1999韩国现代santamo MPV汽车自动变速器维修手册(英文版)

08思域 混合动力变速驱动桥\
本田2.3 B7XA自动变速器\
本田RA6 4AT S-Matic自动变速箱.pdf
丰田普瑞斯 U660 E 自动变速器).ppt
比亚迪F3 DS15-41型变速器结构图册.pdf
比亚迪G3 CVT变速器维修手册11-11-19.pdf
比亚迪L3 CVT变速器.pdf

北京现代伊兰特维修保养手册2008-12-13 20:46:28 来源:网友评论虽然很多人谈起韩国汽车品牌时还有所迟疑,但从北京现代生产的伊兰特性能及销售的实际市场表现来看,韩国车在中国人消费者心目中的形象地位已经开始发生翻天覆地的变化,伊兰特动力强劲、外形时尚、配置齐...虽然很多人谈起韩国汽车品牌时还有所迟疑,但从北京现代生产的伊兰特性能及销售的实际市场表现来看,韩国车在中国人消费者心目中的形象地位已经开始发生翻天覆地的变化,伊兰特动力强劲、外形时尚、配置齐全、价格合理,成为中级轿车10——15万元这个区间的销售最大的车型。
ZP11_AMT TCM 诊断维修排故手册_V2.03_20120221

DTC P1745 、P1746 、P1747 、P1748、P1772 .............................................................. 53 DTC P1752、P1769 .......................................................................................................... 55 DTC P1756、P1757 .......................................................................................................... 56 DTC P1750、P290E .......................................................................................................... 58 DTC P1758 ........................................................................................................................ 60 DTC P1765 ........................................................................................................................ 62 DTC P1768、P1771、P1774............................................................................................. 63 DTC P1770 ........................................................................................................................ 64 DTC P1773 ........................................................................................................................ 65 DTC P1819 ........................................................................................................................ 66 DTC P1880 ........................................................................................................................ 67 DTC P290D、 P290F......................................................................................................... 68 DTC P1810、P2910 、P2911、P2912.............................................................................. 69 DTC P1818 、P2914 、P2915、P2916、P2917............................................................... 71 DTC U0001 、U0100、U0121、U0140、U0155............................................................... 72 缩略语及术语...................................................................................................................... 74

HW25505T变速器维修手册大同齿轮公司2011年8月目录目录 (2)第一章HW25505T系列变速器的拆装 (3)第一节HW25505T系列变速器的拆装的基本要求 (3)第二节变速箱拆装 (4)2.1从整车上拆卸变速箱总成 (4)2.2 变速箱总成的拆装 (4)2.3轴总成的拆装 (7)2.4后盖总成的分装 (10)2.5小盖总成的拆装 (11)2.6拨叉轴总成的装配 (12)第二章维修注意事项 (14)第三章常见故障及排除 (15)第四章维修工具 (16)第一节专用工具清单 (16)第二节通用工具清单 (16)第一章HW25505T系列变速器的拆装第一节HW25505T系列变速器的拆装的基本要求变速箱拆卸的基本要求如下:○1分解变速箱总成之前,必将变速箱外壳彻底清洗干净;○2变速箱的分解必须在一个清洁的地方进行,避免让灰尘或其它杂物进入变速箱内部,否则会加剧磨损和损坏轴承;○3拆卸轴承要使用专用工具,拆下的轴承要仔细的清洗;○4分解各个分总成时,要把所有零件按拆卸时的顺序放在干净的工作台上,避免零件丢失,又便于装配;○5拆卸卡簧应使用卡簧钳;○6在拆卸零件过程中,一定要注意施加在轴或壳体等零件上力量的大小,请勿野蛮操作,避免损坏零件,有些零件是禁止拆卸的,绝对禁止向正在运转的从动件施加外力。

2004款丰田卡罗拉自动变速器系统维修手册(英文版) 40–1AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION TRANS –AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE ASSY ATMAUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE ASSY ATM400LF–01PRECAUTION1 The automatic transaxle is composed of highly precision–finished parts necessitating carefulinspection before reassembly because even a small nick could cause fluid leakage or affectthe performance The instructions here are organized so that youwork on only one componentgroup at a time This will help avoid confusion from similar–looking parts of different sub–as-semblies being on your workbench at the same time The component groups are inspected andrepaired from the converter housing side As much as possible complete the inspection repairand reassembly before proceeding to the next component group If a defect is found in a certaincomponent group during reassembly inspect and repair this group immediately If a compo-nent group cannot be assembled because parts are being ordered be sure to keep all parts ofthe group in a separate container while proceeding with disassembly inspection repair andreassembly of other component groupsRecommended ATF T–IV2 All disassembled parts should be washed clean and any fluid passages and holes should beblown through with compressed air3 Dry all parts with compressed air–never use shop rags4 When using compressed air always aim away from yourself to prevent accidentally sprayingATF or kerosene on your face5 The recommended automatic transaxle fluid or kerosene should be used for cleaning6 After cleaning the parts should be arranged in the correct order for efficient inspection repairsand reassembly7 When disassembling a valve body be sure to match each valve together with the correspond-ing spring8 New discs for the brakes and clutches that are to be used for replacement must be soaked inATF for at least 15 minutes before reassembly9 All oil seal rings clutch discs clutch plates rotating parts and sliding surfaces should becoated with ATF prior to reassembly10 All gaskets and rubber O–rings should be replaced11 Do not apply adhesive cements to gaskets and similar parts12 Make sure that the ends of a snap ring are not aligned with one of the cutouts and are installedin the groove correctly13 If a worn bushing is to be replaced the sub–assembly containing the bushing must also be re-placed14 Check thrust bearings and races for wear or damage Replace if necessary15 Use petroleum jelly to keep parts in place16 When working with FIPG material you must observe the followingUsing a razor blade and a gasket scraper remove all the old packing FIPG material from thegasket surfaceThoroughly clean all components to remove all the loose materialClean both sealing surfaces with a non–residue solventParts must be reassembled within 10 minutes of application Otherwise the packing FIPG ma-terial must be removed and reapplied2004 COROLLA RM1037U135140–2AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION TRANS –AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE FLUID ATMAUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE FLUID ATM400LG–01ON–VEHICLE INSPECTION1 CHECK THE FLUID LEVELHINTDrive the vehicle so that the engine and transaxle are at normaloperating temperatureFluid temperature 70 – 80 C 158 – 176 FOK if hot a Park the vehicle on a level surface and set the parkingAdd if hot b With the engine idling and the brake pedal depressedshift the shift lever into all ranges from P to L position andreturn to P positionc Pull out the dipstick and wipe it cleand Push it back fully into the pipee Pull it out and check that the fluid level is in the HOT posi-D25120 tionleaks it is necessary to repair or replace O–ringsFIPGs oil seals plugs or other parts2004 COROLLA RM1037U135240–3AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION TRANS –PARKNEUTRAL POSITION SWITCH ASSY ATMPARKNEUTRAL POSITION SWITCH ASSY ATM400LH–01REPLACEMENT1 REMOVE BATTERY2 REMOVE BATTERY CARRIERa Remove the 4 bolts and battery carrierC801593 DISCONNECT FLOOR SHIFT CABLE TRANSMISSIONCONTROL SHIFTa Remove the nut from the control shaft leverbDisconnect the control cable from the control shaft leverc Remove the clip and disconnect the control cable fromthe control cable bracketC961474 REMOVE PARKNEUTRAL POSITION SWITCH ASSYa Disconnect the parkneutral position switch connectorb Remove the nut washer and control shaft leverc Pry out the lock plate and remove the manual valve shaftnutd Remove the 2 bolts and pull out the parkneutral positionswitchD251245 INSTALL PARKNEUTRAL POSITION SWITCH ASSYa Install the parkneutral position switch to the manual valveshaftb Temporarily install the 2 boltsc Place a new lock plate and tighten the nutTorque55 Nm 56 kgfcm 49 inlbfdTemporarily install the control shaft leverD099572004 COROLLA RM1037U135340–4AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION TRANS – PARKNEUTRAL POSITION SWITCH ASSY ATMeTurn the lever counterclockwise until it stops then turn itclockwise 2 notchesf Remove the control shaft leverD25126g Align the groove with neutral basic lineNeutralh Hold the switch in position and tighten the 2 boltsBasic LineTorque 55 Nm 56 kgfcm 49 inlbfGrooveD08584i Using a screwdriver stake the nut with the lock plateD08585j Install the control shaft lever washer and nutTorque 125 Nm 127 kgfcm 9 ftlbfk Connect the parkneutral position switch connectorD251256 INSTALL FLOOR SHIFT CABLE TRANSMISSIONCONTROL SHIFTa Temporarily install the control cable to the control shaft le-ver with nutb Install the control cable and clip to the bracketC961472004 COROLLA RM1037U135440–5AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION TRANS –PARKNEUTRAL POSITION SWITCH ASSY ATM7 INSTALL BATTERY CARRIERa Install the battery carrier and 4 boltsTorque 13 Nm 132 kgfcm 10 ftlbfC801598 ADJUST SHIFT LEVER POSITION See page 40–449 INSPECT SHIFT LEVER POSITION See page 40–4410 INSPECT PARKNEUTRAL POSITION SWITCH ASSY See page 40–62004 COROLLA RM1037U135540–6AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION TRANS –PARKNEUTRAL POSITION SWITCH ASSY ATM400LI–01ADJUSTMENT1 INSPECT PARKNEUTRAL POSITION SWITCH ASSYa Apply the parking brake and turn the ignition switch ONb Depress the brake pedal and check that the engine starts only when the shift lever is set in N or P posi-tion and it does not start in the other positionc Check that the back–up light comes on and the reverse warning buzzer sounds only when the shiftlever is set in R position and these do not function in the other positionsIf a failure is found check the park neutral position switch for continuity2 ADJUST PARKNEUTRAL POSITION SWITCH ASSYa Loosen the 2 bolts of park neutral position switch and setNeutralBasic Line the shift lever to the N positionb Align the groove and neutral basic linec Hold the switch in position and tighten the 2 boltsTorque 55 Nm 56 kgfcm 49 inlbfd After adjustment perform the inspection described inGroovestep1D255142004 COROLLA RM1037U135640–7AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION TRANS – AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE ASSY ATMAUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE ASSY ATM400LJ–01COMPONENTSHood Sub–assyAir Cleaner Assy13 132 1070 71 62 inlbf70 71 62 inlbfBatteryCylinder HeadCover No2 12 122 91275 130 913 132 1010 102 7Control Cable Support255 260 19StarterAssy39 400 2913 132 10 wo ABSOil Cooler Inlet Tube No1Oil Cooler OutletTube No1 39 400 29 13 132 10Floor ShiftCable Transmission345 350 25Control Shift55 56 49 inlbfClipSpeedometer sensorTransmission Oil Filler connectorTube Sub–assy55 56 49 inlbf Battery Carrier12 1229 Automatic Transaxle AssyO–ringATF Level Gauge12 122 9 Transmission Control CableNm kgfcm ftlbf Specified torque Bracket No1Non–reusable part C953482004 COROLLA RM1037U135740–8AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION TRANS– AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE ASSY ATM80 815 59Front Drive Shaft Assy RH52 530 3852 530 38Snap Ring Engine MountingBracket LHTorque Converter Clutch Assy64 65047 Engine Mounting52 530 38Insulator LHx 646 470 3428 285 20Snap Ring23 235 17 Front Drive Shaft Assy LHFlywheel Housing Under CoverTransmission Case Protector18 182 14Automatic Transaxle AssyEngine Mounting Insulator RREngine Mounting 87 887 64Bracket RR 64 652 47Engine Mounting Bracket FR64 652 47Engine Under Cover RH52530 3852 530 38Engine Under Cover LH 64 652 4764 652 4752 530 38FrontSuspension Member DynamicDamper52 530 38Engine Mounting MemberSub–assy CenterNm kgfcm ftlbf Specified torque 39 398 29Non–reusable part C953492004 COROLLA RM1037U135840–9AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION TRANS –AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE ASSY ATM400LK–02REPLACEMENT1 REMOVE HOOD SUB–ASSY2 REMOVE CYLINDER HEAD COVER NO23 REMOVE BATTERY4 REMOVE BATTERY CARRIERa Remove the4 bolts and battery carrierC801595 REMOVE AIR CLEANER ASSEMBLY WITH HOSE6 REMOVE FLOOR SHIFT CABLE TRANSMISSIONCONTROL SHIFTa Remove the nut from the control shaft leverb Disconnect the control cable from the control shaft leverc Remove the clip and disconnect the control cable fromthecontrol cable bracketC961477 REMOVE TRANSMISSION CONTROL CABLESUPPORTa Disconnectthe wire harness clamp and control cablefrom thecontrol cable supportb Remove thebolt and control cable supportC957508 REMOVE TRANSMISSION CONTROL CABLE BRACKET NO1a Remove the 2 bolts and control cable bracket2004 COROLLA RM1037U135940–10AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION TRANS –AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE ASSY ATM9 DISCONNECT WIRE HARNESSa Remove the2 bolts and disconnect the 2 wire harnessesb Remove the bolt and disconnect the wire harness clampbracketC93666c Remove thebolt and disconnect the wire harness clampbracketC9364310 DISCONNECT CONNECTORa Disconnect the transmission wire connectorb Disconnect the parkneutral position switch connectorc wo ABSDisconnect the speedometer sensor connector11 REMOVE TRANSMISSION OIL FILLER TUBESUB–ASSYa Remove the ATF lever gaugeb Remove the 2 bolts oil cooler tube clamp and oil fillertubec Remove theO–ring from the oil filler tubeD0996112 DISCONNECT OIL COOLER INLET TUBE NO1a Using SST disconnect the oil cooler inlet tube No 1SST 09023–12700SSTC9364613 DISCONNECT OIL COOLER OUTLET TUBE NO1a Using SST disconnect the oil cooler outlet tube No 1SST 09023–127002004 COROLLA RM1037U136040–11AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION TRANS –AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE ASSY ATM14 DISCONNECT OXYGEN SENSOR CONNECTORa Remove the foot restb Pull up the floor carpetc Disconnect the oxygen sensor connectorNo 1 No 2 15 SUSPEND ENGINE ASSYEngine Hanger Engine Hanger a Disconnect the 2 PCV hosesb Install the No1 and No2 engine hangers in the correctdirectionParts NoNo1 engine hanger 12281–22021No2 engine hanger 12281–15040Bolt91512–B1016Front Rear D25372 Torque 38 Nm 387 kgfcm 28 ftlbfc Attach the engine chain hoist to the engine hangersCAUTIONDo not attempt to hang the engine by hooking the chain toany other parts16 REMOVE FRONT WHEELS17 REMOVE ENGINE UNDER COVER RH18 REMOVE ENGINE UNDER COVER LH19 DRAIN AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE FLUIDa Remove the drain plug and gasket and drain ATFb Install a new gasket and drain plugTorque 175 Nm 178 kgfcm 13 ftlbf20 REMOVE EXHAUST PIPE ASSY FRONT See page 15–221 REMOVE FRONT DRIVE SHAFT ASSY RH See page 30–6SST 09520–01010 09520–24010 09520–32040 22 REMOVE FRONT DRIVE SHAFT ASSY LH See page 30–6SST 09520–01010 09520–24010 09520–3204023 REMOVE AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION CASE PROTECTORa Remove the 2 bolts and case protector24 REMOVE STARTER ASSYa Remove the nut and disconnect the starter wireb Disconnect the connectorc Remove the 2 bolts and starter25 SUPPORT AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE ASSYa Support the automatic transaxle with a transmission jack26 REMOVE TRANSVERSE ENGINE ENGINEMOUNTINGINSULATORa Remove the 5bolts nut and engine mounting insulatorLHD099642004 COROLLA RM1037U136140–12AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION TRANS –AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE ASSY ATM27 REMOVE TRANSVERSE ENGINE ENGINEMOUNTINGBRACKETa Remove the3 bolts and engine mounting bracket LHD0996528 REMOVE TRANSVERSE ENGINE ENGINEMOUNTING INSULATORa Remove thebolt from the engine mounting bracket RRC80192b Remove the3 nuts bolt and engine mounting insulatorRR from the suspension memberC8016729 REMOVE TRANSVERSE ENGINE ENGINEMOUNTING INSULATORa Remove thebolt and nut from the engine mounting brack-et FRC8016630 REMOVEENGINE MOUNTING MEMBER SUB–ASSYCENTERa Remove the4 bolts dynamic damper and member sub–assycenter with engine mounting insulator FRC953542004 COROLLA RM1037U136240–13AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION TRANS –AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE ASSY ATM31 REMOVETRANSVERSE ENGINE ENGINEMOUNTINGBRACKETa Remove the 2bolts and engine mounting bracket FRC8017232 REMOVE TRANSVERSE ENGINE ENGINEMOUNTINGBRACKETa Remove the 3bolts and engine mounting bracket RRC9364533 REMOVE FLYWHEEL HOUSING UNDER COVER34 REMOVE AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE ASSYa Turn the crankshaft to gain access and remove the 6 boltswhile holding the crankshaft pulley bolt with a wrenchF00478b Remove the 6 boltsc Separate and remove the automatic transaxleD0996635 REMOVE TORQUE CONVERTER CLUTCH ASSY36 INSPECT TORQUE CONVERTER CLUTCH ASSY See page 40–20SST 09350–32014 09351–32010 09351–320202004 COROLLA RM1037U136340–14AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION TRANS –AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE ASSY ATM37 INSTALL TORQUE CONVERTER CLUTCH ASSYa Install the torque converter clutch to the automatic trans-axleb Using vernier calipers measure the dimension A be-tweenthe transaxle fitting part and the converter fittingpart of the drive plateC63993c Using vernier calipers and a straight edge measure thedimension B shown in the illustration and check that Bisgreater than A measured in bStandardA 1 mm or moreNOTICEDo not add the thickness of straight edgeC6591138 INSTALL AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE ASSYa Install the automatic transaxle and 6 bolts to the engineTorqueABolt A 64 Nm 650 kgfcm 47 ftlbfB Bolt B。

