Appreciation of O Captain! My Captain!




Appreciation of Moby-Dick⏹American epic: one of the world’s greatest masterpieces: an encyclopedia of everything,history, philosophy and religion etc.⏹Shakespearean tragedy: man fighting against naturePlotCall Me Ishmael Ishmael, A thoughtful but gloomy young man, Ishmael begins his odyssey in New Bedford, Massachusetts, a prosperous whaling town and crossing point to the island of Nantucket(楠塔基特岛). Queequeg, a fierce-looking harpooner(叉鱼者)covered with tattoos(纹身)and carrying a tomahawk(美洲印第安人用的战斧)and a shrunken head. They sign the ship’s papers, but on their way back to the inn to get their belongings, they meet Elijah(以利亚), a shabbily dressed old man who haunts the docks.Elijah hints at the dangers to come and warns the two not to get involved with the vengeful captain. The Quest The Pequod leaves Nantucket on Christmas day headed for the whaling grounds in the Pacific. Captain Ahab remains in his cabin for several days, while the crew accustoms itself to life at sea. When Ahab does emerge, his appearance startles Ishmael.A long, white scar runs down Ahab's face, and he walks on an artificial leg made of whalebone. Soon he calls the entire crew together and informs them that their voyage will be no ordinary whaling cruise. Ahab has returned to sea with the sole purpose of finding and killing the whale that took his leg on the previous voyage. He offers a sixteen-dollar gold piece to the first man who spots the white whale, Moby-Dick, and drink to the death of the whale.The ChaseCaptain Ahab●“a grand, ungodly, godlike man,”●two things about Ahab, captain of the Pequod in Moby-Dick:●Ahab was orphaned when he was twelve months old,●one of his legs was lost as a result of his most recent whaling voyage.●The wound is so fresh that the stump(残肢)is still bleeding. Ahab does not make aproper appearance in the book until Chapter 28. The long delay in Ahab's involvement in the action of the novel helps to build him up as a grand figure, the major tragic character Melville wants his readers to see.Ishmael(以实玛利)⏹narrator. A rootless individual, brought up as a good Christian⏹Wanderer disinherited and dismissed from his home in favor of his half brother Isaac(以撒). outcast, drifter, no family, no last name. ran away from society to nature. His running away symbolizes human being's departure from Eden.⏹Then after the experience on the sea, he wished to return to the land.⏹He believed God not to be conquered, survived⏹Whiteman who considers Indians as equal and should share brotherly love. (Queequeg’scoffin)Queequeg⏹ a highborn native of an uncharted south-seas island. His father was a High Chief, and hisuncle a High Priest. Queequeg is covered in tattoos(文身)and worships pagan gods, including a small black idol, Yojo.⏹But the real point about Queequeg is his friendliness. He and Ishmael strike up an instantcomradeship.Themes1.Individual Vs. Nature2.(Ahab) versus Nature (symbolized by Moby-Dick)3.Tragic hero\noble4.Tragedy of man: revenge on nature5.Anyone who wants to revenge will be defeatedGod and Religion⏹religion and God's role in the natural world. westward.⏹God and man, who is the controller⏹Nature and man (Newton: man can study\examine nature)Symbols⏹Symbols are objects, characters, figures, or colors used to represent abstract ideas "search and discovery, the search for the ultimate truth of experience."the Pequod -the ship of the American soulMoby Dick---a symbol of good and evilits whiteness--- paradoxical colorThe Pequod⏹Named after a Native American tribe in Massachusetts⏹did not long survive the arrival of white men and thus turned to be an extinction⏹the Pequod is a symbol of doom.⏹It is painted a gloomy black and covered in whale teeth and bones, --violent death. It is,in fact, marked for death. Adorned (decorate) like a primitive coffin, the Pequod becomes one.⏹American dream :Ishmael thought he found dream and freedom in it.⏹Others sacrifices for the whiteMoby Dick⏹To the Pequod's crew⏹An unknown God whose whiteness represents goodness and tranquility, evil and violence.⏹Ahab : Moby Dick is a manifestation of all that is wrong with the world, and he feels thatit is his destiny to erase this symbolic evil.⏹it represents the destruction of the environment by expansion and exploitation in the 19th⏹For the author and the readers, Ishmael, it is a mystery of the universeQueequeg's Coffin⏹Queequeg‘s coffin alternately symbolizes life and death.⏹Queequeg has it built when he is seriously ill, but when he recovers, it becomes a chestto hold his belongings and an mark of his will to live. He make the knowledge tattooed on his body last forever, by carving it onto the coffin’s lid.⏹The coffin further comes to symbolize life, in a morbid way, when it replaces thePequod…s life buoy(救生衣). When the Pequod sinks, the coffin becomes Ishmael's buoy, saving not only his life but the life of the narrative that he will pass on.The novel can be understood from three levels⏹ 1. It is a novel of journey and whale catching.⏹ 2. It is a conflict between Captain Ahab and Moby Dick.⏹ 3.It is a story of Ishmael, his thought about human body’s ego realization, therelationship between man and nature, man and God, man and man, etc.Melville’s views of lifea. negative attitude towards life.b. One of the major themes of his is alienation (far away from each other.c. Other themes: loneliness, suicidal individualism (individualism causing disaster and death), rejection and quest, confrontation of innocence and evil, doubts over the comforting 19th-century idea of progressMelville’s contr ibution to American literature and featuresAutobiographical elements, Moby-Dick for instance SymbolismAhab Moby dick AND Sea whiteness Pequod VoyageThe style of Melville⏹There is a threefold quality in his writing; the style of fact, the style of oratory celebratingthe fact, and the style of meditation.⏹His style is highly symbolic and metaphorical. The novel has many non-narrative chapters,and this is how Melville changed an adventure story into a philosophical novel.⏹He used the technique of multiple views to achieve the effect of ambiguity.⏹Melville manages to achieve the effect of ambiguity through employing thetechnique of multiple view of his narratives.O Captain My CaptainO Captain my Captain! our fearful trip is done,The ship has weathered every rack(刑架), the prize we sought is won,The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring;But O heart! heart! heart!O the bleeding drops of red,Where on the deck my Captain lies,Fallen cold and dead.O Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells;Rise up--for you the flag is flung for you the bugle trills,For you bouquets and ribboned wreaths for you the shores a-crowding,For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning;Here Captain! dear father!This arm beneath your head!It is some dream that on the deck,You've fallen cold and dead.My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still;My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse nor will;The ship is anchored safe and sound, its voyage closed and done;From fearful trip the victor ship comes in with object won;Exult O shores, and ring O bells!But I, with mournful tread,Walk the deck my Captain lies,Fallen cold and dead.。



Walt Whitman composed the poem "O Captain! My Captain!" after Abraham Lincoln's assassination in 1865. The poem is classified as an elegy or mourning poem, and was written to honor Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States. 沃尔特·惠特曼在亚伯拉罕·林肯1865年被暗杀后 创作了这首诗《哦,船长!我的船长!》。这首诗 被归类为挽歌或哀悼诗,该诗为了纪念美国第 16任总统亚伯拉罕·林肯。
Exult, O, shores! And ring, O bells! 啊,岸上钟声齐鸣,啊,人们一片欢腾!
But I, with mournful ['mɔrnfl] tread, 但是,我在甲板上,在船长身旁, Walk the deck my captain lies, 心悲切,步履沉重; Fallen cold and dead.
The ship is anchor’d safe and sound, its voyage closed and done; 船舶抛锚停下,平安抵达;船程终了;
From fearful trip, the victor ship, comes in with object won; 历经难险返航,夺得胜利目标。
Here, Captain! Dear father! 啊,船长!亲爱的父亲!
This arm beneath your head; 我的手臂托着您的头!

o captain my captain韵律

o captain my captain韵律

O Captain! My Captain!导言《O Captain! My Captain!》是美国19世纪诗人华尔特·惠特曼所作的一首著名诗歌,创作于美国内战结束后的悼念时期。



在《O Captain! My Captain!》中,惠特曼以海洋航行的隐喻将美国内战比作一艘船舶的航海旅程,以林肯为船长,开始于战争之初、结束于和平之际。

















结束语《O Captain! My Captain!》是一首充满敬意和悼念的诗歌,表达了对于林肯总统和他所领导的美国的赞美。

The appreciation of O Captain

The appreciation of O Captain

The appreciation of O Captain! My Captain The poem expresses Whitman’s deep sorrow for the death of Abraham Lincoln who was assassinated on April 14 1865, five days after the declaration of the triumphant close of the Civil War.The poem contains three stanzas, each of which consists of 8 lines. The first four lines are two couplets and the last four are in the form of a regular ballad with the fifth and seventh lines iambic tetrameter and the sixth and eighth lines iambic trimester. The rhyme scheme is aabbcded.In the poem Walt Whitman uses writing skills of symbol, imagery, and repetition to get a wonderful effect of art. This makes readers enjoy a unique beauty of art from vision,hearing, language and meter. Phonetic recurrence is the main feature of the poem, i.e., the systematic repetition of words and phrases at the beginning of the line, in the middle or at the end.Oral English is also applied in his free verse to make it an effective way to express freely the feelings of common people.In the first standard, the poet describes the magnificent sight of the triumphant returning of the captain Lincoln and his crew and his astonishment at Lincoln’s death by using the first person. The repetition of the noun “Captain” conveys the poet’s infinite sorrow over Lincoln’s death and yearning for him.The two words “ship” and “captain” suggest America and the president Lincoln, stressing the triumphant returning and implying Lincoln’s monumental contributions.The combination of vowel and nasal in “done” and “won” sound simple and sonorous, powerful and inspiring, filling with heroic optimistic spirit, conveying a musical beauty. The repetition of the words with the simple syllable, “heart”, achieves the great change from excitation to sorrow, stressing a heart-breaking atmosphere of art.In the second standard, by using the second person the poet participates in the conversation with the captain to express his longing for the captain and his sorrowful mourning over the death of the captain. He is so sad that he is not clear on the reality and dream. The yearning mingled with the mourning forms a confounded state of mind. The continuous use of “for you” not only expresses the love, support and veneration from the American people for Linco ln but also suggests the poet’s doubt about Lincoln’s death, bringing the sad feeling to the climax.These words “bells”, “trills”, “crowding” and “turning” sound natural and drawn-out like a harmonious flow of notes from a stringed instrument, making a rhythmical beauty.In the third standard, by using the third person the poet expresses that he can accept the cruel reality of Lincoln’s death.The poet presents a striking contrast between “the bleeding drops of red” and “his lips are pale and still”, enric hing the readers’ vision and imagination. The lines “I with mournful tread, / Walk the deck my Captain Lies.”, show the poet’s hopes and illusions were shattered when facing “Fallen cold and dead.”The repetitious use of “cold and dead” in the poem enforces a sorrowful effect of art.In a word, this is a wonderful poem. On one hand, we can learn a lot of the using of writing skills and rhetorical devices from it. On the other hand, I think this poem give me a strong sense of picture as if I was once one of the members in that shipwhen I read it. This feeling is really excited.。

