



自考现代语言学2022年10月真题试题与(00830)自考现代语言学2022年10月真题试题与答案解析(00830)1.[单选题] In distinguishing competence and performance, Chomsky looks at language from a ____ point of view, and to him competence is a property of the mind of each individual.A.sociologicalB.psychologicalC.historicalD.cultural2.[单选题] Of the following speech sounds, is represented in narrow transcription.A.[i]B.[i:]C.D.[l]3.[单选题] All the following morphemes can be definitely regarded as derivational morphemes EXCEPT________.A.-iumB.-ingC.semi-D.-ly4.[单选题] In the X-bar theory, the head of the phrase “quite above the desk” is .A.quiteB.aboveC.theD.desk5.[单选题] If you say that there is no direct connection between a linguistic form and what it refers to, you hold a view of meaning study.A.namingB.conceptualistC.contextualD.behaviorist6.[单选题] The notion of________ is essential to the pragmatic study of language. It is generally considered as constituted by the knowledge shared by the speaker and the hearer.A.contextB.utteranceC.conversational implicatureD.speech act7.[单选题] During the Renaissance movement, many of _______words became part of the educated English lexicon.A.Germantin and GreekC.ItalianD.French8.[单选题] The most distinguishable linguistic feature of a regional dialect is its ________.A.accentB.morphemese of wordse of structure9.[单选题] The case of Phineas Gage shows us that___________.A.human language ability is not located in the brain because Phineas’ brain was not so damaged that he could still speakB.human language ability is located in the right hemisphere of the brainC.if human language ability is located in the brain, it is situated right at the frontD.if human language ability is located in the brain, it is not situated right at the front10.[单选题] There are a number of factors pertaining to the learner that potentially influence the way in which a second language is acquired. Which of the following is NOT an individual learner factor? .A.InstructionB.MotivationC.PersonalityD.Age11.[案例题] A d ________study of language is a historical study, which studies the development of language over a period of time.12.[案例题] To describe the physical properties of speech sounds, a___ phoneticians use spectrographs to record the sound waves.13.[案例题] According to their position in the new words, a _______are divided into two kinds: prefixes and suffixes.14.[案例题] Universally found in the grammars of all human languages, syntactic rules comprise the system of internalized linguistic knowledge of a language speaker known as linguistic c________?15.[案例题] According to the b____________ view of meaning study, the meaning of a linguistic form is the situation in which the speaker utters it and the response it calls forth in the hearer.16.[案例题] According to Austin’s new model of speech act theory, a speaker might be performing three acts simultaneously when speaking: locutionary act, i ______ act and pcrlocutionary act.17.[案例题] Sound a _______refers to the physiological effect of one sound on another.18.[案例题] Language varieties other than the standard are called nonstandard or v ______languages.19.[案例题] The c __________period hypothesis refers to a period in one's life experience extending from about age two to puberty, during which the human brain is most ready to acquire a particular language and language learning can proceed easily, swiftly, and without explicit instruction.20.[案例题] Although they lack grammatical morphemes, t _______sentences in the multiword stage are not simply words that are randomly strung together, but follow the principles of sentence formation.21.[案例题] Linguistics can be defined as the scientific study of any particular language such as English, Chinese and Latin.22.[案例题] Chinese is a typical tone language, which has four tones.23.[案例题] Semantically, the meaning of a compound is often the sum total of the meanings of its components.24.[案例题] Combinational rules are rules that group words and phrases to form grammatical sentences.25.[案例题] sense and reference are two important notions associated with lexical meaning.26.[案例题] What essentially distinguishes semantics and pragmatics is whether in the study of meaning the context of use should be taken into consideration.27.[案例题] The division of English language into the periods of OldEnglish, Middle English and Modem English is nonconventional and not arbitrary.28.[案例题] language itself is not sexist, but it reflects sexism in society as it can connote sexist attitudes as well as attitudes about social taboos or racism.29.[案例题] When we say that language provides a means for the expression or communication of thought, we mean that language is the only means of expressing thought.30.[案例题] Like overt teaching, imitation plays at best a very minor role in the child’s mastery of language.31.[案例题] arbitrariness32.[案例题] suprasegmental features33.[案例题] morphology34.[案例题] finite clause35.[案例题] stylistic synonyms36.[案例题] constatives37.[案例题] cognate38.[案例题] language planning39.[案例题] interpersonal communication40.[案例题] language acquisition41.[案例题] Which enjoys priority in modern linguistics, speech or writing? Why?42.[案例题] What are the four maxims under the cooperative principle? And illustrate with one example how the violation of the maxim of quality gives rise to conversational implicature.。



全国2019年10月高等教育自学考试现代语言学试题课程代码:00830Ⅰ.Directions: Read each of the following statements carefully. Decide which one of the four choices best completes the statement and put the letter A,B,C or D in the brackets.(2%×10=20%)1.Chomsky uses the term ( ) to refer to the actual realization of a language user’s knowledge of the rules of his language in linguistic communication.A. langueB. competenceC. paroleD. performance2.In terms of the place of articulation, the following sounds [t][d][s][z][n] share the feature of( ).A. palatalB. alveolarC. bilabialD. dental3.Transformational Generative Grammar was introduced by ( ) in 1957.A. L. BloomfieldB. F. SaussureC. N. ChomskyD.M. A. K. Halliday4.Natural languages are viewed to vary according to ( ) set on UG principles to particular values.A. Adjacent ConditionB. parametersC. Case ConditionD. Case requirement5. Synonyms are classified into several kinds. The kind to which“girl”and“lass” belong is called ( ) synonyms.A. stylisticB. dialectalC. emotiveD. collocational6. The illocutionary point of ( ) is to express the psychological state specified in theutterance.A. representativesB. commissivesC. expressivesD. declaratives7. Modern English words man, woman, child, eat, fight, ect. originate from ( ).A. Middle EnglishB. Old EnglishC. FrenchD. Norman French8. In a diglossic country, the two diglossic forms of a language are generally two varieties of thesame language, but there are situations in which the H-variety may have no ( ) relationship with the L-variety.1A. geneticB. socialC. directD. close9.Many aphasics do not show total language loss. Rather, different aspects of language are impaired. Aphasics in ( ) area reveal word-finding difficulties and problems with syntax.A. Werniker’sB. visualC. motorD. Broca’s10. ( ) motivation occurs when the learner desires to learn a second language in order tocommunicate with native speakers of the target language.A. InstrumentalB. FunctionalC. IntegrativeD. SocialⅡ. Directions: Fill in the blank in each of the following statements with one word, the first letter of which is already given as a clue. Note that you are to fill in ONE word only, and you are not allowed to change the letter given.(1%×10=10%)11. If a linguistic study describes and analyzes the language people actually use, it is said to bed .12. Stops, fricatives, affricates, liquids, and glides all have some degree of o and aretherefore consonants.13. M is the smallest meaningful unit of language.14. A is the movement of an auxiliary verb to the sentence-initial position, such as “be”,“have”, “do” etc.15. R is what a linguistic form refers to in the real world; it is a matter of therelationship between form and the reality.16. In Austin’s early speech act theory, c were statements that either state or describe,and were thus verifiable.17. In the process of first language acquisition, children usually construct their personal grammars,and their language develops in stages until it a the grammatical rules of the adult language.18. A s community is one group, all of whose members share the same language or atleast a single language variety.19. People may communicate their feelings or thoughts via n signals such as facialexpressions, gestures, postures, or proxemic space.20. Although the development of a communicative system is not unique to human beings, thenatural acquisition of l as a system of highly abstract rules and regulations for creative communication is what distinguishes humans from all other animal species.Ⅲ.Directions: Judge whether each of the following statements is true or false. Put a T for true or F for false in the brackets in front of each statement. If you think a statement is2false, you must explain why you think so and give the correct version. (2%×10=20%) 21. ( ) The writing system of a language is always a later invention used to record speech;thus there are still many languages in today’s world that can only be spoken, butnot written.22. ( ) In such sound combinations as /bi:p/, /geip/ and /su:p/, the voiceless stop /p/,occurring in the final position, is unaspirated, i.e. pronounced with the strong puffof air withheld to some extent.23. ( ) The part of speech of the compound is always determined by the part of speech ofthe second element, without exception.24. ( ) The relationship between the embedded clause and its matrix clause is one of a partto the whole.25. ( ) The contextualist view of meaning holds that meaning should be studied in termsof the situational context and linguistic context.26. ( ) Searle’s classification of illocutionary acts is based on the classification ofperformative verbs.27. ( ) One kind of language change results in an increase of the number of exceptional orirregular morphemes. This kind of change has been called internalborrowing—that is, we “borrow” from one part of the grammar and apply the rulegenerally.28. ( ) There are differences in the way people of various age categories speak. Thedifferences most easily noted by the layman are likely to be grammatical innature.29. ( ) The left hemisphere of the brain is superior to the right hemisphere because the lefthemisphere is language-dominant.30 ( ) A child born to a Chinese or English speaking family takes about the same numberof years to acquire their native tongue, regardless of their general intelligence. Ⅳ.Directions: Explain the following terms, using one or two examples for illustration.(3%×10=30%)31. assimilation rule32. root33. bound morphemes34. surface structure35. grammaticality36. elaboration37. bilingualism38. creole339. the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis40. fossilizationⅤ. Answer the following questions.(10%×2=20%)41. The phonological features that occur above the level of individual sounds are calledsuprasegmental features. Discuss the main suprasegmental features, illustrating with examples how they function in the distinction of meaning.42. Explain and give examples to show in what way componential analysis is similar to theanalysis of phonemes into distinctive features.4。



