
Input/Output Channel
系统介绍:网络结构 Network Architecture
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没有 标称 通讯 协议
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32 64
1Mbaud 0.5Mbyte
一个HCU 一个处理器
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系统介绍:网络结构 Network Architecture
ABB Bailey Beijing Training Center
培训地点:电子城科技大厦第十二层1208 教室分布:可占用第1、2、3教室 就餐地点:电子城科技大厦-1层 培训人员:培训中心主任:赵树谦
教员分工: 赵树谦老师承担控制策略/人系统接口操作、组态课程; 董补全老师承担控制软件及策略/人系统接口组态课程; 高建华老师承担过程控制单元硬件/主要系统模件课程; 成 虎老师承担培训支持及系统结构/通讯结构等课程;
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ABB Bailey Beijing Training Center
ABB AbilityTM EDCS Ekip E-Hub 产品介绍说明书

—I N FO M A R K E TI NG EL 2020-303Pasarela de conectividad Cloud para ABB Ability TM EDCS Ekip E-HubNos complace comunicar ellanzamiento de la nueva pasarela de comunicación Ekip E-Hub, que incluye la capacidad de digitalizar instalaciones nuevas o existentes e integrarlas en la solución ABB Ability TM EDCS o en sistemas digitales de terceros.FuncionalidadLa nueva pasarela Ekip E-Hub permite conectar instalaciones nuevas o existentes a la plataforma Cloud de gestión energética ABB ABility TM EDCS o a sistemas de control tipo SCADA o BMS, para optimizar sus costes operativos.Ekip E-Hub reconoce y conecta automáticamente con los dispositivos de ABB Electrification a través del puerto de conectividad Ethernet (protocolo Modbus TCP) y del puerto serie RS485 (protocoloModbus RTU). Adicionalmente, el módulo opcional de señales de entrada permite leer medidas de pulsos digitales o estados de la aparamenta (6 entradas digitales configurables) y señales analógicas (2 entradas 4…20mA y 2 entradas 0…36V).La conectividad aguas arriba, ya sea a la plataforma ABB Ablity TM o a un sistema de control tipo SCADA oBMS, se realiza mediante el puerto Ethernet.Módulos enchufables Ekip Com como alternativa Los módulos enchufables Ekip Com son unaalternativa en aquellos casos donde sea posible el uso de dispositivos como Emax 2, Tmax XT, Ekip UP o TruONE ATS. En este caso, Ekip Com Hub permite la conexión a ABB Ability TM EDCS y Ekip Com Modbus TCP (u otros módulos Ekip Com con protocolos de comunicación estándares) permite la conexión a sistemas de control tipo SCADA o BMS.Configuración y puesta en marchaLa herramienta de configuración de la nuevapasarela Ekip E-Hub es el software Ekip Connect, una herramienta gratuita de configuración, supervisión y diagnóstico para otras gamas de producto como Emax 2, Tmax XT, Ekip UP, M4M, TruONE ATS, etc.Ekip Connect reconoce automáticamente la pasarela Ekip E-Hub, conectando el PC al puerto Ethernet del dispositivo.Ekip Connect Ekip E-HubEn cuanto a dimensiones:Características técnicas Alimentación 9…36 V DCMontaje Carril DIN 35mm (DIN EN 60 715)IPIP40Temperatura de trabajo -20…+70ºCDimensiones 198,0 x 90,3 x 48,4 mm Norma IEC62368-1Antena 3G Opcional (necesarias 2uds)Memoria interna4GB eMMCConectividadPuertos y protocolos2x RJ45 Ethernet – Modbus TCP2x RS-485 - Modbus RTU 2x USB 2.02x MicroSIM – 3G (no suministrada)Módulo opcional E/S6x Entradas digitales 24 V DC 4x Entradas analógicasCaracterísticas principalesLas características técnicas principales de la nueva pasarela Ekip E-Hub son:—01Ejemplo conectividadcon los dispositivos deprotección, medida ygestión de la energía—01—(*) Únicamente se muestran los códigos incluidos en tarifa PDF 2020. Parael resto de códigos y precios consultar la tarifa electrónica o PDC.Códigos de pedido (*)Código pedido Descripción Precio unit. €GTV ABC Sum.mín./Embalaje Ud ConectividadI N F O M A R K E T I N G E L 2020-303Haga click en la imagen para acceder a la documentaciónHaga click en la imagen para acceder a la documentación—Manual técnico Ekip E-HubPresentación PDF de lanzamiento Ekip E-HubHaga click en la imagen para acceder a la webPágina web soluciones digitales de supervisión de la energíaHaga click en la imagen para acceder a la documentaciónManual usuario Ekip E-Hub Haga click en la imagen para acceder a la documentaciónFolleto ABB ABility TM EDCS—Pau MasgrauABB Ability™ Market Development ManagerAsea Brown Boveri, SA Low Voltage Products Tel.: 93 484 22 25Fax: 93 484 21 90www.abb.es/bajatension。
ABB 网络保护与控制产品说明书

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-Specification and adressing of signals -MMI pictures of switchgear components
-Logic diagrams
on system configuration and
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ABB SM500F 分析器数据记录器模块板升级包安装说明说明书

—A B B M E A SU R EM ENT & A N A LY TI C S | I N FO R M ATI O N | I N F06/94 R E V. DSM500FField-mountable paperless recorderAnalog/Digital I/P, dual relay, Tx PSU and dual analog/digital I/P module board upgrade kit installation1 IntroductionThis document describes how to install additional analog/ digital input and/or dual relay or transmitter power supply module boards.The analog/digital input module board upgrade kit(SM500/0700) comprises the following:Description Part No.Qty Analog/Digital input module board assembly SM500/02251 Information – Analog/Digital I/P, dual relay, Tx PSU anddual analog/digital I/P module board upgrade kitinstallationINF06/941 Table 1 Analog/Digital input module board upgrade kit contentsThe dual relay module board upgrade kit (SM500/0701) comprises the following:Description Part No.Qty Dual relay module board assembly SM500/02351 Information – Analog/Digital I/P, dual relay, Tx PSU anddual analog/digital I/P module board upgrade kitinstallationINF06/941 Table 2 Dual relay module board upgrade kit contentsThe transmitter power supply module board upgrade kit (SM500/0706) comprises the following:Description Part No.Qty Transmitter power supply module board assembly SM500/02751 Information – Analog/Digital I/P, dual relay, Tx PSU anddual analog/digital I/P module board upgrade kitinstallationINF06/941Table 3 Transmitter power supply module board upgrade kit contentsThe dual analog/digital input module board upgrade kit(SM500/0725) comprises the following:Description Part No.Qty Dual analog/digital input module board assembly SM500/02851 Information – Analog/Digital I/P, dual relay, Tx PSU anddual analog/digital I/P module board upgrade kitinstallationINF06/941Table 4 Dual analog/digital input module board upgrade kit contents 2 Tools requiredThe following tools are required to perform the installation:• No.1 Pozidriv screwdriver• No.2 Pozidriv screwdriver• Flat-bladed screwdriver, 3 to 4 mm wide tip.2S M500F| M O D U L E B OA R D U P G R A D E K IT I NS TA L L ATI O N | I N F06/94 R E V. D 3Installing a module boardReferring to Figure 1, install an analog/digital input, dual relay or transmitter PSU module board as follows:1 Unlock the instrument door with the key supplied, press therelease catch and open the door.2 Remove the tamper-evident seal (if fitted), release thecaptive screw securing the inner cover plate and remove the inner cover plate.3 Identify the module board position (see Figure 2.8 on page17 of the User Guide, IM/SM500F). Align the connectors onthe module board and the motherboard and press home,ensuring the connectors engage correctly.Note.The dual relay module board or the transmitter power supply module board must be fitted only in position D.4 Secure the module board with the M3 x 16 screw.Note.Connect the module board as detailed in Sections 2.3 and 2.4 of the User Guide, IM/SM500F.5 Locate the inner cover plate lugs in the slots in the outercase and close the inner cover plate.6 Tighten the inner cover plate retaining screw and fit atamper-evident seal (if required).7 Close and lock the instrument door and restore the powersupply to the instrument.Figure 1 Installing an analog/digital input, dual relay or transmitter power supply module boardS M500F| M O D U L E B OA R D U P G R A D E K IT I NS TA L L ATI O N | I N F06/94 R E V. D3 4 NotesI N F 06/94 R e v . D 07.2019—We reserve the right to make technical changes or modify the contents of this document without prior notice. With regard to purchase orders, the agreed particulars shall prevail. ABB does not accept any responsibility whatsoever for potential errors or possible lack of information in this document.We reserve all rights in this document and in the subject matter and illustrations contained therein. Any reproduction, disclosure to third parties or utilization of its contents – in whole or in parts – is forbidden without prior written consent of ABB.© ABB 2019—ABB LimitedMeasurement & Analytics Howard Road St. NeotsCambridgeshire PE19 8EU UKTel: +44 (0)1480 475 321Fax: +44 (0)1480 217 948Email: **********************.comABB Inc.Measurement & Analytics 125 E. County Line Road Warminster PA 18974USATel: +1 215 674 6000Fax: +1 215 674 /measurement。
ABB FSO-12 -21 安全功能模块固件更新指南说明书

