
1. 什么是材料分析方法?材料分析方法是指通过一系列的实验技术和仪器设备,对材料的组成、结构和性质进行研究和分析的一门学科。
2. 材料分析方法的分类有哪些?材料分析方法可以根据所使用的原理和技术进行分类。
3. 光学分析方法有哪些?光学分析方法是利用光学原理对材料进行分析的方法。
4. 电子显微镜分析方法有哪些?电子显微镜分析方法是利用电子束与材料相互作用来对材料进行分析的方法。
5. 表面分析方法有哪些?表面分析方法是研究材料表面组成和性质的方法。
6. 热分析方法有哪些?热分析方法是通过对材料在不同温度下的热性质变化进行研究的方法。
7. 光谱分析方法有哪些?光谱分析方法是利用物质与辐射相互作用产生的光谱信息来研究材料的方法。

焦长:固定样品的条件下(物距不变),象平面沿透镜主轴移动时仍能保持物像清晰的距离范围,用D L表示。

§8-3 试简要阐述判断出分子离子峰方法。
(4)在判断分子离子峰时,还应注意形成 M+1 或 M-1 峰的可能性。

3.电磁波谱的主要参数波普区波长范围波数/cm-1频率/MHZ光子能量/ev 域Y射线0.5~140pm2×1010~7×1076×1014~2×1012 2.5×106~8.3×103 X射线10-3~10nm106~10103×1010~3×1014 1.2×106~1.24×102紫外光10~400nm106~2.5×1043×1010~7.5×108124~3.1可见光400~750nm 2.5×104~1.3×1047.5×108~4×108 3.1~1.65近外光730~3.1×106nm 1.4×104~3.2 4.1×108~9.7×104 1.7~4×10-4微波 3.1×106~3.1×109nm0.0032~3.2 97~9.7×1044×10-4~4×10-7射频1~1000m10-5~0.010.3~300 1.2×10-9~1.24×10-6(1)σ=1/λ=1/(0.5×10-10)=2×1010cm-1 σ=1/λ=1/(140×10-10)=7×107cm-1 (2)σ=1/λ=1/(10-3×10-7)=1×1010cm-1 σ=1/λ=1/(10×10-7)=1×106cm-1v=c/λ=(3×108) /(10-3×10-9)×106=3×1014 MHZ、v=c/λ=(3×108) /(10×10-9)×106=3×1010MHZE=1240/λ=1240/10-3=1.2×106ev E=1240/λ=1240/10=1.24×102ev(3)λ=c/v =(3×108) /(3×1010×106)=10-8m=10nmλ=c/v =(3×108) /(7.5×108×106)=4×10-6m=400nmσ=1/λ=1/(10-6)=106cm-1 σ=1/λ=1/(400×10-5)=2.5×104cm-1E=1240/λ=1240/10=124ev E=1240/λ=1240/400=3.1ev (4)σ=1/λ=1/(400×10-7)=2.5×104cm-1 σ=1/λ=1/(750×10-7)=1.3×104cm-1 v=c/λ=(3×108) /(400×10-9)=7.5×1014HZ =7.5×108MHZv=c/λ=(3×108) /(750×10-9)=4×1014HZ=4×108MHZE=1240/λ=1240/400=3.1ev E=1240/λ=1240/750=1.65ev(5)v=c/λ=(3×108) /(730×10-9)=4.1×1014HZ =4.1×108MHZv=c/λ=(3×108) /(3.1×106×10-9)=9.7×1010HZ =9.7×104MHZλ=hc/ E =1240/E=1240/1.7=730nm λ=hc/ E =1240/E=1240/4×10-4=3.1×106nmσ=1/λ=1/(730×10-7)=1.4×104cm-1 σ=1/λ=1/(3.1×106×10-7)=3.2cm-1(6)λ=hc/ E =1240/E=1240/4×10-4 =3.1×106nmλ=hc/ E =1240/E=1240/4×10-7 =3.1×109nmσ=1/λ=1/(3.1×106×10-7)=3.2cm-1 σ=1/λ=1/(3.1×109×10-7)=0.0032cm-1 v=c/λ=(3×108) /(3.1×106×10-9)=9.7×1010HZ =9.7×104MHZv=c/λ=(3×108) /(3.1×109×10-9)=9.7×107HZ =97MHZ(7)σ=1/λ=1/100=0.01cm-1 σ=1/λ=1/1000×102=10-5cm-1v=c/λ=(3×108) /1 =3×108HZ =300MHZv=c/λ=(3×108) /1000=3×105HZ =0.3MHZE=1240/λ=1240/10-6=1.24×10-6ev E=1240/λ=1240/(1000×10-6)=1.24×10-9evX射线衍射分析1.试述X射线的定义、性质,连续X射线和特征X射线的产生、特点。

第]章1、 材'料是如何分类的?材料的结构层次有哪些?答:材料按化学组成和结构分为:金属材料、无机非金属材料、高分子材料、复合材料:按性能特征分为:结构材料、功能材料;按川途分为:建筑材料、航空材料、电子材料、半导体材料、生物材料、医川材料。
2、 材料研究的主要任务和对象是什么,有哪些相应的研究方法?答:任务:材料研究应着垂于探索制备过程前后和使川过程中的物质变化规律,也就是在此基础上探明材料的 组成(结构)、合成(工艺过程)、性能和效能及其Z 间的相互关系,或者说找出经一定工艺流程获得的材料的组 成(结构)对于材料性能与川途的影响规律,以达到对材料优化设计的口的,从而将经验性工艺逐步纳入材料科 学与工程的轨道.研究对象和相应方法见书第三页表格。
3、 材料研究方法是如何分类的?如何理解现代研究方法的重要性?答:按研究仪器测试的信息形式分为图像分析法和非图像分析法;按工作原理,前者为显微术,后者为衍 射法和成分谱分析。
第2章1、简述现代材料研究的主X 射线实验方法在材料研究屮有那些主要应川? 答:现代材料研究的主X 射线实验方法在材料研究中主要佇以下儿种应丿山(1) X 射线物相定性分析:用于确定物质中的物相组成(2) X 射线物相定量分析:用于测定某物相在物质中的含量(3) X 射线晶体结构分析:用于推断测定晶体的结构 2、试推导Bragg 方程,并对方程中的主要参数的范围确定进行讨论. 答:见书第97页。
1 X 射线衍射试'验主要有那些方法,他们各有哪些应用,方法及研究对象.答:方法及样晶的制备简单,所以,在科学研究和实际生产中的应川不可缺少;而劳厄法和转晶法主要应川于单晶 体的研究,特别是在晶体结构的分析中必不可少,在某种场合下是无法替代的。

卷曲振动: 分子基团围绕与基团相连分子的价键扭动。
5. 详述分子振动的类型.答6. 多原子分子振动的形式如何计算? 并举例说明。
答: ( 1) 对于非线性分子, 其分子振动的形式计算式为: 3n-6, 其中n为分子中所含原子数; ( 2) 对于线性分子, 其分子振动的形式计算式为: 3n-5。
例如: 非线性分子水分子的分子振动形式有3个, 分别为: 2个O-H 的伸缩振动和1个HOH的键角弯曲振动; 线性分子二氧化碳分子的分子振动形式有4个, 分别为: 对称伸缩振动、反对称伸缩振动、面内弯曲振动和面外弯曲振动。
7. 什么叫偶极矩?答;两个等量而异号的电荷所组成的系统,一个电荷的电量和两电荷间距离的乘积称电偶极子的偶极距.它是矢量,方向沿两电荷的连线,8. 分子振动吸收的条件?答: ( 1) 振动的频率与红外光光谱段的某频率相等, 吸收了红外光谱中这一波长的光, 能够把分子的能级从基态跃迁到激发态, 这是产生红外吸收光谱的必要条件。
( 2) 偶极矩的变化: 已知分子在振动过程中, 原子间的距离( 键长) 或夹角( 键角) 会发生变化, 这时可能引起分子偶极矩的变化, 结果产生了一个稳定的交变电场, 这个稳定的交变电场将和运动的具有相同频率的电磁辐射电场相互作用, 从而吸收辐射能量, 产生红外光谱的吸收。
9. 什么叫基频带、倍频带?答: 基频带: 分子吸收光子后, 从一个能级跃迁到相邻高一级能级产生的吸收。
倍频带: 分子吸收比原有能量大一倍的光子后, 跃迁两个以上能级产生的吸收峰。
10. 影响吸收带位置的因素?答: 影响吸收带位置的因素很多, 有外在的、人为的因素, 也有内在的、本质的因素。
( 1) 外在因素: 制备样品的方法、样品所处的物态、结晶条件、仪器系统的调节等, 均能影响吸收带的位置、强度及形状。
( 2) 内在因素: l) 质量效应: 对于同族元素, 由于彼此质量差别较大, 随着原子的质量增大, 它与同一元素形成的化学键的吸收带波数明显地减小。

电子波的波长取决于电子运动的速度和质量,=h mvλ若电子速度较低,则它的质量和静止质量相似;若电子速度具有极高,则必须经过相对论校正。

材料研究与测试方法复习题答案版材料研究与测试方法复习题答案版复习题一、名词解释1、系统消光: 把由于F HKL=0而使衍射线有规律消失的现象称为系统消光。
