
1 Unit5元素周期表As our picture of the atom becomes more detailed 随着我们对原子的描述越来越详尽,我们发现我们陷入了进退两难之境。
Not long after Dalton presented his model for atom( )在道尔顿提出他的原子模型(原子是是一个不可分割的粒子,其质量决定了它的身份)不久,化学家门开始根据原子的质量将原子列表。
In 1869,Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev,a Russian chemist, 在1869年,Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev ,一个俄罗斯的化学家,发表了他的元素周期表。
这些元素的排列顺序先是按原子质量的增加,,一些情况中, Mendeleev把稍微重写的元素放在轻的那个前面.他这样做只是为了同一列中的元素能具有相似的性质.例如,他把碲(原子质量为128)防在碘(原子质量为127)前面因为碲性质上和硫磺和硒相似, 而碘和氯和溴相似.Mendeleev left a number of gaps in his table.Instead of Mendeleev在他的周期表中留下了一些空白。

染整专业英语第二版课文翻译第二单元Hi, my name is Marry Fielding and I guess you could say that I am "one ina million". In other words, there are not many people like me. You see, I have a muscle disease which makes me very weak, so I can't run or climb stairs as quickly as other people. In addition, sometimes I am very clumsy and dropthings or bump into furniture. Unfortunately, the doctors don't know how to make me better, but I am very outgoing and have learned to adapt to my disability. My motto is: live One day at a time.Until I was ten years old I was the same as everyone else. I used to climb trees, swim and play football. In fact, I used to dream about playing professional football and possibly representing my country in the World Cup. Then I started to get weaker and weaker, until I could only enjoy footballfrom a bench at the stadium. In the end I went into hospital for medical tests.I stayed there for nearly three months. I think I had at least a billion tests, including one in which they cut out a piece of muscle from my leg and lookedat it under a microscope. Even after all that, no one could give my disease a name and it is difficult to know what the future holds.One problem is that I don't look any different from other people. So sometimes some children in my primary school would laugh, when I got out of breath after running a short way or had to stop and rest halfway up the stairs. Sometimes, too, I was too weak to go to school so my education suffered. Every time I returned after an absence, I felt stupid because I was behind the others.My life is a lot easier at high school because my fellow students have accepted me. The few who cannot see the real person inside my body do not make me annoyed, and I just ignore them. All in all I have a good life. I am happyto have found many things I can do, like writing and computer programming. My ambition is to work for a firm that develops computer software when I grow up. Last year invented a computer football game and a big company has decided to buy it from me. I have a very busy life with no time to sit around feelingsorry for myself. As well as going to the movies and football matches with my friends, I spend a lot of time with my pets. I have two rabbits, a parrot, a tank full of fish and a tortoise. To look after my pets properly takes a lotof time but I find it worthwhile. I also have to do a lot of work, especiallyif I have been away for a while.In many ways my disability has helped me grow stronger psychologically and become more independent. I have to work hard to live a normal life but it has been worth it. If I had a chance to say one thing to healthy children, it would be this: having a disability does not mean your life is not satisfying. So don't feel sorry for the disabled or make fun of them, and don't ignore them either. Just accept them for who they are, and give them encouragement to live as rich and full a life as you do.Thank you for reading my story.Unit 1马丁的故事嗨,我的名字就是马丁。


