新视野大学英语1 Unit 1 Fresh Start译文
Unit 1 Fresh StartText A奔向更加光明的未来1 下午好!作为校长,我非常自豪地欢迎你们来到这所大学。
2 在欢迎你们到来的这一刻,我想起自己高中毕业时的情景,还有妈妈为我和爸爸拍的合影。
3 让我来告诉你们一些你们未必预料得到的事情。
4 对你们而言,接下来的四年将会是无与伦比的一段时光。
5 有这么多课程可供选择,你可能会不知所措。
Unit 1Fresh StartEvelyn HeraldI first began to wonder what I was doing on a college campus anyway when my parents drove off, leaving me standing pitifully in a parking lot, wanting nothing more than to find my way safely to my dorm room. The fact was that no matter how mature I liked to consider myself, I was feeling just a bit first-gradish. Adding to my distress was the distinct impression that everyone on campus was watching me. My plan was to keep my ears open and my mouth shut and hope no one would notice I was a freshman.With that thought in mind, I raised my head, squared my shoulders, and set out in the direction of my dorm, glancing (and then ever so discreetly) at the campus map clutched in my hand. It took everything I had not to stare when I caught my first glimpse of a real live college football player. What confidence, what reserve, what muscles! I only hoped his attention was drawn to my airs of assurance rather than to my shaking knees. I spent the afternoon seeking out each of my classrooms so that I could make a perfectly timed entrance before each lecture without having to ask dumb questions about its whereabouts.The next morning I found my first class and marched in. Once I was in the room, however, another problem awaited me. Where to sit? Freshmen manuals advised sitting near the front, showing the professor in intelligent and energetic demeanor. After deliberation, I chose a seat in the first row and to the side. I was in the foreground (as advised), but out of the prof essor’s direct line of vision.I cracked my anthology of American literature and scribbled the date at the top of a crisp ruled page. “Welcome to Biology 101,” the professor began. A cold sweat broke out on the back of my neck. I groped for my schedule and checked the room number. I was in the right room. Just the wrong building.So now what? Get up and leave in the middle of the lecture? Wouldn’t the professor be angry? I knew everyone would stare. Forget it ,I settled into my chair and tried to assume the scientific pose of a biology major ,blending slightly forward, tensing my arms in preparation for furious notetaking, and cursing under my breath. The bottled snakes along the wall should have tipped me off.After class I decided my stomach (as well as my ego) needed a little nourishment, and I hurried to the cafeteria. I accidentally stepped in a large puddle of ketchup. Keeping myself upright and getting out of the mess was not going to be easy, and this flailing ofmy feet was doing not good. Just as I decided to try another maneuver, my food tray tipped and I lost my balance. As my rear end met the floor, I saw my entire life pass before my eyes: it ended with my first day of college classes.In the seconds after my fall I thought how nice it would be if no one had noticed. But as all the students in the cafeteria came to their feet, table by table, cheering and clapping, I knew they had not only noticed ,they were determined that I would never forget it. Slowly I kicked off my ketchup-soaked sandals and jumped clear of the toppled tray and spilled food. A cleanup brigade came charging out of the kitchen, mops in the hand. I sneaked out of the cafeteria as the cheers died down behind me.For three days I dined alone on nothing more than humiliation, shame, and an assortment of junk food from a machine strategically placed outside my room. On the fourth day I couldn’t take another crunchy-chewy-saltly-sweet bite. I needed some real food. Perhaps three days was long enough for the campus population to have forgotten me. So off to the cafeteria I went.I made my way through the food line and tiptoed to a table, where I collapsed in relief. Suddenly I heard a crash that sounded vaguely familiar. I looked up to see that another poor soul had met the fate I’d thought was reserved only for me. I was even more surprised when I saw who the poor soul was: the very composed, very upper class football player I’d seen just days before (thought he didn’t look quite so composed wearing spaghetti on the front of his shirt). My heart went out to him as people began to cheer and clap as they had for me. He got up, hands held high above his head in a victory clasp , grinning from ear to ear. I expected him to slink out of the cafeteria as I had, but instead he turned ar ound and began preparing another tray. And that’s when I realized I had been taking myself far too seriously.What I had interpreted as a malicious attempt to embarrass a naïve freshman had been merely a moment of college fun. Probably everyone in the cafeteria had done something equally dumb when he or she was a freshman-and had lived to tell about it.Who cared whether I dropped a tray, where I sat in class, or even whether I showed up in the wrong lecture? Nobody. This wasn’t like high school. Populari ty was not so important: running with the crowd was no longer a law of survival. In college, it didn’t matter. This was my bid chance to do my own thing, be my own woman-if I could get past my preoccupation with doing everything perfectly.Once I recogniz ed that I had no one’s expectations to live up to but my own, I relaxed. The shackles of self-consciousness fell away, and I began to view college as a wonderful experiment. I tried on new experiences like articles of clothing, checking their fit andjudging their worth. I broke a few rules to test my conscience. I dressed a little differently until I found the Real Me. I discovered a taste for jazz, and I decided I like going barefoot .I gave up trying to act my way through college (this wasn’t drama sc hool) and began not acting at all. College, I decided, was probably the only time I would be completely forgiven for massive mistake (including stepping in puddles of ketchup and dropping food trays). So I used the opportunity to make all the ones I though t I’d never make.Three years after graduation, I’m still making mistakes. And I’m even being forgiven for a few.全新的开始我第一次开始思考我的大学要做些什么,不管怎样我的父母把我送到大学校园便开车离开了,我一个人孤零零地站在停车场,此时此刻我只想平安地找到去我宿舍的道路。
