













关于电子头脑风暴法,说法不正确的是(B). B。
















会议中会出现争论的现象,对于这种现象做法不正确的是(A). A。







加长员工工作时间15.要克服学习过程中存在的种种障碍,做法不正确的是(B). B.无视障碍的存在16.六顶思考帽是处理团队成员之间分歧与误解的重要方法,其中红色的帽子代表(B)。



理论知识复习题单项选择题( 二 )1.市场经济条件下,职业道德最终将对企业起到( B )的作用。

A.决策科学化B.提高竞争力C.决定经济效益D.决定前途与命运2.爱岗敬业的具体要求是( C )。

A.看效益决定是否爱岗B.转变择业观念C.提高职业技能D.增强把握择业的机遇意识3.办事公道是指从业人员在进行职业活动时要做到( A )。

A.追求真理,坚持原则B.有求必应,助人为乐C.公私不分,一切平等D.知人善任,提拔知己4.摄影术的诞生日为( A )。

A.1839.8.19 B.1889.8.19C.1938.8.19 D.1879.8.195.( C )是银版摄影术的发明者。

A.居里B.布勒松C.L.达盖尔D.互特6.光线传播的( D )是入射线与反射线分属法线两侧,且与法线在同一平面内,入射角等于反射角。

A.折射定律B.漫射定律C.透射定律D.反射定律7.光的直线传播原理是( D )现象的依据。

A.会聚成像B.透镜成像C.镜头成像D.小孔成像8.物点至透镜的距离是:( A )。

A.物距B.焦距C.像距D.物体至胶片的距离9.胶片的( C ),胶片中卤化银晶体颗粒越大。

A.反差越大B.感光度越低C.感光度越高D.宽容度越小10.潜影的形成过程是卤化银中( D )被还原为银原子的过程。

A.被摄景物的影像B.银颗粒C.潜影D.银离子11.以下几种药品中,( A )是常用的黑白显影剂。

A.米吐尔B.硼砂C.溴化钾D.碳酸钠12.显影液中若忘了添加促进剂按正常显影条件冲洗出的胶卷将( D )。

A.密度正常B.密度偏大C.没有任何影像D.密度偏小13.主体、镜头、( D )、输片机构、计数器是照相机的基本结构。

A.快门、调焦装置B.快门、测距器C.快门、连闪装置D.快门、取景器14.照相机取景器的作用是用来观察被摄景物范围,选取合适的( C )。

A.拍摄光比B.拍摄亮度C.拍摄场面D.拍摄快门速度15.正确存放照相机的方法:放于阴凉、干燥、( B )的地方。



国家职业技能鉴定考评员题库第二章职业技能鉴定管理体制(47题)1.国家职业技能鉴定工作体系中的政策法规与行政管理系统包括( A )。

A.职业技能鉴定法律法规系统、行政管理系统B.职业分类与职业标准、培训大纲与培训教材、国家题库与鉴定指导C.职业技能鉴定质量保证体系、职业资格证书核发系统D.职业技能鉴定中心、职业技能鉴定所站、考评人员与专家队伍、考务管理与鉴定方法2.统一组织考试由于考生具有一定的规模,是比较( A )的考试组织形式。

A.经济B.不经济C.高质量D.高效果3.企业内员工职业技能鉴定实行的是( A )管理。

A.社会化B.企业化C.标准化D.市场化4.成立国家职业标准制定专家组时,( D )一般应占专家小组人数的一半以上。

A.方法专家B.内容专家C.方法专家和内容专家D.实际工作专家5.技术标准与技术支持系统包括( C )。

A.职业分类与职业标准、培训大纲与培训教材、职业资格证书核发系统B.职业分类与职业标准、职业资格证书核发系统、国家题库与鉴定指导C.职业分类与职业标准、培训大纲与培训教材、国家题库与鉴定指导D.职业资格证书核发系统、培训大纲与培训教材、国家题库与鉴定指导6.证书发证机关处应盖( A )职业技能鉴定(证书)专用章。

A.劳动保障行政部门B.职业技能鉴定指导中心C.地市职业技能鉴定指导中心D.职业技能鉴定所站7.职业技能鉴定指导中心在职业技能鉴定证书管理方面的主要工作是( D )。

A.实行全国统一的证书编码方案B.核定鉴定成绩,办理证书程序C.建立证书查询系统D.实行全国统一的证书编码方案;地区、行业证书编号的编制办法;核定鉴定成绩,办理证书程序;建立证书查询系统8.某鉴定所(站)经有关部门审批授予鉴定资质为初级.中级和高级,未经允许,现在该鉴定所(站)组织了一批技师级别的鉴定,该行为属于( A )。

A.超范围鉴定B.正常鉴定C.异地鉴定D.以上答案都不正确9.( D )指导协调地区、行业部门的职业技能鉴定工作。


A PaCO2 原发性增高 B 血浆HCO3-原发性增高
C血浆HCO3-原发性减少 DPaCO2 原发性降低
23.关于低动力型休克错误的是( )
A外周阻力降低 B心输出量降低 C脸色苍白 D又称冷休克
A 半数致死量与半数有效量的比值 B半数中毒量与半数致死量的比值
A基因 B染色体 C .DNA
14.关于疟疾下列叙述错误的是( )
A 疟疾再燃与残留在红细胞内的无性期疟原虫有关
B 疟疾复发与间日疟有迟发型子孢子存在有关
C 疟疾贫血由于寄生破坏红细胞而造成贫血
D 疟疾发作周期均与红细胞内期裂解体增殖周期所需时间不一致
15.血吸虫尾蚴和钩虫丝状蚴感染均可( )
A 经口感染 B直接经皮肤感染 C 经胎盘感染 D 接触感染
56.胰岛素抵抗是指每日胰岛素用量超过( )
A. 250U
57.输卵管结扎术常用的部位( )
A.输卵管子宫部 B.输卵管峡部 C.输卵管壶腹部 D.输卵管漏斗部
58.下列叙述错误的是( )
A肝细胞内 B肝血管壁内 C小叶间胆管内 D小叶内或汇管内
81.低钾血症最常见的原因( )
A钾丢失过多 B钾摄入不足 C钾的跨细胞分布异常 D禁食未补钾
正常值为( )
A50-70mmHg B33-46mmHg C33-70mmHg D33-60mmHg
83.下列哪种类型的缺氧,氧疗效果最好( )
A血液型缺氧 B组织性缺氧 C低张性缺氧 D循环性缺氧




()A、经商旅行B、享乐旅行C、宗教旅行D、考察旅行2.旅游的主要目的和内容是()A、游览B、旅行C、住宿D、娱乐3.具有组织性、享乐性和国际性特点的旅游娱乐设施是()A、文化类旅游娱乐设施B、体育类旅游娱乐设施C、娱乐类旅游娱乐设施D、消闲类旅游娱乐设施4.第二次世界大战后兴起并迅速发展的一种重要旅游形式是()A、观光旅游B、宗教旅游C、度假旅游D、会议旅游5.我国旅游业的先导和支柱是()A、出境旅游市场B、入境旅游市场C、国内旅游市场D、国际旅游市场6. 的兴起是当代世界旅游业的转折点。






A、或门B、与门C、异或门D、与或门5、以下各种评价方法中不属于定量评价方法的有:()A. 故障类型及影响分析B. 事故树分析C. 作业条件危险性评价法D. 危险指数评价法6、在事故树分析中,反映基本事件发生概率的增减对顶事件发生概率影响的敏感程度的是()。

A.结构重要度 B.临界重要度C.概率重要度 D.最小径集7、已知系统事故发生率P,风险率R,事故损失严重度S,则()A. P= RSB. R=PSC. S =RPD. P = R +S8.对于事故的预防与控制,安全技术对策着重解决()。





1、方针应清楚传达管理层对安健环管理的承诺,并由( A )签发。

A.企业最高管理者B.分管领导C.企业中层干部2、( A)对员工是一种安全保障,代表着企业在持续降低风险方面对员工的承诺,是企业安全生产的努力方向。

A.安全生产方针B.安全生产目标C.安全生产指标D.安全生产方案3、管理层( A )至少对安全生产方针回顾一次,以保持适应性.A.每年B.每半年C.每两年4、企业应至少( C )一次按照各岗位安全责任制的到位情况进行一次评估和回顾。