Unit 1 The Roots of ChemistryI. Comprehension.1.C2. B3. D4. C5. BII. Make a sentence out of each item by rearranging the words in brackets.1.The purification of an organic compound is usually a matter of considerabledifficulty, and it is necessary to employ various methods for this purpose.2.Science is an ever-increasing body of accumulated and systematizedknowledge and is also an activity by which knowledge is generated.3.Life, after all, is only chemistry, in fact, a small example of chemistryobserved on a single mundane planet.4.People are made of molecules; some of the molecules in people are rathersimple whereas others are highly complex.5.Chemistry is ever present in our lives from birth to death because withoutchemistry there is neither life nor death.6.Mathematics appears to be almost as humankind and also permeates allaspects of human life, although many of us are not fully aware of this.III. Translation.1.(a) chemical process (b) natural science (c) the technique of distillation2.It is the atoms that make up iron, water, oxygen and the like/and so on/andso forth/and otherwise.3.Chemistry has a very long history, in fact, human activity in chemistry goesback to prerecorded times/predating recorded times.4.According to/From the evaporation of water, people know/realized thatliquids can turn/be/change into gases under certain conditions/circumstance/environment.5.You must know the properties of the material before you use it.IV. Translation化学是三种基础自然科学之一,另外两种是物理和生物。

应用化学专业英语翻译完整篇应用化学专业英语翻译完整篇1 Unit5元素周期表As our picture of the atom becomes more detailed 随着我们对原子的描述越来越详尽,我们发现我们陷入了进退两难之境。
Not long after Dalton presented his model for atom( ) 在道尔顿提出他的原子模型(原子是是一个不可分割的粒子,其质量决定了它的身份)不久,化学家门开始根据原子的质量将原子列表。
In 1869,Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev,a Russian chemist, 在1869年,Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev ,一个俄罗斯的化学家,发表了他的元素周期表。
这些元素的排列顺序先是按原子质量的增加,,一些情况中, Mendeleev把稍微重写的元素放在轻的那个前面.他这样做只是为了同一列中的元素能具有相似的性质.例如,他把碲(原子质量为128)防在碘(原子质量为127)前面因为碲性质上和硫磺和硒相似, 而碘和氯和溴相似.Mendeleev left a number of gaps in his table.Instead of Mendeleev在他的周期表中留下了一些空白。

Unit 1 The Roots of ChemistryI. Comprehension.1.It can be inferred from this article which one of the following items is not mainly based on practical use C. Greek chemistry2. It was B. Empedocless who first introduced the idea that all things are not formed from just one element.3. In the development of Greek chemistry, D. Democritus was the first one definiting the ultimately constituents of matter?4. According to Plato, there are B. 4 ―elements‖ whose faces are constituted by regular polygons.5. In the last paragraph,authors think that experiment DD.can deal with the reactions by which one substance is converted into anotherII. Make a sentence out of each item by rearranging the words in brackets.1.The purification of an organic compound is usually a matter of considerable difficulty, and itis necessary to employ various methods for this purpose.2.Science is an ever-increasing body of accumulated and systematized knowledge and is also anactivity by which knowledge is generated.3.Life, after all, is only chemistry, in fact, a small example of chemistry observed on a singlemundane planet.4.People are made of molecules; some of the molecules in people are rather simple whereasothers are highly complex.5.Chemistry is ever present in our lives from birth to death because without chemistry there isneither life nor death.6.Mathematics appears to be almost as humankind and also permeates all aspects of human life,although many of us are not fully aware of this.III. Translation.1.(a)化学过程;(b)自然科学;(c)蒸馏技术(a) chemical process (b) natural science (c) the technique of distillation2.正是原子构成铁、水、氧等。

The operation of a machine needs some knowledge of its performance. 操作机器需要懂得机器的一些性能。 (n.→v.) The continuous process can ordinarily be handled in the less space. 连续过程通常能节省操作空间。 (adj.→v.)
本书共分为三部分: 第一部分为“科技英语翻译方法”; 第二部分为“专业文章阅读与翻译”; 第三部分为“科技论Exam (1): close-book exam, covering all nomenclature, dictionary NOT allowed Exam (2): open-book, comprehensive, dictionary allowed
科技著作、科技论文及报告、实验报告及方 案; 各类科技情报及文字资料; 科技实用手册的结构描述和操作规程; 有关科技问题的会谈、会议; 有关科技的影片、录像及光盘等有声资料的 解说词等。
科技英语要求其客观性、准确性及 严密性,注意叙事逻辑上的连贯及表 达上的明晰、畅达,避免行文晦涩。 科技英语力求平易和精确,避免使用 旨在加强语言感染力和宣传效果的各 种修饰词,以免使读者产生行文浮华, 内容虚饰之感。
1.据语言学家统计,物理、化学、工程类的教科书里, 约有1/3的动词用于被动语态句。 2. 这是因为科技人员最最关心的是行为、活动、事实 本身,至于谁做的,无关紧要,而且运用被动语态显 得文章所描述的内容更客观,可减少一些主观印象。 例如: Mathematics is used in many different fields. people use mathematics in many different fields.

