a041300534 GIS基础应用技能(4)(测绘工程版)教学大纲-2012版

《GIS基础应用技能(4)》实验教学大纲英文课程名称:GIS Application Skills (4)课程代码:a041300534课程类别:专业基础课课程属性:独立设课学时:32学分:1.5开课学期:第四学期适用专业:地理信息系统专业本科、测绘工程专业本科、地理科学专业本科考核方式:考查先修课程:地理信息系统原理、计算机应用基础、GIS基础应用技能(1)、(2)、(3)开设单位:地理信息与旅游学院一、实验课程简介《GIS基础应用技能》系列课程是培养从事地理信息应用系统建设专门人才的重要的专业基础课。

《专业英语》课程教学大纲课程名称(中文/英文):专业英语/ Professional English 课程编码:12024019 课程类型:专业选修课 课程性质:专业课 适用范围:06地理信息系统学分数:2 先修课程:《大学英语》《地理信息系统》 学时数:36 其中:实验/实践学时:0 课外学时:0 考核方式:考查 制订日期:2006年制订单位:广州大学地理科学学院 审核者:夏丽华 执笔者:冯艳芬一、教学大纲说明(一)课程的地位、作用和任务(一)课程的地位、作用和任务该课程属于地理信息系统专业基础课之一,通过该课程的学习,学生基本能掌握常用的地理信息系统专业词汇,能查阅相关的外文资料,阅读简单的外文文献,阅读简单的外文文献,能进行简单的英文能进行简单的英文摘要撰写。
本课程的任务主要为:本课程的任务主要为:(1) 增加学生专业词汇量增加学生专业词汇量 (2) 介绍专业文献阅读的技巧介绍专业文献阅读的技巧 (3) 加强对英文长句翻译的训练加强对英文长句翻译的训练 (4) 介绍论文英文摘要的写法介绍论文英文摘要的写法(5) 介绍专业在国际上的发展趋势介绍专业在国际上的发展趋势 (二)课程教学的目的和要求(二)课程教学的目的和要求能让学生在学完二年能让学生在学完二年《大学英语》的基础上,《大学英语》的基础上,《大学英语》的基础上,增加专业方面的词汇,同时了解本专业在增加专业方面的词汇,同时了解本专业在英文上的表达方式,通过本课程的学习,通过本课程的学习,学生能掌握较多的专业词汇,学生能掌握较多的专业词汇,学生能掌握较多的专业词汇,能根据教学的要求查能根据教学的要求查阅简单的外文专业文献,基本能够读懂文献中的主要方法与主要内容,同时能为四年级论文的撰写打下基础,介绍论文英文摘要的写法。

