






















关键词:焊接机器人;研究现状;焊缝识别跟踪;未来趋势KeytechnologiesandresearchstatusofweldingrobotsAbstract: The domestic and foreign technologies of intelligent robot welding seam tracking are summarized, and its development and application areemphatically introduced. The key technologies such as visual sensor tracking, welding seam extraction and recognition, and robot tracking control technologyare expounded. The development prospect of welding robot is prospected.Key words: welding robot; Research status; Weld identification and tracking; The future trend随着国家的2025智能制造发布实施,越来越多的制造业开始向智能化转型,根据不完全的数据,几乎有一半的[1]工业机器人都是用来生产焊接机器人的,而焊接机器人的历史更悠久,现在已经发展成了各种各样的机器人。












焊接机器人的发展趋势:1. 焊接机器人的灵活性:未来的焊接机器人将更具灵活性,能够适应不同的焊接任务和工作环境。


2. 实时监控和控制技术:未来的焊接机器人将具备实时监控和控制功能,能够通过传感器和监控系统实时监测焊接过程中的各项参数和指标,如焊接温度、速度、质量等,并能够根据监测结果进行实时调整和控制。

3. 智能化和自适应技术:未来的焊接机器人将更具智能化和自适应性,能够通过学习和优化算法不断优化自身的焊接技术和策略。


4. 多机器人协作技术:未来的焊接机器人将更多地引入多机器人协作技术,实现多个焊接机器人之间的协同工作和相互配合。


5. 新材料和新工艺的应用:未来的焊接机器人将更多地应用于新材料和新工艺的焊接。







1. 技术水平不断提高随着科技的不断进步,焊接机器人的技术水平也在不断提高。



2. 应用范围不断扩大随着技术的不断进步,焊接机器人的应用范围也在不断扩大。



3. 研发投入不断增加近年来,国内外焊接机器人行业的研发投入不断增加,各种新型焊接机器人不断涌现。


二、焊接机器人的发展趋势1. 智能化发展目前,人工智能、物联网等技术的飞速发展,正推动着焊接机器人的智能化发展。








机器人在研制、设计和试验过程中,经常需要对其进行运 动学、动力学性能分析以及轨迹规划设计,而机器人又是多自 由度、多连杆空间机构,其运动学和动力学问题十分复杂,计算 难度很大。若将机械手作为仿真对象,运用计算机图形技术、 CA D 技术和机器人学理论在计算机中形成几何图形,并动画 显示,然后对机器人的机构设计、运动学正反解分析、操作臂控 制以及实际工作环境中的障碍避让和碰撞干涉等诸多问题进 行模拟仿真,就可以解决研发过程中出现的问题[2]。 3.6 机器人用焊接工艺方法的研究
焊接机器人施焊过程中,由于环境因素的影响,如:强弧光 辐射、高温、烟尘、飞溅、坡口状况、加工误差、夹具装夹精度、表 面状态和工件热变形等,实际焊接条件的变化往往会导致焊炬 偏离焊缝,从而造成焊接质量下降甚至失败。焊缝跟踪技术的 研究就是根据焊接条件的变化要求弧焊机器人能够实时检测 出焊缝的偏差,并调整焊接路径和焊接参数,保证焊接质量的 可靠性。焊缝跟踪技术的研究以传感器技术与控制理论方法为 主, 其中传感技术的研究又以电弧传感器和光学传感器为主。 电弧传感器是从焊接电弧自身直接提取焊缝位置偏差信号,实 时性好,焊枪运动灵活,符合焊接过程低成本自动化的要求,适
机器人离线编程系统是机器人编程语言的拓广,它利用计 算机图形学的成果,建立起机器人及其工作环境的模型,利用 一些规划算法,通过对图形的控制和操作,在不使用实际机器 人的情况下进行轨迹规划,进而产生机器人程序。自动编程技 术的核心是焊接任务、焊接参数、焊接路径和轨迹的规划技术。 针对弧焊应用,自动编程技术可以表述为在编程各阶段中,能 够辅助编程者完成独立的、具有一定实施目的和结果的编程任 务的技术,具有智能化程度高、编程质量和效率高等特点。离线 编程技术的理想目标是实现全自动编程,即只需输入工件的模 型,离线编程系统中的专家系统会自动制定相应的工艺过程, 并最终生成整个加工过程的机器人程序。目前,还不能实现全 自动编程,自动编程技术是当前研究的重点[1]。 3.3 多机器人协调控制技术的研究