应用化学专业英语朱红军第二版课文翻译Unit 7 Physical ChemistryPhysical chemistry is the study of the physical basis of chemical systems and processes. Modern physical chemistry is firmly grounded upon physica. Important areas of study include chemical thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, quantum chemistry, statistical mechanics, electrochemistry, surface and solid state chemistry, and spectroscopy.物理化学是对化学系统和过程的物理基础的研究。
We have repeatedly referred to the energy effects accompanying chemicaland physical changes. Thermodynamics is the study of these energy effects in particular, it summarizes the relations between heat, work, and other forms of energy that are involved in all types of changes. The laws of thermodynamics can be used to predict whether a particular chemical or physicaltransformation is theoretically possible under a given set of conditions. Furthermore, if a study shows that a desired change will not occur under the conditions assumed, thermodynamic principles can be used to determine how the conditions can be altered to make the change theoretically possible.我们一再提到伴随着化学和物理变化的能量效应。


Unit 1 The Roots of ChemistryI. Comprehension.1.C2. B3. D4. C5. BII. Make a sentence out of each item by rearranging the words in brackets.1. The purification of an organic compound is usually a matter of considerable difficulty, and it is necessary to employ various methods for this purpose.2. Science is an ever-increasing body of accumulated and systematized knowledge and is also an activity by which knowledge is generated.3. Life, after all, is only chemistry, in fact, a small example of chemistry observed on a single mundane planet.4. People are made of molecules; some of the molecules in people are rather simple whereas others are highly complex.5. Chemistry is ever present in our lives from birth to death because without chemistry there is neither life nor death.6. Mathematics appears to be almost as humankind and also permeates all aspects of human life, although many of us are not fully aware of this.III. Translation.1. (a) chemical process (b) natural science (c) the technique of distillation2. It is the atoms that make up iron, water, oxygen and the like/and so on/andso forth/and otherwise.3. Chemistry has a very long history, in fact, human activity in chemistry goesback to prerecorded times/predating recorded times.4. According to/From the evaporation of water, people know/realized thatliquids can turn/be/change into gases under certain conditions/circumstance/environment.5. You must know the properties of the material before you use it.IV . Translation化学是三种基础自然科学之一,另外两种是物理和生物。

应用化学专业英语1单元翻译第一篇:应用化学专业英语1单元翻译1.Chemistry can be broadly defines as the science of molecules and their transformations.化学可以广泛地定义为科学的分子和他们的转换。
The early beginnings of chemistry were clearly motivated by practical needs of people.早期的化学显然是出于实际的需要。
Greek chemistry was based mainly on speculation rather than on experiment.希腊化学主要基于猜测而不是实验。

应用化学专业英语第二版万有志主编版(课后答案和课文翻译)If the mass of a 12C atom is exactly 12 amu,then the mass of a 1H atom to five significant figures must be 1.0078 amu. 12 amu x 0.083986 = 1.0078 amu(2)First we calculate k and then use the first-order rate equation.[][]()()404340.6931.2110/5730log2.3031.000 1.2110/log0.477 2.3032.303log 2.09 6.11061001.2110/k yryrA ktA yrt t yr yr---==⨯=⨯===⨯=⨯The bone was tossed away (more precisely, the animal whose bone was died) about 6100 years ago, or about 4100 B.C. We can thus be sure that a village was in existence at that place at that time.Unit 7 The Nomenclature of Inorganic SubstancesI. Comprehension1.A2.B3.C4.C5.BII. Give the systematic name for the followingammonium ion ; copper(II) ion ; strontium ion; Ccopper(I) ion; iron(II) ion; zinc ion; hydrogen ion; lead((II) ion; aluminum;silver ion; magnesium ion; chromium(III) ion; Barium ; Manganese(II) ion; iron(III) ion; calcium ion; mercury(II) ion; chromium(II) ion; tin(II) ion.carbon monoxide; ditrogen trioxide; carbon dioxide; diphosphorus pentoxide; sulfur trioxide; dichlorine heptoxidearsenate ion; sulfite ion; hydride ion; arsenite ion; bromide ion; hydroxide ion; phosphate ion; chlorate