英文论文提纲的格式范文chapter i introduction 11.1 research background 11.2 significance and objectives of the research 21.2.1 the significance of the research 21.2.2 the objectives of the research 21.2.3 summary 31.3 studies of fossilization both home and abroad 31.3.1 studies of fossilization abroad 41.3.2 studies of fossilization in china 51.3.3 summary 61.4 organization of the thesis 7chapter ii literature review 72.1 interlanguage 82.2 the definitions of fossilization 92.3 the classification of fossilization : :. 132.3.1 individual fossilization vs. group fossilization 132.3.2 temporary fossilization vs. permanent fossilization 14 2.3.3 how to identify fossilization 152.4 possible factors of fossilization 172.4.1 internal factors 182.4.2 external factors 202.5 error analysis 222.5.1 the background of error analysis 222.5.2 procedures of error analysis 232.5.3 classification of errors 242.5.4 the significance of error analysis 262.6 summary 26chapter iii design of the research 273.1 research questions 273.2 subjects 283.3 method 283.4 instruments 293.5 procedures 293.6 summary 30chapter iv result and discussion 314.1 data analysis 314.1.1 classification of errors 314.1.2 analysis of the errors 314.2 the design of the questionnaires 374.3 the analysis of the questionnaires 384.4 analysis of causes of fossilized errors in writing 40 4.5 summary 42chapter v strategies for fossilization avoidance 435.1 to take a good attitude to the interference of li 43 5.2 to enhance the learners' motivationr445.3 to guarantee the quality and quantity of l2 input 46 5.4 to provide effective feedback 485.5 to attach more importance to grammar teaching 49 5.6 to apply more effective learning strategies 495.7 summary 50chapter vi conclusion 516.1 a brief review of the study 516.2 major findings 526.3 limitations of this study 536.4 suggestions 54bibliography 55。
二、西方的宗教传统与英语谚语的本源关联2.1对基督教的历史做一简单的概述,同时对《圣经》对基督教的核心意义与价值做一简单的说明2.1.1. 简述西方的宗教传统,或者基督教的历史2.1.2. 对基督教的基本信义做一简单的概述,从下述几个方面:(1)对基督教的只信仰一个唯一的上帝,不容许进行偶像崇拜;(2)原罪的观念与救赎的观念:涉及末世审判、救赎恩典和得救的观念(3)爱是基督教信仰的核心,核心是爱上帝,同时爱每个人归根结底,基督教是一种高级的精神性宗教,深深地浸透入了西方世界的每一个角落2.2英语谚语与基督教的关系,特别是《圣经》的英译对英语的影响(1)《圣经》历史上的英译本,主要讲钦定本的诞生和影响(譬如扩大了英语的词汇量、增强了英语的表意功能、增加了英语的表意手段等等)(2)通过一些简单的例证来说明从拉丁语翻译到英语这一过程的影响与意义(如可以举例一些特殊的词语、句式等说明,做好这一部分关键是找到好的研究资料)三、对源于《圣经》的谚语进行分析,揭示其宗教、文化内涵(选取若干源于《圣经》的谚语进行具体的、细致的分析,以揭示谚语背后的宗教内涵和英语所负载的宗教文化意义。
提纲式作文示范英语Title: The Power of Education in Shaping Society。
Introduction:Education plays a pivotal role in shaping societies, influencing individuals, and driving progress. Its impact spans across generations, economies, and cultures. In this essay, we delve into the multifaceted influence of education on society, exploring its significance, challenges, and potential solutions.I. Education and Economic Development:1. Education fosters economic growth by equipping individuals with skills and knowledge essential for modern industries.2. Educated populations are more likely to innovate, adapt to technological advancements, and contribute to anation's competitiveness in the global market.3. Access to quality education reduces incomeinequality and enhances social mobility, laying the foundation for a more inclusive society.II. Education and Social Cohesion:1. Education promotes social cohesion by fostering understanding, empathy, and respect for diversity.2. Schools serve as melting pots where individuals from various backgrounds come together, fostering tolerance and cooperation.3. Education instills values of citizenship, democracy, and human rights, nurturing responsible and engaged citizens.III. Education and Public Health:1. Education is a key determinant of health outcomes,influencing behaviors related to nutrition, hygiene, and disease prevention.2. Educated individuals are more likely to access healthcare services, leading to improved overall health outcomes and reduced healthcare costs.3. Investing in education, particularly in health education, yields long-term benefits by promoting healthier lifestyles and reducing the burden of disease.IV. Challenges in Education:1. Access to quality education remains a challenge in many parts of the world, particularly in marginalized communities and developing countries.2. Disparities in educational attainment persist, perpetuating social inequalities and hindering progress towards sustainable development goals.3. Educational systems often face funding constraints,teacher shortages, and outdated curricula, compromising the quality of education provided.V. Solutions and Recommendations:1. Prioritize investment in education, allocating resources to ensure universal access to quality education for all.2. Enhance teacher training and support to improve the quality of instruction and promote student engagement.3. Embrace innovative approaches to education, leveraging technology and alternative learning modalities to reach underserved populations.4. Foster partnerships between governments, civil society, and the private sector to address systemic challenges and promote educational equity.Conclusion:Education serves as a catalyst for social change, economic development, and individual empowerment. By investing in education and addressing systemic barriers, societies can unlock human potential, foster inclusive growth, and build a more prosperous and equitable future for all.。
英语论文范文精选篇一Chapter OneINTRODUCTION1.1 Research BackgroundHigh proficiency in writing is a key to success in a wide variety of situations andprofessions; meanwhile it is of critical importance for students to apply for promising jobs.Writing skills for university students are among the overwhelming indicators of success inacademic work during their freshmen year of college (Geiser & Studley, 2001). Writingskills for professionals are critical for their daily work and essential for application andpromotion within their disciplines (Light, 2008). Writing induces the capability ofconstructing logics, articulating ideas, debating opinions, and sharpening multipleperspectives. As a result, effective writing is conducive to associating convincingly withcommunication targets, including teachers, peers, colleagues, coworkers, and thecommunity at large (Crowhurst, 1990). No wonder that writing skill is an indispensible partto be checked for every test at home and abroad,such as TOELF, lELTS,GRE, BEC,CET4, CET6, TEM4,TEM8 and so on.Notwithstanding such manifestation of the significance of writing, it is reported in the2002 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) report in the U.S.A. that lessthan a third of students in Grade 4 (28%),Grade 8 (31%), and Grade 12 (21%) scored at orabove proficient levels,and only 2% wrote at advanced levels for all three samples.Moreover, only 9% of Grade 12 Black students and only 28% of Grade 12 White studentswere able to write at a proficient level (National Center for Educational Statistics, 2003).