




Ⅰ.Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives best completes the statement.(20%) 1.“Negro”,once a euphemism for “_______”, is now an offensive racist term.()

A.a black man B.nigger

C.an African D.black boy

2.The expression that can be used as the euphemism for “gardener”is “_______”.()

A.landscape architect B.garden designer

C.beautician D.botanist

3.I may be back tonight; I’m not sure. _______,just make yourself at home.()

A.However B.Despite this

C.Either way D.Still

4.He showed no pleasure at hearing the news. _______ he looked even gloomier.()

A.Alternatively B.I mean

C.In addition D.Instead

5.“他住在美国马萨诸塞州剑桥神德街2号”can be translated into _______.()

A.He lives at Divinity Avenue 2, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A.

B.He lives at Divinity Avenue 2 in Cambridge of Massachusetts, U.S.A.

C.He lives at 2 Divinity Avenue Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A.

D.He lives in U.S.A, Massachusetts, Cambridge, Divinity Avenue 2.

6._______ is a weapon name.()

A.Brenda B.Arthur

C.Rhoda D.Timothy

7.When receiving a gift, the English speakers normally say_______.()

A.“It’s very nice”

B.“Where did you get it? This is really what I want”

C.“It must have cost you a lot. Thank you very much”

D.“How much is it? Thank you very much”


8._______can be said as a reply to thanks.()

A.“You’re too polite.” B.“It’s my pleasure.”

C.“It’s my duty.” D.“No.”

9.To be sexy is to possess a _______ in English culture.()

A.vicious character B.narrow minded feature

C.loose sex morality D.positive human quality

10.“Propaganda”connotes _______, so it is a pejorative term in English.()

A.giving publicity to something B.exchanging useful knowledge

C.spreading biased information D.motivating people to do something

11.The Chinese equivalent for“stop watch”is “跑表”,which reveals that the Chinese people lay stress on _______.


A.the way in which it is used

B.the purpose for which it is used

C.the mechanic quality

D.the appearance by which people can recognize

12.The English equivalent for “温室”is “greenhouse”,which reveals that the English speakers emphasize its _______.


A.capacity B.physical characteristic

C.function D.effectiveness

13.The proverb“one falls into Scylla in seeking to avoid Charybdis”is related to _______.()A.Christianity B.the Bible

C.Greco-Roman civilization D.geography

14.“A child who roams the street”can be referred to as _______.()

A.a Sherlock Holmes B.an Uncle Tom

C.a Don Juan D.an Oliver Twist

15.“The Garden of Eden”is an allusion derived from_______.()

A.literature B.mythology

C.religion D.history

16.“We’ve generated a lot of ideas this week”illustrates the metaphor that _______.()

A.ideas are food B.ideas are plant

C.ideas are products D.ideas are commodities

17.“Brown paper”corresponds to _______.()

A.秘密文件 B.棕色纸


C.揭露社会黑暗的报纸 D.牛皮纸

18.Many legal terms in English are from _______ and French.()

A.Greek B.Latin

C.Indian D.Romania

19.To avoid ambiguity, _______ are seldom used in English documents.()

A.personal pronouns B.loan words

C.long sentences D.learned words

20.Beckoning another person to come is an example of _______. ()

A.accenting B.complementing

C.regulating D.substitution

Ⅱ.Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives can complete the statement. There might be more than one correct answer.(10%)

21.Even “the black people”is regarded as degrading word, for “black”has bad connotations.“_______”is the case in point.()

A.Black flag B.Black coal

C.Black foot D.Black head

22.It has been claimed that the flowery style of Chinese descriptive writing is related to _______the Chinese people are good at.()

A.artistic thinking B.deductive reasoning

C.intuitive thinking D.dialectical reasoning

23.Which of the following statements may be true? ()

A.Branching and linear sentence patterns result from thinking patterns.

B.Branching sentence patterns are related to analytic thinking pattern.

C.Linear sentence patterns are related to analytic thinking pattern.

D.Branching and linear sentence patterns can be related to emotional factors.

24.Joyce Merrill Valdes is your colleague who is married. You can call her _______. ()

A.Joyce B.Merrill

C.Valdes D.Mrs. Valdes

25.“To pull somebody’s leg”means _______.()

A.to tease somebody B.to let somebody lag behind

C.to deceive somebody temporarily D.to prevent somebody from advancing

26.“To ride one’s high horse”means _______.()


A.to be glad B.to be haughty

C.to be arrogant D.to be confident

27.Many English words refer to the historical aspects of English culture, such as _______.()

A.reformation B.lynch

C.cocktail D.scalp

28.In English culture,“red”can be associated with _______.()

A.celebrations B.embarrassment or shyness

C.anger or excitement D.jealousy

29.“Santa Clause”comes from _______.()

A.German B.French

C.Dutch D.Indian

30.Chewing one’s finger nails signifies _______.()

A.emotional stress B.impatience

C.irritation D.worry

Ⅲ.Fill in each underlined space with a proper expression.(12%)

31.“Human resource development”is the euphemism for “_________.”

