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Integrating your electronic and print workflows into a single web-based interface makes workflows up to four times more efficient than legacy systems or other cloud platforms. It’s easy to identify, acquire, describe, and give users the electronic and print resources they want. And with interwoven WorldCat® data, both staff and users benefit from decreased processing time.Magnify potential with group collaboration. WMS group functionality is so much more than shared resources. Without changing interfaces, users can find and request items held in your library or in your group. Circulation is streamlined through shared visibility into patron files and hold fulfillment, all without sacrificing local control of circulation policies and practices.Exceed user expectations with intuitive discovery. WMS delivers a powerful user experience with a single intuitive interface to search across your full collection and all databases, find items in other libraries, view item availability, place holds, review accounts, renew items, and more. With WorldCat as the foundation, WMS connects users to unparalleled global resources through OCLC’s powerful network of libraries.Innovate and connect with APIs. A wide range of APIs, included with your WMS subscription, enables you to build applications to customize workflows. WMS integrates with your campus technology systems—including financial management, learning management, and student record systems—so you can seamlessly incorporate existing technologies into your workflows.Prove library value with actionable data. The right data is critical. As a fully integrated platform powered by a state-of-the-art data analytics warehouse, WMS delivers actionable data from all departments in formats you prefer. And there’s no need for technical expertise. Custom reports, visualizations, and the ability to evaluate collection holdings against other libraries can help drive key decisions across the library and support your important role in student success.The future is cooperative.Everything you need to manage your libraryWMS offers everything you need to manage your library: e-resource management, acquisitions, discovery, circulation, metadata management, resource sharing, reports, and APIs.WMS helps you achieve your library’s mission through collaboration and sharing beyond your local community or group to a global network of libraries.Shared data. OCLC member libraries helped build and continuously improve WorldCat and the WorldCat knowledge base. WorldCat data serves as the foundation of WMS, providing electronic journal coverage data and bibliographic descriptions to simplify workflows. WMS goes beyond foundational, shared metadata to allow libraries to share serials patterns, license terms, vendor records, and other information, which decreases redundant tasks across libraries while still allowing for local control.Shared infrastructure. The WorldShare Platform provides a shared technology infrastructure for WMS libraries. This allows everyone to benefit from shared servers, simultaneous and automatic software updates, and simplified communication with other libraries. Your library may already be on the WorldShare Platform using some of OCLC’s other services.Shared community. WMS libraries join an active community within OCLC. This community of librarians collaborates to share best practices and to suggest WMS enhancements to OCLC staff members. WMS was designed with direct feedback from OCLC member librarians, and the WMS community continues to guide its development and advancement. A WMS subscription also includes reports, a full-function link resolver, an A-to-Z list, course reserves, cover art, a mobile-ready discovery interface, a mobile app for library workers, and an OAI-PMH harvesting tool at no extra charge.The OCLC Community Center enables WMS libraries to find information they need in one place 24/7, including product updates, documentation, training and tutorials, events, and discussion boards.“[WMS] allows us to manage e-books, journal subscriptions … patron-driven acquisition … All of those things really help us manage e-resources in a way that we didn’t before.”Josh Petrusa Associate Dean for Collections & Digital Services, Butler University Indianapolis, Indiana, United States©2021 OCLC, Inc. All rights reserved. The following OCLC product, service, and business names are trademarks or service marks of OCLC, Inc.: OCLC, WorldCat, WorldShare, and “Because what is known must be shared.” In addition, the WorldCat, WorldShare, and OCLC symbols are service marks of OCLC, Inc. Third-party product and service names are trademarks or service marks of their respective owners. OCLC grants permission to photocopy this publication as needed.PM-PR-215409-WWAE 2105Because what is known must be shared.®Visit oc.lc/wms to learn more.Sign up for webinars, see recent announcements about WMS, watch videos of librarians who use WMS, learn more about included and optional services, and more.with the WMS to easily manage invoices, fees, Save time and money with library services that work together to help you manage your library.。