……………1.2 Significance of the ResearchBased on the CET 4 and CET6 compositions extracted from the CLEC,the study aimsto reveal the relationship between the linguistic features and the writing quality by meansof the advanced software,namely Lexical Frequency Profile, Coh-Metrix3.0 and L2Syntactic Complexity Analyzer for the analysis of vocabulary, syntax and textual cohesion.This study will be of great value mainly for the following two aspects:Firstly, theoretically speaking, the study is going to offer guidance and reference forthe teachingmethodology of L2 writing. The study reveals the contribution of lexicaldiversity, syntactic complexity, textual cohesion to writing quality, reflects the mostdecisive factor of the writing quality and analyzes the mutual relationship between thelexical diversity and quality of writing, the syntactic complexity and quality of writing aswell as the textual cohesion and quality of writing. Hopefully, this research will shedsome light on the instruction of CET 4 and 6 writing and provide practical advice.Secondly, practically speaking, the study demonstrates a new direction for thedevelopment of automatic assessment of the writing. The study is to be carried out bothby means of software and labor work to comprehensively examine more than 28variables that might have an impact on writing quality and build the relation modelbetween these related variables and writing scores. ……………Chapter TwoLITERATURE REVIEW2.1 Lexical Features and Quality of WritingIn the process of L2 writing,students are always perplexed by vocabulary. Leki&Carson (1994) surveyed 128 L2 learners to know about their feelings on the courseEnglish for Academic Purposes (EAP). It is discovered that the strongest zeal for studentsis to improve their language proficiency, especially lexical proficiency. Jordan (1997)obtained the similar conclusion in his study on Chinese students in UK applying for theirmaster degrees, 62% of whom regarded vocabulary as their biggest problem in the processof English writing. Over the past two decades,researchers have attached more and more importance toL2vocabulary studies. As an important element of language proficiency, lexical proficiency isdefined from different perspectives and evaluated by a series of measurements. Meanwhile, lexical proficiency, to a large extent, is embodied by lexical features. As a matter of fact,studies on lexical features have received more and more attention from home and abroadresearchers mainly focusing on total words, lexical diversity (LD) or lexical richness (LR)and lexical complexity (LC), among which lexical diversity or lexical richness has gainedmore popularity for lexical proficiency study.……………2.2 Syntactic Features and Quality of WritingSyntactic complexity (also called syntactic maturity,or linguistic complexity),isimportant in the prediction of the quality of student writings. Wolfe-Quintero et al. (1998)pointed out that a syntactically complex writer uses a wide variety of both basic andsophisticated structures,while a syntactically simple writer uses only a narrow range ofbasic structures. In the past half century, researchers adopted many different indices tostudy the syntactic complexity and attempted to find out the relationship among the scores,the grades, the ages and the writing quality. Syntactic complexity is defined as “the range of forms that surface in languageproduction and the degree of sophistication of such forms” (Ortega, 2003). It is animportant factor in the second language assessment construct as described in Bachman's(1990) conceptual model of language ability, and therefore is often used as an index oflanguage proficiency and development status of L2 learners. Various studies have proposedand investigated measures of syntactic complexity as well as examined itspredictivenessfor language proficiency, in both L2 writing and speaking settings, which will be reviewedrespectively.Syntactic complexity is also called syntactic maturity, referring to the range oflanguage production form and the degree of the form complexity. Therefore,the length ofthe production unit, the amount of the sentence embeddedness and the range of thestructure type are all the subjects of the syntactic complexity (Ortega 2003: 492).………CHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY (20)3.1 Composition Collection (20)3.2 Tools (21)3.3 Variables (23)3.3.1 Dependent variables (25)3.3.2 Independent variables (26)3.4 Data Analysis (28)CHAPTER FOUR DATA ANALYSIS AND RESULTS (30)4.1 Quantitative Differences in High- and Low- Proficiency Writings-1ivviv (30)4.2 Comparison between Quantitative Features of CET4 (38)4.3 Impacts of Quantitative Features on Writing Quality (47)5.1 Lexical Diversity and Writing Quality (47)5.2 Syntactic Complexity and Writing Quality (48)5.3 Textual Cohesion and Writing Quality (49)Chapter FiveDICUSSION5.1 Lexical Diversity and Writing QualityU index assessing lexical diversity has showed significant difference between high-and low-proficiency writing both in CET4 and CET6. It may suggest thathigh-proficiencywritings have displayed more diverse vocabularies, which is different from the study ofWang (2004). In his study, the target students have a similar lexical diversity. Among theindices assessing lexical study in his study, none index has showed significant differencebetween high- and low-proficiency writings or correlated with writings scores. In his study,he explained the possible reason for such a result that there issignificant difference inaverage words. However, this result is probably attributed to his measurement of lexicaldiversity. In his study, TTR was employed as an index of lexical diversity, but asmentioned above, TTR is reliable only when texts have the same length. In Wang's study,texts vary in length; thus longer texts tend to have lower TTR. That is why the relationshipbetween lexical diversity and writing quality is blurred. But in this study, we adopted Uindex to measure lexical diversity in CET compositions, for U index can avoid theweakness of TTR and eliminate the influence of text length. Besides, Liu (2003) studied 57second- year college students in two natural classes and found out that vocabulary size hadno immediate effect on writing score. However, the result that lexical diversity has apositive impact on the quality of writing in this study is in accordance with the study ofMcNamara et al. (2001).