2019年 语言与文化 期末考试答案

2019年期末测试普通话试卷(附答案)班级姓名一、语言文字政策法规知识题 (每题1分,共10分)1.1982年通过《中华人民共和国宪法》第19条明确规定:(C)。
A.国家推广普通话B.推广全国通用的普通话C.国家推广全国通用的普通话2. 国家推广普通话,推行。
(A)A. 规范汉字B. 通用汉字C. 标准汉字3. 国家机关以为公务用语用字。
(B)A. 汉语和汉字B. 普通话和规范汉字C. 中文4.《普通话水平等级测试标准》将普通话水平划分为三个级别,每个级别内再划分为两个等次,其中最高水平和进入最低等级的水平分别为。
(A)A. 一级甲等和三级乙等B. 一级乙等和三级甲等C. 一级甲等和三级甲等5.推广普通话是促使公民普遍具备普通话应用能力,。
(B)A.在任何场合都说普通话,不说方言B. 在正式场合和公共交际场合说普通话C. 只在学校里说普通话6.提倡公共服务行业以为服务用语。
(A)A. 普通话B. 当地方言C. 普通话和当地方言7.国家机关工作人员应达到的普通话等级是不低于。
(C)A. 二级甲等B. 二级乙等C.三级甲等8.语文教师和对外汉语教师应达到的普通话等级是不低于。
(B)A.一级乙等B.二级甲等C.二级乙等9. 国家级电台电视台的播音员、节目主持人应达到的普通话等级是。
(A)A. 一级甲等B. 一级乙等C. 二级甲等10. 普通高等学校、中等职业学校的学生普通话水平应当分别达到以上水平。
(C)A.一级乙等B. 二级甲等C. 二级乙等二、汉语拼音知识(一)给词语选择正确的读音(每题0.5分,共10分)1.号召 A.hào zhào B.hào zhāo2.因为 A.yīn wèi B.yīn wéi3.娱乐 A.yù lè B.yú lè4.兴奋 A.xīnɡ fèn B.xìnɡfèn5.符合 A.fú hé B.fǔ hé6.处理 A.chù lǐ B.chǔlǐ7.着急 A.zhāo jí B.zháo jí 8.卓越 A.zhuó yuè B.zhuō yuè9.包庇 A.bāo pì B.bāo bì 10.答谢 A.dā xiè B.dá xiè11.花蕾 A.huā lěi B.huā léi 12.可憎 A.kě zēnɡ B.kě zènɡ13.分泌 A.fēn bì B.fēn mì 14.称心 A.chèn xīn B.chènɡ xīn 15.模型 A.mó xínɡ B.mú xínɡ 16.亚军 A.yǎ jūn B.yà jūn 17.中肯 A.zhōnɡ kěn B.zhònɡ kěn 18.感召 A.ɡǎn zhào B.ɡǎn zhāo 19.生肖 A.shēnɡ xiào B.shēnɡ xiāo 20.茶几 A.chá jī B.chá jǐ(二)、普通话异读词选择(每题2分,共10分)1.给“挨个、窗框、勉强、相似、暂时”注音,全部正确的一组是 (D)A. āiɡè cuānɡ kuànɡ miǎn qiǎnɡ xiānɡ sì zhàn shíB. āiɡè chuānɡ kuànɡ miǎn qiǎnɡ xiānɡ sì zhàn shíC. āiɡè chuānɡ kuànɡ miǎn qiǎnɡ xiānɡ shì zàn shíD. āiɡè chuānɡ kuànɡ miǎn qiǎnɡ xiānɡ sì zàn shí2.给“挨打、钞票、教诲、危险、憎恨”注音,全部正确的一组是 (B)A. āi dǎ chǎo piào jiào huǐ wēi xiǎn zènɡ hènB. ái dǎ chāo piào jiào huì wēi xiǎn zēnɡ hènC. ái dǎ chāo piào jiào huǐ wēi xiǎn zènɡ hènD. āi dǎ chǎo piào jiào huì wéi xiǎn zēnɡ hèn3.给“多么、卑鄙、惩罚、比较、一匹马”注音,全部正确的一组是 (C)A. duó me bēi bì chěnɡ fá bǐjiǎo yīpǐmǎB. duó me bēi bǐ chénɡ fá bǐjiǎo yīpīmǎC. duō me bēi bǐ chénɡ fá bǐjiào yīpǐmǎD. duō me bēi bì chěnɡ fá bǐjiào yīpīmǎ4.给“洞穴、处理、一会儿、号召、着急”注音,全部正确的一组是 (A)A. dònɡ xué chǔlǐ yīhuìer hào zhào zháo jíB. dònɡ xuè chùlǐ yīhuìer hào zhāo zhāo jíC. dònɡ xuè chǔlǐ yīhuǐer hào zhào zhāo jíD. dònɡ xué chùlǐ yīhuǐer hào zhāo zháo jí5.给“胆怯、琴弦、恶劣、唾沫、包庇”注音,全部正确的一组是 (A)A. dǎn qiè qín xián èliè tuòm o bāo bìB. dǎn què qín xüán èlì tuòm o bāo pìC. dǎn qiè qín xián èliè tuòm e bāo pìD. dǎn què qín xüán èlì tuòm e bāo bì三、语文基础知识(每题2分,共 40分)1.下列句子中没有错字的一句是。
2019年 语言与文化 期末考试答案

语言与文化一、单选题(题数:40,共40.0 分)1被称作“美国人类学之父”的是()。
(1.0分)A、索绪尔B、洪堡特C、康托尔D、鲍亚士正确答案:D2 “名无固宜,约之以命。
”出自哪位文学家?()(1.0分)A、荀子B、孔子C、孟子D、老子正确答案:A3 ()是西藏那曲中“曲”的藏语含义。
(1.0分)A、湖泊B、河流D、山峰正确答案:B4 “包氏父子”属于哪种所指关系?()(1.0分)A、无限集B、空集C、不定集D、有限集正确答案:D5 ()是英语、汉语、傣语的亲属称谓中都有区分的语义特征。
D、遗传正确答案:C10 “语言是有限规则和单位生成无限的句子”这句话出自于哪位语言学家?()(1.0分)A、索绪尔B、洪堡特C、乔姆斯基D、韩里德正确答案:C11智人走出非洲称为()。
(1.0分)A、第一次走出非洲B、第二次走出非洲C、第三次走出非洲D、第四次走出非洲正确答案:B12在语言中形成的最为高级的语言是什么?()(1.0分)A、符号B、英语C、汉语D、数学正确答案:D13 ()是指由词演变成词组的过程。
河南省永城市实验高级中学2018-2019学年高一上学期期末考试语文试卷+Word版含答案 (11)