自考《现代语言学》试题题型现代语言学试题题型举例Ⅰ. Define the following terms, giving examples for illustration (20%; 5 terms ):1.duality-----2.free morpheme----3.phonology ------4.context-------5.polysemy ------Ⅱ. Indicate the following statements true or false (20%; 20 statements): ( )1. While language is arbitrary by nature, it is not entirely arbitrary.( )2. Phonology is a branch of linguistics which studies the sentence pattern of a language.( )3. Phonemes are the smallest meaningful unit of language.( )4. Modern linguists regard the written language as primary, not the spoken.( )5. English is a typical tone language.Ⅲ. Fill each of the following blanks with one word which begins with the letter given (20%; 20 blanks):1. The different phones which can represent a phoneme in different phoneticenvironments are called the a_________ of that phoneme.2. A linguistic study is d___________ if it describes and analyses facts observed; itis p___________ if it tries to lay down rules for correct behavior.3. Competence is the ideal language user’s knowledge of his l____________, whilep____________ is the actual realization of this knowledge in utterances.4. The two subtypes of affixes are p____________ and s_____________.5. The description of a language at some point in time is a s______________ study.6. P_______________ can be defined as the study of how speakers of a languageuse sentences to effect successful communication.7. The notion of c______________ is essential to the pragmatic study of language.8. Normally, a sentence consists of at least a s__________________ andp_________________.9. Morphology is the study of the internal s____________________ of words and the way inwhich w______________ are formed.10. G______________ antonyms may be seen in terms of degrees of the qualityinvolved.Ⅳ. Mark the choice that can best complete the statement (20 %; 20 statements):1._______ are produced when the obstruction is complete at first, then releasedslowly with friction resulting from partial obstruction.A. NasalsB. GlidesC. FricativesD. Affricates2.The words “autumn” and “fall” are ____________.A. synonyms differing in emotive meaningB. collocationally-restrictedsynonymsC. dialectal synonymsD. synonyms differing in styles3.The word “unhappiness” has ____________ morphemes.A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four4.The word “girls” has ______________ morphemes.A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four5.In English, “un-” and “dis-” are called ______________.A. prefixesB. suffixesC. infixesD. grammatical words6. A word with several meaning is called _____________.A. an abnormal wordB. a polysemous wordc. a synonymous word D. none of the abovenguage is _________________, which means that there is no logicalconnection between meanings and sound.A. productiveB. arbitraryC. dualD. universal8.Which of the following sounds is a voiceless bilabial stop?A. [p]B. [m]C. [b]D. [t]9.The pair of words “buy” and “sell” are ___________.A. gradable antonymsB. relational antonymsC. synonymsD. co-hyponyms10.F. de Saussure is a(n) _________________.A. AmericanB. BritishC. SwissD. RussianⅤ. Answer the following questions as comprehensively as possible, giving examples if necessary (20%; 5 from 7 questions):1.What are the differences between a root and a stem?2.What does pragmatics study? How are pragmatics and traditional semanticsrelated, and how do they differ?3.What are the major differences between modern linguistics and traditionalgrammar?4.What is the semantic triangle?5.Exemplify the CP and maxims proposed by P. Grice?6.Why is speech considered prior to writing in modern linguistics?7.Draw a tree diagram for each of the following statements:(1)He lives a tranquil life in the country.(2)I know he will come tomorrow.。



全国2018年10月高等教育自学考试现代语言学试题课程代码:00830I. Directions: Read each of the following statements carefully. Decide which one of the four choices best completes the statement and put the letter A, B, C, or D in the brackets. (2% ×10=20%)1. Design features refer to the defining properties of human language that distinguish it from any _______________system of communication.A. artificialB. non-linguisticC. animalD. abstract2. If you put a finger in each e ar and say “z-z-z-z-z”, you can feel the vibrations of the _______________.A. glottisB. windpipeC. larynxD. vocal cords3. In the word suitable, “-able” is a _______________morpheme.A. derivationalB. inflectionalC. rootD. stem4. _______________is a subfield of linguistics that studies the sentence structure of language,i.e. how words are arranged in a sentence and in what order.A. MorphologyB. SyntaxC. PhonologyD. Semantics5. Whether a sentence is semantically meaningful is governed by rules called _______________.A. selectional restrictionsB. grammatical rulesC. phrase structure rulesD. phonological rules6. If a sentence is regarded as what people actually utter in the course of communication, it becomes a(n) _______________ .A. clauseB. speechC. utteranceD. predication7.The discovery of Indo-European began with the work of ____________, who delivered an important paper in 1786 in which he suggested that Sanskrit bore a stronger affinity to Greek and Latin.A. the British scholar Sir William JonesB. the German linguist Franz BoppC. the Danish scholar Rasmus RaskD. the German scholar Jacob Grimm8.The important characteristic of a speech community is that the members of the group must,in some reasonable way, interact _______________with other members of the community.A. geographicallyB. linguisticallyC. sociallyD. psycholinguistically19. Th e view that human brain is the source of human language and cognition goes back _______.A. less than 1000 yearsB. over 2000 yearsC. less than 2000 yearsD. over 3000 years10. Language acquisition is primarily the acquisition of the _________system of language.A. phonologicalB. semanticC. grammaticalD. communicativeII. Directions: Fill in the blank in each of the following statements with one word, the first letter of which is already given as a clue. Note that you are to fill in ONE word only, and you are not allowed to change the letter given. (1%×10=10%)11. L is generally known as the scientific and systematic study of language.12. Speech sounds can be described in physical or a terms. Physically, sounds are transmitted through the air from one person to another.13. The morphemes that are independent units of meaning and can be used freely all by themselves are called f morphemes.14. A simple sentence consists of a single c which contains a subject and a predicate and stands alone as its own sentence.15. C analysis is based upon the belief that the meaning of a word can be divided into meaning components.16. According to Searle, s acts fall into five general categories, i.e., there are five general types of things we do with language.17. In historical linguistics, language change refers to the study of the d processes of change in language elements and language systems.18. Dialectal diversity develops when people are separated from each other g and socially. The changes that occur in the language spoken in one area or group do not necessarily spread to another.19. Language functions are believed to be lateralized primarily in the 1 hemisphere of the brain.20. For the vast majority of children, language development occurs spontaneously and requires little conscious i on the part of adults.llI. Directions: Judge whether each of the following statements is true or false. Put a T for true or F for false in the brackets in front of each statement. If you think a statement is false, you must explain why you think so and give the correct version. (2%×10=20%)21. ( ) Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.22. ( ) We use dark [] at the end of a word after a vowel or before a consonant, such as feel [fi:] and little [l I t], and clear [1] before a vowel, such as loaf [l υf]. From the phonological point of view, dark [] and clear [1] are the two different sounds.23. ( ) Theoretically speaking, a compound can be a combination of two words of any parts of speech.224. ( ) The level of syntactic representation before the operation of necessary movement is what we call deep structure.25. ( ) Sense and reference are of the same thing in meaning study.26. ( ) Paul Grice thought that in making conversation, the participants must first of all be willing to cooperate.27. ( ) The word knight once meant “youth”, but was elevated in meaning in time for the age of chivalry. This is an example of semantic broadening.28. ( ) In medieval times, a trade language came into use in the Mediterranean ports. It consisted of Italian mixed with French, Spanish, Greek, Arabic, and Turkish, and it was called Lingua Franca, “Frankish language.” The term lingua franca was generalized to other languages similarly used. Thus, any language can be a lingua franca.29. ( ) Aristotle suggested that thought was the soul’s discourse with itself.30. ( ) Some languages are more challenging to acquire as a first language.Ⅳ.Directions: Explain the following terms, using one or two examples for illustration. (3%×10=30%)31.duality32.producrivity33.fricative34.affix35.recursiveness36.the naming theoryplementary antonyms38.conversational implicaturenguage planning40.psycholinguisticsV.Answer the following questions.(10%×2=20%)41.Explain the Great V owel Shift in the history of English, and give at least two examples of both Middle English and Modern English in phonetic transcription.42.Discuss the different theories of child language acquisition with reference to the behavioristlearning model and the nativist biological model.3。