2、X射线衍射方向: 是两种相干波的光程差是波长整数倍的方向。


X射线强度I随波长λ的变化曲线称为X射线谱,其基本类型有:①连续X射线(白色X射线)——特点:1】由连续的各种波长组成;2】强度随波长连续变化②特征X射线(标识X射线)——特点:1】波长一定、强度很大2】只有当管电压超过V k(激发电压)时才会产生3】与X射线管的工作条件无关,只取决于光管阳极靶材料,不同的阳极靶材料具有特定的特征谱线3、描述X射线与物质的相互作用(俄歇效应与光电效应等)X射线透过物质后会变弱,这是由于入射X射线与物质相互作用的结果,作用过程会产生物理(如X射线的散射和吸收)、化学(破坏物质的化学键、促使新键形成)和生化过程(促进物质合成,导致新陈代谢发生变化)。

可编辑修改精选全文完整版作业习题一、主要参考书1.王富耻. 材料现代分析测试方法[M],北京理工大学出版社,2006.2.高家武等. 高分子材料近代测试技术[M],北京航空航天大学出版社,1998.二、学习指导阅读作业:参考书1:材料现代分析测试方法第七章(266-288页)第六章(248-259页)第九章(334-337页)参考书2:高分子材料近代测试技术第三章(85-125页)总体学习目标:1.定性理解差热分析(DTA)、差示扫描量热法(DSC)、热重法(TG)和动态力学热分析(DMTA)等热分析技术的基本原理及影响因素;2. 掌握热分析曲线解析方法和热分析技术在材料研究领域中的具体应用;3.定性地理解在红外光谱(IR)中分子结构对吸收峰位置的影响;4.学会利用解析红外光谱图谱并辨别未知物分子结构中的官能团;5.定性地理解核磁共振(NMR)的物理原理及影响化学位移和自旋-自旋裂分的因素;6.学会解析核磁共振氢谱(1H-NMR),并学习综合利用IR和NMR等分析推断有机分子和聚合物的结构。
三、思考题节选X射线衍射解释名词:1.特征X射线 2.相干散射 3.倒易矢量 4.倒易球 5.光电效应 6.吸收限 7.俄歇效应 8.X射线的激发电压 9.X射线的工作电压 10.非相干散射11.晶带 12.晶带定律 13.倒易点阵简答题1.X射线产生的条件是什么?2.空间点阵与晶体结构是什么关系?3.干涉指数与晶面指数是什么关系?4.X射线在晶体中产生衍射的极限条件是什么?5.倒易矢量的基本性质?6.X射线分析中工作电压如何选择?7.X射线衍射仪中测角仪其什么作用?8.写出X射线定性物相分析的程序?9.X射线衍射仪有什么用途?10.什么是厄瓦尔德作图法?11.正点阵中,同一晶带的面在倒易空间中与什么相对应?12.四种类型点阵的系统消光规律?13.用厄瓦尔德图法解释劳厄法的成像原理和劳厄斑点的分布规律?14.什么是X射线粉末法衍射花样指数化方法?15.什么是X射线谱中,波长最短的短波限对应的X射线光子能量应是最大,但为什么最大强度出现在中央、16.说明标识X射线谱产生的机理。

在正交偏振下,其最高干涉色是次黄(r = 880微米),⊥Bxa截面具有原色亮灰色干涉色(r = 210微米),设置Ng-Nm=0.019,并计算片材厚度9.将橄榄石晶体片的厚度设置为0.03毫米,Ng=1.689,Nm=1.670,Np=1.654,并询问:垂直Bxa切割平面、垂直Bxo平面和平行光轴平面之间的光程差是多少?10.如何使用锥光镜来识别晶体的光学和轴向特性?11.如何提高光学显微分析的分辨率?12.阐述了光学显微分析用光学片的制备方法。

Solutions for Chapter 91. FIND: What considerations are required for use of materialsin the named applications?SOLUTION: Heart valve - biocompatible, long life (fatigueendurance), ease of installation: Turbine blade - able towithstand high temperature and stress without creep, longlife (fatigue endurance): Leaf spring - low cost, stresswithout creep, long life (fatigue endurance): Coffee mug -not contaminate contents, able to withstand 0 - 100︒ cyclesand gradients: Golf club shaft: able to withstand, amplify,and transmit forces with little loss, long life (fatigueendurance), aesthetically and tactily attractive: Suture -biocompatible, long life (fatigue endurance)COMMENTS: There are many other requirements, and we couldbegin to specify materials' properties that are required tomeet the applications' needs.2. Find: Determine Young's Modulus.Data: Upper yield point stress of 207 MPa, Yield pointstrain of 0.001.Solution: Recall that Young's Modulus is the slope of thestress/strain curve in the elastic portion of thestress strain curve. That is: E=Stress/StrainSubstituting values into the above equation yields:E = 207/0.001 = 207,000 MPa = 207 GPa.3. FIND: Calculate the strain-to-fail of silicate glasses.GIVEN: The modulus is 107 psi and the strengths of threesamples are 5, 50, and 500 ksi.ASSUMPTIONS: The material behaves in a linear elastic manner up to failure.SKETCH: The beginnings of the three curves lie on top ofone another. The higher the strain-to-fail the longer thecurve extends to the upper right. The x's indicate thepoints of failure.tiSanrtSOLUTION: Hooke's law states:σ = Eε.Rearranging,ε = σ/E.Substitution for each of the samples:ε = 5000 psi / 107 psi = 0.05%ε = 50,000 psi / 107 psi = 0.5%ε = 500,000 psi / 107 psi = 5%.COMMENTS: The smallest value represents that of ordinary window glass. The largest value is characteristic of an optical fiber.4. Find: Determine if the stress is above or below theyield stress. If the stress is below the yield stresscompute Young's Modulus.Data: The yield stress for the mild steel is 207 MPa. A specimen has a diameter of 0.01m and a length of0.1m. It is loaded in tension to 1000N anddeflects 6.077 x 10-6m.Solution: To solve this problem, we must first determine the applied tensile stress. Recall that the tensilestress is given by the formula: Stress=Force(P)/Area Normal to force (A). The cross sectionalarea is: A= πD2/4 = 3.1416x(0.01)2/4 = 7.85x10-5The