高级英语第一册第七课lesson7 expressions资料

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was recomposed. 直到警察来了,争吵才被平息下来。
11 stocky (P19) adj. 矮又粗壮的
Catherine is self-contemptuous of her stocky legs.
a stockily built man
Lesson 7
Book 1
Everyday Use for your grandmama
Alice Walker
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1 tacky (P4) n. 俗气的, 花哨的,破旧的;(油漆、胶水等)
未干透的 The hunter lived in a tacky old cabin in the woods. 那个猎人住在树林里一间又老又破的小棚屋里。 The paint is still tacky to the touch. She looks tacky in that dress.
Walk properly, don’t shuffle.
好好走, 脚别蹭地。
TheΒιβλιοθήκη Baiducrowd shuffled out of the theatre .
He shuffled the papers (around) on the desk, pretending to be busy.
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7 stumble (P13) v. 绊脚; (说话、演奏)出错;蹒跚;
I stumbled over a tree root. 树根绊了我的脚。 She stumbled over the unfamiliar word but then continued. 她碰到不认识的字愣了一下,接着又往下念。 The child stumbled through a piece by Chopin. 那孩子演奏肖邦的曲子很多流畅。 他太紧张,讲话时结结巴巴的。 He was so nervous that he simply stumbled through the whole speech. Police investigating tax fraud stumbled across a drugs ring. 警方在调查瞒税案件时意外地发现了一个贩毒集团。 He read well, with only several stumblings. 他读得很好,只有几个小错误。 stumbling-block 障碍物;绊脚石
Give the cards a good shuffle.
a shuffle in the Cabinet
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4 dingy(P10) adj. 肮脏的,邋遢的,无生气的; 昏暗的 He lived in a dingy room in a cheap hotel in order to save
money. 为了省钱,他住在一个低级旅馆中又黑又脏的房间里。 dingily adv dinginess n
5 make-believe (P11) n 假装,幻想;adj.
Dreamers always indulge themselves in make-believe. 爱做白日梦的人总喜欢沉溺于幻想之中。
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6 flicker(P12) (灯光或火焰)闪烁,摇曳; (情感)稍纵即逝
The candle flickered and then went out. 蜡烛忽亮忽暗,接着就全熄了。 A slender hope still flickered within him. 他心中仍闪现出一线希望。 她的脸上闪过一丝微笑。 A faint smile flickered across her face. The leaves flickered gently in the breeze.
2 sidle (P9) sidle up/over to sb/sth sidle along/past/away She sidled over to me and asked if I recogrized her.
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3 shuffle (P9) 拖着脚步走;因(紧张、厌烦等)坐着脚乱动或站着走来走去;洗牌; 翻动;推诿
with boiling liquid or steam She scalded her hand with hot fat. 热油烫伤了她的手。
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10 recompose (P16) v.使恢复镇静,平静下来 It was not until the police arrived that the quarrel
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9. scalding (P15): 措辞尖锐的,贬低的 Critics made a scalding review of the play. 批评家们对这出戏剧做出了尖刻的评价。 scald v. burn(oneself or part of one’s body)
Don’t shuffle, give us a clear answer.
He tries to shuffle his work off onto others.
She shuffled out of the chores by saying she felt ill.
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8 furtive(P15) adj. 偷偷摸摸的,鬼鬼祟祟的 a furtive glance 偷偷的一瞥
furtive movements 诡秘的活动
The man’s furtive manner gave rise to the suspicion of the theft among the policemen. 那个男人鬼鬼祟祟的样子,引起警察怀疑盗窃案