八年级下学生综合测评自我评价1. 学习方面1.1 课堂表现哎呀,说到课堂表现,我觉得自己这学期还算可以啦。
1.2 课外学习在课外学习上,我也没闲着。
2. 生活方面2.1 时间管理时间管理这一块,我得承认,还是有些不足。
毕竟,“有志者事竟成”嘛,我一定能搞定的!2.2 课外活动关于课外活动,我觉得自己还是挺积极的。
3. 人际交往3.1 交友情况说到交友,我觉得自己还算比较开朗,跟同学们相处得不错。
3.2 沟通能力在沟通能力上,我感觉自己也在进步。
初二学生综合素质表现评语1. 学习态度与方法:- 学习态度端正,能够积极主动地参与课堂活动,对学习充满热情;- 具备良好的学习方法,能够合理安排学习时间,高效地完成作业;- 善于思考,能够灵活运用所学知识解决问题。
2. 学业成绩:- 学习成绩稳步提高,取得了显著的进步;- 在各个学科中都有不错的表现,特别是在数学、语文等学科上取得了良好的成绩;- 能够按时完成老师布置的作业,且质量上乘。
3. 课堂表现:- 参与积极,能够积极回答老师提出的问题,踊跃发言;- 能够主动思考问题,提出自己的见解和解决方案;- 具有较强的团队协作意识,能够与同学合作完成集体活动。
4. 读书与阅读:- 热爱阅读,能够主动阅读各类书籍,拓宽自己的知识面;- 具备较强的阅读理解能力,能够从阅读材料中获取有效信息;- 能够进行书评和读后感的写作,对所读书籍有良好的理解和总结能力。
5. 思维能力与创新意识:- 思维敏捷,能够迅速捕捉问题的关键,提出切实可行的解决方案;- 具有较好的逻辑思维能力,善于分析问题的因果关系;- 具备创新意识,能够从不同角度出发,产生新颖的想法和观点。
6. 兴趣爱好与特长:- 在个人兴趣爱好方面表现积极,展现了自己的特长和潜力;- 在体育运动方面有一定的天赋,能够积极参与各类体育活动;- 具备艺术才华,对音乐、绘画等方面表现出较高的兴趣和天赋。
7. 社会实践与服务意识:- 积极参与社会实践活动,增加社会经验和人际交往能力;- 具备良好的服务意识,乐于助人,能够主动参与志愿者活动;- 具有较强的团队合作能力,能够与他人协作完成各类任务。
8. 礼貌与道德观念:- 有着良好的道德修养,能够遵守学校和社会的各项规章制度;- 对师长、同学及他人保持尊敬,言行举止得体,举止大方;- 具备较好的沟通能力,能够与他人友好相处,化解矛盾与冲突。
9. 身心健康与生活习惯:- 生活习惯良好,能够按时作息,保持良好的饮食和运动习惯;- 具有较强的自我保护意识,遵守安全规定,保证自身安全;- 具备较好的心理素质,能够面对压力和困难,保持积极乐观的态度。
2020-2021年秋季部编版八年级语文第一单元学业评价测试题含答案八年级语文第一单元学业评价测试题时间:90分钟满分:100分姓名:班级一、语文基础知识及运用(24分)1.下列各项中加点字注音全部正确的一项是()(2分)A、鞠.(jū)躬瓦砾.(lì) 箱箧.(qiè) 纳粹.(cuì)B、绥.(suí)靖阻遏.(è) 寒噤.(jīn) 仄.(zé)歪C、憧.(zhuàng)憬血.(xué)腥沉寂.(jì) 珐.(fā)琅D、洗劫.(qiè) 惊骇.(hài) 地窖.(jiào) 提.(dī)防2.下列词语的书写全部正确的一项是 ( ) (2分)A.狼狈不湛荡然无存永垂不朽懊丧B.眼花缭乱名副其实响彻云宵耸立C.不屈不挠月明风清转弯抹角班白D.丢人现眼独一无二丰功伟绩管辖3.下列词语运用不正确的一项是( ) (2分)A.人民解放军英勇善战,锐不可当....。
4.下面情境中,用语符合生活实际,语言表达得体的一项是( ) (2分)A.目不识丁的奶奶坐在孙子床头,边缝衣服边唠唠叨叨说个不停:“你学习这样无恒心,一暴十寒,到时候三好学生评不上,多丢人现眼……”B.他见老朋友的气消了,还答应留下来吃饭,高兴极了,连忙对外屋喊道:“母亲,先把饭煮了,然后去买些酒菜来!”C.小王得知丢失的文件有着落了,高兴地对电话那边的报信人说:“非常感谢,明天我将于百忙中专程前来取回并当面致谢,请您恭候!”D.联想公司为了宣传自己的产品“联想电脑”,并塑造良好的企业形象,精心设计了一则广告语:“人类失去联想,世界将会怎样?”5、请你用一句话概括下面这则新闻的主要内容。
第一单元综合素质评价[限时:120分钟满分:120分]一、语言积累与运用(40分)1. [2024·原创]阅读下面文段,按要求答题。
对我来说,母亲就如小河,有着清澈的眼睛、________(A. 宁静 B. 恬静)的脸庞,她常常宽wèi 我,让我心安。
可是当那首“母亲,母亲……”的音乐________(A. 半途而废 B. 戛然而止)时,原本似乎近在咫尺的母亲,原来还在千里之外的家乡。
(4分)①皎.洁( ) ②脑畔.( ) ③宽wèi( ) ④磅bó( )(2)结合语境选择合适的词语,将序号填写在语段中的横线上。
(2分)2. [2024·原创]下列词语书写无误的一项是( )(3分)A. 怠慢船蓬宛转悠扬扫墓完毕B. 喘气糜子天南海北红旗飘扬C. 躁热战栗大彻大悟叹为观止D. 争讼思慕张灯结彩人情事故3. 下列各项中,对语病的修改不恰当的一项是( )(3分)A. 读书是指获取他人已预备好的符号、文字并加以理解、辨认、分析的过程,有时还伴随着朗读、鉴赏、记忆等行为。
(将“辨认”放在“理解”前)B. 研究表明:人们获取的信息,约85%左右是靠视觉得到的。
(去掉“约”或“左右”)C. 当主持人介绍到快递小哥刘阔的名字时,立刻站起身,面对镜头与全球收看春晚的观众们打着招呼。
(在“立刻”前加上“他”)D. 他的演讲感染了每一个人,现场传出一阵阵掌声和笑容。
(将“感染”改为“感动”)4. [2022·赣州月考]巧妙应对是口语交际的一项技巧,下列填入情境中的应对,最巧妙的一项是( )(3分)一天,瘦削的英国剧作家萧伯纳先生遇到一个大腹便便的商人。
冀教版八年级英语下册Unit 1 综合素质评价试卷 附答案
冀教版八年级英语下册Unit 1 综合素质评价限时: 60分钟满分: 100分一、单项选择(每小题1 分, 共10 分)1. When you stand on the top and look down, you’ll see a river ________ the hill.A. underB. aboveC. belowD. through2. 【2022·天津】Before you get off the bus, you should wait ________ it has stopped.A. untilB. butC. becauseD. so3. 【2022·石家庄十八县期中】— Which do you prefer, rice or noodles?—________, thanks. I am not hungry. I only need some water.A. NeitherB. EitherC. BothD. All4. —Why was the plane put off?—________ the heavy rain.A. BecauseB. Because ofC. Instead ofD. After5. 【2022·宿迁】— People in our town planted ________ trees on Tree Planting Day.—Good job! Everyone can do something to make our town greener.A. hundredB. hundred ofC. hundredsD. hundreds of6. There ________ a basketball match between Class One and Class Three thisafternoon.A. is going to beB. will haveC. are going to beD. is going to have7. He was once ________ killed in a car accident several years ago.A. completelyB. sadlyC. exactlyD. nearly8. 【荣德原创】Let’s go home as ________ as possible to enjoy zongzi with ourfamily, OK?A. earlyB. earlierC. the earlierD. earliest9. 【2022·铜仁】—Li Ping, I didn’t go summer campi ng last year.—________.A. So did IB. Neither did IC. Neither I didD. So I did10. 【2022·重庆A 卷】________ fresh spring morning it is!A. WhoB. WhatC. What aD. How二、完形填空(每小题2 分, 共20 分)Holidays always make me happy. Today is the last day of my summer holiday, 11. ________ I decide to write something about it.During the holidays, I like to play games with my friends, 12. ________ in the library and walk around in the park. Sometimes I 13. ________ some time playing with my younger sister.14. ________ the first day of my summer holiday, my friends Brock and Kate came to my home for a party. We 15. ________ late that night and had lots of fun! The next morning, we all went outside and 16. ________ our bikes around. Brock tried to r ide my sister’s bike, but he was too 17. ________ !A few days later, I went to play table tennis with Liam. I lost the game, but I still had lots of 18. ________. After that I went to Liam’s 19. ________ for his birthday party. We really enjoyed ourselves.Yesterday my friend Kathleen came to my house. She is 20.________ my sister’s friend. We had a great time together. We played lots of interesting games.11. A. because B. so C. if D. or12. A. sing B. dance C. read D. eat13. A. spend B. take C. cost D. have14. A. On B. In C. With D. At15. A. grew up B. put up C. got up D. stayed up16. A. bought B. took C. washed D. rode17. A. small B. big C. old D. short18. A. help B. fun C. work D. money19. A. country B. car C. house D. school20. A. also B. too C. always D. again三、阅读理解(每小题2 分, 共10 分)The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms (节气). It starts from the Beginning of Spring and ends with the Greater Cold, moving in cycles. I t is still useful today to guide people’s lives through special foods, cultural ceremonies and even healthy living tips.Grain Buds (小满), the 8th solar term of the year, begins on May 21 this year, and ends on June 5. It means that the seeds (种子) from the grain are becoming full. During the Grain Buds, summer harvest is about to begin. A saying about rain during this time mentions, “A heavy rainfall makes the river full. ” Because of the great increase in rainfall, rivers are full of water. This is a good time to enjoy fish. It