Part I T he Basic Concept of GISLesson 1 What Is GISWHAT ARE GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS?In the broadest possible terms, geographic information systems are tools that allow for the processing of spatial data into information, tied explicitly to, and used to make decisions about, some portion of the earth. This working definition is neither comprehensive nor particularly precise. Like the field of geography itself, the term is difficult to define and presents the integration of many subject areas. As a result, there is no absolutely agreed upon definition of a geographic information system. The term itself is becoming hybridized and modified to conform to intellectual, cultural, economic and even political objectives (Table 1). This terminology has, in fact, become extremely elastic, resulting in an increasingly confusing jargon due to new definitions that constantly creep into both the scientific and the popular literature.TABLE 1 Examples of Synonymous Terms for Geographic InformationSystem and the Source or Motivation behind Their Derivation ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Terminology SourceGeographic information system United States terminologyGeographical information system European terminologyGeomatique Canadian terminologyGeorelational information system Technology-based terminologyNatural resources information system Discipline-based terminologyGeoscience or geological information Discipline-based terminologysystemSpatial information system Nongeographical DerivativeSpatial data analysis system Terminology based on what system does ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..This lack of accepted definition has resulted in many gross misconceptions about what a GIS is, what its capabilities are, and what such a system might be used for. It has lead some people to believe, for example, that there is no difference between computer assisted cartography, computer assisted drafting, and GIS. Because the graphic display from these three systems can look identical to both the casual and the trained observer, it is easy to assume that they are, with minor differences, the same thing. Anyone attempting to analyze maps will soon discover, however, that computer assisted cartographic (CAC) systems, computer systems designed to create maps from graphical objects combined with descriptive attributes, are excellent for display, but generally lack the analytical capabilities of a GIS. Likewise, for pure mapping purposes it is highly desirable to use a computer assisted cartographic system developed specifically for the input, design, and output of mappable data, rather than working through the myriad analytics of the GIS to produce a simple map. Computer assisted drafting (CAD) — (a computer system developed to produce graphic images but not normally tied to external descriptive data files) — is excellent software for the architect, speeding the process of producing architectural drawings, and simplifying the editing process. It would not be as easy to use for producing maps as would CAC, nor would it be capable of analyzing maps — generally the primary tasks assigned to the GIS.For the experienced user of GIS technology, there is no need for a definition. The complex geographical queries that demand its use normally could not be addressed by CAC and CAD. But for those who have only heard of these tools a definition might prove useful. A preliminary definition for consideration might be that of David Rhind, who defined GIS as “a computer system for collecting, checking, integrating and analyzing information related to the surface of the earth”. This definition has some highly worthwhile elements that should be examined. First, it indicates that the GIS deals with the surface of the earth. Although this is not an absolute requirement, the vast majority of GIS applications do deal with portions of the earth. Moreover, the statement that the GIS is used to collect, check, integrate, and analyze information enumerates a large number of the necessary groups of operations for any geographic information system.Many additional definitions of GIS have been proposed. Some have shown the strong linkage between manual and computer-based methods of map analysis. Most others have explicitly stated among its primary objectives, to act as a tool for analyzing data about the earth. As we will see at the end of this text, one can also extend the definition to include the organization and people involved in working with spatial data as well. Like any technology that changes as quickly as does GIS, the definitions themselves will likely change as well.For this text I have chosen to use a definition that more closely resembles the way the GIS operates as a series of subsystems within a larger system. That definition proposed as a standard by Marble and Peuquet, and used in some form by others in their own definitions, pretty much sums up what it is we do with a GIS and how we do it. It states that GIS deals with space-time data, and often, but not necessarily, employs computer hardware and software. More importantly, perhaps, is the subsystem nature of his definition that provides an easily understandable framework for the study of GIS. The GIS, according to this definition, has the following subsystems:A data input subsystem that collects and preprocesses spatial data from various sources. This subsystem is also largely responsible for the transformation of different types of spatial data (i.e., from isoline symbols on a topographic map to point elevation inside the GIS).A data storage and retrieval subsystem that organizes the spatial data in a manner that allows retrieval, updating, and editing.A data manipulation and analysis subsystem that performs tasks on the data, aggregates and disaggregates, estimates parameters and constraints, and performs modeling functions.A reporting subsystem that displays all or part of the database in tabular, graphic, or map form.(本文节选、改编自《Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems》,详见Reference [1])New Wordscomprehensive [ˌkɔmpriˈhensiv] 全面的;无所不包的;综合性的intellectual [ˌɪntəˈlɛktʃʊəl, -tjʊəl] 智力的,才智的jargon [ˈdʒɑːg(ə)n] 专业术语terminology [ˌtɜ:məˈnɔlədʒi:] 专门用语Geomatique地理信息技术Geoscience [ˌdʒi(:)əuˈsaiəns] 地球科学derivative [dɪˈrɪvətɪv] 派生物,衍生物Cartography [kɑːˈtɒgrəfi] 地图绘制学;地图绘制architect [ˈɑ:kitekt] 建筑师preliminary [priˈliminəri] 初步的;起始的;预备的enumerate [ɪˈnjuːməreɪt] 列举,枚举resembles [riˈzembl] 像,与…相似transformation [ˌtrænsfəˈmeɪʃən, -fɔ:r-] 转换Exercises1.List some examples of synonymous terms for GIS.2.What’s the subsystems of GIS defined in this text?Lesson 2 What Kinds of Functions Does a GIS Have?The subsystem definition allows for easy comparison between the modern automated GIS and its analog counterpart, particularly when considering the steps in the cartographic process (Table 1). The first GIS subsystem, the data input subsystem, is roughly equivalent to the first and second steps in the cartographic process — data collection and map compilation (Table 2). In traditional cartography the cartographer compiles or records a map made up of points, lines, and areas on a physical medium such as paper or Mylar. The data are collected from such sources as aerial photography, digital remote sensing, surveying, visual description, and census and statistical data. The automated counterpart uses electronic devices to record or encode points, lines, and areas into a computer system. Data collection sources are often the same as those used for traditional mapping, but now, include a wide variety of digital sources: digital line graphs, digital elevation models, digital orthophotoquads, and many more. Although the mechanics differ between the two technologies, the actual methods are strikingly similar.TABLE 1 Comparison of the Cartographic Process as Applied to Traditional Cartography (Map) and Geographic Information System (GIS) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….Map GISData collection: aerial photos, surveys, etc. Data collection: aerial photos, surveys, etc.Data processing: aggregation, classing, Data processing: aggregation, classing, plusetc.; linear process analysis; circular processMap production: final step except for Map production: not always final step;Reproduction and dissemination normally one map used to produce still moreMapreproductionMapreproduction ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..TABLE 2 Analog Versus Digital GIS: A Comparison of Input Subsystem Functions ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..MapInput: recorded (compiled) on paper from a collected source ·Points·Lines·AreasSources·Aerial photography·Digital remote sensing ·Surveying·Visualdescriptions·Census dataGIS Input: “encoded” into the computer from a collected source ·Points·Lines·AreasSources·Same as map data·Digital Line Graph (DLG)·Digital Elevation Models (DEM) ·DigitalOrthophotoquads ·Otherdigitaldatabases·Statistical data, etc...............................................................................................................................................................This is also the case for the second subsystem, the storage and retrieval subsystem (Table 2.3). Although there is no actual counterpart in the cartographic method, the map itself is the storage and retrieval tool. Points, lines, and areas that have been placed on the cartographic document are stored there for retrieval by the map reader. It has been said that the map is the most compact medium for the storage of spatially related information and may be the most complex form of graphic device available. In fact, the compactness of the map and its complexity frequently hamper the map reader’s ability to extract information.The GIS storage and retrieval subsystem has some advantages over the graphic map in that queries can be made of the data and only the appropriate, context-specific information recalled (Table 3). This format places more emphasis on formulating queries and asking the appropriate questions and less on overall map interpretation. In general terms,this subsystem stores, either explicitly or implicitly, the graphic locations of point, line, and area objects (entities), and their associated characteristics (attributes). Computer search methods are inherent in the GIS programs themselves to allow questions to be asked and for appropriate answers to be given.TABLE 3 Analog Versus Digital GI S: A Comparison of Storage and Retrieval Subsystem Functions .............................................................................................................................................................. Map GISPoints, lines, and areas are drawn on Points, lines, and areas are stored as grid cells orpointersincomputer.andwithpapersymbols. coordinatepairsRetrieval is simply a matter of map Attribute tables are associated with Reading. Coordinate pairs.Retrieval requires efficient computer searchtechniques. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..In the analysis subsystem, once again there is no exact cartographic method counterpart, except that the map is a fundamental tool for the analysis of spatially related data (Table 4). The analog map requires rulers to measure distances, compasses to find directions and dot grids or planimeters to measure areas. Furthermore the map analyst is restricted to the graphic methods used to present the data on the piece of paper or Mylar. Still, these map analysis tools have been used for a great many years because of the known utility of comparing spatially related phenomena in a quantitative manner.TABLE 4 Analog Versus Digital GIS: A Comparison of Analysis Subsystem Functions ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Map GISRequires rulers, planimeters, compasses, and Uses the power of the computer to measure, other tools all used by the human compare, and describe contents of theanalyst databaseRestricted to the data as they are aggregated Allows ready access to the raw data and allows and represented on the paper map aggregation and reclassification forfurther analysis ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..The analysis subsystem is the heart of the GIS. The need to analyze maps to compare and contrast patterns of earth-related phenomena, exemplified by the long-standing tradition of doing so with traditional maps, provides an impetus to find more convenient, faster, and more powerful methods. GIS analysis uses the power of the modern digital computer to measure, compare, and describe the contents of the databases. It allows ready access to the raw data and allows aggregation and reclassification for further analysis. Not only is it not limited in the types of data it can retrieve but it can combine selected data sets in unique and useful ways far beyond what the traditional map could provide on a single sheet.Of course, once an analysis has been performed, there is generally a need to report these results. In cartography, whether it be traditional analog cartography or its digital equivalent, computer assisted cartography, the output is generally the same — a map. The most common purpose of cartography, at least from the user perspective, is to produce a map product, usually in copies for multiple recipients. In fact, production and reproduction are the final two steps in the cartographic method.A major difference between GIS and cartography, beyond the emphasis on analysis in GIS, is the method of reporting the results of analysis (Table 5). Although many users, perhaps even most, will still require mapped output, there are many options available in modern GIS. Some typical noncartographic output could include tables listing, for example, the anticipated crop yields per hectare by soil type or predicted changes in population densities by census district. Alternatively, either of these results also could be output as a series of histograms or line graphs. Supplementally, digitally encoded photographs of selected sites could be placed on the map margins or within the tables or charts.TABLE 5 Analog Versus Digital GIS: A Comparison of Reporting and Output Functions .............................................................................................................................................................. Map Output GIS OutputGraphic device only The map is only one type of GIS outputMany forms of maps With minor exceptions, GIS offers same Modifications can include cartograms, options as traditional hand-drawn mapsEtc.Also includes tables, charts, diagrams,photographs, etc...............................................................................................................................................................More advanced GIS features are available, as well. Examples