新世纪高等院校英专本科生系列教材《综合教程》第三册 unit1 Fresh Start课文翻译
Unit1 新开始艾芙琳赫洛尔德当我的父母把车开走,留下我一个人不知所措地站在停车场时,我第一次开始琢磨我会在大学校园内做些什么,而此时我除了想安全到达寝室外别无所求。
U n i t-1-F r e s h-S t a r t课文翻译(总2页)-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1-CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除全新的开始我第一次开始思考我的大学要做些什么,不管怎样我的父母把我送到大学校园便开车离开了,我一个人孤零零地站在停车场,此时此刻我只想平安地找到去我宿舍的道路。
Unit 1 Fresh Start课文翻译综合教程三
Unit 1Fresh StartEvelyn HeraldI first began to wonder what I was doing on a college campus anyway when my parents drove off, leaving me standing pitifully in a parking lot, wanting nothing more than to find my way safely to my dorm room. The fact was that no matter how mature I liked to consider myself, I was feeling just a bit first-gradish. Adding to my distress was the distinct impression that everyone on campus was watching me. My plan was to keep my ears open and my mouth shut and hope no one would notice I was a freshman.With that thought in mind, I raised my head, squared my shoulders, and set out in the direction of my dorm, glancing (and then ever so discreetly) at the campus map clutched in my hand. It took everything I had not to stare when I caught my first glimpse of a real live college football player. What confidence, what reserve, what muscles! I only hoped his attention was drawn to my airs of assurance rather than to my shaking knees. I spent the afternoon seeking out each of my classrooms so that I could make a perfectly timed entrance before each lecture without having to ask dumb questions about its whereabouts.The next morning I found my first class and marched in. Once I was in the room, however, another problem awaited me. Where to sit? Freshmen manuals advised sitting near the front, showing the professor in intelligent and energetic demeanor. After deliberation, I chose a seat in the first row and to the side. I was in the foreground (as advised), but out of the professor’s direc t line of vision.I cracked my anthology of American literature and scribbled the date at the top of a crisp ruled page. “Welcome to Biology 101,” the professor began. A cold sweat broke out on the back of my neck. I groped for my schedule and checked the room number. I was in the right room. Just the wrong building.So now what? Get up and leave in the middle of the lecture? Wouldn’t the professor be angry? I knew everyone would stare. Forget it ,I settled into my chair and tried to assume the scientific pose of a biology major ,blending slightly forward, tensing my arms in preparation for furious notetaking, and cursing under my breath. The bottled snakes along the wall should have tipped me off.After class I decided my stomach (as well as my ego) needed a little nourishment, and I hurried to the cafeteria. I accidentally stepped in a large puddle of ketchup. Keeping myself upright and getting out of the mess was not going to be easy, and this flailing ofmy feet was doing not good. Just as I decided to try another maneuver, my food tray tipped and I lost my balance. As my rear end met the floor, I saw my entire life pass before my eyes: it ended with my first day of college classes.In the seconds after my fall I thought how nice it would be if no one had noticed. But as all the students in the cafeteria came to their feet, table by table, cheering and clapping, I knew they had not only noticed ,they were determined that I would never forget it. Slowly I kicked off my ketchup-soaked sandals and jumped clear of the toppled tray and spilled food. A cleanup brigade came charging out of the kitchen, mops in the hand. I sneaked out of the cafeteria as the cheers died down behind me.For three days I dined alone on nothing more than humiliation, shame, and an assortment of junk food from a machine strategically placed outside my room. On the fourth day I couldn’t take another crunchy-chewy-saltly-sweet bite. I needed some real food. Perhaps three days was long enough for the campus population to have forgotten me. So off to the cafeteria I went.I made my way through the food line and tiptoed to a table, where I collapsed in relief. Suddenly I heard a crash that sounded vaguely familiar. I looked up to see that another poor soul had met the fate I’d thought was reserved only for me. I was even more surprised when I saw who the poor soul was: the very composed, very upper class football player I’d seen just days before (thought he didn’t look quite so composed wearing spaghetti on the front of his shirt). My heart went out to him as people began to cheer and clap as they had for me. He got up, hands held high above his head in a victory clasp , grinning from ear to ear. I expected him to slink out of the cafeteria as I had, but instead he turned around and bega n preparing another tray. And that’s when I realized I had been taking myself far too seriously.What I had interpreted as a malicious attempt to embarrass a naïve freshman had been merely a moment of college fun. Probably everyone in the cafeteria had done something equally dumb when he or she was a freshman-and had lived to tell about it.Who cared whether I dropped a tray, where I sat in class, or even whether I showed up in the wrong lecture? Nobody. This wasn’t like high school. Popularity was not so important: running with the crowd was no longer a law of survival. In college, it didn’t matter. This was my bid chance to do my own thing, be my own woman-if I could get past my preoccupation with doing everything perfectly.Once I recognized that I had no one’s expectations to live up to but my own, I relaxed. The shackles of self-consciousness fell away, and I began to view college as a wonderful experiment. I tried on new experiences like articles of clothing, checking their fit andjudging their worth. I broke a few rules to test my conscience. I dressed a little differently until I found the Real Me. I discovered a taste for jazz, and I decided I like going barefoot .I gave up trying to act my way through college (this wasn’t drama school) and beg an not acting at all. College, I decided, was probably the only time I would be completely forgiven for massive mistake (including stepping in puddles of ketchup and dropping food trays). So I used the opportunity to make all the ones I thought I’d never m ake.Three years after graduation, I’m still making mistakes. And I’m even being forgiven for a few.全新的开始我第一次开始思考我的大学要做些什么,不管怎样我的父母把我送到大学校园便开车离开了,我一个人孤零零地站在停车场,此时此刻我只想平安地找到去我宿舍的道路。