O captain, my captain分析

O captain, my captain分析
• 花束和花环为你备下——人群挤满海岸, • 晃动的民众向你呼唤,向你转过热切的脸;
• 在这里,船长!亲爱的父亲!
• • • 你的头颅枕着我的臂膀! 就在这甲板上,如同梦一场, 你倒下了,身体冰凉。
• My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still, • My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse nor will, • The ship is anchor'd safe and sound, its voyage closed and done, • From fearful trip the victor ship comes in with object won; • .
• .
• Here Captain! dear father!
• • • This arm beneath your head! It is some dream that on the deck, You've fallen cold and dead
• 啊,船长!我的船长!起来听这钟声; • 起来——旗帜为你飘扬——号角为你长鸣,
• The forms • There are 3 stanzas of the poem, and there are 8 lines each stanza. • A poem rhymes neat, metrical strictly, which called Whitman "the most traditional" poetry. • There are seven feet and three or four feet alternately, so that the whole poem reads easily to pronounce, smells like the sea surging waves, waves and ripples changing. • The whole poem each stanza strictly rhymes AA BB CD ED. Neat rhyme arrangement enhances the poem power.

o captain my captain修辞手法

o captain my captain修辞手法

o captain my captain修辞手法
"O Captain! My Captain!"是一首由华特·惠特曼(Walt Whitman)写于林肯总统遇刺后的哀悼诗歌,其中使用了以下修辞手法:
1. 拟人化(Personification):将“Captain”(指林肯总统)赋

2. 反问(Rhetorical question):在诗歌中使用反问,如“Is fallen cold and dead?”来强调林肯去世的事实,以及对此的悲伤。

3. 重复(Repetition):通过重复“O Captain! My Captain!”的句子,强调诗人对林肯的称呼,并且表达个人的哀悼之情。

4. 象征(Symbolism):诗中的“船只”和“旅程”等意象被用来

5. 具体描写(Imagery):诗中使用了具体的描写手法,如“Exult O shores, and ring O bells!”和“Here Captain! dear father!”等,使读者能够更加清晰地感受到诗人的悲伤和失落。


Captain! My Captain (船长,我的船长)

Captain! My Captain (船长,我的船长)

Captain! My Captain (船长,我的船长)作者:成旭梅来源:《师道(人文)》2021年第06期“校长”,我们都这样喊他;每当他回来,我们这样喊他,他总是笑得满脸慈祥,于是我们大家一起笑,笑着,眼泪就来了:我们并不以他为校长——而他的确曾是我们的校长,长达12年的校长。

















杰克船长经典语录名⾔名句 加勒⽐海盗中杰克船长的经典语录都有哪些?加勒⽐海盗经典语录中最经典的要数杰克船长的语录台词了,杰克船长为什么受欢迎很⼤程度取决于他在剧中的经典台词语录,那么杰克斯派洛经典台词有哪些你知道么?下⾯⼩编搜集了杰克船长的经典台词对⽩语录句⼦,杰克斯派洛经典语录中英版对照希望⼤家喜欢! 杰克船长经典语录名⾔名句1 1、孩⼦们你们要永远记住今天你们差⼀点就抓住了.......杰克斯派洛船长。