include output in the form of printed mailing labels for a search of a database of potential customers to facilitate the distribution of advertising. A 911 emergency system database could be connected to a police or fire department, so that when a caller reports an emergency, the information can be directly routed to the nearest emergency service. This output could also be in the form of a route map showing the fastest path from the emergency branch to the site of the emergency. In fact, the types of output are often dictated more by the use for which the GIS is employed than by the software. And, like the users of maps, the outputs are many and varied.Among the more interesting phenomena arising from the wide range of users is a new set of terms defining the system on the basis of what it does. For example, one could have a police information system, a natural resources information system, a census information system, a rangeland evaluation system, a land information system, a cadastral information system, and so on. Although these terms are generally descriptive of the use for which the GIS is being employed, they do little to clarify the exact nature of the system. In fact, they generally add considerably to the confusion. Perhaps a more structured approach to classification of GIS in the form of a taxonomy would prove useful (Figure 1).InformationNonspatial SpatialNon-geographic Geographic information system (GIS)Other GIS Land information system(LIS)Socioeconomic Census...Non-parcelbased Parcel basedManagementsystemsCAD/CAMFigure 1 A taxonomy of information systems. The illustration shows how GIS and LIS fit in.This taxonomy diagram clearly shows the separation between spatial and nonspatial information systems. The GIS appropriately fits under the spatial information systems category. Two general classes of spatial information systems are identified: geographic and nongeographic. Nongeographic information systems, although they frequently deal with some portion of geographic space, seldom have strong locational links to the earth itself. In other words, they are not generally geocoded. Thus such systems as computer assisted drafting and computer aided manufacturing, come under the nongeographic spatial information systems heading.Within geographic information systems there is yet another bifurcation. GIS are divided into land information systems (LIS) and nonland information systems, or other geographic information systems. Although the division is somewhat artificial, it is important because it separates the applications of GIS technology into those that are primarily focused on the land itself and those that, although being geocoded, are more focused on information that might either affect or be affected by land-related factors. These uses include census information systems whose primary focus is on populations and their housing and economic activities, rather than on the land on which they reside or even on their use of the land. Another (non-land-related) GIS application might include applications surrounding political redistricting. Although political redistricting, by its very nature subdivides or apportions the land into discrete portions, such activities generally have little or no direct and immediate impact on the land itself. Rather, political redistricting affects the voting patterns of those living on the land surface. A common non-land-related use of GIS is market analysis, which may include a determination of the amount of market within reasonable reach of a business (allocation) or might involve an analysis of existing facilities to determine where best to put a competing or complementary facility (location). Locating fire stations, schools, and other facilities falls into this category. In general, non-land-related GIS activities tend to entail social, economic, transportation, and political types of activities.Land-related activities provide the framework for the second, and possibly the most often used type of GIS, the land information system (LIS). Such systems are based most often on the ownership, management, and analysis of portions of the earth most frequently of interest to humans primarily because of their condition of ownership. Land information systems are further subdivided into parcel based and non-parcel based. Non-parcel-based LIS include natural resources information systems, such as those used by national park services, land management agencies, and the like. Activities within the non-parcel-based LIS could include habitat evaluation, conservation easement procurement, wildlife evaluation, earthquake and landslide prediction, flood hazard abatement, chemical contamination evaluation, forest and range management, and scientific investigation.Parcel-based LIS applications are generally focused on landownership and other cadastral investigations. The defining criterion is that the land be divided into surveyed parcels having legal descriptions. Although this terminology could also apply to such portions of land as national forests, it generally assumes that the parcels are smaller than this. Fundamental to applications of these types is a highly accurate geodetic framework upon which the parcels can be precisely described. LIS applications involve traditional survey methods and are among the largest users of NA VSTAR’s Global Positioning System (GPS) for acquiring this locational information. Once an accurate geodetic framework and cadastral system have been developed, many analyses of land-tenure change can be performed with the assurance of a high degree of measurement accuracy. Included in such studies are those attempting to arrive at compatible multiple land uses within selected parcels of land. Some of these studies may require the incorporation of a multipurpose cadastre — a parcelization framework that allows analysis of multiple land-parcel-related phenomena.Whether they are land related or human related, the applications of GIS technology are many and varied, offering enormous possibilities for both simple and extremely sophisticated analysis. Most of today’s applications are quite limited in sophistication, however. Generally, this under use of system capabilities seems to be related more to a lack of understanding of the existing potential of GIS, rather than to actual software limitations. Before we can ask software to perform a particular task, we must be aware of what that task might be. Then we can see whether the software is capable of accomplishing it. People using today’s GIS software are frequently heard saying, “Hey, I didn’t know we could do that with the computer!” The exclamation is one of discovery, not unlike the reaction of geographers of old as they ventured into the jungle with pith helmet and machete. For the person newly introduced to GIS software, the journey into new dimensions of geographic exploration has just begun.(本文节选、改编自《Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems》,详见Reference [2])New Wordsautomated ['ɔ:təmeitid] 自动化的equivalent [i'kwivələnt] 等价的,相等的cartographer [kɑ:'tɔgrəfə] 图制作者,制图师Mylar ['mailɑ:] 胶片electronic [ilek'trɔnik] 电子的encode [in'kəud] 编码orthophotoquad 正射影象图aerial ['єəriəl] 空中的,航空的,空想的aggregation [ægri'geiʃən] 集合,聚合,集合体reproduction [,ri:prə'dʌkʃən] 再现,复制,生殖dissemination [di,semi'neiʃən] 传播,宣传,传染(病毒)counterpart ['kauntəpɑ:t] 相似之物compactness [kəm'pæktnis] 致密性complexity [kəm'pleksiti]复杂,复杂性hamper ['hæmpə] 阻碍,使...困累,困累retrieval [ri'tri:vəl] 取回,恢复,修补analog ['ænəlɔɡ] 模拟的planimeter [plæ'nimitə] 测面器;求积仪phenomena [fi'nɔminə] 现象quantitative ['kwɔntitətiv] 数量的,定量的Histogram [ˈhistəuɡræm] 直方图;柱状图Supplementally[,sʌpli'mentəli]追加;补充modification[mɔdifi'keiʃən] 修改;变型;cartogram ['kɑ:təɡræm] 统计地图;统计图hand-drawn 手绘emergency [i'mə:dʒnsi] 紧急的employe [ˌemplɔiˈi:,imˈplɔii] 雇用clarify ['klærifai] 澄清,阐明,使...明晰taxonomy ['tæk'sɔnəmi] 分类学;分类法bifurcation [baifə'keiʃən] 分歧,分叉;分歧点parcel ['pɑ:sl] 地块conservation [,kɔnsə'veiʃən] 保存,保持;保护procurement [prəu'kjuəmənt] 获得,取得;采购wildlife ['waildlaif] 野生动植物的earthquake ['ə:θkweik] 地震landslide ['lændslaid] 泥石流,山崩cadastral [kə'dæstrəl] 地籍的;(有关)土地清册的geodetic [,dʒi:əu'detik] 大地测量学的;最短线的sophisticated [sə'fistikeitid] 精致的;复杂的Exercises1.Discribe the differences and connections of cartographic process of GIS with traditionalcartography.pare analysis subsystem functions between GIS and analog maps.3.How GIS fits in the taxonomy of information systems?Lesson 3 Origins and Applications of GISINTRODUCTIONThe need to place information in a geographical text pervades many aspects of human activity. In public and commercial organizations, many of these activities are connected with the recording and planning of the human-made environment, with monitoring and managing the natural environment, with transport and navigation, and with understanding social structures. It is an inevitable consequence of the revolution in information technology that we should attempt to build computing systems to handle this geographical information. The results of these technological efforts are reflected in the fields of geographical information systems (GIS) and computer cartography which are the subject of this book.When compared with the development of computing systems for maintaining commercial and financial information, progress in the field of geographical information systems has been remarkably slow. One of the earliest clearly identifiable geographical information systems is the Canada Geographic Information System (CGIS), which was developed for planning purposes. Although the system can be regarded as having laid the foundations, in the mid 1960s, for many subsequent GIS, it was not in fact followed by a proliferation of similar systems. It was only in the late 1980s that we saw the introduction of proprietary GIS which could claim to meet a significant proportion of the data-handling requirements of organisations concerned with geographical information. Examples of organizations in which these requirements arose include environmental mapping agencies, local and regional government administrations, marketing companies, mineral exploration companies, the military, and utility companies supplying water, electricity, gas and telecommunications.The relatively late introduction of commercially marketed GIS technology may be explained, to some extent, by the fact that the type of information to be stored in these systems is more complex, and more difficult to process at a basic level, than that found in conventional business information systems. The reasons why geographical data processing is more complex than commercial data processing relate both to the nature of geographical information itself and to the type of retrieval and analysis operations performed upon it. Geographical information is typically concerned with spatially referenced and interconnected phenomena, such as towns, roads and administrative areas, as well as less precisely defined regions with environmental attributes, such as woodlands and marshes. Physical structures and locations are defined by geometric data consisting of combinations of points, lines, areas, surfaces and volumes, in association with classifications and statistical data that attach real-world meaning. These collections of data must be treated in a manner which retains the integrity of the whole objects to which they refer, at different levels of abstraction, rather than as isolated pieces of data. Enquiries on geographical information frequently require some form of spatial search or analysis to be performed on individual regions or on combinationsof particular phenomena. Such procedures often require quite sophisticated geometric procedures for manipulation and transformation.In contrast, commercial data processing can, in general, be reduced to sets of comparative operations on the names or identifiers of, for example, personnel or goods, and to arithmetic operations on attribute values, such as salary and price, which are associated with them. These operations involve less complex algorithms than those required for spatial data. It could also be argued that the development of information technology was initially in response to non-spatial data-processing problems and as such it has been adapted to those requirements. GIS may be seen as one of a number of classes of information processing that require additional layers of special-purpose procedures.Computer systems for storing and retrieving geographical data are now at a relatively advanced stage of development, but it is still a rapidly developing field and many problems remain to be solved if these systems are to meet all the requirements of spatial analysis and decision-making. Because many organisations need to access a mix of data relating to technical, commercial and human resource issues, a measure of the effectiveness of GIS technology in the future may be the extent to which it becomes absorbed within the information infrastructure and hence disappears as an information processing system in its own right!CARTOGRAPHY AND GISThe fact that geographical information is spatially referenced means that it is associated, at least conceptually, with the field of cartography, as the traditional method of recording the location of spatial phenomena and the relationships between them. The application of computing technology to geographical information handling impacts therefore upon the discipline of cartography. Historically, the development of GIS may be seen to have paralleled efforts to automated cartographic production methods. The growth in the application of GIS technology is now so great however that, to some, cartography appears to be becoming subsumed within the field of GIS. This viewpoint may be understood if we see that the traditional role of cartography has combined the function of helping us understand spatial relationships with that of providing a database recording the form of the earth’s surface and the objects located upon it. The introduction of GIS does not necessarily eclipse the role of cartography in the visualisation of spatial knowledge but, as a means of storing, managing and analysing that knowledge, a GIS provides immense benefits when compared to the analogue technology of conventional maps.Geographical information system may then be seen to be taking over and greatly extending the role of spatial data storage which was previously played by maps. Once spatial data have been represented in digital form it becomes very much easier to carry out measurements on the data, to perform analysis in various ways, and to make changes to it. Some of the operation can be applied without recourse to a graphic map of any sort. For example, one could enquire about the distance between two named places or, say, the area of coniferous forest within a named county, without referring to a map.。

