

3B SCIENTIFIC ®PHYSICSBedienungsanleitung07/16 ALFDie Mikroskope E5 ermöglichen die zweidimensionale Betrachtung von Objekten (dünne Schnitte von Pflanzen- oder Tieren) in 40- bis 1000-facher Vergrößerung.Das Mikroskop Modell TE5 bietet neben einem binokularen Einblick die gleichzeitige Anschlussmög-lichkeit einer Kamera zur fotografischen und videotechnischen Bilddokumentation.1 Okular2 Tubus3 Objektivrevolver mit Objektiven4 Objekttisch mit Objektführer5 Kondensor mit irisblende und Filterhal-ter6 Beleuchtung7 Netzschalter8 Kopf9 Stativ10 Einsteller für x-y-Kreuztisch 11 Feststellbremse12 Feintrieb 13 Grobtriebpor geliefert.∙Nach Entfernen des Klebebands den Behäl-ter vorsichtig öffnen. Dabei darauf achten, dass keine der optischen Teile (Objektive und Okulare) herausfallen.∙Um Kondensation auf den optischen Be-standteilen zu vermeiden, das Mikroskop so lange in der Verpackung belassen, bis es die Raumtemperatur angenommen hat.∙Das Mikroskop mit beiden Händen (eine Hand am Stativarm und eine am Fuß) ent-nehmen und auf eine ebene Fläche stellen. ∙Die Objektive sind separat in Döschen ver-packt. Sie werden in der Reihenfolge vom Objektiv mit dem kleinsten bis zum Objektiv mit dem größten Vergrößerungsfaktor im Uhrzeigersinn hinten beginnend in die Öff-nungen der Revolverplatte geschraubt.∙Anschließend das Okular in den Tubus ein-setzen und mit dem kleinen Inbusschlüssel fixieren.∙Kopf mit dem großen Inbusschlüssel fixieren. 3.1 Allgemeine Hinweise∙Das Mikroskop auf einen ebenen Tisch stellen. ∙Das zu betrachtende Objekt in die Mitte desObjekttisches platzieren.∙Netzkabel anschließen und Beleuchtung anschalten.∙Objektträger so in den Strahlengang schie-ben, dass das Objekt vom Strahlengang deutlich durchstrahlt wird.∙Diopterstärke den Augen anpassen (siehe 3.3). ∙Augenabstand einstellen bis nur ein Licht-kreis sichtbar ist (siehe 3.3).∙Zur Erreichung eines hohen Kontrasts Hin-tergrundbeleuchtung mittels der Irisblende einstellen.∙Das Objektiv mit der kleinsten Vergrößerung in den Strahlengang drehen. Ein Klick-Ton zeigt die richtige Stellung an.Hinweis: Es ist am besten mit der kleinsten Ver-größerung zu beginnen, um zuerst größere Strukturdetails zu erkennen. Der Übergang zueiner stärkeren Vergrößerung zur Betrachtungfeinerer Details erfolgt durch Drehen des Revol-vers bis zum gewünschten Objektiv.Die Stärke der Vergrößerung ergibt sich aus dem Produkt des Vergrößerungsfaktors des Okulars und des Objektivs.∙Mit dem Triebknopf für Grobtrieb das un-scharf abgebildete Präparat scharf stellen, dabei darauf achten, dass das Objektiv den Objektträger nicht berührt (Beschädigungs-gefahr).∙Anschließend mittels Feintrieb die Bildschär-fe einstellen.∙Zur Benutzung von Farbfiltern Filterhalter ausschwenken und Farbfilter einlegen.∙Das Mikroskop mit keinen Flüssigkeiten in Kontakt kommen lassen.∙Das Mikroskop keinen mechanischen Belas-tungen aussetzen.∙Optische Teile des Mikroskops nicht mit den Fingern berühren.∙Bei Beschädigungen oder Fehlern das Mik-roskop nicht selbst reparieren.3.2 Dioptereinstellung (BE5 und TE5)∙Mit dem rechten Auge durch das rechte Okular sehen und das Objekt scharf stellen. ∙Dann mit dem linken Auge durch das linke Okular sehen. Wenn das Bild nicht scharf ist, am Dioptereinstellring (1) drehen, bis das Ob-jekt scharf abgebildet ist (siehe Fig. 1).Auf dem Dioptereinstellring (1) sind ±5 Diopterwer-te markiert. Der Wert, der auf den Skalenstrich (2) zeigt, ist der Diopterwert des Beobachters.∙Bei der nächsten Benutzung wieder den gleichen Diopetrwert einstellen.Fig. 1 Dioptereinstellung3.3 Einstellung des Augenabstands (BE5 undTE5)∙Mit beiden Augen durch die Okulare sehen, dabei die Tuben soweit um die Achse dre-hen, bis nur noch ein Bildfeld zu sehen ist. Der Punkt (1) zeigt auf der Skala (2) den Augen-abstand des Beobachters (siehe Fig. 2).