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The article introduces the Russell's paradox in detail.The paradox was discovered in 1901 by Russell.It is based on a very interesting baber paradox.Russell…s paradox dealt a blow to Frege‟s a foundation for all of mathematics using symbolic logic. In 1903,Russell's paradox revealed a fundamental limitation of Frege's set system which is contradiction in the set.In the last century,lots of mathematicians attempted to make an answer to the paradox,but they failed.Russell's own answer to the puzzle came in the form of a "theory of types".So Russell in- troduced a hierarchy of objects:numbers,sets of numbers,sets of sets of numbers ,etc.Then Zermelo used new axioms to solve Russell's paradox.Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory can be used to l ogical mathematics. Correspondence between Russell and Frege about the paradox can be found i n From Frege to Godel, a Source Book in Mathematical Logic.

Dark energy is an unexplained force.It is drawing galaxies away from each other,against the pull of gravity,at an accelerated pace.Though the existence of dark energy has not been proved up to now,it is many scientists’best guess to explain the confusing observation that the universe’s explansion is speeding up.Experts still don’t know what’s driving this force,but the quest to learn more about dark energy is one of cosmologists’ top priorities.The discovery of dark energy is a case of science confounding expectations.

In the mid-1990s, experts expected that gravity had slowed down the universe’s rate of expansion. But in fact expansion was speeding up, which caused much nervous laughter.In 1998, Dark energy was discovered.the cosmological constant is its theoretical basis.

Dark energy can sometimes be confused with the equally mysterious dark matter, even though the -y are two different things.Dark matter is a hypothesized form of matter.Taken together,dark matter and dark energy seem to make up most of the mass of universe.

The discovery of dark energy caused a lot of other issues as well.



Is the world disciplinary? For ancient people,disaster such as floods or diseases must have seemed to happen without warning,or apparent reason.They attributed such natural phenomena,to a pantheon of gods and goddesses,who behaved in a capricious and whimsical way.A lot of scientists still partially subscribe to this belief.The French scientist,Laplace,said that if at one time,we knew the positions and
