
中美学生的区别英语作文As an AI language model, I understand that there are notable differences between Chinese and American students in terms of education, culture, and communication styles.中美学生在教育、文化和沟通风格上有明显的区别是不争的事实。
In terms of education, Chinese students often face immense pressure to succeed academically. The education system in China places a strong emphasis on rote memorization and standardized testing, leading students to focus on obtaining high grades rather than fostering creativity and critical thinking skills.在教育方面,中国学生往往面临巨大的学业压力。
On the other hand, American students tend to have a more relaxed approach to education. The American education system emphasizeshands-on learning, critical thinking, and personal development. Students are encouraged to think outside the box and explore their interests, which fosters creativity and independent thinking.另一方面,美国学生更倾向于更加轻松的学习方式。

2024年最新修订版中小学生守则英文版2024 Updated Version of Rules for Elementary and Middle School StudentsIn 2024, the revised rules for elementary and middle school students aim to promote a safe and conducive learning environment. These rules cover a wide range of behaviors and expectations for students to follow.General GuidelinesStudents must adhere to the school's dress code and arrive on time for classes. They should also show respect towards teachers, staff, and fellow students. Bullying and harassment are strictly prohibited.Academic IntegrityStudents are expected to complete their assignments independently and refrain from cheating or plagiarism. They should also actively participate in class discussions and group activities.Behavior in SchoolRespect for school property and the personal belongings of others is crucial. Students should keep their classrooms and common areas clean and follow the school's recycling guidelines.Technology UsageThe use of electronic devices should be limited to designated times and purposes. Students must follow the school's internet safety guidelines and avoid accessing inappropriate content.Health and WellnessMaintaining good hygiene and nutrition is important for students' overall well-being. They should also participate in physical education classes and outdoor activities to stay active.Discipline and ConsequencesViolations of the school rules may result in disciplinary actions, such as detention, suspension, or expulsion. Students are encouraged to reflect on their behavior and make positive changes.Communication and ReportingStudents should feel comfortable reporting any concerns or incidents to school authorities. Open communication between students, parents, and teachers is essential for a successful learning environment.These updated rules for elementary and middle school students aim to foster a positive and respectful community where everyone can thrive academically and socially. By following these guidelines, students can contribute to a safe and inclusive school environment.。

精品资料中美教育差异中英文对照........................................China and Weste rn Countries’ social backgroundRegime---socialist system (China)capitalist system (Western Countries)Historic Culture ---China traditional culture (Confucianism)Western traditionalculture (Revival of Literature and Art, Advanced ideas) Family institution's position---in china's traditional family, parents' authoritativeconsciousness plays a leading roleWestern civilization mainly emphasizes struggle, equality, democracy and human rights.中国和西方国家的社会背景:政权——-socialist系统(中国)资本主义制度(西方国家)历史文化————中国传统文化(儒家)西方传统文化(文学和艺术的复兴,先进理念)家庭机构的立场——中国传统的家庭,父母的权威意识起着主导作用西方文明主要强调斗争,平等、民主和人权。
Social Environmental InfluenceWhat Chinese lack most is the responsibility education. In the United States, it is common to see an adult who is doing something wrong or has some bad behaviors educates a child while the child is not the adult’s own kid. The Americans treat every child as their own child, and it is their responsibility to educate the child. In England, the power of a middle-aged woman is inevitable. They are always in the supervision of the behavior of young consciously, just as the police general. They think it is their duty to observe the children in their country. These two nations have already put the responsibility of educating the next generation to every citizen. Every citizen also shows his responsibility for he future of the country in caring about the children.While in China, who will treat educating the next generation as his own responsibility? If one sees an unknown child who is doing something wrong, will he go and educate him? It is very common in China that adults tend to show indifferent with unknownchildren. What if we change our mind and learn to care others?社会环境影响中国最缺乏的是责任教育。
中美教育差异 英文版

Middle School
• Often students go on school field trips
Middle School
• School might require a uniform • About 20% of schools in America have them
High School
• Students choose many different electives
• Art • Choir • Band • Cooking • Acting • Driver’s Education
High School - Sports
• Boys – American Football
High School
High School
• Students learn advanced subjects like math, science, history, economics, speech, music and art
• Each student has his own schedule and moves to different classrooms for each class
University - Trips
• have a playdate • be in a school play • complain about not being in a school play • watch TV or play computer games • choose their own extracurricular activities • get any grade less than an A • not be the No. 1 student in every subject except gym and drama • play any instrument other than the piano or violin • not play the piano or violin.