Directions:Readeachofthefollowingstatementscarefully.Decidewhichoneoft hefourchoicesbestpletesthestatementandputtheletterA,B,CorDinthebrackets.(2%×10=20%)1.Chomskyusestheterm()torefertotheactualrealizationofalanguageuser‘sknowledgeoftherulesofhislanguageinlinguisticmunication.ngueB.petenceC.paroleD.performance2.Intermsoftheplaceofarticulation,thefollowingsounds[t][d][s][z][n]sharethefeatureof()。

A.palatalB.alveolarC.bilabialD.dental3.TransformationalGenerativeGrammarwasintroducedby()in1957.A.L.BloomfieldB.F.SaussureC.N.ChomskyD.M.A.K.Halliday4.Naturallanguagesareviewedtovaryaordingto()setonUGprinciplestoparticularvalues.A.AdjacentConditionB.parametersC.CaseConditionD.Caserequirement5.Synonymsareclassifiedintoseveralkinds.Thekindtowhich “girl”and“lass”belongiscalled()synonyms.A.stylisticB.dialectalC.emotiveD.collocational6.Theillocutionarypointof()istoexpressthepsychologicalstatespecifiedintheutterance.A.representativesB.missivesC.expressivesD.declaratives7.ModernEnglishwordsman,woman,child,eat,fight,ect.originatefrom()。


Chapter 1——1
Some important distinctions in linguistics
Proposed by American linguist N. Chomsky in the late 1950’s.
Competence and performance
He defines competence as the ideal user’s knowledge of the rules of his language, and performance the actual realization of this knowledge in linguistic communication. He believes the task of the linguists is to discover and specify the language rules.
Chapter 1——2
What is language?
Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. Sapir uses “ideas” “emotions” and “desires” in his definition. Hall, like Sapir, treats language as a purely human institution. Chomsky’s definition is quite different, it focus on the purely structural properties of languages and to suggest that these properties can be investigated from a mathematically precise point of view.





Ⅰ.Multiple ChoiceDirections:Read each of the following statements carefully. Decide which one of the four choices best completes the statement and put the letter A,B,C or D in the brackets.(2%×10=20%)1.The famous quotation from Shakespeare’s play “Romeo and Juliet”: “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet” well illustrates _______.( )A.the conventional nature of languageB.the creative nature of languageC.the universality of languageD.the big difference between human language and animal communication2.Of the following sound combinations,only _______ is permissible according to the sequential rules in English.( )A.kiblB.bkilC.ilkbD.ilbk3.The sentence that has a NP and a VP can be shown in a _______ formula “S→NP VP”。



2018年10月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试现代语言学 试卷(课程代码00830)本试卷共4页,满分100分,考试时间150分钟。

考生答题注意事项:1 •本卷所有试题必须在答题卡上作答。

答在试卷上无效,试卷空白处和背面均 可作草稿纸。

2 •第一部分为选择题。

必须对应试卷上的题号使用 2B 铅笔将“答题卡”的相应 代码涂黑。

3 .第二部分为非选择题。

必须注明大、小题号,使用 0. 5毫米黑色字迹签字笔 作答。

4 .合理安排答题空间,超出答题区域无效。

第一部分 选择题Directionst Read e^ch of the following statements carefully;which one of the four choices best completes the statement bhekea the corresponding tetter A, C or D on theANSWER SHEET (2%Xlfr=20%5 What can be drawn safely from theof Genie is that __________ . A- it confirms the critical period hypothesisB, homan's language acquisition device k independent of other intellectual abilities申C language cannot be acquired at 汨]after th* critic^ periodD. the language iaculty of an average human degenerates after (he critical period and, as a result, most linguistic skiUs cannot developI. 3. According to E de Saussure, ___________ refers to 曲匕 abstract linguistic system shared by all members of a speech community.A, competence B, performanceThe English sound [u:] is a _ _ .A. close vowel B ・ scnu<lose vowel C. semi-open vowelWhich of the following factors is NOT a learner factor?A, AccuituratiOfi B. PersonalityC. Interaction The words 、帕ku” HIK I :l tabJe w are calledC. langueD. parole D H open vowel A. free morphemesC. form wordsD. Motivation _____ because they can occur unattached. B. bound morphemes D. inflectional morphemes6. Constituents that can be substituted for one another without loss of grammaticalitybelong to the same __________ •A. syntactic categoryB. phonological categoryC. morphological categoryD. semantic category7. Sociolinguistics is primarily concerned with the social significance of language and language usein different speech communities.A. variationB. changeC. structureD. form8. In semantic analysis of a sentence, the basic unit is called __________________ , which is theabstraction of the meaning of a sentence・A. predicationB. predicate C・ argument D・ sense9. The notion of ___________ is essential to the pragmatic study of language.A. utteranceB. sentence C・ context D・ speech act10. The first and most widely investigated language femily of the world is ________________ •A. the Sino-Tibetan FamilyB. the Indo-European FamilyC. the Austronesian Family D・ the Afroasiatic Family第二部分非选择题11. Directions: Fill in the bbink on the ANSWER SHEET in each of the following statements withone word, the first letter of which is already given as a clue Note that you are to fill in ONE word only, and you are not allowed to change the letter given. (1%X 10=10%)11. Cultural t ________ means that language can be passed on from one generation to thenext through teaching and leamin& rather than by instinct12. When pitch, stress, and sound length are tied to the sentence rather than the word inisolation, they are collectively known as i ____________ •13. Language acquisition is concerned with language d __________ in humans.14. Semantically, the meaning of a compound is often i . not always being the sumtotal of the meanings of its components.15. ______________________________________________________________________ The relationship between the name and the meaning of a word is quite a ___________________ .16. Syntactic movement is dictated by rules traditionally called t ________________ rules, whoseoperation may change the syntactic representation of a sentence.17. A creole language is originally a p ____________ that has become established as a nativelanguage in some speech community.】& E _____ refers to the phenomenon that the same word may have more than one meaning.19. If one contributes more information than is required in a conversation, hc/she violates themaxim of a .20. Many of the most basic terms in the English language originate from Q ___________ English.UL Directions: Judge whether each of the following statements is true or false. Put a T for true or F for false on the ANSWER SHEET. If you think a statement is false, you must explain why you think so and then give the correct version. (2%X 10=20%)21. The description of a language at some point in time is a diachronic study.22. [0] and [d] are two dental fricatives in English・23. Although there are individual differences in onset and rate of language development, childrenacross cultures follow the same order of language development.24. “Plural” is a morpheme.25. Language is the only means for thought.26. Parameters are syntactic options of UG that allow general principles to operate in one way oranother and contribute to significant linguistic variations between and among natural languages.27. A regional dialect is usually spoken by a group of people living in the same community.28. Contextualism is based on the presumption that one can derive meaning from or reduce meaningto observable contexts.29. The two sentences u Tom smokes^ and ^Tom is smoking/ have the same predication.30. Modem linguistics regards the written language as primary, not the spoken・IV. Directions: Explain the following terms and give examples for iUustration where appropriate* (3% X 10=30% )31 ・ duality32. word stress33. second language acquisition (SLA)34. stem35・ cerebral plasticity36. AUX-movcment37. speech community38. sense39. pragmatics40. historical linguisticsV. Directions: Answer the following questions (10%X2=20%)41 • Name and describe 5 of the core branches of linguistics.42. How are semantics and pragmatics related, and how do they differ?现代语J 学试題答案及评分参子第I 页(共3 U ()绝密★启用前2018年10月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试现代语言学试题答案及评分参考(课程代码00830 )I . Directions: Read each of the follouing statements carefully. Decide which one of the four choices bestcompletes the statement and blacken the corresponding letter A. B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET.l.C 2. A 3.C 4. A Directions: Fill in the blank on the ANSWRR SHEET in each of (he ColloHinK statements with one word, the first letter of uhich is already given as a clue ・ Note that you are to fill in ONE v^ord only, and you are not allowed to change the letter 七iven. (1%X 10=10%)II. transmission12. intonation 13. development 15・ arbitrary17. pidgin19. quanlily 14. idiomatic 16. transformational 1X. Polysemy 20. Old 111. Directions : Judge whether each of the following statements is true or false. Put a T for true or P forfalse on the ANS'、ER SHEET. If you think a statement h fal^ >ou must explain why you think so andthen give the correct version. (2%X 10=20%)21. FThe description of a language at sonu: point in time is a synchronic study.或者I he (lcscnption of a la as il changes ihrou 字h linx is a diachronic simly评分标准:答对得2分;正饯判断错I 吴扣全分。





