
耶鲁大学求学信英语作文【中英文版】Dear Admissions Committee,I am writing to express my strong interest in applying to Yale University"s undergraduate program.As one of the most prestigious institutions of higher education in the world, Yale has always been my dream school.I believe that the academic environment, resources, and opportunities at Yale would provide me with an unparalleled education and help me achieve my academic and personal goals.I am currently a senior at a high school in Beijing, China, where I have consistently excelled academically.Over the past four years, I have taken a rigorous course load, including advanced placement courses in mathematics, science, and humanities.My passion for learning and intellectual curiosity have driven me to challenge myself and seek opportunities to expand my knowledge beyond the classroom.In addition to my academic achievements, I have also been actively involved in extracurricular activities, particularly in music and community service.I have been a member of my school"s orchestra for the past three years, serving as the concertmaster for the past year.This experience has not only allowed me to develop my musical skills but also taught me the importance of teamwork, leadership, and discipline.Furthermore, I have dedicated myself to community service,volunteering at a local orphanage and participating in a variety of fundraising events for charitable causes.These experiences have given me a sense of empathy and social responsibility, and have reinforced my commitment to making a positive impact on society.I believe that my academic achievements, extracurricular activities, and personal qualities make me a strong candidate for admission to Yale University.I am eager to contribute to the Yale community and to continue my intellectual and personal growth in the diverse and supportive environment that Yale provides.Thank you for considering my application.Sincerely,[Your Name]。

介绍校训的英语作文英文回答:The school motto is a concise and powerful phrase that encapsulates the core values and principles of an educational institution. It serves as a constant reminder to students, faculty, and staff of the purpose and mission of the school. The motto is often displayed prominently in the school building and used in official documents and communications.When crafting a school motto, great care is taken to select words that are meaningful, aspirational, and representative of the school's identity. The motto should be easy to remember and articulate, yet profound in its implications. It should inspire students to strive for excellence, embrace the school's values, and make a positive contribution to society.Here are some examples of school mottos thateffectively convey their respective institutions' missions:"Veritas, Virtus, Amicitia" (Truth, Virtue, Friendship) Duke University."Lux et Veritas" (Light and Truth) Yale University."Mens et Manus" (Mind and Hand) MassachusettsInstitute of Technology."Per Aspera Ad Astra" (Through Hardship to the Stars) University of Kansas."Scientia et Sapientia" (Knowledge and Wisdom) University of California, Berkeley.The school motto not only serves as a guiding principle for the school community but also fosters a sense of unity and shared purpose. It is a symbol of the school's heritage and traditions, and it helps to create a distinctiveidentity that sets the school apart from others.中文回答:校训是简明而有力的短语,它浓缩了一个教育机构的核心价值观和原则。

1、大学简介耶鲁大学(Yale University),旧译“耶劳大书院”,是一所坐落于美国康乃狄格州纽黑文市的私立大学,始创于1701年,初名“大学学院”(Collegiate School)。
在2007英国泰晤士专上教育增刊(Times Higher Education Supplement)的世界大学排名,耶鲁大学在总平均排名与剑桥、牛津大学并列世界第二。
美国普林斯顿评论(Princeton Review)在2006把耶鲁大学在全美最难进的大学里排第二。
耶鲁大学管理研究生院于1978年创设了独特的课程——公营和私营企业专业管理(Public&Private Management)课程,它着重公营及非赢利机构的专业管理训练。

耶鲁大学申请英文范文1. Why do you want to attend Yale University?I am drawn to Yale University because of its reputation as a world-renowned institution of higher learning. Yale is known for its rigorous academic programs, exceptional faculty, and commitment to fostering critical thinking and intellectual curiosity. I am particularly interested in its strong emphasis on interdisciplinary study, which I believe is essential for tackling complex global challenges.In addition, Yale's commitment to diversity andinclusion aligns with my own values and experiences. I appreciate the university's efforts to create a welcoming community that celebrates and supports individuals from all backgrounds.Overall, I believe that attending Yale would provide me with the intellectual and personal growth opportunitiesthat I am seeking in a college education.中文翻译:我想要申请耶鲁大学是因为它作为世界知名高等教育机构的声誉。