中美课堂规则对比英文作文英文:In the United States, classroom rules are generally more relaxed compared to those in China. For example, inthe U.S., students are often allowed to eat and drink in class, use their cell phones, and even address their teachers by their first names. This level of informality is quite different from the strict rules in Chinese classrooms, where students are expected to address their teachers with titles and are not allowed to use electronic devices or eat and drink during class.Another difference is the approach to tardiness. In the U.S., it is often more acceptable for students to arrivelate to class, and they may not face severe consequencesfor doing so. However, in China, punctuality is highly valued, and students are expected to arrive on time for every class. Being late in China is often seen as disrespectful and can result in punishment.Furthermore, the attitude towards participation in class discussions differs between the two countries. In the U.S., students are encouraged to speak up and share their opinions freely, even if they disagree with the teacher. On the other hand, in China, students are more inclined to listen quietly and respect the authority of the teacher without challenging their views.中文:在美国,课堂规则通常比中国更加放松。

世界各国《小学生守则》对比世界各国《小学生守则》对比一、美国:《American elementary school rules》美国小学生守则1、Always call the teacher by their titles or their last names.总是称呼老师职位或尊姓。
如“XX老师/XX校长”2、Come to school on time or you may come a little bit earlier.按时或稍微提早到课堂。
3、Please raise your hand when answering questions. 提问时请举手。
4、You may talk to your teacher in your seat.在课堂上,你可以坐着与老师交流,不一定要起立。
5、Make up for all the homework you miss when you take a leave of absence. Ask the teacher or your classmates if you need help.缺课期间,一定要请老师或同学把拉下的学习内容、笔记补上。
6、In case of emergency, please tell your teacher in Advance and ask the teacher for homework.遇紧急情况需要离开学校时,应提前告知老师并问清楚在离校期间应学的内容和应完成作业。
7、You must complete all work by yourself.所有作业必须是你自己完成的。
8、Don’t cheat when taking a test.考试不许作弊。
9、If you have difficulty in class, please make an appointment with your teacher. He/she will be glad to help you.如果你听课有困难,可以约见老师寻求帮助,老师会高兴的帮你。
美国中小学经常背诵的校规 中英文版55 rules

