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牛津英语七年级预备课程Unit7 Colours


词汇:mum, shirt, colour, white, coat, orange, these, dad, black, trousers, shoe, green, brown, cap, red, T-shirt,blue, jeans, yellow, blouse, pink, sweater, grey, skirt, whose, bike, basketball, his, our, kite, their, car, cold, thanks, take, her, bed, dress, racket, teddy bear, stick

句型:What's in the box? It's a shirt. What colour is it? It's white. What are these? They're Dad's black trousers. What colour are they? They're green. Whose bike is it? It's my bike. Here's your coat. Here it is.


1. 掌握四会词汇和句型。

2. 学会对颜色进行提问。

3. 掌握形容词性物主代词的用法。

4. 复习一般疑问句以及肯否定回答。

5. 正确辨认元音字母在单词中的发音。


Step1 Revision

1. 默写上单元的单词。

2. 口头翻译句子。

Step2 Presentation

课堂上利用粉笔复习询问颜色的句型和颜色词语。如:拿一白粉笔问What colour is it? It's white.一类似的方法复习其它颜色词语orange, black, green, brown, red, blue, yellow, pink, grey,接着利用学生所穿的衣物询问颜色,练习到一定的程度可以引出句型Whose coat is it?It's my/his/ your/her/.....coat.讲解形容词性物主代词的用法。


1. colour 用作名词,本课中主要出现了生活中常见的颜色,如red红色的,black 黑色的,white白色的,blue蓝色的,green绿色的,yellow黄色的,brown棕色的,orange桔色的,pink粉红色的,grey灰色的,purple紫色的。英语中还常用表示颜色的词作为姓,但第一个字母必须大写,如:White怀特,Brown布朗,Green格林,Black布莱克。colour可作动词用,其用法为:“colour+事物+颜色”,表示某事物涂成或染成某种颜色。如:Please colour the kite red and colour the tree green.

2. What colour is it?它们什么颜色?What colour是用来询问物品颜色的疑问词,它引导的特殊问句的语序为What colour+是动词+某事物。朗读时用降调,回答时不用Yes,或No,而直接作具体答复。如:

What colour is this coat? It's blue.

3. What colour is it? What colour are they/these/those?上句中these,those,they都是复数,故是动词要用are。what colour是疑问词“什么颜色”,不论主语是单数还是复数,colour一词只能使用单数形式。如:

错误:What colours are the cats?

正确:What colour are the cats?

在以What colour引导的疑问句中,be动词的单复数形式要根据主语(所问事


What colour is the apple? (主语是单数,使用is)

What colour are the birds? (主语是复数,使用are)

4. 特殊疑问句:以特殊疑问词开头的疑问句称作特殊疑问句。语序为:疑问词+是动词+主语。朗读时的语调为降调,不用Yes或No来回答,而对所提出的问题作具体答复。如:

What's your name? My name is Gao Hui. What's that? What colour is the boat?

5. whose的中文意思是谁的,是引导特殊问句的疑问词,常对名词性物主代词、形容词性物主代词及名词所有格形式进行提问。whose与who's是同音词,但用法不同,whose可单独使用,也可与名词连用,表示“谁的……东西”,而who's=who is (是谁)。Whose在句中的用法举例如下:

Whose is this coat? Whose shoes are they?

6. Whose blouse is this?这是谁的衬衣?

Whose shoes are these?这些是谁的鞋?


The brown shoes are his? Whose are the brown shoes?

That blouse is Kate's. Whose is that blouse/


It is Jim's pen. Whose pen is it?

Those are Mr Green's trousers. Whose trousers are those?

7. 询问近处和远处的某一物体可以用句型What's this/that?回答It's a/an......如:What's this (近指)? It's a pencil. What's that (远指)? It's a chair.它们的复数是What are these/those?回答用They're .....如:What are these (近指)? They're trousers. What are those(远指)? They're lights.对于This/That is........These/Those are ......的一般疑问句都是将be 动词提前,第一人称的要变第二人称。它们的肯否定回答分别是Yes, it is/No, it isn't. Yes, they are./No, they aren't.

8. 人称代词与物主代词的使用。人称代词用来代替人、事物及动物;表示所有关系的代词叫物主代词。它们的对应关系如下:I-my, you-your, he-his, she-her, it-its, we-our, they-their。使用人称代词和物主代词时,应注意它的一致性。如:I'm a Chinese girl. My name is Mary. He is a teacher. His friend is a teacher, too.This is our school. We love our school.需要注意的是物主代词必须放在形容词前和形容词一起修饰名词。如:his brown cap, her pink sweater。

9. Here's your coat.与Here it is.都是指“某物在这儿”。但是不同的是当主语是具体的名词时,该句完全倒装;如果主语是代词则部分倒装。

10. 讲解a, e, i, o, u 在单词中的正确发音,通过单词让学生辨读。

11.Thanks=Thank you.它们都可以用来向对方表示谢意。thanks 是名词,常用复数形式;thank you 中的thank是动词,不能加s 。如:"How are you?""Fine, thanks."(=thank you.)


