北师大Unit 10 课下能力提升(二)

当31≤x≤50时,W= x2+160x+1 850
(2)依题意,设利润为W元, 得W=(x-10)(-x+40)=-x2+50x-400, 整理,得W=-(x-25)2+225. 当x=25时,W取得最大值,最大值为225. 故要使销售这种土特产每日的利润最大,每袋的 销售价应定为25元,最大利润是225元.
5 一级基础巩固练 8. 如图,用一段长为40 m的篱笆围成一边靠墙的草坪,
墙长16 m,当矩形的长BC为多少时,草坪面积最大? 最大面积为多少?
解:设AB=x m,则BC=(40-2x)m(12≤x<20), 面积为S m2. 根据题意得,S=x(40-2x)=-2x2+40x =-2(x-10)2+200, 因此当x=12,即AB=12 m,BC=16 m时,矩形草坪的 面积最大,最大面积为16×12=192(m2).
故日销售量y(袋)与销售价x(元)的 (1)日销售量y(袋)与销售价x(元)的函数关系式;
函数关系式为y=-x+40. 根据题意得,S=x(40-2x)=-2x2+40x
解:设AB=CD=x m,则AD=BC= (12-2x) m(0<x<6). 这个花园的面积是S=x(12-2x) =-2x2+12x=-2(x-3)2+18. 当x =3时,S取得最大值, 此时S=18. 即这个花园的最大面积为18 m2.

精品资料Lesson 2教学内容:Structures:What does Mocky have?He has a (purse).Vocabulary:Core: a camera, a clock, a comic, a cap, a store, a magazine, please, a T-shirt,a watch, new, an umbrella, thank you, a purse, newspaper, oldContextual: Here you are.教学目标:通过练习理解What does (Mocky) have?教学重点:正确朗读新单词并能正确理解意思。
教学难点:have, has的正确使用。
(2)拿起一张卡片,问:“What’s this?”引导学生回答:“It’s a comic.”(3)用同样的方法练习其余的卡片。
指着第一幅图问:“What does Mocky have?”让学生重复问题。
呈现句型:“He has a(purse).”把问题和回答写在黑板上。
(2)指第二幅图,问学生:“What does Mocky have?”让学生回答:“He hasa comic.”可以让学生参考本页上端的词汇回答问题。
北师大版(一起)-英语-二年级下册--Unit 10 Colors 精品教案(第二课时)

Game3:Guess,the children guess, the teacher guess.
Step3.Listen to this
Have the children look at the pictures at the bottom of page 40.
point to the first butterfly and ask, “What’s this?”
Words to learn是词汇学习板块,集中呈现颜色的名称。本版块设计颜色配合词语直接呈现的方法,有助于学生建立颜色概念和词语名称之间的直接联系。这里复习了一年级学过的颜色词语,又新增五个其他颜色的词语。
Culture corner是跨文化比较板块。本版块关注生活中的颜色,呈现了英国典型公共设施的颜色,包括邮筒、电话亭、公交车和消防车,提出问题,并鼓励学生思考我们国家相应设施的颜色是什么样的。这一活动渗透了比较思维活动,激发学生的国际视野。
Using colored pencils, review the structures form Lesson 1.
Hold up a green pencil.
Say, “What color is this pencil?” Elicit, “It’s green.”
Read the first line of the song, pointing to each word.
Have the children repeat the words as they touch each one in their
谯城区第二小学二年级英语下册 Unit 10 Colors教案2 北师大版一起