ion; hypochlorite ion; phosphate ion; chloride ion; iodate ion; carbonate ion; chlorite ion; nitrate ion;chromate ion; cyanide ion; iodide ion;dichromate ion; fluoride ion; nitrate ion;oxide ion; hydrogen carbonate ion; nitrite ion;sulfide ion; hydrogen sulfate ion; perchlorate ion;sulfate ion; hydrogen sulfite ion; permanganate ion.III. Complete the table.Formula Old name SystematicnameFeO iron (II) oxide Fe2O3iron (III) oxide Sn(OH)2tin(II)hydroxideSn(OH)4tin(IV)hydroxideHg2SO4mercury (I)sulfateHgSO4mercury (II)sulfate NaCLO sodiumhypochloriteK2Cr2O7potassiumdichromateCu3(AsO4)2copper(II)arsenateCr(C 2H 3O 2)3 chromium(IV) acetateIV . Acid names may be obtained directly from its acid ion by changing the name of the acid ion (negative ion). Use the rule to give the name of the following acid. Formula of acid Old name Name of acid H 2CO 3 carbonic acid HClO 2 chlorous acid HClO 4 perchloric acid HCN hydrocyanic acid HBr hydrobromic acid H 4SiO 4 silicic acid H 3AsO 4 arsenic acid V . Complete the sentences with the proper form of the word given at the end of the sentence.1.is altered;2.To illustrate3.indicates4.should expect5.would cancel6. are pulled7.depend on8.are; referred9.formed 10.have discussed VI. Translation1. Matter can neither be created nor be destroyed/eliminated.2. It is necessary that a scientist must know how to use fingures to get an accutate answer to question.3. Any substance is made of atoms whether it is solid, liquid or gas.4. The experiment was successful. It ’s results was the same as what we had expected.5. It will not be long before we finish the experiment.VII. Write equations for the following acid-base reactions. Use the information in inorganic textbook to predict whether the equilibrium will favor the reactants or the products. (Partially Solved)Solutin to (a): Cyanide is the conjugate base of HCN. It can accept a proton from formic acid:COHHO +CN C OH OC NH +formic acid stronger acid cyanidestronger base formate weaker baseweaker acidReading from inorganic textbook, formic acid (p K a =3.76) is a stronger acid than HCN (p K a =9.22), and cyanide is a stronger base than formate. The products (weaker acid and base) are favored. …………..VIII. Write equations for the net reactions which occur when the following materials are added to a sodium-ammonia solution.Answer: (1) 2CH3GeH3 + 2e am-→ H2 + 2CH3GeH2-(2) I2 + 2e am-→ 2I-(3) (C2H5)2S + 2e am- + NH3 → C2H5S- + C2H6 + NH2-Unit 10 Nomenclature of HydrocarbonsI. Comprehension1.C2.D3.B4.A5.B6.BII. Name the following compounds by the IUPAC system1 CH3(CH2)nCH3 (n=2, 3, 4, 6, respectively) butane, pentane, hexane,octane2 (CH3)2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH32-methylpentane3 (CH3)3C-CH2-CH(C2H5)-CH2-CH34-ethyl-2,2-dimethylhexane5-isopropyl-2-methyloctane4 (CH3)2CH-CH2CH2-CH(CH2CH2CH3)-CH(CH3)24-isopropyl-4-propylheptane 5 CH3-CH2-CH2-C(CH2CH2CH3)2-CH(CH3)26 ◇-CH2-CH(CH3)2isobutylcyclobutane7 CH2=C(C2H5)(CH(CH3)2) 2-ethyl-3-methyl-1-butene8 CH3-CH2-CH=CH-CHCl-CH32-chloro-3-hexene9 CH3-CH(CH3)-CH(C2H5)-C≡C-CH34-ethyl-5-methyl-2-hexyneCH2=CH-C≡CH 1-buten-3-yne11(CH3)2CH-CH2CH(OH)CH34-methyl-2-pentanol12CH3CH2CH=CHCH(OH)CH33-hexen-2-ol13(CH3)3C-OH 2-methyl-2-propanol14(CH3)3C-OCH2H52-ethoxy-2-methylpropane15(CH3)2CH-CH2-O-C2H51-ethoxy-2-methylpropane16(CH2OH)21,2-ethanediol17CH3-CH(OH)-CH2(OH) 1,2-proanediol18CH2(OH)-CH(OH)-CH2(OH) 1,2,3-propanetriol19CH3CH2NH2aminoethane2 0 CH3CH2CH2CH(CH3)CH-NH-CH3N-methyl-1-amino-2-methylpentaneIII. Draw structures for the following compounds.1 3-octene C-C-C=C-C-C-C-C2 3-methy-2-heptene3 cyclohexene4 2-pentyne C-C≡C-C-C5 3,3-dimethylhexyne6 3-bromotolueneCH3Br7 vinyl chloride C=C-Cl8 acetylene C≡C9 para-dichlorobenzeneCl Cl10 m-chlorobromobenzeneBrCl11 toluene CH312 chlorobenzene Cl13 1,2-dibromobenzeneBrBr14 naphthalene15 anthracene16 phenanthrene17 2-methyl-1-propanol C CC OHC18 Cyclohexanol OH19 Methoxyethene C C O C20 trans-2-ethoxycyclohexanol OHOC2H5IV. Decide which item best completes each unfinished sentence.1.A2.A3.B4.CV. Each of the following names is incorrect. Draw the structure represented by the incorrect name (or a consistent structure if the name is ambiguous), and give your drawing the correct name.