



3. 弗雷德里克在失去凯瑟 琳后,对生活彻底绝望,
01 02 03 04
总结词:这部作品通过主人公罗伯特的成长经历,展现了年轻人在战 争中的心理变化和成长过程。
1. 罗伯特在战争中逐渐认识到战争的残酷和无情,对生活产生了深深 的迷惘。
2. 他经历了心灵的痛苦挣扎,逐渐认识到自己的责任和使命,最终成 长为一个有担当的男子汉。
海明威的作品具有永恒的艺术价值,其主题与情感仍能引起当代 读者的共鸣。
他的作品反映了时代的社会现实,对于理解历史背景和人类命运 具有重要意义。
他的作品所呈现的人性光辉和生命力量,对于提升人类精神境界 和价值观念具有积极作用。
海明威的真实描写对当代社会仍有借鉴意义,我们应该注重对现实生活的观察和理解,以便更好地理解和解决现实问 题。
迷惘的一代的反思精神和对自我价值的探索,对当代社会也有启示作用。在面对社会变革和价值冲突时 ,我们应该保持独立思考和探索精神。
迷惘的一代是20世纪初的重要 文化现象,影响了后来的文学
这一代人的作品揭示了战争 对年轻人的心理创伤和对生 命的怀疑,对后来的文学作
迷惘的一代也反映了当时的社 会和文化背景,为后来的文化 和社会研究提供了重要素材。

迷惘的一代 the lost generation ppt

迷惘的一代 the lost generation ppt

• 在“迷惘的一代”作家笔下,约翰· 多斯· 帕索斯的 《三个士兵》揭露战争怎样摧毁一个音乐爱好者 的前程;爱· 肯明斯(Edward Estlin Cummings, 1894—1962)的《巨大的房间》(1922)描写一 个志愿帮助法国打仗的美国人怎样被当作奸细而 关进法国集中营:威廉· 福克纳在其创作的早期也 属于“迷惘的一代”,他的《士兵的报酬》 (1926)写一个在英国空军服役的美国人头部受 伤,致残回家后悲惨地死去。“迷惘的一代”作 家有一个共同的特征,那就是他们全都厌恶、反 对帝国主义战争,却又找不到正确的出路。
• “爵士乐时代”是美国历史上一个特殊的年代。第一 次世界大战结束了(1918),经济大萧条(1929)还没有 到来,传统的清教徒道德已经土崩瓦解,享乐主义 开始大行其道。用菲茨杰拉德自己的话来说,“这 是一个奇迹的时代,一个艺术的时代,一个挥金如 土的时代,也是一个充满嘲讽的时代。” • 20世纪的第二个十年,年轻人的反叛被另外一些因 素强化了,特别是那场可恶的杀死了近一千万人的 战争。那些在第——次世界大战中幸存下来的人曾 经被迫日睹了毒气杀人、尸横遍野的腐臭,大规模 的破坏、肮脏污秽、空前饥荒等等不幸的遭遇和景 观。美国——一个盛行清教徒价值观和扶轮俱乐部 的国度———片歌舞升平,在战场上的年轻人看来 简直就是虚幻不真。
• “迷惘的一代”作家是时代的产物。他们中许多人参加过第一 次世界大战,亲身经历了战争的残酷场面,战后又目睹欧洲列 强对殖民地的无耻争夺和瓜分,从而使他们怀抱的民主与和平 理想彻底破灭。后来当他们返回祖国,看到的则是物欲流和弥 漫全国的享乐主义情绪。他们怀着对大战后人类社会的迷惘和 怀疑的态度返回欧洲,企图在欧洲文化中心一一巴黎寻找思想 的出路,他们出入于当地的文艺沙龙和大街小巷,精神上的空 虚和对理想追求的失望,使他们只能通过小说创作去诅咒战争、 企盼未来,表现出内心的茫然和无奈。正因为如此,才引出当 时已定居巴黎多年的美国老一辈女作家格特鲁德· 斯泰因对这 批文学青年所说的一句话:“YOU ARE ALL A LOST GENERATION.” (“你们都是迷惘的一代。”)可是,他们面对的都是满目疮 痍和精神文化的倒退。现实生活使他们感到受骗和失望,对前 途丧失信心,思想上产生失落感和幻灭感。他们成为失去精神 家园的流浪者,因迷失了方向而成为“迷惘的一代”。







“迷惘的一代”(the Lost Generation)泛指第一次世界大战后的一代人,也特指出生在1900年前后并于第一次世界大战后登上文坛的一代美国作家。






” 小说因此被视为“迷惘的一代”——无论是作为文学流派的,还是作为一代战争受害者的宣言书,海明威也因此成为“迷惘的一代”的代言人。




他们对战争极端厌恶,对传统价值观念产生怀疑,对生活感到厌倦、迷惘和懊丧,无法在一个信仰失落的时代保持他们在精神上的平衡. The dignity of movement of an iceberg is due to only-eighth of it being above water.但是因为海明威的冰山原则,所以我们只看到那些迷惘、失落、悲观、孤独而无助的灵魂在现实的世界里苦苦挣扎,只看到他们在奢靡的生活中放纵自我、麻醉自我。


