
黄冈师范学院2009—2010学年度第一学期期末试卷考试课程:专业英语考核类型:考试A卷考试形式:闭卷出卷教师:杨一思考试专业:化学考试班级:应用化学200601 一、Translate the following into English(20 points)1.过滤2.浓缩3.结晶化4.吸附5. 蒸馏6.超临界的7.二氯甲烷8.热力学平衡9.亲电性10.表面张力11.共轭的12.酮13.平衡常数14.丙基15.丁基16.亚甲基18.环己酮19.同位素20.标准熵二、Translate the following into Chinese(20 points)1. methyl propanoate2. rate constant3. ethyl methyl ketone4. free energy5. radical intermediate6. isobutyl methyl ether7. 3-chloropropene8. primary radical9. n-propyl bromide10. bond energy 11. circulating electrons12. local magnetic fields13. tetramethylsilane14. mass to charge ratios15 phenylamine16 amide17. amine18. nucleophile19. perchlorate20. carbocation三、Translation the following into chinese (40 points)A卷【第1页共 3 页】1. We can see why benzene is stable: according to resonance theory, the more resonance forms a substance has, the more stable it is. Benzene, with two resonance forms of equal energy, is therefore more stable and less reactive than a typical alkene.2. Membranes can be defined essentially as barrier, which separates two phases and restricts transport of various chemicals in a selective manner. A membrane can be homogenous or heterogeneous, symmetric or asymmetric in structure, solid or liquid, can carry a positive or negative charge or be neutral or bipolar. Transport through a membrane can be effected by convection or by diffusion of individual molecules, induced by an electric field or concentration, pressure or temperature gradient. The membrane thickness may vary from as small as 100 micron to several mms.3. The most common industrial adsorbents are activated carbon, silica gel, and alumina, because they present enormous surface areas per unit weight.A surface already heavily contaminated by adsorbates is not likely to have much capacity for additional binding, but further heating will drive off these compounds to produce a surface with high adsorptive capacity.Temperature effects on adsorption are profound, and measurements are usually at a constant temperature. Graphs of the data are called isotherms. Most steps using adsorbents have little variation in temperature.A卷【第2页共 3 页】4. In the absence of peroxides, hydrogen bromide adds to peopene via the Markovnikov pathway to yield isopropyl bromide. In the presence of peroxides, however, the order of addition is reversed, and the product is n-propyl bromide; the addition in this case is said to be anti-Markovnikov. This is interpreted in terms of initiation of the addition reaction by bromine atom, rather than by a proton, as is the case for electrophilic addition.四、Translate the following paragraphs into Chinese(20 points)1.Benzene and its derivatives can be nitrated using a mixture of concentrated nitric and sulphuric acid. The temperature must be controlled to prevent more than one nitro-group going in.2. Benzene can be made to react with halogen derivatives using aluminium chloride as a catalyst. This is called a Friedel-Crafts reaction.can be sulphonated by reacting it with fuming sulphuric acid(oleum). The benzene reacts with sulphur trioxide in the oleum.benzene is converted into ethylbenzene by reacting it with ethene. The ethylbenzene (also called styrene) is used to make polystyrene.黄冈师范学院2009—2010学年度第一学期期末试卷参考答案及评分标准考试课程:专业英语考核类型:考试A卷考试形式:闭卷出卷教师:杨一思考试专业:化学考试班级:应用化学200601 一、Translate the following into English(20 points)2. concentrate 4. adsorption chlorideequilibriumtensionconstant14. propylmagneticresonanceentropy二、Translate the following into Chinese(20 points)1. 丙酸甲酯2. 速率常数3. 甲乙酮4. 自有能5. 自由基中间体6. 异丁基甲醚7. 3-氯丙烯8. 伯自由基9. 正丙基溴化10. 键能11.循环电子12. 局部电磁场13. 四甲基硅烷14. 质荷比15.苯胺16.氨基化合物17.胺18亲核试剂19.高氯酸盐20.碳正离子三、Translation the following into chinese (50 points)1.依据共振理论,物质具有的共振式越多就越稳定。

5.A heterogeneous mixture is one in which the components are evenly distributed throughout.
Answer: False.
Short answer
4.What is the difference between an acid and a base?
Answer: An enzyme is a protein that acts as a catalyst in a biological reaction, lowering the activation energy required for the reaction to occur.
6.What is a heterogeneous mixture?
4.What is the definition of a chemical reaction?
Answer: A chemical reaction is a process in which one or more substances are transformed into different substances through the breaking and forming of chemical bonds.
Chapter 2
True or False
3.The pH scale is a measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution.
Answer: True.
4.A catalyst is a substance that changes the rate of a chemical reaction without being consumed in the reaction itself.

化学专业英语试卷B答案文档编制序号:[KKIDT-LLE0828-LLETD298-POI08]2013—2014学年度第一学期应用化学专业《专业英语》课程试卷(A)注意事项:1. 考生务必将自己姓名、学号、专业名称写在指定位置;2. 密封线和装订线内不准答题。
一、词汇填空(写出下列每个词汇对应的英汉单词)(共20小题,每空1分,共20分)1、分子( molecule )2、物理性质( physical property)3、硬度( hardness )4、电解质( electrolyte )5、熔点( melting point )6、沸点( boiling point )7、离子键( ionic bond or electrovalent bond )8、晶体( crystal )9、硅( silicon )10、钾( potassium )11、溶解度( solubility )12、构型( configuration )13、挥发性 ( volitility)14、正电荷( positive charge )15、phosphorus(磷)16、alcohol (乙醇)17、acetone (丙酮)18、base (碱)19、acid (酸)20、ether (乙醚)二、给下列无机化合物的英语名称(共10小题, 每小题2分,共20分)1、NaCN Sodium cyanide2、Ba(OH)2 Barium hydroxide3、KMnO4 Potassium permanganate4、H2SO4 Sulfuric acid5、ZnSO4 zinc sulfate or zinc sulphate6、FeS Iron (II) sulfide or Ferrous sulfide7、H3PO4 phosphoric acid8、H2SO3 Sulfurous acid9、HClO4 Perchloric acid10、FeCl3 iron (III) chloride or ferric chloride二、给下列有机化合物的英语名称(共5小题, 每小题4分,共20分)1.甲乙醚 ethyl methyl ether2.对甲基苯酚 4-methyl phenol3.苯乙烯 styrene4.CH3CH=C(CH2CH3) CH2 OH 2-ethyl-2-buten-1-ol5.(CH3)3CCH2CH2OH 4,4-dimethyl-1-butanol or 4,4-dimethyl butanol三、英译汉(共10小题, 每小题4分,共40分)1、Carbon-sodium and carbon-potassium bonds are largely ionic in character;carbon-lead, carbon-tin, carbon-thallium and carbon-mercury bonds are essentially covalent.碳-钠键和碳-钾键有较大的离子性,碳-铅键,碳-锡键,碳-铊键和碳-汞键基本上属于共价键。

Unit 1 The Roots of ChemistryI. Comprehension.1.C2. B3. D4. C5. BII. Make a sentence out of each item by rearranging the words in brackets.1.The purification of an organic compound is usually a matter of considerabledifficulty, and it is necessary to employ various methods for this purpose.2.Science is an ever-increasing body of accumulated and systematizedknowledge and is also an activity by which knowledge is generated.3.Life, after all, is only chemistry, in fact, a small example of chemistryobserved on a single mundane planet.4.People are made of molecules; some of the molecules in people are rathersimple whereas others are highly complex.5.Chemistry is ever present in our lives from birth to death because withoutchemistry there is neither life nor death.6.Mathematics appears to be almost as humankind and also permeates allaspects of human life, although many of us are not fully aware of this.III. Translation.1.(a) chemical process (b) natural science (c) the technique of distillation2.It is the atoms that make up iron, water, oxygen and the like/and so on/andso forth/and otherwise.3.Chemistry has a very long history, in fact, human activity in chemistry goesback to prerecorded times/predating recorded times.4.According to/From the evaporation of water, people know/realized thatliquids can turn/be/change into gases under certain conditions/circumstance/environment.5.You must know the properties of the material before you use it.IV. Translation化学是三种基础自然科学之一,另外两种是物理和生物。