FEATURED PAPERManaging Programs to Success:Key Program Management Tools(Part 6 of a Series)By: Russ Martinelli and Jim WaddellParts 1 - 5 in this series available at:/featured_papers/2007/june.htm#2IntroductionOnce an organization becomes more proficient and consistent in achieving its business objectives through effective use of program management processes, program management tools should be employed to help the program teams work more efficiently (better, faster, cheaper). It should be remembered, however, that tools follow the establishment of good methods and processes, and are support mechanisms for becoming more efficient in performing program management practices - but, they are not a panacea. As one of our colleagues recently stated, “A fool with a tool is still a fool”.In this paper, we describe the difference between strategic and operational program management tools, provide examples of each type of tool that are used by practicing program managers, and describe their use in managing programs to success. A more extensive set of tools can be found in our book titled Program Management for Improved Business Results.Strategic Program Management ToolsAs we discussed in the first paper in this series, program management is about business success1. Program managers work closely with, and serve as the business manager’s proxy for the programs that they are responsible for. Strategic program management tools support the strategic aspects of a firm, and are not normally owned or developed by the program manager, but rather by senior managers. Why then do we include these in the program manager’s toolbox? First of all, some program managers are asked by their senior managers to directly participate in the use of these tools given their direct knowledge and experience with a specific product line. Additionally, program managers need to comprehend the information obtained from the tools to communicate with senior managers about their program from a strategic perspective2. This information can also help program managers understand how senior managers utilize the tools to execute the organization’s business strategy. The strategic tools we discuss below include the portfolio map, program road map, and complexity assessment.The Portfolio MapPortfolio maps are information displays that visually show key parameters associated with balancing and managing a portfolio of programs. They provide senior managers with the information needed to decide how to distribute their investment in the programs as they pertain to the parameters represented on the program map axes, as shown in Figure 1.These discretionary business investments are based upon their unique standing in the overall portfolio. Each new opportunity is evaluated as to its potential net present value and its associated probability of success.Source: Program Management for Improved Business ResultsFigure 1: Example portfolio map showing program value versus riskProgram managers can gain insight into where and how their program fits within the overall portfolio of programs by referencing an organization’s portfolio map. Senior management decisions concerning the programs (such as resource allocation decisions) will vary depending upon where a program sits within the portfolio in accordance with its projected return versus risk. The portfolio map helps put these decisions in context of the overall business strategy for program managers. Portfolio maps also provide program managers power to influence senior manager’s decisions if their program sits in a positive position within the portfolio, such as in the “Pearls” quadrant in Figure 1, where programs are providing high financial value at relatively low risk of failure.Program Road MapThe program road map is an information display that visually shows the time phasing of the programs within the portfolio. Most company’s development appetites exceed their available human and non-human resources to concurrently develop all products, services or infrastructure solutions. The purpose of the program road map is to balance the anticipated market timing of programs under consideration with the available resources of the firm. The road map appropriately reflects what is possible and practical over time. Figure 2 shows an example of program road map for a software development organization.The program road map is a dynamic tool in that it should be updated regularly to reflect the current market and customer environmental conditions, along with the current availability of resources within the firm. It provides information for program managers on the high-level timing expectations by senior managers for their program. Program managers must work within the time constraints as specified by senior management in order to plan and utilize the company’s resources most efficiently. The road map also becomes a primary communication device between program managers and the functional department managers to whom the company’s resources normally directly report. In this context, the program road map is a primary planning tool during the early stages of theprogram life cycle.Source: Program Management for Improved Business ResultsFigure 2: A software development program road map exampleComplexity Assessment ToolThe program complexity assessment tool helps determine how a new program stands on multiple dimensions of complexity, as illustrated in Figure 3. One of the elegant features of the complexity assessment tool is that it produces a complexity profile which helps to visually depict the overall program complexity. The level of program complexity may have a significant bearing on the level of funding, resource allocation, and approved timing and schedule targets of the development effort. Additionally, it contributes to sharpening the focus of attention on the elements of highest complexity in order to reduce risk and ensure that they are appropriately managed.Figure 3: Example program complexity assessment toolThe value of the complexity assessment tool is multifold. Senior managers can use the tool to help balance a portfolio of programs with an appropriate mix of low- to high-complexity programs. It also helps senior managers determine the level of skill and experience needed for the program manager and other key technical positions on the team to successfully define and execute the program. Program managers can utilize the tool to identify key risk areas for a program – high complexity usually means higher risk. In the example above, any program element shown as a complexity