一、焊接机器人的应用现状1. 在汽车制造业中的应用汽车制造业是焊接机器人应用的主要领域之一,因为汽车的制造过程中需要大量的焊接作业。



2. 在电子制造业中的应用电子制造业对焊接工艺要求较高,需要进行精细的焊接操作。



4. 在其他行业中的应用除了上述行业,焊接机器人还在冶金、建筑、管道、家电等行业中得到广泛的应用。


二、焊接机器人的发展趋势1. 智能化随着人工智能技术的不断发展,焊接机器人将会越来越智能化。



2. 精准化未来的焊接机器人将会具备更高精度和稳定性。



3. 柔性化未来的焊接机器人将会更加灵活多变,可以适应多样化的焊接需求。





(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)中英文资料外文翻译Weld robot application present conditionAccording to incompletely statistics, the whole world about has in the industrial robot of service nearly half of industrial robots is used for multiform weld to process realm, weld robot of application in mainly have two kinds of methods most widespreadly, then order Han and electricity Hu Han.What we say's welding robot is in fact welding to produce realm to replace a welder to be engaged in the industrial robot of welding the task.These weld to have plenty of to design for being a certain to weld a way exclusively in the robot of, but majority ofly weld robot in fact is an in general use industrial robot to pack up a certain weld tool but constitute.In many task environments, a set robot even can complete include weld at inside of grasp a thing, porterage, install, weld, unload to anticipate etc. various tasks, robot can request according to the procedure with task property and automatically replace the tool on the robotwrist, the completion corresponds of task.Therefore, come up to say from a certain meaning, the development history of industrial robot is the development history that welds robot.Know to all, weld to process to request that welder have to have well-trained operation technical ability, abundant fulfillment experience, stability of weld level;It is still a kind of labor condition bad, many smoke and dust, hot the radiation is big, risk Gao of work.The emergence of the industrial robot makes people naturally thought of first the handicraft that replace a person with it welds and eases the welder's labor strength, can also promise to weld quality and exaltation to weld an efficiency at the same time.However, weld again with other industry process process different, for example, electricity Hu Han process in, drive welder piece because of part heat melt with cool off creation transform, the Han sews of the track will therefore take place to change.Handicraft Han the experienced welder can sew position according to the actual Han observed by eyes adjustment Han in good time the position, carriage of the gun and run about of speed to adapt to the variety that the Han sews a track.However the robot want to adapt to this kind of variety, have to the position and status of gun that want to"see" this kind of to change, then adopt homologous measure to adjust Han like person first, follow while carrying out to sew actually to the Han.Because the electricity Hu welds to have in process strong arc light, give or get an electric shock Hu noise, smoke and dust and Rong drop transition unsteady and causable Han silk short circuit, big electric current strong magnetic field etc. complicated environment factor of existence, the robot wants to examine and identifies a withdrawing of the signal characteristic needed for sewing Han and don't seem to be industrial the other in the manufacturing to process the examination of process so easily, therefore, welding the application of robot is to used for to give or get an electric shock the process of Hu Han in the beginning.Actually, industrial robot at welded the application of realm to produce on-line electric resistance to order a Han beginning from the car assemble at the earliest stage.The reason lies in the process that the electric resistance orders Han opposite more simple, control convenient, and not need Han to sew a track follow, to the accuracy of the robot and repeat the control of accuracy have lower request.Order the Han robot assembles to produce a great deal of on-line application to consumedly raise the rate of production that the car assemble welds and weld quality in the car, at the same time again have a gentle characteristics for welding, then want ~only change procedure, can produce in the same on-line carry on assemble to weld to different cars type.BE born till the beginning of this 80's in century from the robot, the robot technique experienced a development process of long term slowness.90's, along with the rapiddevelopment of calculator technique, micro-electronics technique, and network technique...etc., the robot technique is also flown soon a development.The manufacturing level, control speed and control accuracy and dependable sex etc. of industrial robot continuously raises, but manufacturing cost and price of robot continuously descend.Is social in the west, with contrary robot price BE, the person's labor force cost contains the trend to continuously increase.United Nations European Economic Committee(UNECE) statisticses from the variety curve of 1990-2000 years of the robot price index number and labor force cost index number.Among them the robot price of 1990 index number and labor force cost the index number is all reference to be worth 100, go to 2000, labor force cost index number is 140, increased 40%;But robot under the sistuation that consider a quality factor the price index number is lower than 20, lowered 80%, under the sistuation that take no account of a quality factor, the price index number of robot is about 40, lowered 60%.Here, the robot price that takes no account of a quality factor means actual price of the robot of now with compared in the past;And consider that the quality factor means because the robot make the exaltation of craft technique level, manufacturing quality and function of robot even if want also under the condition of equal price compare high before, therefore, if pressed the past robot equaled quality and function to consider, the price index number of robot should be much lower.Can see from here, national in the west, because the exaltation of labor force cost brings not small pressure for business enterprise, but the lowering of robot price index number coincidentally expands application to bring a chance further for it again.Reduce the equipments investment of employee and increment robot, when their expenses attains some one balance point, the benefit of adoption robot obviously wants to compare to adopt the benefit that the artificial brings big, it on the other hand can consumedly raise the automation level of producing the equipments and raise to labor rate of production thus, at the same time again can promote the product quality of business enterprise, raise the whole competition ability of business enterprise.Although robot 1 time invests a little bit greatly, its daily maintenance and consume is more opposite than its to producing far is smaller than completing the artificial expenses that the same task consumes.Therefore, from farsighted see, the production cost of product also consumedly lowers.But the robot price lower to make some small and medium enterprises invest to purchase robot to become easy to accomplish.Therefore, the application of industrial robot is soon flown a development in every trade.According to the UNECE statistics, the whole world has 750,000 in 2001 set the industrial robot is used for industry manufacturing realm, among them 389,000 in Japan, 198,000 in EU, 90,000 in North America, 73,000 at rest nation.Go to at the end of 2004 the whole world to have at least in the industrial robot of service about 1,000,000.Because the robot controls the exaltation of speed and accuracy and particularly give or get an electric shock the development that the Hu spreads a feeling machine to combine to weld in the robot in get an application, make the robot give or get an electric shock the Han of Hu Han to sew a track to follow and control a problem to some extent and get very solution, the robot welds in the car to make the medium application orders Han to soon develop into the car zero from originally more single car assemble partses and electricity Hu within assemble process Han.Robot's giving or getting an electric shock the biggest characteristics of Hu Han is gentle, can immediately pass to weave a distance at any time a change to weld a track and weld sequence, therefore most be applicable to quilt welder piece the species variety is big, the Han sew short but many, product with complicated shape.This at the right moment again characteristics according to car manufacturing.Being the renewal speed of the particularly modern social car style is very quick, adopting the car production line of robot material can nicely adapt to this kind of variety.Moreover, robot's giving or getting an electric shock Hu Han not only used for a car manufacturing industry, but also can used for other manufacturing industries that involve to give or get an electric shock Hu Han, like shipbuilding, motorcycle vehicle, boiler, heavy type machine etc..Therefore, the robot gives or gets an electric shock the application of Hu Han gradually extensive, on the amount greatly have exceed the robot order the power of Han.Along with car reducing in weight manufacturing the technical expansion, some high strong metal alloy materials and light metal alloy material(is like aluminum metal alloy, and magnesium metal alloy...etc.) get an application in the material in the car structure.These materials' welding usually can not solve with the welding of tradition method, have to adopt to lately weld a method and weld a craft.Among them, Gao power laser Han and agitation rub Han etc. to have to develop a potential most .Therefore, robot and Gao power laser Han and agitation rub combining of Han to become inevitable trend.Be like the public in Shanghai to wait domestic to most have the car manufacturer of real strenght in fact at their new car type manufacturing process in have already in great quantities used robot laser to weld.Give or get an electric shock Hu Han to compare with robot, robot laser the Han of the Han sews to follow accuracy to have higher request.According to the general request, the robot gives or gets an electric shock the Han of Hu Han(include GTAW and GMAW) to sew to follow accuracy to control in 1| of the electrode or the Han silk diameter 2 in, at have the condition that fill the silk under the Han sew to follow accuracy to loosen appropriately.But to laser Han, the laser projects light upon the light spot in the work piece surface while welding diameter usually at 0.6 in, is farer small than Han silk diameter(be usually bigger than 1.0), but the laser weld usually and not add to fill Han silk, therefore, the laser is welding if onlythe spot position has a little bit deviation, then will result in to be partial to Han and leak Han.Therefore, the robot laser of the public in Shanghai's car car crest Han in addition to pack