2012—2013学年度第一学期应用化学专业《专业英语》课程试卷(A )注意事项:1. 考生务必将自己姓名、学号、专业名称写在指定位置;2. 密封线和装订线内不准答题。
一、词汇填空 (写出下列每个词汇对应的英汉单词)(共20小题,每空1分,共20分)1、化学性质 (chemical property )2、物理性质 (physical property )3、溶解度 (solubility )4、密度 (density )5、沸点 (boiling point )6、熔点 (melting point )7、反应 (reaction )8、无机的 (inorganic )9、有机的 (organic )10、化合物 (c ompound )11、烷烃 (alkane )12、乙醇 (ethanol )13、烯烃 (alkene )14、炔烃 (alkyne )15、ester ( 酯 )16、ether ( 醚 )17、acetone( 丙酮 )18、formaldehyde ( 甲醛 )19、ammonia ( 氨 )20、benzene ( 苯 )二、给下列无机化合物的英语名称(共10小题, 每小题2分,共20分)1、CaO calcium oxide2、HClO 4 perchloric acid3、CuSO 4 copper sulfate4、NaBrsodium bromide 5、NaCl sodium chloride6、HNO 3 nitric acid7、HNO 2 nitrous acid8、Al 2O 3 aluminum oxide9、KNO 3 potassium nitrate10、FeBr 3 ferric bromide三、给下列有机化合物的英语名称(共5小题, 每小题4分,共20分)1.辛烷octane2.CH 2=CHCH 2CH 31-butene3.CH 3CH 2CH 2CH 2OHbutanol4.CH 3CH 2OCH 3ethyl methyl ether5.CH3(CH2)4CO2Hhexanoic acid四、英译汉(共10小题, 每小题4分,共40分)Array1、The properties of substances are their characteristic qualities. Thephysical properties are those properties of a substance that can be observed without changing the substance into other substances.物质的性质是它们的特别品质。

Unit 1 The Roots of ChemistryI. Comprehension.1.It can be inferred from this article which one of the following items is not mainly based on practical use C. Greek chemistry2. It was B. Empedocless who first introduced the idea that all things are not formed from just one element.3. In the development of Greek chemistry, D. Democritus was the first one definiting the ultimately constituents of matter?4. According to Plato, there are B. 4 ―elements‖ whose faces are constituted by regular polygons.5. In the last paragraph,authors think that experiment DD.can deal with the reactions by which one substance is converted into anotherII. Make a sentence out of each item by rearranging the words in brackets.1.The purification of an organic compound is usually a matter of considerable difficulty, and itis necessary to employ various methods for this purpose.2.Science is an ever-increasing body of accumulated and systematized knowledge and is also anactivity by which knowledge is generated.3.Life, after all, is only chemistry, in fact, a small example of chemistry observed on a singlemundane planet.4.People are made of molecules; some of the molecules in people are rather simple whereasothers are highly complex.5.Chemistry is ever present in our lives from birth to death because without chemistry there isneither life nor death.6.Mathematics appears to be almost as humankind and also permeates all aspects of human life,although many of us are not fully aware of this.III. Translation.1.(a)化学过程;(b)自然科学;(c)蒸馏技术(a) chemical process (b) natural science (c) the technique of distillation2.正是原子构成铁、水、氧等。

应用化学专业英语Cu—copper Fe—iron Hg—mercury Na—sodium K—potassium Ag—silverNaOH—sodium hydroxide KOH—potassium hydroxide Fe(OH)2—iron(Ⅱ)hydroxide Fe(OH)3—iron(Ⅲ)hydroxide NH4OH—ammonium hydroxideK3[Fe(CN)6]—potassium hexacyanoferrate(Ⅲ)K4[Fe(CN)6]—potassium hexacyanoferrate(Ⅱ)Ⅰ.Name the following1.(NH4)2CO3Ammonium carbonate2.N2O Nitrous Oxide3.H2SO4Sulfuric acid4.P4O6Phosphorus(Ⅲ)trioxide5.Al2O3Aluminium oxide6.SnCl4Tin(IV)chloride7.KHSO4Potassium hydrogen sulfate8.Cu2S Copper(Ⅰ)sulfide9.HClO4Perchloric acid10.BaCl2Barium chloride11.P4O10Phosphorus(Ⅴ)pentoxide12.NaH Sodium hydride13.Ca(MnO4)2Calcium permanganate14.PF5Phosphorus pentafluoride15.(NH4)2HPO4Diammonium hydrogen phosphateⅡ.Give formulas for the following1.ammonium sulfate(NH4)2SO42.barium iodide BaI23.iron(Ⅱ)sulfate Fe2SO44.potassium permanganate KMnO45.copper(Ⅱ)oxide CuO6.carbonic acid H2CO3Melting point 熔点boiling point 沸点1.Which particles play the most active role in chemical bonding?(a)electrons (b)neutrons (c)protons (d)valence electrons2.An ionic bond is formed when electrons are:(a)completely destroyed (b)compeltely transferred (c)divied (d)equally shared3.Due to the that Ionic compounds have strong intermolecular forces they are at room temperature.(a)bonded covalently (b)gases (c)liquids(d)solids 1-butene trans -2-butenecis -2-butene iso -butene (E )-2-butene (Z )-butene 2-methylpropene1.Draw structure that correspond to the following names.(a)2,2-dimethylpentane (b)4-isobutyl-2,5-dimethylheptane (c)(Z)-3-menthyl-2-octene (d)(2R,3S)-2,3-pentanediol2.Give the IUPAC name for each of the following structures.(e)(f)(E)-1-methyl-4-ethylcyclohexane(g)(h)(S)-2-chloro-butyraldehyde (2R,3R)-2,3-dichlorobutyric acid补充:(E)-2-chloro-3-methyl-2-octene Nucleophile亲核试剂carbocation碳阳离子Compressible可压缩的incompressible不可压缩的1.A chemical system can be studied from either a or a(n)viewpiont.(A)physical...chenical(B)molecual...atomic (C)Microscopic...macroscopic(D)Mechanic...kinetic2.Is a macroscopic science that studies the interrelationships between the various equilibrium properties of a stystem.(A)Kinetics(B)Thermodynamics (C)Statistical mechanics(D)Quantum chenistry3.In,the molecular and macroscopic levels are related to each other.(A)quantum(B)statistical(C)thermodynamics(D)kinetics4.thermodynamics studies.(A)heat,work,energy,and the changes they produce in the states of systems(B)The relationships between the molecules of a system(C)heat,work,temperature,and the energy they produce in the states of systems(D)heat,energy,and work5.For a(n)system,neither matter nor energy can be transferred between system and surroundings.(A)closed(B)open(C)isolated(D)none of the aboveⅠ.Translate the following from English into Chinese.(1)pollution of the atmosphere(2)nondegradable pollutant大气污染不可降解污染物(3)harmless pollutant(4)interacting chemicals无害污染物相互作用的化学物质(5)threshold level(6)sound pressure level限定值,阈值声压水平(7)speech interference(8)transmission path 语音干扰传输途径Translate the following from Chinese into English.(1)定性分析qualitative analysis (2)分析物analyte (3)准确度accuracy (5)反应速率reaction-rate (5)解吸附作用deserption (6)吸附absorption conduction 热传导convection 对流radiation 辐射Balance and classify each of the following chemical equations as a (1)combination reactions ,(2)decomposition reaction ,(3)displacement reaction ,or (4)partner-exchange reaction.(a))()(2243l O H s Fe H O Fe +→+)(4)(342243l O H s Fe H O Fe +→+displacement reaction 置换反应(b))()()(23g O s KCl s KClO +→)(3)(2)(223g O s KCl s KClO +→decomposition reaction 分解反应(c)steam and hot carbon react to form gasecous hyfrogen and gaseous carbon monoxide.)()()()(22g CO g H s C l O H +→+displacement reaction 置换反应(d))()()(4272aq HClO g O H g O Cl →+)(2)()(4272aq HClO g O H g O Cl →+combination reactions 化合反应(e))()()(22aq HBrO aq HBr O H l Br +→+)()()(22aq HBrO aq HBr O H l Br +→+decomposition reaction 分解反应(f))()()()()(43442243aq PO H s CaSO aq SO H s PO Ca +→+)(2)(3)(3)()(43442243aq PO H s CaSO aq SO H s PO Ca +→+partner-exchange reaction 复分解反应(g)Potassium reacts with water to give aqueous potassium hydroxide and gaseous hydroxide.)()(2)(2)(222g H aq KOH l O H s K +→+displacement reaction 置换反应(h)Solid magnesium carbonate decomposes to form solid magnesium oxide and gaseous carbon monoxide.)()()(23g CO s MgO s MgCO +→decomposition reaction 分解反应Abstract 摘要Results and discussion 结果与讨论Experimental实验References参考文献E-factor影响因素Journal of the American Chemical Society美国化学会志Journal of the Chemical Society化学会志Journal of Organic Chemistry有机化学杂志Tetrahedron四面体'\.._/ ( Wb川ache mical reaction?Acherr山al react i on occurs when subs'孟忘"(tlie reactants) collide (碰撞) with enough energy to rearrange to form different compounds (由e produc时. η1e change in energy由at occurs when a reaction take place is described by thermodynamics (热力学) and the rate or speed at which a reaction occ u rs is described by kfaetics (动力学) . Reactions in which the reactants and produc臼coexist are considered to be in equ山brium (处于平衡). A chemical equation consists of the chemical formula (化学式) of the reactants,且目the chemical formula of the products. The two are separated by an 一一- usually read as ”yielas·’and each chemical formula is separated from others by a plus sign (加号) . Sometimes a triangle is drawn over the arrow symbol to denote energy must be added to the substances for the reaction to begin. Each chemical formula may be preceded by a scalar (数量的) coefficient ind i cating the proportion (比例) of that substance necessary to produce the reaction in formula. For instance, the formula for the burning of methane (C比+ 202 →C02 + 2H20) indicates that twice as much 02 as C比is needed, and when they react, twice as much H20 as C02 will be produced.η1is is because during the reaction, each atom of carbon needs exactly two atoms of oxygen to combine with, to produce the C02, and every two atoms of hydrogen need an atom of oxygen to combine with to produce the H20. If the proportions of t he reactants are not respected, when they are forced to react, either not all of the substanc e used will participate in the react i on, or the react i on that will take p l ace will be different from the one noted in the equation.。