stress is: Stress = 1000/7.85x10-5 = 12.7MPaThe applied stress is much less than the yieldstress. To obtain the Modulus recall thedefinition: E=σ/ε. We must thus compute thestrain in order to determine the Modulus:ε=∆l/l o = 6.077x10-6/0.1 = 6.077x10-5Thus E=12.7/6.077x10-5 = 2.09x105 MPa.5. Find: Compute deflection of specimens.Data: E Al=70,460MPa, E Cu=122,500MPa, E W=388,080MPa,A=0.01m x 0.01m=10-4m2, Length(l o)=1m,Load(P)=5000N.Solution: Start with the relationship between stress andstrain for linear elastic behavior: σ=Eε (1)Note that: σ=P/A (2)ε=∆l/l o (3)Substitute (2) & (3) into (1): Thus P/A=E∆l/l o (4)Rearranging to solve for ∆l we have:∆l=Pl o/AE=5000 x 1/(10-4E)=5x107/E (5)Note that for ∆l to be in meters we require E tobe expressed in Pa. Using (5) and E in Pa we getthe following deflection values:Al=7.09x10-4m, Cu=4.08x10-4m, W=1.29x10-4m.6. Find: Deflection at 5000N.Data: E Nylon6/6=2.08GPa, Load(P)=5000N, l o=1m, A=10-4m2.Solution: Using the formula developed in the precedingproblem we have: ∆l o=Pl o/(AE).Thus: ∆l o=(5000 x 1)/(10-4x2.08x109)=2.4x10-2m.Comment: Note that the deflection is two orders ofmagnitude greater than for steels.7. FIND: Calculate the strength of a round textile fiber.GIVEN: The fiber diameter is 10 micrometers and the load-at-failure is 25 g.ASSUMPTIONS: The fiber need not be in the elastic region at failure.SOLUTION:σ = F/A = 002598510262../sec()kg mx m⨯-π= 3.1 GPa.8. Find: Determine the shear strain at yield.Data: For a particular steel: ν=0.295, E = 205,000MPa,σys=300MPa and τys = 1/2σys.Solution: Recall Hooke's Law in shear: τys= Gγys. Also, itis stated that τys = 1/2σys. Substitution yields:1/2σys = Gγys or γys= σys/2G. The problem now is todetermine G. Recall that G=E/(2(1+ν))=205,000/(2(1+0.295))=79,151 MPa. Substituting wehave: γys= 300/(2x79,151)=1.895x10-3.9. Find: Compute the 0.2% offset yield strength and thestrain at yield.Data: E Al=69x103 MPa and σ=295ε0.1.Solution: We require the intersection point of the twocurves shown below to solve the problems since the0.2% offset yield is defined as the point where aline whose slope is equal to the modulus, andwhich is displaced 0.002 on the strain axis,intersects the stress/strain curve. To find theintersection point we must first get the equationfor 0.2% offset yield. The general form of theequation is: σ=mε + b, where m=slope andb=intercept. We know that the point (0.002,0) ison the line thus: 0=69x103(0.002) + b, thereforeb= -1.38x102. The equation of the 0.2% offsetline is σ = 69x103ε - 1.38x102. The intersectionis obtained by rearranging and substituting theformer equation with the first equation: 295ε0.1 =69x103ε-1.38x102. This equation is best solved bytrial and error or by writing a short computerprogram to check for the equality of the right andleft hand sides of the equation for various valuesof ε. At a strain of 0.00448 the differencebetween the right and left-hand sides of theequation is negligible. Substituting this strainvalue into the equation for stress yields anestimate for the yield stress of 172 MPa.10. Find: (a) Poisson's ratio, (b) % volume change at σys/2and (c) % volume change at σys.Data: Aluminum specimen with the following properties:E=69x103 MPa loaded such that εl = 1.25x10-3 and εv= 4.17x10-4 .Solution: (a) Recall that Poisson's ratio is defined as ν = -εv/εl. Thus, ν = -(-4.17x10-4 /1.25x10-3)=0.333.(b) The volume change is given by ∆v/v o=εx+εy+εz.But εy = εl, εx,εz = εv and εv =-νεl. Thus, ∆v/v o=εx +νεl +νεl= εl(1-2ν). In the preceding problem it wasshown that the yield strain was 4.48x10-3. Athalf the yield the strain is 2.24x10-3. Then∆v/v o = (2.24x10-3)(1-0.666) = (7.48x10-4)x100=7.48x10-2.