1.语言符号具有可变性的根本原因在于语言符号的()A.任意性B.强制性C.离散性D.线性2.音高取决于()A.发音体振动的振幅B.发音体振动的频率C.发音体振动的持续时间D.共鸣器的形状3.听觉上最自然、最容易分辨的最小语音单位是()A.音素B.音位C.音渡D.音节4.就词重音而言,不能用来区别意义的是()A.自由重音B.移动重音C.固定重音D.不固定重音5.北京话“慢”单念时读[man],但“慢慢儿”却有人读做[mai mar],前一音节的语流音变现象是()A.同化B.异化C.弱儿D.增音6.“奥林匹克运动会”这个词包含的语素数量是()A.2个B.3个C.4个D.7个7.英语“worker”中的“-er”是()A.构词语素B.构形语素C.虚词语素D.词根语素8.下列汉语词语中的“儿”不属于词根语素(实义语素)的是()A.健儿B.女儿C.少儿D.花儿9.整个语汇系统的核心和基础是()A.通用语汇B.常用语汇C.一般语汇D.基本语汇10.一般语汇(非基本语汇)最重要的来源是()A.古语词B.方言词C.新造词D.外来词11.词组的聚合关系分类是指把词组分成()A.向心词组和离心词组B.联合词组和偏正词组C.基本词组和特殊词组D.简单词组和复杂词组112.把句子分成“单句”和“复句”,这种分类是()A.句子的句型类B.句子的句式类C.句子的功能类D.句子的简繁类13.“吓唬”和“恐吓”在非理性意义上的主要差别是()A.语气意义不同B.感情色彩不同C.语体色彩不同D.形象色彩不同14.下列关于词的本义和基本义关系的表述中,正确的一项是()A.二者总是一致B.二者总是不一致C.基本义比本义更常用D.本义比基本义更常用15.下列各项词义引申中,采用比喻方式的一项是()A.“锁”本指一种器具,后引申指凭借这一器具的行为B.“兵”本指兵器,后引申指使用兵器的人C.“南瓜”本指一种植物,后引申指这种植物的果实D.“后台”本指舞台的后面,后引申指在背后操纵、支持的人或集团16.下列关于等义词的表述中,正确的一项是()A.等义词是理性意义和非理性意义都完全相同的词B.等义词一般都能够长期并存C.等义词在语言表达上有一定的积极意义D.同义词大多是等义词17.“老王说服了小李”中“老王”是行为的施事,“小李”是行为的受事,这种意义是()A.语汇意义B.语法意义C.语境意义D.蕴含意义18.从现有文字史的资料来看,最早出现的字符大多是()A.记号B.笔画C.音符D.意符19.世界上最早的表音文字是()A.元音文字B.辅音文字C.意音文字D.全音位文字20.语言成分的借用,最常见、最突出的是()A.词语的借用B.语音成分的借用C.词缀的借用D.语法结构的借用21.下列几种类型的社会方言中,具有排他性的是()A.行话B.黑话C.官腔D.贵族语言22.以下对“思维”的表述中,正确的一项是()A.思维既包括思维活动,也包括思维结果B.思维分为感性思维和抽象思维两类C.思维的形式就是概念、判断、推理D.思维必须以语言为工具23.人类开始制造工具这种行为意味着()A.人类已经产生了语言2B.人类已经产生了思维C.人类已经同时产生了语言和思维D.人类既没有产生语言,也没有产生思维24.患“失语症”是因为()A.大脑左、右半球的单侧化功能发生了改变B.大脑左半球的某个部位受到了损伤C.大脑的语言获得机制出现了遗传性障碍D.在语言临界期以前没有接触语言环境25.主要解释某个词语所代表事物的概念知识的一类词典是()A.历史词典B.信息词典C.语言词典D.百科词典26.从翻译技术的平面看,机器翻译可以分为四个层级,从低到高的排序是()A.单词、句法、语义、语境B.单词、语义、语境、句法C.单词、句法、语境、语义D.单词、语义、句法、语境二、多项选择题(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)在每小题列出的五个备选项中有二个至五个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。