level of 3 or 4 should be evaluated in terms of risk to the program. The complexity information contained in the tool can also be utilized by program managers to develop and justify the amount of schedule and budget contingency needed for the program in order to increase the probability of success.Operational Program Management ToolsWe characterize operational program management tools as those that program managers need on an ongoing basis for managing a single program in collaboration with the project managers on their core team. Program managers typically spearhead the effort of developing and using the operational tools, with the project managers on the program supplying much of the information contained within the tools. Use of the operational tools is a crucial element in managing the cross-project collaboration that is a key characteristic of a typical program2. The operational program management tools we discuss below include the program map, program strike zone, and project status indicator.The Program MapThe purpose of the program map is to show the big-picture view of the critical cross-project dependencies over time and throughout the program life cycle. In particular, the map shows the critical deliverables between project teams, and in effect defines the primary interfaces on the program – see Figure 4.Source: Program Management for Improved Business ResultsFigure 4: Example program mapAs we stated in article two of this series of papers, the work of the program manager cuts across the project teams, therefore he or she predominantly manages in the horizontal dimension of the program3. In order to createan integrated product, service, or infrastructure solution, program managers are responsible for three primary things: 1) ensuring the deliverables from the project teams form an integrated whole product solution; 2) ensuring the highly complex network of project interdependencies is synchronized and coordinated throughout the program life cycle; and 3) ensuring the program business case remains viable. The program map is one of the most valuable tools to help program managers accomplish the first two responsibilities – it forms a picture of the integration of the deliverables, and it helps to synchronize the cross-project work over the life of the program. The Program Strike ZoneProgram managers have two primary roles – managing the business associated with the program, and leading the program team to success4. The program strike zone is a key tool for managing the business aspects of a program5. It is utilized to identify the critical business success factors of a program, to help the organization track progress toward achievement of the key business results, and to set the boundaries within which a program team can successfully operate without direct management involvement.As shown in Figure 5, elements of the program strike zone include the critical business success factors for the program, target and control (threshold) limits, and a high-level status indicator. The thresholds serve as the dividing lines between program team empowerment and executive management intervention. A green indication signifies progress is as planned, yellow indicates a heads up to management of a potential problem, and red requires senior management intervention to proceed.Bill Shaley, a senior program manager for a leading telecom company described the program culture within his company this way: “Managing a program is like having a rocket strapped to your back with roller skates on your feet; there’s no mechanism for stopping when you’re in trouble.” The program strike zone is such a mechanism that is designed to stop a program, either temporarily or permanently, if the business success criteria for a program are compromised.Source: Program Management for Improved Business ResultsFigure 5: Example program strike zoneThe program strike zone is also a powerful tool for senior managers. They can set the boundary conditions for a specific program tighter for an inexperienced team or a program characterized by a considerable degree of risk. On the other hand, if senior managers have confidence in an experienced program manager and team that possesses a consistent track record of success, they may set the boundary conditions with a wider margin in order to provide the team a greater degree of flexibility to move more rapidly to improve time to market.Project Status IndicatorsProgram managers spend much of their time reporting the status of the program to various stakeholders. This reporting takes the form of both informal and formal communications, from hallway conversations to formal program reviews and decision checkpoint meetings. Regardless of whether the status report is formal or informal in nature, the message should remain consistent.So how do program mangers ensure they are reporting a consistent, comprehensive and accurate message about a program? The key is in consistent, comprehensive and accurate collection of status from the project teams and other program core team members. The program core team should review the detailed status for each of the projects on a regular basis. For most programs, the primary agenda for each weekly program core team meeting is project status which facilitates the flow of information within the program.Program managers need to be very specific on what elements of the projects they want reported, what metrics to use, and what level of detail to include in order to gain consistency in reporting across the project teams. This information will normally be based on information specified by senior management. An effective tool for establishing cross-project reporting consistency and concise communication of project status is the project indicator (Figure 6). A project indicator is a brief, one to two page presentation slide set that shows pertinent