半年5、《安全生产风险管理体系》要求企业各级、各岗位人员的安全生产责任制不包括以下哪些内容( B )A.安全生产职责B。


权限与义务D.到位标准6、员工在发现或怀疑工作现场安健环条件不符合要求的情况下,应向( B)提出拒绝作业的请求,并陈述拒绝作业的原因。




局领导7、按《安全生产风险管理体系》要求,企业应识别相关法律、法规与标准的需求,以下哪项内容不是法律、法规与标准应识别的范围?( C )A。

国家法律、法规B.行业标准C.企业规范D.国际惯例8、《安全生产法》规定,生产经营场所和员工宿舍应当设有符合( C)的明显标志,保持畅通的出口。



紧急疏散要求D.以上都不是9、以下哪个不是《安全生产风险管理体系》对“安全生产目标与指标"的要求( C )A.可测量的B.可考评的C。


文件化的10、《安全生产风险管理体系》要求对目标与指标的监测、分析内容不包括( D )。


生产运行技术指标C.安全生产管理目标D.自我评估结果11、“安全生产会议”在南方电网公司《安全生产风险管理体系》中属于( B )。



管理子标准12、( A ):由局长任命,代表所管辖区域内的安全、健康、环境利益并协助管理的人员。












英语单项选择试题及答案(2)一、选择题1.Life is one-way road. No matter how you change, it will not go back.A.the B.a C.an D.\2.--There will be a new railway station in Jintan. _______ exciting news!--- Yes, it is_____ great help to us. And we’ll have another choic e for travelling.A.What; a B.What an; the C.What an; a D.What; the3.―Are you leaving now? Having dinner with you is great fun!―Thanks a lot, but I have to make early start tomorrow morning.A./;a B.a; an C./;an D.a; the4.–Look!She is one of Hollywood’s greatest actresses.–Well, of course she is famous, but I think the dress she’s wearing is ugly one.A./, a B.the, an C.the, a D./, an5.April is ________ fourth month of the year. It’s ________ very pleasant month.A.the; the B.the; a C.the; / D.a; a二、选择题6.The key to success is to start where you are, not when things get better, not if things were different, nor if you had what ________ else has.A.something B.anything C.somebody D.anybody 7.Some friends tried to calm down Mr. and Mrs. White and help solve their problem without hurting the feeling of ________, but failed.A.both B.none C.either D.neither8.Wu Xinhai, a stay-at-home dad in Beijing, said: “I want my kids to have a different childhood from ________.”A.my B.me C.myself D.mine9.Believe in yourself. Do this and no matter where you are, you will have ________ to fear. A.nothing B.something C.anything D.everything 10.—Did you go to the popular tourist attraction yesterday?—Yes. After waiting for hours to get in, I found ________ too tired to finish the tour.A.it B.me C.itself D.myself三、选择题11.—I really admire these scientists in different fields in our country.—I agree. They have made a great ________ to our country, even to the world. A.celebration B.conversation C.contribution D.introduction12.I was attracted by the lady’s warm smile. It was really like a hidden ________ . A.pleasure B.treasure C.attention D.invention 13.—Do you feel like moving to Mars?—Sure. I’m in no ________ that life on Mars would be i nteresting.A.doubt B.hurry C.way D.agreement14.I have a poor ________ of direction, so I am afraid to go out alone.A.scene B.silence C.service D.sense四、选择题15.It’s ________ knowledge that moods can have an influence on our health.A.unusual B.special C.general D.common 16.—What do you think of the new car produced by BYD?—Oh, its improved system gives people a ________ ride even on mountain roads.A.similar B.terrible C.strange D.smooth 17.—Peter, have you heard of the song Let it go?—Yes, it sounds _________ and it's popular among young people.A.nice B.bad C.terrible D.strange 18.— Would you mind not making much noise? Mum is sleeping.—Sorry, I didn’t know. I thought she was ________.A.alone B.asleep C.awake D.afraid 19.Read this sentence "She felt small as she walked to the enormous, empty stage."Which word has the SAME meaning as the underlined word "enormous"?A.Clean B.Bright. C.Huge D.Tiny五、选择题20.Don’t be afraid of difficulties. Remember: kites rise highest ________ the wind, not with it. A.over B.against C.across D.along21.The grassland, reaching out far away, looks rather beautiful _____ the blue and clean sky. A.against B.above C.through D.past22.In western countries, children play “trick or treat” ________ the evening of October 31st. A.at B.in C.on D.to23.—You look frightened, what’s up?— A terrible accident happened this morning. A truck was running fast when an old man was about to cross the road. I bet he will not live ________ the night.A.along B.away C.through D.in 24.Sometimes I feel stressed because what my parents want me to do has gone ________ my ability.A.through B.against C.above D.beyond25.—I can’t think of any other actress who is more beautiful than Audrey Hepburn.—You’ve got the point. Her beauty is ________ word s and she succeeded ________ hard work. A.over; by B.over; throughC.beyond; by D.beyond; through六、选择题26.A new high-speed railway station ________ Taixing ________ Shanghai will be built soon. A.connecting; to B.connected; to C.connects; with D.connected; and 27.I know how busy you must be and naturally I wouldn’t want to ________ too much of your time.A.put up B.take up C.give up D.make up28.V olunteers ________ leaflets to encourage more people to separate rubbish correctly. A.put out B.find out C.hand out D.turn out 29.—Have you made a plan to raise money to protect the animals in danger?—Yes. Now we are thinking about how to ________.A.pick it out B.carry it out C.find it out D.put it out30.-Oh,my God! I have ________ five pounds!-No worries. It’s normal for a growing teenage girl.A.put up B.put down C.put on D.put off31.—I’m sorry to ________ on you, but there is something I don’t understand.—It doesn’t matter.A.cut down B.cut out C.cut in D.cut off 32.—How was your May Day holiday?—Just so-so. We drove to Suzhou and tried to find a place for parking, but they were all________. A.turned up B.stayed up C.taken up D.put up 33.Scientists need to ________ several surveys before making a conclusion.A.give up B.carry out C.hear of D.look for七、选择题34.—Is that Mr Zhou?—It ________ be him. He has gone to Beijing.A.can B.may C.can’t D.shouldn’t 35.—Will dad arrive home at 6 o’clock to have dinner with us this evening?— I think he will, but he ________ not. Sometimes he works extra hours.A.can B.must C.need D.may 36.Sometimes smiles ________ be false, hiding other feelings like anger, fear or worry. A.should B.would C.must D.can37.—Is it really necessary for me to go shopping with a mask on?—I’m afraid you ________ in public. It is not only to pr otect yourself but also to protect others. A.must B.should C.can D.need38.The boy is very brave.I ________ he ________ the tall tree.A.dare say; dares to climbB.dare to say; dare climbingC.dare saying; dares climbD.dare to say; dares climbed39.When I was young, my father ___________ take me to climb the hill which was not far from our house.A.may B.must C.would D.should八、选择题40.—________special festival this Spring Festival was!—Yeah. Most people had to stay at home in order to prevent the spread of the COVID-19. A.What B.What a C.How D.How a41.________ role she played in the movie! That’s why she has a lot of fans.A.How an interesting B.How interesting C.What an interesting D.What interesting 42.—Kate won the first prize in the English speech contest.—________ pleasant surprise she has given us! She used to be weak in English.A.How B.How a C.What D.What a 43.—________we faced while we were carrying out the task!—Thanks to the volunteers, we could avoid it.A.How big disaster B.How good luckC.What a big disaster D.What good luck44.—I can’t believe Jack talked to his grandfather like that just now. ______ boy he is!—I agree. He is not supposed to do that.A.How polite B.How impolite C.What a polite D.What an impolite 45._________ surpring news! Many people lost their lives in Xiangshui Chemical Plant explosion .A.How B.How a C.What D.What a 46.—It’s raining now and I’ll give you a ride to school.— What a great ______!A.rule B.order C.news D.offer 47.Summer is coming. ___________perfect time to _________!A.How a; go swimming B.What a; go swimmingC.How; swimming D.What; swimming48.-_______________ fine day it is today!-Yes. the sunshine is __________ beautiful that I'd like to go hiking with you.A.How; such B.What a; very C.How; so D.What a; so 49.—Notre Dame de Paris(巴黎圣母院) caught fire on April 15,2019.—____________terrible!A.How B.How a C.What D.What a 50.—the TV series All is well is! I can’t stop watching it.—You’d better finish your homework first.A.What interesting B.How interestingC.What boring D.How boring51.—__________ lovely the weather is!—Yes. __________ good time we are having!A.How; What B.What a; How C.How; What a D.What; What a 九、选择题52.________ are you doing here, baby? You must go to bed. It’s l ate.A.What B.Who C.When D.Where 53.—________ does May look like?—She is a pretty girl with big bright eyes and long straight hair.A.How B.What C.Which D.Who54.-___________ have you worked here?-For just one month.A.How often B.How long C.How soon D.How much 55.-__________do you sleep every day, Eric?-For about eight hours.A.How much B.How fast C.How often D.How long56.一___________do your parents take exercise, William?—Less than three times a week.A.How long B.How much C.How soon D.How often 57.— ________ is it from your home to the bank?—About ten minutes’ walk.A.How often B.How far C.How long D.How much 58.—___________ will the project of Wuxi Metro Line 3 be completed?—It won't take long. Just in about three months.A.How long B.How far C.How soon D.How often 59.—________is it from the railway station to the city park?—Half an hour by bus.A.How long B.How soon C.How far D.How often十、选择题60.The 2024 Summer Olympics _________ in Paris, France.A.holds B.will hold C.is held D.will be held 61.Last year, five Chinese teachers ________ to a school in the UK to teach the British students in Chinese styles for four weeks.A.were sent B.sent C.have sent D.have been sent 62.The 2nd Games of Qinhuai District ________ on March 28, 2021 to make more people realize the importance of health.A.held B.has held C.is held D.was held 63.—Aunt Li, who is the pretty girl in red in the picture?—It’s my daughter. The picture________10 years ago.A.took B.is taken C.has taken D.was taken 64.—Have you heard of the pop song Little Apple?—Yes. It________every evening when aged people do square dancing downstairs.A.plays B.is played C.was played D.played65.Last March, thousands of trees ______ along the street to make our city more beautiful. A.were planted B.were planting C.would plant D.planted十一、选择题66.—Where is your mother, Kitty?—She ________ dinner in the kitchen.A.cooks B.cooked C.is cooking D.will cook 67.—Where is your father, David?—He ________ the car in the garden.A.will wash B.washed C.is washing D.was washing 68.—Can Peter play games with us, Mrs. Hawking?—Wait a minute. He ________ a shower.A.is taking B.taken C.took D.was taking 69.—Hello! May I speak to Tom?—One moment! He _______ an e-mail.A.is sending B.sent C.sends D.was sending 70.— Where are the officers?— Look! They ________ the elephant in the palace now.A.touched B.will touch C.touch D.are touching 71.—Candy, could you please help me do the dishes?—Sorry, Mom. I ________ my homework.A.do B.did C.am doing D.have done十二、选择题72.I'd like to stay longer, I'm too busy.A.and B.but C.or D.until73.Money is very important_________it’s not the most important thing in our life.A.or B.and C.but D.so74.They don’t think Lee can do the job, ________ he has decided to show the m he can. A.but B.so C.or D.and十三、选择题75.—Excuse me, can you tell me ________?—Sorry, I don’t know. You can go to the information desk.A.that there is a train B.when the train leavesC.where does the train go D.which train can I take76.Could you please tell me ________? I want to borrow some books.A.where is the library B.where the library isC.where was the library D.where the library was77.—Did you have a good time in Shanghai?—Yes, come and look. My photos will show you ______.A.how did we go there B.where we will go C.when did we meetD.what the trip was like78.—Amy, I wonder ________ in the street when I come to pick you up.—Well, there’s a big tree by the front gate and it’s covered in lovely white flowers at the moment. A.how will I find your house B.how I will find your houseC.when I will find your house D.when will I find your house79.The students are discussing ________.A.why they are often under stress B.when did Tom saw a doctorC.who would teach them English D.whether is stress a big problem80.Yesterday little Brian asked his teacher ________.A.when did light travelled faster than soundB.how light travelled faster than soundC.why light travels faster than soundD.when light travelled faster than sound81.—Peter, do you want to know something about Barcode(条形码)?—Yes, I am wondering ________.A.how old is the great invention B.who came up with this codeC.that it can be used in the library D.what information does a Barcode include.十四、选择题82.—The construction of Subway Line 4 in Jinan has begun!—Wonderful. It will be more convenient for people _________ in the suburb to travel around. A.live B.living C.lived D.lives 83.—What are you talking about?—Some pictures ________ yesterday.A.were taken B.took C.taken D.have been taken 84.—How much difficulty did you have ________ this problem?—________. It’s quite easy.A.to solve; Nothing B.to solve; None C.solving; None D.solving; Nothing 85.Instead of flowers, consider ________ your mom what she really wants.A.giving B.to give C.give D.gives86.Sue practices______the violin hard and often gives wonderful performances.A.play B.played C.to play D.playing 87.You’d better give up smoking at once.A.start smoking B.start to smoke C.stop smoking D.stop to smoke 88.WeChat has given up ________ in a popular emoji (表情) recently. The “soldier face” emoji doesn’t have a cigarette in his mouth anymore.A.smokes B.smoked C.to smoke D.smoking 89."An early bird catches the worm" means that you have to do something ahead of others___success.A.achieving B.achieve C.to achieve D.to achieving 90.The price of housing in Nanjing is so high that many people can’t afford ________ a flat. A.buying B.to buy C.bought D.buy91.During the Spring Festival, we Chinese people ___ door gods on gates, but now few families do so.A.used to put up B.used to put inC.were used to put up D.were used to putting in92.—My eyesight is getting worse these days. I'd like to have my eyes________.—Perhaps you should consider ________the time on the computer.A.checked; reducing B.to check; reducingC.checked; to reduce D.checking; to reduce93.Mrs. White showed her students some old maps ________ from the library.A.to borrow B.to be borrowed C.borrowed D.borrowing十五、选择题94.You should do more and talk less. Actions speak louder than words.A.What you do isn’t important.B.What you do is as important as you say. C.What you do is more important than what you say. D.What you do is less important than you say.95.—I promise I will work harder this term, Miss Li.—Well, just a s the saying goes, “________”. I do hope that you will act soon.A.It never rains but pours B.Many hands make light work C.Actions speak louder than words D.A friend in need is a friend indeed 96.—Dad, it’s difficult for me to clean the whole yard on my o wn.— Why not ask your brother for help? ________A.Use it or lose it! B.Knowledge is power!C.Practice makes perfect! D.Many hands make light work!97.-It’s not difficult for five workers to push the broken van away.-Yes, _______.A.When the cat’s away, the mice will play.B.Every dog has its day.C.Many hands make light work.D.Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.98.-The Chinese government has started to teach good manners to tourists travelling abroad.-Very necessary. Good manners will .A.win respect(尊重) B.take you farC.never go out of style D.A, B and C99.—All the people of Binhai should work together to make our hometown more beautiful.—Yes. ________.A.Many hands make light work B.Practice makes perfectC.Burn the candle at both ends D.Don’t put all your eggs in one basket 100.—Volunteers tried their best to clean the park last weekend.—________. And everyone can make an effort to protect the environment.A.Practice makes perfect B.Many hands make light work C.East, west, home is best D.Burn the candle at both ends【参考答案】一、选择题1.B解析:B【解析】【详解】句意:人生是一条单行道。