in the work tongs up adopt measure to prevent from welding to transform, still just the robot laser Han gun front installed the high accuracy laser of SCOUT company in Germany to spread a feeling machine to used for Han to sew a following of track.The structure form of industrial robot is a lot of, in common usely have right angle to sit mark type, flexible type, and crawl along type...etc. by mark type, many joints by mark type, surface of sphere by mark type, pillar noodles, according to different use still at continuously development in.It is many robots of joint types of the mimicry person's arm function to weld what robot can adopt a different structure form according to the applied situation of dissimilarity, but use at most currently, this because the arm vivid of many joint type robots is the biggest, it can make space position and carriage of Han gun adjust into arbitrarily the status weld by satisfying a demand.Theoretically speak, the joint of robot is many more, the freedom degree is also many more, the joint redundancy degree is big more, and the vivid is good more;But also go against the sitting of kinetics control of marking the transformation and each joint position for robot to bring complexity at the same time.Because weld to usually need in the process with the space right angle sit to mark the Han on the representative work piece to sew position conversion for the Han gun carry the space position and carriage of department and pass robot again go against the kinetics compute a conversion for to the control of robot each joint angle position, but the solution of this transformation process usually isn't unique, the redundancy degree is big, solve more many more.How select by examinations the steady that the quite the cheese solution welds to exercise in the process to the robot very important.Different treatment of system to this problem of the robot control doesn't exert a homology.Is general to come to speak, have 6 controls request of positions and space carriages that the robots of joints basically can satisfy a Han gun, 3 among those freedoms degree(XYZ) space position used for controling a Han gun to carry a department, another 3 freedom degrees(ABC) are used for the space carriage that controls a Han gun.Therefore, currently weld robot majority as 6 joint types.For some weld situation, work piece because of leading big or the space is several what the shape is too complicated, make the Han gun of welding the robot can not arrive appointed Han to sew position or Han gun carriage, have to pass the freedom degree of the way increment robot of increasing 1~3 exterior stalks at this ually have two kinds of way of doings:One is the orbit that the robot Be packed to to move small car or Dragon gate up, the homework space of extension robot;Two is to let the work piece move or turn, make workpiece up of weld the homework space that the part gets into robot.Also have of adopt two kinds of above-mentioned ways at the same time, let the welding of work piece part and robots all be placed in the best weld position.Weld the plait distance of robot method currently still with on-line show and teach a way(Teach-in) is lord, but wove the interface ratio of distance machine to have many improvements in the past, particularly is the adoption of LCD sketch monitor and make and weld the plait distance of the robot interface lately gradually friendly, operation more easy.However robot plait distance Han's sewing the key point on the track to sit to mark position still have to pass to show to teach the way how to obtain, then deposit the sport instruction of procedure.This sews track to some Hans of complicated shapes to say, have to cost a great deal of time to show to teach and lowered the use efficiency of robot thus and also increased the labor strength of weaving the distance personnel.The method that solves currently includes 2 kinds:One is show to teach a plait distance just rough obtain a few Hans to sew a few keys on the track to order, then spread a feeling machine(usually is give or get an electric shock Hu to spread feeling machine or laser sense of vision to spread a feeling machine) through the sense of vision of welding the robot of auto follow the actual Han sew a track.Although this way still cans not get away from to show to teach a plait distance,this way cans ease to show the strength of teaching the plait distance to some extent and raises to weave a distance efficiency.But because of the characteristics of electricity Hu Han, the sense of vision of robot spreads a feeling machine be not sew forms to all apply to all Hans.Two is the way that adopts a completely off-line plait distance, make the robot weld drawing up of procedure and Han to sew a track to sit to mark adjusting of obtaining of position, and procedure to try all to compute in a set to independently complete on board, don't need participation of robot.Robot off-line plait distance as early as several years ago have, just in order to being subjected to restriction of the calculator function at that time, off-line plait distance software with text originally way is lord, wove a distance member to need to acquaint with the all instruction systems and phrasing of robot, also needed to know how made sure that the space position that the Han sews a track sits a mark, therefore, wove a distance work to not and easily save time.Along with exaltation and calculator of the calculator function 3D sketch technical development, present robot off-line plait distance system majority can under the 3D sketch environment movement, the plait distance interface amity, convenience, and, obtaining Han to sew a sitting of track to mark position usually can adopt the way of "conjecture show to teach"(virtual Teach-in), using a mouse to easily click the welding of work piece in the 3D virtual environment the part can immediately the spaceacquiring the sit a mark;In some systems, can sew directly born Han of position to sew a track through the Han that define in advance in the CAD sketch document, then the automatically born robot procedure combines to download robot to control system.Thus and consumedly raised the plait distance of the robot efficiency, also eased the labor strength of weaving the distance member.Currently, it is international to there have been using an off-line plait distance of robot according to the company of common PC machine on the market software.It is like Workspace5, and RobotStudio...etc..Figure 9 show develop by oneself for the writer of according to PC of 3D can see to turn an off-line plait distance of robot system.The system can IRB140 robots aiming at ABB company carry on an off-line plait distance, the Han in the procedure sews a track to pass conjecture to show to teach to acquire, and can let the robot press the track in the procedure to imitate sport in the 3D sketch environment, examine its accuracy and rationality with this.The procedure woven can pass a network directly the download to the robot controller.The industrial robot of our country"75" science and technologies offend a pass to start starting from the 80's, currently already basic control a robot operation of the design manufacturing of the machine technique, control system hardware and software to design technique, kinetics and track to program a technique, gave birth to parts of robot key dollar spare part, develop to spray a paint, Hu Han and order robots, such as Han, assemble and porterage...etc.;The robot of Hu Han has already applied in the Han of car manufactory to pack on-line.But total of come to see, our country of industrial robot technique and it engineering application of level and abroad than still have certain distance, such as:Credibility low outside the country product;The robot application engineering starts a little bit late and apply realm narrow, production line system technique and abroad than have a margin;The applied scale is small, didn't form robot industry.The robot of the current our country the production is all request that applies a door, list door the single time re- design, the species specification is many, small batch quantity, zero partses are in general use to turn degree low, provide a goods period long, the cost is not low either, and the quality, credibility is unsteady.Consequently and urgently need to solve industry to turn an ex- key technique for expecting, Be to the product carry on programing completely, make good series to turn, in general use turn, the mold piece turn a design and actively push forward industry to turn progress.3, weld robot development trendThe international robot boundaries are enlarging a research, carry on robot currently total technical research.The development trend sees from the robot technique, weld robot similar to the other industrial robot, continuously turn to the intelligence and diversify a direction todevelop.Is concrete but talk, performance in as follows a few aspects:1).The robot operates machine structure:Pass a limited dollar the analysis and mold Tai analyze and imitate the usage of true design etc. modern design method and carry out robot operation organization of excellent turn a design.Quest high strength light quality material, raise a load further|hold with dignity a ratio.For example, take Germany's KUKA company as the representative's robot company, have already merged robot the parallelogram structure change to opening chain structure and expand the work scope of robot, the application of light quality aluminum metal alloy material add, consumedly raise the function of robot.The RV that in addition adopts a forerunner decelerates a machine and communicates servo electrical engineering, make robot operation machine almost become don't need support system.The organization facing mold piece turns and can weigh to reach a direction development.For example, the servo electrical engineering in the joint mold piece, decelerate machine and examine system Christian Trinity to turn;From joint mold piece, connect a pole mold piece is constructed robot the whole machine with the reorganization method;The abroad has already had the mold piece the disguise to go together with a robot product to ask city.The structure of the robot is getting clever, control system smaller and smaller, twos just turn a direction development toward the integral whole.The adoption merges organization and makes use of a robot technique, realization Gao accuracy measure and process, this is the robot technique to number control technique of expand, carried out robot and number to control technique integral whole to turn to lay foundation for future.Italian COMAU company, companies like Japan FANUC,etc developed this kind of product.焊接机器人应用现状据不完全统计,全世界在役的工业机器人中大约有将近一半的工业机器人用于各种形式的焊接加工领域,焊接机器人应用中最普遍的主要有两种方式,即点焊和电弧焊。