语言与文化一、单选题(题数:40,共40.0 分)1被称作“美国人类学之父”的是()。
(1.0分)A、索绪尔B、洪堡特C、康托尔D、鲍亚士正确答案: D2 “名无固宜,约之以命。
”出自哪位文学家?()(1.0分)A、荀子B、孔子C、孟子D、老子正确答案: A3 ()是西藏那曲中“曲”的藏语含义。
(1.0分)A、湖泊B、河流C、丘陵D、山峰正确答案: B4 “包氏父子”属于哪种所指关系?()(1.0分)A、无限集B、空集C、不定集D、有限集正确答案: D5 ()是英语、汉语、傣语的亲属称谓中都有区分的语义特征。
(1.0分)A、血缘B、长幼C、远近D、性别正确答案: A6首先发现了最大序数悖论的数学家是()。
(1.0分)A、康托尔B、布拉里·福蒂C、华罗庚D、塞万提斯正确答案: A7语言起源的多元论指的是早期智人第几次走出非洲?()(1.0分)A、第四次B、第三次C、第二次D、第一次正确答案: C8我国哪位思想家提出过符号任意性原则?()(1.0分)A、孔子B、孟子C、老子D、荀子正确答案: D9自相论认为语言系统体现了人类什么能力?()(1.0分)A、语言能力B、后天经验能力C、语言能力和后天经验能力的交互作用。
D、遗传正确答案: C10 “语言是有限规则和单位生成无限的句子”这句话出自于哪位语言学家?()(1.0分)A、索绪尔B、洪堡特C、乔姆斯基D、韩里德正确答案: C11智人走出非洲称为()。
(1.0分)A、第一次走出非洲B、第二次走出非洲C、第三次走出非洲D、第四次走出非洲正确答案: B12在语言中形成的最为高级的语言是什么?()(1.0分)A、符号B、英语C、汉语D、数学正确答案: D13 ()是指由词演变成词组的过程。
(1.0分)A、虚化B、语法化C、词汇化D、组合正确答案: C14下列哪类人的进化程度更高?()(1.0分)A、北京人B、元谋人C、山顶洞人D、蓝田人正确答案: C15沃尔夫的()观点认为“同一个物理证据,并不是所有的观察者都得到相同的宇宙图式,除非他们的语言背景相同或相似。

(25分)1.(6分)(1)白露未已、在水之涘(2)但余钟磬音(3)天之苍苍,其正色邪(4)玉盘珍羞直万钱2.(3分) B (A.jiān— jiàn;C.jīn—jìn;D.sāi—sè)3.(3分) B (A.言—颜,振—震;C.框—眶;D.燥—躁)4.(3分) C(大词小用,不分轻重。
可改为“豁然开朗”或“茅塞顿开”)5.(3分) C (A把“参观”改为“学习”;B删除“造成的”;D“两千多年前新出土的”改为“新出土的两千多年前”。
)6.(3分) C7.(1)(2分)电信诈骗让群众遭受巨大的经济损失,并带来心里痛苦。
(答出两点即可)第 1 页二、阅读。
第 2 页15.(2分)点明了文章说明的主要内容;引发读者的阅读兴趣(思考)。

