人教版七年级英语下册Unit 1 Can you play the guitar(1234课时)教案

初中英语人教版(Go for it)七年级下册Unit1Can you play the guitar?教学设计第一课时(Section A1a--2d)【教学目标】Knowledge goals语言知识目标:1能掌握以下单词:guitar,sing,swim,dance,chess,play chess,draw,speak,speak English,join,club能掌握以下句型:①—Can you play the guitar?—Yes,I can./No,I can't.②—What can you do?—I can dance.③—What club do you want to join?—I want to join the chess club.2能了解以下语法:情态动词can的用法want to do sth.的用法Emotional goals情感态度价值观目标:该部分内容贴近学生的生活,谈论的话题是能力。
【教学重难点】1.Teaching Importances教学重点:1)学习询问和谈论彼此的能力,特长和一些俱乐部的英语。
2.Teaching Difficulties教学难点:情态动词can的构成和使用。

义务教育基础课程初中教学资料Unit 1 Can you PIay the guitar?-、单元总揽(一)单元教学内容话题:Can you Play the guitar?功能:(1)谈论能力语言结构:1、句型:Can you dance? Yes, I can. No, I Can '.What club do you Want to join? I Want to join the music club. What Can you do? I Can play the Pia no.2、复习已学词汇:basketball volleyball复习已学句型:Do you like…? I like….I don ' like….LetS ….3、新词汇:VerbS of activity SUCh as dance, swim, SingNameS of musical in StrUme nts SUCh as guitar, drums, Pia no, drums, trumpet,4、Grammar focus: Can you dance? Yes, I can. / No, I Can 't.Can he paint? Yes, he can. /No, he Can 't.Can She SPeak En glish? Yes, She can. / No, She carit.Can you SPeak English? Yes, We can. / No, We Can 't.What club do you Want to join? We Want to join the CheSS club.I Want to join the basketball club.(二)单元教学目标:1、能力目标:(1)学会询问别人所拥有的技能(2)根据相关信息表达自己所掌握的技能和意愿,想参加何种类型的俱乐部(3)能够表达自己参加俱乐部的意愿和理由2、知识目标:(1)能听说读写课文中出现大纲要求掌握的单词(2)要知道play +球、棋、牌PIay + the + 乐器(3)要学会情态动词Can的用法及其一般疑问句型的肯定和否定回答(4)掌握询问别人所掌握的能力的方法3、情感策略、文化等有关目标:(1)通过对人物个性化的了解,认识对方(2)跨学科学习:语言艺术、审美教育(3)了解自己的能力,培养情操4、教学方法:直观教学法、情景教学、任务型教学法5、教学用具:录音机、电脑、卡通图片(三)单元重难点1、本单元重点学习询问别人的能力2、情态动词Can及动词PIay教学是本单元的难点(四)单元教学课时安排建议(4课时)第一课时SeCtiOn A第二课时SeCtiOn A第三课时SeCtiOn B第四课时SeIf-CheCk及处理一些练习册二、TeaChing PrOCedUreSPeriOd 1:SeCtiOn A1a —cAdditiOnal materials to bring to classHarmoniCaand guitar or other two musical in StrUme nts to USe in the Ian guage goal SeCt ionPOWerP Oint With PiCtUreS of basketball, volleyball and some music in StrUme nts.SteP 1 ReViSi on and lead inThe teacher SayS I like basketball. The n asks: Do you like basketball/ volleyball? Do you Want to join a basketball club?SteP 2 PreSe ntatio nASk the StUdents to look at the PiCtUreS of , there are some clubs in it. Let ' S look at the CIUbSWhat are they? They are art club, En glish club, CheSS club, SWim ming club and music club. What club do you Want to join? HeIP theStUdents to anSWerl Want to join the art ClUb and So on.If the school has clubs, the teacher Can ask the StUde nts: What clubs do We have in OUr school?The teacher WriteS What club do you Want to j oin? I Want to join … On the blackboard. ASk the StUdents to PraCtiCe it.Thenintroduces the key VOCabUIarieS and the words Canand Can'.The teacher SayS to the StUde nts who Say he/she WantS to join the basketball club: Can you play basketball? Help the StUde nts Say Yes, I can. No, I Can 't. Then repeat With other actions or pictures, SUCh as play volleyball.Show the StUde nts the activities the people in each club Can do With the Same step.Then repeat With dance, swim, play chess, paint, SPeak English and play the guitar With the help of doing the action. Or We Can USe the POWerPOint to help US to show the StUdents What We Can do. The teacher Can ask the StUde nts to PraCtiCe the follow ing dialogues With can.Can you dance? Yes, I can. / No, I Can 'Can he paint? Yes, he can. /No, he Can'.Can She SPeak En glish? Yes, She can. / No, She CarI t.Can you SPeak English? Yes, We can. / No, We Can '.Can you play it well? Yes, I Can. / No, I Can '.Do the action and read the new words and phrases.ASk the StUde nts to PraCtiCe CanandCan '. ASk the StUde nts to PraCtiCe Can you play it well?At the Same time, the teacher Write dow n sing, dan ce, swim, play chess, paint, SPeak En glish, and play the guitar on the blackboard. ASk the StUdents to read after the teacher.SteP 3 A gameTo be more familiar With the words and phrases, the teacher Can Organize a game like this:Write the words and PhraSeS On PieCeS of paper. ASk One of the StUde nts come to the front and choose One of the paper, the n do the acti on. ASk other StUde nts to guess What he or She Can do. Then excha nge.SteP 4 EXerCiSeTaSk 1:Look at the PiCtUreS 1a. PointS to the activities the people in each club are doing. Say SOmeth ing about each club 'activity clearly. For example, ThiS is a CheSS club. See the chess? They are playing chess.ASk the StUde nts to match each club activity in the PiCtUre With a word from the list. For example: A Candance, so We Can Write a" beside dance.The anSWerS are: 1.dance a_ 2. SWim _e_ 3. Sing f_ 4. Play CheSS b_5. Paint _d_6. SPeak English _G 7.play the guitar gTaSk 2.Say each ConVerSatiOn With a StUdent in Part 1a. After doing thiS, play the recording the first time. StUdents Only IiSten. Play the recording a SeCOnd time. ThiS time ask the StUdents to liSten to the conVerSatiOnS and Write a number 1 next to the first conVerSation they hear, a number 2 next to the SeCOnd One they hear, and a number 3 n ext to the third One they hear. Point out the SamPIe an swer. The an SWerS are 2, 3, 1.TaSk 31c.Say the SamPIe Con VerSati ons. HaVe StUde nts repeat. Then ask StUde nts to PraCtiCe the Con VerSati OnS in pairs.ASk them to USe the VOCabUIary from 1a. AS StUdents Work, listen in On VariOUS PairS so that yoU Can CheCk PrOgreSS and help With Pronun Ciati On as n eeded.After StUdents have had a Chance to PraCtiCe the conVerSations, ask PairS to come to the front of the room and act OUt One of their Con VerSati ons.SteP 5 HOmeWOrkTask1: Workbook Part 1,2,The SeC ond period: 2c-4Step1 ReViSiOnTaSk 1:ASk the StUde nts to reVise the n ames of the ClUbS they have lear nt. Do the actions and ask the StUde nts What the thing is.Task2: ASk the StUdents: What Can yoU do? What Can 'yoU do? Can yoU play chess? Can yoU play the gUitar? Can you sing? What ClUb do you Want to join? Can you Play it well? If time permits, ask the StUde nt Who SayS he Can do it to show SOmeth ing he Can do.SteP 2 PreSe ntati on:Task1: ( LiStening PraCtiCe )2a. ASk the StUde nts to read the Con text in 2a . ASk One StUde nt to read the Clubs in the box. And ask ano thertwo StUdents to read the dialogue. ASk all of them to listen to the reCording Carefully, CirCIe the Clubs they hear. Play the reCording the first time. StUdents Only listen. Play the reCording a SeCOnd time. ThiS time ask the StUdents to CirCIe the Club they hear from the reCord ing. The an SWerS are: En glish Club, musiC Club and CheSS Club. And the n ask the StUde nts to repeat the dialogue.TaSk 2 ( LiStening PraCtiCe )2b. ASk the StUdents to look at the dialogues of 2b on the right. ASk them if they Can fill in the blanks direCtly.Play the reCording the first time. StUdents Only listen. Play the reCording a SeCOnd time. ThiS time ask the StUdents to fill in the bla nks With the words they hear from the reCord ing. The an SWerS are: do , to , want. Club, play, Can'. Then ask the StUde nts to liste n and repeat the dialogue.TaSk 33a. ASk the StUdents to PUt the ConVerSation in order. The first One is given. The right order is 2,3, 1,4.Step3 SUrVeyAfter finishing task 2 in step1.the teaCher Can ask: Can he play the guitar? Can he play it well? Maybe there are all kinds of answers. Some of the StUdents may Say I don 'know.3b.The teaCher asks the StUde nts make a survey, and fill in the bla nks.ASk the StUde nts to PraCtiCe the dialogues by ask ing: What Can you do? Can you dan Ce? Can you play the guitar?Can you play it well? What Club do you Want to join? etC. the teaCher goes round the CIaSSroom , gives help if n eCessary. ASk Some groups Of StUde nts to act OUt their dialogue.Step4 Oral PraCtiCe3b.ASk the StUde nts to Share the in formati On they got from their frien ds. Help the StUde nts With he or She WantS to join the music club.Example: I am Lisa, I CanSing, but I CannotSing well. I Can swim. I