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10. There arefourdifferent even numbers a, b, c and d, which are all greater than 0.If theyshouldsatisfy the equation of a+b+c+d=20, how many groups of such even numbers (a, b, c, d) are there?
6. The sum of an integer and itsreciprocalis 20.05, sowhatis this integer andwhatis its reciprocal?
7. The sum of four nonzero natural numbers is 38, so what can theminimumproduct of these four natural numbers be?Andwhatcan the maximumproduct be?
3、一个数分别除以 , , ,所得的商都是自然数。这个数最小是多少?
3. A number isdivided by , and respectivelyandthequotients are all natural numbers.So whatis theminimumvalue of this number?
5、从 中去掉两个分数,余下的分数之和为1。这两个分数是哪两个分数?
5. Take out two fractionsfrom to make the sum of remainingfractionsto be1.So what are these two fractions?
4. There is abamboo forest.Last year, the non-blooming bamboosweretwo timesand 55 more thanthe blooming bamboos.With another 100 bamboos blooming this year, the blooming bamboos are four times as many as the non-blooming bamboos.So, how many bamboos are there in this forest?
2、有一个分数,它的分子加2,可以约简为 ;它的分母减2,可以约简为 。这个分数是多少?
2. There is a fraction.Ifits numerator adds2, it can be reduced tobe ; if itsdenominatorsubtracts 2, it can be reduced to be .So what is this fraction?
1、三个素数的倒数之和是 ,则这三个素数中最大的是多少?
1. The sum of thereciprocals of three prime numbersis , so what is the greatest one among the three prime numbers?
12. As shown in the picture, how manydifferentways are there to go from A to B? (Onecan only walk up or towards left)
11. Add a“0”to the middle place ofa double-digitnumber, so that the new three-digit number is 8 times more than the original number.Sowhatis theoriginaldouble-digit number?
8. It is known thatais a primenumber and b is an even number and thata2+b=2008, sowhatis the result ofa+b+1?
9、一个质数p,使得p+2,p+4同时都是质数。则 的结果是多少?
9. There is a prime number p, which can make p+2 and p+4 to be prime numbers as well.So what istheresultof ?
13. When doing a calculation in an exam, a careless student made some mistakes.Rather than multiplying a number by 9 and then adding 30, he divided the number by 9 and thensubtracted30, so that the result was 18.Ifhe did the calΒιβλιοθήκη Baiduulation correctly, what wouldtheresult be?