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任何发送给我们, 而不是癌症研究组 织的短信都不会产 生将用于保护北极 熊的捐款,因为 WWF 是 依 靠 人 工 操作员给人们回拨 电话确认选择的, 所以没有钱会易主。
To ponder interminably over the reason for one’s own existence or the meaning of life in general seems to me, from an objective point of view , to be sheer folly.
◆ 主句:To ponder……general seems to me to be sheer folly ◆ 主语:To ponder……in general
客观地讲,没玩没 了地思考自己为何 存在或者生命的意 义是愚蠢的行为。
While Facebook often gives an insight into a person's private life, Twitter is more likely to be used in a professional manner, with many doctors discussing healthcare issues via a tweet of 140 characters or less.
Nothing is less to be desired than the fate of a young man who ,as the Scotch proverb says, in “trying to make a spoon spoils a horn,” and becomes a mere hanger-on in literature or science, when he might have been a useful and a valuable member of Society in other occupations.
这个由木质工具棚 改建而成的写作室 位于她与其丈夫 Leonard 在 1919 年 一同购买的房子的 花园中,弗吉尼 亚 ·伍 尔 芙 在 其 中 写就了她许多著名 的小说。
Any texts sent to us instead of Cancer Research [UK] would not result in any donations going to help protect polar bears as WWF relies on human operators calling people back to confirm adoptions, so no money would have changed hands. ◆ 主句:any texts would not result in any donations, so no money would have changed hands ◆ -ed: sent to……Research ◆ -ing:going to…… ◆ -ing:calling……adoptions
◆ 主句:Nothing is less to be desired ◆ 比较状语从句:than the fate of a young man…… ◆ 定语从句:who……sicence ◆状语从句:when he ……occupations
Leabharlann Baidu
正如苏格兰谚语所说 的那样:“勺子没做 成,倒毁了羊角,” 天下最不足取的事情, 莫过于一个年轻人成 为在文学或者科学领 域里滥竽充数的人, 要是去从事其他工作 的话,他或许会成为 社会上有用和有价值 的一员。
But those who hold that view may be under-estimating the degree to which European leaders are already agreeing (so far in private) to harsher measures and the extent to which they feel guilty at not having acted more effectively years ago.
在“脸谱”通常反 映出一个人的私人 生活的情况下, “推特”更可能被 以专业的方式使用, 如许多医生会通过 一条 140 词或更短 的推特来讨论医疗 保健问题。
◆ 主句:Twitter is more likely to be used in a professional manner ◆ 让步状语从句:while……private life ◆ 介词短语作状语:with many ……
◆ 主句:But those may be underestimating the degree and extent ◆ 定语从句:who hold that view to which European …… to which they feel ……
但是那些持有那种 观点的人可能低估 了欧洲领导人已经 同意的更严酷的措 施的程度和他们对 悔在多年前没有更 有效地行动而后悔 的程度。
Built out of a wooden tool shed, the small writing room in which Virginia Woolf penned many of her most famous novels stood in the garden of a house she bought with her husband Leonard in 1919. ◆ 主句:the small writing room stood in the garden of a house ◆ -ed分句:built out of a wooden tool shed ◆ 定语从句:in which……famous novels ◆ 定语从句:she bought……in 1919