布什在耶鲁大学英语演讲稿:人人都可能当总统Everyone Can Be a President人人都能成为总统——美国第43任总统乔治·布什在耶鲁大学的演讲(中英文)To those of you who received honors, awards, and distinctions, I say, well done. And to the C students—I say, you, too, can be President of the United States. 对于那些表现杰出、获得各种奖项和荣誉的同学,我要说,你们真棒!对于那些C等生,我要说,你们将来也可以当美国总统!Remarks by the President in Commencement Address Yale University New Haven, Connecticut Listen to the President's Remarks THE PRESIDENT: President Levin, thank you very much. Dean Brodhead, fellows of the Yale Corporation, fellow Yale parents, families, and graduates: It's a special privilege to receive this honorary degree. I was proud 33 years ago to receive my first Yale degree. I'm even prouder that in your eyes I've earned this one.I congratulate my fellow honorees. I'm pleased to share this honor with such a distinguished group. I'm particularly pleased to be here withmy friend, the former of Mexico. Senor Presidente, usted es un verdadero lider, y un gran amigo. (Applause.)I congratulate all the parents who are here. It's a glorious day when your child graduates from college. It's a great day for you; it's a great day for your wallet. (Laughter.)Most important, congratulations to the class of 2019. (Applause.) To those of you who received honors, awards, and distinctions, I say, well done. And to the C students -- (applause) -- I say, you, too, can be President of the United States. (Laughter and applause.) A Yale degree is worth a lot, as I often remind Dick Cheney -- (laughter) -- who studied here, but left a little early. So now we know -- if you graduate from Yale, you become President. If you drop out, you get to be Vice President. (Laughter.)I appreciate so very much the chance to say a few words on this occasion. I know Yale has a tradition of having no commencement speaker. I also know that you've carved out a single exception. Most people think that to speak at Yale's commencement, you have to be President. But over the years, the specifications have become far moredemanding. Now you have to be a Yale graduate, you have to be President, and you have had to have lost the Yale vote to Ralph Nader. ( Applause.)This is my first time back here in quite a while. I'm sure that each of you will make your own journey back at least a few times in your life. If you're like me, you won't remember everything you did here. (Laughter.) That can be a good thing. (Laughter.) But there will be some people, and some moments, you will never forget.Take, for example, my old classmate, Dick Brodhead, the accomplished dean of this great university. (Applause.) I remember him as a young scholar, a bright lad -- (laughter) -- a hard worker. We both put a lot of time in at the Sterling Library, in the reading room, where they have those big leather couches. (Laughter.) We had a mutual understanding -- Dick wouldn't read aloud, and I wouldn't snore. (Laughter.)Our course selections were different, as we followed our own path to academic discovery. Dick was an English major, and loved the classics.I loved history, and pursued a diversified course of study. I like to think ofit as the academic road less traveled. (Laughter.)For example, I took a class that studied Japanese Haiku. Haiku, for the uninitiated, is a 15th century form of poetry, each poem having 17 syllables. Haiku is fully understood only by the Zen masters. As I recall, one of my academic advisers was worried about my selection of such a specialized course. He said I should focus on English. (Laughter.) I still hear that quite often. ( Laughter.) But my critics don't realize I don't make verbal gaffes. I'm speaking in the perfect forms and rhythms of ancient Haiku. (Applause.)I did take English here, and I took a class called "The History and Practice of American Oratory," taught by Rollin G. Osterweis. (Applause.) And, President Levin, I want to give credit where credit is due. I want the entire world to know this -- everything I know about the spoken word, I learned right here at Yale. (Laughter.)As a student, I tried to keep a low profile. It worked. Last year the New York Times interviewed John Morton Blum because the record showed I had taken one of his courses. Casting his mind's eye over the parade of young faces down through the years, Professor Blum said, andI quote, "I don't have the foggiest recollection of him." (Laughter.)But I remember Professor Blum. And I still recall his dedication and high standards of learning. In my time there were many great professors at Yale. And there still are. They're the ones who keep Yale going after the commencements, after we have all gone our separate ways. I'm not sure I remembered to thank them the last time I was here, but now that I have a second chance, I thank the professors of Yale University. (Applause.)That's how I've come to feel about the Yale experience -- grateful. I studied hard, I played hard, and I made a lot of lifelong friends. What stays with you from college is the part of your education you hardly ever notice at the time. It's the expectations and examples around you, the ideals you believe in, and the friends you make.In my time, they spoke of the "Yale man." I was really never sure what that was. But I do think that I'm a better man because of Yale. All universities, at their best, teach that degrees and honors are far from the full measure of life. Nor is that measure taken in wealth or in titles. What matters most are the standards you live by, the consideration you showothers, and the way you use the gifts you are given.Now you leave Yale behind, carrying the written proof of your success here, at a college older than America. When I left here, I didn't have much in the way of a life plan. I knew some people who thought they did. But it turned out that we were all in for ups and downs, most of them unexpected. Life takes its own turns, makes its own demands, writes its own story. And along the way, we start to realize we are not the author.We begin to understand that life is ours to live, but not to waste, and that the greatest rewards are found in the commitments we make with our whole hearts -- to the people we love and to the causes that earn our sacrifice. I hope that each of you will know these rewards. I hope you will find them in your own way and your own time.For some, that might mean some time in public service. And if you hear that calling, I hope you answer. Each of you has unique gifts and you were given them for a reason. Use them and share them. Public service is one way -- an honorable way -- to mark your life with meaning.Today I visit not only my alma mater, but the city of my birth. My lifebegan just a few blocks from here, but I was raised in West Texas. From there, Yale always seemed a world away, maybe a part of my future. Now it's part of my past, and Yale for me is a source of great pride.I hope that there will come a time for you to return to Yale to say that, and feel as I do today. And I hope you won't wait as long. Congratulations and God bless. (Applause.)END人人都可能当总统——布什在耶鲁大学的演讲我很荣幸能在这个场合发表演讲。

That’s why I choose Yale…and that why this is such an important decision. Because it will follow you now and into the future. And that concludes another traditional Yale information session. There will be a guided tour beginning in 15 minutes. In the meantime, I may be happy to answer any questions you may have. Yes, um… When was Yale founded? Great question. Yale was founded in 1701. Oh, um, yes, you. Is it true that all Yale professors teach? Another great question. It is true that every tenured professor in Yale College teaches undergraduates, so even a freshman might be taking a class from a Nobel Prize winner. Any more questions? Yeah, I have a question. Why did you choose Yale?这就是为什么这是一个至关重要的决定。
yale university 校训

而耶鲁大学(Yale University)作为世界一流的学府,也有着其独特的校训。
一、耶鲁大学的校训耶鲁大学的校训是“Light and Truth”(光明与真理)。
二、校训所蕴含的价值观1. 知识至上耶鲁大学的校训“Light and Truth”彰显了对知识的珍视和推崇。
2. 真理之光校训中的“Light”不仅代表知识的闪耀和启迪,更意味着对真理的不懈追求。
3. 传承与创新耶鲁大学的校训体现了对传统和创新的兼顾。
三、校训启示1. 引领学生价值观耶鲁大学的校训“Light and Truth”,对于引领学生树立正确的价值观具有深远的意义。
1 Yale University School of Art 耶鲁大学艺术学院(硕士)