最新 2019 英语语言学期末试题练习+ 答案Ⅰ. MatchingMatch each of the following terms in Column A with one of the appropriate definitionsin Column B.Column A1.最新 2019英语8.mistakes17.语言学期末试题9.interlanguage18.context练习 +答案10.motivation19.blendingngue11.arbitrariness20.culture3.suprasegmental feature12.21.learning strategies4.deep structure13.broad transcription22.selectional restrictions5.predication analysis14.morphology23.phrase structure rules6.idiolect15.category24.culture diffusion7.pidgin16.errors最新 2019 英语语言学期末试题练习+ 答案A. Learners ’ indepentdesystem of the second language, which is of neither the nativelanguage nor the second language, but a continuum or approximation from his nativelanguage to the target language. 9B.Learner ’ s attitudes and affective state or learning drive, having a strong impact on hisefforts n learning a second language. 21C.The rules that specify the constituents of syntactic categories. 23D.24E. 6F. A special language variety that mixes or blends languages and it is used by people whospeak different languages for restricted purposes such as trading. 7G.The kind of analysis which involves the breaking down of predications into their constituents----- arguments and predicates. 5H. They refer to constraints on what lexical items can go with what others.22I. The structure formed by the XP rule in accordance with the head’ s propertiessubcategorization.4J.The phonemic features that occur above the level of the segments. 3K.The study of the internal structure of words , and the rules that govern the rule of word formation. 14L. 2nguage can be used to refer to contexts removed from the immediate situations of the speaker.It is one of the distinctive features of human language. 1N.Learner ’conscious, goal-oriented and problem-solving based efforts to achieve learning efficiency. 10O.20P.18Q. .19R. A group of linguistic items which fulfill the same or similar functions in a particular language,such as a sentence, a noun phrase or a verb. 15S.17T.The ideal user’ s knowledge of the rules of his language12.U.One of the properties of human language. It means that there is no logical connection between meanings and sounds. 11V. A way to transcribe speech sounds with letter-symbols only. 13W. They reflect gaps in a learner’ s knowledge of the target,languagenotself-corrigible.16X. They reflect occasional lapses in performance. 8Ⅱ.Blank-filling.Fill in the following blanks with a word , whose initial letter has been given.1. “ A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” This quotation is a good illustration of thea____ nature of language. Arbitrary2.The description of a language at some point of time in history is a synchronic study; thedescription of a language as it changes through time is a d____ study. Diachronic3.Chomsky defines c____ as the ideal user Competence’4._. This marks the essential difference between vowels and consonants. Obstruction5.The different phones that can represent a phoneme in different phonetic environments arecalled the a____ of the phoneme.Allophone6.Allophones of the same phoneme cannot occur in the same phonetic environment. Theyare said to be in c____ distribution.7.When pitch , stress and sound length are tied to the sentence rather than the word in isolation,they are collectively known as i____. Intonation8. The m____ unit of meaning is traditionally called morpheme.Minimum9.I____ morphemes are bound morphemes that are for the most part purely grammaticalmarkers, signifying such concepts as tense, number, case and so on. Inflectional10.Phrases that are formed of more than one word usually contain three elements: head,specifier , and c____. Complement11.Concerning the study of meaning ,conceptualist view holds that there is no direct linkbetween a linguistic form and what it refers to; rather , in the interpretation of meaning theyare linked through the mediation of c____ in the mind. concept12. The sense relation between“ animal” and“ dog” hyponymyiscalled____.13.P____ refers to the phenomenon that the same word may have a set of different meanings.Polysemy14.What essentially distinguishes semantics and pragmatics is whether in the study of meaningthe c____ of use is taken into consideration. Context15.S____ refers to the linguistic variety characteristic of a particular social class.Sociolect16.WHO is an a____ derived from the initials o f “ World Health Organization Acronym”.17.According to Halliday , language varies as its function varies; it differs in different situations.The type of language which is selected as appropriate to the type of situation is a r____.Register18.Diffusion19.Subconsciouslynguage a______ refers to a natural ability for learning a second language. Acquisition21.Vibration of vocal cords results in a quality of speech sounds called”, which is a “vfeature of all vowels and some consonants in English. V oice22.The phonemic features that occur above the level of the segment are called s____ features.Suprasegmental23.Morphology refers to the study of the internal structure of words and rules for word f____.Formation24.The minimal unit of meaning is traditionally called m____. Morpheme25.The sense relation between autumn”“ and fall“” is calleds____. Synonym26. H____ refers to the phenomenon that words having different meanings have the same form,i.e. , different words are identical in sound or spelling , or in both. Homonymy27.Implicature28.SARS is an a____ derived from the initials of “ SevereAcute Respiratory Syndrome ”. Acronym29.I____ is a personal dialect of an indi Idiolect30. RP, the short form of“ R____ Pronunciation” refers to the particular way of pronouncingstandard English. ReceivedⅢ .Multiple choice.Choose the best answer to the following items.1.____ is considered to be the father of modern linguistics.A. N. ChomskyB. F. de SaussureC. Leonard BloomfieldD. M. A. K. Halliday2.In the scope of linguistics , ____ form the part of language which links together the soundpattern and meaning.A. morphology and syntaxB. phonetics and semanticsC. semantics and syntaxD. morphology and semantics3.____ studies the sounds from the hearer’,s point.e.,of howview the sounds are perceivedby the hearer.A. auditory phoneticsB. acoustic phoneticsC. articulatory phonetics4.Which of the following words begins with a velar voiced stop? ____A. godB. bossC. cockD. dog5.Which of the following words ends with a dental, voiceless fricative? ____A. roseB. waveC. clothD. massage6.Which of the following words contains a back,open and unrounded vowel? ____A. godB. bootC. walkD. task7.Which of the following is Not a velar sound? _____A. [h]B. [k]C. [g]D. [?]8.Which of the following is Not a minimal pair?____A. bat , biteB. kill , pillC. peak, pig,D. meat, seat9.Which of the following is an open class words?____A. emailB. butC. theD. they10.The underlined morphemes in the following belong to the inflectional morphemes except____.A. paintsB. painterC. paintedD. painting11.Which of the following words has more than three morphemes? ____A. psychophysicsB. boyfriendsC. forefatherD. undesirability12.The pair of words“ dead and alive” is called ____.A. gradable antonymsB. relational opposites13.Which pair of the following words can be categorized as stylistic synonyms?____A. torch & flashlightB. die & deceaseC. amaze & astoundD. luggage & baggage14.X: John has given up smoking.Y:John used to smoke.The sense relation between the above sentences is ____A. X entails YB. X presupposes YC. X is synonymous with YD. X is inconsistent with Y15.X: My father has been to London.Y:My father has been to UK.The sense relation between the above sentences is ____A. X entails YB. X presupposes YC. X is synonymous with YD. X is inconsistent with Y16.A. impoliteB. incorrectC. indirectD. unclear17.According to Searl ’ s classification of speech, actswhich of the following is an instance ofdirectives? ____A.I fire you!B.Your money or your life!C.I ’ m sorry for the mess I have made.D.I have never seen the man before.18.Which of the following words is entirely arbitrary?A. treeB. crashC. typewriterD. bang19.The word “ Kodak ” is a(n) ____.A. blendB. coined wordC. clipped wordD. acronym20.Which of the following words is Not formed by means of clipping?_____A. memoB. motelC. quakeD. gym21.A. subjectB. roleC. situationD. means22.Which of the following theories of language acquisition believes that language learning issimply a matter of imitation and habit formation? ____.A. The behaviorist viewB. The innatist viewC. The interactionist viewD. The cognitive theory23.Which of the following sentences is an example of overgeneralization? ____.A.Jane told me to give up smoking.B.Jane asked me to give up smoking.C.Jane advised me to give up smoking.D.Jane suggested me to give up smoking.24.Which of the following hypotheses is put forth by Dr. Krashen? ____.A.Critical Period HypothesisB. Input Hypothesisnguage Acquisition Device HypothesisD. Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis25.Who among the following linguists put forward Co-operative Principles?A.Paul GriceB. John SearleC. KrashenD. Leech26.Which of the following linguists is the initiator of transformational generative grammar?A. F. de SaussureB. N. ChomskyC. G. LeechD. M. A. K. Halliday27..B. A. creole... pidgin B. pidgin... creoleC. C. regional dialect... sociolectD. sociolect ... regional dialect28.