Accessories and Modifications.... 126Accessories................................. 126Additional Safety Precaution.... 127Modifications............................. 127ACCESSORY (Ignition KeyPosition)........................................ 68Accessory Power Socket................ 79AddingBrake Fluid................................. 171Clutch Fluid................................ 171Engine Coolant........................... 163Engine Oil................................... 159Manual Transmission Fluid ..... 170Windshield Washer Fluid......... 169Additional Information AboutYour Seat Belts........................ 34Lap/Shoulder Belt....................... 34Seat Belt Maintenance................ 35Seat Belt System Components... 34Additional Information AboutYour SRS...................................36Additional Safely Precautions.... 39How the SRS IndicatorWorks (38)How Your Airbags Work............ 36SRS Components......................... 36Additives, Engine Oil..................... 160AdjustmentsMirrors.......................................... 76Seats.............................................. 74Airbag (SRS)................................ 9, 46Air Conditioning System................. 88Maintenance............................... 180Usage............................................. 88Air Outlets (Vents).......................... 88Air Pressure, Tires........................ 182Normal Driving.......................... 182Alcohol in Gasoline........................ 238Antifreeze....................................... 163Anti-theft Steering ColumnLock............................................... 67Appearance Care........................... 197Audio System................................... 96Auto Idle Stop (134)BatteryCharging SystemIndicator............................ 54, 219Jump Starting............................. 214Maintenance............................... 175Specifications............................. 235Before Driving............................... 117Belts, Seat........................................... 8Beverage Holder.............................. 78Body Repairs.................................. 203BrakesBreak-in, New Linings .............. 118Fluid............................................ 171Light, Burned-out...................... 193Parking.......................................... 77System Indicator.................. 46, 221Wear Indicators......................... 139Braking System.............................. 140Break-in, New Car......................... 118Brightness Control, Instruments... 60Brights, Headlights......................... 59Bulb ReplacementBack-up Lights........................... 193Brake Light................................ 193Front Parking Lights................. 191Front Side Marker Lights......... 191Headlights. (190)CONTINUEDIndexBulb ReplacementInterior Light.............................. 195License Plate Lights.................. 194Specifications............................. 235Turn Signal Lights..................... 191Bulbs, Halogen. (196)Cables, Jump Starting With.......... 214Capacities Chart............................. 234Carbon Monoxide Hazard.............. 40Carrying Cargo.............................. 128Cassette PlayerCare............................................. 116Operation.................................... 102CAUTION, Explanation of............... ii CD Changer.................................... 112CD Player........................................ 106Certification Label......................... 232Chains............................................. 187Charge/Assist Gauge..................... 55Change OilHow to......................................... 161When to....................................... 150Changing a Flat Tire (185)Changing Engine Coolant............. 165Charging System Indicator.... 54, 219CheckingBattery Condition...................... 175Brake Fluid................................. 171Clutch Fluid................................ 171Drive Belts.................................. 181Engine Coolant........................... 123Engine Oil................................... 122Fuses........................................... 222Manual Transmission Fluid..... 170Checklist, Before Driving............. 117Child Safety...................................... 19Cleaner Element, Air..................... 173CleaningExterior....................................... 198Interior........................................ 201Seat Belts.................................... 201Vinyl............................................ 201Windows..................................... 202Clock, Setting the.......................... 101Clutch Fluid.................................... 171CO in the Exhaust......................... 240Cold Weather, Starting in............. 133Compact Spare............................... 206Consumer Information*. (244)Controls, Instruments and.............. 58CoolantAdding......................................... 163Checking..................................... 123Proper Solution.......................... 163Replacing.................................... 165Temperature Gauge.................... 56Corrosion Protection..................... 202Crankcase Emissions ControlSystem......................................... 240Current Fuel Mileage...................... 53Customer Relations Office.. (244)DANGER, Explanation of................. ii Dashboard.................................... 2, 44Daytime Running Lights................. 60Dead Battery, What to Do............ 214Defects, Reporting Safety............. 248Defog and Defrost........................... 82Defogger, Rear Window................. 63Defrosting the Windows................. 82Dimensions..................................... 234Dimming the Headlights................59IndexDipstickEngine Oil................................... 122Directional Signals........................... 61Disabled, Towing Your Car If...... 228Disc Brake Wear Indicators......... 139Disposal of Used Oil...................... 162Display Change Button................... 49DoorsLocking and Unlocking............... 69DOT Tire Quality Grading........... 236Downshifting, 5-speed ManualTransmission.............................. 136Drive Belts...................................... 181Driver and Passenger Safety............ 5Driving............................................ 131Economy..................................... 124In Bad Weather.......................... 142In Foreign Countries.. (239)Economy, Fuel............................... 124Emergencies on the Road............. 205Battery, Jump Starting.............. 214Brake System Indicator............ 221Changing a Flat Tire.. (207)Charging System Indicator...... 219Checking the Fuses................... 223Low Oil Pressure Indicator...... 218Malfunction Indicator Lamp.... 220Overheated Engine................... 217Emergency Brake............................ 77Emergency Flashers....................... 63Emergency Towing....................... 228Emissions Controls........................ 240EngineBelts............................................. 181Coolant Temperature Gauge ..... 56Malfunction IndicatorLamp................................. 47, 220Oil, What Kind to Use............... 159Overheating................................ 217Specifications............................. 234Engine Speed Limiter.................... 137Ethanolin Gasoline....................... 238Evaporative Emissions Controls.. 240Exhaust Fumes................................ 40Expectant Mothers, Use of SeatBelts by......................................... 17Exterior, Cleaning the. (198)Fabric, Cleaning............................. 201Fan, Interior...................................... 82Features, Comfort andConvenience................................. 81Filling the Fuel Tank..................... 119FilterAir Conditioning........................ 181Oil................................................ 1615-speed Manual TransmissionChecking Fluid Level................ 170Shifting the................................. 136Flashers, Hazard Warning.............. 63Flat Tire, Changing a.................... 185FluidsBrake........................................... 171Clutch.......................................... 171Manual Transmission............... 170Windshield Washer................... 169FM Stereo RadioReception.................................... 110Foreign Countries, Driving in...... 239Four-way Flashers (63)CONTINUEDIndexFront End, Towing byEmergency Wrecker................. 228Fuel.................................................. 118Fill Door and Cap....................... 119Gauge............................................ 56Octane Requirement................. 118Oxygenated................................ 238Reserve Indicator......................... 56Tank, Filling the......................... 119Fuses, Checking the. (223)Gas Mileage, Improving................ 124Gasohol........................................... 238Gasoline.......................................... 118Fuel Reserve Indicator................ 47Gauge............................................ 49Octane Requirement................. 118Tank, Filling the......................... 119Gas Station Procedures................. 119GaugesEngine CoolantTemperature............................ 56Fuel (56)Gearshift Lever Positions 5-speed ManualTransmission.......................... 136Glass Cleaning.............................. 202Glove Box.. (78)Halogen Headlight Bulbs.............. 190HatchOpening the.................................. 69Open Monitor Light.................... 47Hazard Warning Flashers............... 63HeadlightsDaytime Running Lights............. 60High Beam Indicator................... 47High Beams, Turning on............ 59Low Beams, Turning on ............. 59Reminder Beeper......................... 59Replacing Halogen Bulbs......... 190Turning on.................................... 61Heating.............................................. 81High Altitude, Starting at.............. 133High-Low Beam Switch .................. 59Hood Latch..................................... 174Hood, Opening the (120)Horn..................................................... 3Hot Coolant, Warning about........ 163Hydraulic Clutch............................ 171Hydroplaning. (142)Identification Number, Vehicle.... 232If Your Car Has to be Towed....... 228IgnitionKeys............................................... 65Switch............................................ 67Timing Control System............. 241Important Safety Precautions .......... 6Indicator Lights, InstrumentPanel.............................................. 45Inflation, Proper Tire .................... 182Normal Driving.......................... 183Inside Mirror.................................... 74Inspection, Tire.............................. 184Instrument Panel............................. 45Instrument Panel Brightness......... 60Interior Cleaning............................ 201Interior Light.................................... 80Introduction.........................................i。