2、船长是杰克斯派洛船长 3、伊丽莎⽩掉进了海⾥杰克问两个⽩痴船员你们两个会游泳吗?两个船员摇摇头杰克说:你们真是皇家海军的精英。







” 8、为什么酒瓶总是空的?哦,我喝了。







” 14、像杰克斯派洛⼀样疯狂 15、杰克:先⽣?你要是⾼兴,可以扔我的帽⼦.……现在捡回来。

16、威尔:他们是海盗!伊丽莎⽩:我们也是! 17、杰克对巨章鱼说“你好,宝贝。

” 18、杰克:你把我扔到荒岛上时忘了⼀件事。









海上钢琴师中英文对照台词I stiII ask myseIf if I did the right thing, abandoning his floating city. 我还在问我自己,究竟有没有做错把他那漂浮的城市遗弃了I don't just mean for the work.我不仅仅指工作The fact is, a friend Iike that事实上,那样的朋友a reaI friend,一个真正的朋友you won't meet again你不会再遇上if you decide to go on Land,如果你想上岸if you just want to feeI something soIid under your feet如果你只是想感受一下脚踩到东西的感觉and then you no Ionger hear the music of the gods around you.那么你就不会再听到上帝的音乐But, Iike he used to say :但是正如他经常说的''You're never reaIIy done for as Iong as you've got a good story有了好故事and someone to teII it to.''才会去告诉别人The troubIe is that no-one wouId beIieve a singIe word of my story. 问题是没有人会相信我说的话It happened everytime that someone wouId Iook up and see her. 每次都有人抬起头来看她It's difficuIt to understand.真难理解I mean,there were more than a thousand of us onthat ship,我指的是我们有1000多人在船上traveIIing richfoIk, immigrants,旅游的富人,移民strange peopIe and us.陌生的人,还有我们Yet,there was aIways one, just one可总是有一个人,就一个人who wouId see her first.会首先看到她Maybe he was just sitting there eating也许他刚好在那吃东西or waIking on the deck.或者在甲板上散步Maybe he was just there fixing his pants.也许他刚好在那摆弄裤子He'd Iook up for a second, gIance out to sea他把头抬起一秒钟,眺望大海and he'd see her.他就看到她了Then he'd just stand there, rooted to the spot, his heart racing.他站在那,一动也不动他的心在狂跳And everytime, I swear every damned time,每一次,我发誓真的是每一次he'd turn towards us,to the ship, towards everybody and scream... 他转向我们,转向大家,然后大叫America !“美国”I Iost a Iot of money betting on who'd be the first to see her,在打赌谁是第一个看到她中我输了很多钱America.美国片名:海上钢琴师It's a miracIe, SantaRosaIia !这是个奇迹,罗莎莉What do you mean SantaRosaIia, it'sthe Madonna di Lourdes !罗莎莉是什么意思圣母玛利亚的意思The one who sees America first. There's one on every ship !这是首先看到美国的人. 每艘船上都有一个And don't be thinking it's an accident or some opticaI iIIusion.不要认为这是海市蜃楼It's destiny.这是命运Those are peopIe who had that precise instant stamped on their Iife. 这些人生命中就注定有这么一刻And when they were kids, you couId Iook into their eyes当他们是小孩子时你可以透过他们的眼睛and if you Iooked carefuIIy, you'd aIready see her,看到她,如果你认真看的话America.美国I've seen a few Americas !我见过一些美国人Six years on that ship, five crossings a year :在那船上6年,每年跑5个来回Europe,America and back. AIways soaking in the ocean.去欧洲,美国,返回来老是泡在海上When you stepped on Iand you couIdn't even piss straight in the john.在岸上几乎撒尿都不准It was steady, the john I mean,厕所是固定的but you'd keep bobbing Iike an idiot.但是你却像傻子一样不停地动You can get off a ship aII right, but off the ocean . . .离开船还可以,可是离开大海就…I was just cIosing. What can I do for you?我正要关门. 有什么可以帮你的吗?When I boarded I was twenty-four years oId,上岸的时候,我24岁and onIy cared about one thing in Iife : pIaying the trumpet. 只担心一件事:吹喇叭I'm seIIing it.我要卖掉它A Conn.康涅狄格州的Not bad.不错Best brass money can buy !上等黄铜做的,能卖个好价钱CouId be, in its day.不过是在以前Been a whiIe since you pIayed, eh ?你用了好一段时间了吧If you mean for money, a coupIe of years.如果你是指价钱的话,用了几年了But I've never stopped pIaying it to get rid of the bIues.但我一直吹它来赶走忧郁Don't get me wrong . . .不要误解我The greatest jazz pIayers bIew through brass Iike that.好的爵士乐手都是这样做的I'm sure they did, but after the war, peopIe want sweet sounds.我知道,但是战后大家都想听轻松点的音乐They want bright sounds, forget jazz !他们想要明快的音乐忘记爵士吧This now, is just a coIIector's item.现在这只是用来收藏而已Nine pounds fifty, not apenny more.9.5镑,一分也不能多了Christ, that's onIy 9 or10 doIIars !天啊,只值9镑或10镑That horn's my whoIe Iife.这喇叭是我的生命Okay, no-one's going to rememberme Iike BuddyBoIden or Satchmo, 当然,没有人会记得我but even as anobody I'm worth more than 9 Iousy doIIars !但普通人也不止9镑吧If you put it Iike that, I don't think it's worth even haIf a crown !如果你这样比喻的话我觉得你连半镑也不值Shut the door when you Ieave, pIease.离开的时候请关上门Okay, Pops,you win !好,按你说的做You just bought yourseIf a piece of musicaI history.你买了一段历史If you want some advice,如果你想听意见的话go out now and get something hot to eat.我建议你现在就走,喝点热的At Ieast Iet me pIay it one Iast time.至少让我最后吹一次I don't have time to waste !我不想浪费时间AII right.好了Hurry up though, I'm cIosing.快点,我要关门了Thank you.谢谢Two peas in apod,wouIdn't you say?你不是想说同病相怜吧Are you aII right? PIease don't faint in here.你没事吧?不要晕倒在这里It's the music that you just pIayed. Don't you recognise it ? 这是你刚才弹奏的音乐认不出了吗What is it ?这音乐叫什么It doesn't have aname.没有名字OnIy a handfuI of peopIe have had the priviIege of hearing it. 只有少数人有幸听过它What styIe !什么流派的I've been wondering since this morning,自从今天早上我就一直很想知道but I can't work out who this amazing piano pIayer is.我想不出究竟是谁弹得如此美妙I don't think you've ever heard of him.我想你没有听说过他Who is he ?他是谁If ItoId you that this pianist never existed, I wouIdn't be Iying.如果我告诉你,这个钢琴家根本不存在,我是说实话I don't Iike secrets. They're Iike dirty underwear !我不喜欢秘密,就像肮脏的内衣裤Come on,Yank, who the deviI is pIaying ?说吧,究竟是谁弹的It's my secret.这是我的秘密It was the first year of this frigging century,那是这该死的世纪的第一年as defined by an unknown coIoured coaI stoker on the Virginian.正如弗吉尼亚号上的一个烧煤黑人说的那样Rich ass bastards ! OnIy Iose dirty handkerchiefs and cigarette butts ! 有钱人是狗崽子只留下脏的手帕和烟头Nevera watch, even a dented one, oran odd cuff-Iink.从不留下手表,即使是表面凹凸的手表,衫袖链扣之类的东西Not even afake fucking ring !也不会有假的戒指Hey, Iook here, a whoIe cigar !看这儿,有个完整的香烟Must have been some rich pauperat the party.肯定是有些败家子在宴会上Look at this shit ! Damn rich !看,该死的有钱人They never forget anything, except when they owe you money.他们不会忘记任何事除非他们欠你的钱What the heII are you doing here ?你在这干什么T.D. Lemons.T.D.柠檬HeIIo, Lemon !你好柠檬Immigrant business !移民的生意Give birth in secret somewhere on deck在甲板的某个地方悄悄地生了个孩子and then Ieave onthe ship another mouth to feed !然后留给船上的其他人养That's big troubIe withthe immigration office !移民局有麻烦了What can a kid Iike him be when he grows up ? Anotherimmigrant ! 小孩长大以后什么样子呢?又一个移民Don't Iisten to those bastards. Go on, Iap it up boy !不要听他们胡说.来,舔一下It's miIk.这是牛奶They Ieft this one in first cIass hoping some rich guy wouId take him 他们把小孩留在头等舱想有个有钱人收养他and give him a happy Iife.给他幸福的生活-Isn't that right, Danny? -What do you think ?丹尼,你说对吗?你说呢And who does the IittIe ape get instead? A poor worthIess nigger ! 现在谁收养了?一个穷光蛋的黑鬼Fuck poverty, you stinking sewerrats !见鬼去吧,穷!讨厌的沟渠老鼠T.D.was written onthe box, do you rats know what that means ?篮子上写着“T.D.”. 你们这些老鼠知道是什么意思吗I forgot, you can't read !哦,我忘记了,你们不识字I'II teII you what it means, it means Thanks Danny !我告诉你们吧是“谢谢丹尼”的意思They Ieft that boy for me and I'm keeping him.他们把孩子留给我让我来照顾他-What are you going to caII him ? -That's a probIem.你叫他什么,这是个问题I didn't think of that.我没想过To start with, I'II give him myname, DannyBoodman.我会让他跟我姓,叫丹尼布曼Then I'II put T.D. inthe middIe Iike the rich put on their cuff-Iinks. 我会把T.D.放在中间就像富人们在衫袖链扣上写的那样It's cIassy to put Ietters inthe middIe of a name.把字母放在名字中间很经典AII the fucking Iawyers have got them in the middIe of their names. 所有该死的律师都是把字母放在名字中间的One of mine was caIIed John P.T.K.Wonder.我的律师中有一个就叫做约翰P.T.K华德-The one who sent you to jaiI ? -What a good memory you've got ! 就是送你进监狱的那个吗?真好的回忆If my son grows up to be aIawyer, I'II kiII him !如果我儿子长大以后做律师我就杀了他But his name's goingto be DannyBoodman T.D. Lemon.但是他的名字还是叫丹尼布曼T.D.柠檬-What do you think ? -It's up to you.You're his mother !你们觉得怎样?你决定吧,你是他的母亲I Iike it, but it's short. It needs an ending.“我喜欢,不过太短了需要有个结尾”He ain't no duke's son, Danny !他不是公爵的儿子,丹尼You found him on a Tuesday, caII him Tuesday !你是星期二发现他的就叫他星期二吧That's a good idea for a stupid nigger !好主意,蠢材I found him the first month of the first year of this new century, 我在这个新的世纪的第一年的第一个月发现他so I'm caIIing him Nineteen Hundred !我要叫他1900-But that's a number ! -It was, but now it's a name.可那是个数字.本来是但现在是个名字了DannyBoodman T.D. Lemon Nineteen Hundred !丹尼布曼T.D.柠檬1900Quick,the baby !快,孩子Stop that cradIe.把摇篮停下来How can something that smaII shit so much ?一个小孩怎么拉这么多屎Lemon Nineteen Hundred. Shake him, shake him.柠檬1900.摇他Nineteen Hundred's Iucky, he was born in shit !1900真幸运,在屎中出生Thanks Danny?谢谢丹尼Thanks Danny?谢谢丹尼It was Iike the second coming of Christ.好象是耶稣的二次降临Maybe it was,with aII the miracIes that kid had up his sIeeve.也许就是,因为这孩子注定有奇迹HeII, he did everything on the water but waIk.他能在水上做任何事,除了走路And I heard that he'd done that too.我听说他也试过水上走路Andthat's how IittIe Nineteen Hundred grew up这是1900成长的过程inside that cradIe as big as a ship.在船一样大的摇篮里Dannywas afraid that they'd take him away because of documents and visas, 丹尼害怕有人会带走他因为证明和签证的问题so the boy Iived his earIy years hidden away所以早年这孩子是在躲藏中度过的in the beIIy of the Virginian.在弗吉尼亚号的里面Now try by yourseIf.现在你试试Push your finger against these words so the Ietters can't run away !用手指指着单,他们就不会跑掉-Man . . . -Okay, Lemon.“人”.好的,柠檬Go . . .“去”…-Ma. . . -Just abit more.“马”.大声点Ma.“马”You read Iike a god, Lemon !你读得像上帝,柠檬Now put them aII together Iike the boiIervaIves.现在连在一起读,就像窝炉阀一样Go on.来Man-go-Mama !人去马Right, keep going.就这样,继续Ya-nk my ch-ain.人去马Danny,why are you Iaughing so much ?丹尼,你为什么笑得这么大声These are the names ofhorses. I'm crazy about horses names. 这是些马的名字我很喜欢马的名字Read there, that one ran yesterday at CIeveIand.读一下这个,它昨天参赛了Ha-ppyHoo-fers.哈-批-花-飞-I'm pissing myseIf ! -Listen to this one.我笑得忍不住要撒尿了. 听我念这个-Sa-ssyLa-ssy. -SassyLassy !撒屎拉屎And this one, Red Hot Mama.还有这个,红热妈妈What's amama, Danny?什么是妈妈,丹尼A mama?妈妈?It's a horse !是匹马-A horse ? -A race horse.一匹马?一匹跑的马Mamas are thorough breds, the best race horses in the worId.妈妈是纯种马世界上跑得最好的马If you bet on a mama, you aIways win.如果你在它身上下注,肯定赢Dan, put your finger here and read.丹尼,手指放在这里,念出来T.D. doesn't mean Thanks Danny.T.D.不是谢谢丹尼的意思Who's this pansy?这个奶油小生是谁That's enough reading for tonight. Too much reading's bad for you ! 今晚读够了.读得太多对你不好What eIse is bad, Danny?还有什么是不好的,丹尼Everything off the Virginian is bad.弗吉尼亚号以外的所有东西都是不好的Everything.所有的东西They've got sharks on the Iand that wiII eat you aIive. Be carefuI ! 岸上有鲨鱼会活生生地咬死你,小心点See this here.看这里That was those white sharks.这就是那些白鲨What's an orphanage ?什么是孤儿院It's a big prison where they Iock up foIks with no kids.那是一个大监狱关着很多没有小孩的人So if it wasn't for me, they'd put you in an orphanage.如果不是我他们就会把你关到孤儿院去You bet, IittIe Lemon. Go to sIeep now.小柠檬,快睡吧On that extraordinary fIoating city, apart from a father,在那特殊的漂浮的城市远离父亲Nineteen Hundred found a whoIe famiIy made of truIy unique peopIe, 1900找到了一个由各种人组成的完整的家庭Iike the ship's doctor.好象船上的医生Open your mouth, Iike this.张开嘴,像我这样Shit, doctor,what's that hanging from your throat ? Are you iII ?医生,你喉咙里有什么东西?你是不是生病了What's your name, doctor?你叫什么名字,医生DrKIausermanspizwegensdorfentage.克罗瑟曼斯皮伟根斯多芬塔医生What a name ! If they had to caII you quickIy,they've had it !多长的一个名字!如果他们想快点叫你,怎么办That circus of cooks, saiIors, radio operators and waiters还有厨师,水手,无线电员和侍应aII Iooked after him.全都在照顾他Everyone tried to give him what they thought was a good education. 每个人都设法以自己认为最好的的方法来教育他Even the ship's Captain, in his way, ended up being part of the famiIy. 即使是船长也用自己的方式成为家庭的一员Captain Smith, a wise man, had onIy three defects :史密斯船长一个聪明的人,只有三个缺点:he suffered from cIaustrophobia, had a horribIe fear of drowning他患了幽闭恐惧症,害怕溺水and hated sweets.讨厌甜的东西Nineteen Hundred, how many times have ItoId you not to come up here ? 1900,我告诉过你多少次不要来这里EspeciaIIy if it's to steaI !尤其是为了偷东西Put the booty back where you found it and return to your den把东西放回原处,回你的房间去or I'II send you to the orphanage !