新核心综合学术英语教程Unit 5
综合学术英语教程3 答案Unit 1 DefinitionKeys to the ExercisesTask 1 Familiarizing Yourself with DefinitionReading1 Great Leaps in Modern Technology2. Technology, on the other hand, is more of an applied science. It is where tools and knowledgeare used for the study of a particular science. For example, the science of energy can havetechnology as its application. In the case of energy as a subject in science, solar panels can beused for a variety of technologies, an example of which are solar-powered lights.From the following website:#ixzz37toZQcugTask 2 Understanding Lectures through DefinitionListening 11. phobia, hypnophobia, cynophobia, aerophobia2. 1) T 2) F 3) F 4) T 5) T 6) T 7) F 8) F3.Task 3 Reading Definition Articles1. 1) Indigenous knowledge means knowledge belonging to the country, rather than beingbrought there from another country.2) All the list items will probably be included since the title is rather broad and general.3) For open discussion2. 1) International knowledge system.2) Knowledge capital, physical and financial capital.3) It contains the skills, experiences and insights of people, applied tomaintain or improve their4) Medicine and veterinary medicine.5) It is considered the social capital, meaning an essential resource forsurvival and means ofsustenance and livelihood.6) a) It is inappropriate for new challenges or it adapts too slowly; b)The introduction offoreign technologies or development concepts that promise short-term gains or solutions toproblems that they cannot sustain.7) Agriculture, animal husbandry and ethnic veterinary medicine, primaryhealth care,preventive medicine and psychosocial care, saving and lending.8) A higher variance of traits, less susceptible to the frequent droughts, reduce risks.9) a) Indigenous knowledge is vital for its bearers; b) Become fully awareof its value andcontributions to the intended objectives; c) It is an integral part of global knowledge in itsown right.10) An integration or combination of indigenous knowledge and foreign knowledge.Reading 2 Indigenous Knowledge3. 1) r. override 2) j. expertise 3) d. intimate 4) a. unanimous 5) g.intrusion6) u. dissemination 7) c. insights 8) l. susceptible 9) n. incorporating10) f. vanish11) m. interaction 12) s. scenario 13) i. detrimental 14) p. implement15) k. alleviation16) b. encompass 17) o. validate 18) h. impending 19) e. interweave 20) t. rational4. For reference:The two articles both employ definitions for the introduction of the terms and examples tovalidate each facet. Both use classifications, descriptions, comparison and contrast for furtheranalysis. One big difference lies in the perspective to view the title, with the first a ratherholistic discussion ranging from the status quo to the settlement of the existing problems andthe second a partial focus on chiefly its applications.Reading 3 Ultrasonics5. 1) component 2) accumulate 3) spherical 4) navigate 5) fatigue6) harness 7) version 8) synonymous 9) inhibit 10) integrity11) uniform 12) detect 13) incidence 14) monitor 15) probe16) intensity 17) convert 18) proceed 19) visualize 20) inspect6. Attention: there is a mistake here, the first should be Para. KPara. K—e Para. B—a Para. C—c Para. D—f Para. E—hPara. F—d Para. G—j Para. H—i Para. I—b Para. J—g7. 1) E 2) F 3) Para. E 4) E 5) F 6) Para. H 7) Para. H 8) E8. For open discussionTask 4 Writing an Essay of DefinitionReading 4 Disruptive Technologies1.5. For reference only1) Natural breathing will be provided by the robot for the patient during surgery.2) The pressure will have to be reduced by us.3) All instruments need to be sterilized.4) For us, some physical and technical factors may be considered/ taken into consideration.5) If we make sustained efforts, there is a chance that the environment will be improved.6) Some specific demands of the scientific establishment have to be made.7) The presence of the country has been felt more than ever by the wholeworld.8) It seems that other explanations are hard to be found.9) The interaction between organism and environment is being perceived.10) The tests work most effectively if what will be measured can be most precisely defined.Integrated Exercises2. 1) component 2) integrity 3) mobilize 4) option 5) monitor 6) navigate7) encompass8) compromise 9) incorporate 10) implement 11) impending 12) scenario 3. 1) The survey encompasses social, political, and economic aspects of the situation.2) In some countries power is synonymous with corruption.3) The strike shut down many airports, but international f lights were unaffected.4) The scenery is beautiful but inaccessible to most ordinary travelers.5) The conflict deprived him of the means of livelihood.6) Such animals can withstand the extremes of weather.7) The rise in the time spent on the Internet is concomitant with the massive loss ofsociability.8) Many inventions such as gunpowder and the compass originated in China.9) The frequency of mining accidents has decreased over the past 10 years.10) The maximum number of places offered by the medical school for theapplicants is 15.5. 1) Scientists should warn people about PM 2.5 and the need to restrict their children’soutdoor activities to avoid even the minimal damage.2) The local government has implemented a development program for the mountain climbersto leave the surrounding region unaffected.3) We can reduce the risks to zero since we are sure of what risks they are running.4) To combat your anxiety, you should compel yourself to visualize apromising future in which a problem has already been settled.5) He holds that developed countries should be held accountable foreconomic growth on a global scale.6) Trash is not yet fully utilized, leading to overlooking the potential in it.7) A large number of females choose the option of personal finance toachieve control of their own lives.8)The university has decided to invest in the project because it has manytechnical advantages over other similar ones.9) Trees can provide shelter for both man and animals, which we tend to overlook.10) We are trying to achieve a sound understanding of liberal arts courses,which encompasses a wide range of subjects.Listening 2A. (1) F (2) T (3) T (4) F (5) T (6) T (7) TB. (1) Clouding computing is about the provision of computer resources likeSaaS, PaaS, and infrastructure provision while private computingisn’t.(2) 67.(3) Because the Industrial Revolution is not a thing, and it cannot bedefined by some specific products. It is a transformation or atransition involving concepts, ideas, ways of production, changingattitudes, etc.(4) Because it is more than just technology, as the speaker furthercompares it to electricity, which has transformed from an innovationto much more of a utility service.(5) Ubiquitous.Listening 3A. (1) C (2) B (3) A (4) C (5) DB. compressed, whisper, external, pockets, panic, assembly, psychological,reflection, simultaneous, architecture, figure out, legitimate, instantaneous, clicking, addictedC. (1) B, C (2) CUnit 2 ClassificationKeys to the ExercisesTask 1 Familiarizing Yourself with Classification1. 1) Man-made or anthropogenic causes, and natural causes.2) Pollution (burning fossil fuels, mining coal and oil, etc.), theproduction of CO2 ( the increase of population, the demolition of trees, etc.).3) CO2 is a greenhouse gas that traps heat in the Earth’s atmosphere.4) Classification helps us to determine and understand the relationshipof the parts of a subject which is studied by us. Classification is made on the basis of a clear definition.5) In order to make a clear and logic classification, one needs to followa principle of classification and go on with a system consistently.For example, the categories of classification should be mutually exclusive and no overlapping is allowed.Reading 1 Causes for Global Warming2. Coal is the most abundant fossil fuel resource. It provides aboutone-quarter of the total energy the world uses, and 40 percent of the electricity generated worldwide is powered by coal. The steel industry also is greatly dependent upon this fossil fuel. Like other depleting sources of global energy, coal reserves are also on a steep decline.Moreover, coal is a greenhouse gas nightmare. Natural gas is comprised mostly of methane, although it also contains ethane, propane and butane.It is a convenient and efficient energy source. The major consumers of natural gas are the residential, commercial and industrial sectors. It is also used to generate electricity. Unlike other fossil fuels, naturalgas is cleaner and causes less pollution. Like other fossil fuels, this resource is depleting rapidly.Task 2 Understanding Lectures through ClassificationListening 11. Unconscious motivation, unconscious conflict, the id, the ego, the superego, etc.2. 1) T 2) F 3) F 4) F 5) T 6) F 7) T 8) F3. Idea One: The existence of an unconscious motivationIdea Two: The notion of unconscious dynamics or conflict4. There are two interesting ideas in Freud’s theory: first, the existenceof unconscious motivation; second, the concept of unconscious conflict.Freud believes that unconscious motivation might play an important role in a lot of situations, such as marriage, forgetting a person’s name, calling out the wrong name etc. In his view, there are three processes going on in the head, namely, id, ego and superego, which are in violent internal conflict. Id functions on “the Pleasure Principle”, while egoworks on “the Reality Principle” and superego is the internalized rules of a society. Ego is in between id and superego.Task 3 Reading Classification ArticlesReading 2 Renewable Energy Sources—A Brief Summary1. 1) Renewable energy is energy which comes from natural resources suchas sunlight, wind, rain, tides, and geothermal heat, which are renewable (naturally replenished).2)□√ The purpose of using renewable energy sources.□√ The classification of renewable energy sources.□√ The examples of different types of renewable energy sources.□√ The advantages and disadvantages of various types of renewable energy sources.□√ The history of the use of different energy sources.□ How energy is obtained from various sources.3) I would write:(1) The definition of the renewable energy.(2) The classification of the renewable energy.(3) The advantages and the disadvantages of various types of renewable energy sources.2. 