32.The connective “so”in “If they see that you’re blue, they’ll look down upon you. So why should I bother to care.”

indicates a(n) _________ relation.

33.A ball game played by pitchers, batters, catchers and fielders is _________.

34.Morphemes can be classified into two categories: inflectional and _________ morphemes.

35.The Chinese meaning of the English name Alexander is _________.

36.John Bull is _________ personified.

37.“Self-made man”,in American English at least, is a _________ term.

38.The English proverbial equivalent for“谋事在人,成事在天”is “_________.”

39.Weak though he looked, he was as brave as a _________,as all the playground bullies came to learn.

40.Cultures that allow people to interact at a great distance are referred to as _________ cultures.

41.In general English speakers touch significantly less frequently than speakers of _________ languages do in everyday


42.The word in American English for “教职员”is“_________.”

Ⅳ.Answer the following questions briefly.(12%)

43.What does“a red letter day”mean in English culture?

44.Does“a marriage of convenience”covey the same meaning as “送上门的婚姻”?

45.What do English speakers do when they receive gifts?

46.What is the American equivalent for the British word “maize”?

47.What is the English equivalent for “隐形眼镜”?


48.Give examples to show the differences in what can be advertised between English and Chinese culture. Ⅴ.Translation.(16%)




52.His mother-in-law is the most famous linguist in our country.

53.Do you see anything green in my eye?

54.Excuse me, would you tell me the way to the nearest post-office?

55.Napoleonic Code, based on Roman law, influenced most of the European countries.

56.However,“damn”,“damn it”,“damn you”,“God damn you”,“Hell”,etc.are less offensive. Ⅵ.Define the following terms.(10%)

57.verbal taboo


https://www.360docs.net/doc/18489873.html,rmal time


61.male chauvinist

Ⅶ.Discuss the following topics.(20%)

62.What are allusions? And how do they reflect culture?

63.Explain the kinds of societies that are divided based on psychological time orientation.



全国2018年1月高等教育自学考试 语言与文化试题 课程代码:00838 Ⅰ.Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives best completes the statement.(20%) 1.“Negro”,once a euphemism for “_______”, is now an offensive racist term.() A.a black man B.nigger C.an African D.black boy 2.The expression that can be used as the euphemism for “gardener”is “_______”.() A.landscape architect B.garden designer C.beautician D.botanist 3.I may be back tonight; I’m not sure. _______,just make yourself at home.() A.However B.Despite this C.Either way D.Still 4.He showed no pleasure at hearing the news. _______ he looked even gloomier.() A.Alternatively B.I mean C.In addition D.Instead 5.“他住在美国马萨诸塞州剑桥神德街2号”can be translated into _______.() A.He lives at Divinity Avenue 2, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A. B.He lives at Divinity Avenue 2 in Cambridge of Massachusetts, U.S.A. C.He lives at 2 Divinity Avenue Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A. D.He lives in U.S.A, Massachusetts, Cambridge, Divinity Avenue 2. 6._______ is a weapon name.() A.Brenda B.Arthur C.Rhoda D.Timothy 7.When receiving a gift, the English speakers normally say_______.() A.“It’s very nice” B.“Where did you get it? This is really what I want” C.“It must have cost you a lot. Thank you very much” D.“How much is it? Thank you very much” 1


广东省自学考试实施细则 【法规类别】自学考试 【发布部门】广东省政府 【发布日期】1989.11.20 【实施日期】1990.01.01 【时效性】现行有效 【效力级别】地方政府规章 广东省自学考试实施细则 (一九八九年十一月二十日广东省人民政府颁布) 第一章总则 第一条为完善自学考试制度,发展我省自学考试事业,根据国务院《高等教育自学考试暂行条例》的规定,结合我省的实际情况,特制定本细则。 第二条本细则所称自学考试,是对自学者进行以高等教育或中专教育学历考试为主的国家考试,是个人自学、社会助学和国家考试相结合的新型教育形式。 自学考试的任务,是通过国家考试促进广泛的个人自学和社会助学活动,推进在职专业教育、初高中后专业教育和大学后继续教育,造就和选拔多层次多规格、德才兼备的专门人才,提高全民族的思想道德、科学文化素质,适应社会主义现代化建设的需要。