中文名耶鲁大学艺术学院英文名Yale University School of Art创办时间1701类别私立大学所属地区康涅狄格州纽海芬市隶属耶鲁大学耶鲁大学艺术学院Yale University School of Art隶属于“长春藤”名校耶鲁大学,她成立于1701年,位于康涅狄格州纽海芬市。
耶鲁大学艺术学院Yale University School of Art致力于融合思想和创造,使满怀抱负的艺术家得以利用耶鲁其他学科的卓越资源,从而吸引了来自世界各地最具天才的年轻人。
1960年代,包豪斯艺术大师约瑟夫∙阿尔伯斯(Josef Albers)加盟耶鲁大学艺术学院,自那之后,艺术学院业已吸引无数其他院校无可比拟的教师队伍。
耶鲁大学艺术学院Yale University School of Art在2003年的USNews艺术院校排名榜中油画专业排名第1,雕塑专业排名第2,图像设计专业排名第2,摄影专业排名第7。
耶鲁大学艺术学院Yale University School of Art位于耶鲁大学校园内。
耶鲁大学 Yale University_入学要求_录取条件_专业学费_世界排名_2018申请指南

耶鲁大学Yale University_入学要求_录取条件_专业学费_世界排名_2018申请指南耶鲁大学简介:耶鲁大学(Yale University),成立于1701年,是美国历史上第三所高等学校,常春藤盟校之一,也是美国九所殖民地学院之一,坐落于康涅狄格州第二大城市纽黑文市。
耶鲁大学初名“大学学院(Collegiate School)”,原位于康涅狄格州的克林顿市,后搬迁至旧塞布鲁克镇,再至韦瑟斯菲尔德。
【2018最新】耶鲁大学毕业典礼中英文演讲稿-推荐word版 (3页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==耶鲁大学毕业典礼中英文演讲稿耶鲁大学毕业典礼中英文演讲稿graduates of yale university, i apologize if you have enduredthis type of prologue before, but i want you to do something for me. please, take a ood look around you. look at the classmate on yourleft. look at the classmate on your right. now, consider this: five years from now, 10 years from now, even 30 years from now, odds are the person on your left is going to be a loser. the person on your right, meanwhile, will also be a loser. and you, in the middle? what can you expect? loser. loserhood. loser cum laude."in fact, as i look out before me today, i don't see a thousand hopes for a bright tomorrow. i don't see a thousand future leaders in a thousand industries. i see a thousand losers."you're upset. that's understandable. after all, how can i, lawrence 'larry' ellison, college dropout, have the audacity to spout such heresy to the graduating class of one of the nation's most prestigious institutions? i'll tell you why. because i, lawrence "larry" ellison, second richest man on the planet, am a college dropout, and you are not."because bill gates, richest man on the planet -- for now, anyway -- is a college dropout, and you are not."because paul allen, the third richest man on the planet, dropped out of college, and you did not."and for good measure, because michael dell, no. 9 on the listand moving up fast, is a college dropout, and you, yet again, are not."hmm . . . you're very upset. that's understandable. so let me stroke your egos for a moment by pointing out, quite sincerely, that your diplomas were not attained in vain. most of you, i imagine, have spent four to five years here, and in many ways what you've learnedand endured will serve you well in the years ahead. you'veestablished good work habits. you've established a network of people that will help you down the road. and you've established what will be lifelong relationships with the word 'therapy.' all that of is good. for in truth, you will need that network. you will need those strong work habits. you will need that therapy."you will need them because you didn't drop out, and so you will never be among the richest people in the world. oh sure, you may, perhaps, work your way up to no. 10 or no. 11, like steve ballmer.but then, i don't have to tell you who he really works for, do i? and for the record, he dropped out of grad school. bit of a late bloomer."finally, i realize that many of you, and hopefully by now mostof you, are wondering, 'is there anything i can do? is there any hope for me at all?' actually, no. it's too late. you've absorbed too much, think you know too much. you're not 19 anymore. you have a built-in cap, and i'm not referring to the mortar boards on your heads."hmm... you're really very upset. that's understandable. so perhaps this would be a good time to bring up the silver lining. not for you, class of '00. you are a write-off, so i'll let you slink off to your pathetic $200,000-a-year jobs, where your checks will be signed by former classmates who dropped out two years ago."instead, i want to give hope to any underclassmen here today. i say to you, and i can't stress this enough: leave. pack your things and your ideas and don't come back. drop out. start up."for i can tell you that a cap and gown will keep you down justas surely as these security guards dragging me off this stage are keeping me down . . ."(at this point the oracle ceo was ushered off stage.)【中文译文】:耶鲁的毕业生们,我很抱歉——如果你们不喜欢这样的开场。
耶鲁大学 学校简介

耶鲁大学学校简介英文名称:Yale University校训(格言):Lux et Veritas(拉丁文,意为“光明和真理”)耶鲁大学成立于1701年,是一所私立大学。

给耶鲁大学写申请信英语作文English:I am writing to apply to Yale University, one of the most prestigious institutions of higher education in the world. I am consistently impressed by Yale’s commitment to academic excellence, diversity, and fostering a community of passionate learners and global citizens.I believe that Yale’s rigorous academic programs and vibrant campus culture will provide me with the perfect environment to further develop my intellectual curiosity and fulfill my academic potential. I am particularly drawn to the opportunity to engage with renowned faculty members and collaborate with bright and motivated peers. I am confident that the Yale community will challenge and support me in equal measure, enabling me to thrive academically, personally, and professionally.中文翻译:我写信申请耶鲁大学,这是世界上最负盛名的高等教育机构之一。