1) The signing of the Kyoto Treaty.2) It converts the sun’s rays into energy.3) The main demerit is that it is limited.4) Sailors, farmers and architects.5) The main advantage is that this doesn’t produce any by-products thatcan be harmful to the environment.6) Because the Earth’s crust continuously decays, replenishing the heat.7) They use the force of the water to push the turbine which in turn powersa generator thus generating electricity.8) It poses a problem for fish and aquatic plants on both sides of the dam.9) They contain no petroleum, and they are nontoxic and biodegradable.10) The Environmental Protection Agency.3. 1) j. evolution 2) s. solar 3) a. architect 4) l. geothermal 5) p. preserve6) b. biodegradable 7) r. radioactive 8) f. crusade 9) h. distribute 10) q. radiant11) i. domestic 12) t. validation 13) k. generator 14) d. capture 15)g. definitely16) n. install 17) e. consumption 18) m. harness 19) o. internal 20) c. bladeReading 3 Types of Pollution5. 1) voluntary 2) construction 3) contamination 4) eruption 5) regulation6) deforestation 7) yield 8) irrigation 9) confine 10) sewage11) hazardous 12) residential 13) vapor 14) decay 15) erosion16) disrupt 17) particulate 18) underground 19) concentration 20) combat6.7.8. My summary is: Even if solar energy is limited, it enjoys a long historyand has been advancing constantly, thus enabling us to convert heat into electricity, which can be stored, ready for use.Task 4 Writing an Essay of ClassificationReading 4 Types of Sustainability1.5. 1) Declarative sentences are mostly employed in academic writing, despitethe occasional utilizations of interrogative sentences.2) To support the truths, reliable evidence is quoted by scholars in all disciplines.3) Much importance should be attached to the comprehension of thedifference between education and training.4) A person who exposes himself to the sunlight for excessive time issusceptible to malignant melanoma.5) Students doing temporary jobs display a better performance in their academic studies.6) American frontier is deeply rooted in many aspects of American character.7) The direct involvement of many a foreign country is evident in theprocess of US territorial expansion.8) Parents need to equipped with much care and knowledge while raising a kid.9) Environment plays a vital role in the growth of plants.10) In the past, Beijing was ravaged by dust storms for 20 days annually. Integrated Exercises2. 1) motivation 2) demolish 3) symptom 4) combat 5) capture 6) distribute7) assert 8) yield9) internal 10) emergence 11) adherence 12) disrupt3. 1) Internet access is available in the students’ dormitory.2) If you can harness your energy, you’ll be rewarded with huge accomplishments.3) It has been confirmed that foul weather is highly hazardous for sea navigation.4) The governmental nuclear waste disposal plan aroused fierce protestsfrom the local residents.5) Extinction of this rare species of bird is foreseeable if effective measures are not taken.6) While delivering a public speech, a speaker must articulate his/her arguments.7) I highly esteem his current research on stem cells.8) A speaker cannot always secure the cooperation of the audience.9) The car industry of this country is sheltered by its government from foreign competition.10) Even a moderate elevation of blood pressure leads to shortened life expectancys.5. 1) The effective disposal of the recognized sources of pollutiondemonstrates to be of great aid in the elevation of people’s quality of life.2) Since the rapid evolution of technology, the lifestyles of thegenerations ahead of us will witness a revolutionized change.3) Tapping heat from the Earth enables the residents of resource-poorregions to combat the poor conditions.4) The downside of the practice of fertilizing the soil by burning strawsis the fact that the released dusts and particles pose a serious problem for the health of the respiratory system.5) This campaign, organized by environmentally conscious individuals,has a measurable effect on the general improvement of all the people’s environmental protection awareness.6) The history of deforestation can date back to two millenniums ago,which has deteriorated constantly in the modern times, leading to a huge loss of wildlife habitat.7) During the visit to Huangshan (Yellow Mountain), the tourists wereamazed at how nature works wonders, realizing that beauty is only sustainable if all of us care for the environment around us.8) Drug abuse is a general degradation of lifestyle, causing immediate health effects.9) Oil leakage in the mainstream river considerably decreases thequantity of drinkable water; what’s worse, the adverse effects are not confined to areas near the source.10) Luckily, the pollution inflicted by this accident will be effectivelyremoved through natural cycles, not having a negative impact on the environment.Listening 2A. (1) T (2) F (3) F (4) F (5) T (6) F (7) FB. (1) The individual’s potential and the importance of growth and self-actualization.(2) The lower one.(3) By providing lunch breaks, rest breaks and sufficient wages to purchase essentials.(4) The love and belonging needs.(5) They are self-aware, concerned with personal growth, less concernedwith the opinions of other people, and interested in fulfilling their potential.C. This lecture is about Maslow’s theory of the hierarchy of needs, namelyphysiological needs, safety needs, social needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization needs. Physiological needs are the most basic and instinctive ones, which must be satisfied first. Safety needs refer tothe needs for safety and security, also important for survival. Social needs include the needs for belonging, love and affection, the deprivation of which leads to unhappiness. Esteem needs reflect on personal worth, social recognition and accomplishment; if unmet, it may lead to inferiority complex. Self-actualization needs are at the highest level, meaning to realize a person’s full potential, capacities and talents.Listening 3A. (1) A (2) A (3) D (4) C (5) BB. classically, runny nose, sore throat, intrigued, initially, clinically,alludes to, building up, immune, alongside, shuffling, rip through, hospitalizationsC. (1) B C E(2) ① A B C ② A B ③ A B ④ A B ⑤ A B C ⑥ C ⑦ A ⑧ A ⑨ A ⑩ A CUnit 3 Comparison and ContrastKeys to the ExercisesTask 1 Familiarizing Yourself with Comparison and Contrast1. 1) Electric vehicles and gas vehicles.2) The energy they used, the distance, the cost and convenience.3) The electric vehicles and gas vehicles share some similarities: theappearance of muscle cars, all the standard features and they even perform similarly. The differences are listed below:4) The writer compares and contrasts both vehicles item after item. Insuch a pattern, the writer structures his paragraph around points of comparison, moving back and forth between the subjects.5) The former one—list all similarities of the two subjects, then their differences.Reading 1 Electric Vehicles and Gas Vehicle2. What’s more, there is a health factor that affects both of them. Cannedfood loses some of the original fresh food nutrients when stored, and also has to be tinned with many preservatives and chemical factors that prolong the shelf life and apparent freshness of the food but could becometoxic if consumed too often. Fresh food, on the other hand, often comes straight from a farm and has all the nutrients Mother Nature intended for it. As we can see, fresh food offers many benefits that canned food lacks. Therefore, an informed diner should always choose to eat fresh.After all, we could all use to improve our health.Task 2 Understanding Lectures Through Comparison and ContrastListening 12. 1) T. What I’m just beginning to realize right now, is that we pay ahuge price for the speed that we claim is a big advantage of these computers.2) F. And they consume one and a half megawatts of power. So that wouldbe really great, if you could add that to the production capacity in Tanzania. It would really boost the economy.3) F. Now, how much computation does the brain do? I estimate 10 to the16 bits per second, which is actually about very similar to what BlueGene does. So that’s the question.4) T. So what we are doing right now with computers with the energyconsumed by 1,200 houses, the brain is doing with the energy consumed by your laptop.5) F. How does that compare with the way computers work? In the computer,you have all the data going through the central processing unit, and any piece of data basically has to go through that bottleneck, whereas in the brain, what you have is these neurons.6) T. This is something that we’ve been working on for the last couple of years.3. 120,000 processors10 to the 16 bits per second1.5 megawatts10 quadrillion bits per second10 watts4. Although computers have strong power to process data, they still cannotcompare to the brain of human beings in which an unbelievable number of neurons connect and react with each other so that a real net could be accomplished perfectly. The research on how the computer could be as powerful as a brain will continue going on.Task 3 Reading Comparison and Contrast Articles2. 1) Consumer perceptions of organic processes and products and thoseinvolving biotechnology.2) Health, environment, risk and ethics.3) No study has directly elicited comparable attitudes about organicand GM products and processes.4) The average participant slightly, but not strongly, agreed with thepositively worded health attributes (e.g., organic food ishealthier), and disagreed with the negatively worded healthattributes (e.g., organic food is less healthy). The averageresponse about the healthfulness of GM foods was generally neutral.5) Both were thought to have higher levels of nutrients than traditional food.6) Generally, consumers perceive organic food production as environmentally friendly.7) Respondents perceived GM foods as possessing a higher level of riskthan other classes of food.8) Social acceptability is one motive driving the purchase of organic food.9) Respondents did not have major ethical objections to GM food.10) Forty-five percent.Reading 2 Perceptions of Genetically Modified and Organic Foods and Processes3. 1) p. prevalent 2) a. perception 3) i. moderate 4) f. construct 5) q.advantageous 6) k. attribute 7) c. organic 8) h. volume 9) l. nutrient10) d. elicit 11) g. explicitly 12) b. warrant13) m. inherent 14) t. respondent 15) e. empirical 16) j. contradict 17)o. obesity18) n. cure 19) s. neutral 20) r. motiveReading 3 A Comparative Report of Organic Food vs. Genetically Modified Food5. 