否则我把你送到孤儿院Mr Boodman,this orphan business must come to an end !布曼先生,你不能再收养这孤儿了It's even against the Iaw.这还违反了法律Fuck the Iaw !让法律见鬼去吧Hey, Mick,what do you think about in the middIe of a storm ?米克,暴风雨中的感觉怎么样What ? Do I think my Iawyer shouId never have been born ?什么?我是不是在想我的律师不应活在这世上Yes,the storm.是的,这暴风雨You bet he was warned, then I bIew off his head !他受到警告了,我吹掉他的头了You think of jam and bread ?你在想生计?Yes.是的Knowwhat I think, Mick ? I think you're Ioco !知道我在想什么吗?米克?我想你是个疯子I have gusto?我有嗜好?Danny,teII Pedro how I cut that Iawyer's head off !丹尼,告诉派其我是怎样砍掉那律师的头的The WarIdorf? I've never been there.我从未到过那里The whites wouId onIy Iet me in to cIean the shit out the toiIets ! 那些白人只让我进去清洗厕所外面Watch out !小心-Danny ! -Run, quickIy !丹尼,走,快-Get out the way, Iet me see. -CaII a doctor.让开,让我看看.叫医生来The doctor, quickIy.医生,快Danny, don't move.丹尼,不要动-HoId on. -It's just apat on the back.坚持住,只是后面轻轻地拍了一下Hang on, the doctor's coming.坚持住,医生正赶来DoctorKIa-KIa-KIaus . . .医生克罗…克罗…KIau-KIauserman !克罗瑟曼KIausermanspizwegens Frischerri . . . Kemmanschov . . .克罗瑟曼斯皮伟根斯多芬塔….Quick on the Trigger was in the Iead“一触即发”领先over HoIy Shoot and . . .跟着是“荷利”Times were Good,时间刚刚好Saucy Bossy,“发号司令”Brave Victory,“勇敢者”Regrets OnIy,“遗憾者”BIue BaIIs Running,“蓝球赛马”and Hurricane over Open Sesame“飓风”在“芝麻”的前面was past the post in Chicago.在芝加哥过了终点It took three days for oId Danny to go.老丹尼只能活三天了He Iet go on the sixth race in Chicago,won by DrinkabIe Water芝加哥第六段赛事时他死了,“饮水”获得冠军by two Iengths over VegetabIe Soup and five over BIue Foundation. 比“蔬菜汤”快了两个马位比“蓝基地”快了五个马位DrKIausermanspizwegensdorfentage克罗瑟曼斯皮伟根斯多芬塔医生decIared that if it hadn't been for the beIIy Iaughs,说如果丹尼不笑Danny probabIy wouId have survived.可能不会死But his tory isn't made of''ifs''. The onIy thing we know for sure但是历史是没有如果的我们只知道一件事is that suddenIy,就是突然地Lemon Nineteen Hundred became an orphan for the second time.柠檬1900又一次变成了孤儿Music.音乐Nineteen Hundred was eight years oId then.那时柠檬1900才八岁He'd made the trip between Europe and America about fifty times.他在欧洲和美国之间来来回回航行了大约50次The ocean was his home.大海是他的家Sure, and his skin was covered with scaIes and he had fins, not arms ! 他的皮肤上布满了鱼鳞他长的是鳍,而不是手It's aII true, Pops.我讲的都是真的-You can bet your souI on it. -But that's absurd !你可以用灵魂来打赌. 但荒谬极了That's right.但就这样He never set foot on dryIand. Never.他从未踏上过土地,从未He'd seen it from the ports many times, but he never got off the ship. 他从港口看到过许多次但从未离开过船The onIy troubIe was that asfaras the worId knew, he didn't even exist. 唯一的问题是,直到世人知道了他已不在了There wasn't a city, aparish, ahospitaI, or basebaIIteam那不是一座城市,教区,医院that had his name anywhere.或是知名的棒球队He didn't have a country, a birth date, a famiIy.他没有国家,出生日期,家庭He was eight years oId, but officiaIIy, he'd never been born.他八岁了,但严格来讲他从未出生过America !美国America !美国Kidnapping.绑架Charges of kidnapping couId be brought against you, Captain,船长,你有可能被控绑架if one day the boy's kin were to showup.如果有一天孩子的家人出现了After eight years, I seriousIy doubt it.已经过了八年了,我真的不相信However, Ithink the time has come to aIIow the boyto have anormaI Iife. 但是,是时候让孩子过正常的生活了I've written apersonaI note I'd Iike you to give to the orphanage head. 我已经写了一封信我想你交给孤儿院院长Very weII, Captain. Where is the Iad ?好的,船长.那家伙呢Boatswain, show these gentIemen the way.水手长,帮先生带路Forward.向前SIowIy.慢点Search everywhere, upstairs too.到处找,上楼找What's in that case? Stop the baggage being off-Ioaded.那箱子里是什么?先不要卸行李-Have you seen a IittIe boy? -No.你见过一个孩子吗?没有22 days Iater,when the Virginian headed for Rio deJaneiro,22天后当弗吉尼亚号抵达里约热内卢Nineteen Hundred hadn't been found and no-one knew anything about him. 还没有找到1900 没有人知道他去哪里了Everyone had death in their hearts大家都以为他死了because they had aII gotten attached to the IittIe boy,因为大家都惦记着他aIthough no-one wouId say so.虽然没有人这样说-Captain ! Wake up ! -Let me sIeep.船长,起来.让我睡觉-Come with me, quickIy ! -Christ !跟我来,快点.天啊-Are we sinking ? -Worse than that !我们下沉吗?比这还厉害-What's his name ? -Nineteen Hundred.他叫什么名字?1900-Not the song,the boy. -Nineteen Hundred.不是音乐的名字是男孩的名字.1900Like the song !我喜欢这音乐Captain Smith wouId have Iiked to ask him many questions right then.史密斯船长当时就有许多问题想问他For exampIe : ''Where the heII did you Iearn to pIay the piano ?'' 例如:“你从哪学的钢琴”Or : ''In what damn hoIe were you hiding ?''或者“你藏在哪个洞里?”OreIse : ''Where in Christ's name are you getting this music from 还有“你从哪里知道这音乐的?”which seems to enter into your veins ?''那音乐好像从他血脉里流出似的But he was aman in uniform.但他是个船长He onIy managed to say : ''AII of this is against the reguIations.'他只能忍住,说:“这是违反规定的.”Fuck the reguIations !让规定见鬼去吧His exact words : ''Fuck the reguIations !''没错,他说“让规定见鬼去吧.”But I don't understand what the record has to do with any of this. 但是我不明白这唱片和这有什么关系呢You're not the sharpest knife in the drawer, Pops. That's his music. 你还不知道,这是他的音乐The music of DannyBoodman T.D. Lemon Nineteen Hundred.丹尼布曼T.D.柠檬1900的音乐The greatest ivorytickIer on the seven seas.七大洋上的象牙备忘录That's amazing !不可思议If that's aII true, this record must be worth a fortune !如果这是真的话这张唱片肯定很值钱This record can make us both rich.这唱片可以令我们两个富起来That record shouIdn't exist.这唱片不应该存在The onIy existing matrix was destroyed right after it was cut.唯一的唱片模具在刚制成后就被毁掉了WeII,this is amatrix.这是一个唱片模具It's one of those that they used for on the spot recording.这是其中之一,他们用来录音How did you find it ?你怎么找到它的I spent a whoIe day trying to put the pieces together.我花了一整天的时间把碎片合在一起Ifound them by accident, hidden inside one of those two pianos. 我偶然发现了它们在那架钢琴里I bought them from a second-hand deaIer我从一个旧货商里买来的who emptied out an oId hospitaI ship down at PIymouth.他从停靠在普利茅兹的一艘医院轮船里淘来的They're goingto destroy it in a coupIe of days.他们准备要毁掉它What do you mean ''destroy'' ?你是什么意思,“毁掉”-Where's the oId hospitaI ship ? -That's it.旧的医院轮船在哪?在那Thank you.谢谢-Where are you from ? -LiverpooI.你从哪来?利物普-I'm a barber. -Sign there.我是个理发师.这里签名Next. What's your trade ?下一个.你做什么的-I'm a cook, barber,taiIor. -Too many things for us, out !我是厨师,理发师,水手. 对于我们来说太多了,走-I'm aIso a good mechanic. -Get out ! Next.我还是一个称职的机械师. 走,下一个-What do you do ? -I pIay the trumpet.你做什么的?我吹喇叭的We've aIready got musicians on board. Get out !我们已经有音乐家在船上了,走Next.下一个Where the heII's he going ?他在干吗-What was that ? -I don't know.那是什么?我不知道When you don't know what it is, it's jazz !你什么时候不知道的,这是爵士乐Jazz !爵士乐-What's your name ? -Max Tooney.你叫什么?马斯突尼Okay !好的It was the happiest day of my Iife.那是我一生中最开心的一天AII those peopIe with hope in their eyes,所有人眼里充满了希望the goodbyes,the sirens and that fIoating worId starting to move.道别声,汽笛声,漂浮的世界正要启程It feIt Iike one big party just for me.就像专门为我而开的盛大的舞会But just three days Iater the ocean got tired of the festivities.但三天以后大海厌倦了欢庆SuddenIy, in the middIe of the night, she went berserk and heII broke out. 突然,在深夜,她发疯似的乱嚎叫Now, a guy bIowing atrumpet on a ship这时候,有人正在船上吹喇叭can't do much when there's araging storm.狂风暴雨的时候没什么好做的Not pIaying the trumpet is aII he can do not to compIicate matters.不吹喇叭是唯一他可以做的不把事情弄复杂的事But I couIdn't bear being downthere.但我不甘心呆在那The same Iine kept raging in my head : ''he died Iike a rat.''头脑中不停有声音“他像老鼠一样死去.”And I didn't want to die Iike a rat.我不想像老鼠一样死去Damn it, I'm Iost !妈的,我迷路了Conn, what's the probIem ?你怎么啦Have you Iost your seaIegs ?你晕船了?You're the newtrumpet man, aren't you ?你是新来的吹喇叭的那个人,是吗You bIow a Conn, right ?你晕船,没错吧Come with me. I have a cure for your misery.跟我来,我有办法帮助你FoIIow me.跟我来-Take the brakes off. -But that's crazy !把闸开了.不是吧,你疯了Trust me. Go on,take them off.相信我,来吧Come and sit near me.来坐在我旁边-You're reaIIy nuts ! -Get on now or you never wiII.你疯了. 现在上来,要不就上不来了-TeII me, have you got chiIdren ? -No.告诉我,你有孩子吗?没有Shit,they'II Iock you up in an orphanage one of these days !妈的,他们会锁在孤儿院里He's nuts.他疯了-Whoa, Mama ! -I see you know your horses.啊,妈妈.我看你知道你的马-A IittIe. -Good man !一点点.不错It was Iike the sea was rocking us and whiIe we were fIoating around 大海向我们袭击,我们在漂浮着brushing the Iamps and furniture,狂扫灯和家具I reaIised that what we were reaIIy doing我意识到我们在做什么was dancing with the ocean. Perfect, crazy dancers,和大海共舞,完美而疯狂的舞者Iocked in a joyfuI waItz on the goIden parquet of night.晚上在金色地板上跳华尔兹Want some ? Cheers !来点吧,干杯HaIIo, Captain.你好,船长-Care to go for a ride ? -Nineteen Hundred !介意一起来吗?1900Who eIse on this ship wouId do anything as crazy as this ?在这船上还有谁会像你一样这样疯狂Iwas just experimenting, sir.我只是在试验,先生When I've perfected it, it won't happen again.当我熟练了,就不会这样了For me it's a question of brakes. Fix those and away you go ! 对于我来说只是闸的问题. 把这些弄好,走-How much wiII that window cost ? -I don't know, it was huge ! 那窗户要多少钱?我不知道,很多吧We're going to be shoveIIing coaI on this ship forever !我们要永远在船上铲煤吗Oh, shit !妈的At I east you know what you'II be doing when you growup !至少你知道当你长大后要干什么You'II shoveI Iots of coaI.你要铲多点煤-Hey, Conn. -What ?嘿,什么-You're from New OrIeans, right ? -How did you know that ?你来自新奥尔良,对吗?你怎么知道的?-I Iove that town. -How come you know it ?我喜欢那里.你怎么知道那里的?In the winter, it's beautifuI.那里冬天很漂亮And in March三月的时候there's aIways an afternoon, when you Ieast expect it,总有一个下午,在你期待的时候a roof offog comes down, abarrier,一屋顶的烟雾,栅栏that hangs just beIow the street Iamps and cuts everything.弥漫在街灯周围Like a white sword. It's magic !像一把白色的剑,真神奇The houses Iose their top fIoors, trees Iose their branches,房子没有了屋顶树木没有了枝桠St Louis CathedraI Ioses its spires and the passers-by their heads. 圣路易斯教堂没有了尖顶路人没有了脑袋From the neck up, everything disappears.从颈部,所有的都消失了AII you can see in Jackson Square is abunch of decapitated bodies, 在杰克逊广场上所见的是一堆堆的无头尸stumbIing about and greeting each other.互相问候着''Everyone aII right at home ?''“在家好吗?”WonderfuI ! Too bad it doesn't Iast Iong.好极了.怎么不讲下去?But how do you know aII these things ?你怎么知道这些事的Who knows ?谁知道You know,你知道ever since I've been on board, I keep hearing about this guy自从我上岸以来我就不断听到这个人with a name as Iong as a Georgia freight train.他的名字像火车一样长Seems he was born on this ship and hasn't been off it since.好象他出生在船上从未离开过船What a crazy story. Twenty years without ever setting foot on Iand.难以置信.20年没有踏上过土地Twenty-seven.27年They say this guy makes music that's never been heard before.他们说这人会弹以前从没听过的音乐I've heard of him,too.我也听说过他At first, Ithought it was you.开始我想他就是你-But something didn't add up. -Of course.但有些不太像,当然Ithought : ''If he's Nineteen Hundred how couId he know New OrIeans ?'' 我想,如果他是1900 怎么会知道新奥尔良?I mean, you've been to New OrIeans.我是说你曾到过新奥尔良If I toId you that I'd never set foot in that town,wouId you beIieve me ? 如果我说我从没到过那里你相信吗你是谁?马斯突尼Whoever you are, Max Tooney.GIad to meet you.很高兴认识你Hey,you up there, we're supposed to bIow it up嘿,你在那.我们要炸掉它not wait for it to be eaten by the fish !不要等它被鱼吃掉We're aImost done, just Iaying the Iast charges.我们差不多做好了-Where the heII are you going ? -I have to Iook for someone.你在干吗?我要找人-Do you want troubIe ? -I can't expIain.你要搞事吗?我无法解释What did you want to do ?你想要干吗You bastards, Iet me on board !你这小子,让我上去Bastards !狗崽子-Can you repeat that ? -Sure I'II say it again !你能再说多一次吗?当然可以You're not going to bIow up anything, 'cause my best friend's on that ship. 你不可以炸因为我最好的朋友在船上-You'd be responsibIe for murder. -Get him out of here.你要为谋杀负责任. 带他离开这里-Get him out ofhere ! -I'm not crazy, it's true.带他离开这里.我没有疯我说的是真的If I say there's a man aboard the Virginian, it means there is !如果我说有人在弗吉尼亚号上就是有人在We cIeaned that ship from stem to stern,there's just Iots of dynamite.我们认真地清理过,只有炸药How can here stiII be a man on board?。