think it is hard. I Want to join the SWim ming club. My friend Tom Can play the guitar but he Can 'play it well. And he Can 'tplay chess. He WantS to join the CheSS club. He thinks it is in teresti ng. He WantS to lear n it. If the StUde nts Can do the report like this With the help of the teacher, they will be quite happy, and they will lear n much kno WIedge.SteP 4: Homework:TaSk 1:4 group work:SUPPOSe you are a boss, you Want to get some good workers. How to Write an advertiseme nt.Focus StUde nts On the advertiseme nt. EIiCit the kind of PerS Onal qualities that would be good for the job, eg. A good teacher, a good swimmer, and Write them on the board. Then elicit questions from the qualities on the board. eg. Can you teach ChiIdre n? Can you help kids With SWim ming?DiVide the class into small groups and have them take turns in terviewi ng each other for the job.Walk round the class Offeri ng Ian guage SUPPOrt as n eeded.PraCtiCe Can you help kids With …? Pay more attentiOn to the things after With”.EgCan you help kids With SWim ming/ chess/ play ing chess/ singing?For feedback, ask StUde nts if they have found some One for the job. Why? What Can they do? Why not? What Can ' they do?Homework: Workbook Part 3, 4.The third period: SeCtiOn B 1a-3b.SteP 1 ReViSi OnTaSk 1.Ask some questi OnS about Can you …? What club do you Want to join?TaSk 2: ask the StUde nts to give the ad. Four StUde nts a group. ASk One of them to be the boss. And OtherS are the in terviewees. GUide them to USe kids, Can you help the kids With …?SteP 2 PreSe ntati On1a ASk the StUdents to guess the music inStrUment by listening the music One by one. ( POWerPOint Can you play the guitar B.)The music in StrUme nts are guitar, trumpet, drums, violi n and Pia no.ASk the StUdents to read after the teacher When they are looking at the PiCtUreS on POWerPOint.ASk the StUde nts to match the words With the PiCtUreS of the book.The right an SWerS are 3, 1,4, 5, 2SteP 3 PraCtiCe1b. ask the StUdents to ask and anSWer questions about the inStrUments With the help of the POWerPOint. (POWerPOint Can you play the guitar B.)They Can ask and an SWer the questi OnS like this. The teacher goes round the class and gives help if n ecessary.Can you play the guitar? Yes, I can.Can you play it Well? No, I Can '.Can he play the violin? Sorry, I don 'knoW.Can She play the drums? Yes, She Can . She Can play it Well.After the practice, the teacher Can ask some PairS to act it out in the front. And the StUdents anSWer the questiOnS of the teacher after liste ning to the dialogue.ASk the StUdents to PraCtiCe more dialogues With the PiCtUre of playing chess, singing, dancing, SWimming, Painting, SPeaking English. MiX With playing the guitar, playing the violin, playing the drums. Tell the StUdents there are SOmething differences betWeen playing CheSS and playing the guitar. ASk them to Pay attention to it. (POWerPOint Can you play the guitar B.)Then ask more PairS to act the dialogues out in front of the class.SteP 3 LiStening PraCtiCe2a and 2b. ASk the StUdents to read the Words in the box first and ask them to listen to the recording for the first time. And play it for the SeCOnd time and ask the StUdents to CirCIe the Words they hear. The anSWerS are sing, dance, drums, Piano. ( POWerPOint Can you play the guitar B.)With the Same step, ask the StUde nts to do the exercise of 2b. Fill in the Chart With the Words in the box. BefOre doing this, tell the StUde nts to Write dOW n What Can Bill do , What Can 'Bill do and so on.SteP 4 Pair Work2c. ASk the StUde nts to read the in formati Onin the box. And do the Pair work to tell What Bill, Jenniferand ViCtOr CanandCan 'do.They Can PraCtiCe it like this:A: Can Bill play chess?B: No, he Can '. BUt he Can play the guitar. And he Can play it well.A: Can Bill dan ce?B: No, he Can '. BUt he CanSing. And he CanSing Very well.ASk the StUde nts to work in groups. ASk and an SWer like this:-What Can you do?-I Can…,but I Can 't∙∙∙(I Can …and∙∙∙, but I Can't∙∙∙ or∙∙∙) ( POWerPOint Can you play the guitar B.)Then act it out in fron t. If you Can ,you must show (展示)it for your classmates.3a. ASk the StUdents to read the ad from the school magazine. The teacher Can teach the StUdents how to read the first part: musicians Wanted for school music festival. ( POWerPOint Can you play the guitar B. ) ASk the StUdents to Un derl ine the things they Want people to do for the school music festival. ASk the StUde nts to read OnCe more and think about Whether he or She Can be the musicia n.3b. ask the StUdents to complete the following POSter With the words in the box. They Can USe 3a for help. (POWerPOint Can you play the guitar B.)The an SWerS are: play, guitar, Can, sing, Can, play, drums.Homework:TaSk 1:3c. ASk the StUdents to Write their OWn POSter for a SPOrtS day. The teacher Can give some information to the StUde nts: play basketball, play volleyball, swim, jump, and so on. NeW and more in formatio n Can be give n to the StUde nts and they Can also look UP in the dict ion ary. They Can also dem On Strate their poster.TaSk 2:workbookThe four period: SeIf -CheCkStepl ReViSi OnASk SeVeral StUde nts to read the POSter out. Let 'see whose POSter is the best one? Who Can read it the most loudly and freely? The teacher asks the StUde nts to collect their OWn poster.ASk the StUdents to Say SOmething about their friends. Let S See What their friends Can do for the school show.Step2 Words CheCk1 and 2ASk the StUde nts to See if they know the words On Part 1.ASk StUdents to CheCk all the words they know. You may WiSh to have them CirCIe any words that they don 'tknow. ASk StUde nts to find out the meaning of any words they don 'tk now. They Can do this by review ing the less on, ask ing you, ask ing CIaSSmateS or USing a lear ner 'dict ionary or bil in gual dict ion ary.They Can also add some new words that they lear n from the teacher or the dict ionary SUCh as flute and harm OniCa SteP 3 Writi ng3. ASk the StUde nts to read the Con VerSati on. ASk them who is ask ing the Con VerSati On (a StUde nt and the teacherOn Charge of the art club )ASk the StUde nts to fill in the Card in dividually.The an SWerS are: Ci ndy Jon es, 12, Cin dyj@.c n I Can draw a little. I Want to lear n about art.SteP 4 CheCk the homework.JUSt for fun!ASk a StUde nt to read What the man is ask ing the drummer. ASk StUde nts: Can they play the drums? GUide them to answer: No, he Can'. Then ask, Can he play the guitar? Allow the StUdents to guess. Yes, he can. / No, he Can t.' SteP 5 Group work4. There is a school show in the music room On SUnday. The time is 6:00. What Can you do? What Can your friends do? ASk One of the StUdents to read the chart. ASk another StUdents to read the example in the SPeeCh bubbles. Expla in that StUde nts must fine people for the school show and Write their n ame S in the chart.Then ask the StUde nts to give US a report Iike this. I Can do Chin ese kung fu for the music show. My friend Wang Ming Can …CUItUre noteKUng FU . The term KUng FU Can be USed for the many martial arts native to China. More than 300 StyIeS are registered With the Chinese government. Different spellings are GUng FU and Gong Fu. In everyday Ianguage, gong fu is excelle nce achieved through Iong PraCtiCe in any en deavor. A more COrreCt word for describ ing Chin ese martial arts is Wushu. USing KUng FU to describe Chin ese martial arts is more com mon OUtSide China. Chin ese martial arts have SPaWned popularized genre of action movie. The films of BrUCe Lee popularized martial arts in the WeSt and actors like Jet Li and JaCkie Chan have appeared in many WeStern films. Their movies are often called KUng FU movies.HomeworkTaSk 1:Workbook Part 7 Writ ingTask2: make an in terview. What Can your father do? What Can your mother do? What Can 'your mother do ? What Can 'tyour father do? Make a list and PrePare a report for the n ext class.。
人教版七年级英语下Unit 1教案