(c) At yield stress: ∆v/v o x 100=4.48x10-3 x 0.334x 100 = 1.50 x 10-1.11. Find: Predict the behavior of amorphous polymers.Solution: Steels have a definite yield point becausedislocations are pinned by carbon atoms thatreside in the interstitial positions. When stressrises to the point necessary for dislocations tobreak free from the carbon atoms, plasticdeformation occurs due to dislocation movement.Yield stress is the critical stress necessary forfreeing the dislocations from the carbon atoms.In Al and Cu, that have an FCC structure,dislocation mobility increases gradually as thestress is increased. Therefore, there is nosingle stress level at which the dislocationsbegin to move suddenly. In these materials,yielding occurs gradually, dislocations motion maybe impeded, but the dislocations are not pinned.In amorphous polymers, plastic deformation occursby sliding between adjacent molecular chains. Thesliding will commence at a definite stress level.Therefore, we expect a definite yield point tooccur in amorphous polymers.12. Find: Determine the ultimate tensile strength.Data: The stress-strain behavior is given by σ = Kεn.Solution: Let engineering stress be designated by S andengineering strain by e. The following equationsrelate engineering stress and strain to truestress and true strain:σ = S(1+e) (1)and ε = ln(1+e) (2)We are given σ = Kεn (3)Substituting (1) and (2) into (3), we get: S(1+e)= K[ln(1+e)]n. At the ultimate tensile stresspoint, dS/de = 0. Thus, dS/de = (d/de) [[(K/(1+e)](lu(1+e))n] = 0, or - (K/(1+e)2][(ln(1+e))n]+[Kn/(1+e)2][(ln(1+e))n-1] = 0or ln(1+e) = n (3a)If we designate e by e u at the ultimate tensilepoint, σu = K[ln(1+e u)]n (4)Substituting equation (4) into (3) we get σu =K[ln(1+e u)]n, or S u(1+e u) = Kn n. Solving for S uyields: S u = [K/(1+e u)] n n = Kn n-1 (4a)S u is the ultimate tensile strength.Comment: Equation (3a) is frequently used to estimate n ifa complete stress-strain curve is not available.Further, equation (4a) can be used to obtain thestrength coefficient, K.13. Find: 1) The physical basis for the observation and 2)show ν=0.5 during plastic deformation.Data: Volume of a crystalline material remains constantduring plastics deformation.Solution: 1) During purely plastic deformation interatomicdistance is not changing and the atoms eventuallyslide over one another. for this reason thevolume is constant during plastic deformation.2) Recall that ∆ν/νo = εx + εy + εz = ε(1-2ν) foruniaxial deformation. If ∆ν = 0 , then ν=1/2.14. Find: Compute the relative load bearing capacities of anAl alloy (σUTS = 400 MPa, ρ = 2.7 gm/cm3 ) and polypropylene(σUTS = 40 MPa, ρ=0.9 gm/cm3 ).Data: Relative load capacity for constant weight isproportional to the strength divided by thedensity.Solution:To have consistent units, convert density to kg/m3.ρAl= 2.7x103 kg/m3ρPP= 0.9x103 kg/m3σAl'= 400x106/2.7x103(Pa/kg/m3)=148x103(Pa m3/kg)Recall Pa=N/m2, therefore σAl'= 148x103 (N m/kg)and σpp'=40x106/0.9x103=44.4x103 (N-m/kg).16. Find: Plot the true strain to fracture, being sure toplace Cu and steel from the preceeding problem in the graph.Data: A range of %RA from 0 to 70%.Solution: Recall that the true strain may be computed fromthe %RA using the formula: f = ln(100/(100-%RA)).See graph for correlation of fracture strainand %RA.17. Find: Determine the engineering strain at which thedifference between the true strain and the engineeringstrain is ε = ln (1+e).Data: Equation relating engineering strain to truestrain.Solution: We can write a series expansion for the right hand side:ε = ln (1+e) = e-(e2/2!)+(e3/3!)-(e4/4!)