科 教成 的历 史原 因 形
对 美国精神 的执着和战后“ 美国梦 ’ ’ 灭 的破
李 晓 娜
( 黑龙江大学西语学院, 黑龙江 哈 尔滨 10 8 ) 5 0 0
摘 要: 分析 了美国“ 迷惘的一代” 形成的历史原 因。美 国 人对美 国 精神有着执着的追求, 但是战争击碎 了美国人的梦想。“ 迷惘的一代” 的形成与 战争和战后 的精神危机直接相关, 他们感到 了时代的悲剧感 , 表达出了对未来的迷惘感 , 在作品 中 体现 了 反战和“ 美国梦” 的破灭两大主题 。
一 一 一

1 3— 9
科 黑江 技信总 — 龙— — —
工 程科 技 { { }
浅析 施工组织设 计和施工 方案
王 哲 ‘ 刘 成 君
(、 1 阿城 区建 筑安 装 总公 司 , 黑龙 江 阿城 10 0 2 阿城 区环 卫 处 , 龙 江 阿城 1 oo ) 50 0 、 黑 5 oo
摘 要: 结合 实际施工经验, 谈谈施工组织设计和施工方案。 关 键 词 : 织 设 计 ; 工 方 案 ; 点 组 施 特 施工组织设计及施工方案,是指导施工准备 工程与施工质量、 技术要求、 工期要求等) 。 文件。 说它是技术经 b 施工方案选择。 济文件,因为它包 的内容大多属于技术方面的, 含 c 施工进度i划。 十 而每一项内容又都与企业经济收益密切相关。 可有 船 准备工作计划。 效反映企业达到预期的经济效果。 在施工中编制施 e 劳动力、 材料 、 构件、 加工品、 施工机械和机 工组织设计和施工方案的 目的在于贯彻国家的各 具等需要量计划。 项技术、 经济方针、 政策、 规划布置全部施工活动。 £ 施工平 面图 。 常定先进合理的技术组织措施 ,确定合理使用人 4 g 保证质量安全、 降低成本和冬雨季施工的技 力、 物力、 财力方案。拟订有关方面协作配合关系, 术组 织措施 。 确保优质高效、 低耗完成各项施工任务。由此可知 } L 各项技术经济指标。 编制施工组织设计和施工方案是施工企业的大事. 对于—般常见的建筑结构造型和规模不大的 是指导施工的重要措施和文件功 施 工技术部门 单位工程, 施工组织设计可以编制得觯 —些。其 的首要工作。通过编制工作 , 企业可了 解整个工程 主要内容为: 施工方案、 施工进度计划和施工平面 素质的全貌,明 确完成该工程的战略思想和布置. 图, 辅以简明扼要的文字说明。 明确总进度计划安排和全过程中存在的问题和需 般应遵循以 要解决的中心环节 ,以及将采取的对策和技术措 下原 则: 施, 明确施工准备的内容及完成的 期限。 实践证明, 严格遵循国家及地方各项技术经济方面的 认真编制施工 组织i汁和施工方案 殳 并实施 , 快 方针、 对加 政策、 合同规定的条款。 工程进度、 保证工程质量和降低工程成本 、 保证施 h 合理安 排工程进 度 , 保证优 质 、 高速 、 耗完 低 工安全都起到不可估量的作用。 成建设任务。 施工组织设计按设计阶段和编制对象的不 进 定 较有效 先进 的施工方 法 , 到施工经 济 作 同, 可分为施工组织总设计 , 单位工程施工组织设 合 理和施工 文 明。 计和施工方案。 通常泛称的施工组织设}只是指单 } - d 采用先进的施工组织 , 推行主体交叉流水 位工程的施工组织设计,它是具体指导施工的文 作业法. 组织均衡施工。 件 。一般 投资在 10万元 以上 ,建 筑面 积在 3 0 0 00 e 贯彻技 术规 程 , 工程 质量 。 保证 平方米以 上的单层工业厂房, 较大的工业建筑, 地 £ 采用新的施工艺和新技术 , 加快施工 , 提高 下构筑物 以及七层和七层以上的民用住宅建筑以 效率, 降低工程成本。 及新结构,新工艺项 目均应编制施工组织设计 ; 一 提高机械化程度, 推广应用新设备、 机具 , 充 般性工业与民用建筑, 以 六层 下的民用住宅以 及零 分发挥机械效率. 提高劳动生产率。 星项 目则编制施工方案即可。 I L 积极扩大工厂化施工 , 提高装配化程度, 减 施 工组 织设计 的内 容要根 据工 程性 质 、 结构 、 少现场工作量。 繁简的不同而不同。其内容和深度广度要求不同, ’ i 合理安置临时工程。 尽量利用工地原有 , 就 节 不应强求一致但 内容必须简明扼要。使其真正能 近和拟建的房屋和设施,以减少各种暂设工程、 起到指导现场施工的作用。—般应包括: 约费用和用地。 a 工程概况及施工特点( 包括结 卡. {情况、 j 地质 j 量利用当地和附近资源 , 尽 合理安排运输、 情况、 建筑面积、 主要实物量、 建筑流向、 施工条件、 装卸与堆放储存, 避免二次倒运。