Unit 10 Colors教案教学内容与目标:1、熟练掌握本课核心单词、词组,并能灵活运用相关句子。
需要掌握的单词:red、yellow、blue、green、pink、purple、orange需要掌握的句型:A:What color is it?B:It’s…2、学习怎样用英语表达事物的颜色,并能综合运用新、旧知识组织对话完成一定交际任务。
教学设计Step 1 热身与复习(Warm up and preview)Free talk1. Sing a song: “Morning Song”2.T:Good morning, boys and girls.Ss:Good morning.分别与单个学生对话:Hello!/Wha t’s your name?/How are you?/Where’s your nose?/Touch your face, please./Show me your pencil./What’s this?(头、手、铅笔、橡皮、蜡笔……)Step 2 展示新课(Presentation)1、引入新课T: What’s this?画一道美丽的彩虹。
引出rainbowT: Wow, how beautiful! Today we’ll learn a lesson about the colors of the rainbow.彩虹的七条不同颜色的光带逐渐分离,摇身一变,成了由七个彩色字母组成的课题Colors.2、Learn the new words: red, yellow, blueT: Now we’ll draw a beautiful rainbow.拿出调色板及红、黄、蓝三种颜料,一边画一边教学red, yellow, blue(画一种颜色教一个单词,卡片认读,并贴于黑板,跟读几遍,个别学生抽读)3、Learn the sentence pattern: It’s…T: When you want to introduce the colors, you can say,” It’s…”教学句型It’s…随音乐唱唱、做做,营造一个轻松欢快的课堂气氛,拉近师生间的距离。
四年级下册英语教案Unit 10 Lesson 2 Can I have the blue oneplease 北师大版

Unit 10 Mocky's StoreLesson 2 Can I have the blue one,please?教案教学目标1、知识与技能:能够初步认读单词:hats,camera,clock。
这些实物单词掌握重点句型:I want a… Do you have one?能够在课文提供的情景中选择销售和有需求等有关问题的句型。
教学过程(一)导入师生歌谣同唱“Hot dog”。
谈话“Do you like hot dog ?”设计意图:歌曲激趣。
1:“I like hot dog .who can help me?”多媒体出现阿拉丁神灯。
教师对着神灯说:I want a hot dog .Do you have one? 让学生帮助老师一起说。
利用各自手头有的文具,在小组内互问组员I want -----..Do you have one?设计意图:巩固练习句型,增强生生互动交流。
3:教师实物展示,this is my store .看多媒体图片:书店,玩具店。
理解store .welcome to my store .设计意图:连句成段,从单独的句型练习,整合为语段学习。
小学英语五下北师大英语Unit 10 ActivitiesLesson 2 Lets Practice 教案

Lesson 2 Let’s Practice 教案教学目的 1.结合课文故事学会本课词语。
教学重点 1.结合课文故事学会本课词语。
教学难点 1.结合课文故事学会本课词语。
指着插图提问:"What is Ken doing?"如果需要, 学生可以参考页面上半部分呈现的单词。
引导学生回答:"He is playing football.2.用同样的方法完成其他插图。
给学生解释go to the movies和go to a movie的意思相同。
但是go to the football 的意思是去观看正式的足球比赛,而不是去踢足球。
还需要解释单词city以及词组come with us 的意思。

课下能力提升(二)Ⅰ.根据提示写出单词的正确形式1.Graduates from Tsinghua University have distinct (明显的) advantage when applying for jobs in famous panies.2.The majority (大多数) of people interviewed prefer watching TV to listening to radio.3.The most popular means (方式)of transportation are bikes and buses.4.(2017·江苏高考)In the north of India, the population is booming (处于迅速发展时期) due to high birth rates.5.We have only a small percentage (百分比) of foreign books.6.If other people can endure hardship (困苦), why can't you?7.The ship passed through the strait (海峡) between two islands.8.Most racial (种族的) discrimination is based on ignorance.9.Only about 20 of the people voted in the local government election (elect).10.Immigration (immigrate) is a controversial issue in many countries.In addition, training exercises are remended at least twice a week.2.You can't live on 200 calories a day, or you will be starved to death in a long time.3.More and more people tend to municate with each other by means of the Internet.4.Although they had a lot of trouble with the new system, they still kept up their spirits.5.Many young people are going to big cities to make a life for themselves.6.In this club, young women members are in the majority,so men have not much right to decide on things.7.A large percentage of school books now have pictures, so they look more attractive.Ⅲ.完成句子1.The local army men helped the victims of the earthquake by means of rebuilding their houses.当地的军人用重建房屋的办法帮助震区灾民。
北师大Unit 10 课下能力提升(三)