∙Bei der nächsten Benutzung wieder dengleichen Augenabstand einstellen.Fig. 2 Einstellung des Augenabstandes3.4 Einstellung der Feststellbremse∙Um folgende Probleme zu beheben, die Feststellbremse (1) einstellen: der Grobfoku-siertrieb lässt sich schwer drehen, das Prä-parat geht langsam aus dem Fokus, der Ob-jekttisch rutscht (siehe Fig. 3).Drehen der Feststellbremse in Pfeilrichtung fi-xiert den Fokusiertrieb. Drehen in entgegenge-setzter Richtung löst den FokusiertriebFig. 3 Feststellbremse3.5 Lampenwechsel∙Stromversorgung ausschalten und Netzste-cker ziehen.∙Bodenplatte abschrauben und herausneh-men.∙Steckverbindung zur LED-Einheit trennen.Dazu auf die Verbindungsbuchse (1) drücken und Verbindungsstecker (2) heraus ziehen (siehe Fig. 4).∙Zwei Schrauben (3) lösen, defekte LED-Einheit austauschen und Mikroskop wieder zusammenbauen.Fig. 4 Lampenwechsel∙Das Mikroskop an einem sauberen, trocke-nen und staubfreien Platz aufbewahren.∙Bei Nicht-Benutzung das Mikroskop immermit der Staubschutzhülle abdecken.∙Das Mikroskop keinen Temperaturen unter5°C und über 40°C sowie keiner relativenLuftfeuchtigkeit über 80% aussetzen.∙Vor Pflege- und Wartungsarbeiten ist immerder Netzstecker zu ziehen.∙Zur Reinigung des Mikroskops keine aggres-siven Reiniger oder Lösungsmittel verwen-den.∙Objektive und Okulare zum Reinigen nichtauseinander nehmen.∙Bei starker Verschmutzung das Mikroskopmit einem weichen Tuch und ein wenig Etha-nol reinigen.∙Die optischen Bestandteile mit einem wei-chen Linsentuch reinigen.∙Die Verpackung ist bei den örtlichen Recyc-lingstellen zu entsorgen.Sofern das Gerät selbstverschrottet werden soll,so gehört dieses nicht inden normalen Hausmüll.Bei Nutzung in Privat-haushalten kann es beiden örtlichen öffentlich-rechtlichen Entsorgungs-trägern entsorgt werden.∙Geltende Vorschriften zur Entsorgung vonElektroschrott einhalten.3B Scientific GmbH • Rudorffweg 8 • 21031 Hamburg • Deutschland • 。

iScope 生物显微镜产品数据表说明书

™ | L I F E S C I E N C E || E D U C A T I O N |PROD UC T DATAS HEE TI S CO P E ® F O R L I F E S C I E N C EM O D E L SBino Trino Phase contrastEWF 10x22mmEWF 10x20 mm E-plan 4x/10x/ 40x/100x objectives Plan phase 10x/20x/40x/100x objectives E-plan IOS 4x/10x/ 40x/100x objectives Plan IOS 4x/10x/ 40x/100x objectives Plan phase IOS 10x/20x/40x/100x objectives Mechanical rackless stageiCare Sensor Köhler LEDEIS-1152-EPL •••••EIS-1153-EPL •••••EIS-1152-PLPH ••••••EIS-1153-PLPH ••••••EIS-1152-EPLi •••••EIS-1153-EPLi •••••EIS-1152-PLi ••(1)••••EIS-1153-PLi •• (1)••••EIS-1152-PLPHi ••• (1)••••EIS-1153-PLPHi•••(1)••••(1)Two tubes with diopter adjustmentsI S CO P E ® F O R L I F E S C I E N C E (I N F I N I T Y - E R G O N O M I C T I LT I N G H E A D)M O D E L SBino Photo attachmentPhase contrastEWF 10x22 mmE-plan IOS 4x/10x/ 40x/100x objectivesPlan IOS 4x/10x/ 40x/100x objectivesPlan phase IOS 10x/20x/ 40x/100x objectivesMechanicalrackless stageiCare SensorKöhler LEDEIS-1158-EPLi •••••EIS-1159-EPLi ••••••EIS-1158-PLi ••••••EIS-1159-PLi •••••••EIS-1158-PLPHi •••••••EIS-1159-PLPHi••••••••I S CO P E ® F O R L I F E S C I E N C E (M U LT I H E A D S Y S T E M S)M O D E L STotal users Binocular Trinocular EWF 10x22 mm Plan IOS 4x/10x/ 40x/100x objectivesMechanical rackless stageiCare sensor Köhler LEDEIS-1156-PLi221x ••••••EIS-1156-PLi332x ••••••EIS-1156-PLi554x ••••••EIS-1156-PLi776x ••••••EIS-1156-PLi998x••••••I S CO P E ® F O R L I F E S C I E N C E (FAC E -T O -FAC E D UA L H E A D S Y S T E M )M O D E LTotal usersBinocular EWF 10x/20 mmTrinocular EWF 10x/20 mmPlan IOS 4x/10x/ 40x/100x objectivesMechanical rackless stageiCare sensorKöhler LEDEIS-1154-PLi/T21x 1x ••••I S CO P E ® F O R L I F E S C I E N C E (DA R K F I E L D CO N T R A S T A P P L I C AT I O N )M O D E L STrino Darkfield EWF 10x20 mm EWF 10x22 mm E-plan 4x/10x/ 40x/100x objectives*Plan IOS 4x/10x/ 40x/100x objectives*Mechanicalrackless stageiCare sensor Köhler LEDEIS-1153-PLi/DFi •••••••EIS-1153-EPL/DF••••••* Models for darkfield observation EIS-1152-PLi/DF and EIS-1153-PLi/DF are supplied with a state-of-the-art condenser equipped with reflective cardioid mirrors and a high powered 5 W LED. Together with a S100x objective with built-in iris diaphragm real 1000x magnification darkfield solution can be achieved. All other specifications are identical to models EIS-1152-PLi and EIS-1153-PLi. By adding the EIS-9150 (darkfield cardioid mirror condenser with external 100-240 V power supply) and the 86.521 (S100x objective with built-in iris diaphragm) or the EIS-7200-I (super contrast S100x infinity corrected IOS objective), an existing iScope brightfield microscope can be upgraded to darkfield as well** Some models are also available as medical device, EU MDR 2017-745, contact your Euromex dealer I S CO P E ® F O R L I F E S C I E N C E W I T H S M A R T L I G H T CO N T R O L (S L C ) - (I N F I N I T Y M O D E L S)M O D E L SBino Trino EWF 10x22 mmE-plan IOS 4x/10x/ 40x/100x objectives Plan IOS 4x/10x/ 40x/100xobjectives Mechanical rackless stageiCare Sensor Köhler LEDEIS-1152-EPLi/SLC •••••EIS-1153-EPLi/SLC •••••EIS-1152-PLi/SLC •• (1)••••EIS-1153-PLi/SLC•• (1)••••(1)Two tubes with diopter adjustmentsEIS-1156-PLi-9+DC.5000cEIS-1156-PLi-3 + DC.5000cEIS-1154-PLi/T EIS-1152-EPLi/SLC™ | L I F E S C I E N C E || E D U C A T I O N |PROD UC T DATAS HEE TACC E SSORIES AND SPARE PARTSE Y E P I E C E S (23.2 M M )EIS-6010 EWF 10x/20 mm eyepieceEIS-6010-P E WF 10x/20 mm eyepiece with pointer EIS-6010-C E WF 10x/20 mm eyepiece with crosshairEIS-6010-CM E WF 10x/20 mm eyepiece with 10/100 micrometer and cross EIS-6015 WF 15x/16 mm eyepiece EIS-6020 WF 20x/12 mm eyepiece EIS-6099Pair of eyecups, Ø 23.2 mm tubeE Y E P I E C E S (30 M M )EIS-6210 EWF 10x/22 mm eyepieceEIS-6210-C E WF 10x/22 mm eyepiece with crosshairs EIS-6210-P E WF 10x/22 mm eyepiece with pointerEIS-6210-CM E WF 10x/22 mm eyepiece with 10/100 micrometer and crosshairs EIS-6212 WF 12.5x/17 mm eyepieceEIS-6212-W W F 12.5x/17 mm eyepiece with Walton Beckett reticle EIS-6215 WF 15x/16 mm eyepieceEIS-6215-CM W F 15x/16 mm eyepiece with 10/100 micrometer and crosshairs EIS-6220 WF 20x/12 mm eyepiece EIS-6310EWF 10x/20 mm eyepieceEIS-6310-C EWF 10x/20 mm eyepiece with crosshairsEIS-6310-CM E WF 10x/20 mm eyepiece with 10/100 micrometer andcrosshairsEIS-6299 Pair of eyecups infinity modelsO B J E C T I V E S - 45 M M PA R F O C A LEIS-7104 E-plan EPL 4x/0.10 objective. WD 15.2 mmEIS-7110 E -plan EPL 10x/0.25 objective. WD 5.5 mm EIS-7120 E -plan EPL 20x/0.40 objective. WD 3.5 mm EIS-7140 E -plan EPL S40x/0.65 objective. WD 0.45 mm EIS-7160 E -plan EPL S60x/0.85 objective. WD 0.19 mm EIS-7100 E -plan EPL S100x/1.25 oil objective. WD 0.13 mmEIS-7710 P lan PLPH 10x/0.25 phase contrast objective. WD 12.2 mm EIS-7720 P lan PLPH 20x/0.40 phase contrast objective. WD 5 mm EIS-7740 P lan PLPH S40x/0.65 phase contrast objective. WD 0.37 mm EIS-7700 P lan PLPH S100x/1.25 oil phase contrast objective. WD 0.13 mmEIS-8804 E -plan EPLi 4x/0.10 IOS objective. WD 15.4 mm EIS-8810 E -plan EPLi 10x/0.25 IOS objective. WD 5.8 mm EIS-8840 E -plan EPLi S40x/0.65 IOS objective. WD 0.43 mm EIS-8800 E -plan EPLi S100x/1.25 oil IOS objective . WD 0.13 mmEIS-7202 P lan PLi 2x/0.05 IOS objective, WD 18.3 mm. Best to be usedtogether with swing-out condenserEIS-7204 P lan PLi 4x/0.10 IOS objective. WD 15.4 mm EIS-7210 P lan PLi 10x/0.25 IOS objective. WD 10 mm