Harvard University (哈佛大学)
• Harvard University was established in 1636 and was named for its first benefactor, John Harvard of Charlestown, a young minister who upon his death in 1638. • In 2012 it is ranked first in the National University Rank. • There has been born eight Presidents of the United States and forty-four winners of Nobel Prize .
University of Oxford(牛津大学)
• Oxford University is the oldest university in Britain and one of the world's most famous institutions of higher learning. Oxford University was established during the 1100's. It is located in Oxford, England, about 80 kilometers northwest of London.
Other famous universities
Princeton University
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Stanford University

“和谐社会”的英文演讲稿(在耶鲁大学演讲英文版)Let me begin by thanking you, Mr. Levin, for your kind invitation and the opportunity to come to Yale to meet young friends and teachers of this world-renowned(1)university.Coming to the Yale campus, with its distinctive(2)academic flavor, and looking at the eager young faces in the audience, I cannot but recall my great experience studying at Qinghua University in Beijing 40 years ago. Indeed, what happens during one s school year will influence his whole life. I still benefit greatly from the instruction and my interaction with other students.Yale is renowned for its long history, unique way of teaching and excellence in academic pursuit. If time could go back several decades, I would really like to be a student of Yale just like you.Yale s motto “Light and Truth,” which is a calling for human progress, represents the aspiration of every motivated young man and woman. Over the past three centuries, Yale has produced a galaxy of outstanding figures, including 20 Nobel laureates and five American presidents. The words of Nathan Hale, an American hero and Yale alumnus(3), “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country,” have also inspired me and many other Chinese. I sincerely hope that Yale will produce more talent and contribute further to the social and economic development of the United States and the cause of human progress.Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends.The Chinese and Americans have always had an intense(4)spirit of the Americans and their proud achievement in national development. As China develops rapidly and steady headway is made in China-U.S. cooperation, more and more Americans are following with great interest China s progress and development.U nderstanding leads to trust. Today, I would like to speak to you about China s development strategy and its future against the backdrop(背景)of the evolution of the Chinese civilization and China s current development endeavor. I hope this will help you gain a better understanding of China.In a history that spans more than five millennia, the Chinese nation has contributed significantly to the progress of human civilization. But its course of national development has been an arduous(5)one. In particular in the 160 years and more since the Opium War in 1840, the Chinese people have fought courageously and unyieldingly to rid themselves of poverty and backwardness(n. 落后(状态))and to realize national rejuvenation(n. 返老还童;回春), thus profoundly changing the destiny of the Chinese nation. Ninety-five years ago, the Chinese people launched the Revolution of 1911 that overthrew(打倒;推翻;废除)the feudal autocracy which had ruled China for several thousand years and opened the door to China s progress.Fifty-seven years ago, the Chinese people succeeded in winning liberation after protracted and hard struggle and founded New China in which people became their own masters. Twenty-eight years ago, the Chinese people embarked upon the historic drive of reform, opening-up and modernization and have made phenomenal progress through unremitting(6)efforts.Between 1978 and 2005, China s GDP grew from $147.3 billion to $2.2257 trillion. Its import and export volume went up from $20.6 billion to $1.4221 trillion and its foreign exchange reserve soared from $167 million to $818.9 billion. During this period, the number of its poor rural population dropped from 250 million to 23 million. The above review of the profound changes in these 160 years shows one thing, namely, by carrying out persistent and hard struggle, the Chinese people have both changed their own destiny and advanced the cause of human progress.On the other hand, I need to point out that, despite the success in its development, China remains the world s largest developing country, with per capita GDP ranking behind the 100th place. The Chinese people are yet to live a well-off life and China still faces daunting (7)challenges in its development endeavor. Therefore it requires sustained and unremitting efforts to transform the country and make life better for its people. In the next 15 years, we will strive to make new progress in building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way that will benefit China s one billion and more population.W e aim to raise China s GDP to $4 trillion by 2020, averaging $3,000 per person. By then, China s economy will be better developed and its democracy will be further enhanced. More progress will be made in science and education. Its culture will be further enriched, the society will become more harmonious and the people will lead a better life.To realize these goals, China has adopted a new concept of development in line with its national conditions and the requirement of the times. That is, to pursue a scientific outlook on development that makes economic and social development people-oriented, comprehensive, balanced and sustainable. W e will work to strike a proper balance between urban and rural development, development among regions, economic and social development, development of man and nature, and domestic development and opening wider to the outside world. Greater emphasis will be put on addressing issues affecting people s livelihood, overcoming imbalances in development and resolving key problems that have occurred in the course of development. W e will pursue a new path to industrialization featuring high technology, good economic returns, low resource-consumption, low environment pollution and full use of human resources. W e will bring about coordinated economic, political, cultural and social development. And we will endeavor to ensure sustainable development by boosting production, improving people s life and protecting the environment.This concept of scientific development is based on the experience China has gained in its modernization drive and put forth in response to the trends of the times. It is also rooted in the cultural heritages of the Chinese nation.The Chinese civilization is one that has continued uninterrupted for more than 5,000 years. The distinct cultural tradition of the Chinese nation that de veloped in the long course of history has exerted a strong influence on contemporary China, just as it did on ancient China. Putting people first, keeping pace with the times, maintaining social harmony and pursuing peaceful development: these values that are being pursued in China today are derived from its tradition. But they also giveexpression to the progress of the times.The Chinese civilization has always given prominence to the people and respect for people s dignity and value. Centuries ago, the Chinese already pointed out that “people are the foundation of a country; when the foundation is stable, the country is in peace.” Nothing is more valuable in the universe than human beings. The ancient Chinese emphasized the value of serving the people, enriching them, nourishing them, and benefiting them. W e are pursuing today a people-oriented approach toward development because we believe that development must be for the people and by the people and its benefit should be shared among the people.W e care about people s value, rights and interests and freedom, the quality of their life, and their development potential and happiness index because our goal is to realize the all-around development of the people. Ensuring the right to survival and development remains China s top priority. W e will vigorously promote social and economic development, protect people s freedom, democracy and human rights according to law, achieve social fairness and justice and enable the 1.3 billion Chinese people to live a happy life.The Chinese civilization has always given prominence to unremitting self-improvement, reform and innovation. As an ancient Chinese motto puts it, “As Heaven keeps vigor through movement, a gentleman should unremittingly practice self-impro vement.” Throughout its 5,000-year history, it is thanks to their perseverance, determination, stamina(n. 精力,活力) and adversity. The Chinese people have shown enterprising spirit and reform and opening-up creativity in national development and great tenacity([ ti'næsiti ] n. 