—OPTIONEN FÜR ABB FREQUENZUMRICHTERFSO-12/-21 - Firmware-Aktualisierung mit dem Drive Composer Pro BenutzerhinweiseFSO-12/-21 - Firmware-Aktualisierung mit dem Drive Composer ProBenutzerhinweise© 2020 ABB Oy. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. 3AXD50000578764 Rev ADEÜbersetzung des Originaldokuments3AXD50000564767 Rev AGÜLTIG AB: 2019-11-25Inhalt1. Einleitung (4)2. Voraussetzungen (4)3. Aktualisierung des FSO-12/-21 Sicherheitsfunktionsmoduls (5)3.1 Anschließen (5)3.2 Aktualisierung des Moduls mit dem Drive Composer Pro (5)3.3 Einstellung der FSO-Parameter (9)3.4 Validierung der Sicherheitsfunktionen (12)Weitere Informationen (13)1. EinleitungDieses Dokument beschreibt die Anforderungen und die Vorgehensweise bei der Aktualisierung der Firmware der Sicherheitsfunktionsmodule FSO-12 und FSO-21 mit der Software Drive Composer Pro. Durch das Update wird die Firmware der FSO-Module auf Version H, V4.3.0.0. aktualisiert. Version H behebt einen sicherheitskritischen Fehler in der Funktion Sicher Begrenzte Drehzahl (SLS) und dem PROFIsafe Modulationsstatusbit, der bei den Software-Versionen A-G der FSO-12/-21 Module besteht. Die Aktualisierung erfolgt bei den Sicherheitsfunktionsmodulen FSO-12 und -21 auf die gleiche Weise und dauert etwa 25 Minuten pro FSO-Modul.Hinweis! Es kann immer nur jeweils ein FSO-Modul aktualisiert werden.Hinweis! Diese Anweisung gilt nicht für die Aktualisierung der FSO-11 Sicherheitsoptionsmodule.Ergänzende HandbücherWeitere Informationen zur neuen FSO-Firmware finden Sie in den folgenden Benutzerhandbüchern:Dokument CodeOptionshandbücherFSO-12 safety functions module user’s manual3AXD50000015612FSO-21 safety functions module user’s manual3AXD50000015614 Handbuch des Drive PC-ToolsDrive composer Start-up and maintenance PC tool user’s manual3AUA0000094606Handbücher und andere Produktdokumente im PDF-Format finden Sie im Internet. Siehe /drives/documents. Wenden Sie sich bei Handbüchern, die nicht in der Dokumentenbibliothek verfügbar sind, an Ihre lokale ABB-Vertretung.Weitere Sicherheitsinformationen und Lösungen von ABB finden Sie unter /safety.2. VoraussetzungenLaden Sie vor der Aktualisierung zunächst die Software Drive Composer Pro 2.4.1 über den folgenden Link herunter. Der Drive Composer Pro 2.4.1 läuft mit Ihrem aktuellen Lizenzcode für den Drive Composer Pro (DCPT-01). Wenn Sie keine Lizenz für den Drive Composer Pro besitzen, kann die Software 30 Tage lang im Testmodus genutzt werden.Link zum Herunterladen des Drive Composer Pro 2.4.1:https:///drives/software-tools/drive-composerZusätzlich zum Drive Composer Pro 2.4.1 benötigen Sie folgende Ausrüstung:Kabel USB A auf USB Mini-B▪IBM-kompatibler PC mit Microsoft Windows 7 oder Windows 10 (32 oder 64 Bit) als Betriebssystem und einen freien USB-A-Steckplatz. Vorzugsweise einen Laptop, der leicht neben den Frequenzumrichterschränken aufgestellt werden kann.Falls der Frequenzumrichter, in dem das zu aktualisierende FSO-Modul installiert ist, nicht über ein ACS880 Komfort-Bedienpanel verfügt, benötigen Sie außerdem:▪ACS880 Komfort-Bedienpanel (beliebige Version)▪Standard-Ethernet-Kabel (RJ45-RJ45)Die ACS880 Frequenzumrichter-Regelungseinheit (ZCU oder BCU) und das FSO-12/21 Modul müssen während des gesamten Aktualisierungsprozesses mit einer 24 V Hilfsspannung versorgt werden. Die Netzspannungsversorgung des Frequenzumrichters muss abgeschaltet werden bzw. bei den ACS880-104 Wechselrichtermodulen muss die Einspeiseeinheit vor dem Öffnen der Schaltschranktüren abgeschaltet werden.Hinweis! Der Frequenzumrichter darf während der Aktualisierung nicht laufen.3. Aktualisierung des FSO-12/-21 Sicherheitsfunktionsmoduls3.1 AnschließenFühren Sie die folgenden Schritte aus, um die für die Aktualisierung notwendigen Verbindungen herzustellen.1.Vergewissern Sie sich, dass der Laptop vollständig aufgeladen ist und nicht inden geplanten Ruhezustand wechselt oder neu startet. Der Laptop sollte an dasNetz angeschlossen sein.2.Wenn der Frequenzumrichter, dessen FSO-Modul aktualisiert werden soll, nichtüber ein ACS880 Komfort-Bedienpanel verfügt, schließen Sie ein Bedienpanel anAnschluss X13 der Regelungseinheit (BCU oder ZCU) des Frequenzumrichters an.3.Schließen Sie das USB-Kabel zwischen dem Bedienpanel und dem Computer an.Warten Sie, bis Windows das neue Gerät (ABB Komfort-Bedienpanel) erkannt hat. Hinweis! Die Aktualisierung des FSO-Moduls kann nur bei direktem Anschluss an den USB-Port des Bedienpanels und für jeweils einen Frequenzumrichter durchgeführt werden. Eine Aktualisierung des Moduls ist beispielsweise nicht über eine Panelbuskette möglich, die aus FDPI-02-Adaptern aufgebaut ist und bei der mehrere Frequenzumrichter an ein Bedienpanel angeschlossen sind, und auch nicht über ein Ethernet-Tool-Netzwerk.3.2 Aktualisierung des Moduls mit dem Drive Composer ProStarten Sie, nachdem der Computer das angeschlossene Bedienpanel erkannt hat, die Software Drive Composer Pro Wählen Sie auf dem Begrüßungsbildschirm (…Welcome“) …USB/COM enabled“ und klicken Sie dann auf …Connect“.2. Nachdem der Driver Composer Pro die Verbindung mit dem Frequenzumrichter hergestellt hat, wird im linken Fenster ein verbundener Frequenzumrichter dargestellt.3. Wählen Sie im Menü …Tools” die Option …FSO firmware loader“.4. Es öffnet sich ein Auswahlmenü. Wählen Sie den Frequenzumrichter aus, den Sie aktualisieren möchten, und klicken Sie …OK“.5. Der Bildschirm zur Aktualisierung der FSO-Firmware öffnet sich. Die Firmware kann aktualisiert werden, wenn die aktuelle Firmware-Version des FSO-Moduls älter als004.003.000.000 ist. Klicken Sie auf …Next“, um fortzufahren.6. Akzeptieren Sie die Geschäftsbedingungen, um fortzufahren.7. Der Bildschirm zur Aktualisierung der FSO-Firmware öffnet sich. Klicken Sie auf …Start“, um die Firmware-Aktualisierung zu starten. Während dieses Vorgangs sollten Sie keine weiteren Aktionen auf dem Computer ausführen.8. Die Aktualisierung umfasst drei Schritte: Sicherung der Konfiguration, Download der aktuellen Firmware in das FSO-Modul und Überprüfung der aktualisierten Firmware. Nachdem alle Schritte durchgeführt wurden, werden die Regelungseinheit des Frequenzumrichters und das FSO-Modul automatisch neu gestartet und die folgende Anzeige erscheint. Klicken Sie auf …Next“.9. Das Update-Tool zeigt den Haftungsausschluss in Bezug auf die Validierung von Sicherheitsfunktionen an. Klicken Sie auf …OK“.10. Das USB-Kabel kann nun vom Frequenzumrichter abgezogen werden, wenn es für den Drive Composer Pro einen anderen Anschluss an den Frequenzumrichter gibt z. B. Tool-Netzwerk über Ethernet, um die Sicherheitsparameter des FSO zu konfigurieren. Schließen Sie den Drive Composer Pro.11. Wenn kein anderer Anschluss für den Drive Composer Pro am Frequenzumrichter vorhanden ist, lassen Sie das USB-Kabel weiterhin angeschlossen und fahren Sie mit der Einstellung der FSO-Parameter im nächsten Abschnitt fort.12. In den Sicherheitseinstellungen des FSO können Sie nachprüfen, ob die neue Firmware in das FSO-Modul geladen wurde. Wenn die Parameter SLSx.05 SLS ramp modoff reaction und SLSx.06 SLS ramp modoff delay time [ms] zu sehen sind, dann wurde die Firmware des FSO-Moduls erfolgreich auf Version H aktualisiert. Die Prüfung der Einstellungen der FSO-Parameter wird im nächsten abschnitt beschrieben.3.3 Einstellung der FSO-ParameterVersion H der Sicherheitsfunktionsmodule FSO-12 und FSO-21 beinhaltet zwei neue sicherheitskritische Parameter verglichen mit den Versionen A bis G.Die Funktionalität der SLS-Funktion wurde im Hinblick auf den folgenden Fall verbessert, wobei:1. die SLS-Funktion von der höheren Drehzahl anstatt dem SLS-Drehzahlgrenzwertaktiviert wird2. das FSO-Modul den Frequenzumrichter zur Verzögerung auf den SLS-Drehzahlgrenzwert zwingt3. der Frequenzumrichter während der Verzögerungsrampe abgeschaltet, wasdurch das FSO-Modul erzwungen wird4. VERBESSERTE FUNKTIONALITÄT: Das FSO-Modul erkennt, dass derFrequenzumrichter die Modulation während der Verzögerungsrampe stoppt, undaktiviert STO mit den entsprechenden Meldungen.Diese Verbesserung wird durch das Hinzufügen von zwei neuen Parametern zur SLS-Parametergruppe erreicht:SLSx.05: SLS ramp modoff reaction•A) Modoff delay time•B) Monitoring active•C) Monitoring active and modoff delay time•D) Monitoring and modoff delay time disabledSLSx.06: SLS ramp modoff delay time [ms]•Verzögerte Modoff-Reaktion bei den Einstellungen A) und C) für SLSx.05SLSx.05 ist standardmäßig auf A) Modoff delay time und SLSx.06 auf 0 ms eingestellt, was bedeutet, dass das FSO-Modul die Funktion STO sofort aktiviert, wenn die Modulationwährend der Verzögerungsrampe ausfällt, die von der SLS-Funktion forciert wird.Wenn Sie die Grundeinstellung aus den älteren Firmware-Versionen A bis G des FSO-Moduls beibehalten möchten, muss Parameter SLSx.05 auf D)Monitoring and modoff delay time disabled eingestellt werden. Dann aktiviert das FSO-Modul nicht die STO-Funktion, falls die Modulation während der Verzögerung ausfällt.Einstellen der FSO-Parameter mit dem PC-Tool Drive Composer Pro:1. Klicken Sie in der Liste auf den Namen des Frequenzumrichters und wählen Sie im Menü die Option …Safety settings“.Wenn sich der Bildschirm für die Sicherheitseinstellungen geöffnet hat, klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche…Parameter view“.2. Klicken Sie auf …Read settings from the drive“.3. Geben Sie das FSO-Passwort ein (standardmäßig …12345678“) und klicken Sie auf …OK“. Warten Sie, bis die Sicherheitseinstellungen aus dem FSO-Modul geladen wurden.4. Scrollen Sie durch die Parameterliste bis zu dem Abschnitt …SLSx“. Stellen Sie die neuen Parameter SLSx.05 und SLSx.06 auf die gewünschten Werte ein.5. Übernehmen Sie die neuen Einstellungen für das FSO-Modul, indem Sie auf …Apply settingsto drive“ klicken. Geben Sie dann das FSO-Passwort erneut ein und klicken Sie auf …OK“ , um fortzufahren.6. Der Drive Composer Pro zeigt eine Warnung zur Validierung der Sicherheitskonfiguration an. Klicken Sie auf …Yes“.7. Es werden zwei Meldungen angezeigt. Klicken Sie bei beiden auf …OK“.8. Nachdem die neuen Sicherheitseinstellungen in das FSO-Modul geladen wurden, bleibt der Frequenzumrichter mit der Meldung …FSO general fault“ weiterhin auf Störung, bis diese quittiert wird. Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche …Reset fault“, um die Störung zu quittieren.9. Die FSO-Parameter sind nun eingestellt, und der Frequenzumrichter kann gestartet werden.10. Wenn Sie die FSO-Parameter über eine Punkt-zu-Punkt-USB-Verbindung eingestellt haben, können Sie nun den Drive Composer Pro schließen und das USB-Kabel vom Bedienpanel des Frequenzumrichters abziehen.3.4 Validierung der SicherheitsfunktionenNach der Aktualisierung des FSO-Moduls und der Änderung der Sicherheitseinstellungen muss der Anwender die Validierung der Sicherheitsfunktionen für das Sicherheitssystem durchführen. Das bedeutet, dass alle Sicherheitsfunktionen auf die gewünschte Funktion hin geprüft werden müssen. Insbesondere muss die neue Reaktion bei SLS-Ausfall geprüft werden, wenn die Frequenzumrichter-Modulation ausfällt.Sie können das Verhalten bei Ausfall der Modulation auf einfache Weise prüfen, indem Sie im Drive Composer auf die Schaltfläche …Coast to stop“ klicken. Hierdurch wird die Modulation sofort gestoppt, und der Motor trudelt aus, anstatt der Rampe zu folgen. Stellen Sie sicher, dass das Austrudeln für Ihre Maschine gefahrlos ist.Die Validierung der Sicherheitsfunktionen muss von einer fachlich kompetenten Person durchgeführt werden, die über die notwendige Erfahrung mit der/den verwendeten Sicherheitsfunktion(en) verfügt. Die Validierung der Sicherheitsfunktionen erfolgt nach dem in den Benutzerhandbüchern für das FSO-12 und das FSO-21 Sicherheitsfunktionsmodul beschriebenen Abnahmeprüfverfahren. Grundsätzlich muss die Validierung oder Abnahmeprüfung mindestens die folgenden Schritte umfassen:•Vorliegen eines Abnahmeprüfplans•Prüfung aller in Betrieb genommenen Funktionen auf ordnungsgemäße Funktionsweise•Prüfung aller verwendeten Eingänge auf ordnungsgemäße Funktion•Prüfung aller verwendeten Ausgänge auf ordnungsgemäße Funktion•Dokumentation aller durchgeführten Abnahmeprüfungen•Der Prüfer unterschreibt den Abnahmeprüfbericht und archiviert ihn für die künftige Einsichtnahme.—Weitere InformationenProdukt- und ServiceanfragenRichten Sie Anfragen zum Produkt an Ihre lokale ABB-Vertretung und geben Sie die Typenbezeichnung sowie die Seriennummer des betreffenden Geräts an. Eine Liste der ABB Vertriebs-, Support- und Servicekontakte finden Sie unter/searchchannels.ProduktschulungenInformationen zu ABB-Produktschulungen finden Sie unter/service/training.Ihre Kommentare zu den Handbüchern von ABBSchreiben Sie uns Ihre Meinung zu unseren Handbüchern unter/drives/manuals-feedback-form.Dokumentenbibliothek im InternetHandbücher und andere Produktdokumentation im PDF-Format finden Sie im Internet unter /drives/documents./drives3AXD50000578764A© 2020 ABB Oy. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.D 50000578764 R e v A (DE ) G ÜL T I G A B 2019-11-25。
ABB 新一代电机控制与保护设备说明书