1) synthetic 2) manure 3) botanical 4) alter 5) regulation 6) compost7) recommendation8) mineral 9) federal 10) potent 11) organism 12) network 13)transformation 14) normal\15) chemical 16) trace 17) negative 18) poll 19) facilities 20) modification6.7. 1) Para. A 2) E 3) F 4) E 5) Para. F 6) Para. I 7) Para. J 8)F8. My summary is: Fueled by health concerns, people have focused more onthe origin of food over the past decade; so to answer their questions, this report shows that organic foods are the best choice compared with genetically modified food.Task 4 Writing an Essay of Comparison and ContrastReading 4 Fast Food Restaurant: McDonald’s vs. Wendy’s1. B. Wendy’s1) the Ultimate Chicken Grill2) small order of chiliMcDonald’s1) fruit yogurt parfait2) green apple slices (kid’s menu)3) healthier sandwich choices (such as McVeggie Burger, ChickenFajitas, and Whole Wheat Chicken McGrill)C. Presentation of food: At Wendy’s, not only are the meal optionsexcellent, the presentation of healthy menu choices is superior.Wendy’s salads a re large and fresh with only one hindrance: excess water at the bottom of the bowl.McDonald’s salads lack in appearance and freshness. These salads appear thrown together and often look wilted.D. Wendy’s:the first major fast food chain to offer fast food salad as a meal’s main course.McDonald’s: n ow also offers salads as a main course menu choice, in reaction to the popularity of Wendy’s salads.E. Meal variety, good presentation and several salad choices are allconsidered when evaluating a fast food restaurant. With fast food restaurants such as Wendy’s and McDonald’s available, it is considerably easier for people to make healthier food choices.5. 1) None of his speech is imperfect in organization and wording.2) The manager will not miss the opportunity to accept the students’ proposals.3) Kevin did not deny he took risky bets and lied to cover them up butclaimed his superiors were not ignorant of his doing.4) It was told that their work needed to be improved as it wasn’t done well.5) I t is not avoidable that the public won’t miss such scandals in the business world.6) Never will my parents be unready to help me out.7) Hardly did the idea of returning to his hometown stop recurring in his dreams.8) The islands failed to find that they were ready to fight against the outside intruders.9) It was not until failing to catch the last bus to the city late onenight did Mike not know what to do next.10) Never does he lose the optimistic confidence for life even thoughthings don’t always go smoothly.Integrated Exercise2. 1) accommodate 2) exhibition 3) consistent 4) negative 5) considerably6) response7) version 8) regulation 9) capacity 10) alter 11) trace 12) involve3. 1) Older people are less likely to perceive situations negativelybecause they’re typically more tolerant.2) In most cases, the major reason for conducting an analysis, althoughnot often explicitly stated, appears to be to justify taxpayer spending.3) The organization of the novel allowed readers to reconstruct the storyby adding missing elements and arranging the sequence of the events.4) These skills are easy to learn and can add considerably to the overallenjoyment of spending time out-of-doors.5) He was asked to refine his draft headline to make it clearer and more exact.6) It is inevitable that success in most work is evaluated by income.7) The rejection of the parents’ political and religious beliefs puttheir children in a difficult position.8) It is well-known that the government will be consistent in itspositions on civil rights legislation.9) The public figures who are seeking to further their careers cannotmake selections about the publicity they desire.10) Considerable modification of the existing system is needed to increase efficiency.5. 1) An appropriate use of limited natural resources is advantageous forthe Earth environment where human beings live.2) The uncertainty over this region continues to grow; what is moreunfortunate, people may need some time to adapt.3) Conventional notions holds that organic food is much healthier thangenetically modified food.4) The brand gown designed by Marina comes to accommodate the need fora number of occasions, including churches, dinners, business and otherspecial occasions.5) There is a more prevalent concern that the shortage of this researchis due to the overall lack of knowledge of AIDS groups and the difficulty of access to those groups.6) After being exposed to and weighing the information about those risks,US researchers suggested that childhood obesity prevention should occur/happen as early as possible, as much as possible before birth.7) If this change is made, you are likely to run the risk of losing theaudience and your reputation.8) In the modern society, in rejection of the traditional stereotype thatwomen need more care and tendance, many women assume/undertake theresponsibility of raising a family.9) Since the 21st century, the short-term certificates are rapidlygaining popularity, especially for non-white students.10) The research found that 75 percent of American teenagers always boasta healthy self-image.Listening 2A. (1) F (2) T (3) F (4) F (5) T (6) F (7) TB. (1) When the speaker was 15 years old, he first discovered the good waste problem.(2) He grabbed hold of it, sat down, and ate his breakfast with pigs.(3) It gave him faith that the people do have the power to stop this tragicwaste of food resources and bring about that change.。
学术英语综合 Unit 5 PPT
![学术英语综合 Unit 5 PPT](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/16e64202daef5ef7ba0d3ca3.png)
Academic English — An Integrated Course
Unit 5
Unit Contents
Unit objectives Text A Text B Text C Academic language and discourse Listening Speaking Writing
Unit 5
Text A Lead-in
The American science fiction movie Matrix (黑客帝国) describes a world dominated by robots who manipulated human beings.
Do you think such a world would one day come to reality? Why or why not?
Unit 5
Text A Supplementary information
2. Behaviorist
Behaviorists are people who believe in behaviorism. Behaviorism is a philosophical theory which believes that mental states can be analyzed in terms of publicly observable actions; in other words, behavior can be described and explained without reference to mental events or psychological processes. This school of thought tends to emphasize the external sources of behavior and dismiss the internal sources (the mind). The mind hence has no independent significance.
Write a report with the information selected, and make a multimedia presentation of the report in class;
Part II Text related information
Unit 5 》Part II 》Text-related information
Background information
1. Wikipedia 维基百科
Wikipedia is a collaboratively edited, multilingual, freeaccess, free content Internet encyclopedia that is supported and hosted by the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation. Volunteers worldwide collaboratively write Wikipedia's 30 million articles in 287 languages, including over 4.5 million in the English Wikipedia. Anyone who can access the site can edit almost any of its articles, which on the Internet comprise the largest and most popular general reference work. In February 2014, The New York Times reported that Wikipedia is ranked fifth globally among all websites stating, “With
Unit 1Outlines are essential to effective speeches.By outlining, you make sure that related ideas are together, that your thoughts flow from one to another, and that the structure of your speech is coherent. You will probably use two kinds of outlines for your speeches--the detailed preparation outline and the brief speaking outline.In a preparation outline, you should state your specific purpose and central idea, and identify main points and sub--points using a consistent pattern. The speaking outline should consist of brief notes to help you while you deliver the speech. It should contain key words or phrases to bolster your memory. In making up your speaking outline, follow the same visual framework used in your preparation outline. Keep the speaking outline as brief as possible and be sure it is plainly legible.发言提纲是有效发言的基础。
新核心综合学术英语教程Unit 5 - Book2
![新核心综合学术英语教程Unit 5 - Book2](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/3d569944daef5ef7bb0d3c78.png)
• Most accidents that led to discoveries occurred in laboratories, which were themselves designed for explorations.
Howard Florey
• Howard Florey (24 September 1898–21 February 1968) was an Australian pharmacologist and pathologist who shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1945 with Sir Ernst Boris Chain and Sir Alexander Fleming for his role in the making of penicillin. Although Fleming received most of the credit for the discovery of penicillin, it was Florey who carried out the first ever clinical trials in 1941 of penicillin at the Radcliffe Infirmary in Oxford on the first patient, a Postmaster from Wolvercote near Oxford. Florey's discoveries are estimated to have saved over 82 million lives. Florey is regarded by the Australian scientific and medical community as one of its greatest scientists. Sir Robert Menzies, Australia's longest-serving Prime Minister, said, "In terms of world well-being, Florey was the most important man ever born in Australia".
Before Reading
Global Reading Detailed Reading After Reading Supplementary Reading
Questions and Answers 1. Why did the newly married wife feel very sad?
Gap Filling
Table Completion
Listening Comprehension
Before Reading
Global Reading Detailed Reading After Reading Supplementary Reading
English Poem – The Wasted Tears Enjoy a Poem The Wasted Tears Questions and Answers
Before Reading
Global Reading Detailed Reading After Reading Supplementary Reading
Origin of Workaholic
Time In 1891 In the 1960s
In 1968
Alcoholic was first attested. A whole new category of taking “-holic” as a suffix meaning “addict” followed. “Workaholic” was first announced.
Before Reading
Global Reading Detailed Reading After Reading Supplementary Reading
Derek Johnson
To give a certificate to declaring successful completion of a course of training for a profession 给(某人)颁发证书 Transfer: certification certificate e.g. I can certify to his innocency.
Known as computer addiction, or internet addiction disorder, covers a variety of impulse-control problems.