Unit 10课下能力提升(三)Ⅰ.单句语法填空1.It's ________ (use) arguing with him. He won't listen.2.I hate all the traffic. It's really ________ (noise).3.It doesn't sound like a ________ (practice) solution.4.To prevent upsetting his mother with an argument, I'm allowing him his ________ (free).5.You can't fully appreciate foreign literature in ________ (translate).6.What steps would you go ________ if you needed to make a cup of tea?7.He is the very person ________ (focus) his attention on studying.8.She took a ________ (bathe) before going to bed.9.That factory has an ________ (automatically) control system.10.It seems good ________ theory, but it doesn't work ________ practice.Ⅱ.选词填空1.electric, electrical, electricity(1)Paying regular bills such as gas and ________ is much easier these days.(2)My brother graduated from Peking University majoring in ________ engineering.(3)The murderer was sent to the ________ chair.2.practice, practical(1)If you want to make progress, you should do more ________.(2)I spent two hours ________ drawing during the summer holidays.(3)When you come across the ________ problems, come to ask me.3.use, useful, useless(1)It is ________ to do eye exercises every day.(2)The little boy knew it was ________ to cry any more.(3)This type of car ________ a lot of petrol.4.noise, noisy(1)Don't make so much ________ when the baby is sleeping.(2)Every teacher hates to enter the ________ classroom.Ⅲ.完成句子1.我认为他在会上说的话在理论上讲得通。
人教版高中英语必修3练习:Unit 1 课下能力提升(二) (含解析)

Unit 1 课下能力提升(二)Ⅰ.根据提示写出单词的正确形式1.It is difficult to get used to another country's ________ (风俗).2.While________ (观赏) the new building, I heard someone calling my name.3.We enjoy the harmony of school life, in which we can ________ (获得) a better result of study.4.It is our ________ (信心) that we will find a cure for cancer in the next ten years.5.He was ________ (授予) the first prize in the competition.6.The country has made great advances since ________ (independent).7.Irene is having a party in ________ (celebrate) of her 60th birthday .8.I find that doing physical exercise a couple of times a week makes me feel more ________ (energy).9.On his ________ (arrive) at the railway station, he was told that his train was delayed for two hours.10.The ________ (beautiful) of the lake attracted us.Ⅱ.选词填空take place, in memory of, dress up, play a trick on, look forward to, day and night, as though, have fun with1.People gathered on the square to be ____________the hero.2.The animal was walking ____________ it had hurt its leg.3.In my opinion, it is wrong of you to ____________ the blind.4.Before she went to the dance, she ____________ for a long time.5.The 32nd Olympic Games will ____________ in Japan in 2020.6.I'm ____________ paying a call to you next week.7.In order to complete the project before the deadline, the workers almost work hard ____________.8.The other day, his friends called him to eat, drink and ____________ them.Ⅲ.完成句子1.We all ____________ his bravery.我们钦佩他的勇敢。

一、选择题(每题 2 分,共20 分)1.he bear is fat. But(但是) the monkey is ______. ( )A. thinB. bigC. long2.( )A. mother B. brother C. family3.Does Lingling like oranges? ( )—_________.A. No, she doesB. Yes, she doesC. Yes, I do4.—Is the cat under the chair? ()—________. It’s in the box.A. Yes, it isB. No, he doesn’tC. No, it isn’t5.orry, I ________ know. ( )A. notB. don’tC. no6.Don’t ______ my milk. ( )A. eatB. drinkC. run7.Hello, I’m Doudou. I ______ from China. ( )A. amB. isC. are8.列字母含有相同发音的一组是______。
( )A. Nn, Zz, Ll,B. Jj, Ii, HhC. Pp, Ff, Cc9.—________ ( )—I’m from Shandong.A. How are you?B. What’s your name?C. Where are you from? 10.welve and two makes ________. ( )A. fifteenB. fourteenC. twenty二、判断题(每题 3 分,共15 分)11.判断每组对话是(T)否(F)符合日常交际:—What do you like? —I like bread. ()12.判断句子与图片内容是(T)否(F)相符:The book is on the desk.()13.判断对话是(T)否(F)与图片相符:—Who’s that man? —He’s my uncle. ()14.判断句子与图片是(T)否(F)相符:It’s a cloudy day. ()15.判断句子与图片是(T)否(F)相符:My dad is tall. ()三、填空题(每题 2 分,共20 分)16.I’d like some (pears / apples).17.Look, the robot is behind the ______. The doll is on the ______.18.—Who is that man?—_______ (He’s / She’s) my father.19.China launched the Shenzhou-(Fifteen / Sixteen) mannedspaceship on May 30.20.Those are ______.21.Look! The is under the desk.22.—_____ (Who / What) is the man? —Is he your father?23.I’m hungry. I’d like some __________ (donuts / tea).24.There are three w_______ on the desk.25.Can I have some (bananas / strawberries)?四、情景交际(每题 5 分,共20 分)26.你想知道朋友喜不喜欢吃葡萄时,应该问:()A. Do you like apples?B. Have some grapes.C. Do you like grapes? 27.你想知道现在的天气情况,你应该这样问:________ ( )A. What’s the weather like?B. I don’t like a windy day.28.你找不见你的书了,你可以问妈妈:( )A. Where is my bag?B. Where is my book?29.今天是六一儿童节,你去参加活动,出门前妈妈对你说:_____ ( ) A. Have some bananas. B. Have a good time.五、连词成句(每题10 分,共10 分)30.us, home, go, Let (!)____________________________六、选出每组单词画线部分发音不同的一项(每题 5 分,共15 分)31.( )A. long B. some C. orange32.( )A. boy B. on C. do33.( )A. like B. big C. six参考答案一、选择题1.【解析】【详解】句意:这只熊很胖。