迷惘的一代作家 名词解释 外国文学

迷惘的一代作家 名词解释 外国文学




















































浅析“迷惘的一代”及其对美国文学及文化的影响摘要:在1920- 1930年代,世界第一次世界大战之后,美国出现了这样一种社会现象,那就是:在一战爆发前刚刚步入成年的年轻人充满了厌恶战争、悲观和迷茫的情绪。






关键词:迷惘的一代;历史渊源;文化价值;影响The Brief Analysis of the Lost Generation and Its Influence onAmerican Literature and CultureAbstract: In the 1920s—1930s, after the world warⅠ, there appears a social phenomenon, that is: The youths who were just becoming adults when the war broke out were feel disappointed and lost. When the youth were growing up, the capitalism was declining. Because of the characteristic of that age, their ideology was intricate and paradoxical. They felt so lost, and they were called the Lost Generation. This phenomenon spread from the United States to the western society widely and deeply, and its influence on western society is rare in history. This paper will briefly study the historical background of the Lost Generation and its forming factors and main characteristics, and will focus on the Lost Generation’s influence on American literature and culture.Key words:lost generation; historical origins; cultural value; influenceContentsIntroduction (1)PartⅠThe background of the Lost Generation (2)1.1 The introduction of the lost generation (2)1.2 Forming factors of the lost generation (2)1.2.1 The effects of the First World War (2)1.2.2 The change of people’ ideas (3)1.2.3 The influence of western ideas on American youth (4)Part Ⅱ Main Characteristics of the Lost Generation (5)2.1 The confusion about war ――against the war (5)2.2 The confusion about life (6)2.3 The confusion about social reality (7)Part Ⅲ The Influence on American Literature and Culture (9)3.1 The lost generation’s influence on American literature (9)3.1.1 The maturity of American literature (9)3.1.2 Minimalism and Innovation (9)3.2 The lost generation’s influence on American culture (10)3.2.1 Multicultural promotion (10)3.2.2 Effect on American media (11)Conclusion (12)Bibliography (13)IntroductionLost generation is a term that has been widely accepted in the field of literary studies,it refers to youth and young writers with disillusionment after the First World War. Their characteristics are weariness,pessimism and disappointment.There are many studies about the lost generation, many scholars and critics were talk about the lost generation which is represented by Hemingway. Most studies are according literature history to analyze Hemingway and the Lost Generation, but the discussion of deep-seated reasons behind Hemingway and the Lost Generation, which leads to the forming of the Lost Generation, the research about this aspect is not much. Therefore, this article will combine the literature and history to analyze the lost generation. This paper analyzes the Lost Generation through the history of the United States and studies its formation factors, characteristics and influence with the help of writers and works of the Lost Generation.Last century, the United States was in a ‘cultural boiling’period: times change and People's thoughts conflicted with traditional culture, which almost reshaped America youth’s cultural attitudes and behaviors, and led to the Lost Generation.Nowadays, China is building a socialist harmonious society at present, and it has to rely on the young generation. Today there is a problem that is after the reform and opening up, under the background of globalization, Young people’s thoughts are under attack. There are many new ideas, some of them are good, and some are bad, which have very deep influence on Chinese youth. In this environment, teenagers are easy to get lost. So how to educate teenagers in ideology, to enable them to develop in a healthy way and to avoid them becoming the new ‘Lost Generation’ are the issues that every educator is facing.This paper will study from the angle of history and literature, according to the previously published monographs and journals to research historical causes of the main characteristics and impact of the Lost Generation. Besides, according to current situation of the Chinese society, it will put forward a bit to prevent Chinese-style ‘Lost G eneration’.PartⅠThe background of the Lost Generation1.1 The introduction of the lost generationThe Lost Generation was the generation that came of age during World War I, which was coined by Gertrude Stein, a lost generation writer herself. Between the first and second World Wars, writers of the Lost Generation were abroad, many of them went to Europe. Self-exiled to France in the post World War I, a number of intellectuals, poets, artists and writers sought the bohemian lifestyle and rejected the values of American materialism. And its center was in Paris.Poet Gertrude Stein actually pointed the ‘Lost Generation’ out. She said to Ernest Hemingway, “You are all a lost generation.” Hemingway took it as the inscription in his first novel The Sun Also Rises, and the lo st generation gradually became the name of ‘melancholic temperament’ youth after the Word WarⅠ. Then it became a title of an American modernism literature genre---- The Lost Generation Literature. This literary genre has no organization or program, whose theme is lost and helpless; the Lost Generation has since become the title of those writers with the same creative tendency: Francis Scott Fitzgerald, Ernst Hemingway, John Dos Passos and Thomas Wolfe, etc.1.2 Forming factors of the lost generation1.2.1 The effects of the First World WarThe impact of the First World War on the outcome of American is affording much food for thought. The Allied USA supported won the war, and America also got its own economic interests from the war. But encouraging Americans to war’s lofty ideal, such as ‘fight for democracy in the world’, ‘take part in the war to end the war forever’ suffered a serious a serious setback after the war. This setback embodied the failure of the plan that United States want to establish the international union. On the surface this seems to be a failure in foreign policy, but in the eyes of many Americans, it is a symbol that behind the international union imagination, the concept of political democracy under the leadership of the America failed. What is more, this political idea’s disillusionment proclaimed that American traditional Puritanism ideas of which people hold the idea as they perform the sacred duties within the scope of world failed. In fact, it is this concept in 1917 that put tens of thousands of youngAmericans on the away from the United States to fight in Europe. Since this kind of idea is wrong, then the reason of war also is wrong. That is to say, fifty thousand American young men bleed for a lie, their blood is in vain. Young people sacrificed on the battlefield in Europe not only their body, their also suffered spiritual disillusionment. Lost is the mark of European battlefield survivors who suffered a lot. So under such mark they find reasons for their variety of heresy. They thought the values of Puritanism should be abolished. And