The most common of these internet addictions are online gambling , online games and cyber-relationship addiction
refuse to acknowledge/ignore/pay no attention to 不理会,无视
e.g. Please disregard the mess and sit right here.
People with more addictive personalities are more vulnerable to it than others.(Lines 22-23) Addictive personality: easily rely on sth abnormally Vulnerable: likely to suffer attacking and crash e.g. Not only network is vulnerable, any piece of software is.
The Long War Against CorruptionBen W. Heineman, Jr., and Fritz Heimann反腐败持久战小本·W·海涅曼和弗里茨·海曼A WAY TO GOSince the mid-1990s, the issue of corruption has gained a prominent place on the global agenda.International organizations, including the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the UN, have adopted conventions requiring that their members enact laws prohibiting bribery and extortion. International financial agencies, notably the World Bank, have announced programs aimed at ensuring fair and open contracting for their projects and stopping misappropriation by government officials.Most nations have enacted some type of anticorruption law. International business groups have promulgated model codes of behavior, and multinational corporations (MNCs) now claim to be implementing antibribery programs. The leading nongovernmentalorganization (NGO) in this area, Transparency International (TI), has conducted analysis and advocacy through chapters in over 90 nations. The international media report instances of corruption in high places virtually every day (often at great risk).前进道路自20世纪90年代中期以来,腐败问题一直占据着全球议事日程的突出地位。
新核心综合学术英语教程Unit 5
![新核心综合学术英语教程Unit 5](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/7df32fdd33d4b14e8524688e.png)
在共享方位与个人信息的过程中,多媒体信息会得 到个性化处理,再呈现在参观者的手机上,从而带 给参观者更为满意的体验。
Reading 3
Translation Assignment
3. However, a standardized approach is required to achieve interoperability between such physical sensor networks and the Web itself; in this way, seamless connectivity and usability will be achieved through a “Plug and Plat” approach. (Line 58-61, Para. G)
然而,这需要一个标准化的方法以实现物理传感 器网络与互联网之间的相互操作,这样,通过这 种“即插即用”的方式就能实现无缝连接和应用。
Reading 3
Translation Assignment
4. As the integration of low-power technologies into conventional consumer devices and ambient intelligence increases, energy harvesting from a variety of environmental sources will play a vital role in maintaining the long-term functioning of ambient intelligent environments. (Line 68-71, Para. H)
Language Points
综合学术英语教程3 答案Unit 1 DefinitionKeys to the ExercisesTask 1 Familiarizing Yourself with DefinitionReading1 Great Leaps in Modern Technology2. Technology, on the other hand, is more of an applied science. It is where tools and knowledgeare used for the study of a particular science. For example, the science of energy can havetechnology as its application. In the case of energy as a subject in science, solar panels can beused for a variety of technologies, an example of which are solar-powered lights.From the following website:#ixzz37toZQcugTask 2 Understanding Lectures through DefinitionListening 11. phobia, hypnophobia, cynophobia, aerophobia2. 1) T 2) F 3) F 4) T 5) T 6) T 7) F 8) F3.Task 3 Reading Definition Articles1. 1) Indigenous knowledge means knowledge belonging to the country, rather than beingbrought there from another country.2) All the list items will probably be included since the title is rather broad and general.3) For open discussion2. 1) International knowledge system.2) Knowledge capital, physical and financial capital.3) It contains the skills, experiences and insights of people, applied tomaintain or improve their4) Medicine and veterinary medicine.5) It is considered the social capital, meaning an essential resource forsurvival and means ofsustenance and livelihood.6) a) It is inappropriate for new challenges or it adapts too slowly; b)The introduction offoreign technologies or development concepts that promise short-term gains or solutions toproblems that they cannot sustain.7) Agriculture, animal husbandry and ethnic veterinary medicine, primaryhealth care,preventive medicine and psychosocial care, saving and lending.8) A higher variance of traits, less susceptible to the frequent droughts, reduce risks.9) a) Indigenous knowledge is vital for its bearers; b) Become fully awareof its value andcontributions to the intended objectives; c) It is an integral part of global knowledge in itsown right.10) An integration or combination of indigenous knowledge and foreign knowledge.Reading 2 Indigenous Knowledge3. 1) r. override 2) j. expertise 3) d. intimate 4) a. unanimous 5) g.intrusion6) u. dissemination 7) c. insights 8) l. susceptible 9) n. incorporating10) f. vanish11) m. interaction 12) s. scenario 13) i. detrimental 14) p. implement15) k. alleviation16) b. encompass 17) o. validate 18) h. impending 19) e. interweave 20) t. rational4. For reference:The two articles both employ definitions for the introduction of the terms and examples tovalidate each facet. Both use classifications, descriptions, comparison and contrast for furtheranalysis. One big difference lies in the perspective to view the title, with the first a ratherholistic discussion ranging from the status quo to the settlement of the existing problems andthe second a partial focus on chiefly its applications.Reading 3 Ultrasonics5. 1) component 2) accumulate 3) spherical 4) navigate 5) fatigue6) harness 7) version 8) synonymous 9) inhibit 10) integrity11) uniform 12) detect 13) incidence 14) monitor 15) probe16) intensity 17) convert 18) proceed 19) visualize 20) inspect6. Attention: there is a mistake here, the first should be Para. KPara. K—e Para. B—a Para. C—c Para. D—f Para. E—hPara. F—d Para. G—j Para. H—i Para. I—b Para. J—g7. 1) E 2) F 3) Para. E 4) E 5) F 6) Para. H 7) Para. H 8) E8. For open discussionTask 4 Writing an Essay of DefinitionReading 4 Disruptive Technologies1.5. For reference only1) Natural breathing will be provided by the robot for the patient during surgery.2) The pressure will have to be reduced by us.3) All instruments need to be sterilized.4) For us, some physical and technical factors may be considered/ taken into consideration.5) If we make sustained efforts, there is a chance that the environment will be improved.6) Some specific demands of the scientific establishment have to be made.7) The presence of the country has been felt more than ever by the wholeworld.8) It seems that other explanations are hard to be found.9) The interaction between organism and environment is being perceived.10) The tests work most effectively if what will be measured can be most precisely defined.Integrated Exercises2. 1) component 2) integrity 3) mobilize 4) option 5) monitor 6) navigate7) encompass8) compromise 9) incorporate 10) implement 11) impending 12) scenario 3. 1) The survey encompasses social, political, and economic aspects of the situation.2) In some countries power is synonymous with corruption.3) The strike shut down many airports, but international f lights were unaffected.4) The scenery is beautiful but inaccessible to most ordinary travelers.5) The conflict deprived him of the means of livelihood.6) Such animals can withstand the extremes of weather.7) The rise in the time spent on the Internet is concomitant with the massive loss ofsociability.8) Many inventions such as gunpowder and the compass originated in China.9) The frequency of mining accidents has decreased over the past 10 years.10) The maximum number of places offered by the medical school for theapplicants is 15.5. 1) Scientists should warn people about PM 2.5 and the need to restrict their children’soutdoor activities to avoid even the minimal damage.2) The local government has implemented a development program for the mountain climbersto leave the surrounding region unaffected.3) We can reduce the risks to zero since we are sure of what risks they are running.4) To combat your anxiety, you should compel yourself to visualize apromising future in which a problem has already been settled.5) He holds that developed countries should be held accountable foreconomic growth on a global scale.6) Trash is not yet fully utilized, leading to overlooking the potential in it.7) A large number of females choose the option of personal finance toachieve control of their own lives.8)The university has decided to invest in the project because it has manytechnical advantages over other similar ones.9) Trees can provide shelter for both man and animals, which we tend to overlook.10) We are trying to achieve a sound understanding of liberal arts courses,which encompasses a wide range of subjects.Listening 2A. (1) F (2) T (3) T (4) F (5) T (6) T (7) TB. (1) Clouding computing is about the provision of computer resources likeSaaS, PaaS, and infrastructure provision while private computingisn’t.(2) 67.(3) Because the Industrial Revolution is not a thing, and it cannot bedefined by some specific products. It is a transformation or atransition involving concepts, ideas, ways of production, changingattitudes, etc.(4) Because it is more than just technology, as the speaker furthercompares it to electricity, which has transformed from an innovationto much more of a utility service.(5) Ubiquitous.Listening 3A. (1) C (2) B (3) A (4) C (5) DB. compressed, whisper, external, pockets, panic, assembly, psychological,reflection, simultaneous, architecture, figure out, legitimate, instantaneous, clicking, addictedC. (1) B, C (2) CUnit 2 ClassificationKeys to the ExercisesTask 1 Familiarizing Yourself with Classification1. 