第三条凡在本省境内居住和工作的中华人民共和国公民,不受性别、年龄、民族、种族和已受教育程度的限制,均可依照本细则的规定参加自学考试。 港澳和台湾同胞、海外侨胞及外籍人士均可参加我省自学考试。 能遵守纪律、接受改造、积极学习的劳改、劳教人员,经批准后也可以参加自学考试。 第四条自学考试应坚持教育为社会主义服务的方向,讲求社会效益,保证人才质量。根据经济建设和社会发展的需要和开考条件的实际可能,设置考试专业。逐步实行用人部门委托开考专业。 第五条自学考试的学历层次,与普通高等学校和中专学校同学历层次水平的要求在总体上相一致。 第二章考试机构 第六条省设立自学考试委员会(以下简称“省考委”),在省人民政府领导和全国高等教育自学考试指导委员会(以下简称“全国考委”)指导下负责全省的自学考试工作。 省考委由省教育、计划、财政、人事、劳动部门的负责人,军队和有关人民团体的负责人,及部分高等学校的校(院)长、专家、学者组成。由省人民政府一位副省长任主任。 省考委的职责是: (一)贯彻执行国家关于自学考试的方针、政策、法规和业务规范,制定本省有关自学考试的文件; (二)在全国考委的指导下,结合我省实际拟定和公布开考专业,指定主考学校; (三)组织全省的自学考试工作;


本套题正确率15/168=91% 人类起源非洲假说的语言学分析(一)已完成 1 下列关于人类起源非洲假说的内容中正确的是()。 ?A、能人走出非洲 ?B、南猿人走出非洲 ?C、元谋人走出非洲 ?D、直立人走出非洲 我的答案:D 2 下列哪一项是人类进化的形态之一?() ?A、山顶洞人 ?B、智人 ?C、北京人 ?D、元谋人 我的答案:B 3 符号活动出现于()。 ?A、南猿时期 ?B、直立人时期 ?C、晚期智人 ?D、早期智人 我的答案:C 4 人类起源非洲假说是指人类发源于非洲,然后移动到世界各地。()我的答案:√ 5 某一人群的mtDNA变异越大,它的群体演化历史越短。() 我的答案:×

人类起源非洲假说的语言学分析(二)已完成 1 非洲智人最早移动到哪一大洲?() ?A、北美洲 ?B、南美洲 ?C、亚洲 ?D、澳洲 我的答案:C 2 非洲智人什么时候开始走出非洲?() ?A、20万年前 ?B、13万年前 ?C、15万年前 ?D、10万年前 我的答案:A 3 下列哪一项事物的出现不能标志着智人具有了一定的符号编码能力?() ?A、图画 ?B、雕刻 ?C、文字 ?D、瓷器 我的答案:D 4 智人走出非洲有几条路线?()

?B、2 ?C、3 ?D、4 我的答案:B 5 直立人是语言人,智人不是语言人。() 我的答案:× 6 人类起源非洲假说为人类的基因和语言研究提供了重要依据。()我的答案:√ 人类起源非洲假说的语言学分析(三)已完成1 脑容量与语言的关系是()。 ?A、正相关 ?B、负相关 ?C、没关系 ?D、不确定 我的答案:A 2 方言的形成有几种方式?()


浙江省2018年7月自学考试语言与文化真题 课程代码:10058 I. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which one of the four alternatives best completes the statement (20%). 1. ______ refers to a member of the parts of the Christian Church which separated from the Roman Catholic Church during the 16th century.( ) A. Protestant B. Rabbi C. Christian D. Puritan 2. English babies may be ______ to show respect or to honor them. ( ) A. named after grandparents B. named after famous historical events C. named after their birth place D. named after their birth date 3. The two persons who have been introduced to each other normally say to each other: “______.”( ) A. How are you B. How is everything C. How do you do D. Hello 4. Trinity refers to union in one Godhead of three persons, Father, Son and ______.( ) A. Puritan B. God C. Holy ghost D. Ghost 5. In English speaking countries, expensive gifts will ______. ( ) A. make them uncomfortable for they will not know how to return the kindness B. make them very happy for they think they are highly valued C. make them very surprised for they will not know how to use it 1