We keep your motors runningABB’s new control and protection devicesABB control and protection devicesfor applications up to 18.5 kW / 20 Hp2 2CDC003012B0201One familyABB’s new generation of modular motor control and protection devices for applications up to 18.5 kW/400 V forms one power-ful family. Innovatively designed, it offers you more than just state-of-the-art technology from one of the world’s leading manufacturers of power engineering and automation technology components. We think you’ll agree that ABB’s new line makes it easier than ever before to maximise your productivity, increase efficiency and achieve greater flexibility in your appli-cations. Welcome to the next generation in motor control and protection.45 mm standard housing widthThis cutting edge new product family integrates seamlessly into your applications by offering a standardised 45 mm colour-coordinated housing across the range in combination with optimal performance. Our system not only fits in perfectly with your design, but also helps you to simplify planning and reduce costs by featuring a set of common accessories through the range.Reliability and Energy efficiencyElectronic devices mean more than simply being significantly more reliable than legacy mechanical systems. ABB’s engineers have managed to come up with a revolutionary starter solution that achieves less resistance per phase, a reduction in thermal load, lower energy consumption and is up to a third lighter than comparable electromechanical devices on the market – a com-bination that not only helps to protect the environment, but also reduces your energy costs.SustainabilityProtecting the environment has long been at the top of ABB’s list of priorities. For this reason we have been manufacturing our device components from recyclable raw materials for many years already. The new generation of motor control and protection devices takes the essential matter of environmental compatibility a step further and is compliant with European RoHS directives.Unique AC/DC contactor coilABB’s engineers have built on the success of our larger contac-tors by integrating an AC/DC coil into our new compact range of motor control and protection devices. Having reduced the number of contactor types by an impressive 90%, you now only need one contactor for a wide range of both AC and DC control voltages, giving you more flexibility and taking the worry out of even your most difficult applications.Your advantages at a glance:- One family for increased productivity- 45 mm standard housing width for seamless integration- Increased reliability through electronic devices- Sustainable energy-efficiency- Unique AC/DC contactor coil for more flexibility2CDC003012B0201 34 2CDC003012B0201Simplicity for your designCompact design – more environmentally friendlyWe took time out to listen to our customers’ needs and inte-grated this wealth of experience into a state-of-the-art com-pact, modular design. Our new 45 mm housings are up to a third narrower than existing products on the market, saving you space and enabling you to reduce the overall dimensions of your panel without compromising on performance. This slim-line design also utilises fewer raw materials in the manu-facturing process and optimises heat dissipation, further reducing your carbon footprint.Accessories – interchangeable and easyABB’s motor control and protection range offers you a whole host of accessories for practically any requirement. This seamless range of snap-on accessories can be applied uni-versally throughout the entire family of devices.Our new contactors offer unique and groundbreaking flexibility in terms of mounting options. Accessories can be mounted to the left, right, top or bottom in order to fit your requirements,providing you with greater flexibility in terms of engineering and utilisation than ever before – and that means no more wonder-ing whether your accessories will be compatible or whether they are going to fit your panel.Flexibility for your applicationOur engineers have taken modularity and uniformity to the next level in terms of flexibility and practicality for your appli-cations. This approach offers you huge benefits in the field.Thanks to the unique contactor coil that covers both AC and DC control voltages in compact size, it has never been easier to interchange contactors. Forget about checking dimensions and control supply modes – now you can simply plug in a replacement module from our range and you’re ready to er-friendly modular engineeringABB’s exciting new family of modular, integrated motor control and protection devices takes you to the next level in terms of productivity. This homogenous line of manual motor starters,contactors, overload relays and soft starters for applications up to 18.5 kW/400 V has been designed with your precise needs in mind. We think you’ll agree that there is no better way to maximise your productivity, increase efficiency, and achieve greater flexibility.2CDC003012B0201 5Your advantages at a glance:- Flexibility for your application- User-friendly modular engineering- Compact design – more environmentally friendly - Accessories – interchangeable and easy6 2CDC003012B0201Availability by designImproved logistics and stock controlIn terms of accessories, our new range couldn’t be morestraightforward. This is because ABB’s engineers have devel-oped all of the components that make up the product line to use the same standardised set of accessories. The MS132family also facilitates the reduction of your warehousing and logistical requirements by making use of the same accessories for both the MS116 and the MS132, or through the assimilation of AC and DC control supply modes into a single line of con-tactors.Fewer production shortagesABB’s engineers have spent a great deal of time out in the field listening to your needs. The outcome of this research is a range that has been especially tailored to help you avoid production shortages. Innovative features such as our standardised 45 mm housing take the guesswork out of maintenance and help you keep downtimes to an absolute minimum – genuine compatibility that you can depend on, day in, day out.Reduced inventory of partsABB’s new range makes managing your inventory easier than ever before. Conceived with simplicity in mind, our engineers have made it possible to integrate the entire family into just a few components. That not only simplifies the ordering process,but also reduces the logistical complexity of your inventory,making ordering your stock a snap.Greater exchangeabilityABB has designed its innovative new range with exchangeability in mind. For example, our range of standard-width 45 mm contactors features just 4 coils covering nominal voltages from 24 to 500 V 50/60 Hz and 20 to 500 V DC. This facilitates planning and enables you to be more flexible – which, in turn, reduces costs and simultaneously increases availability.Reduced weight – reduced fuel expenditureOur new family of motor control and protection devices has been developed right from the drawing-board stage to be up to a third lighter than comparable devices on the market, making the storage and transport of our products more simple and more economical. This substantial reduction in weight is another key component in our drive to reduce environmental impact by helping to decrease fuel expenditure and increasesustainability.- Reduced inventory of parts- Greater exchangeability- Reduced weight – reduced fuel expenditure- Improved logistics and stock control- Fewer production shortages2CDC003012B0201 78 2CDC003012B0201Safety through reliabilityMaximum dependability under the toughest conditions Our new family of motor control and protection devices has been created with the twin pillars of application-reliability and user-safety at the very forefront of the design.Typical local problems such as poor network quality won’t affect our contactors at all. They are not only completelychatter-proof and hum-free, but voltage drops and sags/dips are now a thing of the past. Moreover, the contactors arecompatible with most PLC outputs and offer built-in coil surge suppression.Safer installation – safer operationOur engineers have integrated a host of new features to make your job easier, safer and more straightforward than ever before. For example, our new AC/DC contactors combine both control supply modes in a single unit, eliminating the risk of errors. A vastly reduced total number of modules improves clarity when selecting, ordering and installing your equipment. Our innovative touch-safe features protect you against accidental contact during operation by means of protective covers.Ultimate reliability in harsh environmentsABB’s new line of industrial motor control and protection devices has been developed for deployment in the toughest of industrial scenarios where absolute reliability is a require-ment, not an option. For example, you can use ABB’s new contactors under even the harshest of ambient conditions ranging from -40 °C up to +70 °C, testimony to just how ready for the challenge this feature-rich industrial product line is.Lower resistance – lower energy consumptionWhen we challenged ABB’s design engineers to produce a concept to gear the innovative new range of devices towards lower power utilisation, they certainly didn’t disappoint. The resulting revolutionary design is a circuit that achieves less resistance per phase, a reduction in thermal load and lower energy consumption – a combination that not only helps toprotect the environment, but also reduces your energy costs.2CDC003012B0201 9Your advantages at a glance:- Ultimate reliability in harsh environments- Lower resistance – lower energy consumption- Maximum dependability under the toughest conditions - Safer installation – safer operation through features such as our AC/DC compatible coil and protective covers10 2CDC003012B0201The next generation: product overviewContactors- 2 frame sizes in 45 mm width from 4 to 18.5 kW 400 V AC-3 and up to 50 A AC-1- Unique contactor whatever the AC or DC control supply mode - E xtended coil operating limits to manage large voltage variations - O nly 4 coils with wide voltage range covering voltages between 24...500 V 50/60 Hz and 20...500 V DC - Built-in surge protection -F rom 30% up to 80% of reduction of AC pull-in coil consumption- Direct control by PLC-output 24 V DC 500 mA - Low AC and DC holding consumptions - E xtended features with AF..Z type: voltage sag & dips with-stand in the control supplyMain benefits-G reater product availability, reduction of stocks and increased inventory turnover- Simplified design with an unique AC/DC contactor frame size - N o interface relay coupled with PLC and no extra surge suppressor required anymore - R educed panel consumption, less fans, smaller control transformers- Improved operational reliability of customer equipmentsManual Motor Starters- One product family up to 32 A in 45 mm:- MS116: 12 setting ranges from 0.1 to 16 A - MS132: 15 setting ranges from 0.1 to 32 A - Overload protection - Trip class 10/10- Phase loss sensitivity- Temperature compensated - Short-circuit protection- MS116: I cs up to 50 kA at 400 V - MS132: I cs up to 100 kA at 400 V - ON/OFF switch functionality - Disconnect functionMain benefits- MS132: Clear position of the handle ON/OFF/TRIPPED - MS132: Magnetic tripping optically signaled on the front - Ambient air temperature for operation: -25 °C to +55 °C/+60 °C- One range of common accessories for MS116 and MS132ContactorsAF09-30-10, AF12-30-10, AF16-30-10, AF26-30-00, AF30-30-00, AF38-30-00Manual Motor StartersMS116-6.3, MS132-10, MS132-32Contactor AccessoriesOverload relays- Thermal overload relays – TF range up to 38 A- Overload protection trip class 10- Temperature compensation from -25 … +60 °C- Electronic overload relays – EF19/EF45 up to 45 A- Overload protection trip class 10E, 20E, 30E selectable - Temperature compensation from -25 … +70 °C- Phase loss sensitivity- Automatic- or manual reset selectable- Adjustable setting current for overload protection- STOP- and Test function- Sealable operating elementsOther accessories- O ne mechanical and electrical interlock set up to 50 % less wiring and requiring no extra width- L arge choice and flexible use of common front or side mounted 1-pole, 2-pole and 4-pole auxiliary contact blocks - F ree access to coil supply with coil terminal blocks removable on the top, bottom or on the front face- All connection accessories to realize your startersMain benefits- Safety requirements covered through mechanically linked contacts, mirror contacts, sealable protection covers- Flexible for equipment design and manufacture- Quick mounting, secure connection with less wiring of accessories to the contactor- Buy just for the exact auxiliary contact configuration you use - Limited inventory with common accessories throughout the range- A ll direct on-line starters in 45 mm width and reversing starters in 90 mm width Soft Starters- 45 mm standard case width- Three frame sizes from 1.5 up to 18.5 kW- Motor voltage 208...600 V- Supply voltage 24 V DC or 100...240 V AC- Rail or screw mount- Integrated bypass contact- Temperature compensation -25 °C to +60 °CMain benefits- Reduced voltage start- Field bus compatible with field bus plug accessory- Compact design 45 mm width for up to 18.5 kW- Run signal relay included- Top of ramp signal relay available from PSR25- 10 starts per hour and up to 20 starts per hour with addition of cooling fan- Reduces mechanical stress- Reduces power and control wiring (when compared with star-delta starter)Soft StartersPSR9-600-70, PSR25-600-70, PSR 37-600-70Contactor with accessories incl. TOL2CDC003012B0201 11ABB FranceAutomation Products Division 10, rue Ampère Z.I. - B.P . 114 F-69685 Chassieu cedex / FranceABB STOTZ-KONTAKT GmbH Eppelheimer Straße 82D-69123 Heidelberg / GermanyABB AB/ Cewe-Control Motorgränd 20S-721 61 Västerås / SwedenYou can find the address of your local sales organisation on the ABB home page/contacts -> Low Voltage productsContact usNote:We reserve the right to make technical changes or modify the contents of this document without prior notice. With regard to purchase orders, the agreed particulars shall prevail. ABB AG does not accept any responsibility whatsoever for potential errors or possible lack of information in this document. We reserve all rights in this document and in the subject matter and illustrations contained therein. Any reproduction, disclosure to third parties or utilization of its contents – in whole or in parts – is forbidden without prior written consent of ABB AG. Copyright© 2009 ABB All rights reservedO r d e r N u m b e r 2C D C 003 012 B 0201 P r i n t e d i n G e r m a n y (01/10)/lowvoltage。