on behalf of the lost generation were young writers in the forefront.1.2.2 The change of p eople’ ideasIn 20s, youth’s reflection and criticism not only for war, but also for the middle-class v alues. That is to say, the young’s dissatisfaction is largely for culture, which reflects that social cultural contradictions deeply existed in USA. The Norton Anthology of American Literature describes this cultural contradiction: the traditional Americans believed that one should work hard, obey standard, commit themselves and behave decently, they were trying to use Small towns of moral ideal the puritans believed in as a standard to shape American society. The opposite is some gradually clear loud voices, which came from immigrants, minorities, young people and women... who were trying to create a new, more diversified way of life.At the time of the American society, the core of social and economic life has changed from production to consumption after half a century of development. In order to make products can be fully absorbed by market, with media and advertising, a new moral relationship formed. This is ethical consumption. It advocated people to buy, to enjoy and to show their personality. In fact, it is this new fashion in the early 20th century expanded its influence on the United States, and gradually replaced the dominant position that the Puritanism production moral had occupied. The collapse of the old ideas offered space for young people to express their views, and new concepts even pushed the young people to the forefront of cultural wave. That is because the bondage of young generation’s concepts significantly weaker than middle-class’s. They were energetic, and they had strong ability to accept new things. Though their economic ability was limited, but they were more willing to consume, so they get the favor of business. A lot of media such as magazines, newspapers, books and radio advertised to young people's life, which attract young people to spend on one hand, on the other hand, it set up a set of values suitable for young people. In general, the cultural focus to young people because they were adapted to the characteristics of the consumption economy and its values.1.2.3 The influence of western ideas on American youthIn the 20th century, the western mainstream thought profoundly influenced on American youth. These ideas include cynicism, disillusionment, death and nothingness.In 1914 the international order was broken, and this situation played a leading role for a long time in twentieth Century. Because of the war, a new kind of cynicism emerged as the times require. Therefore, the society was full of cynical thoughts, the faith of the human gone. This disillusionment mood soon appeared in the war, the British writer Herbert Read said that as long as spend a week in the trenches, you will eliminate any remnants of romantic idea to war. With the growth number of war casualties, western society appeared the voice of protest. Finally, those who survived mostly were ashamed of their involvement in the war.The war was very popular in the original, but painful in the end. And this sentiment lasted for a long time, affected the people’s world outlook after war. In the 1920s, pessimistic atmosphere had spread throughout the western world, included the United States,people can feel the strong pessimistic thoughts and subversive ideas. Under the influence of these thoughts, the consciousness of death, pessimism is during the First World War and the postwar in America society. The worst casualties in the battlefield were junior officers who, in general speaking, were the youth received a good education. Under the stimulation of the war, they wrote many works with anti-war, pessimistic and lost emotions. Like Hemingway’s A Farewell to Arms, and John Dos Passos’s Three Soldiers and many other works have reflected these emotions.Part ⅡMain Characteristics of the Lost GenerationThe so-called lost generation refers to the American writers especially the young writers with a lot of confusion and frustration at that time. They are confused because the traditional concepts of this generation could not suit the postwar world, but they could not find a new rule of life. They think only the reality is the truth, but the reality is cruel. Therefore, they could only act according to their instinct and sense, tried to rebel the ideals and values they held before, used rebellious thoughts and actions to express their dissatisfaction with the reality. The main characteristics of the lost generation are shown in the following three aspects: the confusion of war, the confusion of life and the confusion of social reality.2.1 The confusion about war ――against the warIn 1914, the First World War broke out. With a sacred fanatical passion of justice, many American youth went to Europe, attended the President of the United States called ‘the war to eliminate all wars’, to test their courage and determination. They were not afraid of sacrifices, they had almost consumed their youth and lives. But Versailles contract signed after the war let them find all of this just the history playing with them. Their body suffered great damage and their soul also suffered from shadow. Worse influence of war on America is not proportional to it cost.First of all, people’s abhorrence of war is very common in American. Young people saw countries politicians in Paris Peace Conference bickering and bargaining, were deeply feel betrayed. They are not belligerent, and the interests of the war to them are not direct as to Europeans. It can be said that they are more fight for the faith. So when they were cheated, despite their material losses are less than others, their mental injury is very profound.Secondly, the war caused more mental hurt to the intellectuals, which is also one of the reasons for their anti-war. In this war, they saw the decline of European civilization that they had used to be proud of. War exposed the hypocrisy essence of capitalist civilization, and youth were confused about whether European civilization could make for. For example, Hemingway had been to France, Italy and Spain during the world war one, when he was injured, his view on the war was still ideal. He used to write to his parents, “We are ready to dedicate our lives, but only a few were selected, those who gave their lives also do not need honor, because they are lucky.” (Zeng, 1999:79)This high passion contrasts with the pain that he expressed in A Farewell to Arms. Then he realized that ‘the t ruth of war, I was most need to know when it was utterly ignorant’. Confusion and disappointment were among the whole of the 20s.Therefore, led by Ernest Hemingway, a generation of young Americans writers used their pens, to vent their anti-war thought. Almost every role in their works experienced the hardships of war, so their characters are the mirror of the lost generation. For example, in Hemingway’s A Farewell to Arms, Henry saw the truth about war, he is aware of fighting in the war did not save justice or truth; even it doesn't matter with himself. The soldiers he loved, however, also are the accomplice of war makers. He downhearted and was lost. He as well as other young combatants fell into a deep spiritual crisis. Hoping to get peace by drinking, Henry is drown his sorrows in wine and be in the hope of self anesthesia. The war destroyed his political beliefs and ideals, and all of his values were collapsed. Hemingway said, through Henry's inner monologue, “I had seen nothing sacred, and the things that were glorious had no glory and the sacrifices were like the stockyards at Chicago if nothing was done with the meat except to bury it.”