五下专项训练——单项选择题2 ()1. Here________ some postcards for you.A. isB. amC. are()2. Please________ back soon, Jenny.A. writeB. writingC. writes()3. The picture________ the flowers is _______ me. A. to; for B. of; for C. of; at ()4. I miss________ so much.A. heB. himC. his ()5. Did you ________ to Harbin yesterday?A. goB. wentC. goes ()6. Tony ________some gifts for his parents yesterday.A. buysB. buyingC. bought()7. This is a new cap. Please________.A. try it onB. try them onC. try on it ()8. This T-shirt is ________ big for me.A. forB. tooC. to ()9. Let's ________ the photo on the wall.A. sitB. haveC. put ()10. —________ you like this book?—Yes, I do.A. AreB. DoC. Did()11. The teacher is ________ my father.A. talks toB. talking toC. talking()12. —Is your sister reading a book?—________A. Yes, he is.B. Yes, she isn't.C. No, she isn't.()13. I am doing my homework. But Jenny and Danny ________ doing their homework.A. aren'tB. isn'tC. don't()14. The woman behind me ________ listening to music.A. amB. isC. are()15. —________is dancing?—The girl is dancing.A. WhatB. WhoC. Where()16. The pupils are ________ the blackboard.A. looking atB. looking out ofC. looking()17. —What's Danny doing?—Danny is________ a song ________ your mother.A. sing; withB. sings; forC. singing; to()18. What ________ Jenny and Li Ming doing?A. doB. isC. are()19. I ________ some pandas in the zoo.A. seeB. seeingC. sees()20. Please ________ talk in class.A. notB. don'tC. can't() 21. —________—That's okay.A. I'm happy.B. I'm excited.C. I'm sorry.() 22. Danny is excited. He ________.A. wants singB. wants to singC. want to sing () 23. Look at this picture. ________A. Don't swim.B. Don't walk on the grass.C. Turn right. () 24. —When do you ________ Shanghai?—At 9: 00.A. arriveB. arrive inC. arrives at() 25. ________, please, Mike.A. Stand upB. Standing upC. Stands up ()26. —Would you like________ fruit?—Yes, I'd like ________ apple.A. a; anB. some; someC. some; an ()27. Look! The girl ________ her face.A. washesB. is washingC. to wash ()28. —Don't draw on the wall. —________A. Yes, please.B. No, thanks.C. I'm sorry. ()29. He ________ eat some chicken.A. want toB. wantsC. wants to ()30. Don't run in the classroom. Please________.A. walksB. walkC. to walk()31. Jenny is looking________ the window ________ the train.A. out of; onB. out; toC. out at; at ()32. —________ is singing?—The young man behind ________.A. Who; IB. What; myC. Who; me ()33. They arrive ________ the train station ________ 7: 00 ________ Monday morning.A. at; at; inB. at; in; onC. at; at ; on ()34. —I'd like some candy. —________A. Okay. You're welcome.B. Okay. Here you are.C. Okay. There you are.()35. —________ is Danny doing?—He is ________ a man under a tree.A. What; talking toB. Who; talking toC. What; talking ()36. I________ hungry. But she ________ hungry. She is thirsty. A. am; is B. am; isn't C. am; doesn't()37. Danny wants to drink some ________.A. breadB. vegetablesC. tea()38. —Would you like some fruit?—________A. Yes, please.B. No, please.C. Yes, I like. ()39. —________ is thirsty?—Li Ming.A. WhatB. HowC. Who()40. —What would you like to eat?—________A. I like fish.B. I'd like some chicken.C. Yes, please. ()41. ________ I play with you?A. MayB. IsC. Am()42. The boy is playing football ________ his friends.A. toB. forC. with()43. What ________ they doing?A. amB. isC. are()44. I can't find Danny. ________ is he?A. WhoB. WhereC. What()45. The man ________me is ________ a book.A. behind; readingB. beside; lookC. behind; reads ()46. Bruce ________ dance, but he can't dance well.A. wantsB. wants toC. want to()47. I'd like ________ candy and ________ egg.A. a; aB. some; someC. some; an()48. Bob and Mary are ________. They want to drink something.A. hungryB. thirstyC. thirty ()49. My grandfather ________ flowers in spring.A. loves plantingB. loves plantsC. love planting ()50. They arrive ________ Beijing ________ three o'clock________ Sunday morning.A. in; at; inB. in; in; onC. in; at; on ()51. Danny and Jenny ________ to the hotel.A. take a busB. by busC. riding a bike ()52. What do you ________?A. lookB. seeC. looking ()53. ________ are many birds in the forest.A. ThatB. ThereC. This()54. He is ________ the newspaper in his bedroom.A. seeingB. lookingC. reading ()55. —________ is the ruler? —It's 20 cm.A. How farB. How oldC. How long ()56. ________ Where's the KFC?A. Excuse me.B. That's all right.C. Sure.()57. ________ you need any stamps?A. IsB. AreC. Do()58. —Six and seven is twelve.—________It's thirteen.A. You are right.B. That's right.C. You are wrong. ()59. I am________ a letter________ my aunt.A. writing; atB. write; toC. writing; to()60. You can see the computer room________ the left.A. onB. atC. for答案1-5.CABBA 6-10.CABCB 11-15.BCABB16.A look out of 表示“向……外面看”;look at 表示看具体的某一物体。




















A.市政消火栓的供水压力从地面算起不应小于0.10MPaB.市政消火栓平时运行的工作压力不应小于0.13MPaC.水力最不利市政消火栓的出流量不应小于10L/sD.市政消火栓的布置间距不应大于130m6.下列灭火器中,不适用于扑救E类火灾的是( )。