Topics which are usually included in the contents of geo-referencing are: geoGeodesy Map projections Coordinate Systems
3.1 Geodesy Geodesy is the science of measuring and monitoring the size and shape of the Earth and the location of points on its surface. The elements of Geodesy are the figure of the Earth, Datum and gravity.
The Earth's shape is nearly spherical, with a
radius of about 3,963 miles (6,378 km), and it`s surface is very irregular. Mountains and valleys make actually measuring this surface impossible because an infinite amount of data would be needed.
To measure the Earth and avoid the problems that places like the Grand Canyon present, geodesists use a theoretical mathematical surface called the ellipsoid. Because the ellipsoid. ellipsoid exists only in theory and not in real life, it can be completely smooth and does not take any irregularities - such as mountains or valleys -- into account.

本书是一本关于地理信息系统(Geographic Information System,简称GIS)专业英语的全书。
GIS专业英语lesson 22(Data Analysis

Lesson 22 data analysis IIIntegrated Analytical Functions in a GISMost GIS's provide the capability to build complex models by combining primitive analytical functions. Systems vary as to the complexity provided for spatial modelling, and the specific functions that are available. However, most systems provide a standard set of primitive analytical functions that are accessible to the user in some logical manner. Aronoff identifies four categories of GIS analysis functions. These are :Retrieval, Reclassification, and Generalization;Overlay Techniques;Neighbourhood Operations; andConnectivity Functions.The range of analysis techniques in these categories is very large. Accordingly, this section of the book focuses on providing an overview of the fundamental primitive functions that are most often utilized in spatial analyses.Retrieval, Reclassification and GeneralizationPerhaps the initial GIS analysis that any user undertakes is the retrieval and/or reclassification of data. Retrieval operations occur on both spatial and attribute data. Often data is selected by an attribute subset and viewed graphically. Retrieval involves the selective search, manipulation, and output of data without the requirement to modify the geographic location of the features involved.Reclassification involves the selection and presentation of a selected layer of data based on the classes or values of a specific attribute, e.g. cover group. It involves looking at an attribute, or a series of attributes, for a single data layer and classifying the data layer based on the range of values of the attribute.Accordingly, features adjacent to one another that have a common value, e.g. cover group, but differ in other characteristics, e.g. tree height, species, will be treated and appear as one class. In raster based GIS software, numerical values are often used to indicate classes. Reclassification is an attribute generalization technique. Typically this function makes use of polygon patterning techniques such as crosshatching and/or color shading for graphic representation.In a vector based GIS, boundaries between polygons of common reclassed values should be dissolved to create a cleaner map of homogeneous continuity. Raster reclassification intrinsically involves boundary dissolving. The dissolving of map boundaries based on a specific attribute value often results in a new data layer being created. This is often done for visual clarity in the creation of derived maps. Almost all GIS software provides the capability to easily dissolve boundaries based on the results of a reclassification. Some systems allow the user to create a new data layer for the reclassification while others simply dissolve the boundaries during data output.One can see how the querying capability of the DBMS is a necessity in thereclassification process. The ability and process for displaying the results of reclassification, a map or report, will vary depending on the GIS. In some systems the querying process is independent from data display functions, while in others they are integrated and querying is done in a graphics mode. The exact process for undertaking a reclassification varies greatly from GIS to GIS. Some will store results of the query in query sets independent from the DBMS, while others store the results in a newly created attribute column in the DBMS. The approach varies drastically depending on the architecture of the GIS software.Topological OverlayThe capability to overlay multiple data layers in a vertical fashion is the most required and common technique in geographic data processing. In fact, the use of a topological data structure can be traced back to the need for overlaying vector data layers. With the advent of the concepts of mathematical topology polygon overlay has become the most popular geoprocessing tool, and the basis of any functional GIS software package.Topological overlay is predominantly concerned with overlaying polygon data with polygon data, e.g. soils and forest cover. However, there are requirements for overlaying point, linear, and polygon data in selected combinations, e.g. point in polygon, line in polygon, and polygon on polygon are the most common. Vector and raster based software differ considerably in their approach to topological overlay.Raster based software is oriented towards arithmetic overlay operations, e.g. the addition, subtraction, division, multiplication of data layers. The nature of the one attribute map approach, typical of the raster data model, usually provides a more flexible and efficient overlay capability. The raster data model affords a strong numerically modelling (quantitative analysis) modelling capability. Most sophisticated spatial modelling is undertaken within the raster domain.In vector based systems topological overlay is achieved by the creation of a new topological network from two or more existing networks. This requires the rebuilding of topological tables, e.g. arc, node, polygon, and therefore can be time consuming and CPU intensive. The result of a topological overlay in the vector domain is a new topological network that will contain attributes of the original input data layers. In this way selected queries can then be undertaken of the original layer, e.g. soils and forest cover, to determine where specific situations occur, e.g. deciduous forest cover where drainage is poor.Most GIS software makes use of a consistent logic for the overlay of multiple data layers. The rules of Boolean logic are used to operate on the attributes and spatial properties of geographic features. Boolean algebra uses the operators AND, OR, XOR, NOT to see whether a particular condition is true or false. Boolean logic represents all possible combinations of spatial interaction between different features. The implementation of Boolean operators is often transparent to the user.Generally, GIS software implements the overlay of different vector data layers by combining the spatial and attribute data files of the layers to create a new data layer. Again, different GIS software utilize varying approaches for the display andreporting of overlay results. Some systems require that topological overlay occur on only two data layers at a time, creating a third layer. This pairwise approach requires the nesting of multiple overlays to generate a final overlay product, if more than two data layers are involved. This can result in numerous intermediate or temporary data layers. Some systems create a complete topological structure at the data verification stage, and the user merely submits a query string for the combined topological data. Other systems allow the user to overlay multiple data layers at one time. Each approach has its drawbacks depending on the application and the nature of the implementation. Determining the most appropriate method is based on the type of application, practical considerations such as data volumes and CPU power, and other considerations such personnel and time requirements. Overall, the flexibility provided to the operator and the level of performance varies widely among GIS software offerings.The following diagram in Fingure 1 illustrates a typical overlay requirements where several different layers are spatially joined to created a new topological layer.By combining multiple layers in a topological fashion complex queries can be answered concerning attributes of any layer.Neighbourhood OperationsNeighbourhood operations evaluate the characteristics of an area surrounding a specific location. Virtually all GIS software provides some form of neighbourhood analysis. A range of different neighbourhood functions exist. The analysis of topographic features, e.g. the relief of the landscape, is normally categorized as being a neighbourhood operation. This involves a variety of point interpolation techniques including slope and aspect calculations, contour generation, and Thiessen polygons. Interpolation is defined as the method of predicting unknown values using known values of neighbouring locations.36 Interpolation is utilized most often with point based elevation data.Figure 2 illustrates a continuous surface that has been created by interpolating sample data points.Elevation data usually takes the form of irregular or regular spaced points. Irregularly space points are stored in a Triangular Irregular Network (TIN). A TIN is a vector topological network of triangular facets generated by joining the irregular points with straight line segments. The TIN structure is utilized when irregular data is available, predominantly in vector based systems. TIN is a vector data model for 3-D data.An alternative in storing elevation data is the regular point Digital Elevation Model (DEM). The term DEM usually refers to a grid of regularly space elevation points. These points are usually stored with a raster data model. Most GIS software offerings provide three dimensional analysis capabilities in a separate module of the software. Again, they vary considerably with respect to their functionality and the level of integration between the 3-D module and the other more typical analysis functions.Without doubt the most common neighbourhood function is buffering. Buffering involves the ability to create distance buffers around selected features, be it points,lines, or areas. Buffers are created as polygons because they represent an area around a feature. Buffering is also referred to as corridor or zone generation with the raster data model. Usually, the results of a buffering process are utilized in a topological overlay with another data layer. For example, to determine the volume of timber within a selected distance of a cutline, the user would first buffer the cutline data layer. They would then overlay the resultant buffer data layer, a buffer polygon, with the forest cover data layer in a clipping fashion. This would result in a new data layer that only contained the forest cover within the buffer zone. Since all attributes are maintained in the topological overlay and buffering processes, a map or report could then be generated.Buffering is typically used with point or linear features. The generation of buffers for selected features is frequently based on a distance from that feature, or on a specific attribute of that feature. For example, some features may have a greater zone of influence due to specific characteristics, e.g. a primary highway would generally have a greater influence than a gravel road. Accordingly, different size buffers can be generated for features within a data layer based on selected attribute values or feature types.Connectivity AnalysisThe distinguishing feature of connectivity operations is that they use functions that accumulate values over an area being traversed.37 Most often these include the analysis of surfaces and networks. Connectivity functions include proximity analysis, network analysis, spread functions, and three dimensional surface analysis such as visibility and perspective viewing. This category of analysis techniques is the least developed in commercial GIS software. Consequently, there is often a great difference in the functionality offered between GIS software offerings. Raster based systems often provide the more sophisticated surface analysis capabilities while vector based systems tend to focus on linear network analysis capabilities. However, this appears to be changing as GIS software becomes more sophisticated, and multi-disciplinary applications require a more comprehensive and integrated functionality. Some GIS offerings provide both vector and raster analysis capabilities. Only in these systems will one fund a full range of connectivity analysis techniques.Proximity analysis techniques are primarily concerned with the proximity of one feature to another. Usually proximity is defined as the ability to identify any feature that is near any other feature based on location, attribute value, or a specific distance. A simple example is identifying all the forest stands that are within 100 metres of a gravel road, but not necessarily adjacent to it. It is important to note that neighbourhood buffering is often categorized as being a proximity analysis capability. Depending on the particular GIS software package, the data model employed, and the operational architecture of the software it may be difficult to distinguish proximity analysis and buffering.The identification of adjacency is another proximity analysis function. Adjacency is defined as the ability to identify any feature having certain attributes that exhibit adjacency with other selected features having certain attributes. A typical example isthe ability to identify all forest stands of a specific type, e.g. specie, adjacent to a gravel road.Network analysis is a widely used analysis technique. Network analysis techniques can be characterized by their use of feature networks. Feature networks are almost entirely comprised of linear features. Hydrographic hierarchies and transportation networks are prime examples. Two example network analysis techniques are the allocation of values to selected features within the network to determine capacity zones, and the determination of shortest path between connected points or nodes within the network based on attribute values. This is often referred to as route optimization. Attribute values may be as simple as minimal distance, or more complex involving a model using several attributes defining rate of flow, impedance, and cost.Three dimensional analysis involves a range of different capabilities. The most utilized is the generation of perspective surfaces. Perspective surfaces are usually represented by a wire frame diagram reflecting profiles of the landscape, e.g. every 100 metres. These profiles viewed together, with the removal of hidden lines, provide a three dimensional view. As previously identified, most GIS software packages offer 3-D capabilities in a separate module. Several other functions are normally available. These include the following functions :user definable vertical exaggeration, viewing azimuth, and elevation angle;identification of viewsheds,e.g. seen versus unseen areas;the draping of features, e.g. point, lines, and shaded polygons onto the perspective surface;generation of shaded relief models simulating illumination;generation of cross section profiles;presentation of symbology on the 3-D surface; andline of sight perspective views from user defined viewpoints.While the primitive analytical functions have been presented the reader should be aware that a wide range of more specific and detailed capabilities do exist.。