主要应用 ▪ 当机器人处在正确的位置时输出一个信号 ▪ 保护周边设备 ▪ 机器人在设定区域内互锁
© ABB Group September 22, 2020 | Slide 11
610-1 独立轴Independent Axes 功能介绍Motion functions
特征 ▪ 机器人第6轴(IRB 2400 /4400的第4轴)或外轴
© ABB Group September 22, 2020 | Slide 14
885-1 软伺服[SoftMove] 功能介绍
特征 ▪ RobotWare迪卡尔软伺服功能选项 ▪ 机器人可在任何方向具有柔性而且在其他方
效益 ▪ 减少产品取出时间,降低单件工时和提高生
产效率 ▪ 允许有一定的机械误差 ▪ 易于编程
则只有通过服务端口) ▪ WebWare 应用程序
▪ WebWare 服务 ▪ PC-SDK可用于开发应用程序 ▪ OPC-server ▪ Includes Socket Messaging and RAPID Message Queue (see Multitasking)?
标准系统机器人路径 (夸张的)
© ABB Group September 22, 2020 | Slide 4
604-1 基于坐标系的机器人联动MultiMove Coordinated
▪ 一个控制系统最多可配置4台机器人及其外加 轴
▪ 各机器人单独运动 ▪ 在通用坐标系下同时运动 ▪ 在通用坐标系下和其他机器人或外轴同时
ProcessRobot 2020.1 企业级机器人过程自动化软件升级指南说明书

Upgrade GuideEnterprise Robotic Process Automation 2020ProcessRobot 2020.1ContentsUpgrading ProcessRobot ______________________________________________________________________________ 1−Step 1: Upgrading ProcessRobot to the latest Version ___________________________________________ 1 FAQ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 20 About Softomotive __________________________________________________________________________________ 21Upgrading ProcessRobot Step 1: Upgrading ProcessRobot to the latest VersionStart the upgrading process by double clicking on the “ProcessRobotSetup-202x.x.xxxx.exe” file (make sure that you are running it as an administrator). Firstly, you will be prompted to uninstall the previous ProcessRobot version.After this is done, the installation wizard will begin by setting up some requirements for ProcessRobot.Click ‘Next’ to proceed with the installation.Accepting the terms of the license agreement is necessary to proceed. Choose which components to install:For example, in this Server installation, also include all Client Tools plus a SideBot: Enter the Connection String for the existing SQL Server database to be used forProcessRobot.Optionally select if a second database should be used for Logs. If this option is not selected, Logs will be stored in the same database as the other ProcessRobot data.Enter the Connection String in the format:Password=<password>; Persist Security Info=True; User ID=<dbUserName>; Initial Catalog=<dbName>; Data Source=<serverName\SQLEXPRESS>;Where:<password> is the database user’s password<dbUserName> is the database user name<dbName> is the name of the database to be used for ProcessRobot<serverName\SQLEXPRESS>: serverName is the name of the Server machine, and SQLEXPRESS is the correct instance of SQL Server. By default, this should be SQLEXPRESS, but if multiple instances of SQL Server exist on the machine, the instance may have a different name, eg SQLEXPRESS01.When selecting to use a separate database for Logs, a second connection must be entered.Select whether to install the Softomotive Browser Extensions for Chrome and Firefox. These are necessary for allowing ProcessRobot to perform web automation tasks on those browsers. Both Extensions are recommended.Choose whether to create Desktop shortcuts for the Client Tools / Robot.Enter the IP address, host name or Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the Server machine and the port number.The number entered should correspond to a port that is not currently in use, and which complies with ITSEC and IANA (https:///assignments/service-names-port-numbers/service-names-port-numbers.xhtml).A quick way to see which ports are currently in use is to run the following command as an Administrator in the Command Prompt:netstat -a -bAs an example, this guide will use port number 6090.In cases where the ProcessRobot Server and Client machines belong to the same Active Directory domain, the host name should suffice.Note that if there are issues with the DNS, the other ProcessRobot components will not be able to communicate with the Server using only the host name or FQDN. DNS issues can be identified by pinging the host name or FQDN. In such cases, either the Server's IP address must be used instead, or the DNS issues must be resolved.Select whether to use a Redis deployment. This guide will proceed without enabling this option.When Client Tools or a Robot are installed, it is necessary to also enter the Server address and port number previously entered in the format <server>:<port>.The <server> value can be entered in any of the three ways described previously, for example:• (IP address)•PR-SERVER:6090 (host name)•PR-SERVER::6090 (FQDN)Select the destination file path for the ProcessRobot installation. The default location is: C:\Program Files\ProcessRobot.Optionally enter a Certificate Name to use for ProcessRobot Custom Authentication. The Certificate must already be set up on the Server machine. Setting up Certificates, as well as enabling Custom Authentication, will be covered later in this guide.Once the Certificate Name has been entered, there are several Certificate Validation Modes to choose from. For Self-Signed Certificates, choose “None”.For Production grade deployments, the Mode will likely be different. In order to learn more about the Certificate validation modes and decide which one fits your environment, please visit: https:///en-us/dotnet/api/system.servicemodel.security.x509certificatevalidationmode?view=netfra mework-4.8Set the Program Folder name.At this stage, you will be prompted to override an already existing Global Settings database. Since our purpose is to simply upgrade to the latest Version, we will select “No” in this case.Click “Finish” to exit the ProcessRobot installer.Once the installation is finished, in case the "ProcessRobot Server" service does not start, navigate to the installation folder (usually to C:\Program Files\ProcessRobot\Server) and execute the file ProcessRobotDatabaseUpgrader.exe. This will setup the ProcessRobot database automatically so that the service will start.To verify that everything went well, check if the ProcessRobot service is up and running. To do so, open the Windows Task Manager. Under the "Services" tab, find the ProcessRobot Server service.Allow the ProcessRobot Server to communicate through the firewall by either allowing the Port # or the ProcessRobot.Server.exe.Keep in mind that this procedure will have to be repeated in every machine where an upgrade is required.FAQ1.Do I have to go through the installation on each and every machine that was hosting a ProcessRobot Component?Yes.2.Do I have to take a backup of my database upon upgrading?Apart from your own backup schedule on the machine that hosts your database, ProcessRobot, automatically takes a backup of your PR Database for you upon upgrade and keeps it in “C:\ProgramData\Softomotive\ProcessRobot\Backup Server\YourDatabase_yyyy_MM_dd_hh_ss.bak”3.Where can I find the connection string that is used upon upgrading the ProcessRobot Server?It is in the following directory"C:\Program Files\ProcessRobot\Server\AppConnectionString.config"on the machine that hosts the ProcessRobot Server.4.Where can I find the config file that targets the ProcessRobot Server on the Client Tools machines?The default full path of the config file is:"C:\Program Files\ProcessRobot\Server\AppServerAddress.config"on the machine that hosts the ProcessRobot Server and any of the Client Tools.5.Will all my processes be running with no issue? Are they going to be affected in any way from the upgrade?All your processes will run fine, and the upgrading will not affect them in any way.About SoftomotiveSoftomotive - the makers of WinAutomation - is one of the leading, longest-standing providers of Robotic Process Automation solutions.We Simplify Automation for over 9,000 customers worldwide, empowering anyone to automate tasks and be given the power to drive innovation.。

