
.贫穷的:poor = needy = impoverished = poverty-stricken2. 富裕的:rich = wealthy = affluent= well-to-do = well-off3. 优秀的:excellent = eminent = top= outstanding4. 积极的,好的:good = conducive = beneficial=advantageous:5. 消极的,不良的:bad = detrimental = baneful =undesirable6. 明显的:obvious = apparent = evident =manifest7. 健康的: healthy = robust = sound= wholesome8. 惊人的:surprising = amazing = extraordinary = miraculous9. 美丽的:beautiful = attractive = gorgeous = eye-catching10. 有活力的:energetic = dynamic= vigourous =animated11. 流行的:popular = prevailing = prent = pervasive★高频动词:1. 提高,加强:improve = enhance= promote = strengthen = optimize2. 引起:cause = trigger = endanger3. 解决:solve =resolve =address = tackle =cope with = deal with4. 拆除:destroy = tear down = knock down = eradicate5. 培养: develop = cultivate = foster = nurture6. 激发,鼓励:encourage = motivate = stimulate = spur7. 认为:think = assert = hold = claim = argue8. 完成:complete = fulfill = accomplish= achieve9. 保留:keep = preserve = retain = hold10. 有害于:destroy = impair = undermine = jeopardize11. 减轻: ease = alleviate = relieve = lighten★高频名词:1. 影响:influence= impact2. 危险:danger = perils =hazards3. 污染:pollution = contamination4. 人类:human beings= mankind = humane race5. 老人:old people= the old = the elderly = the aged = senior citizens6. 幸福:happiness = well-being7. 老师:teachers = instructors = educators = lecturers8. 教育education = schooling = family parenting = upbringing9. 青少年:young people = youngsters = youths = adolescents10. 优点:advantage = merits = superiority = virtue11. 责任:responsibility = obligation= duty = liability12 能力:ability = capacity = power= skill13. 职业:job = career = employment = profession14. 娱乐:enjoyment = pastimes = recreation= entertainment15. 孩子:children = Offspring = descendant = kid★高频短语:1. 充满了:be filled with = be awashwith = be inundate with = be saturated with2. 努力:struggle for = aspire after = strive for = spare no efforts for3. 从事:embark in = take up = set about = go in for4. 在当代: in contemporary society = in present-day society= in this day and age5. 大量的: a host f = a multitude of = a vast number of = a vast amount of。

英语常考近义词成语辨析100组1. 喜欢 vs. 爱好 - 指对某一事物或活动的有好感或偏爱。
2. 开心 vs. 快乐 - 表示愉快的心情。
3. 困惑 vs. 迷惑 - 表示对某事情感到疑惑或莫名其妙。
4. 同情 vs. 同情心 - 表示对他人的困难或苦难感到理解和关切。
5. 感激 vs. 感谢 - 表示对别人的帮助或恩惠表示谢意。
6. 独特 vs. 特殊 - 表示与众不同或与常规不同。
7. 敏捷 vs. 灵活 - 表示动作或思维的迅捷程度。
8. 忠诚 vs. 诚实 - 表示对某人或某事的忠心和坦诚。
9. 本领 vs. 能力 - 表示某种技能或才能。
10. 合理 vs. 公正 - 表示合乎逻辑或公平正义。
11. 危险 vs. 风险 - 表示存在威胁或可能带来危险的情况。
12. 政府 vs. 政权 - 表示治理国家的机构或组织。
13. 友谊 vs. 友情 - 表示朋友之间的情感和关系。
14. 丰富 vs. 富裕 - 表示财富或资源充足。
15. 智慧 vs. 聪明 - 表示智力水平较高或思维敏捷。
16. 关注 vs. 关心 - 表示对某事物或某人的关注和关心。
17. 反对 vs. 抵制 - 表示不支持或反抗某一事物或行为。
18. 容易 vs. 简单 - 表示易于做到或理解。
19. 紧张 vs. 担忧 - 表示焦虑或担忧的情绪。
20. 信任 vs. 依赖 - 表示对某人或某事物的信心或依赖。
21. 目标 vs. 任务 - 表示需要完成的工作或目标。
22. 利益 vs. 好处 - 表示从某事物中获得的利益或好处。
23. 减少 vs. 缩小 - 表示数量或规模的减少。
24. 批评 vs. 指责 - 表示对某人或某事物的不满或责备。
25. 传统 vs. 习俗 - 表示某一群体传承下来的风俗或习惯。
26. 科学 vs. 学问 - 表示知识体系或某一学科的研究。
27. 知识 vs. 智慧 - 表示学习和了解的内容和能力。

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1.significant = enormous = dramatic = tremendous = appreciably = remarkable = crucial = substantial 巨大的,明显的,程度大的2.rigid = stiff = unchanged = little change = invariable 一成不变的3.exchange = swap = alter = shift…from… 交换,转换4.approximately = nearly = almost 几乎5.proportion = percentage = percent 比例6.deplete = exhaust = exploit = run out of 开采完,耗尽plex = complicated = sophisticated = intricate 错综复杂的8.deadly = fatal = lethal = mortal 致命的9.prosperous = thriving = booming (特指人口,行业) = flourishing 兴旺,繁荣10.circumstance 环境(event社会)/ surroundings(around周边)/ environment 环境(influence 环保)背景/ background 后台/ settings 后台,布景/ context 上下文(文章中)/ condition环境(location形势)/ situation(a state or position)11.isolate =alienate (人与人)= insulate 隔绝,排外,孤立– be alien to/ insulate (-ion) 绝缘,隔热(体)12.substitution 替代物– substitute sth for sb = replace/ alternative 选择性,代替性,辅助性13.inventive (-tion) = innovative (-tion) = creative (-tion) = ingenious (-ity) = novel (-ty) = revolutionary (-tion) 创新的,新颖的14.ambiguous (ambiguity) = obscure = vague=unclear=dim 模棱两可的,暧昧的15.inadequate = insufficient ( insufficiency n.缺乏,短缺) = deficient = be lack (of) = be short (of) = be shortage of 缺乏的,短缺的16.(be) skeptical (sceptical) = dubious = suspicious (about/of) 对……怀疑17.contradictory = opposing = clashing = conflicting = incongruous 矛盾的,相反的18.accelerate = speed up = increase speed = hasten = step up 加速19.peripheral = marginal = fringe = bordering = unimportant = insignificant 次要的,边缘化的20.create / gain efficiently = increase productivity 提高生产率/效率21.poor = in poverty = impoverished = underdeveloped 贫穷的,落后的22.associate with = link to = relate to = combine with 与……有关联23.improve = enhance = promote = boost = strengthen 加强24.neutral中立的,中性的/negative否定,消极,阴性的/positive 肯定,积极,阳性的25.drawback = fault = defect = imperfection = failing = weakness = shortcoming = flaw 缺点,缺陷26.bewildering = puzzling = perplexing = confusing = baffling= embarrassing令人困惑的27.handicap = disabled = primitive 残疾的,落后的28.caliber = criterion = standard = specification 标准29.unsatisfactory = hardly be looked upon 不令人满意的30.be alike/ be similar to = be resemble in = be identical to 相似的31.barrier = hurdle = obstacle 障碍32.address = solve = resolve = cope with = deal with = tackle the problem 解决问题33.emphasize = stress = highlight = focus on = concentrate on = pay attention to 强调,重视34.apparently = patently = obviously = evidently = clearly 显而易见的35.molten rock = lava = magma 岩浆36.degenerate (-tion) = degrade = deteriorate 恶化,每况愈下37.make up one’s mind to do = be determined to do 下定决心38.indicate = demonstrate (具体动作)= display = exhibit = illustrate(举例)展现,证明39.in terms of = concerning = considering = with regard to 考虑到40.reduced = declined = downward trend 下降的趋势41.pesticide 杀虫/ suicide 自杀/ homicide/ murder 杀人massacre大屠杀42.a vast array of = a great variety of = a great range of 各种各样的+可数或不可数43.chronic 长期的,慢性/ long-term 长期的/ acute 急性的,短时的/ short-term 短期的44.impede = keep…from… = prevent…from… = stop…from… = inhibit =forbid 阻止,禁止45.result in = lead to = cause = bring about = induce 导致46.include = embrace = comprehend = comprise = cover = involve = constitute = consist of 包括47.constrain = restrict = limit = confine 限制48.reduce = decline = cut = lessen = diminish = eliminate=decrease 减少,消除49.predict = expect = anticipate 预期50.conclude = make/reach a conclusion = put down to = prove that = attribute to = turn out to 归结为……51.eminent=famous=well-known=celebrated=noted=renowned=notorious(famous for sth bad) 著名的/ imminent即将发生的52.deduce(推断)/induce(引诱导致)/reduce(减小)53.54.。