《语言与文化》复习资料答案 I. 1—10 DDDBA DCBCC 11—20 BBBBA BDCAC 21—25 AAAAC II. 1. CD 2. AD 3. CD 4. ABD 5. ABCD III. 1—10 FTFTF FTTFT 11—20 FTTFF TFTTF 21—25 TFTTT IV 1. accenting 2. Hypotactic 3. After you 4. contact 5. Ex cuse me 6. hypotactic 7. It’s my pleasure 8. environmentalism 9. Paratactic 10. Chronemics 11. softening words 12. nuclear V. 1.culture:文化.Culture is the unique style and custom, which a nation forms in the history of its own development. https://www.360docs.net/doc/18489873.html,munication:交际.Communication may be defined as that which happens whenever someone responds to the behavior or the residue of the behavior of another person. 3.one-way communication:单向交际.Communication without feedback is called one-way communication. 4. communicative competence 交际能力 The ability to behave appropriately and effectively by verbal and / or nonverbal means to achieve intended results at a given time, in a give place, in a given communication event, and towards a given person or persons.


??????????????????????精品自学考试资料推荐?????????????????? 浙江省 2018 年 4 月自学考试语言与文化试卷 课程代码: 10058 Ⅰ. Multiple choice (24%) Directions: Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives best completes the statement. 1. The relationship between language and culture is that ________.( ) A. the former determines the latter B. the latter determines the former C. the two are parallel D. the two interact 2. While “ handsome woman” and “ pretty woman ” are both acceptable, they suggest different kinds of attractiveness because of the ________ associations of these two objectives.( ) A. collocative B. affective C. connotative D. thematic 3. A young man or young woman who rejects authority, existing institutions and conventional attitudes towards morality, style of dress is called________.( ) A. hippie B. knight C. koala D. poke 4. A fortified place occupied only by army or a fortified trading post is called ________.( ) A. castle B. fort C. lynch D. terrapin 5. Pork, mutton and beef are loan words from ________. ( ) A. French B. Latin C. Indian D. English 6.English is often referred to as a ________ language because it relies heavily on conjunctions to indicate the relationship between linguistic units. ( ) A. paratactic B. branching C. hypotactic D. linear 7. Religious name “John” means ________ in Chinese. ( ) A. 上帝是神圣的 B. 约翰 1


2017年7月高等教育自学考试 现代企业人力资源管理概论试题 (课程代码11466) 一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)在每小题列出的四十备选项中只有一个是符台题目要求的,请将其选出井将“答题卡”的相应代码涂黑。错涂、多涂或未涂均无分。 1.在管理活动中,如果劳动成果小于劳动耗费,则产出 A.无效益 B.零效益 C.正效益 D.负效益 2.对已经有了相当资源或荣誉的人,给予他的资源或荣誉越来越多,产生累积效果;而对于那些缺乏资源或没有荣誉的人,则不承认或贬低其价值,忽视他们的成绩和需求。这反映的是 A.马太效应 B.投射效应 C.晕轮效应 D.偏见效应 3.人力资源战略规划之短期规划通常是指 A.1个月至3个月 B.3个月至6个月 C.1年至3年 D.1年左右 4.人力资源规划的目的是 A.人力资源需求预测 B.人力资源供求平衡 C.人力资源供给预测 D.人力资源结构平衡 5.通过信息网络联系起来,在其内部进行规范的权力设置和明确的分工协作,并为实现某种特定目标而建立起来的实体叫 A. 组织 B.岗位 C.职位分析 D.组织框架 6.企业为了实现某一目标而把在不同领域工作的、具有不同知识和技能的人集中于一个特定的动态团体之中,共同完成某个项目。这是组织发展的 A.小型化 B.弹性化 C.虚拟化 D.扁平化 7.一种允许那些自己认为已经具备职位要求的员工申请公告中工作的自荐技术是 A.管理档案 B. 员工推荐 C.职位竞标 D.职位公告 8. 下列属于企业获得专业人员和技术人员重要来源的是 A. 广告 B. 校园招聘 C. 海外招聘 D. 就业服务机构 9. 员工已不大可能再得到职务晋升或承担更多的责任,尽管发展通道和更高层次的职位是清晰可见的,但在职务晋升时似乎被一层玻璃挡着,望而不可及。这种现象叫 A.技能老化 B.职业平台 C.结构型停滞 D.职业生涯高原


福师《语言与文化》在线作业一 一、单选题(共 35 道试题,共 70 分。) V 1. In deciding_______a course of action, the candidates tried to estimate its likely impact on the voters. A. what to pursue B. which to pursue C. whether to pursue D. if to pursue 满分:2 分 C 2. It is only recently _________astronomers have begun specific research into black holes. A. when B. so that C. that D. which 满分:2 分 C 3. Mass advertising helped to____the emphasis from the production of goods to their consumption. A. vary B. shift C. lay D. moderate