____ studies the sounds from the speaker’,s point.e.,ofhowviewa speaker uses his speechorgans to articulate speech sounds.A. Auditory phoneticsB. Acoustic phoneticsC. Articulatory phonetics29.We know the verb “put ”requires an NP followed by a PP or Adv,. theThusprocess ofputting words of the same lexical category into smaller classes according to their syntacticcharacteristic is called.A. categorization B . subcategorizationC. syntactic categoriesD. coordination30. Which of the following words contains a front , close and unrounded vowel? ____A. badB. bedC. beatD. but31.The underlined morphemes in the following belong to the derivational morphemes except____.A . faster B. writer C. lovely D. conversion32.Which of the following is an open class words?____A. emailB. butC. theD. they33.The pair of words borrow“ and lend ” is called ___.A. gradable antonyms B . relational opposites34.Which pair of the following words can be categorized as collocational synonyms?____A. torch & flashlightB. pretty & handsomeC. amaze & astoundD. luggage & baggage35.X: My sister will soon be divorced.Y: My sister is a married woman.The sense relation between the above sentences is ____A. X entails YB. X presupposes YC. X is synonymous with YD. X is inconsistent with Y36.X: John married a blond heiress.Y:John married a blond.The sentence relation between X and Y is ____A. X entails YB. X presupposes YC. X is synonymous with YD. X is contradictory with Y37. According to Searl’ s classification of speech,actswhich of the following is Not an instanceof directives? ____A. Open the window!B. Your money or your life!C. Would you like to go to the picnic with us?D.I have never seen the man before.38.The word “ brunch ” is a(n) ____.A. blendB. coined wordC. clipped wordD. acronym39.A. subjectB. roleC. situationD. means40.There are different types of affixes or morphemes. The affix "ed" in the word "learned" isknown as a( n)A. derivational morphemeB. free morphemeC. inflectional morphemeD. free form41.Which of the following theories of language acquisition holds that human beings are biologicallyprogrammed for language and that the language develops in the child just as other biological functions such as walking? ____.A.The behaviorist viewB.The innatist viewC.The interactionist viewD.The cognitive theory42. The opening between the vocal cords is sometimes referred to as.A. glottisB. vocal cavityC. pharynxD. uvula43.Which of the following hypotheses is put forward by Eric Lenneberg? ____.A. Critical Period HypothesisB.Input Hypothesisnguage Acquisition Device HypothesisD.Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis44.Morphemes that represent tense, number, gender and case are called ____morpheme.A. inflectional B .free C. bound D. derivational45. There are ____ morphemes in the word denationalization?A. threeB. fourC. fiveD. sixnguage isA. instinctiveB. non-instinctiveC. staticD. genetically transmitted47.Pitch variation is known as ____ when its patterns are imposed on sentences.A. intonationB. toneC. pronunciationD. voice48.Which one is different from the others according to manners of articulation?A.[z]B.[w]C.[e]D.[v]49.21. Which one is different from the others according to places of articulation?A. [n]B.[m]C.[b]D. [p]50.Which vowel is different from the others according to the characteristics of vowels?A. [i:]B. [u]C. [e]D. [i]51.What kind of sounds can we make when the vocal cords are vibrating?A.VoicelessB. VoicedC. Glottal stopD. Consonant52. When a child uses “ mummy” to refer to any woman ,most probably his “ mummy”means.A. + HumanB. + Human + AdultC. + Human + Adult–MaleD. + Human + Adult - Male + Parent53.The utterance "We're already working 25 hours a day , eight days a week." obviously violatesthe maxim of ______.A. qualityB. quantityC. relationD. manner54.The pair of words“ north ” and“ south ” is ___.A. gradable oppositesB. relational oppositesC. co-hyponymsD. synonyms55.Which of the following sentences is NOT an example of cross-association?A. other / anotherB. much / manyC. stalagmite / stalagtiteD. bow / bow56.describes whether a proposition is true or false.A. TruthB. Truth valueC. Truth conditionD. Falsehood57."John sent Mary a post card." is a case ofA. one-place predicationB. two-place predicationC. three-place predicationD. no-place predication58."John killed Bill but Bill didn't die" is a( n)A. entailmentB. presuppositionC. anomalyD. contradiction59.refers to the process whereby a word is shortened without a change in the meaning and in thepart of speech.A. BlendingB. Back-formationC. ClippingD. Conversion60.Which of the following aspects is NOT the core of the study of general linguistics?A. soundB. structureC. meaningD. applicationⅣ.True of false judgment.Judge whether the following statements are true or false. Write T in the correspondingbracket for a true statement and F for a false one.1.Linguistics studies languages in general , but not any particular language , e.g. English ,Chinese, Arabic , and Latin , etc. T2.Modern linguistics regards the written language as the natural or primary medium ofhuman language. F3.In narrow transcription , we transcribe the speech sounds with letter-symbols only while inbroad transcription we transcribe the speech sounds with letter-symbols together with thediacritics. T4.By diachronic study we mean to study the changes and development of language. T5.T6.Of the three phonetics branches , the longest established one , and until recently the mosthighly developed , is acoustic phonetics. F7.The meaning of the word “ seal in”the sentence “ theseal could not be found ”cannot bedetermined unless the context in which the sentence occurs is restored. T8.An Innatist view of language acquisition holds that human beings are biologically programmedfor language. T9.According to co-operative principle , the conversational participants have to strictly observethe four maxims , so that the conversation can go on successfully. F10.The same word may stir up different association in people under different cultural background.T11.T12. F13.Modern linguistics is mostly descriptive. T14. Since there is no logical connection between meanings and sounds , language is absolutelyarbitrary. F15.Vowels may be distinguished as front,central and back according to the manner of articulation.F16.Applied linguistics is the application of linguistic principles and theories to languageteaching and learning. F17. F18.All the affixes belong to bound morphemes. T19.A polysemic word is the result of the evolution of the primary meaning of the word. T20. According to the innatist view of language acquisition,only when the language is modifiedand adjusted to the level of children F’21.T22.According to Austin , the performative utterance is used to perform an action, it also has truthvalue. F23.Children can learn their native language well whenever they start and whatever kinds oflanguage samples they receive. F24.Duality is one of the characteristics of human language. It refers to the fact that languagehas two levels of structures: the system of sounds and the system of meanings. T25.Linguistic forms having the same sense may have different references in different situationswhile linguistic forms with the same reference always have the same sense. FⅤ.Give a short answer to each of the following questions.1.Sense and reference are two terms often encountered in the study of word meaning. Whatare they and how are they related to each other? P662.According to Halliday , what is register? What are the social variables that determine theregister? P117-1183.P8-94. Give a brief illustration to the“ semantic triangle” suggestedcharsby.P63Ogden-64 and Ri Ⅵ. Essay question.1.According to Austin , what are the three acts a person is possibly performing while making anutterance? Give an example to illustrate this? P80-822.What are the four maxims of the CP? Illustrate with examples how flouting these maxims givesrise to conversational implicature? P85-883.Please observe the following sentences; all of them are not well formed. What rules does eachof the following sentences violate? And what are the two aspects in terms of sentence meaning?Please illustrate briefly.1)He ated the cake yesterday.2)We will gone to Beijing tomorrow.3)The table intended to marry the chair.4)My favorite fruit is red pears.Please take a look at the section 5.5.2 (page 73) to the first paragraph on page 74.1.The meaning of sentence And it includes both grammatical meaning and semantic meaning.2.The grammatical meaning of a sentence refers to its grammaticality , which is governed by thegrammatical rules of the language. Any violation can result in mistakes , making a sentenceunacceptable. Such as sentence 1) has a wrong word “ated”and 2) has “will gone ”;3.But grammatically well-formed sentences can still be unacceptable because whether asentence is semantically meaningful is decided by rules called selectional restrictions , in other words, constraints on what lexical items can go with what others. Some sentences may be grammatically well-formed , yet they may not be semantically meaningful because they contain words which are not supposed to go together. For example, as we can find in sentence 3) and4), no table would intend to marry the chair unless in a children ’s story and there is no redpears usually in the world. Therefore , some selectional restrictions have been violated.。

