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A a ____ ____ ____ U u ____ ____


blazer 长裤stupid 聪明的blouse 女式衫衣poor愚蠢的

shirt 运动上衣clever疯狂的trousers 短裙door可怜的

skirt 衬衫crazy门


()1A. forty Bhundred Ceighteen Dthe

()2Afirst Btie Csweater Dcardigan

()3Abehind Bbend Cunder Don

()4Aboard Bchair Cright Dtable

()5Amice Bcheese Cnoodles Dhamburger


1. i, c ,e, j, u ________________

2. e ,s, o, h, s ________________

3. r, e, d, s, s ________________

4. s, a, t, r, e, h, m ________________

5. s, s, t, r, e, i ________________


两只绵羊_______________我的兄弟______________骑马________________弹钢琴_____________打乒乓球______________踢足球___________________ Two hours later.__________________ Good idea.____________________ Here you are._______________ Time for bed. ________________


( )1 How many ____are there in three pairs ?

A socks

B sock

C a sock

( )2 How much ____they ?

A is

B am

C are

( )3 I’ve got ____idea.

A a

B an

C x

( )4 Here is ____uniform for you.

A a

B an

C x

( )5 The dog is ____a chain.

A on

B in

C at

( )6 Can you stand on ____head ?

A you

B your

C yours

( )7 He is ____a blue hat.

A wear

B wearing

C wears

( )8 She can’t stand on ____head. 倒立

A his

B your

C her

( )9 Let’s play a game. Stand nose ____nose.

A to

B at

C in

( )10 At ten o’clock, it ____do a thing.

A don’t

B doesn’t

C isn’t


1 much, is, how, it


2 Jane, the girl, in, is, photo 4


3 what, time, the, is


4 on , there, the , are, two mice , clock


5 ski, the blue jeans, in , the, can, boy



( )1 How are you today ?

( )2 What’s your favourite colour ?

( )3 Can you roller blade ?

( )4 Have you got a pet ?

( )5 Do you like orange ?

( )6 What’s eighty minus thirty ?

( )7 What time is it ?

( )8 What’s in your schoolbag ?

( )9 Is there a mouse in front of the chair ?

( )10 How much money has Pat got ?

A . Three books. B. Yes, I have. C. It’s half past one. D. No, I can’t. E.

Fifty P. F. Yes , there is. G. I’ m OK. H. Yes, I do.

I. Orange. J. Fifty.


1 January, ________, ________.________May, June, July
