 保险;投保insured amount 保险金额insurer 保险人,保险商insurer (underwriter) 承保人、保险人investment insurance 投资保险land transit insurance 陆上运输保险letter of guarantee 保函,保证书life insurance 人寿保险loss (damage)cuased by breakageof packing 包装破裂险marine insurance 海运保险,水险Marine Loss 海损medical insurance 医疗保险ocean marine cargo clauses 海洋运输货物保险条款on deck risk 舱面险open policy 预约保险单open policy insurance 预约保险overland (transportation) insurance 陆上运输保险parcel post insurance 邮包运输保险partial loss 部分损失particular average (P.A.) 单独海损perils of the sea 海上风险policy 保单,保险契约policy holder 保险客户,保险单持有人policy package 承保多项内容的保险单policy proof of interest 保险单权益证明policy reserves 保险单责任准备金premium 保险费premium rate 保险费率premium rebate 保险费回扣property insurance 财产保险rejection risk 拒收险renew coverage 续保riks of non-delivery 提货不着险risk 保险,保险额risk of bad odour 恶味险,变味险risk of breakage 破碎险risk of clashing 碰损险risk of contamination 污染险risk of contingent import duty 进口关税险risk of deterioration 变质险risk of error 过失险risk of hook damage 钩损险risk of import duty 进口关税险risk of inherent vice 内在缺陷险risk of labels being washed off 标签破损险risk of leakage 渗漏险risk of loss 损失险risk of mould 发霉险risk of normal loss (natural loss) 途耗或自然损耗险risk of oil damage 油渍险risk of packing breakage 包装破裂险risk of rain and/or fresh water damage 淡水雨淋险risk of rust 锈蚀险risk of shortage in quantity 短量险risk of shortage in weight 短重险risk of spontaneous combustion 自燃险risk of sweating and/or heating 受潮受热险risk of theft, pilferage and nondelivery (TRND) 盗窃、提货不着险risk premium 风险贴水、风险溢价sickness insurance 疾病保险social insurance 社会保险special additional risk 特别(特殊)附加险survey at jetty risk 码头检验险survey in customs risk 海关检验险the insured 受保人,被保险人the People's Insurance Company of China 中国人民保险公司Theft, Pilferage and Non-delivery (PTND, P.T.N.D.) 偷窃、提货不着险time policy 定期保险单total loss 全部损失transportation insurance 运输保险under deck risk 舱内险underwriter 保险商(指专保水险的保险商),保险公司valued policy 定值保险单voyage policy 航程保险单war risk 战争险with particular average(WPA)水渍险,基本险,单独海损赔]品质英语5% plus or minus 增减5%above the average quality 一般水平以上的质量article No. 货号assortment 花色(搭配)average quality 平均质量bad quality 劣质below the average quality 一般水平以下的质量best quality 最好的质量better quality 较好质量brand 牌名catalogue 商品目录choice quality或selected quality 精选的质量colour 色彩colour sample 色彩样品common quality 一般质量counter sample 对等样品description 说明design 图案duplicate sample 复样fair average quality (f.a.q.) 大路货,良好平均品质fair quality 尚好的质量fine quality 优质first-class 一等品first-class quality 头等的质量first-rate quality 头等的质量good merchantable quality 全销质量good quality 好质量grade 等级high quality 高质量inaccurate 不精确的inferior quality 次质量low quality 低质量original sample 原样pamphlet 宣传小册particulars 细节pattern sample 型式样品poor quality 质量较差popular quality 大众化的质量prime quality 第一流的质量qualitative 质量的qualitatively 在质量上quality 质量,品质quality as per buyer's sample 凭买方样品质量交货quality as per seller's sample 凭卖方样品质量交货quality certificate 品质证明书quality clause 品质条款quality control 质量管理quality landed 卸岸品质quality of export and import commodities 进出口商品质量quality shipped 装船品质quality to be considered as being about equal to the sample 品质与样品大致相同reference sample 参考样品representative sample 代表性样品Sales by Description 凭说明书买卖sales by sample 凭样品买卖sales by specification, grade, of standard 凭规格、等级或标准买卖sales by trade mark of brand 凭商标和牌名买卖sample 样品sample for reference 参考样品sampling 抽样sealed sample 封样sound quality 完好的质量specification 规格standard 标准standard quality 标准质量standard type 标准subject to the counter sample 以对等样品为准superior quality 优等的质量tip-top quality 第一流的质量to be in conformity with 与...一致to be inferior to 次于...to be responsible for 对...负责tolerance 公差trade mark 商标transferee 受让者transferer 转让者uniform quality 一致的质量unsatisfactory 不满意的usual quality 通常的质量外汇英语gold content 含金量adjustable peg 可调整的钉住(汇率)appreciation 升值at par 平价balance of payments 贸易支付差额bank note rate 现钞汇率banker's check 银行支票basic rate 基本汇率bear market 熊市bid 买价bid rate 出价汇率bid/ask spread 买入卖出差价bill of exchange 汇票Bretton Woods Accord of 1944 1944年布雷顿森林协定broker 经纪人bull market 牛市buying rate 买入汇率call rate 同业拆借利率cash market 现金市场closing rate 收盘汇率commercial rate 商业汇价,贸易汇率convertible currency 可兑换货币correspondent bank 代理银行,同业银行cross exchange 通过第三国汇付的汇兑cross rate 套算汇率currency option 货币期权currency risk 货币风险currency swap 货币掉期currency warrant 货币权证day trading 交易日demand rate 即期汇率devaluation 贬值discount 贴现discount rate 贴现率effective rate 实际汇率European Monetary System (EMS) 欧洲货币体系European Monetary Union 欧洲货币联盟exchange rate 汇率exchange rate risk 汇率风险Federal Reserve (Fed) 联邦储备(美国的中央银行)financial rate 金融汇率fixed rate 固定汇率flat /square 持平/轧平floating rate 浮动汇率foreign currency 外币foreign exchange 外汇foreign exchange control 外汇管制foreign exchange reserve 外汇储备foreign exchange swap 外汇交换forward 远期交易forward margin 远期差额forward rate 远期汇率freely floating exchange rate 自由浮动汇率fundamental analysis 基本面分析gold point 黄金输送点gold standard 金本位GTC (good till cancelled) 撤销前有效hard currency 硬通货hedging 对冲high/low 最高价/最低价inflation 通货膨胀initial margin 原始保证金interbank rates 银行同业买卖汇率International Monetary Fun(IMF)国际货币基金组织joint floating exchange rate 联合浮动汇率limit order 限价定单long position 多头mail transfer 信汇managed floating exchange rate 管理浮动汇率margin 保证金margin call 追加保证market maker 做市者,市场主持者,代客或自行买卖股票者maturity 到期日medial rate 中间汇率merchant rate 商业汇价mint par 铸币平价multiple rate 复汇率offer 卖出价One Cancels Other Order (O.C.O.Order) 二择一定单open position 未结头寸,未结清期货合同over the counter (OTC) 柜台外交易overnight trading 隔夜交易paper money system 纸币制度pegged exchange rate 钉住汇率制pip (or points) 基本点(点)political risk 政治风险premium (货币、期货等)升水,溢价quotation 牌价,行情(表)regional monetary integration 区域性货币一体化resistance 阻力位risk capital 风险资金rollover 展期交割selling rate 卖出汇率settlement 清算short 空头(户),空头证券single floating exchange rate 单独浮动汇率single rate 单一汇率soft currency 软通货spot 即期spot rate 即期汇率spread 价差stop loss order 止损定单support levels 支持位two-way price 双向报价US prime rate 美国基本利率value date 交割日variation margin 变动保证金volatility 波幅报关英语accepting bank 承兑银行actual weight (A/W)实际重量ad valorem 从价advice of shipment 装运通知,装船通知air waybill 航空运单anti-dumping duty 反倾销税art. No. 