综合英语四考试试卷适用于 考试日期: 试卷所需时间:120分钟 闭卷;A 卷;试卷总分:100分。
Part I Reading Comprehension 40%Directions: There are 4 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by somequestions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice. Please write the answer on the Answer Sheet .Passage 1Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: thelonging for love, the search for knowledge, and the unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind. These passions, like great winds, have blown me hither and thither, in a wayward course, over a deep ocean of anguish, reaching to the very verge of despair.I have sought love, first, because it brings ecstasy -- ecstasy so great that I would often have sacrificed all the rest of life for a few hours of this joy. I have sought it, next, because it relieves loneliness -- that terrible loneliness in which one shivering consciousness looks over the rim of the world into the cold unfathomable lifeless abyss. I have sought it, finally, because in the union of love I have seen, in a mystic miniature, the prefiguring vision of the heaven that saints and poets have imagined. This is what I sought, and though it might seem too good for human life, this is what -- at least -- I have found. With equal passion I have sought knowledge. I have wished to understand the hearts of men. I have wished to know why the stars shine. And I have tried to apprehend the Pythagorean power by which number holds sway above the flux. A little of this, but not much, I have achieved.Love and knowledge, so far as they were possible, led upward toward the heavens. But always pity brought me back to earth. Echoes of cries of pain reverberate in my heart. Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a hated burden to their sons, and the whole world of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be. I long to alleviate the evil, but I can ’t, and I too suffer.This has been my life. I have found it worth living, and would gladly live it again if the chance were offered me.1. What rhetorical device does the author use in the first paragraph? A) Hyperbole and simile. B) personification and hyperbole. C) parallelism, simile and metaphor. D) All of the above.2. For how many reasons has the author sought love?A) 1. B) 2. C) 3. D) 4.3. The reason why the author mentions Pythagorean power is ____________ A) to substantiate his viewpoint B) that he is a mathematicianC) to show his talent in mathematicsD) that this essay is based on Pythagorean theory 4. Why does the author say he suffers too? A) Because he is homeless. B) Because he is ill.C) Because he cannot alleviate all the evil that he hates.D) Because he does not have enough money to support the poor. 5. What is the basic tone for the whole passage?A) Critical. B) Ironic. C) Pathetic. D) Passionate. Passage 2Since Tiger was so fortunate with the game of golf, he decided to start a foundation called: The Tiger Woods Foundation which starts schools in urban American cities that provided an education for less fortunate kids. Tiger also supports and donates money to The First Tee program. The First Tee program’s goal is to provide learning facilities and educational programs that promote character development and life enhancing values through the game of golf. Tiger himself has also been an idol or hero for many kids around the world because of his dominance and records throughout his golfing career. Because of this many kids have started learning the game of golf.Tiger ’s real first name is Eldrick. He was born on December 30, 1975 and grew up in Cypress California. He began taking an interest in golf when he was just six months old. He would watch his dad, Earl, hit golf balls into a net and would try to copy his swing. He was given the nickname Tiger after a Vietnamese soldier and friend of his father. Tiger Woods appeared on TV practicing his swing at the age of two and by the time he was three, he had already shot a 48 on a nine-hole course. When he was five, the golf world began to take notice of Tiger and he was featured on the cover of Golf Digest. Tiger Woods was just 16 and still in high school when he played in his first professional golf tournament - the Nissan Los Angeles Open. Two years later, he went to college at Stanford University where he won ten collegiate events and the NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) title. While he appeared in only a handful of professional tournaments during his years in college, it wasn’t long before Tiger Woods would be winning pro events at a ridiculous rate.Tiger Woods, who is now 28 years old, has had an amazing career since becoming a pro golfer in 1996. He has won 53 worldwide tournaments, 40 of those wins were on the PGA TOUR, including eight major championships: the 1997, 2001, and 2002 Masters, the 1999 and 2000 PGA Championships, the 2000 and 2002 U.S. Open Championship and the 2000 British Open. Tiger has now won an incredible 9 out of 16 World Golf Championship events he has played in.Tiger relates to the book because he is a hero to others near and far. People around the world notice his dedication, time spent working to perfect his game, his fitness routines and since he is young, all the kids like that. Even if you didn’t play golf, you would know who Tiger is and he has influenced many people to take up the game and learn more than just how to play: to learn the integrity and rules which also help you in life.To wrap things up, Tiger Woods started the game at a young age and set many records that may never be broken and has changed the game forever. He’s a hero, incredible golfer, and a generous giving man. He works hard at everything he does and gives back whenever he can. That is why I chose Tiger to be my hero.院系: 班级: 姓名: 学号: 装 订 线6. Which of the following statements about Tiger is TRUE?A) He played in his first professional golf contest in 1992.B) He got the name Tiger from his father.C) He became a professional golfer when he was 16 years old.D) He drew the attention of other golf players in 1983.7. When did the author write the passage?A) 2002. B) 2003. C) 2005. D) Unknown.8. Why does the author adore Tiger Woods?A) He is young. B) He dedicates himself to golf.C) He donates money to others. D) B and C.9. In which way did the author write the passage?A) Ironic. B) Objective. C) Subjective. D) Exaggerated.10. What might be the best title for the passage?A) Tiger Woods B) The world’s Best GolferC) The Brightest Sports Star D) Sports Hero: Tiger WoodsPassage 340 years ago the idea of disabled people doing sport was never heard of. But when the annual games for the disabled were started at Stoke Mandeville, England in 1948 by Sir Ludwing Guttmann, the situation began to change.Sir Ludwing Guttmann, who had been driven to England in 1939 from Nazi Germany, had been asked by the British government to set up an injuries center at Stoke Mandeville Hospital near London. His ideas about treating injuries included sport for the disabled.In the first games just two teams of injured soldiers took part. The next year, 1949, five teams took part. From those beginnings, things have developed fast. Teams now come from abroad to Stoke Mandeville every year. In 1960 the first Olympics for the Disabled were held in Rome. Now, every four years the Olympic Games for the Disabled are held, if possible, in the same place as the normal Olympic Games although they are organized separately. In other years Games for the Disabled are still held at Stoke Mandeville. In the 1984 wheelchair Olympic Games, 1064 wheelchair athletes from about 40 countries took part. Unfortunately, they were held at Stoke Mandeville and not in Los Angeles, along with other Olympics.The Games have been a great success in promoting international friendship and understanding, and in proving that being disabled does not mean you can’t enjoy sport. One small source of disappointment for those who organize and take part in the games, however, has been the unwillingness of the International Olympic Committee to include disabled events at the Olympic Games for the able-bodied.Perhaps a few more years are still needed to convince those fortunate enough not to be disabled that their disabled fellow athletes should not be excluded.11. The first games for the disabled were held _______ after Sir Ludwing Guttmannarrived in England.A) 40 years B) 21 yearsC) 10 years D) 9 years12. Besides Stoke Mandeville, surely the games for the disabled were once held in_______.A) New York B) LondonC) Rome D) Los Angeles13. In Paragraph 3, the word “athletes” means _______.A) people who support the games B) people who watch the gamesC) people who organize the games D) people who compete in the games14. Which of the following statements is NOT true?A) Sir Ludwing Guttmann is an early organizer of the games for the disabled.B) Sir ludwing Guttmann is an injured soldier.C) Sir Ludwing Guttmann is from Germany.D) Sir Ludwing Guttmann is welcomed by the British government.15. From the passage, we may conclude that the writer is _______.A) one of the organizers of the games for the disabledB) a disabled person who once took part in the gamesC) against holding the games for the disabledD) in favor of holding the games for the disabledPassage 4Books are to mankind what memory is to the individual. They contain the history of our race, the discoveries we have made, the accumulated knowledge and experience of ages. They picture for us the marvels and beauties of nature, help us in our difficulties, comfort us in sorrow and in suffering, change hours of weariness into moments of delight, store our minds with ideas, fill them with good and happy thoughts, and lift us out of and above ourselves.Many of those who have had, as we say, all that this world can give, have yet told us they owed much of their purest happiness to books. Aseham, in “The Schoolmaster,” tells a touching story of his last visit to Lady Jane Grey. He found her sitting in an oriel window reading Plato’s beautiful account of the death of Socrates. Her father and mother were hunting in the park. The hounds were in full cry and their voices came in through the open window. He expressed his surprise that she had not joined them. But, said she, “I wish that all their pleasure in the park is but a shadow to the pleasure I find in Plato.”Macaulay had wealth and fame, rank and power, and yet he tells us in his biography that he owed the happiest hours of his life to books. In a charming letter to a little girl, he says: “Thank you for your very pretty letter. I am always glad to make my little girl happy, and nothing pleases me so much as to see that she likes books, for when she is as old as I am, she will find that they are better than all the tarts and cakes, toys and plays, and sights in the world. If any one would make me the greatest king that ever lived, with palaces and gardens and fine dinners, and wines and coaches, and beautiful clothes, and hundreds of servants, on condition that I should not read books, I would not be a king. I would rather be a poor man in a garret with plenty of books than a king who did not love reading.”Books, indeed, endow us with a whole enchanted palace of thoughts. “There is a wider prospect,” says Jean Paul Richter, “from Parnassus than from a throne.” In one way they give us an even more vivid idea than the actual reality, just as reflections are often more beautiful than real nature. “All are mirrors,”says George Macdonald. “The commonest room is a room in a poem when I look in the glass.”Precious and priceless are the blessings which the books scatter around our daily paths. We walk, in imagination, with the noblest spirits, through the most sublime and enchanting regions.16. This passage argues that _______.A)books are the memory of an individualB)books can tell us what kind of memory an individual hasC)human beings need books just as an individual needs memoryD)an individual needs books to help him memorize what has happened17. According to the passage, books can _______.A) change our mood B) change the time-schedule of our activityC) improve our social position D) keep us in sadness18. Lady Jane Grey _______.A)saw her parents hunting in the shadow in the parkB)knew that her parents enjoyed hunting in the shadowC)believed that her parents’ pleasure in hun ting was inferior to hers in reading PlatoD)enjoyed sitting in the shadow near window opening to a park while reading Plato’sworks19. It can be inferred from this passage that Macaulay _______.A)used to be a kingB)is very poor now because he likes books more than wealth and powerC)likes his little girl because she always wears a smile on her faceD)finds real happiness in reading books20. What is the major topic of this passage?A) Books and human beings. B) The delight of books.C) Books and memory. D) The blessings in the books.Part II Vocabulary and Structure 20%Directions: For each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence. Please write the answer on the Answer Sheet.1. A man who has made so many mistakes can’t afford to _________ the corrections ofhis friends.A) ignore B) slight C) despise D) contempt2.All the countries and regions with developed market economies have maturechambers of commerce and industry(工商业联合会), and these organizations are playing _________ roles in the market economy system.A) replaceable B) irreplaceable C) substitutable D) changeable3.The wonderful world which lies before us today has been _________ by hardworkingmen with clear heads and inventive genius.A) built in B) built into C) built up D) built on4.We hope children can have a healthy body and optimistic attitude that they candevelop a _________ and positive outlook on life.A) softened B) lighthearted C) delighted D) curious5.Overpopulation poses a terrible threat to the human race. Yet it is probably _________a threat to the human race than environmental destruction.A) no more B) not more C) even more D) much more6.How _________ it was of Miss Brown not to worry you when you had so many thingsto do!A) considerable B) consideration C) considerate D) considering 7.No matter how experienced a speaker you are, and how well you have prepared yourspeech, such a noisy reception as that is _________ to be very off-putting.A) liable B) apt C) opt D) supposed8.There was quite a _________ crowd at the match on Saturday. It must have been anexciting match.A) respectful B) respective C) respectable D) respecting9.She had been restraining herself in the presence of her father all the morning; but now,that long-pent-up _________ might come forth.A) shout B) weep C) burst D) sob10.The _________ goal of the book is to help bridge the gap between research andteaching, particularly between researchers and teachers.A) intensive B) concise C) joint D) overall11.Valuable manuscripts were saved from deterioration under the program of library_________.A) reservation B) conservation C) preserve D) maintenance12.He didn’t get involved in the business with the man, _________ he accused of lying.A) that B) as C) when D) whom13.Lower tariffs (关税) and the growth of population and industry caused trade to_________ in the 19th century.A) soar B) ascend C) hover D) glide14.Equal employment shall be accorded to all qualified individuals without _________ tocolor or sex.A) consider B) regard C) respect D) regardless15.The drunk was _________ clear-headed to observe the truck’s arrival and George’sdeparture on foot.A) sufficiently B) efficiently C) enough D) abundantly16.Cities generally have low-achieving schools with many of the same problems that_________ rural schools in China: less well-trained staff and fewer resources.A) effect B) afflict C) affiliate D) abuse17.Little Tom said angrily, “I know mum’s always taking you under her wing, but Iwouldn’t _________ to you again this time”.A) give up B) give out C) give in D) give away18.The fog seemed to hold the moonlight in _________, rendering it more pervasive thanin clear air.A) suspension B) expectation C) detention D) stimulation19.This earthquake is an unprecedented disaster, in which thousands of people_________.A) cherished B) were cherished C) were perished D) perished20.Beer is the most popular drink among male drinkers, _________ overall consumptionis significantly higher than that of women.A) whose B) that C) which D) whatPart III Translation (25%)Section AD irections:T ranslate the following sentences into English. Please write the answer on the Answer Sheet. (15%)1. 这个公司已经发展成为这个地区主要的化工生产基地之一。