Points 1 What Is GIS?
• Computer system for
▫ capturing ▫ storing ▫ querying ▫ analyzing ▫ and displaying geographically referenced
Real World
Secondary Development and
Fundamental Function
Application Function
GIS Functio
Resource Management
Regional Planning
Homeland monitoring
Aided Decision
In accordance with its function, It is divided into: (1) GIS Professional Software. (2) Database Software. (3) Systems Management Software, etc.
With its hierarchical structure below:
(2) Database Software
✓ ESRI Personal database(mdb) SDE(sde for oracle | mysql | sqlserver)
✓ Oracle spatial ✓ Mysql spatial ✓ PostgreSQL+PostGIS

GIS专业英语教学教材G I S专业英语第⼀课Comprehensive:全⾯的,综合的,Intellectual:智⼒的,才智的Jargon:专业术语Terminology:专业术语Geomatique:地理信息技术Geoscience:地球科学Derivative:派⽣物,衍⽣物Cartography:地图绘制学,地图绘制Architect:建筑师Preliminary:初步的,起始的Enumerate:列举,枚举Resemble:像,与……相似Transformation:转换第⼆课Automated:⾃动化的Equivalent:a等价的Cartographer:绘制图表者,制图师Mylar:胶⽚Electronic:电⼦的Encode:编码Orthophotoquad:正射影像图Aerial:空中的,航空的Aggregation:集合,聚合,集合体Reproduction:再现,复制,繁殖Dissemination:传播,宣传,传染Counterpart:相似之物Compactness:致密性Complexity:复杂,复杂性Hamper:阻碍,束缚Retrieval:取回,恢复,修补Analog:模拟的Planimeter:测⾯器,求积仪Phenomena:现象Quantitative:数量的,定量的Histogram:直⽅图,柱状图Supplementally:追加,补充Modification:修改,变型Cartogram:统计地图,统计图Hand-drawn:⼿绘Emergency:紧急事件Employe:雇佣,雇⼯Clarify:澄清,阐明Taxonomy:分类学,分类法Bifurcation:分歧,分叉Parcel:地块Conservation:保存,保持Procurement:获得,取得,采购Wildlife:野⽣动植物Earthquake:地震Landslide:泥⽯流,⼭崩Cadastral:地籍的,有关⼟地清册的Geodetic:⼤地测量学,最短线的Sophisticated:精致的,复杂的第三课Pervade:弥漫,遍及Aspect:坡向,⽅向,⾯貌Inevitable:必然的,不可避免的Proprietary:所有的,专利的Mineral:矿物的,矿质的Military:军队,军⼈Electricity:电⼒,电流Telecommunication:通讯,电信学Interconnect:使相互连接,相互联系Administrative:管制的,⾏政的Environmental:环境的,周围的Attribute:属性,特质Procedure:步骤,程序,⼿续Manipulation:操作,操纵,处理Historically:历史上地,Subsume:把…..归⼊,把…..包括在Eclipse:形成蚀,使黯然失⾊Visualization:可视化,Immense:巨⼤的,⼴⼤的Analogue:类似,相似物Conventional:常见的,惯例的Enquire:询问,打听Coniferous:松柏科的Highlight:强调,突出,Stress:强调,加压⼒与Derive:得到,源于Discipline:纪律,学科,惩罚Algorithm:算法,Interpret:说明,⼝译,解释Artificial:⼈造的,仿造的,虚伪的Geomatique:地理信息技术Cartography:地图绘制学,地图绘制Preliminary:初步的,起始的Cartographer:绘制图表者,制图师Encode:编码Aggregation:集合,聚合,集合体Retrieval:取回,恢复,修补Analog:模拟的Quantitative:数量的,定量的Histogram:直⽅图,柱状图Cartogram:统计地图,统计图Parcel:地块Geodetic:⼤地测量学,最短线的Cadastral:地籍的,有关⼟地清册的Attribute:属性,特质Procedure:步骤,程序,⼿续Prime meridian:本初⼦午线Algorithm:算法,Discipline:纪律,学科,惩罚Visualization:可视化,Globe;球体Map projection地图投影Planar projection;平⾯投影Azimuthal projection;⽅位投影Characteristic,特征,特性Reference globe;参考椭球体Scale factor;⽐例因⼦Principle scale;主⽐例尺Equivalent projection;等积投影Equidistant;等距投影Mercator transverse;横轴莫卡托投影Gnomonic protection;中⼼切⾯投影Lambert‘s equal area projection 兰伯特等级⽅位投影Intelligence:智⼒,理解⼒,Correlation:相关,关联Urban:城市的Agriculture:农业,农艺Adjunct:附属物,修饰语Subdiscipline:学科的分⽀,副学科第四课Globe;球体Illustrate;阐明Configuration;配置,结构,外形Thematic;主题的Encounter;遭遇;邂逅Map projection地图投影Cylindrical;圆柱形的Projection family;投影系Planar projection;平⾯投影Cylindrical projection;圆柱投影Conical projection;圆锥投影Azimuthal projection;⽅位投影Community,社区,团体Representation;表现,陈述Characteristic,特征,特性Retain;保持,记住Convert;使转变Reference globe;参考椭球体Principle scale;主⽐例尺Scale factor;⽐例因⼦Cardinal 主要的,基本的Angular conformity;⾓度⼀致Conformal;等⾓的Orthomorphic;正形的Equivalent projection;等积投影Fundamental;基本的Equidistant;等距投影Maintain;维持,维修,供养Standard parallel;标准纬线Vital;⽣死攸关的,⾄关重要的Preservation;保存,保留Mercator transverse;横轴莫卡托投影Shopping mall ;⼤卖场Lambert‘s equal area projection 兰伯特等级⽅位投影Stereographic;⽴体照相的Orthographic;直⾓的Georeference;地理坐标参考系Universal transverse Mercator;通⽤横莫卡托投影Data type;数据类型,资料类型Attribute;属性,性质Vector;⽮量Raster:光栅Langscape;地表,地形Vertex;顶点,头顶Arc;弧形物,弧Node;节点Topology;拓扑学Vector-raster conversion⽮量-栅格转换Quadtree;四叉树Computer-aided drafting;计算机辅助制图Orthophoto;正⾊摄影Map algebra地图代数Forestry stand;林地,林区Inappropriate;不适当的,不相称的Quantized:量化的Legend:传奇,图例Vegetation:植物,草⽊Geological:地质的Spatial:空间分析技术Binary:⼆元的,⼆进制的Residence:居住,住处Variable:易变的,多变的Run-length code:长度⽅向编码Subsystem:⼦系统Pattern:样式,模式Scheme:模式,设计Database:数据库Resolution:解析,决议Entity:实体Spaghetti model:⾯条模型Topological model:拓扑模型Coordinate:坐标From node:终点Intersect:交叉,相交Form node:起始点Graph theory:图论Analog:模拟地图Compact:紧密的Reduction:缩减,降低Codification:编码,译成代码Shorthand:速记法Theme:题⽬,主题Scheme:模式,计划Gnomonic protection;中⼼切⾯投影Coordination;对等,同等第五课Georeference;地理坐标参考系Ellipsoid;椭圆,椭⾯Department of defence;国防部Universal transverse Mercator;通⽤横莫卡托投影第六课Thematic;题⽬的,主题的Facilitate;促进,帮助Data type;数据类型,资料类型Animation;活泼⽣⽓,激励Attribute;属性,性质Narration;叙述,讲述Vector;⽮量Raster;光栅Image;影像,肖像Photograph;照⽚,相⽚Langscape;地表,地形Vertex;顶点,头顶Arc;弧形物,弧Node;节点Connectivity;连通性,互联性Topology;拓扑学Mathematical;数学的,数学上的Adjacency;毗邻,四周Computer-aided drafting;计算机辅助制图Gridcell;格⽹单元Tesseate;棋盘格⽹的Quadtree;四叉树Data volume;数据卷Cumbersome;笨重的Vector-raster conversion⽮量-栅格转换Imperative;必要的,势在必⾏的Map algebra地图代数Modeling;造型的Distinguish;区别,区分Orthophoto;正⾊摄影Ancillary;辅助的,Rectify;改正Summarize;总结,概述Aesthetically;审美的Continuous;连续的,持续的。
地理信息系统 英文 教材