货号at sight (A/S ) 见票即付authorized agent 指定的代理人autonomous tariff 自主关税bank draft (B/D) 银行汇票barter trade 易货贸易bill drawn to order 指定式汇票bill for collection (B/C) 托收汇票bill head (BHD) 空白单据bill of entry (B/E) 进口报关单bill of lading (B/L) 提单air bill of lading 空运提单clean bill of lading 清洁提单bill of materials (B/M) 材料单bill of exit (B/E) 出口报送单booking list 定舱清单,装货定舱表bound rate 约束税率Brussels Definition of Value (BDV) 布鲁塞尔估价定义cargo in bulk 散装货cash against bill of lading 凭提单付款cash against delivery 货到付款cash against shipping document 凭单付款cash and delivery 付款交货、货到付款cash on delivery (COD) 货到付款charge paid (CD) 付讫chargeable weight 计费重量commission 佣金commodity code 商品编码compensation 赔偿,补偿complaint 投诉confirmed credit 保兑信用证confirming bank 保兑银行consignee 收货人consignment agent 寄售代理人consignor 发货人,寄售人cost and freight (CFR) 成本加运费价格(指定目的港)cost and freight (C&F,即CFR) 成本加运费价格cost, insurance and freight (CIF,c.i.f.) 成本加保险费、运费价, 到岸价countervailing duty 反补贴税Customs 海关Customs Co-operation Council 关税合作理事会Customs duty 关税Customs Union 关税同盟Customs value 海关估价demand draft (D/D) 即期汇票description 品名,货名;规格说明书differential duty 差别关税documents against acceptance (D/A) 承兑交单documents against payment (D/P) 付款交单documents attached (DA) 附凭单effective rate of protection 有效保护率exchange tax 汇兑税expiration date (expiry date) 失效日期,有效期限export duty 出口税export rebates 出口退税extra large, extra long (XL) 超大、超长fair average quality (FAQ) 良好平均品质free on board (FOB) 装运港船上交货价格,离岸价freight 运费air freight 空运费full container load (FCL) 整箱货internal tax 国内税less than container load (LCL) 拼箱货letter of credit (L/C) 信用证letter of trust (L/T) 委托书margin of preference 优惠差额multiple rates of exchange 多种汇率par value of exchange 汇兑平价partial shipment 分批装运port of dispatch 发货口岸preferential rate 优惠税率price 价格product by product reduction of tariff 产品对产品减税方式protective tariff 保护关税quantity 数量quality assurance (QA) 质量保证reciprocity 互惠原则registered air mail (RAM) 航空挂号邮件specific duty 从量税tare 皮重,毛重tariff 关税tariff concession 关税减让tariff escalation 关税升级tariff quota 关税配额telegraphic transfer (T/T) 电汇General Agreement On Tariffs And Trade (GATT) 关税与贸易总协定most-favoured-nation rate of duty 最惠国税率total weight (TW) 总重量transhipment delivery order (TDO) 转船提货单transit duties 过境关税twenty-foot equivelent unit (TEU) 20英尺集装箱等量单位unit price 单价variable import levies 差价关税woven label (W/L) 编织标签索赔英语claim against carrier 向承运人索赔claim for compensation 要求补偿claim for damage 由于损坏而索赔claim for indemnity 要求索赔claim for loss and damage of cargo 货物损失索赔claim for short weight 由于短重而索赔claim for trade dispute 贸易纠纷(引起的)索赔claim indemnity 索赔claim letter 索赔书claim on the goods 对某(批)货索赔claim on you 向某人(方)提出索赔claim report 索赔报告claimant 索赔人claimee 被索赔人claiming administration 索赔局claims 索赔;债权claims assessor 估损人claims department(commission board) 索赔委员会claims documents 索赔证件claims rejected 拒赔claims settlement 理赔claims settling agent 理赔代理人claims settling fee 理赔代理费claims statement 索赔清单claims surveying agent 理赔检验代理人claimsman 损失赔偿结算人in settlement of 解决inability 无能力incorrect 不正确的insurance claim 保险索赔on my way home 顺路Sales Confirmation 销售确认书to bring up a (one's) claim 提出索赔to file a (one's) claim 提出索赔to lodge a (one's) claim 提出索赔to make a (one's) claim 提出索赔to make a claim for (on)sth. 就某事提出索赔to make a claim with(against) sb. 向某方提出索赔to make an investigation 调查研究to put in a (one's) claim 提出索赔to raise a (one's) claim 提出索赔to register a (one's) claim 提出索赔to waive a claim 放弃索赔(要求)to withdraw a claim 撤消(某项)索赔arbitral tribunal 仲裁庭arbitration 仲裁claim 索赔;赔偿;赔偿金claim for inferior quality 由于质量低劣而索赔compensate 赔偿,补偿disputes 争议force Majeure 不可抗力penalty 罚金条款to settle a claim 解决索赔(问题)。

商检常用英语一、常用词汇Consignor 发货人Consignee 受货人Applicant 申请人Drawee 汇票售票人Drawer 汇票出票人Draft 汇票Contract 合同、契约Invoice 发票Beneficiary 受益人Accountee 开证申请人Negotiation 议付Trouble 故障Liner 班轮Release 放行Repair 修理Payee 收款人Payer 付款人Surveyor 签订人Commission 佣金Devaluation 贬值Endorsement 背书Opinion 意见Conclusion 评定Claim 索赔Leakage 漏耗Evaporation 蒸发Mispacking 装箱错误Insurer 保险人Insurerd 被保险人Insurance clauses 保险条款Breakage 破损Damage 毁坏Rust 生锈Contamination 污染Original 正本Copy 副本Amendment 修正Description 品名种类Freight 货物运输运费Acceptance 承兑Container 集装箱Smpling 签封样品Conditions 一般条件Corporation 公司Customs 海关Shipping mark 运输标志Mark No. 标记号码Customs duty 海关税Carton No. 箱号Part No. 零件号Serial No. 序列号Invoice No. 