(Hemingway, 1980:165)Another representative writer Dos Passos in Three soldiers also described the development tendency of the lost generation, in which he revealed how the war destroyed individual hobby and ideal and showed the disappointment of the younger generation. Passos was very discontent about the current situation of America, including they were tricked into Europe. In his mind, the only hope is revolution - politicians, capitalists, warmonger and chauvinist, to kill them all.2.2 The confusion about lifeYoung American’s confusion was associated with social conditions, their families, education and social values. Facing an economic crisis, the depressed market society, young people want to fight again, but after struggle the result was either failure or more empty. Thus, their attitude towards life became more pessimistic.After the war soldiers need to work, but the recession caused great difficulties for them. In particular, military life and cruel war profoundly had a bad effect on their moral character. At that time, War and the so-called peace, made them feel the world was meaningless, they had to escape from reality. Therefore, wild ideas popularized among young people, especially the sexual orgies of ‘carpe diem’. Those young people completely disregard any moral rules or old commandment.These decadent behaviors can be verified from the works of many American writers of the day.In the Sun Also Rises, Hemingway depicts a group of American young people's mental state and outlook on life: they discarded their own misfortune, their values and all social moral standards. In order to ‘live every minute effectively ’, they lived a Bohemian life. The hero in novel lost sexual ability in the war, but he still indulge in debauchery life. However, he didn't get any spiritual solace, he felt more depressed and hopeless.Francis Scott Fitzgerald’s works also showed the same theme. His This Side of Paradise reflects the effects of war on the American ethos, including the oscillation of traditional bourgeois morality and their mood - wild but restless.Through this story we can see that disappointment and confusion is not only on soldiers, but on all this generation.2.3 The confusion about social realityAt the beginning of the 20th century, American society showed a scene of chaos, numerous contradictions fully revealed in the post-war: the growing gap between rich and poor, the depressed market and more and more unemployment men, which made a lot of social problems. In such a society, it is generally felt the injustice of the world. Lost their idea and goal, people felt depressed and helpless. Soldiers returning from the battlefield faced such social scene, they felt misunderstand: their ideas were liberated, but they felt uncertain about real life or perplexed about the future.At the same time, many European countries’ way of life and life attitude was beginning to affect the postwar American youth. Many young Americans went to the European and broaden their horizon. They appreciated the Frenchman's natural and romantic emotional appeal. They began to imitate, the United States has formed a new fashion: young men wearing raccoon leather jacket, carrying travel kettle; Young women perm hair, wear miniskirts, people’s action and clothes are no longer bound by tradition. Estrangement between Americans disappeared, people interaction increased, the new media appeared, you can contacted and communicated at any time.European fashion swept America. Parisians are free to drink, while the United States in 1919 passed the 18th prohibition amendment, young people still ignored it, liquor sales increased and cocktail were opened more. The United States entered a pursuit of material, a new era of easy making money.This phenomenon has been fully embodied in the works of Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby. This novel is exquisit e and accurately describes the ‘jazz age’ of the United States. With the arrival of the United States economic prosperity, the pain and loss of the First World War was soon replaced by blindly optimistic mood in society. To some extent, people were by abandoned the ideal to pursue wealth and to forget the pain of disillusionment. ‘From Rags to Ric hes’ is through personal efforts to achieve success, and it soon became the new target that the people pursue implementation. But people abandoned the past cherished society value, instead, they looked on money as the only standard to measure success in life. Gatsby wants to use extravagant party, luxurious villas and big like ‘monster’ car as a status symbol, and attempts to lure Daisy, his behavior is just the embodiment of the social psychology. But under the surface of prosperous, it is deeper than ever disillusionment, mental decline and moral decay. Gatsby’s tragedy shows lacking of spiritual support; the pursuit of pure material for the content of the ‘America dream’ has become a rotten thing, which is that people think that as long as the satisfaction of material can achieve the life satisfaction. And the pursuit of this dream can only pushed his ideal burst once again. The pursuit of Gatsby is a tragedy, not possible. This is a universal phenomenon in postwar American.Part ⅢThe Influence on American Literature and Culture 3.1 The lost generation’s influence on American literature3.1.1 The maturity of American literatureThe First World War, American post-war economical changes and development and the western consciousness of death and nihilism popularized in America and many other factors led to The Lost Generation. Although the existence of The Lost Generation is just a short decades, but the impact of it to the United States is vast and profound. The biggest impact is to form the ‘lost generation’ of the 20th century literature. The famous American poet, literary critic Malcolm Cowley compared twenty’s USA literature with The New England literary in Emerson’s age; he called it ‘the second prospe rity of American literature’, and considered that it has a strong impact on European culture and literature. Under this kind of shock, the lost generation writers contributed. The first is the emergence of writers in this period. According to incomplete st atistics in the Malcolm Cowley’s Exiles Return, born in 1891 to 1905 of The Lost Generation