满分:2 分 B 4. Some nonverbal messages are consistent with accompanying verbal message, which is the____function of nonverbal message. A. complementing B. contradicting C. regulating D. accenting 满分:2 分 A 5. Some research workers completely____all those facts as though they never existed . A. ignore B. leave C. refuse D. miss 满分:2 分 A 6. Jack is late again. It is ___ of him to keep others waiting. A. normal B. ordinary C. common D. typical 满分:2 分 D 7. Language is an instrument used in the( )of thought.


浙江省2018年7月自学考试语言与文化试题 课程代码:10058 I. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which one of the four alternatives best completes the statement.(20%) 1. In English, “sdylh”is not a possible word and “green made he”is not an acceptable sentence. It proves that language is ________. ( ) A. arbitrary B. systematic C. symbolic D. vocal 2. The Chinese equivalent for “Housewarming”is ________. ( ) A. 温室效应 B. 温暖的房屋 C. 乔迁喜宴 D. 房屋供暖 3. The word in British English for “tire”is ________. ( ) A. wheel B. bore C. tyre D. tier 4. The English name “Camellia”is related to ________. ( ) A. Christianity B. plant C. weapon D. knowledge 5. ________ can represent the geographical aspects of culture. ( ) A. Koala B. Cowboy C. Queen D. Hot dog 6. If a student wants to express his gratitude for professor’s help, he can say ________. ( ) A. “I am so sorry that I am wasting your time.” B. “I hope I didn’t disturb you.” C. “Don’t you mind I disturb you?” D. “Thank you so much. I really appreciate your help.” 7. When an Englishman says “I was only pulling your leg”, he means ________. ( ) A. I was only trying to prevent you from making progress. B. I was only warning you. C. I was only joking. D. I was only asking you for help. 8. The first week day after Christmas, a legal holiday in England, Wales, Northern Ireland, New Zealand, Australia and South Africa, is called ________. ( ) A. Boxing Day B. Easter C. Thanksgiving Day D. St. Valentine’s Day


论述题(10*10=100) 1:试论述生产文化的地域性 2:怎样理解生活文化的地域性 3:影响物质文化地域性的因素有哪些? 4:怎样理解语言与地理、社会环境的关系? 5:地名的主要性能(性质和职能)是什么?地名景观的种类有哪几种? 6:宗教与地理环境存在什么样的关系? 7:你对文学的地域差异及与地理环境的关系有怎样的理解? 8:文化生态学: 9:怎样理解文化发展与自然环境间的关系 10:应用文化生态学研究文化地理学问题应注意些什么(简答) 1:(1)农业文化具有地域性,世界农业文化文化区的存在就是农业文化区域性的充分表现。根据其鲜明的地域特点,分布上可分为热带雨林农业文化区、草原农业文化区、干旱沙漠农业区文化区等8大农业文化区。(2)工业产业文化的地域性,一般遵循工业产业分布的特点和区域差异。由于不同的工业生产的所要 求的各类要素的配置不一样,所以工业产业就形成了明显的的地区差异。此外,特定时期的国家政策也会对工业生产的布局带来影响。 2:主要可以分为衣、食、住三个方面进行分析。 (1)服饰文化:在衣着方式、制衣布料、服饰色彩、服装形态等方面都有鲜明的地域性。如制衣布料,因其衣料资源的分布差异,早期的地区差异明显:中国广泛使用丝绸,南亚多用黄麻,靠近北极都用兽毛衣料。

