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broke 过去分词:_______ broken 21.break过去式:_____ 22.There is a break during the performance for the audience to 休息 take a rest/break:________ 出故障,出毛病 The car broke down on the way to the airport.___________ 破门而入,闯入 Last night a thief broke in and stole away his camera.________ 突然...起来 Hearing the sad news,the old woman broke into tears._______ 爆发,发生 I have heard that a quarrel broke out between them.________ You’d better break away from the habit of smoking. _________ 摆脱,戒除 He lost his job and his marriage broke up._________ 关系破裂 The party didn't break up until after midnight._________ 结束,解散 brightest 23.bright:________ :_____最高级:_______ 明亮的 比较级brighter brought brought 带来,取来 过去式:__________ 24.bring:________ 过去分词:____________ 引起,造成 His great efforts brought about success.________ 抚养,养育 His was brought up by his grandfather._________ be busy with sth 忙于做某事:be busy in doing sth 25.忙于某事:____________ _____________
best 9.good/well:比较级:_____ better 最高级:_________ 充分利用 10.As students,we should make the best of time left.________ 11.大的,重大的:_______ 比较级:_____ big bigger 最高级:______ biggest 钞票,账单 12.bill:_____________ 13.有点儿,稍微:_____________ a bit 14.We can't turn a blind eye to bad behaviour.______________ 对...视而不见 15.Some students today blocked a highway that cuts through the center of the city.____________ 阻碍,堵塞 16.You'll have to book ticket early if you want to see that fashion show._______ 预定 be bored with 一场枯燥无味的演讲: 17.对...什么感到厌倦,厌烦:___________ a boring speech/lecture ___________ be born 天生适合做某事 18.出身于:__________be born to do sth:________ 天生的,与生俱来的 a born musician/teacher:_________ sth from sb 19.从某人那里借了某物:borrow _______________ both...and 20.两者都:______________
26.I might never have got to university but for your 要不是,如果没有 help.____________ 除了,除…之外 I had no choice but to accept the challenge.________ buy sb sth/buy sth for sb 27.为某人买某物:__________________ 28.She searched the top of the hill and stopped to rest 在…旁边 on a big rock by the side of the path.___________ By the end of last year,another new school had been 在某个时间之前 completed.______________ Cleaning women in big cities usually get paid by the 依照,按照 hour.______________ Our bodies are strengthened by taking exercise. 通过…方式 Similarly,our minds are developed by learning._______
bad 比较级:worse 1.不好的,差的:_____ _____最高级:______ worst 忍受,容忍 2.She was afraid she wouldn't be able to bear the pain._________ bear-bore-borne 把某事记在心里,记住 Bear in mind that some children will need help.____________ bearable/unbearable beat 过去式:_____ beat 过去分词:_______ beaten 3.打败,战胜:_______ 殴打,抽打 The woman had been beaten to death by her husband._______ 把某人打得青一块紫一块 beat sb black and blue.___________ 4.因为,由于:because ________ He had to retire because of ill health. He had to retire becasue he was in bad health. become became 5.变成,变得,成为: _______过去式: _____过去分词:become _______ get hungry go wrong/bad/blind/deaf/mad/wild/crazy turn green/red/yellow grow dark/to like English come true/come to do sth(开始做某事) began begun 6.开始,着手;begin ______过去式: _____过去分词:_______ 以...开 to begin with:________ 首先 begin with:_______ 初学者;新手 开始,开端 in the begining:_______ 开始,开端;起初 头 beginer:_______ begining:_______ 以...开始;在..开头 at the begining of:__________ 7.I believe what you said but I don't believe in you. (un)believable 信念,信条,观念 It is my belief that failure is the mother o f success._________ 在...的旁边 除...之外还有 8.beside:__________besides:________