1、abandon,desert,forsake,quit都含有一定的"放弃"之意abandon 指完全、永远地放弃,尤指对之负有责任或义务者,放弃一个项目或计划desert 强调故意违背自己的义务、责任或誓言等(擅离职守)forsake 指遗弃以前所爱的人或事物,着重于断绝情感上的依恋eg.forsake one's wife and children遗弃妻儿;forsake bad habits摈弃坏习惯quit 指突然或出其不意地放弃,现一般指"停止" eg.quit work停止工作2、accessory,decoration,ornament 都含有一定的"装饰品"之意accessory [常作pl.]指(女性的)装饰品,(手提包,些,手套,帽子,项链,耳环等)decoration 指为了装饰某物所使用的艳丽好看的装饰品ornament 指一般装饰品(ornament在作动词时常可和decorate互换)3、accomplish,complete,end,finish 都含有"完成"之意accomplish 指成功地完成预期的计划或达到预期的目的或成果complete 指完成一件指派或预定的任务,或完善、完整未完成的部分end 指一个动作或一件事情的结束或终止finish 指把一件事或一个动作做完,强调事情的了结、终止4、accurate,correct,delicate,exact,precise都含有一定的"正确,精确"之意accurate 准确的,精确的,指某人或某事不仅不出错,而且与事实无出入,强调准确性correct 正确的,指某人或某事合乎事实或公认的标准或规则,没有错误delicate 精美、精细的、雅致的exact 确切的、精确的,语气较accurate强,指某人或某事数量或质量完全符合事实或标准,而且在细致末节上也丝毫不差precise 精密的,指具有高度的精确性和准确性,强调范围界限的鲜明性或细节的精密,有时略带"吹毛求疵"的贬义5、accuse,charge,indict都含有一定的"指控,控告"之意accuse sb. of doing sth.为…指责某人,控告某人charge sb. with doing sth.指控某人…6、achieve,acquire,attain,gain,obtain都含有一定的"获得,达到"之意achieve 强调由于极大的努力,克服困难后达到目标acquire 指经过不懈努力才获得的技术,知识等抽象的东西,也指养成习惯等attain 正式用语,指经过艰苦努力才使人达到完美境地gain 指需要做出比obtain更大的努力,往往指通过竞争获得某些有价值的东西obtain 指经过努力或付出代价或经过很长时间儿得到所需要的东西7、acknowledge,admit,concede,confess,recognize都含有一定的"承认"之意acknowledge 着重”公开承认”,常用来指过去曾隐瞒或否认的事admit 是指在压力下不得不承认已经证实或难以否认的事实,供认(事实,错误等)concede (不情愿地)承认,(在结果确定前)承认失败confess 着重承认自己的过错或罪恶recognize 指正式承认主权、权利等8、affirm,assert,allege,claim都含有一定的"宣称,断言"之意affirm 断言,肯定,指根据事实坚定不移地宣称,有无可争辩之意assert 宣称,坚持,指不管事实如何,主观自信地宣称allege 宣称,断定,指在无真实凭据情况下宣称,硬说claim 声称,主张,往往表示说话者反对或不同意某一观点。

英语常见近义词辨析英语常见近义词辨析导语:英语跟汉语一样,都有很多近义词,但是它们的用法各不相同,下面是YJBYS店铺收集整理的英语常见近义词辨析,欢迎参考!1、beat, win, conquer, defeat, overcome这组词均有“获胜,征服,击败”之意。
beat 指在战争、竞赛或其他方面最终彻底战胜对方,对象可以是人,也可以是物。
win 指在竞赛或战斗中击败对方,其对象一般应是物,如battle, race, victory等。
conquer 既可指靠武力或精神道方面的力量使对方屈服,又可指在排除障碍和阻力后取得胜利。
defeat 意为“击败”,强调的是暂时的胜利。
overcome 既可指在战斗和竞赛中战胜对方,也可指在感情、习惯等方面压倒,胜过。
如:We can easily beat you at baseball. 打垒球我们可以轻易地击败你们。
The Chinese team won in the end. 最后中国队赢了。
The Normans conquered England in 1066. 1066年,诺曼底人征服了英格兰。
He defeated his opponents in this election. 在这次竞选中,他击败了对手。
He made efforts to overcome every difficulty. 他努力克服每一个困难。
2、award, reward这组词均含有“授予,给予”的意思。
award 意为“授予,给予”,通常指官方或法院根据规定把钱财等奖给或判给某人。
reward 意为“酬劳,奖赏”,通常指因做了某一件事或提供了某种服务而应得到的报答或酬谢。
如:He was awarded a medal for his outstanding contribution to science. 由于对科学作出了杰出贡献,他被授予一枚奖章。

7.老师:teachers = instructors = educators = lecturers
8.教育education = schooling = family parenting = upbringing
9.青少年:young people = youngsters = youths = adolescents
9.保留:keep = preserve = retain = hold
10.有害于:destroy = impair = undermine = jeopardize
11.减轻: ease = alleviate = relieve = lighten
1.影响:influence= impact
10.优点:advantage = merits = superiority = virtue
11.责任:responsibility = obligation= duty = liability
12能力:ability = capacity = power= skill
13.职业:job = career = employment = profession
1.提高,加强:improve = enhance= promote = strengthen = optimize
2.引起:cause = trigger = endanger
3.解决:solve =resolve =address = tackle =cope with = deal with
4.拆除:destroy = tear down = knock down = eradicate

常见英语同义词常见英语同义词汇总 在学习英语词汇中,有时同义词的'辨析是很不容易的,我们⼀般从三⽅⾯进⾏区分,即:语法、语义和⽂体。
常见英语同义词 1 1.路 way: Wherever there is room for an object to proceed, there is a way. road: A road is a prepared way for traveling with horses or vehicles. path: A way suitable to be traveled only by foot passengers or by animals. route: A route is a line of travel, and may be over many roads. street: A street is in some centre of habitation, as a city town or village, when it passes between houses of dwellings. avenue: A avenue is a long, broad and imposing or principal street. 2.时代 period: It indicates any passage of time, great or small. /an extent of time of any length. time: It refers to a period in history. in ancient times/ in Victoria time epoch: It indicates a long period of time marked by events or development of a particular kind. The first flight into space marked a new epoch in the history of mankind. era: It refers to a very long period of time marked by a particular feature in a great new era of world revolution age: It shows a particular /a fairly definite period in history. the Bronze Age, Iron Age 3.战⽃ fight: It is a bodily struggle struggle: An effort of any kind to overcome difficulty. battle: A fight between armed forces. campaign: A series of related military operations in a war. war: A period of fight between countries or states when weapons are used and many people are killed. combat: A fight, conflict, controversy. 4.牧师 priest: A person, esp. a man specially trained for various religious duties and ceremonies, in the Christian church, esp. in the Roman Catholic church minister: A member of clergy, esp. Protestant churches. clergy: The officially appointed leader of the religious activities of a particular church or temple. clergyman: clergymen a member of clergy. pastor: A Christian religious leader in charge of a church and its members, esp. in a Protestant church. vicar: A priest in charge of an area in the church of England. father: A little of respect for a priest, esp. in the Roman Catholic. 5.服装 clothing: General term of clothes. clothes: Coverings of the body such as coats, dresses, suits, shoes, hats. garment: A suit of clothes used by actors./a single article of clothing. costume: 1) The fashion of dress peculiar to a people, nation, class, period, etc. 2) A dress worn by actors in a play. uniform: worn by all members of the community. dress: 1) A kind of outer garment worn by women . 