新目标八年级下册英语Unit5单项选择练习题二( )1.In the 1930s, Walt Disney made 87 cartoons________;h e became________.A.successful; successful B.successfully; successfully C.successful; successfully D.successfully; successful ( )2.The little boy________ his school bag last night. Luckily, his teacher found it and gave it to him.A.lost B.missed C.misses D.loses( )3.He________get there in time, but I'm not sure. A.can B.need C.must D.might( )4.At the party, Lucy_____as a pirate to make us_____. A.dressed up; laugh B.dressed up; to laugh C.dressed on; laugh D.dressed on; to laugh( )5.Mo Yan is famous ________a writer and he is famous________his books.A.as;for B.as;as C.for;as D.for;for( )6.—I ________ the chance(机会)to watch the 2014 Youth Olympic Games(青奥会).—Me, too. We missed the wonderful games.A.got B.took C.lost D.decided( )7.Walt Disney made 87 cartoons________,so he became________.A.successful;successful B.successfully;successfully C.successful;successfully D.successfully;successful ( )8.________,the boy lost his parents in the earthquake. A.Lucky B.Unlucky C.Luckily D.Unluckily( )9.Li Ming is a helpful boy. He is ready_______anything for others.A.do B.to do C.doing D.does( )10.I didn't see him yesterday because he didn't ___at all. A.appear B.happen C.leaves D.goes( )11.You have just read the newspaper. Did you find________in it?A.interesting anything B.anything interesting C.interesting something D.something interesting( )12.She________the children in their best clothes. A.wore B.put on C.dressed D.in ( )13.—What do you ________the Korean TVseries My Love From Another Star?—Pretty good. It is popular with many people.A.care for B.hear about C.think of( )14.Who can take ____place when he is away?A.he B.him C.his D.her( )15.—Where ___he _____?—Shanghai.A.is;come from B.is;fromC.does;from D.do;come from( )16.The novel _____by many people today.A.is read B.are read C.reads D.were read( )17.—Are you going to Sam's birthday partythe day after tomorrow?—I'm not sure.I will go with you if I _____.A.will invite B.inviteC.will be invited D.am invited( )18.Many students ________ chances to showthemselves in class because the class size is too big.A.don't give B.aren't givenC.haven't given D.won't give( )19.I don't understand why more girls _____todo housework than boys in today's society.A.asked B.were asked C.are asked( )20.Our classroom ________ every day.A.will be cleaned B.is cleaned C.are cleaned( )21.Some students in this school _____ abroadas exchange students every year.A.sent B.send C.are sent( )22.—Claudia, are you going to Jeff's birthdayparty on Saturday?—Unless I ________.A.will be invited B.am invitedC.was inviting D.invited( )23.You can go out if your homework____.A.are finished B.finishesC.is finished D.will be finished( )24.—How clean your car is!—Thank you. It ________ very often.A.is washed B.washes C.was washed D.washed( )25.Chengdu is a greener city now because more andmore trees ________ every spring.A.were planted B.are planted C.will be planted( )26.Paper cutting_____around for over 1,500 years.A.is B.was C.were D.has been( )27.Mr. Li's classes are very ________ ,so his studentslike him very much.A.lively B.boring C.terrible D.difficult( )28.I can't ________the work on time.I need you r help.A.complete B.accept C.admire D.require( )29.—Do you know anything about Chinese knots (中国结)?—Yes. They are usually seen ____symbols of good luck.A.for B.by C.with D.as( )30.You must _____the cold dumplings be fore eatingthem.A.keep B.remain C.heat D.light( )31.Guilin is famous ________ its mountains and waterand is known ________ a tour city.A.for; for B.for; as C.as; as D.as;for( )32.Jim's sister has a bird. _____mouth is very long.A.Hers B.It's C.Its D.He( )33.The price of houses in the city _____a lot last year.A.rose B.raised C.has risen D.has raised( )34.—How much did you ______for the red car?—About 2,000 dollars.A.take B.spend C.cost D.pay( )35.Boys' Day _____on November 12th in our schoolevery year.A.celebrates B.is celebratedC.will be celebrated D.celebrated( )36.He is very surprised that all the houses in the village_____white.A.paint B.painted C.are painting D.are painted( )37.Her work ________often ________on time.A.will;complete B.is;going to completeC.is;completed D.are;going to be completed( )38.She is a(n) _____girl with patience. We all like her. A.living B.alive C.lively D.live( )39.—I think everything should go ________ our plan.—OK, we will do so.A.thanks to B.according to C.as for D.in fact ( )40.Look! Two pairs of new scissors _____on the floor. A.are B.is C.were D.was( )41. The rain beat _______ her face as she walked through the wind and rain.A. atB. againstC. inD. from( )42. It’s _______ —I’m sure I locked the front door just now but now it’s open.A. strangeB. UsefulC. SimpleD. crazy( )43. —Why didn’t you come to my birthday party yesterday?—Sorry, I was so busy that I ____forgot it.A. suddenlyB. completelyC. recentlyD. quietly( )44. Lily, please pass me that box of _______. I will make a fire to cook meals.A. woodB. lightC. gamesD. matches( )45. Paul _______ articles at 10:00 yesterday morning.A. is writingB. writesC. was writingD. will write ( )46. I like to sit on the beach and watch the sea water _______ and fall.A. riseB. travelC. ClimbD. run( )47. _______ we came back to school, Dale was playing the violin.A. WhenB. WhileC. UntilD. After( )48. I waited for the laughter to ____ before I spoke. A. close down B. turn down C. die down D. break down ( )49. When the expert gave a talk, the meeting room was very quiet. All of us listened to him _______. A. in a way B. in surprise C. in silence D. in a mess( )50. Why is the light on? I remember _______ it off when I left.A. turningB. turnC. to turnD. turned( )51. I ___ how difficult it’s going to be, but we must try.A. realize B. wonder C. hope D. explain( )52. —Were you eating dinner at the time ofthe rainstorm?—_______. I was reading a book about plants.A.Yes, I didB. No, I wasn’tC. Yes, I wasD. No, I didn’t( )53. He was ___ill ___we had to send for adoctor.A. too; toB. so; thatC. enough; toD. such; that( )54. Mom, someone is calling. Please _______the phone.A. pick upB. fix upC. take upD. set up( )55. —Sally, I’m going to drive all the way toTibet from Nanjing by myself.—What? _______!A. No problemB. Good ideaC. Have a good timeD. You’re kidding( )56. Put the piano there, with its back ________the wall.A. fromB. forC. onD. against( )57. —What’s wrong with Joe? Do you knowthe ________?—Yes. He lost his job.A. planB. truthC. promiseD. decision( )58. That’s _____ —I’m sure I put my glassesin my bag and yet they’re not there.A. fairB. strangeC. simpleD. useful( )59. —My father fell down on the ________road and broke his leg.—Sorry to hear that. We should be more careful inwinter.A. cleanB. busyC. icyD. quiet( )60. I ________ the work is going to be moredifficult, but we must try.A. imagineB. wonderC. realizeD. hope( )61. The newspaper ________ that more than300 people were killed in the fire.A. guessedB. discussedC. spokeD. reported( )62. My grandmother put on her glasses ________ shecould see the words clearly.A. so thatB. even ifC. asD. since( )63. —Do you remember much about the accident?—No, it all happened so ________.A. suddenlyB. certainlyC. clearlyD. completely( )64. ________ I bought a newspaper, my sister waswaiting for the train.A. WhileB. IfC. AfterD. When( )65. While I was talking on the phone, Helen________ The Little Prince.A. will watchB. was watchingC. watchesD. is watching( )66. Is that Alice? I remember ________ her leave hereten minutes ago.A. to seeB. to seeingC. seeingD. see( )67 —Were you having breakfast at seven o’clock thi smorning?—________. I was taking a shower.A. Yes, I didB. Yes, I wasC. No, I didn’tD. No, I wasn’t( )68. The alarm ________ on time but Mike turned overand went back to sleep.A. worked outB. went offC. got offD. found out( )69. —Bob, why do you want to change the bed?—Because it’s not comfortable and I can’t ____quickly.A. get upB. dress upC. fall downD. fall asleep( )70. —You won first prize? ________—I’m serious. We played really well in that game.A. What’s wrong?B. It doesn’t matter.C. You’re kidding!D. It’s up to you.( )71.—I'm told your class has 3 new comers.—Yes. One is a ___,and the other two are ____.A.Japan;Germany B.Japanese;GermanC.Japanese;Germans D.Japanese;Germen( )72.—Both Li Lei and Han Meili ________ fond of(喜欢) the TV program A Bite of China.—I am also deeply moved by its stories.A.is B.am C.was D.are( )73.The chemicals in the vegetables and fruit are ___our health.A.not bad for B.good forC.not good for D.famous for( )74.Forks are usually made of ________,so they won't be broken easily.A.glass B.Steel C.wood D.paper( )75.Would you like to continue ________ the luggage for me? You haven't finished it yet.A.packs B.packed C.packing D.pack( )76.My father doesn't allow ________,so you are not allowed ________ inside.A.smoking; smoking B.to smoke;smoking C.smoking;to smoke D.to smoke;to smoke( )77.I think you need to avoid ________ in bed, because it is bad for your eyes.A.read B.to read C.reading D.reads( )78.What kind of ________ would you like to use to make the handbags?A.leaf B.brands C.product D.materials( )79.—What do you know about Xiangyang?—It's ____its state level scenic spot (景点)—Gulongzhong. A.famous as B.different from C.similar to D.known for ( )80.As the________ of the company, he would like to give the hard­working and creative people more salary. A.postman B.product C.policeman D.boss( )81.This kind of tea ____in Hangzhou. It tastes good. A.produces B.produced C.is producing D.is produced ( )82.A pair of used gloves ________ on the floor. Would you please pick them up?A.are B.is C.were D.was( )83.It is very important to deal with _____work well. A.every day B.everyday C.someday D.some days 参考答案1--5 DADAA 6-10 CDDBA 11~15BCCCB 16-20 ADBCB 21-25 CBCAB 26-30 DAADC 31-35 BCADB 36-40DCCBA 41-45 BABDC 46-50 AACCA 51-55 ABBAD 56-60 DBBCC 61-65 DAADB 66-70 CDBDC 71-75 CDCBC 76-80 CCDDD 81-83 DBB。



试卷编号:9612所属语言:Access试卷方案:AC_150511160502试卷总分:300分共有题型:1种一、单选共300题(共计300分)第1题(1.0分)题号:2273 难度:中第1章从关系中找出满足给定条件的元组的操作称为()。

A:选择B:投影C:联接D:自然联接答案:A第2题(1.0分)题号:2461 难度:中第1章在Access数据库中,从数据表找到符合特定准则的数据信息的是( ). A:汇总查询B:操作查询C:选择查询D:SQL查询答案:C第3题(1.0分)题号:3217 难度:中第1章用于基本数据运算的是( ).A:表B:查询C:窗体D:宏答案:A第4题(1.0分)题号:3399 难度:中第1章使用 Access 按用户的应用需求设计的结构合理、使用方便、高效的数据库和配套的应用程序系统,属于一种()。

A:数据库B:数据库管理系统C:数据库应用系统D:数据模型答案:B第5题(1.0分)题号:2427 难度:中第1章如果在创建表中建立字段"简历",其数据类型应当是( ).A:文本B:数字C:日期D:备注答案:D第6题(1.0分)题号:2493 难度:中第1章下列选择窗体控件对象正确的是()。

A:单击可选择一个对象B:按住shift键再单击其它多个对象可选定多个对象C:按Ctrl+A键可以选定窗体上所有对象D:以上皆是答案:D第7题(1.0分)题号:2290 难度:中第1章在“查询参数”窗口定义查询参数时,除定义查询参数的类型外,还要定义查询参数的()。

A:参数名称B:什么也不定义C:参数值域答案:A第8题(1.0分)题号:2335 难度:中第1章设计数据访问页时不能向数据访问页添加()。

A:标签B:滚动标签C:超级链接D:选项卡答案:D第9题(1.0分)题号:1631 难度:中第1章将表中的字段定义为( ),其作用使字段中的每一个记录都必须是惟一的以便于索引. A:索引B:主键C:必填字段D:有效性规则答案:B第10题(1.0分)题号:3168 难度:中第1章交叉表查询是为了解决()。



