
(1)我是超市的老顾客,所以也不抱怨什么。 *As an old customer of the supermarket, I did not make a complaint. As a regular customer of the supermarket, I did not make a complaint. (2)他家经济情况不好 。 *The economic situation of his family is not good. His family is in poor fiancial standing.
2. 短语—搭配
“学习”这个词初稿中一般转换为了“study(ing)” 或“Learn(ing)”。普遍忽略了两者的区别。如, 自主学习 终身学习
有的地方用study, 有的地方用了learning。最后统一为 “self-directed learning” 以及 “life-long learning”。
*The strategy now has an opportunity to implement. We now have an opportunity to implement the strategy. 上述两句在英语中的“need”和“has”都需要有灵主 语,而汉语则无此要求。因此,不懂得这种主谓搭配限 制,就会在汉译英时出错,或译出中式英语。
• • • • • • • • • • •
“教学”初稿中大部分对应为了“teaching”。改 稿中根据具体的上下文,具体化为: education /teaching/instruction/training 床边教学: bedside instruction; 教学方法: instructional method(具体的方法); 医学教学委员会: Medical Education Committee; 教学顾问组: Teaching Advisory Group; 临床技能教学: clinical skills training。
汉译英 成语的翻译

Strike while the iron is hot. 趁热打铁。 Walls have ears. 隔墙有耳。 Constant dropping wears the stone. 水滴石穿。 Actions speak louder than words.
音韵和谐,翻译时应尽可能地保留这些特色。 然而由于汉英两种语言和文化的巨大差异,汉 语成语的这些特色很难全部在译文中得以再现, 此时译者必须有所舍弃,采取适当的翻译策略 以确保主要信息的传递。 现代翻译学认为,译文与原文在意义上应动态 对应,不要形式对等。因此,从原文的深层意 义出发,汉语句子当中的四字词组在译成英语 时都有可能与英语句中的单词、短语、习语甚 至整句相对应。
Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched. 不可过早乐观。 Every cloud has a silver lining. 天下没有绝对的坏事。 Among so many well-dressed and cultured people, the country girl felt like a fish out of water. 同这么多穿着体面而又有教养的人在一起,这位乡下 姑娘感到很不自在。 She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth; she thinks she can do what she likes. 她生长在富贵之家,认为凡事都可随心所欲。
1.It is too late to grieve when the chance is past. 坐失良机,后悔已迟。 2.It’s never too late to learn. 活到老,学到老。 3.Joy at its height engenders sorrow. 乐极生悲。 4.Justice has long arms.

无主语:对应英文三种句型:形式主语、there be 句型、被动句型。
形式主语:It is necessary ['nesəs(ə)rɪ] /essential [ɪ'senʃ(ə)l] / imperative /ɪm'perətɪv/to take/ adopt measures to protect the environment.(不定式表目的)essential, imperative。
adopt: 有两个意思,采取采纳;收养;there be 句型There is necessity [nə'sɛsəti] to adopt measures to protect the environment.被动句型(找被动句型的主语-:措施)Measures should be adopted (taken) to protect the environment.特殊句型:是到做某事的时候了It is time to do sth.... 是到做某事的时候了It is high time to adopt measures to protect the environment.(更加地道)。
使用从句,从句使用虚拟语气,动词用一般过去时It is high time that measures were adopted to protect the environment确定句型、结构1)确定基准时态,能够避免犯大的语法错误比如:记叙文――一般过去时,以及他的变化议论文、说明文――一般现在时。