一、选择题(每题 2 分,共20 分)1.I don’t like oranges. ( )—_______A. Me too.B. Me, neither.C. No, I don’t.2.—________ nice skirt! ( )—Thank you.A. HowB. WhatC. What a3.你想知道那个女孩是谁,你会说:( )A. Who’s that girl?B. Who’s this girl?C. Who’s that woman? 4.—Is he your brother? ( )—_________A. Yes, she is.B. No, he is.C. Yes, he is.5.—Where is my ball? ( )—_______ in your desk?A. Is itB. It isC. is it6.he bear is tall, but the dog is ______. ( )A. bigB. shortC. small7.( )A. under B. box C. behind8.Amy ______ to school on Mondays. ( )A. goB. goesC. going9.—Mum, ________ is my Chinese book? ( )—Oh, is it in your schoolbag?A. whatB. whoC. where10.上当了,你会怎样说自己:( )A. Come on!B. Uh-oh!C. Silly me!二、判断题(每题 3 分,共15 分)11.strawberry ()12.判断句子与图片是(T)否(F)相符:She likes cakes very much.()13.判断句子与图片内容是(T)否(F)相符:She is a student. ()14.判断图片和句子是(T)否(F)相符:Drive a car. ()15.判断句子与图片是(T)否(F)相符:This is a baby. ()三、填空题(每题 2 分,共20 分)16.—_____ (Who / What) is the man? —Is he your father?17.It’s time _________ (to / for) dinner.18.Mike and Liu Tao see pigs on the .19.They are .20.Look! The ball is u______ the bed.21.The is red. I like it. (衬衫)22.I’m (完全形式) ______23.toy (复数) ______24.—Are these boys twin brothers?—Yes, are.25.There are three w_______ on the desk.四、情景交际(每题 5 分,共20 分)26.过年时妈妈给家里买了些糖果,你觉得这些糖果很好,不禁说道:( ) A. Bread is nice.B. I like the cookies. C. These candies are good.27.—Good morning. ( )—__________A. Good afternoon.B. Good evening.C. Good morning.28.去阿姨家做客时阿姨让你吃点蛋糕,可是你不喜欢蛋糕,于是对阿姨说:( ) A. Sorry, I don’t like cakes. B. Look! This is the tea. C. Thank you. I like cakes.29.请数一数这些尺子,可以这样说:( )A. How many pens are there?B. Please count the rulers.五、连词成句(每题10 分,共10 分)30.your, put, arm, desk, your, in (.)____________________________六、选出每组单词画线部分发音不同的一项(每题 5 分,共15 分)31.( )A. bide B. ripe C. robe32.( )A. isB. sixC. seven33.( )A. orange B. good C. glad参考答案一、选择题1.【解析】【详解】句意:我不喜欢橙子。

5. Repeat the procedure for all the other pictures and words.
Step 4. Uncle Booky’s Blackboard
S: Sometimes we do, sometimes we don’t.
Step 2. Review
1. Have the children open to the story pages of this Unit. Tell them they are now Mocky. Explain that you are going to play the tape and you want them repeat what Mocky said.
2. Replay the tape while showing your copy of the page. Stop the tape after each word and have the children repeat the words.
3. Play the tape again without stopping. Have the children say the words along with the tape.
Step 5. Pair work:
Ask the students to talk about the time and the activities with their schedule. And then make a new dialogue and act it out.
【北京课改版】八年级英语下Unit 10试卷及答案(2)