project status. The information contained within a project indicator will depend upon the particular elements of each program and the set of projects within that program.Source: Program Management for Improved Business ResultsFigure 6: Example project indicatorProject indicators are a key operational control tool for program managers. Periodic monitoring of the data within the indicator provides the capability for program managers and their core team to adjust elements of the program as necessary to ensure that the program remains on track toward achievement of the business and operational objectives.By working with the project teams in developing a consistent format for the indicators, and a consistent set of metrics to report, program managers receive a comprehensive and concise report of project status that they can use to monitor and control progress on the program, and to develop a formal or informal program report to be utilized for communications with senior management and other program stakeholders.ConclusionFundamentally, everything accomplished on a program has a business purpose. Hence, the crux of employing both strategic and operational program management tools is to improve the business results for which a program was initiated. These tools assist the program manager in implementing fundamentally sound practices and processes needed to manage a program to success.In the next and final paper in this series entitled, “Managing Programs to Success: Key Program Management Metrics”, we will discuss the key foundational metrics and measures needed to consistently and effectively manage programs toward their intended business results.References1.Martinelli, Russ and Jim Waddell, “Program Management for Improved Business Results”. ProjectManagement World Today, January 2007, Volume IV, Issue I.osevic, Dragan Z., R.J. Martinelli, J.M. Waddell, Program Management for Improved Business Results,Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2007.3.Martinelli, Russ and Jim Waddell, “Conquering Complexity with Program Management”. ProjectManagement World Today, February 2007, Volume IV, Issue II.4.Martinelli and Waddell, “The Program Management Competency Model”, Project ManagementWorld Today, July-August 2004.5.Martinelli and Waddell, “The Program Strike Zone: Beyond the Bounding Box”, ProjectManagement World Today, March-April 2004.©Copyright 2007 by the Program Management Academy ()Russ Martinelli AuthorRuss Martinelli is the Manager of Program ManagementMethods within the Corporate Platform Office at Intel Corporation, where hefocuses on the definition and implementation of program management practices across Intel. Additionally, Russ is the chairman of Intel’s global ProgramManagement Community of Practice, an adjunct professor at the University of Phoenix, and co-founder of the Program Management Academy. Russ has held a variety of positions at Intel and Lockheed Martin in the areas of systemsengineering, general management, operations management, and project and program management. Contact Russ at:mailto:russ.martinelli@Jim WaddellAuthorJim Waddell is an independent consultant specializing inprogram management and mergers and acquisitions. He is theformer Director of Program Management for Tektronix Inc. where he established and led the Tektronix’s first worldwide Program Management Office (PMO). Additionally , Jim is an adjunct professor at the Oregon Graduate Institute, a founding member of the Program Management Forum in Portland, and the co-founder of the Program Management Academy. Jim has held a wide range of managerial and operational roles ranging across engineering, marketing,systems and manufacturing in the high tech and energy industries. Contact Jim at: jim.waddell@。
name中国社会科学中国人民大学学报学术月刊北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版)华中师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)南京大学学报(哲学·人文科学·社会科学)北京师范大学学报(社会科学版)复旦学报(社会科学版)清华大学学报(哲学社会科学版)社会科学上海师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)江海学刊中山大学学报(社会科学版)吉林大学社会科学学报文史哲学术研究江苏社会科学上海交通大学学报(哲学社会科学版)厦门大学学报(哲学社会科学版)社会科学研究南开学报(哲学社会科学版)社会科学战线上海大学学报(社会科学版)浙江社会科学江西社会科学南京社会科学天津社会科学学习与探索河北学刊陕西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)湖南师范大学社会科学学报学海江汉论坛南京师大学报(社会科学版)西北师大学报(社会科学版)武汉大学学报(哲学社会科学版)甘肃社会科学浙江学刊人文杂志天津师范大学学报(社会科学版)华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)求索求是学刊贵州社会科学思想战线河南大学学报(社会科学版)探索与争鸣广东社会科学中州学刊云南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)东北师大学报(哲学社会科学版)山东大学学报(哲学社会科学版)国外社会科学四川大学学报(哲学社会科学版)学科序号A/K.综合性人文、社会科学1A/K.综合性人文、社会科学2A/K.综合性人文、社会科学3A/K.综合性人文、社会科学4A/K.综合性人文、社会科学5A/K.综合性人文、社会科学6A/K.综合性人文、社会科学7A/K.综合性人文、社会科学8A/K.综合性人文、社会科学9A/K.综合性人文、社会科学10 A/K.综合性人文、社会科学11 A/K.综合性人文、社会科学12 A/K.综合性人文、社会科学13 A/K.综合性人文、社会科学14 A/K.综合性人文、社会科学15 A/K.综合性人文、社会科学16 A/K.综合性人文、社会科学17 A/K.综合性人文、社会科学18经济参考研究19 A/K.综合性人文、社会科学20 A/K.综合性人文、社会科学21 A/K.综合性人文、社会科学22 A/K.综合性人文、社会科学23 A/K.综合性人文、社会科学24 A/K.综合性人文、社会科学25 A/K.综合性人文、社会科学26 A/K.综合性人文、社会科学27 A/K.综合性人文、社会科学28 A/K.综合性人文、社会科学29 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A/K.