专题05 单项选择题90题part21.(2023·江苏扬州·统考中考真题)Paper cutouts of “double happiness” are often ________ in the married couple’s home to bring good wishes.A.put back B.put up C.put on D.put off2.(2023·江苏扬州·统考中考真题)We don’t ________ much from the kids because they can’t understand the value of this work.A.express B.excuse C.expect D.explain3.(2023·湖南怀化·统考中考真题)—______ I join the volunteer program on weekends?—Of course you can.A.Can B.Must C.Should4.(2023·天津·九年级统考专题练习)—Would you like to visit Tianjin University tomorrow?—Sorry, I’m afraid I ________. I’ll work as a volunteer in my munity.A.can B.can’t C.must D.mustn’t5.(2023·天津·九年级统考专题练习)To keep healthy, Daming’s grandparents ________ in a park every day.A.exercise B.cough C.sleep D.wait6.(2023·天津·九年级统考专题练习)Lisa is a popular monitor. She ________ her classmates and teachers.A.takes part in B.gets on well withC.gets into trouble with D.keeps clear of7.(2023·江西·统考中考真题)—Hello! Can I speak to Jenny, please?—Sorry, she isn’t in. Can I ________ a message?A.take B.read C.check D.receive8.(2023·安徽·九年级统考专题练习)Our team ________ what to do about the project and successfully pleted it on time.A.gave up B.worked out C.turned down D.took away9.(2023·云南·九年级统考专题练习)—Excuse me, may I use my phone now?—Sorry, you ________. The plane is taking off.A.need B.needn’t C.can D.can’t10.(2023·天津·九年级统考专题练习)It’s a good habit to ________ the lights when you leave a room.A.turn down B.turn up C.turn off D.turn on11.(2023·四川成都·统考中考真题)Your answer ________ be right, but I’m going to check to make sure.A.can’t B.might C.must12.(2023·四川自贡·统考中考真题)—Ms. White, I am sad that I didn’t pass the test.—Keep trying. Success ________ hard work.A.depends on B.gives away C.leads to13.(2023·四川自贡·统考中考真题)— Could I _______ the book for two more days?— Sorry, you can’t. You must follow our rules.A.borrow B.lend C.keep14.(2023·四川泸州·统考中考真题)—I’m worried about leaving my friends and going to a new school.—Take it easy. I’m sure you’ll ________ your classmates if you are friendly to them.A.get along with B.catch up with C.get together with D.e up with15.(2023·四川达州·统考中考真题)—Who is your best friend, Linda?—Mary. She always helps me ________ the best in me. The longer I stay with her, ________ I will be.A.look out, the more confident B.bring out, the more confident C.bring out, the less confident16.(2023·湖南岳阳·统考中考真题)My grandfather used to ________ TV at home after dinner, but now he is used to ________ out for a walk.A.watch; go B.watch; going C.watching; go17.(2023·四川自贡·统考中考真题)— Would you like to eat some fried chicken?— No, thanks. I think it ________ delicious but is unhealthy.A.sounds B.feels C.tastes18.(2023·河北·统考中考真题)I ________ ice skating this Sunday. Do you want to e?A.go B.went C.was going D.will go19.(2023·河北·统考中考真题)This book must be great. My sister ________ it five times.A.reads B.has read C.is reading D.was reading20.(2023·河北·统考中考真题)Some students ________ Taiji over there. Let’s go and join them.A.play B.played C.are playing D.were playing21.(2023·湖北武汉·统考模拟预测)—The car will not start. What can I do?—Don’t worry. Tom and I ________ it a push.A.give B.gave C.have given D.will give22.(2023·湖北武汉·统考中考真题)Jessica ________ every night before her Chinese test and got good results.A.studies B.studied C.has studied D.will study23.(2023·湖北武汉·统考模拟预测)—Who will talk about the development of American country music next week?—I suggest Brad. He ________ in Nashville, the home of country music, since he was a child.A.lives B.lived C.has lived D.will live24.(2023·山东滨州·统考中考真题)—Sorry, I can’t hear you clearly. I ________ a football match.—OK. I’ll ring you up later.A.watch B.watched C.am watching D.was watching25.(2023·甘肃天水·统考中考真题)If you heat ice, it ________ into water.A.turns B.turned C.was turning D.has turned26.(2023·湖南怀化·统考中考真题)Look! Our Chinese teacher ______ a talk in the meeting room.A.gave B.is giving C.gives27.(2023·天津·九年级统考专题练习)While we ________ an English song, some visitors came to our class.A.sing B.will sing C.were singing D.are singing28.(2023·江西·统考中考真题)I’ve just got two tickets! I ________ to see the new movie with Tony.A.go B.went C.will go D.have gone29.(2023·江西·统考中考真题)—What’s that noise, Tom?—Oh, some children ________ in the yard.A.play B.are playing C.played D.will play30.(2023·安徽·九年级统考专题练习)— Jim, I’ve got a problem with my car. Could you help me?— Sorry, not right now. I ________ a short video.A.make B.have made C.am making D.was making31.(2023·云南·九年级统考专题练习)—Where is your brother?—Look! He ________ basketball on the playground.A.plays B.played C.is playing D.was playing32.(2023·云南·九年级统考专题练习)— ________ you ________ about Naxi Ancient Music yet?—Yes, I have. It is a part of Naxi culture.A.Has; heard B.Have; heard C.Did; hear D.Do; hear33.(2023·四川成都·统考中考真题)I am sorry I didn’t answer your phone because I ________ the piano at that time.A.played B.was playing C.am playing34.(2023·四川自贡·统考中考真题)—Why didn’t you pick up my phone at seven o’clock last night?—I ________ the dishes in the kitchen at that time so I didn’t hear it.A.was doing B.did C.had done35.(2023·四川泸州·统考中考真题)— Which teacher will you miss the most after graduation?— Mrs. Chen. She encouraged me a lot when I ________ the English exam.A.fail B.was failing C.failed D.have failed36.(2023·四川达州·统考中考真题)—Jack, could you please help me take out the trash?—Sorry, І ________, mom. I ________ my homework now.A.couldn’t, am doing B.can’t, am doing C.can’t, do37.(2023·四川凉山·统考中考真题)—I saw your light still on at 11:30 last night.—Oh, I ________ an exciting book at that time. I lost myself in the story.A.read B.am reading C.was reading38.(2023·四川凉山·统考中考真题)—Are you going to see the panda Huahua at the Chengdu Research Base tomorrow?—Sure. If I ________ the chance, perhaps I can’t see her any longer this holiday.A.miss B.missed C.will miss39.(2023·四川凉山·统考中考真题)—Becky, we’re leaving in several minutes. Are you ready?—No, I ________ my clothes yet.A.have packed B.haven’t packed C.didn’t pack40.(2023·河北·统考中考真题)Breakfast ________ every day for people aged over 60 for free in this village.A.provides B.provided C.is provided D.was provided41.(2023·湖南岳阳·统考中考真题)The panda Ya Ya ________ back to China on April 27th, 2023.A.is brought B.was brought C.will be brought42.(2023·山东滨州·统考中考真题)—Can he get the first prize in the race?—He ________ so, but he has just hurt his leg. It’s impossible now.A.will expect to do B.is expected doingC.has expected doing D.was expected to do43.(2023·江苏扬州·统考中考真题)Sand turns to glass when it ________ by lightning.A.hits B.is hit C.is hitting D.will be hit44.(2023·湖南怀化·统考中考真题)The cake ______ by the hungry students quickly yesterday.A.eats B.is eaten C.was eaten45.(2023·天津·九年级统考专题练习)Some photos of the moon ________ in the Space Club next week.A.shows B.is showing C.were shown D.will be shown46.(2023·江西·统考中考真题)Hou Yi ________ magic medicine for shooting down the nine suns, then Pang Meng tried to steal it.A.gives B.has given C.gave D.was given47.(2023·安徽·九年级统考专题练习)puters have had a great influence on learning methods since they ________ into schools.A.introduce B.introduced C.are introduced D.were introduced48.(2023·江苏连云港·统考中考真题)To make the environment much better, more trees ________ next year.A.plant B.will plant C.are planted D.will be planted49.(2023·四川泸州·统考中考真题)The 18th China International Alcoholic Drinks Expo (CIADE) ________ in Luzhou from April 13th to April 16th, 2023.A.was held B.is held C.will be held D.has been held50.(2023·四川达州·统考中考真题)—Would you mind telling me if he ________ the meeting in two days?—He won’t, unless he ________.A.will attend, is invited B.attends, will be invited C.will attend, invites51.(2023·四川凉山·统考中考真题)—We’re so proud that China is getting stronger and stronger.—Yes. As you can see, Chinese ________ by more and more foreigners.A.learns B.is learned C.was learned52.(2023·四川成都·统考中考真题)A great number of beautiful flowers ________ on the second ring road in Chengdu these days.A.plant B.are planted C.are planting53.(2023·天津·九年级统考专题练习)David learnt ________ when he was five.A.swim B.swims C.swam D.to swim54.(2023·云南·九年级统考专题练习)Today is Father’s Day, and I plan ________ a dinner for my father.A.to prepare B.preparing C.prepared D.prepare55.(2023·云南·九年级统考专题练习)— What are you going to do this summer vacation?— I plan ________ Hua Hua, a nearly 3yearold lovely panda in Chengdu.A.see B.saw C.seeing D.to see56.(2023·四川达州·统考中考真题)—The Lifelong Journey is one of the most touching books ________ I have ever read.—Yeah, the book is fantastic and I am looking forward to ________ it again.A.that, reading B.which, to read C.that, to read57.(2023·四川达州·统考中考真题)The teachers used to ________ key points on the blackboard, but now they are getting used to ________ them through PPTs.A.write, showing B.writing, show C.write, show58.(2023·四川自贡·统考中考真题)—Mike, we are told not ________ the phone while crossing the street.—I am sorry. I won’t do it again.A.answering B.to answer C.answer59.(2023·江苏扬州·统考中考真题)Science is my favourite subject, so I have prepared ________ the STEAM Club.A.join B.joining C.to join D.to joining60.(2023·湖南怀化·统考中考真题)Many people enjoy ______ zongzi by themselves on the Dragon Boat Festival.A.making B.made C.to make61.(2023·四川凉山·统考中考真题)—________ clean the classroom is!—So it is. The students clean it every day.A.How B.What C.What a62.(2023·甘肃天水·统考中考真题)________ trying and do your best.A.Keep B.Keeping C.To keep D.Kept63.(2023·四川达州·统考中考真题)—Neither Lily nor her parents ________ outdoors when the rainstorm came.—________ lucky they were!A.were; What B.was; How C.were; How64.(2023·湖北武汉·统考中考真题)This famous saying “When I walk along with two others, they may serve me as my teachers” tells us ________.A.how should we treat people B.who we can learn fromC.what did we say in public D.why we need teachers65.(2023·山东滨州·统考中考真题)—Many students did well in this exam. I wonder ________.—Through their own efforts.A.why did they get a success B.what they learned from itC.whether they tried their best D.how they made it finally66.(2023·甘肃天水·统考中考真题)—Do you know ________?—Yes, there’s one here. It’s in the store.A.whom he is talking with B.when I can get to the hotelC.how to use the machine D.if there’s a restroom around here67.(2023·天津·九年级统考专题练习)—Do you know Liu Cixin, the writer of a famous science fiction San Ti? I wonder ________.—In June, 1963.A.when was he born B.where he was born C.when he was born D.where was he born68.(2023·天津·九年级统考专题练习)—Do you remember ________?—Sure. On the evening of May Day.A.how we got to the Jiefang Bridge B.how did we get to the Jiefang BridgeC.when the Jiefang Bridge opened itself D.when did the Jiefang Bridge open itself69.(2023·云南·九年级统考专题练习)—Do you know ________?—Yes, in Hangzhou, a beautiful city in Zhejiang Province.A.when will the 19th Asian Games be held B.when the 19th Asian Games will be heldC.where will the 19th Asian Games be held D.where the 19th Asian Games will be held 70.(2023·江苏连云港·统考中考真题)—Sarah, do you know ________?—It’s on April 23.A.what is World Book Day B.what World Book Day isC.when is World Book Day D.when World Book Day is71.(2023·四川成都·统考中考真题)—Do you know ________ the Dragon Boat Festival is this year?—Sorry, I don’t know the exact date.A.how B.why C.when72.(2023·四川自贡·统考中考真题)—I want to know ________ you got to Zigong yesterday.—By highspeed train.A.where B.how C.when73.(2023·四川达州·统考中考真题)—Excuse me, could you please tell me ________? I want to go shopping with you.—Maybe next Saturday afternoon.A.when are you going to Luofu Plaza B.when you went to Luofu Plaza C.when you are going to Luofu Plaza74.(2023·四川凉山·统考中考真题)— Excuse me, do you know ________? The bus has just left.— Yes. The next bus will arrive in half an hour.A.how I can get to the bus stationB.if there will be another busC.how much a bus ticket costs75.(2023·江苏扬州·统考中考真题)—I’m wondering ________ at a low price.—You can book one through our official APP.A.how I can buy the air ticket B.how can I buy the air ticketC.when I can buy the air ticket D.when can I buy the air ticket76.(2023·湖南怀化·统考中考真题)—Jenny, do you know ______ ?—She is from Canada.A.where is the woman in red fromB.where the woman in red is fromC.what the woman in red likes77.(2023·湖南岳阳·统考中考真题)Lei Feng is a great person ________ sets a good example to us.A.who B.which C.whose78.(2023·四川成都·统考中考真题)He showed me the photos ________ he took at his graduation ceremony.A.that B.who C.what79.(2023·湖南岳阳·统考中考真题)—May I use your puter?—________, but first you have to fold the clothes.A.Sure, I’d love to B.Yes, you can C.No, you can’t80.(2023·湖北武汉·统考中考真题)—Do you understand what I mean?—________. I’m a bit lost.A.Very much B.I hope not C.Not really D.It’s nothing81.(2023·湖北武汉·统考中考真题)—Mom, can I talk to you about my job offer, please?—________.A.Go ahead B.I see C.Much better D.Never mind82.(2023·安徽·九年级统考专题练习)—What the headmaster said at the graduation must have stuck in the minds of many students.—________. It was very inspiring.A.I agree B.Thank you C.All right D.My pleasure83.(2023·山东滨州·统考中考真题)—I think that saving the earth begins with little things.—________. All those little things will add up to be great.A.You’re right B.You’re weleC.I’m not sure about that D.I’m afraid I can’t agree84.(2023·甘肃天水·统考中考真题)Which of the following is TRUE according to the right picture?A.They are possibly in the kitchen of their house.B.It seems that nobody is happyC.They are probably a family.D.The girl is taller than the boy.85.(2023·甘肃天水·统考中考真题)—Home is always the warmest place.—________ East or west, home is the best.A.I don’t think so.B.I’m afraid not.C.I couldn’t agree more.D.I hope not.86.(2023·江苏扬州·统考中考真题)—I’ve made little progress in my maths, Li Ming. I’m really worried.—________, Liu Mei. It takes time.A.Sounds good B.Don’t mention itC.That’s a good idea D.Don’t worry87.(2023·天津·九年级统考专题练习)—Oh, no! My mobile phone is missing!—________. Go to the lost and found office. They might have it.A.Don’t worry B.Thanks a lot C.It sounds great D.That’s cool88.(2023·安徽·九年级统考专题练习)—What is the best way to see the beautiful countryside?—________. When I don’t need to rush, I’d like to see it by bike.A.No problem B.Forget it C.Good luck D.It depends89.(2023·云南·九年级统考专题练习)He has failed many times, ________ he never loses heart.A.and B.but C.or D.so90.(2023·江苏连云港·统考中考真题)Earthquakes can be very dangerous. We ________ learn to protect ourselves.A.might B.should C.could D.would91.(2023·江苏连云港·统考中考真题)It won’t take long to clean the hall when we do it together. You know, ________.A.the early bird catches the worm B.many hands make light workC.a friend in need is a friend indeed D.actions speak louder than words92.(2023·江苏连云港·统考中考真题)—Thanks for inviting me to the Garden Flower Expo.—________!A.That’s right B.I’m fine C.You’re wele D.Great idea93.(2023·四川自贡·统考中考真题)— I’m sorry to trouble you, Mr. Smith.— ______.A.I hope not B.Don’t say that C.That’s all right94.(2023·四川泸州·统考中考真题)—Do you want to watch the basketball game in the park?—________, but I have to do the chores first.A.I’m afraid not B.I’d love to C.Never mind D.Of course not95.(2023·四川达州·统考中考真题)—I think the best way to improve your swimming skills is to practice more.—________ After all, practice makes perfect.A.I can’t agree more.B.I disagree with you.C.How e?96.(2023·四川凉山·统考中考真题)— Can we talk about it in the library?— No way. Look at the sign ________ on the wall. We must be quiet here.A.B.C.97.(2023·四川凉山·统考中考真题)—I want to plain about the new puter.—________A.What happened?B.How are you?C.With pleasure.参考答案:1.B【详解】句意:“双喜字”的剪纸经常被贴在新婚夫妇的家里,以表达美好的祝愿。