一、选择题1.Mr. Brown ________ his hometown for a long time. He really misses it.A.left B.has leftC.went away from D.has been away from2.Li Hua has been back to his hometown twice he moved to Shanghai.A.before B.when C.till D.since3.--How many English words so far,Jenny?--About 5,000.A.did you learn B.do you learnC.have you learned D.will you learn4.--What a nice bike!But I have no money to buy it.-- .A.That’s all right.B.So it does.C.That sounds boring.D.It’s a shame!5.I have had the schoolbag ______ 10 years ago.A.for B.when C.since D.as6.The driver______the car battery and wanted to know if it worked well.A.cleared out B.put out C.checked out D.came out 7.According______the ancient legend(传说),the river is a goddess(女神).A.to B.for C.with D.from 8.Amy has had the toy bear ________ more than ten years.A.for B.in C.since9.Lots of flowers have come out in the garden,so many bees are the flowers.A.between B.over C.behind D.among10.Don’t talk ab out this to anyone, ________ not to your mother, or she will be worried. A.actually B.especially C.suddenly D.simply 11.Rick has learned a lot about Chinese culture _______ he came to China. A.before B.when C.until D.since 12.Michael ________ his hometown for a long time. He really misses it!A.left B.has leftC.was away from D.has been away from13.—Do you watch Peppa Pig on TV? It’s so funny!—Well, no, to be __________, I think it’s quite silly.A.curious B.brave C.gentle D.honest 14.—Will you give this message to Mr. White, please?—Sorry, I can’t. He ______.A.doesn’t any more work hereB.doesn’t any longer work hereC.doesn’t work any more hereD.doesn’t work here any longer15.—Time past can not be called back again.—Yes. Wasting time is a .A.pressure B.fairness C.choice D.shame 16.Frank doesn’t want to________ any of the old things in his room,although he hasn’t used them anymore.A.clear out B.check outC.part with D.search for17.Mary regards Li Ming________ her best friend.A.for B.in C.as D.to18.They are singing to _______ money for poor children in poor areas.A.have B.raise C.take D.collect19.__________ you read the text, _______ you will understand it.A.The more, better B.More, the better C.The more, the better D.More, better 20.________ you grow older, you will become more understanding.A.As B.WheneverC.Before D.Since【参考答案】***试卷处理标记,请不要删除一、选择题1.D解析:D【解析】句意:布朗先生离开家乡已经很久了。

Lesson10 Period2精品教案课题名称:Unit 4 Lesson 10 Problem Page 课型:Writing after reading教材版本:北师大版教师姓名:学校:授课年级:初二教学指导思想《英语课程标准2011版》明确指出义务教育阶段英语课程的总目标是:通过英语学习使学生形成初步的综合语言运用能力,促进心智发展,提高综合人文素养。
教学内容分析本课是北师大版《初中英语》八年级下册教材第4单元的第10课,话题为“问题交流页”,属于课标话题7情感与情绪(feelings and moods)以及话题8人际交往(interpersonal communication)下的第27个子话题合作与交流(cooperation and communication)同时也是社会交往功能意念下的建议功能。

