
层次分析法模型外文文献翻译2014年译文2000字XXX (AHP) XXX。
the XXX whether the rity vector of alternatives remains the same or different when the XXX on the AHP process。
and pair-XXX n。
2.XXXXXX fields。
including business。
XXX smaller。
3.MethodologyThe study used a case study XXX to test whether the rity vector of alternatives remains the same or different when the XXX individuals。
4.ResultsThe study found that the AHP methodology is effective in providing second XXX。
The rity vector of alternatives remained the same in most cases。
indicating that the AHP XXX。
therewere some cases where the rity vector of alternatives differed。
suggesting that the AHP methodology is not XXX。
5.nThe results of the study suggest that the AHP methodologycan be an effective tool for improving n-making quality。
it is XXX。

外文出处:Senthil, S., Srirangacharyulu, B., & Ramesh, A. (2021). A decision making methodology for the selection of reverse logistics operating channels. Procedia Engineering, 38, 4, 418–428.附件1:外文资料翻译译文逆向物流运作渠道的决策方式摘要:产品退货的有效治理是一项战略性的问题。
关键字:逆向物流多目标决策层次分析法1 引言由于有关环境的法律不断的出台,逆向物流慢慢引发了企业的关注。

层次分析法---文献翻译888大学毕业设计(论文)文献翻译题目层次分析法院、系(部) 计算机科学与技术学院专业及班级计科0903班姓名 888 指导教师 888 日期 2013年3月Analytic Hierarchy ProcessThe Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is a structured technique for helpingpeople deal with complex decisions. Rather than prescribing a "correct" decision, the AHP helps people to determine one that suits their needs and wants. Based on mathematics and psychology, it was developed by Thomas L. Saaty in the 1970s and has been extensively studied and refined since then. The AHP provides a comprehensive and rational framework for structuring a problem, for representing and quantifying its elements, for relating those elements to overall goals, and for evaluating alternative solutions. It is used throughout the world in a wide variety of decision situations, in fields such as government, business, industry, healthcare, and education.Several firms supply computer software to assist in using the process.Users of the AHP first decompose their decision problem into a hierarchy of more easily comprehended sub-problems, each of which can be analyzed independently. The elements of the hierarchy can relate to anyaspect of the decision problem—tangible or intangible, carefully measured or roughly estimated, well- or poorly-understood—anything at all that applies to the decision at hand.Once the hierarchy is built, the decision makers systematically evaluate its various elements, comparing them to one another in pairs. In making the comparisons, the decision makers can use concrete data about the elements, or they can use their judgments about the elements' relative meaning and importance. It is the essence of the AHP that human judgments, and not just the underlying information, can be used in performing the evaluations.The AHP converts these evaluations to numerical values that can be processed and compared over the entire range of the problem. A numerical weight or priority is derived for each element of the hierarchy, allowing diverse and often incommensurable elements to be compared to one another in a rational and consistent way. This capability distinguishes the AHP from other decision making techniques.In the final step of the process, numerical priorities are derivedfor each of the decision alternatives. Since these numbers represent the alternatives' relative ability to achieve the decision goal, they allow a straightforward consideration of the various courses of action.Uses and applicationsWhile it can be used by individuals working on straightforward decisions, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is most useful where teamsof people are working on complex problems, especially those with high stakes, involving human perceptionsand judgments, whose resolutions have long-term repercussions. Ithas unique advantages where important elements of the decision are difficult to quantify or compare, or where communication among team members is impeded by their different specializations, terminologies, or perspectives.Decision situations to which the AHP can be applied include:, Choice - The selection of one alternative from a given set of alternatives,usually where there are multiple decision criteria involved., Ranking - Putting a set of alternatives in order from most toleastdesirable Prioritization - Determining the relative merit of a setofalternatives, as opposed to selecting a single one or merely ranking them, Resource allocation - Apportioning resources among a set of alternatives, Benchmarking - Comparing the processes in one's own organization withthose of other best-of-breed organizations, Qualitymanagement - Dealing with the multidimensional aspects of quality and quality improvementThe applications of AHP to complex decision situations have numbered in the thousands, and have produced extensive results in problems involving planning, Resource allocation, priority setting, and selection among alternatives. Other areas have included forecasting, toreotal quality management, business process re-engineering ,quality function deployment, and the Balanced Scorecard.ManyAHP applications are never reported to the world at large, because they take place at high levels of large organizations where security and privacy considerations prohibit their disclosure. But some uses of AHP are discussed in the literature. Recently thesehave included:, Deciding how best to reduce the impact of global climate change (Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei), Quantifying the overall quality of software system(Microsoftcorporation), Selecting university faculty(Bloomsburg University of Pennsy), Deciding where to locate offshore manufacturing plants(University ofCambridge), Assessing risk in operating cross-country prtroleumpipelines(AmericanSociety of Civil Engineers), Deciding how best to manage U.S. watersheds(U.S. Department of Agriculture)AHP is sometimes used in designing highly specific procedures for particular situations, such as the rating of buildings by historic significance. It was recently applied to a project that uses video footage to assess the condition of highways inVirginia. Highway engineers first used it to determine the optimum scope of the project, then to justify its budget to lawmakers.AHP is widely used in countries around the world. At a recent international conference on AHP, over 90 papers were presented from 19 countries, including the U.S., Germany, Japan, Chile , Malaysia, andNepal. Topics covered ranged from Establishing Payment Standards for Surgical Specialists, to Strategic TechnologyRoadmapping, to Infrastructure Reconstruction in Devastated Countries. AHP wasintroduced in China in 1982, and its use in that country has expanded greatly since then—its methods are highly compatible with the traditional Chinese decision making framework, and it has been used for many decisions in the fieldsofeconomics,energy,management,environment,traffic,agriculture, industry, and the military.Though using AHP requires no specialized academic trainning, the subject is widely taught at the university level—one AHP software provider lists over a hundredcolleges and universities among its clients. AHP is considered an important subject in many institutions of higher learning, includingschools of engineering and Graduate