人教版七年级英语下Unit 1教案一、教学目标1. 研究掌握以下词汇:greetings, introduce, name, school, student, teacher, class, boy, girl.2. 能正确使用以下日常用语:Hello, Hi, Good morning/afternoon, What's your name?, My name is..., Nice to meet you., How are you?, I'm fine, thank you.3. 能够熟练用英语进行简单的自我介绍,并与同伴进行交流。
4. 提高学生的听说能力,培养学生的语言表达自信心。
二、教学重点1. 研究并掌握新的词汇和日常用语。
2. 能够用英语进行自我介绍并与同伴进行简单对话。
三、教学准备1. 教材:人教版七年级英语下Unit 1教材。
2. 音频设备。
四、教学过程1. 导入(5分钟)- 向学生打招呼,用英语问候:- Hello, class!- Good morning/afternoon, everyone!- 让学生回答问候并问好:- Answer: Hello/Hi, teacher!- Answer: Good morning/afternoon, teacher!2. 基础词汇研究(10分钟)- 出示单词卡片,教授以下词汇:- greetings- introduce- name- school- student- teacher- class- boy- girl- 逐个读出词汇并帮助学生研究发音和记忆。
3. 日常用语研究(15分钟)- 出示日常用语卡片,教授以下日常用语:- Hello- Hi- Good morning/afternoon- 帮助学生正确理解与使用这些日常用语。
4. 自我介绍(25分钟)- 向学生展示自我介绍的范例,按以下步骤向学生介绍自己:1. 向学生问候:Hello, everyone! Nice to meet you.2. 自我介绍:My name is [Your Name]. I'm a [student/teacher]. I study/work at [school name]. I'm [age] years old.3. 询问学生:What's your name?4. 学生回答:My name is [student's name].- 让学生跟读和模仿自我介绍范例,并鼓励他们轮流进行自我介绍。
人教版七年级下册英语Unit 1 教学设计

人教版七年级下册英语Unit 1 教学设计一. 教材分析人教版七年级下册英语Unit 1主要讲述了日常生活中的一些基本交际用语,如问候、介绍、道别等。
本单元关键词包括hello, good morning, good afternoon, good evening, good night, how are you, my name is, nice to meet you, bye bye等。
二. 学情分析七年级的学生已经掌握了基本的英语语法和部分词汇,具备一定的英语听力、口语、阅读和写作能力。
三. 教学目标1.知识目标:学生能够掌握本单元的关键词汇和日常交际用语,理解日常问候和介绍的正确用法。
四. 教学重难点1.重点:本单元的关键词汇和日常交际用语。
五. 教学方法采用任务型教学法、情境教学法和交际法进行教学。
六. 教学准备1.教学材料:教材、多媒体课件、录音机、磁带、教学卡片等。
七. 教学过程1.导入(5分钟)利用多媒体课件展示一幅日常生活场景图,引导学生观察并回答以下问题:–What can you see in the picture?–What are they doing?–How are they feeling?通过这些问题激发学生的学习兴趣,为接下来的教学活动做好铺垫。
2.呈现(10分钟)教师展示本节课的关键词汇和日常交际用语,如hello, good morning, how are you, my name is等,并用肢体语言和实物辅助教学,让学生更好地理解和记忆。