通过单步调试功能,可以逐步执行程 序中的每一条指令,观察机器人的动 作和状态变化。
在程序中设置断点,可以使机器人在 执行到指定位置时暂停,方便检查中 间结果和调试问题。
通过监视程序中的关键变量,可以实 时了解机器人的状态和任务执行情况 。
在程序中添加日志记录功能,可以记 录机器人的运行过程和关键事件,便 于后续分析和优化。
04 机器人维护与保 养2024/3/28 Nhomakorabea15
定期使用干布擦拭机器人外壳,确保表面 干净无尘。
检查所有电缆和连接器是否松动或损坏, 确保连接良好。
ABB机器人程序分为主程序和子程序两部分,主 程序负责整体逻辑控制,子程序实现具体功能。
2 3
程序执行时,首先执行主程序中的初始化部分, 然后按照设定的逻辑顺序调用子程序,完成相应 任务。
程序中包含错误处理机制,当机器人遇到异常情 况时,可自动停止运行并提示错误信息。
机器人的“大脑”,负责接收 和处理各种信号,控制机器人 的运动。
检测机器人自身状态和外部环 境的设备,为控制器提供必要 的信息。
用于对机器人进行编程和操作 的设备,实现人机交互。
如汽车制造、电子电器、塑料制品等行业, 实现自动化生产线上的各种操作。

定期清理设备表面和内部灰尘, 避免杂物堆积影响散热和运行。
定期检查设备各部件的紧固情 况,如有松动应及时拧紧。
对设备的滑动部位和轴承进行 定期润滑,确保运行顺畅。
检查电线、电缆、开关等电气 部件是否完好,如有破损应及
提供丰富的文本编辑功能,包 括字体、字号、颜色、对齐方 式等设置,支持撤销、重做等
支持图像的插入、编辑、裁剪、 缩放等功能,可以满足用户对
提供多种表格样式和编辑功能, 支持表格的合并、拆分、排序
支持幻灯片的创建、编辑和演 示,提供多种幻灯片切换效果
用户可以根据自己的使用习惯, 自定义各种操作的快捷键。
提供多种模板供用户选择,并支 持模板的自定义和保存。
支持插件的扩展和安装,用户可 以通过安装插件来增加软件的功 能。
提供多种偏好设置选项,如界面 风格、语言设置、文件关联等, 方便用户根据自己的需求进行设
根据实际运行情况,对设备参数进行调 整优化,提高设备性能和稳定性。
主界面采用直观、简洁的设计风格,包括菜单栏、工具栏、导航栏和 工作区等部分。
ABB INSUM 2 低压切换设备数字升级文件说明书

—ELECTRIFICATION –DISTRIBUTION SOLUTION DIVISION, 2020Low Voltage Switchgear Digital Upgrade Upgrade INSUM 2 to MNS Digital—INSUM 2 Overview—INSUM 2 OverviewINSUM 2 ArchitectureINSUM 2 DescriptionIn service since early 1998. Application in all major industries.Communication:–Standard LON protocol internally–Modbus RTU, Profibus DP and Ethernet for communication to control system–Redundant communication is possibleComponent:–Motor controller MCU and/or circuit breaker PR–Gateway and router–User interface MMI for monitoring and parametering–PC software tool INSUM OS—INSUM 2 Life CycleINSUM 2 OverviewACTIVECLASSIC LIMITED OBSOLETELast buy1 Year1998 INSUM2Restricted ReleaseMin 5 years5 years 2001 INSUM2General ReleaseFeb. 20142018Viability CheckEvery 2 Years2007……2012Viability CheckManufacturing endsClassic phase Announcement 1 Year2013In active phase the business viability check were performed every two years starting from the year 2007. The decision criteria to continue is the INSUM2 share in BU LPLS business for Intelligent Switchgear. This has ended in 2012.The classic phase started 1 year after the announcement of end of active phase in 2013. When this happened, the classic phase is at least 5 years, after this a manufacturing viability check is done every two years starting 2018. INSUM 2 has been decided to enter the Limited phase in January 2019.In this phase the manufacturing of units stopped. However for maximum support of our customer we will check thepossibility to continue manufacturing. In either case the limited phase will be of minimum 3 years starting from01.01.2019. Spare parts are available however not entire range is guaranteed.Active PhaseClassic PhaseLimited PhaseProduct obsolete announcement will be made prior to six month before complete discontinuation of INSUM2.Obsolete PhaseJan. 2019Min 3 years—Upgrade INSUM 2 to MNS Digital Reduce cost and maximize uptime through digitalizationUpgrade INSUM 2 to MNS DigitalReduce upgrade cost: (estimated 30%) when compared to full switchgearreplacementSave cost on spare parts:higher spare part availability due to new and‘active’ productsSafe and fast upgrade: (no motor/control cable replacement etc.)Replacement of full drawer/buckets possible to minimize times.Communication to Control System remains exact as with INSUM 2.Extends the life of the switchgear: due to use of new and active componentsReduce total cost of ownershipExtend the life of switchgear to ensure customer’s plant performs with minimum investments.*MNS DigitalINSUM 2Motor Controller M10x-MCircuit Breakeri.e. Emax2 orEkip-UpABB Ability Condition Monitoring -CMESMNS DigitalGatewayRouter andGatewayPCSLine1 MCULine2MCULine3Line4MMIUpgrade INSUM 2 to MNS DigitalDigitalize the LV switchgearEnhanced Reliability, availability and maintainability using integratedcondition monitoring to enable predictive maintenanceFuture proof (or Futuristic or Timeless)options throughout project lifecycle seamlessly, as and when required (eliminating need for completesystem upgradeCyber security requirements addressed and integratedIndustry 4.0 ready to connect with ABB Ability™—MNS Digital Upgrade for INSUM SystemUpgrading INSUM 2 to MNS DigitalINSUM 2MNS Digital with UMC100.3 or M10x-MThe upgrade solution retains the single point of interface to process control system (PCS) thus there is no change in the communication structure to PCS.Migrating the INSUM 2 architecture to MNS DigitalMotor Controller UMC 100.3Circuit Breaker i.e. Emax2 or Ekip-UpDigital EdgeMNS Digital GatewayPCSABB AbilityCondition Monitoring for Electrical System (CMES)MMIBackplane with Router and GatewayLine 1MCU Line 2MCU Line 3MCU Line 4MCUPCSUpgrade of MCUUpgrade to MNS Digital with M10x-MUpgrade to MNS Digital with UMC 100.3Two options are available when upgrading the MCU which are the M10x-M and the UMC100.3Both motor controllers support all protection, control and measurement functions available in MCU.The main difference between the two options are: 1.Internal Switchgear Bus Communication M10x-M uses Modbus RTU while UMC100.3 uses Modbus TCP2.UMC100.3 supports additional extension unit to add functionalities while M10x-M is only available in single units.Upgrade INSUM 2 to MNS DigitalUpgrade of Motor Control Unit -MCUMCU M10x-MMCU UMC100.3Upgrade INSUM 2 to MNS DigitalUpgrade of Air Circuit BreakerComplete retrofit of SACE circuit breaker Emax is possible with Emax 2Direct Replacement option is available to reduce downtime required in retrofitting.Communication with Ekip COM module and Modbus TCP/RTU to MNS Digital GatewayAlternatively, it is possible to add Ekip-UP unit to existing Emax circuit breaker to achieve communication with MNS Digital GatewayUpgrade of Air Circuit BreakerEmaxEmax 2Ekip-UPUpgrade of Gateway to MNS Digital GatewayUpgrade to MNS Digital with M10x-MUpgrade to MNS Digital with UMC 100.3MNS Digital Gateway has the same signal mapping and communication protocol as GatewayUp to 128 M10x-M/UMC100.3 per MNS Digital Gateway -similar to Gateway configurationInternal communication renewed using Modbus RTU/TCP and optional redundancyOptional MNS Digital Gateway to PCS communication enhanced to: Modbus TCPUpgrade INSUM 2 to MNS DigitalUpgrade of Communication Gateway GatewayRouter and Gateway MNS Digital GatewayRouter and GatewayMNS Digital GatewayM10x –MMNS Digital GatewayM10x –MMNSDigital GWUMC 100.3UMC 100.3MTQ22MTQ22Upgrade INSUM 2 to MNS DigitalUpgrade of MMI to MViewReplace MMI or with MNS Digital MView web interface for enhanced user experience.The following functions are provided (depending on user rights):–Access to any MNS Digital Gateway and field device in the network –Supervision of process values such as currents, voltages, device status –Sending control commands to the intelligent field devices (depending on user rights)–Display of alarms and trips, reset trips–Setting of some parameters such as time and date of the gatewayUpgrade of Human Machine Interface MMIMMIMNS Digital Web InterfaceUpgrade INSUM 2 to MNS DigitalMNS Digital with M10x-MMNS Digital with UMC100.3Redundancy in MNS DigitalM10x-M MNS Digital Gateway PrimaryModbus RTUM10x-MM10x-MMNS Digital Gateway BackupRedundant LinkDigital EdgeABB Ability Condition Monitoring for Electrical System (CMES)Process ControllerProcess ControllerProcess Control SystemProcess Control SystemMNS Digital Gateway PrimaryRedundant LinkDigital EdgeABB Ability Condition Monitoring for Electrical System (CMES)Process ControllerProcess Control SystemUMC 100.3MTQ22MTQ22UMC 100.3MTQ22UMC 100.3Modbus TCPEthernet Switch with MRP MNS Digital Gateway BackupProcess ControllerProcess Control SystemINSUM 2MNS Digital with M10x-M MNS Digital with UMC100.3External Interface GatewayModbus RTU or Profibus DP or Ethernet for DCSRedundant configuration MNS Digital Gateway with 1 port for Modbus RTU or with1 port for Profibus DP as in INSUM 2Redundant configurationMNS Digital Gateway with 1 port for Modbus RTU or with1 port for Profibus DP as in INSUM 2Redundant configurationInternal Communication LON –Local Operating Network Modbus RTU to M10x Modbus TCP to UMC100Multiple MasterMotor/Feeder Control Unit MCU –standard functionalityExternal CT and PTAddressing by softwareDigital input/outputAnalogue outputM10x-M replaces MCU and CTAddressing by softwareDigital input/outputAnalogue outputUMC100.3plus extension units as requiredto replace MCU and CTAddressing by softwareDifferent extension units available for more functionalitiesCircuit Breaker SACE circuit breaker Emax (optional with PR112)Retrofit with Emax2 with Ekip COM Retrofit with Emax2 with Ekip COMSystem Structure128MCU per one backplane 32 MCU per one routerline, depends on type of gateway Up to 128 M10x per MNS Digital Gateway,RS485 Modbus RTUUp to 128 UMC100 per MNS Digital GatewayEthernet ringOperator Interface MMI –user HMIHardware key M10x-M front panelor use of MView with user access with passwordMView –user HMIwith user access with passwordIndividual UMC100.3front panel (optional),PC Based Tool Windows©95 based parametering Windows©base tool utilizing MNavigate and M10xparametering tool Windows©base tool utilizing MNavigate and UMC parametering toolSwitchgear MNS 3MNS Switchgear remains,modules can be upgraded to MNS 3MNS Switchgear remains, modules can be upgraded to MNS 3Upgrade INSUM 2 to MNS Digital Select the solution that fits the requirement—ABB Ability Condition Monitoring for Electrical System Integrated Condition Monitoring for MNS DigitalCondition monitoringData are always available locally, showing users what’s going on across their operationsSafety–Monitoring of the system status can be done away from the switchgear.–Possibility to add online temperature monitoring and arc fault detection to eliminate manual inspection –Maintenance can be performed when needed to minimize the risk of unnecessary failuresMaximize plant availability and safetyOptimize–Move to condition-based and predictive maintenance –Faster fault analysis through guided troubleshooting –Achieve continuous operation by avoiding unplanned outagesAnalyze–Access historical data easily–Continuous data monitoring throughout the entire life of the deviceWhat to monitor in a switchgear?24/7 condition monitoring –field condition assessmentThermal monitoring of motor •To identify incorrect TOL protection settings •Changing loads that affect installed motor •Potential mechanical defectsCurrent monitoring•Phase unbalance due to load issues•Residual current because of winding ages •Winding temperaturesMotor starting time supervision •Supervision of motor starting time to detect change in process load, mechanical defects, aging, etc.Monitoring of motors and connected assetsNominal MeasuredS p e e dWhat to monitor in a switchgear?24/7 condition monitoring –switchgear device assessmentDevice operation to ensure availability•Can detect if a motor has not been used for longer time and reminds fortesting of availabilityModule insertion cycle supervision (mech. operations)•Required for proper maintenance of module contacts (greasing of contacts)Power contact temperature •as a last measure to detect lack of maintenanceModule and breaker supervision•Predict next required maintenance based on loads and operations •Prediction of breaker life statusMaintenance and process related supervision of assetsMaintenance requiredTimeO p e r a t i o n sABB Ability™ CMESFeatures and Functions•Switchgear ‚black box‘ data collector; fully embedded solution•No PLC, no programming required•Web based full graphical user interface, secure access, password protected•Online log for alarm, trip and statusinformation•Switchgear overview and single line diagram for diagnosis purpose•Condition and Energy consumption report to optimize the assets•Thermal condition of switchgear •Assessments maintenance date calculation Dashboards ReportsCondition Monitoring for electrical systemsCondition reportDashboard ABB Ability™ CMES Switchgear overview including:–Total number of devices monitored up to 512–General temperature status –Mechanical components –Time related trend SWGR health conditionDetailed list including per each event –Description –Possible cause –Severity –Suggested actions Event list Single line showing –Feeder name –Feeder status –Single devices status –Main electrical parameters SWGR single line diagram Single monitoring point:–Status details of each section inswitchgear –Position inside the switchgear –Module condition (traffic light)–Thermal condition (traffic light)Panel view and Thermal monitoring –Data collection and storage –Cloud connectivity to MRCData storage and cloud –No additional software needed –Desktop andMobile view (tablet, phone)Web browser user IF–Condition and Energy report Report moduleABB Ability™ Condition Monitoring for electrical systemsMonitor–Collect the data from every device (with communication interface)–Monitor and supervise the complete electrical system –Prioritize information to get right action in time Analyze–Analyze collected data, connectdata with each other to–Separate normal fromabnormal condition–Enable fast fault finding–Present only needed information–Reduce time to identifymaintenance needsReportReport creation tool for:–Switchgear andconnected load condition(one click information)–Energy consumptionand change report(quickly identify highenergy consumers)PredictOnline 24/7 data analysisof devices such as motor starter,circuit breaker, switchgearmodules, etc. to predictmaintenance needs and time.For example:–Contact greasing–Device maintenance–Operation checksABB Ability™ CMES is the on-premise solutionCondition reportUpgrade INSUM 2 to MNS DigitalINSUM 2MNS DigitalINSUM 2 is in limited stage of lifecycle.Extend switchgear life and gain benefit through digitalizationAn obsolete electronic equipment might increase the probability of failureIncreased cost of spare part and delivery time due to limited availabilityUMC 100.3/M10x-MCircuit BreakerEmax2 or Ekip-UpDigital EdgeMNS DigitalGatewayABB AbilityCondition Monitoring forElectrical System (CMES) Upgrade to MNS Digital with minimum/no change at Control System PCSLower cost of spare part through active product usage and enhancedmaintenance strategy based on condition monitoringExtends the life of switchgear while enhancing its reliability throughdigitalization.MMIRouter andGatewayLine1MCUPCSLine2MCULine3MCULine4MCU。
ABB KNX IoT Dashboard Server DBS S 更多功能和特性说明书