地理信息系统英文教材Introduction to Geographic Information Systems.Chapter 1: Overview of Geographic Information Systems (GIS)。
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is an integratedset of hardware, software, and data that captures, stores, manages, analyzes, and presents all forms of geographically referenced information. GIS technology has revolutionized the way we understand and interact with the world by enabling the integration and visualization of spatial data with other forms of information.Chapter 2: The Components of GIS.GIS is composed of three main components: hardware, software, and data. Hardware refers to the computers and other devices used to run GIS software. Software is the set of tools and applications that enable users to create, edit,query, analyze, and visualize spatial data. Data is the core of any GIS, and it includes both spatial data (such as geographic coordinates) and non-spatial data (such as demographic information).Chapter 3: Spatial Data and Geospatial Databases.Spatial data is the foundation of GIS, and it represents the geographic features and relationships of the real world. Geospatial databases are specifically designed to store, manage, and retrieve spatial data efficiently. This chapter covers the different types of spatial data, such as vector and raster data, and the principles of geospatial databases.Chapter 4: GIS Software and Applications.GIS software enables users to create, edit, query, analyze, and visualize spatial data. This chapter introduces various GIS software packages, including desktop GIS, web GIS, and mobile GIS. It also covers the different types of GIS applications, such as urban planning,environmental monitoring, and transportation management.Chapter 5: Spatial Analysis and Modeling.Spatial analysis is a critical component of GIS, and it involves the examination of spatial patterns and relationships within a dataset. This chapter covers various spatial analysis techniques, including buffering, overlaying, and network analysis. It also introducesspatial modeling, which allows users to simulate andpredict spatial processes and outcomes.Chapter 6: GIS Data Visualization.Data visualization is a crucial aspect of GIS, as it enables users to communicate complex spatial information effectively. This chapter covers various visualization techniques, including maps, charts, and 3D models. It also discusses best practices for creating effective GIS visualizations.Chapter 7: Applications of GIS in Different Fields.GIS technology has found widespread applications in various fields, including urban planning, environmental science, transportation, health, and more. This chapter explores the specific applications of GIS in these fields and highlights the benefits and challenges of using GIS in each context.Chapter 8: Future Trends and Developments in GIS.GIS technology is constantly evolving, and new trends and developments are emerging. This chapter discusses some of the future trends in GIS, such as the increasing use of cloud computing, big data analytics, and artificial intelligence in GIS. It also explores the potential impact of these trends on GIS practice and research.In conclusion, this textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to Geographic Information Systems, covering the fundamentals of GIS, its components, spatial data and geospatial databases, GIS software and applications, spatial analysis and modeling, data visualization,applications in different fields, and future trends and developments. Through this textbook, students will gain a solid understanding of GIS technology and its applications, enabling them to effectively use GIS in various fields and contexts.。

地理信息科学专业英语课程简介Introduction to Geographic Information Science Professional English Course.1. Course Overview.In the rapidly evolving field of Geographic Information Science (GIS), the ability to communicate and understand international research, technologies, and applications is paramount. The Geographic Information Science Professional English Course aims to equip students with the linguistic skills necessary to engage effectively in the global GIS community. This course focuses on enhancing students' reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills, specifically tailored to the unique vocabulary and terminology of GIS.2. Course Objectives.To introduce students to the fundamental terminologyand concepts of GIS in an English language context.To develop students' ability to read and understand technical documents, research articles, and online resources related to GIS in English.To enhance students' writing skills, enabling them to produce clear and concise technical reports, proposals, and emails in English.To improve students' speaking and listening skills, preparing them for international conferences, collaborations, and presentations.3. Course Content.The course covers a range of topics relevant to GIS, including:Basic terminology and definitions related to GIS, such as spatial data, remote sensing, cartography, and GIS software.Technical concepts and principles of GIS, including spatial analysis, data management, and geospatial databases.Applications of GIS in various fields, such as environmental science, urban planning, transportation, and disaster management.Current trends and developments in GIS, including big data, artificial intelligence, and geospatial analytics.4. Teaching Methods.The course employs a variety of teaching methods to ensure maximum student engagement and learning outcomes:Lectures and presentations: Delivered by experienced GIS professionals, these sessions introduce students to key concepts and terminology.Interactive discussions: Students engage indiscussions to deepen their understanding of GIS conceptsand applications.Reading assignments: Students are assigned technical articles and research papers to read and analyze, cultivating their reading comprehension skills.Writing assignments: Students practice writing technical reports, proposals, and emails, receiving feedback and guidance from instructors.Role-plays and simulations: These activities simulate real-world scenarios, preparing students for international conferences and presentations.5. Course Evaluation.Evaluation of student performance is based on a combination of assessments, including:Quizzes and tests: These assessments evaluate students' knowledge and understanding of GIS terminology and concepts.Reading comprehension exercises: These exercisesassess students' ability to understand and analyzetechnical articles and research papers.Writing assignments: Students submit technical reports, proposals, and emails for evaluation by instructors.Oral presentations: Students present their work infront of their peers, demonstrating their speaking and presentation skills.6. Conclusion.The Geographic Information Science Professional English Course is an integral part of preparing students for a successful career in the global GIS industry. By acquiring the necessary linguistic skills and knowledge, studentswill be able to engage effectively with international colleagues, participate in global projects, and contributeto the advancement of GIS research and applications.。