人教版七年级下册英语教案unit1全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Unit 1 Lesson Plan (PEP 7th Grade English Textbook)What's up guys? Today we're gonna go over Unit 1 in our English textbook. It's all about talking about your daily routines and habits. Sounds pretty boring, right? But trust me, it's actually kinda useful stuff!The unit starts off with a reading passage about a kid named Li Ming and his daily schedule. Can you imagine having to read a whole passage about someone's boring routine? Yawn! But the teacher makes us read it anyway.After that, there are some dialogues where people are chatting about their habits, like "I always brush my teeth after meals" or "I never stay up too late." Kinda regular stuff that our parents are always nagging us about. Thanks for the life lessons, English textbook!Then we get into the grammar sections. Ugh, the worst part! This unit covers adverbs of frequency like "often", "sometimes","always" etc. We have to do tons of fill-in-the-blank exercises using those. It's soooo dry!There are also sections on telling time and using prepositions of time like "at", "in", "on". Snooze fest! But I guess it's kind of important to know how to say what time you do stuff.The pronunciation lessons focus on weird sounds like the "th" in "third" and "seventh". Why couldn't English just use normal letters? Making us struggle with that tongue twisty mess.At least there are some fun exercises where we can talk about our own daily routines and habits. I usually say something like "I sometimes play basketball after school but I always watch TV at night." Riveting stuff, I know!The unit projects have us making schedules and describing our dream routines. Maybe something like "At 6am I'd wake up to a butler bringing me pancakes. Then I'd spend the day playing video games and eating pizza!" A guy can dream, right?There are also tons of vocab words to memorize about routines, schedules, habits and so on. Woohoo, can't wait to study THOSE flashcards all night...All in all, Unit 1 isn't the most fascinating unit we'll cover. But I guess learning to talk about daily life is kinda useful. We'llsurvive this one! And who knows, maybe discussing routines will inspire some of us to be more disciplined. Haha, yeah right!Alright guys, that's the 411 on Unit 1. We got this! Just a few more units and we'll be English Super Stars. Okay, maybe not super stars...but we'll pass the class at least! Let's get these daily routine dialogues down and dry out some more units next time!篇2Unit 1 Lesson Plan - My InterestsHi there! I'm excited to share with you the lesson plan for Unit 1 of our 7th grade English textbook. This unit is all about interests and hobbies, which I think is a super fun topic!To kick things off, our teacher started by introducing some key vocabulary related to hobbies and leisure activities. We learned words like "hobby", "interest", "collection", "board game", and so on. She had us repeat the words after her and put them into simple sentences to practice using them.Next up, we did a listening exercise where we had to identify different hobbies from a short audio clip. I really enjoyed this part because the speakers had diverse accents from around theworld, which made it challenging yet engaging to pick out the key words.After that, we moved on to the reading comprehension section. The text was about a teenager named Emily who had a passion for photography. As we read through the passage, our teacher stopped at certain points to explain any unfamiliar vocabulary or phrases. She also asked us comprehension questions to check our understanding of the main ideas.One cool thing our teacher did was to have us work in small groups and discuss our own hobbies and interests. She encouraged us to use the new vocabulary we had learned and to ask each other follow-up questions. It was really interesting to hear about the different things my classmates enjoy doing in their free time, like playing chess, collecting stamps, or even training their pet birds!For the writing component, we had to compose a short paragraph describing our favorite hobby or interest. Our teacher provided us with a framework to follow, including an introductory sentence, supporting details, and a concluding remark. I chose to write about my love for reading and how it allows me to explore different worlds and expand my imagination.Towards the end of the lesson, we practiced some conversational dialogues related to hobbies and interests. We worked in pairs, taking turns to ask and answer questions about each other's pastimes. It was a bit nerve-wracking at first, but I found it really helpful for building confidence in speaking English.As a fun activity, our teacher also introduced us to a popular English tongue twister: "She sells seashells by the seashore." We had a good laugh trying to recite it quickly without stumbling over the words!Overall, I genuinely enjoyed learning about hobbies and interests in this unit. Not only did I pick up useful vocabulary and grammar structures, but I also got to share my own interests and learn about those of my classmates. I'm looking forward to the next unit, where we'll be exploring the topic of sports and outdoor activities.That's a wrap on the Unit 1 lesson plan! Let me know if you have any other questions or if you'd like me to elaborate on a particular part of the lesson.篇3Unit 1: HandicraftsHey there, friends! Today, we're going to learn about handicrafts from different parts of the world. Aren't you excited?I know I am!First things first, what are handicrafts? Well, they are decorative or useful objects made by hand, like pottery, weaving, or woodcarving. People have been making these amazing things for centuries, and each culture has its unique style and traditions.Okay, let's start with something super cool – Egyptian papyrus! You know, that paper-like material made from the papyrus plant? Ancient Egyptians were masters at making it. They used it for writing and drawing those awesome hieroglyphs. Can you imagine writing on papyrus like a real pharaoh? How cool would that be?Next up, we have Chinese paper-cutting. This art form has been around for ages, and it's so intricate and beautiful. The paper is cut into delicate patterns, often depicting animals, flowers, or scenes from Chinese folklore. I tried making apaper-cutting once, but it didn't turn out as pretty as the ones made by skilled artisans. Maybe you can give it a try and show off your mad paper-cutting skills!Moving on, let's talk about Mexican pottery. The vibrant colors and intricate designs are simply mesmerizing. Can youbelieve that some pottery techniques have been passed down for generations? That's like your great-great-grandparents teaching your grandparents, who taught your parents, who taught you! Mind-blowing, right?Now, have you ever heard of Ukrainian Easter eggs? These beautifully decorated eggs are called "pysanky," and they're a true work of art. Using a wax-resist technique, intricate patterns and designs are carefully applied to the eggs. Imagine having a whole basket full of these colorful gems for Easter! It would be like having a tiny egg museum in your house.Lastly, we can't forget about African masks. These wooden masks are not just decorative pieces but also hold deep cultural significance. They're used in ceremonies, rituals, and even storytelling. Each mask has its own unique design and meaning, representing different spirits, ancestors, or values. Wouldn't it be amazing to attend a traditional African ceremony and witness the power of these masks first-hand?Well, that's it for today's lesson on handicrafts. I hope you found it as fascinating as I did. Remember, these incredible works of art are not just beautiful objects but also reflect the rich cultural heritage of different peoples around the world. So, thenext time you see a handicraft, take a moment to appreciate the skill, creativity, and history behind it.Alright, class dismissed! Time for recess and somewell-deserved fun in the sun!篇4Unit 1 - My Favourite SeasonHi everyone! I'm so excited to start a new unit in our English textbook. This time, we're going to learn all about seasons and weather. As a kid, I absolutely love the changing seasons -they're like nature's way of keeping things fresh and fun throughout the year!In this unit, we'll dive into vocabulary related to seasons and weather conditions. I can't wait to expand my English vocabulary with words like "sunny", "rainy", "snowy", and all those awesome descriptive words. It's going to be a blast!We'll start by learning how to talk about the four seasons - spring, summer, fall (or autumn if you're fancy), and winter. Each season has its own unique charms and quirks when it comes to weather patterns. I personally love spring because everythingstarts blooming and coming back to life after the cold winter months. The fresh, floral scents in the air are just heavenly!In the summer, we'll learn words to describe hot and sunny conditions. I'm talking "sweltering", "scorching", and "sizzling" hot! Of course, we can't forget beach vocabulary like "sand", "ocean", and "sunscreen". After all, what's summer without a trip to the beach or pool?The fall section will cover changing leaves, crisp air, and getting cozy with warm clothes and drinks. The colours are just stunning during this season. I can already picture the deep reds, bright oranges, and golden yellows of the fall foliage.Then we'll move on to winter, with its cold temperatures, snow, and ice. Building a snowman, sledding down hills, and drinking hot chocolate by the fireplace are some of my favourite winter activities. We'll learn fun words like "frosty", "freezing", and "blustery" to describe this chilly season.But weather vocabulary isn't the only focus of this unit. We'll also practice talking about our personal preferences when it comes to seasons and weather. I can already envision lively discussions about whether we prefer sunshine or rainy days, hot or cold temperatures. It'll be so interesting to hear everyone's unique perspectives!The reading passages will likely describe different seasonal traditions and festivities around the world. I'm really looking forward to learning about how other cultures celebrate and appreciate the changing seasons. Maybe we'll even get to compare them to our own local customs and traditions.I have a feeling we'll get to try our hand at some seasonal writing too, like descriptive paragraphs or poems about our favourite season. As a creative kid, I live for opportunities to flex my writing muscles and let my imagination run wild, painting vivid pictures with words.Speaking of engaging, I heard we might even get to do some hands-on science experiments related to weather patterns and seasonal changes. How cool would it be to create our own mini greenhouse or build a model showing the earth's tilt and how it affects seasons? I'm all about learning through interactive experiences.Overall, I have a feeling this unit is going to be an absolute blast! I'll get to expand my English skills while learning all about the captivating world of seasons and weather. Plus, I'm sure my classmates and I will have so much fun together exploring this vibrant topic.Here's to sunny days filled with new vocabulary, interesting readings, and unforgettable learning experiences. Let's embrace the changing seasons of our English journey with open arms and curious minds. This is going to be one unit we'll never forget!篇5Unit 1: Hello WorldHi there! I'm so excited to start a new unit in our English textbook. This time we're learning about different cultures and countries around the world. How cool is that?Our first lesson was all about greetings. We learned how to say "hello" in different languages like Spanish ("hola"), French ("bonjour"), and even Mandarin Chinese ("nǐ hǎo"). My favorite was the Japanese greeting "konnichiwa" - it just rolls off the tongue so nicely.Then we practiced introducing ourselves and asking basic questions like "What's your name?" and "Where are you from?" It was fun going around the class and meeting everyone, even though we already knew each other. I got to pretend I was from Australia and put on my best accent!Next up was talking about nationalities. There are so many to learn - American, British, Canadian, Australian, Chinese, Japanese...the list goes on and on. We played a guessing game where we had to identify the nationality based on pictures and descriptions. I totally thought the guy with the beret and striped shirt was French, but he turned out to be Italian! Tricky, tricky.Our teacher also taught us the words for common occupations and jobs. I learned "doctor", "teacher", "chef", "police officer" and more. We had to mime acting out the different jobs, which was hilarious. You should have seen Tommy pretending to be a construction worker - his hammer swinging was so exaggerated!The homework for this unit was to research a country and prepare a short presentation about it. I chose New Zealand because I've always wanted to see those crazy fuzzy birds called kiwis up close. Did you know the kiwi is also the nickname for New Zealanders?I found out that New Zealand has three official languages - English, Māori and New Zealand Sign Language. The Māori language has some really fun-sounding words with lots of vowels, like "aotearoa" which means "land of the long white cloud". I practiced pronouncing them over and over.For my presentation, I made a poster with pictures of kiwi birds, the silver fern (which is an iconic NZ symbol) and did you know, there are no snakes in New Zealand? I was so nervous standing in front of the class, but I got through it okay. Phew!We ended the unit by learning tongue twisters from around the world. You know, those silly phrases that get all twisted when you try to say them fast? My favorite was the English one: "She sells seashells by the seashore." Holy moly, that's a mouthful! We had a mini tongue twister contest to see who could say them the clearest. I was pretty good, but Lily was the undisputed champion.Overall, I'd say this unit was a blast! I loved learning about the richness of cultures across the globe. Studying different languages, traditions and people helps make the world feel a bit smaller and more connected, you know? Now I'm really curious to start the next unit and see what other awesome stuff we get to explore. Bring it on!篇6Unit 1: Hello, New Term!Hey everyone! It's me again, your friendly neighborhood English student. I'm so excited to share with you my thoughtsand experiences from our first unit of the new school term. Get ready for an adventure filled with new vocabulary, grammar rules, and real-life scenarios that will make learning English a breeze!First things first, let's talk about the vocabulary we learned in this unit. Can you believe we covered words like "subject," "semester," "schedule," and "tutor"? At first, I was a bit intimidated by these big words, but our awesome teacher made sure to break them down and provide us with fun examples. Who knew that "subject" could be used as a verb too? Mind = blown!But wait, there's more! We also explored the wonderful world of school subjects. From math to history, science to art, we learned how to express our likes and dislikes towards different classes. I'll let you in on a little secret – I'm not a huge fan of math, but I absolutely love English class! I mean, how could I not when we get to learn cool stuff like this?Speaking of cool stuff, get ready for some grammar action! We dove deep into the world of present tenses, specifically the present simple and the present continuous. I know, I know, grammar can be a real headache sometimes, but our teacher had us play these interactive games that made it so much fun. Imagine a classroom full of kids jumping around, acting outdifferent actions – that's how we learned the present continuous tense!Now, let's talk about the real MVP of this unit: the dialogues and role-plays. These were hands-down my favorite part because we got to put everything we learned into practice. From introducing ourselves to talking about our favorite subjects, we covered it all. I'll never forget the time when my friend and I had to act out a conversation between a student and a tutor. Let's just say we had the whole class in stitches with our terrible acting skills!But wait, there's more! (I feel like I'm on one of those infomercial shows.) We also learned how to read and write basic schedules. I know what you're thinking, "Schedules? Boring!" But trust me, when you see how our teacher made us create our own imaginary schedules with hilarious activities like "Nap Time" and "Video Game Marathon," you'll change your mind.And last but not least, we tackled the art of writing simple emails and messages. I don't know about you, but I'm already dreaming of the day when I can email my friends in perfect English. Imagine the look on their faces when they receive a message from me that's not just a bunch of emojis!Well, that's a wrap on Unit 1, folks! I hope you enjoyed this little glimpse into our English adventures. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue our journey through the textbook. Who knows, maybe by the end of the year, we'll all be fluent English speakers! (Okay, maybe that's a stretch, but a kid can dream, right?)。

Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?Section A (1a-2d)一、教学目标:1. 语言知识目标:1) 能掌握以下单词:guitar, sing, swim, dance, chess, play chess, draw, speak, speak English, join, club能掌握以下句型:①—Can you play the guitar? —Yes, I can./ No, I can't.②—What can you do? —I can dance.③—What club do you want to join? —I want to join the chess club.2) 能了解以下语法:情态动词can的用法want to do sth.的用法二、教学重难点1. 教学重点:1) 学习询问和谈论彼此的能力和特长;2) 掌握一些弹奏乐器的表达方式。
2. 教学难点:情态动词can的构成和使用。
三、教学过程Ⅰ. Lead in1. 教师可携带一些易于演奏的乐器,也可带一些演奏乐器的图片,一边演示乐器,一边说: Ican play the guitar.…等;再指着图片说:He/She can play the violin.But I can’t play it.等;然后询问学生:Can you play the guitar?….并引导学生进行简单的回答。
2. S s look at the picture in 1a. Then read the words and phrases. Let Ss match the activities with thepeople.Then Check the answers with the class together.Ⅱ. Presentation出示一些反映各种活动的图片、幻灯片或播放课件,引导学生谈论活动:He/She can dance/swim/sing/"··But I can’t dance/swim/sing/...等,学习表达活动的动词短语。

七年级下英语unit1优秀教案全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Unit 1: My Life, My WorldHey there, friends! Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of English learning? In this unit, we'll be exploring the wonderful theme of "My Life, My World." Get ready to discover new words, engage in fun activities, and learn more about ourselves and the world around us!Lesson 1: Introducing MyselfIn this lesson, we'll learn how to introduce ourselves and share interesting facts about our lives. We'll practice using simple present tense verbs and basic vocabulary related to personal information, hobbies, and interests.Activity 1: My Intro CardCreate a colorful intro card with your name, age, and a fun fact about yourself.Share your intro card with a partner and practice introducing yourselves.Activity 2: Hobby CharadesPrepare slips of paper with different hobbies written on them (dancing, reading, playing soccer, etc.).Take turns picking a slip and acting out the hobby without speaking.Classmates will guess the hobby based on your actions.Lesson 2: My Family and FriendsIn this lesson, we'll learn how to talk about our family members and friends. We'll practice using possessive adjectives (my, your, his, her, etc.) and vocabulary related to family relationships and personal descriptions.Activity 1: Family TreeDraw a family tree and label each member with their relationship to you.Share your family tree with a partner and practice describing your family members.Activity 2: Friendship BraceletsLearn how to make friendship bracelets.Exchange bracelets with a classmate and describe why you appreciate their friendship.Lesson 3: My Home and NeighborhoodIn this lesson, we'll explore the vocabulary and expressions related to our homes and neighborhoods. We'll practice using prepositions of place (in, on, under, etc.) and descriptive adjectives.Activity 1: My Dream HouseDraw a picture of your dream house and label different rooms and objects.Describe your dream house to a partner, using prepositions of place and adjectives.Activity 2: Neighborhood Scavenger HuntGo on a scavenger hunt around the school neighborhood.Find and identify different places (park, library, grocery store, etc.) using the vocabulary you've learned.Lesson 4: My Favorite ThingsIn this lesson, we'll discuss our favorite things, such as foods, toys, movies, and books. We'll practice using the verb "like" and expressing preferences with "I prefer" and "I would rather."Activity 1: Taste TestBring in samples of different snacks or foods.Taste each item and share your likes and dislikes using the expressions you've learned.Activity 2: Show and TellBring in your favorite toy, book, or movie.Present your favorite item to the class and explain why you like it so much.Lesson 5: My Daily RoutineIn this lesson, we'll learn how to describe our daily routines and activities. We'll practice using simple present tense verbs, time expressions (in the morning, at night, etc.), and sequencing words (first, next, then, etc.).Activity 1: My Day in PicturesCreate a comic strip or storyboard illustrating your daily routine.Share your comic strip with a partner and describe your daily activities using the vocabulary you've learned.Activity 2: Routine RelayDivide into teams and line up.The first person in each team will start by saying an activity they do in the morning.The next person will add an activity, and so on, creating a complete daily routine as a team.Lesson 6: Unit Review and ProjectIn this final lesson, we'll review the key concepts and vocabulary from the entire unit. We'll also work on a fun project to showcase what we've learned.Activity 1: Unit Review GamePlay a review game, such as Kahoot or Quizlet Live, to reinforce the vocabulary and concepts from the unit.Activity 2: My Life, My World PosterCreate a poster or collage representing your life and the world around you.Include drawings, photos, and descriptions of your family, friends, home, neighborhood, favorite things, and daily routine.Present your poster to the class and share what you've learned throughout the unit.That's a wrap for Unit 1! I hope you had a blast learning about yourself and the world around you. Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep using the new vocabulary and expressions you've learned. Until next time, happy learning!篇2Unit 1: Making FriendsLesson Objectives:Learn vocabulary related to making friends and introductionsPractice conversational skills like greeting, introducing yourself and othersUnderstand the importance of being a good friendWarm-up Activity: Two Truths and a LieLet's start with a fun game to get to know each other! I'll go first to show you how it's done.I have a pet dinosaur.My favorite food is pizza.I was born on a spaceship.Which one do you think is the lie? That's right, number 1 is definitely not true (or is it?!) Now it's your turn - each of you share two truths and one lie about yourself. We'll have to guess which is the fib!Vocabulary Review:• Greet/Greeting• Introduce/Introduction• Personality traits (kind, funny, loyal, etc.)• Hobbies and interestsTo learn these words, we'll play a miming game. I'll act out a word, and you have to guess what it is!Conversation Practice:Now篇3Unit 1: My LifeHi there! I'm so excited to tell you about the first unit we're doing in English class this year. It's all about our daily lives and routines. I think this unit is going to be really fun and useful!To start off, we learned some new vocabulary words related to daily activities and schedules. Words like "wake up", "get dressed", "have breakfast", "go to school", "do homework", and "go to bed". My teacher had us practice using these words by writing out our typical daily routines.Here's what I wrote about my day:"I wake up at 7am every morning. First I get dressed and brush my teeth. Then I have cereal or toast for breakfast. After that, I pack my backpack and head to school at 8:15. School starts at 8:30 and goes until 3pm. When I get home, I have a snack and start on my homework..."We also learned how to tell time and talk about the different times of day like "morning", "afternoon", "evening", and "night". And we practiced asking and answering questions like "What time do you wake up?" or "What do you do after school?". Telling time is kind of tricky but I'm getting better!Another thing we did was read a story called "A Day in the Life". It was about a kid named Sam and described all the thingshe does from morning until night. We had to answer comprehension questions about the sequence of events and details in the story. It was a good way to practice using all the new vocabulary we learned.My favorite activity so far was when we worked in small groups to create posters showing a typical daily routine. We had to illustrate the different times of day, label the activities being done, and write out descriptive sentences. My group's poster turned out really colorful and creative!We also started learning how to use phrases like "first", "next", "after that", and "finally" to sequence and describe a series of events in order. This will help us write better paragraphs about our routines and schedules. Transitions words are important for organization.In the next few lessons, we're going to start talking about school subjects, extracurricular activities, hobbies and free time too. We'll learn vocabulary forsubjects like math, science, art, etc. And words related to sports, clubs, music, reading, and more. I can't wait because I love soccer and playing video games!Overall, this unit on daily life and routines has been really engaging. We've gotten to share about our personal lives and learn more about each other's schedules. The activities havebeen fun and helped me build vocabulary and sentence structures I can actually use. I'm excited to keep learning so I can communicate better about my daily experiences in English!篇4Unit 1: Getting to Know YouOh boy, a new school year! I'm so excited to start 7th grade English. Our first unit is called "Getting to Know You" and it's all about introducing ourselves and learning about our classmates.The first lesson was on greetings and introductions. We learned how to say "hello", "hi", "nice to meet you" and other basic greetings in English. We also practiced introducing ourselves by saying our name, age, and where we're from. It was a little scary at first to speak English in front of the whole class, but Ms. Roberts was really nice and encouraged us.Next, we learned how to spell our names and say the letters of the alphabet. We played a fun game where we had to unscramble the letters to spell different words. I was pretty good at that game since I like word puzzles. We also sang the alphabet song to help us remember the letter sounds.In the third lesson, we talked about describing people's appearances. We learned adjectives like "tall", "short", "blonde", "dark-haired", etc. Then we had to look around the classroom and describe what our classmates looked like without saying their names. It was kind of hard but also really funny trying to guess who everyone was describing.My favorite lesson so far was when we learned about different countries and nationalities. We looked at a big world map and located the countries we and our families are from. I'm from Japan, but some of my classmates are篇5Unit 1: Hello Again!The first day of 7th grade English was so exciting! Mrs. Robinson seems like a really cool teacher. She started the class by welcoming us back and saying how happy she was to have us in her class this year. Then she did something funny - she pretended to forget how to speak English!"Uhh, como se dice 'hello' en ingles?" she said, pretending to be confused. We all started cracking up. Once we stopped laughing, she explained that we'd be reviewing basic Englishgreetings, introductions, and how to share simple personal information in Unit 1.First, we went over the different ways to say "hello" in English:Hello!Hi!Hey there!Mrs. Robinson had us practice greeting our neighbors using those different expressions. She also taught us some more formal ways to greet someone, like "Good morning" or "Good afternoon." We learned you use those when meeting someone new or greeting an elder or teacher.Next, we practiced introducing ourselves and stating our names. Mrs. Robinson showed us how to extend our hand for a handshake and make eye contact when meeting someone for the first time. The introduction goes like this:"Hello, my name is ____.""It's nice to meet you."She had us pair up and practice introducing ourselves over and over. I felt a little awkward about the handshake part at first, but it got easier!After that, we learned how to respond when someone introduces themselves to you:"Hello, my name is John.""It's nice to meet you too, John!"We did a mix-and-match activity where we had to walk around introducing ourselves to new partners and responding appropriately. It was a nice way to re-meet everyone in our class after summer break.Then we started learning how to share basic personal information like where we're from, how old we are, and what grade we're in. The dialogue goes:"Where are you from?""I'm from Springfield.""How old are you?""I'm 12 years old.""What grade are you in?""I'm in 7th grade."Mrs. Robinson had us write out our own personal info on a name tent to put on our desks. We quizzed each other in pairs, asking and answering the personal info questions. I mixed up "how old" and "what grade" a few times!We ended class by recapping all we had learned about greetings, introductions, and personal info. Mrs. Robinson said we'd practice those conversational basics more tomorrow while also starting to learn the alphabet and spelling. I'm really looking forward to 7th grade English this year! Even though a lot of it is review, the activities made it all feel fresh and fun.篇6Unit 1: My School LifeLesson PlanGrade Level:7th GradeUnit:Unit 1 - My School LifeLesson:Introduction to School LifeDuration:45 minutesObjectivesBy the end of this lesson, students will be able to:Introduce themselves and talk about their school life.Use simple present tense to talk about daily routines.Engage in conversations and ask questions related to school life.MaterialsWhiteboard and markersFlashcards with pictures related to school lifeHandouts with short dialogues and questions about school lifeEnglish vocabulary chartProcedureWarm-up (5 minutes)Greet the students and ask them how they are doing.Play a short game of "Simon Says" to review some actions related to school life, such as "stand up," "sit down," "raise your hand," etc.Introduction (5 minutes)Show pictures of different school activities on the flashcards.Ask students to guess what the pictures represent and encourage them to use English to describe the activities.Vocabulary (10 minutes)Write new vocabulary words on the board, such as "homework," "teacher," "classroom," "friends," etc.Pronounce each word and have the students repeat after you.Use the vocabulary words in simple sentences to provide context and help students understand their meanings.Dialogue Practice (15 minutes)Divide the students into pairs or small groups.Distribute handouts with short dialogues about school life.Instruct the students to read the dialogues with their partners and practice the conversations.Encourage the students to switch roles and practice the dialogues again.Whole-class Activity (10 minutes)Ask the students to stand up and form a circle.Start a conversation by asking a student a question related to school life, such as "What time do you wake up for school?" or "Do you have any after-school activities?"The student answers the question and then asks another student a different question.Continue the activity, allowing each student to ask and answer questions.Wrap-up (5 minutes)Review the new vocabulary words by pointing to them on the board and asking individual students to provide definitions.Summarize the key points of the lesson and ask the students if they have any questions.Assign a small task for the students to complete as homework, such as writing a short paragraph about their favorite school activity.AssessmentDuring the lesson, observe the students' participation in the dialogues, their ability to use the new vocabulary words, and their engagement in the whole-class activity. Take note of any common mistakes or areas of improvement for future lessons.Extension ActivitiesHave students create their own dialogues about school life and perform them in front of the class.Assign a project where students can create a poster or presentation about their ideal school life, using vocabulary words and phrases from the lesson.Remember, learning should be fun and interactive. Encourage students to use English as much as possible during the lesson and provide positive reinforcement for their efforts. Enjoy teaching and have a great time exploring the exciting world of English!。