(完整word版)Unit 1 Fresh Start课文翻译综合教程三
Unit 1Fresh StartEvelyn HeraldI first began to wonder what I was doing on a college campus anyway when my parents drove off, leaving me standing pitifully in a parking lot, wanting nothing more than to find my way safely to my dorm room. The fact was that no matter how mature I liked to consider myself, I was feeling just a bit first-gradish. Adding to my distress was the distinct impression that everyone on campus was watching me. My plan was to keep my ears open and my mouth shut and hope no one would notice I was a freshman.With that thought in mind, I raised my head, squared my shoulders, and set out in the direction of my dorm, glancing (and then ever so discreetly) at the campus map clutched in my hand. It took everything I had not to stare when I caught my first glimpse of a real live college football player. What confidence, what reserve, what muscles! I only hoped his attention was drawn to my airs of assurance rather than to my shaking knees. I spent the afternoon seeking out each of my classrooms so that I could make a perfectly timed entrance before each lecture without having to ask dumb questions about its whereabouts.The next morning I found my first class and marched in. Once I was in the room, however, another problem awaited me. Where to sit? Freshmen manuals advised sitting near the front, showing the professor in intelligent and energetic demeanor. After deliberation, I chose a seat in the first row and to the side. I was in the foreground (as advised), but out of the professor’s direc t line of vision.I cracked my anthology of American literature and scribbled the date at the top of a crisp ruled page. “Welcome to Biology 101,” the professor began. A cold sweat broke out on the back of my neck. I groped for my schedule and checked the room number. I was in the right room. Just the wrong building.So now what? Get up and leave in the middle of the lecture? Wouldn’t the professor be angry? I knew everyone would stare. Forget it ,I settled into my chair and tried to assume the scientific pose of a biology major ,blending slightly forward, tensing my arms in preparation for furious notetaking, and cursing under my breath. The bottled snakes along the wall should have tipped me off.After class I decided my stomach (as well as my ego) needed a little nourishment, and I hurried to the cafeteria. I accidentally stepped in a large puddle of ketchup. Keeping myself upright and getting out of the mess was not going to be easy, and this flailing ofmy feet was doing not good. Just as I decided to try another maneuver, my food tray tipped and I lost my balance. As my rear end met the floor, I saw my entire life pass before my eyes: it ended with my first day of college classes.In the seconds after my fall I thought how nice it would be if no one had noticed. But as all the students in the cafeteria came to their feet, table by table, cheering and clapping, I knew they had not only noticed ,they were determined that I would never forget it. Slowly I kicked off my ketchup-soaked sandals and jumped clear of the toppled tray and spilled food. A cleanup brigade came charging out of the kitchen, mops in the hand. I sneaked out of the cafeteria as the cheers died down behind me.For three days I dined alone on nothing more than humiliation, shame, and an assortment of junk food from a machine strategically placed outside my room. On the fourth day I couldn’t take another crunchy-chewy-saltly-sweet bite. I needed some real food. Perhaps three days was long enough for the campus population to have forgotten me. So off to the cafeteria I went.I made my way through the food line and tiptoed to a table, where I collapsed in relief. Suddenly I heard a crash that sounded vaguely familiar. I looked up to see that another poor soul had met the fate I’d thought was reserved only for me. I was even more surprised when I saw who the poor soul was: the very composed, very upper class football player I’d seen just days before (thought he didn’t look quite so composed wearing spaghetti on the front of his shirt). My heart went out to him as people began to cheer and clap as they had for me. He got up, hands held high above his head in a victory clasp , grinning from ear to ear. I expected him to slink out of the cafeteria as I had, but instead he turned around and bega n preparing another tray. And that’s when I realized I had been taking myself far too seriously.What I had interpreted as a malicious attempt to embarrass a naïve freshman had been merely a moment of college fun. Probably everyone in the cafeteria had done something equally dumb when he or she was a freshman-and had lived to tell about it.Who cared whether I dropped a tray, where I sat in class, or even whether I showed up in the wrong lecture? Nobody. This wasn’t like high school. Popularity was not so important: running with the crowd was no longer a law of survival. In college, it didn’t matter. This was my bid chance to do my own thing, be my own woman-if I could get past my preoccupation with doing everything perfectly.Once I recognized that I had no one’s expectations to live up to but my own, I relaxed. The shackles of self-consciousness fell away, and I began to view college as a wonderful experiment. I tried on new experiences like articles of clothing, checking their fit andjudging their worth. I broke a few rules to test my conscience. I dressed a little differently until I found the Real Me. I discovered a taste for jazz, and I decided I like going barefoot .I gave up trying to act my way through college (this wasn’t drama school) and beg an not acting at all. College, I decided, was probably the only time I would be completely forgiven for massive mistake (including stepping in puddles of ketchup and dropping food trays). So I used the opportunity to make all the ones I thought I’d never m ake.Three years after graduation, I’m still making mistakes. And I’m even being forgiven for a few.全新的开始我第一次开始思考我的大学要做些什么,不管怎样我的父母把我送到大学校园便开车离开了,我一个人孤零零地站在停车场,此时此刻我只想平安地找到去我宿舍的道路。