RVS Clutch
UD Clutch
输出行星支架 前排行星齿轮
后排行星齿轮 OD行星支架
Fail safe v/v B
T/Convertor 阀
Fail safe v/v A
Regulator valve 32
DCC 控制阀
UD 钢球 及 弹簧
OD 钢球 及 弹簧
Switch V/V
L/R降压阀及 主油压阀球、弹簧
1.OWC采用(改善1-2 档换档冲击现象) 2.控制原理:升2挡之前先解除 LR压力(NO 200rpm附近)

Installation and maintenance forPolyphase AC Induction MotorsAll operations serving transport, installation, connection,operation and maintenance by skilled, qualified and responsible personnel ensures safe and proper use of motors.Read instructions carefully before attempting to install, operateor service motors and retain for future reference and work with care. Especially, safety precautions must be observed to protect personnel from possible injury which will be caused by high voltage, hot surface and rotating parts.RECEIVING1. Check motor & nameplate data (HP, Pole, Voltage and etc.).2. Check any damage or loose parts during transportation and stopcommissioning if necessary.3. Turn shaft by hand to check smooth rotation.4. If shaft is clamped by locking device to prevent axial movement of heavy rotor duringtransportation, please remove it to run motors and retain it for future transport.WARNING1. High voltage, hot surfaces and rotating parts of electrical machinery can cause seriousor fatal personal injury and damage to property. Qualified personnel should performproper installation, operation and maintenance. Recommendations to be familiarizedare NEMA MG2, the National Electric Code, IEC364(prEN50110-1) and all sound local safety practices.2. Before attempting maintenance or repair, avoid contact with energized circuits anddisconnect and de-energize all power sources to the motor and to the necessarydevices to avoid electrical shock.3. Before motor is energized, avoid contact with rotating parts and ensure that shaft key is fully captive or removed.4. When working near machinery with high noise levels, suitable protection must be used.5. Automatic-reset thermal protection should not be used where unexpected automaticstarting will be hazardous to personnel.6. Proper safeguards or protective devices against possible failure of motor-mountedbrake, especially on overhauling load applications should be provided and should not be by-passed. And a suitable enclosure should be provided against access tothe motor or other un-authorized personnel.7. Grounding of motor against fatal injury to personnel should be in accordance with theNational Electrical Code and applicable local practice. Grounding cable and terminalshould be securely crimped with proper crimping tools for safe grounding.8. Repair of Explosion-proof motors should be made by Hyundai, U/L,CSA or other listedauthorized service center to maintain those listings, safety and special feature inhazardous area. The use of non-explosion-proof motors in hazardous areais prohibited unless they are expressly intended for such use.STORAGE1. When storing motors without immediate installation, to keep motors in best condition,make sure of dry, clean, dust-free and low-vibration environment to avoid danger ofbearing damage at rest.2. Precautions should be taken to prevent the entrance of moisture, dust or dirt duringstorage especially for winding and bearing.3. Before commissioning, make sure insulation resistance of winding. In case of resistancevalues¡1§, the windings should be dried.LOCATION1. Drip-proof motors (IEC protection degree IP23) are intended for use in well ventilatedareas where the atmosphere is reasonably free of dirt, moisture and corrosion andnot intended for use in outdoor.2. Enclosed motors (IEC protection degree IP44) are intended for operation wherethey are exposed to dirt, moisture, dust and most outdoor conditions.3. Explosion-proof motors are designed for operation in hazardous areas classified byUnderwriters' Laboratories, National Electrical Code, Canadian Standard Association and IEC79.4. Chemical heavy duty enclosed motors are designed for use in highly corrosive orexcessively moisture locations.5. Standard ambient condition of motors are rated for ambient temperatures of -20¡+40¡ (-40¡with low temperature grease such as Beacon325) and altitudes below1000m(3300feet) above sea level.MOUNTING1. Mount motors securely on a firm and flat base and make sure of solid foot or flangesolid foot or flange mounting. All ball bearing normal thrust motors can be side wall orcan be side wall or ceiling mounted and can be vertically mounted for motors up to and including 326frame(IEC200L) size. For the recommendations of other applications,check nearest Hyundai office or sales agents.2. Align motors accurately using flexible coupling for direct drive if possible. Because thebalance of motors is made by half-key, the coupling or pulley must be half-key balanced.Mount or remove belt pulley or coupling only using appropriate means and cover them with a safety guard and avoid excessive belt tensions. Consult drive or equipmentmanufacturer or Hyundai for drive recommendations.3. The bolts for motor mounting and base assembly must be carefully tightened to prevent change in alignment and possible damage to the equipment applying the recommended tightening torques shown in table. Use the recommended torques for medium carbonsteel bolts identified by three radial lines at 120 degrees on the head and use 50% ofthe recommended torques for low carbon steel bolts with no ID marks. In case of motors with 8 holes in feet, these 8 holes are used for the application of dual frame sizes.Only 4 holes are used for mounting in accordance with outline drawing.Bolt Size RecommendedTorqueInch Metric Ft.-lb.N-M1/4M67-119-155/16M814-2119-283/8M1025-3734-501/2M1260-9081-1225/8M16120-180163-2443/4M20210-320285-4334. If bases are removed from enclosed motors having bolt-on base,the enclosure must be maintained by plugging or closing the boltholes and do not replace the base bolts in the frame with the baseremoved.5. In case of enclosed motors having drain plugs, remove them fromthe end shields or frame in the bottom side for the use in outdoors or in other high moisture area.6. Because low voltage motors per IEC are components for installation6. Because low voltage motors per IEC are components for installationin machinery as defined in Machinery Directive89/392/EEC, commissioning is prohibited until conformity of the end product with this directive has been established per EN60204-1 for European country.7. The application of pulleys, sheaves, sprockets and gears on motor shaft isdescribed in NEMA standard MG1-14.07. The application of V-belt sheave dimensions to AC motors is shown in NEMA MG1-14.41.The V-belt sheave diameters should not be less than the values in Tablebelow and the sheave width should not be wider than the maximum widthper equation below.Maximum sheave width = 2(N-W) – 1/4”Maximum sheave width = (N-W)# N-W (E for IEC) = the usable shaft lengthSheave ratios greater than 5:1 & center to center distances less than the diameter of large sheave should be referred to Hyundai.8. Make necessary ventilation passage for the best operation of motors. In case of beltpulley, ventilation opening of rim of pulley is essential for motors.The ventilation must not be obstructed. The distance between ventilation openings of motors and wall or obstacle should be maintained by minimum 25mm(1inch) andventilation diameter divided by 4. Motors with shaft ends pointing upward are to beprovided with a cover by the customer to prevent foreign materials from falling intothe ventilation or openings.POWER SUPPLY and CONNECTIONS1. Wiring of motor, control, grounding and overload protection should be in accordancewith the National Electric Code and all sound local building codes or practices only by qualified technical personnel.2. Power supply should agree with nameplate voltage and frequency and permissiblevariations of power supply are ±5% for frequency, ±10% for line voltage and ±10% for combined variation to avoid elevated temperatures and effects on the electromagnetic compatibility. (IEC motors :±2% for frequency, ±5% for line voltage per IEC34-1,EN60034-1 for multi-voltage motors)3. Thermally-protected motors to prevent excessive temperature rise or overload havetwo terminals of protectors (P1,P2) and should be connected to the control panel according to the connection diagram inside of the conduit box.Manual-reset protectors can be reset after motor cooled by pressing reset button and Automatic-reset protectors(no external button) reset automatically after motor cooled.Do not use Automatic-reset protectors where unexpectedautomatic starting will be dangerous to personnel.4. Dual voltage motors can be connected for the desired voltage using the connectiondiagram inside of the conduit box.5. Minimum clearances between un-insulated live parts and between such parts and earth must not be below 8mm at Volts¡550V,10mm at Volts¡725V, 14mm at Volts¡1000V.Because no presence of foreign objects, dirt or moisture is admitted in the conduit box, close unused cable entrance holes and the box itself in a dust- and watertight manner.6. For motors with brakes, check satisfactory functioning of brake before commissioning.7. Standard connection diagrams for three phase motors without any accessories areshown as below and rotation can be changed by interchanging any two line leads.Use appropriate cable terminals with proper crimping tools and protective andpermanent conductor connection without loose wire ends is important for safety.(1) 3 Leads, Single voltage(2) 6 Leads, Dual voltage & voltage ratio 1 to 3, Single voltage1) Direct-on-line Start & Run2) Wye Start & Delta Run(Low voltage only)3) Control for Wye Start & Delta Run (Low voltage only)(3) 9 Leads, Dual voltage & voltage ratio 1 to 2, Wye interconnection 1) Direct-on-line Start & Run2) Control for Wye Start & Delta Run(Low voltage only)(4) 12 Leads, Dual voltage, Delta interconnection1) Direct-on-line Start & Run2) Wye Start & Delta Run(Low voltage only)3) Control for Wye Start & Delta Run (Low voltage)4) Control for Wye Start & Delta Run (High voltage)5) Part winding start (Low vlotage only)* For part winding start with magnetic contactor, M2 contactor should be closed within two seconds after M1 contactor is closed.