2.老师提问:Do you have a friend? What do you do with your friends?通过这些问题,激发学生的思考,为学习新课做好铺垫。

Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?Section A (1a-2d)一、教学目标:1. 语言知识目标:1) 能掌握以下单词:guitar, sing, swim, dance, chess, play chess, draw, speak, speak English, join, club能掌握以下句型:①—Can you play the guitar? —Yes, I can./ No, I can't.②—What can you do? —I can dance.③—What club do you want to join? —I want to join the chess club.2) 能了解以下语法:情态动词can的用法want to do sth.的用法二、教学重难点1. 教学重点:1) 学习询问和谈论彼此的能力和特长;2) 掌握一些弹奏乐器的表达方式。
2. 教学难点:情态动词can的构成和使用。
三、教学过程Ⅰ. Lead in1. 教师可携带一些易于演奏的乐器,也可带一些演奏乐器的图片,一边演示乐器,一边说: Ican play the guitar.…等;再指着图片说:He/She can play the violin.But I can’t play it.等;然后询问学生:Can you play the guitar?….并引导学生进行简单的回答。
2. S s look at the picture in 1a. Then read the words and phrases. Let Ss match the activities with thepeople.Then Check the answers with the class together.Ⅱ. Presentation出示一些反映各种活动的图片、幻灯片或播放课件,引导学生谈论活动:He/She can dance/swim/sing/"··But I can’t dance/swim/sing/...等,学习表达活动的动词短语。
七年级下册英语Unit 1单元教案(人教版)

如:Can you play the guitar? Yes,Ican. / No,Ican’t. 等。
如:Ican sing and dance. She can’t play chess. 等。
Can you play the guitar?
1.能够在目标语中用can 的各种句型包括:肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句、简略答语及can 的特殊
依次回答yes,I can/No,I can’t
I can draw…………
Ican speak English, SoIwant to join the English Club. (板书join, club)
What club do you want to join? (板书)
2.能够掌握本课几个句子,如Come and show us!Students wanted for school show. We want
students for the school show. Let’s join now.

Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?Section A (1a-2d)一、教学目标:1. 语言知识目标:1) 能掌握以下单词:guitar, sing, swim, dance, chess, play chess, draw, speak, speak English, join, club能掌握以下句型:①—Can you play the guitar? —Yes, I can./ No, I can't.②—What can you do? —I can dance.③—What club do you want to join? —I want to join the chess club.2) 能了解以下语法:情态动词can的用法want to do sth.的用法二、教学重难点1. 教学重点:1) 学习询问和谈论彼此的能力和特长;2) 掌握一些弹奏乐器的表达方式。
2. 教学难点:情态动词can的构成和使用。
三、教学过程Ⅰ. Lead in1. 教师可携带一些易于演奏的乐器,也可带一些演奏乐器的图片,一边演示乐器,一边说: Ican play the guitar.…等;再指着图片说:He/She can play the violin.But I can’t play it.等;然后询问学生:Can you play the guitar?….并引导学生进行简单的回答。
2. S s look at the picture in 1a. Then read the words and phrases. Let Ss match the activities with thepeople.Then Check the answers with the class together.Ⅱ. Presentation出示一些反映各种活动的图片、幻灯片或播放课件,引导学生谈论活动:He/She can dance/swim/sing/"··But I can’t dance/swim/sing/...等,学习表达活动的动词短语。