师-隆.克拉克制定的55条班规.这五十五条班规看似平常,但是都寓意深远.希望它们可以变成班上学生乐于服膺的生活规范.超基本一:与大人应对,要有礼貌,有分寸超基本二:与人互动,眼睛要看着对方的眼睛超基本三:别人有好表现,要替他高兴超基本四:尊重别人的发言与想法超基本五:自己有什么好表现,不要炫耀,输给别人也不要生气超基本六:如果别人问你问题,你也要回问他问题超基本七:打喷嚏、咳嗽都要说对不起超基本八:不可以有不礼貌的小动作超基本九:别人送你任何东西,都要说谢谢超基本十:接到奖品和礼物,不可以嫌弃超基本十一:用小小的贴心,为别人制造惊喜超基本十二:改同学考卷时要谨慎超基本十三:全班一起念课文时,要看着正在念的一字一句超基本十四:以完整的句子回答所有的问题超基本十五:不要主动讨奖品超基本十六:每天都要做完作业超基本十七:换科目的时候,动作要快,要安静,要守秩序超基本十八:做什么事都要有条理超基本十九:老师在指定作业的时候,不要叫苦超基本二十:别的老师来代课,也要守班规超基本二十一:课堂上发言或起身,应该讲规矩超基本二十二:不可以上课上一半,起身去倒水超基本二十三:见到每个老师,都要说某某老师好超基本二十四:注意洗手间的卫生,把身边的病原减到最少超基本二十五:让客人有宾至如归的感觉超基本二十六:不要帮同学占位子超基本二十七:同学受罚的时候,不要看着他超基本二十八:对作业有问题,可以打电话来我家,我没接的话,你可以留言,但是只要一次就够了.超基本二十九:用餐的基本礼仪超基本三十:吃完饭,自己的垃圾自己处理超基本三十一:接受别人的服务要惜福超基本三十二:坐校车或公车,都要坐好,别打扰到司机超基本三十三:认识新朋友,要记住对方的名字超基本三十四:吃自助餐,或与别人同桌,取菜时不可以贪多超基本三十五:别人掉东西,请弯身帮他捡起来超基本三十六:进门时,如果后面还有人,请帮他扶住门超基本三十七:别人碰撞到你,不管你有没有错,都要说对不起超基本三十八:进行校外教学时,无论是到那一个公共场所,都要安安静静超基本三十九:去参观别人的地方,要不吝于赞美超基本四十:全校师生开会的时候,不要讲话超基本四十一:接电话时言谈要得体超基本四十二:一趟校外教学结束,要感谢所有随行的老师与家长超祢?四十三:搭乘电扶梯时,要站右边,赶时间的人走左边超基本四十四:列队行进时不可以说话超基本四十五:不可以插队;但看到别人插队不可以大呼小叫,让老师知道就好超基本四十六:看电影时不可以说话超基本四十七:不可以带「多力多滋」来学校超基本四十八:有谁欺负你,让老师知道超基本四十九:自己的理想自己要坚持超基本五十:要乐观,要享受人生超基本五十一:别让将来有遗憾超基本五十二:从错误中学习,继续向前迈进超基本五十三:不管如何,一定要诚实超基本五十四:抓住今天超基本五十五:在你的能力范围内,作最好.最好的人本文来源于枫叶教育网()原文链接:/info/91285-1.htmRon Clark’s “Essential 55 Rules”1.Respond to an adult when spoken to.2.Make eye contact when spoken to.3.Congratulate classmates.4.Respect other students’ comments, opinions, and ideas.5.If you win, do not brag, if you lose, do not show anger.6.If you are asked a question in conversation, ask a question in return.7.Cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough and say excuse me.8.Do not show disrespect with gestures.9.Always say thank you when given something.10.When you receive something, do not insult the gift or the giver.11.Surprise others by performing random acts of kindness.12.When grading other stude nts’ papers, give only the correct grade.13.Follow along when we read together in class.14.Answer all written questions with a complete sentence.15.Do not ask for a reward.16.You must complete your homework every day.17.Subject transitions and moving to different classrooms will be swift, quiet, and orderly.18.Be as organized as possible.19.When homework is assigned, do not moan or complain.20.When a substitute teacher present, all class rules still apply.21.Follow the specific classroom protocols.22.You may bring a bottle of water to class; you may not leave for a drink of water duringclass.23.Know other teachers’ names and greet them in the hall by name.24.Keep yourself and the bathroom clean and germ-free.25.Greet visitors and make them feel welcome.26.Do not save seats in the lunchroom.27.Do not stare at a student who is being reprimanded.28.Call me if you have a question about homework and leave a message –once.29.The ABC’s of etiquette.30.After dining in the cafeteria or elsewhere, be responsible for your trash.31.(Used at his school) In a hotel room, leave a tip for the hotel workers who clean yourroom.32.On a bus, always face forward.33.When meeting new people shake hands and repeat their names.34.When offered food, take only your fair share.35.If someone drops something and you are close to it, pick it up.36.Hold the door for people rather than letting it close on them.37.If someone bumps into you, say excuse me, even if it was not your fault.38.On a field trip, enter a public building quietly.39.On a field trip, compliment the place you are visiting.40.During an assembly, do not speak or call out to friends.41.At home, answer your phone in a polite and appropriate manner.42.When returning from a trip, shake the hands of every chaperone.43.Keep right in the hallways when walking.44.When walking in line, Keep your arms at your sides and move quietly.45.Never cut in line.46.No talking during movie or distance learning.47.Do not bring Doritos into the school building (a joke in his classroom)48.If anyone is bullying you, let me know.49.Stand up for what you believe.50.Be positive and enjoy life.51.Live so that you will never have regrets.52.Learn from your mistakes and move on.53.No matter the circumstances, always be honest.54.Carpe Diem.55.Be the best person you can be.。

• Most schools offer a liberal arts degree • Our degree is commonly called a diploma
– Bachelor of Science – Bachelor of Arts
• Each hour of class per week is called a credit • Students need about 125 credits to graduate with a four
– SAT: Scholastic Aptitude Test (Mathematics & English Reading &English Writing) – ACT: American College Test
High School – Graduation
Part 1. Chinese Education Part 2. American Education Part 3. The differences of education between China and America
• Chinese education is called examoriented education,which is focus on raising the children in taking the exams to gain more scores ,so as to check up how much the knowledge they have learnt and pick up the superiors.