固执,不屈不挠,顽固) in overcoming difficulties on the road to progress. And all this gives expression to the spirit of unremitting self-improvement embodied in China s cultural tradition.The Chinese civilization has always given prominence to social harmony, unity and mutual assistance. Back in the early days of the Chinese nation, the Chinese already advocated that “harmony is most valuable.” They strove for harmony between man and nature, among people and between man s body and soul, and yearned for an ideal society where “everyone loves everyone else, everyone is equal and the whole world is one community.”Today, China is endeavoring to build a harmonious society. It is a society of democracy and rule of law, fairness and justice, integrity, fraternity(8), vitality(vitality: [ vai'tæliti ]n. 活力,生命力), stability, order and harmony between man and nature. It is a society where there is unity between the material and the spirit, democracy and rule of law, fairness and efficiency, and vitality and order.The Chinese people takes [sic] the maintenance of ethnic unity and harmony as their bounden duty and the defense of the country s sovereignty and territorial integrity their sacred mission.Any act that promoted ethnic harmony and national unity will receive the warm welcome and support of the Chinese people. On the other hand, any act that undermines China s ethnic harmony and national unity will meet their strong opposition and resistance.The Chinese civilization has always given prominence to good neighborliness. The Chinese nation cherishes peace. In foreign relations, the Chinese have always believed that “the strong should not oppress the weak and the rich should not bully the poor” and advocated that “all nations live side by side in perfect harmony.”The Chinese held that “one should be as inclusive as the ocean, which is vast because it admits hundreds of rivers” and called for drawing upon the strength of others. Today, China holds high the banner of peace, development and cooperation. It pursues an independent foreign policy of peace and commits itself firmly to peaceful development.It seeks to accelerate its development by upholding(支撑,赞成,鼓励) world peace. The world peace is, in turn, enhanced by China s development. China firmly pursues a strategy of opening-up for mutual benefit and win-win outcomes. It genuinely wishes to enter into extensive cooperation with other countries. It is inclusive and is eager to draw on the strength of other civilizations to pursue peace and development through cooperation and play its part in building a harmonious world of enduring peace and common prosperity.Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends.China and the U nited States are both countries of vast territory where many ethnic groups coexist and different cultures intermingle. Both our two peoples are hard-working and talented. Due to different historical backgrounds and national conditions, there are differences between China and the United States. But this enables us to learn from each other and draw on each other s strengths. Closer China-U.S. cooperation serves the fundamental interests of our two countries and peoples and is also of far-reaching significance for peace and development of the whole world.Vast as it is, the Pacific Ocean has not stood in the way of(stand in the way of vt. 妨碍(阻碍)) exchanges and cooperation between our two peoples over the past two hundred years, and many moving episodes of mutual learning and mutual help between our two peoples who represent different civilizations have been recorded. In the 27 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1979, China-U.S. relations have maintained steady momentum(9) of growth despite twists and turns on the way, bringing tremendous benefits to both countries and peoples.Entering the 21st century, the world has continued to undergo profound changes. Peace and development remain the calling of our times. On the other hand, factors causing instability and uncertainty are increasing and new challenges and threats are looming. Against this backdrop, the common interests between our two countries are increasing and the areas of our cooperation widening. Global peace and security now face new challenges, such as fighting international terrorism, preventing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, protecting the environment and human habitat and combating transnational crimes. And it is exactly in these fields that we share important strategic interests. China has a huge market and its development has generated strong demand, while the U nited States has advanced technology and high quality products. This has created enormous opportunities for economic and technical cooperation between our two countries.Indeed, there is a broad prospect for the growth of constructive and cooperative China-U.S. relations in all fields.Yesterday morning, President Bush and I had an in-depth exchange of views on China-U.S. relations and major international and regional issues of common interest and reached broad and important agreement. W e are both of the view that the two sides should approach our relations from the strategic and long-term perspective and that we should enhance dialogue, expand common ground, increase mutual trust, deepen cooperation and promote the overall growth of the constructive and cooperative China-U.S. relations in the 21st century.When we focus on the overall interest of China-U.S. relations, respect and show understanding to each other, I am confident that our relations will move ahead in a healthy and steady manner, and contribute to the well-being of our two peoples and bring greater hope to people around the world.Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends.A composer cannot write enchanting melody with one note, and a painter cannot paint landscape with only one color. The world is a treasure house where the unique cultural achievements created by people of all countries are displayed. The culture of a nation tells a lot about the evolution of the nation s understanding of the world and life, both past and present. Culture thus embodies a nation s fundamental pursuit of mind and dictates its norms of behavior. The historical process of human development is one in which different civilizations interact with and enrich each other and all civilizations in human history have contributed to human progress in their own unique way.Cultural diversity is a basic feature of both human society and today s world and an important driving force for human progress. As history has shown, in the course of interactions between civilizations, we not only need to remove natural barriers and overcome physical isolation, we also need to remove obstacles and obstructions of the mind and overcome various prejudices and misunderstandings. Differences in ideology(观念形态,意识形态), social system and development model should not stand in the way of exchanges among civilizations, still less should they become excuses for mutual confrontation. W e should uphold the diversity of the world, enhance dialogue and interaction between civilizations, and draw on each other s strength instead of practicing mutual exclusion. When this is done, mankind will enjoy greater harmony and happiness and the world will become a more colorful place to live in.Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends.Exchanges in culture and education and among young people serve as a bridge for increasing mutual understanding between our two peoples. They are also a major driving force for the healthy and stable growth of China-U.S. relations. Yale is a forerunner in conducting China-U.S. educational exchanges and provides an important platform for cultural exchanges between our two countries. One hundred and fifty-six years ago, a Chinese young man named Rong Hong entered Yale Campus [sic]. Four years later, he graduated with distinction and received a bachelor of arts degree, making him the first ever Chinese graduate of an Americanuniversity. Later, group after group of young Chinese followed his footsteps and studied in Yale. Over the past 20 years, Yale has accepted over 4,000 Chinese students and undertaken more than 80 cooperation projects in culture, science and technology, and education with China. Last summer, Yale sent the first group of students to China for internships and some among them became the first foreign interns to work with China s Palace Museum. I wish to take this opportunity to express my appreciation to you, Mr. Levin, and Yale for the efforts you have made to promote exchanges between our two peoples.To enhance mutual understanding between young people and educators of the two countries, I announce with pleasure here that we have decided to invite 100 Yale faculty members and students to visit China this summer. I m sure you can look forward to an enjoyable experience in China.Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends.As an old Chinese saying goes: “As in the Yangtze River where the waves behind drive on those before, so a new generation always excels the last one.” Young people represent the hope and future of the world. They are full of vitality, new ideas and creativity. I sincerely hope that the young people in China and the United States will join hands and work to enhance friendship between our two peoples, and, together with people of other countries, create a better world for all.Thank you!1、名声;声望H e is an artist of great renown. 他是一位极有名望的艺术家2、distinctive有特色的,特殊的;distinctive features 特点;Soldiers often have distinctive insignias on their lapels. 士兵的翻领上常佩有特殊的军阶识别符号。

