


英语 “一词多义和熟词生义” 高频词汇总(共105个)-新高三英语复习

高考英语“一词多义熟词生义” 高频词汇总 1.average adj.普通的,不好不差的(熟义:adj.平均的n.平均数) Freddy was an average student, but not an average person. 2.back v.支持(熟义:n.背) Many of his friends backed his plan. 3.badly adv.迫切,很(熟义:adv.坏) English teachers are badly needed in our school. 4.behavior n.性能,特点(熟义:n.举止,行为) The behavior of this new computer is good. 5.bare v.向某人袒露心声(熟义:adj.裸露的) He likes to bare his heart/soul to his close friends. 6.bear v.显示,带有(熟义:v.忍受,容忍) He was badly wounded in the war and still bears the pain. 7.bar vt.禁止,阻止(熟义:n.条;棒;条状物) The players are barred from drinking alcohol the night before a match to keep their scores effective. 8.bend vt.专心(熟义:vt.使弯曲vi.弯身;弯腰n.弯;拐角) You have to be able to bend a little in class so that you can follow your teacher. 9.blank adj.没表情的;空虚的;没兴趣的(熟义:adj.空白的;n.空白) Steve looked blank and said he had no idea what I was talking about. 10.blanket vt.覆盖;掩盖(熟义:n.毛毯;毯子) Snow soon blanketed the frozen ground and the whole field looks white. 11.blue adj.忧伤的(熟义:adj.& n.蓝色) He has been feeling blue all week. 12.cast vt.描述(熟义:扔;投;掷) He cast himself as the innocent victim of a hate campaign. 13.cloudy adj.不明朗的,不清晰的(熟义:adj.阴的,多云的) Who will take his place still remains cloudy. https://www.360docs.net/doc/1619331676.html,mand vt.控制(熟义:n.& vt.命令;指令;掌握) Soon after the conflict, the police arrived and commanded the situation. 15.coach v.辅导,指导(熟义:n.教练) Dad volunteered to coach me in English before my English midterm. 16.condemned vt.宣判(熟义:vt.谴责;使……处于不幸的状态) The man in his twenties was condemned to death for murder and later hanged. 17.count vt.有价值,重要(熟义:n.& v.计算,数) Your habits count but the belief that you can succeed affects whether or not you will. 18.course n.一道菜(熟义:n.课程;过程) The courses vary with seasons. 19.cross adj.生气的(熟义:v.跨越,横穿;n.十字) Please don’t get cross.Let me explain. 20.decoration n.奖章(熟义:n.装饰) The mayor presented him with a gold decoration for his bravery in the fire. 21.desert v.抛弃,离弃(熟义:n.沙漠) The man had a bitter childhood, who was deserted for his disability. 22.determine vt.调查(熟义:vt.决定;确定;下定决心) A team of scientists were sent to Wuhan after the epidemic to determine the cause


S1A U1 well-dressed 穿着讲究的 adj glance 匆匆一看v sigh 叹气;叹息v senior 级别高的 adj employee 职员n prefer 宁可;更喜欢v communicate 交流v gesture 手势n expression 表情n appearance 外貌n impression 印象n downwards 向下地adv assistance 帮助n without hesitation 毫不犹豫remark 说v remind 提醒v eye contact 眼神交流signal 表示v hostility 敌意n boredom 无聊 n confusion 困惑n maintain 保持v consider 认为v lack of 缺少last 持续v avoid 避免v respect 尊敬n authority 权力n in authority 掌权的concentration 专心n subtle 微妙的adj stare 凝视v rude 粗鲁的adj U2 hairstyle 发型n suit 适合v guarantee 保证v on top of the world 高兴到极点expert 专家n curl 卷发n angle 棱角n balanced 均衡的adj in addition 另外shampoo 洗发剂n ;v effective 有效的adj conditioner 护发素n normal 正常的adj apply 使用v wet 把...弄湿v squeeze 挤v squeeze out 挤出comb 梳子n damage 损害v loosen 使变松v dirt 灰尘n hairdryer 吹风机n overuse 过度使用v bald 秃顶的adj ensure 保证v pay attention to 注意protein 蛋白质n adequate 足够的adj dairy product 乳制品n stress 紧张n rob...of 夺去remedy 治疗方法n