中美教育差异中英文第一篇:中美教育差异中英文Comparing the Education Between American and China1.First of all, the differences of education between China and the United States is the primary goal of teaching:Chinese primary education make children’ s intellectual development and high mark achievement as the priority goal.And China’s education emphasis on training students’ s quality of strictness and rigors.In the United States,there is only one purp ose of primary:to cultivate children’ s creativity.And US’s education pays more attention to raise student’ s self-confidence,independence,spirit of supporting oneself.中国与美国教育的差异首先在于两国初等教育的教学目标不同:中国初等教育将开发孩子的智力,孩子考出高分看成首要目标,而且中国的教育强调培养学生严格严谨的精神。
paring the elementary education between American and China,people’ s universal view will be:China’s elementary education aims to build the foundation of education with more study and less ’ s educati on aims to build such an education to raise the creativity with less study and more thought.比较美国和中国的基础教育,人们的普遍观点:中国的基础教育旨在建立基础教育与更多的学习和更少的想法。

中美课堂规则对比英文作文Title: Comparative Analysis of Classroom Rules between China and the US: A Non-Sequential Approach。
1. Unpredictable Beginnings:Imagine a classroom, where rules defy a linear narrative. In China, "Silence is golden" might be the first rule, but it's more like a silent respect for authority. In contrast, US classrooms often start with "No talking without permission," reflecting a more interactive environment.2. Personal Space and Respect:In China, personal space is respected with a "keep a distance" policy, while US classrooms encourage "close proximity for discussion." This cultural differencereflects individuality versus collectivism.3. Learning Tools and Technology:In China, "no phones during class" is a common rule, symbolizing the focus on learning. US classrooms, on the other hand, embrace "technology as a tool, not distraction," allowing for a blend of traditional and digital learning.4. Classroom Participation:In China, "active listening" is emphasized, while US classrooms foster "open debate and sharing." Thishighlights the difference in teaching styles, with China promoting passive absorption and the US promoting active engagement.5. Feedback and Correction:In China, "teacher's feedback is immediate and direct," while US teachers often provide "constructive criticism in a supportive manner." This highlights the balance between correction and encouragement in each system.6. Flexibility and Adaptability:Both systems have their rules, but US classrooms often allow for "flexible rules to adapt to individual needs," reflecting a more individual-centered approach. In China, rules tend to be more rigid but well-intentioned for a structured learning environment.7. Conclusion:The classroom rules in China and the US are like two sides of a coin, reflecting cultural values and educational philosophies. Each system has its unique charm, teaching students to navigate their own paths in a globalized world.Remember, this is not a story, but a snapshot of the diverse rules that govern educational spaces in these two nations.。

小学生守则英文版(总1页) --本页仅作预览文档封面,使用时请删除本页--小学生守则英文版一、热爱祖国,热爱人民,热爱中国共产党。
好好学习, 天天向上。
七、遵守学校纪律, 遵守公共秩序。
The translation of elemental student regulation1. Love motherland, love the people, love Chinese communism party. Good good study ,day day up.2. Go to school on time, don’t miss the classes at wishes. Concentrate on the listening the classes, finish the homework in earnest.3. Persist in doing physical exercise, take part in the activities after class.4. Pay attention to the personal clearness don't spit on the ground.5. Love the labour , do things we can do by ourselves6. Lead a thrifty and simple life, cherish the food, don't choose special food to eat or clothes to wear, and don't waste money7. Observe the school discipline, and observe the public regulation8. Respect the teachers and elders, unify classmates, treat people with courtesy, never scold others, never fight with others.9. Care for the collective, cherish public possession, hand in the stuff doesn't belong to you.10. To be honest and brave, don't tell lie, correct the mistakes you make at once.2。