* Part winding start at low voltage is satisfactory only for 4pole and above.( 4p, 6p, 8p and above )OPERATION1. If the motor has been stored for an extensive period or in a damp location, check the insulation resistance of stator winding & bearings.If the resistance of stator winding is lower than 1Mega Ω, dry out motors thoroughly with maximum drying temperature of 85¡(185¢) in one of the following ways.1) Dry the stator in an oven until the insulation resistance is constant for a one-half hourperiod.2) Enclosure the motor with a canvas or similar covering leaving a opening at the top formoisture to escape. Insert heaters or lamps with care to avoid localized damage dueto too closer heating to the winding and leave them until the insulation resistance is constant for a one-half hour period.3) With the rotor locked, apply approximately 10% of rated voltage and increase currentgradually through the windings until temperature measured with thermometer reaches 85¡(185¢; Do not exceed this limit). Maintain 85¡until the insulation resistance is constant for a one-half hour period.Turn the shaft by hand to check the bearing and it may be necessary to re-grease orchange rusted bearings depending on the period and condition of storage.2. Operate motor at no load (disconnected load) and check rotation (without key ifuncoupled) for free running. Interchange any two leads to change direction of rotationfor three phase motor.3. Connect load and operate for an initial period of at least one hour to check any unusualnoise, vibration or hot spots and check those items periodically even after successfulstart-up. Acceptable vibration severities can be decided by NEMA MG1-7 (2¡6pole:0.15, 8pole:0.12in/sec peak) and IEC34-14 (H¡132:1.8,132£H¡225:1.8(4pole and larger) & 2.8(2pole), H¡225:2.8(4pole and larger) & 4.5(2pole) in mm/sec rms.) for no load and uncoupled condition.4. Check operating current against nameplate current. Be careful not to exceed the valueof nameplate amperes multiplied by the service factor under continuous load.5. When 208-230/460V motors with alternate voltage of 200V at 1.0 SF are used on 200V,the sip of motors will increase approximately 30% and torques will be reduced byapproximately by 20 to 30%. Therefore, user should check and determine that motors will start and accelerate without injurious heating and with adequate torque.MAINTENANCE1. INSPECT motor regularly and keep motor clean and dry. In case of heavy dirt ordeposits, clean air channels periodically.2. If the period of storage or stop of running of motor is more than one month, turn theshaft by hand to check the smooth rotation of bearings every one month and check the insulation resistance of winding every three months as minimum.3. Special features of Explosion-proof motors should be maintained in accordance with U/L, CSA or other authorized standard in hazardous area.Therefore, repair of Explosion-proof motors is recommended to be made by Hyundai, U/L, CSA or other listed authorized service centers to maintain those listings,safety and special features.4. In order to clean stator windings, use a soft brush and a slow acting solvent(if necessary) without affecting on coils, insulation and varnish in a well ventilated room for safety.LUBRICATION for maintenance1. Double shield and pre-lubricated ball bearing motors without grease fittings are adequately greased for life at the factory and do not need re-lubrication.2. Motors with re-greasing facilities are shipped with grease for initial running and should be checked and re-lubricated periodically depending on the type of service (see below table) to maintain maximum bearing life.Do not lubricate excessively or too frequently to avoid damage of bearing and leakageof grease.Interval of Re-lubrication (Months) No. BRG. No.Amount of Initial ChargeAmount of Re-lubrication2P 4P 6P 8P 1 6205 14 g 9 g 4 6 6 6 2 6206 15 g 10 g 4 6 6 6 3 6208 30 g 15 g 4 6 6 6 4 6211 80 g 25 g 4 6 6 6 5 6213 80 g 14 g 3 6 6 6 6 6307 30 g 15 g 4 6 6 6 7 6309 60 g 20 g 4 6 6 6 8 6310 80 g 25 g 4 6 6 6 9 6311 100 g 30 g 4 6 6 6 10 6312 100 g 30 g 4 6 6 6 11 6313 100 g 23 g 3 6 6 6 12 6314 150 g 26 g 2 6 6 6 13 6316 180 g 33 g - 6 6 6 14 6318 240 g 41 g - 6 6 6 15 6320 300 g 41 g - 6 6 6 16 NU318 350 g 45 g - 3 6 6 17NU320400 g45 g-3663. For re-lubrication, clean the grease nipple and press in the exact amount of grease as in the table above by using the grease gun. Take a note that re-lubrication should be carried out while motor is operating. After re-lubrication, the bearing temperature willrise but, it will drop back to the normal value when the grease has reached its normal service viscosity.4. As long as lubrication is carried out in accordance with the table above, bearing willshow no problem with its operation even in the case that re-lubricated grease is notobserved at the drain plug, because the old grease is accommodated in the chamberof bearing housing. Remove the old grease when overhauling the machines.5. In case of initial or replacement charge, put a third of the grease amount of initial chargein the bearing and the rest amount of grease in the chamber of bearing housing.6. In case of lubrication for TEFC motors, remove the plastic caps on the fan coverfor access to the grease fittings.SERVICE1. Hyundai motors should be serviced by qualified personnel using proper tools,equipment and genuine Hyundai renewal parts.For further information, please contact nearest sales office of Hyundai heavy industries or sales agent.2. When ordering spares or renewal parts, please specify information on the nameplatesuch as model No., serial No., HP(or kW), frame size and pole.。

Vehicle Ident. No. _______________________Working instruction fororder no. Maintenance(Labour operation 03 16 00 ..)For a description of the various models, see Technical ManualContinued overleaf PDCC: check fluid levelCayenne/S/GTS/Turbo/Turbo Sas of 2010 model9 At 60,000, 120,000, 180,000, 240,000 km/36,000, 72,000, 108,000, 144,000 miles etc.Diagnostic system: read out fault memory; reset maintenance intervalVehicle underbody and engine compartment: visual inspection for leaks (oils and other fluids)Engine compartment: visual inspection for damageUnderbody panels: visual inspection for completeness, secure installation and damageChange engine oil and oil filter (please observe oil change service plan for the Cayenne)The term 'checking' includes all necessary subsequent work, such as adjusting, readjusting, correcting and topping up, but does not include repairing, replacing and reconditioning parts or assemblies.Mix fuel in fuel tank with additive (Keropur from Porsche; Part No. 000 043 206 89)Note: If the mileage for a regular service is not reached, maintenance must be carried out after 4, 8, 12...... years.Axle joints: check the play and visually inspect the dust boots for damageTyres, emergency spare wheel and external spare wheel: check condition and tyre pressureSteering gear: visual inspection of the bellows for damage.Tie rod joints: check the play and dust bootsFoot-operated parking brake: check free playBrake hoses and lines: visual inspection for damage, routing and corrosionFuel lines and connections: visual inspectionParticle filter: replace filter elementDrive shafts: visual inspection of the boots for leaks and damageRadiators and air intakes: visual inspection for external contamination and blockageCoolant: check level and antifreezeSeat belts: check operation and conditionCopyright byDr. Ing. h. c. F. Porsche AGAfter Sales EngineeringPrinted in Germany - 03/09Lubricate door arrester and fastening pinsAll headlights: check setting; horn: check operationPanorama roof system: teach control unitVisual inspection of airbag units (see Add. Maintenance)Check drive beltBattery and vent hoses: check functional state and fluid levelTrailer hitch: check operationBrake system: visual inspection of brake pads and brake discs for wearPower steering: check fluid levelExhaust system: visual inspection for leaks and damage, check engine mountWindscreen wiper/washer system, headlight cleaning system: check fluid level and nozzle settings;check window cleaner and antifreeze, depending on the season; check wiper bladesVehicle Ident. No. _______________________Working instruction fororder no.every 60,000 km/36,000 miles or every 4 years every 30,000 km/18,000 miles or every 4 years every 20,000 km/12,000 miles or every 4 years (Labour operation 03 83 00 ..)Air cleaner: replace filter element (Cayenne Diesel only)(Labour operation 03 85 00 ..) (Labour operation 03 95 00 ..) (Labour operation 03 51 00 ..) (Labour operation 03 52 00 ..) (Labour operation 03 54 00 ..)Signature (mechanic): _______________________________Test drive:Signature (final check): _________________________Porsche Centre Oils, fluids: visual inspection for leaksCayenne/S/GTS/Turbo/Turbo SAdditional maintenance every 240,000 km/144,000 miles or every 16 years (Labour operation 03 81 00 ..)File condition report for long-life guaranteeRemote control, front seats, foot and parking brakes (also actuation travel), engine, clutch, steering, transmission, ParkAssist, cruise control, PSM switch, heating, air conditioning and instruments: check operationEvery 2 yearsCopyright byDr. Ing. h. c. F. Porsche AGAfter Sales EngineeringPrinted in Germany - 03/09 Additional maintenance, replacing spark plugs Additional maintenance every 90,000 km/54,000 miles or every 6 yearsas of 2010 modelReplace tyre sealing compoundAir cleaner: replace filter element (not for the Cayenne Diesel)Rear final drive: change oilChange brake fluid (use only original Porsche brake fluid)Visual inspection of airbag units (see Maintenance)Additional maintenance every 120,000 km/72,000 miles or every 6 yearsReplace PDCC reservoirEvery 4 yearsAll-wheel final drive: change oilAfter 4, 8, 10 then every 2 yearsReplace spark plugs - Cayenne Turbo/S Replace spark plugs - Cayenne S/GTSReplace spark plugs - CayenneManual transmission: change oilTiptronic transmission: change ATF and ATF filterTransfer gear: change oil。
百慕大汽车-自动变速箱 手动变速箱诊断信息与维修指南说明书