1) Man-made or anthropogenic causes, and natural causes.2) Pollution (burning fossil fuels, mining coal and oil, etc.), theproduction of CO2 ( the increase of population, the demolition of trees, etc.).3) CO2 is a greenhouse gas that traps heat in the Earth’s atmosphere.4) Classification helps us to determine and understand the relationshipof the parts of a subject which is studied by us. Classification is made on the basis of a clear definition.5) In order to make a clear and logic classification, one needs to followa principle of classification and go on with a system consistently.For example, the categories of classification should be mutually exclusive and no overlapping is allowed.Reading 1 Causes for Global Warming2. Coal is the most abundant fossil fuel resource. It provides aboutone-quarter of the total energy the world uses, and 40 percent of the electricity generated worldwide is powered by coal. The steel industry also is greatly dependent upon this fossil fuel. Like other depleting sources of global energy, coal reserves are also on a steep decline.Moreover, coal is a greenhouse gas nightmare. Natural gas is comprised mostly of methane, although it also contains ethane, propane and butane.It is a convenient and efficient energy source. The major consumers of natural gas are the residential, commercial and industrial sectors. It is also used to generate electricity. Unlike other fossil fuels, naturalgas is cleaner and causes less pollution. Like other fossil fuels, this resource is depleting rapidly.Task 2 Understanding Lectures through ClassificationListening 11. Unconscious motivation, unconscious conflict, the id, the ego, the superego, etc.2. 1) T 2) F 3) F 4) F 5) T 6) F 7) T 8) F3. Idea One: The existence of an unconscious motivationIdea Two: The notion of unconscious dynamics or conflict4. There are two interesting ideas in Freud’s theory: first, the existenceof unconscious motivation; second, the concept of unconscious conflict.Freud believes that unconscious motivation might play an important role in a lot of situations, such as marriage, forgetting a person’s name, calling out the wrong name etc. In his view, there are three processes going on in the head, namely, id, ego and superego, which are in violent internal conflict. Id functions on “the Pleasure Principle”, while egoworks on “the Reality Principle” and superego is the internalized rules of a society. Ego is in between id and superego.Task 3 Reading Classification ArticlesReading 2 Renewable Energy Sources—A Brief Summary1. 1) Renewable energy is energy which comes from natural resources suchas sunlight, wind, rain, tides, and geothermal heat, which are renewable (naturally replenished).2)□√ The purpose of using renewable energy sources.□√ The classification of renewable energy sources.□√ The examples of different types of renewable energy sources.□√ The advantages and disadvantages of various types of renewable energy sources.□√ The history of the use of different energy sources.□ How energy is obtained from various sources.3) I would write:(1) The definition of the renewable energy.(2) The classification of the renewable energy.(3) The advantages and the disadvantages of various types of renewable energy sources.2. 1) The signing of the Kyoto Treaty.2) It converts the sun’s rays into energy.3) The main demerit is that it is limited.4) Sailors, farmers and architects.5) The main advantage is that this doesn’t produce any by-products thatcan be harmful to the environment.6) Because the Earth’s crust continuously decays, replenishing the heat.7) They use the force of the water to push the turbine which in turn powersa generator thus generating electricity.8) It poses a problem for fish and aquatic plants on both sides of the dam.9) They contain no petroleum, and they are nontoxic and biodegradable.10) The Environmental Protection Agency.3. 1) j. evolution 2) s. solar 3) a. architect 4) l. geothermal 5) p. preserve6) b. biodegradable 7) r. radioactive 8) f. crusade 9) h. distribute 10) q. radiant11) i. domestic 12) t. validation 13) k. generator 14) d. capture 15)g. definitely16) n. install 17) e. consumption 18) m. harness 19) o. internal 20) c. bladeReading 3 Types of Pollution5. 1) voluntary 2) construction 3) contamination 4) eruption 5) regulation6) deforestation 7) yield 8) irrigation 9) confine 10) sewage11) hazardous 12) residential 13) vapor 14) decay 15) erosion16) disrupt 17) particulate 18) underground 19) concentration 20) combat6.7.8. My summary is: Even if solar energy is limited, it enjoys a long historyand has been advancing constantly, thus enabling us to convert heat into electricity, which can be stored, ready for use.Task 4 Writing an Essay of ClassificationReading 4 Types of Sustainability1.5. 1) Declarative sentences are mostly employed in academic writing, despitethe occasional utilizations of interrogative sentences.2) To support the truths, reliable evidence is quoted by scholars in all disciplines.3) Much importance should be attached to the comprehension of thedifference between education and training.4) A person who exposes himself to the sunlight for excessive time issusceptible to malignant melanoma.5) Students doing temporary jobs display a better performance in their academic studies.6) American frontier is deeply rooted in many aspects of American character.7) The direct involvement of many a foreign country is evident in theprocess of US territorial expansion.8) Parents need to equipped with much care and knowledge while raising a kid.9) Environment plays a vital role in the growth of plants.10) In the past, Beijing was ravaged by dust storms for 20 days annually. Integrated Exercises2. 1) motivation 2) demolish 3) symptom 4) combat 5) capture 6) distribute7) assert 8) yield9) internal 10) emergence 11) adherence 12) disrupt3. 1) Internet access is available in the students’ dormitory.2) If you can harness your energy, you’ll be rewarded with huge accomplishments.3) It has been confirmed that foul weather is highly hazardous for sea navigation.4) The governmental nuclear waste disposal plan aroused fierce protestsfrom the local residents.5) Extinction of this rare species of bird is foreseeable if effective measures are not taken.6) While delivering a public speech, a speaker must articulate his/her arguments.7) I highly esteem his current research on stem cells.8) A speaker cannot always secure the cooperation of the audience.9) The car industry of this country is sheltered by its government from foreign competition.10) Even a moderate elevation of blood pressure leads to shortened life expectancys.5. 1) The effective disposal of the recognized sources of pollutiondemonstrates to be of great aid in the elevation of people’s quality of life.2) Since the rapid evolution of technology, the lifestyles of thegenerations ahead of us will witness a revolutionized change.3) Tapping heat from the Earth enables the residents of resource-poorregions to combat the poor conditions.4) The downside of the practice of fertilizing the soil by burning strawsis the fact that the released dusts and particles pose a serious problem for the health of the respiratory system.5) This campaign, organized by environmentally conscious individuals,has a measurable effect on the general improvement of all the people’s environmental protection awareness.6) The history of deforestation can date back to two millenniums ago,which has deteriorated constantly in the modern times, leading to a huge loss of wildlife habitat.7) During the visit to Huangshan (Yellow Mountain), the tourists wereamazed at how nature works wonders, realizing that beauty is only sustainable if all of us care for the environment around us.8) Drug abuse is a general degradation of lifestyle, causing immediate health effects.9) Oil leakage in the mainstream river considerably decreases thequantity of drinkable water; what’s worse, the adverse effects are not confined to areas near the source.10) Luckily, the pollution inflicted by this accident will be effectivelyremoved through natural cycles, not having a negative impact on the environment.Listening 2A. (1) T (2) F (3) F (4) F (5) T (6) F (7) FB. (1) The individual’s potential and the importance of growth and self-actualization.(2) The lower one.(3) By providing lunch breaks, rest breaks and sufficient wages to purchase essentials.(4) The love and belonging needs.(5) They are self-aware, concerned with personal growth, less concernedwith the opinions of other people, and interested in fulfilling their potential.C. This lecture is about Maslow’s theory of the hierarchy of needs, namelyphysiological needs, safety needs, social needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization needs. Physiological needs are the most basic and instinctive ones, which must be satisfied first. Safety needs refer tothe needs for safety and security, also important for survival. Social needs include the needs for belonging, love and affection, the deprivation of which leads to unhappiness. Esteem needs reflect on personal worth, social recognition and accomplishment; if unmet, it may lead to inferiority complex. Self-actualization needs are at the highest level, meaning to realize a person’s full potential, capacities and talents.Listening 3A. (1) A (2) A (3) D (4) C (5) BB. classically, runny nose, sore throat, intrigued, initially, clinically,alludes to, building up, immune, alongside, shuffling, rip through, hospitalizationsC. (1) B C E(2) ① A B C ② A B ③ A B ④ A B ⑤ A B C ⑥ C ⑦ A ⑧ A ⑨ A ⑩ A CUnit 3 Comparison and ContrastKeys to the ExercisesTask 1 Familiarizing Yourself with Comparison and Contrast1. 1) Electric vehicles and gas vehicles.2) The energy they used, the distance, the cost and convenience.3) The electric vehicles and gas vehicles share some similarities: theappearance of muscle cars, all the standard features and they even perform similarly. The differences are listed below:4) The writer compares and contrasts both vehicles item after item. Insuch a pattern, the writer structures his paragraph around points of comparison, moving back and forth between the subjects.5) The former one—list all similarities of the two subjects, then their differences.Reading 1 Electric Vehicles and Gas Vehicle2. What’s more, there is a health factor that affects both of them. Cannedfood loses some of the original fresh food nutrients when stored, and also has to be tinned with many preservatives and chemical factors that prolong the shelf life and apparent freshness of the food but could becometoxic if consumed too often. Fresh food, on the other hand, often comes straight from a farm and has all the nutrients Mother Nature intended for it. As we can see, fresh food offers many benefits that canned food lacks. Therefore, an informed diner should always choose to eat fresh.After all, we could all use to improve our health.Task 2 Understanding Lectures Through Comparison and ContrastListening 12. 