美国国家地理大学英语教材IntroductionEnglish is widely spoken around the world and serves as an important tool for communication in various fields. American National Geographic University (ANGU) recognizes the significance of English proficiency and has developed an exceptional English textbook for its students. This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the ANGU English textbook, exploring its content and structure.Module 1: GrammarThe ANGU English textbook begins with a thorough introduction to grammar. It covers essential topics such as tenses, sentence structures, and parts of speech. Through concise explanations, examples, and exercises, students acquire a solid foundation in English grammar. This module adopts a systematic approach, progressing from basic to more complex grammatical concepts.Module 2: VocabularyBuilding on the grammar module, the vocabulary section focuses on expanding students' word bank. The ANGU textbook offers an extensive range of vocabulary exercises that encourage active learning. From everyday expressions to specialized terminology, students are exposed to a broad range of words that reflect real-life scenarios.Module 3: Reading ComprehensionDeveloping reading comprehension skills is vital for effective communication. In this module, the ANGU English textbook provides engaging passages and articles that cover a wide range of topics. These texts are carefully selected to cater to different interests and levels of difficulty, allowing students to improve their reading abilities while expanding their knowledge.Module 4: Listening and SpeakingThe listening and speaking module aims to enhance students' oral communication skills. Various listening exercises, dialogues, and role-plays are provided, enabling students to practice their listening comprehension and speaking fluency. Through interactive activities, students can improve their pronunciation, intonation, and overall conversational skills.Module 5: WritingThe ANGU English textbook dedicates a module to writing, recognizing its significance in academic and professional settings. From basic sentence construction to essay writing, this module guides students through the writing process step by step. It emphasizes clarity, coherence, and appropriate language usage, equipping students with essential writing skills.Module 6: Cultural StudiesLanguage learning is inseparable from cultural understanding. The ANGU English textbook incorporates cultural studies to familiarize students with American customs and traditions. This module highlights various aspects of American culture, including history, literature, art, and socialnorms. By exploring different cultural perspectives, students develop a deeper appreciation for the English language and its cultural context.ConclusionThe ANGU English textbook offers a comprehensive and well-structured curriculum for English language learners. Through its systematic approach, engaging materials, and interactive exercises, students can develop all four language skills - speaking, listening, reading, and writing. This textbook not only equips students with the necessary tools for effective communication but also fosters cultural understanding. With the ANGU English textbook, students can confidently navigate the English language and succeed in their academic and professional pursuits.。

测绘学专业英文英语教学设计课程总体说明课程性质专业课授课类型新课()课程标准自己编写(√)旧课(√ )他人编写(√ )总教学时数 30 实际完成教学时数 30 理论学时 30 实训学时 0 教学目标与要求:1、整体目标课程的目标是根据实际需要,紧紧围绕工程测量及相关专业学生必须掌握测量学专业英语知识,在学习专业词汇的同时,深入学习测量学有关的工程要点。
采用教材测绘工程专业英语出版时间 xx-1 教材类型规划教材对教材的整合总体说明教材基本符合教学要求。
《专业英语》课程单元教学设计 No.1 授课日期 2020.3.4 2020.3.4 2020.3.6 2020.3.6授课班级工程测量技术1803 工程测量技术1804 工程测量技术1801 工程测量技术1802周次 1 1 1 1星期 3 3 5 5学时 2 2 2 2授课地点 1教321-323 1教201-203 1教317-319 1教501-503 单元标题 What is Geomatics ?(1)课型讲授课教学目标能力目标掌握测绘学专业基础词汇知识目标 1.Geomatics n. 测绘学 Geo- geography n. 地理,地形 Geodesy n.测地学Information信息 math数学 2.Suveyor n.测量员 survey n.调查in/during a survey ,do such a survey 3.hydrographic n.海道测量 hyd-水力学 hydrate n.水化物,水合物 4.sense n.感觉,感受,理性教学重点词汇记忆与运用教学难点熟练运用现在完成时能力训练任务使学生正确认识测绘学专业知识,培养学生对本课程的兴趣。
地理信息系统专业英语Unit 1

在电脑里有个动态的球。 Economically, Asia is still the most dynamic region in the world.
亚洲依然是世界上最具经济活力的地区。 ● facilitate [fə'siliteit] vt.使容易,促进,帮助 ● interaction [ˌɪntərˈækʃən] n.交互作用,交感
● 2.影像解译 本项研究使用的数据主要来自 2001年3 月14 日获取的美国LANDSAT TM/ETM+卫
● 3. 评价系统及参评因子选取 参照 FAO(1976)和相关研究中土地评价指标体系,本次评价系统 由土地适宜纲(1级)、适宜类(2 级)和适宜等(3 级)组成,它们之间存在层次关系。参评因 子的选择主要遵循以下原则;(1)如果某一因素对耕地和林地显示的需求不同,那么赋予这一因 素不同的等级指数来体现这种要求的不同;(2)基于对特定土地用途有明显影响来选择评价因子, 因为分类方法决定评价因子的值是逐步变化而不是渐渐变化;(3)选择的参评因子应比较稳定, 并具有可量度性以便于定量分析。尽量选择那些相对独立的因素。
● 1. 区域概况福建地处中国东南沿海,全省陆地面积12.2 万多平方公里,海域面积约 13.6 万平方 公里。福建省山地多,平地少,地貌类型复杂多样。地势西北高,东南低。气候属于亚热带海洋 季风气候,受环太平洋海洋气团的作用与影响大。温暖湿润,雨量丰富。全省年平均气温15~ 21℃,全省多年平均雨量1000~2000mm,从东南海滨地区向西北山区逐渐递增。福建土壤类型 多种多样,土壤资源相当丰富,大致上可分为赤红壤、红壤、黄壤、山地草甸土、紫色土和水稻 土等土类,其中红壤和水稻土分布最为广泛。在温湿气候作用下,福建植被极其发育。生长茂盛, 森林资源丰富,森林覆盖率居全国前列。
Chapter 9 GIS Introduction

These abilities distinguish GIS from other information systems and make it valuable to a wide range of public and private enterprise for explaining events, predicting outcomes, and planning strategies .
这种能力使GIS与其他信息系统相区别,从而使其在广 泛的公众和私人企事业单位中解释事件、预测结果、规 划战略等领域变得有价值。
Map making and geographic analysis are not new, but a GIS performs these tasks faster and with more sophistication than do traditional manual methods.
GIS technology integrates(集成,整合) common database operations such as query and statistical analysis with the unique visualization and geographic analysis benefits offered by maps .
1.GIS Subsystems A GIS has four main functional subsystems. These are: 1)Data input subsystem A data input subsystem allows the user to capture, collect, and transform spatial and thematic ([θɪ‘mætɪk]专题的) data into digital form. The data inputs are usually derived from(来源 于) a combination of hard copy maps, aerial [’eərɪəl] 航空的 photographs, remotely sensed images, reports, survey documents, etc.