中美小学差异英语作文高中Title: Contrasting Elementary School English Education in China and the United States。
English education in elementary schools varies significantly between China and the United States. While both countries prioritize English language learning from an early age, the methods, curriculum, and overall approach differ in several aspects. This essay aims to explore these differences comprehensively.To begin with, one notable difference lies in the teaching methodology employed in elementary schools in China and the United States. In China, English language instruction often follows a more traditional approach, focusing heavily on rote memorization, grammar drills, and textbook-based learning. Students are expected to master vocabulary and grammar rules through repetition and memorization, with a strong emphasis on reading and writing skills. In contrast, the approach in the United Statestends to be more communicative and interactive. American elementary schools emphasize the use of English in real-life situations, encouraging students to engage in conversations, group activities, and projects that promote language acquisition through practical application.Another significant difference is evident in the curriculum and content covered in English classes. In China, English curriculum in elementary schools typically revolves around basic vocabulary, grammar structures, and reading comprehension exercises. There is often a focus onpreparing students for standardized tests, such as the College English Test (CET) in China. On the other hand, the English curriculum in American elementary schools is more diverse and incorporates a range of topics beyond language skills alone. Students may learn about culture, literature, history, and geography of English-speaking countries, fostering a broader understanding and appreciation of the language.Furthermore, the role of teachers in English language education differs between the two countries. In China,teachers are often regarded as authoritative figures who deliver knowledge to students, and the classroom environment tends to be more teacher-centered. Teachers typically follow a prescribed curriculum and conduct lessons according to set guidelines. In contrast, American elementary school teachers often adopt a facilitative role, serving as guides and mentors rather than authoritative figures. They encourage student participation, critical thinking, and creativity, creating a more student-centered learning environment.Moreover, the resources and technology utilized in English language education vary between China and the United States. Chinese elementary schools may rely heavily on textbooks, workbooks, and other printed materials for English instruction. While some schools have started to integrate technology into classrooms, such as interactive whiteboards or educational software, access to such resources may be limited in many areas. In comparison, American elementary schools have greater access to technology and multimedia resources, with many classrooms equipped with computers, tablets, and internet access.Teachers often incorporate digital tools, educational websites, and multimedia presentations to enhance language learning experiences for students.In conclusion, while both China and the United States prioritize English language education in elementary schools, there are significant differences in teaching methodologies, curriculum, teacher roles, and resources. China tends to employ a more traditional, rote-based approach, focusing on mastery of language skills, while the United States emphasizes a communicative, interactive approach that integrates language learning with broader cultural understanding. Understanding these differences can provide insights into the strengths and challenges of English education in both countries.。

中美学生差异英文作文As a Chinese student, I find that American students are more outspoken in class. They are not afraid to voice their opinions and engage in discussions with the teacher. In contrast, Chinese students tend to be more reserved and may feel uncomfortable speaking up in front of the whole class.American students also seem to have more freedom in choosing their courses and extracurricular activities. They can explore different subjects and pursue their interests, while in China, students have a more rigid curriculum and limited options for extracurricular activities.In terms of social interaction, American students are more open and friendly. They are willing to make friends with people from different backgrounds and are not constrained by traditional social norms. On the other hand, Chinese students may be more cautious in making friends and tend to stick with people they are familiar with.When it comes to studying, American students seem to focus more on critical thinking and problem-solving skills. They are encouraged to think independently and creatively, while Chinese students may be more focused on rote memorization and test scores.In conclusion, there are many differences between Chinese and American students in terms of classroom behavior, academic freedom, social interaction, and study habits. These differences reflect the unique cultural and educational systems in each country.。

2024年中小学生行为守则修订版英文版2024 Student Code of Conduct Revised EditionDear Students,We are pleased to present to you the updated version of the Student Code of Conduct for the year 2024. This document outlines the expectations and guidelines for behavior that all students are expected to follow in order to maintain a safe and positive learning environment for everyone.As students in our school, it is important for you to remember that your behavior not only reflects on yourself, but also on our school community as a whole. By following the rules and guidelines set forth in this code of conduct, you are contributing to a positive and respectful school environment where everyone can thrive and succeed.Please take the time to familiarize yourself with the contents of this document and make a commitment to abide by the rules and expectations outlined within. If you have any questions or concerns about the Code of Conduct, please do not hesitate to reach out to a teacher or school administrator for clarification.Thank you for your cooperation and dedication to upholding the values and standards of our school community. Together, we can create a safe and supportive environment where all students can reach their full potential.Sincerely,[School Name] Administration。