+... Forsmall values of e, we need to consider only thefirst two terms in the expansion: ε = e-(e2/2!).For 5% difference ε =0.95e, therefore (0.95e)-e=-e2 or 0.05=e. Then, for a strain up to 5%, thedifference between the true and engineering strainwill be equal to or less that 5%.18. Find: Explain why we report different lengths fordifferent materials.Solution: Polymer specimens do not have a tendency to form a necked region like metals do. Instead, polymerspecimens deform uniformly through the gage length.Therefore, the final percent elongation inpolymer specimens is not dependent on the gagelength like it is for metals, and the informationon gage length then becomes redundant.19. Find: Compare the glass transition temperatures.Solution: Glass transition temperatures can be increased bycross-linking which also influences the elasticmodulus without changing its molecular weight.Therefore, the polymer with a higher glasstransition temperature will also have a higherelastic modulus.20. Find: Relaxation modulus, E r(t), of the polymer.Data: σ(t) = σo exp(-t/τ)σo = 2 MPa for a sudden strain of 0.2σ(t) = 0.5 MPa at t = 50 secondsSolution: It must be assumed that the strain remainsconstant during the relaxation process. σ(t) = 2MPa for t = 0, or σ0 = 2 MPa. Substituting σ(t) =0.5 MPa at t = 50 s into the given equation, weget 0.5 = 2 exp(-50/τ). Solving for τ,τ = -50/[ln(0.5/2)] = 36.07 s.E r(t) = (σ(t)/εo) = [2 exp(-t/36.07)]/0.2 = 10exp(-t/36.07) = 10 exp(-10/36.07) = 7.58 MPa21. FIND: Show with a sketch how the modulus changes with timein a creep test.GIVEN: The test sample is a polymer. The load history of a creep test is as follows:emTiASSUMPTIONS: The load is insufficient to break the polymer.SKETCH:meiTSOLUTION: The equation for the modulus is given in equation 9.2-7, which states that E(t) = σo / ε(t). Since the material creeps, its length increases with time. Since the denominator increases and the numerator is constant, the modulus decreases.COMMENTS: Shown is a sample that creeps only to a limit.Many polymers behave in this fashion.22. Find: (a) Explain why normal the tensile test isused (b) differences in three of four point bendspecimens and (c) some limitations on data.Solution: (a) Due to the brittle nature of ceramics,there is a very significant risk of failureoutside the gage section of the specimen duringgripping. Also, such specimens are difficult andexpensive to machine.(b)The three or four point bend specimens aresubjected to negative (or compressive) loads anddo not require grips for loading. Hence, there isno risk of premature failure.(c)The stress distribution in a 3-point or 4-pointbend specimen is non-uniform along the cross-section of the specimen. Hence, the strength isobtained by calculating the outer fiber stress inthe specimen at the time of the failure. Thestrength values obtained from these tests haveconsiderable scatter.23. Find: Determine the load, P, at fracture.Data: Modulus of rupture, σ, = 3000 MPa, diameter, d, of the cylindrical specimen = 5mm and separationbetween support points, L = 25 mm.Solution: σ = PLd/4I, where I (bending moment of inertia) = πd4/64. Hence, σ = (PLd)64/(4πd4) = 16PL/(πd3),or P=(σπd3)/16L=[(3000x106N)π(.005)3]/[16(0.025)]P = 2945 Newtons.24. Find: Compute the diameter of an indentation for aBrinell hardness test using a standard indenter of 10mmdiameter.Given: The tensile strength is 800 MPa.Solution: To solve the problem we must first determine thehardness corresponding to a strength of 800 MPa.Using the graph in the text the Brinell hardness(BHN) is approximately 241. We next note theformula relating BHN to indentation diameter:BHN = 2P/(πD(D-(D2-d2)1/2)) where P = load (kg), D= indenter diameter (mm), d = diameter ofindentation (mm). Substituting the appropriatevalues yields 241=(6000/(10π(10-(100-d2)1/2))=191/(10-(100-d2)1/2). We can rearrange theequation such that: (100-d2)1/2 = [10-(191/241)] =9.208, or 100-d2 = 9.2082, thus, d2 = 100-9.2082=1.521, therefore d=3.90 mm.25. Find: Calculate the Brinell hardness as a function ofload for 1/4 hard and 1/2 hard brass.Data: Indentation diameter vs load for 1/4 hard and 1/2 hard brass.Solution: The Brinell Hardness Number is obtained from thefollowing equation:BHN=Load/Indentation areaBHN=2P/(πD(D-(D2-d2)1/2)). For a 10mm diameterindenter the formula becomes: BHN=2P/(10π(10-(100-d2)1/2)). This equation is plotted below for thedata that was provided