o capitain my capitain赏析

o capitain my capitain赏析

o capitain my capitain赏析
《O Captain! My Captain!》是一首由美国诗人沃尔特·惠特曼所作的悼诗,致敬亚伯拉罕·林肯总统。



诗的第一句话:“O Captain! My Captain!” 是诗人在惋惜林肯总统离开的同时,也在表达对林肯总统的尽情敬仰与感激。


此外,“O Captain! My Captain!” 可以被理解为一种对林肯总统不朽精神及其对美国民主制度的贡献的纪念;而诗的结尾,“Fallen cold and dead.” 也给读者带来了沉重的哀伤之感。





In order to affect a timely halt to deteriorating conditions 为阻止动荡局势进一步恶化"and to ensure the common good,为了百姓大众的利益a state of emergency is declared for these territories该地处于警戒状态by decree of Lord Cutler Beckett,贝克特勋爵duly appointed representative of His Majesty,the king.被皇帝陛下委派至此By decree,according to martial law,根据宵禁法the following statutes are temporarily amended:对以下法规做出暂时修订Right to assembly,suspended.公共聚众权被剥夺Right to habeas corpus,suspended.人身保护权被剥夺Right to legal counsel,suspended.法律咨♥询♥权被剥夺Right to verdict by a jury of peers, suspended.陪审团议罪权被剥夺By decree,all persons found guilty of piracy,法令规定凡定罪为海盗者or aiding a person convicted of piracy,协助海盗者or associating with a person convicted of piracy...与海盗有瓜葛者shall be sentenced to hang by the neck until dead."将处以绞刑...The king and his men皇帝和他的仆人Stole the queen from her bed掳走皇后And bound her in her bones将她封印在肉体中The seas be ours大海为我们所拥有And by the powers拥有无限力量Where we will,we'll roam随心所欲四处漂流Yo ho唷吼All hands haul together千万双手Hoist the colors high把帆高挂Heave ho拒绝Thieves and beggars小偷乞丐Never shall we die我们永垂不朽Yo ho唷吼Haul together haul together齐心协力Hoist the colors high把帆高挂Lord Beckett!贝克特勋爵They've started to sing,sir.他们开唱了长官Finally. Thieves and beggars很好小偷乞丐Never shall we die我们永垂不朽【加勒比海盗 3 】『世界的尽头』Some have died and some are alive有人死去有人活着Others sail on the sea and others sail on the sea 有人在海上航行With the keys to the cage带上牢笼的钥匙and the Devil to pay以及严重的后果We lay to Fiddler's Green我们努力前往费德勒绿地 (水手们想象中的天堂) The bell has been raised from its watery grave 水之坟墓中升起一口钟Hear its sepulchral tone发出阴沉的声音A call to all Pay heed the squall We are a call to all, pay head the squall 警告所有人注意暴风雪Turn your sails to home and turn your sail toward home!转动船帆回家Yo,ho唷吼haul together齐心协力Hoist the colors high把帆高挂Heave ho拒绝Thieve... Thief and beggar小偷乞丐Never shall we die我们永垂不朽A dangerous song to be singing...唱这歌♥可是要杀头的for any who are ignorant of its meaning.即使不懂背后的含义...Particularly a woman.尤其是个女孩子家Particularly a woman alone.尤其是孤身一人的女孩子家What makes you think she's alone?你凭什么认为她孤身一人?You protect her?你罩着她?And what makes you think I need protecting?你凭什么认为我需要别人罩着?Your master's expecting us.你家老大正等着我们And an unexpected death'd cast a slight pall on our meeting.死人会耽误时间Pick those feet up!步伐整齐On the double!跑步前进Eyes front!朝前看No,no,no. None.不不不没有It always takes me about a week to get my sea legs.要花上一个星期后我才不会晕船I was throwing up horribly the last time.上一次我呕吐得很厉害Steady as she goes.像她那样稳着些All right.好的Have you heard anything from Will?有威尔的消息吗?I trust young Turner to acquire the charts特纳一定会取得航海图的and you to remember your place in the presence of Captain Sao Feng.在邵峰船长面前不要没大没小Is he that terrifying?他真有那么可怕吗?He's much like myself,but absent my merciful nature and sense of fair play. 他性情很像我但心狠手辣且唯利是图We're through. Make ready.准备通过准备好Hurry now.快点Do you think because she is a woman we would not suspect her of treachery? 你是不是认为她是个女人就不会怀疑到她了?Well,when you put it that way...既然你这么说…Remove. Please.脱下来Remove. Please.脱Captain Barbossa, welcome to Singapore.巴博萨船长欢迎来到新加坡More steam.加蒸汽None of that.没门儿If things don't go the way we want, then we're the only chance they've got.如果他们不成功那我们就是唯一的希望了I understand that you have a request to make of me.我听说你有事相求More of a proposal to put to ye.应该说是项提议I've a venture underway and I find myself in need of a ship and a crew. 我有趟探险需要一条船一队人Hmm. It's an odd coincidence.真是巧…Because you happen to have a ship and a crew you don't need?你是不是有一条闲船一队闲人?No.不是说这个Because earlier this day, not far from here,因为今天早前附近不远a thief broke into my most revered uncle's temple一个毛贼潜入我叔叔的庙里and tried to make off with these.企图偷走The navigational charts.航海图The route to the Farthest Gate.上面有去世界尽头的路线Wouldn't it be amazing if this venture of yours进入另一个世界探险took you to the world beyond this one?会不会很精彩呢?It would strain credulity at that.这纯属巧合不要胡乱猜测This is the thief. Is his face familiar to you?就是这个毛贼面熟吗?Then I guess he has no further need for it.留他还有何用?No,no!不不You come into my city and you betray my hospitality.你到了我的地盘却辜负了我的盛情I assure you I had no idea... That he would get caught!我向你保证我不知情你是不知道他会失手吧You intend to attempt the voyage to Davy Jones' Locker.你们企图前往戴维·琼斯的魔狱But I cannot help but wonder...我实在想不通Why?为什么?The song has been sung. The time is upon us.起义歌♥已经被传唱刻不容缓啊We must convene the Brethren Court.我们必须召开天下海盗王大会As one of the nine pirate lords, you must honor the call.做为九大海盗王之一的你有责任遵守誓约出席大会More steam.加蒸汽More steam!加蒸汽There is a price on all our heads. Aye.我们人人头上都有悬赏嗯It is true.是的It seems the only way a pirate can turn a profit by betraying other pirates. 这年头海盗也只能靠出♥卖♥♥♥其他海盗牟利We must put our differences aside.我们现在应该求同存异Wait for the signal.等信♥号♥♥The First Brethren Court gave us rule of the seas.海盗王大会制定了海洋公约But now that rule is being challenged by Lord Cutler Beckett.贝克特勋爵却让这公约失去了效用Against East India Trading Company,面对东印度公♥司♥what value is the Brethren Court?海盗公会哪有招架之力?What can any of us do?你我又能做些什么?You can fight! Get off me!你可以打仗放开我You are Sao Feng, the pirate lord of Singapore.你是邵峰啊新加坡大名鼎鼎的海盗王You command in an age of piracy where bold captains sail free waters.你领导了一个时代勇敢的船长可以自♥由♥遨游Where waves aren't measured in feet, but as increments of fear,见过的大浪非尺能量and those who pass the test become legend.经过考验的人都成了传奇Would you have that era come to an end on your watch?你能眼睁睁地看着这一切都毁在你的手中么?The most notorious pirates from around the world遍天下的海盗王are uniting against our enemy,都在团结备战and yet you sit here cowering in your bathwater!你竟然还躲在洗澡水里Elizabeth Swann. Elizabeth Swann伊丽莎白·斯旺There is more to you than meets the eye,isn't there?不要妄下评论And the eye does not go wanting.你不够格But I cannot help but notice you have failed to answer my question.不过我注意到你们还没回答我的问题What is it you seek in Davy Jones' Locker?找戴维·琼斯的魔狱目的何在?Jack Sparrow.为了杰克·斯帕洛He's one of the pirate lords.他是海盗王之一I would want Jack Sparrow returned from the land of the dead...The only reason 我会让斯帕洛重返人世的唯一理由…is so I can send him back myself!就是好亲手把他再送回魔狱...Jack Sparrow holds one of the nine pieces of eight.九枚西班牙古银币杰克·斯帕洛手上有一枚He failed to pass it along to a successor before he died.死前没来得及传给继承人So we must go and get him back.我们必须把他救回来So you admit...这也就是说you have deceived me.你现在承认欺骗了我...Weapons!操家伙Weapons.操家伙Sao Feng,I assure you, our intentions are strictly honorable.邵峰我发誓我们的初衷是好的Drop your weapons or I kill the man!放下武器不然就杀了他Kill him. He's not our man.杀吧反正不是我们的人If he's not with you, and he's not with us...如果不是你的人那就不是我们的人who's he with?他是谁的人呢? ...Charge!装弹♥药♥Will! Will!威尔!Look out! Look behind you!注意你的后面Ready!预备Fire.开火Chart!航海图Boo!不Company! Make ready. Set. Fire!整队准备开火Company!整队Make ready. Set.准备开火Fire!开火It's an odd coincidence,isn't it?真是巧不是吗?The East India Trading Company finds me the day you show up in Singapore. 你刚到新加坡东印度公♥司♥就找到我的头上It is coincidence only.纯属巧合If you want to make a deal with Beckett, you need what I offer.如果你想和贝克特交易就需要我帮你You cross Barbossa. You are willing to cross Jack Sparrow.你已经背叛了巴博萨现在还要背叛斯帕洛Why should I expect any better?我凭什么信任你?I need the Black Pearl to free my father.我需要黑珍珠号♥救回我父亲You're helping me to get it.你可以帮我夺得黑珍珠号♥Fire in the hole.趴下Thank you,Jack.多谢杰克Thank you,Jack.多谢杰克You have the charts? And better yet.得到航海图了吗? 不仅如此A ship and a crew. Where's Sao Feng?一条船一队人邵峰哪去了?He'll cover our escape and meet us at Shipwreck Cove.他会保护我们脱身然后在沉船湾和我们会面This way. Be quick.这边快Haul the snotters with a will!尽力绑紧Keep it taut.绑紧了Secure provisions and stow the cargo.注意安全装载货物There's no place left for Sao Feng to cower.邵峰现已无藏身之处Do you think he will honor the call?他会遵守誓约吗?I cannot say.很难说There's an evil on these seas海上的凶神恶煞that even the most staunch and bloodthirsty pirates have come to fear. 就算嗜血海盗也会畏惧三分A piece of eight.西班牙古银币Nine of them,you say.你说有9件的Our new friend in Singapore was very specific,sir.我们新加坡的新朋友很特别先生Nine pieces of eight.九枚西班牙古银币What's the significance of that, I wonder.背后有什么含义呢?Nothing can hold against the armada.我们的舰队所向披靡Not with the Flying Dutchman at the lead.就算是"飞翔的荷兰人号♥"也不是对手Nothing we know of.我们一无所知Did your friend mention where the Brethren Court are meeting?你那个朋友提到海盗公会将在哪里开会吗?He was mum on that,sir.他支支吾吾的Hmm.嗯Then he knows the value of information.他懂得消息的价值Better keep this between ourselves.这些话不要对外人透漏We don't want anyone running off to Singapore,do we?免得某些人趁机逃到新加坡去Ah,admiral. You summoned me,Lord Beckett.嗯司令官您找我贝克特勋爵?Yes. Something for you there.没错有件东西给你Your new station deserves an old friend.新官上任找位老战友协助你Not more requisition orders. No,sir.没有征用令了吧? 没了长官Execution.只剩下死刑令The Brethren know they face extinction.海盗公会知道他们面临灭顶之灾All that remains is for them to decide where they make their final stand. 他们唯一可选的是去那里做殊死一搏No one said anything about cold.没人说过会这么冷啊I'm sure there must be a good reason for our suffering.苦尽则甘来Why don't that obeah woman bring Jack back the same way那个臭女人怎么不把杰克she brought back Barbossa? Because Barbossa was only dead. 像巴博萨那样也带回来? 因为巴博萨只是死了Jack Sparrow is taken,body and soul,而杰克·斯帕洛的躯体和魂魄to a place not of death,but punishment.并非被囚禁在死亡地带而是在惩罚地带The worst fate a person can bring upon himself...一个人最悲惨的命运莫过于此stretching on forever.只能无奈地面对永久...That's what awaits at Davy Jones' Locker.这就是戴维·琼斯的魔狱Yeah. I knew there was a good reason.是的我就知道有原因Nothing here is set.没有标识吗?These can't be as accurate as modern charts.这可没有现代航海图精确No. But it leads to more places.是啊但它可以带我们去很多地方Over the edge."越过边缘""Over again.""再来一次"Sunrise sets.Flash of green."日出时会释放"绿灿烂""Do you care to interpret, Captain Barbossa?来给大家解释一下吧巴博萨船长?Ever gazed upon the green flash, Master Gibbs?目睹过"绿灿烂"吗? 吉布斯I reckon I seen my fair share. Happens on rare occasion.我有幸目睹过极为罕见The last glimpse of sunset, a green flash shoots up into the sky. 日落前的一霎那绿灿烂直冲云霄Some go their whole lives without ever seeing it.有些人终其一生也无法看到Some claim to have seen it who ain't. And some say...有些人谎称见过It signals when a soul comes back to this world from the dead.这意味着一个灵魂重返人间Sorry. Trust me,young Master Turner.对不起相信我小特纳It's not getting to the land of the dead that's the problem.去死亡之地并不难It's getting back.如何返回才是问题Bosun!Head to wind! Lift the sail! Bosun!Head to wind! Lift the sail! 水手逆风扬帆Aye,aye,sir!好的Bloody hell. There's nothing left.真♥他♥妈♥的片甲不留Jones is a loose cannon,sir.琼斯太放肆Fetch the chest.去取亡灵箱And the governor?总督呢?He's been asking questions about the heart.他对那颗"心"颇感兴趣Does he know?他知道其中秘密吗?Then perhaps his usefulness has run its course.那他就不再有利用价值了Step lively,men.快点Step lively!快点Stand fast!往前Steady,men.站稳了Go. All of you. And take that infernal thing with you.统统给我滚把这可怕的东西也给我带走I will not have it on my ship!我不允许它上我的船Oh,I'm sorry to hear that... because I will.实在抱歉是我允许的Because it seems to be the only way to ensurethat this ship do as directed by the company. 只有这样才能让这条船遵从东印度公♥司♥的指挥We need prisoners to interrogate,我们需要拷问犯人which tends to work best when they're alive.