全国2019年10月高等教育自学考试高级英语试题课程代码:00600Ⅰ. The following paragraphs are taken from the textbooks, followed by a list of words or expressions marked A to X. Choose the one that best completes each of the sentences and write the corresponding letter on your answer sheet. One word or expression for each blank only. (12 points, 0.5point each)●Rumors 1 quickly that I was a FBI agent. I was 2 because I was not 3___ to return. Some people said I was either a federal agent or a 4 , for no 5 man, they said, returns to Watts by 6 .●Television 7 on advertising to an even greater 8 than newspapers, and since advertising is big business, advertising is by 9 Republican. Yet nowhere in network newscasts in network commentaries on current events have I 10 the intense partisanship, the often rabid 11 that colors the editorial 12 of the majority of newspapers in this country.●The chances had 13 to one in eight when the 14 clerk drew the second slip. He 15 his throat and 16 his pince-nez as though he had to make sure he was not 17 . “Ah, Monsieur Voisin,” he said with a 18 undecided smile, “May I join you?”●Some people believe that the time of death is 19 by God and that no man should ___20 the clock back on another. 21 if a patient’s philosophical views embrace __ 22 , it is not clear why the religious 23 of others should intrude 24___ his death.Ⅱ. There are 15 sentences from the textbooks, with a blank in each, followed by a list of words or expressions marked A to X. Choose the one that best completes each of the sentences and write the corresponding letter on your answer sheet. One word or expression for each blank only. (15 points, 1point each)125. From the start of that campaign, I faced ________ hostility because of my sex.26. A beautiful woman came along and ________ her bunch of violets, and a little boy ran after to hand them to her, and she took them and threw them away as if they’d been poisoned.27. Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human voice to ________ them with the shades of deeper meaning.28. If it be true that our thoughts and mental images are perfectly ________ things, like our books and pictures, to the inhabitants of the next world, then I am making for myself a better reputation there than I am in this place.29. Although I had to search, and did search, for the right words, I seemed to be making this descriptive effort almost against my will, under a kind of ________ from outside.30. ________ a man does not have to work so hard as to impair his vigor he is likely to find more zest in his free time than an idle man could possibly find.31. And so we are suddenly ________ a sickening situation in this country.32. With three job ________ from three of the most prestigious firms in the country, he did not need this interview, this firm.33. Disease-snobbery is only one out of a great multitude of ________, of which now some, now others take pride of place in general esteem.34. I once befriended two little girls from Esthonia, who had narrowly escaped death from ________ in a famine.35. There’s bound to be trouble ________ me every day of my life, because trouble it’s always been and always will be.36. It has been assumed that the youth of America has been in the ________ of the discovery of both the disease and the cure.37. Somehow we just don’t see how it is with other folks until —something ________.38. The figures are photocopied and distributed throughout the company to all the people and departments whose work is ________ selling.39. Her hands and her neck began to sweat. But she knew that no emotion was ________.Ⅲ. Each of the following sentences is given two choices of words or expressions, Choose the right one to complete the sentence and write the corresponding letter on your answer sheet.(15 points, 1 point each)240. As the living standard improves, the (A. span, B. length) of life is getting longer and longer.41. The poor emperor was forced by the usurper to (A. abandon, B. abdicate).42. I find it difficult to operate this computer. Can you (A. demonstrate, B. exemplify) it for me?43. The formal declaration of the news went four (A. documents, B. drafts) before it was submitted to the conference.44. I had a fantastic (A. stretch, B. stroke) of luck last weekend. I picked up a genuine Stradivarius violin for only $20.45. In the A-series football match, AC-Milan (A. beat, B. defended) all the other teams and became the champion as expected.46. The accountant (A. specializes, B. scrutinizes) the figures very carefully before commenting on them.47. On hearing that her best friend bought a fur coat, Susan felt (A. tempted, B. coaxed) to buy one, too.48. When the rescue party found the wounded young man, he was (A. keeping, B. clinging) on to the side of the broken boat.49. He (A. resigned, B. relinquished) all control over the company business to his son.50. The witness refused to (A. disclose, B. enclose) the identity of the man who supplied the information.51. Usually my brother is rather (A. reserved, B. conservative), but if you pick up a topic he is interested in, he will talk freely about it.52. The common (A. custom, B. practice) in English law is to consider someone innocent unless he is proved guilty.53. He was a highly (A. conscientious, B. conscious) teacher who took his duties seriously but he seemed to have neither the personality nor the ability to achieve further success.54. This group of young men felt a great sense of (A. inspiration, B. achievement) when they finally reached the top of the mountain.Read the following passage carefully and complete the succeeding four items: Ⅳ, Ⅴ, Ⅵand Ⅶ.Our Greedy Colleges1) Many of our colleges are at it again. As they have done annually for the past six years, they have begun to unveil tuition increases that far outstrip the inflation rate. Next year, tuition is expected to rise 6 percent to 8 percent –even though inflation during 1986 was about 1.8 percent. Yale’s president, Benno C. Schmidt Jr., attributes his university’s tuition hike in part to “continuing cutbacks of governmental support for student aid. ” This assertion flies in the face of the facts. Since 1982, money available through Federal student aid programs has increased every single year. Overall, Federal outlays for student aid are up 57 percent since 1980. Since31980, inflation has been just 26 percent. That is why the former chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, Pete V. Domenici, Republican of New Mexico, recently dismissed the claim of huge cuts in student aid programs as a “myth.”2) If anything, increases in financial aid in recent years have enabled colleges and universities blithely to raise their tuitions, confident that Federal loan subsidies would help cushion the increase. In 1978, subsidies became available to a greatly expanded number of students. In 1980, college tuitions began rising year after year at a rate that exceeded inflation. Federal student aid policies do not cause college price inflation, but there is little doubt that they help make it possible.3) At the same time that higher education has been cutting a bigger piece of the Federal pie, it has also received huge infusions of cash from state governments, from corporations, from foundations and from loyal alumni. The total increase in higher education spending from all these non-Federal sources is staggering. Spending for higher education now consumes about 40 percent of all money spent in America for education.4) It is by no means clear that the performance of many of our colleges and universities justifies this level of expenditure. As I said on the occasion of Harvard’s 350th anniversary, too many stude nts fail to receive the education they deserve at our nation’s universities. The real problem is not lack of money but failure of vision.5) Unfortunately, when it comes to higher education, this distinction is frequently lost Stanford University’s vague justification for increased charges –“new knowledge is inherently more expensive” –only underscores the lack of focus and purpose at some of our nation’s most prestigious universities.6) Higher education is not underfunded. It is under-accountable and underproductive. Our students deserve better than this. They deserve an education commensurate with the large sums paid by parents and taxpayers and donors.7) That our universities are places where students can receive a good education, or at least learn a lot, I have no doubt. But too often our universities leave education to chance – a good professor here and a great course there. There is too little real and sustained attention to education in the broader sense, to making sure that when our students leave after four years they leave as educated men and women.8) It is also false to assert, as some have, that the Reagan Administration’s student aid policies4deprive disadvantaged students of the opportunity to attend college. In fact, the Administration has consistently sought to redirect aid to the neediest students.9) Under the Administration’s fiscal 1988 budget proposal, all students presently receiving aid would continue to be eligible for the same dollar amount of aid. One in six of all college students would still be eligible to receive Federal grants. Those less needy would still have access to aid in the form of loans.10) One particular Administration proposal, Income Contingent Loans, represents the most serious attempt to improve student aid in 15 years. The loans would permit repayment schedules to be tailored to a student’s income. A graduate’s payments would never have to exceed 15 percent of his adjusted gross income, and he could have as long as necessary to repay.11) An advantage of t he Administration’s proposals is that they would help make colleges and universities accountable to the prime beneficiaries of their services – the students.12) Because students would pay a market-based interest rate, they would bear the true cost of borrowing the additional capital needed to finance tuition increases. Instead of insulating colleges and universities form such market forces, the Administration’s policies would make colleges and universities more readily accountable to them.13) Higher education clearly provides benefits to society in general. Recognizing this, the American people have generously provided the tax dollars, grants and highly subsidized loans necessary to support higher education. But the chief beneficiaries of a college education are the students. On average, college graduates earn $640,000 more over their lifetimes than nongraduates do. It is simply not fair to ask taxpayers, many of whom do not go to college, to pay more than their fair share of the tuition burden.Ⅳ. There are 10 incomplete statements, followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and write the corresponding letter on your answer sheet. (10 points, 1 point each)55. The author intends to _________.A. compare the inflation rate and tuition increasesB. criticize the federal government in cutting the financial aid in educationC. defend the federal government and accuse colleges of unnecessary and excessive tuition increasesD. criticize the low quality of higher education in the United States56. The author thinks that the colleges and universities can raise the tuition because they believe5that _________.A. there are Federal loan subsidiesB. every student can get Federal loan subsidies easilyC. governmental support for student aid becomes lessD. higher quality education needs more money57. According to Paragraph 3, which of the following statements is true?A. Higher education gets all its financial support from the federal government.B. Higher education gets all its financial support from nonfederal sources.C. Higher education gets its financial support from various sources.D. Higher education gets most of its financial support from student tuition.58. Which of the following statements is NOT true?A. Colleges and universitie s in America can’t provide justifiable education.B. Colleges and universities can get enough financial support.C. Students should learn a lot more at colleges and universities.D. Students don’t learn what they deserve at colleges and universities.59. According to the author, the government has consistently ________.A. helped the disadvantaged studentsB. tried to re-distribute the financial aid to the students who need it mostC. offered financial aid to most students who need itD. spent enough money for the students who need it most60. From this article, we know that a graduate _________.A. is allowed enough time to repay the borrowed moneyB. has to take more than 15 percent of his gross income to repay the loanC. doesn’t have to pay an interestD. can put off the repayment as long as he/she likes61. In Paragraph 11, which of the following is the best to substitute for “accountable to”?A.devoted toB.responsible forC.suitable forD.desirable62. American people support higher education because _________.A.they can reduce the burden of colleges and universitiesB.they want to improve itC.the students can get benefits from itD.they can get benefits from it63. What is implied by the author?A.It is not fair to ask those who do not go to college to pay more than they should for highereducation.6B.College graduates earn more than nongraduates do.C. A person’s income is closely related to his or her education.D.Some nongraduates do not mind paying for higher education.64. The tone of this article is ________.rmativeB.ironicC.persuasiveD.narrativeⅤ. There is one underlined part in each of the following sentences, followed by four choices A, B, C and D. Choose the one that is the closest in meaning to the underlined part. (10 points, 2 points each)65. …they have begun to unveil tuition increases that far outstrip the inflation rate.A.that surpassB.that are much more thanC.that can compete withD.that are beyond66. This assertion flies in the face of the facts.A.agrees with the factsB.fails to face the factsC.finds its base in the factsD.is contrary to the facts67. They deserve an education commensurate with the large sums paid by parents and taxpayers and donors.A.an education which concentrates onB.an appropriate education designed according toC.an education in right proportion toD. a frist class education because of68. … that the Reagan Administration’s student aid policies deprive disadvantaged students of the opportunity to attend college.A.make it impossible for disadvantaged students to get college educationB.deny that disadvantaged students should have a chance to go to collegeC.offer unequal opportunities for disadvantaged students to gain college educationD.offer more opportunities for the advantaged students to attend college69. The loans would permit repayment schedules to be tailored to a student’s income.A.to be made in consideration of a student’s incomeB.to be changed by a student’s incomeC.to be adaptable to a student’s income7D.to match a student’s incomeⅥ. Translate the following sentences into Chinese and write your translation on your answer sheet. (10 points, 2 points each)70.Federal student aid policies do not cause college price inflation, but there is little doubt that they help make it possible.71. Spending for higher education now consumes about 40 percent of all money spent in America for education.72. Stanford University’s vaguer justification for increased charges –“new knowledge is inherently more expensive”- only underscores the lack of focus and purpose at some of our nation’s most prestigious universities.73. But too often our universities leave education to chance – a good professor here and a great course there.74. Under the Administration’s fiscal 1988 budget proposal, all students presently receiving aid would continue to be eligible for the same dollar amount of aid.Ⅶ. Answer the following essay question in English within 80-100 words. Write your answer on your answer sheet. (10 points)Do you agree with the author that the American colleges are greedy and unaccountable? Why or Why not?Ⅷ. Translate the following into English and write your translation on your answer sheet. (18 points, 2 points each from 75 to 79, 8 points for 80)75.前事不忘,后事之师。