发票号Excess 溢Shortage 缺Outer packing 外包装Inner packing 内包装Standard 标准All risks 综合险、一切险War risk 战争险Shipping port 装运港Discharging port 卸货港Destination port 目的港Prompt shipment 即期装运Timed shipment 定期装运Indefinite shipment 不定期装运Unit price 单价Total value 总值Sales confirmation 销售确认书Purchase confirmation 购货确认书L/C(letter of credit) 信用证The expiry date of L/C 信用证有效期Irrevocable documentary L/C 不可撤销跟单信用证Partial shipment 分批装运Partial shipment to be allowed 允许分批装运Transhipment 转运Transhipment to be allowed 允许转运Gross for net 以毛作净Net weight 净重Gross weight 毛重Tare 皮重Actual tare 实际皮重Average tare 平均皮重Date of arrival 进口日期Date of completion of (Discharging)卸毕日期Shortage in quantity 数量短少Shortage in weight 短重Proforma invoice 形式发票Bill of lading 提单Packing list 装箱单Weight memo 码单Poor quality 品质不良Poor performance 性能不良Cash against documents 凭单付款Cash on delivery 货到付款Shipping documents 货运单据Results of inspection 检验结果Visual inspection 外观检查Surface defects 外观缺陷Shipment on or before 15th October 10月15日前装运More or less clause 溢短装条款Import licence 进口许可证Shipment as soon as possible 尽快装运Neutral packing 中性包装Test report 实验报告Letter of indemnity 赔偿保证书Combined transport documents 联合运输单证Inspection on damaged cargo 进口商品的残损检验Supervision of loading 监视装载Inspection certificate 检验证书Inspection fee 检验费Water stain 水渍After sight 见票后In duplicate 一式二份Letter of guarantee 保证书Chief inspector 主任检验员Air freight bill 空运提单Fair average quality 中等品,良好平均品质,大路货Import and export corporation 进口公司Hand press packing 人工打包Period of quality guarantee 品质保证期Certificate of manufacture 制造厂证明书Special clause 特殊条款二、常用例语50 M/T(5% More or Loss allowed) of Steamed Leather Meal Nitrogen 10% Min, As per Contract No.87JF01.五十公吨(5%增减)皮子粉,含氮10%以上,合同号No.87JF01Packing condition must be without inner polyethylene bag and /or inner paper bag.包装情况:内包装必须无聚乙烯或纸袋Attached sheet附页Quality Certificate in triplicate issued by Commodity Inspection Bureau of the P.R.CHINA. 中国商检局签发的品质证书一式三份Weight Certificate in triplicate stating that weight is strictly weighed just before shipment issued by commodity inspection bureau.商检局签发的重量证书一式三份。

用于政府管制的单证(许可证、原产地证明、商检证等)declaration form报关单νThree steps—declaration, examination of goods andν release of goods, are taken by the Customs to exercise control over general import and export goods.海关对进出境货物的监管一般经过申报、查验和放行三个环节。
the person in chargeν of the declarationinvoice发票νocean bill of lading提单νairν waybill空运提单packing list或packing specification(装箱单)νshippingν order(装货单)letter of credit(L|C)(信用证)νinsurance policy(保险单)νsalesν confirmation售货确认书contract(合同)(commodity, quantity, unit price, totalνamount, country of origin and manufacturer, packing, shipping mark, date of shipment, port of shipment, port of destination, insurance, payment, shipment, shipping advice, guarantee of quality, claims, force majeure, late delivery and penalty, arbitration)certificate(commodity inspection certificate商检证animal or plant quarantine certificate 动植物检疫证certificate of origin原产地证)二.报关英语常用词汇import进口 export出口importν & export corporation(Corp.)importν & export business(enterprise entitled to do import and export business)export drawback出口退税νimportν & export licenceprocessing with imported(supplied) materials进(来)料加工νbuyer买方 seller卖方The buyer requests his bank to issue a letter of credit in favor of the seller.goods(import& export goods , All import and export goods shall be subject to Customs examination)cargo (bulk cargo,cargo in bulk, air cargo, sea cargo,bonded cargo, cargo-ownerWhat cargo is inside the container?The cargo is now released.)Commodity(commodity inspection)merchandise泛指商品,不特指某一商品article(smuggled goods and articles, inward and outward goods and articles)luggage 行李物品postal items 邮递物品Yo u don’t have to pay duty on personal belongings, but the other one is subject to duty.means of transport(conveyance)运输工具(vessel, aircraft, train, vehicle):All inward and outward means of transport shall be subject to Customs control on arriving in or departing from the Customs territory.ocean vessel船名packing(bag袋, bale包, bottle, coil圈,case, crate板条箱,dozen, package件:total packages合计件数, piece, roll, set, unit辆,台,单位,drum桶, carton纸箱, wooden cases木箱, pallet 托盘, container ,in bulk)weight重量gross weight毛重 net weight净重tare皮重quantity数量:The minimum quantity of an order for the goods is 500 cases.description of goods货名name and specifications of commodity品名及规格type类型mode (term)of trade贸易方式name of trading country贸易国date of importation进口日期value价值total value of the contract commercial value, duty-paying valueThe duty-paying value of an import item shall be its normalCIF price and the duty-paying value of an exportitem shall be its FOB price, minus the export duty.The duty-paying value of an inward or outward article shall be fixed by the Customs.price价格unit price单价 total price总价total amount总价consignor发货人 consignee收货人While the examination is being carried out, the consignee of the import goods or the consignor of the export goodsshall be present and responsible for moving the goods, opening and restoring the packingDeclaration of import goods shall be made to the Customs by the consignee within 14 days of the declaration of the arrival of the means of transport; declaration of export goods shall be made by the consignor 24 hours prior to the loading unless otherwise approved by the Customs. 进口货物的收货人应当自运输工具申报进境之日起14日内,出口货物的发货人除海关特准的外应当在货物运抵海关监管区后装货的24小时以前,向海关申报。