is also the harvest season for fishermen.Frost’s Descent (霜降), the 18th solar term of the year, is the last solar term of autumn, during which time the weather becomes much colder than before and frost begins to appear. The apple is one kind of recommended (推荐的) fruit during Frost’s Descent. There are many sayings about apples’ benefits (益处) in China, such as “Eat an apple after meals; even old men can be as strong as young men. ”Minor Cold (小寒) is the 23rd one. For most areas of China, it marks the start of the coldest days of the year and people always start preparing for New Year. According to traditional Chinese medicine thoughts, people need to eat food that has more yang energy to prevent cold from harming their bodies. Another important traditional food for Minor Cold is Laba porridge (腊八粥).21. ________ is the last solar term of the year.A. Minor ColdB. Greater ColdC. Frost’s DescentD. Grain Buds22. How many days does Grain Buds last this year?A. Thirteen.B. Sixteen.C. Seventeen.D. Twenty.23. The underlined sentence “Eat an apple after meals; even old men can be as strongas young men. ” is closest in meaning to “________”.A. An apple a day keeps the doctor awayB. It’s more useful for old men to eat apples than young menC. If old men eat apples after meals, they will become younger and youngerD. Apples are useful only for old men24. In most areas of China, people always ________during Minor Cold.①prepare for New Year②have Laba porridge③say goodbye to the coldest days④wear warmer clothesA. ①②③B. ②③④C. ①②④D. ①③④25. We can learn from the passage that ________.A. it is necessary for people to take umbrellas with them during Grain BudsB. Frost’s Descen t is the 8th solar term of a yearC. people need to eat food that has less yang energy during Minor ColdD. it is always snowy during Frost’s Descent四、任务型阅读(每小题3 分, 共15 分)Qingming, meaning clear and bright, is the most important festival in spring. It is also named Tomb (墓) -Sweeping Festival. It comes in early April. On that day, people visit tombs to honor the dead (纪念死者). They always spend some time cleaning the tomb area. They usually plant some trees near the tombs and decorate them with fresh flowers. But it’s not just a day honoring the dead. It is also a good time to celebrate the coming of spring.With the coming of spring, nature wakes up, dressing the world in green. Birds begin to build houses for their babies. In forests and fields, many animals have babiesat this time of a year. Days begin to get longer and the weather gets warmer. In short, everything is new, clean and fresh. So Qingming is also a happy time for people to do sports outdoors, such as flying kites, swimming and hiking. This is why this festival has been very popular for thousands of years.26~27 题完成句子; 28 题简略回答问题; 29 题找出并写下全文的主题句; 30 题将文中画线句子翻译成汉语。
[1—4题每句1分,5题(1)(3)(4)(5)每小题2分,5题(2)小题1分]1. ________________,端居耻圣明。
3. 古代劳动人民为了君主不得不终年累月、昼夜不辍地奔波劳作,正如《式微》中所言:“微君之躬,_______________?”4.《子衿》中,“_______________,_______________”的内心独白,通过夸张的手法,形成主客观时间的反差,从而将女主人公急切的心理形象地表现出来。
5. 阅读语段,按要求完成下面的题目。
所谓“百里不同风,千里不同俗”,鲁迅记忆里那蒙着jiǎo()洁月色的社戏,贺敬之心中那永不变味的糜.()子、油馍和米酒,刘成章笔下那气势磅礴、粗犷.()豪放的安塞腰鼓,吴伯箫文字里那静穆的、暖róng r óng()的灯笼,无一不是民俗风情画卷中色彩浓重的一笔。
下面是八年级学生综合评价的一些评语,供参考:1. 学习成绩:- 学习成绩优秀,各科成绩稳步提高。
- 学习态度认真,每次考试都努力争取更好的成绩。
- 对待学习态度积极,但仍需加强对基础知识的掌握。
- 有较好的学习能力,但对于理解能力的培养还需加强。
- 学习进步明显,但在一些难点知识上还需多加巩固。
2. 品德发展:- 品德端正,言行举止得体,与同学关系融洽。
- 具有较好的纪律意识,遵守学校规章制度。
- 积极参加社会实践活动,能够主动关心他人并提供帮助。
- 待人友善,善于与人协作,具备团队合作精神。
- 有很强的责任心,积极参与学校公益活动。
3. 思想道德:- 持积极向上的思想态度,热爱祖国,关心社会。
- 具有较好的道德品质,能够正确对待诱惑和挑战。
- 学习中有主动思考的意识,具备一定的创新能力。
- 具有良好的价值观和人生观,能够正确分辨是非。
- 关心自身成长,注重思想道德的培养,乐于向周围的人学习。
4. 身心健康:- 身体健康,积极参加体育锻炼,保持良好的体态。
- 具有良好的生活习惯,规律作息,保证充足的睡眠时间。
- 具备应对困难和压力的能力,能够积极调节情绪。
- 具有健康的心理素质,能够正确面对学习和生活中的挑战。
- 重视饮食健康,注重均衡膳食,有良好的饮食习惯。
译林版八年级英语下册Unit 1 综合素质评价含答案
译林版八年级英语下册Unit 1 综合素质评价限时: 100分钟满分: 100分一、单项选择(每小题1 分,共15 分)从A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
( ) 1. —Have you _______ been to New York, Tony?—No, never. I plan to go there this winter holiday.A. everB. stillC. yetD. already ( ) 2. I hav en’t seen my father _______ last Sunday.A. 不填B. forC. sinceD. before( ) 3. People have built more and more tall buildings here _______ the years. But at the same time, the city becomes more crowded.A. onB. toC. overD. since( ) 4. —Bob, I want to buy a car, but I don’t have enough money. Do you have any good ideas?—Why not buy a second-hand one? My cousin has a used car in perfect ______.A. informationB. conversationC. communicationD. condition( ) 5. —I’ve left my keys in the office.—Again? But _______, let’s see what we can do about it.A. indeedB. anywayC. insteadD. exactly ( ) 6. —Daniel seldom has friends, _______?—No, so he often feels _______.A. does he; lonelyB. doesn’t he; aloneC. has n’t he; aloneD. has he; lonely( ) 7. —I hear that your good friend David _______ books about history.—Yes, but now he _______ novels.A. used to read; used to readB. use to read; used to readingC. use to read; is used to readingD. used to read; is used to reading( ) 8. —Have you finished your housework _______?—Yes, I’ve done that _______.A. yet; alreadyB. already; yetC. ever; neverD. still; just( ) 9. Jack _______ Rose in 1998. That is to say, they _______ for 25 years.A. got married with; have got marriedB. got married to; have marriedC. married; have been marriedD. married to; have been married( ) 10. —I’m glad to see that the school has _______ the open space _______ a basketball court.—Me too. We can play basketball there.A. moved; intoB. grown; intoC. turned; intoD. put; into ( ) 11. —What are Millie and Mr. Chen talking about?—The main topic of the _______ is about the changes in the town.A. situationB. conclusionC. competitionD. communication( ) 12. —Where is your deskmate? The film will begin soon.—Don’t worry. I _______ her and she is on the way.A. callB. will callC. have calledD. was calling ( ) 13. He likes playing tricks on others, but _______, he is a good boy. He is willing to help others.A. in this wayB. in some waysC. in that wayD. by the way( ) 14. I used to ____ at half past six, but now I am getting used to _____ at seven.A. getting up; get upB. get up; getting upC. got up; getting upD. got up; get up( ) 15. — Have you finished your homework yet?—_______. I still need another 10 minutes.A. No wayB. Of courseC. No problemD. Not exactly二、完形填空(每小题1 分,共15 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