焊接机器人的发展现状与趋势1. 引言1.1 焊接机器人的定义焊接机器人是一种能够自动执行焊接任务的机器人,通常由机械臂、控制系统和焊接设备组成。







1.2 焊接机器人的应用领域焊接机器人的应用领域非常广泛,几乎涵盖了所有需要焊接的工业领域。







1.3 焊接机器人的发展重要性焊接机器人的发展可以提高焊接质量和效率。











1. 工业应用广泛


2. 技术不断创新



3. 人机协同合作



1. 智能化


2. 适应性




外文原文Weld robot application present conditionAccording to incomplete statistics, the world's industrial robots in service in about nearly half of the industrial robots used in the field of all forms of welding process, welding robot applications, the most popular play, there are two main methods, spot welding and electric arc welding. We call the welding robot is actually a place in the field of welding production welder in the industrial robot welding task. Some of these welding robots designed as some kind of welding, and in fact most of the welding robot is a common industrial robot equipped with a welding tool and composition. In a multitasking environment, a robot can even be completed, including grasping objects including welding, handling, installation, welding, unloading and other tasks, the robot can play sum nature of the tasks under the program to automatically replace the robot wrist The tool, complete the corresponding task. Therefore, in a sense, history is the development of industrial robots welding robot history.It is well known that welding process requires skilled welders have skills, rich experience, stable welding level: it is a poor working conditions, smoke more, heat radiation large, high-risk work. The emergence of industrial robots People naturally think first of people use it to replace manual welding, the welder to reduce the labor intensity, but also can ensure the welding quality and improve the welding efficiency.However, welding and other industrial processes are different, such as arc welding process, welding parts by heating and melting and cooling due to local deformation, weld path will thus change. Hand experience of the welder when welding can be observed under the eyes of the actual location of timely adjustment of the weld torch position, posture and walking speed to adapt to changes in the weld path. However, the robot must adapt to this change, you must first like people to "see" the change, and then take the appropriate measures to adjust the location and status of the gun to achieve real-time tracking of the weld. Because there is a strong arc welding process, arc noise, dust, droplet instability caused by wire short-circuit, high current magnetic field of complex environmental factors such as the existence ofrobots playing detect and identify the signal characteristics of the required weld extraction is not as industrial manufacturing process of testing the other so easy, therefore, the application of welding robots is not the beginning for electric arc welding process.In fact, the industrial robot applications in the field of welding the first automobile assembly line from the resistance spot welding began. The reason is that the process of resistance spot welding is relatively simple, convenient control, and does not require seam tracking, the robot accuracy and repeatability of control playing a relatively low demand. Spot welding robots in the automotive assembly line of a large number of applications greatly enhance the productivity of the automotive assembly and welding quality welding, but also has a flexible welding characteristics, that is only playing to change procedures on the same production line can be on a different model for assembly welding.Robot birth from the early 80s of this century, robot technology has gone through a long slow process of development. In 90s, with computer technology, microelectronic technology, the rapid development of network technology, robotics technology has been rapid development. Industrial robot manufacturing level, control the speed and the accuracy, reliability was being improved all the time, while the robot manufacturing costs and prices have been declining. In Western society, and the robot prices contrast, the human labor costs are a growing trend. United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) statistics from 1990 to 2000 robots and labor cost index price index curve of the robot in which the price index in 1990 and labor cost index is used as the reference value of 100, to 2000, labor cost index is 140, an increase of 40%; the robot in the case of qualitative factors into account the price index of less than 20, decreased by 80%, without considering the quality factors of the situation, the price index of the robot is about 40, reducing 60%. Here, the robot does not take quality into account the price is the actual price of robots now, compared with the past: the quality factor to consider is the level of the robot to improve manufacturing process technology, manufacturing quality and performance of the robot even in the same price conditions also play than before, so if the robot according to the same quality and past performance into account, the price index of the robot should be lower.It can be seen in Western countries, because labor costs for enterprises to bring considerable pressure, the robot has happened to reduce the price index for the furtherapplication brings opportunity. Reduce staff and increase the robot's equipment investment costs reach a certain balance between the two points when the interest is clearly using the robot than the benefits brought about by a large artificial one hand, it can greatly improve the level of automation of production equipment to improve labor productivity, while enhancing the quality of products but also to improve the overall competitiveness of enterprises. Although the robot is relatively large one-time investment, but it's routine maintenance and consumption relative to output it to accomplish the same task than the labor costs consumed a small, therefore, in the long run, the production costs will be greatly reduced. The price of robot reduces so some SMEs to invest in robotics to make a breeze. Therefore, the application of industrial robots has been rapid development in all walks of life. According to UNECE's statistics, in 2001, 75 million units worldwide of industrial robots used in industrial manufacturing sectors, including 389,000 in Japan, 19.8 million in the European Union, 90,000 in North America, 73,000 in the remaining countries. At the end of 2004 there is at least about 100 million industrial robots in service in the world's As the robot control the speed and accuracy improved, especially the development of arc sensor and has been applied in robot welding, arc weld robot trajectory tracking and control to some extent been solved, robotic welding Manufacturing in the automotive comparison from the original spot a single vehicle assembly and auto parts will soon develop in the arc welding assembly process. robot arc welding is characterized by the greatest flexibility, you can change at any time by programming the trajectory and welding sequence, welding pieces are suited for variety of changes, short weld more complex shape of the product. This goes to and consistent with the characteristics of vehicle manufacturers. In particular, vehicle models are updated in modern society very quickly, using robotic equipment car production line can well adapt to this change.In addition, arc welding robot not only for the automotive industry, but also can be used for arc welding involved in other manufacturing industries such as shipbuilding, rolling stock, boilers, heavy machinery and so on. Therefore, the scope of application of arc welding robots becoming more widely in the number of great spot on the trend over the robot.As the car lighter manufacturing technologies, a number of high-strength alloys and light alloys (such as aluminum, magnesium alloy, etc.) in the automotive structural materials in the applications. Welding of these materials often can not solvethe traditional welding methods, must be introduction of new welding method and welding process. Including high-power laser welding and friction stir welding, and so the most development potential, therefore, robots and high-power laser welding and friction stir welding the combination will become an inevitable trend. In fact, such as Shanghai Volkswagen, the most powerful car manufacturers Their new model has been widely used in the manufacturing process of the robot laser welding.And robotic arc welding compared to laser welding seam tracking robot playing the sake of higher accuracy. Under the general requirements of robotic arc welding (including GTAW and GMAW) weld seam tracking accuracy must be controlled at the electrode or wire diameter of 1 / 2 or less, with the filling yarn in the seam tracking accuracy under the conditions may be relaxed. However, in terms of laser welding, laser welding spot diameter at the surface is usually less than 0.6, far less than the wire diameter (usually greater than 1.0), and laser welding filler wire is usually not added, therefore, the laser welding If you spot any mistakes in position, it will result in partial welding, lack of weld, therefore, Shanghai Volkswagen's vehicle roof in addition to the robot laser welding fixture to take measures to prevent the welding deformation, is also installed in front of the robot laser welding torch Germany SCOUT company's high-precision laser sensors for seam tracking trajectory.There is many forms of industrial robots’ struc ture, commonly used rectangular type, cylindrical coordinate type, spherical coordinates, multi-joint coordinate type, telescopic, crawling, etc., depending on the use of welding robots are constantly evolving According to different applications can take the form of a different structure, but the most used function is to mimic human multi-articulated arm robots, it is because multi-joint robot arm and maximum flexibility, you can make the gun spatial position and attitude adjusted to any state, to meet the welding requirements. In theory, the more the robot joints, but also more freedom, greater joint redundancy, flexibility, the better: but also to the robot inverse kinematics of the coordinate transformation and the joint position control to bring complex sex. because the welding process often takes playing at right angles to the space coordinates of the work piece into position on the weld torch end of the spatial position and posture, and through the calculation of inverse kinematics of robots into each joint angle of robot position control, and this transformation process is often not the only solution, the greater the redundancy, the more solutions. How to closes the most appropriate solutions for robot weldingstability during heavy playing sport. Different robot control system approach to this problem is different.In general, the robot has six joints can basically satisfy the gun position and attitude control of space requirements, of which three degrees of freedom (XYZ) used to control the spatial location of the end of the gun, the other three degrees of freedom (ABC ) used to control the torch space posture. Therefore, at present most of the welding robot 6 joint style.For some welding situations, the work piece is too large or the space where the shape of what is too complex, so that the welding robot welding gun can not reach the specified location or torch posture, then to 1-3 by adding external axis of ways to increase the robot degrees of freedom. There are two approaches: First, the robot can move the track installed in the car or gantry rack, and expand the operating space robot itself: the second is to move or rotate the workpiece, the welding on the workpiece into the robot's work area space. And some with the use of these two approaches, so that the welding position of the workpiece and welding robots are in the best position.Welding robot programming method of teaching is still the online mode (Teach-in) based, but the programmer's interface has been improved a lot than in the past, particularly the adoption of the LCD graphics display for the new welding robot programming interface more friendly, more easily. However, when programming the robot weld path coordinate position on the key points must still be obtained through the teaching methods, and procedures for the movement into commands for a number of complex shapes in which the weld path, it must spend a lot of time teaching, thereby reducing the efficiency of the robot, also increases the labor intensity of the programmer. Currently there are two kinds of solution:First, teaching programming is a rough track to get some weld on a few key points, and then welding robot vision sensor (usually the arc sensor or laser vision sensor) automatically track the actual weld path. Although this method still can not do without teaching programming, but to some extent, reduce the intensity of teaching programming to improve the efficiency of programming itself, but because of the characteristics of arc welding, robot vision sensor does not apply to all forms of welds.Second, the approach taken completely off-line programming, the establishment of the robot welding procedures, weld trajectory coordinates of the location of access,and debugging were completed independently on a computer, without the participation of the robot itself. Robot off-line programming back in there years ago, but because the performance was limited by the computer, offline programming software, mainly in text mode, the robot programmer to be familiar with all the playing and grammar instruction, but also playing to know how to determine spatial location coordinates of the weld path, so programming is not easy to save time. With the improvement of computer performance and computer three-dimensional graphics technology, today most of the robot offline programming system can be run in three-dimensional graphical environment, the programming interface is friendly, convenient, and, to obtain the coordinates of the weld path can often be used " virtual teaching "(virtual Teach-in) way to easily click with the mouse-dimensional virtual environment, the welding position of the workpiece can be obtained spatial coordinates of the point: In some systems, CAD drawing files through the predefined weld location of the weld path generation directly, and then automatically generates the robot program and downloaded to the robot control system. Thus greatly improving the efficiency of the robot's programming, but also reduces the labor intensity of the programmer. At present, the international market has been ordinary PC-based commercial off-line robot programming software. Such as Workspaces,RobotStudio and so on. Figure 9 show the author developed PC-based three-dimensional visualization of the robot offline programming system. The system can work for ABB's RB140 robot off-line programming, the program tracks the weld access through virtual teaching and in three-dimensional graphical environment allows the robot trajectory in accordance with the procedure for the simulation exercise, this test the accuracy and reasonableness. which can be programmed directly through the network to download to the robot controller.China's industrial robot from the 80's "Plan" science and technology research started, the current has basically mastered the robotic machine design and manufacturing technology, the control system hardware and software design, kinematics and trajectory planning techniques, producing some of the machines were key components to develop a painting, welding, spot welding, assembly, handling and other robot: Arc welding robot has been used in automobile factory welding line. but, in general, China's industrial robot technology the level of engineering and abroad than there is a certain distance, such as: reliability, lower than the foreign products: the robot application engineering a late start, a narrow application field, theproduction line system technology with foreign countries, there is still: The small scale, there is no the formation of the robotics industry.Current production is to be a robot playing the user's request, re-design single-family single, variety specifications, quantities of small, low degree of component commonality long lead times, cost is not low, and the quality, reliability instability. There is an urgent need to address the early industrialization of key technologies, the product of a comprehensive plan, do a good job series, universal, modular design, and actively promote the process of industrialization.Third, the development trend of welding robotThe international robotics communities are increasing research efforts, the generic technology of the robot. From the development trend of robot technology, welding robots and other industrial robots, like to keep the intelligent and diverse direction. Specifically, performance in the following aspects:1.) Structure of robot manipulatorThe finite element analysis, modal analysis and simulation design, the use of modern design methods to achieve optimal design of the robot operator.Explore new high-strength lightweight materials, further improve the load / weight ratio. For example, the representative of the German company KUKA Robotics, the robot has a parallelogram structure to a parallel open chain structure, expanding the scope of work of the robot, together with the application of lightweight aluminum alloy materials, greatly improving the robot performance. In addition the use of advanced RV reducer and AC servo motor, the robot manipulator systems almost maintenance-freeInstitution is developing to the modular and reconfigurable. For example, the joint module servo motor, reducer, Trinity detection system: the joint module, link module robot machine constructed with recombinant methods: modular assembly robot products abroad have asked the City.The robot's structure is more agile, more and more small control systems, integration is moving in the direction of the twoWith parallel mechanism, the use of robotics, high precision measurement and processing, which is CNC robotics technology to develop for the future integration of robot and CNC technology laid the foundation. COMAU Italy, Japan FANUC and other companies have developed such products.中文译文焊接机器人应用现状据不完全统计,全世界在役的工业机器人中大约有将近一半的工业机器人用于各种形式的焊接加工领域,焊接机器人应用中最普遍的主耍有两种方式,即点焊和电弧焊.我们所说的焊接机器人其实就是在焊接生产领域代替焊工从事焊接任务的工业机器人.这些焊接机器人中有的是为某种焊接方式专门设计的,而大多数的焊接机器人其实就是通用的工业机器人装上某种焊接工具而构成的。