(完整word版)Unit1FreshStart课文翻译综合教程三编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望((完整word 版)Unit1FreshStart课文翻译综合教程三)的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。
Unit 1Fresh StartEvelyn HeraldI first began to wonder what I was doing on a college campus anyway when my parents drove off, leaving me standing pitifully in a parking lot,wanting nothing more than to find my way safely to my dorm room。
The fact was that no matter how mature I liked to consider myself, I was feeling just a bit first—gradish。
Adding to my distress was the distinct impression that everyone on campus was watching me。
My plan was to keep my ears open and my mouth shut and hope no one would notice I was a freshman.With that thought in mind, I raised my head, squared my shoulders, and set out in the direction of my dorm, glancing (and then ever so discreetly) at the campus map clutched in my hand. It took everything I had not to stare when I caught my first glimpse of a real live college football player. What confidence,what reserve, what muscles! I only hoped his attention was drawn to my airs of assurance rather than to my shaking knees。
Unit 1 Fresh Start课文翻译综合教程三
Unit 1Fresh StartEvelyn HeraldI first began to wonder what I was doing on a college campus anyway when my parents drove off, leaving me standing pitifully in a parking lot, wanting nothing more than to find my way safely to my dorm room. The fact was that no matter how mature I liked to consider myself, I was feeling just a bit first-gradish. Adding to my distress was the distinct impression that everyone on campus was watching me. My plan was to keep my ears open and my mouth shut and hope no one would notice I was a freshman.With that thought in mind, I raised my head, squared my shoulders, and set out in the direction of my dorm, glancing (and then ever so discreetly) at the campus map clutched in my hand. It took everything I had not to stare when I caught my first glimpse of a real live college football player. What confidence, what reserve, what muscles! I only hoped his attention was drawn to my airs of assurance rather than to my shaking knees. I spent the afternoon seeking out each of my classrooms so that I could make a perfectly timed entrance before each lecture without having to ask dumb questions about its whereabouts.The next morning I found my first class and marched in. Once I was in the room, however, another problem awaited me. Where to sit? Freshmen manuals advised sitting near the front, showing the professor in intelligent and energetic demeanor. After deliberation, I chose a seat in the first row and to the side. I was in the foreground (as advised), but out of the professor’s direc t line of vision.I cracked my anthology of American literature and scribbled the date at the top of a crisp ruled page. “Welcome to Biology 101,”the professor began. A cold sweat broke out on the back of my neck. I groped for my schedule and checked the room number.I was in the right room. Just the wrong building.So now what? Get up and leave in the middle of the lecture? Wouldn’t the professor be angry? I knew everyone would stare. Forget it ,I settled into my chair and tried to assume the scientific pose of a biology major ,blending slightly forward, tensing my arms in preparation for furious notetaking, and cursing under my breath. The bottled snakes along the wall should have tipped me off.After class I decided my stomach (as well as my ego) needed a little nourishment, and I hurried to the cafeteria. I accidentally stepped in a large puddle of ketchup. Keeping myself upright and getting out of the mess was not going to be easy, andthis flailing of my feet was doing not good. Just as I decided to try another maneuver, my food tray tipped and I lost my balance. As my rear end met the floor, I saw my entire life pass before my eyes: it ended with my first day of college classes.In the seconds after my fall I thought how nice it would be if no one had noticed. But as all the students in the cafeteria came to their feet, table by table, cheering and clapping, I knew they had not only noticed ,they were determined that I would never forget it. Slowly I kicked off my ketchup-soaked sandals and jumped clear of the toppled tray and spilled food. A cleanup brigade came charging out of the kitchen, mops in the hand. I sneaked out of the cafeteria as the cheers died down behind me.For three days I dined alone on nothing more than humiliation, shame, and an assortment of junk food from a machine strategically placed outside my room. On the fourth day I couldn’t take another crunchy-chewy-saltly-sweet bite. I needed some real food. Perhaps three days was long enough for the campus population to have forgotten me. So off to the cafeteria I went.I made my way through the food line and tiptoed to a table, where I collapsed in relief. Suddenly I heard a crash that sounded vaguely familiar. I looked up to see that another poor soul had met the fate I’d thought was reserved only for me.I was even more surprised when I saw who the poor soul was: the very composed, very upper class football player I’d seen just days before (thought he didn’t look quite so composed wearing spaghetti on the front of his shirt). My heart went out to him as people began to cheer and clap as they had for me. He got up, hands held high above his head in a victory clasp , grinning from ear to ear. I expected him to slink out of the cafeteria as I had, but instead he turned around and began preparing another tray. And that’s when I realized I had been taking myself far too seriously.What I had interpreted as a malicious attempt to embarrass a naïve freshman had been merely a moment of college fun. Probably everyone in the cafeteria had done something equally