2020年 上海中考考纲 中高难度词汇(5)

2020年上海中考考纲 中高难度词汇(五) 875.luggage n.行李 I need a cart for my luggage. 我需要一辆行李车来装行李。 baggage 876.★main adj.主要的 The main idea of the paragraph usually appears in the first sentence of the paragraph.这段文章的主 要意思通常出现在段落的第一句上。 877.mainly adv.主要地 The old man’s money mainly comes from family business.这位老人的财产主要来自家族企业。878.major adj.主要的 n.(大学中的)主修课目 The two major dancers are level with each other. 两个主要舞蹈演员长得一样高。 Mathematics is my major.我的专业是数学。 879.manage v.管理;经营;处理;设法对付 I manage a team of six engineers.我管理一个由6 个工程师组成的小组。 880.manner(s) ??方式;态度;举止 People need to work things out in their own manner and in their own time.人们需要以自己的方式和时 间来处理问题。 881.material n.材料,原料 The fuel might be wood, charcoal or any other burnable material.燃料可以是木头、木灰或者其他 任何可燃的物质。 882.metal n.金属 He hammered down the metal till it was the shape he wanted.他不断链打那块金属直至达到他所要求 的形状。 883.★method n.方法,办法 He introduced us to a new method of work. 他向我们介绍了一种新的工作方法。 884.matter n.要紧事;麻烦事;事情;问题;物质 v.(用于否定句和疑问句)要紧,有 关系 No matter what they tell us. No matter what they do. No matter what they teach us. What we believe is true.无论他们告诉我们什么,无论他们做什么,无 论他们教给我们什么,我们坚信的是真理。 It doesn’t matter much whether we go together or separately.我们一起去还是分头去都可以。 885.memory (复memories) n.回忆;记忆 All the beautiful memories came into my mind when I saw these pictures.当我看到这些图片时,所 有美好的回忆都涌入我的脑海。 886.mention v.提到,说起 She did not mention her mother’s absence. 她并没有说起她母亲不在场的事。 887.mean (meant ,meant) v.意思是;意 味着 ad].刻薄的 What do you mean?你什么意思? The little girls had locked themselves in upstairs because Mack had been mean to them.小姑娘们把 自己锁在楼上,因为麦克对她们很刻薄。 888.medium adj.中间的;中等的 A medium coffee please.请给我一杯中杯咖#。 889.minus prep.减(去) ad).负的;减去的 Three minus two is one.三减二等于一。 I’m giving him a B minus.我准备给他一个B-。 反义词:plus 890.mood n.心情,语气,气氛 He is clearly in a good mood today. 明摆着,他今天心情不错。 891.narrow adj.狭窄的 On his way home he came to a narrow bridge over a stream.在回家的路上,他来到一条跨越在小河上 的窄桥。 反义词:wide 892.native adj.本地的;本国的;当地的 n.本地人;本国人 At the end of every year some people go back to


考纲词汇之一词多义: *His laughter stopped as quickly as it had begun. 他笑得快停得也快。 She stopped giggling. 她停止傻笑。 He stopped work for tea. 他停下工作去喝茶。 You can't stop me from getting what I want. 你阻止不了我得到想要的东西。 He would stop at nothing to retain his position of power. 他会不惜一切来保住自己的权力地位。 The bus was pulling up at her stop. 公共汽车正向车站停靠。 *The room was spotlessly clean. 房间干净得一尘不染。 We will create a cleaner, safer environment. We’d better keep the classroom clean. *He was tired after a day's work in the fields. The works of Shakespeare fill several feet of shelf space. 数英尺高的书架上放满了莎士比亚的作品。 She works in a small factory. 工作, 干活; 做(at);运转,起作用, 有成效 work on sth = to be busy with a particular activity, project, piece of research, etc.忙于,致力于﹙某活动、项目、研究等﹚: What are you working on at the moment? 你现在忙什么呢? (2010中考C篇)Look at the next few sentences to see if they explain more about the sentence you are working on. work out :to happen or develop in a particular way, especially a successful way进展;﹙尤指﹚成功地发展: I’m glad my plan worked out (= was successful).我很高兴我的计划成功了。 *She had to rest before dinner.(prep.) They would die before they would cooperate with each other.(conj.) 他们宁死也不愿合作。 We saw that film before. (adv.) 那部电影我们以前看过。 It will be some time before we know the full results. 还要过一些时间我们才能知道全部结果。 I must finish this letter before I go home. 我必须在回家以前写完这封信 *Edward was the only one she obeyed without question. 爱德华是她惟一毫无疑问地听从的人。 Her loyalty is really beyond question. 她的忠心的确是无可置疑的。 Four men were being questioned about the killings.四人正在受到有关谋杀的审问。