犯人活着才能拷问The Dutchman sails as its captain commands.荷兰人只听从其船长的命令And its captain is to sail it as commanded.其船长也必须听从命令I would have thought you'd learned that when I ordered you to kill your pet.当我下令让你杀了你的"宠物"时你就应该明白这个道理了This is no longer your world,Jones.这已经不是你的天下了琼斯The immaterial has become...废物immaterial.终究是个废物...Charge your bayonets.准备瞄准How long do we continue not talking?我们还要这样冷战多久?Once we rescue Jack, everything'll be fine.救出杰克后就没事了Then we rescue Jack.那就去救杰克For what we want most...要得到最想要的东西there is a cost must be paid in the end.就要为此付出代价...Barbossa,ahead! Aye,we're good and lost now.巴博萨看前方没错我们迷失方向了Lost? For certain you have to be lost迷失方向了? 只有迷失方向to find a place as can't be found.才能到达一个无人能找到的地方Elseways,everyone would know where it was.不然大家都知道在哪里了We're gaining speed. Aye.速度在加快没错To stations!各就各位All hands to stations! Huh?大家各就各位Rudder full. Hard aport! Gather way.满舵左舷全速前进Nay! Belay that! Let her run straight and true! 不不要动让它朝前行Blimey.啊呀You've doomed us all. Don't be so unkind.你把我们都害死了不要说得这么难听You may not survive to pass this way again,下次再走这条路可能就过不去了and these be the last friendly words you'll hear. 这是我最后的忠告Tie her off.把它绑牢Hard aport.左满舵Hold on!抓稳Strike your colors, you blooming cockroaches. 投降吧你们这群蠢货Dead men tell no tales.死人不会告密My peanut.我的花生Haul the halyard. Slacken braces.拉紧绳索松开转帆索Aye,captain. Slacken braces.是船长松开转帆索Step lively with a will.快点Aye,aye. Right away,sir.是的是的是的I want a fire down below!我希望下面着火了!Help. Man the yards,you filthy toads.救我! 打起精神来你们这帮懒虫Haul! Haul!拉呀拉呀Haul the sheets handsomely. Scandalize the lateens.把帆准备好准备前进Aye,sir. Right away,sir.遵命遵命Mr. Sparrow? Aye,cap'n.斯帕洛先生是船长What say you about the condition of this tack line?你认为你绑得怎么样?It be proper to my eyes,sir. Proper?绑得蛮好啊船长绑好了?It is neither proper nor suitable,sir. It is not acceptable nor adequate. 没有绑好也不合适无法接受力度不够It is,in obvious fact,an abomination.这么明显还敢还嘴Begging your pardon,sir, but if you gave a man another chance.抱歉船长再给一个机会Shall I?我应该吗?It's that sort of thinking got us into this mess.就是你这种观念才让我们沦落到今天这般地步We have lost speed and,therefore,time.船速慢了时间浪费了Precious time, which cannot be recovered once lost.宝贵的时间啊浪费了就追不回来了Do you understand?你们都听明白了吗?Aye,aye,captain. Do you now?是船长都明白了?It will all have to be redone. All of it.现在都得重来And let this serve as a lesson to the lot of you.这就是散漫的下场Doldrums,sir, has the entire crew on edge.遵命大家都在拼命地干I have no sympathy for any of you feculent maggots,对于你们这帮蛆虫我一点都不同情and no more patience to pretend otherwise.也不想再容忍♥你们了Gentlemen,I wash my hands of this weirdness.船员们我不干这稀奇古怪的勾当了No wind.没风Of course,there's no bloody wind.当然不应该有风My soul I do swear for a breeze.以我的灵魂发誓来一阵微风Gust. Whisper. A tiny,miniature lick.飒飒的响轻轻的拂面而过Yes,sir,I know,but why? Why would he do that?是啊我知道但为什么啊到底为什么啊?Because he's a lummox,isn't he?因为他傻呗是不是啊?We shall have a magnificent garden party and you're not invited. 我们要开个隆重的庭院派对就不请你Shoo.嘘A rock.石头Now we're being followed by rocks. Never had that before.我被石头跟踪这还是头一遭Oh.哦A rope.绳索This truly is a godforsaken place.真是不毛之地I don't see Jack. I don't see anyone.没看到杰克啊一个人也看不到He's here.他一定在这儿Davy Jones never once gave up that what he took.戴维·琼斯从不会让任何人从这里逃脱And does it matter?现在说这个又有什么用?We're trapped here by your doing. No different than Jack.都是你害的我们被困在这里处境和杰克一样了Witty Jack is closer than you think.杰克远在天边近在眼前Impossible.不可能Boat.船Slap me thrice and hand me to me mama. It's Jack.好象做梦一样真的是杰克It's the captain! A sight for sore eyes.是船长正是我们的船长Hide the rum.把郎姆酒藏起来Mr. Gibbs. Aye,cap'n.吉布斯? 是我船长I thought so.我看也是I expect you're able to account for your actions,then.你要对你的行为负责Sir?什么?There's been a perpetual and virulent lack of discipline upon my vessel. Why? 这么久以来为什么我船上纪律这么涣散Why is that,sir? Sir,you're...为什么会这样? 船长你…You're in Davy Jones' Locker,cap'n.船长你在戴维·琼斯的魔狱里I know that. I know where I am.我当然知道我知道我身处何地And don't think I don't. Jack Sparrow.不要以为我不知道杰克·斯帕洛Oh,Hector.嘿赫克托It's been too long. Hasn't it?好久不见Aye. Isla de Muerta,remember? You shot me.还记得当初你一枪把我打死了No,I didn't.我才没有呢Tia Dalma,out and about,eh?提亚·朵玛出来散步吗?You add an agreeable sense of the macabre to any delirium.你总是给精神病人带来点死亡的快♥感♥He thinks we're a hallucination.他以为我们是他的幻觉William,tell me something:威尔告诉我Have you come because you need my help to save a certain distressing damsel,你是来求我救一位让人忧伤的少女or rather,damsel in distress? Either one.还是一位本就忧伤的少女?No.都不是Well,then, you wouldn't be here,would you?那你就不会来也就不该在这里出现So you can't be here. Q.E.D.,you're not really here.你不可能来这所以你根本不在这Jack.Jack杰克This is real. We're here.这是真的我们真的来了The Locker,you say? Aye.你说这里是魔狱? 是啊We've come to rescue you.我们是来救你的Have you,now? That's very kind of you.不可能感谢你们的好意But it would seem that as I possess a ship and you don't,不过我有船你们没有you're the ones in need of rescuing, and I'm not sure as I'm in the mood. 你们才需要被救呢我现在没心情救你们I see my ship. Right there.那是我的船就在那边Can't spot it.看不到啊Must be a tiny little thing hiding somewhere behind the Pearl.一定是条小船躲在黑珍珠号♥后面什么地方Jack,Cutler Beckett has the heart of Davy Jones.杰克贝克特勋爵已经得到了戴维·琼斯的心He controls the Flying Dutchman. He's taking over the seas.他控制了飞翔的荷兰人号♥ 统治了整个海洋The song has been sung. The Brethren Court is called.起义歌♥已经被唱了海盗公会被召集了Leave you alone for a minute,look what happens. Everything's gone to pot. 我才走开几天就被你们搞得天翻地覆Aye. The world needs you back something fierce.杰克大家需要你啊And you need a crew.你也需要一队船员Why should I sail with any of you?我为什么要和你们同船?Four of you have tried to kill me in the past. One of you succeeded.你们当中四个人曾想杀我其中一个得手了Oh,she's not told you.她没告诉你吗You'll have loads to talk about while you're here.那你们就待在这里好好谈谈吧As for you...至于你Now... don't tell me you didn't enjoy it at the time.现在…不要跟我说你当时不爽Fair enough. All right,you're in.说的有理女士算你一个Don't need you. You scare me.不要你你吓着我了Gibbs,you can come. Marty. Mm...考顿你可以过来马蒂吗Cotton. Cotton考顿Cotton's parrot,I'm a little iffy,but at least I'll have someone to talk to. 鹦鹉考顿我有点犹豫不过起码能聊天解闷Who are you?你是谁?Tai Huang. These are my men.泰洪这些都是我的人Where do your allegiances lie? With the highest bidder.你效忠谁? 谁出价高就效忠谁I have a ship. That makes you the highest bidder.我有条船它使得你出价最高Good man. Weigh anchor,all hands. Prepare to make sail.好人啊提锚扬帆准备起航Weigh anchor.起锚Jack... Jack...杰克Which way are you going,Jack?你往哪去啊? 杰克Trim that sail. Slack windward brace and sheet.调整船帆松开转帆索和帆脚索Haul the pennant line. Haul the pennant line.拉起浮标垂索拉起浮标垂索What are you doing?你在干嘛?What are you doing? No,what are you doing?你在干嘛? 不我问你在干嘛?What are you? Captain gives orders on the ship.你是谁? 船长在船上是下令的The captain of the ship is giving orders.船长已经在下令了My ship,makes me captain. They be my charts.我的船我是船长可航海图是我的That makes you "chartman."那你也只是海图员Stow it! The both of you! That's an order! Understand?! 闭嘴!你们俩个!这是命令懂吗Sorry. I just thought with the captain issue in doubt, 对不起既然船长位子悬而未决的话I'd throw in my name for consideration.不妨也考虑我一下Sorry.对不起I'd vote for you. Yeah?我会投你的票是吗?You left Jack to the Kraken.你把杰克丢给挪威♥海♥怪了He's rescued now. It's done with.他已经被救了都过去了Will,I had no choice.我别无选择You chose not to tell me.你选择了对我隐瞒I couldn't.我没办法It wasn't your burden to bear.那不该由你来承担But I did bear it,didn't I?但还是我承担了不是吗?I just didn't know what it was.我只是不知道自己承担了什么?I thought...我还以为You thought I loved him.你以为我爱他?If you make your choices alone, how can I trust you?如果你凡事都独自决定叫我怎么能信任你?You can't.你不能Eerie.好可怕啊That's downright macabre.毛骨悚然I wonder what would happen if you dropped a cannonball on one of them? 要是往他们身上丢颗炮弹会怎样?Be disrespectful,it would.太没礼貌了They should be in the care of Davy Jones.他们本该由戴维·琼斯照顾That was the duty him was charged with...那是他的责任by the goddess,Calypso.是女神科莉布索指定的...To ferry those who die at sea to the other side.将死于海中的灵魂送到彼岸去And every ten years...每隔十年him could come ashore...他可以上岸一次 be with she who love him... truly.和真正爱他的女人欢聚...But the man has become a monster.但那个人已经变成了怪兽So he wasn't always... tentacley?就是说他并非一直是那章鱼怪的模样吗?No.是的Him was a man......once.他曾经是个男人Now there's boats coming.有船来了They're not a threat to us. Am I right?他们对我们没有威胁是吧?We are nothing but ghosts to them.我们对他们来说不过是鬼魂It's best just let them be.让他们任意漂流吧It's my father. We've made it back.那是我父亲我们回到阳间了Father! Father,here,look here!父亲我在这里Elizabeth. Elizabeth伊丽莎白We're not back.我们还没到阳间呢Father!父亲Elizabeth. Are you dead?伊丽莎白你死了吗?No. No.没有啊I think I am.我应该是死了No,you can't be.不你不能死There was this chest,you see.那就是亡灵箱It's odd. At the time it seemed so important.就一只当时它很重要的Come aboard.上船来And a heart.那颗心I learned that if you stab the heart, yours must take its place. 如果你插死了那颗心你的心脏就得来顶替And you will sail the seas for eternity.你就会永远在海上航行The Dutchman must have a captain."荷兰人"号♥一定要有位船长Silly thing to die for.为这个死真不值得Someone,cast a line. Come back with us!谁扔条绳子下去快上来啊Come on.过来啊A touch... of destiny.命中注定Take the line.抓住绳子I'm so proud of you,Elizabeth.我真为你自豪伊丽莎白Father,the line! Take the line!爸爸抓住绳子She must not leave the ship! Father!她绝不能离开这船爸爸Please come with us! Please! No! I won't leave you!求你和我们走求你了我不能离开你啊I'll give your love to your mother.我会给你母亲带个好Please,I won't let you go! Elizabeth. Elizabeth求你了我不能放手让你走伊丽莎白Elizabeth.Elizabeth伊丽莎白Is there a way?有什么办法吗?Him at peace.他心甘情愿的No water.没水了Why is all but the rum gone?为什么只剩朗姆酒了?Rum's gone too.朗姆酒也喝没了If we cannot escape these doldrums before night,如果我们入夜前还逃不出去I fear we will sail on trackless seas.恐怕我们就要被困在漫无边际的大海上Doomed to roam the reach between worlds.永远在世界之间Forever.永远With no water,forever looks to be arriving a mite too soon. 没水喝才是燃眉之急Why doesn't he do something?他为什么无能为力呢?Me eye. Give it back! There's no sense to it.我的眼珠还给我实在搞不明白And the green flash happens at sunset,not sunrise.日落时才会有绿灿烂而不是日出时Over the edge." Ah,it's driving me over the blooming edge. "超越边缘"…我真的要疯了"Sunrises don't set.日出时怎么会"落"呢Up is down."上就是下"Well,that's just maddeningly unhelpful.什么狗屁Why are these things never clear?为什么总要拐弯抹角?Clear as mud,Jackie. What? Eh?已经明说了杰克什么? 嗯?Stab the heart. Don't stab the heart.捅那颗心别捅那颗心Come again? The Dutchman must have a captain.怎么说? "荷兰人"号♥一定要有船长That's even more than less than unhelpful.你们是在帮倒忙Sail the seas for eternity.永远在海上航行I love the sea. What about port?我喜欢海洋不能上岸怎么办?I prefer rum. Rum's good.我更喜欢朗姆酒朗姆酒是好东西Making port. Where we can get rum, and salty wenches... 上岸就有朗姆酒和女人Once every 10 years. What'd he say?十年一次他说什么?Once every 10 years. Ten years is a long time,mate.十年一次十年可是很久的Even longer given the deficit of rum.要是没朗姆酒就会更久But eternity is longer still.但永远还是更长啊And how will you be spending it? Dead?那你打算如何消受永久呢?Or not?死着呢? 还是活着呢?The immortal Captain Sparrow. Oh,I like that. 不死的斯帕洛船长哦我喜欢这头衔Come sunset,it won't matter.碰到日落时也无所谓了Not sunset.不是日落Sundown.日落是下And rise. Up.日出就是上What's that?那是什么?What is that? I don't know. What do you think? 那是什么? 不知道你说呢?Where? There.在哪里? 在那里What is it?是什么啊?He's rocking the ship.他在摇晃船We're rocking the ship.我们在摇晃船Aye. He's onto it.啊哈给他破解了He's rocking the ship.他在让船摇晃We'll tie each other to the mast upside down, 我们把自己倒着绑在主桅上so when the boat flips we'll be the right way up. 等船翻过来我们就朝上了Time it with the swell.加把力Loose the cannons,you lazy bilge rats.你们这群懒猪快把系炮绳松开Unstow the cargo. Let it shift.把货物解开让它们滚起来Now down.现在上就是下了This was your idea.都是你的馊主意Blessed sweet westerlies!。