E82 E88 AND E89 WARRANTY INFORMATIONDefect Code: 0026350100 Driveshaft Flex DiscWith a customer letter (Main Work)Labor Operation 00 65 035 – Replacing the flexible discType No. Series Engine Model Labor Allowance: 00 65 035 UC93 E82 N55 135i (M) 16 FRUUR93 E82 N55 M Coupe (M) 16 FRUUN73 E88 N55 135iC (M) 18 FRULM73 E89 N54 Z4 (M) 19 FRULabor Operation 00 65 036 – Flexible disc was replaced as part of another repairType No. Series Engine Model Labor Allowance: 00 65 036 All E82/E88/E89 N55 All 1 FRUVehicle is already in the workshop (Plus Work)Labor Operation 00 65 546 – Replacing the flexible discType No. Series Engine Model Labor Allowance: 00 65 546 UC93 E82 N55 135i (M) 14 FRUUR93 E82 N55 M Coupe (M) 14 FRUUN73 E88 N55 135iC (M) 16 FRULM73 E89 N55 Z4 (M) 18 FRULabor Operation 00 65 574 – Flexible disc was replaced as part of another repairType No. Series Engine Model Labor Allowance: 00 65 547 All E82/E88/E89 N55 All 1 FRUE90 WARRANTY INFORMATIONDefect Code: 0026350100 Driveshaft Flex DiscWith a customer letter (Main Work)Labor Operation 00 65 035 – Replacing the flexible discType No. Series Engine Model Labor Allowance: 00 65 035 PM53 E90 N55 335i (M) 18 FRUPM57 E90 N55 335i (M) 18 FRUPM63 E90 N55 335i (A) 18 FRUPM67 E90 N55 335i (A) 18 FRUPN83 E90 M57Y 335d 18 FRULabor Operation 00 65 036 – Flexible disc was replaced as part of another repairType No. Series Engine Model Labor Allowance: 00 65 036 All E90 N55/M57Y All 1 FRUVehicle is already in the workshop (Plus work)Labor Operation 00 65 546 – Replacing the flexible discType No. Series Engine Model Labor Allowance: 00 65 546 PM53 E90 N55 335i (M) 16 FRUPM57 E90 N55 335i (M) 16 FRUPM63 E90 N55 335i (A) 16 FRUPM67 E90 N55 335i (A) 16 FRUPN83 E90 M57Y 335d 16 FRULabor Operation 00 65 547 – Flexible disc was replaced as part of another repairType No. Series Engine Model Labor Allowance: 00 65 547 All E90 N55/M57Y All 1 FRUE92 AND E93 WARRANTY INFORMATIONDefect Code: 0026350100 Driveshaft Flex DiscWith a customer letter (Main Work)Labor Operation 00 65 035 – Replacing the flexible discType No. Series Engine Model Labor Allowance: 00 65 035 All E92 N54T, N55 335i Coupe (A/M) 18 FRUAll E93 N54T, N55 335i Cabrio (A/M) 21 FRULabor Operation 00 65 036 – Flexible disc was replaced as part of another repairType No. Series Engine Model Labor Allowance: 00 65 036 All E92,E93 N54T, N55 All 1 FRUVehicle is already in the workshop (Plus work)Labor Operation 00 65 546 – Replacing the flexible discType No. Series Engine Model Labor Allowance: 00 65 546 All E92 N54T, N55 335i Coupe (A/M) 16 FRUAll E93 N54T, N55 335i Cabrio (A/M) 19 FRULabor Operation 00 65 547 – Flexible disc was replaced as part of another repairType No. Series Engine Model Labor Allowance: 00 65 547 All E92,E93 N54T, N55 All 1 FRUF01, F02, F07 AND F10 WARRANTY INFORMATIONDefect Code: 0026350100 Driveshaft Flex DiscWith a customer letter (Main Work)Labor Operation 00 65 035 – Replacing the flexible discType No. Series Engine Model Labor Allowance: 00 65 035 KA43 F01 N54 740i 23 FRUKB43 F02 N54 740Li 23 FRUSN23 F07 N55 535i GT 23 FRUSP43 F07 N63 550i xDrive GT 25 FRUFR73 F10 N55 535i Sedan (M) 21 FRUFR83 F10 N55 535i Sedan (A) 21 FRUFU83 F10 N55 535i xDrive Sedan 18 FRULabor Operation 00 65 036 – Flexible disc was replaced as part of another repairType No. Series Engine Model Labor Allowance: 00 65 036 All F01/F02/F07/F10 N54,N55,N63 All 1 FRUVehicle is already in the workshop (Plus work)Labor Operation 00 65 546 – Replacing the flexible discType No. Series Engine Model Labor Allowance: 00 65 546 KA43 F01 N54 740i 22 FRUKB43 F02 N54 740Li 22 FRUSN23 F07 N55 535i GT 21 FRUSP43 F07 N63 550i xDrive GT 23 FRUFR73 F10 N55 535i Sedan (M) 20 FRUFR83 F10 N55 535i Sedan (A) 20 FRUFU83 F10 N55 535i xDrive Sedan 17 FRULabor Operation 00 65 547 – Flexible disc was replaced as part of another repairType No. Series Engine Model Labor Allowance: 00 65 547 All F01/F02/F07/F10 N54,N55,N63 All 1 FRU。

制动块摩擦片厚度[极限值]:2.0 mm(0.079 in.)后制动鼓摩擦片和后分泵1.拆卸制动鼓并检查制动蹄蹄片的厚度。
(除了在总成上使用防腐剂液,防尘罩上少量的液体不可能引起泄漏) 检查制动蹄是否磨损。
h tt p://www .qc wx z l .c o m如下检查轮胎充气压力。
制动摩擦片厚度[极限]:0.8 mm(0.031 in.)检查制动油量1.检查主气缸储液箱内的制动液液位。
3.如果液位低于"MIN" 标记,添加新制动液至"MAX" 标记。
2.连接乙烯树脂管到每个车轮气缸的放气螺塞上; 乙烯树脂管的另一端放到容器里接收制动液。

+- 51
+- 50G
+- 51G
+- 27R
---------------------------------------------- 3 ---------------------------------------------- 3 ---------------------------------------------- 4 ---------------------------------------------- 5 ---------------------------------------------- 6 ---------------------------------------------- 7 ---------------------------------------------- 7 ---------------------------------------------- 8 ---------------------------------------------- 8 ---------------------------------------------- 10 ---------------------------------------------- 11 ---------------------------------------------- 11 ---------------------------------------------- 12 ---------------------------------------------- 14 ---------------------------------------------- 14 ---------------------------------------------- 15 ---------------------------------------------- 16 ---------------------------------------------- 17 ---------------------------------------------- 18 ---------------------------------------------- 19 ---------------------------------------------- 20 ---------------------------------------------- 21 ---------------------------------------------- 22 ---------------------------------------------- 23 ---------------------------------------------- 24 ---------------------------------------------- 25 ---------------------------------------------- 26 ---------------------------------------------- 27 ---------------------------------------------- 28 ---------------------------------------------- 28 ---------------------------------------------- 29 ---------------------------------------------- 30 ---------------------------------------------- 31 ---------------------------------------------- 32 ---------------------------------------------- 32 ---------------------------------------------- 32 ---------------------------------------------- 32 ---------------------------------------------- 33 ---------------------------------------------- 33 ---------------------------------------------- 33 ---------------------------------------------- 33 ---------------------------------------------- 34 ---------------------------------------------- 35 ---------------------------------------------- 36 ---------------------------------------------- 37 ---------------------------------------------- 38 ---------------------------------------------- 38 ---------------------------------------------- 40 ---------------------------------------------- 41 ---------------------------------------------- 41 ---------------------------------------------- 41 ---------------------------------------------- 47
现代汽车 ACCENT 快速参考手册说明书