外研版八年级英语下册Module 1 综合素质评价附答案
外研版八年级英语下册Module 1 综合素质评价限时: 60分钟满分: 100分一、单项选择(每小题1 分, 共10 分)1. Thanks for ________ me such a great photo. You look pretty good.A. sendB. sentC. to sendD. sending2. Put on the ________, or you can’t see the 3-D film clearly.A. glassesB. glovesC. jeansD. sweater3. — Is this a photo of your daughter?— Yes. She looks ________ in the red dress!A. lovelyB. happilyC. quietlyD. politely4. You can go on a vacation after your work is ________.A. doB. doingC. didD. done5. My brother spends one hour ________ every day.A. ranB. runC. runningD. to run6. Linda is very ________ because she’s going to China on holiday.A. excitedB. excitingC. interestedD. interesting7. You did a good job, Jane. We are ________ you.A. strict withB. sorry forC. proud ofD. angry with8.【2022·鄂州】—Dinner is ready. Help yourself, please!—Wow! It ________ delicious.A. tastesB. soundsC. turnsD. gets9.【2022·贵港】—________ wonderful the opening of the Beijing Winter Olympics is!—So it is.A. How aB. HowC. What aD. What10. —________?—She is of medium height with blue eyes.A. How is RitaB. What does Rita likeC. What does Rita look likeD. How do you like Rita二、完形填空(每小题1. 5 分, 共15 分)Dogs have feelings just like you and me. They cry when they are 11. ________, and they smile when they are happy. It’s true. Dogs have a lot of ways of 12. ________ their feelings without using words. You just need to 13. ________ their body language. For example, what does it 14. ________ when your dog wags his tail(摇尾巴)? He is telling you that he is happy, or that he is 15. ________ something. When your dog puts his tail 16. ________ his legs, he is probably afraid, or not feeling 17. ________. Also, it isn’t hot outside, but does your dog look like he is panting (喘气)? Don’t worry! He is fine. It may be strange, 18. ________ that’s how dogs smile when they relax. Here is a(n) 19. ________. You can try it at home. Ask your 20. ________, “Do you want to go for a walk?” Watch his body language closely, and you’ll probably see him answer, “Yes!”11. A. healthy B. sad C. strong D. welcome12. A. losing B. getting C. telling D. hurting13. A. clean B. watch C. smell D. listen14. A. produce B. hide C. warn D. mean15. A. interested in B. famous for C. different from D. afraid of16. A. of B. between C. on D. from17. A. proud B. lucky C. nervous D. good18. A. and B. but C. so D. or19. A. advantage B. market C. exercise D. job20. A. rabbit B. dog C. cat D. pig三、阅读理解 (每小题2 分, 共20 分)ALong ago in a small village, there was a place known as the House of 1,000 Mirrors.A happy little dog decided to visit this place. When he arrived, hejumped up the stairs of the House. His ears were raised high and his tail was wagging as fast as it could. To his surprise, he saw 1,000 happy dogs in the mirrors. They wagged their tails as fast as his tail. He smiled a big smile. He saw 1,000 friendly smiles. As he left, he thought to himself, “This is a wonderful place. I will come back again.”In the same village, there was another little dog. He was not happy all the time. He also decided to visit the House. He climbed the stairs slowly. He hung his head low when he looked into the mirrors. He saw 1,000 unfriendly dogs staring at him. He shouted at them. He was scared to see 1,000 little dogs shouting back at him. After he left, he thought to himself, “That is a terrible place. I will never go back there again.”In fact, all the faces in the world are mirrors. When you smile at others, they’ll smile at you, too.21. Which place did the two dogs visit?A. A big city.B. A pet shop.C. The House of 1,000 Mirrors.D. A street.22. What does the underlined word “wagging” in Paragraph 2 mean?A. 摇摆B. 竖立C. 下垂D. 跳跃23. The underlined word “They” refers to ________.A. 1,000 unfriendly dogsB. 100 friendly dogsC. 100 unfriendly dogsD. 1,000 happy dogs24. The happy little dog thought that the place was ________.A. a clean placeB. a terrible placeC. a wonderful placeD. a dirty place25. What can we learn from this passage?A. Two little dogs will visit the place again.B. All the faces in the world are mirrors.C. All the little dogs in the mirrors smiled.D. Two little dogs were scared to see 1,000 little dogs.B【2022·十堰】There is no doubt that technology has had a big influence on our lives. People from all around the world can now talk to each other almost at once on mobile phones and the Internet. People can easily solve their problems with the help of computers and the World Wide Web. With this technology, it seems that the world is more connected now than ever before. Even so, there have been worries about technology making people feel lonely and disconnected from others around them.So does this mean that technology makes us lonely?In my opinion, it is hard to say Yes or No.It’s true that humans need communication with each other. If we depend on technology too much to communicate, this can badly impact our mental (心理的) health. For me, technology is a tool. And just like any other kind of tool — like scissors, a pencil or a ruler, for example, it depends on how we use it: in a right way or in a right place. Take social media (社交媒体) as an example. If you only use it to compare yourself with others, you might feel sad and lonely. But if you use it as a tool to connect with friends and family or to start a new community to talk about your hobbies and interests, the loneliness will turn into love and friendship.When you feel lonely after staring at your computer screen all day, maybe you can use that technology to reach out to a reliable (可靠的) friend and invite him or her out for lunch or a coffee.26. According to the writer, technology is ________.A. a toolB. an influenceC. a pair of scissorsD. a way of communication27. What’s the meaning of the underlined word “impact” in Paragraph 4?A. 