一、选择题(每题 2 分,共20 分)1.—________ it in your desk? ( )—Yes, it is.A. AreB. WhereC. Is2.Do you like oranges? ( )—_______ I like oranges.A. Yes, I do.B. No, I don’t.C. Here you are. 3.Amy, Sarah and Mike are ___________. ()A. boysB. sistersC. friends4.( )A. chair B. desk C. student5.he giraffe has ______ legs and a ______ head. ( ) A. long; small B. tall; big C. short; thin 6.(十五) fift__ __n ( )A. e; iB. i; iC. e; e7.—Who's that woman? ( )— _______is my mother.A. SheB. HeC. It8.( )A. pen B. sixteen C. pencil9.—Has Amy got a red hat? ( )—No, she ______.A. haven’tB. doesn’tC. hasn’t10.—Who’s that ________? ( )—She’s my mother.A. womanB. manC. boy二、判断题(每题 3 分,共15 分)11.判断句子与图片是(T)否(F)相符:I see a ball on the chair. ()12.判断句子与图片内容是(T)否(F)相符:The book is on the desk.()13.判断句子与图片是(T)否(F)相符:Touch your head. ()14.判断句子与图片是(T)否(F)相符:Is he a postman? ()15.判断对话与图片是(T)否(F)相符:—How many pencils do you have? —Nineteen. ()三、填空题(每题 2 分,共20 分)16.—What’s _________ (this / these)?—It’s a chicken.17.—_____ (Who / What) is the man? —Is he your father?18.father (对应词) ______19.They sang b_______.20.I am(缩写形式)_____________21.hoses (单数) ______22.—______ is my lunch box?—It’s over there.23.is(复数)____________24.Here is a pen ______ (at / for) you.25.Look! The horse can __________ (swim / run).四、情景交际(每题 5 分,共20 分)26.别人请你吃橙子,可是你不喜欢,你可以说:( )A. Let’s buy some oranges.B. I’m fine. Thank you.C. Sorry, I don’t like oranges.27.去阿姨家做客时阿姨让你吃点蛋糕,可是你不喜欢蛋糕,于是对阿姨说:( ) A. Sorry, I don’t like cakes. B. Look! This is the tea. C. Thank you. I like cakes.28.Sarah向你借一支蜡笔,你欣然答应说:( )A. Oh, no.B. Here you are.C. Sorry, I don’t have a pencil.29.邀同学一起回家,你会对他说:( )A. Come here.B. Let’s go home!五、连词成句(每题10 分,共10 分)30.①it ②Is ③the ④chair ⑤under (只写序号)_____________?六、选出每组单词画线部分发音不同的一项(每题 5 分,共15 分)31.( )A. China B. man C. woman32.( )A. five B. in C. fish33.( )A. mop B. gut C. bun参考答案一、选择题1.C【解析】【详解】句意:—它在你的课桌里吗?—是的,它在。
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Unit 10课下能力提升(二)Ⅰ.单句语法填空1.Despite many worries before finishing the task, everything turned ________ well.2.Parents can influence the ________ (behave) of their children.3.News shocked the world ________ a Russian jet carrying 50 people crashed.4.To the great ________ (amuse) of everyone, the actor's beard fell off.5.The matter is of great ________ (important) to all of us.6.To be healthy, I'm on a ________ (balance) diet.7.I find the idea of $1,000,000 dollars a year very ________ (appeal).8.I'm less than ________ (enthusiasm) about the idea of Tom coming to visit.9.In the current ________ (economy) climate, we must keep costs down.10.The continuing hot days are ________ (annoy).Ⅱ.句型转换1.If you've finished, we can have a coffee, and if you haven't finished, you'd better keep working.→If you've finished, we can have a coffee, and ________ ________,you'd better keep working.2.He didn't begin studying French until he entered university.→It was ________ ________ he entered university ________ he begin studying French.3.I think we should value the important discovery.→I think we should value the discovery that ________ ________ ________ ________.4.He felt ashamed of having done so little work.→He felt ashamed ________ ________ ________ ________ so little work.Ⅲ.完成句子1.He ________________ (谋生) by selling newspapers.2.You can't have a new car because ________________ (首先) we can't afford one.3.They ________________ (轮流) take care of their sick father.4.We trust this new product will ________________ (对你们的市场有吸引力).5.His speech ________________ (以……开始) the song What Are the Words.6.Your account of the accident does not ____________ (与……一致) hers.7.________________ (加之), walking is useful to our health.Ⅳ.课文缩写语法填空5 yuan may not mean too much for you.If you are not appealed to 1.________ (buy) a bag of candies or cookies, you can buy a tree 2.________.Every year, 3.________ (approximate) 1.6 billion tons of soil 4.________ (remove) from the land along the river.The soil contains materials 5.________ help keep the natural balance of the area and the loss of the land has caused serious erosion.Many people think it's the government's or international organization's responsibility 6.________ (solve) this problem.But in fact, we can all play an important role 7.________ stopping the erosion.For a start, you can use 5 yuan to buy a tree, which is of great 8.________ (important) because what you do will help make soil stay on the land.Local farmers, then, can grow 9.________ (crop) on land with rich soil, and earn money from their crops.This eventually helps 10.________ (develop) local economy.Ⅴ.