Welding RobotChapter 1 IntroductionThe gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) process is based on the electric arc established between a non-consumable electrode of tungsten and the work-pieces to be joined. Part of the heat generated by the electric arc is added to the workpieces, promoting the formation of a weld pool. The weld pool is protected from air contamination by a stream of an inert gas (Ar or He) or a mixture of gases.1.1.1 IntroductionThis process is also known as tungsten inert gas (TIG), although small amounts of non-inert gases may be used in the shielding mixture, such as hydrogen or nitrogen. Autogenous GTAW welding (without filler metal) is used in thin square edged sections (2mm), while V and X type edge preparations are needed in thicker sections. In this case, the addition of filler metal is necessary. This process is extensively used for welding thin components of stainless steel, aluminum, magnesium or titanium alloys as well pieces of carbon and low alloy steels. Heat input in GTAW does not depend on the filler material rate. Consequently, the process allows a precise control of heat addiction and the production of superior quality welds, with low distortion and free of spatter. It is less economical than other consumable electrode arc welding processes, due to its lower deposition rate, and it is sensitive to windy environment because of the difficulty in shielding the weld pool. Besides it shows low tolerance to contaminants on filler or base metals.1.1.2 Welding EquipmentIn this section the relevant aspects related to the welding equipment used with the GATW process will be reviewed, with the objective of exploring the implications for automatic robotic welding.1.1.3 Power SourcesPower sources for GTAW are generally of the constant current type with drooping volt-ampere static curves, Light weight transistorized direct current power sources are currently used, being more stable and versatile than the old thyristor-controlled units . In rectifier-inverter power sources the incoming AC current is rectified and then converted into AC current at a higher frequency than that of the mains supply, in the inverter. Afterwards high voltage AC current is transformed into low voltage AC current suitable for welding, in the transformer, and then rectified, The aim to increase the current frequency is to reduce the weight of the transformer and other components of the source such asinductors and capacitors.1.1.4 Welding TorchThe welding torch holds the non-consumable electrode, assures the transfer of current to the electrode and the flow of shielding gas to the weld pool. Torches with welding regimes up to 200 A are generally gas-cooled and those with continuous operation between 200 and 500 A are water-cooled.1.1.5 Non-consumable ElectrodesNon-consumable electrodes are composed of pure tungsten or of tungsten alloys. Pure tungsten electrodes can be used with DC but are more sensitive to contamination, have lower service life-cycle and exhibit higher tip deterioration than alloyed electrodes. These electrodes can be used in welding of aluminum and magnesium alloys on AC. Thoriated tungsten (2% ThO2) electrodes are widely used in industrial applications due to its excellent resistance to contamination, easy arc starting and stable electric arc. Concerns about safety, because thorium oxide is radioactive, led to the development of other electrodes containing small proportions (around 2%) of simple earth rare elements such as lanthanum, yttrium and cerium or even mixtures of several elements . These electrodes have better operational characteristics than thoriated electrodes and can be used in welding carbon and stainless steels,nickel and titanium alloys. Zirconiated tungsten electrodes are excellent for AC due to its good arc starting, high resistance to contamination and small tip shape deterioration.1.1.6 Arc Striking TechniquesArc initiation by touch striking was used formerly in manual GTAW, but this technique is very sensitive to tungsten contamination, adversely affecting the service life of the electrode. High-frequency-high-voltage (e.g. 3 kV at 5 MHz) supplies are currently used in arc striking and AC arc stabilization in manual GTAW systems. This arc starting technique usually produces interference in electronic equipment in the vicinity of the power source. Programmed touch striking is an alternative technique developed for automatic systems. In this technique current and voltage are limited when electrode touches in the work-piece, in order to prevent electrode contamination. A pilot arc starting can also be used to initiate the main electric arc, though a more complex torch is needed.1.1.7 Shielding Gas RegulatorThe regulator is a device that reduces source gas pressure to a constant working pressure, independently of source pressure variations. Pressure reduction can be made in one or two stages. Regulators in two stages give in general more stable output flow. 1.2 Process ParametersIn this section the relevant parameters for the GTAW process will be reviewed with the double objective of presenting them and showing that they can certainly be used for automatic robotic welding.1.2.1 CurrentCurrent has direct influence on weld bead shape, on welding speed and quality of the weld. Most GTAW welds employ direct current on electrode negative (DCEN) (straight polarity) because it produces higher weld penetration depth and higher travel speed than on electrode positive (DCEP) (reverse polarity). Besides, reverse polarity produces rapid heating and degradation of the electrode tip, because anode is more heated than cathode in gas tungsten electric arc. Reverse polarity may be of interest in welding aluminum alloys because of the catholic cleaning action of negative pole in the work-piece, that is the removal of the refractory aluminum oxide layer. However alternating current is better adapted to welding of aluminum and magnesium alloys, because it allows balancing electrode heating and work-piece cleaning effects. Weld penetration depth obtained with AC is between depth obtained with DCEN and DCEP.1.2.2 Welding SpeedThe effect of increasing the welding speed for the same current and voltage is to reduce the heat input. The welding speed does not influence the electromagnetic force and the arc pressure because they are dependent on the current. The weld speed increase produces a decrease in the weld cross section area, and consequently penetration depth (D) and weld width (W) also decrease, but the D/W ratio has a weak dependence on travel speed. These results suggest that the travel speed does not influence the mechanisms involved in the weld pool formation, it only influences the volume of melted material. Normal welding speeds are from 100 to 500 mm/min depending on current, material type and plate thickness.1.2.3 Arc LengthThe arc length is the distance between the electrode tip and the work-piece. The arc length in GTAW is usually from 2 to 5 mm. If the arc length increases, the voltage to maintain the arc stability must increase, but the heat input to work-piece decreases due to radiation losses from the column of the arc. Consequently, weld penetration and cross section area of melted material decrease with increasing arc length.1.2.4 Shielding GasesShielding gases are used in GTAW in order to prevent atmospheric contamination of the weld metal. This contamination can produce porosity, weld cracking, scaling and evenchange in the chemical composition of melted material. Besides shielding gas also has a large influence on the stability of the electric arc. Gases with low ionization potential facilitate the ignition of the electric arc and those with low thermal conductivity tend to increase the arc stability. Argon is the most used GTAW shielding gas. It has low ionization potential and is heavier than air, providing an excellent shielding of the molten weld pool. Furthermore it is less expensive than helium, the other inert shielding gas used in the process. Argon is used in welding of carbon and stainless steels and low thickness aluminum alloys components. For welding thick aluminum work-pieces and other high-conductive materials, such as copper alloys, helium is recommended because it has higher ionization potential than argon, needing higher voltage for arc initiation and maintenance, but producing higher heat-input. Helium or helium/argon (30-80% He) mixtures allow increased welding speed and improved process tolerance. Mixtures of argon with up to 5% of hydrogen are frequently used in welding of austenitic stainless steels. Hydrogen increases arc-voltage and consequently heat input, increasing weld penetration and weld travel speed, as well improving weld appearance. Argon/hydrogen mixtures are also used in welding of copper nickel alloys. Argon is also used as back side shielding gas, mainly in welding of stainless steels, aluminum alloys and reactive metals.Flow rates of shielding gases depend on weld thickness, being 4-10 l/min for argon and 10-15 l/min for helium, because it is lighter than argon, and consequently less effective in shielding. Gases with a purity of 99.995% are used in welding most of the metals, though reactive materials such as titanium need contaminant level less than 50 ppm.1.2.5 Filler MetalsFiller metals are generally used for plate thickness above 2 mm, having chemical composition similar to that of the parent material. Filler metal diameter is between 1.6 and 3.2 mm and in automatic systems is normally added cold from a roll or a coil.1.2.6 Electrode Vertex AngleThe non-consumable electrode angle influences the weld penetration depth and the weld shape. Electrode angles between 30o and 120o are used. Small angles increase arc pressure and penetration depth but have high tip shape deterioration. Electrode angles from 60o to 120o maintain tip shape for longer periods and give welds with adequate penetration depth-to-width ratio.1.2.7 Cast-to-cast VariationCast-to-cast variation refers to variation observed in penetration of welds produced in the same welding conditions in several batches of austenitic stainless steel with nominallyidentical composition. These changes in the weld bead shape are attributed to variation in proportion of trace elements in the material, such as sculpture, calcium and oxygen. Variations in trace elements seem to affect surface tension and metal flow into the pool . Weld pool shape is also affected by electromagnetic forces, arc pressure and thermo capillarity forces. To minimize this problem several strategies have been adopted such as the use of higher currents or of pulsed current, the application of adequate shielding gases or the application on plate surface of flux coatings containing active ingredients.1.3 Process VariantsGTAW is regarded as a high quality process for welding thin metals using low travel speed and low electrode deposition rate, requiring highly skilled personnel in manual welding. Variants developed seek to improve productivity, mainly deposition rate, penetration depth and welding speed. These variants are implemented in automatic or robotic systems. Hot-wire GTAW is a variant where a heated filler wire is fed to the rear of the melted weld pool at a constant rate.Filler wire is resistance heated close to melting point using mainly AC power sources, in order to minimize magnetic disturbance of the electric arc. Deposition rates up to 14 kg/h can be attained with this process. It has been used in heavy wall fabrication, maintaining high joint integrity .The use of a dual-shielding GTAW technique, where an additional concentric gas shield gives an increase in constriction and stiffness of the electric arc, may be used to increase welding speed and penetration depth .Constriction of the arc is produced by the external cold gas flow which decreases temperature of the outer part of the arc, decreasing the arc cross section where current flow occurs, consequently increasing current density and temperature. Electrode gas and annular gas may be of the same or of different compositions, such as Argon plus 5% hydrogen for internal gas and argon for external gas when welding austenitic stainless steels. This technique also tends to increase the risk of undercut. Very high currents (I > 300 A) may also be used in a conventional automated GTAW process to increase the penetration depth, but defects may form and the process becomes unstable above 500 A. The key hole mode gas tungsten arc welding process, which was developed a few years ago, seems to be suitable for ferrous and non-ferrous materials in the range from 3 to 12 mm. However, this key whole technique is extremely sensitive to arc voltage, and loss of material may occur through the keyhole vent.。