帮助B. 促进C. 影响D. 进入28. According to the passage, if people use technology too much, people may ______.A. sleep lessB. live longerC. feel lonelyD. get more jobs29. When we use technology to ________ others, we can find love and friendship.A. argue withB. compete withC. connect withD. compare with30. What’s the main idea of the passage?A. Social media is important to us.B. Technology can be good and bad to us.C. People need to communicate with each other.D. Computers and the Internet help us with our work.四、词汇应用 (每小题2 分, 共20 分)A) 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空31. I like music, ________ (especial) classical music.32. I’d like ________ (thank) you for your invitation to your birthday party.33. Tom was afraid of ________ (speak) Chinese when he came to China forthe first time.34. Don’t tell your real information to the ________ (strange) when youchat with them on the Internet.35. Everyone in our class should try his or her best ________ (study) for the exam.B) 根据汉语意思完成句子, 每空不限填一词。
1. 课堂表现。
- 我始终保持较高的课堂专注度,积极参与课堂互动。
- 但我也意识到自己存在一些不足,有时候会过于急切地表达观点,没有充分听取其他同学的想法。
2. 作业完成情况。
- 大部分时间我都能按时、认真地完成各科作业。
- 偶尔也会因为时间安排不合理,导致作业完成得比较仓促。
3. 学习成绩。
- 在本学期的几次考试中,我的成绩有一定的波动。
1. 道德观念。
- 我秉持着诚实、善良、尊重他人的道德观念。
- 我也注重遵守社会公德,在公共场合遵守秩序,爱护环境。
2. 责任感。
- 在班级中,我担任[具体职务],对待班级工作认真负责。
2020年北师大版八年级数学下册 第1章 三角形的证明 单元综合评价试卷含解析
2020年北师大版八年级数学下册第1章三角形的证明单元综合评价试卷含解析姓名座号题号一二三总分得分考后反思(我思我进步):一.选择题(共10小题)1.如图,是一个5×5的正方形网格,网格中的每个小正方形的边长均为1.点A和点B在小正方形的顶点上.点C也在小正方形的顶点上.若△ABC为等腰三角形,满足条件的C点的个数为()A.6B.7C.8D.92.等腰三角形的一个角是80°,它的底角的大小为()A.80°B.20°C.80°或20°D.80°或50°3.如图,在△ABC中,BD平分∠ABC,ED∥BC,若AB=4,AD=2,则△AED的周长是()A.6B.7C.8D.104.等边△ABC的两条角平分线BD和CE相交所夹锐角的度数为()A.60°B.90°C.120°D.150°5.在△ABC中,∠A:∠B:∠C=2:2:5,则△ABC是()A.等腰三角形B.等边三角形C.直角三角形D.锐角三角形6.用反证法证明:“三角形三内角中至少有一个角不大于60°”时,第一步应是()A.假设三角形三内角中至多有一个角不大于60°B.假设三角形三内角中至少有一个角不小于60°C.假设三角形三内角都大于60°D.假设三角形三内角中至少有一个角大于60°7.在△ABC中,∠ACB=90°,CD⊥AB于点D,∠A=30°,以下说法错误的是()A.AC=2CD B.AD=2CD C.AD=3BD D.AB=2BC8.已知直角三角形的周长为14,斜边上的中线长为3.则直角三角形的面积为()A.5B.6C.7D.89.点D在△ABC的边BC上,△ABD和△ACD的面积相等,则AD是()A.中线B.高线C.角平分线D.中垂线10.如图,BD是△ABC的角平分线,DE⊥AB于E,△ABC的面积是15,AB=9,BC=6,则DE 的长为()A.1B.3C.2D.4二.填空题(共8小题)11.如图,已知P是∠ACB平分线CD上一点,PM⊥CA,PN⊥CB,垂足分别是M、N,如果PM =4,那么PN=.12.如图,在△ABC中,AB=AC,D、E两点分别在AC、BC上,BD是∠ABC的平分线,DE∥AB,若BE=5cm,CE=3cm,则△CDE的周长是.13.如图,△ABC中,AC=6cm,AB=8cm,BC=10cm,DE是边AB的垂直平分线,则△ADC的周长为cm.14.△ABC中,∠A=24°,∠C=66°,AC=8cm,则AC边上的中线长为cm.15.等腰△ABC中,BD⊥AC,垂足为点D,且BD=AC,则等腰△ABC底角的度数为.16.在Rt△ABC中,CD是斜边AB上的高,∠A=25°,则∠B=,∠BCD=.17.如图,过等边△ABC的顶点A作射线,若∠1=20°,则∠2的度数是.18.等腰三角形中,一个内角为40度,则这个三角形的顶角是.三.解答题(共8小题)19.如图所示,△ABC中,∠ABC=90°,AD为∠BAC的平分线,∠C=30°,BE⊥AD于E点,求证:AC﹣AB=2BE.20.如图,在△ABC中,AB=AC,D是三角形内一点,连接AD,BD,CD,∠BDC=90°,∠DBC=45°.(1)求证:∠BAD=∠CAD;(2)求∠ADB的度数.21.已知:如图,B、D分别在AC、CE上,AD是∠CAE的平分线,BD∥AE,AB=BC.求证:AC =AE.22.如图,在Rt△ABC中,∠ACB=90°,∠A=28°,△ABC的外角∠CBD的平分线BE交AC 的延长线于点E,过点D作DF∥BE,交AC的延长线于点F,求∠D的度数.23.如图,在Rt△ABC中,∠C=90°,AD平分∠CAB,CD=1.5,BD=2.5,求AC的长.24.在八年级上册中我们曾经通过画图得到结论:斜边和一条直角边对应相等的两个直角三角形全等.学习了勾股定理后,请试着证明这个结论.25.已知,如图,∠ABC=∠ADC=90°,点E、F分别是AC、BD的中点,AC=10,BD=6.(1)求证:EF⊥BD;(2)求EF的长.26.如图,△ABC中,AB,AC边的垂直平分线分别交BC于点D,E,垂足分别为点F,G,△ADE 的周长为6cm.(1)求△ABC中BC边的长度;(2)若∠BAC=116°,求∠DAE的度数.参考答案与试题解析一.选择题(共10小题)1.解:①以AB为腰时,符合条件的有点CDEFGH;②以AB为底时,符合条件的有点IJ;共6+2=8,故选:C.2.解:①当顶角是80°时,它的底角=(180°﹣80°)=50°;②底角是80°.所以底角是50°或80°.故选:D.3.解:∵ED∥BC,∴∠EDB=∠CBD,∵BD平分∠ABC,∴∠CBD=∠ABD,∴∠EDB=∠ABD,∴DE=BE,∴AE+ED+AD=AE+BE+AD=AB+AD=4+2=6,即△AED的周长为6,故选:A.4.解:如图,设等边△ABC的两条角平分线BD和CE相交于I,∵△ABC是等边三角形,∴∠A=∠ABC=∠ACB=60°,∵BI平分∠ABC,CI平分∠ACB,∴∠IBC=∠ABC=30°,∠ICB=∠ACB=30°,∴∠BIE=30°+30°=60°,即等边△ABC的两条角平分线BD和CE相交所夹锐角的度数为60°;故选:A.5.解:∵△ABC中,∠A:∠B:∠C=2:2:5,∴设∠A=2x,则∠B=2x,∠C=5x,∵∠A+∠B+∠C=180°,∴2x+2x+5x=180°,解得x=20°,∴∠A=∠B=40°,∠C=5x=5×20°=100°.∴AC=CB.∴△ABC是钝角三角形,等腰三角形.故选:A.6.解:根据不大于的反面是大于,则第一步应是假设三角形三内角都大于60°.故选:C.7.解:∵△ABC中,∠ACB=90°,∠A=30°,∴AB=2BC;∵CD⊥AB,∴AC=2CD,∴∠B=60°,又CD⊥AB,∴∠BCD=30°,在Rt△BCD中,∠BCD=30°,CD=BD,在Rt△ABC中,∠A=30°,AD=CD=3BD,故选:B.8.解:∵∠ACB=90°,CD是斜边上的中线,∴AB=2CD=6,∵AB+AC+BC=14,∴AC+BC=8,由勾股定理得:AC2+BC2=AB2=36,∴(AC+BC)2﹣2AC•BC=36,AC•BC=14,∴S=AC•BC=7.故选:C.9.解:∵点D在△ABC的边BC上,△ABD和△ACD的面积相等,∴AD是△ABC的中线,故选:A.10.解:作DF⊥BC交BC的延长线于F,∵BD是△ABC的角平分线,DE⊥AB,DF⊥BC,∴DE=DF,由题意得,×AB×DE+×BC×DF=15,即×9×DE+×6×DF=15,解得,DE=2,故选:C.二.填空题(共8小题)11.解:∵P是∠ACB平分线CD上一点,PM⊥CA,PN⊥CB,∴PN=PM=4,故答案为4.12.解:∵DE∥AB,BD平分∠ABC,∴∠EBD=∠ABD=∠EDB,∴DE=BE=5cm,∵AB=AC,DE∥AB,∴∠C=∠ABE=∠DEC,∴DC=DE=5cm,且CE=3cm,∴DE+EC+CD=5cm+3cm+5cm=13cm,即△CDE的周长为13cm,故答案为:13cm.13.解:∵DE是边AB的垂直平分线,BC=10cm,AC=6cm,∴AD=BD,∴△ADC的周长=AD+DC+AC=BD+DC+AC=BC+AC=16cm;故答案为:16.14.解:∵∠A=24°,∠C=66°,∴∠B=180°﹣∠A﹣∠B=90°,∴AC边上的中线长为AC==4(cm),故答案为:4.15.解:①如图1,当点B是顶角顶点时,∵AB=BC,BD⊥AC,∴AD=CD,∵BD=AC,∴BD=AD=CD,在Rt△ABD中,∠A=∠ABD=×(180°﹣90°)=45°;②如图2,当点B是底角顶点,且BD在△ABC外部时,∵BD=AC,AC=BC,∴BD=BC,∴∠BCD=30°,∴∠ABC=∠BAC=×30°=15°;③如图3,当点B是底角顶点,且BD在△ABC内部时,∵BD=AC,AC=BC,∴BD=BC,∴∠C=30°,∴∠ABC=∠BAC=(180°﹣30°)=75°;故答案为:15°或45°或75°.16.解:如图:∵∠ACB=90°,∴∠A+∠B=90°,∴∠B=90°﹣25°=65°.∵CD是斜边AB上的高,∴∠CDB=90°,∴∠BCD+∠B=90°,∴∠BCD=90°﹣65°=25°.故答案为65°、25°.17.解:如图,∵∠BAC=60°,∠1=20°,∴∠CAD=40°,又∵∠C=60°,∴∠2=∠C+∠CAD=60°+40°=100°,故答案为:100°.18.解:分情况考虑:当40°是顶角时,顶角就是40°;当40°是底角时,则顶角是100°.故答案为:40°或100°.三.解答题(共8小题)19.解:∵△ABC中,∠ABC=90°,∠C=30°,∴∠BAC=60°,AC=2AB,∵AD为∠BAC的平分线,∴,∵BE⊥AD,∴∠AEB=90°.∴AB=2BE,∴AC﹣AB=2AB﹣AB=AB=2BE.即AC﹣AB=2BE.20.(1)证明:∵∠BDC=90°,∠DBC=45°,∴∠BCD=180°﹣∠BDC﹣∠DBC=45°,∴∠DBC=∠BCD,∴DB=DC.在△ABD与△ACD中,,∴△ABD≌△ACD(SSS),∴∠BAD=∠CAD;(2)解:∵△ABD≌△ACD(SSS),∴∠ADB=∠ADC,∵∠ADB+∠ADC+∠BDC=360°,∠BDC=90°,∴∠ADB=(360°﹣90°)=135°.21.证明:∵AD是∠CAE的平分线,∴∠BAD=∠DAE,∵BD∥AE,∴∠BDA=∠DAE,∴∠BAD=∠BDA,∴AB=BD,∵AB=BC,∴BC=BD,∴∠C=∠CDB,∵BD∥AE,∴∠E=∠CDB,∴∠C=∠E,∴AC=AE.22.解:∵∠ACB=90°,∠A=28°,∴∠ABC=62°,∴∠CBD=180°﹣62°=118°,∵BE平分∠CBD,∴∠EBC=∠CBD=59°,∴∠ABE=62°+59°=121°,∵DF∥BE,∴∠D=∠ABE=121°.23.解:如图,过D作DE⊥AB于E,∵∠C=90°,AD平分∠CAB,CD=1.5,∴DE=CD=1.5,在Rt△DEB中,由勾股定理得:BE===2,∵AD=AD,CD=DE,∠C=∠AED,∴Rt△ACD≌Rt△AED,∴AC=AE,设AC=AE=x,则AB=x+2,由勾股定理得:AB2=AC2+CB2,即(x+2)2=x2+42,解得x=3,∴AC=3.24.已知:△ABC和△A'B'C'是直角三角形,AC=A'C',AB=A'B',求证:△ABC≌△A'B'C',证明:∵△ABC和△A'B'C'是直角三角形,∴∠B=∠B'=90°,∵AC=A'C',AB=A'B',∴由勾股定理可得:BC===A'C'∴△ABC≌△A'B'C'25.证明:(1)连接BE,DE∵∠ABC=∠ADC=90°,点E是AC的中点,∴BE=AC,DE=AC∴BE=DE∵点F是BD的中点,BE=DE∴EF⊥BD(2)∵BE=AC∴BE=5∵点F是BD的中点∴BF=DF=3在Rt△BEF中,EF===426.解:(1)∵AB的中垂线交BC于D,AC的中垂线交BC于E,∴DA=DB,EA=EC,则△ADE的周长=AD+DE+AE=BD+DE+EC=BC=6(cm),∴BC=6cm,(2)∵∠BAC=116°,∴∠B+∠C=180°﹣116°=64°,∵DA=DB,EA=EC,∴∠B=∠DAB,∠C=∠EAC,∵∠ADE=∠B+∠DAB,∠AED=∠C+∠EAC,∴∠ADE+∠AED=128°,∴∠DAE=180°﹣128°=52°.。