综合性人文、社会科学55中文刊名中国社会科学中国人民大学学报学术月刊北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版)华中师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)南京大学学报(哲学、人文科学、社会科学北京师范大学学报(社会科学版)复旦学报(社会科学版)清华大学学报(哲学社会科学版)社会科学上海师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)江海学刊中山大学学报(社会科学版)吉林大学社会科学学报文史哲学术研究江苏社会科学上海交通大学学报(哲学社会科学版)厦门大学学报(哲学社会科学版)社会科学研究南开学报(哲学社会科学版)社会科学战线上海大学学报(社会科学版)浙江社会科学江西社会科学南京社会科学天津社会科学学习与探索河北学刊陕西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)湖南师范大学社会科学学报学海江汉论坛南京师大学报(社会科学版)西北师大学报(社会科学版)武汉大学学报(哲学社会科学版)甘肃社会科学浙江学刊人文杂志天津师范大学学报(社会科学版)华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)求索求是学刊贵州社会科学思想战线河南大学学报(社会科学版)探索与争鸣广东社会科学中州学刊云南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)东北师大学报(哲学社会科学版)山东大学学报(哲学社会科学版)国外社会科学四川大学学报(哲学社会科学版)中国地质大学学报(社会科学版)东南学术西南大学学报(社会科学版)山东社会科学东岳论丛云南社会科学重庆大学学报(社会科学版)湘潭大学学报(哲学社会科学版)河南社会科学西安交通大学学报(社会科学版)郑州大学学报(哲学社会科学版)福建论坛(人文社会科学版)华中科技大学学报(社会科学版)社会科学辑刊东南大学学报(哲学社会科学版)学术交流学术论坛兰州大学学报(社会科学版)安徽大学学报(哲学社会科学版)学术界西北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)河北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)新疆师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)中国社会科学院研究生院学报南通大学学报(社会科学版)河南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)华南师范大学学报(社会科学版)深圳大学学报(人文社会科学版)首都师范大学学报(社会科学版)湖北社会科学湖南大学学报(社会科学版)四川师范大学学报(社会科学版)湖北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)暨南学报(哲学社会科学版)同济大学学报(社会科学版)苏州大学学报(哲学社会科学版)北方论丛福建师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)齐鲁学刊安徽师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)湖南科技大学学报(社会科学版)江淮论坛北京社会科学江西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)学习与实践天府新论武汉大学学报(人文科学版)湖南社会科学广西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)杭州师范大学学报(社会科学版)山西大学学报(哲学社会科学版)理论月刊学术探索南昌大学学报(人文社会科学版)社会科学家浙江师范大学学报(社会科学版)A/K.综合性人文、社会科学56 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A/K.综合性人文、社会科学113 A/K.综合性人文、社会科学114 A/K.综合性人文、社会科学115 A/K.综合性人文、社会科学116 A/K.综合性人文、社会科学117 A/K.综合性人文、社会科学118 A/K.综合性人文、社会科学119 A/K.综合性人文、社会科学120 A/K.综合性人文、社会科学121 A/K.综合性人文、社会科学122 B(除B9、B84).哲学(除心理学)1B(除B9、B84).哲学(除心理学)2B(除B9、B84).哲学(除心理学)3B(除B9、B84).哲学(除心理学)4B(除B9、B84).哲学(除心理学)5B(除B9、B84).哲学(除心理学)6B(除B9、B84).哲学(除心理学)7B84.心理学1B84.心理学2B84.心理学3B84.心理学4B84.心理学5B84.心理学6B9宗教1B9宗教2B9宗教3B9宗教4B9宗教5B9宗教6B9宗教7C8.统计学1C8.统计学2C8.统计学3C8.统计学4C91.社会学1C91.社会学2C91.社会学3C91.社会学4C92.人口学1C92.人口学2C92.人口学3C92.人口学4C92.人口学5C93.管理学1C93.管理学2C93.管理学3C93.管理学4C93.管理学5C96.人才学1C95民族学1C95民族学2C95民族学3C95民族学4C95民族学5C95民族学6东北大学学报(社会科学版)重庆邮电大学学报(社会科学版)内蒙古社会科学兰州学刊高校理论战线(改名为:中国高校社会科学)北京交通大学学报(社会科学版)广西社会科学云南大学学报(社会科学版)烟台大学学报(哲学社会科学版)中国青年政治学院学报(改名为:中国青年社会科学)宁夏社会科学哲学研究哲学动态道德与文明世界哲学中国哲学史伦理学研究现代哲学心理学报心理科学心理科学进展心理发展与教育心理学探新心理与行为研究世界宗教研究中国宗教宗教学研究世界宗教文化法音阿拉伯世界研究中国道教统计研究统计与决策统计与信息论坛中国统计社会学研究社会青年研究妇女研究论丛人口研究中国人口科学人口学刊人口与发展人口与经济管理学报管理科学学报中国管理科学领导科学管理工程学报中国人才民族研究广西民族研究广西民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)世界民族中央民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)黑龙江民族丛刊贵州民族研究中南民族大学学报(人文社会科学版)西南民族大学学报(人文社科版)青海民族研究西北民族研究云南民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)湖北民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版)回族研究世界经济与政治东北亚论坛当代亚太外交评论(外交学院学报)现代国际关系国际观察当代世界与社会主义欧洲研究国际问题研究国际政治研究美国研究国外理论动态国际论坛当代世界社会主义问题日本学刊德国研究太平洋学报俄罗斯研究俄罗斯东欧中亚研究西亚非洲南亚研究中国行政管理政治学研究马克思主义与现实马克思主义研究社会主义研究求是开放时代公共行政评论教学与研究毛泽东邓小平理论研究公共管理学报中国特色社会主义研究理论探讨探索科学社会主义中共中央党校学报国家行政学院学报求实行政论坛北京行政学院学报中共党史研究中国人民公安大学学报(社会科学版)江苏行政学院学报理论与改革思想理论教育导刊上海行政学院学报新视野C95民族学7 C95民族学8 C95民族学9 C95民族学10 C95民族学11 C95民族学12 C95民族学13 C95民族学14 D1,D3,D5,D7,D8.国际政治1 D1,D3,D5,D7,D8.国际政治2 D1,D3,D5,D7,D8.国际政治3 D1,D3,D5,D7,D8.国际政治4 D1,D3,D5,D7,D8.国际政治5 D1,D3,D5,D7,D8.国际政治6 D1,D3,D5,D7,D8.国际政治7 D1,D3,D5,D7,D8.国际政治8 D1,D3,D5,D7,D8.国际政治9 D1,D3,D5,D7,D8.国际政治10 D1,D3,D5,D7,D8.国际政治11 D1,D3,D5,D7,D8.国际政治12 D1,D3,D5,D7,D8.国际政治13 D1,D3,D5,D7,D8.国际政治14 D1,D3,D5,D7,D8.国际政治15 D1,D3,D5,D7,D8.国际政治16 D1,D3,D5,D7,D8.国际政治17 D1,D3,D5,D7,D8.国际政治18 D1,D3,D5,D7,D8.国际政治19 D1,D3,D5,D7,D8.国际政治20 D1,D3,D5,D7,D8.国际政治21 D0,D2,D4,D6,A.中国政治1 D0,D2,D4,D6,A.中国政治2 D0,D2,D4,D6,A.中国政治3 D0,D2,D4,D6,A.中国政治4 D0,D2,D4,D6,A.中国政治5 D0,D2,D4,D6,A.中国政治6 D0,D2,D4,D6,A.中国政治7 D0,D2,D4,D6,A.中国政治8 D0,D2,D4,D6,A.中国政治9 D0,D2,D4,D6,A.中国政治10 D0,D2,D4,D6,A.中国政治11 D0,D2,D4,D6,A.中国政治12 D0,D2,D4,D6,A.中国政治13 D0,D2,D4,D6,A.中国政治14 D0,D2,D4,D6,A.中国政治15 D0,D2,D4,D6,A.中国政治16 D0,D2,D4,D6,A.中国政治17 D0,D2,D4,D6,A.中国政治18 D0,D2,D4,D6,A.中国政治19 D0,D2,D4,D6,A.中国政治20 D0,D2,D4,D6,A.中国政治21 D0,D2,D4,D6,A.中国政治22 D0,D2,D4,D6,A.中国政治23 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D0,D2,D4,D6,A.中国政治38 D0,D2,D4,D6,A.中国政治39 D0,D2,D4,D6,A.中国政治40 D0,D2,D4,D6,A.中国政治41 D0,D2,D4,D6,A.中国政治42 D0,D2,D4,D6,A.中国政治43 D0,D2,D4,D6,A.中国政治44 D0,D2,D4,D6,A.中国政治45 D0,D2,D4,D6,A.中国政治46 D0,D2,D4,D6,A.中国政治47 D0,D2,D4,D6,A.中国政治48 D0,D2,D4,D6,A.中国政治49 D9法律1 D9法律2 D9法律3 D9法律4 D9法律5 D9法律6 D9法律7 D9法律8 D9法律9 D9法律10 D9法律11 D9法律12 D9法律13 D9法律14 D9法律15 D9法律16 D9法律17 D9法律18 D9法律19 D9法律20 D9法律21 D9法律22 D9法律23 D9法律24 D9法律25 D9法律26 D9法律27 D9法律28 D9法律29 F.综合性经济科学1 F.综合性经济科学2 F.综合性经济科学3 F.综合性经济科学4 F.综合性经济科学5云南行政学院学报中国党政干部论坛中共天津市委党校学报人民论坛理论视野天津行政学院学报理论探索中国青年研究甘肃行政学院学报毛泽东思想研究山东警察学院学报长白学刊瞭望红旗文稿党的文献台湾研究集刊中共福建省委党校学报中共浙江省委党校学报南京政治学院学报学习论坛理论导刊理论学刊中国法学法学研究中外法学法学法商研究现代法学法律科学法学家政法论坛法制与社会发展法学评论政治与法律比较法研究环球法律评论法学论坛清华法学法学杂志华东政法大学学报河北法学当代法学法律适用中国刑事法杂志行政法学研究人民检察国家检察官学院学报政法论丛北方法学甘肃政法学院学报知识产权经济研究管理世界经济学经济科学经济学家经济学动态当代财经经济评论财经科学南开经济研究经济管理当代经济科学山西财经大学学报中南财经政法大学学报经济纵横上海财经大学学报当代经济研究江西财经大学学报广东财经大学学报云南财经大学学报贵州财经大学学报经济经纬现代财经(天津财经大学学报)河北经贸大学学报经济问题世界经济世界经济文汇世界经济研究国际经济评论经济社会体制比较现代日本经济世界经济与政治论坛亚太经济外国经济与管理数量经济技术经济研究经济理论与经济管理政治经济学评论城市发展研究上海经济研究宏观经济研究改革经济问题探索南方经济城市问题数理统计与管理地域研究与开发中国流通经济现代经济探讨消费经济开放导报生态经济中国社会经济史研究中国经济问题经济研究参考技术经济经济体制改革西部论坛产经评论运筹与管理现代城市研究华东经济管理F.综合性经济科学6 F.综合性经济科学7 F.综合性经济科学8 F.综合性经济科学9 F.综合性经济科学10 F.综合性经济科学11 F.综合性经济科学12 F.综合性经济科学13 F.综合性经济科学14 F.综合性经济科学15 F.综合性经济科学16 F.综合性经济科学17 F.综合性经济科学18 F.综合性经济科学19 F.综合性经济科学20 F.综合性经济科学21 F.综合性经济科学22 F.综合性经济科学23 F.综合性经济科学24 F.综合性经济科学25 F1(除F12).世界经济1 F1(除F12).世界经济2 F1(除F12).世界经济3 F1(除F12).世界经济4 F1(除F12).世界经济5 F1(除F12).世界经济6 F1(除F12).世界经济7 F1(除F12).世界经济8 F1(除F12).世界经济91 F0,F12,F2(除F23,F27).经济学,中国经济,经济管理(除会计,企业经济)2 F0,F12,F2(除F23,F27).经济学,中国经济,经济管理(除会计,企业经济) F0,F12,F2(除F23,F27).经济学,中国经济,经济管理(除会计,企业经济)34 F0,F12,F2(除F23,F27).经济学,中国经济,经济管理(除会计,企业经济)5 F0,F12,F2(除F23,F27).经济学,中国经济,经济管理(除会计,企业经济) F0,F12,F2(除F23,F27).经济学,中国经济,经济管理(除会计,企业经济)67 F0,F12,F2(除F23,F27).经济学,中国经济,经济管理(除会计,企业经济) F0,F12,F2(除F23,F27).经济学,中国经济,经济管理(除会计,企业经济)89 F0,F12,F2(除F23,F27).经济学,中国经济,经济管理(除会计,企业经济)10 F0,F12,F2(除F23,F27).经济学,中国经济,经济管理(除会计,企业经济) F0,F12,F2(除F23,F27).经济学,中国经济,经济管理(除会计,企业经济)1112 F0,F12,F2(除F23,F27).经济学,中国经济,经济管理(除会计,企业经济)13 F0,F12,F2(除F23,F27).经济学,中国经济,经济管理(除会计,企业经济)14 F0,F12,F2(除F23,F27).经济学,中国经济,经济管理(除会计,企业经济)15 F0,F12,F2(除F23,F27).经济学,中国经济,经济管理(除会计,企业经济)16 F0,F12,F2(除F23,F27).经济学,中国经济,经济管理(除会计,企业经济)17 F0,F12,F2(除F23,F27).经济学,中国经济,经济管理(除会计,企业经济)18 F0,F12,F2(除F23,F27).经济学,中国经济,经济管理(除会计,企业经济)19 F0,F12,F2(除F23,F27).经济学,中国经济,经济管理(除会计,企业经济)20 F0,F12,F2(除F23,F27).经济学,中国经济,经济管理(除会计,企业经济)21 F0,F12,F2(除F23,F27).经济学,中国经济,经济管理(除会计,企业经济)22 F0,F12,F2(除F23,F27).经济学,中国经济,经济管理(除会计,企业经济)23 F0,F12,F2(除F23,F27).经济学,中国经济,经济管理(除会计,企业经济)24 F0,F12,F2(除F23,F27).经济学,中国经济,经济管理(除会计,企业经济)25 F0,F12,F2(除F23,F27).经济学,中国经济,经济管理(除会计,企业经济) F0,F12,F2(除F23,F27).经济学,中国经济,经济管理(除会计,企业经济)2627 F0,F12,F2(除F23,F27).经济学,中国经济,经济管理(除会计,企业经济)经济学动态当代财经经济评论财经科学南开经济研究经济管理当代经济科学山西财经大学学报中南财经政法大学学报经济纵横上海财经大学学报(哲学社会科学版)当代经济研究江西财经大学学报广东商学院学报(改名为:广东财经大学学报)云南财经大学学报贵州财经学院学报(改名为:贵州财经大学学报)经济经纬现代财经河北经贸大学学报经济问题世界经济世界经济文汇世界经济研究国际经济评论经济社会体制比较现代日本经济世界经济与政治论坛亚太经济外国经济与管理数量经济技术经济研究经济理论与经济管理政治经济学评论城市发展研究上海经济研究宏观经济研究改革经济问题探索南方经济城市问题数理统计与管理地域研究与开发中国流通经济现代经济探讨消费经济开放导报生态经济中国社会经济史研究中国经济问题经济研究参考技术经济经济体制改革西部论坛(重庆)产经评论运筹与管理现代城市研究华东经济管理。