——JULY 2020KNX IoT Dashboard Server DBS/S -Further Functions and Features Online Learning Session –Competence Center Europe –Smart BuildingsThorsten Reibel, Jürgen Schilder, Stefan Grosse, Martin Wichary & Olaf Stutzenberger—Online Learning Session –Competence Center Europe -Smart BuildingsABB STOTZ-KONTAKT GmbHHeidelberg / GermanyABB Busch-JaegerLuedenscheid/Germany—AgendaIntroductionCouplers and ETS filter table entriesIoT Dashboard Tool softwareControl elements (shutter, DALI RGB, trend viewer, scene, scheduler, …) IoT Dashboard web user interfaceDevice registration in “MyBuildings Portal”DALI Manager applicationPractical demonstration—KNX IoT Dashboard Server DBS/S -Further Functions and Features IntroductionTraining and QualificationTraining MaterialThis presentation is the continuation of the Online Learning Session “KNX IoT Dashboard Server DBS/S –Basic Commissioning” in July 2020Link presentation →Link recording →Training & Qualification Database–The database contains extensive training content •https://go.abb/ba-training•/knx (→Services & Tools →Training and Qualification →Training Database)YouTube–Channel “ABB Home and Building Automation”•https:///user/ABBibusKNXOnline Learning SessionOnline Session July 2020:Link presentation →Link recording →Webinar Oct. 2019:Link presentation →Link recording →Control all building functions with the IoT Dashboard–It is a way to control Smart Buildings from any device, anywhere and at any time –User-friendly dashboard to make life easier for electrical installers and end users –The dashboard is user-friendly and easy to use, giving electrical installers with no pre-knowledge of dashboards or visualization a simple route into the Smart Building market –The new IoT Dashboard comes with pre-programmed frames and allows strong control and monitoring of all automated building functions –It helps end users (e.g. facility managers) to monitor and control their building automation solutions →Intuitive way:No experience with visualization neededOnline Learning SessionKNX IoT Dashboard Server DBS/S Learning SessionOverview–The IoT Dashboard Server is the connection between the IP Building Network, ABB Ability TM and KNX –IoT Dashboard is the User-Interface (UI) between the commercial building and the user Cloud connectivity for remote access–IoT Dashboard Tool is a software for the Electrical installer to create the IoT DashboardIt includes predefined modules and controls –IoT Dashboard ETS App is the interface between the ETS and the IoT Dashboard Tool to synchronize data –ETS5 product file (*.knxprod) for calculating filter table entries –Additionally Facility Manager is able to download features (IoT Dashboard App , e.g. DALI Manager) from the MyBuildings PortalOnline Learning SessionETS5*RouterMyBuildings PortalIoT Dashboard ToolInternal IP networkE x t e r n a l I P n e t w o r kIoT DashboardRouterIoT DashboardETS AppIoT Dash-board Server—KNX IoT Dashboard Server DBS/S -Further Functions and Features Commissioning steps, couplers and ETS filter table entries—KNX IoT Dashboard Server DBS/S -Further Functions and Features Online Learning SessionCommissioning steps and ETS filter table entries–Create a new IoT Dashboard Tool project•Select whether you have an existing ETS project whose datayou wish to synchronize between ETS and IoT Dashboard Tool•Add users (Admin, Facility Manager, …)•Configure the operating pages•Add controls to the individual operating pages•Set parameters of the controls•Link group address•Upload the configuration to the IoT Dashboard ServerOnline Learning SessionCommissioning steps and ETS filter table entries–Create a new IoT Dashboard Tool project•Select whether you have an existing ETS project whose data you wish to synchronize between ETS and IoT Dashboard Tool •Add users (Admin, Facility Manager, …)•Configure the operating pages•Add controls to the individual operating pages•Set parameters of the controls•Link group address•Upload the configuration to the IoT Dashboard Server–Start a browser and open the IoT Dashboard•Enter IP address, user name and password•Operate and view values•…Online Learning SessionCommissioning steps and ETS filter table entries–IoT Dashboard Tool•Synchronize“Building view” and “Group addresses with ETS •IoT Dashboard Tool used group addresses are linked to the group objects of the IoT Dashboard Server DBS/S–ETS•The ETS automatically creates the filter table entries •Download all modified IP Routers IPR/S and Line Couplers LK/S to update the filter table entries•…Online Learning SessionCommissioning steps and ETS filter table entries –communication via KNXnet/IPIoT Dashboard ServerETS5RouterMyBuildings PortalInternal IP network(technical, e.g. KNXnet/IP Routing)ExternalIPnetworkRouterIoT Dashboard ToolIoT DashboardETS AppFilter table:3/1/1Line 9.3x Line 9.1.xWiFiaccess pointwwwKNXnet/IPKNXnet/IPLAN2Filter table:0/4/710/4/71 0.0.53/1/13/1/→ETS application “DBS/S ….IP”Online Learning SessionCommissioning steps and ETS filter table entries –communication via KNX TPETS5RouterMyBuildings PortalInternal IP network(technical, e.g. KNXnet/IP Routing)E x t e r n a l I P n e t w o r kRouterIoT Dashboard ToolIoT DashboardETS AppFilter table:0/4/71WiFiaccess pointwwwKNX TPKNXnet/IP9. table:0/4/713/1/10/4/713/1/1IoT Dashboard Server9.→ETS application “DBS/S ….TP”Line 9.3xLine 9.1.x—KNX IoT Dashboard Server DBS/S -Further Functions and Features Practical demonstration—KNX IoT Dashboard Server DBS/S -Further Functions and FeaturesPractical demonstration–Software version•IoT Dashboard Server DBS/S V1.1 (1.20.11)•IoT Dashboard Tool 1.1 (1.20.11)–The IoT Dashboard Server is already programmed, in operation (controls: Rocker switch, temperature and weather) and communicates via twisted pair (TP) to KNXOnline Learning SessionIoT Dashboard Server *Router (DHCP) networkKNX TP192.168.1.x Dashboard ETS App IoT Dashboard ToolETS5192.168.1.148*Only one network connection (LAN1) is used—KNX IoT Dashboard Server DBS/S -Further Functions and Features Online Learning SessionAre there any questions in the chatOnline Learning SessionHomepage/KNX→Products and Downloads→Visualisation, Display and Signalling→Visualisation DBS/S–Product Manual–Installation and Operating Instructions–Tender specification–ETS Application–CAD Drawing–• •Online Learning SessionProduct Range OverviewSmarter Solutions for Home and Building Automation ABB i-bus KNXProduct Range Overview 2019/2020LINKTraining and Qualification Training Material Training & Qualification Database –The database contains extensive training content •Presentations •Video tutorials•Webinar slides and videos•and more …•https://go.abb/ba-training •/knx (→Services & Tools →Training and Qualification →Training Database)YouTube–Channel “ABB Home and Building Automation”•https:///user/ABBibusKNX Online Learning SessionOnline Session July 2020:Link presentation →Link recording →Webinar Oct. 2019:Link presentation →Link recording →Training and QualificationTraining & Qualification Calendar In addition to the online modules and the traditional training programs offered by your local ABB sales team, we offer a variety of on-site trainings conducted by our specialists at different ABB training facilities In this Training & Qualification Calendar you can find the educational events that are taking place during 2020If you are interested in a training please click the training und you will be forwarded to register in “ABB MyLearning”/knx or https://go.abb/ba-training→Services & Tools→Training and Qualification→Training Calendar Online Learning Session—DisclaimerTechnical data in this presentation are only approximate figures. The information in this presentation is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by ABB. ABB assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this presentation.ABB shall in no case be liable under, or in connection with the presentation towards any person or entity, to which the presentation has been made available, in view of any damages or losses –irrespective of the legal grounds. In particular ABB shall in no event be liable for any indirect, consequential or special damages, such as -but not limited to –loss of profit, loss of revenue, loss of earnings, cost of capital or cost connected with an interruption of business.© Copyright 2020 ABB. All rights reserved.。