The Hyundai ACCENT ☐ UNLOCKING VEHICLE - page 01UNLOCK TRUNK OPEN LOCK ALARMLooking For more detailed information? This Quick Reference Guide does not replace your vehicle’s Owner’s Manual. If you require additional information or are unsure of a specific issue, We recommend that you always refer to the vehicle’s Owner’s Manual or contact your authorized Hyundai dealer. The information contained in this Quick Reference Guide is correct at the time of printing; however, specifications and equipment can change without notice. No warranty or guarantee is being extended in this Quick Reference Guide, and Hyundai reserves the right to change product specifications and equipment at any time without incurring obligations.Some vehicles are shown with optional equipment.NP150-Q2021Roadside Assistance: 1-800-243-7766 Consumer Affairs: 1-800-633-5151 Sirius XM ®Radio: 1-800-967-2346 Quick Reference Guide Sales Consultant Date Sales Manager DateCustomer Date☐ INTRODUCTION AND LOCATION OF THE SERVICE DEPARTMENT ☐ SET FIRST SERVICE APPOINTMENT☐ REVIEW FACTORY RECOMMENDED MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE ☐ WAS THE CONDITION OF YOUR VEHICLE (AT DELIVERY) TO YOURSATISFACTION?☐ BLUE LINK- A ssist with creating account- Assist with Blue Link enrollment- Show Blue Link User's Manual- Encourage customer to download the MyHyundai with Blue Link appHYUNDAI VEHICLE OWNER PRIVACY POLICYYour Hyundai vehicle may be equipped with technologies and services that use information collected, generated, recorded or stored by the vehicle. Hyundai has created a Vehicle Owner Privacy Policy to explain how these technologies and services collect, use, and share this information.You may read our Vehicle Owner Privacy Policy on the website at https:///owner-privacy-policy.aspxIf you would like to receive a hard copy of our Vehicle Owner Privacy Policy, please contact our Customer Connect Center at:Hyundai Motor AmericaHyundai Customer Connect CenterP.O. Box 20850Fountain Valley, CA 92728-0850**************************************Hyundai's Customer Connect Center representatives are available Monday through Friday, between the hours of 5:00 AM and 7:00 PM PST and Saturday and Sunday between 6:30 AM and 3:00 PM PST (English). For Customer Connect Center assistance in Spanish or Korean, representatives are available Monday through Friday between 6:30 AM and 3:00 PM PST.2. Check “Smart Trunk”.INSTRUMENT CLUSTERType A1 Type BCLIMATE CONTROLFace-LevelBi-LevelFloor-LevelFloor & Defrost-LevelDefrost-Levelkeep the interior surface of the windshield clean by wiping it with a cleancloth and glass cleaner. In addition, select air intake control to theoutside (fresh) air position whenever possible while operating the vehicle.ManualAutomatic1 Temperature control knoboutside (fresh) air position whenever possible while operating the vehicle.3. C onfirm the 6-digit passkey displayed on the audio screen and the Bluetooth device are identical.4. Press OK in your Bluetooth device.5. Pairing is complete.NOTE: V ehicle must be parked to complete the pairing process.• “Call <John Smith> on <on Mobile / at Work / at Home /on Other>”: Connects the call to John’s Mobile, Work, Home, or Other phone number.Dialing by Number:1. Press the button. 2. Say “Dial Number.” 3. S ay the desired phone number.For complete list of commands, refer to your Owner’s Manual.• P ress the button on the steering wheel. To Adjust Ring Volume:• Use the VOLUME buttons on the steering wheel. To Transfer a Call to the Phone(Private call on handset – do not use while driving): • P ress and hold the button on the steering wheel until theaudio system transfers a call to the phone. To Finish a Call:• P ress the button on the steering wheel.In the following situations you or the other party may have difficulty hearing each other:1. K eep the Bluetooth ® volume to a low level. High level volume may result in distortion and echo.VOICE RECOGNITION TIPS (if equipped)Your vehicle is equipped with Voice Recognition technology which allows drivers to operate their phones without having to take their eyes off the road to minimize distractions.Voice recognition performance may be affected if driving with windows and sun roof open; when the heating-cooling system is on; when passing in a tunnel or when driving on rugged and uneven roads.Quick reference on using voice commandsTo start voice command, press the key, the following commands are available:CAR SETUP1. Press the SETUP button on the radio.2. Touch the “Phone Projection” icon on screen.3. Select “On” for Android Auto.4. Connect your Android phone to the vehicle USB port. Agree to the notification and disclaimers on your phone then the “Android Auto” icon will appear confirming the setup.For more detailed information on how to operate Android Auto, please refer to your display audio or navigation manual.For additional Android Auto support, please refer to the Android Auto Support Websitehttps:///androidauto/Android Auto, Google Play, Android, and other marks are trademarks of Google Inc.PHONE SETUPTurn on Bluetooth ® on your phone and connect the micro USB cable to your phone and the USB port on the vehicle.Phone will prompt you to download the Android Auto app and update other needed apps (i.e. Google Maps™, Google Play Music™, Google Now™).NOTE: Vehicle must be parked.- Location mode setting should be set to High accuracy.- Car and phone setup should be completed in one sitting. If phone setup needs to be resumed, recommend to Force Stop the Android Auto app on the Phone then reopen the app and accept the Disclaimer notifications.REQUIREMENTS:- Micro USB cable- OS Android™ 5.0 or higher - Compatible Android Phone- Data and wireless plan for applicable featuresBEFORE YOU BEGIN:- Android Auto features may operate differently than on your phone.- Message and data charges may apply when using Android Auto.- Android Auto relies on the performance of your phone. If you experience performance issues:- Close all apps and then restart them or - Disconnect and then reconnect your phone- Using the micro USB cable that was provided with your phone is recommended.- When Android Auto is active, your in-vehicle voice recognition system is disabled and you will be using talk to Google™ to makeyour requests.ANDROID AUTO SUPPORThttps:///androidauto/ANDROID AUTO ™CAR SETUP1. Press the SETUP button.2. Touch the “Phone Projection” icon on the screen.3. Touch “iOS” on the Phone Projection Settings screen then touch “On” to enable Apple CarPlay.4. Connect your Apple iPhone to the vehicle USB port then touch ‘OK’ when the pop-up message appears. The Apple CarPlay icon will now appear on the vehicle Home screen confirming the setup.Apple CarPlay, Apple, and other marks are trademarks of Apple Inc.REQUIREMENTS- Apple Lightning ® cable - Latest iOS- iPhone ® 5 or above- Data and wireless plan for applicable featuresBEFORE YOU BEGIN- Apple ® CarPlay features may operate differently than on your phone.- Message and data charges may apply when using Apple CarPlay.- Apple CarPlay relies on the performance of your phone. If you experience performance issues:- Close all apps and then restart them or - Disconnect and then reconnect your phone- Using the Apple Lightning cable that was provided with your phone is recommended.- When Apple CarPlay is active, your voice recognition system is disabled and you will be using Siri ® to make your requests.APPLE CARPLAY ™PHONE SETUPOn your phone, go to Settings > General > Restrictions > CarPlay to allow CarPlay access.On your phone, go to Settings > General > Siri and ensure Siri is turned ON.automatically asks ‘Who you would like to call’ when the PHONE 5 Using the Lightning cable that came with the phone is recommended.APPLE MUSICTouch the APPLE MUSIC 6 icon to access the Apple Music screen. APPLE MAPSTouch the APPLE MAPS 7 icon to access the Apple Map screen. MESSAGESTouch the MESSAGES 8 icon to access the Message screen. Siri will automatically asks ‘To hear unread messages or create a new one’ when the MESSAGE icon is selected.3rd PARTY APPSSupported CarPlay apps that are downloaded on your phone will appear on the CarPlay screen. Touch the apps icons to access those supported apps.NOTE: A list of the supported CarPlay supported apps can be foundat /ios/carplay/Ensure phone has latest version of the 3rd Party Apps.Apple CarPlay uses Siri to perform many actions like sendingmessages, placing calls, and looking up/setting POI/Destinations. A Siri session can be initiated on any screen by:1. Touch and holding the HOME icon 1 on the CarPlay screen or2. Press the steering wheel VOICE RECOGNITION 13 button.Note: Ensure Siri feature is set to ON in your phone (Go to Settings > General > Siri).3. Say any of the following commands;•“Text <John Smith> ‘Call you later’” to send a text message. •“Read text messages” to read available text message. •“Call <John Smith>” to make a phone call.•“Find <POI/Destination>” to locate a POI/Destination.CarPlay Home ScreenSIRI1 HOME ICON2 W3 C4 PHONE TIME 5P HONE6A PPLE MUSIC™PARTY APPS CREEN PAGE INDICATOR CURRENT CARPLAY AUDIO PLAYING 234156781112AUX AND USB PORTVisit for more information or refer to your BlueLink User’s Manual for detailed information on system operation.For immediate assistance with subscription services, please call1-855-2BLUELINK (1-855-225-8354).Google TM is a registered trademark of Google, Inc.You can download the Blue Link mobile app to your compatible smart phone from the following sites:• iPhone ® — Apple ® App Store • Android ™ — Google Play ™Remote StartBlue Link Mobile App• R emote Start will automatically shut off after 10 minutes or after selected engine timer runs out in navigation vehicles.• W hile this feature is active, the parking lights will blink until the vehicle is turned off or when vehicle is in operation.• T o continue to operate the vehicle, the proximity key must be inside the vehicle with the driver, prior to pressing the brake and being able to move the gearshift from the P (Park) position.Remember:Visit FAQs to see a list of compatible devices.NOTE: Remote Start is not available on all models. Remote Start isonly available for Push Start equipped vehicle with an Automatic Transmission. Remote Start with Climate Control additionally requires Fully Automatic Temperature Control.Remote Start enables you to remotely start your vehicle virtually from anywhere. For vehicles equipped with full-automatictemperature control, you can also enable climate control remotely and turn on the front window defroster, ensuring a warm or cool car is ready to go when you are.• To use this feature, you must have a Blue Link Personal Identification Number (PIN). To create or change your PIN, log in to .Preconditions:• I gnition is OFF• A larm is armed (i.e., vehicle locked by key fob Remote Door Lock) • G earshift level is in the P (Park) position • B rake pedal is not depressed • E ngine hood is securely closed • A ll the doors are closed and locked • T he tailgate or trunk lid is closed• T he security / panic system is not activated • T he proximity key is not inside the vehicle • T he battery power is not low• V ehicle is located in an open area• I t has been less than 4 days since last vehicle ignition off • V ehicle located in area with good cell receptionRemote Start will terminate:• After 10 minutes or after selected engine timer runs out in navigation vehicles• B rake is pressed without the proximity key inside the vehicle • A larm is triggered without the proximity key inside the vehicle • D oor / trunk is opened from inside the vehicleNotice: Laws in some communities may restrict the use of thefeatures that remotely start the engine. For example, some laws may require a person using the remote start feature to have the vehicle in view when doing so, or limit the length of time a vehicle engine may idle. Please check local and state regulations for any requirements and restrictions on remote starting of vehicles and engine idling time.The radar type Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist (FCA) system is to help reduce or to avoid accident risk. In certain circumstances, itFCA Warning Message and System ControlFCA produces warning messages, warning alarms, and emergency braking based on the level of risk of a frontal collision, such as when a vehicle ahead suddenly brakes, when there is no following distance from the vehicle in front.Collision Warning (1st warning)This initial warning message appears on the LCD display with a warning chime.Collision Warning (2nd warning)The warning message appears on the LCD display with the warning alarms. The vehicle will reduce its speed to a certain limit.- The brake activates gradually for vehicles ahead.- The brake control activates within an arranged limit to ease the impact from a collision.Emergency Braking (3rd warning)The warning message appears on the LCD display with the warning alarms. The vehicle will reduce its speed to a certain limit.- The brake control activates within an arranged limit to ease the impact from a collision. Maximum brake control is activated just before the collision.To activate the system, select 'User Settings → Driving Assist → Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist (FCA)' The system deactivates, when the system setting is canceled.The system will activate when the ESC(Electronic Stability Control) is on, and driving speed exceeds approximately 6 mph.FORWARD COLLISION-AVOIDANCE A SSIST (FCA) SYSTEMNOTE:or operate for pedestrians in front.DRIVE MODE INTEGRATED CONTROL SYSTEMNormal mode provides regular daily driving performance with some fuel efficiency.Sport mode focuses on managing the driving dynamics by adjusting the steering effort along with the responsiveness of the engine and transmission.SPORT modeAdjusting the vehicle speedTo Cancel Cruise Control2. Toggle "-SET" switch (3) DOWN to set cruising speed.1. Toggle "+RES" switch 2 UP to increase cruising speed.2. Toggle "-SET" switch 3 DOWN to decrease cruising speed.Press the "CANCEL" button 4 or depress the brake pedal.NOTE:Quick toggle up/down will change speed by 1 mph, Holding switch up/down will change speed by 5 mph.NOTE:The system cancels automatically if vehiclespeed is under 20mph. Depress the acceleratoror brake pedal to actively adjust the vehiclespeed, and the distance to the vehicle ahead.☐ S ET TIRE PRESSURE LF RF RR LR ☐ V ERIFY VEHICLE IS CLEAN, IN GOOD CONDITION,FREE OF CHIPS AND SCRATCHES · CLEAN WINDSHIELD AND BACK WINDOW☐ ENSURE FLOORMATS ARE SNAPPED INTO PLACEBEFORE DELIVERY☐ HOW TO DEFROST1P ress the front defrost button 2 S et to the warmest temperature setting3 Set to the highest fan speedWALK THE CUSTOMER THROUGH EACH OF THE FOLLOWING KEY DELIVERY FEATURESB L U E T O O T H ® H A N D S -F R E ESWITCHING BETWEEN PAIRED PHONESOn the radio:1. Push the SETUP button.2. Select Bluetooth .3. Select Bluetooth Connection .4. Select Connect next to the desired phone.CONNECTING YOUR PHONEOn the radio:1. Push the SETUP button.2. Select Bluetooth .3. Select Bluetooth Connection .4. Select Add New . In your phone’sBluetooth settings:5. Select the <Vehicle Name> on your phone.6. Enter the passkey from theradio or accept the authorization pop-up on your phone.For more information, visit Using Voice Command:“Change Bluetooth device”☐ REVIEW QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE☐ PAIR CUSTOMER'S PHONE TO THE BLUETOOTH SYSTEM ☐ REVIEW AND TEAR OFF VOICE COMMAND / QUICK TIP CARD。