2) worn on special occasions evening dress/ morning dress suit: A set of outer clothes to be worn together. evening suit/swimming suit coat: A garment with sleeves worn on top of other clothes from rain, heat, etc. overcoat: A warn coat worn in the street. 6.哭 cry: The most general one. weep: To let flow tears. sob: To weep or sigh with short quick breaths. snivel: To sniffle and cry in a irritating manner. blubber: To cry loudly noisily. whine: To make a low complaining cry. bawl: To utter loud cries . wail: To cry aloud from pain or sorrow. moan: To make a low, miserable sound in pain or sorrow. grown: To make a low sound of pain, unhappiness or disapproval mourn: To feel or show sadness or sorrow for someone who has died. lament: To express great sorrow or regret. 7.美丽漂亮 good-looking: Having an attractive appearance in a strong, healthy way used for men and women not things. beautiful: Suggesting symmetry of features or perfection of proportion, elegance and mobility. beautiful flowers, a beautiful girl/voice/city/face beautiful weather. handsome: Of attractive appearance applies to men. a handsome fellow/actor/horse/buildings/young man. pretty: Suggesting liveliness and sweetness, pleasing or nice to look at. a pretty little woman/garden, a pretty girl/ picture/piece of music, lovely: So beautiful that it makes you feel good to look at it or even to think about it. The garden looks lovely. fair: Beautiful light in color esp., skin hair. gorgeous: Extremely beautiful or handsome. 8.拉拖 pull: The most general one. draw: It implies a smoother, steadier motion and generally a lighter force than pull. drag: It usually refers to horizontal motion or motion up an incline and it suggests laborious efforts over rough ground or against friction, resistance or gravity. The escaped prisoner was dragged out of his hiding place. haul: It implies continuous pulling or dragging of heavy or bulky objects. The fisherman is hauling a net. tug: It applies to hard often sudden violent effort to pull. He tugged at my sleeve to ask directions. jerk: To pull suddenly. He jerked out the knife that was stuck in the wound. tow: To pull by a rope or chain. We towed the car to the nearest garage. wrench: To pull hard with a twisting or turning movement. 9.旋转 turn: The most general one. spin: To turn quickly around a central point. It emphasizes the continuity of the action, and usually the narrow extent of the circular motion. The wheel is spinning on its axis. whirl: To round very fast.。

1. hour / o’clockhour “小时”,表示做某事用了几个小时的时间; 注意: hour中h不发音。
2. drink / havedrink 和 have都有“喝”的含义, 但have 一般用在口语里。
注意:drink作“喝”解时, 是及物动词, 宾语可以是水, 牛奶, 饮料等;用作名词时,是可数的。
3. practice / exercisepractice “实习”,指有规律的练习, 特指反复练习, 不断练习。
exercise “练习”,一般用语, 可指训练, 锻炼, 操练等。
4. animal / beastanimal “动物”,以区别于植物, 矿物等。
beast “野兽”,较大的四足兽, 以区别于爬行动物和昆虫。
5. since / forsince 指从过去的某一时间起直到现在之间的某一时刻, 因此其后面接时间点;它可以用作连词, 引导时间状语从句, 从句用过去时, 主要用完成时。
for 指从过去到现在的一段时间, 因此其后面接的是时间段。
6. hurt / injure / harm /damage /woundhurt既指肉体上的, 也指感情, 精神上的“伤害”。
injure 常指意外事故及骨折。
harm 指肉体或精神上的伤害, 有时指不安和危害,不一定是直接的。
wound主要指枪伤,刀伤等皮肉之伤, 特指战场上之伤, 也指精神上的创伤。
7. appoint / assign / nameappoint “任命”,指不经选举, 由当权者经过仔细考虑以后作出委派, 分配。
assign “指派”,指分配, 分派工作。
name “任命”,指宣布任命。
注意family name是(英美人姓名中的)姓, first name (美国常作given name )是名字, 是出生时父母给取的。
8. room / place /spaceroom “房间(可数)”,指可以容纳东西或为其他目的而使用的空间。

英语同义词近义词40条(注意具体区分后使用)1.“改变,变化”——change,transform,switch,shift2.“放弃”——give up,quit,abandon3.“展示,显示”——show,demonstrate,indicate4.“好,棒”——good,excellent,outstanding,amazing,great,cool,terrific5.“许多,大量”——many,plenty of,a lot of,a great deal of6.“有帮助的”——helpful,useful7.“开心,高兴”——happy,cheerful,glad,joyful8.“缺点,短板”——shortcoming,vice,weakness9.“伤心,悲伤”——sad,grieve,sorrow10.“全世界,世界各地”——all over the world,all around the world,in the whole world11.“最终地,终于“——finally,eventually,in the end,ultimately12.“结束,停止”——end,cease,close,finish,stop,terminate13.“温和地”——softly,gently,mildly14.“几乎不”——hardly,barely,scarcely,seldom15.“发生”——happen,occur,take place,break out16.“看起来”——seem,look,appear17.“建造”——build,put up,construct18.“能干的,有能力的”——able,capable,efficient19.“快的,迅速的”——quick,fast,rapid,prompt20.“伤害”——hurt,harm,injure,wound21.“放弃,丢弃”——give up,abandon,desert,discard22.“毁坏,破坏”——damage,destroy,wreck23.“聪明的,明智的”——clever,smart,intelligent,bright,wise24.“稍微,少许”——a little,a bit,slightly,somewhat25.“得到,达到”——get,reach,gain,arrive26.“影响”——influence,impact,effect27.“忍受”——tolerate,stand,put up with,bear28.“失去的,不见的”——disappeared,missed,lost,absent29.“有趣的”——fun,funny,interesting,amusing30.“参加”——take part in,join in,participate in31.“明显的”——clear,obvious,evident,apparent32.“分开的”——apart,divided,separated33.“值得注意的,非同寻常的”——noticeable,remarkable,unusual,striking,extraordinary34.“购买”——buy,purchase35.“方法”——method,way,solution36.“奇迹”——wonder,miracle37.“因为,由于”——because of,due to,owing to,thanks to,as38.“有利的”——positive,favorable,profitable,beneficial39.“造成,引起”——cause,bring about,lead to,create,present40.“利用,使用”——use,employ,utilize,harness。

常见英语同/近义词(同类词)152组1.选择choose, elect, select, pick.2.方式/法way, method, means, manner, approach, mode, system, tactics3.semester, term4.determine, decide5.学分;成绩credit, score, mark, grade6.满意的content, satisfied7.停止;放弃stop, halt, desist, cease, drop out, withdraw, retreat, quit, resign, give up, surrender, depart, abandon, desert, discard, forsake; retire, retreat, reject, recess8.调查survey, investigate, explore, inspect, look into, probe, observe, review, study9.改变;变化change, alter(alert), convert, modify, transform, shift, alternate, vary 10.修订/改revise, change, modify, alter, mend, rectify, correct, amend, emend校订/正11.珍爱/惜/重cherish, treasure, worship, appreciate, value 12.包括/含include, contain, compose, comprise, involve, cover, encompass 13.分发distribute, give out, pass out 14.提供provide, give, furnish, offer, supply 15.风景scene, scenery, sight, view, landscape, outlook 16.快/迅速地rapidly, quickly, fast, speedy, swiftly 17.普通的normal, ordinary, general, common, average, usual 18.合适的appropriate, proper, suitable, fit 19.