✧abandon vt.放弃 ✧ability n.能力 ✧able adj.有能力,能干的 ✧abnormal adj. 反常的,异常的 ✧aboard adv.在船上,登记 ✧about prep.关于 ✧above prep.在上方 ✧abroad adv.在国外 ✧absence n.缺席 ✧absent adj.缺席的 ✧absolute adj.完全的,绝对的,不容置疑的✧absorb vt.吸收,理解 ✧abstract adj/n.抽象的;摘要 ✧academic adj.学术上的 ✧accent n.口音,重音,强调 ✧accept v.接受,认可 ✧acceptable adj.可接受的 ✧access n.接近,进入,利用 ✧accident n.意外事故 ✧accidental adj.偶然的,意外的 ✧accommodation n.住处,住宿 ✧accompany vt.陪伴 ✧accomplish vt.实现,完成,达到 ✧according adv.根据 ✧account n/vi.叙述,账户账目;解释,说明✧accountant n.会计人员 ✧accuracy n.准确性 ✧accuse vt.指责,控告 ✧accustomed adj.适应了的 ✧ache vi/n疼痛 ✧achieve vt.完成,实现,达到 ✧achievement n.成就 ✧acid adj/n.酸的;酸 ✧acknowledge vt.承认,告知,收到 ✧acquire vt.获得,学到 ✧across prep/adv.穿过,越过 ✧act vi/n.行动,表演,扮演;行为,法令 ✧action n.行动 ✧active adj.积极地,主动地 ✧activity n.活动 ✧actor n.男演员 ✧actress n.女演员 ✧actual adj.事实上 ✧adapt v.适应,改编✧add v.添加 ✧addition n.加 ✧additional adj.附加的 ✧address n/vt.演说,地址;演说,致辞 ✧adequate adj.充足的,适当的 ✧adjust v.调整,调节 ✧administration n.行政,管理 ✧admire vt.赞赏,钦佩 ✧admission n.准许进入 ✧admit vt.承认,准许进入 ✧adopt vt.采纳,领养,采用 ✧adult n.成年人 ✧advance v/n.进步,前进 ✧advanced adj.先进的,高级的 ✧advancement n.前进,进步 ✧advantage n/vt.有利条件,优势;有利于✧adventure n.冒险,奇遇 ✧advertise v.宣传 ✧advertisement n.广告 ✧advice n/vt.劝告,忠告 ✧advise vt.劝告,建议 ✧aeroplane n.飞机 ✧affair n.事情 ✧affect vt.影响,使感动 ✧affection n.喜爱,慈爱 ✧afford vt.买得起,承担 ✧afraid adj.害怕 ✧after prep/conj.在之后 ✧afternoon n.下午 ✧again adv再来一次 ✧against prep.反对 ✧age n/v.年龄,时代;变老 ✧aged adj.年老的 ✧agency n.代理处 ✧agent n.代理人 ✧aggressive adj.侵略性的,有进取心的 ✧ago adv以前 ✧agree v.同意 ✧agreeable adj.令人愉快的 ✧agriculture n.农业 ✧ahead adv.向前 ✧aid n/v.帮助 ✧AIDS n.艾滋病 ✧aim vi/n.瞄准;目标