地理专业英语教案许昌学院城市与环境学院教案课程名称:地理专业英语课程类型:□理论课■理论、实践课□实践课学时:32 学分: 2授课教师:李中轩授课班级:08级地理科学授课学期:2010 至2011 学年第2学期教材名称:地理专业英语参考资料:1.地质学基础2.自然地理学3.地理学专业英语2011年 2 月 20 日《地理专业英语》教材分析本课程以培养学生地理科学专业英语文献阅读和翻译能力为主要目的,以岩石圈、大气圈、水圈、生物圈、土壤圈、人类社会圈系统和地理信息系统理论为主要内容,分为三大部共16个单元,其中技术地理部分涉及较多的3S技术方面内容,因而将其作为自学内容。
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G I S专业英语第一课Comprehensive:全面的,综合的,Intellectual:智力的,才智的Jargon:专业术语Terminology:专业术语Geomatique:地理信息技术Geoscience:地球科学Derivative:派生物,衍生物Cartography:地图绘制学,地图绘制Architect:建筑师Preliminary:初步的,起始的Enumerate:列举,枚举Resemble:像,与……相似Transformation:转换第二课Automated:自动化的Equivalent:a等价的Cartographer:绘制图表者,制图师Mylar:胶片Electronic:电子的Encode:编码Orthophotoquad:正射影像图Aerial:空中的,航空的Aggregation:集合,聚合,集合体Reproduction:再现,复制,繁殖Dissemination:传播,宣传,传染Counterpart:相似之物Compactness:致密性Complexity:复杂,复杂性Hamper:阻碍,束缚Retrieval:取回,恢复,修补Analog:模拟的Planimeter:测面器,求积仪Phenomena:现象Quantitative:数量的,定量的Histogram:直方图,柱状图Supplementally:追加,补充Modification:修改,变型Cartogram:统计地图,统计图Hand-drawn:手绘Emergency:紧急事件Employe:雇佣,雇工Clarify:澄清,阐明Taxonomy:分类学,分类法Bifurcation:分歧,分叉Parcel:地块Conservation:保存,保持Procurement:获得,取得,采购Wildlife:野生动植物Earthquake:地震Landslide:泥石流,山崩Cadastral:地籍的,有关土地清册的Geodetic:大地测量学,最短线的Sophisticated:精致的,复杂的第三课Pervade:弥漫,遍及Aspect:坡向,方向,面貌Inevitable:必然的,不可避免的Proprietary:所有的,专利的Mineral:矿物的,矿质的Military:军队,军人Electricity:电力,电流Telecommunication:通讯,电信学Interconnect:使相互连接,相互联系Administrative:管制的,行政的Environmental:环境的,周围的Attribute:属性,特质Procedure:步骤,程序,手续Manipulation:操作,操纵,处理Historically:历史上地,Subsume:把…..归入,把…..包括在Eclipse:形成蚀,使黯然失色Visualization:可视化,Immense:巨大的,广大的Analogue:类似,相似物Conventional:常见的,惯例的Enquire:询问,打听Coniferous:松柏科的Highlight:强调,突出,Stress:强调,加压力与Derive:得到,源于Discipline:纪律,学科,惩罚Algorithm:算法,Interpret:说明,口译,解释Artificial:人造的,仿造的,虚伪的Geomatique:地理信息技术Cartography:地图绘制学,地图绘制Preliminary:初步的,起始的Cartographer:绘制图表者,制图师Encode:编码Aggregation:集合,聚合,集合体Retrieval:取回,恢复,修补Analog:模拟的Quantitative:数量的,定量的Histogram:直方图,柱状图Cartogram:统计地图,统计图Parcel:地块Geodetic:大地测量学,最短线的Cadastral:地籍的,有关土地清册的Attribute:属性,特质Procedure:步骤,程序,手续Prime meridian:本初子午线Algorithm:算法,Discipline:纪律,学科,惩罚Visualization:可视化,Globe;球体Map projection地图投影Planar projection;平面投影Azimuthal projection;方位投影Characteristic,特征,特性Reference globe;参考椭球体Scale factor;比例因子Principle scale;主比例尺Equivalent projection;等积投影Equidistant;等距投影Mercator transverse;横轴莫卡托投影Gnomonic protection;中心切面投影Lambert‘s equal area projection 兰伯特等级方位投影Intelligence:智力,理解力,Correlation:相关,关联Urban:城市的Agriculture:农业,农艺Adjunct:附属物,修饰语Subdiscipline:学科的分支,副学科第四课Globe;球体Illustrate;阐明Configuration;配置,结构,外形Thematic;主题的Encounter;遭遇;邂逅Map projection地图投影Cylindrical;圆柱形的Projection family;投影系Planar projection;平面投影Cylindrical projection;圆柱投影Conical projection;圆锥投影Azimuthal projection;方位投影Community,社区,团体Representation;表现,陈述Characteristic,特征,特性Retain;保持,记住Convert;使转变Reference globe;参考椭球体Principle scale;主比例尺Scale factor;比例因子Cardinal 主要的,基本的Angular conformity;角度一致Conformal;等角的Orthomorphic;正形的Equivalent projection;等积投影Fundamental;基本的Equidistant;等距投影Maintain;维持,维修,供养Standard parallel;标准纬线Vital;生死攸关的,至关重要的Preservation;保存,保留Mercator transverse;横轴莫卡托投影Shopping mall ;大卖场Lambert‘s equal area projection 兰伯特等级方位投影Stereographic;立体照相的Orthographic;直角的Georeference;地理坐标参考系Universal transverse Mercator;通用横莫卡托投影Data type;数据类型,资料类型Attribute;属性,性质Vector;矢量Raster:光栅Langscape;地表,地形Vertex;顶点,头顶Arc;弧形物,弧Node;节点Topology;拓扑学Vector-raster conversion矢量-栅格转换Quadtree;四叉树Computer-aided drafting;计算机辅助制图Orthophoto;正色摄影Map algebra地图代数Forestry stand;林地,林区Inappropriate;不适当的,不相称的Quantized:量化的Legend:传奇,图例Vegetation:植物,草木Geological:地质的Spatial:空间分析技术Binary:二元的,二进制的Residence:居住,住处Variable:易变的,多变的Run-length code:长度方向编码Subsystem:子系统Pattern:样式,模式Scheme:模式,设计Database:数据库Resolution:解析,决议Entity:实体Spaghetti model:面条模型Topological model:拓扑模型Coordinate:坐标From node:终点Intersect:交叉,相交Form node:起始点Graph theory:图论Analog:模拟地图Compact:紧密的Reduction:缩减,降低Codification:编码,译成代码Shorthand:速记法Theme:题目,主题Scheme:模式,计划Gnomonic protection;中心切面投影Coordination;对等,同等第五课Georeference;地理坐标参考系Ellipsoid;椭圆,椭面Department of defence;国防部Universal transverse Mercator;通用横莫卡托投影第六课Thematic;题目的,主题的Facilitate;促进,帮助Data type;数据类型,资料类型Animation;活泼生气,激励Attribute;属性,性质Narration;叙述,讲述Vector;矢量Raster;光栅Image;影像,肖像Photograph;照片,相片Langscape;地表,地形Vertex;顶点,头顶Arc;弧形物,弧Node;节点Connectivity;连通性,互联性Topology;拓扑学Mathematical;数学的,数学上的Adjacency;毗邻,四周Computer-aided drafting;计算机辅助制图Gridcell;格网单元Tesseate;棋盘格网的Quadtree;四叉树Data volume;数据卷Cumbersome;笨重的Vector-raster conversion矢量-栅格转换Imperative;必要的,势在必行的Map algebra地图代数Modeling;造型的Distinguish;区别,区分Orthophoto;正色摄影Ancillary;辅助的,Rectify;改正Summarize;总结,概述Aesthetically;审美的Continuous;连续的,持续的Filtering;过滤,滤除Idelally;理想的,观念上Descrete;离散的,不连续的Forestry stand;林地,林区Accommodate;供应,容纳Integrity;完整性,正直Inappropriate;不适当的,不相称的第七课Quantized:量化的Coverage:覆盖Legend:传奇,图例Vegetation:植物,草木Geological:地质的Efficient:有效的,生效的Awkward:笨拙的,尴尬的Checkerboard:棋盘Similarity:类似,相似点Recreation:娱乐,消遣Residence:居住,住处Variable:易变的,多变的Primary:主要的Eliminate:消除,排除Intuitive:直觉Binary:二元的,二进制的Accomplished:熟悉的,有技巧的Retrieve:检索的Manipulation:操纵,操作Mainframe:主机,Workstation:工作台,工作站Flexibility:弹性,灵活性Transparent:透明的,显然的Strengthening:强化,加固Linkage:连接,联系Spatial:空间分析技术Maturing:成熟第八课Run-length code:长度方向编码Compacting:压缩,精简Approach:方法Subsystem:子系统Acetate:一种透明胶片Numerical:数字的,数值的Giggling :轻笑,傻笑Humility:谦逊的Workload:负载,工作量Pattern:样式,模式Scheme:模式,设计Cumbersome:笨重的,难使用的Respectively:各自的,分别的Homogeneous:各种的,相似的Quadrant:四分之一Variable:变量的,易变的Resolution:解析,决议Subdivision:细分,子部Multiple:多个的,多种的Database:数据库第九课Reminiscent:提示的,怀旧的Entity:实体Implicit:隐式的,内含的Explicit:明晰的,明确的‘Intervening:干涉的Spaghetti model:面条模型Topological model:拓扑模型Envision:预见,展望Coordinate:坐标Enormous:巨大的Plotting device:绘图设备Precalculated:预先计算好的Incorporate:集成,包含Contact:接触Intersect:交叉,相交Identification:识别Tedious:冗长的Approximate:接近,使接近Polygon:多边形From node:终点Suffer:遭受Analog:模拟地图Graph theory:图论Portrayal:描述,画像Meandering:曲折的Drawback:缺点第十课Compact:紧密的Reduction:缩减,降低Codification:编码,译成代码Scheme:模式,计划Shorthand:速记法Theme:题目,主题第十一课Majority:大多数Algorithm:算法Plotter:绘图仪Rasterisation:栅格化Vectorisation:矢量化Approximation:近视,概算Pixel:像素Boundary:边界Minimise :使……最小化Sampling:取样Jaggedness:层次不齐Aliasing:扭曲,变形Signal processing:信号处理Counteracting;反作用Continuint;连续性Increment;增长Curve;曲线Neighbouring polygon相邻多边形Allocating;分配Areal;面积的Context,上下文,环境Dominant;重要的,强大的Clipped;裁剪的Rounding;圆的Associated;联合的Predict;预测Coherence;连贯性,相关性Aberration;偏离,偏差Strategy;策略Assumption;假定,臆断。