In a simplified methodology appropriately referred to as layers-of-protection analysis (LOPA), the risk-reduction contribution of each of these often overlapping layers of protection can be calculated, including the contribution of a safety instrumented system if employed.
ABB 机器人与自动化 PLC 程序逻辑控制器回收说明及环境信息说明书

ABBABB Machinery & AutomationPLC , Programmable Logical ControllerRecycling instructions and environmental information3ADR9930163ADR993016NOTICEThis document contains information about one or more ABB products and may include a description of or a reference to one or more standards that may be generally relevant to the ABB products. The presence of any such description of a standard or reference to a standard is not a representation that all of the ABB products referenced in this document support all of the features of the described or referenced standard. In order to determine the specific features supported by a particular ABB product, the reader should consult the product specifications for the particular ABB product.ABB may have one or more patents or pending patent applications protecting the intellectual property in the ABB products described in this document.The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by ABB. ABB assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.Products described or referenced in this document are designed to be connected and to communicate information and data through network interfaces, which should be connected to a secure network. It is the sole responsibility of the system/product owner to provide and continuously ensure a secure connection between the product and the system network and/or any other networks that may be connected.The system/product owners must establish and maintain appropriate measures, including, but not limited to, the installation of firewalls, application of authentication measures, encryption of data, installation of antivirus programs, and so on, to protect these products, the network, its system, and interfaces against security breaches, unauthorized access, interference, intrusion, leakage, and/or theft of data or information.ABB performs functionality testing on the products and updates that we release. However, system/product owners are ultimately responsible for ensuring that any product updates or other major system updates (to include but not limited to code changes, configuration file changes, third-party software updates or patches, hardware change out, and so on) are compatible with the security measures implemented. The system/ product owners must verify that the system and associated products function as expected in the environment in which they are deployed.In no event shall ABB be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any nature or kind arising from the use of this document, nor shall ABB be liable for incidental or consequential damages arising from use of any software or hardware described in this document.This document and parts thereof must not be reproduced or copied without written permission from ABB, and the contents thereof must not be imparted to a third party nor used for any unauthorized purpose.The software or hardware described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used, copied, or disclosed only in accordance with the terms of such license. This product meets the requirements specified in EMC Directive 2014/30/EU and in Low Voltage Directive2014/35/EU.3ADR993016OF CONTENTS1. INTRODUCTION TO THE MANUAL (3)1.1 What this chapter contains. (3)1.2 Applicability (4)1.3 Target audience (4)1.4 Contents of the manual (4)1.5 Frame size (4)1.6 Disclaimer (4)2. PRODUCT MATERIALS (4)2.1 Contents of this chapter (4)2.2 Examples for the different family types.................................................................................... 5-123. MANUFACTURING (12)3.1 Manufacturing (12)4. PRODUCT DISPOSAL (13)4.1 Contents of this chapter (13)4.2 Disposal (13)4.3 Dismantling (13)4.3.1 Manual dismantling (13)4.3.2 Mechanical shredding (13)4.4 ABB list of prohibited and restricted substances (13)4.4.1 Reference list (14)4.5 Recycling information in accordance with the WEEE (14)5. FURTHER INFORMATION (15)5.1 Product and service inquiries (15)5.2 Document library on the internet (15)5.3 ABB environment policy (15)5.4 ABB group sustainability objectives (15)6. ABB LIST OF PROHIBITED AND RESTRICTED SUBSTANCES (15)7. ABB AUTOMATION PRODUCTS (15)3ADR9930161. INTRODUCTION TO THE MANUAL1.1 What this chapter containsThis chapter describes the contents of the manual. It also contains information on the compatibility and intended audience.1.2 ApplicabilityThis document covers the environmental information of the following products: DCS880 drives with option modules.1.3 Target audienceThis document is intended for ABB customers and for professional recyclers.1.4 Contents of the manualThe document contains information for treatment facilities in accordance with the EU directive on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE).This manual contains the following chapters:– Product materials– Manufacturing and use– Product disposalThe WEEE directive is implemented through national regulations and therefore requirements vary in each EU member state.Drives are always parts of other machines or equipment and they are covered by the WEEE directive when the end product is covered. Inclusion or exclusion depends on the application of the drive.The WEEE directive does not apply to drives which are used in large-scale fixed installations, large-scale stationary industrial tools, means of transport for persons and goods, or non-road mobile machinery made available exclusively for professional use. We recommend to contact local environmental authorities for up-to-date information about national recycling requirements.1.5 Frame sizeThis manual covers all different frame sizes of the product family. The frame size is marked on the type designation label of the drive. The frame size is also shown in the rating tables for each drive type. The rating tables are in the drive user’s manual.1.6 DisclaimerThe information presented in this publication does not form part of any quotation or contract, is believed to be accurate and reliable and may be changed without notice. No liability will be accepted by the publisher for any consequences of its use. Publication thereof does not convey nor imply any license under patent - or other industrial or intellectual - property rights.2. PRODUCT MATERIALS2.1 Contents of this chapterThis chapter describes the main components and product materials of the PLC’s.2.2 Examples for different family types3ADR9930163ADR9930163ADR9930163ADR9930163ADR9930163ADR9930163ADR993016Manufacturing and use 173. MANUFACTURING3.1 ManufacturingABB Automation Products GmbH (Germany) has a company-wide integrated quality, environmental and occupational health & safety management system. The system is certified in accordance with requirements of the international standards ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015.The Integrated Management System applies to all units of the company.4. PRODUCT DISPOSAL4.1 Contents of this chapterThis chapter contains product disposal instructions.4.2 DisposalThe main parts of the PLC can be recycled to preserve natural resources and energy. Product parts and materials should be dismantled and separated.Generally all metals, such as steel, aluminum, copper and its alloys, and precious metals can be recycled as material. Plastics, rubber, cardboard and other packaging material can be used in energy recovery.Printed circuit boards need selective treatment according to IEC 62635 guidelines.To aid recycling, plastic parts are marked with an appropriate identification code.Contact your local ABB distributor for further information on environmental aspects. End of life treatment must follow international and national regulations.4.3 DismantlingYou can dismantle the PLC manually or in a shredding machine. The chapter is divided in two sections on basis of the dismantling method.4.3.1 Manual dismantlingSort the parts of the product according to their material contents as follows:– ferrous metals (plates, screws)– plastics– printed circuit boards– otherYou can recycle metal parts (iron and aluminum) and most of the other materials according to local regulations. For information on harmful materials, see subsection ABB list of prohibited and restricted substances.4.3.2 Mechanical shreddingIn this method, a whole product is mechanically shredded into small pieces and materials are sorted using dedicated sorting processes. Remove the harmful material before shredding the drive in the shredder.4.4 ABB list of prohibited and restricted substancesThe purpose of this list is to comply with legislation to avoid chemical substances that may present hazards to the environment or the health.This document provides information about “Prohibited substances”, substances that must not be used, and “Restricted substances”, substances whose use should be limited within ABB. Definitions and regulations of hazardous materials differ from country to country and are likely to change when knowledge of materials increases. The materials used in the product are materials typically used in electrical and electronic equipment.4.4.1 Reference list1. Directive 2011/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2011 on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (RoHS II).2. Regulation No 1907/2006/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH):– Annex XIV: List of substances subject to authorization– Annex XVII: Restrictions on use of substances in articles– SVHC: Candidate list of substances of very high concern for authorization.3. Directive 2012/19/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 July 2012 on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE).4.5 Recycling information in accordance with the WEEEThe product is marked with the wheelie bin symbol. It indicates that at the end of life the product should enter the recycling system.You should dispose of it separately at an appropriate collection point and not place it in the normal waste stream.The figure below shows the wheelie bin symbol indicating separate collection for electrical and electronic equipment (EEE).The horizontal bar underneath the crossed-out wheelie bin indicates that the equipment has been manufactured after the Directive came into force in 2005. The wheelie bin symbol is added to the type designation label of the product since 2017. The figure below shows an example.A recycling exampleThis example complies with typical national regulations valid at the time of publishing this manual.Further information 215. FURTHER INFORMATION5.1 Product and service inquiriesAddress any inquiries about the product to your local ABB representative, quoting the type designation and serial number of the unit in question. A listing of ABB sales, support and service contacts can be found by navigating to /searchchannels.5.2 Document library on the InternetYou can find manuals and other product documents in PDF format on the Internet. Go to /PLC and select Document Library. You can browse the library or enter selection criteria, for example a document code, in the search field.5.3 ABB environment policyYou can find ABB’s environmental policy on the Internet at/sustainability/environment-policy.5.4 ABB group sustainability objectivesFor information on ABB group sustainability objectives, navigate to/sustainability/creating-value/objectivesABB list of prohibited and restricted substances6. ABB LIST OF PROHIBITED AND RESTRICTED SUBSTANCESYou can find the ABB list of prohibited and restricted substances at/sustainability/environment.ContactsABBABB Automation Products GmbHMachinery & FactoryEppelheimer Strasse 8269123 HeidelbergGermany。