dumb when he or she was a freshman-and had lived to tell about it.Who cared whether I dropped a tray, where I sat in class, or even whether I showed up in the wrong lecture? Nobody. This wasn’t like high school. Popularity was not so important: running with the crowd was no longer a law of survival. In college, it didn’t matter. This was my bid chance to do my own thing, be my own woman-if I could get past my preoccupation with doing everything perfectly.Once I recognized that I had no one’s expectations to live up to but my own, I relaxed. The shackles of self-consciousness fell away, and I began to view collegeas a wonderful experiment. I tried on new experiences like articles of clothing, checking their fit and judging their worth. I broke a few rules to test my conscience.I dressed a little differently until I found the Real Me. I discovered a taste for jazz, and I decided I like going barefoot .I gave up trying to act my way through college (this wasn’t drama school) and began not acting at all. College, I decided, was probably the only time I would be completely forgiven for massive mistake (including stepping in puddles of ketchup and dropping food trays). So I used the opportunity to make all the ones I thought I’d never m ake.Three years after graduation, I’m still making mistakes. And I’m even being forgiven for a few.全新的开始我第一次开始思考我的大学要做些什么,不管怎样我的父母把我送到大学校园便开车离开了,我一个人孤零零地站在停车场,此时此刻我只想平安地找到去我宿舍的道路。
Unit 1Fresh StartEvelyn HeraldI first began to wonder what I was doing on a college campus anyway when my parents drove off, leaving me standing pitifully in a parking lot, wanting nothing more than to find my way safely to my dorm room. The fact was that no matter how mature I liked to consider myself, I was feeling just a bit first-gradish. Adding to my distress was the distinct impression that everyone on campus was watching me. My plan was to keep my ears open and my mouth shut and hope no one would notice I was a freshman.With that thought in mind, I raised my head, squared my shoulders, and set out in the direction of my dorm, glancing (and then ever so discreetly) at the campus map clutched in my hand. It took everything I had not to stare when I caught my first glimpse of a real live college football player. What confidence, what reserve, what muscles! I only hoped his attention was drawn to my airs of assurance rather than to my shaking knees. I spent the afternoon seeking out each of my classrooms so that I could make a perfectly timed entrance before each lecture without having to ask dumb questions about its whereabouts.The next morning I found my first class and marched in. Once I was in the room, however, another problem awaited me. Where to sit? Freshmen manuals advised sitting near the front, showing the professor in intelligent and energetic demeanor. After deliberation, I chose a seat in the first row and to the side. I was in the foreground (as advised), but out of the prof essor’s direct line of vision.I cracked my anthology of American literature and scribbled the date at the top of a crisp ruled page. “Welcome to Biology 101,” the professor began. A cold sweat broke out on the back of my neck. I groped for my schedule and checked the room number. I was in the right room. Just the wrong building.So now what? Get up and leave in the middle of the lecture? Wouldn’t the professor be angry? I knew everyone would stare. Forget it ,I settled into my chair and tried to assume the scientific pose of a biology major ,blending slightly forward, tensing my arms in preparation for furious notetaking, and cursing under my breath. The bottled snakes along the wall should have tipped me off.After class I decided my stomach (as well as my ego) needed a little nourishment, and I hurried to the cafeteria. I accidentally stepped in a large puddle of ketchup. Keeping myself upright and getting out of the mess was not going to be easy, and this flailing ofmy feet was doing not good. Just as I decided to try another maneuver, my food tray tipped and I lost my balance. As my rear end met the floor, I saw my entire life pass before my eyes: it ended with my first day of college classes.In the seconds after my fall I thought how nice it would be if no one had noticed. But as all the students in the cafeteria came to their feet, table by table, cheering and clapping, I knew they had not only noticed ,they were determined that I would never forget it. Slowly I kicked off my ketchup-soaked sandals and jumped clear of the toppled tray and spilled food. A cleanup brigade came charging out of the kitchen, mops in the hand. I sneaked out of the cafeteria as the cheers died down behind me.For three days I dined alone on nothing more than humiliation, shame, and an assortment of junk food from a machine strategically placed outside my room. On the fourth day I couldn’t take another crunchy-chewy-saltly-sweet bite. I needed some real food. Perhaps three days was long enough for the campus population to have forgotten me. So off to the cafeteria I went.I made my way through the food line and tiptoed to a table, where I collapsed in relief. Suddenly I heard a crash that sounded vaguely familiar. I looked up to see that another poor soul had met the fate I’d thought was reserved only for me. I was even more surprised when I saw who the poor soul was: the very composed, very upper class football player I’d seen just days before (thought he didn’t look quite so composed wearing spaghetti on the front of his shirt). My heart went out to him as people began to cheer and clap as they had for me. He got up, hands held high above his head in a victory clasp , grinning from ear to ear. I expected him to slink out of the cafeteria as I had, but instead he turned ar ound and began preparing another tray. And that’s when I realized I had been taking myself far too seriously.What I had interpreted as a malicious attempt to embarrass a naïve freshman had been merely a moment of college fun. Probably everyone in the cafeteria had done something equally dumb when he or she was a freshman-and had lived to tell about it.Who cared whether I dropped a