英译汉常考短语及句型译法1、与anything构成的词组译法(1)anything but:○1除……之外什么都(此处的but等于except);○2决不(=not at all)I eat anything but (except) lamb.(2)anything of:○1(疑问句/条件句)一点点;○2(否定句)一点也没有is he anything of a scholar?(3)for anything:(否定句)(给什么都)不,决不I won’t say a word for anything.(4)Or anything:意味着还有其他的可能性If Benard wants to call me or anything , I’ll be here all day.(5)if anything:若有(任何不同)的话If anything, my new job is harder than my old one.2、as 引导的状语从句译法翻译时这种从句作定语从句处理。
We hope the measures to control prices, as they have been taken by the government, will succeed.3、与but 构成的词组译法(1)all but :几乎,差一点;除……以外其余都是She all but fainted when she heard the news.(2)but for:要不是But for the snow we should have had a pleasant journey.(3)nothing but:(=none but=only):仅仅,只不过We could see nothing but fog.(4)But that +从句:若不是……He could have helped us but that he was short of money at the time.4、cannot…too…结构的译法cannot…too…再……也不过分,应该We cannot be too faithful to our duties.5、have none of 短语的译法have none of :不参加,不接受I will have none of your stupid ideas!6、It is not that …but that…结构的译法It is not that …but that…:(这)不是说/因为……,而是说/因为……It is not that the scales in the one case, and the balance in the other, differ in the principles of their construction or manner of working; but that the latter is much finer apparatus and of course much more accurate in its measure than the former.7、名词+or+名词结构的译法在此结构中or后的名词是同位语,应译为“即……;或者称……”Moreover, technology includes techniques, or ways to do things, as well as the machines that may not be necessary to apply them.8、more…than…结构的译法more…than…:与其……不如……(此比较级结构用来表示程度)He is a man who is more brave than wise.9、much less引导的词组或从句的译法much less ,still less引导的词组或从句,表示一种追加的否定。

人教版七年级英语下册单词短语句子汉译英Unit1 Can you play the guitar?重要单词和短语翻译:吉他游泳v & n跳舞;舞蹈国际象棋唱;唱歌又唱又跳下国际象棋说英语参加;加入擅长于……讲述;告诉写作,写字画说(某种语言);说话说话;谈话n 演出;节目v 给……看;展示;跟……说鼓敲鼓小提琴拉小提琴人;人们使成为;制造家,活动本部adv到家;在家结交朋友在某方面帮助(某人)中心,中央center (在)周末中心,中央centre 周末(中国)功夫擅长于……表演功夫;练功夫讲述;告诉钢琴小提琴弹钢琴故事;小说拉小提琴写作;写字也;而且说话俱乐部;社团善于应付……的;对……有办法擅长讲故事和某人相处得好,善于和打交道对老人的帮助空闲的/忙的在今天故事;小说在六月份在几点钟周末或者在周末说英语的学生adv 也;而且conj 或者;也不(用于否定句)音乐家说英语弹吉他用英语下棋与……匹配人;人们家;活动本部adv 到家;在家使成为;制造adv 在今天结交朋友教;讲授想做某事让我们加入音乐家加入音乐俱乐部听起来不错游泳俱乐部跟某人谈话什么俱乐部放学后一个体育俱乐部把某物展示给某人show sb sth讲故事俱乐部把某物展示给某人show sth to sb 讲故事俱乐部在学校音乐俱乐部给某人讲故事帮助某人做某事学校表演招聘学生在某方面帮助某人和人们做游戏做某事(对于某人来说)是… It is+adj +(for sb) to sth和某人交朋友学生运动中心给某人打电话…… 需要帮助来做某事教某人做某事需要某人做某事参加我们学校的音节重要句子翻译:你会游泳吗?不,我不会。
那么就请加人两个俱乐部—— 讲故事俱乐部和艺术俱乐部。