(…………)Unit 11 Carboxylic Acids and Their DerivativesI. Comprehension1.B2.B3.C4.D5.A6.CII. Fill in the blanks with the phrases given below.1.brought out2.dozen or so; put together3.are made of ;divided by4.are different from5.on the contrary; consist of6.summed up7.stand for8.such as9.are; dependent on 10.break down intoIII. Put in proper prepositions or adverbs into the blanks.1.with; as2.to3.about4.from5.intoIV. Translation1. Similarly, solvent also may not be liquid matter but the others2. A graph plotting solubility against temperature is called a solubility curve. ( The curve plot drawn (made / produced) by solubility as one coordinate and temperature as another coordinate is called solubility curve.)3. Air is mixture of gases , the most abundant of which is nitrogen in the form of N2 (molecules).4. The direction of the reaction and the position of the equilibrium may also be affected by the temperature, pressure, and other conditions.5. Hydrogen has a great affinity for oxygen and easily combines with it to form water.V. Translation玻意尔(Bohr)模型提出不久后,人们就发现原子中的电子比Bohr提出的模型要复杂得多。

Unit 1 Scientific Paper and LiteratureLesson 1Writing a Scientific Paper这一章节是写科学论文一个总的指导。
Introduction to Science Paper一篇研究论文是学术交流的书面形式,它可以用来传播有用的信息并且可以和别人分享有用的学术见解。
Features of Academic Papers 学术论文的特色学术论文的第一个特色就是内容。
Getting Started尽管学术论文不想食谱配方或者实验流程一样有一套固定的写作规矩,但是一些指导方针也是很有帮助的。

Unit 1 The Rootsof Chemis tryI. Compre hensi on.1.It can be inferred from this articl e whichone of the followi ng itemsi s not mainly basedon practi c al use C. Greekchemis try2. It was B. Empedo cless who firsti ntrod ucedthe idea that all things are not formed from just one elemen t.3. In the develo pment of Greekchemis t ry, D. Democri tus was the first one defini tingthe ultimatelyconsti tuent s of matter?4. Accord i ng to Plato, thereare B. 4 ―elemen ts‖ whosefacesare consti tuted by regula r polygons.5. In the last paragraph,authors thinkthat experi ment DD.can deal with the reacti ons by whichone substa n ce is converted into anothe rII. Make a senten ce out of each item by rearra nging the wordsin bracke ts.1.The purifi catio n of an organi c compou nd is usuall y a matter of consid erabl e diffic ulty, and itis necess ary to employ variou s method s for this purpos e.2.Scienc e is an ever-increa singbody of accumu lated and system atize d knowle dge and is also anactivi ty by whichknowle dge is genera ted.3.Life, afterall, is only chemis try, in fact, a smallexampl e of chemis try observ ed on a si nglemundan e planet.4.People are made of molecul es; some of the molecul es in people are rather simple wherea sothers are highly comple x.5.Chemist ry is ever presen t in our livesfrom birthto deathbecause withou t chemis t ry therei sneithe r life nor death.6.Mathem atics appears to be almost as humanki nd and also permea tes all aspect s of humanlife,althou gh many of us are not fullyawareof this.III. Transl ation.1.(a)化学过程;(b)自然科学;(c)蒸馏技术(a) chemic al proces s (b) natura l science (c) the techni que of distil latio n2.正是原子构成铁、水、氧等。

The Periodic TableAs our picture of the atom becomes more detailed, we find ourselves in a dilemma.当我们对原子了解的越来越详细时,我们发现我们其中处在两难之中己。
With more than 100 elements to deal with, how can we keep all this information straight?由于超过100种元素要处理,我们怎样能理顺所有的信息?One way is by using the periodic table of the elements.一个方法是使用元素周期表。
The periodic table neatly tabulates information about atoms. 周期表整齐地列出了原子信息的表格。
It records how many protons and electrons the atoms of a particular element contain. 它记录了一个具体的元素的原子包含多少质子和电子。
It permits us to calculate the number of neutrons in the most common isotope for most elements. 它允许我们为大多数元素计算最常见的同位素中的中子的数量。
It even stores information about how electrons are arranged in the atoms of each element. 它甚至储存了每个元素的原子周围是如何安排电子的信息。
The most extraordinary thing about the periodic table is that it was largely developed before anyone knew there were protons or neutrons or electrons in atoms. 关于周期表的最杰出的事情是在任何人知道在原子周围有质子、中子或者电子之前被提出来。
化学工程专业英语课文翻译(doc 21页)