school of Business . AHP is also an important subject in the quality field, and is taught in many specialized courses including Six Sigma, Lean Six Sigma, and QFD.In China, nearly a hundred schools offer courses in AHP, and many doctoral students choose AHP as the subject of their research and dissertations. Over 900 papers have been published on the subject inthat country, and there is at least one Chinese scholarly journal devoted exclusively to AHP.ImplementationAs can be seen in the examples that follow, using the AHP involves the mathematical synthesis of numerous judgments about the decision problem at hand. It is not uncommon for these judgments to number in the dozens or even the hundreds. While the math can be done by hand or with a calculator, it is far more common to use one of several computerized methods for entering and synthesizing the judgments. The simplest of these involve standard spreadsheet software, while the most complex use custom software, often augmented by special devices for acquiring the judgmentsof decision makers gathered in a meeting room.Steps in using the processThe procedure for using the AHP can be summarized as:1. Model the problem as a hierarchy containing the decision goal,the alternativesfor reaching it, and the criteria for evaluating the alternatives.2. Establish priorities among the elements of the hierarchy bymaking a series ofjudgments based on pairwise comparisons of the elements. For example, whencomparing potential real-estate purchases, the investors might say they preferlocation over price and price over timing.3. Synthesize these judgments to yield a set of overall prioritiesfor the hierarchy.This would combine the investors' judgments about location, priceand timingfor properties A, B, C, and D into overall priorities for each property.4. Check the consistency of the judgments.5. Come to a final decision based on the results of this process.CriticismsThe AHP is now included in most operations research and management science textbooks, and is taught in numerous universities; it is used extensively in organizations that have carefully investigated its theoretical underpinnings. While the general consensus is that it isboth technically valid and practically useful, the method does have its critics.In the early 1990s a series of debates between critics andproponents of AHP was published in Management Science and The Journal of the Operational ResearchSociety. These debates seem to have been settled in favor of AHP.Occasional criticisms still appear. A 1997 paper examined possible flaws in the verbal (vs. numerical) scale often used in AHP pairwise comparisons. Another from the same year claimed that innocuous changesto the AHP model can introduce order where no order exists. A 2006 paper found that the addition of criteria for which all alternatives perform equally can alter the priorities of alternatives. An in-depth paper discussing the academic criticisms of AHP was published in Operations Research in2001.Most of the criticisms involve a phenomenon called rank reversal, discussed inthe following section.Rank reversalMany people hear about rank reversal and assume that there is some sort of proven principle about it that needs to be upheld in making decisions. That assumption has led to much misunderstanding of AHP and other decision making techniques. In actuality, rank reversal is a complex matter about which there are many conflicting ideas and opinions. This section offers a simplified explanation of the situation.Decision making involves ranking alternatives in terms of criteriaor attributes of those alternatives. It is an axiom of some decision theories that when new alternatives are added to a decision problem, the ranking of the old alternatives must not change. But in the real world, adding new alternatives can change the rank of the old ones. These rank reversals do not occur often, but the possibility of their occurrencehassubstantial logical implications about the methodology used to make decisions, the underlying assumptions of various decision theories, etc.A simple example will demonstrate the phenomenon of rank reversal: Consider a pretty girl in a small town. She's having a party next week, and she wants to buy a dress that will impress her guests. She visitsthe town's only dress store and goes to the rack of party dresses. There are five such dresses, and after long consideration she ranks them by desirability as follows:Rank Style Color Price1 Style A Blue $1092 Style A Green $1093 Style B Red $1194 Style C Yellow $995 Style D Off-White $149Now imagine that she enters the back room and sees the store'sentire inventory of dresses. The dresses she has looked at in Styles B, C, and D are the only ones of their kind, but there are four more StyleA dresses in green and eight more Style A dresses in blue. In the language of decision science, these dresses are copies of the existing alternatives. In our one-store small town scenario, there's a reasonable chance that one or more party guests would buy and wear one of the copies.When made aware of these new alternatives, our fashion-consciousgirl might rank her choices in a different order. Considering her great embarrassment if a guest were to wear the same dress that she did, she might rank her choices like this:OldRank Style Color PriceRank1 3 Style B Red $1192 4 Style C Yellow $993 5 Style D Off-White $1494 2 Style A Green $1095 1 Style A Blue $109Notice that the rankings of the two Style A dresses have reversed (since there are more copies of the blue dress than of the green one). Not only that, but Style A has gone from the most preferred style to the least preferred. Rank reversal has occurred. Axioms of decision theories have been violated. Scholars and researchers can cry"foul," or impugn the method by which the girl has made her choice, but there is no denying that in the world of our example, ranks havebeen reversed. There is no doubt that the reversal is due to the introduction of additional alternatives that are no different from the existing ones.The above is but one example of rank reversal. Rank reversal canalso occur when additional alternatives are added/removed that are not copies of the original alternatives (e.g., red and yellow dresses in completely different styles). Another example of rank reversal occurred in the 2000 U.S. presidential election. Ralph Nader was an 'irrelevant' alternative, in that he was dominated by both the Democrat and Republican candidates. However, since he attracted more votes from those who would have voted Democrat rather than Republican, his presence caused the ranks to reverse. Put another way, if Nader were not in the race, it is widely accepted that Al Gore would have won.There are two schools of thought about rank reversal. One maintains that new alternatives that introduce no additional attributes should not cause rank reversal under any circumstances. The other maintains that there are both situations in which rank reversal is not reasonable as well as situations where they are to be expected. The current version of the AHP can accommodate both these schools — its Ideal Mode preserves rank, while its Distributive Mode allows the ranks to change. Either mode is selected according to the problem at hand.层次分析法层次分析法(AHP)是一种帮助人们处理复杂决策的结构化技术,比起一种指定的“正确”的方法,层次分析法能帮助人们决定哪一种是更适合他们的需求。