全国自考人力资源管理单项选择题专项强化真题试卷2(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1.1.在工作分析的方法中,主管人员分析法属于( )A.观察法B.访谈法C.参与法D.写实法正确答案:D2.晋升规划属于( )A.岗位职务规划B.人员补充规划C.人员配置规划D.人员培训计划正确答案:C3.适合于对人格、动机等内容进行测量的人员测评工具是( )A.标准化考试B.结构化面试C.投射测验D.智力测验正确答案:C4.对基层管理人员的培训重点应放在( )A.决策、分权技能B.管理技能C.专业技能D.操作技能正确答案:B5.知识经济时代的第一资源是( )A.土地资源B.物质资源C.自然资源D.人力资源正确答案:D6.员工调配规划属于( )A.职业生涯规划B.人员培训规划C.人员配置规划D.人员补充规划正确答案:C7.根据用人条件和用人标准对应聘者进行审查和筛选的过程被称为( ) A.人员配置B.人员招募C.人员录用D.人员甄选正确答案:D8.投射测验一般用于( )A.测验人格B.测验智力C.测验能力D.测验兴趣正确答案:A9.工作评价所评价的是( )A.工作本身B.工作的人C.工作结果D.工作过程正确答案:A10.岗前培训中由人力资源部门为新员工提供的信息是( )A.工作职责B.企业概况C.部门功能D.部门同事正确答案:B11.企业文化能把个人的目标同化于组织的目标,使成员产生“认同感”、“归属感”,这主要体现企业文化的( )A.导向功能B.凝聚功能C.约束功能D.激励功能正确答案:B12.企业文化的维系与传承有多种方式,其中企业组织的团拜会、唱厂歌等属于企业文化对内维系与传承的渠道是( )A.企业制度B.企业亚文化C.企业仪式D.企业神化正确答案:C13.采用问卷调查方式,多次听取专家意见,最后达成一致的定性预测技术被称为( )A.德尔菲法B.经验判断法C.马尔科夫法D.散点分析法正确答案:A14.有利于在组织与员工之间就组织战略进行沟通,提供反馈,指导员工行为达到目标的绩效考核办法是( )A.360度反馈评价B.评价中心法C.平衡记分卡D.组织行为修正法正确答案:C15.组织为员工缴纳的住房公积金属于员工薪酬组成部分中的( )A.基本工资B.绩效工资C.激励工资D.员工福利正确答案:D16.以企业新录用员工为对象的集中培训,称为( )A.离岗培训B.在岗培训C.业余自学D.岗前培训正确答案:D17.根据德斯勒的个人职业发展阶段,当人们进入45岁到65岁年龄段时,大多数人处于职业生涯的( )A.成长阶段B.探索阶段C.维持阶段D.确立阶段正确答案:C18.根据企业文化的“三层次”说,人际关系属于( )A.物质文化B.制度文化C.精神文化D.外部文化正确答案:B19.小张应聘到某企业后,企业对其支付的工资奖金和培训费用等被称为( )A.人力资源补偿B.人力资源薪酬C.人力资源开发D.人力资源成本正确答案:D20.美国学者约翰·莫尔斯和洛希把“复杂人”假设称为【】A.X理论B.Y理论C.Z理论D.超Y理论正确答案:D解析:“复杂人”假设是20世纪60年代末70年代初由组织心理学家薛恩提出的。

管理信息系统选择练习题 (2)

管理信息系统选择练习题 (2)

管理信息系统练习题1一、单项选择题:(每小题1分,共20分)1.在管理信息系统的金字塔型结构中,处于最下层的是(B )A、财务子系统B、业务处理系统C、决策支持系统D、数据处理系统2.(A)是信息处理的基础。



这句话体现的是(C )A、信息的客观性B、信息的时效性C、信息的不完全性D、信息的价值性4.MIS、CAD系统和CAM系统结合在一起形成( A )A、计算机集成制造系统B、决策支持系统C、业务处理系统D、作业控制系统5.以下要素中不是决策活动的三要素的是(C)A、决策对象B、决策环境C、决策目标D、决策者6.下列决策问题中,属于非结构化问题的是(C)A、奖金分配B、库存补充C、厂址选择D、作业计划7.C/S是一种重要的网络计算机模式,其含义是:(A)A、客户/服务器模式B、文件/服务器模式C、分时/共享模式D、浏览器/服务器模式8.全国联网的订票服务系统属于( B )。



A、定义业务过程B、识别数据类C、划分子系统D、识别业务/数据类12.总体规划阶段的最终结果是(C)A、系统分析报告B、系统设计说明书C、可行性研究报告D、用户操作手册13.辅助系统分析人员描述系统中多种报表数据在有关业务部门间传送关系的图表是( B )。