焊接机器人应用现状与技术发展探讨1. 引言1.1 焊接机器人的概念焊接机器人是一种能够自动进行焊接工作的机器人系统,通常由机械臂、控制系统、焊接设备和传感器等组成。







1.2 焊接机器人的优势与应用范围焊接机器人是一种自动化设备,能够代替人工完成焊接工作。











2. 正文2.1 焊接机器人的技术特点1. 精准的焊接控制:焊接机器人能够精确控制焊接参数,如电流、电压、焊接速度等,从而实现高质量的焊接结果。


















































二、焊接机器人的应用现状1. 工业应用当前,焊接机器人已广泛应用于汽车制造、航空航天、船舶制造、钢结构、管道焊接等领域。





2. 技术应用随着焊接机器人技术的不断进步,新型的焊接机器人不断涌现。




三、焊接机器人的发展趋势1. 智能化随着人工智能、机器学习等技术的快速发展,焊接机器人正在向智能化方向发展。


2. 柔性化随着制造业的个性化需求不断增加,未来的焊接机器人将需要具备更强的柔性化特性,能够适应不同工件形状和焊接要求。























关键词:焊接机器人;焊接技术中图分类号:TU52 标识码:A引言:2016 年 1 月,李克强总理主持召开国务院常委会,决定推动”中国制造2025”发展计划,从 2015年到 2025 年这十年内,是第一个十年计划,也是”第四次工业革命”,核心内容是物理信息融合,主要涉及大数据系统,云计算系统等新一代信息技术,3D 打印技术等新兴材料制造手段,智能机器人等多学科之间交叉融合的新产物,极大的推动了单个学科的发展,推动了学科之间的融合,极大的丰富了材料行业的加工手段和制造方法,为生产和制造提供了雄厚的加工基础。

1 焊接机器人的发展历程和应用现状自1980年开始,我国对焊接机器人的研发和生产投入了大量的人力物力。







40航空制造技术·2008 年第8期机器人焊接智能化技术的现状与最新发展上海交通大学材料科学与工程学院 孔 萌 林 涛 陈善本工业机器人技术是当今世界最引人瞩目的高新产业之一。