2019学年高一汉语文下学期期末考试试题 人教 目标版

2019学年高一汉语文下学期期末考试试题(满分100分考试时间120分钟)(满分100分考试时间120分钟请将答案做在答题卷上)一、基础知识:(本题共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)1.下列各组加点字读音全部正确的一项是:()A. 头衔.(xián)吝.惜(lìnɡ)磐.石(pán)崎岖.(qù)B. 滑稽.(jī)瞌.睡(kē)解剖.(pōu)苛.责(kē)C. 脸颊.(xiá)谛.听(dì)惋.惜(wàn)口哨.(shào)D. 蛮横.(hénɡ)门槛.(kǎn)干瘪.(biě)怯懦.(xū)2.下列各句中有错别字的一句是:()A. 石拱桥的桥洞成弧形,就像虹。
B. 山如眉黛,小屋恰似眉梢的志一点。
C. 忽然抚尺一下,群响毕绝。
D. 在乌云密布的天幕上,你们无畏地向前……3.下列各项加点的字,读音完全相同的一项是:()A.力量.胆量.量.刑量.体裁衣B.露.面露.宿泄露.原形毕露.C.酝酿.粮.食良.好琳琅.满目D.占.卜沾.光粘.贴拈.轻怕重4.下列对加点词在句中的含义解释有误的一项是:()A. 桥上的石栏石板也雕刻得古朴..美观。
B. 有些批评家说,中国的诗人都带有很浓厚的颓废..色彩。
C. 扎西是个有教养..、有见识的人。