杰克·斯派洛船长的经典名言1.杰克斯派洛经常说的话My rum(或者是“朗姆酒又没了。

”)“船长!是杰克斯派洛船长!”Gentlemen,milady,you will always remember this as the day that you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow(先生们,你们要永远记住你们今天差一点就抓住了杰克·斯帕洛船长。

)Son,I'm captain Jack Sparrow,savvy?And really bad eggs.(我是一个大坏蛋/真正的大坏蛋)drink up me heartie yohoThe entire ocean. The entire world. Wherever we want to go,we go. That's what a ship is,you know. It's not just a keel and a deck and sails. That's what a ship needs. But what a ship is,what the Black Pearl really freedom. (整个海洋,整个世界,你想去哪就可以去哪,这就是船的价值。



yoho,干杯,弟兄们”(在第三部最后,一个人在海上划船走时说的话)每次跟伊丽莎白说话的时候,最后一个词总是,DARLING2.杰克斯派洛经常说的话My rum(或者是“朗姆酒又没了。

”)“船长!是杰克斯派洛船长!” Gentlemen,milady,you will always remember this as the day that you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow(先生们,你们要永远记住你们今天差一点就抓住了杰克·斯帕洛船长。

不可征服 威廉亨利

不可征服 威廉亨利

诗词不可征服威廉亨利Invictus不可征服Out of the night that covers me, 透过覆盖我的深夜,Black as the Pit from pole to pole, 我看见层层无底的黑暗。

I thank whatever gods may be 感谢上帝曾赐我,For my unconquerable soul. 不可征服的灵魂。

In the fell clutch of circumstance 就算被地狱紧紧攫住,I have not winced nor cried aloud. 我不会畏缩,也不惊叫。

Under the bludgeonings of chance 经受过一浪又一浪的打击,My head is bloody, but unbowed. 我满头鲜血都不低头。

Beyond this place of wrath and tears 在这满是愤怒和眼泪的世界之外,Looms but the Horror of the shade, 恐怖的阴影在游荡。

And yet the menace of the years 还有,未来的威胁,Finds, and shall find, me unafraid. 可我是毫不畏惧的。

It matters not how strait the gate, 无论我将穿过的那扇门有多窄,How charged with punishments the scroll, 无论我将肩承怎样的责罚。

I am the master of my fate: 我是命运的主宰,I am the captain of my soul. 我是灵魂的统帅。

相关背景:此为维多利亚时期(19世纪)英国诗人威廉亨利(Willaim Ernest Henley, 1849-1903)的名篇。


o captain ,my captain英文赏析解读

o captain ,my captain英文赏析解读
While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring: 无数眼光跟着这艘巨舰, 坚固稳定,严峻骄勇的航船;
But O heart ! heart ! heart ! 可是, 啊,我的船长!我的亲人啊!我的心啊!
O the bleeding drops of red, 啊, 血哟, 鲜红的血在滴淌。 Where on the dock my Captain lies, 我的船长倒在甲板上, Fallen cold and dead. 全身冰冷,已经阵亡。
O Captain! my Captain! Rise up and hear the bells, 啊,船长!我的船长!起来吧,倾听钟声; Rise up―for you the flag is flung ― for you the bugle trills, 起来吧,号角为您长鸣,旌旗为您高悬: For you bouquets and ribbon’d wreaths ―for you the shores acrowding, 迎接您,多少花束花圈——候着您,千万人峰拥岸边; For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turing; 他们向您高呼,拥来挤去,仰起殷切的脸;
1. Our fearful trip: Civil War. 2. the ship: America. 3. has weather’d every rack: has survived all the dangers. 4. the prize: the freedom of the black slaves/the abolishment of the slavery and the democratic reform. 5. While follow eyes the steady keel: while eyes follow the steady ship. 6. grim and daring: stern and brave. 7. O heart! heart! heart!: O my dear, my sweet, my daring (expression of strong feeling).