……………ConclusionThis study aims to explore the relationship between lexical features and L2 writingquality with the help of Lexical Frequency Profile, the relationship between syntacticfeatures and L2 writing quality through the use of the computational tool L2 SyntacticComplexity Analyzer and the relationship between cohesive features and second languagewriting quality with the help of the computational tool Coh-Metrix3.0. Meanwhile, thestudy gives us information about the textual representation of different writingproficiencies along multiple textual measurements.This section summarizes the major findings of this study and presents theoretical,methodological and pedagogical implications for L2 writing research. Limitation of thepresent study and suggestions for further studies are raised in the end.……………Reference (omitted)英语论文范文精选篇二Chapter One Introduction1.1 Background of the ResearchEnglish writing is an important way of communication, which can enhance the ability oflanguage acquisition in the process of second language learning. As one of the language skills,English writing is very difficult to master. After many years, students still find that their writingis unsatisfactory and have many problems. It is widely acknowledged that much attentionshould be paid to English writing. At present our college English writing teaching is time-consuming and low effectiveness, for teachers spend a lot of time and energy reading andcorrecting students’ compositions, but the efficiency is not high; at the same time, studentsspend a lot of time writing, and the results are not satisfactory.The following conspicuous problems tend to exist in the English writing. First, when givena topic, students tend to think in Chinese and do a translation job. Second, students spend toomuch time avoiding grammatical errors in the process of writing, which leads to the ignoranceof the organization of the compositions in a comprehensive view. Third, enriching the contentduring the writing process is difficult for students, for they fail to support their viewpointswithappropriate examples and strong arguments. English writing is the weakest part in Englishlearning especially for Chinese Vocational college students. According to Basic Teaching Requirements for Vocational College English Course,developing students’ comprehensi ve abilities to use English language is the teaching aim ofvocational college English. In terms of writing, students should have the ability to master thebasic writing skills and accomplishing writing tasks of different types, including narration,description, argumentation and practical writings like business email or announcement.Besides,their writing should have a clear organization and proper coherence; at the same time, studentsshould be able to write or describe something with adequate content and proper form indifferent situations, such as business situation.…………1.2 Purpose and Significance of the ResearchAs we can see, most English class in the vocational colleges is always a big class which contains at least sixty students and in the class students may not receive the feedbackfromteacher immediately, although offering feedback is one of the essential tasks. It is helpful andefficient for teachers that students themselves can check other s’ writing and give comments. Sothese two feedbacks have their own roles in the revision. Considering the vocational collegeeducation, examining the practice of teacher feedback and peer feedback on EFL writing is ofgreat importance and necessity. This study is aimed to discuss the effects of teacher feedbackand peer feedback in the English class in order to provide some useful English writing teachingmethod and studying ways for vocational college education. This is not only consistent with thespirit of the new curriculum; at the same time reflects the “student-c entered” teachingphilosophy.…………Chapter Two Literature Review2.1 Feedback TheoryFeedback is widely seen in education as crucial for both encouraging and consolidatinglearning (Anderson, 1982; Brophy, 1981; Vygotsky, 1978), and the importance has alsobeenacknowledged in the field of English writing.In language learning, feedback means evaluative remarks which are available to languagelearners concerning their language proficiency or linguistic performance(Larsen-Freeman,2005). In the filed of teaching and learning, feedback is defined as many terms, such asresponse, review, correction, evaluation or comment. No matter what the term is, it can bedefined as “comments or information learners receive on the success of a learning task, eitherfrom the teacher or from other learners (Richards et al., 1998)”.A more detailed description of feedback in terms of writing is that the feedback is “inputfrom a reader to a writer with the effect of providing information to the writer for revision”(Keh, 1990). From the presentation of general grammatical explanation to the specific errorcorrection is all the range of feedback. The purpose is to improve the writing ability of studentsby the description and correction of the errors.The role of feedback is to make writers learn where he or she has misled or confused thereader by supplying insufficient information, illogical organization, lack ofdevelopment ofideas, or something like inappropriate word-choice or tense (Keh, 1990).…………2.2 Theoretical Foundations of FeedbackCollaborative learning, also called cooperative learning, is the second theoretical basis thatback for the application of feedback in writing class. It is feasible that students communicateactively with each other in the classroom.There is a clear difference betweenstudents-centered and traditional teacher-ledclassrooms. Students’ enthusiasm of participating in group discussion strengthens whenstudents are completely absorbed in collaborative learning in the students-centered class. Whenstudents get together to work out a problem, ideas are conveyed among them and immediatefeedback is received from their group members.Collaborative learning emphasizes that both students and instructors participate and interact actively (Hiltz, 1997). Collaborative learning is viewed from both behavioral andhumanistic perspectives (Slavin 1987). The behavioral perspective stresses that students areencouraged to study under a cooperativesituation and rewarded in the form of group rather thanindividual ones. As for the humanistic perspective, more understanding and better performanceare gained from the interaction among peers. So it is obvious that collaborative learning putsmore attention to the influence of peers, which is different from the previous English writingteaching theories(Johnson and Johnson,1986).Collaborative learning make the students work and learn together to maximize their ownand other’s study.