限制limit, confine, restrict (to) 20.揭露,暴露expose, disclose, open, reveal, display, uncover, unmask 21.建议;劝告advise, confer, instruct, recommend, suggest, propose, counsel 22.伤害injure, harm, hurt, wound, destroy, impair, spoil 23.(在)先(前)的previous, former, preceding, prior, past, late 24.培养/育foster, raise, breed, rear, grow, bring up, cultivate, nurture, nourish 25.职业;工作vocation, occupation, profession, career ,trade, business, work, job, post, position 26.不可避免的inescapable, inevitable, unavoidable, sure, certain 27.必不可少的necessary, needed, vital, essential, indispensable, integral 28.追求/寻pursue, seek(for/after), search(for), hunt, look for, quest, explore, go after 29.鼓励/舞;刺激inspire, encourage, motivate, stimulate, arouse, urge, spur 30.能力;才能ability, capability, capacity, aptitude, faculty, genius, gift, talent 31.特殊/别的special, particular, peculiar, specific 32.扩大extend(extent), stretch, expand, enlarge, swell, amplify, magnify, increase, widen, broaden, inflate, intensify, prolong 34.工具;仪器tool, instrument, apparatus, equipment, appliance, facility, implement 35.比赛contest, match, game, play, competition 36.影响impact, influence, affect, effect 37.环境environment, circumstance, surroundings, conditions 38.聪明的clever, smart, bright, intelligent, keen, shrewd 39.忽视/略ignore, neglect, disregard, overlook, slight 40.完成finish, complete, perform, carry out, achieve, accomplish, execute, fulfill, compliment 41.堆heap, stack, pile 42.教tutor(v.),teach, instruct, conduct, educate, coach, train 43.指导guide, advise, conduct, control, counsel, direct, govern, handle, manage, regulate, rule, steer, instruct, lead 44.管理supervise, administer, manage 45.足够的enough, adequate, sufficient, abundant, ample, plenty 46.开始commence, start, begin 47.使...碎break, smash粉碎, shatter砸/粉碎;毁灭, fragment打碎, crush压/碾碎48.惊恐;害怕(v.) fear, frighten, scare, shock, astonish, amaze, alarm, dread, horror, terror, awe 49.缩小condense, reduce, contract, compress, shrink 50.结果/局outcome, consequence, effect, result 51.取消;除掉abolish废除, cancel取消;删除, eliminate消除;淘汰, dispose除/扔掉, erase擦掉, exclude排斥/除, extinguish熄/扑灭,expel 驱逐;开除, remove, get rid of, dispose of 52.推/猜测assume, guess, presume, suppose, speculate(about/on) 53.抓紧/住grip, clasp, clutch, grasp, seize, grab, snatch, hold, clench, embrace, hug 54.坚持persevere, persist 55. 减少/低decline, reduce, decrease, lessen, lower, decline, diminish, cut, fall, run/cut down 56.保存;存储reserve(deserve), conserve, preserve, store, save, maintain 57.cut切, chop劈,砍, hack乱劈/砍58.治疗/愈treat, heal, relieve, recover, cure, therapy, remedy 59.问题question, problem, matter ,issue, topic, subject 60.(预)定subscribe, book, order 61. moods心情;情绪, temper脾气;情绪, emotion情感, feeling情感;感受, passion激情, temperament性情;气质, sentiment(思想)感情, affection喜爱;爱慕之情62.部分part, portion, piece, member, division, section, segment, fragment 63.unusual不寻常的,unique唯一的,singular单独/卓越的,rare稀有罕见的64. essay文章, legend传说/奇, myth神话, story故事;短篇小说, novel长篇小说, tale民间/神话故事, fable寓言, fiction虚构/杜撰的小说, saying俗语, proverb 谚语,格言, prose散文, poem/poetry(ode颂歌, ballade叙事诗,sonnet十四行诗,verse韵文), composition(narration记叙(文),description, exposition说明,argumentation议论), thesis 学位论文65.admission,入场费charge要价,服务费, cost成本, fare交通费, fee佣金;会费;停车费, freight运费, postage邮费/资, rent租金, tip小费, toll过桥/路费, tuition学费, expense花费,开支66.wage工资, salary薪金/水, income收入, pay薪金,付款, reward酬金,报答award奖品/金, bonus奖金,红利, allowance津贴, premium保险金, pension退休金, damages,损害赔偿金, compensation补/赔偿, penalty罚金/款, pocket money零花钱, change零钱, tip 67. insight洞察力, comprehension理解力, intuition直觉力, perception知觉, 悟性力, vision眼/视力, 洞察力68.action行动, interaction相互影响/作用, reaction反应, counteraction反作用,阻止69.obscure朦胧/难理解的, vague含/模糊的,笼统的, dim(暗淡)不清楚的, ambiguous含糊的;模棱两可的faint不清楚的;无力/微弱的indistinct不清晰/明显的, unclear难懂的,不明的, indefinite不明确的, shadowy 模糊的,有/多阴影的, fuzzy模糊的,多毛的70.diploma毕业证书, certificate证(明)书, licence/license, permit执照, 许可(证) 71.leisure空/悠闲, freedom, recreation消遣,娱乐, relaxation松弛,娱乐, spare time余暇, ease安逸,容易entertainment乐趣,娱乐, amusement娱乐, 消遣72.version版, edition版, draft草稿, copy副本, issue(一)期73.(v.)thrive兴旺,繁荣, prosper繁荣,成功, flourish茂盛,繁茂, boom(商业.经济等)激增, 繁荣, bloom,开花,青春焕发, mushroom迅速增长/发展74.传单handbill, leaflet, handout, flyer 75.assure保证,确保, ensure保证,担保, insure确保,保险, guarantee担保76. insane精神错乱的, mad疯的, crazy狂热的, out of one’s mind/head/wits精神出错的77.tax税, duty海关税, rate房地产税,市政府税fine罚金, tariff关税,税率;收费表78.thief贼, robber强盗, burglar夜盗, pirate海盗, bandit土匪, pickpocket扒手, outlaw歹徒79.crime, arson纵火, bribe贿赂, kidnapping绑架, forgery伪造罪, piracy盗版/印, smuggling走私, rape强奸, burglary/rob抢劫;盗窃, theft偷窃, murder谋杀, hijack劫机, assassination暗杀, blackmail 敲诈80.alcohol酒精, beer啤酒, spirits/liquor 烈性酒, brandy白兰地, wine葡萄酒, champagne香槟, cocktail鸡尾酒, whiskey威士忌81.interfere干涉/扰, intervene干涉,调停interrupt打扰/断, intrude侵扰, invade侵略, meddle 干预;妨碍, disturb妨碍;打扰82.host大群, cluster群, school鱼群, herd兽群(多指牛群), flock兽群(多指羊群),鸟群swarm鸟群,昆虫(尤指蜂群), crowd人群, drove(移动的)人群/ 兽群pack野兽群(多指狼群) 83.(v.)commend推荐,congratulate, flatter奉承, praise, approve, admire, compliment称赞,恭维, (complement补充) 84.moist微湿,(适度的)潮湿, damp(令人不快的)潮湿,沮丧的, wet湿的,水淋淋的, humid(空气)有湿气的85. walk, wander徘徊, drift漂流;盲目前进, meander曲折地流;漫步, ramble徘徊;随笔, roam闲逛,漫游, rove流浪,漫游, amble缓步, stray迷路, stroll闲逛,溜达, hobble跛行;蹒跚, limp跛行, stagger摇晃;蹒跚, totter 蹒跚;摇摆, dodder蹒跚而行, swagger昂首阔步地走, strut神气地走, lumber笨重地移动, dash猛冲, skip蹦跳, stride大步走;跨, pace踱方步, step踏;走86.(n.) outbreak爆发, outburst突发, outcome结果, outfall排水口, outflow外流, outlaw逃犯, outlet出口/路, outline提纲;外形, outlook远景, output产量87.评估/价(v.)assess ,estimate, evaluate, value, rate 88.处理handle, cope with, deal with(deal in经营), process, dispose of 89.tunnel, canal, channel, cable 90.投身于;参加participate, attend, involve, join(in), throw oneself into, immerse oneself in, get involved in, take part in 91.campaign, movement, combat, battle, struggle, conflict 92.border, boundary, edge, margin, frontier, bound 93.cooperation, coaction, correlation, correspond 94.accent, tone, dialect, pronunciation 95.