人教版八年级英语下册Unit 1 综合素质评价 附答案
人教版八年级英语下册Unit 1 综合素质评价(限时: 120分钟满分: 120分)一、听力(共30 分)I. 情景反应根据听到的句子,选择恰当的应答语。
(5 分)( )1. A. I’m happy. B. He’s great.C. I’m sorry to hear that.( )2. A. No, I don’t. B. Yes, he does.C. Yes, he did.( )3. A. I have a cold. B. It doesn’t mat ter.C. No, I don’t.( )4. A. Yes, I am a doctor. B. No, I have a cold.C. No, I can’t.( )5. A. I hurt myself yesterday. B. I did my homework.C. I want to be a doctor.II. 对话问答根据听到的对话及问题,选择正确答案。
(5 分)( )6. A. The car accident happened. B. It began to rain heavily.C. The earthquake happened.( )7. A. He has a headache. B. He might have a fever.C. He is hot.( )8. A. She has a bad cold. B. She feels very terrible.C. She feels better now.( )9. A. She will put some medicine on the cut.B. She will run the cut under the water.C. She will put a bandage on the cut.( )10. A . She has a toothache. B. She has a headache.C. She has a stomach ache.III. 图片理解看图听描述,选择与听到的描述内容相符合的选项, 下列图中有一幅图片与描述内容无关。
人教版八年级英语下册Unit 1 综合素质评价附答案
人教版八年级英语下册Unit 1 综合素质评价(限时: 100分钟满分: 120分) 一、听力理解(20 小题,每小题1 分,共20 分)第一节:听下面5段对话。
每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳答案。
( )1. When did Bob hurt his legs?A. Two minutes ago.B. Three minutes ago.C. Four minutes ago.( )2. What’s the matter with Mike?A. He has a headache.B. He has a toothache.C. He has a stomachache.( )3. Why didn’t Jerry go to Jim’s party last Friday?A. Because he had a nosebleed.B. Because he had a fever.C. Because he had a cough.( )4. Where is the honey?A. On the table.B. In the fridge.C. In the kitchen.( )5. What will Tina’s dad do for her?A. Run the cut under water.B. Put a bandage on the cut.C. Put some medicine on the cut.第二节:听下面几段对话或独白。
每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳答案。
听下面一段对话,回答第 6 至第7 两个小题。
( )6. What time does Steve usually go to bed?A. At 10:30 p.m.B. At 11:00 p.m.C. At 11:30 p.m. ( )7. What does the girl advise Steve to do before going to bed?A. To drink some milk.B. To do some exercise.C. To take some medicine.听下面一段对话,回答第8 至第9 两个小题。
人教版英语八年级下册 Unit 1 综合素质评价
Unit 1 综合素质评价(限时: 60分钟满分: 100分)一、单项选择(每小题1.5 分, 共15 分)1. —I don’t care what my teachers think.—Well, you ________.A. couldB. wouldC. shouldD. might2. She talks ________ but does little, so she isn’t good at her subjects.A. too muchB. too manyC. much tooD. many too3. [2023 武汉] Please bring Ms. Steen to the welcome party ________ telling her sothat she can be surprised.A. aboutB. fromC. withoutD. for4. —Can I help you?—I want to buy ________.A. two kilos meatB. two kilos of meatC. two kilo meatsD. two kilos of meats5. Smoking is bad for our health, so I want to ask my father to ________.A. give it inB. give in itC. give it upD. give up it6. [2023 石家庄外国语学校月考] Your temperature is 39℃. Maybe you ________.A. have a coldB. have a headacheC. have a feverD. have a sore back7. When I walked past the park, I saw some old people ________ tai chi.A. doB. doesC. doingD. are doing8. [2023 襄阳襄州区月考] —What’s the matter with Mary?—She cut ________ on some broken glass and lost much blood.A. myselfB. himselfC. herselfD. yourself9. —When did it start?—________.A. About a week agoB. TomorrowC. It started with nothingD. In the future10. —We shouldn’t worry about Mary.—You are right. She is ________ to look after ________.A. old enough; herselfB. tall enough; herselfC. enough old; herD. enough tall; her二、完形填空(每小题1.5 分, 共15 分)Some people think that wealth (财富) can give them happiness. They think money can usually 11 them a better life and make them feel happy. Others have a 12 idea. They think that money is not the most 13 . They need more things than just money to live a happy life. They think money can be good only when one knows 14 to use it.Money is important but it’s not15 . There are more important things, such as health, friends and family. I don’t think one can be happy without a16 body. We should have the goal to work hard and live a good life but we should also 17 to keep healthy. Also, money cannot get us 18 who truly care about us and are willing (愿意的) to share our feelings. Money cannot 19 us family happiness. As the saying goes, “Happy is he who is content (满足的)”. So friends, whether you’re rich20 poor, be content with what you have. This will make you feel happy all the time.11. A. bring B. take C. show D. leave12. A. same B. right C. wrong D. different13. A. interesting B. important C. boring D. beautiful14. A. how B. why C. who D. what15. A. nobody B. nothing C. everybody D. everything16. A. sick B. poor C. healthy D. weak17. A. exercise B. read C. travel D. study18. A. doctors B. children C. friends D. parents19. A. pass B. show C. buy D. talk20. A. and B. or C. so D. but三、阅读理解(每小题2 分, 共10 分)Luo Han, a 9-year-old boy, exercises for at least two hours every day. His habit of exercising is due to his father Luo Ge, who actively encourages him to enjoy nature, rather than caring only about his learning. And this has raised lots of discussion online.Many agree with the father! “Many of us students have too much schoolwork, and exercise can make us relaxed, so outdoor activities are necessary,” said Liu Yu, 18, a college student. Wang Tao, a