…………Chapter Three Research Methodology (21)3.1 Research Questions (21)3.2 Subjects (21)3.3 Instruments (22)3.3.1 Writing Tasks (23)3.3.2 Questionnaires (23)3.3.3 Pre-test and Post-test (24)3.4 Research Design (24)3.5 Data Collection (27)Chapter Four Results Presentation and Discussion (29)4.1 Students’ Changed Writing P roficiency (29)4.2 Students’ Changed Interest in English Learning and Writing (36)Chapter Five Conclusion (43)5.1 Major Findings (43)5.2 Pedagogical Implications and Suggestions (44)5.3 Limitations of the Study (46)5.4 Suggestions for Further Study (46)Chapter Four Results Presentation and Discussion4.1 Students’ Changed Writing ProficiencyThe data from the pre-test and post-test of the EC and CC were all collected and analyzedthrough SPSS 13.0 to investigate the difference before and after the adoption of teacherfeedback and peer feedback in the English writing class. As table4-1 shows, the mean score of the control class (11.43) is rather similar to theexperimental class (11.56). Moreover, the standard deviation of experimental class (9.357) isalso rather similar to that of the control class (9.421). The mean score of the experimental groupisa little bit higher than that of control the group(11.56>11.43), but the disparity is only 0.13,and thelowest score and the highest score of the two groups are quite close to each other.On the basis of the group statistics of the pre-test, the author carried out an independentsamples t-test in order to further compare the mean scores of the pre-test between CC and EC.Table 4-2 shows the Sig is 0.624, higher than 0.05, showing the writing proficiency of twogroups have no significant difference. Thereby, the statistics in the row of “Equal variancesassumed” should be observed. The Mean Difference is merely 0.338, and the Standard ErrorDifference is only 2.086. In addition, Sig. (2-tailed) is 0.836 (>.05), which indicates that thestudents from both EC and CC share almost the same level of English writing proficiencybefore the study.…………ConclusionFeedback plays a key role and is quite effective in enhancing students’ writingproficiency. The comparison of mean scores in pre-test and post-test indicates that both groupsof EG and CG make more progress in their writingafter this feedback-initiated writinginstruction. Teacher feedback and peer feedback can lead to achievements in students’ writing,which means that the two kinds of feedback are all helpful, effective for promoting students’writing competence to some degree and there is no definite answer for the research question,which one will enhance students’ writing ability the more effective method between teacherfeedback and peer feedback. Teacher and peer feedback play different roles in improvingstudents’ writing. When giving teacher feedback, students in the control class make greaterprogress in organization and content, which was different from the experimental class. Theresults and discussion on students’ focus on the five language aspects had been mentioned in theprevious chapter. Those deep-level language aspects, like the content and organization are theweakest points for most of the students especially for the vocational students, so teacher has theability to point out the mistakes more deeply. As for peer feedback, students may havedifficultyin recognizing the errors in those deep -level aspects so they put more attention to the grammarand vocabulary.……………Reference (omitted)英语论文范文精选篇三Chapter I Introduction1.1 Theoretically analytical tool of the thesisAiming to analyze the features of English advertisements, the author picks English1advertisements which closely relate to people's daily life and rank first on the list ofcommercial advertisements as the studying material and applies thematic structure andthematic progression patterns as the theoretical tool of analysis.Now, quite a large number of linguists have studied theme and rheme, usingthematic structure and thematic progression patterns to conduct studies on detaileddiscourses,such as novels, sports news and students' theses. Taking thematic structureand thematic progression patterns as the analytical tool can help to explore how textsare developed. Halliday,a great linguist who has made many contributions tolinguistics, claims thematic structure as "basic form ofthe organization of the clause asmessage" (Halliday 1985:34). Each clause can be divided into theme part and rhemepart. The relation between themes and rhemes of the text can reveal how the text isconducted, which is known as thematic progression. Through thematicprogression,coherence of the text can be established. …………1.2 Purpose of the studyThrough the perspective of Systemic-Functional Grammar, 42 written texts ofEnglish advertisements are taken as the corpus and their thematic structures andthematic progression patterns are analyzed one by one. The author will analyze thedistribution of different themes and explore the use of four basic thematic progressionpatterns in this type of advertisements, trying to answer three questions:(1) What are the features of the usage of different themes in English advertisements?(2) Which thematic progression is used most often and why?(3) What pragmatic effects do these four thematic progressions have in Englishadvertisements?In the whole thesis, these three questions will be answered through analyzing theparticularEnglish advertisements. Halliday's(1994) theory of thematic structure and XuShenghuan's(1982) four basic thematic progression patterns will be adopted asanalytical framework, the reason of which will be explained later in Chapter 2.…………Chapter II Literature review2.1 Studies on thematic structureTheme and rheme distinction was firstly described by V. Mathesius in 1939 (HuZhuanglin 1994:137). In his mother tongue, Czech,he tries to analyze sentences fromthe perspective of communication and function and show how the information in asentence is expressed. Firbas translates Mathesius' definition of theme as: "[the theme]is that which is known or at least obvious in the given situation and from which thespeaker proceeds."(Martin 1992:434) Therefore, according to him, theme is the startingpoint of the message, which is known or given in the utterance and from which thespeaker proceeds, while rheme plays a role as new information, which is about what thespeaker says ontheme and represents the very important information that the speakerwants to convey to the hearer. In his opinion,a clause is divided into three parts: theme,rheme and transition. Of course, it is obvious that Mathesius does not use the exactexpression of "theme" and "rheme".Though Mathesius' point of view has some deficiencies, it influences Praguescholars greatly. One of his well-known followers, Firbas, proposes a view to improvethe thematic theories. He believes that theme is one that has lower degree ofcommunicative dynamism in some certain context while rheme has higher one.Different from Mathesius in dividing a clause into three parts (Hu Zhuanglin et al1989),Firbas (1992) merges the concept of transition into rheme and divides a clauseinto two.Following with their opinions, there are two groups differing from each other. Onegroup thinks that theme is equal to "given" while the other one, Systemic School,accepts 'separating approach' which disentangles the two. Systemic School argues thatthere are differences existing between information structure (given-new) and thematicstructure (theme-rheme).