EIS-7220 P lan PLi 20x/0.40 IOS objective. WD 5.1 mm EIS-7240 P lan PLi S40x/0.65 IOS objective. WD 0.54 mm EIS-7260 P lan PLi S60x/0.85 IOS objective. WD 0.14 mm EIS-7200 P lan PLi S100x/1.25 oil IOS objective. WD 0.13 mm EIS-7200-IP lan Super Contrast PLi S100x/1.25 oil IOS objective with built-in iris diaphragm. WD 0.13 mmEIS-7200-W P lan PLi S100x/1.10 IOS water immersion objective . WD 0.14 mm.Cover glass 0.17 mm correctedEIS-8910 P lan PLPHi 10x/0.25 phase contrast IOS infinity correctedobjective. WD 10.2 mmEIS-8920 P lan PLPHi 20x/0.40 phase contrast IOS infinity correctedobjective. WD 5.1 mmEIS-8940 P lan PLPHi S40x/0.65 phase contrast IOS infinity correctedobjective. WD 0.5 mmEIS-8900 P lan PLPHi S100x/1.25 oil phase contrast IOS infinity correctedobjective. WD 0.13 mmCO N D E N S E R SEIS-9102 S tandard Abbe condenser 1.25 NA with slot for darkfield andphase contrast slidersEIS-9105 Swing-out 0.9/1.25 N.A. condenserEIS-9150 C ardiod darkfield condenser with integrated 5 W LED light sourceand external 100-240 V mains adapterE86-521P lan PL S100x/1.25 oil immersion objective with built-in iris diaphragm. WD 0.33 mmP H A S E CO N T R A S T AT TAC H M E N T SEIS-9124 Z ernike phase contrast set including rotating disc with PLPH10/20/40/100, brightfield and darkfield positionEIS-9127 Z ernike phase contrast set including rotating disc with PLPH10/20/40/100, brightfield and darkfield positionEIS-9148 A lignment telescope for phase contrast diameter 30mm tube EIS-9149 A lignment telescope for phase contrast diameter 23.2mm tube EIS-9160 P hase contrast slider set with 10x and S40x PLPH objectives andannuli for 10/S40x PLPH objectives. Also suitable for optional 20x PLPH objective™A NT I MI C R O B I A L PR O T E C T I O NL A Y E R A P L (A N T I M I C R O B I A L P R O T E C T I O N L AY E R )APL is a revolutionary paint treatment applied to the most critical parts of our products. A microscope with APL will restrict the growth of micro-organisms,including bacteria and moldEAE-9916EIS-4300EuromexMicroscopenbv•Papenkamp20•6836BDArnhem•TheNetherlands•T+31(0)263232211•****************•。
3B SCIENTIFIC 立体显微镜 40x LED 旋转头型说明书

3B SCIENTIFIC ®PHYSICS1Stereo Microscope, 40x, LED, Rotatable Head 115 V, 50/60 Hz: 1013370 / 230 V, 50/60 Hz: 1013147Instruction Manual07/13 ALF1 Eyepiece with eye-shields2 Tube3 Lock-screw4 Adjustment knob for focusing5 Top-light housing6 Pillar7 Toggle switch for illumination 8 Specimen clips 9 Stand 10 Object plate 11 Mains switch 12 Objective13 Head lock screw1. Description, technical dataThe stereo microscope allows three-dimensional viewing of objects in 20x and 40x magnification. The microscope 1013370 is for operation with a mains voltage of 115 V (±10%), and the 1013147 unit is for operation with 230 V (±10%). Stand: Metal stand, column firmly connected with base, pinion knobs attached on both sides of the stand for coarse and fine focusingTube: Binocular inclined 45°, interocular dis-tance adjustable between 55 and 75 mm, head rotatable by 360°Eyepieces: Pair of wide field eyepieces WF 10x 20 mm with eyepiece lock and rubber eyepiece cups, diopter compensation ±5 on the left eyepiece Objectives: Revolving nosepiece with objective 2x / 4xEnlargement: 20x / 40xObject Plate: Base with detachable object plates (plastic, black/white and glass) 95 mm diam. and 2 specimen clipsIllumination: LED, top and transmitted light illumination, toggle switch to select light combi-nation, power supplied by rechargeable battery, 6 V DC, 500 mA, battery charger 115 V or 230 V Power supply: 1013370: 115 V, 50/60 Hz 1013147: 230 V, 50/60 HzDimensions: 190 x 300 x 115 mm³ approx. Weight: 2.9 kg approx.2. Unpacking and assemblyThe microscope is packed in a molded styro-foam container.