2024年版中小学生行为规范英文版Code of Conduct for Elementary and Middle School Students - 2024 EditionWelcome to the updated version of the Code of Conduct for elementary and middle school students in 2024. This document outlines the expected behavior and standards for students to follow in order to create a positive and respectful learning environment.Respect for OthersStudents are expected to treat each other with kindness and respect. This includes using polite language, listening to others when they speak, and being inclusive of all classmates. Bullying, teasing, and other forms of harassment will not be tolerated.Classroom BehaviorIn the classroom, students should listen to their teachers, follow instructions, and participate actively in lessons. It is important to raise your hand before speaking, keep your desk and materials organized, and work quietly when others are speaking.Attendance and PunctualityRegular attendance and being on time are crucial for academic success. Students should arrive at school on time each day, attend all classes, and notify the school if they are going to be absent. Tardiness and excessive absences will be addressed by school administration.Homework and AssignmentsCompleting homework and assignments on time is essential for academic progress. Students should take responsibility for their own work, ask for help when needed, and submit assignments by the specified deadlines. Plagiarism and cheating are not acceptable.Technology UseWhen using technology in school, students should follow the guidelines set by their teachers and school administration. This includes using devices for educational purposes only, following internet safety protocols, and respecting the privacy of others.Dress CodeStudents should dress in a manner that is appropriate for a learning environment. Clothing should be clean, modest, and free of offensive language or symbols. Hats, hoods, and sunglasses should not be worn indoors.Conflict ResolutionIn the event of a disagreement or conflict with another student, students should seek peaceful resolution through communication and compromise. If necessary, a teacher or school counselor can help mediate the situation.Consequences for MisbehaviorFailure to adhere to the Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action, such as detention, loss of privileges, or parent conferences. Severe or repeated infractions may lead to suspension or expulsion from school.By following these guidelines and demonstrating good behavior, students can contribute to a positive school environment and achieve academic success. Let's work together to make the 2024 school year a great one!。

Title: Bridging the Gap: Understanding the Differences between Chinese and American StudentsIn the vast landscape of education, the differences between Chinese and American students stand out like two distinct mountains. While both cultures value education highly, their approaches, expectations, and outcomes often diverge, reflecting their unique cultural, social, and historical backgrounds.Firstly, the educational system in China and the United States is fundamentally different. Chinese education tends to be more centralized and standardized, with a strong focus on exams and grades. The Gaokao, a national college entrance exam, is a pivotal moment in a Chinese student's life, shaping their future path. Conversely, American education is more decentralized, emphasizing critical thinking, creativity, and hands-on experience. The American education system encourages students to explore their interests and passions, often leading to a more diverse array of academic and extracurricular pursuits.Secondly, there are significant differences in the learning styles of Chinese and American students. Chinese students are often praised for their diligence and dedication to study, often spending long hours cramming for exams. This is reflected in the saying, "Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard." American students, on the other hand, are encouraged to think outside the box, to question and challenge assumptions, and to collaborate and innovate. This approach cultivates a culture of creativity and innovation that is highly valued in the American workplace.Moreover, the role of parents and society in education differs between the two cultures. In China, parents often play a more active role in their children's education, overseeing study plans and expecting high academic achievements. This is reflected in the common saying, "Parents are thefirst teachers of their children." In contrast, American parents tend to be more hands-off, allowing their children to explore and make mistakes, learning from their experiences. American society also values a more diverse range of career paths, encouraging students to pursue their passions and interests, regardless of their academic performance.Finally, the approach to life goals and career aspirations differs between Chinese and American students. Chinese students are often focused on achieving academic success and securing a stable, well-paying job. This is reflected in the high demand for professional degrees like medicine, engineering, and finance. American students, on the other hand, are more likely to pursue their passions and interests, even if they don't lead to a traditional, high-paying career. This approach fosters a culture of creativity, entrepreneurship, and social responsibility.In conclusion, while there are significant differences between Chinese and American students in terms of education system, learning styles, parental involvement, and career aspirations, these differences do not need to be barriers to understanding and collaboration. Instead, they should be bridges for mutual learning and growth. By embracing our differences and learning from each other, we can create a more inclusive and innovative global educational landscape.。