语言与文化一、单选题(题数:40,共40.0 分)1被称作“美国人类学之父”的是()。
(1.0分)A、索绪尔B、洪堡特C、康托尔D、鲍亚士正确答案: D2 “名无固宜,约之以命。
”出自哪位文学家?()(1.0分)A、荀子B、孔子C、孟子D、老子正确答案: A3 ()是西藏那曲中“曲”的藏语含义。
(1.0分)A、湖泊B、河流C、丘陵D、山峰正确答案: B4 “包氏父子”属于哪种所指关系?()(1.0分)A、无限集B、空集C、不定集D、有限集正确答案: D5 ()是英语、汉语、傣语的亲属称谓中都有区分的语义特征。
(1.0分)A、血缘B、长幼C、远近D、性别正确答案: A6首先发现了最大序数悖论的数学家是()。
(1.0分)A、康托尔B、布拉里·福蒂C、华罗庚D、塞万提斯正确答案: A7语言起源的多元论指的是早期智人第几次走出非洲?()(1.0分)A、第四次B、第三次C、第二次D、第一次正确答案: C8我国哪位思想家提出过符号任意性原则?()(1.0分)A、孔子B、孟子C、老子D、荀子正确答案: D9自相论认为语言系统体现了人类什么能力?()(1.0分)A、语言能力B、后天经验能力C、语言能力和后天经验能力的交互作用。
D、遗传正确答案: C10 “语言是有限规则和单位生成无限的句子”这句话出自于哪位语言学家?()(1.0分)A、索绪尔B、洪堡特C、乔姆斯基D、韩里德正确答案: C11智人走出非洲称为()。
(1.0分)A、第一次走出非洲B、第二次走出非洲C、第三次走出非洲D、第四次走出非洲正确答案: B12在语言中形成的最为高级的语言是什么?()(1.0分)A、符号B、英语C、汉语D、数学正确答案: D13 ()是指由词演变成词组的过程。
(1.0分)A、虚化B、语法化C、词汇化D、组合正确答案: C14下列哪类人的进化程度更高?()(1.0分)A、北京人B、元谋人C、山顶洞人D、蓝田人正确答案: C15沃尔夫的()观点认为“同一个物理证据,并不是所有的观察者都得到相同的宇宙图式,除非他们的语言背景相同或相似。

语言与文化一、单选题(题数: 40 ,共 40.0 分) 1被称作“美国人类学之父”的是()。
(1.0 分)A、索绪尔B、洪堡特C、康托尔D、鲍亚士正确答案: D2“名无固宜,约之以命。
约定俗成谓之宜 ,异于约则谓之不宜。
”出自哪位文学家 ?()(1.0 分)A、荀子B、孔子C、孟子D、老子正确答案: A3()是西藏那曲中“曲”的藏语含义。
( 1.0 分)A、湖泊B、河流C、丘陵D、山峰正确答案: B4“包氏父子”属于哪种所指关系 ?()( 1.0 分)A、无限集B、空集C、不定集D、有限集正确答案: D5()是英语、汉语、傣语的亲属称谓中都有区分的语义特征。
(1.0 分)A、血缘B、长幼C、远近D、性别正确答案: A6首先发现了最大序数悖论的数学家是()。
( 1.0 分)A、康托尔B、布拉里·福蒂C、华罗庚D、塞万提斯正确答案: A7语言起源的多元论指的是早期智人第几次走出非洲?()(1.0 分)A、第四次B、第三次C、第二次D、第一次正确答案: C8我国哪位思想家提出过符号任意性原则?()(1.0 分)A、孔子B、孟子C、老子D、荀子正确答案: D9自相论认为语言系统体现了人类什么能力?()( 1.0 分)A、语言能力B、后天经验能力C、语言能力和后天经验能力的交互作用。
D、遗传正确答案: C10“语言是有限规则和单位生成无限的句子”这句话出自于哪位语言学家?()(1.0 分)A、索绪尔B、洪堡特C、乔姆斯基D、韩里德正确答案: C11智人走出非洲称为 ()。
( 1.0 分)A、第一次走出非洲B、第二次走出非洲C、第三次走出非洲D、第四次走出非洲正确答案: B12在语言中形成的最为高级的语言是什么?()( 1.0 分)A、符号B、英语C、汉语D、数学正确答案: D13()是指由词演变成词组的过程。
(1.0 分)A、虚化B、语法化C、词汇化正确答案: C14下列哪类人的进化程度更高 ?()( 1.0 分)A、北京人B、元谋人C、山顶洞人D、蓝田人正确答案: C15沃尔夫的 ()观点认为“同一个物理证据 ,并不是所有的观察者都得到相同,除非的宇宙图式他们的语言背景相同或相似。

2019年期末测试普通话试卷(附答案)班级姓名一、语言文字政策法规知识题 (每题1分;共10分)1.1982年通过《中华人民共和国宪法》第19条明确规定:(C)。
A.国家推广普通话B.推广全国通用的普通话C.国家推广全国通用的普通话2. 国家推广普通话;推行。
(A)A. 规范汉字B. 通用汉字C. 标准汉字3. 国家机关以为公务用语用字。
(B)A. 汉语和汉字B. 普通话和规范汉字C. 中文4.《普通话水平等级测试标准》将普通话水平划分为三个级别;每个级别内再划分为两个等次;其中最高水平和进入最低等级的水平分别为。
(A)A. 一级甲等和三级乙等B. 一级乙等和三级甲等C. 一级甲等和三级甲等5.推广普通话是促使公民普遍具备普通话应用能力;。
(B)A.在任何场合都说普通话;不说方言B. 在正式场合和公共交际场合说普通话C. 只在学校里说普通话6.提倡公共服务行业以为服务用语。
(A)A. 普通话B. 当地方言C. 普通话和当地方言7.国家机关工作人员应达到的普通话等级是不低于。
(C)A. 二级甲等B. 二级乙等C.三级甲等8.语文教师和对外汉语教师应达到的普通话等级是不低于。
(B)A.一级乙等B.二级甲等C.二级乙等9. 国家级电台电视台的播音员、节目主持人应达到的普通话等级是。
(A)A. 一级甲等B. 一级乙等C. 二级甲等10. 普通高等学校、中等职业学校的学生普通话水平应当分别达到以上水平。
(C)A.一级乙等B. 二级甲等C. 二级乙等二、汉语拼音知识(一)给词语选择正确的读音(每题0.5分;共10分)1.号召 A.hào zhào B.hào zhāo2.因为 A.yīn wèi B.yīn wéi3.娱乐 A.yù lè B.yú lè4.兴奋 A.xīnɡ fèn B.xìnɡfèn5.符合 A.fú hé B.fǔ hé6.处理 A.chù lǐ B.chǔlǐ7.着急 A.zhāo jí B.zháo jí 8.卓越 A.zhuó yuè B.zhuō yuè9.包庇 A.bāo pì B.bāo bì 10.答谢 A.dā xiè B.dá xiè11.花蕾 A.huā lěi B.huā léi 12.可憎 A.kě zēnɡ B.kě zènɡ13.分泌 A.fēn bì B.fēn mì 14.称心 A.chèn xīn B.chènɡ xīn 15.模型 A.mó xínɡ B.mú xínɡ 16.亚军 A.yǎ jūn B.yà jūn 17.中肯 A.zhōnɡ kěn B.zhònɡ kěn 18.感召 A.ɡǎn zhào B.ɡǎn zhāo 19.生肖 A.shēnɡ xiào B.shēnɡ xiāo 20.茶几 A.chá jī B.chá jǐ(二)、普通话异读词选择(每题2分;共10分)1.给“挨个、窗框、勉强、相似、暂时”注音;全部正确的一组是 (D)A. āiɡè cuānɡ kuànɡ miǎn qiǎnɡ xiānɡ sì zhàn shíB. āiɡè chuānɡ kuànɡ miǎn qiǎnɡ xiānɡ sì zhàn shíC. āiɡè chuānɡ kuànɡ miǎn qiǎnɡ xiānɡ shì zàn shíD. āiɡè chuānɡ kuànɡ miǎn qiǎnɡ xiānɡ sì zàn shí2.给“挨打、钞票、教诲、危险、憎恨”注音;全部正确的一组是 (B)A. āi dǎ chǎo piào jiào huǐ wēi xiǎn zènɡ hènB. ái dǎ chāo piào jiào huì wēi xiǎn zēnɡ hènC. ái dǎ chāo piào jiào huǐ wēi xiǎn zènɡ hènD. āi dǎ chǎo piào jiào huì wéi xiǎn zēnɡ hèn3.给“多么、卑鄙、惩罚、比较、一匹马”注音;全部正确的一组是 (C)A. duó me bēi bì chěnɡ fá bǐjiǎo yīpǐmǎB. duó me bēi bǐ chénɡ fá bǐjiǎo yīpīmǎC. duō me bēi bǐ chénɡ fá bǐjiào yīpǐmǎD. duō me bēi bì chěnɡ fá bǐjiào yīpīmǎ4.给“洞穴、处理、一会儿、号召、着急”注音;全部正确的一组是 (A)A. dònɡ xué chǔlǐ yīhuìer hào zhào zháo jíB. dònɡ xuè chùlǐ yīhuìer hào zhāo zhāo jíC. dònɡ xuè chǔlǐ yīhuǐer hào zhào zhāo jíD. dònɡ xué chùlǐ yīhuǐer hào zhāo zháo jí5.给“胆怯、琴弦、恶劣、唾沫、包庇”注音;全部正确的一组是 (A)A. dǎn qiè qín xián èliè tuòm o bāo bìB. dǎn què qín xüán èlì tuòm o bāo pìC. dǎn qiè qín xián èliè tuòm e bāo pìD. dǎn què qín xüán èlì tuòm e bāo bì三、语文基础知识(每题2分;共 40分)1.下列句子中没有错字的一句是。
(审核版)2019-2020学年高一语文上学期期末试题 (含解析)(新人教版 第122套).doc