youth, in 1942, 236 people have been included in the American culture celebrity dictionary. In The High Tide of American Literature, Malcolm Cowley expanded the list to 385. Second is the quality of the American literature during this period is also recognized as well. In addition to the familiar thing that Hemingway won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1954, and Eugene O'Neal (1936), Pearl Buck (1938), Faulkner (1949), Steinbeck (1962), Sol Bellow (1976) and Singer (1978) have won the Nobel Prize for Literature. So many writers and works appeared in this period and so high literary achievements fully show that The Lost Generation is not only the second boom of American literature, it also the mark that the American literary have been freed from the British colonial literature and even the shadow of European literature, it entered the real mature period.3.1.2 Minimalism and InnovationTheir creations in the first were the tendency of literature minimalism and colloquial of language. The second is the form for innovation. These works is not only beneficial to us from the inside to understand the thoughts of The Lost Generation, the principle of life and creation, it also facilitate us to study on a full range of The Lost Generation. And good writers, workvividly appearing also deepens The Lost Generation of Literary legend, it spans the 20’s short time, and continuously affected on American literature in the late. Marc Dolan also thought lost generation can be the 20’s cultural symbol in the United States, because it is rare in American history that a group of writers be representative of an era. As it said before, the lost generation from the moment it appears has the cultural rebellion. The writers took off their uniform after the First World War, and went on writing Road. With their special experience of fighting and exiling in Europe to experience the modern European art enlightenment, their works excellently expressed anti-war sentiments and the modern youth’s disillusionment consciousness. Therefore, Middle-aged writer is difficult to go beyond them. Lost generation writer burst the middle-aged moderates in traditional literary rule and its elegant and polite, hey conquered the editors, publishers, and readers, to become the leading voice of the 20 s American national literature.3.2 The lost g eneration’s influence on American culture3.2.1 Multicultural promotionHowever, the social impact of the Lost Generation has been far beyond the category of literature, in the field of social thoughts and culture, it triggered the revolutionary sensation, affects the young generation of thought and behavior. America writer Marc Dolan in A Cultural Re-reading of the Lost Generation also said ‘the lost generation in the becoming an artist, becoming an American and becoming a personality’.(Dolan, 1996:47).For example, in The Sun Also Rises published shortly after, “young man tried to drink as calmly as the hero of the novel, ladies like the heroine of the novel so sad to Jedi to fall in love one by one, they all talk l ike the characters in Hemingway’s works.” (Cowley, 1986:174) Fitzgerald's novel also accurately record the degenerate, and night revelry of celebrities and fashionable woman, at the same time, It put this way of life deeper and wider promotion to the whole society, which thus lead to the emergence of the Beat Generation in the 50's. This kind of culture, literature movement swept across the United States, at the same time, it also carried hundreds of modernist art and popular lifestyle trends on. It can be said that in the influence of the lost generation ideology, coupled with the Harlem Renaissance, Women’s Rights Movement as well as the rise of various immigrant cultures, the multi-pattern began to form.3.2.2 Effect on American mediaAlso at that time in America society, subject to the influence of the lost generation also performed in other aspects of social life, like music, movies which were in great impact. American writer Arnold Shaw in his work The Jazz Age:Popular Music in the 1920’s says, “Jazz reflects the sluggish economy and the glamorous life. It’s the symbol of the times, in fact, it represented the western society to rethink the value of music, broken the idea of music position possessed and enjoyed by specific class. For the life history of the black Americans, for example, jazz reflected the people hard work and the strong desire to survive.”(Arnold Shaw, 1997:98)At a time when the American film began to be popular, even it was silent film, but there is no doubt that it is also affected by the Lost Generation. The famous writer Steven·J·Ross in Movies and American Society described the impact on film: “The working - class nickelodeon was described on The one hand as a community center and conqueror of The saloon, and on The other hand The AD a school for scandal would adolescent boys to steal and The girls to be promiscuous”(Steven, 2002:85).Such many examples, thus it is easy to come to the conclusion that the impact of the Lost Generation on American society is comprehensive, and it is stunning. Lost generation’s formation was related to the western world of that time. But as educators and leaders in the times of the Lost Generation, USA government inaction can not shirk its responsibility.ConclusionLost Generation’s influence on American and even the whole western society is so profound; the impact of time is so long. This phenomenon is worth our consideration. At that time, t he American society in general is a huge ‘paradox’, ideological, moral, intellective and cultural attitude is full of contradictions: people cared for tradition, but yearn for a freer and more open future. Those 20 years of American literature are dominated by young writers, behind their strong cultural critical attitude, are radical and conservative, rebellious and nostalgic opposite factors, and are also a period of cultural upheavals of the confusion and difficult exploration.Exhaustion of body and mind, the postwar youth could not find a little meaning of life, only the emptiness and confusion. Thus, they had no confidence or belief in their traditional values, the society and even themselves. In fact, the United States and even the whole western mainstream ideas are away from the society and escaped from reality.This phenomenon of moral education is worthy learning from them in China. As we all know, China is trying to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, is in a critical period of building a socialist harmonious society. It is necessary for us to participate in the whole society, especially the young generation. We should note that guiding young people’s thought is a long-term process, we can’t slack off, and educators should attach great importance to ideological changes of teenagers and take effective measures. Therefore, emphasizing on today’s Chinese students to cultivate the humanity is important, as well as to prevent them from becoming ‘lost generation’.。