parent of a 16-year-old, thinks so as well. “It’s more than a way to relax. It’s a training of willpower (意志力), ” she says.But some also have worries. “Two hours isn’t too much for a 9-year-old, but it might be difficult for high school students. With so much schoolwork in high school, we don’t have so much time to exercise at all, ” says Huang Xi, from Liyang High School of Jiangsu Province.Ms Zhu, who has a daughter in middle school, also thinks that two hours is too much for the students and parents. “After work, I need to do housework. After my daughter finishes her homework, she wants to watch TV. Neither of us would think of going outside for exercise, ” Zhu says.Other parents are worried about the safety of outdoor activities, even though the time for exercise is not a problem.21. What does Liu Yu do?A. A runner.B. A coach.C. A P. E. teacher.D. A college student.322. What does Wang Tao think of Luo Han’s habit of exercising?A. Hard.B. Impossible.C. Helpful.D. Boring.23. What does Ms Zhu have to do after work?A. Do housework.B. Do sports.C. Help her kids with homework.D. Rest.24. Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage? (①=Paragraph 1)A. B.C. D.25. Which is the best title of the passage?A. Different Exercise HabitsB. Different Ideas on a Boy’s Habit of ExercisingC. Outdoor Activities after WorkD. A Hard-Working Boy四、词汇运用(每小题1 分, 共10 分)A) 根据句意及汉语提示写单词。
部编版八年级语文下册第一单元综合素质评价 附答案
部编版八年级语文下册第一单元综合素质评价[时间:120分钟满分:120分]一、积累与运用(40分)1. 阅读下面一段文字,完成后面问题。
(2分)旋.风( ) 安塞.腰鼓( ) tián静( ) kàng奋( )(2)上面文段中有两个错别字,请指出并改正。
(2分)“________”应改为“________”“________”应改为“________”2. 下列句子中加点成语使用不恰当的一项是( )(4分)A. 这场大型武术舞台剧融合了声光电技术,场面极其壮观,令人叹为观止....。
B. 在老师的教育下,小明终于大彻大悟....,不再随意传播谣言。
C. 当舞者的动作戛然而止....时,整个端午节晚会现场出奇地寂静,人们沉浸在无尽的回味中。
D. 对于懂人情世故....的人而言,凡做事就一定要讲究礼数。
3. 【2022·绥化】下列各项语法知识中,表述不正确的一项是( )(4分)A. “我与父亲不相见已二年余了,我最不能忘记的是他的背影。
B. “游击队员们正穿过高大的树林和茂密的青纱帐。
C. “我确实亲眼看见过倒挂着还能开花的仙人掌”一句中的“还”是介词。
D. “互相挑逗”“春红已谢”“活泼热闹”“争取民主”,这四个短语分别是偏正短语、主谓短语、并列短语、动宾短语。
4. 下列句子中,标点符号使用正确的一项是( )(4分)A. 我很想看看这北极老鼠到底是个什么样子?便在后面紧追不舍。
第一单元综合素质评价一、积累与运用(10分)1. 阅读下面的语段,完成(1)~(4)题。
(1)语段中加点字“恬”的正确读音是( )(1分)A. tiǎnB. tiánC. shìD. shé(2)在语段中的横线①处填入词语,恰当的一项是( )(2分)A. 戛然而止B. 半途而废C. 中道而止D. 适可而止(3)在语段中的横线②处填入汉字,正确的一项是( )(1分)A. 澡B. 躁C. 噪D. 燥(4)语段中画波浪线的句子有语病,请把修改正确的句子写下来。
(2分)2. 将下列句子依次填入语段中的横线处,顺序最恰当的一项是( )(2分) 胡同是北京特有的一种古老的城市小巷,________,________。
①明清以后又不断发展,最多时有6 000多条②这些地区都是您感受胡同文化的好去处③据统计,北京现有胡同1 000多条,纵横交错,织成了荟萃万千的老北京景观④现今胡同景观保存相对完好的区域有东城区、西城区⑤最早起源于元代A. ④②⑤①③B. ④②③⑤①C. ⑤④①②③D. ⑤①③④②3. 下列句子没有使用比喻修辞手法的一项是( )(2分)A. 淡黑的起伏的连山,仿佛是踊跃的铁的兽脊似的,都远远地向船尾跑去了。
B. 百十个斜背响鼓的后生,如百十块被强震不断击起的石头,狂舞在你的面前。
外研版英语八年级下册Module 1 综合素质评价
Module 1 综合素质评价60分钟100分一、单项选择(每小题1.5 分, 共15 分)1. Do wait _______ me. You always can’t wait _______ play basketball.A. for;toB. to;forC. to;toD. for;for2. —I can’t get to sleep. I feel very _______ because of tomorrow’s exam.—Take it easy. I’m sure you can do it well.A. relaxedB. excitedC. nervousD. angry3. My brother does not do well in English, so he is _______ of speaking English inclass.A. angryB. excitedC. afraidD. happy4. This durian(榴莲) smells _______ but tastes _______.A. terrible; niceB. terrible; terribleC. terribly; niceD. terribly; terrible5. [2023 孝感] —Daniel, try this strawberry cake.—It _______ delicious. I’d like to have some more.A. smellsB. feelsC. tastesD. looks6. —Was it necessary _______ John _______ some photos before helping the oldman?—I think so. In this way, he could protect himself later.A. of; takingB. for; takingC. of; to takeD. for; to take7. —There is _______ in Tina’s WeChat shop.—So that’s why I decide to buy the pre sent in _______ shop.A. something special; otherB. special something; the otherC. nothing special; anotherD. special nothing; others8. —What does your sister look like?—_______A. She’s tall with glasses.B. She’s very kind.C. She’s a polite girl.D. She’s very helpful.9. [2023 宿迁] —China won all the gold medals at the 2023 World Table TennisChampionships!—_______ exciting news!A. What aB. How aC. HowD. What10. —Would you like to have a picnic with us?—_______ . Thanks.A. Yes, I’d love t oB. It doesn’t matterC. I’m sorry to hear thatD. I don’t think so二、完形填空(每小题1.5 分, 共15 分)Sometimes it may be hard to tell others that you’re feeling sad or worried. But if you keep these 11 in your heart and don’t talk about them 12 others, you may fall ill at last!You can talk with someone who 13 a lot about you, like your mum or dad, and then you may feel better. Now you’re not alone with your problems or worries.14 if you don’t want to talk with your parents, what should you do? It is 15 to find another trusty adult (可信任的成年人), like a teacher at school. Maybe this person can help you talk with your parents about your 16 .Once you know who you can talk to, you should 17 a time and a place to talk. If it’s difficult for you to say what you think, 18 on a piece of paper. If the person can’t understand what you mean right away, 19 to say it in a different way or give an example.You may feel 20 about sharing your feelings, but you should remember i t’s necessary to share feelings when you need help.11. A. feelings B. ideas C. messages D. hobbies12. A. on B. with C. of D. over13. A. talks B. thanks C. helps D. cares14. A. So B. And C. But D. Or15. A. better B. worse C. harder D. easier16. A. subjects B. questions C. problems D. marks17. A. look B. choose C. take D. have18. A. write them down B. pick them upC. write it downD. pick it up19. A. want B. decide C. plan D. try20. A. nervous B. proud C. happy D. surprised三、阅读理解( 每小题3 分, 共30 分)ADear Erik,Surprise! I believe you didn’t expect(预料) a note from your mom in your lunch box! How is your school day? I hope it is going well. You always do your best. I am proud of you!Because I had to leave so early this morning, I wrote this note last night and put it into your lunch box to wish you well on your speech(演讲) today. With all of your amazing research, writing, and practice, you are going to do great!I know that you get a little nervous talking in front of large groups—everybody does. But, just remember what you practiced and you just might forget about being nervous.Here are just a few things to remember when you are giving a speech:1. Make eye contact(眼神交流) with your classmates.2. Speak clearly and slowly.3. Look at your notecards only when you have to.4. Enjoy yourself! Once you are in front of the class, pretend(假装) that you are a famous expert on your topic and everyone is listening carefully to your EVERY word.