全国2019年10月高等教育自学考试现代语言学试题课程代码:00830I. Directions : Read each of the following statements carefully. Decide which one of the four choices best completes the statement and put the letter A, B, C or D in the brackets. (2%×10=20%)1. Linguistics is the scientific study of __________.A. a particular languageB. the English languageC. human languages in generalD. the system of a particular language2. The consonant [f] in English can be correctly described as having the following phonetic features: __________.A. voiceless, bilabial, stopB. voiceless, labiodental, fricativeC. voiced, bilabial, stopD. voiced, labiodental, fricative3. There are different types of affixes or morphemes. The affi x “ed” in the word “learned” is known as a(n) __________.A. derivational morphemeB. free morphemeC. inflectional morphemeD. free form4. In the phrase structure rule “S→NP VP”, the arrow can be read as __________.A. is equal toB. consists ofC. hasD. generates5. “I bought some roses” __________ “I bought some flowers”.A. entailsB. presupposesC. is inconsistent withD. is synonymous with6. Y’s utterance in the following conversation exchange violates the maxim of __________.X: Who was that you were with last night?Y: Did you know that you were wearing odd socks?A. qualityB. quantityC. relationD. manner7. Changes in a language are changes in the grammar of the speakers of the language. This means that phonemes, __________, words and grammatical rules may be borrowed, added, lost or altered.A. phrasesB. sentencesC. morphemesD. utterances8. In a speech community people have something in common __________ -- a language or a particular variety of language and rules for using it.A. sociallyB. linguisticallyC. culturallyD. pragmatically9. Which of the major mental functions listed below is not under the control of the left hemisphere1in most people? __________.A. language and speechB. visual and spatial skillsC. reading and writingD. analytic reasoning10. In general, the __________ stage begins roughly in the second half of the child’s second year.A. babblingB. one-wordC. two-wordD. multiwordⅡ. Directions: Fill in the blank in each of the following statements with one word, the first letter of which is already given as a clue. Note that you are to fill in ONE word only, and you are not allowed to change the letter given. (1%×10=10%)11. As the first step of their scientific investigation of language, linguists have to observe and collect linguistic f before they can do anything else.12. Phonological rules that govern the combination of sounds in a particular language are called s rules.13. An independent unit of meaning that can be used freely by itself is called a f___________ morpheme.14. A c sentence contains two clauses joined by a linking word, such as “and”, “but”, “or”.15. The study of the linguistic meaning of words, phrases, and sentences is called s .16. In making conversation, the general principle that all participants are expected to observe is called the C principle proposed by J. Grice.17. In addition to social changes, one of the most pervasive sources of language change seems to be the continual process of cultural t across generations.18. Language itself is not sexist, but its use may reflect the s attitude connoted in the language that is sexist.19. When language and thought are identical or closely parallel to each other, we may regard thought as “s speech,” and speech as “overt thought.” In such a case, speaking and thinking take place simultaneously.20. I is the language that a learner constructs at a given stage of SLA.Ⅲ. Directions: Judge whether each of the following statements is true or false. Put a T for true or F for false in the brackets in front of each statement. If you think a statement is false , you must explain why you think so and give the correct version. (2%×10=20%) 21. ( ) An important difference between traditional grammarians and modern linguists in their study of language is that the former tended to over-emphasize the written form of language and encourage people to imitate the “best authors” for language usage.22. ( ) In classifying the English consonants and vowels, the same criteria can be applied.23. ( ) We can always tell by the words a compound contains what it means because the meaning of a compound is always the sum of the meanings of its parts.24. ( ) Phrase structure rules can generate an infinite number of sentences and sentences with infinite length, due to their recursive properites.225. ( ) The conceptualist view of meaning holds that there is no direct link between a symbol and reference, i.e. between language and thought.26. ( ) Of the views concerning the study of semantics, the contextual view, which places the study of meaning in the context in which language is used, is often considered as the initial effort to study meaning in a pragmatic sense.27. ( ) In first language acquisition children’s grammar models exactly after the grammar of adult language.28. ( ) The sentences “He crazy” and “He be sick all the time” are both acceptable in Black English vernacular because copula deletion and habitual be are two famous features of Black English.29. ( ) Speakers of different languages are capable of distinguishing and recognizing experiences of the same objective world according to their respective different linguistic coding system.30. ( ) Instruction and correction are key factors in child language development.Ⅳ. Directions: Explain the following terms, using one or two examples for illustration. (3%×10=30%)31. synchronic linguistics32. displacement33. a minimal pair34. derivational affixes35. syntax36. language transfer37. hyponymy38. sentence meaning39. lingua franca40. cerebral cortexⅤ. Answer the following questions. (10%×2=20%)41. Explain sociological triggers for language change by giving a typical example in the history of English.42. Explain briefly the four main individual learner factors that affect a learner’s acquisition of a second language.3。