2009 —2010学年第一学期化学与材料学院(系)07级应用化学专业《专业英语》期末试卷1.Write the structural formula or Chinese name for each of the following(2% for each answer):(1)barium ion: (2)chlorate ion:(3)potassium ion: (4)carbonic acid:(5)ammonium ion: (6)pyrrole:(吡咯)(7)polystyrene: (聚苯乙烯) (8)p-hydroxybenzoic acid:(对羟基苯甲酸)(9)benzonitrile (苄腈) (10)critical pressure: (临界压力)(11)methanal: (甲醛)(12)buffer solution :(缓冲溶液)(13)alkali burette:(碱式滴定管)(14)extract :(萃取) (15)tetrasulfur dinitride: (S4N2)(16)aldose:(醛醣)(17)sodium dihydrogenphosphate (磷酸二氢钠)(18)zinc oxide:(19)6-ethyl-4-methyldecane:(20)quantitative analysis: (定量分析)2.Write the English name for each of the following(2% for each answer):(1)IBr: (2)天平(balance)(3)阴离子(anion) (4)H2SO3(5)滴液漏斗: (dropping funnel)(6)CuNO3:(7)AgF: (8)滴定(n.):(titrate)(9)Ca(MnO4)2: (10)辛醇:(11)十三烷:(12)(CH3CH2)2Hg: (diethylmercury)(13)CH3CHCH CH2CH3:(14)CH3CH2CHCOOHCH3:(15)CHOHONH2:(2-amino-5-hydroxybenzaldehyde)3.Translate the following paragraphs into Chinese:(1)Pick the size of your separatory (sep.) funnel. You will usually use 125 or250-mL, large scale reactions (1–10 g) can require 500-mL or 1-L sizes.Remember that your sep. funnel will contain the solvent and wash liquid which must be thoroughly mixed.(5% for the answer)参考答案:挑选出你要的分液漏斗的大小。