tray, where I sat in class, or even whether I showed up in the wrong lecture? Nobody. This wasn’t like high school. Populari ty was not so important: running with the crowd was no longer a law of survival. In college, it didn’t matter. This was my bid chance to do my own thing, be my own woman-if I could get past my preoccupation with doing everything perfectly.Once I recogniz ed that I had no one’s expectations to live up to but my own, I relaxed. The shackles of self-consciousness fell away, and I began to view college as a wonderful experiment. I tried on new experiences like articles of clothing, checking their fit andjudging their worth. I broke a few rules to test my conscience. I dressed a little differently until I found the Real Me. I discovered a taste for jazz, and I decided I like going barefoot .I gave up trying to act my way through college (this wasn’t drama sc hool) and began not acting at all. College, I decided, was probably the only time I would be completely forgiven for massive mistake (including stepping in puddles of ketchup and dropping food trays). So I used the opportunity to make all the ones I though t I’d never make.Three years after graduation, I’m still making mistakes. And I’m even being forgiven for a few.全新的开始我第一次开始思考我的大学要做些什么,不管怎样我的父母把我送到大学校园便开车离开了,我一个人孤零零地站在停车场,此时此刻我只想平安地找到去我宿舍的道路。
Unit 1Fresh StartEvelyn HeraldI first began to wonder what I was doing on a college campus anyway when my parents drove off, leaving me standing pitifully in a parking lot, wanting nothing more than to find my way safely to my dorm room. The fact was that no matter how mature I liked to consider myself, I was feeling just a bit first-gradish. Adding to my distress was the distinct impression that everyone on campus was watching me. My plan was to keep my ears open and my mouth shut and hope no one would notice I was a freshman.With that thought in mind, I raised my head, squared my shoulders, and set out in the direction of my dorm, glancing (and then ever so discreetly) at the campus map clutched in my hand. It took everything I had not to stare when I caught my first glimpse of a real live college football player. What confidence, what reserve, what muscles! I only hoped his attention was drawn to my airs of assurance rather than to my shaking knees. I spent the afternoon seeking out each of my classrooms so that I could make a perfectly timed entrance before each lecture without having to ask dumb questions about its whereabouts.The next morning I found my first class and marched in. Once I was in the room, however, another problem awaited me. Where to sit Freshmen manuals advised sitting near the front, showing the professor in intelligent and energetic demeanor. After deliberation, I chose a seat in the first row and to the side. I was in the foreground (as advised), but out of the professor’s direct line of vision.I cracked my anthology of American literature and scribbled the date at the top of a crisp ruled page. “Welcome to Biology 101,”the professor began. A cold sweat broke out on the back of my neck. I groped for my schedule and checked the room number.I was in the right room. Just the wrong building.So now what Get up and leave in the middle of the lecture Wouldn’t the professor be angry I knew everyone would stare. Forget it ,I settled into my chair and tried to assume the scientific pose of a biology major ,blending slightly forward, tensing my arms in preparation for furious notetaking, and cursing under my breath. The bottled snakes along the wall should have tipped me off.After class I decided my stomach (as well as my ego) needed a little nourishment, and I hurried to the cafeteria. I accidentally stepped in a large puddle of ketchup. Keeping myself upright and getting out of the mess was not going to be easy, andthis flailing of my feet was doing not good. Just as I decided to try another maneuver, my food tray tipped and I lost my balance. As my rear end met the floor, I saw my entire life pass before my eyes: it ended with my first day of college classes.In the seconds after my fall I thought how nice it would be if no one had noticed. But as all the students in the cafeteria came to their feet, table by table, cheering and clapping, I knew they had not only noticed ,they were determined that I would never forget it. Slowly I kicked off my ketchup-soaked sandals and jumped clear of the toppled tray and spilled food. A cleanup brigade came charging out of the kitchen, mops in the hand. I sneaked out of the cafeteria as the cheers died down behind me.For three days I dined alone on nothing more than humiliation, shame, and an assortment of junk food from a machine strategically placed outside my room. On the fourth day I couldn’t take another crunchy-chewy-saltly-sweet bite. I needed some real food. Perhaps three days was long enough for the campus population to have forgotten me. So off to the cafeteria I went.I made my way through the food line and tiptoed to a table, where I collapsed in relief. Suddenly I heard a crash that sounded vaguely familiar. I looked up to see that another poor soul had met the fate I’d thought was reserved only for me.I was even more surprised when I saw who the poor soul was: the very composed, very upper class football player I’d seen just days before (thought he didn’t look quite so composed wearing spaghetti on the front of his shirt). My heart went out to him as people began to cheer and clap as they had for me. He got up, hands held high above his head in a victory clasp , grinning from ear to ear. I expected him to slink out of the cafeteria as I had, but instead he turned around and began preparing another tray. And that’s when I realized I had been taking myself far too seriously.What I had interpreted as a malicious attempt to embarrass a naïve freshman had been merely a moment of college fun. Probably everyone in the cafeteria had done something equally dumb when he or she was a freshman-and had lived to tell about it.Who cared whether I dropped a tray, where I sat in class, or even whether I showed up in the wrong lecture Nobody. This wasn’t like