(I do that sometimes!)Well, that’s all for now. I am thinking of you today and I know you will do great. Do your best and be brave like George Washington. He was an excellent choice for your speech.Good luck, Erik!3Maybe we can go out for ice cream after school!Love,Mom21. Where did Erik probably find this note?A. In his house.B. In his book.C. In his wallet.D. In his lunch box.22. What was Erik mainly going to do in school that day?A. To give a speech.B. To research his topic.C. To have ice cream.D. To write some notecards.23. How does Erik feel when he is talking in front of large groups?A. Happy.B. Nervous.C. Sad.D. Relaxed.24. Erik’s mother advised him to _______ to enjoy himself.A. read his notecardsB. look at his classmatesC. talk like a famous expertD. practice with his friends25. We can infer (推断) that Erik’s mother was full of _______ from this note.A. loveB. fearC. thanksD. surpriseBIn North America, people are always in a hurry. Children have special lessons or sports activities after school. Parents often work late and don’t get home until 7 or 8 o’clock at night. More than 50% of women work at full-time jobs, and many people do part-time work.When a family wants to eat a meal together, often there isn’t e nough time to prepare the food. That is why fast food is so popular in North America. People spend about 40% of their money buying fast food.Fast food is the food such as pizza, sandwiches or fried chicken. People can buy the food from a restaurant chain (连锁店) like Pizza Hut, McDonald’s or KFC. Fastfood saves work and time, but it is usually junk food.Fast food is popular in many countries. American fast-food companies now have restaurants all over the world. But not everyone is happy about the spread(扩张) of North American fast food. Some people in Italy want to fight against (抵制) it . They don’t want any more fast-food chains to open in their country. They also want to fight against the spread of fast food everywhere in the world.26. Children in North America _______.A. don’t go home until 7 or 8 o’clock at nightB. often have sports activities after schoolC. often do part-time work after schoolD. have meals with their parents every evening27. The second paragraph tells us _______.A. something about American womenB. where to have fast foodC. why people often have fast foodD. how to spend one’s money on fast food28. Which of the following is NOT fast food?A. Pizza.B. Sandwiches.C. Fried chicken.D. Rice.29. The underlined word “They” refers to(指) _______.A. some people in AmericaB. more than 50% of womenC. some people at homeD. some people in Italy30. The passage is mainly about _______.A. fast foodB. history of fast foodC. fast food in ItalyD. fast-food restaurants四、词汇运用(每小题1 分, 共10 分)A) 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。
八年级学生下期综合评语范文1. ___同学:你大大咧咧,自由无拘而又敏感自强。
2. ___同学:你个性憨厚质朴而又活泼好动。
3. 该同学平时能积极参加体育锻炼和有益的文娱活动,有较强的集体荣誉感。
4. ___同学:你善良活泼,富于幽默感深受同学欢迎。
5. ___同学:你是一个聪明的小伙子,老师们评价你脑瓜子灵活,但是你的自制能力不够,上课爱看闲书,不够专心听讲,有时也不能直面老师的批评,与老师顶嘴,不过事后你还是能认识到自己的错误,主动认错。
6. ___同学:你是一个善感,聪敏,勤奋,感悟力极强的小姑娘。
7. ___同学:你生活简朴,乐于助人。
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第一单元综合评价一选择填空( )1. ____ do you think our life will be like next month?A. HowB. WhatC. WhoD. Where( )2. -____ will you leave Beijing? -In two hours.A. How oftenB. How longC. How soonD. What time ( )3. Linda often ___ her homework in the evening, but this evening she __ TV. A. does, watchesB. is doing, will watchC. does, will watchD. will do, watches ( )4. We used a __ to send Shenzhou VI into space.A. spaceshipB. rocketC. planeD. train( )5. –Will people use bikes in 100 years? -____.A. Yes, they won’tB. No, they willC. Yes, they willD. Yes, there will( )6. It will be bad for your health to eat ___ food and take ___ exercise. A. fewer, more B. more, lessC. little, muchD. less, more( )7. We’ll try to do the work better with __ money and ___ people.A. few, littleB. a few, a littleC. less, fewerD. fewer, less ( )8. I’m sure my dream will____.A. come inB. come trueC. come intoD. come out ( )9. Li Tao is good at computer and he wants to be a ___ in the future. A. astronaut B. computer programmerC. engineerD. reporter( )10. I’ll fly with the rocket to the __ like Yang Liwei.A. spaceB. moonC. MarsD. sun( )11. Kids won’t go to school if they ____ computers.A. haveB. hasC. will haveD. will has( )12. There are few ___ in the fridge. Let’s go and buy some peas, carrots and cabbages. A. meat B. fruit C. vegetables D. bread ( )13. –Peter, don’t play that kind of joke any more. –Sorry! I ____ do it again. A. won’t B. can’t C. mustn’t D. wouldn’t ( )14. There are about two ___ students in the newly-built school.A. thousandB. thousandsC. thousands ofD. thousand of ( )15. There’s ___ cooking oil left in the house. Would you go to the shop and get __?A. little, someB. little, anyC. few, someD. few, any二完形填空Tom and Fred were talking about the year 2050. “What will 1 be like in the year 2050?”asked Tom. “I don’t know.”Said Fred.“What do you think?”“Well, no one knows. But it is 2 toguess.”Said Tom. “In the year 2050 everybody will 3 a pocketcomputer. The computer will give people the 4 to all theirproblems. We shall all have telephones in our pockets, 5 . Andwe’ll be able to talk to our friends all over the world. Maybe we’ll beable to 6 them at the same time. Machines will do 7 of thework, and people will have more 8 . Perhaps they will work onlytwo or three days a week. They will be able to fly to the moon byspaceship and spend their holidays there.”