…………2.2 Studies on thematic progression patternsIn discourse analysis,a sentence is understood as a message,conveyinginformation from the speaker to the listener. It can be separated into two segments:theme and rheme. Mathesius' (1976) concept of theme and rheme leads to a surge ofinterest in discourse analysis operated at the level of clause. The different choices andorders of discourse themes, the mutual connection and hierarchy between themes andrhemes, as well as their relationship to the hyperthemes of the superior discourse (suchas the paragraph, chapter, etc.) to the whole text or to the situation would influence theinternal structure of the text. Halliday (1985:227) subscribes to that opinion too,statingthat "the success of a text does not lie in the grammatical correctness of its individualsentences,but in the multiple relationships established among them". Therefore,thematic progression performs an important role in discourse analysis.Both scholars abroad and at home make great contributions to the study ofthematic structure together with thematic progression.…………Chapter III Analytical framework of the study and research design (20)3.1 Analytical framework of the study (20)3.1.1 Analytical framework of thematic structure (21)3.1.2 Analytical framework of thematic progression patterns (22)3.2 Research design (24)3.2.1 Consideration on selecting data used in the analysis (25)3.2.2 Analytical procedures (27)3.3 Summary (30)Chapter IV Analysis of thematic structure (33)4.1 Some rules of identifying and counting themes........334.2 Simple theme, multiple theme and zero theme (35)4.2.1 Distribution of simple theme, multiple theme and zero theme (36)4.2.? Data analysis (38)4.3 Textual theme, interpersonal theme and experiential theme (39)4.3.1 Distribution of three functional themes (40)4.3.2 Data analysis (42)4.4 Summary (43)Chapter V Analysis of thematic progression patterns........445.1 Distribution of thematic progression patterns (44)5.2 Data analysis (44)5.3 Summary (45)Chapter V Analysis of thematic progression patterns5.1 Distribution of thematic progression patternsBefore discussing the distribution of thematic progression patterns, anadvertisement sample will be taken as an example, which is selected from Michelin.Example 3:GE(T1) is building the world by providing capital, expertise and infrastructure for a globaleconomy(Rl). GE Capital(T2) has provided billions in financing so businesses can build and growtheir operations and consumers can build their financial futures(R2). We(T3) build appliances,lighting, power systems and other products that help millions of homes, offices, factories and retailfacilities around theworld work better(R3).^In this example given above, themes and rhemes have already been marked forconvenience. T1 refers to the theme of the first clause while R1 refers to the rheme, andso on. These three sentences in this piece of advertisement are all concerned about GEenterprise, although there is a slight difference among them. According to ZhuYongsheng (1985),these themes can be seen as the same one and these clauses aresharing the same theme. ……………ConclusionThis thesis is focused on the thematic structure and thematic progression patternsof English advertisements, aiming to find some features and favored patterns.A literature review on thematic structure,thematic progression patterns andEnglish advertisements is made before the detailed analysis and finds that fewresearches are done on advertisements with a perspective of thematic organization andby a case study of one specific kind of advertisements. Therefore, the author conducts astudy on English advertisements by setting a theoretical framework,including theHalliday's theory of thematic structure and Xu Shenghuan's classification of thematicprogression patterns. Through these methods,the research is done by investigating thestatistics and results are given below: English advertisements prefer to use simpler themes to convey' informationquickly and directly. Multiple themes and clauses with themes omitted are used not sooften and differ from each other not so much in number because of the uniquecharacteristics of advertisements.……………Reference (omitted)英语论文范文精选篇四第一章引言1.1研究背景传统的课堂英语教学已经不能满足日益提高的英语学习要求,而网络化的英语在线学习系统提供大量不断更新的资源,突破地域和时间的限制,为学生和教师提供课内或课外的网络学习平台。
高三英语作文范文提纲Title: The Impact of Technology on Education。
Introduction:Definition of technology in education。
Thesis statement: Technology has revolutionized education in various aspects, impacting teaching methods, student learning experiences, and educational outcomes.Body Paragraphs:1. Transformation of Teaching Methods:Introduction of digital tools such as smart boards, educational software, and online platforms。
Enhanced flexibility and interactivity in teaching。
Examples of flipped classrooms, interactive simulations, and virtual field trips。
2. Personalized Learning Experiences:Customized learning paths based on individual student needs and abilities。
Adaptive learning platforms and algorithms。
Benefits of personalized learning in improving student engagement and academic performance。
3. Access to Resources and Information:Unlimited access to vast resources and information online。