高考英语常考熟词生义 1.sweep [熟义]v. 扫;打扫;清扫;清除 [生义]n. 绵延弯曲的地带;广博的范围,广度 【2022•全国乙卷】 The sweep of the land and the stoicism (坚忍) of the people move her to some beautiful writing .土地的辽阔和人们的坚毅让她写出了优美的文字。 2.drive [熟义]v.驾驶;开(车) [生义]v.推动 n.冲劲;干劲 【2022•新高考全国卷Ⅰ】 It drives the evolution of human beings. 它推动了人类的进化。 【2022•全国甲卷】 We ' ve got a foundation built on ancient cultures but with a drive and dynamism of a young country .我们的根基建立在古老的文化之上,但也有着年轻国家的干劲和活力。 3.run [熟义]v .跑 [生义]v .发表;刊登;管理;经营 n .旅程,航程 【2022•新高考全国卷】 Fitness Magazine recently ran an article titled " Five Reasons to Thank Your Workout Partner ."《体线》最近刊登了一篇题为"感谢健身伙伴的五个理由"的文章。 【2022•全国甲卷】 After our third run Andrew shut down the engine,and we went our separate ways --- he for a lunch break , I to explore the city . 第三次航程结束后,安德鲁关掉引擎,我们各奔东西——他去吃午餐,我去探索这座城市。 【2020•全国卷Ⅱ】 Biologist Edmond Mouton runs the nutria control program for Louisiana. 生物学家埃德蒙·穆顿负责路易斯安那州的海狸鼠控制项目。 4. stick [熟义] v.粘(住);贴(住) [生义]v.(尤指迅速或随手)放置 【2022•新高考全国卷Ⅰ】 I stuck the chicken in the freezer . 我把鸡肉放进了冰柜。 5. pick up [熟义]v.提起;拿起 [生义]v.(风)变大;增强 【2022•新高考全国卷Ⅰ】The wind picked up and thunder rolled.风越刮越大,雷声隆隆。 6. produce [熟义]v. 生产;产出 [生义]n.农产品 v.展示;出示 【2022•新高考全国卷Ⅰ】Last year it recovered more than 807,500 pounds of food by taking donations and collecting blemished (有瑕疵的) produce that otherwise would have

[高考英语词汇] 第4期 一词多义 字母P-R

上海高考英语中的一词多义(字母P-R) 上海高考英语考纲词汇跨类较多,出现一词多义,在语篇阅读中容易产生误解,为此,我们精心总结了上海高考英语考纲中的一词多义和选择的上海历年高考真题和上海高三一模二模中的例句,便于学生掌握和运用! P 1.park(熟义:n. 公园) v. 停车;(暂时)留下(某人),寄存(某物) what if the car waiting patiently behind the parked truck is a driverless or autonomous vehicle (AV)? 如果停在卡车后面耐心等待的车是无人驾驶或自动驾驶车辆(AV),会怎样?(2017黄浦高三期中) 2.passage(熟义:n. 段落,节) n. 通道,走廊;旅费 He cleared a passage for himself through the crammed streets 他在拥挤的街道上挤出了一条通路。 3.plant(熟义:n., v. 植物;种植) n. 工厂 A journalist might report on a particular electrical power plant, a food additive, or a safety device on an automobile. 记者可能会报道某个特定的发电厂、食品添加剂或汽车上的安全装置。(2015徐汇、松江、金山二模) 4.position(熟义:n. 位置) n. 职位,工作;立场,观点 I've been offered a much better position with another firm. 我在另一家公司得到了一个更好的职位。(2016奉贤二模) 5.pretty(熟义:adj. 漂亮的,可爱的) adv. 相当 Most people are pretty accurate in their answer.