进出口合同中的cccd内容英文回答:In an import-export contract, CCCD refers to the China Certificate for Commodity Inspection and Quarantine. This certificate is issued by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of thePeople's Republic of China (AQSIQ). It is a mandatory requirement for certain products to be imported into China.The CCCD serves as proof that the imported goods comply with the relevant Chinese quality and safety standards. Itis usually obtained by the exporter or the manufacturer before the goods are shipped to China. The certificate contains information such as the product name, specifications, quantity, and the inspection results.The CCCD plays a crucial role in facilitating trade between China and other countries. Without this certificate, the imported goods may be subject to inspection andquarantine procedures upon arrival in China, which can cause delays and additional costs for the importer. Therefore, it is important for both parties involved in the import-export contract to understand and comply with the CCCD requirements.For example, let's say I am an exporter based in the United States, and I want to sell electronic products to a Chinese company. As part of the import-export contract, I would need to ensure that my products meet the Chinese quality and safety standards and obtain the CCCD. This may involve conducting product testing, obtaining necessary certifications, and submitting the required documentation to the AQSIQ. Once I have obtained the CCCD, I can proceed with shipping the goods to China, knowing that they meet the necessary requirements.中文回答:进出口合同中的CCCD指的是中国商品检验检疫证书。

关于REACH保证书一、背景介绍REACH(Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals)是欧洲联盟制定的一项化学品管理法规,旨在确保化学品在欧洲市场的安全使用。
三、REACH保证书的内容要求1. 公司信息:包括公司名称、注册地址、联系方式等基本信息。
2. 化学品信息:列出化学品的通用名称、CAS号码、份子式等详细信息。
3. REACH法规合规性声明:明确说明所生产、进口或者使用的化学品符合REACH法规的要求,并遵守相关的注册、评估、授权和限制规定。
4. 化学品安全数据表(SDS):附上化学品的安全数据表,详细描述化学品的物理化学性质、危害性、安全操作建议等信息。
5. 测试报告和评估结果:提供化学品经过相关测试和评估的报告,证明其安全性和合规性。
6. 供应链信息:提供化学品的供应链信息,包括原材料供应商、生产工艺等环节的合规性保证。
7. 监管机构要求的其他附加信息:根据具体监管机构的要求,提供其他相关的附加信息,如注册号码、授权证书等。
四、REACH保证书的重要性1. 符合法规要求:REACH保证书是化学品企业确保其产品符合REACH法规要求的重要证明文件,能够满足欧洲市场对化学品的合规性要求。
2. 提升市场竞争力:拥有REACH保证书能够证明化学品的安全性和合规性,增加企业在市场中的竞争力,获得更多的合作机会。
3. 保护消费者安全:REACH保证书能够提供化学品的相关信息,使消费者能够了解化学品的安全性和风险,从而做出明智的购买决策。

接下来小编为大家整理了外贸英语单证词汇,希望对你有帮助哦!订舱确认 booking confirmation要求交货通知 calling foward notice运费发票 freight invoice货物到达通知 arrival notice(goods)质量证书 certificate of quality测试报告 test report产品性能报告 product performance report产品规格型号报告 product specification report工艺数据报告 process data report首样测试报告 first sample test report价格/销售目录 price /sales catalogue参与方信息 party information农产品加工厂证书 mill certificate家产品加工厂证书——暂时空缺,请各位网友帮助提供邮政收据 post receipt重量证书 weight certificate重量单 weight list证书 cerificate价值与原产地综合证书combined certificate of value adn origin移动声明A.TR.1 movement certificate A.TR.1数量证书 certificate of quantity质量数据报文 quality data message查询 query查询回复 response to query订购单 purchase order制造说明 manufacturing instructions领料单 stores requisition产品售价单 invoicing data sheet包装说明 packing instruction内部运输单 internal transport order统计及其他管理用内部单证statistical and oter administrative internal docu-ments直接支付估价请求 direct payment valuation request直接支付估价单 direct payment valuation临时支付估价单 rpovisional payment valuation支付估价单 payment valuation数量估价单 quantity valuation request数量估价请求 quantity valuation request合同数量单 contract bill of quantities-BOQ不祭价投标数量单 unpriced tender BOQ标价投标数量单 priced tender BOQ询价单 enquiry临时支付请求 interim application for payment支付协议 agreement to pay意向书 letter of intent订单 order总订单 blanket order现货订单 sport order租赁单 lease order紧急订单 rush order修理单 repair order分订单 call off order寄售单 consignment order样品订单 sample order换货单 swap order订购单变更哀求 purchase order change request订购单回复 purchase order response租用单 hire order备件订单 spare parts order交货说明 delivery instructions交货计划表 delivery schedule按时交货 delivery just-in-time发货通知 delivery release交货通知 delivery note装箱单 packing list发盘/报价 offer/quotation报价请求 request for quote合同 contract订单确认 acknowledgement of order形式发票 proforma invoice部分发票 partial invoice操作说明 operating instructions铭牌 name/product plate交货说明哀求 request for delivery instructions订舱请求 booking request装运说明 shipping instructions托运人说明书(空运) shipper's letter of instructions(air) 短途货运单 cartage order(local transport)待运通知 ready for despatch advice发运单 despatch order发运通知 despatch advice单证分发通知 advice of distrbution of document.商业发票 commercial invoice贷记单 credit note佣金单 commission note借记单 debit note更正发票 corrected invoice合并发票 consolidated invoice预付发票 prepayment invoice租用发票 hire invoice税务发票 tax invoice自用发票 self-billed invoice保兑发票 delcredere invoice代理发票 factored invoice租赁发票 lease invoice寄售发票 consignment invoice代理贷记单 factored credit note银行转帐指示 instructions for bank transfer银行汇票请求书 application for banker's draft托收支付通知书 collection payment advice跟单信用证支付通知书 document.ry credit payment advice 跟单信用证承兑通知书 document.ry credit acceptance advice 跟单信用证议付通知书 document.ry credit negotiation advice 银行担保请求书 application for banker's guarantee银行担保 banker's guarantee跟单信用证赔偿单 document.ry credit letter of indemnity信用证预先通知书 preadvice of a credit托收单 collection order单证提交单 document. presentation form付款单 payment order扩展付款单 extended payment order多重付款单 multiple payment order贷记通知书 credit advice扩展贷记通知书 extended credit advice借记通知书 debit advice借记撤消 reversal of debit贷记撤消 reversal of credit跟单信用证请求书 document.ry credit application跟单信用证 document.ry credit跟单信用证通知书 document.ry credit notification跟单信用证转让通知 document.ry credit transfer advice跟单信用证更改通知书document.ry credit amendment notification跟单信用证更改单 document.ry credit amendment汇款通知 remittance advice银行汇票 banker's draft汇票 bill of exchange本票 promissory note帐户财务报表 financial statement of account帐户报表报文 statement of account message保险赁证 insurance certificate保险单 insurance policy保险申报单(明细表) insurance declaration sheet (bordereau) 保险人发票 insurer's invoice承保单 cover note货运说明 forwarding instructions货运代理给进口代理的通知 forwarder's advice to import agent 货运代理给出口商的通知 forwarder's advice to exporter货运代理发票 forwarder's invoice货运代理收据证明 forwarder's certificate of receipt托运单 shipping note货运代理人仓库收据 forwarder's warehouse receipt货物收据 goods receipt港口费用单 port charges document.