英语论文提纲范文Title: The Impact of Social Media on Society: A Critical AnalysisIntroduction:- Brief introduction to social media and its increasing popularity worldwide- Importance of evaluating the impact of social media on society- Purpose of the paper: to critically analyze the positive and negative effects of social media on societyI. Positive Effects of Social Media:- Enabling individuals to connect with friends, family, and colleagues worldwide- Boosting collaboration and information sharing among professionals and organizationsB. Promoting Education:- Offering platforms for online learning and self-study- Providing access to educational resources and experts from various fields- Encouraging knowledge sharing and collaboration among students and educatorsC. Empowering Activism:- Facilitating the spread of social and political awareness - Enabling individuals and groups to organize and mobilize for social change- Promoting freedom of expression and providing a voice to minority groupsII. Negative Effects of Social Media:A. Addiction and Mental Health Issues:- Excessive usage of social media leading to addiction and dependency- Rise in cyberbullying and online harassment affecting mental health and well-beingB. Invasion of Privacy and Security Concerns:- Vulnerability to hacking, identity theft, and online scams - Unauthorized dissemination of personal information- Manipulation of online behavior through targeted ads and unethical data collectionC. Dissemination of Misinformation:- Proliferation of fake news and misinformation leading to public confusion- Influence on political elections and shaping public opinion- Challenges in distinguishing between credible and non-credible sources of informationIII. Potential Strategies for Mitigating the Negative Effects of Social Media:A. Promoting Digital Literacy:- Educating individuals about the risks and responsibilities of using social media- Encouraging critical thinking and source verification skillsB. Regulation and Legislation:- Developing and enforcing privacy laws to protect user data - Holding social media platforms accountable for their content moderation practicesC. Promoting Well-being and Mental Health:- Encouraging a healthy balance between online and offline activities- Creating support systems for individuals affected by online harassment- Raising awareness about the impact of social media on mental health and providing resources for mental well-being Conclusion:- Recap of the positive and negative effects of social media on society- Importance of evaluating and understanding the impact of social media on individuals and society as a whole。
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1.苔丝英语论文提纲Tess of the D'urbevilles长篇小说《德伯家的苔丝》是英国著名小说家和诗人托马斯·哈代(1840-1928)的代表作yesterday, I read the novel called "Tess of the D'urbevilles". written by afamous Englishwriter Thomas Hardy.The novel tells a story about a pretty and good girl called Tess, who lived in avillage in Marlott. To her sadness, when she was seventeen, she was no longer apure and untouched girl. She gave birth to a baby, which didn't live long. SoTess changed from a pure gir l to a grown —up.Because she was the eldest of the 7 children in the family, she found a job tosupport the whole family in a dairy.There she knew Angel and married him. Butunluckily. when Angel knew her sad story, he left her and went to Brazil.Tessled a hard an d lonely life after that. Later when she knew Angel had retumedhome and found out thatshe was living with the man who had given the damage to her before,Tess couldn'taccept the fact and killed the man who was living with her.Then she escaped and spent together with Angel three days and nights. The policefound them on the moming of the fourth day. A few days later, Tess was executed.Having read this novel, I like the heroine very much because of her purity,warmness, nobility and the spirit of devotion, She dared to fight against theevil, bravely seek and sturggle for the rights of love.Thomas Hardy was famous for the poetical novels. "Tess of the D'urbevilles"isone of this kind. The novel is so fresh that it is nearly like a poem. Fornearly a century, it has been popular with the people all over the world.2.分析苔丝悲剧的论文提纲分析苔丝悲剧摘要:在托马斯•哈代的“性格和环境”小说《德伯家的苔丝》中,悲剧形成的原因主要是苔丝个人的性格与命运、环境、社会的冲突,从而造成了个性的毁灭。
英语毕业论文提纲范文一:contentsintroduction (1)1.the common historical background (1)1.1 international (1)1.2 national (1)2.the common beliefs of beats and rockers (2)2.1 rebellion against conventions (2)2.1.1 beats in literature (2)2.1.2 rockers in music circles (3)2.2 ideologies in between (4)2.2.1 beatniks were fed up with their government aboutthe explanations of why things happened (4)2.2.2 their same destiny (4)2.2.3 beat culture and rock culture were not accepted byboth capitalist and socialist ideologies (5)2.3 belief in oriental religion (5)2.3.1 beatniks study on chinese buddhism (6)2.3.2 rockers belief in indian buddhism (6)3.their identical lifestyles (6)3.1 bohemian (7)3.1.1 beats (7)3.1.2 rockers (7)3.2 madness (8)3.2.1 the beats regarded modern american life as cruel,selfish,and impersonal that writers and artists were being drivento madness (8)3.2.2 rockers were mad enough to drive rockniks crazy onrock circus spot (9)3.3 self-indulgent (9)3.3.1 drugs (9)3.3.2 homosexual (10)4. the sa me conduct (10)4.1 beats of satan and angles (10)4.2 rockers' conduct of the two sides (11)conclusion (13)英语毕业论文提纲范文二:摘要:The thesis statement should be as specific as possible. By writing a specific thesis statement, you focus on your subject and give yourself and your reader a clearer idea of what will follow in the body of the essay.your plan, and later in your essay, follow a logical order. The rule for writing is this: use your common sense and plan ahead. Do not leave the order of your paragraphs to chance.How many types of order can be used in thesis writing?What are they?Ordering the Paragraphs within the EssayThe types of order often used in single paragraphs— time order, space order, and order of climax— can sometimes be used to arrange paragraphs within an essay. Essays about subjects that can be broken into stages, with each step discussed in oneparagraph, should be arranged according to time. Space order is used occasionally in descriptive essays. A writer who wishes to save the most important or convincing paragraph for last would use order of climax. Or he or she might wish to reverse this order and put the most important paragraph first.Very often, however, the writer simply arranges paragraphs in whatever order makes sense in that particular essay.Expanding the One-paragraph PlanAn essay is like an expanded paragraph.For this reason, any plan for developing a paragraph can also be used to develop an entire essay. It is up to the careful writer to choose the pattern that is best suited to his or her purpose and to the kind of essay required.Linking Paragraphs within the BodyJust as the sentence within a paragraph should flow smoothly, so the paragraphs within an essay should be clearly linked one to the next. As you write your essay, do not make illogical jumps from one paragraph to another. Instead, guide your reader. Link the first sentence of each new paragraph to the thesis statement or to the paragraph before.Here are four ways to link paragraphs:Linking Paragraphs within the BodyRepeat key words or ideas from the thesis statement.Refer to words or ideas from preceding paragraph. Link the first sentence of a new paragraph to the paragraph before, especially by referring to words or ideas near the end of that paragraph.Use transitional expressionsUse transitional sentencesUse all four methods of linking paragraphs as you write youressay.ChecklistNarrow the topic to one that you can discuss fully and well in an essay.Write a clear statement.Brainstorm ideas to support your statement.Choose some main ideas to support the thesis statement.Write a topic sentence that expresses each idea.Decide on a logical order in which to present the paragraphs in the body.Plan the body of each paragraph, using paragraph development.Write the first draft of your essay, linking paragraphs clearly to each other.Check for unity, logic, and coherence; revise and rewrite as necessary.Proofread for errors in grammar, sentence, structure, spelling, and mechanics.Three Types of Common Errors:Language/Ideas/FormatConsideration: How many kinds of specific errors you are likely to make in your writing? How to avoid them?。