高考考纲词汇表( 精校版 ) ①a(n) ②abandon ③ability ④able ⑤abnormal ⑥aboard ⑦abolish ⑧abortion ⑨about ⑩above 11abroad 12abrupt 13absence 14absent 15absolute 16absorb 17abstract 18absurd 19abundant 20abuse 21academic 22academy 23accelerate 24accent 25accept 26access 27accessible 28accident 29accommodat ion 30accompany 31accomplish 32account 33accountant 34accumulate 35accuracy 36accurate 37accuse 38accustomed 39ache art art.一 (个、件⋯) v vt.放弃;遗弃;抛弃 n n能力,才能 a a.能够,有能力的 a adj. 不正常的;反常的;变态的 prep adv. 在船 (飞机、车上 )上;上船 (飞机,车等 ) v vt.废除;废止 n n. 流产;中途失败 ad & prep prep 关于,在各处,四处ad.大约,到处,四处prep,a &ad prep 在⋯上面 a.上面的ad. 在⋯之上 a & ad ad. 到国外,在国外 a adj. 突然的;意外的 n n. 缺席;不在某处 a a. 缺席,不在 a & ad adj. 绝对的;完全的 v vt.吸收;吸引;使专心 a & n adj. 抽象的;深奥的n. 摘要 a adj. 荒谬的;可笑的 a adj. 丰富的;充裕的 v n. & vt. 滥用;虐待;辱骂滥用;虐待;辱骂 a & n adj. 学校的;学术的 n n. 高等专科院校;研究院;学术团体 v vi. & vt. 加速;促进 n n. 口音;腔调;重音 v vt.接受 n & v n. (接近的 )方法;通路;可接近性 a adj. 可接近的;可进入的;可使用的 n n. 事故,意外的事 n n. 住所;住宿 v vt. 陪伴;伴奏 v vt. 完成;达到;实现 n vi. & vt. 认为;说明;总计有n. 说明;理由;计算;帐目n n. 会计 v vt. 积累;聚保 n n. 精确;准确 a & ad adj. 精确的;正确的 v vt. 指责;谴责;控告 a adj. 惯常的;习惯了的 n & v vi. & n. 痛,疼痛


3500个考纲词汇是高考英语必考核心词汇,对于这些词汇要求听说读写译都得会,掌握其搭配、结构和习惯表达。 PS: 真的没有永久记住单词的方法,就是要多看多听多说多写、常复习。每天花点时间,打开这个系列专栏,点击音频听单词,边听边记。我们一起努力吧! C-1 cab [kæb] n. (美)出租车 cabbage [ˈkæbɪdʒ] n. 卷心菜,洋白菜 café [kæˈfeɪ] n. 咖啡馆;餐馆 cafeteria [kæfɪˈtɪərɪə] n. 自助餐厅 cage [keɪdʒ] n 笼;鸟笼 calculate [ˈkælkjʊleɪt] v. 计算,核算,推测 cake [keɪk] n. 蛋糕,糕点;饼 call [kɔːl] n. 喊,叫;电话,通话 v. 称呼; calm [ kɑːlm] a. 镇静,沉着的 v.镇静沉着

camel [ˈkæm(ə)l] n. 骆驼 camera [ˈkæmərə] n. 照相机;摄像机 camp [kæmp] n.(夏令)营 vi.野营,宿营campaign [kæmˈpeɪn] n. 运动,战役 canv. 可能;能够;可以不能 a garbage can [ˈɡɑːbɪdʒ](美)垃圾桶 a can opener [ˈəʊpənə(r)] 开罐器 Canada [ˈkænədə] * n. 加拿大 Canadian [kəˈneɪdɪən] a. 加拿大的;加拿大人的canal [kəˈnæl] n. 运河;水道 cancel [ˈkæns(ə)l] vt. 取消 cancer [ˈkænsə(r)] n. 癌 candidate [ ˈkændɪdeɪt] n. 候选人,申请人candle [ˈkænd(ə)l] n. 蜡烛 candy [ˈkændɪ] n. 糖果 canteen [kænˈtiːn] n. 餐厅;食堂 cap [kæp] n. 帽子;盖;笔套 capital [ˈkæpɪt(ə)l] n.首都.省会.大写 capsule [ˈkæpsl] n. (药)胶囊 captain [ˈkæptɪn] n. (海军)上校;船长,caption [ˈkæpʃ(ə)n] n. 说明文字 car [kɑː(r)] n. 汽车,小卧车 carbon [ˈkɑːbən] n. 碳 card [kɑːd] n.卡片;名片;纸牌 card games [kɑːd ɡeɪmz] 纸牌游戏