DTC故障处理(续)11. 断开换档电磁阀线束插头。
12. 检查PCM插头B20端子与C40或C44端子之间的导通性。
PCM插头凹头插头端子侧是否导通?是-排除PCM 插头B20端子与换档电磁阀线束插头之间的导线短路故障,然后进行第14步。
13. 检查换档电磁阀C(见14-194页)。
14. 使用HDS清除DTC。
15. 在D3档位3档路试车辆至少1秒钟。
16. 在自动变速箱模式菜单(A/T ModeMenu)(A/T Mode Menu)的DTC冻结数据中,监测OBD状态下的DTC P0979是否为通过/未通过。
SH C(绿)B(44芯)C(44芯)LG1(棕/黄) LG2(棕/黄)LG2(棕/黄)DTC P0980:换档电磁阀C电路断路故障说明:• 进行故障处理之前,先记录所有冻结数据,再查阅一般故障处理说明(见14-3页)。
• 此故障代码表示的是由电路问题引起的,而不是由变速箱内部机械问题引起的。
1. 使用HDS清除DTC。
2. 在P档位起动发动机,保持换档杆在P档位至少1秒钟。
3. 检查DTC P0980是否再次出现。
是否显示DTC P0980?是-进行第7步。
4. 在分项检测菜单 (Miscellaneous TestMenu)中选择换档电磁阀C,并使用HDS测试换档电磁阀。
5. 在P档位起动发动机,保持换档杆在P档位至少1秒钟。
6. 在自动变速箱模式菜单(A/T Mode Menu)下的DTC/冻结数据中,监测OBD状态下的DTC P0980是否为通过/未通过。

IndexAccessoriesInstallation...................................95ACCESSORY (Ignition KeyPosition)....................................... 48AddingAutomatic TransmissionFluid........................................ 131Brake Fluid................................ 133Clutch Fluid.............................. 134Engine Coolant......................... 126Engine Oil................................. 121Manual Transmission Fluid... 132Power Steering Fluid .............. 135Windshield Washer Fluid....... 130Additional Safety Information..... 15Door Locks.................................. 15Driving with Pets....................... 16Seat-back Position..................... 15Storing Cargo Safely ................. 16Additives, Engine Oil.................. 123AdjustmentsMirrors......................................... 58Seats.............................................. 50Steering Wheel (43)Airbag (SRS)..................................... 9Air Cleaner.................................... 136Air Conditioning............................. 66Maintenance (144)Usage (66)Air Outlets (Vents)......................... 66Air Pressure, Tires ...................... 146Alcohol and Drugs.......................... 24Alcohol in Gasoline........................ 88Antifreeze...................................... 126Anti-lock Brakes (ABS)Description................................ 194Indicator Light.................... 31, 109Operation................................... 109Anti-theft Steering ColumnLock.............................................. 48Appearance Care.......................... 159Ashtray............................................. 62Audio System.................................. 73Automatic Speed Control............. 44Automatic Transmission............ 103Capacity, Fluid.......................... 192Checking Fluid Level.............. 131Shifting....................................... 103Shift Lever Positions............... 103Shift Lock Release. (106)Auxiliary Light................................ 42Replacing Bulb.......................... 152Turning on.. (42)BatteryCharging System Light.............. 32Jump Starting........................... 176Maintenance.............................. 140Specifications............................ 193Before Driving................................ 87Belts, Seat.......................................... 5Beverage Holder............................. 61Body Repair.......................,............ 165BrakesAnti-lock System (ABS)......... 109Break-in, New Linings.............. 88Fluid............................................ 133Light, Burned-out.................... 154Parking......................................... 59System Indicator........................ 32Wear Indicators (108)CONTINUEDIndexBrakes, ABSDescription................................ 194Operation................................... 109System Indicator............... 31, 109Braking System............................ 107Break-in, New Car ......................... 88Brightness Control,Instruments................................. 40Brights, Headlights........................ 39Bulb ReplacementAuxiliary Lights....................... 152Back-up Lights......................... 154Brake Lights............................. 154Ceiling Light............................. 155Front Parking Lights.............. 153Front Side Marker Lights...... 153Headlights.................................. 151License Plate Lights................ 155Rear Side Marker Lights........ 154Specifications............................ 193Trunk Light.............................. 155Turn Signal Lights................... 153Bulbs, Halogen (151)Cables, Jump Starting With ....... 177Capacities Chart........................... 192Carbon Monoxide Hazard ............ 25Cargo, Loading............................... 96Cassette PlayerCare............................................... 85Operation..................................... 79CAUTION, Explanation of............ ii CD Player......................................... 82Certification Label....................... 190Chains............................................. 150Change OilHow to........................................ 123When to...................................... 115Changing a Flat Tire................... 169Changing Engine Coolant........... 127Charging System Indicator. 32, 181Check Engine Light............. 33, 182CheckingAutomatic TransmissionFluid........................................ 131Battery Condition..................... 139Brake Fluid................................ 133Clutch Fluid (134)Engine Belts.............................. 145Engine Coolant......................... 126Engine Oil.................................. 121Fuses........................................... 184Manual Transmission Fluid... 132Power Steering Fluid .............. 135Checklist, Before Driving............. 98Child Safety..................................... 17Cigarette Lighter........................... 62Cleaner, Air................................... 136CleaningAluminum Wheels.................... 162Carpeting................................... 163Exterior...................................... 160Fabric......................................... 163Interior....................................... 163Seat Belts................................... 163Vinyl........................................... 163Window...................................... 164CLEAN Light................................. 85Clock, Setting the........................... 60Clutch Fluid................................... 134CO in the Exhaust........................ 199Cold Weather, Starting in........... 100Compact Spare.............................. 168Consumer Information................203IndexControls, Instruments and............ 29CoolantAdding........................................ 121Checking.................................... 121Proper Solution......................... 121Temperature Gauge.................. 37Corrosion Protection................... 164Crankcase Emission ControlSystem........................................ 199Cruise Control Operation ............. 44Customer Relations Office (205)DANGER, Explanation of.............. ii Dashboard........................................ 30Daytime Running Lights.............. 39Dead Battery, What to Do .......... 176Defects, Reporting Safety............ 26Defogger, Rear Window ............... 42Defrosting the Windows............... 72DEXRON® II AutomaticTransmission Fluid.................. 131Dimensions.................................... 192Dimming the Headlights (39)DipstickAutomatic Transmission........ 131Engine Oil.................................. 121Directional Signals......................... 40Disabled, Towing Your Car If ... 188Disc Brake Wear Indicators....... 108Disposal of Used Oil..................... 125DoorsLocking and Unlocking ............ 48DOT Tire Quality Grading......... 197Downshifting, 5-speed ManualTransmission............................. 101Driving............................................. 97Economy...................................... 94In Bad Weather......................... 110In Foreign Countries.. (89)Economy, Fuel................................ 94Emergencies on the Road........... 167Battery, Jump Starting ........... 176Changing a Flat Tire............... 169Charging System Indicator.... 181Check Engine Light................. 182Checking the Fuses .. (184)Low Oil Pressure Indicator.... 180Malfunction IndicatorLamp....................................... 182Overheated Engine.................. 178Emergency Brake.......................... 59Emergency Flashers...................... 42Emission Controls........................ 199EngineBelts............................................ 145Check Light....................... 33, 182Coolant Temperature Gauge... 37Malfunction IndicatorLamp............................... 33, 182Oil Pressure Indicator...... 32, 180Oil, What Kind to Use ............. 122Overheating............................... 178Specifications............................ 192Ethanol in Gasoline........................ 89Evaporative EmissionControls...................................... 199Exhaust Fumes............................... 25Expectant Mothers, Use of Seat Belts by........................................... 8Exterior, Cleaning the.. (160)CONTINUEDIndexFabric, Cleaning (163)Fan, Interior (68)Features, Comfort andConvenience (65)Filling the Fuel Tank (90)FiltersFuel (137)Oil (123)First Gear, Shifting (101)5-speed Manual Transmission,Checking Fluid Level (132)5-speed Manual Transmission,Shifting the (101)Flashers, Hazard Warning (42)Flat Tire, Changing a (169)FluidsAutomatic Transmission (131)Brake (133)Clutch (134)Manual Transmission (132)Power Steering (135)Windshield Washer (130)FM Stereo RadioReception (78)Foreign Countries, Driving in (89)Four-way Flashers (42)Front End, Towing byEmergency Wrecker (188)Fuel (88)Fill Door and Cap (90)Filter (137)Gauge (37)Octane Requirement (88)Oxygenated (88)Tank, Filling the (90)Fuses, Checking the (184)Gas Mileage, Improving (94)Gasohol (88)Gasoline (88)Filter (137)Gauge (37)Octane Requirement (88)Tank, Filling the (90)Gas Station Procedures (90)GaugesEngine Coolant Temperature.. 37Fuel (37)Gearshift Lever PositionsAutomatic Transmission (103)5-speed ManualTransmission (101)Glass Cleaning (164)Glove Box (60)Halogen Headlight Bulbs (151)Hazard Warning Flashers (42)HeadlightsDaytime Running Lights (39)High Beam Indicator (34)High Beams, Turning on (39)Low Beams, Turning on (39)Replacing Halogen Bulbs (151)Turning on (39)Heating and Cooling (66)High Altitude, Starting at (100)High-Low Beam Switch (39)Hood, Opening the (91)Horn (46)Hot Coolant, Warning about (126)Hydraulic Clutch (134)Hydroplaning.................................111IndexIdentification Number,Vehicle........................................ 190If Your Car Has to be Towed .... 188IgnitionKeys.............................................. 47Switch........................................... 47Timing Control System .......... 200Indicator Lights, InstrumentPanel.............................................31Infant Restraint.............................. 19Inflation, Proper Tire.................. 146Inside Mirror................................... 58Inspection, Tire............................ 147Instrument Panel............................ 30Instrument Panel Brightness....... 40Interior Cleaning.......................... 163Interior Lights................................ 63Introduction. (i)Jacking up the Car ....................... 171Jack, Tire....................................... 169Jump Starting. (176)Keys (47)Label, Certification...................... 190Lane Change, Signaling................ 40Lap/Shoulder Belts.......................... 6Leaking of Exhaust into Car........ 25Lighter, Cigarette.......................... 62LightsBulb Replacement.................... 151Indicator....................................... 31Parking......................................... 39Turn Signal................................. 40Loading Cargo................................ 96LOCK (Ignition Key Position)..... 48LocksAnti-theft Steering Column.....48Fuel Fill Door.............................. 90Rear Locking Compartment.... 50Trunk........................................... 49Low Coolant Level....................... 126Lower Gear, Downshiftingto a (101)Maintenance.................................. 113Periodic Items........................... 119Record................................. 117 -118Schedule.............................. 115 -116Malfunction Indicator................. 182Manual Transmission.................. 101Manual Transmission Fluid....... 132Maximum Shift Speeds...... 102, 106Meters, Gauges............................... 36Methanol in Gasoline..................... 89Mirrors, Adjusting. (58)Neutral Gear Position.................. 105New Vehicle Break-in................... 88Normal Shift Speeds.. (102)CONTINUEDLow Oil Pressure Indicator. 32, 180Lubricant SpecificationsChart........................................... 192Luggage...........................................96。


