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动词语态(Voice)是表示动词主语与动词所表示的动作之间关系的⼀种动词形式。动词语态有两种:主动语态(T he Act ive Voice)和被动语态(T he Passive Voice)。主动语态表示主语是动作的执⾏者。被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者。动词被动语态由“be+过去分词”构成。

⼀ 能⽤于被动语态的动词特征


T he poem was writ t en by him. 这⾸诗是他写的。

A new element has been discovered by t he scient ist. ⼀个新元素已被这位科学家发现。2.注意某些及物动词语态的正确使⽤


excit e 使…激动,int erest 使…产⽣兴趣,sat isfy 使…满意,delight 使…⾼兴,please 使…⾼兴,ast onish使…惊奇,puzzle 使…困惑,confuse 使…糊涂,embarrass 使…尴尬,annoy 使…不悦,amaze 使…惊异,等。


T he news excit ed us. 消息使我们激动。

We were excit ed at t he news. 听到消息我们很激动。

T he int erview sat isfied t he manager. 访谈使经理满意。

T he manager was sat isfied wit h t he int erview. 经理对访谈很满意。

(2)表示受伤的动词hurt, injure, wound。例如:

T he driver hurt himself in t he accident.

T he driver was hurt in t he accident. 驾驶员在事故中受伤。

T he bullet wounded his back.

He was wounded in t he back. 他背部被⼦弹打伤。

(3)其他动词如base 以…为基础,line 沿…排列,fill 使…充满,separat e 使…分离,crowd 塞满,cover 覆盖,等。例如:

He based his film on a t rue st ory.

His film was based on a t rue st ory. 他的影⽚以⼀个真实故事为基础。

Green t rees line t he highway.

T he highway is lined wit h green t rees. 绿树沿公路排列。

She covered t he floor wit h a red carpet.

T he floor was covered wit h a red carpet. 地板上铺着红地毯。

T he st rait separat es t he island from t he mainland.

T he island is separat ed from t he mainland by t he st rait. 海峡把岛和⼤陆隔开。

⼆ 不能⽤于被动语态的动词特征


某些不及物动词,如happen, disappear, belong (t o), rise, consist等不可以误⽤于被动语态。例如:

(误)T he t ruck isn’t belonged t o t he fact ory.

(正)T he t ruck doesn’t belong t o t he fact ory. 这辆卡⻋不属于这家⼯⼚。

(误)A horse was appeared in t he dist ance.

(正)A horse appeared in t he dist ance. 远处出现了⼀匹⻢。

(误)T he incident was happened in 1930.

(正)T he incident happened in 1930. 事件发⽣在1930年。

(误)Indonesia is consist ed of more t han t en t housand islands.

(正)Indonesia consist s of more t han t en t housand islands.

(正)Indonesia is composed of more t han t en t housand islands.印度尼⻄亚由⼀万多个岛屿组成。


Junk food t ast es good, but it is bad for our healt h. 垃圾⻝品味道虽好,但对⼈体有害。Her face t urned pale. 她脸⾊变得苍⽩。

His conclusion proved t o be wrong. 他的结论证明是错的。


T he swimming pool measures t went y-five met res across. 游泳池宽25⽶。

T he sat ellit e weighs t wo t ons. 这枚卫星重两吨。



T he boy t aught himself French. 这个男孩⾃学法语。

T he st ranger called himself Green. 陌⽣⼈⾃称格林。


He devot es himself t o t he research of ant i-cancer drugs.

He is devot ed t o t he research of ant i-cancer drugs. 他致⼒于抗癌药物研究。

T hey accust omed t hemselves t o t he new cult ural background.

T hey were accust omed t o t he new cult ural background. 他们习惯于新⽂化背景。

He commit t ed himself t o raising funds for t he charit ies.

He was commit t ed t o raising funds for t he charit ies. 他承诺为慈善机构筹款。

We concern ourselves wit h children from poor families.

We are concerned wit h children from poor families. 我们关⼼来⾃贫困家庭的孩⼦。

T hey seat ed t hemselves round t he t able.

T hey were seat ed round t he t able. 他们围桌就座。


We oft en help each ot her. 我们经常互相帮助。

Count ries, big or small, should support one anot her. 国家不分⼤⼩应该互相⽀持。(3)带同源宾语的动词。例如:

He lived a hard life on t he farm. 他在农场过着艰苦的⽣活。

T he soldier died a heroic deat h in t he bat t le. ⼠兵在战⽃中英勇牺牲了。

(4)某些表示状态的及物动词,如fit 合适,hold 容纳,lack 缺少,cost 值,deserve 值得,等。例如:

T he pair of t rousers fit s me perfect ly. 这条裤⼦很适合我。

T he lect ure hall can hold 200 people. 演讲厅能容纳200⼈。

T he young man lacks confidence. 这个⻘年缺少⾃信。