全国2019年10月高等教育自学考试语言与文化试题课程代码:00838第一部分选择题(共30分)I. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read eachstatement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives best completes the statement.(20%)1.A cold dish of raw vegetables with a dressing is called _____.A. hamburgerB. sandwichC. saladD. pudding2.All languages have _____ terms and distinguish at least three characteristics in relatives.A. generationB. subtleC. complicatedD. kinship3.English speakers are direct people who tend to _____.A. locate peripheral meaning before central meaningB. locate central meaning before central meaningC. locate the modified after the modifierD. think holistically4.In English all the prefixes are _____ morphemes.A. inflectionalB. grammaticalC. derivationalD. implicit5.Which of the following statements is not true?A. English speakers have a relatively small range of possibilities to select from when naming theirnewly born babies.B. English surnames are more distinctive than given names.C. English given names are more distinctive than surnames.D. Names include given names, surnames, full names and nicknames or pet names.6.If an English speaker refuses the compliment which merely comes out of politeness, he may say _____.A.“Do you really think so?”B.“Oh, I wish it could be true.”C.“Oh, you are too polite.”D.“No, I don’t think so.”7.“To make a cat laugh”means _____.A. to be comicB. to be tragicC. to be proudD. to be serious8.The English equivalent for “前车之覆,后车之鉴”can be “_____”.A. Rats desert a sinking shipB.A small leak will sink a great shipC. He that would sail without danger must never come on the main sea1D. Let another’s shipwreck be your seamark9.“Green”connotes _____ in English culture.A. ProsperityB. immaturityC. longevityD. sincerity10.“Brown paper”corresponds to _____.A.棕色纸B.秘密文件C.揭露社会黑暗的报纸D.牛皮纸11.The English equivalent for “空袭紧急警报”is _____.A. blue alertB. white alertC. red alertD. black alert12.“Sanitary engineer”is the euphemistic expression for “_____”.A. garbage collectorB. cleanerC. plumberD. gardener13.“敬请指正”can be treated as the Chinese equivalent of “_____”in English.A. I’d like to have your comments.B. Will you please point out my errors?C. I’d like to have errors correctedD. I’ll gratefully expect your comments.14.When the speaker or writer discusses many things indirectly related to the central idea of thetext and /or to each other he or she develops the text in a(n) _____ fashion.A .linear B. spiralC. inductiveD. deductive15.The most striking phonetic difference between American and British English is thepronunciation of _____ in words.A. rB. aC. whD. er16.The first _____ made in 449 B.C. had strong impact on the laws made later in most Europeancountries.A. Roman lawB. Napoleonic CodeC. French lawD. British law17.The distance zone ranging from 4 inches to about 8 feet is referred so as the _____ zone.A. publicB. intimateC. socio-consultativeD. casual-personal18.Raising one’s open hand with palm down to one’s throat means “_____”in English culture.A. Shame on youB. I’m fullC. Kill yourselfD. You’re shorter than I19.In proxemics scholars are particularly interested in the _____ between interlocutors ininterpersonal communication.A. relative rightsB. relationshipC. distanceD. relative obligation20.The brand name _____ is neutral or positive in meaning in Chinese culture but pejorative inEnglish culture?2A.青岛啤酒B.白象牌电池C.泸洲老窖D.菊花电扇II. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives can complete the statement. There might be more than one correct answer.(10%)21._____ are some important properties of language.A. UnsystematicB. Human specificC. VocalD. A set of symbols22.In the expression “to meet one’s Waterloo”,the word “Waterloo”alludes to _____.A. a great victoryB. an achievementC. a final defeatD. a difficult or obstacle23.The English brand names _____ are coinages.A. TraneB. PlaytexC. PierreD. Cartan24.The word “woman”can be defined conceptually as _____.A. an adult femaleB. prone to tearsC. long hair wearingD. biped25.“Purple”in English culture is often associated with _____.A. high rank or stationB. low rank or stationC. imperial or royal rankD. something best26._____ are usually taboo topics in conversations between strangers in English culutre.A. Age and incomeB. Love and marriageC. Political and religious beliefsD. Personal opinions about daily affairs27._____ is onomatopoeic words.A. SquealB. MurmurC. RushD. Click28.When you respond to the compliment “You look very nice in this dress”,you should say“_____”.A. Thank you.B. No, I don’t think so at all.C. Do you really think so? I was not sure whether it suits me.D. It’s very kind of you to say so.29._____ serve the function of substitution.A. Saying louder than usual to emphasize a verbal messageB. Pausing before saying something importantC. Waving goodbyeD. Beckoning another person to come30.A “slow”student may be euphemistically referred to as “_____”.A. a mentally retarded student3B. one who is working at his/her own levelC. one who can do better work with helpD. a problem student第二部分非选择题(共70分)III. Fill in each underlined space with a proper expression.(12%)31.The invisible, portable space that surrounds us is referred to as _____ space.32._____ thinking interacts with English, while holistic thinking interacts with Chinese.33.“Pay one’s debt to nature”is the euphemism for _____.34.The English equivalent of “寒舍”is _____.35.In an English paragraph the sentence representing the central idea is referred to as _____ andoften located at the initial part of the paragraph.36.It is safe to say that Chinese advertising as a whole tends to be more _____ than Englishadvertising.37.Since language represents thought, it is _____ by thought.38.It is generally true that an English word may represent a _____ or associative meaning differentfrom that of its translation equivalent in Chinese.39.The English functional equivalent for “敬请光临”is _____.40.The English proverbial equivalent for “金无足赤,人无完人”is _____.41.The English expression _____ is equivalent to “秃子头上的虱子——明摆着”in China.42._____ refers to a kind of journalism with heavy emphasis on scandals, or resenting ordinarynews in a sensational manner.IV. Answer the following questions briefly:(12%)43.What is the English equivalent for “黑信”?44.What is the British equivalent for the American word “raincoat”?45.What is the major difference between English and Chinese descriptive texts in style?46.Why is it said that English is a hypotactic language and Chinese is a paratactic language?47.How hitchhiking is symbolized in English culture?48.What cross-cultural contrasts can you find between English and Chinese titles in vocatives?V. Translation:(16%)49.He breathed his last during the night.50.Those born to the purple are destined to live in the public eye.51.The greatest artist of the first half of this century has long last gone the way of all flesh.52.A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.53.为金钱而侍奉上帝的人会为更多的报酬服侍魔鬼。