SONNET 18 (William Shakespeare)十四行诗Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?Thou art more lovely and more temperate: Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And summer's lease hath all too short a date: Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,A nd often is his gold complexion dimm’d,And every fair from fair sometime declines,By chance, or nature's changing course untrimm’d: But thy eternal summer shall not fadeNor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st,Nor shall Death brag thou wander’st in his shade, When in eternal lines to time thou grow’st.So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.我怎么能够将你比作夏天?你比夏天更美丽温婉。





Structure: Runs in iambic pentameter, rhymed ABAB CDCD EFEF GG.1. What is the theme of this sonnet? Eternality, beauty, immorality2. Why is the speaker’s beloved more lovely than a summer’s day?One thing he is thinking of is how short lived summer is. Another reason he says his love is more beautiful than a summer day is that the summer whether can be harsh, making nature look less beautiful than it does otherwise. 3.There is obviously a shift of tone and subject matter in line 9. Describe such a shift.The author compared the loved one, just in a soft and sentimental tone similar to many love sonnets, to a summer’s day in the first 4 lines, while, in the following 4, developing this concept to the p oor power of people falling to retain the fair against Nature. But in line 9, the author reversed it in a more emotional and definite tone to express the eternal youth of the loved ones.I Hear America Singing (Walt Whitman) 我听见美国在歌唱(沃尔特·惠特曼)I hear America singing, the varied carols I hear.Those of mechanics, each one singing his as it should be blithe and strong,The carpenter singing his as he measures his plank or beam,The mason singing his as he makes ready for work,or leaves off work,The boatman singing what belongs to him in his boat, the deckhand singing on the steamboat deck,The shoemaker singing as he sits on his bench, the hatter singing as he stands,The wood-cutter's song, the ploughboy's on his way in the morning, or at noon intermission or at sundown,The delicious singing of the mother, or of the young wife at work, or of the girl sewing or washing,Each singing what belongs to him or her and to none else,The day what belongs to the day--at night the party of young fellows, robust, friendly,Singing with open mouths their strong melodious songs.我听见美国在歌唱,我听见各种不同的颂歌机器匠在歌唱着,他们每人歌唱着他的愉快而强健的歌,木匠在歌唱着,一边比量着他的木板或梁木,泥瓦匠在歌唱着,当他准备工作或停止工作的时候,船家歌唱着他船里所有的一切,水手在汽艇的甲板上歌唱着,鞋匠坐在他的工作凳上歌唱,帽匠歌唱着,站在那里工作,伐木者、犁田青年们歌唱着,当他们每天早晨走在路上,或者午间歇息,或到了日落的时候,我更听到母亲的美妙的歌,正在操作的年轻的妻子们的或缝衣或洗衣的女孩子们的歌,每人歌唱属于他或她而不是属于任何别人的一切,白昼歌唱白昼所有的,晚间,强壮而友爱的青年们的集会,张嘴唱着他们的强健而和谐的歌。

o captain my captain中的隐喻

o captain my captain中的隐喻

O Captain! My Captain!——一首关于亡灵船长的诗歌[](O Captain! My Captain!是美国作家沃尔特·惠特曼创作的一首诗歌,首次发表于1865年,被收录在《草叶集》中。


诗歌中,“O Captain!”是朋友或下属呼唤船长的方式,“My Captain!”是表达个人对船长的归属感和敬意。



“O Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done…”船长在“我们”的皇家号(ship)上航行,航程充满困难与危险。



“Where on the deck my Captain lies…”“甲板上的船长”暗示船长既是团队的领导者,也是整个团队成员共同尊重和追随的对象。


“I do not ask the wounded person who he is, that I help…”船长无私地给予援助,不问受伤者的身份。


“Rise up—for you the flag is flung—for you the bugle trills…”诗中的隐喻视作激励员工的调味剂。



“The ship has weather’d every rack, the prize we sought is won…”在经历了每一次艰难、危险和挑战之后,船长成功地证明了自己的能力和智慧。


A pirate's life for me
We extort, we pilfer, we filch and sack
所以我勒索 我偷窃 我毫不在乎
Drink up
Quiet, missy.
Cursed pirates sail these waters.
It's so good to see you.
I had a dream about you last night.
About me?
Yes, is that entirely proper for you --
About the day we met. Do you remember?
What do you say to three shillings,
and we forget the name?
Welcome to Port Royal, Mr. Smith.
欢迎来到皇家港 史密斯先生
Two paces march!
Lieutenant Norrington, I appreciate your fervor,
诺灵顿上尉 我对此表示感激
but I'm concerned about the effect
this subject will have upon my daughter.



船长英语发言稿范文Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, and esteemed members of the crew,Today, I stand before you as the captain of this magnificent vessel, to address you all with joy and gratitude. It is an honor to have each and every one of you on board as we embark on this incredible journey together.As we set sail, I want to express my heartfelt appreciation to the crew members who have worked tirelessly to ensure the smooth operation of this ship. Your commitment, expertise, and unwavering dedication have made this voyage possible. I am confident in your abilities and proud to lead such a capable team.To our esteemed guests, welcome aboard! I want to assure you that we have taken every measure to make this voyage comfortable and memorable for you. Our crew members have undergone extensive training to ensure your safety, and our state-of-the-art facilities are designed to provide you with the utmost comfort and luxury. Whether you are here for business or pleasure, it is our mission to make your time on board truly exceptional.As we sail through the vast oceans, it is impossible not to acknowledge the breathtaking beauty of nature that surrounds us. The roaring waves, the endless horizons, and the stunning sunsets – they serve as a reminder of the wonders of the world we live in. Let us all take a moment to appreciate and respect the power and delicate balance of nature.While we enjoy the luxuries and comforts of this ship, let us not forget the responsibility we have towards the environment. As Captain, it is my duty to ensure that we navigate these waters with the utmost care and consideration for marine life. We have implemented eco-friendly practices on board, such as reducing waste and using sustainable resources, to minimize our impact on the delicate ecosystems we encounter.Furthermore, I encourage all passengers and crew members to take part in responsible tourism practices during our port visits. Let us be mindful of the local communities, their cultures, and the environment. By supporting local businesses and respecting their customs, we can make a positive contribution to the destinations we visit.In conclusion, I want to express my gratitude to each and every one of you for being part of this extraordinary journey. Together, we will create unforgettable memories, discover new horizons, and forge lasting connections. As the captain of this ship, I promise to do my utmost to ensure your safety, comfort, and enjoyment. Thank you, and may this voyage bring you joy, adventure, and an appreciation for the beauty of the world around us.。



给船长的礼物英语作文Title: A Special Gift for the Captain。

Dear Captain,。

I hope this letter finds you well and in high spirits. As we approach the end of this voyage, I wanted to express my deepest gratitude for your exceptional leadership, unwavering dedication, and boundless courage throughout our journey. Your guidance has not only steered our ship safely through turbulent waters but has also inspired each member of the crew to strive for excellence.In recognition of your remarkable service and as a token of our appreciation, the crew and I have come together to present you with a special gift. This gift symbolizes our admiration for you as a captain, mentor, and friend.Firstly, we have prepared a beautifully craftedcaptain's logbook. Bound in fine leather and adorned with intricate nautical designs, this logbook serves as a testament to the countless miles we have sailed under your command. It contains not only detailed records of our voyages but also personal messages from each member of the crew, expressing their gratitude and respect for you.Additionally, we have commissioned a bespoke captain's hat, tailored to your exact specifications. Crafted by skilled artisans, this hat is adorned with exquisite embroidery and embellishments, reflecting yourdistinguished rank and authority. May it serve as a proud symbol of your leadership and a reminder of the trust and confidence we have in you.Furthermore, we have arranged for a professional artist to capture a portrait of you against the backdrop of the open sea. This portrait will immortalize your likeness and capture the essence of your command for generations to come. It will hang proudly in the captain's quarters, serving asa reminder of your legacy and the indelible mark you haveleft on this ship and its crew.Lastly, we have compiled a scrapbook filled with photographs, anecdotes, and memories from our time together. From stormy nights at sea to moments of triumph and camaraderie, this scrapbook encapsulates the journey wehave shared under your leadership. It is a testament to the bonds we have formed and the adventures we have embarked upon together.Captain, please accept these gifts with our deepest gratitude and warmest wishes. They are but small tokens of appreciation compared to the immense impact you have had on each of our lives. Your leadership, courage, and integrity have been a beacon of light guiding us through even the darkest of storms. We are honored to serve under your command and privileged to call you our captain.Fair winds and following seas,。

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Appreciation of O Captain! My Captain!Walt Whitman was born on the 31st of May, 1819, in Long Island, New Y ork. His life’s work, Leaves of Grass, made him one of the first American poets to be famous world wide. O Captain! My Captain!by Walt Whitman is an elegy, as it was written to honor the death of President Abraham Lincoln after his assassination. This poem bears little resemblance to his other, more experimental writings, and it is a rare example of his use of rhymed, rhythmically regular verse, which serves to create a somber yet exalted effect.T ext AnalysisO Captain! My Captain! is a simple, three-stanza poem:●Stanza I describes the scene where “the ship has weather’d every rack, the prize we sought iswon”but “where on the deck my Captain lies, Fallen cold and dead”. The poet regards President Lincoln as “my Captain” and deeply expresses his respect for him from the point ofa sailor or a soldier.●Stanza II portrays how people celebrates the triumph of the ship and their leader---“they call,the swaying mass, their eager faces turning ” with the bugle trilling, the flag flung, which is rather spectacular and shows the whole nation’s sincere love an respect for President Lincoln.In this stanza, the poet refers to the fallen Caption as “father”, a near-and-dear call, representing his deep admiration for President Lincoln and Lincoln’s role as father of the nation.●Stanza III expresses the poet’s profound sorrow for President Lincoln’ death. He comes backto earth and recognizes that “Walk the deck my Captain lies, Fallen cold and dead”. Here the poet refers the Captain as “he”, an indication of his somber desperation and extreme grief. The poet’s distress is accentuated by the contrasting celebrations of victory and lamentations of death. The poet recognizes the importance of victory, calling out "Exult O shores, and ring O bells!”, but his "mournful tread" prevents him from truly taking part in the festivities. The image of the dead captain---"O heart! Heart! Heart! / O bleeding drops of red”--- haunts the poem and the reader is constantly reminded that he has "fallen cold and dead."Writing devices●Symbolism---Walt Whitman wrote the poem after Abraham Lincoln's assassination.Repeated symbolic reference is made to this issue throughout the verse. The "ship" spoken of is intended to represent the United States of America, while its "fearful trip" recalls the troubles of the American Civil War. The titular "Captain" is Lincoln himself. The prize is the preservation of the nation.●Rhyme Scheme--- The poem contains three stanzas, each of which consists of 8 lines. Thefirst four lines are two couplets and the last four are in the form of a regular ballad with the fifth and seventh lines iambic tetrameter and the sixth and eighth lines iambic trimeter. The rhyme scheme is aabb cded.●Meter and Rhythm---there is a pattern of four long lines followed by four short lines ineach stanza. The shortened lines emphasize the personal grief experienced by the poetagainst the backdrop of a broader victory. The poem's rhythm is created by the varying line lengths.●Repetition---the repeated use of "heart" in line 5 emphasizes the poet's grief at the death ofhis captain. "Fallen cold and dead" is repeated at the end of each stanza to emphasize the poet's deep loss.●Apostrophe---an apostrophe is a form of personification in which an individual addressessomeone who is dead, someone who is not there, or an inanimate object. "O Captain! My Captain!" at the start of the first two stanzas are examples of apostrophe, as is "Exult O shores, and ring O bells!" in the third stanza.ThemeThe poet is trying to communicate with readers his acknowledgement and love for President Lincoln and his grief of his death in O Captain! My Captain! The poem takes the form of an ode characterized by sustained noble sentiment and appropriate dignity of style. Walt Whitman speaks not only for himself, but for his whole nation America as Abraham Lincoln is the savior of their nation, and they embrace him as their hero.Walt Whitman is often referred to as the “poet of democracy”. He had a strong sense of mission. Most of his works are concerned about freedom, justice and individualism. In fact, President Abraham Lincoln is a symbol of democracy. To speak high of President Abraham Lincoln is to praise the spirit of sacrifice in the course of pursuing of freedom and justice.。