Without agriculture, people cannot exist, neither can social productionproceed.2、他们一听到“反霸”就火冒三丈,这充分暴露了他们那霸权主义的蛮横嘴脸。
The fact that they fly into a rage at a mere mention of the expression“anti-hegemony”is enough to reveal their true colours as a domineering hegemonists.3、有人以为社会主义就了不起,一点缺点也没有,哪有这个事?Some believe that socialism is just perfect, without a single flaw. How canthat be true?4、但是,象我们常说的那样,道路总是曲折的,前途总是光明的。
But as we have often said, while the road ahead is tortuous, the future isbright.二、选词用字(Diction)在汉译英时应特别注意选找与原文中在意义上和风味上尽可能都类似的词语。
1、每个民族都有它的长处,不然它为什么能存在?为什么能发展?Every nation has its own strong points. If not, how can it survive? How can it progress?2、树雄心,立壮志,向科学技术现代化进军。
汉译英_成语的翻译 2

二、 将四字词组译成短语,如介词短语、
定、目光远大、头脑敏捷、业务熟练、 才华出众、风格高尚”, “A Chinese diplomat should be firm in stand, broad in vision, swift in wit, qualified in profession, outstanding in talent, noble in character.”
三、套用英语中意思相同及功能对等 的习语
往往带有浓厚的民族色彩和地方色彩。翻译时除了要 忠实地表达原文意义之外,还要尽可能保持原文成语 的形象比喻,丰富联想,修辞效果以及其民族、地方 特点等。有的成语和英语中的习语在内容和形式上都 相符合,双方不但有相同的意义和修辞色彩,并且有 相同或大体相同的形象比喻。汉译英时,如果遇到这 种情况,不妨直截了当地套用英语同义习语。这样的 译文可能会增色不少,基本能实现四字词组的美学价 值转移。
Mend the fold after the sheep is stolen. 外来语 一尘不染 Free of dust 心花怒放
Be wild with joy\be elated
Seize every minute and second Race against time 百花齐放
香港人、爱护香港人的旭日辉映下,满怀信心,升锚 启航,向着振兴中华,祖国统一的宏伟目标乘风奋进。 We are embarking on a new era. With the respect and trust from the entire nation, we will be much more equipped to sail forward with confidence and with conviction.We will play a part in facilitating the reunification of the entire nation, and bringing a better life to all in the nation.

0709 中口汉译英坚定不移地走和平发展道路:unswervingly takes the road of peaceful development 必然选择: an inevitable choice鸦片战争: the Opium War受尽了列强的欺辱: suffer untold /utter/ deep humiliation from the big powers消除战争: eliminate war实现和平: safeguard / maintain peace独立富强: independence and prosperity民生幸福: where the people (can) lead a happy life孜孜以求的奋斗目标: the assiduously sought goal人口多,底子薄: with a large population, a weak economic foundation发展不平衡: unbalanced development作出积极贡献: make energetic contributions0803中口汉译英月球探测工程:lunar probe program千年奔月梦想:centuries-old dream——fly to the moon中华民族:the Chinese nation开启了……的时代:usher in an era of…走向深空,探索宇宙奥秘:explore the mysteries of deep space标志:indicate/mark有深空探测能力:with the capability to explore outer space进入……的行列:join推进:promote自主创新:homegrown innovation创新型国家:innovative country标志性成果:landmark achievement攀登世界科技高峰:scale the world heights of science and technology历史性跨越:a historical breakthrough和平开发利用外层空间:peaceful exploration and utilization of the outer space重大贡献:great contribution中华儿女:Chinese people辉煌成就:glorious achievements0809中口汉译英:消息灵通人士:well-informed source透露:disclose春节:Spring Festival家乐福:Carrefour新大新:Xindaxin第一次亲密接触:first intimate contact广州市政府:Guangzhou municipal government红娘:matchmaker情投意合:develop into affinity总经理:general manager笼统:general百货行业:retailing industry持有新组建的公司35%的股份:hold 35% of the new joint venture’s shares 按照:in compliance with国家有关部门政策:the policies decreed by state authorities concerned持股:hold shares0903 中口汉译英钟表上的秒针一下一下地移动:A watch or clock clicks away the seconds 缩短:shorten撕下:tear off日历:calendar时间即生命: Time is life.珍视: cherish充实: enrich/ fulfill积极不懈地善为利用时间: strive to make the best use of time0709中口英译汉1.envy:嫉妒、羡慕(形容词envious)2.go in for:参加、追求、从事真题例句:Americans do not go in for envy.例句翻译:美国人并非善妒之辈。