入库单 warehouse warrant提货单 delivery order装卸单 handling order通行证 gate pass运单 waybill通用(多用)运输单证universal (multipurpose) transport document.承运人货物收据 goods receipt, carriage全程运单 house waybill主提单master bill of lading提单 bill of lading正本提单 bill of lading original副本提单 bill of lading copy空集装箱提单 empty container bill油轮提单 tanker bill of lading海运单 sea waybill内河提单 inland waterway bill of lading不可转让的海运单证(通用) non-negotiable maritime transport document.nbsp(generic)大副据 mate's receipt全程提单 house bill of lading无提单提货保函 letter of indemnity for non-surrender of bill of lading货运代理人提单 forwarder's bill of lading铁路托运单(通用条款 ) rail consignment note (generic term) 陆运单 road list-SMGS押运正式确认 escort official recognition分段计费单证 recharging document.公路托运单 road cosignment note空运单 air waybill主空运单 master air waybill分空运单 substitute air waybill国人员物品申报 crew's effects declaration乘客名单 passenger list铁路运输交货通知 delivery notice(rail transport)邮递包裹投递单 despatch note (post parcels)多式联运单证(通用) multimodal/combined transport document.nbsp(generic)直达提单 through bill of lading货运代理人运输证书 forwarder's certificate of transport联运单证(通用) combined transport document.nbsp(generic) 多式联运单证(通用) multimodal transport document.nbsp(generic)多式联运提单combined transport bill of lading/multimoda bill of lading无法交货的通知notice of circumstances preventing delvery (goods)无法运货通知notice of circumstances preventing transport (goods)交货通知 delivery notice (goods)载货清单 cargo manifest载货运费清单 freight manifest公路运输货物清单 bordereau集装箱载货清单 container manifes (unit packing list)铁路费用单 charges note托收通知 advice of collection船舶安全证书 safety of ship certificate无线电台安全证书 safety of radio certificate装备安全证书 safety of equipment certificate载重线证书 loadline document.免于除鼠证书 derat document.航海健康证书 maritime declaration of health船舶登记证书 certificate of registry船用物品申报单 ship's stores declaration出口许可证请求表 export licence, application出口许可证 export licence出口结汇核销单 exchange control declaration, exprotT出口单证(海关转运报关单 )(欧共体用) despatch note moder TT1出口单证(内部转运报关单)(欧共体用) despatch note model T1T2出口单证(原产地证明书) despatch note model T2T5管理单证(退运单证)(欧共体用) control document.nbspT5铁路运输退运单 re-sending consigment noteT2L出口单证(原产地证明书)(欧共体用) despatch note model T2L出口货物报关单 goods declaration for exportation离港货物报关单 cargo declaration(departure)货物监管证书请求表 application for goods control certificate 货物监管证书请求表 goods control certificate植物检疫请求表 application for phytosanitary certificate植物检疫证书 phytosanilary certificate卫生检疫证书 sanitary certificate动物检疫证书 veterinary certifieate商品检验请求表 application for inspection certificate商品检验证书 inspection certificate原产地证书请求表 certificate of origin, application for原产地证书 certificate of origin原产地声明 declaration of origin地区名称证书 regional appellation certificate优惠原产地证书 preference certificate of origin普惠制原产地证书 certificate of origin form GSP领事发票 cosular invoice危险货物申报单 dangerous goods declaration出口统计报表 statistical doucument, export国际贸易统计申报单 intrastat declaration交货核对证明 delivery verification certificate进口许可证请求表 import licence, application for进口许可证 import licence无商业细节的报关单 customs declaration without commercial detail有商业和项目细节的报关单customs declaration with commercial and item detail无项目细节的报关单 customs declaration without item detail 有关单证 related document. 海关收据 receipt (Customs)调汇请求 application for exchange allocation调汇许可 foreign exchange permit进口外汇管理申报 exchange control declaration (import)进口货物报关单 goods declaration for implortation内销货物报关单 goods declaration for home use海关即刻放行报关单 customs immediate release declaration 海关放行通知 customs delivery note到港货物报关单 cargo declaration (arrival)货物价值申报清单 value declaration海关发票 customs invoice邮包报关单 customs deciaration (post parcels)增值税申报单 tax declaration (value added tax)普通税申报单 tax declaration (general)催税单 tax demand禁运货物许可证 embargo permit海关转运货物报关单 goods declaration for customs transitTIF国际铁路运输报关单 TIF formTIR国际公路运输报关单 TIR carnet欧共体海关转运报关单 EC carnetEUR1欧共体原产地证书 EUR 1 certificate of origin暂准进口海关文件 ATA carnt欧共体统一单证 single administrative document.海关一般回复 general response (Customs)海关公文回复 document.nbspresponse (Customs)海关误差回复 error response (Customs)海关一揽子回复 packae response (Customs)海关计税 / 确认回复 tax calculation / confirmation response (Customs)配额预分配证书 quota prior allocation certificate最终运用授权书 end use authorization政府合同 government contract。