英语毕业论文的提纲范文3篇The outline model of English graduation thesis编订:JinTai College英语毕业论文的提纲范文3篇前言:论文格式就是指进行论文写作时的样式要求,以及写作标准,就是论文达到可公之于众的标准样式和内容要求,论文常用来进行科学研究和描述科研成果文章。
下面内容由小泰为大家分享英语毕业论文的提纲范文,一起来看看吧!Introduction0.1 Salman Rushdie and Midnight's Children0.2 Literature Review0.3 Significance of the ThesisChapter One The Carnival Rhetoric in Midnight's Children1.1 Carnival Language1.1.1 Language of Heteroglossia1.1.2 Linguistic Deviation1.2 Carnival Rhetorical Devices1.2.1 The Use of Metaphor1.2.2 The Use of Satire1.2.3 The Use of Pun1.3 Sum-upChapter Two The Carnival Characters in Midnight's Children2.1 Women's Carnivalesque Acts2.1.1 Widow2.1.2 Witch2.1.3 Unfaithful Wives2.2 Saleem's Carnivalesque Acts2.2.1 Grotesque Appearance and Eccentric Behavior2.2.2 Turning into Clown2.2.3 Crowning and Uncrowning2.3 Sum-upChapter Three Intertextual Dialogue in Midnight's Children3.1 Intertextual Dialogue between History and the Text3.1.1 National Allegory3.1.2 Fictionalization of National History3.2 Intertextual Dialogue between Pretexts and the Text3.2.1 Borrowings from Western Culture3.2.2 Borrowings from Indian Culture3.3 Intertextual Dialogue within the Text3.3.1 Palimpsest3.3.2 Polyphony3.4 Sum-upConclusionThis conclusionFocusing on contemporary forms of narrative, Hutcheon argues that postmodernistfiction embodies several carnivalesque structures. Firstly, in its metafictional preoccupationsand its tendency to foreground the artifice of literary construction, contemporary narrativeenacts a carnivalesque rebellion against the official ideology of realism (Hutcheon, 1988:83-4)。
英语论文提纲范文一:A Contextual Study of Black English摘要:对全文进行概括性的总结,涉及到研究背景、研究目的、研究方法、研究发现等;重点放在研究发现上。
Outline毕业论文由以下几部分组成:1 Introduction (绪论)绪论:本部分对论文整体上予以简单介绍,涉及以下方面:指出研究目的(Research aim) ,并把研究目的细化为2、3个研究问题(research questions)。
指出用何种理论框架(theoretical framework)有何研究意义(Significance of the present study),方法论(methodology当前研究属于定性还是定量,有何具体方法),语料收集(data collection,语料由何处,运用何种方法收集到的,为何用这些语料),论文的结构(organization of the dissertation)2 Literature Review (文献综述)文献综述:本部分主要介绍以往的相关研究,要有陈述也有评论,重点指出以前研究存在的不足,或者没有解决的问题(让人明白本研究的必要性)。
如:以“A Contextual Study of Black English”(“黑人英语的语境论研究”)为题,本论文文献综述要围绕着国内外有关黑人英语的研究状况去写。
2.1 语言学路径下的研究2.2 人类学路径下的研究2.3 文化学路径下的研究3 Theoretical Framework (理论框架)理论框架:本部分指出本研究所依据的理论基础,要对该理论有个概括的介绍,重点放在你要用的理论上,比如:语境或语域等。
1.Introduction:Begin with a brief introduction that sets the context for the essay. Mention the topic and its significance.Hook:Engage the reader with a quote,question,or a surprising fact.Thesis statement:Clearly state the main argument or the purpose of the essay.2.Body Paragraphs:Develop the main points that support your thesis.Each paragraph should focus on a single idea.Topic sentence:Start each paragraph with a clear statement that introduces the main point.Explanation:Provide details,examples,or evidence to support the topic sentence. Analysis:Discuss the significance of the evidence and how it relates to your thesis. Transition:Use transition words or phrases to connect your ideas and maintain a logical flow.3.Counterarguments if applicable:Address potential opposing viewpoints and refute them with your own arguments.Counterargument:Present the opposing view.Refutation:Explain why the counterargument is not valid or less significant than your own points.4.Conclusion:Summarize the main points and restate the thesis in a new way.End with a strong closing statement that leaves a lasting impression.Restate thesis:Briefly reiterate the main argument without repeating the exact words from the introduction.Summary:Concisely review the key points made in the body paragraphs.Closing statement:Offer a final thought,call to action,or a thoughtprovoking question.5.Formatting and Style:Ensure your essay follows the required formatting guidelinese.g.,APA,MLA,or Chicago and maintains a consistent writing style.Font and spacing:Use a legible font and appropriate line spacing. Paragraphs:Start each new idea on a new line or paragraph.Grammar and punctuation:Check for correct grammar,spelling,and punctuation.6.Revision and Editing:After writing the first draft,revise and edit the essay to improve clarity,coherence,and persuasiveness.Check for consistency in tense and point of view.Ensure that all sentences are clear and concise.Eliminate any redundancy or irrelevant information.7.Citations and References:If your essay includes references to other works,make sure to cite them correctly and include a bibliography or works cited page.Intext citations:Provide the necessary information within the text to guide the reader to the full citation.Bibliography or works cited:List all the sources you have cited in the essay,following the required citation style.8.Peer Review:If possible,have someone else read your essay to provide feedback on clarity,organization,and persuasiveness.Seek feedback on the overall structure and flow of the essay.Ask for suggestions on improving the argument or adding more compelling evidence.9.Final Touches:Make any final adjustments based on feedback and your own review.Adjust the introduction and conclusion to strengthen the essays impact.Ensure that all points are wellsupported and contribute to the thesis.10.Proofreading:Carefully proofread the essay for any remaining errors or inconsistencies.Look for typos,grammatical errors,and punctuation mistakes.Check that all citations and references are accurate and complete.By following this outline,you can create a wellstructured and persuasive English essay that effectively communicates your ideas and arguments.。