high school. Popularity was not so important: running with the crowd was no longer a law of survival. In college, it didn’t matter. This was my bid chance to do my own thing, be my own woman-if I could get past my preoccupation with doing everything perfectly.Once I recognized that I had no o ne’s expectations to live up to but my own, I relaxed. The shackles of self-consciousness fell away, and I began to view collegeas a wonderful experiment. I tried on new experiences like articles of clothing, checking their fit and judging their worth. I broke a few rules to test my conscience.I dressed a little differently until I found the Real Me. I discovered a taste for jazz, and I decided I like going barefoot .I gave up trying to act my way through college (this wasn’t drama school) and began not acting at all. College, I decided, was probably the only time I would be completely forgiven for massive mistake (including stepping in puddles of ketchup and dropping food trays). So I used the opportunity to make all the ones I thought I’d never make.Three years after graduation, I’m still making mistakes. And I’m even being forgiven for a few.全新的开始我第一次开始思考我的大学要做些什么,不管怎样我的父母把我送到大学校园便开车离开了,我一个人孤零零地站在停车场,此时此刻我只想平安地找到去我宿舍的道路。
综合教程第三册课后翻译习题参考答案综合教程第三册课后翻译习题参考答案Unit 1 Fresh Start1. 听到他屡遭失败的消息,我感到很难过。
(distress)It distressed me a great deal to hear the news that he had suffered repeated failures.2. 他虽然失去了老板的欢心,但仍然装出一副高兴的样子。
(assume)He assumed an air of cheerfulness, even though he lost favor with his boss.3. 格列佛(Gulliver)经历了冒险奇遇,见到了一群光怪陆离的人物。
(assortment)Gulliver met with extraordinary adventures and saw a strange assortment of people.4. 如果你再犯同样的错误,他会对你非常生气的。
(furious)He will be furious with you if you repeat the same mistake.5. 我们都被他坦率的观点、幽默的语言和亲切的态度所深深吸引。
(draw)We were all greatly drawn by his frank views, humorous words and genial manner.6. 等到雷鸣般的掌声平息下来,那位诺贝尔奖获得者开始演讲。
(die dawn)After the thunderous applause died down, the Nobel Prize winner began his speech.Unit 2 Tyranny of the Urgent1. 他时常想起孩提时代的往事。
(haunt)Memories of his childhood haunted him.2. 需要更多的志愿者来完成这项辛苦的工作。
Unit 1 Fresh Start课文翻译综合教程三
Unit 1 Fresh Start课文翻译综合教程三Unit 1 Fresh StartPart 1: The Choice to ChangeIn life, we all encounter moments when we feel the need for a fresh start. Whether it's because of a personal setback or a desire to explore new opportunities, the decision to change can be both exciting and daunting. In this unit, we will delve into the theme of starting anew and discover the different ways people embrace change.Chapter 1: Embracing Change1.1 Recognizing the Need for ChangeChange often begins with an acknowledgment of the need for it. When circumstances become stagnant or unsatisfactory, people start questioning their current situation and wondering if there could be something better out there. Recognizing the need for change is the crucial first step towards a fresh start.1.2 Overcoming FearWhile change can be invigorating, it is also frequently accompanied by fear and uncertainty. Leaving behind familiarity and venturing into the unknown requires courage. Overcoming fear becomes essential in order to embrace change and fully commit to a fresh start.Chapter 2: Exploring New Horizons2.1 Trying New ThingsA fresh start often involves trying new things. Stepping out of our comfort zones and exploring unfamiliar territories can be intimidating, but it is through these experiences that we grow and discover hidden potentials within ourselves. By embracing new opportunities, we open doors to endless possibilities.2.2 Expanding PerspectivesExploring new horizons broadens our perspectives and helps us see the world in a different light. By engaging with people from different cultures and backgrounds, we gain valuable insights and develop a more inclusive mindset. A fresh start allows us to expand our horizons and cultivate a greater understanding of the world around us.Part 2: The Journey of Self-DiscoveryChapter 3: Reflecting on the Past3.1 Learning from MistakesA fresh start offers an opportunity for self-reflection and learning from past mistakes. By examining our actions and understanding the consequences, we can make better choices in the future. The ability to learn from our past experiences is crucial in order to grow and develop as individuals.3.2 Embracing GrowthReflecting on the past also enables us to appreciate our personal growth. Change allows us to shed old habits and behaviors that no longer serve us,paving the way for personal development. Embracing growth is an essential part of the journey towards a fresh start.Chapter 4: Rediscovering Passions4.1 Pursuing Meaningful GoalsA fresh start often involves reevaluating our goals and considering what truly brings us fulfillment. Rediscovering our passions and aligning our actions with our values allows us to pursue meaningful endeavors. By chasing after goals that ignite our passion, we can find a renewed sense of purpose in life.4.2 Cultivating Self-CareAs we embark on a journey of self-discovery, it is important to prioritize self-care. Taking care of our physical, emotional, and mental well-being is essential for a fresh start. Cultivating healthy habits and practicing self-compassion allows us to navigate through challenges with resilience and nurture our overall well-being.ConclusionIn conclusion, a fresh start is not just a mere change of circumstances, but a transformative journey of self-discovery and growth. By recognizing the need for change, overcoming fear, exploring new horizons, reflecting on the past, and rediscovering our passions, we can embrace a fresh start and embark on a path towards personal fulfillment. May each of us find the courage and determination to embrace change and create our own fresh start.。
unit 1 Fresh Start 综合教程三
Para 1 :
Q:Why did the author have the impression that “everyone on campus was watching me”? The author, being over-sensitive, was uneasy with her identity as a freshman. She thought a new student would attract others’ attention, as what she did or said was liable to be too naïve to be right. That feeling is a typical symptom of lacking in self-confidence.