译文:Before I fell ill,I had been the bully under roofs owing to my doting parents.(PS:“横行霸道”在此并无“任意欺凌他人”之意,而是“想干什么就干什么,为所欲为”,可用get everything my all own way或be the bully表达)(2)这所全国重点大学为社会输送了大批的人才译文:The national key university has prepared batches of qualified graduates for the society(PS:“输送”在句中是一个模糊笼统的词,具体说来是指“培养出”。
“人才”也比较笼统,这里译为qualified graduates 是比较确切的。
译文:He always sits on the fence and falls on the side of the stronger.(PS: "墙头草”是个比喻,与英语中的sit on the fence 含义一样。
译文:Thus,every place,with its own legends and tales,has its traditions and customs passed on from generation to generation.(PS: 汉译英时,汉语中有些动词都可以用介词短语来表达,这样更形象。
译文:When facing a pool of green water,you forget all your worries and annoyance and enjoy a good rest,both mentally and physically.(PS: 英语代词比汉语代词种类多,用法更别多,汉译英时,注意增译出其隐含在句中的代词。

2020 年中考英语总复习专题:翻译一、汉译英:单词/短语句子翻译按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子,并将答案写在答题卷标有题号的横线上。
(本大题共9 分,每小题1.5 分)1.不仅这本书,而且那些杂志很值得看。
Not only this book but also those magazines _____________________________________ .2.Jim 告诉我Kate 打电话打了有半小时了。
Jim told me Kate _________________________________________________ half an hour.3.这些数字标志着这次实验的成功。
These numbers ______________________________________________________________ .4.孩子们不允许独自一人在河里游泳Children ______________________________________ in the river.5.那部由一个新作家写的小说充满了恐怖与神秘。
_________________________________________ is full of horror and mystery. 6.这套房子是如此的贵,很少有人能买得起。
This house is so ___________________________________________________________ .完成句子根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每个空格填一个单词。
(5 分)7.千里之行,始于足下。
A journey always _________ _____________ the first step.8.米歇尔奥巴马在今年的来华访问中做了演讲。
Michelle Obama ___________ ____________ during her visit to China this year.9.家长应该教育孩子们在家做家务。
考试 词组短语 - 汉译英 填空(翻译)

词组短语例句大部分出自课文UNIT 11、rest on 基于their system rested on the Twelve Decemviral Tables他们的系统是建立在十二铜表法的基础上2、Lie behind 隐藏于。
之后many jural phenomena lie behind these codes这些法典背后存在着许多法律现象3、Correspond with 与相吻合、相契合Neither theory corresponded exactly with the facts两种理论与实际不完全相符4、Take the place of 取代observation had taken the place of assumption观察已经取代了猜测UNIT 31、compare to 把。
比作Although Plato compared the human soul to a chariot pulled by the two horses of reason and emotion虽然柏拉图把人类灵魂比作是理性与感性两匹马牵引着的战车2、Be obsessed with 被。
It has been obsessed with reason它被理性所占据3、Have one’s way 我行我素;自主、自由做。
evidence from psychology has persuaded many economists that reason does not always have its way心理学的证据说服了经济学家:理性并不总是我行我素4、Be poised to do sth. 准备好要做什么a burgeoning new field dubbed “neuroeconomics” seems poised to provide fresh insights on how the two horsestogether produce economic behavior一个被称为“神经经济学”的蓬勃发展的新领域正为我们提供新的视野:理性与感性是如何一起作用从而产生经济行为的5、A variety of 多种多样asking them to perform a variety of economic tasks and games要求他们执行各种经济工作和项目UNIT 4TAXT A1、consist of 包括。