Unit 1 Chemical Industry化学工业1.Origins of the Chemical IndustryAlthough the use of chemicals dates back to the ancient civilizations, the evolution of what we know as the modern chemical industry started much more recently. It may be considered to have begun during the Industrial Revolution, about 1800, and developed to provide chemicals roe use by other industries. Examples are alkali for soapmaking, bleaching powder for cotton, and silica and sodium carbonate for glassmaking. It will be noted that these are all inorganic chemicals. The organic chemicals industry started in the 1860s with the exploitation of William Henry Perkin’s discovery if the first synthetic dyestuff—mauve. At the start of the twentieth century the emphasis on research on the applied aspects of chemistry in Germany had paid off handsomely, and by 1914 had resulted in the German chemical industry having 75% of the world market in chemicals. This was based on the discovery of new dyestuffs plus the development of both the contact process for sulphuric acid and the Haber process for ammonia. The later required a major technological breakthrough that of being able to carry out chemical reactions under conditions of very high pressure for the first time. The experience gained with this was to stand Germany in good stead, particularly with the rapidly increased demand for nitrogen-based compounds (ammonium salts for fertilizers and nitric acid for explosives manufacture) with the outbreak of world warⅠin 1914. This initiated profound changes which continued during the inter-war years (1918-1939).1.化学工业的起源尽管化学品的使用可以追溯到古代文明时代,我们所谓的现代化学工业的发展却是非常近代(才开始的)。

应用化学专业英语第二版课后练习题含答案Chapter OneMultiple Choice Questions1.The scientific method of problem solving consists of___________. A. observation, experimentation, hypotheses, theory B.experimentation, observation, theory, hypotheses C. observation, hypotheses, theory, experimentation D. hypothesis, theory,experimentation, observationAnswer: A2.Which of the following is NOT one of the key steps involvedin the scientific method? A. Formulating hypotheses B. Building experiments C. Rejecting hypotheses D. Proving hypothesesAnswer: D3.Which of the following is a physical property? A. Density B.Flammability C. Reaction with acid D. RustingAnswer: A4.Which subatomic particle carries a positive charge? A.Proton B. Neutron C. Electron D. AtomAnswer: A5.Which of the following is NOT a chemical change? A. Burningof wood B. Digestion of food C. Melting of ice D. Rusting of ironAnswer: CShort Answer Questions1.What is the difference between a chemical and physicalchange? Answer: A physical change is a change in the physicalproperties of a substance, whereas a chemical change is a change in the chemical properties or composition of a substance.2.What is an atom? Answer: An atom is the smallest particle ofmatter that retns the chemical properties of an element.3.What is a molecule? Answer: A molecule is a group of two ormore atoms that are chemically bonded together.4.What is an element? Answer: An element is a pure substancethat cannot be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means.5.What is a compound? Answer: A compound is a pure substancemade up of two or more elements that are chemically bondedtogether.Essay Questions1.What is the scientific method and how is it used to solveproblems in science? Answer: The scientific method is a logical and systematic approach to problem solving in science. It consists of several key steps including observation, hypotheses,experimentation, and theory. Scientists use the scientific method to answer questions and solve problems by gathering data through observation and experimentation, forming hypotheses based on that data, testing those hypotheses through experimentation, andfinally developing theories to expln the results of those experiments.2.Describe the properties of matter and how they are used to differentiate between substances. Answer: Properties of matter can be either physical or chemical. Physical properties include mass, volume, density, color, melting point, boiling point, and solubility. These properties can be used to differentiate between substances by comparing their physical