in the problem.Comment: The hardness values reach a plateau for the higher loads since the elastic springback as a percentageof the total deformation is smaller for the higherloads.26. Find: Using the average hardness values computed in theprevious problem, calculate the indentation diameter for aload of 1500 kg and a 5mm diameter ball.Data: The hardness of 1/4 hard brass is 80 kg/mm2 andfor 1/2 hard brass it is 87 kg/mm2.Solution: BHN=2P/(πD(D-(D2-d2)1/2))Solving for d we have:d={D2-[D-2P/(πD x BHN)]2}1/2d1/4={25-[5-3000/(π5 x 80)]2}1/2= 4.26mmd1/2={25-[5-3000/(π5 x 87)]2}1/2=4.14mm27. Find: Explain why BCC materials exhibit a definiteductile-to- brittle temperature and FCC do not.Solution: Ductile behavior is caused by the ability of thematerial to deform plastically to accommodatedeformation. Brittle behavior is caused by thematerial's lack of ability to deform plastically.In BCC materials, the number of operable slipsystems decreases considerably with decrease intemperature causing a transition to occur fromductile to brittle behavior. In FCC materials thetwelve primary slip systems continue to operateeven at low temperatures. Therefore, sharpdecreases in ductility does not occur.28. Find: (a) Plot impact energy v temperature (b) determineductile to brittle temperature and (c) determine whethersteel is appropriate for application.Data: Impact energy at various temperatures.Solution: (a)see attached(b) Ductile to brittle transition is the tempera-ture at which the impact energy is the mean of theenergy in the upper and lower shelves = 11o C.(c)Impact energy at -10o = 12J from the abovefigure. Hence, the design requirement has beenmet but the material is marginal.29. Find: Determine what factors promote brittle fractures.Solution: For materials in general, including thermoplasticpolymers, the following factors promote brittlefracture:• presence of cracks or sharp notches• increasing thickness• increasing loading rate• reduction in temperature• modification of structure, for example inpolymers structural changes which increasethe glass transition temperature30. FIND: Plot tan δ with temperature for a squash ball. GIVEN: The ball is not bouncy when cold, but becomessomewhat bouncy with increasing temperature. The ball is warmed by repeated hitting against the front wall.SKETCH:eTan δ SOLUTION: The ball converts kinetic energy into heat withevery impact with the wall and the racket strings. As the ball heats up, its bounce increases, indicating that tan δ decreases with increasing temperature.COMMENTS: A racquetball does not require hard hitting to improve its bounce.31. FIND: Describe how to process a polymer to give it a veryhigh modulus.GIVEN: You want to stress only primary bonds in deformation. Thus, you need to have the chains aligned with the test direction.SOLUTION: A fiber is a good geometry to work with. Itsuniaxial structure lends itself to aligning molecules along the fiber axis. You want to process the material to align molecules along the fiber length. This can be achieved in a number of ways. Most involve stretching the polymer along its axis during processing. The polymer may be stretched, or elongated, before solidification, after, or both.COMMENTS: This is how it is done commercially! There aremany variants.32. FIND: How can you determine the hardness of a series ofcrosslinked polymers?GIVEN: You suspect the hardness increases with crosslinkdensity.SOLUTION: Brinell hardness testing will probably not beuseful, since polymers are somewhat elastic and the indentor may not leave a permanent mark. One of the tests thatmeasures the penetration distance will probably provide more meaningful data.COMMENTS: The American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) has developed standard test methods for polymer hardness. 