自考现代语言学2022年10月真题试题与(00830)自考现代语言学2022年10月真题试题与答案解析(00830)1.[单选题] The distinction between langue and parole was made by_______early of the 20th century.A.ChomskyB.HockettC.SaussureD.Sapir2.[单选题] When the vocal cords are drawn wide apart, letting air go through without causing vibration,the sounds produced in such a condition are voiceless.Of the following consonants in English, _______ is voiceless.A.[f]B.[d]C.[g]D.[n]3.[单选题] In terms of morphemic analysis, _______can be viewed as the addition of affixes to stems to form new words,and_______the combination of two or sometimes more than two words to create new words.pounding...derivationpoundingC.back-formation… . blendingD.coinage…clipping4.[单选题] A_______sentence contains two, or more,clauses, one of which is incorporated into the other.A.simpleplexpoundD.coordinate5.[单选题] The sense relation between"furniture" and“desk"is _______.A.synonymyB.antonymyC.homonymyD.hyponymy6.[单选题] Speech act theory is an important theory in the_______study of language.A.lexicalB.semanticC.pragmaticD.syntactic7.[单选题] Thewordradariscreatedbythewordformationruleof_______,which means combining the initials of a number of words.A.clippingB.acronymC.abbreviationpounding8.[单选题] English has become a(n) _______ for international scientific journals and international scientific meetings,a common means of communication by which scientific results are presented.A.standard languageB.lingua francaC.official languageD.vernacular language9.[单选题] Both Broca's and Wernike's work indicated that the left hemisphere structures are essential for _______.A.hearingB.writingC.speechD.intelligence10.[单选题] After prelinguistic cooing,the normal route of language development for children follows the order of_______stages.A.one-word,babbling,two-word and multiwordB.one-word,two-word,babbling and multiwordC.one-word,two-word,multiword and babblingD.babbling,one-word,two-word and multiword11.[填空题] There is no intrinsic connection between the wordrose" and the flower that smells sweet, which shows the design feature of a_______of human language.12.[填空题] As two allophonesof thesame phoneme /p/,[p]and[p'],whichoccur indifferent phonetic environments,are said to be in c_______distribution.13.[填空题] Words,suchaswater,go,book,tree,whichcontainonlyonemorpheme,arecall ed f_______ morphemes.14.[填空题] A sentence is considered grammatical when it conforms to the grammatical knowledge in the mind of n_______ speakers.15.[填空题] Contextualism is based on the presumption that one can derive meaning from or reduce meaning to observable c_______.16.[填空题] Semantics and p_______are both linguistic studies of meaning.17.[填空题] Historical linguistics is the subfield of linguistics that studies l_______ changes.18.[填空题] A form of d_______ exists in most Arabic-speaking countries where the high variety is used in lectures,religious speeches and formal political speeches,while the low variety is the local dialect of colloquial19.[填空题] Language functions are believed to be lateralized in the l_______ hemisphere of the brain.20.[填空题] It is estimated that during the first two years,a child has a very limited v_______ ranging from 50 to 100 words.21.[判断题] The distinction between competence and performance was made by N.Chomsky in the late 1950's.A.对B.错22.[判断题] All vowels in English are voiced.A.对B.错23.[判断题] The morpheme“mate"in the word“classmate"is a bound morpheme.A.对B.错24.[判断题] The widely recognized and highly abstract X-bar schema is capable of reducing the redundancies of individual phrasal structure rules and may well capture certain basicproperties shared by all phrasal categories across the languages of the world.A.对25.[判断题] Componential analysis is a way to analyze sentence meaning.A.对B.错26.[判断题] Of the three speech acts, linguists are most interested in the illocutionary act.A.对B.错27.[判断题] The Norman Conquest marked the dawning of the Middle English period.A.对B.错28.[判断题] All dialects of a language are equally effective in expressing ideas.A.对B.错29.[判断题] Language is always a necessary condition for thought.A.对B.错30.[判断题] Language acquisition is a genetically determined capacity that all normal human beings are born with.A.对31.[名词解释] cultural transmission32.[名词解释] phonetics33.[名词解释] suffixes34.[名词解释] parameters35.[名词解释] reference36.[名词解释] Cooperative Principle37.[名词解释] language family38.[名词解释] linguistic taboo39.[名词解释] linguistic determinism40.[名词解释] acculturation41.[问答题] “From now on I will consider language to be a set(finite or infinite)of sentences,eachfinite in length and constructed out of a finite set of elements.”Please comment on the above definition of language.42.[问答题] Enumerate three major causes that lead to the systematic occurrence of errors in second language acquisition.。



10月全国基础英语自考试题及答案解析全国2019年10月高等教育自学考试基础英语试题课程代码:00088一、单词或短语的英汉互译(共10分)(一)将下列词语译成中文(5分)1.foreign-trade zones2.cost effectiveness3.investment demand4.capital-output ratio5.the cost of production(二)将下列词语译成英文(5分)6.关税壁垒7.供求机制8.存货占用成本9.营销商10.无形贸易二、词汇应用和语法结构(共30分)(一)语汇应用(15分)选择最佳答案完成句子11.The flight to Paris was()because of fog .A. delayedB. deposedC. divertedD. rejected12.He()our returning home as soon as possible.A. advisedB. interestedC. persuadedD. suggested13.Only hotel guests have the()of using the private beach.A. occasionB. possibilityC. privilegeD. habit14.Nobody can explain the()of this commonly-used expression.A. beginningB. starting-pointC. causeD. origin15.Your usual teacher has lost his voice and ()I am taking his place today.A. besidesB. neverthelessC. howeverD. therefore16.The old lady doesn’t like any visitors. Yesterday she was annoyed by the()of a stranger.A. intrusionB. instructionC. inferenceD. inflation17.He didn’t go into detail on the subject. He spoke in()A. commonB. regular1C. generalD. ordinary18.The social security system provides()for retired citizens.A. wagesB. profitsC. rewardsD. pensions19.When they asked me to make a speech, I was at a()for words.A. lackB. desireC. failureD. loss20.As he had no friends or relatives in the town, the traveler tried to find a()somewhere.A. lodgeB. landingC. lodgingD. stay21.My sister()her shorthand ability by taking notes in shorthand during lectures.A. keeps upB. keeps inC. keeps onD. keeps with22.A()fund has been set up to send supplies to the refugees.A. pensionB. publicC. welfareD. relief23.The man’s()was described as impatient in contrast tohis wife’s.A. featureB. personalityC. markD. property24.This newspaper provides more foreign news than()news.A. presentB. practicalC. domesticD. native25.I like this classical music, but I can’t remember who()it.A. composedB. designedC. inventedD. created(二)语法结构(15分)选择最佳答案完成句子26.()is of no consequence to me.A. He goes or staysB. Whether he goes or staysC. Whether he go or staysD. He goes whether he stays27.The lawyer questioned the witness about()A. what knew heB. What did he knowC. he knewD. what he knew28.He()on this essay for twenty minutes, but he haswritten only a hundred words.A. workedB. will be workingC. has been workingD. would have workednny had an advantage()his mother in that he was well-educated.A. forB. onC. overD. toward30.The present population of this city is three times()it was ten years ago.A. whatB. sinceC. thatD. as231.()the land is fertile, there is usually a large population.A. AlthoughB. WhereC. WhetherD. There32.You don’t need()for his permission every time you want to leave the room.A. to askB. askC. askingD. being asked33.So badly()in the car accident that he had to stay in thehospital for treatment.A. did Peter injureB. Peter injuredC. Peter was injuredD. was Peter injured34.He congratulated them()what they had achieved.A. onB. atC. forD. about35.I should say Henry is not()much a writer as a reporter.A. thatB. soC. thisD. as36.()in this business, you have to be adaptable.A. SucceedingB. Having succeededC. To succeedD. To have succeeded37.I would have come sooner but I()that you were waiting.A. didn’t knowB. haven’t knownC. hadn’t knownD. knew38.He came to me last night to apologize for not doing what he()A. ought to doB. should doC. ought to be doingD. ought to have done39.To our great disappointment, neither of the toys()to the children.A. appealB. appealsC. are appealingD. is appealed40.The particles in the atom are too small()A. seeingB. seenC. to be seenD. for seeing三、改错(共10分)下面句子中有A,B,C,D四个划底线部分,其中有一个是错误的,选出错误部分的字母,无需改正错误。



通用语是一种在不同语言背 景的人群之间用做交际媒介 的一种语言变体。鉴于此种 原因,通用语必须是人们为 了不同的目的在社会交往过 程中所使用的“通用语言”。
文体风格也 可以指一个人一直 在使 用的口头语或书面语, 或 指在一个特定的时期 内的说话 或写作方式, 如狄更斯的风格 、海明 威的风格。
1.6 Idiolectal variation 个人言语变异 ★★★
When an individual speaks, what is actually produced is a unique language system of the speaker, expressed within the overall system of a particular language. Such a personal dialect is referred to as idiolect.
一个人在说话时,他在 一种特定语言的总的体 系内表达,但他实际上 所说出的是他自己的独 特的语言体系。这种个 人方言被称为个人习语。
1.6 Idiolectal variation 个人言语变异
In a narrower sense, what makes up one’s idiolect includes also such factors as voice quality, pitch and speech rhythm, which all contribute to the identifying features in an individual’s speech.
在社会环境中使用的语 言都属于某种言语变体。 一种言语变体具有一些 与其它言语变体不同的 特征。这些特征反映在 发音、句法规则、词汇 上。
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