事件accident, event, happening, incident, occurrence 96.accommodate, hold, contain, provide 97.hardness硬度, density密度, consistency浓度, precision精确度, articulation清晰度, length, width, height, depth, breadth 98.vehicle, car, truck, jeep, bus, taxi, minibus, convertible, van, coach 99.accuse, charge, indict, scold, punish, appeal, blame, impeach 100.lucrative, profitable, profited, earn, payable 101.manufacture, produce, make, invent 102.vapor /gas/steam/fume, liquid/juice/liquor/fluid, solid 103.monotonous, boring, tedious, dull 104.整个的gross, total, whole, entire 105.satellite, star, milky way, Mars, Venus 106.vibrate, quiver, fluctuate, shiver, shake, tremble puter components: monitor, screen, keyboard, CPU, laser printer, scanner, mouse, modem, disk drive, CD-ROM drive, writing pad, floppy disk 108.喜爱/欢like, love, enjoy, be fond of, prefer, be keen on/about, be crazy about, be interested in, fancy(vt.) /a fancy for sth./take a fancy to sb.(sth.), be fanatic about, be fascinated by/with 109.忍受/耐endure, tolerate, bear/stand, suffer, put up with sustain 110.rude, crude, raw, rough 111.enhance, enforce, reinforce, intensify, endow, entail 112.cool chilly cold frosty frigid icy 113.显著的;卓越的remarkable, famous, striking, noteworthy, notable, prominent, outstanding, noticeable, attractive 114.替代/换substitute, replace, shift, switch, instead of, in place of 115.scorn轻视;嘲弄, ridicule,讥笑;嘲弄, scoff嘲弄/笑, mock mo嘲弄;模仿, jeer愚/嘲弄, deride嘲笑; 嘲弄, despise轻/藐视;讨厌, disdain伤害/玷污名誉, laugh at嘲笑, make fun of取笑116.想;考虑think(over), consider, ponder, contemplate, reflect, meditate, deliberate 117.垃圾;废物trash, junk, litter, rubbish, scrap, debris 118.比例/率proportion, portion, percentage, ratio, rate, share, quota 119.gutter排水沟, sewer下水道, drain阴沟120.怀疑的questionable, suspicious, uncertain, doubtful, dubious 121.applaud鼓掌;喝彩, praise称赞, approve拥护;赞成, acclaim欢呼;称赞, clap鼓掌122.超越;胜过surpass, exceed, excel, excess, go beyond, beat, better, top, outdo, transcend, outstrip 123.合并;结合unite, connect, join, combine, assemble, gather, group, crowd, congregate, incorporate 124.祖先/宗ancestor; ascendant; forefather, 后代/子孙child; offspring; descendant 125.神圣的sacred, blessed, divine, hallowed, holy 126.序列set, series, sequence, succession 127.最后的final, concluding, last, ultimate 128. bend弯曲, bow俯首, lean倾身;靠, stoop屈身, turn翻转, twist扭/转动129.顶峰/点peak, climax, summit, acme, pinnacle 130.明白/显的plain, obvious, apparent, evident, manifest 131.命运fate, chance, destiny, doom, fortune, lot 132.投;扔throw, cast, hurl, pitch, toss, sling 133.虚/脆弱的weak, feeble, frail 134.真挚/诚的heartfelt, sincere, unaffected, wholehearted, hearty, heartful 135.责任duty, obligation, responsibility, liability 136.笑;笑声laugh, laughter, laughing 137.spice加香料;香/风/趣味, season给…调味, flavor给…加上调味料;味道;特点138.基础base, basis, foundation 139.街;路;道road, street, avenue, boulevard, lane, alley, thoroughfare, express way, free way, high way140.对手;竟争者rival, foe, contender, competitor, combatant, adversary, opponent 141.表明;显示mean, demonstrate, display, exhibit, hint, manifest, reveal, suggest, denote, express, imply, indicate, mark, say, show, signify 142.财/资产asset(s), goods, property, wealth, capital 143.特/征性character, characteristic, trait, feature, disposition 144.愤怒anger, annoyance, fury, irritation, rage, wrath, indignation 145.titter窃/傻笑, giggle吃吃地笑, grin咧嘴笑, roar哄堂大笑, howl开心狂笑, snicker窃/傻笑, snigger窃笑, simper傻笑, chuckle咯咯笑;轻笑, smirk假笑, guffaw哄笑146.计算calculate, compute, count, estimate, reckon 147.包(裹)packet, pack, package, parcel 148.目标/的aim, goal, purpose, target, objective, intention 149.合理/公平的reasonable, justifiable, logical, rational, sensible, sound, fair, just 150.居住live, inhabit, dwell, settle (down), reside, occupy, lodge, accommodate 151.看;盯;瞪look, stare, gaze, gaze, glare, peer 152.奇怪的strange, odd, peculiar, fantastic, queer。

常见英文近义词辨析100组1. accept vs. receiveAccept 暗示自愿接受,通常涉及主动选择。
Receive 则表示被动接受,无需选择或同意。
2. accessible vs. approachableAccessible 指容易获得或接近。
Approachable 指容易相处或交谈。
3. accomplish vs. achieveAccomplish 强调完成特定的任务或目标。
Achieve 则更广泛,表示达到一个更重大的目标或状态。
4. accurate vs. preciseAccurate 指信息准确无误,与事实一致。
Precise 指信息非常详细、精确,没有模糊或不确定性。
5. activity vs. actionActivity 指一般性的、持续的行动。
Action 指具体的、一次性的行为。
6. advice vs. counselAdvice 指针对特定情况或问题的建议。
Counsel 通常指更全面、更深入的指导和建议。
7. affect vs. effectAffect 作为动词,表示影响或改变。
Effect 作为名词,表示结果或后果。
8. agree vs. concurAgree 指双方就某件事达成一致意见。
Concur 表示同意或支持他人的意见或决定。
9. almost vs. nearlyAlmost 表示非常接近,但没有完全达到。
Nearly 也表示非常接近,但通常比 almost 更明确。
10. amazing vs. astonishingAmazing 表示令人印象深刻或惊奇。
Astonishing 表示令人震惊或难以置信。
11. appear vs. seemAppear 指表面上或明显的样子。
Seem 指主观印象或感觉。
12. appreciate vs. admireAppreciate 指对某事或某人的价值或品质表示赞赏。
Admire 指对某事或某人持有高度的尊敬或钦佩。

希望能帮助到大家!英语同义词11. important =crucial (extremely important),significant(amount or effect large enough to be important)2. common=universal, ubiquitous(if something is ubiquitous, it seems to be everywhere)3. abundant=ample(enough and usually extra), plentiful(enough for people's needs and wants)4. stick=adhere, cling(hold on something tightly)5. neglect=ignore.(difference: neglect means someone has not paid enough attention to something; ignore means no attention.)6. near=adjacent(twothings next to each other), adjoin(the same as adjacent)7. pursue=woo(man woos woman, old-fashioned), seek(if you seek sth, you try to obtain it. FORMAL)8. accurate=precise(precise is exact and accurate in all details), exact(correct in every detail)9. vague=obscure(unknown or known by only a few people)10. top=peak, summit11. competitor=rival, opponent(especially in sports and politics)12. blame=condemn(if you condemn something, you say it is very bad and unacceptable)13. opinion=perspective, standpoint(means looking at an event or situation in a particular way)14. fame=prestige(describe those who are admired), reputation15. build=erect(you can erect something as buildings, FORMAL), establish16. insult=humiliate(do something or say something which makes people feel ashamed or stupid)17. complain=grumble (complain something in a bad-tempered way)18. primary=radical (very important and great in degree), fundamental19. relieve=alleviate (alleviate