层次分析法的概念层次分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process,简称AHP)是一种多准则决策分析(Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis,简称MCDA)的方法,由美国运筹学家Thomas L. Saaty于20世纪70年代初提出。

层次分析法的原理及应用层次分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process,简称AHP)是一种定量分析方法,用于解决决策问题,其原理主要基于层次结构和逐级比较的思想。

层次分析法原理层次分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process,AHP)是一种多准则决策方法,由美国学者托马斯·塞蒂(Thomas L. Saaty)于20世纪70年代提出。
通过这种方法,可以 quantitatively 来确定不同因素的重要性,为后续的决策提供依据。

( 3) k
( 3)
( 3) k
ω .
( 2)
0.595 对于P1: ⋅ 0.263 + 0.082 ⋅ 0.475 + 0.429 ⋅ 0.055 +0.633 ⋅ 0.099 + 0.166 ⋅ 0.110 = 0.300 同 样 ,最 后 得组 合 权向 量 ω
( 3)
= ( 0.300, 0.246, 0.456 )
CI ( p ) p = 3, 4, L , s CR( p ) = CR( p−1) + ( p) RI 其中CR( 2)为第2层对第1层的一致性比率. 最后,当最下层对最上层的一致性比率CR( s ) < 0.1时认为整个层次的比较通过一致性检验.
在旅游问题中,可以计算出CI ( 3) = 0.00176, = 0.58,前面已经有了CR = 0.016, 0.00176 ( 3) 于是可得CR = 0.016 + = 0.019 < 0.1 0.58 通过 了组合 一致 性检 验,前 面得 到的 组合 权向 RI
1 1 / 2 B1 = 1 / 5 1 1 B3 = 1 / 3 1 1 1 1 B5 = 4 4
5 1 1/ 3 B 3 1 1 2 2 = 8 1 / 2 1 3 1 3 3 1 B = 1 / 3 1 1 3 4 1 / 4 1 1 / 3 1 1 / 4 1 / 4 1 2

层次分析法分析短语引言层次分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process,AHP)是一种决策分析方法,用于处理复杂的多目标决策问题。