在项目质量管理的定义方面,Harrison和 Lock (2004)将项目质量定义为项目团队应关注的问题,即项目交付的质量是否能够满足利益相关者的期望。
一、Emerald(爱墨瑞得)出版社介绍Emerald于1967年由来自世界著名百强商学院之一的布拉德福商学院(Bradford University Management Center)的学者建立。
16本期刊中的15本被SCI索引,具有高品质内容和不断增长的影响因子,顶尖研究机构和蓝筹股公司的作者源,如BMW,Cambridge University,MIT,NASA,Nanyang Technological University 和Nokia 等公司和机构都长期有文章在期刊中发表,同时他们也是Emerald期刊的用户。
图1-1 组织内部战略与运营流程[[注1] Project Management Institute. The Standard for portfolio management. USA: Project Management Institute, Inc, 2012:7.][注1] 企业战略得以实现的途径一般有:(1)运营工作,和(2)项目工作。
在PMO模式下的企业,这三种项目形态都由PMO进行统一管理,作用主要体现在:向上承接战略;向下指导项目操作;改善效率;实现企业战略2 PMO治理结构并不存在一应俱全的PMO。
在不同的企业组织里, PMO的名称和职能各不相同,但PMO的基本职能结构万变不离其宗,是集中、协调和监督项目和过程。
关于我国商业银行公司 治理的一个文献综述
上海财经大学 200090
[ 摘 要] 中国入世以后, 逐步融入到一个更为开放的、全球化的金融体系中, 良好的公司治 理在改善银
行风险管理, 促进银行安全、健康、高效发展等 方面都具有核心重要性。正 如中国工商银行行长姜建清 所 说的那样:“建设真正的商 业银行, 最重要的是 完 善 公 司 治 理 机 制 , 包 括 法 人 治 理 结 构 、经 营 模 式 、增 长 方 式 、资 产 结 构 、财 务 结 构 、组 织 结 构 、内 控 管 理 及 业 务 流 程 等 诸 多 方 面 的 改 革 。这 将 是 一 场 彻 底 的 革 命 。”商 业银行公司治理引起了人们在理论和实践上的极大关注。
一.CM( Fa s t- Tra ck Cons truction Ma na ge me nt) 模式 1.CM 的产生 它 起 源 于 Fast- Track 模 式 , 即“快 速 轨 道 法 ”, 它 的 含 义 可 解 释 为: 在项目整个设计尚未结束之前, 当工程某些部分的施工图设计已 经完成, 即先进行该部分施工招标, 从而使这部分工程施工提前到项 目 尚 处 于 设 计 阶 段 时 即 开 始 。业 主 必 须 委 托 一 个 专 业 的 项 目 管 理 者 — CM 经理, 负责协调设计和管理施工, 以解决因采用 Fast- Track 方式而 使 业主管理工作复杂化的问题 。这是 Fast- Track 与 CM 的 内 在 联 系 , 也是 CM 模式产生的原因。它的组织形式可分为代理型( Agency) 和风 险型( Non- Agency) 。CM 模式在美国、加拿大、欧洲和澳大利亚等许多 国家, 广泛地应用于大型建筑项目的承发包和项目管理上, 比较有代 表性的是美国的世界贸易中心和英国诺丁安地平线工厂。在 20 世纪 90 年代进入我国之后, CM 模式得到 了一定程度上的应用, 如上 海证 券 大 厦 建 设 项 目 、深 圳 国 际 会 议 中 心 建 设 项 目 等 。 2.CM 模式的特点 ﹙1﹚ 从项目的开始阶段就需由业 主和业主委托的 CM 经理与建 筑师组 成 一 个 联 合 小 组 , 共 同 负 责 组 织 和 管 理 工 程 的 规 划 、设 计 和 施 工。雇佣具有施工经验的咨询人员参与到项目的实际过程中来, 以便 为设计专业人员提供施工方面的建议, 并随后负责管理施工过程; 在 决策时能够同时考虑设计与施工的因素, 力争使项目在最短时间内, 以最经济的成本和满足要求的质量完成工程并交付使用; 在项目的总 体规划、布 局 和 设 计 时 , 要 考 虑 项 目 的 总 投 资 , 在 主 体 方 案 确 定 后 , 随 着工作的进展, 完成一部分工程的设计后, 即对这部分工程进行招标, 发包给一家承包商, 由业主直接就该部分工程与承包商签订承包合 同。应注意, CM 法与阶段施工法不是同一个概念。CM 模式是以使用 CM 经理为特征的项目管理模式, 具有独特的合同关系和组织关系。阶 段施工法只是在过去的现行施工法的基础上改进的一种项目管理实 施 顺 序 , 不 仅 可 在 CM 方 式 中 使 用 , 也 可 在 其 他 模 式 , 如 设 计- 建 造 模 式中使用。 ﹙2﹚CM 经理负责工程的监督, 协调及 管 理 工 作 。 在 施 工 阶 段 的 主要任务是定期与承包商会晤, 对成本, 质量和进度进行监督, 并预测 和控制成本和进度的变化。业主与 CM 经理、建筑师之间是合同关系, 而业主任命的 CM 经理与各个施 工、设计、设备供应, 安装运输 等承包 商之间则是业务上的管理和协调关系。 ﹙3﹚阶段发包方式的最大优点是可以缩短工程从规划, 设计 到竣 工的周期、节约建设投资、减少投资风险, 可以比较早 的取得收益。这 种方式的缺点是分项招标可能导致承包费用较高, 因而要做好分析比 较, 研究项目分项的多少, 选定一个最优的结合点。 ﹙4﹚在传统模式中, 项目实施过程涉及的各方关系通常依靠 合同 来调解, 可称之为合同方法。而在采用 CM 模式时, 业主在项目初期就 选 定 了 建 筑 师 CM 经 理 及 承 包 商 。 各 方 以 务 实 合 作 的 态 度 组 成 项 目 组, 共同完成项目的预算及成本控制, 进度安排及项目的设计。与合同 方法相对应, 这种方式称之为项目组织法。对于采用合同管理的建设 项目来说, 业主只能得到满足合同规定的工期, 质量和进度要求的工 程项 目, 而 采 用 项 目 组 方 式 可 使 业 主 尽 可 能 地 获 得 时 间 的 节 约 、费 用 地节约和质量的提高。同时, 业主有机会亲自对项目进程进行控制、在 设 计 、施 工 等 方 面 作 出 明 智 的 决 定 。 ﹙5﹚由于 CM 签约时设计尚未结束, 因 此 CM 合同价通常既不 采 用单 价合同, 也不采用总价合同, 而 采 用“成 本 加 利 润 ”的 方 式 , 即 CM 单位向业主收取其工作成本, 再加上一定的比例的利润。
世界中西医结合杂志200)年第4卷第5期Wo/4JournO of T/gra/d Tradihcwal sk Western Medicine200),Vo016,Nv.3・546••临床研究•菖蒲郁金汤联合耳穴压丸预防髋关节置换术的老年患者术后谵妄的作用冯康平1蔡晓华1李飞龙4何聚莲5【摘要】目的观察菖蒲郁金汤(Chanypu-yyjix decoc/on)联合耳穴压丸(ear-point pressing pills)预防老年术后谵妄(Delirium、的效果及对患者睡眠质量和血清乙酰胆碱酯酶(acetyl chohnesOrase AcUE)的影响。
在围手术期,对照组给予常规处理,耳穴压丸组术前实施耳穴压丸法,菖蒲郁金汤组手术前后给予菖蒲郁金汤服用,联合组给予耳穴压丸法联合菖蒲郁金汤,记录患者手术前后各时间点的简易精神状态量表(mini-mental state examination,MMSE)评分、谵妄量表分析系统(the confused assessment method,CAM-CR)、匹兹堡睡眠质量指数评分(Pittsburgh sleep qua/tg index score,PSQI),并记录患者谵妄发生率,检测患者手术前后血清AcUE水平。
国家一级学会期刊CSCD SCI EI收录期刊汇总
international journal of emerging markets ssci
international journal of emerging markets ssci 《International Journal of Emerging Markets》是一本被SSCI(社会科学引文索引)收录的期刊,主要研究方向包括商业、经济学和管理学等领域。
此外,《International Journal of Emerging Markets》的影响因子为1.27,在商业经济学领域排名第10(根据2019年的数据)。
opm战略英文文献在搜寻OPM(Organization Project Management)战略方面的英文文献时,可以考虑以下一些建议的文献:1. Crawford, L., Hobbs, B., & Turner, J. R. (2006). Aligning capability with strategy: Categorizing projects to do the right projects and to do them right. Project Management Journal, 37(2), 38-50.2. Pekar, P., & Reitsma, E. (2006). Shaping strategy: A project management perspective. PM World Today, 8(11), 1-6.3. Snyder, C., & Du, J. (2016). Assessing project alignment with strategy. PM World Journal, 5(6), 1-16.4. Müller, R., & Turner, R. (2006). Integrated change control and project team performance: A quantitative analysis. Project Management Journal, 37(3), 74-84.5. Hobbs, B., & Aubry, M. (2011). Identifying architectural antecedents to project management alignment. International Journal of Project Management, 29(2), 222-231.6. Shankar, R., & Iyer, K. (2004). Alignment of IS projects with business strategy: An empirical study of project governance. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 51(3), 263-277.7. Hegney, R., & Walters, M. (2016). Creating a strategic project management culture: A longitudinal study. International Journal ofProject Management, 34(6), 1089-1103.这些建议的文献提供了关于OPM战略方面的研究和实践经验,可以帮助读者了解如何将项目管理与组织战略进行整合和对齐。
可行性分析报告工作负荷1. 引言工作负荷是指在工作过程中需要投入的时间、精力和资源。
2. 背景在工作中,合理分配和安排工作负荷可以提高团队的效率和生产力。
3. 可行性分析方法3.1 收集数据首先,我们需要收集关于当前工作负荷的数据,包括:- 项目需求和目标- 团队成员的技能和经验- 资源投入情况- 项目进度和时间安排- 过去的工作负荷情况通过分析这些数据,我们可以更好地了解工作负荷的现状和存在的问题。