means you make pain or sufferings less intense or severe)20. force=coerces into(coerce means you make someone do something s/he does not want to),compel21. enlarge=magnify(magnify means make something larger than it really is)22. complex=intricate(if something is intricate, it often has many small parts and details)23. Lonely=solitary (if someone is solitary, there is no one near him/her)24. small=minuscule(very small), minute25. praise=extol(stronger than praise), compliment(polite and political)26. hard-working=assiduous(someone who is assiduous works hard or does things very thoroughly)27.difficult=arduous (if something is arduous, it is difficult and tiring, and involves a lot of efforts)28.poor(soil)=barren, infertile(used to describe the soil is sopoor that plants cannot be planted on it)29.fragile=brittle, vulnerable(someone who is vulnerable is easily hurt emotionally or physically)30.show=demonstrate (to demonstrate a fact means tp make it clear to people.)31.big=massive(large in size, quantity, or extent), colossal(use this word, you emphasize something’s large), tremendous(INFORMAL)32.avoid=shun(if someone shuns something, s/he deliberately avoid that something or keep away from it.)33.fair=impartial(someone who is impartial is able to give a fair opinion or decision on something.)34.attack=assault (physically attack someone), assail (attack violently)35.dislike=abhor(abhor means you hate something to a extreme extent for moral reasons), loathe(dislike very much)36.ruin=devastate (it means damage something very badly, or utterly destroy it.)37.always=invariably(the same as always, but better than always)38.forever=perpetual(a perpetual state never changes), immutable(something immutable will never change or be changed)39.surprise=startle(it means surprise you slightly), astound(surprise you to a large degree),astonish(the same as astound)40.enthusiasm=zeal (a great enthusiasm), fervency (sincere and enthusiasm)41.quiet=tranquil(calm and peaceful), serene(calm and quiet)42.expensive=exorbitant(it means too expensive that itshould be)43.luxurious=lavish(impressive and very expensive), sumptuous(grand and very expensive)44.boring=tedious(if you describe something tedious, you mean it is boring and frustrating)、英语同义词2abandon, desert, forsake, leave, give up 这些动词或词组均含“抛弃、放弃”之意abandon:强调永远或完全放弃或抛弃人或事物等,这可能是被迫的,也可能是自愿的。

常见近义词的区分1.abandon,desert,forsake,quit都含有确定的"放弃"之意abandon 指完全、恒久地放弃,尤指对之负有责任或义务者,放弃一个项目或安排desert 强调有意违反自己的义务、责任或誓言等(擅离职守)forsake 指遗弃以前所爱的人或事物,着重于断绝情感上的依恋eg.forsake one's wife and children遗弃妻儿;forsake bad habits摈弃坏习惯quit 指突然或出其不意地放弃,现一般指"停止" eg.quit work停止工作2.accessory,decoration,ornament 都含有确定的"装饰品"之意accessory [常作pl.]指(女性的)装饰品,(手提包,些,手套,帽子,项链,耳环等)decoration 指为了装饰某物所运用的明丽好看的装饰品ornament 指一般装饰品(ornament在作动词时常可和decorate互换)accomplish,complete,end,finish 都含有"完成"之意accomplish 指胜利地完成预期的安排或达到预期的目的或成果complete 指完成一件指派或预定的任务,或完善、完整未完成的部分end 指一个动作或一件事情的结束或终止finish 指把一件事或一个动作做完,强调事情的了结、终止3.accurate,correct,delicate,exact,precise都含有确定的"正确,精确"之意accurate 精确的,精确的,指某人或某事不仅不出错,而且与事实无出入,强调精确性correct 正确的,指某人或某事合乎事实或公认的标准或规则,没有错误delicate 精致、精细的、雅致的exact 准确的、精确的,语气较accurate强,指某人或某事数量或质量完全符合事实或标准,而且在细致末节上也丝毫不差precise 精密的,指具有高度的精确性和精确性,强调范围界限的显明性或细微环节的精密,有时略带"吹毛求疵"的贬义4.accuse,charge,indict都含有确定的"指控,控告"之意accuse accuse sb. of doing sth.为…指责某人,控告某人charge charge sb. with doing sth.指控某人…5.achieve,acquire,attain,gain,obtain都含有确定的"获得,达到"之意achieve 强调由于极大的努力,克服困难后达到目标acquire 指经过不懈努力才获得的技术,学问等抽象的东西,也指养成习惯等attain 正式用语,指经过艰苦努力才使人达到完备境地gain 指须要做出比obtain更大的努力,往往指通过竞争获得某些有价值的东西obtain 指经过努力或付出代价或经过很长时间儿得到所须要的东西6.acknowledge,admit,concede,confess,recognize都含有确定的"承认"之意acknowledge 着重”公开承认”,常用来指过去曾隐瞒或否认的事admit 是指在压力下不得不承认已经证明或难以否认的事实,供认(事实,错误等)concede (不情愿地)承认,(在结果确定前)承认失败confess 着重承认自己的过错或罪恶recognize 指正式承认主权、权利等affirm,assert,allege,claim都含有确定的"宣称,断言"之意affirm 断言,确定,指依据事实坚决不移地宣称,有无可争论之意assert 宣称,坚持,指不管事实如何,主观自信地宣称allege 宣称,断定,指在无真实凭据状况下宣称,硬说claim 声称,主见,往往表示说话者反对或不同意某一观点7.alarm,dread,fear,fright,horror,panic,terror都含有确定的"惊恐"之意alarm 惊恐,忧虑,指突然遇到危急产生的惊惶,胆怯,惊惶失措的心理状态,也可指一般的担忧忧虑(take/feel alarm at…因…而惊恐)dread 担忧,惧怕,多指因预料有危急和不开心的事面临而产生的担忧心情,比fear更为剧烈的恐惊fear 表示恐惊最一般的用语,指遇到危急或灾难内心感到担忧或发慌fright 指突然的惊恐horror 令人毛骨悚然,使人极其厌恶的恐怖(常用于强调表现出恐怖的现象或行为,而不强调引起恐怖的缘由)panic 恐慌(指惊讶以后随之而来的不知所措,神经几乎失控的状态)terror 恐怖(指个人平安受到严峻威逼时所产生的巨大恐惊及惊骇)8.alter,change,convert,modify,shift,transform,vary都含有确定的"变更"之意alter 变更,变更,指衣服等表面或局部做部分变动,而没有变成另一种事物change 变更,变更,指位置,性质,外表,形式或是数量与质量等变更.常与into连用.convert 使转变,变更,一般只表示事物的外表及用途等方面发生的次要变更,而不是本质上的巨大变更,也可用于变更某人的政治观点、信仰.这个词义是其他词所没有的modify 修改,变更,较正式,常用以表示看法,安排或形式,质量方面不大的变更shift 指位置或方向的移动,变更transform 指外形或面貌的变更,彻底变更性格,性质等vary 变更,不同,有区分,变更9.alternative,choose,pick,select都含有确定的"选择"之意alternative adj. n. 供选择的,选择,供选择的东西.指在两者之间进行选择,两者选一的choose 适用范围最广,指从众多的对象中选择,这中选择常取决于个人的意志与推断,不强调客观标准.它所选择的对象可以是不同种类的,可以是有形的或无形的.还常带有最终选定的含义,即表示选定候不再变更.pick 口头用语,指细致地,细心地选择,含有挑剔的意思.一般指选择有形的东西select 语气比choose重,多用于正式场合.指细致地,审慎地精选,强调客观性,而不是主观性.所选择的对象可以是有形或无形的,但确定是同种类的.10.altitude,aptitude,attitude,latitude都特别形近altitude 高度,海拔(an altitude of 20,000 metres above sea level海拔20,000米)aptitude 才能,智力,倾向,习性attitude 看法,看法latitude 纬度(longitude经度)11.ample, adequate, plentiful,sufficient都含有确定的"足够,丰富"之意ample 指不仅能达到应有的程度,满意须要,而且还有余,一般不修饰数量不定的名词(ample time充裕的时间;an ample basket of fruit满满一篮水果;ample space宽敞的空间)adequate 足够的,充分的,指数量和质量上复合一个特定的标准或不太高的要求plentiful 丰富的,很多的,富有的sufficient 尤指程度上多到能满意或达到某种特殊须要,特殊是精神上的须要12.amplify, enhance, enlarge,expand,magnify都含有确定的"扩大,提高"之意amplify 放大,扩大,增加,指放大,增加(信号等)enhance 提高,增加,指(价格,力气,吸引力,声望)等的增加,提高.enlarge 指体积,大小,范围,实力等方面的增加expand 既可指数量上或体积上的增加,也可用来之前后左右上下任何方向的扩大,也指学问的增长,生意的扩大magnify 指放大,扩大(声音,照片等)13.annoy,furious,indignant,irritate,provoke都含有确定的"愤怒"之意annoy 指有余被迫忍受某种不开心甚至厌烦的事情而失去耐性或镇静(be annoyed at/by sth. be annoyed with sb. 对某人/某事很生气)furious 狂怒的(be furious with sb. be furious at/about sth对某人/某事大发雷霆)indignant 强调的是生气,愤慨,愤愤不平irritate 指一再打搅某人,最终使其失去耐性而发怒.provoke 激怒(人,动物),使生气(provoke sb. to do /into doing...刺激某人做某事)14.apparatus,appliance,equipment,facility,instrument都含有确定的"器具"之意apparatus 指"一套仪器,一套器械,装置"appliance 通常指须要动力才能操作的家用电器和装置等equipment 指"设备,装备"facility (pl.)"