耶鲁大学励志演讲耶鲁大学(Yale University),简称耶鲁(Yale),是一所坐落于美国康涅狄格州纽黑文的世界著名私立研究型大学,下面是给大家整理的耶鲁大学励志演讲,供大家参阅!耶鲁大学励志演讲过去的20年,中国一直在跟美国的三任总统打交道。

Robert Goizueta
The chairman of the board of Coca-Cola
Henry Luce
He is the founder of the Time
Bill Clinton
He served as the 42nd President of the United States
He presided over the longest period of peace-time expansion in America history
George Walker Bush
famous professors
• 哈罗德· 布鲁姆 (Ph.D. 1955年),作家与评论家,书籍 "Genius" 的作者。 • Yung-Chi (Tommy) Cheng(郑永齐),药理学家,AIDS药品3TC的发明 者,3TC一般人熟悉的名称是Epivir。 • Paul Kennedy,历史学家。"The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers" 的作 者。 • John Gaddis,历史学家,冷战的专家。 • David Gelernter(1976年),计算机科学家,Linda编程语言的创作人之一。 • Paul Hudak,计算机科学家。他最知名的成就是-Haskell编程语言。 书籍 "The Haskell School of Expression" 的作者。 • 曼德勃罗(Benoit Mandelbrot),以碎形几何学闻名的数学家。 • William Prusoff,药理学家。AIDS的药物d4T发明者。d4T一般人熟悉的 名称是Zerit。 • Robert Shiller,经济学家。书籍"Irrational Exuberance"的作者,以他发 明的心理学理论而闻名。 • 史景迁(Jonathan Spence),历史学家与作者。中国历史权威。

耶鲁大学英文作文I remember the first time I set foot on the Yale University campus. It was a crisp fall day, and the leaves were just beginning to turn. The sense of history and tradition was palpable, and I knew that I was about to embark on an incredible journey.Walking through the iconic gates, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder. The architecture was stunning, and I was surrounded by some of the brightest minds in the world. It was a bit overwhelming, but also incredibly exciting.The professors at Yale are truly top-notch. They are not only experts in their fields, but also passionate about teaching and mentoring students. I've had the opportunity to learn from some of the best, and their guidance has been invaluable.One of the things I love most about Yale is the senseof community. Despite being a large university, there is a real sense of camaraderie among the students. Whether it's through participating in extracurricular activities, studying together in the library, or just hanging out on the quad, there's always a strong sense of connection and support.The opportunities for personal and academic growth at Yale are endless. From conducting groundbreaking research to studying abroad in exotic locations, there is no shortage of ways to expand your horizons and challenge yourself. It's a place where you can truly push the boundaries of what you thought was possible.The campus itself is beautiful, with a mix of historic buildings and modern facilities. Whether it's taking astroll through the picturesque courtyards or attending a lecture in a state-of-the-art classroom, there's always something new to discover.In the end, Yale has been everything I hoped for and more. It's a place where I've been able to learn, grow, andconnect with incredible people. I'm grateful for the experiences I've had here, and I know that the lessons I've learned will stay with me for a lifetime.。