文献出处:Ishizaka A, Labib A. THE ANALYSIS OF THE PROCESS IN DERIVING FURTHER BENEFITS OF AN AHP MODEL [J]. The World Insight, 2014, 22(4): 201-220.(声明:本译文归百度文库所有,完整译文请到百度文库。
)原文THE ANALYSIS OF THE PROCESS IN DERIVING FURTHER BENEFITS OF ANAHP MODELIshizaka A, Labib A.ABSTRACTThis paper deals with evaluation of benefits from the AHP methodology that can improve the quality of the decision making process. In this research effort, evaluation (give second opinions) of another’s assessment of goal is carrie d out, wherein, the criteria assessment is different while keeping the alternatives assessment with respect to each criteria constant, to test if the priority vector of the alternatives is same or different.Keywords: AHP process, subjectivity, pair-wise assessments.1. IntroductionMaking decisions involve evaluating the available alternatives and choosing the right one that meets a desired objective. Underlying assumption is our ability to compare, and measure or assess the value of these alternatives with the respect to the goal at hand. It is one of main functions and responsibilities of senior management in organizations. Decision-making is a fundamental process that is integral in everything we do (Saaty, 2004). It is not surprising to know that one of the main goals of education is to help students/participants in the study to make better decisions and increase objectivity in making such decisions. However, subjectivity cannot be completely eliminated because we interpret and make inferences based on objective assessments of the data.Analytical Hierarchy Process, a decision-making methodology developed by Saaty (1987) is an attempt in this direction. AHP can be used in any situation where the presence of multiple influencing factors and decision criteria make it difficult to understand the interactions among them intuitively. In such cases AHP offers a structured approach to reduce the complexity and help us in making a decision objectively.Saaty (2004) argues that subjective judgments using qualitative parameters are not necessarily inferior to physical quantitative measures. He contends that physical scale measurements only help in interpretation and in our understanding and use of the things that we already know how to measure.Although, AHP is practiced in industry and academics, it presents a few concerns and opportunities for further research. One of the concerns is that subjectivity. Although subjectivity cannot be eliminated completely, with better analysis, objectivity can be improved. In this paper, using the AHP methodology, we propose to evaluate or provide second opinion of another person’s assessment of a goal to improve objectivity. With this approach, the second opinion of the criteria assessment is different while keeping the alternatives assessment with respect to each criteria the same and test if the priority vector of the alternatives is same or different.The remainder of the paper presents a brief literature review about the analytical hierarchy process followed by hypothesis of the study and research design. Following these, we present data presentation and analysis. We conclude the paper with limitations and future scope.2. Literature ReviewThe primary objective of AHP is to classify a number of alternatives by considering a given set of qualitative and quantitative criteria and using pair-wise comparisons/judgments. AHP results in a hierarchical leveling of the quality determinants, where the upper hierarchy level is the goal of the decision process, the next level defines the selection criteria which can be further subdivided into sub criteria at lower hierarchy levels and, finally, the bottom level presents the alternative decisions.Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is one of the multi-criteria decision making methods that was originally developed by Saaty (1987). It is a method to derive ratio scales from paired comparisons to determine relative weights and use them for evaluating alternatives. The input can be obtained from actual measurement such as price and weight or from subjective opinion such as satisfaction feelings and preference. AHP has a provision for a small inconsistency (10%) in judgment because it is difficult to be absolutely consistent. The ratio scales are derived from the principal eigenvectors and the consistency index is derived from the principal eigenvector value (Saaty, 2008).It is well known that AHP is associated with large computing and subjectivity (Rang-guo & Yan-ni, 2004). In an effort to improve quality of decisions, Stern, Meherez, and Hadad (2000) suggested a hybrid approach of using data envelopment analysis (DEA) and AHP to take best of both and avoid pitfalls of each method. The Peters-Zelewski (2008) paper looks at a discussion of the pitfalls of AHP from understanding differences between relative versus absolute measurements, clustering of direct measurements, and integrated view of inputs and outputs.Considering the above research findings, our research objective is to understand the inherent subjectivity of pair-wise comparisons via the tool of reciprocal assessments. And to overcome the subjectivity issue, we propose to use research methodology involving evaluation of second opinion of another person’s assessment of a goal to improve objectivity.3. Hypotheses/ObjectivesOur research goal is to improve the quality of decision using AHP by inserting second opinion of a person’s assessment to examine variations in choosing the alternative.4. Research Design/MethodologyIn this research study, we found that without a strong understanding of the AHP technique, the respondents in the pilot survey found it difficult to provide consistent judgment. Hence, we have sought four pair-wise comparisons for the criteria table and two for each of the project judgments (for every criteria) to derive a consistent set ofall pair-wise comparisons..Using literature review, Rich (2012), Sulemani (2009), Hibner (2011) and interviews with Scrum Masters, we have derived a prioritized list of factors influencing the success for Scrum projects. Five factors were identified, for assessing their influence and impact on success, Scrum process understanding/compliance (Factor 1), Clarity of Scrum Projects i.e. roles and responsibilities(Factor 2), Effectiveness of Scrum Master(Factor 3),Customer–Degree of Product Owner involvement (Factor 4), Team collaborative environment (Factor 5)..The survey questionnaire included two components: general profile (role in project, years of experience, educational qualification, number of scrum projects, number of scrum masters, type of project, size of organization, and part 2 included AHP parameters for gauging the influence of various factors (mentioned above) on success or failure in Scrum project..For the pair-wise comparisons we used a verbal scale of moderate, strong, very strong and extreme and neutral and converted them into a numerical scale of 2,4,6,8 respectively. The pair-wise comparisons for two respondents are shown in Appendix.对层次分析法AHP模型优势的进一步分析伊扎卡;拉比的摘要本文探讨了层次分析法AHP分析模型的优势,即可以提高企业管理人员决策过程的质量。

层次分析方法范文层次分析方法(Analytic Hierarchy Process,AHP)是一种多属性决策分析方法,它最初由美国运筹学家托马斯·L·赛蒂(Thomas L. Saaty)于1970年提出,并于1980年代得到了广泛应用。