动词短语顺序:(逻辑主语)+(状语)+ 动词 +(宾语)+(宾语补足语)+(状语)注:单词作状语一般前置,短语作状语一般后置。
动词是不定式就叫不定式短语;如果是-ing 形式,则作名词用时叫动名词短语,作形容词和副词用时叫现在分词短语。
e.g.1接受中国留学生to accept Chinese students2发展国与国之间的关系to develop state–to–state relations3盲目照搬to blindly copy4让人们理解(for)people to understand动词短语的翻译方法:先译出中心词,然后把宾语加在后面,状语译出加在后面。
e.g.仅有状语1被妥善处理to be handled properly2稳定增长to grow steadilye.g.带有宾语考虑二点:1英语的动词应当是及物动词或者相当于及物动词(不及物动词 + 介词)2宾语里面含有动词,一定译为动名词(或不定式)e.g.1历经风雨沧桑to experience all kinds of weathers, to go through twists and turns2解决台湾问题to solve the Taiwan issue3.扩大美国对华出口to expand America’s export to Chinae.g. 带有宾语和状语状语一般放在宾语后。
动词→宾语→状语1在一些领域奉行不同的政策to pursue different policies in some areas2为亚洲经济复苏做出了贡献to have made contribution to Asia’s economic recovery动词短语转换为名词短语如果动词短语包含主语,则1变为不定式时这个主语由for引导出来。
e.g.江主席访美for President Jiang to visit the United States2变为动名词时主语用名词所有格。

• • • • • 对等译法 具体译法 抽象译法 增词译法 省词译法 • • • • 合词译法 转性译法 换形译法 褒贬译法
• 单词:汉英语言中单词对等程度要高一些 • 1) television (名词) 电视 • 2) electricity (名词) 电 • 3) wheat (名词) 小麦 • 4) 坐 (动词) sit • 5) 小 (形容词) small • 6) 和 (连接词) and
• • • • • • • • • •
36) 告发 put the finger on 37) 干苦差事 hold [carry] the baby 38) 反应快 quick on the trigger; think on one’s feet 39) 恻隐之心 the milk of human kindness 40) 保密 keep sth under one’s hat
• 31) Look before you leap. • 三思而后行。 • 32) Make hay while the sun shines. • 趁热打铁。 • 33) There is no smoke without fire. • 无风不起浪。 • 34) Ill news travels fast. • 恶事传千里。 • 35) Practice makes perfect. • 熟能生巧。 • • • • • • • • • 36) 欲速则不达。 More haste, less speed. 37) 出门一里,不如家里。 East and west, home is best. 38) 拉入篮里就是菜。 All is fish that comes to the net. 39) 皇天不负苦心人。 Everything comes to him who waits. • 40) 小巫见大巫。 • The moon is not seen when the sun shines.

1.汉语中的短语或断句译成英文的副词 在床上躺了一周之后,他现在已经能够起 来活动了。 up After staying in bed for a week, he is now about and . 2.英文的副词译成汉语中的短语或断句 Clearly, she speaks French. 很明显,她说法语。
1.汉语动词译成英文副词 那个男孩告诉我他的父亲出去了。 The boy told me that his father was out . 2.英文副词译成汉语动词 I must be off now, for my sister is expecting me. 我姐姐在等我,我得走了。
1.汉语形容词译成英文副词 她真笨,竟然回答了这样一个问题。 She stupidly answered such a question. 2.英文副词译成汉语形容词 The English language had changed subtly and pervasively. 英语的变化很敏感、很普通。
20岁的时候,老妈打电话,不等说完三句就恨不能挂了电话。30岁之 后,一听到妈的声音就禁不住哭出来:“妈呀,您老的所有担心现在 都应验了……”
At the age of twenty, while talking with my mother over the phone, I wanted to hang up before my mother had finished a few words. After thirty the voice of Mom triggers my crying, “Mom, your worries about my invariably marriage have all come t