高一英语景点介绍作文英文回答:A captivating tourist spot is distinguished by its charm, allure, and ability to immerse visitors in unforgettable experiences. It boasts a rich tapestry of history, culture, natural wonders, or architectural marvels that beckon curious minds and leave an enduring impact.Nestled amidst rolling hills and serene lakes, the quaint town of Willow Creek invites explorers to delve into its captivating past. Founded by settlers in the 18th century, its cobblestone streets evoke a bygone era, whispering tales of pioneers and forgotten times. Thetown's historic courthouse, a majestic brick edifice adorned with intricate carvings, stands as a silent witness to the passage of time.For those seeking an encounter with nature's grandeur, the towering peaks of Mount Olympus beckon withirresistible allure. Its rugged slopes challenge hikers and nature enthusiasts alike, offering breathtaking panoramic views from its summit. Along the winding trails, crystal-clear streams dance merrily, reflecting the vibrant hues of surrounding wildflowers. The air, perfumed with the scent of pine and wildflowers, invigorates the senses and fills the soul with a sense of tranquility.In the vibrant metropolis of New Haven, a vibrant fusion of art, culture, and intellectual pursuits awaits. The renowned Yale University, an Ivy League institution, graces the city's landscape, boasting an esteemed history and a legacy of academic excellence. Its sprawling campus, adorned with Gothic and Georgian architecture, invites visitors to explore its venerable halls and immerse themselves in its scholarly atmosphere.The city's art scene thrives with an array of galleries showcasing masterpieces from both established and emerging artists. The Peabody Museum of Natural History, a treasure trove of wonders from around the globe, engages visitors with captivating exhibits unveiling the secrets of ourplanet's flora and fauna. New Haven's thriving culinary landscape delights discerning palates, offering an eclectic range of flavors and culinary experiences that tantalize the taste buds.中文回答:迷人的旅游景点。