(2)饮食文化:在食物原料、烹饪等方面,区域间都出现了差异。因各地食材不同,人们口味不一,形成了“南甜北咸”的八大菜系。 (3)居住文化:区域差异主要体现在建筑风格、建筑材料和居住形式。因地域气候、资源等自然条件不用,就形成了口袋房、四合院、洞穴式、干栏式等风格形式的建筑。 3:(1)自然因素:主要指自然地理环境:气候通过对生产、生活各个方面的影响而形成与各地气候条件相符的物质文化;地形和水文因素对于生产和生活方式有重要影响;而地质和生物对居住文化、交通运输、饮食结构都有一定影响。 (2)社会、人文因素:首先经济条件决定了物质文化的内容、发展的水平和方向,其变化还影响着居住文化;再者民族文化与宗教信仰对信仰宗教的民族的物质文化有重要影响;其次文化交流、民族交往可以使个民族、各地区的物质文化相互交融和吸纳。 4:语言的产生、发展和演变,以及分布格局等于地理环境及社会环境之间存在着密不可分的关系。 (1)环境与语言的产生:首先语言中的词汇受环境的影响的最大、最直接;其次,环境过语言来作用于语音,地理环境的不同造成人心理上、生理上的差异,从而引起人语音、声调以及表达感情方式的不尽相同;环境还对语言的语法产生有影响,环境塑造出的民族心态会在语法上体现。 (2)环境对语言插播、演进的影响:语言自身的发展深受自然环境和社会历史条件变化的影响。自然环境条件的差异往往会促进或阻碍语言的传播,从未形成了方言;而人文环境的对语言的影响主要体现在:行政区域、移民、国家政策及经济水平等因素对语言发展的强烈影响。行政区域的划分和建制往往对语言的传播扩散骑着决定性作用。国家的方针则往往通过影响移民来影响语言的扩散。 5:地名的主要性能是:社会性、历史性、文物性、指位性、地域性、稳定性、可变性和衍生性。地名景观的种类:山水地名(赤峰、华山)、示位地名(山南水北为阳,衡阳)、寄意地名(西安、宝鸡)、特产地名(盐城)、民


广东省高等教育自学考试考试大纲生产作业管理课程(课程代码:)考试大纲 目录 一、课程性质与设置目的 二、课程内容与考核目标 第章现代生产管理概论 .生产与生产管理 .生产管理的内容 .生产过程 .生产类型 .现代生产管理的特征 第章生产系统的规划与组织 .生产系统的总体布置 .车间布置 .生产过程的时间组织 .流水生产组织 第章生产计划与生产作业计划编制 .生产综合计划 .工业企业的生产能力 .生产计划的安排 .生产作业计划的任务、分类与编制依据 .生产作业计划的编制 .生产作业控制 .生产作业统计及在制品管理 第章工作研究与工作设计 .工作研究 .劳动定额 .工作设计 .生产环境设计 第章企业资源计划() .企业资源计划概述 .物料需求计划()的基本原理 .制造资源计划() .企业资源计划() .的实施过程 .实施效果的评价 第章生产现场管理和作业排序

.生产现场管理概述 .现场管理的方法 .定置管理 .作业排序 第章项目管理 .项目管理概述 .项目管理的计划与控制 .项目管理组织 .网络计划技术 第章企业物流管理 .物料管理 .物料消耗定额和储备定额 .物料供应计划 .生产现场物料管理 .库存管理 第章设备管理 .设备管理概述 .设备的选择与评价 .设备的使用与维修 .设备更新与改造 .设备综合工程学与全员设备管理第章质量管理与质量管理体系认证 .族标准概论 .质量及质量管理的基本概念 .质量管理原则 .质量管理体系 .质量管理方法 .质量管理体系审核 第章生产管理技术发展与模式改变 .生产方式的演变过程 .生产方式的基本思想和主要方法 .精益生产方式() .计算机集成制造系统() .敏捷制造() 三、大纲的说明与考核实施要求 附录:题型举例


Quiz for non-English Majors in Culture Class This quiz is for the students from the English Language & Culture class hosted by Sun Xiaolong. * Vocabulary and Structure 1. There were also famous and very smart masterminds in the history of the western world, as in the sayings like: (Key: B, Points: 2) A: Even Athena sometimes makes mistakes. B: Even Homer sometimes nod. C: Athena even sometimes make mistakes. D: Homer even sometimes nods. 2. Places of the ancient Greek civilization include ___________ (Key: A, Points: 2) A: Crete, Ithaca, Mycenae B: Egypt, Greece, Rome C: Crete, Troy, Egypt D: Egypt, Troy, Asia Minor 3. "_________" is the word we use today to say the world sports games held once in four years. (Key: B, Points: 2) A: Olympus B: Olympiad C: Olympian D: Olympia 4. "________________" is a creative problem solving competition involving students from kindergarten through college. (Key: A, Points: 2) A: Odyssey of the Mind B: Mental Journey C: Mental Way D: Way of the Mind 5. There are two morphemes in the word "Pantheon", "pan-" as also in "________" and "theo-" as also in "____________". (Key: C, Points: 2) A: pants, theory B: Pandora, theology C: pan-America, theology D: pan-Pacific, thermometer 6. He would have made a good pilot but his drinking habit was his _____________. (Key: D, Points: 2) A: Hector's tendon