3.2 评估工作负荷基于收集到的数据,可以使用以下方法对工作负荷进行评估:- 3.2.1 项目需求分析:根据项目的需求和目标,确定所需的工作量和人员配备,从而评估是否存在工作过载或工作空闲的情况。
- 3.2.2 技能匹配度分析:评估团队成员的技能和经验,确保分配的工作与其技能匹配,从而提高工作效率和质量。
- 3.2.3 资源投入分析:分析资源投入情况,评估是否存在资源过度或不足的情况。
- 3.2.4 时间安排评估:根据项目进度和时间安排,评估工作负荷是否合理,是否存在时间冲突或工期不足的问题。
- 3.2.5 工作负荷历史回顾:回顾过去的工作负荷情况,分析存在的问题和解决方案,并从中得出经验教训。
3.3 制定改进方案根据评估结果,可以制定相应的改进方案:- 3.3.1 调整工作负荷:通过重新分配工作或增加/减少资源,调整不合理的工作负荷,使其更加合理和平衡。
- 3.3.2 技能培训计划:对团队成员进行培训和提升,以提高其技能和经验,从而更好地应对工作负荷。
- 3.3.3 优化资源分配:根据分析结果,优化资源的分配和利用,确保资源的合理利用和最大化效益。
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编者按《项目管理世界期刊》(PM World Journal)是项目管理界颇具影响力的专业期刊,其总编辑戴维·佩尔斯是国际公认的项目管理顶级专家,曾两次入选美国项目管理协会(PMI)董事会,曾为很多重大项目提供项目管理咨询服务,在工程、建设、国防、运输、高新技术等领域有丰富的项目和项目集管理经验。
文化智商(Cultural Intelligence)是项目经理应具备的重要“软技能”之一。
86项目管理评论 2018年3-4月总第17期2018年3-4月总第17期 项目管理评论87采访实录David L. Pells (Pells): In 35 years there have been many, many changes in the project management field. When I began to work in major projects in the mid-1970s, such important concepts as critical path planning, work breakdown structure (WBS), and earned value management (EVM) were already well developed. The first big disruptive change that I remember was not directly associated with project management per se, but rather the advent of the personal computer in the early 1980s. This was followed immediately by Microsoft and other companies introducing project planning tools that anyone could use on a desktop PC. Microsoft recognized the growing importance of projects in many industries, created MS Project and integrated it with the MS Office suite of business applications. Whereas previously project planning, scheduling and cost control tasks were often performed by specialists, now anyone could use similar tools and manage (orat least try to manage) their own projects.The second really disruptive change was the publication of the Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge by the Project Management Institute (PMI), followed soon thereafter by PMI’s Project Management Professional (PMP) certification. These two PMI products began to drive growth in both PMI membership as well as industry recognition of project management. This growth has continued, with PMI membership now well over 400,000 worldwide. Combined with PMP certificate holders, PMI serves more than one million. PMI, APM in UK, AIPM in Australia, IPMA, AACE and other professional organizations added more standards and more certifications; the combination of these products and growing numbers of associations, members, chapters and stakeholders has resulted in widespread recognition of projects and project management in many organizations and countries.The third change, a trend really , was the growth of PM professional organizations in many countries. By the time we held the first Global PM Forum in New Orleans in 1995, there were more than 30 professional PM societies worldwide. Now there are more than 80. Over the last 30 years, the PM profession has grown, expanded and matured. Combined with PM standards, tools, publications, education and training, these organizations have spurred widespread recognition of project and project management across nearly all industries and locations. Many of these organizationsoffer competing standards, qualifications, products and services, but together they represent a very significant trend (resulting in change). Project management is now well established in most industries and countries.The 4th major change was the recognition that such soft skills as communication, teamwork, leadership, stakeholder engagement and similar issues were just as important, perhaps more so in many cases, than skills and knowledge about scope, schedules, costs, quality, procurement and other engineering or scientific-oriented aspects of PM. Whereas the largest PM professional associations all had standards and certifications by the year 2000, they all began to incorporate these soft skills into the professional products and messages. The field of human psychology rocked the PM landscape. Emotional Intelligence88 项目管理评论 2018年3-4月总第17期made its appearance in the PM field. With economic and industrial globalization came the need for more cultural awareness and knowledge, and Cultural Intelligence. Now we often see “project leadership” emphasized rather than project management, with the soft skills headlining.The 5th big change (trend in some locations) is the increasing awareness by government leaders that professional project and program management can lead to very serious improvements in managing public programs, projects and organizations. The best example may be in the UK where the national government began issuing program and projects management standards in the late 1990s (PRINCE2, MSP , etc.), the creation of the current Major Projects Office and the recent Charter awarded to APM.As you have said, there are signs of leapfrogging happeningin the project management world, especially in Asian countries. Have you paid attention to PM development in China? What impresses you most? What message would you like to say to project management professionals in China?Pells: I am impressed with the increasing interest in projectmanagement in China. I don’t follow developments there closely , as I can only read English. But I know that there are now many project management programs at both the undergraduate and graduate levels in Chinese universities. There are multiple PM professional organizations in China; both PMI and IPMA are active there as well. And I can tell you that Chinese readers rank seventh among all visitors to the PM W orld Journal website (www ), behind only large English language countries (USA, UK, India, Canada, Australia and South Africa).Another observation has been the impressive and globally visible number and range of big projects completed by Chinese organizations, both government and industrial. W e have watched the rapid completion