properties. Chemical properties include reactivity, flammability, and toxicity. These properties are used to differentiate between substances based on their chemical behavior under certn conditions.3.Describe the structure of an atom and the role that subatomic particles play in determining chemical behavior. Answer: Atoms have a central nucleus that contns protons and neutrons. Electrons orbit around the nucleus in shells or orbitals. Protons carry a positive charge, electrons carry a negative charge, and neutrons carry no charge. The number of protons in the nucleus determines the element to which the atom belongs, while the number of electrons in the outermost shell determines the chemical behavior of the atom.4.Expln the difference between a mixture and a pure substance. Give examples of each. Answer: A mixture is a combination of two or more substances that are not chemically bonded together. Mixtures can be either homogeneous or heterogeneous. A homogeneous mixture is a uniform mixture where the composition is the same throughout, such as saltwater. A heterogeneous mixture is a non-uniform mixture where the composition varies, such as oil and water. A pure substance is a substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means. Examples of pure substances include elements such as gold and silver, and compounds such as water and carbon dioxide.5.Expln the difference between a physical change and a chemical change. Give examples of each. Answer: A physical change is a change in the physical properties of a substance, such as shape, size, or state of matter, without changing its chemical composition. Examples of physical changes include melting ice, boiling water, and cutting paper. A chemical change is a change in the chemical properties or composition of a substance, resulting in the formation of a new substance or substances. Examples of chemical changes include burning of wood, digestion of food, and rusting of iron.。
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Unit 1 The Roots of ChemistryI. Comprehension.1.C2. B3. D4. C5. BII. Make a sentence out of each item by rearranging the words in brackets.1.The purification of an organic compound is usually a matter of considerabledifficulty, and it is necessary to employ various methods for this purpose.2.Science is an ever-increasing body of accumulated and systematizedknowledge and is also an activity by which knowledge is generated.3.Life, after all, is only chemistry, in fact, a small example of chemistryobserved on a single mundane planet.4.People are made of molecules; some of the molecules in people are rathersimple whereas others are highly complex.5.Chemistry is ever present in our lives from birth to death because withoutchemistry there is neither life nor death.6.Mathematics appears to be almost as humankind and also permeates allaspects of human life, although many of us are not fully aware of this.III. Translation.1.(a) chemical process (b) natural science (c) the technique of distillation2.It is the atoms that make up iron, water, oxygen and the like/and so on/andso forth/and otherwise.3.Chemistry has a very long history, in fact, human activity in chemistry goesback to prerecorded times/predating recorded times.4.According to/From the evaporation of water, people know/realized thatliquids can turn/be/change into gases under certain conditions/circumstance/environment.5.You must know the properties of the material before you use it.IV. Translation化学是三种基础自然科学之一,另外两种是物理和生物。
V. Solution:(1)The relative mass of 1H and 12C atoms can be calculated from their absolute masses in grams.1241223H 1.6735100.083986C 1.992610--⨯==⨯ If the mass of a 12C atom is exactly 12 amu,then the mass of a 1H atom to five significant figures must be 1.0078 amu. 12 amu x 0.083986 = 1.0078 amu(2)First we calculate k and then use the first-order rate equation.