1) T. What I’m just beginning to realize right now, is that we pay ahuge price for the speed that we claim is a big advantage of these computers.2) F. And they consume one and a half megawatts of power. So that wouldbe really great, if you could add that to the production capacity in Tanzania. It would really boost the economy.3) F. Now, how much computation does the brain do? I estimate 10 to the16 bits per second, which is actually about very similar to what BlueGene does. So that’s the question.4) T. So what we are doing right now with computers with the energyconsumed by 1,200 houses, the brain is doing with the energy consumed by your laptop.5) F. How does that compare with the way computers work? In the computer,you have all the data going through the central processing unit, and any piece of data basically has to go through that bottleneck, whereas in the brain, what you have is these neurons.6) T. This is something that we’ve been working on for the last couple of years.3. 120,000 processors10 to the 16 bits per second1.5 megawatts10 quadrillion bits per second10 watts4. Although computers have strong power to process data, they still cannotcompare to the brain of human beings in which an unbelievable number of neurons connect and react with each other so that a real net could be accomplished perfectly. The research on how the computer could be as powerful as a brain will continue going on.Task 3 Reading Comparison and Contrast Articles2. 1) Consumer perceptions of organic processes and products and thoseinvolving biotechnology.2) Health, environment, risk and ethics.3) No study has directly elicited comparable attitudes about organicand GM products and processes.4) The average participant slightly, but not strongly, agreed with thepositively worded health attributes (e.g., organic food ishealthier), and disagreed with the negatively worded healthattributes (e.g., organic food is less healthy). The averageresponse about the healthfulness of GM foods was generally neutral.5) Both were thought to have higher levels of nutrients than traditional food.6) Generally, consumers perceive organic food production as environmentally friendly.7) Respondents perceived GM foods as possessing a higher level of riskthan other classes of food.8) Social acceptability is one motive driving the purchase of organic food.9) Respondents did not have major ethical objections to GM food.10) Forty-five percent.Reading 2 Perceptions of Genetically Modified and Organic Foods and Processes3. 1) p. prevalent 2) a. perception 3) i. moderate 4) f. construct 5) q.advantageous 6) k. attribute 7) c. organic 8) h. volume 9) l. nutrient10) d. elicit 11) g. explicitly 12) b. warrant13) m. inherent 14) t. respondent 15) e. empirical 16) j. contradict 17)o. obesity18) n. cure 19) s. neutral 20) r. motiveReading 3 A Comparative Report of Organic Food vs. Genetically Modified Food5. 1) synthetic 2) manure 3) botanical 4) alter 5) regulation 6) compost7) recommendation8) mineral 9) federal 10) potent 11) organism 12) network 13)transformation 14) normal\15) chemical 16) trace 17) negative 18) poll 19) facilities 20) modification6.7. 1) Para. A 2) E 3) F 4) E 5) Para. F 6) Para. I 7) Para. J 8)F8. My summary is: Fueled by health concerns, people have focused more onthe origin of food over the past decade; so to answer their questions, this report shows that organic foods are the best choice compared with genetically modified food.Task 4 Writing an Essay of Comparison and ContrastReading 4 Fast Food Restaurant: McDonald’s vs. Wendy’s1. B. Wendy’s1) the Ultimate Chicken Grill2) small order of chiliMcDonald’s1) fruit yogurt parfait2) green apple slices (kid’s menu)3) healthier sandwich choices (such as McVeggie Burger, ChickenFajitas, and Whole Wheat Chicken McGrill)C. Presentation of food: At Wendy’s, not only are the meal optionsexcellent, the presentation of healthy menu choices is superior.Wendy’s salads a re large and fresh with only one hindrance: excess water at the bottom of the bowl.McDonald’s salads lack in appearance and freshness. These salads appear thrown together and often look wilted.D. Wendy’s:the first major fast food chain to offer fast food salad as a meal’s main course.McDonald’s: n ow also offers salads as a main course menu choice, in reaction to the popularity of Wendy’s salads.E. Meal variety, good presentation and several salad choices are allconsidered when evaluating a fast food restaurant. With fast food restaurants such as Wendy’s and McDonald’s available, it is considerably easier for people to make healthier food choices.5. 1) None of his speech is imperfect in organization and wording.2) The manager will not miss the opportunity to accept the students’ proposals.3) Kevin did not deny he took risky bets and lied to cover them up butclaimed his superiors were not ignorant of his doing.4) It was told that their work needed to be improved as it wasn’t done well.5) I t is not avoidable that the public won’t miss such scandals in the business world.6) Never will my parents be unready to help me out.7) Hardly did the idea of returning to his hometown stop recurring in his dreams.8) The islands failed to find that they were ready to fight against the outside intruders.9) It was not until failing to catch the last bus to the city late onenight did Mike not know what to do next.10) Never does he lose the optimistic confidence for life even thoughthings don’t always go smoothly.Integrated Exercise2. 1) accommodate 2) exhibition 3) consistent 4) negative 5) considerably6) response7) version 8) regulation 9) capacity 10) alter 11) trace 12) involve3. 1) Older people are less likely to perceive situations negativelybecause they’re typically more tolerant.2) In most cases, the major reason for conducting an analysis, althoughnot often explicitly stated, appears to be to justify taxpayer spending.3) The organization of the novel allowed readers to reconstruct the storyby adding missing elements and arranging the sequence of the events.4) These skills are easy to learn and can add considerably to the overallenjoyment of spending time out-of-doors.5) He was asked to refine his draft headline to make it clearer and more exact.6) It is inevitable that success in most work is evaluated by income.7) The rejection of the parents’ political and religious beliefs puttheir children in a difficult position.8) It is well-known that the government will be consistent in itspositions on civil rights legislation.9) The public figures who are seeking to further their careers cannotmake selections about the publicity they desire.10) Considerable modification of the existing system is needed to increase efficiency.5. 1) An appropriate use of limited natural resources is advantageous forthe Earth environment where human beings live.2) The uncertainty over this region continues to grow; what is moreunfortunate, people may need some time to adapt.3) Conventional notions holds that organic food is much healthier thangenetically modified food.4) The brand gown designed by Marina comes to accommodate the need fora number of occasions, including churches, dinners, business and otherspecial occasions.5) There is a more prevalent concern that the shortage of this researchis due to the overall lack of knowledge of AIDS groups and the difficulty of access to those groups.6) After being exposed to and weighing the information about those risks,US researchers suggested that childhood obesity prevention should occur/happen as early as possible, as much as possible before birth.7) If this change is made, you are likely to run the risk of losing theaudience and your reputation.8) In the modern society, in rejection of the traditional stereotype thatwomen need more care and tendance, many women assume/undertake theresponsibility of raising a family.9) Since the 21st century, the short-term certificates are rapidlygaining popularity, especially for non-white students.10) The research found that 75 percent of American teenagers always boasta healthy self-image.Listening 2A. (1) F (2) T (3) F (4) F (5) T (6) F (7) TB. (1) When the speaker was 15 years old, he first discovered the good waste problem.(2) He grabbed hold of it, sat down, and ate his breakfast with pigs.(3) It gave him faith that the people do have the power to stop this tragicwaste of food resources and bring about that change.。
新核心大学英语unit5 Science Literacy
![新核心大学英语unit5 Science Literacy](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/146da5fbf61fb7360b4c65bc.png)
Science Literacy科学扫盲On a recent transcontinental flight, my seatmate was a friendly, articulate international businessman from New York. During the first half of the trip we talked about a wide variety of topics, ranging from the attempts of the Federal Reserve to steer the American economy to a comparison of the best California and French wines. The depth and breadth of the man's knowledge and insight was truly impressive. 最近,在一次穿越大陆的飞行中,我的同座是一位来自纽约的友好、善谈的国际商人。
Roughly midway through the flight, at the very beginning of a discussion I had initiated about the implications of mapping the human genome, my seatmate inquired about my profession. As soon as he discovered that I was associated with science and technology, his behavior changed. He no longer displayed self confidence. In fact, he abruptly terminated \r\e genome discussion by vigorously shaking his head. "I'm afraid I know nothing at all about science", he said, clearly embarrassed. "I almost failed chemistry in high school and from then on I purposely avoided all mathematics and science." 大约在飞行过半程时,我刚刚开始谈起人类基因组测定的可能产生的影响,我的同座问起了我的职业。
Unit 5 》Part II 》Main Reading
2. Confucianism
Confucianism is a Chinese ethical and philosophical system developed from the teachings of the Chinese philosopher Confucius (551–478 BC). It is a complex system of moral, social, political, philosophical, and quasi-religious thought that influenced the culture and history of East Asia. It might be considered a state religion of some East Asian countries, because of state promotion of Confucian philosophies.
Hostess 2: There is a lot of controversy. Robin, I called myself the tiger cub because I was raised by tiger parents. I think you were,
Part II Understanding the Text Main Reading Related Reading
Unit 5 》Part I 》Task 3
Hostess 1: The Tiger Mom debate has captured the attention of the parents all across the country. From the cover of Time magazine to the best seller list, Amy Chua's book, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother about strict Asian parenting has exploded. Now our JuJu Chang sat down and offered the talk about this uproar.