设备,设施",只是工作生活便利的工具和环境instrument 指精密的或科学的和艺术上运用的器具等15.answer,reply,respond都含有确定的"回答"之意answer 用的最广,几乎可指口头,书面乃至行动所表示的一切reply 指较为正式或经过考虑的答复,除了后面接干脆宾语或以that起先的句子外,一般只用作不及物动词,后面连用to,表示回答旁人的问题(话语,信件,庆贺,攻击等)respond 一般指对紧急问题或恳求作出答复,或用行动对所说或所做的事情做出反应16.apparent,clear,evident,obvious,visible都含有确定的"明显"之意apparent 明显明白的,表面上的;常用来修饰简单望见或相识的事物clear 一般用语,凡听清、看清或易于理解的东西都可以用evident 指以事实为依据,加以推理就很明显,多用于抽象事物和推理,如事实、错误、胜利等obvious 指极为明显,一目了然,不用多说就能清晰的东西visible 显著的,明显的,可望见的17. a people,peoples,people,the people有何区分?你分清了嘛?a people 指一个国家或地区的"民族、人民".peoples 为a people的复数形式,指很多国家或地区的不同的"民族、人民".people 泛指"人们",是集合名词,不能指一人.以单数形式表示复数意义,谓语动词要用复数the people 指"人民",可指某个国家的人民,也可指全世界的人民.它表示复数概念.若the people作为主语,它的谓语动词要用复数形式.18.argue,debate,discuss,dispute,quarrel都含有确定的"争论"之意argue 指一方坚持自己的看法,立场和观点,通过争论企图劝服对方(argue with sb. about/over sth.) debate 多指公开,正式场合进行的辩论或肃穆的争论,双方各自陈述理由,"交锋""来回"的意味较强discuss 指为了解决问题或弄清对方的观点而进行的探讨,磋商dispute 指持续,激烈的争论,语气较强,有”相持不下,未得解决”的意思(in dispute在争论中) quarrel 争吵,争论,含与人发生口角的意思19.arise,arouse,raise,rise四个形近词,你分清了吗?arise vi. 突然出现;起床arouse vt.引起,唤醒,激起raise vt.举起,提高,较多地被用于详细的场合,如举手,举杯,升旗等;有时也用于提高工资,提高工作效率等rise vi.上升,上升,上涨等,大多用于抽象或比方的场合,如太阳,蒸汽,产量的上升,有时也用于详细场合,如人的起立,河水的上涨等20.some time,some times,sometime,sometimes,some day,the other daysome time n. "相当长的一段时间" adv. "某个时候,某一天"=sometimesome times adv. "数次"sometime adv. "某个时候,某一天"(可指过去,也可指将来),可用some time代替sometimes adv."有时,间或"=now and then /from time to timesome day "有朝一日,有一天"(只指将来的一天),常与表示将来的时态连用,也可写成somedaythe other day "那一天,前几天"(只指过去的某一天),仅用于过去时态中21.artificial,fake,false都含有确定"假的"之意.artificial 人造的,假的,矫揉造作的,不自然的eg.an artificial lake人工湖; artificial smile做作的微笑/假笑; an artificial earth satellite人造地球卫星fake adj.假的,伪造的,冒充的n.假货,赝品(the antique is a fake那古董是件赝品)false 假的,不真实的,带有欺瞒性的假象eg.false goods假冒商品22.ascribe,attribute,contribute,oweascribe 和attribute 差别不大,都可以说明为"(中性)把...归因于,(褒义)把...归功于,(贬义)把...归咎于",也可以说明为"把...归属于,认为...归属于...",基本可以互换contribute (to)有助于,促成...owe (to)把...归功于(褒义)23.assemble,accumulate,collect,gatherassemble vt.收集,调集(eg.assemble forces调集兵力;assemble evidence收集证据) vi.聚集(人或事为某种共同目的聚集在一起,为特定安排而统一行动等)accumulate 指学问财宝的"累积,积聚"collect vi.聚集,在集中以某一点或组成一组的意义上可与gather互换; vt.收集,细致地/有选择的收集(集邮,搜集银币等都是一种有选择的收集)gather vt.指把分布广泛零散的东西聚集在一起或人们走到一起汇合成一群24.assess,estimate,evaluate,value,都含有确定的"估计"之意assess 指对财产,收入,损失等做出评估(make an assessment)estimate 对某物的性质,数量最也许的推断,指无法清算或数清时做出估计value→evaluate 指对物的价值给与评定25.assure,ensure,guarantee,insure,warrant都含有确定的"保证"之意assure 表示向某人保证某事确定会发生(内含有让某人放心之意) assure sb. of sth /assure sb. that...ensure "确定,保证"确保某种行为确定会发生ensure sth. /ensure that...guarantee 对某事物的品质或人的行为"提出担保",对事物、商品等无质量,性能等方面的欺诈行为做出保证insure "保险..."(纯粹经济意义)warrant "担保,保证"26.arouse,awake,evoke,wake,waken都含有确定的"唤醒,唤起"之意arouse vt.引起,唤起,激起;唤醒=awakenawake adj.[用作表语]醒着的vt.唤醒,觉醒vi.醒,觉醒,意识到evoke vt.唤起,引起,使人想到wake vi.醒来vt.唤醒,唤起,激起,使相识到wake (up) to 相识到,意识到waken vi.醒来,睡醒(up);觉醒,激昂vt.唤醒,弄醒;使觉醒;使激昂,激发;激起27.amaze,astonish,surprise都含有确定的"惊异"之意amaze 使惊讶,程度比surprise强(=surprise very much),一般指好事.(be amazed at sth./to do sth.) astonish 使惊愕,指使人大吃一惊(=surprise greatly),含有几乎使人无法信任之意,是个语气较强的词(sb. be astonished at(by) sth./to do sth./that..."被(因)...惊吓")surprise 使惊异,指由于突然的事情使人产生惊异,有出乎意料的含义.一般用词,语气最弱. (sb. be surprised at/by sth./that.../to do sth.;feel surprised at..."对...感到惊异";in surprise"惊讶地,在震惊中")28.award,reward都含有确定的"嘉奖"之意award 指正式或官方颁发,授予award sb. sth.=award sth. to sb.reward 赐予酬劳,指因对方的工作、服务、帮助而赐予的酬劳,奖赏某人(in reward for”作为对…回报”;reward sb. for “因…而报答某人”)29.above all,after all,first of all形式相像,意义不同above all “尤其是,最重要的是”,强调特殊对待,类似于especially,more than anything else.after all “终归,究竟”,表示一种让步口气,与in spite of everything,in the end 相像first of all “首先”,表示一种次序,与before anything else类似30.bank,beach,coast,seaside,shore都含有确定的"(海)岸,边"之意bank "河岸,堤岸",指河流两旁高出水面的地方beach "海(湖,河)滩,水滨",指受潮水冲刷而形成的有细沙或卵石覆盖的平缓的斜坡coast "海岸,海岸线",是地理上的专用名词,指海洋与陆地的分界线,有清晰的边界概念.它不能用来指河岸或湖岸.seaside "海滨",尤指假日度假胜地shorel "岸,滨",含义广泛,可指围绕海洋、河流及湖泊旁边的陆地,含有与水相对的意味(in shore"近岸";on shore"在岸上,在陆上";off shore"离岸")31.ban,forbid,prohibit都含有确定的"禁止"之意ban n.vt."禁止,禁令"(=formal prohibition),指合法地或由于社会压力而禁止,含指责或不赞成的看法,通常搭配形式:ban ...from sth./doing sth.forbid vt."禁止,不许",一般用语,比prohibit通俗,用于较小事物,或个人、上级、官方、长辈做出的禁止吩咐、规定,或客观条件不允许,通常搭配形式:forbid sb. to do sth.prohibit vt."禁止,不准"(=forbid by authority),指通过法律、法令、警告等作出禁止吩咐的正式规定或规则,通常搭配形式:prohibit sb. from sth/doing sth.。

一、名词1. Reason:cause, factor, motive, purpose, justification, ground原因:起因、因素、动机、目的、理由、根据2. Problem:issue, dilemma, trouble, difficulty, challenge, obstacle问题:议题、困境、麻烦、困难、挑战、障碍3. Experience:encounter, incident, event, occurrence, happening经验:遭遇、事件、发生、事故、经历4. Knowledge:wisdom, understanding, insight, awareness知识:智慧、理解、洞察、意识5. Opportunity:chance, occasion, possibility, opening机会:机遇、时机、可能性、开放6. Success:achievement, accomplishment, glory, triumph, victory 成功:成就、胜利、光荣、胜利7. Failure:defeat, loss, setback, disappointment, frustration失败:挫败、损失、挫折、失望8. Pleasure:enjoyment, delight, happiness, comfort, satisfaction 快乐:享受、愉悦、幸福、舒适、满足9. Benefit:advantage, gain, profit, reward, merit好处:优势、利益、利润、回报、优点10. Character:personality, temperament, nature, identity, essence 性格:个性、气质、本性、身份、本质二、动词1. Say:state, declare, express, utter, remark说:陈述、宣布、表达、说出、说话2. Think:believe, consider, reckon, regard, view想:相信、认为、估计、看待、观点3. Make:create, produce, generate, develop, form做:创造、生产、产生、发展、形成4. Have:possess, own, hold, contain, keep有:拥有、拥有、持有、包含、保持5. Do:perform, execute, accomplish, achieve, fulfill 做:执行、执行、完成、实现、履行6. See:observe, notice, perceive, detect, recognize看:观察、注意、感知、检测、识别7. Go:travel, journey, trek, roam, wander去:旅行、旅行、跋涉、漫游、徘徊8. Get:acquire, obtain, receive, procure, fetch得到:获取、获得、收到、取得、取回9. Take:grab, seize, capture, grasp, clutch取:抓住、抓住、捕捉、把握、抱住10. Understand:comprehend, grasp, get, realize, fathom 