• Take the container out of the carton removethe tape and carefully lift the top half off the3B Scientific GmbH • Rudorffweg 8 • 21031 Hamburg • Germany • Subject to technical amendments © Copyright 2013 3B Scientific GmbHcontainer. Be careful not to let the optical items (objectives and eyepieces) drop down. • To avoid condensation on the optical compo-nents, leave the microscope in the original pack-ing to allow it to adjust to room temperature.• Using both hands (one around the pillar andone around the base), lift the microscope from the container and put it on a stable desk. The microscope is fully assembled except for the eye-shields. Position them over the eyepieces for viewing comfort and to block out any ambient light. In addition, the object plate must be inserted into the stage opening in the base.3. Operation•Set the microscope on a level table.• Place the object to be observed in the centerof the object plate. Use the clips to fasten it into place.• Connect the mains adaptor, and switch onthe illumination.Alternatively, the microscope can also be oper-ated without being connected to the mains.• When using transmitted-light illuminationreplace black and white plate with the glass plate.• Turn the objective to get the desired magnification. • On the toggle switch position I is for trans-mitted light and position II is for top-light.• Adjust the interpupillary distance betweenthe eyepieces by grasping the two prism-housings with both hands and moving them until one circle of light can be seen.• Focus the object by turning the side knobs. • It might be necessary to loosen the lock-screw and raise or lower the entire stereo head-bracket until the outline of the object is found in the field of view. Be sure to tighten the lock-screw to fix the height of the stereo head on the pillar.• To rotate the microscope head, loosen thehead lock screw.• Always turn off the light immediately after use. • Be careful not to spill any liquids on the mi-croscope.• Do not mishandle or impose unnecessaryforce on the microscope.• Do not wipe the optics with your hands.• Do not attempt to service the microscope yourself.4. Storage, cleaning, disposal• Keep the microscope in a clean, dry and dust free place.• When not in use always cover the micro-scope with the dust cover.•Do not expose it to temperatures below 0°C and above 40°C and a max. relative humid-ity of over 85%.• Always unplug the mains plug before clean-ing or maintenance.• Do not clean the unit with volatile solvents or abrasive cleaners.• Do not disassemble objective or eyepieces to attempt to clean them.• Use a soft linen cloth and some ethanol to clean the microscope.• Use a soft lens tissue to clean the optics.• The packaging should be disposed of at local recycling points. •Should you need to dis-pose of the equipment it-self, never throw it away in normal domestic waste. Local regulations for the disposal of electri-cal equipment will apply.•Do not dispose of the battery in the regular household garbage. Follow the local regula-tions (In Germany: BattG; EU: 2006/66/EG).。


MT-40 Series Biological MicroscopeManualThis manual expatiates the using method, troubleshooting and maintenance about MT-40 series biological microscope. Please study this manual thoroughly before operating, and keep it with the instrument. The manufacturer reserves the rights to the modifications by technology development. On the basis of operation ensured, technical specifications may be subject to changes without notice.Contents MT-40 Series Before Use1. Components (1)2. Assembling (3)2-1 Assembling Scheme (3)2-2 Assembling Steps (4)3. Operation (6)3-1 Set Illumination (6)3-2 Place the Specimen Slide (6)3-3 Adjust the Focus (7)3-4 Adjust the Focusing Tension (7)3-5 Adjust the Interpupillary Distance (7)3-6 Adjust the Field Diaphragm (Iris Diaphragm Koehler Illuminator Condenser Optional) (8)3-7 Adjust the Aperture Diaphragm (8)3-8 Use the Oil Objective (100X) (9)3-9 Use the Filter (9)3-10 Replace the Fuse (10)4. Technical Specifications (11)4-1 MT-40 Series Biological Microscope Technical Parameters (11)4-2 Parameters of objective (11)5. Troubleshooting (12)1. Operation Notice1. As the microscope is a high precision instrument, always operate it with care, and avoid physical shake during the operation.2. Do not expose the microscope in the sundirectly, either not in the high temperature, damp, dust or acute shake. Make sure the worktable is flat and horizontal.3. When moving the microscope, use both hands to hold its back hand-clasping ① and the front base ②, and lay it down carefully (see Fig. 1). ★ It will damage the microscope by holding the stage, focusing knob or head when moving.4. When working, the surface of condenser will be very hot. Make sure there is enough room for the heat dissipating around the condenser ③ (see Fig. 2).5. Connect the microscope to the ground to avoid lightning strike.6. For safety, make sure the power switch ④ is at “0” (off) and power it off before replacing the bulb or fuse, and wait until the lamp cools down (see Fig. 2).★ Bulb selected only: Single 3W LED light.7. Wide voltage range is supported as 100~240V . Additional transformer is not necessary. Make sure the voltage is in this range.8. Use the special wire supplied by our company.Fig. 1Fig. 22. Maintenance1. Wipe the lens gently with a soft tissue. Carefully wipe off the oil marks and fingerprints on the lens surfaces with a tissue moistened with a small amount of 3:7 mixture of alcohol and ether or dimethylbenzene.★ As the alcohol and ether is flammable, don’t place these chemical near to fire or fire source. For example, when turning on or turning off the electrical device, please use these chemical in a ventilated place.2. Don’t use organic solution to wipe the surfaces of the other components. Please use the neutral detergent if necessary.3. If the microscope is damped by liquid when using, please power it off immediately and wipe it dry.4. Never disassemble the microscope, otherwise the performance will be affected or the instrument will be damaged.5. After using, cover the microscope with a dust cover.3. Safety SignSign Signification Study the instructions before use. Unsuitable operation would lead to person hurt or instrument faulty. | Main switch ON OMain switch OFF- 1 -- 2 -- 3 -- 4 -- 5 -- 6 -- 7 -3-3 Adjust the Focus1. Move the objective 4X to the light path.2. Observe the right eyepiece with right eye. Rotate the coarse focusing knob until the ① image appears (see Fig. 10).3. Rotate the fine focusing knob ③ for clear details.★The position screw ② can stop the objective touching the clips.3-4 Adjust the Focusing TensionIf the handle is very heavy when focusing or the specimen leaves the focus plane after focusing or the stage declines itself, please adjust the tension adjustment ring ① (see Fig. 11).To tighten the focusing arm, rotate the tension adjustment ring ① according to the arrowhead pointed; to loosen it in the reverse direction.3-5 Adjust the Interpupillary DistanceWhen observe with two eyes, hold the base of the prism and rotate them around the axis until there is only one field of view.“。

。 。
1.物体放大倍数的计算: 显微镜放大倍数=目镜放大倍数×物镜放大倍数
5× 50×
10× 100× 400×
16 × 160× 640×
A.①④⑥ ③⑤
C.②④⑥ ③⑤
上左 下右 相相 反反
2.显微镜看到的物像是倒像。 (左右相反上下颠倒或旋转180)
• 显微镜的照明部分 • 有平面镜、凹面镜两
种 • 平面镜,反射光线弱; • 凹面镜,反射光线强 • 作用:通过反光镜的
种类和角度来调节光 线的强弱
• 显微镜的照明部分
• 光圈大,光线强;
• 光圈小,光线弱。
• 作用:通过光圈的 大小调节光线的强 弱
在不同强度的光线时,怎样调节反光镜和 遮光器?