经贸常用词缩写(A)A.A.R = against all risks 担保全险,一切险A.B.No. = Accepted Bill Number 进口到单编号A/C = Account 账号AC. = Acceptance 承兑acc = acceptance,accepted 承兑,承诺a/c.A/C = account 帐,帐户ackmt = acknowledgement 承认,收条[/color]a/d = after date 出票后限期付款(票据)ad.advt. = advertisement 广告adv. = advice 通知(书)ad val. = Ad valorem(according to value) 从价税A.F.B. = Air Freight Bill 航空提单Agt. = Agent 代理商AI = first class 一级AM = Amendment 修改书A.M.T. = Air Mail Transfer 信汇Amt. = Amount 额,金额A.N. = arrival notice 到货通知A.P. = account payable 应付账款A/P = Authority to Purchase 委托购买a.p. = additional premiun 附加保险费A.R. = Account Receivable 应收款Art. = Article 条款,项A/S = account sales 销货清单a/s = after sight 见票后限期付款asstd. = Assorted 各色俱备的att,.attn. = attention 注意av.,a/v = average 平均,海损a/v = a vista (at sight) 见票即付经贸常用词缩写(B)B/-,b/- = bale,bag 包,装bal.,balce. = balance 余额bbl. = barrel 桶,樽B/C = bill for collection 托收票据B.D. = Bills discounted 贴现票据B/D = bank draft 银行汇票b/d = brought down 承前页B’dle,bdl = bundle 束,把B/E = bill of exchange 汇票B/F = brought forward 承前页bg = bag 袋BIS = Bank for International Settlement 国际清算银行BK = Bank 银行Bkg. = Banking 银行业务B/L = Bill of Lading 提单B/N = bank note 银行纸币B.O. = Branch Office 分支行b/o = brought over 承前bot. = bottle 瓶B/P = bill purchased 买入票据,出口押汇B/P = bills payable 应付票据B/R = bills receivable 应收票据Brl.,barl. = barrel 桶,樽bx = box 箱,盒经贸常用词缩写(C)C/- = case,currency,coupon 箱,通货,息票c. =cent,centimes,centigrade 分(美),分(法),百分度(寒暑表)C.A. = Credit Advice 收款报单C.A.D. = cash against documents on arrival of good货到后凭单付款c.a.d. = cash against documents 凭单证付现金c.a.f.= cost and freight 成本加运费cat. = catalogue 货品目录C.B. = clean bill 光票C/B = Clean Bill 光票C.B.D. = Cash before delivery 付现金后交货c.c. = carbon copy,cubic centimeter 副本,立方公分C/C,C.C = Chamber of Commerce 商会pC/D = cash against document 凭单据付款C.D. = Collection and Delivery 托交Cert.= Certificate 证明书c/f = carried forward 过次页C&F = cost and freight 运费在内价C.F.S. = container freight station 集装箱集散场c.f.& i. = Cost freight and insurance 运费保险费在内价C.H. = Clearing House 票据交换所C.I. = Certificate of Insurance 保险单C&I = Cost and Insurance 货价及保险c.i.a. = cash in advance 预付现金cif,c.i.f. = cost,insurance and freight 运费保险费在内价c.i.f.&c.= cost,insurance,freight and commission 运费,保险费,利息在内价C.I.F.E. = Cost,Insurance,Freight and Exchange 运费,保险费,汇票在内价C.I.F.I. = Cost,Insurance,Freight and Interest 运费,保险费,利息在内价C.I.F.C.I.= Cost,Insurance,Freight,Commission and Interest 运费,保险费,佣金,利息在内价CK = Check 支票CL = collection 托收CM = Commission 佣金C/N.C.N. = credit note,covering note,consignment note 货方通知,保险承保单,发货通知书C.O. = certificate of origin 产地证明书c/o = care of carried over 烦转,过次页Co. = company 公司c.o.d.= cash on delivery 货到付款Con.Inv. = Concular Invoice 领事发票corp. = corporation 法人,公司C/P = charter party 租船契约cr. = credit 货方,债权人cs = case 箱csk.,ck = cask 樽C.W.O.= cash with order 现金订货,下定付款cwt. = hundred weight 衡量名C.Y. = container yard 集装箱集散场经贸常用词缩写(D)、(E)DD/A =documents against acceptance, 承兑后交付单= documents for acceptance,= documents attached, 备承兑单据= deposit account 存款账号d/a = days after acceptance 承兑后……日付款D.A. = Debit advice 付款报单D/D,D. = Demand draft,documentary draft 即期汇票,跟单汇票d/d = day’s date (days after date) 出票后……日付款d.f.,d.fet. = dead freight 空载运费(船)Disc. = Discount 贴现;折扣DLT = Day Letter Telegram 书信电D/N = debit note 借方通知D/O = delivery order 卸货通知书D/P = documents against payment 付款后交付单据Dr. = debit debter 借方,债务人d/s. = days’ sight 见票后……日付款DV = Dividends 股利Eea. = each 每,各e.e.E.E. = error excepted 错误除外E/B = Export-Import Bank p 进出口银行(美国)enc.,encl.= enclosure 附件E.& O.E. = errors and omissions excepted 错误或遗漏不在此限ETA = estimated time of arrival 预定到达日期ex. = example,executive,exchange,extract 例子,执行官,外汇交换,摘要Exp. = Export 出口经贸常用词缩写(F)f.a.q.=fair average quality 良好平均品质f.a.s.=free alongside ship 船边交货价F.B.E.=foreign bill of exchange 国外汇票f.c.l.=full container load 整个集装箱装满f.d.free discharge 卸货船方不负责F.& D.=Freight and Demurrage 运费及延装费f.i.=free in 装货船方步负责f.i.o.=free in and out 装卸货船方均不负责f.i.o.=free in out stowed and trimming 装卸堆储平仓船方均不负责f.o.=free out 卸货船方不负责f.o.,f/o=firm offer 规定时限的报价f.o.b.=free on board 船上交货价f.o.c.=free of charge免费F.O.I.=free of Interest 免息f.o.r.=free on rail,free on road 火车上交货价f.o.s.=free on steamer 轮船上交货价f.o.t.=free on truck 卡车上交货价f.p.a.=free of particular average 单独海损不保fr.f=franc,from,free 法郎,从,自由FX=Foreign Exchange 外汇经贸常用词缩写(G)、(H)Gg=good,goods,gramme 佳,货物,一克G/A=general average 共同海损GATT=General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 关税贸易总协定gm.=gramme 一克g.m.b.=good merchantable brand品质良好适合买卖之货品g.m.q.=good merchantable quality良好可售品质G/N=Guarantee of Notes 承诺保证g.s.w.=gross shipping weight 运输总重量gr.wt.=gross weight 毛重Hh.=hour,harbour,height 时,港,高度H.O.=Head Office 总公司h.p.=horse power 马力hr.=hour 时IIATA=International Air Transport Association 国际航空运输协会IBRD=International Bank Reconstruction and Development 国际复兴开发银行I/C=Inward Collection 进口托收ICC=International Chamber of Commerce 国际商会IMO=International Money Orders 国际汇票Imp=Import 进口IN=Interest 利息IMF=International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金inst.=instant(this month) 本月int.=interest 利息Inv.=Invoice 发票IOU=I owe you 借据I/P=Insurance Policy 保险单I/R=Inward Remittance 汇入汇款ISIC=International Standard Industrial Classification 国际行业标准分类it.=item 项目Kk.=karat(carat) 卡拉(纯金含有度)kg.=keg,kilogramme笑,公斤K.W.=Kilo Watt 千瓦LL/A=Letter of Authorization 授权书lbs.=pounds 磅L/C=Letter of Credit 信用证L/H=General Letter of Hypothecation 质押权利总股定书L/I=Letter of Indemnity赔偿保证书L/G=Letter of Guarantee 保证函l.t.=long ton 长吨(2,240磅)L/T=Letter Telegram 书信电报Ltd.=Limited 有限责任L/U=Letter of Undertaking 承诺书Mm.=mile,metre,mark,month,minute,meridian(noon)哩,公尺,记号,月,分,中午m/d=month after date 出票后……月付款memo.=memorandum 备忘录M.I.P.=marine insurance policy 海上保险单misc.=miscellaneous杂项M/L=more or less增或减M/N=Minimum最低额MO=Money Order拨款单,汇款单,汇票m/s=months after sight见票后……月付款m.s.=mail steamer,mail transfer油船,轮船M.T.=metric ton,mail transfer公吨,信汇M/T=Mail Transfer信汇m.v.=motor vessel轮船NN.B.=Nota Bene(take notice)注意NO.=number号码n/p=non-payment拒付Nt.Wt=Net Weight净重OO.=Order定单,定货O.B/L=Order bill of lading指示式提单O.C.P.