2020届英语考纲词汇复习 (二十一)答案

2020届英语考纲词汇复习(二十一)(earn------enquiry) 词类转换 1easy adj. ease v./n 容易;悠闲. easily adv.容易地 2eat v. ate pp. eaten ppt. eatable adj. 3ecology n. ecologic adj. 生态学的ecological adj.生态的ecologist n. 生态学者;生态保护论者ecosystem n. 生态系统 4economic adj. economical adj.经济的;实惠的;节约的economically adv. 在经济上;节约地economy n. 经济;经济制度economics n. 经济学 5edit v. edition n. 版;版本editor n. 编辑;编者;剪辑着editorial adj. 编辑的;主编的 6educate https://www.360docs.net/doc/1619331676.html,cated adj.受过教育的;有教养的education n. 教育;教育学;教育机构; educational adj. 有教育意义的educator n. 教育工作者;教育学家 7effect n. effective adj. 有效的;生效的effectively adv. 有效地effectiveness n.有效性 8efficiency n. efficient adj. 有效率的;高效能的efficiently adv. 有效地 9effort n. effortless adj. 不需费力的 10elect v. election n. 选举;推选 11electric adj. electrical adj. 与电有关的electricity n.电;电学electronic adj. 电子的 12embarrass v. embarrassed adj,尴尬的embarrassing adj. 令人尴尬的embarrassment n. 尴尬 13emphasis n. emphases n. pl emphasize/emphasise v. 强调;着重;重读 14employ v. employee n. 受雇者employer n. 雇主employment n. 雇佣unemployed adj.失业的;未被利用的unemployment n. 失业;失业率;失业人数 15encourage v. encouraged adj. 受到鼓励的encouraging adj. 令人鼓舞的encouragement n. 鼓励;激励 16endanger v. endangered adj. 濒临灭绝的;有生命危险的endangerment n.危害,受到危害17engage v. engaged adj. 忙于;从事于;已订婚的;被占用的engagement n. 订婚;约定18 enjoy v. enjoyable adj. 令人愉快的enjoyment n. 享受;欢乐 短语填空 1earn one’e living 谋生 2at ease 放松;舒服;自在 put sb at ease 使某人放松 3in the east 在东部(在内部) on the east of 在…的东面(外部接壤) to the easr of (外部不接壤) 4eat one’s words收回前言;承认错误


I.(看英文写中文) put 1.We must put down the enemy's attack. 我们必须打退敌人的进攻。 1. The ship put in at the harbour and remained there for a day. 轮船进港在那儿停了一天。 3.I've put a lot of work in improving my English. 我下了很大的工夫进修英文。 4.Owing to the state of the ground, the match has been put off. 由于场地状况不佳, 比赛推迟了。 5.Her failure in algebra has put her off. 她的代数不及格使她甚感沮丧。 6. As the spring is coming, all the trees are beginning to put out green buds. 春天来了, 树木都开始吐出绿色的嫩芽。 7.Be sure to put out the light before you go to bed. 你上床前务必熄灯。 8. We spent all evening trying to put through a call to some friends in Beijing. 我们整个晚上都在设法跟北京的朋友通电话。 9.I must put my thoughts together before I go on the platform. 在走上讲台讲演之前,我要把我的思绪整理一下。 10. If you put two and two together,there can be only one conclusion. 如果按事实推断,只有一个结论。 last 1.The wind is changing round, so the storm won't last long. 风正在转向, 因此暴风雨不会持续太长的时间。 offer 1.He will probably refuse the offer. 他很可能会拒绝这一提议。 2.The offer was too high and was somewhat ridiculous. 这个出价太高了, 显得有些荒谬。 3.I have so much to offer you and I have been holding the feelings deep inside my heart. 我有太多的要给你并且一直把这种情感深深的保持在我的心里。 4.we regret to say that your offer is not at least encouraging. 我们很遗憾地说你们的报价一点不鼓舞人心。 II.(看中文写英文) 1. 最近怎么样? How is everything getting along with you recently? How is everything going recently? 2.得知你在比赛中获得一等奖我神的很高兴,因此写信祝贺。 Delighted/ pleased / happy / excited to learn / hear that you have won first prize in the contest, I’m writing to convey/ express my congratulations. 3.我写信祝贺你成功地在你校组织了这次活动。 I’d like to congratulate you on your success in organizing the activity in your school. 4.像你这样有能力和智慧的人一定会成功。