2019年下期七年级期末质量检测(人教部编版)语文试题第Ⅰ卷(共24分)一、(18分)1.下面加点字注音正确的一项是( )(3分)A.侍.弄(sì)感慨.(kǎi)分歧(qí)哄.堂大笑(hōng)B.掺.和(chān)开辟.(pì)钦.差(qīng) 三省.吾身(xǐng)C.脑髓.(suǐ)干涸.(hé)主角. (jué) 随声附和.(hè)D.称.职(chèng)热忱.(chén)顷.刻(qǐng)咄.咄逼人(duō)2.下列语句中书写不正确的一项是( )(3分)A.朋友,你可曾在茫茫大雾中航行过,在雾中神情紧张地驾驶着一条大船,小心翼翼地缓慢地向对岸驶去?B.我往下看,感到阵阵晕眩;一股无名的力量好像正在逼迫我掉下去。
但在北方干躁的城市,我们的相逢是多么稀少!3.下列选项中加点词运用有误的一项是( )(3分)A.上课铃声响起,同学们赶紧进入教室,楼道里人迹罕至....。
4.下列说法不正确的一项是( )(3分)A.曹操,字孟德,东汉末政治家、军事家、诗人。

A. 浮光掠影侃侃而谈牛刀小试少年老成B. 蜻蜓点水式娓娓道来投石问路日臻成熟C. 浮光掠影娓娓道来牛刀小试日臻成熟D. 蜻蜓点水式侃侃而谈投石问路少年老成【答案】B【解析】【详解】该题考查学生正确使用词语(包括熟语)的能力。

全国2019年10月高等教育自学考试语言与文化试题课程代码:00838第一部分选择题(共30分)I. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read eachstatement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives best completes the statement.(20%)1.A cold dish of raw vegetables with a dressing is called _____.A. hamburgerB. sandwichC. saladD. pudding2.All languages have _____ terms and distinguish at least three characteristics in relatives.A. generationB. subtleC. complicatedD. kinship3.English speakers are direct people who tend to _____.A. locate peripheral meaning before central meaningB. locate central meaning before central meaningC. locate the modified after the modifierD. think holistically4.In English all the prefixes are _____ morphemes.A. inflectionalB. grammaticalC. derivationalD. implicit5.Which of the following statements is not true?A. English speakers have a relatively small range of possibilities to select from when naming theirnewly born babies.B. English surnames are more distinctive than given names.C. English given names are more distinctive than surnames.D. Names include given names, surnames, full names and nicknames or pet names.6.If an English speaker refuses the compliment which merely comes out of politeness, he may say _____.A.“Do you really think so?”B.“Oh, I wish it could be true.”C.“Oh, you are too polite.”D.“No, I don’t think so.”7.“To make a cat laugh”means _____.A. to be comicB. to be tragicC. to be proudD. to be serious8.The English equivalent for “前车之覆,后车之鉴”can be “_____”.A. Rats desert a sinking shipB.A small leak will sink a great shipC. He that would sail without danger must never come on the main sea1D. Let another’s shipwreck be your seamark9.“Green”connotes _____ in English culture.A. ProsperityB. immaturityC. longevityD. sincerity10.“Brown paper”corresponds to _____.A.棕色纸B.秘密文件C.揭露社会黑暗的报纸D.牛皮纸11.The English equivalent for “空袭紧急警报”is _____.A. blue alertB. white alertC. red alertD. black alert12.“Sanitary engineer”is the euphemistic expression for “_____”.A. garbage collectorB. cleanerC. plumberD. gardener13.“敬请指正”can be treated as the Chinese equivalent of “_____”in English.A. I’d like to have your comments.B. Will you please point out my errors?C. I’d like to have errors correctedD. I’ll gratefully expect your comments.14.When the speaker or writer discusses many things indirectly related to the central idea of thetext and /or to each other he or she develops the text in a(n) _____ fashion.A .linear B. spiralC. inductiveD. deductive15.The most striking phonetic difference between American and British English is thepronunciation of _____ in words.A. rB. aC. whD. er16.The first _____ made in 449 B.C. had strong impact on the laws made later in most Europeancountries.A. Roman lawB. Napoleonic CodeC. French lawD. British law17.The distance zone ranging from 4 inches to about 8 feet is referred so as the _____ zone.A. publicB. intimateC. socio-consultativeD. casual-personal18.Raising one’s open hand with palm down to one’s throat means “_____”in English culture.A. Shame on youB. I’m fullC. Kill yourselfD. You’re shorter than I19.In proxemics scholars are particularly interested in the _____ between interlocutors ininterpersonal communication.A. relative rightsB. relationshipC. distanceD. relative obligation20.The brand name _____ is neutral or positive in meaning in Chinese culture but pejorative inEnglish culture?2A.青岛啤酒B.白象牌电池C.泸洲老窖D.菊花电扇II. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives can complete the statement. There might be more than one correct answer.(10%)21._____ are some important properties of language.A. UnsystematicB. Human specificC. VocalD. A set of symbols22.In the expression “to meet one’s Waterloo”,the word “Waterloo”alludes to _____.A. a great victoryB. an achievementC. a final defeatD. a difficult or obstacle23.The English brand names _____ are coinages.A. TraneB. PlaytexC. PierreD. Cartan24.The word “woman”can be defined conceptually as _____.A. an adult femaleB. prone to tearsC. long hair wearingD. biped25.“Purple”in English culture is often associated with _____.A. high rank or stationB. low rank or stationC. imperial or royal rankD. something best26._____ are usually taboo topics in conversations between strangers in English culutre.A. Age and incomeB. Love and marriageC. Political and religious beliefsD. Personal opinions about daily affairs27._____ is onomatopoeic words.A. SquealB. MurmurC. RushD. Click28.When you respond to the compliment “You look very nice in this dress”,you should say“_____”.A. Thank you.B. No, I don’t think so at all.C. Do you really think so? I was not sure whether it suits me.D. It’s very kind of you to say so.29._____ serve the function of substitution.A. Saying louder than usual to emphasize a verbal messageB. Pausing before saying something importantC. Waving goodbyeD. Beckoning another person to come30.A “slow”student may be euphemistically referred to as “_____”.A. a mentally retarded student3B. one who is working at his/her own levelC. one who can do better work with helpD. a problem student第二部分非选择题(共70分)III. Fill in each underlined space with a proper expression.(12%)31.The invisible, portable space that surrounds us is referred to as _____ space.32._____ thinking interacts with English, while holistic thinking interacts with Chinese.33.“Pay one’s debt to nature”is the euphemism for _____.34.The English equivalent of “寒舍”is _____.35.In an English paragraph the sentence representing the central idea is referred to as _____ andoften located at the initial part of the paragraph.36.It is safe to say that Chinese advertising as a whole tends to be more _____ than Englishadvertising.37.Since language represents thought, it is _____ by thought.38.It is generally true that an English word may represent a _____ or associative meaning differentfrom that of its translation equivalent in Chinese.39.The English functional equivalent for “敬请光临”is _____.40.The English proverbial equivalent for “金无足赤,人无完人”is _____.41.The English expression _____ is equivalent to “秃子头上的虱子——明摆着”in China.42._____ refers to a kind of journalism with heavy emphasis on scandals, or resenting ordinarynews in a sensational manner.IV. Answer the following questions briefly:(12%)43.What is the English equivalent for “黑信”?44.What is the British equivalent for the American word “raincoat”?45.What is the major difference between English and Chinese descriptive texts in style?46.Why is it said that English is a hypotactic language and Chinese is a paratactic language?47.How hitchhiking is symbolized in English culture?48.What cross-cultural contrasts can you find between English and Chinese titles in vocatives?V. Translation:(16%)49.He breathed his last during the night.50.Those born to the purple are destined to live in the public eye.51.The greatest artist of the first half of this century has long last gone the way of all flesh.52.A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.53.为金钱而侍奉上帝的人会为更多的报酬服侍魔鬼。


2019年《大学语文》期末考试500题【含答案】一、选择题1.北岛的诗作《回答》首先发表于( C )。
”这段话出自史铁生的( C )。
A.《我的遥远的清平湾》B.《病隙碎笔》C.《我与地坛》D.《务虚笔记》3.下列作品中和《命若琴弦》的主题寓意相近的是:( B )A.《我的信仰》B.《西绪福斯神话》C.《大自然在反抗》D.《我有一个梦想》4.《命若琴弦》的体裁是:( A )A.小说B.散文C.诗歌D.戏剧5.“莽莽苍苍的群山之中走着两个瞎子,一老一少,一前一后,两顶发了黑的草帽起伏躜动,匆匆忙忙,像是随着一条不安静的河水在漂流。
无所谓从哪儿来,到哪儿去,也无所谓谁是谁……”这段文字的象征意义是:( D )A.两代人的盲目和孤独B.人类在宇宙中的困境C.生命的延续和轮回D.人类的生存困境和顽强抗争的精神6.“命若琴弦”的寓意是:( C )A.生命如同琴弦般脆弱。
7.《命若琴弦》中的老瞎子最后将一个善意的谎言告诉小瞎子,需要弹断( C ) 根琴弦,才能使眼睛复明。
A.1000B.1100C.1200D.8008.下列哪位作家不是北京人?( A )A.王安忆B.史铁生C.王小波D.王朔9.汤显祖字义仍,号海若,又号海若居士,别号清远道人,其居室称( B )A.玉砚堂B.玉茗堂C.静览堂D.味知堂10.“朦胧诗派”的得名最初源于评论家的否定性评价:( C )A.《在新的崛起面前》B.《新的美学原则的崛起》C.《令人气闷的“朦胧”》D.《崛起的诗群》11.阿尔贝尔•史怀泽是( C )国神学家.哲学博士和医生A.英B.美C.法D.德12.“瘦的耕牛和更瘦的人,/都是病,不是风景!”出自诗人( B )的《风景》。

2019年大学语文期末考试复习试题(含答案)一、选择题1.下列作品,属于楚辞体的是()A.《蒹葭》B.《湘夫人》C.《饮酒》(其五)D.《行路难》(其一)答案:B2.《哦,香雪》以“哦,香雪!香雪!”的反复呼告收结,所表现的复杂情感有( ABCD ) A.对贫穷落后的怜悯B.对现代文明的召唤C.对质朴心灵的赞叹D.对这质朴美可能被现代文明吞没的担忧E.对现代文明改变质朴美的企盼全国2011年10月高等教育自学考试大学语文试题2011年10月高等教育自学考试《大学语文》试题分析一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。
答案:C8.鲁迅在他的杂文《灯下漫笔》中指出的“第三样时代”的含义是( C )A.想做奴隶而不得的时代B.暂时做稳了奴隶的时代C.人民当家做主的时代D.封建社会的时代9.《陌上桑》中,拒绝使君“共载”所表现的罗敷性格特征是()A.机智B.坚贞C.善良D.温柔答案:B10.司马迁在《李将军列传》中用“桃李不言,下自成蹊”的谚语来隐喻李广( A )A.不善言辞,以身作则,众人拥护B.廉洁轻财,爱护士兵,负能使性C.忠实诚信,口讷少言,临危不惧D.骁勇善战,处变不惊,善于骑射11.《前赤壁赋》“主客对话”中,“客”的主要情感倾向是()A.功名难就B.乐观旷达C.人生无常D.适意自然解析:通过阅读文章可知,“客”方由对人生的短暂无常而衍生出一种悲观情绪,所以,主要要情感倾向正是“人生无常”。