七年级英语下人教版 Unit1教案1. First show the pictures of some countries on the screen. Learn the names ofthese countries.2. Now open your books. Listen to the recording. Please repeat the names of thecountries.(play the recording twice)Step Ⅲ 1bListen and circle the countries in 1a you hear.Play the recording the first time. Students only listen. Then a second time. Thistime ask students to circle the country names they hear.Then check the answers.StepⅣ 1cRead the c onversations in the picture.Ask students to work in pairs, ask and answer questions about where they are from?ask some pairs to present their conversations to the class.StepⅤ. 2aPoint to the chart and ask the students to write the name of a country in t he blankafter each city.StepⅥ. 2b, 2c, 2d1. 2b Listen and c ircle the cities and countries you hea r on the recording.2. 2c Listen again and complete the chart.3. 2d Now use the information in the chart in 2c and make more conversations.StepⅦ Grammar FocusReview the grammar box. Ask students to say the questions and answers.Step Ⅷ 3a, 3b,41. Finish the chart of 3a , then choose a country and make a conversation.2. Quiz Name the place! play this game.StepⅨ SummarySummary the information in section A.StepⅩ HomeworkHave more practice after class.Blackboard designUnit 1 Where is your pen pal from?Where is your pen pal from?He’s from Canada.Where does he live?He lives in England.What language does she speak?She speaks English. Pre-task:Ask students to bri ng some thing that represents some country.Step I. Task One1. Match the cities and the map. (4 students a group)2. Learn the new words with the pictures.3. Listen and repeat. (1a)4. Listen and circle. (1b)Step II. Task Two - Guessing Game 11. Students watch the videos and then tell what countries they saw.2. Ask students to show the things they brought, the other students will guess where they are from. If the students forgot to bring things to class, ask the students to do group work. They should say a sentence or a short paragraph and ask the other students to guess who she/he is. Thestudents can ask more questions.For example:Student A says: He can play basketball very well.The others can ask: Where is she/he from? Where is he now?Student A answers: He is from China. He is in the United States.The others will guess: He is Yao Ming.Get each group say one, the other groups ask and guess.Step III. Listening1. Finish 2a.2. Listen and circle. (2b)3. Listen and complete the chart. (2c)Step IV. Task Three - Choosing a pen palGroup work: 4 students a groupGet students to choose their favorite pen pals from other countries according to the cards given by teacher. The following card in only an example.Name: MariaGender/Sex: FemaleBe from: CanadaBorn: On 29th July, 1990Live: TorontoLike: Dancing , basketball, English, thrillers,Language needed:My pen pal is Maria. She is from Canada. She lives in Toronto. She likes dancing, basketball, English and thrillers.Step V. Task Four - looking for friendsPair work:After choosing their pen pals, get the students to look for friends and find out whose pen pals come from the same country and live in the same city.Language needed:1. -Where is your pen pal from?-She/He is from….2. -Where does she/he live?-She/He lives in….Step VI. Homework1. Please write a letter to yo ur pen pal and tell her/him something about you.2. Make a card for your favorite movie star or sp ort s tar.S tep VII. Grammar Focus1. Canada, South Korea, New Zealand, Japan, the United States,Australia, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, the United Kingdom, China2. Soul, New York, Mexico City, Tokyo, Rio de Janeiro3. -Where is your pen pal from?-She/He is from …4. -Where d oes she/he live?-She /He lives in…。
人教版初中七年级英语下册第一单元Unit 1 教案含教学反思

第1单元Can you play the guitar?类别课程标准要求掌握的内容话题Joining a club加入俱乐部Section A 单词guitar n.吉他sing v.唱歌swim v.& n.游泳dance v.跳舞n.舞蹈draw v.画chess n.国际象棋speak v.说(某种语言);说话join v.参加;加入club n.俱乐部;社团tell v.讲述;告诉story n.故事;小说write v.写作;写字show n.演出;节目v.给……看;展示or conj.或者;也不(用于否定句) talk v.& n.说话;交谈短语play chess下国际象棋speak English说英语be good at…擅长于……talk to…跟……说play the guitar弹吉他kung fu (中国)功夫join the art/music/swimming club加入艺术/音乐/游泳俱乐部句型1.—Can you swim?你会游泳吗?—Yes,I can./No,I can’t.是的,我会。
2.—Can he play chess?他会下棋吗?—Yes,he can./No,he can’t.是的,他会。
3.—Can Jane and Jill swim? 简和吉尔会游泳吗?—Yes,they can./No,they can’t.是的,她们会。
7.Then we need you to help with sports for English-speakingstudents.那么我们需要你帮助说英语的学生开展体育活动。

Can you play the guitar?一、课标要求《义务教育英语课程标准》关于询问能力的学习,要求学生学会简单的表达方式,围绕“个人能力”这一话题能够在实际运用中展开听、说、读和写的学习活动;能够掌握情态动词can 的肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句,肯定与否定回答,以及特殊疑问句的构成和用法。
Can you play the guitar? 教学设计(Period1)一、教学目标在本节课结束时,学生将能够:正确使用表示“爱好和特长”的单词和词组;熟练运用情态动词can表示能力;学会用英语谈论自己在某一方面所具有的能力并能够用英语进行简单的采访,获得他人的能力信息。
在呈现和操练环节利用教学图片、幻灯片等来展开课堂教学,通过Pair work问答的方式互相询问同桌在某方面的能力和想加入的俱乐部。