33. FIND: Is brittle failure a problem with ceramics and oxideglasses?SOLUTION: Your experience with these materials shows thatbrittle failure is indeed the way ceramics and oxide glasses fail. The abrupt and catastrophic failure is the featurethat often limits their widespread use. The principlesdeveloped in the chapter apply to all brittle materials,regardless of the composition of the material.34. Find: Determine the difference between brittle andductile fracture.Solution: Brittle fracture refers to fracture that occurswith little absorption of energy. For metals thatfail in the brittle manner, this implies that onlya small amount of plastic deformation takes place.Ductile fracture generally refers to fracturethat takes place with considerable absorption ofenergy. In metals this implies considerableplastic deformation.35. Find: Explain why one would expect to have significantscatter in the fracture strength of ceramic materials.Solution: Fracture in brittle materials like ceramics occurs at the point where the largest flaw is present.Since the size of the largest flaw varies fromspecimen to specimen, the fracture strength alsovaries correspondingly. As we increase thespecimen size, the probability that a larger flawexists also increases. Therefore, fracture ismore likely to occur at a lower stress level.37. Find: Determine the maximum crack size that could existin each of these panels.Data: Fracture toughness of 7075-T6 Al (28MPa-m1/2), 300 Maraging Steel (66 MPa-m1/2) and Al2O3 (2.5 MPa-m1/2). Cracks are found in wide panels of thesematerials and the panels are subjected to a stressof 350 MPa.Solution: For the maximum crack size, the panel is just onthe verge of cracking. For crack length in apanel subjected to a uniform stress we have:K IC=σ(πa)1/2. Then a=(1/π)(K IC/σ)2, therefore 2a =crack length = (2/π)(K IC/σ)2.2a7075-T6 = 2/π(28/350)2 = 4.07x10-3 m2a300 Maraging=2/π(66/350)2 = 2.26x10-2 m2a Al2O3=2/π(2.5/350)2 = 3.25x10-5 mComment: Note that the toughest material, 300 Maragingsteel, can withstand the largest crack. Then apart made from this material would be safer to usesince it would be easier to detect defect cracksbefore fracture.38.Find: Compute fracture stresses for cracks that are 10cm long.Data: Fracture toughness of Kevlar 49 and F-155 epoxy is20 MPa m0.5. The fracture toughness of E-glasscloth in epoxy is 5 MPa m0.5.Solution: Recall that at fracture K=K IC. Thus K IC=σ(πa)1/2for center cracked panel. Recall also that thecrack length is 2a and not a and σ= K IC/√(πa).For Kevlar/epoxy: K IC= 20 MPa m0.5, a= 5cm=0.05m,then, σ= 20/(0.05π)1/2= 50.5 MPa. For E-glass/epoxy: K IC= 5 MPa m0.5, a= 0.05m, then σ=5/(0.05π)1/2= 12.6 MPa.Comment: Note that the fracture stresses for a given crack length is proportional to K IC. Thus we could havewritten σKev/σglass =K Kev/K glass =20/5=4.39.Find: Compute the crack length at failure.Data: Same materials as the preceding problem withapplied stress of 50 MPa.Solution: Recall that at fracture K IC=σ(πa)1/2, the cracklength at fracture is 2a=2/π (K IC/σ)2. Applyingthe latter equation to Kevlar and E-glass we have:2a Kevlar/Epoxy=2/π(20/50)2 = 0.102 m2a E-glass/Epoxy=2/π(5/50)2 =0.006 m.40.Find: Compute the fracture crack length and determine if such a crack length would be detectable.Data: Stabilized ZnO2 is loaded to its UTS.Solution: The crack length at fracture for a center cracked panel is given by: 2a=2/π (K IC/σ)2. The maximumstress is 140x103 MPa and K IC is 7.6 MPa-m1/2. Thus2a=2/π(7.6/140x103)2 = 1.88x10-9 m. Such a crackwould not be detectable by normal techniques.Since the "crack" length is on the order of a fewinteratomic spacings, it is not truly meaningfulto specify this as a crack.41.Find: Compute the maximum stress that could be appliedwithout failure.Data: The same material as in the preceding problemcontaining a crack of 1mm in a center crack panel.Solution:The maximum stress occurs when K is just below K IC: K IC=σ(πa)1/2 where a = 0.5mm=5x10-4m, K IC= 