[][]()()404340.6931.2110/5730log2.3031.000 1.2110/log0.477 2.3032.303log 2.09 6.11061001.2110/k yryrA kt A yrt t yr yr ---==⨯=⨯===⨯=⨯The bone was tossed away (more precisely, the animal whose bone was died) about 6100 years ago, or about 4100 B.C. We can thus be sure that a village was in existence at that place at that time.Unit 7 The Nomenclature of Inorganic SubstancesI. Comprehension1.A2.B3.C4.C5.BII. Give the systematic name for the followingammonium ion ; copper(II) ion ; strontium ion; Ccopper(I) ion; iron(II) ion; zinc ion; hydrogen ion; lead((II) ion; aluminum;silver ion; magnesium ion; chromium(III) ion; Barium ; Manganese(II) ion; iron(III) ion; calcium ion; mercury(II) ion; chromium(II) ion; tin(II) ion.carbon monoxide; ditrogen trioxide; carbon dioxide; diphosphorus pentoxide; sulfur trioxide; dichlorine heptoxidearsenate ion; sulfite ion; hydride ion;arsenite ion; bromide ion; hydroxide ion;phosphate ion; chlorate ion; hypochlorite ion;phosphate ion; chloride ion; iodate ion;carbonate ion; chlorite ion; nitrate ion;chromate ion; cyanide ion; iodide ion;dichromate ion; fluoride ion; nitrate ion;oxide ion; hydrogen carbonate ion; nitrite ion;sulfide ion; hydrogen sulfate ion; perchlorate ion;sulfate ion; hydrogen sulfite ion; permanganate ion.IV. Acid names may be obtained directly from its acid ion by changing the name of the acid ion (negative ion). Use the rule to give the name of the following acid.V. Complete the sentences with the proper form of the word given at the end of the sentence.1.is altered;2.To illustrate3.indicates4.should expect5.would cancel6. are pulled7.depend on8.are; referred9.formed 10.have discussedVI. Translation1. Matter can neither be created nor be destroyed/eliminated.2. It is necessary that a scientist must know how to use fingures to get an accutate answer to question.3. Any substance is made of atoms whether it is solid, liquid or gas.4. The experiment was successful. It ’s results was the same as what we had expected.5. It will not be long before we finish the experiment.VII. Write equations for the following acid-base reactions. Use the information in inorganic textbook to predict whether the equilibrium will favor the reactants or the products. (Partially Solved)Solutin to (a): Cyanide is the conjugate base of HCN. It can accept a proton from formic acid:COHHO +CN C OH OC NH +formic acid stronger acid cyanidestronger base formate weaker baseweaker acidReading from inorganic textbook, formic acid (p K a =3.76) is a stronger acid than HCN (p K a =9.22), and cyanide is a stronger base than formate. The products (weaker acid and base) are favored. …………..VIII. Write equations for the net reactions which occur when the following materials are added to a sodium-ammonia solution. Answer: (1) 2CH 3GeH 3 + 2e am - → H 2 + 2CH 3GeH 2-(2) I 2 + 2e am - → 2I -(3) (C 2H 5)2S + 2e am - + NH 3 → C 2H 5S- + C 2H 6 + NH 2-Unit 10 Nomenclature of HydrocarbonsI. Comprehension1.C2.D3.B4.A5.B6.BII. Name the following compounds by the IUPAC systemIII. Draw structures for the following compounds.IV. Decide which item best completes each unfinished sentence.1.A2.A3.B4.CV. Each of the following names is incorrect. Draw the structure represented by the incorrect name (or a consistent structure if the name is ambiguous), and give your drawing the correct name.(…………)Unit 11 Carboxylic Acids and Their DerivativesI. Comprehension1.B2.B3.C4.D5.A6.CII. Fill in the blanks with the phrases given below.1.brought out2.dozen or so; put together3.are made of ;divided by4.are different from5.on the contrary; consist of6.summed up7.stand for8.such as9.are; dependent on 10.break down intoIII. Put in proper prepositions or adverbs into the blanks.1.with; as2.to3.about4.from5.intoIV. Translation1. Similarly, solvent also may not be liquid matter but the others2. A graph plotting solubility against temperature is called a solubility curve. ( The curve plot drawn (made / produced) by solubility as one coordinate and temperature as another coordinate is called solubility curve.)3. Air is mixture of gases , the most abundant of which is nitrogen in the form of N2 (molecules).4. The direction of the reaction and the position of the equilibrium may also be affected by the temperature, pressure, and other conditions.5. Hydrogen has a great affinity for oxygen and easily combines with it to form water.V. Translation玻意尔(Bohr)模型提出不久后,人们就发现原子中的电子比Bohr提出的模型要复杂得多。