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英文原文Multi-criteria selection of electric power plants using analytical hierarchy processAbstractThis paper uses analytical hierarchy process (AHP) methodology to perform a comparison between the different electricity power production options in Jordan. The systems which were considered, in addition to fossil fuel power plants, are nuclear, solar,wind, and hydro-power. Results on cost to benefit ratios show that solar, wind, end hydro-power may be the best alternatives for electric power production. Nuclear electricity turns out to be the worst choice, followed by fossil fuel electric power.1. IntroductionJordan is a non-oil producing Middle-Eastern country. It relies heavily on importing oil from neighboring countries. Most of the electric power that is generated to serve different sectors of the country is produced from power plants that use fossil fuel. This fuel is either totally imported such as petroleum hydrocarbon fuel, or partially local (only with small percentage) such as natural gas. The 1996 electrical energy consumption in Jordan reached a value of 6000 GWh. About 93% of his amount was produced by the National Electric Power Company (NEPCO) which is the main electricity supplier in the country [1]. Other options or alternatives of energy sources for electric power generation must tee considered. These options may include nuclear, solar, wind, or hydro-electric energies. The Jordanian experience with electricity generation using solar and windenergy technology has been on the small and experimental scale. These renewable energy systems were utilized in mostly remote areas of Jordan. They are used to generate electric power for individual application such as clinics, lighting, and educational television sets. The remote village of Jurf Eldaraweesh located in the Jordan desert of a population of 600, is the best example [2]. The necessary electrical energy is totally supplied by solar and wind energy conversion systems.In this paper, oil-fired power plants in addition to other alternatives are being evaluated. The other alternatives include nuclear, solar, wind and hydro-power. A brief description of various power plant technologies will be presented. Using a decision-support system through a multiple criteria analysis, such as AHP, an attempt will be made to assist decision makers to evaluate the use of the above technologies which can be most suitable for electrical power production in Jordan.2. Fossil-fuel electrical power plantsIn general, fossil fuels are non-renewable. They originate from the earth as a result of decomposition and chemical conversion of organic materials. They come in three organic forms: (1) solid, e.g. coal and oil shale; (2) liquid, e.g. most petroleum products, and (3) gas, e.g. natural gas. Coal represents the largest fossil-fuel energy resource in electric power generation [3,4]. Oil shale is a fossil fuel that exists in Jordan in abundance, but with unattractive physical properties. First, like all oil shales, it has a low heating value due to the high ash content [5]. Secondly, the Jordanian oil shale has sulfur contents, ranging 4–6% [6]. Because of low prices of petroleum world wide the utilization of solid fossil fuels, such as oil shale, cannot be feasible at the time being.Therefore, oil shale power plants can not be considered to be competitive [3]. Petroleum and natural gas are the main fuels used for the electric power generation in Jordan in addition to small hydro-powered electricity generation plants. Table 1 represents the existing electrical power plants in Jordan [1].3. Electricity power production using solar energySince the 1970s solar energy has received the greatest attention of all renewable energy sources all over the world. Many regard it as the solution for cleaner environment and may be the alternative to fossil and nuclear fuels. Thus, solar energy has been the object for production of electrical power. Many studies and experiences have shown that solar thermal power plants are one of the most economic forms of solar electricity generation. Solar energy can be converted into electricity by photovoltaic cells, but this process is mostly convenient and suitable for small applications only. Stand alone photovoltaic power systems were proposed for electrification of remote areas of which they are located outside the electricity grid-connection supply system [7]. On the other hand, solar energy can be converted into thermal energy by means of solar collectors or concentrators. A working fluid is used to convert the thermal energy into mechanical energy which is then converted into electricity. Unlike photovoltaics, large amounts of electrical power can be generated from such plants. The types of receivers that can be seriously considered are: (1) central receivers, (2) dispersed or distributed receivers and (3) solar ponds. Like most countries of the Middle East, Jordan enjoys long periods of sunshine. The local weather has over 300 cloudless days per year. Future technology suggests that the Dead Sea itself can be used as 450 km2 solar lake, operating a 2500 MWpower plant [8]. In a recent study, the potential of using the Dead Sea as a large natural solar pond for generation of electricity in Jordan was explored [9]. Kribus et al. [10] have shown new solar power plant concept by incorporating new developments of solar power optics, high performance air receivers, and solar-to-gas turbine interface. In terms of economical point of view, Kolb [11] found hybrid power towers to be superior to solar-only plants with the same field size. There is a number of solar thermal power plants in operation around the world. They are found to be one of the most economical systems for generating electricity [12,13]. Recently, the co-generation of electricity and potable water by utilization of solar energy was carried out [14,15]. This kind of system looks attractive in remote areas where both water is scares and electricity grid is not available. The system is capable of producing 30 MWe or more.4. Electrical power production using wind energyIt is very well established that wind energy resource is large and globally widespread. For different applications, it is clear that wind energy can be competitive in many locations [16–18]. Wind energy can be used in many applications such as water pumping [19], and water desalination [20]. It can also be used for the electrical power generation using wind energy conversion system [21]. Wind power is expected to be one of the least expensive forms of new electrical generation in the twenty-first century [22].With global efforts to become tough on fossil fuel related energy systems and to reduce the emissions of CO2 significantly, this will most likely introduce lower cost wind systems. For example, large wind power plants at good wind sites using emerging technologies can deliver electricity into utility grid at low prices that are becomingcompetitive with those of conventional power generation. Wind power plants can use hundreds of wind turbines that range in size from 50 to 500 kW each located in some remote areas. The plant’s computerized and control center operates similar to fossil fuel plants, except it does not have to be in sight of turbines. In a recent study a model of wind power plant for isolated location was presented [23]. Increases in the prices of fuel and cost of fossil fuel plants and in relying less on non-renewable energy resources, decrease the value and cost of wind power generation systems significantly [24,25].There are number of sites in Jordan with potentially high wind speeds, that can be utilized for this purpose [26,27]. Habali et al. [27] have presented an evaluation of wind energy in Jordan and its application for electrical power generation. A total of 11 wind sites were considered covering the entire country. The three most potential sites in Jordan are found to be