Part III (paras 10-14) The author learned the lesson that she didn’t have to pay too much attention to what other people were thinking about her.
In the text, three incidents are narrated by the author: the first is about her going into the wrong classroom; the second is about her falling down in the cafeteria; the last is about her witnessing the same embarrassing fall happening to someone admired by her.
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Unit 1Fresh StartEvelyn HeraldI first began to wonder what I was doing on a college campus anyway when my parents drove off, leaving me standing pitifully in a parking lot, wanting nothing more than to find my way safely to my dorm room. The fact was that no matter how mature I liked to consider myself, I was feeling just a bit first-gradish. Adding to my distress was the distinct impression that everyone on campus was watching me. My plan was to keep my ears open and my mouth shut and hope no one would notice I was a freshman.With that thought in mind, I raised my head, squared my shoulders, and set out in the direction of my dorm, glancing (and then ever so discreetly) at the campus map clutched in my hand. It took everything I had not to stare when I caught my first glimpse of a real live college football player. What confidence, what reserve, what muscles! I only hoped his attention was drawn to my airs of assurance rather than to my shaking knees. I spent the afternoon seeking out each of my classrooms so that I could make a perfectly timed entrance before each lecture without having to ask dumb questions about its whereabouts.The next morning I found my first class and marched in. Once I was in the room, however, another problem awaited me. Where to sit? Freshmen manuals advised sitting near the front, showing the professor in intelligent and energetic demeanor. After deliberation, I chose a seat in the first row and to the side. I was in the foreground (as advised), but out of the professor’s direc t line of vision.I cracked my anthology of American literature and scribbled the date at the top of a crisp ruled page. “Welcome to Biology 101,” the professor began. A cold sweat broke out on the back of my neck. I groped for my schedule and checked the room number. I was in the right room. Just the wrong building.So now what? Get up and leave in the middle of the lecture? Wouldn’t the professor be angry? I knew everyone would stare. Forget it ,I settled into my chair and tried to assume the scientific pose of a biology major ,blending slightly forward, tensing my arms in preparation for furious notetaking, and cursing under my breath. The bottled snakes along the wall should have tipped me off.After class I decided my stomach (as well as my ego) needed a little nourishment, and I hurried to the cafeteria. I accidentally stepped in a large puddle of ketchup. Keeping myself upright and getting out of the mess was not going to be easy, and this flailing ofmy feet was doing not good. Just as I decided to try another maneuver, my food tray tipped and I lost my balance. As my rear end met the floor, I saw my entire life pass before my eyes: it ended with my first day of college classes.In the seconds after my fall I thought how nice it would be if no one had noticed. But as all the students in the cafeteria came to their feet, table by table, cheering and clapping, I knew they had not only noticed ,they were determined that I would never forget it. Slowly I kicked off my ketchup-soaked sandals and jumped clear of the toppled tray and spilled food. A cleanup brigade came charging out of the kitchen, mops in the hand. I sneaked out of the cafeteria as the cheers died down behind me.For three days I dined alone on nothing more than humiliation, shame, and an assortment of junk food from a machine strategically placed outside my room. On the fourth day I couldn’t take another crunchy-chewy-saltly-sweet bite. I needed some real food. Perhaps three days was long enough for the campus population to have forgotten me. So off to the cafeteria I went.I made my way through the food line and tiptoed to a table, where I collapsed in relief. Suddenly I heard a crash that sounded vaguely familiar. I looked up to see that another poor soul had met the fate I’d thought was reserved only for me. I was even more surprised when I saw who the poor soul was: the very composed, very upper class football player I’d seen just days before (thought he didn’t look quite so composed wearing spaghetti on the front of his shirt). My heart went out to him as people began to cheer and clap as they had for me. He got up, hands held high above his head in a victory clasp , grinning from ear to ear. I expected him to slink out of the cafeteria as I had, but instead he turned around and bega n preparing another tray. And that’s when I realized I had been taking myself far too seriously.What I had interpreted as a malicious attempt to embarrass a naïve freshman had been merely a moment of college fun. Probably everyone in the cafeteria had done something equally dumb when he or she was a freshman-and had lived to tell about it.Who cared whether I dropped a tray, where I sat in class, or even whether I showed up in the wrong lecture? Nobody. This wasn’t like high school. Popularity was not so important: running with the crowd was no longer a law of survival. In college, it didn’t matter. This was my bid chance to do my own thing, be my own woman-if I could get past my preoccupation with doing everything perfectly.Once I recognized that I had no one’s expectations to live up to but my own, I relaxed. The shackles of self-consciousness fell away, and I began to view college as a wonderful experiment. I tried on new experiences like articles of clothing, checking their fit andjudging their worth. I broke a few rules to test my conscience. I dressed a little differently until I found the Real Me. I discovered a taste for jazz, and I decided I like going barefoot .I gave up trying to act my way through college (this wasn’t drama school) and beg an not acting at all. College, I decided, was probably the only time I would be completely forgiven for massive mistake (including stepping in puddles of ketchup and dropping food trays). So I used the opportunity to make all the ones I thought I’d never m ake.Three years after graduation, I’m still making mistakes. And I’m even being forgiven for a few.全新的开始我第一次开始思考我的大学要做些什么,不管怎样我的父母把我送到大学校园便开车离开了,我一个人孤零零地站在停车场,此时此刻我只想平安地找到去我宿舍的道路。