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Translation (p17)

Part A

Russell Baker had once said: “Those who deeply loved the news writing and wanted to work as reporter had one kind of romantic ideal or dream mostly. They hoped that someday they might become writers like Mark Twain or Hemingway, or become some big media editor-in-chief, chief reporter. When I was only eight years old, I embarked on journalism and this was my mother’s idea. She had lled herself with fantasy to life. She did not want to let me be the same as my father who had worked from dawn to dusk, living the life of toils and leaving behind with us a few pieces of tattered furniture till his death.She expected especially I could make something of myself. After giving me a moderate praise on my gumption she introduced me to The Saturday Evening Post. I begun to sell the newspaper in this way.”

Part B

经济萧条造成了多么大的影响雇主们回到了司机的座位自己开车想改行的人不得不重新学会游戏规则。作为一个经理代理人我负责高级管理人员的职业安排 于他们在职业上遇到的最艰难的挑战我通常了如指掌。在我看来求职者应该遵循以下几条新规则是有好处的。让人需要你比让人雇佣你更容易有一句老话说得好“先把你的脚跨进门内。”不过即使想那样做 在也不容易。因为公司在雇用员工之前完全有条件对求职者进行长时间的仔细考察。有一个解决办法就是先和公司作某种交易。我的一个客户就与其公司达成一项为公司提供咨询服务的协议 与公司共同承担风险如果他能成功他就会得到一份永久的工作。他这一招还真奏效了。学会自我欣赏有位客户在求职面试时颇为沮丧因为坐在对面负责面试的主管竟然是他以前的下属。其实 样的事情屡见不鲜。毕竟在网络行业繁荣的时期 着不少企业家型人才外流那些留守员工往往加官进职——很大程度上就是因为他们留下来没有跳槽。像乌龟和兔子赛跑一样 龟艰难地爬向终点却乐观自信。在求职市场要摒弃傲慢不要目中无人不要搞小动作。要摆正自己的位置至于你从前的下属 以后可以采取回避的方式对待。不过要重新参与竞争 必须首先回到队伍中。


Translation (p133)

Part A

Cyberspace can be regarded as a giant and unbounded world of virtual real estate. Some places are suitable for children, while nasty places are best avoided by children. Some people consider it better to regulate it. Other people consider that regulation won’t work. Aside from being unconstitutioned, using censorship to counter indecency and other troubling “speech”fundamentally misinterprets the nature of cyberspace. If you don’t like the rules of a cyberspace community, you can sign off. Since we haven’t created a perfect society on earth and we won’t have one in cyberspace either.

Part B

互联网也许是过去三十年最重要的科技发展取得了预想之外的成功。它开始于秘密试验 未获得主流支持。它的产生同商业计划无关也没有某位首席执行官对此负责。相反是一群研究人员——科技怪才持着非商业化的观点想发展一套自由、开放的技术协定以便将资料从一地传

往另一地。我认为 人电脑作为互联网的一项伴随技术同样是由于富有激情的电脑怪才的癖好想分享他们的设计至少最初是这样的 才得以发展的。互联网和个人电脑都是在完成之前就公于世因为它们是公开的技术商业人士和发明家可以用它们作为创新的起点。将这些技术用于新的用途不必获得它们卖主的同意就可以实施。


Translation (P222)

Part A

Human beings seem to have evasive attitudes about death. Some people hope someday the advance of technology can help us put death off, even to stall it. However, even we became free of disease, we might still terminate on about the same schedules as now because of the predetermined number of days clocked by our genes. In fact the dying process may not be as terrible a process as we imagine. According to some data, people may experience a haze of tranquility at the verge of death. One research showed that most of the patients appeared to prepare themselves with equanimity for death. Since death is the most ancient and fundamental of biologic functions, we should regard it as an all-right thing.

Part B

假如有个恐怖分子在曼哈顿岛藏了一枚原子弹除非他要钱和要求释放狱中的朋友的要求得到满足炸弹将会在7月4日中午爆炸。再假设他在那个致命的日子的上午10点钟被捕但是宁死不降不肯说出炸弹在哪里。我们怎么办如果我们按照规定程序来等他的律师控告他那么上百万的人将会死亡。如果拯救这些生命的惟一方法是使恐怖分子遭受最难以忍受的痛苦又有什么理由不那样做呢折磨恐怖分子违宪吗也许。但是上百万人的生命比宪法更为重要。严刑拷打是野蛮的大规模的谋杀更为野蛮。事实上 了遵从一个以其罪行为荣的人而让上百万人死去是一种道德上的怯懦是一种明哲保身。如果是你抓到的恐怖分子知道有上百万人因为你不愿使用电极来逼供而死去 还能睡安稳觉吗一旦你让步 为在极端情况下刑讯是有其正当性的 你就已经承认使用刑讯的决定实际上是在无辜的生命和拯救无辜生命所需方法之间进行权衡。
