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The USA`s elemental student regulations focus more on the basic qualities which pupils should have in school. And because they are close to children`s real life, they are also easy to remember.
Differences of elemental student regulations in UK. & US.&CN.
1.safe growth is more important than success.
2. vest, shorts covering not let anyone touch the place.
1、热爱祖国,热爱人民,热爱中国共产党。 2、遵守法律法规,增强法律意识。遵守校规校纪,遵 守社会公德。 3、热爱科学,努力学习,勤思好问,乐于探究,积极 参加社会实践和有益的活动。 4、珍爱生命,注意安全,锻炼身体,讲究卫生。 5、自尊自爱,自信自强,生活习惯文明健康。 6、积极参加劳动,勤俭朴素,自己能做的事自己做。 7、孝敬父母,尊敬师长,礼貌待人。 8、热爱集体,团结同学,互相帮助,关心他人。 9、诚实守信,言行一致,知错就改,有责任心。 10、热爱大自然,爱护自然环境。
In china, these regulations sound great, but when you think them deeper, you will find they`re very difficult to be implemented into practice. They seem to be very important principles in life, not only for children but also for every adult.
⒍慎言行 ⒎重礼仪 ⒏安心气 ⒐心比心 ⒑讲公平
1、Always refer to a teacher by title and last name. 总是称呼老师职位或尊姓。 2. Get to class on time or a little earlier. 准时或稍微提前进入课堂。
3.Raise your hand when you want to ask a question. 先举手, 后提问。 4、You may speak to the teacher from your desk while you are seated. 在课堂上,学生可以坐着与老师交流,不 一定要起立。
Comparison The UK`s elemental student regulations focus more on humanity and life safety. Parents will tell their children how to follow it in daily life, because it is specific and understandable and children are easy to remember them in mind.
9.If you are having difficulty with a class, schedule an appointment to see the teacher for help. The teacher will be glad to help you. 每当在学习中遇到困难时,你应当主动约见任课老师,寻 求帮助。老师随时随地都乐意向你提供学习上的帮助。 10.Students must bring a note for a parent explaining any absence or tardiness. 凡不到校上课或迟到的学生都必须带回通知条,本人 必须向父母说明原因。 11.The only acceptable excuse for absence is personal illness, a death in the family, or a religious holiday. It is illegal to stay home from school for anyother. 属下列缺勤情形的,学校将不予追究当事学生的责任 :本人生病、家人去世或宗教节日。除上述以外的任 何其他原因,学生呆在家中而不到校上课的皆属违法 行为,学校将追究其和家人的法律责任。 12.When a teacher asks a question and does not name a particular student to answer it, anyone who knows the answer should raise one hand. 当老师提问时,没有明确指定某同学回答时,凡会的同学都应当举手回答。
5、When you are absent, you must make up the work you have missed. Ask either the teacher or a classmate for the work. 缺课期间,一定要请老师或同学把拉下的学习内 容、笔记补上。 6.If you expect to be away from school because of an emergency, tell your teacher in advance and ask for the work you will miss. 遇紧急情况需要离开学校时,应提前告知老 师并问清楚在离校期间应学的内容和应完成 作业。 7.All assignments you hand in must be your own work. 所交的作业都必须是自己独立完成的。 8.Never cheat on a test. 考试时,决不作弊。
Conclusion and Suggestions
When regulations for young students being made, relevant departments should take practical and children`s psychology into consideration. What we should tell students to do is how to protect themselves and learn to love.
7. danger to break the glass, destroying furniture. .
8. encounter danger can you run.
9. don't keep bad secret.
10. bห้องสมุดไป่ตู้d guys can cheat.
⒈说善言 ⒉尽善行 ⒊乐分享 ⒋会倾听 ⒌守诚信
3.life first, property second.
4. little secret to tell her mother.
5. do not drink to drink, do not eat candy from strangers.
6. do not talk with a stranger.