2019年六年级语文下学期期末测试试题外研版C卷含答案班级: _________ 姓名: __________ 学号: ___________1、测试时间90分钟,测试题满分100分。
"巷”字用音序查字法先查音序( ),再查音节( )。
(1 )我漫不经心地一脚把马鞍踢下楼去。
字意是( )5、看拼音,写词语。
guc> M得分 评卷人二、积累与运用(每小题 5分,本题共计20分)1、修改病句。
1 •下岗女工在马路上协助交警保持交通秩序。
2 •气象小组的同学每天都记录并收听当天的天气预报。
3 •看了电影《生死抉择》后,受到了深刻的教育。
4 .北京的秋天是个美丽的地方。
(1) .春风又绿江南岸, _____________________ 。
(2 )瞧,盆子里的水漫出来了。
字意是() iii=[iyti zhuo bi ng diao(2).子期死,伯牙谓世再无______________ ,乃 _____________ ,终身_____________第3页共9页(3) . ___________________ ,不拘一格降人才。
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(分)A、索绪尔B、洪堡特C、康托尔D、鲍亚士正确答案: D2 “名无固宜,约之以命。
”出自哪位文学家()(分)A、荀子B、孔子C、孟子D、老子正确答案: A3 ()是西藏那曲中“曲”的藏语含义。
(分)A、湖泊B、河流C、丘陵D、山峰正确答案: B4 “包氏父子”属于哪种所指关系()(分)A、无限集B、空集C、不定集D、有限集正确答案: D5 ()是英语、汉语、傣语的亲属称谓中都有区分的语义特征。
(分)A、血缘B、长幼C、远近D、性别正确答案: A6首先发现了最大序数悖论的数学家是()。
(分)A、康托尔B、布拉里·福蒂C、华罗庚D、塞万提斯正确答案: A7语言起源的多元论指的是早期智人第几次走出非洲()(分)A、第四次B、第三次C、第二次D、第一次正确答案: C8我国哪位思想家提出过符号任意性原则()(分)A、孔子B、孟子C、老子D、荀子正确答案: D9自相论认为语言系统体现了人类什么能力()(分)A、语言能力B、后天经验能力C、语言能力和后天经验能力的交互作用。
D、遗传正确答案: C10 “语言是有限规则和单位生成无限的句子”这句话出自于哪位语言学家()(分)A、索绪尔B、洪堡特C、乔姆斯基D、韩里德正确答案: C11智人走出非洲称为()。
(分)A、第一次走出非洲B、第二次走出非洲C、第三次走出非洲D、第四次走出非洲正确答案: B12在语言中形成的最为高级的语言是什么()(分)A、符号B、英语C、汉语D、数学正确答案: D13 ()是指由词演变成词组的过程。
(分)A、虚化B、语法化C、词汇化D、组合正确答案: C14下列哪类人的进化程度更高()(分)A、北京人B、元谋人C、山顶洞人D、蓝田人正确答案: C15沃尔夫的()观点认为“同一个物理证据,并不是所有的观察者都得到相同的宇宙图式,除非他们的语言背景相同或相似。
”(分)A、语言共相论B、语言相对论C、语言自相论D、文化相对论正确答案: B16茶马古道路过的中甸是现在的()地区。
(分)A、丽江束河镇B、香格里拉C、西藏那曲D、云南大理正确答案: B17 ()从语义的角度区分了句子的阶层,认为语义悖论可以通过区分对象语言和元语言来解决的。
(分)A、《阿凡达》B、《盗梦空间》C、《奇异博士》D、《雪国列车》正确答案: B19 “镞矢之疾而有不行不止之时”,这体现中国哲学重视()。
(分)A、比喻B、智性C、夸张D、悟性正确答案: D20 ()是唐代文成公主进藏的路线与茶马古道相重合的部分。
(分)A、丝绸之路B、蜀身毒道C、远征古道D、唐蕃古道正确答案: D21下列哪项不属于语言与个体思维发展阶段()(分)A、前语言思维B、语言思维C、超语言思维D、中语言思维正确答案: D22我国的()最早从语言的角度分析悖论原因。
(分)A、老子B、墨子C、孔子D、荀子正确答案: B23 ()的宗族关系最为复杂。
(分)A、傣语B、英语C、汉语D、三项一样复杂正确答案: C24语言具有(),这是人类语言具有意境性的根本原因所在。
(分)A、汉语B、英语C、粤语D、北京话正确答案: B26方言的形成有几种形式()(分)A、两种B、三种C、四种D、五种正确答案: A27 ()是一种语言最根本的核心部分。
(分)A、词集B、语音C、文字D、以上各项都不是正确答案: A28 ()是非洲智人最早移动到的大洲。
(分)A、南美洲B、欧洲C、美洲D、亚洲正确答案: D29 “每种语言中都会有自己的世界观”出自哪位语言学家口中()(分)A、洪堡特B、索绪尔C、乔姆斯基D、康托尔正确答案: A30 “丝绸之路”在早期的名称是西域道,“丝绸之路”的名称是由()提出的。
(分)A、李希霍芬B、张骞C、唐太宗D、希区柯克正确答案: A31 ()是文化中最基本的成分。
(分)A、句子B、语素C、词D、词组正确答案: B32汉文化流中的文化活动不包括()。
(分)A、诗歌B、数学C、戏剧D、史诗正确答案: A33海德格尔认为人类存在方式最根本的是什么()(分)A、语言B、物质C、精神D、文化正确答案: A34 ()是汉民族的思维模式。
(分)A、血缘B、长幼C、性别D、职业正确答案: D36下列河流中,茶马古道没有经过的河流是()。
(分)A、怒江B、澜沧江C、金沙江D、钱塘江正确答案: D37人类进化的第三个阶段是什么人()(分)A、能人B、早期智人C、南猿D、直立人正确答案: D38直立人从非洲移动到欧洲的时间是()。
(分)A、大约距今100万年前B、大约距今90万年前C、大约距今70万年前D、大约距今80万年前正确答案: B39 ()里说:“昔者仓颉作书而天雨粟,鬼夜哭。
(分)A、《大学》B、《中庸》C、《尚书》D、《淮南子》正确答案: D40萨丕尔的代表作是()。
(分)A、《语言论》B、《人类语言结构》C、《哲学研究》D、《逻辑哲学论》正确答案: A二、多选题(题数:15,共分)1人类的哪些能力体现了语言认知的共相层面()(分)A、语言能力B、编码能力C、单位的还原生产能力D、富豪能力正确答案:BC2下列哪项不是语言范畴化的深度发展方向()(分)A、词-形态-虚词B、形态-词-虚词C、虚词-词-形态D、词-虚词-形态正确答案:ABC3下列哪项不是语言演化最重要的观察角度之一()(分)A、语言接触B、语言起源C、语言分化D、语言融合正确答案:BCD4范畴化的深度由哪些东西来体现()(分)A、文本B、句子C、词组D、语素正确答案:ABCD5观察人类语言和动物语言最重要的窗口有下列哪项()(分)A、意近性B、语言任意性C、还原生成性D、两层性正确答案:BC6德国人类学家法兰兹·鲍亚士他开创了人类学的四大分支是()。
()(分)正确答案:×5 “一尺之楼,日取其半,万世不竭”表达的是极限思想。