分析化学analytical chemistry测定determination表征characterization参数parameter聚合物polymer滴定titration浓度concentration定性qualitative定量quantitative化学组成chemical composition 醋酸acetic acid氢气hydrogen 分子化合物molecular compound 共价键covalent bond氢氧化钾potassium hydroxide 电负性electronegativity反应物reactant氧化数oxidation number氧化剂oxidizing agent还原剂reducing agent质量守恒mass balance电荷守恒charge balance过氧化物peroxide结晶crystallization溶解度solubility母液mother liquid蒸发器evaporator冷凝器cooler密度density浓硫酸sulfuric acid溶剂solvent蒸馏distillation冷凝器condensate回流reflux间歇操作batch operation连续操作continuous operation 单元操作unit operation闪蒸flash distillation加热器heater组分component物料衡算material balance平衡曲线equilibrium curve精馏rectification熔点melting point沸点boiling point泡点bubble poin t露点dewpoin t再沸器reboiler分馏柱fractionating column塔底产品bottom product塔顶产品overhead produc t热交换器heat exchanger精馏段rectifying section提留段stripping section催化剂catalyst样品sample丙酮acetone官能团functional group羧酸carboxylic acid乙醇alcohol醛aldehyde酮ketone乙酸acetic acid自然科学natural science化学过程chemical process蒸馏技术the technique of distillation化学式chemical formula结构式structural formula化学方程式chemical equation可逆反应reversible reaction放热反应exothermic reaction吸热反应endothermic reaction置换反应displacement reaction石油工业petroleum industryNaNO2 :sodium nitriteK Br:potassium bromide(NH4)2SO4:ammonium sulfateH2CO3:carbonicAL(OH)3:aluminum hydroxideFeCl3:iron(Ⅲ)chlorideNa CN:sodium cyanideHNO3:nitric acidSO2:sulfur dioxideH Cl : hydrochloric acid共沸混合物azeotrope异丙基isopropyl硼酸盐tetra borate过饱和现象supersaturation钠sodium 盐析salting-ou t晶核nuclei衍生物derivative过渡金属transition metals锌zinc自然科学natural science中和反应neutralization reaction放热反应exothermic reaction氯乙烯v inyl chloride碳氢化合物hydrocarbon室温room temperature原子atom分子molecule物质s ubstance元素element粒子particle组成composition有机化合物organic compound无机物inorganic substance元素周期表The periodic table of elements质子proton电子electron中子neutron原子质量atomic weight原子序数atomic number同位素isotope能级energy level惰性气体noble gas卤素sulfur活泼金属active metal碱金属alkali metal碱土金属alkali earth metal过度金属transition mental贵金属noble metal液体liquid固体solid阳离子cation阴离子anion离子化何物ionic compound硝酸铵ammonium nitrate结构式structure formula分子式molecular formula双键double bond烷烃alkane烯烃alkene 炔烃alkyne。