Ras Muneef, Mafraq, and Aqaba. They have wind speeds that range from 4 to 23 ms throughout 80% of the whole year.5. Hydro-electric power plantsHydro-electric power plants can provide a basis for evaluating the potential of renewable sources of energy. When compared to other thermal power plants, they are found to be conventional and reliable. Some countries utilize this form of free natural energy into useful type of electrical power. For example, 11% of the electric power produced in the USA was provided by hydro-electric power [4]. Egypt and Turkey, countries of this region, also utilize this type of power for generating electricity at low costs.A number of studies were involved in utilizing hydro-power in Jordan for thepurpose of electricity production [28], water desalination [29,30], and both electricity production and water desalination [8,31]. These studies, mainly, considered the linkage of Red and Dead Seas with a canal to generate hydro-power. The Dead Sea is about 400 m below sea level (BSL), it is roughly 200 km to the north of the Gulf of Aqaba. It is an extension of the Red Sea. The Dead Sea has no outlet; its water level is a function of inflow and evaporation of water. For thousands of years the Dead Sea maintained an equilibrium with the annual inflow and evaporation of water. This resulted in a constant sea level. For example, in 1930 the surface of the Dead Sea was measured at its historical elevation of about 390 m BSL. The Jordan River is considered to be the main tributary of the Dead Sea. Over the years due to increase in population and agricultural development, water was diverted for irrigation in the Jordan Valley and neighboring countries. Therefore, its elevation was forced to drop, drastically; in 1993 it was 408 m BSL. To halt this trend, it will be necessary to introduce a substantial amount of new water to the sea. Sea water from the Red Sea can be used as a source of wafer needed for diversion into the Dead Sea. This diversion can be used to either maintain the sea at its current level and thus stop its dropping, or even to bring it back to its historical level. The power obtained from such process can be used to generate electricity and allow even more fresh water to be diverted from the Jordan River.6. Nuclear power plantsIt is very well known fact that for those countries that rely on but do not have oil, nuclear power becomes a strategic as well as economic necessity [3]. Nuclear power plants can pay for their capital cost in a few short years. Thus, a less expensive electricpower can be produced without relying on importing foreign oil, or at least the reduction in oil import. Some believe that one day oil will be depleted, and nuclear power becomes a must. Therefore, it is important to start this technology now in order to assure the country would not be left behind when the time comes to have to use nuclear technology.Nuclear electricity offers an advantage from an environmental point of view and air pollution. It has less environmental problems that are associated with oil-fired power plants. Thus, nuclear power is bound to become the choice of power for the future. There are some difficulties that are associated with nuclear power, namely, waste disposal and safety. If this kind of energy becomes popular in most countries around the world, solutions to these problem become a must and thus be found.7. The analytic hierarchy processThe analytic hierarchy process (AHP), which was developed by Saaty [32], has been an effective tool in structuring and modeling multi-objective problems. For example, it has been applied to business decisions [33], selection of areas of research and development programs [34], real estate investments [32], water policies [35], and water desalination technologies [29]. AHP can assist decision makers to evaluate a problem in the form of a hierarchy of references through a series of pairwise comparisons of relative criteria. Briefly, relative weights are determined through pairwise comparison. The method can be applied by breaking down the unstructured complex scorecard problems into component parts. Hierarchical orders are then arranged by forming value tree structures. Subjective judgments on the relative importance of each part are representedby assigning numerical values; the numerical values are selected in accordance to Fig. 1. These judgments are then synthesized in the use of eigenvectors to determine which variables have the highest priority.The decision regarding the selection of an optimum system for electricity power generation in Jordan was evaluated according to benefits and costs. Cost-tobenefit analysis is obtained by separating costs from benefits and structuring separate hierarchies for benefits and costs. They were constructed as shown in Figs. 2 and 3. The overall objective (goal) for both hierarchies was to select an optimum system (i.e. level1). Fig. 2 shows the cost hierarchy. The cost criteria at level 2 are cost of fuel, hardware cost, maintenance and service, auxiliary system, and environmental constraints.Fig. 3 presents the benefit hierarchy, it includes all possible benefits that may be derived from the various electrical power generation power plants, as applied to Jordan. Level 1 of Fig. 3 is the selection of the optimum system in terms of benefits. The benefit criteria at level 2 are the efficiency of the system, its reliability, its safety, availability of the fuel used in the system, its effect on national economy, and social benefits.The third level of the cost and benefit hierarchies represents the various technologies or alternatives which are going to be considered for electrical power production in Jordan. In addition to fossil fuel fired power plants these systems include nuclear, solar, wind, and hydro-power.8. Results and discussionFig. 2 shows that nuclear and fossil fuel power plants have the highest cost, with relative weights of 0.429 and 0.337, respectively. On the other hand solar, wind, andhydro have much lower values of relative weights in the range of 0.077–0.079. It is based on the cost hierarchy which indicates that cost of fuel has the highest relative weight of 0.375 among all other costs considered. It is followed by hardware and maintenance costs; their relative weight is 0.215 each. Environmental constraints and the need of auxiliary system have the lowest relative weights with values of 0.122 and 0.074, respectively.Benefits hierarchy (Fig. 3) shows that fossil fuel power plant has the most benefits having a relative weight of 0.255. It is followed by solar and wind power plants; their corresponding relative weights are 0.162 and 0.130, respectively. System’s reliability has the highest relative weight of 0.365. It is followed by availability of fuel, system’s efficiency, its effect on national economy, safety and then social benefits.In order to give the complete picture the overall cost priorities (relative weights) were divided by the benefit priorities. An overall normalized cost-tobenefit ratio was obtained for each system. They are presented in Fig. 4. It is shown that nuclear electrical power plants have the highest overall cost-to-benefit ratio, with a relative weighs value of 0.57. Fossil fuel power plants have the second relative weight of about 0.23. The best systems with lowest cost-to-benefit ratios are solar, followed by wind and then hydro having relative weights of 0.058, 0.061, and 0.083, respectively.9. ConclusionsBased on AHP, solar electrical power plants have the potential to be the best type of system for electricity production in Jordan. They are followed by wind and then hydro-power plants. One can argue that all three technologies or any of the twocombined can be used since they have close relative weights. On the other hand nuclear power plants have the worst rating and fossil fuel power plants are some what little better than nuclear.中文译文利用层次分析法选择各类发电厂摘要本文运用层次分析法(AHP)详细地介绍了利用不同能源进行发电。