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2. List as many examples as possible to illustrate the following statements: 1) the cyber dangers in the digital age
Task 1 Familiarizing Yourself with Exemplification
Sample Answers: 1) What is going to trouble pollsters? •A study of Twitter posts finds that for some key political and economic questions, tracking the content of microblogs on the Internet is nearly as good as doing a traditional telephone survey.
Task 1 Familiarizing Yourself with Exemplification
2. List as many examples as possible to illustrate the following statements: 1) the cyber dangers in the digital age
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新时代大学学术英语综合教程下册we learn U5答案
![新时代大学学术英语综合教程下册we learn U5答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a0af07f45ff7ba0d4a7302768e9951e79b896909.png)
新时代大学学术英语综合教程下册we learn U5答案1. The manager urged his staff not to _____ the splendid opportunity [单选题] *drop escape miss(正确答案)slide2. He has gone to the post office to_____ a parcel that has gone to him from his brother. [单选题] *gather mail collect(正确答案)pick3. His mind was busy all day and all night on how he could reestablish _____ with the outer world. [单选题] *contract contact(正确答案)context contrast4. He left orders that nothing _____ until the police arrived. [单选题] *was touched had been touched should betouched(正确答案)were touched5. You should give the application to the man _____ at that chair. [单选题] *sits to sit sat sitting(正确答案)6. If we don 't stop the population from increasing at such a rapid rate, there will _____ not be enough room left on the earth for human to stand, let alone development. [单选题] *constantly mainly eventually(正确答案)lately7. That poorly dressed old man felt quite _____ at such a big party attended by many important figures. [单选题] *in the way out of the way out of place(正确答案)in place8. It doesn't alter the fact that he was the man _____ for the death of the little girl. [单选题] *according guilty obliged responsible(正确答案)9. Since there is not much time left, I’ll tell you about it _____. [单选题] *in detail in brief(正确答案)at length in all10. Their idea is _____ to us all and you don't need to tell us more about it. [单选题] * apparent(正确答案)appearing approaching apart11. _____ Jerry at 8 o'clock. He will have had his breakfast by then. [单选题] *Pick out Pick at Pick on Pick up(正确答案)12. The Chinese food _____ good. [单选题] *are tasted tastes(正确答案)is tasted taste13. If the rain doesn't stop, people will be faced _____ serious flooding. [单选题] *to about by with(正确答案)14. The theory of class currently prevailing in the West is _____ based on what Max Weber, a German sociologist, proposed. [单选题] *fairly kindly largely(正确答案)greatly15. His answer was so confusing that I could hardly make any _____ of it at all. [单选题] *sense(正确答案)meaning intelligibility interpretation16. I don't think his remarks are relevant _____ our discussion. [单选题] *to(正确答案)at for with17. In recent years much more emphasis has been put _____ developing the students' productive skills. [单选题] *onto over in on(正确答案)18. The pilot of the plane is _____ for the passengers' safety. [单选题] *conscious responsible(正确答案)necessary regulated19. You must speak slowly, so that you can make yourself _____. [单选题] *understood(正确答案)being understood understanding to be understood 20. By the time he arrives in Beijing, we _____ here for two days. [单选题] *shall stay have been staying will have stayed(正确答案)have stayed21. Football was ____ the most popular sport in the world. [单选题] *so far by far(正确答案)far from much far22. The girl will get _____ her nervousness once she is on stage. [单选题] *over(正确答案)through off away23. He won’t succeed any way, _____ hard he tries. [单选题] *whatever no matter as however(正确答案)24. _____ his number for an hour only to hear a busy signal, she became impatient and called the operator for assistance. [单选题] *Dialing Dialed Having dialed(正确答案)To dial25. Purchasing the new production line will be a _____ deal for the company. [单选题] *forceful profitable(正确答案)tremendous favorite26. Rod is determined to get a seat for the concert _____ it means standing in a queue all night. [单选题] *as if provided even if(正确答案)whatever27. It's sometimes hard to _____ one twin from the other. [单选题] *tell(正确答案)say speak talk28. I suggest that she _____ it next week. [单选题] *will do does did should do(正确答案)29. At the end of 2004, there were around 6, 000 foreign printing companies in China, up _____ around 4 percent of national total. [单选题] *made to make making(正确答案)having made30. How did you like the_____ of the interpreter at the press conference? [单选题] *performance(正确答案)achievement material words31. ---How exciting! I drove my new car at a speed of 110km/h on Sunday morning.---Were you crazy? You _____ yourself! [单选题] *must have killedwould have killedshould have killedcould have killed(正确答案)32. ---It is said that you've moved to your new campus. Do you have a big library?--- No, we don't. But _____ yours. [单选题] *as big asnot bigger thanbigger thannot smaller than(正确答案)33. It is generally considered unwise to give a child _____ he or she wants. [单选题] *however whatever(正确答案)whichever whenever34. Scarcely had the Stormed stopped _____ the earthquake take place. [单选题] *than when(正确答案)after before35. — Hurry, there is a bus coming.—Why run? There'll be another _____. [单选题] * one in two or three minutes(正确答案)one after two or three minutesafter two or three minutesone for two or three minutes36. The hurricane left, _____ the ruins to this area. [单选题] *to be left leaving(正确答案)to leave left37. The uniform makes us look like a bunch of clones, especially _____ we are doing morning exercise in the playground. [单选题] *since which as when(正确答案)38. Some people waste a lot of food _____ some others haven’t enough to eat. [单选题] * after when as while(正确答案)39. --- I have taken someone else's T-shirt by mistake. Is it Jane's?--- It _____ be hers. She seldom wears red. [单选题] *won'tcan’t(正确答案)needn’tmustn't40. In Shenzhou VI, Chinese astronauts aren 't only spaceship drivers, _____ machine repairers and scientists. [单选题] *so or and but also(正确答案)41. At that moment she was standing a few meters away from _____ we are now. [单选题] *where(正确答案)what which there42. _____ the price is concerned, this car is a good bargain. [单选题] *As low as As soon as As much as As far as(正确答案) 43. This famous temple is believed _____ about 800 years ago. [单选题] *being built having built to have built to have been built(正确答案)44. The girl was standing by the sea, her long hair _____ in the breeze. [单选题] * dances dancing(正确答案)to dance were dancing45. A genius is someone who can achieve something that few people are _____. [单选题] *capable of(正确答案)able to enabled to able of46. You may get good grades by studying only before examinations, but you will only succeed _____ by studying hard every day. [单选题] *in particular in the long run(正确答案)in season in the end of47. I wish he would _____ from scattering his ash all over the carpet. [单选题] * refrain(正确答案)prevent shelter protect48. The ice on the lake _____ in spring. [单选题] *breaks down breaks off breaks up(正确答案)breaks in49. If we can _____ our present difficulties, then everything should be all right. [单选题] *get off come across come over get over(正确答案)50. The monitor will speak on _____ of the students at the opening ceremony. [单选题] * behalf(正确答案)benefit sake profit51. It is not uncommon for _____ problems of communication between old and young. [单选题] *there to be(正确答案)there being there to being there be52. The point is worth _____. [单选题] *Being mentioned Mentioning(正确答案)to mention mentioned53. Jackson is not _____ as you imagine. [单选题] *so a big fool so big a fool(正确答案)such big a fool a such big fool54. They found the conditions there _____. [单选题] *much improve much to improve much improved(正确答案)be much improved55. _____ moving at his usual stately pace, he was almost running. [单选题] *According to In the light of Instead of(正确答案)Owing to56. They are willing to care for the _____ and disabled. [单选题] *oldest elder older elderly(正确答案)57. The ship took machines and other goods back to the port _____ it had set off. [单选题] *from which(正确答案)to which which in which58. He had been having trouble _____ a hotel room. [单选题] *reserving(正确答案)to reserve reserved reserve59. I was very tired. Otherwise, I _____ to the theatre with you. [单选题] *had gone would go went would have gone(正确答案)60. — Does he speak English or Russian?— He doesn't speak _____. [单选题] * either(正确答案)neitheranothernone61. John suggested _____ anything about it until they found out more facts. [单选题] *not to say not say to say not not saying(正确答案)62. For most people, it takes _____ effort to memorize a long poem. [单选题] *to consider considering considerable(正确答案)considerate63. Not only Tom but also his wife _____ fond of watching television. [单选题] *are were be was(正确答案)64. On hearing the news of _____ the examination, the boy was very happy. [单选题] * his havingpassed(正确答案)he passed his being passed to pass65. In Britain, the best season of the year is probably _____ spring. [单选题] *later last latter late(正确答案)66. The manager promised to keep me _____ of how our business was going on. [单选题] *to be informed on informing informed(正确答案)informing67. His brother is very _____ about wines. [单选题] *aware learned knowledgeable(正确答案)skeptical68. You have only l, 000 words in which to _____ his speech. [单选题] *amount to sum up(正确答案)lead to take up 69. Not until 1868 _____ made the capital of the state of Georgia. [单选题] *Atlanta was was Atlanta(正确答案)when Atlanta was when was Atlanta70. _____ pollution control measures are expensive, local governments hesitate to adopt them. [单选题] *Although However Because(正确答案)Moreover71. The explanation given by the manager yesterday was not at all _____ to us. [单选题] *satisfy satisfied satisfying satisfactory(正确答案)72. Our products are displayed in Stand B22, you will _____ find me during office hours. [单选题] *when which that where(正确答案)73. This book discusses the most recent events of space travel, it certainly is _____ [单选题] *up to now up to this moment up to this point up to date(正确答案)74. When the girl heard the news, she could do nothing but _____back home. [单选题] * going went to go go(正确答案)75. Her determination to _____ her goal of life motivated her to greater effort. [单选题] *retain attain(正确答案)maintain entertain76. This couple has two daughters, _____ of whom is working in the U. S. [单选题] *the younger(正确答案)the youngest a younger the young77. They _____ thankful to have the opportunity to further their studies. [单选题] *would like to be ought to be(正确答案)would rather be had better be。
学术英语综合 Unit 5
![学术英语综合 Unit 5](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ae7d2487227916888586d746.png)
Unit 5 Philosophy
Unit Objectives
1. Professional Knowledge
❖ Get acquainted with some important philosophical concepts (e.g. mentalist, epistemologist, phenomenologist, behaviorist, philosophical psychology, pragmatist, feminist, ethics of care, philosophy of science, etc.)