迷惘的一代(Lost Generation),又称:迷失的一代。



















































“迷文 宋征 李新瑞菲茨杰拉德T.S.艾略特惘的一代”作家们在冲破迷惘,化茧成蝶的过程中,并不是只坚守一个地方,他们的成长是经过了一个地理上的变迁最终完成的。


第二章 海明威与“迷惘的一代 ”

第二章  海明威与“迷惘的一代 ”

(a)“迷惘的一代”小说具有题旨的现代性, 即揭示现代人的生存境遇,着力表现战后弥漫在 西方世界的异化感、孤独感和绝望心理,并深刻 反映出现代人的道德困境和信仰危机。 (b)许多作品在结构上打破时间顺序,淡化情 节,采用隐喻、意象和象征等手段表现人的心理 体验,并通常伴以含混的、“开放性”结尾。
——在1954年诺贝尔奖授奖仪式 的书面发言

海明威应该归于那一个流派呢? 英国作家赫.欧.贝茨说,他那简洁 有力的文体引起了一场“文学革命”。 他虽然很难归于哪一个文学流派,却是 “开了一代文风的语言艺术大师。”

海明威的创作具有鲜明、强烈的个性特征, 主要表现在以下几个方面: 第一,“迷惘的一代”——“迷惘”的文学 主题。“迷惘”是海明威创作个性的显著特征, 是笼罩他全部作品的统一风格。 他的许多作品、许多主人公都给人以迷惑、 怅然若失的印象,即使在那些现实性和倾向性很 强的作品里,也涂上了浓重的迷惘色彩。
问题: “迷惘的一代”是指什么? 海明威的代表作有哪些?
? 《太阳照样升起》的主人公有哪些?为什么 以此为题? 为什么说海明威是一个“硬汉”?
第二章 海明威和《老人与海》
第一节 海明威与迷惘的一代 第二节 《老人与海》
第一节 海明威与“迷惘的一代”

问题: 《老人与海》的主人公有哪些?深刻性表
现在哪里? 小说《老人与海》中老人捕到鱼了吗?最 后发生了什么事情? 你认为《老人与海》中的老人失败了吗? 为什么?
•ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
• 《老人与海》(1952)
“我一拿起这本书, 就仿佛觉得终于我到了 我平生所追求的东西。 这本小说是我一生中打 到的最美的狮子。”



gre阅读人文历史:GRE阅读备考背景知识之美国文学及历史事件为了帮助大家备考gre阅读,对gre的阅读文章有一个背景认知,下面小编给大家带来gre 阅读人文历史:GRE阅读备考背景知识之美国文学及历史事件。