© ABB Group June 24, 2010 | Slide 27
© ABB Group June 24, 2010 | Slide 28
矿井提升机是矿山生产的关键设备之一,其作用是提升煤炭、矿 石,升降人员和设备,提升矸石,下放物料等,在整个矿山生产中占 有十分重要的地位。矿井提升机安全、可靠、高效、准确地运行集中 体现在矿井提升机的电气控制系统中,其电控系统的的性能优劣程度 直接影响矿山生产及人身安全。因此,ABB提升机的电控系统的设计 选型等方面都充分考虑了系统的安全性和可靠性。
1、设备的起停/分合 2、提升机位置以及速度测量功能 3、滚筒直径的计算 4、提升机同步 5、提升机运行和井筒开关的关系 6、自动控制方式下提升机运行的操作 7、手动操作提升机运行 8、各种操作方式下速度基准值的产生
© ABB Group June 24, 2010 | Slide 15
提升机的位置计算 用脉冲表示的位置值(脉冲数) 提升实际位置(m) = 比例系数(脉冲/m)
比例系数是由系统的具体条件决定的,其计算公式为: 比例系数 = 脉冲计数器每转输出的脉冲数×计数器系数×变速器系数 滚筒直径×π 提升机的速度计算 实际速度 = 系数×脉冲计数器输出变化脉冲数 系数 = 滚筒直径×π 脉冲计数器每转输出的脉冲数×计数器系数×变速器系数
© ABB Group June 24, 2010 | Slide 11

© ABB Group 9 September 2020 | Slide 4
© ABB Group 9 September 2020 | Slide 5
▪ 使能器按钮是工业机器 人为保证操作人员人身 安全而设置。
▪ 只有在按下使能器按钮, 并保持在“电机开启”的状 态,才可对机器人进行 手动的操作与程序的调 试。
▪ 开机 ▪ 在确认输入电压正常后,打开电源开关。
1、在示教器的“重新启动”菜单中选择“关机”。 2、关闭电源开关
© ABB Group 9 September 2020 | Slide 1
▪ 控制柜的周期保养(ABB机器人随机光盘说明书中有详细的说明) ▪ 机器人本体的周期保养(ABB机器人随机光盘说明书中有详细的说明) ▪ 机器人工具的周期保养(根据工具供应商提供具体说明进行保养)
© ABB Group 9 September 2020 | Slide 8
© ABB Group 9 September 2020 | Slide 9
▪ 机器人的线性运动是指安装在机器人 第六轴法兰盘上的工具在空间中作线 性运动。
▪如果对使用操纵杆通过位移幅度来 控制机器人运动的速度不熟练的话。 那么可以使用“增量”模式,来控制 机器人运动。
▪ 各个型号的机器人机械原点刻度位置会有所不同,请参考ABB随机光盘说明书。

—云服务和智能开关升级虽远,犹近1云服务和智能开关升级2—ABB 创新的服务模式ABB 创新的云服务是对现有状态检修概念的扩展和技术延伸,隶属于PowerCare 服务协议。
基于先进的iVD4和iGas 智能开关技术,为客户提供人员培训、紧急响应、评估诊断、运行支持和现场服务等整体或定制服务。
• 将先进的传感器技术与ABB 成熟的开关产品完美结合,实现设备状态的感知• 通过引入成熟的无线射频组网技术,实现设备中各节点的物联• 对移动通信和云计算技术的创新运用,实现状态数据的实时传输及云存储客户运行人员本地服务中心维护人员接到通知后,联系用户并对隐患设备给予诊断检修,避免事故的发生。
变电站用户现场设备实时状态通过GPRS/3G 技术传递到ABB 云数据服务器。
ABB 云服务中心ABB 专家通过分析数据判断开关设备的运行状况,对于变坏的趋势提前通知用户本地服务中心。
• 以故障诊断技术和专家知识库为基础的设备状态评估及失效预测,实现开关设备状态检修,即远程诊断• 通过ABB 覆盖全国的服务网络,进而实现开关设备的本地快速维护基于此,ABB 产品专家可远程时刻关注开关设备的运行状况,进而在事故发生前或其发展成重大缺陷前对其进行纠正,让电力设备和系统安全可靠地运行。
PowerCare 服务协议中的云服务是由ABB 为客户提供的高级设备运行支持计划,服务内容如下:核心服务增值服务 延伸服务3—云服务协议及内容状态采集基于先进的智能开关技术,ABB云服务中心可不间断的对开关设备的状态、操作进行监测。
定制培训根据客户的需求提供定制化培训,其中包含以下内容:• 基础、操作、维修选择定制• 低中高电压等级选择定制• 设备类型培训选择定制• 理论、实操等培训形式选择定制• 现场、工厂、驻场培训方式选择定制• 学历、学位定制培训客户经理为客户指定客户经理。

没有返回值的过程,用于执行一系列操 作。
通过过程名及所需参数进行调用,不返回 任何值。
ABB机器人操作手册(中文版 )3
• 机器人系统概述 • 机器人基本操作与编程 • 高级编程技巧与应用实例 • 机器人维护与保养知识 • 安全防护与应急处理措施 • 总结与展望
ABB开始涉足工业机器人领域,推出首 款工业机器人产品。
包括机器人本体、末端执行器等, 实现机器人的运动和执行功能。
采用先进的计算机控制技术,实现 机器人的运动控制、路径规划等功
配备多种传感器,如视觉传感器、 力传感器等,实现环境感知和自主 决策。
提供机器人编程、仿真、调试等软 件工具,支持机器人的应用开发。
自定义快捷键,提高操作 效率。
03 02
02 ABB机器人使用RAPID编程语言,基于Pascal语 言开发。
ABB机器人操作及维护手册 其 他 主 要 部 件 :
Lithium batteries: Panel unit:
锂电池。 系统安全面板单元。
7 - 40
ABB 机 器 人 操 作 手册
I/O units :
安全事项在《用户指南 User’s Guide》安全这一章 节中有详细说明。
2.2 现 场 作 业 产 生 的 废 弃 物 处 理 :
2.2.1 现 场 服 务 产 生 的 危 险 固 体 废 弃 物 :
2.2.2 现 场 作 业 产 生 的 废 弃 物 处 理 方 法 : 现场服务产生的损坏零件由我公司现场服务人员或客 户修复后再使用。 废包装材料,我方现场服务人员建议客户交回收公司 回收再利用。 现场服务产生的废工业电池和废电路板,由我公司现 场服务人员带回后交还供应商,或由客户保管,在购 买新电池时作为交换物。 废润滑油、废润滑脂、废油桶、粘油废棉丝和抹布 等,建议客户分类收集后交给专业公司处理。
4 - 40
第三章 机器人综述
ABB 机 器 人 操 作 手册
3.1 机 器 人 系 统 :
3.2 机 器 人 组 成 : 3.2.1 机 械 手 ( M a n i p u l a t o r )
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
– 优势 • 缩短了项目执行周期 • 硬件工程流独立可以从容应对未来变更 • 即使硬件冻结,也允许未来设计或现场设备变更
全新解决方案 - 并行执行工作流
Hardwire Build
Desi g n
Sof t ware Conf igurat ion
Local I/ O Remot e I/ O
February 12, 2020
Slide 6
S800 on Et hernet (NEW)
Single Channel I/ O (NEW)
— Select I/ O 如何实现 --- 节约项目投资
化工、石化领域传统 IO 方案
Select I/ O 解决方案
l l l l
l l l l l l l
February 12, 2020
Slide 8
Select IO
— 升级到 Ethernet IO 后的技术优势
S800 on Et hernet 与 传统 S800 IO 技术对比
S800 IO技术指标 S800 IO 数量 / 簇
– ‘串行’模块结构模式 • 模块之间具备清晰的输入与输出交互条件与文本 • 易于实现质量控制与管理 • 易于实现项目标准与规范化
– 局限性 • 项目执行周期过长 • 每个工作模块执行时都需要输入准确的信息 • 模块之间的依赖关系,导致某个工作模块随后变更造成项目多个模 块产生联动变更,从而造成项目成本增加 • 应用软件开发之前,需要冻结硬件设计
Yes PROFINET IO 100 MB / s IO 站
Yes Yes
l l l l
l l l l
February 12, 2020
Slide 9
S800 I/ O modules wit h Et hernet FCI
— Select IO 支持 SIL3 安全控制系统
I/ O 硬件– Select I/ O for Safet y
Wiri ng
Loop Checks
Comm issioning/
St art up
项目执行周期与 费用双节约
Pot ent ial savings Time = $$$
February 12, 2020
Slide 5
— 数字化技术应用到现场 IO 是未来项目执行的基础
以太网 IO 节约项目投资
TUV 认证 Select I/ O
– TUV 认证 Et hernet based signal condit ioning I/ O modules (SCM) 用于 SIL3 应用
– 扩展 安全模件包括: • Line monit ored DI • High pow ered DO • SIL Cert if ied AO • High pow ered AI’s for f ire & gas det ect ors • SOE wit h t imest amping and 1 msec resolut ion
冗余电源表决单元. 2x 隔离电源输入通道 通信协议 IO 数据通信速率 IO 通信周期参数设置 SOE 支持 数字化信号分配
S800 DP
S800 on Eth
相同 非冗余: 12 冗余: 6 需要
No No
相同 非冗余: 12 冗余: 12 内置
ABB 控制系统产品更新
ABB Abilit yTM Syst em800 xA , Freelance / WinCS
— ABB AbilityTM System 800xA 未来项目执行
基于 Et hernet IO 技术
— 目前大型项目执行中面临的挑战
项目基本投资问题 (oil & gas)
Desi g n
Conf igurat ion
Inst all
Wiri ng
Comm issioning/ St art up
February 12, 2020
Slide 4
— 技术优势总结
Select IO 与 传统 S800 IO 技术对比
通信协议 IO 数据通信速率 IO 通信周期参数设置 SOE 数字化 IO 分配 IO 模式 信号类型 SIL3 AO 在线更换 隔离 A/ D 转换分辨率 Loop 监测 周期读取 HART 设备变量
S800 DP
全新 以太网 I/ O 实现快速交付及最小代价应对变更:
– Syst em 800 xA I/ O技术演进 • 传统本地与远程 I/ O • 多通道 l (S800 ) I/ O on Et hernet (新) • 单通道 (Select ) Et hernet I/ O (新)
– Et hernet IO 实现快速交付,成本节约的关键因素 • 减少现场布线与信号处理的中间元器件 • 标准机柜实现硬件快速交付 • 数字化信号分配实现灵活 IO 组态 • 独立组态工具减少与应用软件依赖关系 • 快速调试 • 随后连接最大化面对硬件变更
64% 项目超支
73% 报告推迟
聚焦石油化工领域的巨型项目- Ernst & Young Global Limit ed - 2014
February 12, 2020
Slide 3
— 问题的根本原因
AC 800 M Cont roller(s)
Indust rial Net work
Et hernet I/ O
现场 IO 如何优化项目投资 – 减少硬件设备 – 简化系统机柜布局,优化控制系
统占用空间 – 减少 IO 线缆 – 标准机柜,优化工程及调试时间
February 12, 2020
Slide 7
PROFIBUS DPV1 12MB/ s DP Line No No Mult i Channel Full Suppor t 不支持 Supp or t Gro u p 12 Bit No NO
Select IO
PROFINET IO 100 MB / s IO St at ion Yes Yes Single Channel No RTD,TC,PI 支持 Supp or t Channel 16 bit Yes Yes, 2 DV