=Overland Common Point通常陆上运输可到达地点O/C=Outward Collection出口托收OD.=Overdraft透支O/d=overdraft,on demand透支,要求即付款(票据)O/No.=order number定单编号o.p.=open policy预约保单O/R=Outward Remittance汇出汇款ORT=ordinary telegram寻常电报o/s=on sale,out of stock廉售,无存货O/S=old style老式o.t.=old term旧条件oz=ounce盎斯PP/A,p/a=particular average单独海损pa=power of attorney委任状=private account私人账户p.a.=per annum(by the year)每年p.c.=per cent,petty cash百分比,零用金p.l.=partial loss分损P.&I.=Protection and Indemnity意外险P.&L.=profit and loss益损P.M.O.=postal money order邮政汇票P/N=promissory note本票P.O.B.=postal office box邮政信箱p.o.d.=payment on delivery交货时付款P.O.D.=Pay on Delivery发货付款P/O=Payment Order支付命令P/R=parcel receipt邮包收据prox.=proximo(next month)下月PS.=postscript再启pt.=pint品脱P.T.O.=please turn over请看里面PTL=private tieline service电报专线业务Qqlty=quality品质qr=quarter四分之一qty=quantity数量quotn=quotation报价单qy=quay码头Rrecd=received收讫recpt=receipt收据ref.=reference参考,关于RFWD=rain,fresh water damage雨水及淡水险remit.=remittance汇款r.m.=ready money,readymade备用金,现成的RM=Remittance汇款R.O.=remittance Order汇款委托书R.P.=reply paid,returnof post邮下或电费预付,请即会示rt.=rate率SS.A.=-Statement of Account账单s.a.=subject to approval以承认(赞成,批准)为条件S/C=sale contract售货合同S/D=sight draft即期汇票S/D=sea damage海水损害SD.=Sundries杂项SE.=Securities抵押品S/N=shipping note装运通知S.O.s.o.=shipping order,seller’s option装船通知书,卖方有权选择S/S,s/s,ss,s.s=steamship轮船s.t.=short ton短吨TT/A=telegraphic address电报挂号tgm=telegram电报T.L.O.=total loss only只担保全损(分损不赔)T.M.O.=telegraphic money order电报汇款T.R.=trust receipt信托收据T.T.=telegraphic transfer电汇TPND=theft,pilferage and nondelivery盗窃遗失条款Uult.=ultimo(last month)上月u/w=underwriter保险业者Vvoy.=voyage航次V.V.=Vice Versa反之亦然Ww.a.=with average水渍险(单独海损赔偿)war=with risk担保一切险W/B=way bill warehouse book货运单,仓库簿wgt=weight重量whf=wharf码头W/M=weight or measurement重量或容量w.p.a.=with particular average单独海损赔偿W.R.=War Risk战争险W.R.=warehouse receipt仓单wt=weight重量Xx.d.=ex dividend除息XX=good quality良好品质*=very good quality甚佳品质*X=best quality最佳品质Yyd.=yard码yr.=your,year你的,年ZZ=Zone地区,地带ZCL=Zone di Commercia自由贸易区。

barter trade 易货贸易bearer 持票人bill drawn payable at sight 见票即付的汇票bill drawn payable at(time)after sight 见票若干日付款的汇票bill drawn to order 指定式汇票bill of lading 提单booking list 订舱清单,装货订舱表broker space 空舱费cancel an offer 撤消发盘cancel an order 撤消定单cargo hold 货舱cargo in bulk 散装货cargo insurance 货物运输保险case No. 箱号cash against bill of lading 凭提单付现cash against delivery 交货付款cash against shipping documents 凭单付现cash and delivery 付款交货,货到交货certificate of origin 产地证明书certificate of quality 货物品质证明certificate of quantity 货物数量证明书chargeable weight 计费重量check payable to bearer 不记名支票clean bill of lading 清洁提单collection of the instruments 跟单托收commodity code 商品编码conditions of carriage 货运条件confirmed credit 保兑信用证confirming bank 保兑银行confirming house 付保商行confirming order 确认书consignee 收货人consignees address 收货人地址consignment agent 寄售代理人consignment contract 寄售合同consignment invoice 寄售发票consignment note 发货通知书consignment sales 寄售consignor 发货人,寄售人consular invoice 领事签证发票,领事发票container deport 集装箱装卸站container 集装箱accepting bank 承兑银行accepting house 承兑行actual tare 实际皮重actual weight 实际重量ad valorem duty 从价税ad valorem freight 从价运费additional order 追加定单advice of shipment 装运通知,装船通知air bill of lading 空运提单air freight charge 航空运费air freight 空运费air waybill 航空运单airport of departure 始发站airport of destination 目的站amendment of contract 修改合同applicant for the credit 申请开证人at sight 见票即付average clause 海损条款bank draft 银行条款container-carrying vessel 集装箱船contract for the delivery of goods by installments 分批交货的买卖合同contract for the payment of goods by installments 分期付款的买卖合同contract of purchase 订购合同contract price 合同(规定)的价格cost,insurance and freight(C.I.F)成本,保险加运费(价),到岸价counter offer 还盘country of origin 生产国别,原产国country whence consigned 进口国家credit guarantee 信贷保证customary drawback 海关退税customary packing 习惯包装customs duty rate 关税税率customs duty 关税customs entry 海关进口税率customs formalities 海关手续customs free depot 海关免税仓库customs house 海关customs import tariff 海关进口税则customs invoice 海关发票customs quota 关税配额customs valuation 海关估价date of acceptance 承兑日期date of arrival 到达日期date of delivery 交货日期date of shipment 装船日期,出运口岸delivery alongside the vessel 船边交货description 品名dirty bill of lading 不清洁提单discharging port 卸货港口documentary acceptance 跟单承兑documentary bill 跟单票据documentary collection 跟单托收documentary credit 跟单信用证documentary draft 跟单汇票documents against acceptance(D/A)承兑交单documents against payment after sight(date)远期付款交单documents against payment(D/P)付款交单entry for warehousing 存仓报单entry of goods inward 申报进口entry of goods outward 申报出口export agent 出口代理export bill of lading 出口提单export credit 出口信贷export documents 出口单据export duty 出口税export license 出口许可证export permit 出口许可证export quota 出口配额export subsidy 出口补贴export-processing free zones 加工出口自由(关税)区exporter 出口尚firm counter offer 还实盘free carrier(FCA)货交承运人(价)free on board(FOB)船上交货(价)freight bill 运费单freight charges 运费freight rates 运费率freight tariff 运费表general agency 总代理general agent 总代理人general average 共同海损gross weight 毛重immediate delivery 立即交货immediate packing 立即包装immediate payment 立即支付immediate shipment 立即装运import control 进口管制import deposit 进口保证金import duty 进口税import entry 进口报关单import license 进口许可证import quota 进口配额import substitution 进口替代import surcharge 进口附加费,进口附加费importer 进口商inspection certificate 检验证书instument of payment 支付手段insurance condition 保险条件insurance documents 保险单据insurance policy 保险单invoice No. 