广东省自学考试管理系统(考籍管理部分)考生使用说明 由广东省自学考试委员会办公室自主研发的广东省自学考试管理系统(以下简称系统)已经在我省自学考试管理中全面使用。为了进一步规范操作,方便考生及时了解和使用系统办理自学考试考籍业务,保证考籍管理的各项工作顺利进行,现就考生如何使用系统的方法和需要进行的操作作出简要说明,供考生参考。 一、登录系统 考生凭准考证号和在预报名时设置的密码登录广东省自学考试管理系统(https://www.360docs.net/doc/18489873.html,)。忘记密码的考生可自行在网上输入准考证号和身份证号设置新密码一次。如第二次忘记密码须由本人凭身份证和准考证到市、区(市)考办设置新密码。 二、考籍管理 1、基本信息维护(一般信息维护): 考生可自行在系统中更改和提交除姓名、性别、出生年月、身份证号和相片等之外的数据,如联系电话、工作单位等信息,不需要经过区(市)考办和省考办审批,可自行修改。 2、考籍更正:(更改姓名、性别、出生年月、身份证号和相片需要申请和审批) 考生在系统中提交申请→考生到区(市)考办上交有关材料→区(市)考办收集和核实考生有关材料,确认考生的申请→区(市)考

办向地级市考办上交考生材料→地级市考办根据考生在系统的申请 和相关材料初审→地级市考办向省考办上交考生材料和报表→省考 办审核(省考办审核通过后可以更正考籍数据)。 考生和市、区(市)考办可以在系统中查看申请的办理状态。 详细办理须知请查看《自学考试考生考籍数据更正办理办法》 3、合并准考证号成绩(省内转考) 凡持有广东省高等教育自学考试两个及两个以上准考证号参加 我省自学考试的考生,必须办理合并准考证号的手续,将其中一个准考证号(源准考证号,指将不再使用的准考证号)的各门课程合格成绩转入另一个准考证号(目的准考证号,指将继续使用的准考证号)上,实际上是将同一考生持有的不同准考证号中合格成绩进行合并,以后只须持后一个准考证号(转入后的准考证号)参加考试。 考生在系统中提交申请→考生到区(市)考办验核准考证、身份证的原件及上交复印件和缴交手续费→区(市)考办收集和核实考生有关材料和确认考生的申请→区(市)考办向地级市考办上交考生材料→地级市考办根据考生在系统的申请和相关材料初审→地级市考 办向省考办上交考生材料和报表→省考办审核。 考生和市、区(市)考办可以在系统中查看申请的办理状态。在考生办理合并准考证号成绩后,其源准考证号不能再使用。 详细办理办法请查看《办理合并准考证号成绩(省内转考)须知》 4、外省转入


xx高等教育自学考试 《工程项目管理》(课程代码:06087)课程考试大纲目录 一、课程性质与设置目的 二、课程内容和考核目标 第1xx工程项目管理概论 1.1项目 1.2工程项目 1.3工程项目管理 1.4工程项目管理的原则与模式 1.5工程项目管理的发展趋势 第2xx工程项目的组织管理 2.1工程项目组织管理概述 2.2工程项目的组织结构 2.3工程项目经理 第3xx工程项目前期决策管理 3.1工程项目前期策划 3.2工程项目建议书 3.3工程项目可行性研究 3.4工程项目管理规划 第4xx工程项目目标控制 4.1工程项目进度控制

4.2工程项目成本控制 4.3工程项目质量控制 第5xx工程项目合同管理 5.1工程项目合同管理概述 5.2工程项目施工合同订立与管理 5.3工程项目施工索赔管理 5.4FIDIC合同条件下的施工管理 第6xx工程项目生产要素管理 6.1工程项目生产要素管理概述 6.2工程项目人力资源管理 6.3工程项目材料管理 6.4工程项目机械设备管理 6.5工程项目技术管理 6.6工程项目资金管理 第7xx工程项目风险管理 7.1工程项目风险管理概述 7.2工程项目风险识别 7.3工程项目风险评估 7.4风险应对与监控 第8xx工程项目职业健康、安全与环境管理8.1工程项目职业健康安全与环境管理