应用化学专业英语第二版万有志主编版(课后答案和课文翻译)If the mass of a 12C atom is exactly 12 amu,then the mass of a 1H atom to five significant figures must be 1.0078 amu. 12 amu x 0.083986 = 1.0078 amu(2)First we calculate k and then use the first-order rate equation.[][]()()404340.6931.2110/5730log2.3031.000 1.2110/log0.477 2.3032.303log 2.09 6.11061001.2110/k yryrA ktA yrt t yr yr---==⨯=⨯===⨯=⨯The bone was tossed away (more precisely, the animal whose bone was died) about 6100 years ago, or about 4100 B.C. We can thus be sure that a village was in existence at that place at that time.Unit 7 The Nomenclature of Inorganic SubstancesI. Comprehension1.A2.B3.C4.C5.BII. Give the systematic name for the followingammonium ion ; copper(II) ion ; strontium ion; Ccopper(I) ion; iron(II) ion; zinc ion; hydrogen ion; lead((II) ion; aluminum;silver ion; magnesium ion; chromium(III) ion; Barium ; Manganese(II) ion; iron(III) ion; calcium ion; mercury(II) ion; chromium(II) ion; tin(II) ion.carbon monoxide; ditrogen trioxide; carbon dioxide; diphosphorus pentoxide; sulfur trioxide; dichlorine heptoxidearsenate ion; sulfite ion; hydride ion; arsenite ion; bromide ion; hydroxide ion; phosphate ion; chlorate ion; hypochlorite ion; phosphate ion; chloride ion; iodate ion; carbonate ion; chlorite ion; nitrate ion;chromate ion; cyanide ion; iodide ion;dichromate ion; fluoride ion; nitrate ion;oxide ion; hydrogen carbonate ion; nitrite ion;sulfide ion; hydrogen sulfate ion; perchlorate ion;sulfate ion; hydrogen sulfite ion; permanganate ion.III. Complete the table.Formula Old name SystematicnameFeO iron (II) oxide Fe2O3iron (III) oxide Sn(OH)2tin(II)hydroxideSn(OH)4tin(IV)hydroxideHg2SO4mercury (I)sulfateHgSO4mercury (II)sulfate NaCLO sodiumhypochloriteK2Cr2O7potassiumdichromateCu3(AsO4)2copper(II)arsenateCr(C 2H 3O 2)3 chromium(IV) acetateIV . Acid names may be obtained directly from its acid ion by changing the name of the acid ion (negative ion). Use the rule to give the name of the following acid. Formula of acid Old name Name of acid H 2CO 3 carbonic acid HClO 2 chlorous acid HClO 4 perchloric acid HCN hydrocyanic acid HBr hydrobromic acid H 4SiO 4 silicic acid H 3AsO 4 arsenic acid V . Complete the sentences with the proper form of the word given at the end of the sentence.1.is altered;2.To illustrate3.indicates4.should expect5.would cancel6. are pulled7.depend on8.are; referred9.formed 10.have discussed VI. Translation1. Matter can neither be created nor be destroyed/eliminated.2. It is necessary that a scientist must know how to use fingures to get an accutate answer to question.3. Any substance is made of atoms whether it is solid, liquid or gas.4. The experiment was successful. It ’s results was the same as what we had expected.5. It will not be long before we finish the experiment.VII. Write equations for the following acid-base reactions. Use the information in inorganic textbook to predict whether the equilibrium will favor the reactants or the products. (Partially Solved)Solutin to (a): Cyanide is the conjugate base of HCN. It can accept a proton from formic acid:COHHO +CN C OH OC NH +formic acid stronger acid cyanidestronger base formate weaker baseweaker acidReading from inorganic textbook, formic acid (p K a =3.76) is a stronger acid than HCN (p K a =9.22), and cyanide is a stronger base than formate. The products (weaker acid and base) are favored. …………..VIII. Write equations for the net reactions which occur when the following materials are added to a sodium-ammonia solution.Answer: (1) 2CH3GeH3 + 2e am-→ H2 + 2CH3GeH2-(2) I2 + 2e am-→ 2I-(3) (C2H5)2S + 2e am- + NH3 → C2H5S- + C2H6 + NH2-Unit 10 Nomenclature of HydrocarbonsI. Comprehension1.C2.D3.B4.A5.B6.BII. Name the following compounds by the IUPAC system1 CH3(CH2)nCH3 (n=2, 3, 4, 6, respectively) butane, pentane, hexane,octane2 (CH3)2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH32-methylpentane3 (CH3)3C-CH2-CH(C2H5)-CH2-CH34-ethyl-2,2-dimethylhexane5-isopropyl-2-methyloctane4 (CH3)2CH-CH2CH2-CH(CH2CH2CH3)-CH(CH3)24-isopropyl-4-propylheptane 5 CH3-CH2-CH2-C(CH2CH2CH3)2-CH(CH3)26 ◇-CH2-CH(CH3)2isobutylcyclobutane7 CH2=C(C2H5)(CH(CH3)2) 2-ethyl-3-methyl-1-butene8 CH3-CH2-CH=CH-CHCl-CH32-chloro-3-hexene9 CH3-CH(CH3)-CH(C2H5)-C≡C-CH34-ethyl-5-methyl-2-hexyneCH2=CH-C≡CH 1-buten-3-yne11(CH3)2CH-CH2CH(OH)CH34-methyl-2-pentanol12CH3CH2CH=CHCH(OH)CH33-hexen-2-ol13(CH3)3C-OH 2-methyl-2-propanol14(CH3)3C-OCH2H52-ethoxy-2-methylpropane15(CH3)2CH-CH2-O-C2H51-ethoxy-2-methylpropane16(CH2OH)21,2-ethanediol17CH3-CH(OH)-CH2(OH) 1,2-proanediol18CH2(OH)-CH(OH)-CH2(OH) 1,2,3-propanetriol19CH3CH2NH2aminoethane2 0 CH3CH2CH2CH(CH3)CH-NH-CH3N-methyl-1-amino-2-methylpentaneIII. Draw structures for the following compounds.1 3-octene C-C-C=C-C-C-C-C2 3-methy-2-heptene3 cyclohexene4 2-pentyne C-C≡C-C-C5 3,3-dimethylhexyne6 3-bromotolueneCH3Br7 vinyl chloride C=C-Cl8 acetylene C≡C9 para-dichlorobenzeneCl Cl10 m-chlorobromobenzeneBrCl11 toluene CH312 chlorobenzene Cl13 1,2-dibromobenzeneBrBr14 naphthalene15 anthracene16 phenanthrene17 2-methyl-1-propanol C CC OHC18 Cyclohexanol OH19 Methoxyethene C C O C20 trans-2-ethoxycyclohexanol OHOC2H5IV. Decide which item best completes each unfinished sentence.1.A2.A3.B4.CV. Each of the following names is incorrect. Draw the structure represented by the incorrect name (or a consistent structure if the name is ambiguous), and give your drawing the correct name.(…………)Unit 11 Carboxylic Acids and Their DerivativesI. Comprehension1.B2.B3.C4.D5.A6.CII. Fill in the blanks with the phrases given below.1.brought out2.dozen or so; put together3.are made of ;divided by4.are different from5.on the contrary; consist of6.summed up7.stand for8.such as9.are; dependent on 10.break down intoIII. Put in proper prepositions or adverbs into the blanks.1.with; as2.to3.about4.from5.intoIV. Translation1. Similarly, solvent also may not be liquid matter but the others2. A graph plotting solubility against temperature is called a solubility curve. ( The curve plot drawn (made / produced) by solubility as one coordinate and temperature as another coordinate is called solubility curve.)3. Air is mixture of gases , the most abundant of which is nitrogen in the form of N2 (molecules).4. The direction of the reaction and the position of the equilibrium may also be affected by the temperature, pressure, and other conditions.5. Hydrogen has a great affinity for oxygen and easily combines with it to form water.V. Translation玻意尔(Bohr)模型提出不久后,人们就发现原子中的电子比Bohr提出的模型要复杂得多。

Unit 1 The Rootsof Chemis tryI. Compre hensi on.1.It can be inferred from this articl e whichone of the followi ng itemsi s not mainly basedon practi c al use C. Greekchemis try2. It was B. Empedo cless who firsti ntrod ucedthe idea that all things are not formed from just one elemen t.3. In the develo pment of Greekchemis t ry, D. Democri tus was the first one defini tingthe ultimatelyconsti tuent s of matter?4. Accord i ng to Plato, thereare B. 4 ―elemen ts‖ whosefacesare consti tuted by regula r polygons.5. In the last paragraph,authors thinkthat experi ment DD.can deal with the reacti ons by whichone substa n ce is converted into anothe rII. Make a senten ce out of each item by rearra nging the wordsin bracke ts.1.The purifi catio n of an organi c compou nd is usuall y a matter of consid erabl e diffic ulty, and itis necess ary to employ variou s method s for this purpos e.2.Scienc e is an ever-increa singbody of accumu lated and system atize d knowle dge and is also anactivi ty by whichknowle dge is genera ted.3.Life, afterall, is only chemis try, in fact, a smallexampl e of chemis try observ ed on a si nglemundan e planet.4.People are made of molecul es; some of the molecul es in people are rather simple wherea sothers are highly comple x.5.Chemist ry is ever presen t in our livesfrom birthto deathbecause withou t chemis t ry therei sneithe r life nor death.6.Mathem atics appears to be almost as humanki nd and also permea tes all aspect s of humanlife,althou gh many of us are not fullyawareof this.III. Transl ation.1.(a)化学过程;(b)自然科学;(c)蒸馏技术(a) chemic al proces s (b) natura l science (c) the techni que of distil latio n2.正是原子构成铁、水、氧等。
应用化学专业英语unit 7