阅读理解Many children first learn the value of money by receiving an allowance.The purpose is to let children learn from experience at an age when financial mistakes are not very costly.The amount of money that parents give to their children to spend as they wish differs from family to family.Timing is another consideration.Some children get a weekly allowance.Others get a monthly allowance.In any case, parents should make clear what, if anything, the child is expected to pay for with the money.At first, young children may spend all of their allowance soon after they receive it.If they do this, they will learn the hard way that spending must be done within a budget.Parents are usually advised not to offer more money until the next allowance.The object is to show young people that a budget demands choices between spending and saving.Older children may be responsible enough to save money for larger costs, like clothing or electronics.Many people who have written on the subject of allowances say it is not a good idea to pay your child for work around the home.These jobs are a normal part of family life.Paying children to do extra work around the house,however, can be useful.It can even provide an understanding of how a business works.Allowances give children a chance to experience the three things they can do with money.They can share it in the form of gifts or giving it to a good cause.They can spend it by buying things they want.Or they can save it.1.What is special about children learning financial management by experience?A.They learn more quickly.B.They are not as likely to make mistakes.C.Their mistakes won't matter so much.D.They have plans made by their parents.2.When the writer says some young children “will learn the hard way that ...” in Para. 4, he means________.A.they will know how hard it is to learn budgetB.they will have an easy time learning the lessonC.what they will learn is absolutely trueD.their parents will teach them a hard lesson3.Judging from the article, it is all right if a couple give their son an allowance________.A.regularly twice every monthB.whenever he has run out of moneyC.telling him to ask for permission before spendingD.without telling him what to spend on4.The writer would agree to encourage the kids to________to deal with a tight budget.A.borrow money from othersB.ask their parents for more moneyC.get paid for their household routinesD.earn money by extra workⅥ.任务型阅读School's out for the day.But what should you do with the kids?1.________ Public school teacher and blogger Chelly Wood believes that “it's important for kids to get at least one hour of playtime after school, regardless of age.That's ‘real’ playtime, but not for video games or TV programs.”Here are some creative after-school activities for kids.Design a comic strip (连环漫画).This is a great indoor activity for kids of all ages and is sure to get the creative juices flowing as children invent characters and story lines.2.________ Measuring the strip boxes can also add an educational element to the activity.Become a scientist.Grab a notebook and a pencil and head outside.Whether in your backyard, a park or a playground, spot a bird or other animals and pretend your kids are scientists.3.________ Recycle objects.4.________ Transform a cereal (麦片) box into something that flies or into a e the cereal box as a prompt to think through where the box came from and how it was made.This activity is great for understanding the world in which we live, how things are made, etc.5.________Are your neighbors celebrating a victory or have they been sick or out of town?No reason isreally necessary to have your kids give a hand to someone else.Bake cookies, make a card or plant some flowers in a pot.The possibilities are endless.A.Do something nice.B.Keep positive people around.C.It is really important for children to learn disappointment.D.Track an animal and note what it does from minute to minute.E.Artistic drawing skills can be improved by coloring these characters.F.Time to come up with some creative ways to keep the kids entertained.G.Take something from the recycling bin and make it into something else.Ⅶ.短文改错Generally spoken, the relationship between students, our parents and teachers is good. We are getting on well with each other. Therefore, there exist some problems. Some students in our school are easy to lose their temper because anxiety and study burden. What's worse, they sometime quarrel with others, and even turn a deaf ear to their parents and teachers, which is very disappointed. In my opinion, we middle school students should make our efforts to improve the situation. First, we should respect the others. Second, when we are not feeling well, we can chat with us friends or teachers or even parents. It was likely that they can understand us better and give us some reasonable advices.答案:Ⅰ.1.out 2.behaviour 3.that 4.amusement 5.importance 6.balanced7.appealing 8.enthusiastic9.economic10.annoyingⅡ.1.if not 2.not until; that 3.is of great importance 4.that he had doneⅢ.1.makes a living 2.for a start 3.took turns to 4.appeal to your market 5.started/began with 6.agree with7.What's moreⅣ.1.buying 2.instead 3.approximately 4.have been removed 5.which/that 6.to solve 7.in8.importance9.crops10.to developⅤ.语篇解读:本文主要介绍了如何教育孩子学会理财。