7.6MPa-m1/2.Therefore, σ= K IC/(πa)1/2=7.6/(5x10-4π)1/2=192MPa.Comment: Note that the maximum stress is only about 0.14%of the tensile strength! (i.e. (192/140x103)102=0.14)42.Find: Explain why certain requirements are necessary.Solution: These requirements insure that the followingconditions prevail at the time of fracture:1) The region of plastic deformation is small incomparison to the crack size, a, and the remainingligament size W-a, thus insuring that elasticconditions dominate the behavior of the specimen.2) By requiring that the thickness is also greaterthan or equal to 2.5(K Q/σys)2, plane strainconditions are ensured which also promote brittlefracture.43.Find: The fracture stress, σf, of alumina.Data: Maximum strength of alumina = 4000 MPa, fracturetoughness, K IC = 2.5 MPa√m, largest flaw size =100 μm.Solution: We assume that the largest flaw size can belocated at the surface of the specimen. Thestress intensity parameter at the flaw is given byK = 1.12σ√(πa), where, σ = stress, a = flaw size.At fracture, σ = σf and K = K IC. Therefore,σf = K IC/[1.12√(πa)] = 2.5/[1.12(πx100x10-10) =125.9 MPa.Comments: Notice that the presence of a small flaw canreduce the fracture strength from 4000 MPa to125.9 MPa.44.Find: Determine the minimum thickness, B, and theminimum width, W, to obtain valid K IC in PMMA,2024-T351 Al and 304 stainless steel.Data: Yield strength and K IC values for the abovematerialsSolution: In order to find the minimum thickness and width, we calculate the value of 2.5(K IC/σys)2 for eachmaterial. We further assume that a/W = 0.5. ForW-a ≥ 2.5(K IC/σys)2 it then is necessary that W ≥5(K IC/σys)2. The values of minimum B and W aregiven in the following table:Material 2.5(K IC/σys)2 (m) Min.B (mm) Min. W (mm)PMMA 0.051 51 1042024 Al 0.036 30.6 71.2304 SS 5.625 5625 11250Comments: Notice the big size specimen needed to measure the K IC of 304 stainless steel. The specimen isprohibitively large. Hence, the K IC of 304 SS isestimated using the principles of elastic-plasticfracture which are outside the scope of this text.45. Find: Determine an estimated value of K ICData: Surface energy, γs, = 1J/m2, strength, σf, = 100MPa, elastic modulus, E = 210,000 MPa.Solution: According to Griffith's equation, σf= (Eγs ½)/πa,where, a = flaw size. Solving for a yields: a =(2Eγs)/(πσf2) = (2x210,000x106x1)/(πx(100)2x1012) =13.37x10-6m = 0.01337 mm. K IC = σf√(πa) =100√(πx13.37x10-6) = 0.67 MPa√m. The implicitassumption in this calculation is that MgO doesnot deform plastically and the only energy neededfor fracture is that to overcome the energynecessary to create fresh surfaces.46. Find: Determine the basis for the Griffith's criterion.Solution: The original Griffith's criterion wasSolution:formulated on the assumption that theenergy required for fracture consists of only theenergy required to create new surfaces. Noallowance was made for energy needed for plasticdeformation. While this assumption was suitablefor the brittle glass, it was not suitable formetals that sustain plastic deformation prior to fracture.47. Find: Construct a graph of the critical crack length vs.crack size for this application and select a suitablematerial for this application if the minimum crack size that can be detected is 2mm.Data: A wide panel is required to operate at 50 MPa.Solution: Recall that for a center crack of length 2asubjected to a stress, the following equationapplies: K IC=σ(πa)1/2 or 2a=2/π (K IC/σ)2. For anapplied stress of 50 MPa, the latter equationbecomes 2a=2/π (K IC/50)2. This equation is plottedon the accompanying graph. From the graph we seethat the fracture toughness must be at least 28MPa-m1/2. From the Metals Handbook (Desk Edition,1985, pp. 6-47) we see that Al 7475-T7551 meetsall the requirements.。



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§9-1 如何理解材料研究方法的综合应用,为什么有时必须多种测试方法才能解决问题?答:研究某种材料的显微结构和亚显微结构,主要是测定物相的种类、大小、形状和分布。