焊接机器人智能化技术的研究现状1 焊接机器人传感技术焊接机器人向智能化方向发展,增强其柔性和适应性,传感器是必不可少的。




















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Weld robot application present conditionAccording to incompletely statistics, the whole world about has in the industrial robot of service nearly half of industrial robots is used for multiform weld to process realm, weld robot of application in mainly have two kinds of methods most widespreadly, then order Han and electricity Hu Han.What we say's welding robot is in fact welding to produce realm to replace a welder to be engaged in the industrial robot of welding the task.These weld to have plenty of to design for being a certain to weld a way exclusively in the robot of, but majority ofly weld robot in fact is an in general use industrial robot to pack up a certain weld tool but constitute.In many task environments, a set robot even can complete include weld at inside of grasp a thing, porterage, install, weld, unload to anticipate etc. various tasks, robot can request according to the procedure with task property and automatically replace the tool on the robot wrist, the completion corresponds of task.Therefore, come up to say from a certain meaning, the development history of industrial robot is the development history that welds robot.Know to all, weld to process to request that welder have to have well-trained operation technical ability, abundant fulfillment experience, stability of weld level;It is still a kind of labor condition bad, many smoke and dust, hot the radiation is big, risk Gao of work.The emergence of the industrial robot makes people naturally thought of first the handicraft that replace a person with it welds and eases the welder's labor strength, can also promise to weld quality and exaltation to weld an efficiency at the same time.However, weld again with other industry process process different, for example, electricity Hu Han process in, drive welder piece because of part heat melt with cool off creation transform, the Han sews of the track will therefore take place to change.Handicraft Han the experienced welder can sew position according to the actual Han observed by eyes adjustment Han in good time the position, carriage of the gun and run about of speed to adapt to the variety that the Han sews a track.However the robot want to adapt to this kind of variety, have to the position and status of gun that want to"see" this kind of to change, then adopt homologous measure to adjust Han like person first, follow while carrying out to sew actually to the Han.Because the electricity Hu welds to have in process strong arc light, give or get an electric shock Hu noise, smoke and dust and Rong drop transition unsteady and causable Han silk short circuit, big electric current strong magnetic field etc. complicated environment factor of existence, the robot wants to examine and identifies a withdrawing of the signal characteristic needed for sewing Han and don't seem to be industrial the other in the manufacturing to process the examination of process so easily, therefore, welding theapplication of robot is to used for to give or get an electric shock the process of Hu Han in the beginning.Actually, industrial robot at welded the application of realm to produce on-line electric resistance to order a Han beginning from the car assemble at the earliest stage.The reason lies in the process that the electric resistance orders Han opposite more simple, control convenient, and not need Han to sew a track follow, to the accuracy of the robot and repeat the control of accuracy have lower request.Order the Han robot assembles to produce a great deal of on-line application to consumedly raise the rate of production that the car assemble welds and weld quality in the car, at the same time again have a gentle characteristics for welding, then want ~only change procedure, can produce in the same on-line carry on assemble to weld to different cars type.BE born till the beginning of this 80's in century from the robot, the robot technique experienced a development process of long term slowness.90's, along with the rapid development of calculator technique, micro-electronics technique, and network technique...etc., the robot technique is also flown soon a development.The manufacturing level, control speed and control accuracy and dependable sex etc. of industrial robot continuously raises, but manufacturing cost and price of robot continuously descend.Is social in the west, with contrary robot price BE, the person's labor force cost contains the trend to continuously increase.United Nations European Economic Committee(UNECE) statisticses from the variety curve of 1990-2000 years of the robot price index number and labor force cost index number.Among them the robot price of 1990 index number and labor force cost the index number is all reference to be worth 100, go to 2000, labor force cost index number is 140, increased 40%;But robot under the sistuation that consider a quality factor the price index number is lower than 20, lowered 80%, under the sistuation that take no account of a quality factor, the price index number of robot is about 40, lowered 60%.Here, the robot price that takes no account of a quality factor means actual price of the robot of now with compared in the past;And consider that the quality factor means because the robot make the exaltation of craft technique level, manufacturing quality and function of robot even if want also under the condition of equal price compare high before, therefore, if pressed the past robot equaled quality and function to consider, the price index number of robot should be much lower.Can see from here, national in the west, because the exaltation of labor force cost brings not small pressure for business enterprise, but the lowering of robot price index number coincidentally expands application to bring a chance further for it again.Reduce the equipments investment of employee and increment robot, when their expenses attains some one balance point, the benefit of adoption robot obviously wants to compare to adopt thebenefit that the artificial brings big, it on the other hand can consumedly raise the automation level of producing the equipments and raise to labor rate of production thus, at the same time again can promote the product quality of business enterprise, raise the whole competition ability of business enterprise.Although robot 1 time invests a little bit greatly, its daily maintenance and consume is more opposite than its to producing far is smaller than completing the artificial expenses that the same task consumes.Therefore, from farsighted see, the production cost of product also consumedly lowers.But the robot price lower to make some small and medium enterprises invest to purchase robot to become easy to accomplish.Therefore, the application of industrial robot is soon flown a development in every trade.According to the UNECE statistics, the whole world has 750,000 in 2001 set the industrial robot is used for industry manufacturing realm, among them 389,000 in Japan, 198,000 in EU, 90,000 in North America, 73,000 at rest nation.Go to at the end of 2004 the whole world to have at least in the industrial robot of service about 1,000,000.Because the robot controls the exaltation of speed and accuracy and particularly give or get an electric shock the development that the Hu spreads a feeling machine to combine to weld in the robot in get an application, make the robot give or get an electric shock the Han of Hu Han to sew a track to follow and control a problem to some extent and get very solution, the robot welds in the car to make the medium application orders Han to soon develop into the car zero from originally more single car assemble partses and electricity Hu within assemble process Han.Robot's giving or getting an electric shock the biggest characteristics of Hu Han is gentle, can immediately pass to weave a distance at any time a change to weld a track and weld sequence, therefore most be applicable to quilt welder piece the species variety is big, the Han sew short but many, product with complicated shape.This at the right moment again characteristics according to car manufacturing.Being the renewal speed of the particularly modern social car style is very quick, adopting the car production line of robot material can nicely adapt to this kind of variety.Moreover, robot's giving or getting an electric shock Hu Han not only used for a car manufacturing industry, but also can used for other manufacturing industries that involve to give or get an electric shock Hu Han, like shipbuilding, motorcycle vehicle, boiler, heavy type machine etc..Therefore, the robot gives or gets an electric shock the application of Hu Han gradually extensive, on the amount greatly have exceed the robot order the power of Han.Along with car reducing in weight manufacturing the technical expansion, some high strong metal alloy materials and light metal alloy material(is like aluminum metal alloy, and magnesium metal alloy...etc.) get an application in the material in the car structure.These materials' welding usually can not solve with the welding of tradition method, have to adoptto lately weld a method and weld a craft.Among them, Gao power laser Han and agitation rub Han etc. to have to develop a potential most .Therefore, robot and Gao power laser Han and agitation rub combining of Han to become inevitable trend.Be like the public in Shanghai to wait domestic to most have the car manufacturer of real strenght in fact at their new car type manufacturing process in have already in great quantities used robot laser to weld.Give or get an electric shock Hu Han to compare with robot, robot laser the Han of the Han sews to follow accuracy to have higher request.According to the general request, the robot gives or gets an electric shock the Han of Hu Han(include GTAW and GMAW) to sew to follow accuracy to control in 1| of the electrode or the Han silk diameter 2 in, at have the condition that fill the silk under the Han sew to follow accuracy to loosen appropriately.But to laser Han, the laser projects light upon the light spot in the work piece surface while welding diameter usually at 0.6 in, is farer small than Han silk diameter(be usually bigger than 1.0), but the laser weld usually and not add to fill Han silk, therefore, the laser is welding if only the spot position has a little bit deviation, then will result in to be partial to Han and leak Han.Therefore, the robot laser of the public in Shanghai's car car crest Han in addition to pack in the work tongs up adopt measure to prevent from welding to transform, still just the robot laser Han gun