❖ Analyze complex or controversial issues critically
Unit 5 Philosophy
Unit Objectives
3. Listening
❖Know how to use note-taking forms
4. Speaking
❖Know how to turn to a new point in discussionsUnit 5 PhFra biblioteklosophy
Text A Lead-in
The American science fiction movie Matrix (黑 客帝国)describes a world dominated by robots who manipulated human beings.
Do you think such a world would one day come to reality? Why or why not?
5. Writing
❖Learn to avoid plagiarism in writing
学术英语综合 Unit 5
![学术英语综合 Unit 5](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/65528604580216fc710afd17.png)
Unit 5
PhilosophyText Nhomakorabea Overview
1. Learn more about the two philosophical terms:
processes. This school of thought tends to
Unit 5
Text A Supplementary information
2. Behaviorist
Behaviorists are people who believe in
behaviorism. Behaviorism is a philosophical
theory which believes that
• Analyze complex or controversial issues critically
Unit 5
Unit Objectives
3. Listening
• Know how to use note-taking forms
4. Speaking
• Know how to turn to a new point in discussions
2. Reading
• Summarize the main idea of a text and grasp the two sides of an argument
• Understand difficult sentences (e.g. sentences with abstract meaning or ambiguous reference)
Activity 1
Read the sample first draft written by a student carefully and find out problems in content, coherence, organization, and language. The questions below the draft serve as prompts.
6. Is the transition from paragraph 3 to paragraph 4 natural?
No, it is abrupt.
Activity 1
Read the sample first draft written by a student carefully and find out problems in content, coherence, organization, and language. The questions below the draft serve as prompts.
urriculum 核心英语教程
2 写 作
Writing and rewriting the essay
Key Terms
drafting 起草(文章) peer response 同伴反馈
proofreading 校对
Main Contents
Writing your first draft
2. Does the thesis have sufficient supporting details in the body paragraphs? Why or why not?
Unit 5 》Part I 》Section I 》Script
DOBBS The state of California still leads the nation in air
pollution. California is improving its efforts to cut auto emissions, that’s spearheading an unusual trend in Southern California—a status symbol that’s anything but a high-performance vehicle. Peter Viles has the report.
笨蛋 起因 疾驰;兜风 陈列室 透明的 车框架 踏板 仪表盘;操控台 助推器
Unit 5 》Part I 》Section II 》Word Bank
windscreen /ˈwɪndskriːn/ n. (汽车的)挡风玻璃
prototype /ˈprəʊtətaɪp/ n. 原型;雏形
sensor /ˈsensə(r)/ n.
Task 3 Watch the video clip again and then have a group discussion based on the following questions. After the discussion, each group will give a brief report to the class.
Lead-in questions:
1. Do you want to drive a car that can fly? 2. What will the future vehicle look like?
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Sentence Translation
1. Storm successfully evaded antivirus protection, had a decentralized control structure that made it difficult to shut down, and had a built-in self-defense mechanism (it launched denial of service attacks against researchers trying to access and study it). (L34-37, Para. D) “风暴”可成功避开病毒防护软件,分散式的 结构使得该程序难以被关闭,并具有内置的自 译: 我防御机制(当研究人员试图进入并检查时, 该软件可自行发出拒绝服务攻击的指令)。
Reading 3
Translation Assignment
1. The idea of ambient intelligence implies an intrinsic link between individuals and their environment, enabling individuals to access and interact with computing artifacts in ways that are intuitive and do not disrupt everyday activities. (Line 1-3, Para. A)
Reading 3
Translation Assignment
1. The idea of ambient … activities. (L-3, Para. A) 2. In sharing positional … experience. (L23-24, Para. C) 3. However, a standardized …“Plug and Plat” approach. (L58-61, Para. G) 4. As the integration …intelligent environments. (L68-71, Para. H) 5. This means that … being allowed to fall to Earth. (L72-75, Para. H) 6. Avoiding the latter situation …use of ambient intelligence. (L80-83, Para. I)
然而,这需要一个标准化的方法以实现物理传感 器网络与互联网之间的相互操作,这样,通过这 种“即插即用”的方式就能实现无缝连接和应用。
Reading 3
Translation Assignment
4. As the integration of low-power technologies into conventional consumer devices and ambient intelligence increases, energy harvesting from a variety of environmental sources will play a vital role in maintaining the long-term functioning of ambient intelligent environments. (Line 68-71, Para. H)
这就意味着设计者必须为可持续停运设计方案, 就像卫星工程师必须将卫星设计成在进入大气时 就燃烧,而不是让卫星落入地球一样。
Reading 3
Translation Assignment
6. Avoiding the latter situation demands greater communication between lawyers and computer scientists, such that appropriate legal norms can be constructed and incorporated into the design and use of ambient intelligence. (Line 80-83, Para. I)
在共享者的手机上,从而带 给参观者更为满意的体验。
Reading 3
Translation Assignment
3. However, a standardized approach is required to achieve interoperability between such physical sensor networks and the Web itself; in this way, seamless connectivity and usability will be achieved through a “Plug and Plat” approach. (Line 58-61, Para. G)
但随着低能耗技术在传统家用设备中的应用和智 能环境的扩展,从各种环境来源获得的能源将在 智能环境的长期运行中起着重要作用。
Reading 3
Translation Assignment
5. This means that designers must plan for sustainable decommissioning, in much the same way that satellite engineers design satellites to burn on atmosphere reentry rather than being allowed to fall to Earth. (Line 72-75, Para. H)
Language Points
9) Storm Worm: 风暴蠕虫 10) software patch: 软件补丁 11) social engineering:社会工程 12) penetration test:渗透测试 13) hacker proof: 防黑客装置(计算机) 14) Binary Decision Diagram (BDD) :二元决策图 15) decryption key:密钥 16) model checking: 模型校验 17) theorem proving: 定理证明
译: 虽然杀毒软件、防火墙和入侵检测系统都是重 要而实用的技术,但它们的问题是安全通常都 只是亡羊补牢。
Language Points
5. Combined with greater computational power, these sorts of advances, among others, have led to tangible improvements in the ability to produce more fundamentally sound hardware and software systems. (Line 86-88, Para. J)
4. Antivirus software… an afterthought. (L59-61, G)
5. Combined with … software systems. (L86-88, J) 6. As the attractive …to design it. (L96-98, Para. L)
Language Points
2. Social engineering here refers to manipulating a computer user to take an action with undesired consequences, such as downloading a file containing malware, clicking on a link that takes them to a fraudulent Web site, or divulging confidential information. (L38-40, Para. E) 社会工程在这里是指操纵计算机用户的行动 并导致不良后果,如下载含有恶意软件的文 档、点击含有欺诈网页的链接或泄漏机密信 息等。
Sentence Translation
1. Storm successfully evaded … and study it). (L34-37, D) 2. Social engineering …confidential information. (L38-40, E) 3. As attackers … risks and dangers. (L53-54, F)
智能环境是指个人与环境之间的某种内在联系, 这种联系使个人与计算设备能以一种自然而然、 不扰生活的方式连接并互动。
Reading 3
Translation Assignment
2. In sharing positional and personal information, multimedia content may be personalized and presented via the visitor’s smart phone, resulting in a more satisfactory experience. (Line 23-24, Para. C)
Language Points
3. As attackers target the “human layer” with social engineering, it will be increasingly important to ensure that users are educated as to current cybersecurity risks and dangers. (Line 53-54, Para. F) 译: 因为社会工程的攻击目标是“人类层面”, 所以提高用户对当前网络安全隐患的防范 意识将会越来越重要。