He pulled his sock carefully over his swollen ankle. 他身子一歪,竞把头完全靠在她肩上。
He swayed over and actually leaned his head on her shoulder.请同学们翻译:请把给我的信用email 发给我。
I’ve got a pull with Doctor Smith, I’d get her into his ward.许多人为把孩子送进寄宿学校念书而节衣缩食Many people scraped and saved to get their children into boarding schools.请同学们翻译:桌子下爬出的一条蛇把小女孩吓哭了The little girl was frightened into crying by the snake emerging from under the table.3.与“当作”等构成“把….当作…..‖句式的“把”字句“把….当作/看成/作为等….‖这种句式可以用英语的“动词+宾语+as/for‖句型来翻译如:我错把她当作海伦的孪生妹妹了I mistook her for Helen’s twin sister.我把这看作是自己的杰作之一I consider it as one of my masterpieces.请同学们翻译:我们容易把这个问题看成是现在才有的,但事实上它已经存在几个世纪了We tend to think of this as a modern problem, but it has existed for centuries.4.带有双宾语的“把”字句汉语带双宾语的“把”字句,译成英语时,通常采取“动词+间接宾语+直接宾语”或者“动词+直接宾语+to +间接宾语”的结构如:她把她集的邮票拿给我看。

比如看分写还是合写(如cowboy是词,woman doctor是短语),中间有无连字符(如boy-student是词,boy student是短语)等等。
如动词性短语:to make a monkey of 愚弄(动宾)to bury one’s head in the sand 采取鸵鸟政策(动宾状) to hang by a hair 千钧一发(动状)to call a spade a spade 钉是钉,铆是铆(动宾补)名词性短语:trojan horse 特洛伊木马形容词短语:last but not least 最后但不是最不重要副词性短语:in the seventh heaven (在)极乐世界从以上情况可以看出,英语短语进入句子具备何种功能,做什么句子成分,也即具备何种词类的性质,都由其构成的形式标示,而汉语短语没有形式标示,主要靠其意义组合而显示其动词性、名词性或形容词性。

(动词:凑近)(He read the letter by the oil lamp)2)稍等⼀会⼉,我就来。
(副词:很快)(Just a minute. I’m coming)3)我这星期不忙,就你的时间吧。
(动词:根据)(Make it any time at your convenience. I’m not busy this week.)⼜如“上”字:4)上班:to go to work5)上报:to appear in the newspaper, to report to a higher authority6)上当:to be taken in, to be cheated7)上吊:to hang oneself8)上⽕:to get angry9)上路:to set out on a journey再看另外例句;1)这⼀盘你上。
(You play this game.)2)⼀连上了好⼏道菜。
(Several courses are served in succession)3)这事已上了电视了。
(It has been published on TV)“轻重”和“头”1)这两个箱⼦轻重不⼀。
(The two cases do not weigh the same.)2)请你别见怪,他说话就是不知轻重。
(I hope you won’t mind about his words. He simplydoesn’t know the proper way to talk.)3)这娃娃头真⼤。
英汉互译 汉语词汇的英译