front installed the high accuracy laser of SCOUT company in Germany to spread a feeling machine to used for Han to sew a following of track.The structure form of industrial robot is a lot of, in common usely have right angle to sit mark type, flexible type, and crawl along type...etc. by mark type, many joints by mark type, surface of sphere by mark type, pillar noodles, according to different use still at continuously development in.It is many robots of joint types of the mimicry person's arm function to weld what robot can adopt a different structure form according to the applied situation of dissimilarity, but use at most currently, this because the arm vivid of many joint type robots is the biggest, it can make space position and carriage of Han gun adjust into arbitrarily the status weld by satisfying a demand.Theoretically speak, the joint of robot is many more, the freedom degree is also many more, the joint redundancy degree is big more, and the vivid is good more;But also go against the sitting of kinetics control of marking the transformation and each joint position for robot to bring complexity at the same time.Because weld to usually need in the process with the space right angle sit to mark the Han on the representative work piece to sew position conversion for the Han gun carry the space position and carriage of department and pass robot again go against the kinetics compute a conversion for to the control of robot each joint angle position, but the solution of this transformation process usually isn't unique, the redundancy degree is big, solve more many more.How select by examinations the steady that the quite the cheese solution welds to exercise in the process tothe robot very important.Different treatment of system to this problem of the robot control doesn't exert a homology.Is general to come to speak, have 6 controls request of positions and space carriages that the robots of joints basically can satisfy a Han gun, 3 among those freedoms degree(XYZ) space position used for controling a Han gun to carry a department, another 3 freedom degrees(ABC) are used for the space carriage that controls a Han gun.Therefore, currently weld robot majority as 6 joint types.For some weld situation, work piece because of leading big or the space is several what the shape is too complicated, make the Han gun of welding the robot can not arrive appointed Han to sew position or Han gun carriage, have to pass the freedom degree of the way increment robot of increasing 1~3 exterior stalks at this ually have two kinds of way of doings:One is the orbit that the robot Be packed to to move small car or Dragon gate up, the homework space of extension robot;Two is to let the work piece move or turn, make work piece up of weld the homework space that the part gets into robot.Also have of adopt two kinds of above-mentioned ways at the same time, let the welding of work piece part and robots all be placed in the best weld position.Weld the plait distance of robot method currently still with on-line show and teach a way(Teach-in) is lord, but wove the interface ratio of distance machine to have many improvements in the past, particularly is the adoption of LCD sketch monitor and make and weld the plait distance of the robot interface lately gradually friendly, operation more easy.However robot plait distance Han's sewing the key point on the track to sit to mark position still have to pass to show to teach the way how to obtain, then deposit the sport instruction of procedure.This sews track to some Hans of complicated shapes to say, have to cost a great deal of time to show to teach and lowered the use efficiency of robot thus and also increased the labor strength of weaving the distance personnel.The method that solves currently includes 2 kinds:One is show to teach a plait distance just rough obtain a few Hans to sew a few keys on the track to order, then spread a feeling machine(usually is give or get an electric shock Hu to spread feeling machine or laser sense of vision to spread a feeling machine) through the sense of vision of welding the robot of auto follow the actual Han sew a track.Although this way still cans not get away from to show to teach a plait distance,this way cans ease to show the strength of teaching the plait distance to some extent and raises to weave a distance efficiency.But because of the characteristics of electricity Hu Han, the sense of vision of robot spreads a feeling machine be not sew forms to all apply to all Hans.Two is the way that adopts a completely off-line plait distance, make the robot welddrawing up of procedure and Han to sew a track to sit to mark adjusting of obtaining of position, and procedure to try all to compute in a set to independently complete on board, don't need participation of robot.Robot off-line plait distance as early as several years ago have, just in order to being subjected to restriction of the calculator function at that time, off-line plait distance software with text originally way is lord, wove a distance member to need to acquaint with the all instruction systems and phrasing of robot, also needed to know how made sure that the space position that the Han sews a track sits a mark, therefore, wove a distance work to not and easily save time.Along with exaltation and calculator of the calculator function 3D sketch technical development, present robot off-line plait distance system majority can under the 3D sketch environment movement, the plait distance interface amity, convenience, and, obtaining Han to sew a sitting of track to mark position usually can adopt the way of "conjecture show to teach"(virtual Teach-in), using a mouse to easily click the welding of work piece in the 3D virtual environment the part can immediately the space acquiring the sit a mark;In some systems, can sew directly born Han of position to sew a track through the Han that define in advance in the CAD sketch document, then the automatically born robot procedure combines to download robot to control system.Thus and consumedly raised the plait distance of the robot efficiency, also eased the labor strength of weaving the distance member.Currently, it is international to there have been using an off-line plait distance of robot according to the company of common PC machine on the market software.It is like Workspace5, and RobotStudio...etc..Figure 9 show develop by oneself for the writer of according to PC of 3D can see to turn an off-line plait distance of robot system.The system can IRB140 robots aiming at ABB company carry on an off-line plait distance, the Han in the procedure sews a track to pass conjecture to show to teach to acquire, and can let the robot press the track in the procedure to imitate sport in the 3D sketch environment, examine its accuracy and rationality with this.The procedure woven can pass a network directly the download to the robot controller.The industrial robot of our country"75" science and technologies offend a pass to start starting from the 80's, currently already basic control a robot operation of the design manufacturing of the machine technique, control system hardware and software to design technique, kinetics and track to program a technique, gave birth to parts of robot key dollar spare part, develop to spray a paint, Hu Han and order robots, such as Han, assemble and porterage...etc.;The robot of Hu Han has already applied in the Han of car manufactory to pack on-line.But total of come to see, our country of industrial robot technique and it engineering application of level and abroad than still have certain distance, such as:Credibility low outside the country product;The robot application engineering starts a little bit late andapply realm narrow, production line system technique and abroad than have a margin;The applied scale is small, didn't form robot industry.The robot of the current our country the production is all request that applies a door, list door the single time re- design, the species specification is many, small batch quantity, zero partses are in general use to turn degree low, provide a goods period long, the cost is not low either, and the quality, credibility is unsteady.Consequently and urgently need to solve industry to turn an ex- key technique for expecting, Be to the product carry on programing completely, make good series to turn, in general use turn, the mold piece turn a design and actively push forward industry to turn progress.3, weld robot development trendThe international robot boundaries are enlarging a research, carry on robot currently total technical research.The development trend sees from the robot technique, weld robot similar to the other industrial robot, continuously turn to the intelligence and diversify a direction to develop.Is concrete but talk, performance in as follows a few aspects:1).The robot operates machine structure:Pass a limited dollar the analysis and mold Tai analyze and imitate the usage of true design etc. modern design method and carry out robot operation organization of excellent turn a design.Quest high strength light quality material, raise a load further|hold with dignity a ratio.For example, take Germany's KUKA company as the representative's robot company, have already merged robot the parallelogram structure change to opening chain structure and expand the work scope of robot, the application of light quality aluminum metal alloy material add, consumedly raise the function of robot.The RV that in addition adopts a forerunner decelerates a machine and communicates servo electrical engineering, make robot operation machine almost become don't need support system.The organization facing mold piece turns and can weigh to reach a direction development.For example, the servo electrical engineering in the joint mold piece, decelerate machine and examine system Christian Trinity to turn;From joint mold piece, connect a pole mold piece is constructed robot the whole machine with the reorganization method;The abroad has already had the mold piece the disguise to go together with a robot product to ask city.The structure of the robot is getting clever, control system smaller and smaller, twos just turn a direction development toward the integral whole.The adoption merges organization and makes use of a robot technique, realization Gao accuracy measure and process, this is the robot technique to number control technique ofexpand, carried out robot and number to control technique integral whole to turn to lay foundation for future.Italian COMAU company, companies like Japan FANUC,etc developed this kind of product.焊接机器人应用现状据不完全统计,全世界在役的工业机器人中大约有将近一半的工业机器人用于各种形式的焊接加工领域,焊接机器人应用中最普遍的主要有两种方式,即点焊和电弧焊。