8.2工程项目安全生产管理 8.3工程项目环境管理 第9xx工程项目信息管理 9.1概述 9.2工程项目管理信息系统 9.3工程项目技术文件档案管理 9.4项目管理软件 第10xx工程项目后期管理 10.1工程项目竣工验收 10.2工程项目竣工结算 10.3工程项目产品回访与保修 10.4工程项目考核评价 三、关于大纲的说明与考核实施要求 附录:题型举例 一、课程性质与设置目的 (一)课程的性质与特点 《工程项目管理》是全国高等教育自学考试建筑工程专业的一门专业课程,属于建设工程技术与管理交叉学科,是一门紧密联系工程建设管理实践的重要课程。本课程的基本任务是培养学生能够运用系统工程的基本原理和方法,了解并掌握科学控制、管理及协调的技能,对建设项目进行全方位、全过程的管理。为学生毕业后从事相关的工程建设管理工作打下坚实基础。本课程具有政策性、综合性和实践性强的特点。


2018年10月高等教育自学考试《语言与文化》试题 课程代码:00838 I. Each of the statements is followed by four alternatives. Read following incomplete each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives best completes the statement. (20%) 1. Without the emergence of man would remain what he was one or two million years ago. A.culture B. speech C. language D. thinking 2. When we say that language is , we mean that the language is rule governed. A.systematic B. arbitrary C. vocal D. symbolic 3. The relationship between a word and an object in the real world to which the word refers is the meaning of the word. A. connotative B. social C. affective D. conceptual 4. If an entry in a dictionary consists of two or more words, it will be treated as a A. phrase B. clause C. compound D. sentence 5. The following Chinese sentences are implicit passive sentences EXCEPT A.花晒着太阳了。B.红旗被插上了井冈山。 C.湿衣服吹吹风,干得快。D.道路加宽了,立交桥也修起来了。 6. The following sentences have hypotactic relations EXCEPT" " A. Bread and butter is my favoufite breakfast B. The man ran away when he saw the dog C. John loves Mary and Mary loves John, too D. He bought tea, coffee, eggs, milk, etc 7. "Flora" is a quite common English name. It belongs to names. A. religious B. weapon C. flower D. knowledge 8. In English speaking countries some elderly persons may use" "as a vocative to address a young lad without meaning to offend. A. son B. lad C. man D. buddy 9. The meaning of the idiom "the cat's got your tongue" is" " A. you're joking B. you're clumsy C. you're very quiet D. you're angry 10. The sentence "她是个王熙凤式的人物" uses an allusion from a Chinese literary work A. Three Kingdoms B. Dream of Red Mansions C. Water Margin D. Pilgrimage to the West 11. In the sentence "Bring the child down to me for a formight. I have a huge old garden where he can be as free as a bird", the tenor is A. a bird B. a fortnight C. a huge old garden D. the child 12. In the following metaphorical expressions," " shows ideas are food.



本套题正确率15/168=91% 人类起源非洲假说的语言学分析(一)已完成 1 下列关于人类起源非洲假说的内容中正确的是()。 ?A、能人走出非洲 ?B、南猿人走出非洲 ?C、元谋人走出非洲 ?D、直立人走出非洲 我的答案:D 2 下列哪一项是人类进化的形态之一?() ?A、山顶洞人 ?B、智人 ?C、北京人 ?D、元谋人 我的答案:B 3 符号活动出现于()。 ?A、南猿时期 ?B、直立人时期 ?C、晚期智人 ?D、早期智人 我的答案:C 4 人类起源非洲假说是指人类发源于非洲,然后移动到世界各地。() 我的答案:√

5 某一人群的mtDNA变异越大,它的群体演化历史越短。() 我的答案:×

人类起源非洲假说的语言学分析(二)已完成 1 非洲智人最早移动到哪一大洲?() ?A、北美洲 ?B、南美洲 ?C、亚洲 ?D、澳洲 我的答案:C 2 非洲智人什么时候开始走出非洲?() ?A、20万年前 ?B、13万年前 ?C、15万年前 ?D、10万年前 我的答案:A 3 下列哪一项事物的出现不能标志着智人具有了一定的符号编码能力?() ?A、图画

?B、雕刻 ?C、文字 ?D、瓷器 我的答案:D 4 智人走出非洲有几条路线?() ?A、1 ?B、2 ?C、3 ?D、4 我的答案:B 5 直立人是语言人,智人不是语言人。() 我的答案:× 6 人类起源非洲假说为人类的基因和语言研究提供了重要依据。() 我的答案:√ 人类起源非洲假说的语言学分析(三)已完成

1 脑容量与语言的关系是()。 ?A、正相关 ?B、负相关 ?C、没关系 ?D、不确定 我的答案:A 2 方言的形成有几种方式?() ?A、3 ?B、2 ?C、4 ?D、5 我的答案:B 3 ()对我国南方汉语方言的形成起了不可估量的作用。 ?A、语言接触 ?B、语言融合