1. 项目准备阶段:在项目准备阶段,需要明确项目的背景、目标和要求。
2. 项目分析阶段:在项目分析阶段,需要对待翻译的文本进行分析和评估。
3. 翻译阶段:在翻译阶段,根据项目要求进行翻译工作。
4. 校对阶段:在校对阶段,对已翻译的文本进行校对和修订。
5. 审核阶段:在审核阶段,由专业人士对翻译成果进行审核和评估。
6. 交付阶段:在交付阶段,将翻译成果交付给客户。
7. 反馈和改进阶段:在交付后,与客户进行反馈和沟通,了解客户对翻译成果的满意度和意见建议。

层次分析法的实施步骤引言层次分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process,AHP)是一种多标准决策方法,由美国学者托马斯·萨帕索(Thomas Saaty)于20世纪70年代提出。
步骤1. 确定目标和准则在使用层次分析法之前,首先需要明确决策的目标和准则。
2. 建立层次结构模型在确定目标和准则后,下一步是建立层次结构模型。
3. 两两比较准则在建立层次结构模型后,决策者需要对准则进行两两比较,以确定它们之间的相对重要性。
4. 计算权重向量通过两两比较准则后,接下来需要计算权重向量,以确定每个准则对于目标的相对重要性。
5. 一致性检验在计算权重向量后,需要进行一致性检验,以判断判断矩阵中的比较结果是否合理和一致。

SOWStatementofWork项⽬管理名词解释(SOW)SOW:英⽂全称statement of work(⼯作说明)。

一、项目准备阶段:1.1 确定项目需求:与客户沟通,了解项目背景、目的、要求和交付时间等,确保明确项目需求。
1.2 确定翻译资源:根据项目需求,确定所需的翻译资源,包括翻译人员、术语库、翻译工具等。
1.3 制定项目计划:根据项目需求和资源情况,制定详细的项目计划,包括项目时间表、人员分工和任务分配等。
二、翻译执行阶段:2.1 文档分析:对待翻译文件进行仔细分析,了解文档内容、格式和特点,为后续翻译工作做好准备。
2.2 术语管理:建立术语库,统一术语翻译,确保翻译的一致性和准确性。
2.3 翻译和校对:根据项目计划,翻译人员进行翻译工作,并由校对人员对翻译结果进行审核和修改,确保翻译质量。
三、质量控制阶段:3.1 内部审校:由内部审校人员对翻译结果进行审查,检查翻译的准确性、一致性和流畅性等。
3.2 客户反馈:将翻译结果交付给客户,征求客户的反馈意见,及时进行修改和调整。
3.3 最终审校:在客户反馈的基础上,进行最终的审校工作,确保翻译结果符合客户要求和标准。
四、交付阶段:4.1 格式整理:对翻译结果进行格式整理,保证文档的可读性和美观性。
4.2 文件交付:将最终的翻译结果按照客户要求进行打包和交付,确保项目按时完成。
4.3 项目总结:对整个翻译项目进行总结和评估,总结经验教训,为后续项目提供参考。
五、售后服务阶段:5.1 客户满意度调查:对客户进行满意度调查,了解客户对翻译项目的评价和意见,为提供更好的服务做准备。
5.2 建立长期合作关系:通过及时回访和沟通,建立长期稳定的合作关系,为客户提供持续的翻译服务。
5.3 不断改进:根据客户反馈和项目总结,不断改进翻译项目流程,提高翻译质量和效率。

一、项目准备阶段1.1 确定项目需求:在项目准备阶段,首先需要明确项目的翻译需求,包括翻译内容、语种、交付时间等。
1.2 确定团队成员:确定项目团队成员,包括翻译人员、校对人员、项目经理等,确保团队的合作和协调。
1.3 制定项目计划:制定详细的项目计划,包括翻译进度、质量控制、沟通方式等,确保项目按时高质量完成。
二、翻译执行阶段2.1 翻译文本分析:对待翻译文本进行仔细分析,了解文本内容、语境和特点,为后续翻译工作做好准备。
2.2 术语管理:建立术语库,统一术语翻译,确保翻译结果的一致性和准确性。
2.3 翻译质量控制:在翻译过程中进行质量控制,包括自我校对、同行校对等,确保翻译质量符合要求。
三、校对审校阶段3.1 校对工作:由专业校对人员对翻译文本进行校对,发现并纠正翻译错误和不准确之处。
3.2 语言审校:进行语言审校,确保翻译结果符合语言习惯和表达规范。
3.3 格式审校:进行格式审校,确保翻译文本的格式和排版符合要求。
四、交付阶段4.1 交付前检查:在交付之前对翻译文本进行最后检查,确保没有遗漏和错误。
4.2 交付方式:根据项目要求选择合适的交付方式,包括电子邮件、云盘等。
4.3 交付后反馈:接收客户反馈,及时处理客户提出的问题和建议,确保客户满意。
五、项目总结阶段5.1 项目总结:对整个项目进行总结和评估,总结经验教训,为以后的项目提供参考。
5.2 团队反馈:收集团队成员的反馈意见,改进工作流程和提高工作效率。
5.3 客户满意度调查:进行客户满意度调查,了解客户对翻译质量和服务的评价,为提升服务质量提供参考。