人教版英语七年级下册第一单元教案全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Unit 1: Our Living PlanetLesson 1: Vanishing SpeciesHey guys! Today we're starting a new unit all about our amazing planet Earth and the incredible creatures that live on it. I'm really excited because this topic seems fascinating to me. In our first lesson, we'll be learning about endangered species and why it's so important to protect them.The class began with our teacher, Ms. Roberts, showing us some striking photos of animals like the black rhino, the Amur leopard, and the mountain gorilla. She asked us if we knew what these animals had in common, and after a few guesses, we realized they were all critically endangered species at risk of going extinct.Ms. Roberts explained that when a species becomes endangered, it means their population has declined so much that they are facing a very high risk of extinctionintheir naturalenvironment. Some key reasons animals become endangered include habitat loss, poaching, pollution, and climate change.We then watched a short documentary clip about the life of the last remaining male northern white rhino named Sudan, who passed away in 2018. It was heartbreaking to see such a majestic creature being the very last of his kind. His death was a somber reminder of what we could lose forever if we don't take action to protect wildlife.Next, we did a reading exercise from our textbooks about the impacts of habitat destruction and overhunting on vulnerable species. I learned that even small changes to an ecosystem can have devastating ripple effects. For example, if a particular species of frog goes extinct, it could impact the entire food chain since snakes, birds and other animals rely on those frogs for food.For homework, Ms. Roberts asked us to research an endangered animal of our choice and prepare a short presentation about its status, threats, and conservation efforts. I chose the adorable red panda because they are just so unbelievably cute! I can't wait to learn more about these fuzzy creatures.In our next class, we'll be giving our endangered species presentations. I'm a little nervous since public speaking isn't my strongest suit, but I know this is an important topic that deserves attention. We only have one planet filled with incredible biodiversity - it's our responsibility to protect it before it's too late.Lesson 2: Natural WondersWhat's up, class? In today's lesson, we got to explore some of the most breathtaking natural landscapes and phenomena our planet has to offer. I've always loved learning about geology, geography and natural science, so I was really looking forward to this unit.To get us inspired, Ms. Roberts started by showing us stunning photographs and videos of places like the aurora borealis, the Great Barrier Reef, the Grand Canyon, and Victoria Falls. We had to guess whereabouts in the world these locations were, which was trickier than I expected!After the visuals amazed us, Ms. Roberts explained that we'd be learning about some of the geographical processes that have shaped these natural wonders over millions of years. We covered concepts like erosion, tectonic plate movement, volcanic activity, glaciation, and coral reef formation.There were certainly some complex geological terms to wrap our heads around, but the examples and visuals helped a lot. Who knew that the Grand Canyon was gradually carved out by the Colorado River over a mind-boggling 5-6 million years? The forces of water and weather are incredibly powerful!We then split into small groups and each tackled a different assigned natural wonder like the Northern Lights, The Wave (that trippy rock formation), geysers in Yellowstone Park, and more. We had to research the key geographical processes involved in creating this natural phenomenon and present it back to the class in a fun, creative way.My group's task was to explain how the incredible Great Barrier Reef formed and the delicate marine ecosystem it supports. Did you know it began as a tiny bundle of coral polyps way back during the last ice age? After millions of years of gradual growth, it became the largest reef system in the world, visible even from outer space!In our presentations, we used plenty of engaging videos, handouts, and even some hands-on demos to explain these intricate natural processes to our classmates. I think we all walked away appreciating just how amazingly diverse and vibrant our planet really is.For homework, we have to select another natural wonder that interests us and write a short report summarizing its geological origin and key features. There's so much to explore and research - maybe I'll finally understand how those crazy "Frozen Tornado" ice formations occur! This has been such an eye-opening lesson in Earth science.Lesson 3: Sustainable SolutionsWhat's good, class? Our latest unit on environmental sustainability was certainly an eye-opening one. I'll admit, before this lesson I didn't fully understand the impact human activity has had on our planet's health and resources. But now I feel much more informed on the challenges we face and potential solutions moving forward.Ms. Roberts wasted no time diving into the heavy topics like pollution, deforestation, overpopulation, and of course, climate change. The statistics were pretty sobering - for example, did you know over 1 million plant and animal species face extinction due to human actions? That's just crazy to me.We watched some hard-hitting video clips showing the real-world effects of issues like plastic pollution clogging our oceans and devastating wildfires linked to global warming. I'll never be able to un-see those poor marine animals tangled intrash or those terrifying walls of flames. It really drove home the urgency of the situation.But rather than just bum us out, Ms. Roberts also highlighted the many innovative solutions and technologies being developed to build a more sustainable future. We learned about things like renewable energy sources, green construction practices, sustainable agriculture, and waste reduction strategies.For example, isn't it cool how some cities are building "vertical forests" with trees and plants incorporated into buildings? Or how about those ingenious artificial reef structures made from recycled materials to help regrow coral? The future of green living sounds incredibly high-tech and creative.To apply what we learned, we did an exercise of conducting a "sustainable living audit" of our own households. We had to analyze areas where our families could reduce consumption, conserve energy/water, improve recycling habits, and make more eco-friendly purchasing decisions. It was eye-opening for me to see just how many simple lifestyle adjustments can make a real difference.Finally, we wrapped up with a lively debate on who bears the biggest responsibility for environmental change - individuals, corporations, or governments? Both sides made compellingarguments, but I walked away believing that every single person's choices can create positive ripples. Even small actions breed awareness and put pressure on leaders to prioritize sustainability.For our final project, each of us has to create an awareness campaign promoting sustainable practices related to an environmental issue we care about. I've decided to focus on reducing plastic waste since those images of polluted waters really struck a chord with me. I'm excited to explore creative ways to inspire change through design, social media, and community outreach.All in all, this eye-opening unit has made me feel so much more conscious about my own role as a global citizen. Our planet's health impacts every living creature - we have a duty to respect and protect it through sustainable living. I know I'll be making some serious lifestyle adjustments moving forward. Let's get to work, guys!篇2Unit 1: A Diary of My HolidaysThis unit is all about holidays and how we spend our time during the school breaks. As a student, I find this topic reallyexciting because who doesn't love vacations, right? It's a chance to relax, have fun, and make some great memories with friends and family.The unit kicks off with a reading passage titled "A Diary of My Holidays". It's a diary entry written by a student named Li Ming, who talks about his summer vacation adventures. Li Ming went on a trip to Qinghai Province with his parents, and he describes the beautiful scenery, the local cuisine, and the memorable experiences he had.One thing I really enjoyed about this passage is the vivid descriptions Li Ming uses to paint a picture of his journey. He talks about the "crystal-clear lakes" and the "snow-capped mountains" in a way that makes me feel like I'm there, experiencing it all with him. It's a great example of how using descriptive language can make your writing more engaging and interesting.After reading the passage, we dive into the language focus section, which covers some important grammar points and vocabulary related to the topic of holidays. We learn how to use the past simple tense to talk about completed actions in the past, as well as how to use time expressions like "last year" and "two weeks ago".The vocabulary we cover is also really useful for talking about vacations and travel. We learn words like "scenic spot", "souvenir", and "accommodation". I find it helpful to learn vocabulary in context, as it makes it easier to remember and use the words correctly.One of my favorite parts of the unit is the speaking section, where we practice having conversations about our holiday experiences. We work in pairs or small groups, asking and answering questions like "Where did you go for your last holiday?" and "What did you do there?". It's a great opportunity to practice our speaking skills and learn from each other's experiences.The writing task for this unit is to write our own diary entry about a memorable holiday. I really enjoy creative writing assignments like this because they allow us to express ourselves and share our personal stories. It's also a chance to practice using the language and vocabulary we've learned in a meaningful way.Overall, I think Unit 1 is a really engaging and practical unit. It covers useful language skills for talking about a topic that's relevant to our lives as students, and it encourages us to becreative and share our own experiences. I'm looking forward to learning more and improving my English skills!篇3Unit 1 Lesson Plan (Student's Version)What's up, fellow students! In this lesson plan, I'll guide you through the first unit of our 7th grade English textbook. We'll explore the themes, key vocabulary, language points, and activities. Let's dive in and make the most of this learning journey!Title: My Favourite ThingsTheme:This unit revolves around describing our favorite things, such as hobbies, sports, and activities we enjoy. It's all about expressing our unique interests and sharing them with others.Vocabulary:Get ready to expand your word power! Here are some essential vocabulary words we'll encounter:Hobby: An activity someone enjoys doing in their spare time.Collect: To gather and accumulate items of a particular kind.Stamp: A small adhesive paper label used for postage or revenue purposes.Coin: A flat piece of metal issued by a government for money.Badminton: A racket sport played on a court with a shuttlecock.Chess: A strategy board game played between two opponents.Skating: The act of gliding on ice skates or roller skates.Surfing: The sport of riding waves on a surfboard.Painting: The art of applying pigments to a surface to create an image.Gardening: The activity of cultivating plants and flowers.Language Points:In this unit, we'll focus on several key language points that will help us describe our favorite things effectively:Talking about likes and dislikes using expressions like "I like..." and "I don't like..."Expressing preferences with structures such as "I prefer..." and "I'd rather..."Using adjectives to describe hobbies, sports, and activities.Asking and answering questions about favorite things.Activities:Get ready for some fun and interactive activities! Here's what we'll be doing:Warm-up: We'll start by discussing our favorite things and sharing why we enjoy them.Vocabulary Practice: We'll play games and complete exercises to reinforce the new vocabulary words.Reading and Listening: We'll read passages and listen to conversations about people's favorite hobbies and activities.Speaking Practice: We'll engage in role-plays and discussions, describing our favorite things to each other.Writing Task: We'll write a paragraph or short essay about our favorite hobby or activity, using the language points we've learned.Project Work: In groups, we'll create presentations or posters showcasing our favorite things and sharing them with the class.Sounds exciting, doesn't it? I can't wait to learn about your favorite things and share mine with you. Let's have a blast exploring this unit together!Remember, practice makes perfect, so be sure to actively participate in the activities and complete the exercises. Don't hesitate to ask questions or seek clarification if you need any help.Let's rock this unit and take our English skills to new heights! See you in class!。
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Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?
第一课时Section A (1a1c)
2.重点短语:play chess,speak English,play the guitar,art club,music club
Can you swim?Yes,I can./No,I can't.
I want to join the art club.
1.play the guitar,play chess,speak English
2.含情态动态can 的一般疑问句及简略回答
1.含有情态动词can 的一般疑问句及简略回答
1.吉他____________ 2.唱歌____________
3.游泳____________ 4.跳舞____________
5.画______________ 6.说____________
7.加入____________ 8.俱乐部____________
Step 1情景导入
Hello, everyone. We all know that Jay Chou is a very famous singer. He has many talents, he can sing, he can dance and he can also play the guitar. Can you sing? Can you dance? Can you play the guitar? Please tell us your talents.
Step 2完成教材1a1c的任务
1.利用图片,呈现词汇(sing,swim,dance,drum)及新句型Can you...?(3分钟)
使用Can you...?Yes, I can./No, I can't.编对话,并表演。
1.A:Can you swim?
B:No, I can't.
2.A:I want to join the art club?
B:Can you draw?
A:Yes, I can.
(B)1.I want ________ the art club.
A.join B.to join
C.joins D.joining
(D)2.—________ you swim?—No, I ________.
A.Can; can B.Can; don't
C.Do; can't D.Can; can't
Step 3问题探究
1.can 的用法
can 是情态动词,它没有人称和数的变化,其后要跟动词原形,变否定句是在can 的后面加not缩写成can't。
1)弹吉他 play_the_guitar
2)打篮球 play_basketball
3)下象棋 play_chess
1)说英语 speak_English
speak 作及物动词时,宾语是语言类名词。
1)加入俱乐部 join_the_club
2)加入到我们中来 join_us
join 加入的是某个组织和某个团队。
第二课时Section A (2a2d)。