了解:理解、掌握、明白、意识到、领悟三、形容词1. Good:excellent, fine, superb, marvelous, splendid好:优秀、好、超级、奇妙、灿烂2. Bad:terrible, awful, dreadful, horrible, unpleasant坏:可怕的、可怕的、可怕的、可怕的、不愉快的3. Big:large, huge, enormous, massive, gigantic大:大、巨大、庞大、大规模的、巨人4. Small:tiny, little, miniature, miniscule, microscopic小:小、微小、微型、微小、微小5. Beautiful:pretty, gorgeous, stunning, lovely, attractive美丽:漂亮的、华丽的、惊人的、可爱的、有吸引力的6. Ugly:hideous, repulsive, unattractive, unsightly, grotesque丑陋的:讨厌的、令人反感的、不吸引人的、难看的、奇形怪状的7. Easy:simple, uncomplicated, effortless, painless, smooth易:简单的、简单的、毫不费力的、无痛的、顺畅的8. Difficult:challenging, hard, tough, demanding, arduous困难的:具有挑战性的、艰难的、艰苦的、要求高的、艰辛的9. Happy:pleased, content, joyful, delighted, satisfied快乐:高兴的、满足的、愉快的、喜悦的、满意的10. Sad:unhappy, sorrowful, miserable, heartbroken, dejected悲伤的:不快乐的、悲哀的、痛苦的、心碎的、沮丧的四、副词1. Quickly:rapidly, swiftly, speedily, promptly, briskly快:快速的、迅速的、快速的、迅速的、活泼的2. Slowly:gradually, leisurely, sluggishly, unhurriedly, steadily慢:逐渐的、从容不迫的、懒散的、从容不迫的、稳定的3. Easily:effortlessly, smoothly, without difficulty, simply, readily轻松地:毫不费力地、顺畅地、毫不费力地、简单、容易4. Hardly:barely, scarcely, rarely, infrequently, seldom几乎不:几乎没有、几乎没有、很少、不经常、很少5. Clearly:evidently, obviously, undoubtedly, unquestionably, distinctly 明显:显然、显然、毫无疑问、毫无疑问、清晰6. Loudly:noisily, loudly, raucously, clamorously, vociferously响亮:吵闹的、大声的、沙哑的、喧闹的、喊叫着7. Softly:quietly, gently, silently, peacefully, smoothly柔和地:安静地、温柔地、无声地、平和地、顺畅地8. Finally:eventually, ultimately, in the end, at last, ultimately 最后:最终、最终、最终、最终、最终9. Completely:totally, entirely, wholly, fully, thoroughly完全:完全、完全、完全、完全、彻底10. Clearly:obviously, evidently, undoubtedly, unquestionably, indisputably明显:显然、显然、毫无疑问、毫无疑问、不容置疑。

英语近义词大全英语近义词 11. 自行车bike---bicycle2. 上above ---on3. 父亲father---dad4. 下under---below5. 晚上evening ---night6. 孩子 kid --- child7. 说speak--- talk/say8. 快乐glad --- happy9. 快fast --- quick10. 妈妈 mother ---- mum11. 听hear --- listen12. 后面 below --- under13. 看see--- watch/look14. 快 faster--- quick15. 你好hello--- hi16. 电影 movie --- film17. 礼物gift--- present18. 飞机 plane--- airplane19. 笑laugh--- smile20. 多much--- many21. 商店Shop--- store22. 小 few---little/small23. 讨厌hate---dislike24. 开始begin---start25. 学习learn--- study26. 大 big--- large27. 照片picture ---photo28.厕所toilet—WC29.课程class —lesson30.每个人everyone—everybody31.每个人glass —cup32.钱包purse— wallet33.家home—house34.美丽beautiful—pretty35.通常usually—often36.旁边near —beside37.花园garden —park38.桌子desk —table39.湖泊river —lake40.回家go home —come home41.刚刚amomentago—justnow42.大量的a lot of —lots of — many43.擅长begoodat—dowellin44.当然of course —sure45.来自于befrom—comefrom46.散步take a walk —go for a walk47.坐公交takeabus—bybus48.想要would like —want49.寻找look for— find50.会meeting---party英语近义词 21. above 在……上-- below 在……下2. after 在……后 -- before 在……前3. all 全部 -- none 全无4. alone 单独地 -- together 一起5. always 总是 -- sometimes 有时6. answer 回答 -- ask 询问7. answer 答案 -- question 问题8. back 背部 -- front 前面9. bad 坏的 -- good 好的10. badly 恶劣地 -- well 很好地11. beautiful美丽的-- ugly丑陋的12. before之前 -- after之后13. begin 开始 -- end, finish 结束14. best 最好的 -- worst 最坏的15. better 更好的 -- worse 更坏的16. big 大的 -- small, little 小的17. black 黑的 -- white 白的18. borrow 借入 -- lend 借给19. both 两者都 -- neither 两者都不20. break 打破 -- mend, repair 修理21. busy 忙碌的 -- free 空闲的22. buy 买(入)-- sell 卖(出)23. certainly 当然地 -- perhaps, maybe 或许;大概24. cheap 便宜的 -- expensive, dear 昂贵的25. clean 干净的 -- dirty 肮脏的26. clever 聪明的 -- foolish 愚蠢的27. cloudy 天阴的 -- bright, clear, sunny 晴朗的28. cold 寒冷的 -- hot 炎热的29. come 来 -- go 去30. cool 凉爽的 -- warm 温暖的31. danger 危险 -- safety 安全32. dark 黑暗的 -- bright, light 明亮的33. day 白天 -- night 夜晚34. dead 死的 -- alive, living 活的35. death 死亡 -- life 生命36. die 死去 -- live 活着37. down 向下 -- up 向上38. dry 干燥的 -- wet 潮湿的39. early 早的 -- late 迟的40. easy 容易的 -- difficult, hard 困难的;艰巨的41. empty 倒空 -- fill 装满42. empth 空的 -- full 满的43. entrance 入口 -- exit 出口44. fall 落下 -- rise 升起45. far 远的 -- near 近的46. fast 快-- slow 慢47. fine 晴朗的 -- cloudy, rainy 天阴的`下雨的48. finish 结束 -- begin, start 开始49. first 最初的 -- last 最后的50. foreign 外国的 -- home 本国的英语近义词 3consideration――account体谅,考虑,需要考虑的事项,报酬appalling――dreadful令人震惊的,骇人听闻的anyhow――anyway无论如何,总之achieved――attained完成,达到account for――explain说明,占,解决,得分bearing――influence轴承,关系,方面,意义,barren――bare不生育的,贫瘠的,没有结果的blend――mix混和(或admix)concise――short and clear简明的,简练的courteous――wel l-informed有礼貌的,谦恭的credible――convincing可信的,可靠的contended――argued斗争,竞争,主张converted――changed使转变,转换使……改变信仰census――count人口普查conscientious――careful尽责的consolidated――strengthened加固的; 整理过的contaminated――polluted污染accused of――charged with控告,谴责,非难alloca ted――assigned / distributed分派,分配annoying――irritating恼人的,讨厌的allocate――assign分派,分配a branch――a division枝,分枝,分部,分科,部门,abnormal――unusual反常的,变态的英语近义词 4encourage – inspire – push 鼓励,激励no longer – no more 不再admit – acknowledge 承认allow – permit 允许state – declare – announce 宣布,声明regret – sorry 遗憾的remove – get off 脱下start – begin 开始observe -- stick to 遵守previous – former 以前的maintain – hold – think 认为cause – bring about – lead to – result in 导致error – mistake 错误component – ingredient – element 成分solve – settle 解决(问题)英语近义词 5above-on(在……上)ago-before(在……以前)also-too(也)animal-beast(野兽)answer-reply(回答)arrive-reach(到达)ask-beg(请求)ask-question(问)baby-child(小孩)beat-hit(打)beautiful-pretty(漂亮的)because-for(因为)begin-start(开始)below-under(在……下)beside-by(在……附近)bicycle-bike(自行车)big-huge(大)broad-wide(宽的)business-trade(生意)bye-goodbye(再见)cast-throw(扔)cause-reason(理由)centre-middle(中间)close-near(近的)clothes-dress(衣服)coat-jacket(外衣)collect-gather(收集)common-ordinary(普通的)complete-finish(完成)copy-write(抄写)correct-right(正确的)country-state(国家)cup-glass(杯)desk-table(桌)difficult-hard(困难的)dig-pick(掘)door-gate(门)each-every(每)earth-world(世界)evening-night(夜晚)excellent-wonderful(好)excuse-pardon(原谅)famous-well-known(著名的)fast-quick(快)friendly-kind(友好的)gift-present(礼物)glad-happy(快乐的)goat-sheep(羊)grandmother-grandma(奶奶)grass-weed(草)grow-plant(种)have to-must(必须)healthy-fine(健康的)hear-listen(听)hope-wish(希望)illness-sickness(病)ill-sick(病的)information-message(信息)job-work(工作)joy-happiness(快乐)kill-murder(杀)kind-type(类型)laugh-smile(笑)learn-study(学习)like-love(喜欢)little-small(小)look-see(看)mouse-rat(耗子)nice-good(好的)people-person(人)question-problem(问题)quiet-silent(安静的)rise-raise(升高)road-way(路)sad-sorry(难过的)shop-store(商店)speak-say-talk-tell(说)tour-travel-trip-journey(旅行)university-college(大学)voice-sound-noise(声音)wear-put on(穿)。