Ladies and Gentlemen, esteemed faculty, proud alumni, and most importantly, the incredible Class of [Year],Good evening. It is an honor and a privilege to stand before you today at this momentous occasion, as you embark on what will undoubtedly be one of the most transformative journeys of your lives. I am here to share with you a story, a story of exploration, of learning, and of embracing the unknown – a story that mirrors the essence of Yale University itself.As you sit here today, many of you may be feeling a mix of excitement, anxiety, and perhaps a touch of uncertainty. These emotions areperfectly natural, as you step into a new chapter filled with limitless possibilities. Yale University, with its storied history and vibrant community, has been a beacon of knowledge, innovation, and excellencefor over three centuries. It is a place where ideas are not just exchanged but challenged, where minds are not just educated but ignited, and where spirits are not just nurtured but empowered.Let us journey back to the founding of Yale College in 1701, when a group of scholars, led by the Reverend Ezra Stiles, sought to establish a place where "learning might be propagated, virtue maintained, and religion promoted." Over the years, Yale has grown from a small seminary to a world-renowned institution that boasts a diverse and inclusive community of scholars, artists, and leaders.As you enter this great institution, you are not just joining a community; you are becoming part of a legacy. A legacy that has produced Nobel laureates, Pulitzer Prize winners, and leaders in every field imaginable. A legacy that has fostered a spirit of intellectualcuriosity and a commitment to social justice. A legacy that has taught us that knowledge is not just an end in itself but a tool for making the world a better place.But what does it mean to truly embrace the unknown? It means being open to new experiences, to stepping outside your comfort zone, and to facing challenges with courage and determination. It means being willing to askquestions, to seek answers, and to understand that the pursuit of knowledge is a lifelong journey.At Yale, you will find yourself surrounded by an incredible array of resources and opportunities. You will have access to some of the world's most distinguished faculty, who are not just scholars but mentors and guides. You will have the chance to engage with students from all walks of life, cultures, and backgrounds, learning from their perspectives and enriching your own.But perhaps the most valuable resource you will find at Yale is the opportunity to explore. To explore not just the depths of your chosen field of study, but also the vastness of human knowledge and the breadth of human experience. You will have the chance to delve into the humanities, to understand the complexities of the natural sciences, to engage with the arts, and to explore the social sciences.As you embark on this journey, remember that learning is not confined to the classroom. It happens in the laboratory, in the library, in the studio, and in the conversation with a fellow student over coffee. It happens in the dorm rooms, in the dining halls, and in the quad. It happens when you step outside your comfort zone and into the unknown.One of the greatest lessons I have learned at Yale is that the unknown is not something to be feared, but something to be embraced. It is in the unknown that we find growth, that we find discovery, that we find ourselves. It is in the unknown that we are challenged to think critically, to question assumptions, and to push the boundaries of our understanding.Consider the story of Dr. Katalin Karikó, a Hungarian-American biochemist who, along with Dr. Drew Weissman, won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2020 for their pioneering work on mRNA technology. Their discovery was not the result of a single moment of inspiration but rather a series of bold experiments, each one pushing the boundaries of what was known. It was a journey into the unknown, one that required courage, perseverance, and a willingness to take risks.As you sit here today, you may be wondering what your own journey will look like. Will you pursue a career in science, or perhaps in the arts? Will you become an entrepreneur, or a public servant? The answer lies within you, and it is a journey that you will embark on with the support of this community.In closing, I want to leave you with a few words of advice. First, be curious. Always seek to learn, to understand, and to explore. Second, be open. Open to new ideas, to new experiences, and to the people you will meet along the way. Third, be resilient. Embrace challenges, learn from failures, and never give up.Yale University is not just a place where you will receive an education; it is a place where you will find yourself. A place where you will grow, where you will discover, and where you will make a difference in the world.Congratulations, Class of [Year]. Welcome to Yale. Welcome to the journey of a lifetime.Thank you.。
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Yale UniversityYale University comprises three major academic components: Yale College (the undergraduate program), the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, and the professional schools. In addition, Yale encompasses a wide array of centers and programs, libraries, museums, and administrative support offices. Approximately 11,250 students attend Yale.You are invited to view an illustrated timeline of Yale’s history in addition to reading the brief overview on this pageYale’s roots c an be traced back to the 1640s, when colonial clergymen led an effort to establish a college in New Haven to preserve the tradition of European liberal education in the New World. This vision was fulfilled in 1701, when the charter was granted for a school “wherein Youth may be instructed in the Arts and Sciences [and] through the blessing of Almighty God may be fitted for Publick employment both in Church and Civil State.” In 1718 the school was renamed “Yale College” in gratitude to the Welsh merchant Elihu Yale, who had donated the proceeds from the sale of nine bales of goods together with 417 books and a portrait of King George I.Yale College survived the American Revolutionary War (1775–1783) intact and, by the end of its first hundred years, had grown rapidly. The nineteenth and twentieth centuries brought the establishment of the graduate and professional schools that would make Yale a true university. The Yale School of Medicine was chartered in 1810, followed by the Divinity School in 1822, the Law School in 1824, and the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences in 1847 (which, in 1861, awarded the first Ph.D. in the United States), followed by the schools of Art in 1869, Music in 1894, Forestry & Environmental Studies in 1900, Nursing in 1923, Drama in 1955, Architecture in 1972, and Management in 1974.International students have made their way to Yale since the 1830s, when the first Latin American student enrolled. The first Chinese citizen to earn a degree at a Western college or university came to Yale in 1850. Today, international students make up nearly 9 percent of the undergraduate student body, and 16 percent of all students at the University. Yale’s distinguished faculty includes many who have been trained or educated abroad and many whose fields of research have a global emphasis; and international studies and exchanges play an increasingly important role in the Yale College curriculum. The University began admitting women students at the graduate level in 1869, and as undergraduates in 1969.Yale College was transformed, beginning in the early 1930s, by the establishment of residential colleges. Taking medieval English universities such as Oxford and Cambridge as its model, this distinctive system divides the undergraduate population into twelve separate communities of approximately 450 members each, thereby enabling Yale to offer its students both the intimacy of a small college environment and the vast resources of a major research university. Each college surrounds a courtyard and occupies up to a full city block, providing a congenial community where residents live, eat, socialize, and pursue a variety of academic and extracurricular activities. Each college has a master and dean, as well as a number of resident faculty members known as fellows, and each has its own dining hall, library, seminar rooms, recreation lounges, and other facilities.Today, Yale has matured into one of the world’s great universities. Its 11,000 students come from all fifty American states and from 108 countries. The3,200-member faculty is a richly diverse group of men and women who are leaders in their respective fields. The central campus now covers 310 acres (125 hectares) stretching from the School of Nursing in downtown New Haven to tree-shaded residential neighborhoods around the Divinity School. Yale’s 260 buildings include contributions from distinguished architects of every period in its history. Styles range from New England Colonial to High Victorian Gothic, from Moorish Revival toco ntemporary. Yale’s buildings, towers, lawns, courtyards, walkways, gates, and arches comprise what one architecture critic has called “the most beautiful urban campus in America.” The University also maintains over 600 acres (243 hectares) of athletic fields and natural preserves just a short bus ride from the center of town.Yale’s charter of 1701 was amended by the Connecticut Legislature in 1792 to provide that the President and Fellows of Yale College would be known as “The Corporation” and “shall have the government, care and management of the college.” Today the Corporation is made up of nineteen members: the President of the University, ten Successor Trustees, six Alumni Fellows, and two members ex officio. There are eight Officers including the President. In addition, an officer-level position of Vice President for West Campus Planning and Program Development was established on October 1, 2008, for a three-year term. The duties and responsibilities of the Fellows and Officers are set forth in the Yale Corporation By-Laws.Since 1701 with the adoption by the Connecticut Legislature of the Charter “to erect a Collegiate School,” Yale University has been guided by the Charter, including subsequent amendments, the By-Laws of the Corporation first promulgated in 1795, and the Miscellaneous Regulations which codified a series of policies and procedures such as the Alumni Fellow election process, protection of the Yale name, and patentprotection. The By-Laws and Miscellaneous Regulations may be amended from time to time upon vote of two-thirds of the Fellows. In addition, throughout Yale’s history the President has appointed committees to explore important topics, and the recommendations of those committees shaped and influenced Yale’s governance a nd administration. These historic documents and reference materials may be accessed at the links provided.This site is intended to provide links to many University-wide policies grouped under commonly understood subject headings. The listing of links on this site provides access to many available policies but should not be relied upon as a comprehensive listing of all of the University’s policies. In each case, additional information about the existence or applicability of policies may be obtained from the Web sites of the schools and divisions of the University; links to the Web sites of all of the schools and certain divisions of the University are provided below. Please note that all policies remain subject to revision.The University’s annua l operating budget of almost $2 billion is overseen by the Office of Finance & Business Operations. A financial report is issued annually. The Yale endowment is overseen by the Investments Office. The endowment provides a significant percentage of the Univ ersity’s operating income.。