A、数据流程图B、表格分配图C、系统流程图D、业务流程图14.系统分析的任务是(A)A、完成新系统的逻辑设计B、完成新系统的物理设计C、完成新系统的代码设计D、完成新系统的数据存储分析15.系统分析的首要任务是(D )A、正确评价当前系统B、使用户接受分析人员的观点C、彻底了解管理方法D、弄清用户的要求16.系统设计阶段的工作不包括(B)。











A.辅助生产车间之间分配B.辅助生产车间与销售部门之间分配C.辅助生产车间与基本生产车间之间分配D.辅助生产车间与行政管理部门之间分配5、某企业生产甲、乙两种产品,2010年12月共发生生产工人工资70 000元,福利费10 000元。

上述人工费按生产工时比例在甲、乙产品间分配,其中甲产品的生产工时为1 200小时,乙产品的生产工时为800小时。


A.28 000B.32 000C.42 000D.48 0006、如果在分配辅助生产费用时,将辅助生产的计划成本分配转出数与辅助生产的实际成本的差额,全部计入了管理费用,这种费用的分配方法是()。


2011年4月,供水车间交互分配前实际发生的生产费用为90 000元,应负担供电车间的电费为27 000元;供水总量为500 000吨(其中:供电车间耗用50 000吨,基本生产车间耗用350 000吨,行政管理部门耗用100 000吨)。



1、应用简易呼吸器进行人工呼吸的频率和潮气量各为多少( B )A.12~16 次/分, 500~700mlB. 10~12 次/分, 500~700mlC. 12~16 次/分, 600~800mlD. 8~10 次/分, 500~700mlE. 12~16 次/分, 400~500ml2、“有效”胸外按压的频率、按压深度是多少( D )A.80 次/分, 3~4cmB.100 次/分, 3~4cmC.120 次/分, 3~4cmD.100 次/分, 4~5cmE.60 次/分, 4~5cm3、心肺复苏时胸外按压和人工通气的比率(A)A.30:2B.15:2C.5:1D.2:30E.2:154、单相波除颤、双相波除颤能量各位多少(A)A.单相波 360J ,双相波 200JB.单相波 360J ,双相波 360JC.单相波 200J ,双相波 200JD.单相波 300J ,双相波 200JE.单相波 300J ,双相波 120J5、判断消化道出血量正确的是( D )A.粪便潜血阳性提示出血在 10mL 以上B.浮现柏油便者,出血量在 100mL 以上C. 患者浮现休克表现时,出血量至少在 2000mL 以上D. 如浮现呕血症状,表示胃内积血量达 250~300mL 以上E. 血色素经血容量补充后与出血前比较,每下降 1g ,约等于失血 600mL6、具有氧化和解毒功能的洗胃液是(A)A.高锰酸钾溶液B.2%苏打水C.温盐水D.温清水E.活性碳混悬液7、用九分法计算成人烧伤面积下列错误的是( D )A.头颈部 9%B.两上肢 18%C.躯干 27%D.两臀部 9%E.双下肢 41% (不含臀部)8、烧伤的深度判断描述正确的是(A)A.临床表现为局部干燥、疼痛、微肿而红,无水泡,为Ⅰ度烧伤B.伤及整个表皮和部份真皮乳头层,生发层部份受损,无感染,表现局部红肿明显,有大小不等水泡形成深Ⅱ度烧伤C.烧伤深及真皮乳头层以下,临床表现为局部肿胀,皮肤较白或者棕色,可见相间小水泡,为浅Ⅱ度烧伤D.焦痂性烧伤是深Ⅱ度烧伤E.临床将Ⅰ度、Ⅱ度称为浅度烧伤,Ⅲ称为深度烧伤9、上消化道出血浮现黑便时,出血量至少为( C )A.<5mLB.>5mLC.>50mLD.<50mLE.>100mL10、复合伤初期急救处理错误的是( E )A.迅速而安全地使伤员离开现场,避免再受伤和继发性损伤B.维护呼吸道通畅,昏迷患者转运时取伤侧卧位C.心搏和呼吸骤停时即将行心肺复苏D.对连枷胸患者即将加压包扎,纠正反常呼吸E.不能赋予止痛镇静剂11 ,对破伤风的描述错误的是( E )A.破伤风杆菌是一种革兰氏厌氧梭状芽胞杆菌B. 破伤风杆菌在缺氧环境下生长繁殖产生毒素而致特异性感染C. 破伤风杆菌在自然界中分布很广,土壤、灰尘、人和动物的粪便中均可发现它的存在D.芽胞反抗力很强,须煮沸 30 分钟,高压蒸汽 10 分钟或者浸与 50%苯酚中10~12 小时方可将其泯灭E. 破伤风局部伤口的氧供丰富是发病的最有利因素12、高血压危象处理错误的是( D )A.即将半卧位、吸氧B.密切观察血压、神志、心率的动态变化C.建立静脉通道;选用速效降压药物尽快降低血压D.有抽搐、躁动不安者不可镇静E.减轻或者减少脑水肿的发生13、创伤指数描述错误的是(A)A.创伤指数(TI)是以创伤类型估计测算的分数B.分数越多伤情越重C.9 分一下门诊治疗即可,为轻伤D.10~16 分为中度伤E.17 分以上为重伤,应收住院治疗14、输液中发生肺水肿防治错误的是( D )A.输液时注意滴速不宜过快,液量不可过多B.端坐,双腿下垂,减少回心血量,减轻心脏负担C.加压给氧,同时使氧气经过 30%~70%的酒精湿化后吸入D.不能给镇静剂以免影响症状观察E.必要时进行四肢轮流结扎法,以有效地减少静脉回心血量15、输液中防治发生空气栓塞错误的是( D )A.输液时必须将空气排尽B.输液器各连接处要拧紧勿脱开C.加压输液输血时要有专人留守D.应即将置患者于右侧卧位和头低足高位E.同时给患者氧气吸入16、肺梗死三联征指什么( B )A.呼吸艰难,咳痰,剧烈胸痛B.呼吸艰难,咯血,剧烈胸痛C.呼吸艰难,咯血,低氧血症D.呼吸艰难,咯血,剧烈咳嗽E.呼吸艰难,咯血,发绀17、人工呼吸过程中错误的是( D )A.避免过度通气B.潮气量在 500~600ml (6~7ml/kg )C.1 次超过 1 秒的吹气,正常呼吸,然后同样地吹第 2 次气D.在做 CPR 时,保持 12~14 次/分的通气频率E.挤压患者的环甲软骨,使其向后压迫食管于颈椎骨上,能防止胃胀气,减少反流和误吸18、浅Ⅱ度烧伤的局部伤害深度达( C )A.表浅层,生发层健在B.真皮深层,有皮肤附属器残存C.真皮浅层,部份生发层存在D.皮肤全层E.皮肤下脂肪19、治疗张力性气胸下列哪项错误( D )A.吸氧C.胸腔闭式引流B.粗针头排气D.气管插管辅助呼吸E.皮下气肿切开排气20、无创机械通气应用的基本条件哪项是错误的( B )A.清醒能够合作B.呼吸道里有大量浓痰C.血流动力学稳定D.不需要气管插管保护E.能耐受鼻/面罩21、一旦心电监测确定为心室颤动应即将( B )A.人工心脏起搏B.电击复律C.静脉注射利多卡因D.静脉注射异丙肾上腺素E.静脉注射阿托品22、抢救经呼吸道吸入的急性中毒,首要采取的措施是( E )A.清除尚未吸收的毒物B.排除已吸收的毒物C.使用解毒剂D.对症治疗E.即将脱离现场及急救1、下列不是 ICU 收治范围的是( B )A.严重感染B.脑死亡C.多脏器功能衰竭D.破伤风E.重症肌无力 2、下列血气非常正常值的是(A)2 50~70mmHg B.BE -3~+3C.pH 7.35~7.45D.PCO3-3、下列属于无创呼吸及通气模式的是( E )A.PSVB.SIMV+PSC.CPAPD.CVE.BIPAP4、下列是主动脉球囊反搏适应证的是( C )A.主动脉瓣返流B.脑出血C.室间隔穿孔D.心脏病终末期E.严重凝血机制障碍 5、负压吸引器吸痰的压力是多少( C )E.HCO 22~27mmHg A.PO 223~45mmHgA.小于 100 mmHg C.300~400 mmHg E.200~300 mmHgB.100~200 mmHg D.大于 400 mmHg6、下列不是 PSV 优点的是(A)A.潮气量稳定B.人机对抗小C.患者舒适D.可调节患者做工的程度E.改善氧合7、测量中心静脉压时,零点应为( D )A.锁骨中点水平B.剑突水平C.胸骨角水平D.右心房中点水平E.右心室中点水平8、需要肠外营养支持的是( C )A.昏迷患者B.拒绝进食者C.化疗期间患者D.低位肠瘘患者E.急性胰腺炎病情稳定后9、对痰液过多无力咳痰者,在翻身前护士应首先( B )A.给患者吸氧B.给患者吸痰C.指导患者有限咳嗽D.协助拍背E.慢慢挪移患者10、下列不属于呼吸窘迫综合征病理变化的是( D )A.肺充血B.肺间质和肺泡充血C.肺泡内有透明膜形成D.肺过度膨胀,弹性减退,表面有大小不等的水泡E.病理过程分为渗出期、增生期、纤维化期11、关于祛痰清肺仪说法错误的是( D )A.无须任何体位配合B.针对患者病情可调节频率C.术后患者不宜引起刀口裂开D.产生的低频作用力可到达终末支气管E.操作简单,效果好12、下列关于多巴胺说法正确的是( D )A.心动过速,室颤者禁用B.动脉粥样硬化者禁用C.与多巴酚丁胺合用,可降低副作用D.不能与酸性药物配伍E.与单胺氧化酶抑制剂合用应减少常规剂量的 10% 13、持续胃肠营养患者喂养时应取(A) A.半卧位 B.左侧卧位 C.右侧卧位D.垫枕平卧位E.去枕平卧位 14、下列表述错误的是( B )A.呼酸时 PaCO 2 升高, pH 下降B.呼碱时 PaCO 2 下降, pH 升高C.代酸时 HCO 3-下降, pH 升高D.代碱时 HCO 3-升高, pH 下降E.呼酸合并代碱 PaCO 2 及 HCO 3-升高, pH 正常15、呼吸机吸痰时,说法错误的是( C )A.每次吸痰不超过 15 秒B.吸痰时从深部向上提摆布旋转C.进管时间断施压,拔管时持续施压D.吸痰过程应密切观察患者病情变化E.吸完气管内痰液的痰管可用于口鼻腔吸痰16、下列哪项不属于气管切开晚期并发症( C )A.伤口感染B.气道阻塞C.皮下气肿D.气管食管瘘E.吞咽障碍17、使用呼吸机时,通气量不足时患者的表现是( D )A.昏迷B.抽搐C.皮肤发红干燥D.浅静脉充盈消失E.呼吸音消失18 胸部理疗的手段有( E )A.过度通气B.气管内吸引C.叩击震颤D.吸气压力支持E.以上都是19、慢阻肺患者标志性症状是( E )A.口唇发绀B.疲劳消瘦C.呼吸衰竭D.咳大量黏痰E.进行性加重的呼吸艰难20、ARDS 重症者应赋予(A)A.呼气末正压通气B.持续低流量吸氧C.间歇给氧D.高浓度给氧E.无须给氧21、下列通气模式中属于呼吸机彻底做功的是( B )A.A/CVB.CMVC.SIMVD.PSVE.BIPAP22、在心力衰竭治疗中可以同时减轻心脏前负荷和后负荷的药物是( D )A.氨苯蝶啶B.氢氯噻嗪C.呋塞米D.硝普钠E.肼肽嗪23、需深静脉输液要行颈外静脉穿刺是如何确定穿刺点(A)A. 下颌角和锁骨上缘中点连线的上 1/3 处B. 下颌角和锁骨上缘中点连线的上 2/3 处C. 下颌角和锁骨下缘中点连线的上 2/3 处D. 下颌角和锁骨下缘中点连线的上 1/3 处E. 下颌角和锁骨下缘中点连线的 1/2 处24、每次吸痰时间不宜超过 15 秒的最主要原因是( C )A.减少患者痛苦B.减轻气管黏膜受损C.防止患者缺氧D.避免痰液阻塞导管E.保持导管处于无菌状态 25、下列对处于急性期的急性心肌梗死患者的护理中不正确的一项是( E ) A.绝对卧床歇息 B.少食多餐,不宜过饱 C.限制探视 D.避免不良刺激 E.预防压疮每 2 小时翻身一次26、指导患者正确服用硝酸甘油以缓解心绞痛的方法是( C )A.药物置于口中应温开水送服B.观察头晕、血压升高的表现C.舌下含药时应平卧或者坐稳,以防止发生低血压D.药物在舌下被唾液溶解以减少吸收E.如果 30 分钟不缓解再服一片27、体位引流促进患者排痰时下列说法错误的是( B )A.病变位于上叶者,取坐位或者健侧卧位B.病变位于中叶者,取仰卧位稍向右侧C.病变位于下叶尖段取仰卧位D.病变位于下叶尖段取俯卧位E.以上各种体位均应床脚抬高 30~50cm28、属于重度低氧血症的指标是( D )A. PaO 2 <80 mmHg, SaO 2<80%B. PaO 2 <80 mmHg, SaO 2<60%C. PaO 2 <60 mmHg, SaO 2<80%D. PaO 2 <30 mmHg, SaO 2<60%E. PaO 2 <50 mmHg, SaO 2<50% 29、采取非同步电复律的治疗措施时,为求争取抢救时间一次除颤成功,赋予 多大的能量最合适( B )A. 50~100JB. 200~300JC. 300~500JD. 800JE. 1000J30、心功能不全是指(A)A.在静脉回流正常的情况下,心脏排出的血液不足以维持组织代谢需要的一种病 理状态B.心脏收缩功能下降,机体动脉系统供血不足C.心脏舒张功能不足,机体静脉系统淤血D.心脏收缩舒张功能障碍,体循环血压过低E.心脏收缩舒张功能障碍,肺循环淤血,肺水肿31、代谢性酸中毒患者的呼吸异常表现为( B )A.吸气性呼吸艰难B.呼气性呼吸艰难C.呼吸间断D.呼吸深大而规则E.呼吸浅表而不规则 32、冠心病患者术前 3 日应停用(A)A.抗凝剂B.硝酸甘油C.抗生素D.氯化钾E.安定 33、下列哪项不是右心衰竭的表现( D )A.食欲不振B.颈静脉怒张C.肝大,肝区疼痛D .早期在身体疏松处浮现水肿 E.口唇发绀34、Ⅱ型呼衰应赋予( B )A.呼气末正压通气B.持续低流量给氧C.间歇给氧D.高浓度给氧E.不需给氧35、气管切开后最重要的护理措施是( C )A.取半卧位B.清洁伤口C.湿化气道D.重建沟通方式E.预防并发症36、某患者确诊为心肌梗死收入监护室,监测中发现浮现室颤,护士应首先采取的是( D )A.心内注射利多卡因B.气管插管C.高压吸痰D.非同步电除颤E.同步电除颤37、发生肺栓塞处理不正确的是( B )A.即将平卧B.嘱深呼吸,协助咳嗽C.高浓度氧气吸入D.通知医生E.备好抢救药品38~40 题共用病例某患者, 68 岁,蓦地心前区持续剧烈疼痛已 2 小时,伴冷汗,就医。