Similarly, the phosphate ion, PO43-, needs these H+ ions, so its parent acid is the molecular compound H3PO4, phosphoric acid.
In such cases, the ion with the larger number of oxygen atoms is given the suffix –ate, and that with the smaller number of oxygen atoms is given the suffix –ite. Thus, NO2- is nitrate and NO3- is nitrite. 在这种情况下,含氧原子数较多的离子加以 后缀-ate,反之加以后缀-ite。 因此,NO3-为硝酸盐,为NO2-亚硝酸盐。
Monatomic anions are named by adding the suffix –ide and the word ion to the first part of the name of the element ( the “stem” of its name ). 单原子阴离子通过在元素名字(名字的词干) 的第一部分加后缀-ide和离子单词来命名。
The names of oxoanions are formed by adding the suffix –ate to the stem of the name of the element that is not oxygen, as in the carbonate ion, CO32-. 含氧阴离子的名字是在非氧元素的词干后加 后缀-ate形成,如碳酸盐,CO32-。

化学与应用化学专业英语第二版王幸宜答案1、—Can you play the violin at the art festival?—No, I ______. But I am good at playing the drums.()[单选题] *A. canB. can’t(正确答案)C. doD. don’t2、—Whose book is it? Is it yours?—No, ask John. Maybe it’s ______.()[单选题] *A. hersB. his(正确答案)C. he’sD. her3、The idea of working abroad really()me. [单选题] *appeals to (正确答案)B. attaches toC. adapts toD. gets across4、20.Jerry is hard-working. It’s not ______ that he can pass the exam easily. [单选题] *A.surpriseB.surprising (正确答案)C.surprisedD.surprises5、I used to take ____ long way to take the bus that went by ____ tunnel under the water. [单选题] *A. a, aB. a. theC. a, /(正确答案)D. the, a6、59.—Can I talk to the manager?—Please wait ________ minute. [单选题] *A.anB.a(正确答案)C.theD./7、There is _______ meat in the fridge.Lets go and buy some. [单选题] *A. little(正确答案)B. a littleC. fewD. a few8、Reading()the lines, I dare say that the government are more worried than they admitted. [单选题] *A. behindB. between(正确答案)C. alongD. among9、Mum is ill. I have to _______ her at home. [单选题] *A. look after(正确答案)B. look forC. look outD. look forward to10、50.—The sweater is not the right ________ for me.—Well, shall I get you a bigger one or a smaller one? [单选题] *A.priceB.colorC.size(正确答案)D.material(材料)11、Stephanie _______ going shopping to staying at home. [单选题] *A. prefers(正确答案)B. likesC. preferD. instead12、I had _______ egg and some milk for breakfast this morning. [单选题] *A. aB. an(正确答案)C. theD. /13、The beautiful sweater _______ me 30 dollars. [单选题] *A. spentB. paidC. cost(正确答案)D. took14、He spoke too fast, and we cannot follow him. [单选题] *A. 追赶B. 听懂(正确答案)C. 抓住D. 模仿15、8.Turn right ________ Danba Road and walk ________ the road, then you will findMeilong Middle school. [单选题] *A.in...alongB.into...along (正确答案)C.in...onD.into...on16、27.Will it ______ warm in the room? [单选题] *A.areB.be(正确答案)C.isD.going to be17、How many subjects are you _______ this year? [单选题] *A. takesB. takeC. taking(正确答案)D. took18、Some students are able to find jobs after graduation while _____will return to school for an advanced degree. [单选题] *A. otherB. anotherC. others(正确答案)D. the other19、_____you may do, you must do it well. [单选题] *A.WhichB.WheneverC.Whatever(正确答案)D.When20、The boy’s mother always _______ him a story before he goes to bed. [单选题] *A. saysB. speaksC. tells(正确答案)D. talks21、14.Builders have pulled down many old houses, and they will build a lot of new ________. [单选题] *A.ones (正确答案)B.oneC.the onesD.the one22、_______ travelers come to visit our city every year. [单选题] *A. Hundred ofB. Hundreds of(正确答案)C. Five HundredsD. Five hundred?of23、He has made a lot of films, but ____ good ones. [单选题] *A. anyB. someC. few(正确答案)D. many24、_______ hard, _______ you’ll fail in the exam. [单选题] *A. Studying; forB. Study; or(正确答案)C. To study; andD. Study; and25、Simon does not()his fellow workers because they often argue over trivial matters. [单选题] *A. get on with(正确答案)B. come up withC. do away withD. go on with26、93.Welcome ________ our school! [单选题] *A.to(正确答案)B.inC.atD./27、Study hard, ______ you won’t pass the exam. [单选题] *A. or(正确答案)B. andC. butD. if28、They took _____ measures to prevent poisonous gases from escaping. [单选题] *A.efficientB.beneficialC.validD.effective(正确答案)29、43.How much did you ________ the man for the TV? [单选题] *A.pay(正确答案)B.takeC.spendD.buy30、I’m still unable to make myself_____in the discussion, which worries me a lot. [单选题]*A.understandB.understood(正确答案)C.understandingD.to be understood。


Unit 1 The Roots of ChemistryI. Comprehension.1.It can be inferred from this article which one of the following items is not mainly based on practical use C. Greek chemistry2. It was B. Empedocless who first introduced the idea that all things are not formed from just one element.3. In the development of Greek chemistry, D. Democritus was the first one definiting the ultimately constituents of matter?4. According to Plato, there are B. 4 “elements” whose faces are constituted by regular polygons.5. In the last paragraph,authors think that experiment DD.can deal with the reactions by which one substance is converted into anotherII. Make a sentence out of each item by rearranging the words in brackets.1.The purification of an organic compound is usually a matter of considerable difficulty, and itis necessary to employ various methods for this purpose.2.Science is an ever-increasing body of accumulated and systematized knowledge and is also anactivity by which knowledge is generated.3.Life, after all, is only chemistry, in fact, a small example of chemistry observed on a singlemundane planet.4.People are made of molecules; some of the molecules in people are rather simple whereasothers are highly complex.5.Chemistry is ever present in our lives from birth to death because without chemistry there isneither life nor death.6.Mathematics appears to be almost as humankind and also permeates all aspects of human life,although many of us are not fully aware of this.III. Translation.1.(a)化学过程;(b)自然科学;(c)蒸馏技术(a) chemical process (b) natural science (c) the technique of distillation2.正是原子构成铁、水、氧等。