并列关系 安定团结 stability and unity 典雅大方 elegant and graceful 送旧迎新 to set off the old and welcome the new 改革开放 reform and opening up 丰衣足食 well-fed and well clothed
2. 根据具体搭配
进行 进行一场激烈的争论 to carry on a spirited debate 进行实地调查 to make an on-the-spot investigation
to have a cordial conversation 进行核试验
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系列专题: 词
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garbage truck
座谈会 symposium; 博览会 expo;
记者招待会 press conference; news release; 人才招聘会 job fair 贸易洽谈会 trade fair
Resume 病历表 Case
10) 全世界的科学家都在寻找净化空气、防止空气受到各种有害工业 废气污染的有效方法。 Scientists everywhere in the world are looking for the efficient methods to make the air clean and protect it from pollution by all kinds of industrial harmful waste gases.
6)高新技术产业化示范工程 high-tech model projects to demonstrate their commercial liability; hi-tech industrialization model projects 7)科技成果市场化、产业化 commercialization and industrialization of scientific and technological achievements
economic condition
改为:financial condition
a lecture requires doing three things well: getting to know the students; arranging suitable teaching material, and choosing effective (optimal) teaching methods.
8) 处理合同争议所适用的法律 Law applicable to the settlement of contract disputes
9)邓一反几千年来官方对长城以外世界的敌视态度, 坦率地说:“闭关自守把中国搞得贫穷落后,愚昧无 知。”
• •
难点: 几千年来官方对长城以外世界的敌视态度 闭关自守
经济全球化 economic globalization 经济法制化 manage economic affairs within a legal framework 国际关系民主化 the practice of democracy in international relations 科研成果产业化 apply scientific research results to industrial production 国民经济信息化 build an information-based national economy
drive tiredly 按照交通法规术语应该翻译为Drowsy driving is dangerous . 或 Drive alert, arrive alive
不能直接翻译为with foreign trade as the dragon head, 这样翻译是很难让外国人明白的,因为以……为龙头这个 说法是源自耍龙灯的习俗,而多数外国人不一定熟悉中国 人的这一习俗。为了取得好的翻译效果,最好是用能够跨 越文化障碍的表达方法,如火车头或旗舰: With foreign trade as the locomotive(机车) / flagship.
11) 在我们肉眼看来似乎静止不动的一杯水中,却有数不清的水分子 正在进行着大量的无规则的热运动。 Although the water in a glass looks to be totally motionless to our naked eyes,a great deal of thermal movement of its countless molecules is going on disorderly inside. 12) 这所大学是中国著名的高等学府,是中国培养高级科学技术人才 和发展科学技术的重要基地之一。 This university is one of the renowned higher learning institutions in China,and it is also an important base both for bringing up senior professionals of science and technology in China and for promoting the progress of Chinese science and technology.
history form 时间表 Time table 日程表 Schedule 价格表 Price list
博物馆museum 图书馆library 旅馆hotel 宾馆guest house 大使馆embassy 领事馆consulate 茶馆tea house 饭馆restaurant 理发馆barber’s shop 体育馆gymnasium 展览馆exhibition hall 文化馆cultural center 美术馆art gallery 科技馆science and technology center/museum 天文馆planetarium 照相馆photo studio
spring transportation (春季的
运输) 而是the rush / peak season of passenger transportation during the Spring Festival / Chinese New Year
10) 全世界的科学家都在寻找净化空气、防止空气受到各种有 害工业废气污染的有效方法。
动的一杯水中,却有数不清的 水分子正在进行着大量的无规则的热运动。 thermal movement molecules
12) 这所大学是中国著名的高等学府,是中国培养高级科学技 术人才和发展科学技术的重要基地之一。
葡萄干 raisin
酿酒厂 brewery
炼油厂 refinery 宗教religion; 邪教cult 鸟bird,小鸟fledgling 老虎tiger,虎崽cub 洒水车sprinkler;垃圾车
1)毛入学率 the gross enrollment rate
2)中央/地方财政预算 the central and local budgets 3)关于发展九年义务教育的政策 policies concerned with the development of the nine-year compulsory education; (后置) the nine-year compulsory education development policies(前 置)
4)科教兴国战略 the strategy of developing the country by relying on science and education; the strategy of country development by developing science and education; the strategy of giving priority to the development of science and education for the development of the country. 5)国有资产管理、监督和运营机制 • the mechanism for management, supervision and operation of state-owned assets; (后置) • the state assets management, supervision and operation mechanism (前置)
贫穷落后 愚昧无知
9)邓一反几千年来官方对长城以外世界的敌视态度, 坦率地说:“闭关自守把中国搞得贫穷落后,愚昧无 知。” Reversing thousands of years of official hostility to the world outside the Great Wall, Deng said simply: “Isolation landed China in poverty, backwardness and ignorance.”