“I’m very 9 tohear that. I hope to fly to the moon. And I hope I’ll be able to live10 ,” said Fred. “Won’t that be interesting? Just like a fish.”( )1. A. our home B. the traffic C. a factory D. the world( )2. A. pleased B. no use C. interesting D. unusual( )3. A. carry B. bring C. give D. send( )4. A. news B. ways C. things D. answers( )5. A. either B. again C. too D. also( )6. A. call B. see C. look D. listen( )7. A. most B. many C. lot D. every( )8. A. work B. duty C. holidays D. times( )9. A. sorry B. glad C. sure D. afraid( )10.A. in the sea B. on land C. on the mountainD. under the ground三阅读理解Do you think there will be a robot in hospitals? If you go to ahospital in London, you’ll see a new Doctor there. He is veryclever. He can work 24 hours a day and never gets tired. He is Dr.Robot.Robot often need to ask their patients a lot of questions, but italways takes them a lot of time to do that. But Dr. Robot can ask apatient questions for an hour if it is necessary. With the help of Dr.Robot, a human doctor can have a lot of useful information whenhe meets him patient.How can Dr. Robots do this? A computer “tell” him what to do.Dr. Robot can do a lot of t hings that people can do, though he can’tcompletely replace human doctors.1). Is there a robot in hospitals in London?2). How can Dr. Robot do those things?3). How many hours can Dr. Robot work a day?4). Can Dr. Robot take the place of (代替) human doctor?5). Is Dr. Ro bot a doctor’s assistant or not?Life in the 21st century will be different from life in the 20th century,because many changes will take place in the new century, but whatwill the changes be? The population is growing fast. There will bemore and more people in the world and most of them will live longerthan before. Computers will be much smaller and more useful, andcomputer studies will be one of the important subjects in school.People will work few hours than they did in the 20th century, andthey will have more free time for sports, watching TV, and traveling.Traveling will be much cheaper and easier. And many people will goto other countries for holidays. There will be changes in our food, too.More land will be used for building new towns and houses. Thenthere will be less room for cows and sheep, so meat will be moreexpensive. Maybe no one will eat it every day, instead they eat morevegetables and fruit. Maybe people will be healthier. Work in thefuture will be different, too. Dangerous and hard work will be doneby robots. Because of this, many people will not have enough workto do. This will be a problem.( )1. People may not have as much _ as they did in the 20th century.A. fruitB. milkC. breadD. meat( )2. in the 21st century people don’t have to _____.A. travelB. work fastC. work long hoursD. eat meat( )3. Traveling will be ____ then. A. much cheaper and easierB. more difficultC. more expensiveD. less interesting( )4. In the 21st century there will be __. A. more cows and sheepB. more peopleC. fewer peopleD. less buildings and houses( )5. Every family will have at least one ___ in the 21st century.A. computerB. TV set C. VCD D. robot四词汇A 根据首字母及汉语提示补全单词1. Jim will be a____ to meet his old friends2. There will be f_____ people in the store than before.3. I’ll have a job _______(面试) tomorrow. I need to look smart.4. We should reduce(减少) p_____ and keep the air clean.5. Will there be a lot of tall b_____ on both sides of the street?6. There are many famous p______ that never came true.7. Yang Liwei, Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng are Chinese a____ .8. He likes animals very much. He k____ two dogs and a cat.9. It says: “ Everything is p______.”10. The old man lives a_______, but he doesn’t feel l_____.B 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空1. There will be _____(many) cars and buses in the future.2. The famous ______(predict) will come true next year.3. We’ll have ______(little) free time next year than this year.4. _______(predict) the future can be very difficult.5. There ______(be) a football game tomorrow.6. Each family ______(have) a robot in 50 years.7. Mother usually makes me _____(stay) at home at night.8. Robot ______(help) people _____(do) housework in the future.9. I went there last year and ______(fall) in love with it .10. It’s not easy ____ (make) the robot do the same things as people. 五动词运用选用方框中动词的适当形式填空1. When I came out of the supermarket, it began ___, so I was all wet2. It ____ that it’s going to rain.3. Why not _____ with your mother about your problem.4. I need some money _____gifts for my family.5. I think you should _____a part –time job.6. I went to Hainan last month and _____ in love with it.7. I need _____ smart for my job interview.8. One day I ___ to Hong Kong Disneyland to see Mickey Mouse9. It took them two years _____ the work.10. The scientists have made robots _____ and dance.六句型1. They will go to Beijing for holidays.(一般疑问句)_____ _____ go to Beijing for holidays?2. People will live to be 200 years old. (否定句)People ____ ____ to be 200 years old.3. She will play table tennis this Sunday.(提问)_____ _____ will she play this Sunday.4. Will there be more pollution?(否定回答)_____, _____ ______. 5. I think they will climb the mountain tomorrow.(否定句)I _____ _____ they _____ climb the mountain tomorrow.6. They will go home in two days.(提问)_____ ______ _____ they go home?7. People can fly to the moon in 50 years.=People _____ ____ ____ ____ fly to the moon in 50 years.8. We are going to help the farmers on the farm tomorrow.=We ____ _____ to help the farmers on the farm tomorrow.七句子翻译1. 十年后你的生活将会是什么样的?_____ _____ your life _____ _____ ____ ten years?2. 我甚至有可能养一只鹦鹉。