应用化学专业英语第二版课后练习题含答案Chapter OneMultiple Choice Questions1.The scientific method of problem solving consists of___________. A. observation, experimentation, hypotheses, theory B.experimentation, observation, theory, hypotheses C. observation, hypotheses, theory, experimentation D. hypothesis, theory,experimentation, observationAnswer: A2.Which of the following is NOT one of the key steps involvedin the scientific method? A. Formulating hypotheses B. Building experiments C. Rejecting hypotheses D. Proving hypothesesAnswer: D3.Which of the following is a physical property? A. Density B.Flammability C. Reaction with acid D. RustingAnswer: A4.Which subatomic particle carries a positive charge? A.Proton B. Neutron C. Electron D. AtomAnswer: A5.Which of the following is NOT a chemical change? A. Burningof wood B. Digestion of food C. Melting of ice D. Rusting of ironAnswer: CShort Answer Questions1.What is the difference between a chemical and physicalchange? Answer: A physical change is a change in the physicalproperties of a substance, whereas a chemical change is a change in the chemical properties or composition of a substance.2.What is an atom? Answer: An atom is the smallest particle ofmatter that retns the chemical properties of an element.3.What is a molecule? Answer: A molecule is a group of two ormore atoms that are chemically bonded together.4.What is an element? Answer: An element is a pure substancethat cannot be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means.5.What is a compound? Answer: A compound is a pure substancemade up of two or more elements that are chemically bondedtogether.Essay Questions1.What is the scientific method and how is it used to solveproblems in science? Answer: The scientific method is a logical and systematic approach to problem solving in science. It consists of several key steps including observation, hypotheses,experimentation, and theory. Scientists use the scientific method to answer questions and solve problems by gathering data through observation and experimentation, forming hypotheses based on that data, testing those hypotheses through experimentation, andfinally developing theories to expln the results of those experiments.2.Describe the properties of matter and how they are used to differentiate between substances. Answer: Properties of matter can be either physical or chemical. Physical properties include mass, volume, density, color, melting point, boiling point, and solubility. These properties can be used to differentiate between substances by comparing their physical properties. Chemical properties include reactivity, flammability, and toxicity. These properties are used to differentiate between substances based on their chemical behavior under certn conditions.3.Describe the structure of an atom and the role that subatomic particles play in determining chemical behavior. Answer: Atoms have a central nucleus that contns protons and neutrons. Electrons orbit around the nucleus in shells or orbitals. Protons carry a positive charge, electrons carry a negative charge, and neutrons carry no charge. The number of protons in the nucleus determines the element to which the atom belongs, while the number of electrons in the outermost shell determines the chemical behavior of the atom.4.Expln the difference between a mixture and a pure substance. Give examples of each. Answer: A mixture is a combination of two or more substances that are not chemically bonded together. Mixtures can be either homogeneous or heterogeneous. A homogeneous mixture is a uniform mixture where the composition is the same throughout, such as saltwater. A heterogeneous mixture is a non-uniform mixture where the composition varies, such as oil and water. A pure substance is a substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means. Examples of pure substances include elements such as gold and silver, and compounds such as water and carbon dioxide.5.Expln the difference between a physical change and a chemical change. Give examples of each. Answer: A physical change is a change in the physical properties of a substance, such as shape, size, or state of matter, without changing its chemical composition. Examples of physical changes include melting ice, boiling water, and cutting paper. A chemical change is a change in the chemical properties or composition of a substance, resulting in the formation of a new substance or substances. Examples of chemical changes include burning of wood, digestion of food, and rusting of iron.。
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黄冈师范学院2009—2010学年度第一学期期末试卷考试课程:专业英语考核类型:考试A卷考试形式:闭卷出卷教师:杨一思考试专业:化学考试班级:应用化学200601 一、Translate the following into English(20 points)1.过滤2.浓缩3.结晶化4.吸附5. 蒸馏6.超临界的7.二氯甲烷8.热力学平衡9.亲电性10.表面张力11.共轭的12.酮13.平衡常数14.丙基15.丁基16.亚甲基18.环己酮19.同位素20.标准熵二、Translate the following into Chinese(20 points)1. methyl propanoate2. rate constant3. ethyl methyl ketone4. free energy5. radical intermediate6. isobutyl methyl ether7. 3-chloropropene8. primary radical9. n-propyl bromide10. bond energy 11. circulating electrons12. local magnetic fields13. tetramethylsilane14. mass to charge ratios15 phenylamine16 amide17. amine18. nucleophile19. perchlorate20. carbocation三、Translation the following into chinese (40 points)A卷【第1页共 3 页】1. We can see why benzene is stable: according to resonance theory, the more resonance forms a substance has, the more stable it is. Benzene, with two resonance forms of equal energy, is therefore more stable and less reactive than a typical alkene.2. Membranes can be defined essentially as barrier, which separates two phases and restricts transport of various chemicals in a selective manner. A membrane can be homogenous or heterogeneous, symmetric or asymmetric in structure, solid or liquid, can carry a positive or negative charge or be neutral or bipolar. Transport through a membrane can be effected by convection or by diffusion of individual molecules, induced by an electric field or concentration, pressure or temperature gradient. The membrane thickness may vary from as small as 100 micron to several mms.3. The most common industrial adsorbents are activated carbon, silica gel, and alumina, because they present enormous surface areas per unit weight.A surface already heavily contaminated by adsorbates is not likely to have much capacity for additional binding, but further heating will drive off these compounds to produce a surface with high adsorptive capacity.Temperature effects on adsorption are profound, and measurements are usually at a constant temperature. Graphs of the data are called isotherms. Most steps using adsorbents have little variation in temperature.A卷【第2页共 3 页】4. In the absence of peroxides, hydrogen bromide adds to peopene via the Markovnikov pathway to yield isopropyl bromide. In the presence of peroxides, however, the order of addition is reversed, and the product is n-propyl bromide; the addition in this case is said to be anti-Markovnikov. This is interpreted in terms of initiation of the addition reaction by bromine atom, rather than by a proton, as is the case for electrophilic addition.四、Translate the following paragraphs into Chinese(20 points)1.Benzene and its derivatives can be nitrated using a mixture of concentrated nitric and sulphuric acid. The temperature must be controlled to prevent more than one nitro-group going in.2. Benzene can be made to react with halogen derivatives using aluminium chloride as a catalyst. This is called a Friedel-Crafts reaction.can be sulphonated by reacting it with fuming sulphuric acid(oleum). The benzene reacts with sulphur trioxide in the oleum.benzene is converted into ethylbenzene by reacting it with ethene. The ethylbenzene (also called styrene) is used to make polystyrene.黄冈师范学院2009—2010学年度第一学期期末试卷参考答案及评分标准考试课程:专业英语考核类型:考试A卷考试形式:闭卷出卷教师:杨一思考试专业:化学考试班级:应用化学200601 一、Translate the following into English(20 points)2. concentrate 4. adsorption chlorideequilibriumtensionconstant14. propylmagneticresonanceentropy二、Translate the following into Chinese(20 points)1. 丙酸甲酯2. 速率常数3. 甲乙酮4. 自有能5. 自由基中间体6. 异丁基甲醚7. 3-氯丙烯8. 伯自由基9. 正丙基溴化10. 键能11.循环电子12. 局部电磁场13. 四甲基硅烷14. 质荷比15.苯胺16.氨基化合物17.胺18亲核试剂19.高氯酸盐20.碳正离子三、Translation the following into chinese (50 points)1.依据共振理论,物质具有的共振式越多就越稳定。
(10 points)2.膜可以被定义为一种阻碍物,它能将两种相态的物质分开,有选择性的限制不同化学物质的流动。
膜的厚度可以从100微米到几个毫米(15 points)A卷【第3 页共 3 页】3. 工业上最常用的吸附剂是活性碳、硅胶和铝,因为它们单位重量具有的表面积较大表面上覆盖满被吸附物后,不能再进一步吸附,但是加热可以去掉这些吸附物,重新具备吸附能力。
4. 在没有环氧化物存在的情况下,溴化氢加成丙烯,遵循马氏规则,得到异丙基溴。
四、Translate the following paragraphs into Chinese(20 points)1.苯及其衍生物可以用浓硝酸和硫酸的混合物进行硝化,温度要控制好防止更多的硝基引入。