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一、单项选择题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。

1. 天网防火墙个人版是个人电脑使用的网络安全______?
A. 软件
B. 设备
C. 装置
D. 武器
满分:4 分
2. 病毒在感染计算机系统时,一般_______感染系统的?
A. 病毒程序都会在屏幕上提示,待操作者确认(允许)后
B. 是在操作者不觉察的情况下
C. 病毒程序会要求操作者指定存储的磁盘和文件夹后
D. 在操作者为病毒指定存储的文件名以后
满分:4 分
3. 计算机病毒来源于_______?
A. 影响用户健康的霉菌发生了变化
B. 一种类型的致病微生物
C. 不良分子编制的程序
D. 计算机硬盘的损坏或霉变
满分:4 分
4. 网络防火墙具有_________。

A. 单向导通性
B. 双向导通性
C. 易于攻破性
D. 防火功能
满分:4 分
5. Windows XP的最新的更新服务包是____?
A. Service Pack 4
B. Service Pack 3
C. Service Pack 2
D. Service Pack 1
满分:4 分
6. 计算机病毒的危害主要表现在____。

A. 致使计算机某些器件损坏
B. 影响计算结果,但不影响速度
C. 影响微机执行速度,但不影响计算结果
D. 主机发生故障时产生的
满分:4 分
7. 下面列出的四项中,不属于计算机病毒特征的是________。

A. 免疫性
B. 潜伏性
C. 破坏性
D. 传染性
满分:4 分
8. Windows 2000最新的更新服务包是____?
A. Service Pack 4
B. Service Pack 3
C. Service Pack 2
D. Service Pack 1
满分:4 分
9. 防病毒软件的隔离系统在哪种情况下不会将文件隔离?
A. 病毒防护杀毒软件过程中,可以发现病毒,但不能杀的染毒文件
B. 感染未知病毒文件
C. 用户怀疑但不能确定含有病毒的可疑文件
D. 能够正常杀毒的文件
满分:4 分
10. 计算机病毒是可以造成机器故障的一种_______。

A. 计算机设备
B. 计算机程序
C. 计算机组件
D. 计算机部件
满分:4 分
11. 要实现Windows2000自动更新系统补丁,必须在你的WINDOWS 2000安装__。

A. 什么都不要装
B. Service Pack 1
C. Service Pack 2
D. Service Pack 4
满分:4 分
12. 为了预防计算机病毒的感染,应当_________?
A. 经常让计算机晒太阳
B. 定期用高温对软盘消毒
C. 对操作者定期体检
D. 用抗病毒软件检查外来的软件
满分:4 分
13. _________是计算机染上病毒的特征之一?
A. 机箱开始发霉
B. 计算机的灰尘很多
C. 文件长度增长
D. 螺丝钉松动
满分:4 分
14. 已知某应用程序感染了文件型病毒, 则该文件的大小变化情况一般是___。

A. 变大
B. 变小
C. 不变
D. 以上都不对
满分:4 分
15. 当我们用病毒防护软件查出了某种病毒,却又清除不了的时候,我们可以到病毒防护软
A. 这种病毒的专杀工具
B. 防病毒软件的最新版本
C. 图片
D. 文档
满分:4 分
16. 如果在金山毒霸的升级过程中有核心文件的更新,那么毒霸就会提示你需要_____才能

A. 注销用户
B. 关闭金山毒霸
C. 运行金山毒霸
D. 重新启动计算机
满分:4 分
17. 设置了开机后自动启动防火墙,系统在开机之后______天网防火墙,保护计算机的网

A. 自动运行
B. 关闭
C. 需要用户手动启动
D. 自动升级
满分:4 分
18. 对整个幻灯片进行复制粘贴的功能,只能在_______状态下实现。

A. 大纲视图窗格
B. 幻灯片浏览视图
C. 大纲视图窗格和幻灯片浏览视图
D. 幻灯片视图窗格、大纲视图窗格和幻灯片浏览窗格
满分:4 分
19. 自定义动画时,以下不正确的说法是________。

A. 各种对象均可设置动画
B. 动画设置后,先后顺序不可改变
C. 同时还可配置声音
D. 可将对象设置成播放后隐藏
满分:4 分
20. 幻灯片的填充背景不可以是________。

A. 调色板列表中选择的颜色
B. 自己通过三原色或亮度、色调等调制颜色
C. 三种以上颜色的过渡效果
D. 磁盘上的图片
满分:4 分
21. 关于幻灯片母版,以下说法中错误的是_______。

A. 可以通过鼠标操作在各类母版之间直接切换
B. 单击幻灯片视图状态切换按钮,可以出现五种不同的母版
C. 在母版中定义了标题字体的格式后,在幻灯片中还可以修改
D. 在母版中插入的图片对象,每张幻灯片中都可以看到
满分:4 分
22. 希望在编辑幻灯片内容时,其大小与窗口大小相适应,应选择________。

A. "文件"菜单中的"页面设置"命令
B. "窗口"菜单中的"缩至一页"命令
C. 工具栏上"显示比例"下拉列表中的"100%"
D. 工具栏上"显示比例"下拉列表中的"最佳大小"
满分:4 分
23. 排练计时,在哪种视图中不能进行?_______.
A. 幻灯片视图
B. 大纲视图
C. 幻灯片浏览视图
D. 幻灯片放映视图
满分:4 分
24. 在使用Powerpoint编辑文本框、图形框等对象时,需对他们进行旋转,则_______。

A. 只能进行90度的旋转
B. 只能进行180度的旋转
C. 只能进行360度的旋转
D. 可以进行任意角度的旋转
满分:4 分
25. 以下说法中,正确的是____。

A. 有标题文字,只有图片或其他对象的幻灯片,在大纲中是不反映出来
B. 大纲视图窗格是可以用来编辑修改幻灯片中对象的位置
C. 备注页视图中的幻灯片是一张图片,可以被拖动
D. 对应于四种视图,Powerpoint有四种母版
满分:4 分。