2020年 上海中考考纲 中高难度词汇(6)

2020年上海中考考纲 中高难度词汇(六) 1247.**research v.研究;调查 The historical background to the play has been very carefully and thoroughly researched.这个剧 本的历史背景已经过精心缜密的研究。 1248.resource n.资源 This country is rich in natural resources. 该国自然资源丰富。 1249.* respect n. & v.尊重,敬重 I respect him for his diligence.我敬佩他的勤奋。1250.response n.响应;反应;作答 She has received a response from that college to her application.她已经收到那所大学对她申请的 答复。 1251.★responsibility n.责任;职责;责任心 We need to take responsibility for looking after our own health.我们必须对自己的健康负责。1252.responsible a d j.负责的;有责任的 We all think Helen is a responsible secretary. 我们都认为海伦是一个认真负责的秘书。1253.rid v.使摆脱 It’s not easy to rid oneself of a habit. 要改掉一个人的习惯是不容易的。 1317.roast v.烤(肉) You’ve made a fire fit to roast an ox. 你生的火很旺,足以烤一头牛了。 1318.rude adj.无礼的,粗鲁的 It’s very rude of her to leave without telling us. 她不向我们打声招呼就走了,这是非常无礼的。 1319.rush v.冲;奔跑 Fans rushed the stage after the concert. 音乐会结束后,乐迷涌向舞台。 1320.salary (复salaries) n.薪金,薪水 He was engaged at a salary of $ 1,000 a month. 他以月薪一千美元受聘。 1321.*sale n.卖,出售 Our school organized a charity sale for the home- less in that area.我们学校为无家可归者在该地区 组织了一个慈善销售。 1322.schedule n.时间表 Thanks to your help,we accomplished the task ahead of schedule.亏得你们帮忙,我们才提前完成了 任务。 1323.satisfied ad].满足的;满意的 When she had finished her meal, she gave a satisfied smile.吃完饭后,她露出了满意的笑容。 1324.satisfying ad).令人满意的;令人满 足的 It’s very satisfying to see so many of you here. 在这里见到大家,感到非常满意。 1325.score n.得分;分数 Nick didn’t do very well in the final exam, but his scores are better than last year’s.虽然尼克在期末 考试考得不是很好,但他的分数却比去年好。 1326.secondary adj.中等的;第二的 In secondary school, children get more advanced knowledge.在中学,孩子获得更深一些的知识。 1327.seed n.种子 The farmers are scattering seed.农夫们在播种。 1328.**seldom adv.很少,不常 Kitty seldom read detective stories before going to school, did she?上学前基蒂很少读侦探故事,是吗? often 1329.select v.选择;挑选,选拔 Which place in the world would you select as your perfect home?你会选择世界上哪个地方作为你最 理想的安家之地呢? 1330.Senior ad).年长的;高年级的;高级的 Honours were automatically awarded to senior officials just because they were senior.荣誉顺理成 章地授予资深官员,就因为他们资格老。 1331.*sense n.感觉;意识;感官 1332.I haven’t got a very good sense of direction, so I


高中英语词汇“一词多义”、“熟词生义”重点词汇 A 1.accident: ①事故(n.) I saw an accident when I walked in the street. ②意外、偶尔旳事(n.) (accidentally) 2.appear: ①出现(vi) A ship appeared on the horizon. (disappear消失) ②好象, 似乎(vi) She appears to have many friends. 3.apply: ①申请(for)(vi) Mr.Wang decided to apply for the job. ②运用、应用(to)(vt.) Our teacher applies this teaching method to his class. 4. arm手臂(n.) 武装(v) Lay down your arms or we'll fire!放下武器,否则,我们就开枪了! Police say the man is armed with guns and very dangerous. 警察说该男子携有枪,十分危险。 5.area: ①地区(n.) Do you like the area where you are living? ②面积(n.) The city covers an area of 30,000 square kilometer. 6.ask (熟义:问)vt.规定 The teacher asked that all the students stay at the classroom. 老师规定所有学生呆在教室