of such projects as new airports, rail lines, space launches, web-based businesses (and entire industries), manufacturing plants, buildings and even entire new cities. Projects around Asia and Africa by Chinese organizations have been equally impressive. It’s hard to imagine so many projects being completed without effective project management, so well done!Leapfrogging is really possible. My message to PM professionals in China is to find opportunities to leapfrog. Learn some history and proven methodologies, but study new research, consider current changing and future conditions, figure out what fits best for you and your projects. Learn what’s new, figure it out, and don’t wait.Pells: In a global economy where organizations and solutions compete across borders, the organizations that can complete their programs and projects most efficiently and successfully are more successful, at home and abroad. Programs and projects financed with public (taxpayer) money should be performed as efficiently and effectively as possible. Since many project management methodologies were created to complete projects better, faster and cheaper, PM should be widely used. Some countries like Norway and the UK have recognized this; all developing countries should have a national PMO like in the UK to guide and monitor major projects.Pells: There are several answers to this question, depending on perspective. First, we play a crucial role in advancing the profession, by informing and educating working professionals. Publishing thus goes hand-in-hand with education in PM and in all professional fields.For the PMWJ, there was another motivation. It seemed to me that the authors of PM articles and papers do not receive enough visibility or recognition for their work. In some cases, new creative works are brilliant, offer new solutions, create new knowledge and advance the PM profession. Certainly the authors of such works deserve visible credit. So everything we publish in the PMWJ has2018年3-4月总第17期 项目管理评论89an author profile at the end. W e also showcase authors in the PM W orld Library (PMWL). This is very important to me.Pells:Culture is important in project management, but it’s not as simple as the word implies. What is culture? While the focus is often on ethnic, national or regional differences, every organization, family, location, school or social group creates cultural influences or identifies. I worked on a very large project in the early 1990s that brought people together from many different backgrounds, including academia, engineering organizations, scientific laboratories, defense and construction industries and many different countries. The challenge became, how to create a new culture of our own for our big project that could empower the most people. It was a challenge. Y ou are right; this is a big issue on virtual projects where awareness and sensitivity are both more difficult and more important. It takes both experience and maturity .Many people consider cultural differences as challenges or risks on project teams. While that may often be true, I see it differently. Cultural diversity on teams can provide opportunities to identify and explore new ideas and possible solutions. Diversity can thus contribute to innovation and agility, in my opinion. I think the best leaders recognize the potential value of diversity, are open to differences and act accordingly.Pells: This is a fun topic, and highly related to the emergence of the “Internet of Things” (IOT). These technologies will have great influence on project management from two angles — more projects will include smart materials, components and systems that are digitally (often wirelessly) connected. Some industries will be influenced more quickly than others, but already include aerospace, construction, defense, energy,healthcare, manufacturing and transportation. Project managers will still need to be human for the foreseeable future, but project teams will soon include robots (think about drones, for instance) doing specific tasks, some smarter than others. So what are the challenges when your team includes both people and robots? How do they interact? Who’s in charge? How are they trained, directed, rewarded or cared for?The other perspective is related to project information. Building information Modelling (BIM) technology is already revolutionizing PM in the “built environment” where various kinds of project data are created, integrated, communicated and managed in multiple, inter-connected databases and systems. This is affecting project teams, communication processes, contracting and procurement capabilities (including logistics and deliveries), change control, project reporting, stakeholder engagement, financing and nearly every traditional PM role and activity. It’s both unsettling and exciting.Pells: If projects are defined as unique endeavors, then every project creates change. So by definition, project managers are change managers. Dealing with rapid change has led to all of the attention on “agility” in my opinion. But there is another related and important aspect of this topic that better answers your question.Change has often been correlated with risk, and considered from a negative perspective. Numerous or rapid changes are bad because they introduce more uncertainty, more risks of making mistakes (affecting scope, schedule, costs and other traditional performance objectives). But if you embrace agility and the need to innovate, to find new creative solutions, then change can be embraced as opportunities to improve, adjust, achieve more positive outcomes and benefits. In the future, I expect the opportunity side of risk management to increase in importance and for PM to incorporate both agility and innovation as fundamental skills.90 项目管理评论 2018年3-4月总第17期project management knowledge to the success of these【栏目编辑:尉艳娟】。