同样,写英语论文没有大纲的指引,任凭思想的奔驰,随意下笔,思绪容易错乱,甚至不知所云,本文为大家分享了2篇“英语专业本科论文提纲范文”,以供参考英语专业本科论文提纲一(英文版):论文题目:目的论视角下的金融英语翻译报告CONTENTSABSTRACT摘要1 Chapter One Introduction1.1 Background of the Translation1.2 Description of the Translation1.3 Framework2 Chapter Two Task Description2.1 TextualAnalysis2.1.1 The Lexical Features2.1.2 The Syntactic Features2.1.3 The Cultural Features2.2 Translation Procedures2.2.1 Preparation before Translation2.2.2 The Process of Translation2.2.3 Proofreading after Translation3 Chapter Three Theoretical Foundation of the Report3.1 Skopos Rule3.2 The Principle of Coherence3.3 The Principle of Fidelity4 Chapter Four CaseAnalysis4.1 Literal Translation Strategy4.1.1 The Reason of Using Literal Translation Strategy4.1.2 TheApplication of Literal Translation Strategy4.2 Contextual Translation Strategy4.2.1 The Reason of Using Contextual Translation Strategy 4.2.2 TheApplication of Contextual Translation Strategy4.3 Domesticating Translation Strategy4.3.1 The Reason of Using Domestication Translation Strategy4.3.2 TheApplication of Domesticating Translation Strategy5 Chapter Five Conclusion5.1 Summary5.2 Limitations and SuggestionsBIBLIOGRAPHYACKNOWLEDGEMENTSPUBLISHED PAPER英语专业本科论文提纲二(中文版):论文题目:《绝望的主妇》口译配音实证探讨目录摘要第一章绪论1.1研究动机1.2研究目的1.3研究范围1.4研究方法1.5论文结构第二章文献分析2.1关联理论的研究2.2口语背景的语言研究观2.3语意对等的口译观2.4口语口译研究第三章《绝望的主妇》语意关联成分探讨3.1情境喜剧《绝望的主妇》简介3.2人物特质和关联方式3.3言语关联语言分析3.4口译中的关联手法第四章《绝望的主妇》口译配音实证探讨4.1 口译合作原则4.2口译中的礼貌原则4.3口译言语行为准则研究4.3.1口语用语习惯4.3.2语法的正确表达4.3.3语意的精确表现4.3.4准确口译原文句子的意境第五章结论与建议5.1结论5.2研究应用5.3研究限制5.4未来研究方向参考文献致谢。
论文提纲格式范文Title: The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health。
I. Introduction。
A. Definition of social media。
B. Overview of mental health issues。
C. Thesis statement: The use of social media has a significant impact on mental health, leading to both positive and negative effects.II. Positive Effects of Social Media on Mental Health。
A. Connection and support。
1. Social media provides a platform for individuals to connect with others and receive support from online communities.2. Examples of positive interactions on social media platforms.B. Awareness and education。
1. Social media can be used as a tool to raise awareness about mental health issues and provide education on coping mechanisms and resources.2. The role of social media in reducing stigma surrounding mental health.III. Negative Effects of Social Media on Mental Health。
英语论文提纲范文1. 美语与英语在单词拼法上的差异美语与英语在单词拼法上的差异主要有两种:一种是单词发生变化使得个别字母不相同,另一种是美语单词较为简化。
2. 美语与英语在日期、数字表达方面的差异在日期方面,美英英语的表达方式是有差别的。
如一九九六年三月二日的写法: 2nd March, 1996(英) March 2, 1996(美)在美式的写法中,1st, 2nd,3rd的st, nd, rd是不使用的。
如1987年4月20日,英式的写法是20th April, 1987,读成the twentieth of April, nineteen eighty-seven;美式的表达是April 20, 1987,则读成April the twentieth, nineteen eighty-seven。
“情感过滤说”(the Affective Filter Hypothesis)是Dulay 和Burt于1977年提出的,旨在解释情感因素如何影响外语学习的过程。
英语专业毕业论文提纲范文精选英语专业毕业论文提纲怎么写?下面是为大家的英语专业毕业论文提纲精选,欢送参考~Why should we write the thesis?To write a thesis before graduation is a must for every university graduate.By writing a thesis, we may get some experience and some basic methods for further theoretical study and research and the ability to solve problems.It is the reflection of a student s study in college.Whether a student has such an ability to write a thesis or to solve problems in his/her field is one basis for a unit to aept him/her or not.How long should we prepare for writing a thesis?One year or soWhat do we need when we write a thesis?Firstly, for English major, most important of all, it is English knowledge and ability that based on your language skills, especially writing skill and grammar knowledge.Secondly, the way of writing is also important.A good title, some good ideas to support thesis statement, right language and standard format are what we need.The language style is something that we should pay much attention to, for example:Wording: we prefer big word to small one;Sentence: Long sentences are quite expectable.How do we write a thesis? How many steps should we follow?Generally speaking, when we write a thesis, we follow1steps:Choose a subject: that is, what you are going to write about. For English major, we may apply:Choose a title/Title a paper;Collect materials for reference in writing;Analyze the collected materials;Sort out the data and arguments;List references;Make up an outline;drafts;Proofread;The last version.What subjects may we choose to write?English and American LiteratureThe Practice and Theory of TranslationEnglish LanguageEnglish LinguisticsEnglish GrammarEnglish PhoicsEnglish LexicologyEnglish RhetoricLanguage and CultureELT MethodologyTeaching English in Middle School English Teaching Research and Survey The History of (All mentioned above)。
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The Application of Interactive Teaching Approach to Oral English Learning
in Junior Middle Schools
Thesis Statement: Classroom interaction is very effective and beneficial to students’oral English learning
1. Interactive Teaching Approach
1.1 Interpretation of Interactive Teaching Approach
1.2 Differences between Traditional Teaching Method and Interactive Teaching
1.3 The Significance of Interactive Teaching Approach
2. Research Design
2.1 Research Purpose
2.2 Research Subjects
2.3 Research Procedures
2.4 Research Instruments
2.4.1 Questionnaire
2.4.2 Oral Test
2.5 Data Collection and Analysis
2.5.1 Data Collection and Analysis of Pre-Questionnaire
2.5.2 Data Collection and Analysis of Post-Questionnaire
2.5.3 Data Collection and Analysis of Pre-Oral Test
2.5.4 Data Collection and Analysis of Post-Oral test
3. Results Analysis and Discussion
3.1 Major Findings
3.2 Discussion
3.3 Suggestions for Improving Classroom Interaction in Oral English Learning
The Differences between Chinese and Western Wine Culture
Thesis Statement: Chinese and Western wine cultures are different due to differences between Chinese and Western natural environments, values and
thinking patterns.
1. The Origins and The Typical Representatives of Chinese and Western Wine
1.1 The Origins of Chinese Wine
1.2 The Origins of Western Wine
1.3 The Typical Representatives of Chinese Wine
1.4 The Typical Representatives of Western Wine
2. The Main Differences between Chinese and Western Wine Culture
2.1 Different Drinking Vessels
2.2 Different Focus of Wine Drinking
2.3 Different Drinking Customs and Etiquette
3 The Factors of Wine Culture’s Differences
3.1 Natural Environment
3.2 Values and Thinking Patterns
The Oppression of Puritanism and the Resistance of the Main Characters in
The Scarlet Letter
Thesis Statement: The harshness and intolerance of Puritanism bring the main characters great pain, but they take courage to resist Puritanism
in their own ways.
1. Puritanism
1.1 A Brief Introduction to Puritanism
1.2 Puritan Background of the Novel
2. The Oppression of Puritanism in The Scarlet Letter
2.1 The Puritan Prejudice against Women
2.2 Persecutions of Puritanism to Sinners
2.3 The Harshness of Puritan Society to Children
3 The Resistance of the Main characters to the Oppression of Puritanism
3.1 Hester’s Resistance to Puritanism
3.2 Pearl’s Resistance to Puritanism
3.3 Dimmesdale's Resistance to the Puritanism。