1. 项目准备阶段:在这个阶段,项目经理将与客户进行初步沟通,了解项目的需求和要求。
2. 项目分析阶段:在这个阶段,项目经理将对项目进行详细分析和评估。
3. 译前准备阶段:在这个阶段,项目经理将与译员进行沟通,并提供项目的详细说明和要求。
4. 翻译阶段:在这个阶段,译员将根据项目要求进行翻译工作。
5. 校对和编辑阶段:在这个阶段,经验丰富的校对人员将对翻译的文本进行校对和编辑。
6. 格式排版和质量控制阶段:在这个阶段,专业的排版人员将对翻译的文本进行格式排版和设计。
7. 最终交付阶段:在这个阶段,项目经理将向客户交付最终的翻译文本。
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用层次分析法选择适当的项目交付方式Mohammed I. Al Khalil*摘要一个项目模型选择最适当的项目交付方式应采用层次分析法(AH P法)。
戈登[ 1 ]曾建议使用评判来消除不适当的方式。
斯平克[ 2 ]讨论了在特定情况下让一个特定的交付系统显得适合;并提出图形指南作为援助在设计–招标–建造方式与设计–招标方式之间做出选择。
莫莱纳和松纳[ 3 ]开发一个基于互联网的选择工具,它非常适合于选择设计–建造的交付方式。
层次分析法(AHP法)是由萨蒂[ 4 ]开发的一种多标准的决策方法。
层次分析法的应用要进行2个阶段:层次化设计与评价[ 4 ]。
等级1- 9用于成对比较。
2.1 DBB方式这是最传统的和最熟悉的项目交付方式。
2.2 DB方式业主与设计和施工方签订单一的整体合同。
2.3 CM方式项目施工经理是由业主聘请的顾问,以他的名义在项目开发过程中进行监督。
4.1 项目特点4.1.1 清晰范围明确项目的范围和雇主的要求可能会影响决定选择一个系统。
通常一个DB 方法需要一个明确的范围,该范围在设计过程的早期可确定该项目的要求。
4.1.2 日程时间是大多数项目中的主要制约因素。
4.1.3 复杂性一个项目是否是一个标准的,重复的设计,或一个复杂的独特设计,也是选择首选交付方法的一个考虑因素。
4.1.4 合同价格合同可作为包干,或成本加定价。
4.2 业主的需求业主可能有额外的要求,因此必须决定组织类型,这将更好地满足这些要求。
业主的要求可能包括如下:A .可构成性的研究;B .价值工程研究;C .合同包装;D .可行性研究。
4.3 业主的喜好4.3.1 责任有些业主可能更喜欢DB合同单点责任制的特点。
表1 层次分析法的比较量表(以参考文献[ 4 ])重量级定义1 同等重要性3 比另外一个重要一些5 必要的,或是强烈的重要7 非常强的重要性9 绝对的重要性2,4,6,8 根据两个相邻之间的中间值进行判断相互的如果元素i有上面的数字之一综上当其被分配与元素j比较,这时j与i比较则有互惠的价值表2 成对比较,第二个层次水平元素的比较目标在第一级PC ON OP 优先级PC 1 4 6 0.556 ON 1/4 1 3 0.380 OP 1/6 1/3 1 0.064 PC:项目特点ON:业主需求OP:业主喜好在表2中,假想成对比较的是模型层次结构中第二个级别的元素。
在这个例子中,PDM作为聚集的结果如下:最终优先级DBB 0.27DB 0.39CM 0.34在这种情况下,应该选择的是DB方式表3 项目特点的成对比较范围日程价格复杂性优先级范围 1 4 5 1/4 0.316 日程1/4 1 2 1/6 0.111 价格1/5 1/2 1 1/7 0.072 复杂性 4 6 7 1 0.5006.结论项目特点范围0.316日程0.111复杂性0.072价格0.500范围日程复杂性价格界定0.833 普通0.75 标准0.800 包干0.833 含糊0.167 快速0.25 复杂0.200 加成本0.167业主的需求可构成性0.228价值工程0.077合同包装0.646可行性0.049可构成性价值工程合同包装可行性需求0.800 需求0.833 需求0.857 需求0.857 不需求0.200 不需求0.167 不需求0.143 不需求0.143业主的喜好责任0.233设计控制0.510签包后参与0.257责任对设计的控制签包后的参与度简单0.8 需求0.857 轻0.8检查及制衡0.2 不需求0.143 强烈0.2图2 在层次结构中的所有元素的优先行列AHP模型的开发是以方便业主根据需要进行评估,并选择适当的PDM为目的。