发票编号invoice 发票irrevocable credit 不可撤消的信用证landed price 卸岸价格landed terms 目的港岸上交货价landed weight 到岸重量letter of credit(L/C)信用证letter of guarantee(L/G)保证书,保函mark & No. 唛头means of transport 运输工具measurement 尺码named bill of lading 记名提单negotiable letter of credit 可转让信用证net weight 净重number of package 件数ocean marine bill of lading 海运提单offer 报价,报盘ort of shipment 起运地package No. 包装箱号码packing list 装箱单packing 包装partical shipment 分批装运place of origin 产地port of destination 目的地,到达地port of discharge 卸货港port of dispatch 发货口岸proforma invoice 形式发票prompt shipment 即刻装运quantity 数量quota periods 配额期quota quantities 配额数量sales confirmation 销售确认书sales contract No. 售货合同编号shipper 托运人short-landing certificate 短卸证明书short-landing 短卸shut-out cargo 退关货sight letter of credit 即期信用证specification 规格surface transport charge 地面运输费survey report on quality 品质鉴定证明书survey report on weight 重量鉴定证明书tax holidays 免税期term of foreign exchange 外汇来源terms of trade 贸易方式total package 包装总数total price 总价transit goods 过境货物transshipment goods 转运货物type of goods 货物类型unit price 单价validity of import license 进口许可证有效期waybill 运单报关英语常用缩写语:A.V. ad valorem 从价A.W.B air waybill 空运运单Art.No. article number 货号B/L bill of lading 海运提单B/E bill of exchange 汇票C.C.V.O. combined certificate of value and origin 估价和产地联合证明书C.O.D. cash on delivery 货到付款CAD cash against documents 凭单付款CCIB china commodity inspection bureau 中国商品检验局CCPIT china council for promotion of international trade 中国国际贸易促进会CFR cost and freight 成本加运费价格CIF Cost ,insurance and freight 到岸价格D.W.T. Deadweight tonnage 载重吨位,重量吨位D/A Documents against acceptance 承兑交单D/C Documentary credit 跟单信用证D/D Demand draft 即期汇票D/P Documents against payment 付款交单D/W Deadweight 重量货物DAF Delivered at frontier 边境交货价D.P.V.Duty-paid value 完税价格DDP Delivered duty paid 完税后交货DDU Delivered duty unpaid 未完税交货DEQ Delivered ex quay 目的港码头交货DES Delivered ex ship 目的港船上交货E/D Export declaration 出口申报单EMP European main ports 欧洲主要港口EMS Expresss mail service 特快专递EXW Ex works 工厂交货价F.A.Q.(FairAverageQuality)良好平均品质F.C.L.Full container load 整箱装F.O.B.Free on board 离岸价FCA Free carrier 交货承运人GSP C/O Generalized system of preferences certificate of origin 惠普制原产地证明书 GSP FROM A Generalized system of preferences form A 惠普制格式AL/C Letter of credit 信用证L/G Letter of guarantee 担保书,保证书LCL Less than container load 拼箱货L/T(LetterofTrust)委托书M/T Metric ton 公吨P.A. Particular average 单独海损RAM(RegisteredAirMail)航空挂号邮件S/D Sight draft 即期汇票S/N Shipping note 装运通知单S/O Shipping order 装货单STL(Style)式样TDO(TranshipmentDeliveryOrder)转船提货单TEU(Twenty-footEquivelentUnit)20英尺集装箱等量单位TW(TotalWeight)总重量U.L. Underwriter laboratories inc, 美国保险人公会所设的检验机构W/L(WovenLabel)编织标签W.W. Warehouse to warehouse 仓至仓W/M Weight or measurement 重量或体积XL(ExtraLarge,ExtraLong)超大、超长XPRD(ExperationDate)失效日期YD(s) Yard(s) 码凭文字说明买卖Sales by Description规格Specification标准Standard良好平均品质Fair Average Quantity F.A.Q上好可销品质Good Merchantable Quantity G.M.Q标准样品Type Sample复样Duplicate Sample回样Return sample确认样品Confirming sample 品质公差Quantify tolerance 重量Weight容积Capacity个数Number长度Length面积Area体积Volume千克Kilogram kg公吨Metric ton m/t长吨Long ton l/t短吨Short ton s/t蒲式耳Bushel bu.公升Liter l.加仑Gallon,gal .只Piece,pc件Package pkg.双Pair套Set打Dosen doz.卷Roll coil罗Gross gr.辆Unit头Head袋Bag箱Case包Bale码Yard yd.米Meter m英尺Foot ft.厘米Centimeter cm平方米Square meter ㎡立方米Square yard yd2平方英尺Square foot平方英寸Square inch立方米Cubic meter m3立方码Cubic yard yd3立方英尺Cubic foot ft3立方英寸Cubic inch毛重Gross weight净重Net weight公量Conditioned weight理论重量Theoretical weight 净净重量Net net weight工厂交货EXW货交承运人FCA装运港船边交货FAS装运港船上交货FOB成本加运费CFR成本价保险费运费CIF运费付至CPT运费保险费付至CIP边境交货DAF目的港船上交货DES目的港码头交货DEQ未完税交货DDU完税后交货DDP买方Buyer卖方SellerFOB 班轮条件Fob liner termsFob 钓钩下交货Fob under tackleFob 包括理舱Fob stowedFob 平舱Fob trimmedFob 包括理舱平舱Fob stowed and trimmed Cif 班轮条件Cif liner termsCif 船底交货Cif Ex ship’s holdCif 钓钩交货Cif Ex TackleCif 卸到岸上Cif landed海洋运输Ocean transport班轮运输Liner transport班轮基本运费Basic rate附加运费Surcharge or additional尺码吨Measurement ton租船运输Shipping by chartering定期租船Time charter定程租船Voyage charter航空运单Air waybill航空主运单Master air waybill航空分运单House air waybill整箱货Full container load FCL拼箱货Less container load LCL平安险Free from particular average F.P.A 水渍险With average or with particular average W.A /W.P.A一切险All Risks A.R汇付Remittance电汇T/T信汇M/T票汇D/D托收Collection付款交单D/P即期付款交单D/P at sight远期付款交单D/P after sight承兑交单D/A信用证L/C保兑信用证Confirmed L/C可撤销信用证Revocable L/C不可撤销信用证Irrevocable L/C即期付款信用证Sight payment L/C延期付款信用证Deferred payment L/C承兑信用证Acceptance L/C议付信用证Negotiation L/C可转让信用证Transferable L/C对背信用证Back to back L/C索赔Claim不可抗力Force majeure仲裁arbitration商业发票Commercial invoice合同发票Contract No唛头Mark & Nos./ shipping marks品名货物描述Name and commodity / Description of good数量Quantity单价Unit price总价Amount /total price佣金Commission折扣Rebate /discount allowance运费Freight保费Insurance/Premium签章Signed by/ signature装箱单Packing list /packing specification托运人Consigner/shipper承运人Carrier收货人Consignee被通知人Notify party前段运输Pre –carriage by收货地点Place of receipt船名及航次号Ocean vessel/ voyage No.装运港Part of loading卸货港Ports of discharge交货地点Place of delivery装货单Shipping order s/o代理agency总代理General agency独家代理Exclusive agency /sole agency 一般代理Commission agent招标Invitation投标Submission tender公开招标Open bidding选择性招标Selected bidding谈判招标Negotiated bidding两段招标Two-stage bidding拍卖Auction寄售Consignment对销贸易Counter trade易货贸易Barter互购贸易Counter purchase 补偿贸易Compensation trade 经销distributorship。