2)1620年“五月花号”(”May Flower”),该事件不光出现在GRE阅读中,托福里也出现过。



在这一时期,美国的主要文学代表人物有:安妮·布雷兹特里特(Anne Bradstreet, 1612-1672),美国文学中第一位重要的女诗人,《沉思》(“Contemplations”, 1678),本杰明· 富兰克林(Benjamin Franklin, 1706-1790),代表作《自传》(The Auto biography, 1771-1790),菲利斯· 惠特利(Phillis Wheatley 1754-1784),黑人女诗人,代表作《不同题材的诗歌,宗教的与道德的》(Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral, 1773)。



浅谈“迷惘的一代”和“垮掉的一代”本质的异同定义(摘自:维基百科)迷惘的一代(Lost Generation),又称迷失的一代、失落的一代,通常指在第一次世界大战期间成年的一代人。




垮掉的一代(Beat Generation),第二次世界大战后风行于美国的文学流派。









迷惘的一代;现代主义;美国文学“迷惘的一代”是由20 世纪20 年代以后成长起来的一代美国青年作家组成的文学流派。







与19 世纪现实主义小说不同的是“, 迷惘的一代”小说不再把反映和摹写外部世界的现实作为自己的任务,而转向了对人的主观世界或精神状态的探索与挖掘。




“一代过去,一代又来,地却永远长存。日头 出来,日头落下,急归所出之地。风往南刮 ,又往北转,不住地旋转,而且返回转行原 道。江河都往海里流,海却不满。江河从何 处流,仍归还何处。”
“迷惘的一代”不过是历史舞台上的匆匆过客 终将消逝,他们惟一的选择只能是强忍伤痛 接受失败、面对严酷的现实继续生活下去。
《天使,望故乡》(Look Homeward
(The Sun Also Rises, 1926):
在这场灾难中,孤独的人 无能为力,就象“着了火 的木头上的蚂蚁”,最终 被烧死在火里。
二、海明威小说的常见题材:战争以及战 争对人的戕害。亲身经历的两次世界大战 成为他观察社会人生的视点,与战争戕害 同时俱来的死亡意识与悲剧意识逐渐成为 其主要创作题材。他作品的魅力正来自于 在暴力与死亡威胁之下人性的痛苦、迷惘、 绝望、抗争等形成的巨大张力。
指第一次世界大战之后精神幻灭的青年 一代及作为他们代言人的青年作家。
这一名词来源于侨居巴黎的美国女作家 斯泰因(Gertrude Stein,1876-1964) 对海明威说的一句话“你们都是迷惘的 一代”(You are all the lost generation)。
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The increase in food production in these regions led to a significant growth in population, while efforts to control the flow of water to maximize the irrigation of cultivated areas and to protect the local inhabitants from hostile forces outside the community provoked the first steps toward cooperative activities on a large scale. (TPO33, 53)
inhabitant /?nh?b?t?nt/ n. 居民,住户
hostile /h?sta?l/ adj. 含敌意的,极不友好的;
provoke /pr?v??k/ vt. 激怒(某人);使(某事物)产生,引起
on a large scale 大规模
The increase (in food production in these regions) led to a significant growth (in population),while efforts ( to control the flow of water to maximize the irrigation of cultivated areas) and (to
protect the local inhabitants from hostile forces outside the community) provoked the first steps (toward cooperative activities on alarge scale.)(TPO33, 53)
The increase led to a significant growth while efforts provoked the first steps.
修饰一:(in food production in these regions),介词短语
修饰二:(in population),介词短语
修饰三:(to control the flow of water to maximize the irrigation of cultivated areas),非谓语动词,相当于形容词就是efforts
其中还有一个非谓语to maximize the irrigation of cultivated areas
修饰四:(to protect the local inhabitants from hostile forces outside the community),非谓语动词,相当于形容词就是efforts 其中还有介词短语from hostile forces outside the community 中文:保护当地居民免受部落外部敌对力量的侵略
修饰五:(toward cooperative activities on a large scale),介词短语

How the first governments took shape in these areas is not certain, but anthropologists studying the evolution of human communities in various parts of the world have discovered that one common stage in the process is the emergence of what are called “big men” within a single village or a collection of villages. (TPO33, 53)
anthropologist /??nθr?p?l?d??st/ n. 考古学家
从句is not certain, but anthropologists have discovered 从句修饰一:(How the first governments took shape in these areas),从句
修饰二:(studying the evolution of human communities),非谓语动词,相当于形容词,修饰anthropologists
修饰三:(in various parts of the world),介词短语,相当于形容词,修饰humancommunities
修饰四:(that one common stage in the process is the emergence of what are called “big men” within a single village or a collection of villages.),从句
of what are called “big men” ,称之为“ big man”
within a single village or a collection ofvillages.在单个或一些村落中
中文:在这个过程中的一个共有阶段就是单个或一些村落中被称之为“ big man”的出现
第一个政府在这些地区如何形成还无法确定,但研究世界不同地区人类群体进化的人类学家发现在这个过程中的一个共有阶段,就是单个或一些村落中被称之为“ big man”的出现。