文档下载后可定制随意修改,请根据实际需要进行相应的调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种各样类型的实用资料,如教育随笔、日记赏析、句子摘抄、古诗大全、经典美文、话题作文、工作总结、词语解析、文案摘录、其他资料等等,如想了解不同资料格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by theeditor. I hope that after you download them,they can help yousolve practical problems. The document can be customized andmodified after downloading,please adjust and use it according toactual needs, thank you!In addition, our shop provides you with various types ofpractical materials,such as educational essays, diaryappreciation,sentence excerpts,ancient poems,classic articles,topic composition,work summary,word parsing,copyexcerpts,other materials and so on,want to know different data formats andwriting methods,please pay attention!In Chinese classrooms, students are expected to be obedient and respectful towards their teachers. They must listen attentively, take notes, and participate in class discussions when called upon. The teacher is the authority figure and holds all the power in the classroom. Students are not allowed to question or challenge the teacher's authority. They must follow strict rules and regulations, such as no talking or eating in class, and must always be punctual.In American classrooms, there is a more relaxed and informal atmosphere. Students are encouraged to express their opinions, ask questions, and engage in discussions with their peers and teachers. The teacher is seen as a facilitator rather than an authority figure, and students are encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning. There are fewer rules and regulations in American classrooms, and students are allowed to eat, drink, and even use electronic devices during class, as long as itdoes not disrupt the learning environment.In Chinese classrooms, academic performance is highly valued and students are under immense pressure to succeed. They are constantly evaluated through exams and tests, and their grades determine their future prospects. Students are expected to study hard and prioritize their academics above all else. There is little emphasis on creativity orcritical thinking skills.In American classrooms, there is a greater emphasis on holistic development. While academic performance is important, students are also encouraged to explore their interests, develop their talents, and pursueextracurricular activities. Creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills are highly valued and students are given opportunities to think independently and express their unique ideas.In Chinese classrooms, discipline is maintained through strict rules and punishments. Teachers have the authority to discipline students, and punishments can range fromverbal reprimands to physical discipline. Students are expected to obey and conform to the rules without question.In American classrooms, discipline is maintainedthrough a combination of rules, rewards, and consequences. Teachers focus on promoting positive behavior and creatinga supportive and respectful learning environment. Insteadof punishment, students are encouraged to reflect on their actions and learn from their mistakes. Restorative justice practices are often used to resolve conflicts and promote understanding.Overall, Chinese and American classrooms have different approaches to teaching and learning. Chinese classrooms emphasize obedience, discipline, and academic performance, while American classrooms focus on student engagement, creativity, and holistic development. Both approaches have their advantages and disadvantages, and it is important to recognize and respect the cultural differences in education.。