b) Fitment by an authorised Hyundai dealer or service outlet after expiry of the Hyundai vehicle’swarranty period:For Hyundai Genuine Accessories fitted to the Hyundai vehicle by an authorised Hyundai dealer or authorised Hyundai service outlet after expiry of the Hyundai vehicle’s warranty period (as determined by Hyundai in accordance with the Hyundai vehicle service passport), theapplicable warranty period is 12 months from the date of purchase.c) Not fitted by an authorised Hyundai dealer:For Hyundai Genuine Accessories which are purchased (whether or not during the Hyundaivehicle’s warranty period) at an authorised Hyundai dealer or authorised Hyundai service outlet but not fitted to the Hyundai vehicle by an authorised Hyundai dealer, the applicable warranty period is 12 months from the date of purchase.3. Limitations of liabilityTo the extent permitted by law, the owner of the Hyundai Genuine Accessory will bear any costs associated with claiming the warranty. To the extent permitted by law, Hyundai will not be liable for any consequential loss, indirect loss, economic loss, loss of revenue or special loss or damage that may arise from any defect of the Hyundai Genuine Accessory.4. Procedure to claim warrantyAll warranty claims must be made through, and all warranty work must be carried out by, an authorised Hyundai dealer or authorised Hyundai service outlet. Please check Hyundai’s website at .au to locate your nearest authorised Hyundai dealer or authorised Hyundai service outlet. The relevant authorised Hyundai dealer or authorised Hyundai service outlet will process the warranty claim. All warranty claims must be supported by valid receipts evidencing the proof of purchase and, where applicable, fitment of the relevant Hyundai Genuine Accessory.5. General exceptionsa) Some Hyundai Genuine Accessories are not compatible with, recommended for or designed foruse in all Hyundai vehicles. If a Hyundai Genuine Accessory is fitted to a Hyundai vehicle orother vehicle for which it is not compatible, recommended or designed, this warranty does not apply to that Hyundai Genuine Accessory.b) This warranty is cancelled if the Hyundai vehicle to which the Hyundai Genuine Accessory isfitted is written off and/or disposed of by an insurer.c) This warranty is not transferable to a new owner of the Hyundai Genuine Accessory or theHyundai vehicle on which it is fitted.d) This warranty does not cover costs (including labour costs) involved in the fitment or re-fitmentof any replacement or repaired Hyundai Genuine Accessory to the Hyundai vehicle (unless fitted by an authorised Hyundai dealer or Hyundai service outlet).e) This warranty does not apply to deterioration, defects, faults or failures caused by orattributable to:i. usual operating conditions and/or normal or ordinary wear and tear of the HyundaiGenuine Accessory;ii. a failure to have any periodic maintenance or service carried out in accordance with any Hyundai vehicle or parts or accessories manual or instructions document provided with the Hyundai vehicle, part or accessory, or failure to have such periodic maintenance or service performed by an authorised Hyundai dealer where required;iii. negligent or careless driving, any other accident, improper use, misuse or abuse of the Hyundai vehicle on which the Hyundai Genuine Accessory is affixed;iv. negligent use, improper use, misuse or abuse of the Hyundai Genuine Accessory;v. accident, impact, fire, theft, illegal use or malicious damage;vi. any failure to install, fit, use or maintain the Hyundai Genuine Accessory in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions or recommendations, or the use of unsuitable agents, eg, unsuitable cleaning agents;vii. unauthorised modifications to the Hyundai Genuine Accessory or work carried out on the Hyundai Genuine Accessory by a person other than an authorised Hyundai dealer orauthorised Hyundai service outlet;viii. deterioration, staining or corrosion of plated parts, paint coatings, rubber or plastic components or soft trim which occur due to normal exposure, general wear and tear and usage;ix. environmental conditions, including acid rain, industrial fall-out, salt, sand, stones, tree sap, bark or leaves, bird, animal or insect droppings or other damage, windstorm, hail, flood, lightning or other acts of God; and/orx. any physical impact or force.。

from Ch. No. 3122006453
2 N 14 448 1
Stud AM 7 x 22
from Ch. No 311 2000001
(1) 113301 051 M \/ ransmission case
for flywhee I with 109 teeth
39 311 301 205 A
(40) 111 301 207 41) ,~O 00 301 207
Support - Rever se Iever Spring washer B 10 x 18 Nut, hex. M 10 Final drive cover, left
from Ch. No. 315 158980 bis 318 SOD 000 from Ch. No. 369000001 Final drive cover, left to Ch. No. 315 158 979 Final drive cover, right from Ch. No. 315158980 to 318500000 from Ch. No. 369000001 Finol drive cover, right to Ch. No. 315 158 979 Stud AM 8 A x 27 for axle tube retainer to Ch. No. 318 500 000 from Ch. No. 369 000 001 Stud CM 10 AIM 8 x 27 for axl e tube retai ner to Ch. No. 318 500 000 from Ch. No. 369000001 Spring washer B 8 x 15 to Ch. No. 318500000 from Ch. No. 369 000001 Nut, hex. M 8 to Ch. No. 318 500000 from Ch. No. 369000001 Final drive cover from Ch. No. 319000001 Gasket - Final drive cover to Ch. No. 315 158979 Gosket - Final drive cover from Ch. No. 315 158980 Sea I - Joi nt fl ange from Ch. No. 319 000 001 Gosket - Gear carrier Gearshift housing to Ch. No. 3122006452 use 001 301 207/209/227 to Ch. No. 319 072 008 Georshift housing from Ch. No. 3122006453 Bush - Gearshift housing to Ch. No. 319 072 008 Bush, rear - Gearshift housing from Ch No. 319 072 009
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Q 4.381
4th. Vehicle
5th. 6th. T/Con Spare Remarks
X-3 1.5 DOHC C
X-3 1.5 SOHC
B X-3 1.3 SOHC
1st. Digit A/T Type G A4AF1
2nd. M/Year
J : 1988 K : 1989 L : 1990 M : 1991 N : 1992 P : 1993 R : 1994 S : 1995
3rd. F/Gear ratio P 4.029 Erect Y 4.310 Erect L 3.656
Identification number is stamped as 2 rows of 6 digits each as below on the transaxle case. Identification number ☞
☜ Product Serial No.
1. Identification No. for α, β Series
KM176-5 KM175-5 KM175-6 F4A33 A4AF1 A4BF1
2500?00 2.17
3 elements with damper clutch
2200-2500 2500?00
2.02Βιβλιοθήκη 1.90Electronically controlled full-automatic
Chonan TSTC
Items Torque converter
Type Engine stall speed Stall torque ratio Transaxle type Speed Gear ratio 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Reverse Final gear ratio
- KM(Kyoto Model) - Alpha, Beta series
Application vehicle : SLC, Santamo J-1, Y-2,3 X-2,3 RD (Before 2000MY)
Chonan TSTC
4th. Vehicle
5th. 6th. T/Con Spare Remarks
T : 1996 N 3.977 Slant A RD 1.6 DOHC
V : 1997 L 3.659 Slant B RD 1.8 DOHC
W : 1998 X : 1999
Y : 2000 A 3.659 Slant C RD 2.0 DOHC
W : 1998 X : 1999
A Y-2 2.0 MFI
Y : 2000 B 4.007 Erect
1 : 2001
B Y-2 1.8 MFI
C 4.350 Erect A L-1 2.0 MFI
Chonan TSTC
2. Identification No. for KM Series
A 3.705 Erect A Y-3 3.0 MFI
Non L/UP
B 3.900 Erect A L-1 3.0 MFI
Non L/UP
A 3.958 Erect A Y-3 3.0 SOHC D
Notation : - “D” in 5th. Digit ; Damper spring - *1 ; Domestic or export (except NAS) - *2 ;NAS - T/Con ; Torque converter
A X-2 1.5 FBC D
L : 1990 M : 1991 F 4.062 Slant B J-1 1.6 DOHC D
N : 1992 P : 1993
J-1 1.5
R : 1994 S : 1995
A SLC 1.5
T : 1996 G 4.367 Slant
V : 1997
B J-1 1.6 DOHC D
B KM176-5
C KM175-5
2nd. M/Year
3rd. F/Gear ratio
4th. Vehicle
5th. 6th. T/Con Spare Remarks
A 3.600 Erect A X-1 1.5 FBC
E 3.600 Slant A X-2 1.5 FBC D
J : 1988 K : 1989
Chonan TSTC
1. Identification No. for α, β Series
1st. Digit A/T Type
2nd. M/Year
3rd. F/Gear ratio
1 : 2001
Notation : - T/Con ; Torque converter
Chonan TSTC
2. Identification No. for KM Series
1st. Digit A/T Type A KM171-5
1st. Digit A/T Type C KM175-5
D KM175-6
E KM177-8 H F4A33
2nd. M/Year
3rd. F/Gear ratio
4th. Vehicle
5th. 6th. Remarks T/Con Spare
A Y-2 2.0 DOHC D
F 4.007 Slant B Y-3 1.8 MFI
C Y-2 2.0 MFI D
D Y-3 1.8 DOHC D
G 4.350 Slant A J-1 1.8 DOHC D
B 4.007 Erect A Y-2 2.4 MFI B L-1 2.4 MFI
E 4.007 Slant A Y-3 2.0 DOHC D
B H 2.0 DOHC D
F 4.350 Slant A Y-3 2.0 DOHC D