文档下载后可定制随意修改,请根据实际需要进行相应的调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种各样类型的实用资料,如教育随笔、日记赏析、句子摘抄、古诗大全、经典美文、话题作文、工作总结、词语解析、文案摘录、其他资料等等,如想了解不同资料格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by theeditor. I hope that after you download them,they can help yousolve practical problems. The document can be customized andmodified after downloading,please adjust and use it according toactual needs, thank you!In addition, our shop provides you with various types ofpractical materials,such as educational essays, diaryappreciation,sentence excerpts,ancient poems,classic articles,topic composition,work summary,word parsing,copyexcerpts,other materials and so on,want to know different data formats andwriting methods,please pay attention!In the classroom, Chinese and American students have different rules. In China, students are expected to be very respectful to their teachers. They have to stand up when the teacher enters the room and they are not allowed to speak unless they are called on. In America, it's more relaxed. Students can call their teachers by their first names and they can speak whenever they want.Another difference is in the way students interact with each other. In China, students are encouraged to work together and help each other out. It's seen as important to be a team player. In America, there's more emphasis on individual achievement. Students are expected to do their own work and not copy from others.The way that tests and exams are conducted is also different. In China, there is a lot of pressure on students to do well in exams. They have to study very hard and there is a lot of focus on memorization. In America, there ismore focus on understanding the material. Students are often allowed to use their notes during exams and they are encouraged to think critically.Overall, the differences in classroom rules between China and America reflect the broader cultural values of each country. In China, there is a strong emphasis on respect for authority and working together, while in America, there is more emphasis on individualism and critical thinking.。
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Comparison The UK`s elemental student regulations focus more on humanity and life safety. Parents will tell their children how to follow it in daily life, because it is specific and understandable and children are easy to remember them in mind.
9.If you are having difficulty with a class, schedule an appointment to see the teacher for help. The teacher will be glad to help you. 每当在学习中遇到困难时,你应当主动约见任课老师,寻 求帮助。老师随时随地都乐意向你提供学习上的帮助。 10.Students must bring a note for a parent explaining any absence or tardiness. 凡不到校上课或迟到的学生都必须带回通知条,本人 必须向父母说明原因。 11.The only acceptable excuse for absence is personal illness, a death in the family, or a religious holiday. It is illegal to stay home from school for anyother. 属下列缺勤情形的,学校将不予追究当事学生的责任 :本人生病、家人去世或宗教节日。除上述以外的任 何其他原因,学生呆在家中而不到校上课的皆属违法 行为,学校将追究其和家人的法律责任。 12.When a teacher asks a question and does not name a particular student to answer it, anyone who knows the answer should raise one hand. 当老师提问时,没有明确指定某同学回答时,凡会的同学都应当举手回答。
The USA`s elemental student regulations focus more on the basic qualities which pupils should have in school. And because they are close to children`s real life, they are also easy to remember.
1、热爱祖国,热爱人民,热爱中国共产党。 2、遵守法律法规,增强法律意识。遵守校规校纪,遵 守社会公德。 3、热爱科学,努力学习,勤思好问,乐于探究,积极 参加社会实践和有益的活动。 4、珍爱生命,注意安全,锻炼身体,讲究卫生。 5、自尊自爱,自信自强,生活习惯文明健康。 6、积极参加劳动,勤俭朴素,自己能做的事自己做。 7、孝敬父母,尊敬师长,礼貌待人。 8、热爱集体,团结同学,互相帮助,关心他人。 9、诚实守信,言行一致,知错就改,有责任心。 10、热爱大自然,爱护自然环境。
3.life first, property second.
4. little secret to tell her mother.
5. do not drink to drink, do not eat candy from strangers.
6. do not talk with a stranger.
7. danger to break the glass, destroying furniture. .
8. encounter danger can you run.
9. don't keep bad secret.
10. bad guys can cheat.
⒈说善言 ⒉尽善行 ⒊乐分享 ⒋会倾听 ⒌守诚信
Differences of elemental student regulations in UK. & US.&CN.
1.safe growth is more important than success.
2. vest, shorts covering not let anyone touch the place.
⒍慎言行 ⒎重礼仪 ⒏安心气 ⒐心比心 ⒑讲公平
1、Always refer to a teacher by title and last name. 总是称呼老师职位或尊姓。 2. Get to class on time or a little earlier. 准时或稍微提前进入课堂。
3.Raise your hand when you want to ask a question. 先举手, 后提问。 4、You may speak to the teacher from your desk while you are seated. 在课堂上,学生可以坐着与老师交流,不 一定要起立。
Conclusion and Suggestions
When regulations for young students being made, relevant departments should take practical and children`s psychology into consideration. What we should tell students to do is how to protect themselves and learn to love.
5、When you are absent, you must make up the work you have missed. Ask either the teacher or a classmate for the work. 缺课期间,一定要请老师或同学把拉下的学习内 容、笔记补上。 6.If you expect to be away from school because of an emergency, tell your teacher in advance and ask for the work you will miss. 遇紧急情况需要离开学校时,应提前告知老 师并问清楚在离校期间应学的内容和应完成 作业。 7.All assignments you hand in must be your own work. 所交的作业都必须是自己独立完成的。 8.Never cheat on a test. 考试时,决不作弊。
In china, these regulations sound great, but when you think them deeper, you will find they`re very difficult to be implemented into practice. They seem to be very important principles in life, not only for children but also for every adult.