显微镜观察时,若光线过强,容易损伤 眼睛,一些较薄的材料也不易看清,这时要 降低光的强度。要降低光的强度,可以使用 平面反光镜,并使用遮光器上较小的光圈。
在光线较弱时,不便看清观察对象,这 时可以使用凹面反光镜和遮光器上较大的光圈, 增加进入镜筒的光。
OXION 荧光显微镜产品说明书

Plan, plan Fluarex and plan semi apochromatic Fluarex IOS objectivesluorescence attachment for maximum four filter blocks and withOX.3085OX.3085 454 (h) x 276 (w) x 578 mm (d) | 12.2 kgOX.3230| L I F E S C I E N C E |ACC E SS O R I E S A N D SPA R E PA R T SE Y E P I E C E SAE.3210 HWF 10x/22 mm eyepiece AE.3215 HWF 15x/13 mm eyepiece AE.3223 H WF 10x/22 mm eyepiece with10 mm/100 micrometerAE.3225 Pair of eyecupsO B J E C TI V E SAE.3102 Plan 2x/0.06 IOS objective. WD 5 mm AE.3104 Plan 4x/0.10 IOS objective. WD 11.9 mm AE.3106 Plan 10x/0.25 IOS objective. WD 12.1 mm AE.3108 Plan 20x/0.40 IOS objective. WD 1.5 mm AE.3110 Plan S40x/0.65 IOS objective. WD 0.36 mm AE.3112 Plan S60x/0.85 IOS objective. WD 0.30 mm AE.3114 Plan S100x/1.25 oil IOS objective. WD 0.18 mm 86.550 Plan Fluarex 4x /0.15 IOS objective. WD 21.6 mm 86.552 Plan Fluarex 10x/0.35 IOS objective. WD 2.9 mm 86.554 Plan Fluarex 20x/0.60 IOS objective. WD 1.5 mm 86.556 P lan Fluarex S40x/0.75 infinity corrected IOS objective.WD 0.6 mmIS.7400 P lan Fluarex PLFi S100x/1,30 IOS infinity corrected objective.0.17 mm cover glass correction. WD 0.13 mmAE.3144 P lan semi apochromatic Fluarex 4x/0.13IOS objective. WD 18.5 mmAE.3146 P lan semi apochromatic Fluarex 10x/0.30IOS objective. WD 10.6 mmAE.3148 P lan semi apochromatic Fluarex 20x/0.50IOS objective. WD 2.33 mmAE.3152 P lan semi apochromatic Fluarex S40x/0.75IOS objective. WD 0.6 mmAE.3156 P lan semi apochromatic Fluarex S100x/1.28 oilimmersion IOS objective. WD 0.21 mmMOD EL SBino TrinoPlan 4x/10x/S40x/S100x objectives Plan Fluarex 4x/10x/S40x/S100x objectives Plan semi apo Fluarex 4x/10x/S40x/objectives Plan semi apo fluarex S100x objectives 100 W mercury vapor illumination 455 nm FluoLED illuminationOX.3067•••OX.3070•••OX.3075•••OX.3080••••OX.3085••••OX.3230•••OX.3235•••OX.3232••••OX.3237••••F L U O R E S C E N C E F I LT E R S E T SAE.3245 F luorescence block with general purpose filter set for blueexcitation (EX 465-495 nm DM 505 nm EM 515-558 nm). Excellent for FITC, eGFP. Compatible for 5-carboxyfluorescein (5-FAM), Alexa fluor 488, BODIP-FL, Calcein, Cy2, eGFP, FITC, Fluo-4, Fluor-Jade, FluorX, Mito tracker Green, Rhodamine 110, Spectrumgreen 110AE.3246 F luorescence block with general purpose filter set for greenexcitation (EX 540-580 nm DM 600 nm EM 605-665 nm). Excellent for Texas Red, Alexa 594, 5-Carboxynaphthofluorescein. Other compatible fluorophores: 5-CNF, 5-ROX (carboxy-X-rhodamine),Alexa Fluor 568, Alexa Fluor 594, Cy3.5, Lissamine rhodamine B, Mito Tracker Red, mPlum mRaspberry, Rhodamine Red, SpectrumRed, Texas Red, X-Rhodaline (XRITC)AE.3247 F luorescence block with general purpose filter set for violetexcitation (EX 410-440 nm DM 455 nm EM 465 nm LP). Compatible fluorophores: Cerulean, CFP, SpectrumAquaAE.3248 F luorescence block with general purpose filter set for UVexcitation (UV EX 361-389 nm DM 415 nm EM 435-485 nm). Compatible fluorophores: 7-amino-4methylcoumarin, 7-Hydrixy-4-methylcoumarin (pH9), Alexa Fluor 350, AMCA, AMCA-X, Calcein Blue, Calcein White, Cascade Blue, DAPI, Hoechst 33342 & 33258, LysoSensor Blue (pH5), Lyso Tracker Red, marina Blue, Spectrum BlueAE.3249 E mpty filter cube for modelsOX.3066/OX.3067/OX.3070/3075/3080/3085Euromex Microscopen bv • Papenkamp 20 • 6836 BD Arnhem • The Netherlands • T +31 (0) 26 323 22 11 • info@ • | L I F E S C I E N C E |P O L A R I Z AT I O N AT TAC H M E N T SAE.3190 Polarizer/analyzer set AE.3192 Polarizer slider for nosepiece AE.3194 Polarizer for lamphouseF I LTE R SAE.3196 F rosted white filter 45 mm, to be mounted on lamphouse AE.3198 B lue filter 45 mm, to be mounted on lamphouse AE.3200 Y ellow filter 45 mm, to be mounted on lamphouse AE.3202 G reen filter 45 mm, to be mounted on lamphouseC A M E R A ACC E S S O R I E SAE.5120-2 S tandard 23.2 mm diameter tube for Oxion photo portrevision-2AE.5130 U niversal SLR camera adapter with 2x projection lens for 23.2 mmtubes. Needs T2 adapter and AE.5120AE.5025 T2 adapter for Nikon D digital SLR cameras AE.5040 T2 adapter for Canon EOS digital SLR camerasOX.9850 C S/C mount with 0.5x objective for 1/2” sensor cameras OX.9833 C S/C mount with 0.33x objective for 1/3” sensor camerasM I S C E L L A N E O U SAE.5168-O H eating stage and temperature controller upto 50°C. Only with new microscopesSL.1385 100 W HBO mercury vapor lamp for fluorescence SL.5510 NeoLED™ replacement unit for OxionAE.3199 Glass fuses 3.15 A 250 V, 10 piecesD I S P O S A B LE SPB.5155 M icroscope slides 76 x 26 mm, ground edges, 50 pcsPB.5165 C over glasses 18 x 18 mm, thickness 0.13-0.17 mm, 100 pieces PB.5168 C over glasses 22 x 22 mm, thickness 0.13-0.17 mm, 100 pcs PB.5245 L ens cleaning paper, 100 sheets per pack PB.5255 I mmersion oil, n = 1.482 (25 ml) PB.5274 I sopropyl alcohol 99% (200 ml)PB.5275 C leaning kit: lens cleaning fluid, lint free lens tissue, brush, airblower, cotton swabs。

调节使镜台测微尺 与目镜测微尺平行
如在低倍镜下重合线之间目镜测微尺的长度为50格 镜台测微尺的长度为68格 则:
x=1.36格,即目镜测微尺的1小格相当于镜台测微尺 的1.36格,而镜台测微尺每1小格的长度为10um,则目镜测微 尺每1小格的长度为13.6um。
细胞的形态观察 细胞的显微测量
扁平细胞——人类口腔上皮细胞 柱状细胞——小鼠小肠上皮细胞 星形细胞——牛脊髓神经细胞 梭形细胞——小鼠平滑肌细胞 圆形细胞——蛙血(示红细胞) 小鼠肝细胞切片观察
人口腔上皮细胞制备(临时制片) 人口腔上皮细胞制备(临时制片)
预习实验一中“血涂片的制作方法”(p6) 预习第三次实验“细胞的化学成分”
显微镜持取正确姿势 使用前后的镜头维护 注意标本的放置方向 观察时注意双目齐睁 高倍镜不得使用粗调 严禁拆卸任何部件 使用后恢复机器原貌
检测显微镜 解剖显微镜 倒置显微镜 偏光显微镜
练习使用显微镜PPT课件40 人教版

(1).在镜筒下降,物镜接近标本的过程中,为什么要用眼 睛看着物镜?
(2)在观察的过程中,发现视野中有黑点,如何判断黑点 的位置?
第一步:移动玻片标本,若黑点跟着 移动,则黑点在玻片标本上,若黑点 不动,则说明黑点在目镜或者物境上; 第二步:转到目镜,若黑点跟着动, 则说明黑点在目镜上,若黑点不动, 则说明黑点在物境上。
A. b B. d C. q D. p
4.当显微镜视野很暗,影响观察时,应调节光亮程 度,此时应采取的措施是( C )
C.选用凹面镜反光 D.调节准焦螺旋
5.显微镜放大倍数的计算方法是( C )
C.目镜与物镜倍数的乘积 D.目镜与物镜倍数之和
2.用下列四组镜头看同一块血液的玻片标本,其中 可以看到血细胞数目最多的一组为( A )
3.在载玻片上写下一个小小的字母“d”,用显微镜 观察时,会看到放大的图像形状是( D )
那么,如果目镜放大10倍,物镜放大40倍, 显微镜放大多少倍? 400倍
50倍下显微镜细胞图 400倍下显微镜细胞图
结论 放大倍数越大,细胞越大,数量越少; 放大倍数越小,细胞越小,数量越多.

目录摘要 (I)ABSTRACT ..................................................................... I.・第一章绪论...................................................................... I. I.1・1显微镜国内外发展情况 (1)1.2 ZEMAX简介及原理 (1)第二章物镜设计方案 (3)2.1物镜的种类 (2)2.2高倍物镜的设计方案 (9)第三章物镜设计参数及镜片选择 (10)3.1物镜的数值孔径 (10)3.2物镜的鉴别率 (11)3.3物镜的有效放大倍数 (11)3.4垂直鉴别率 (12)3.5显微镜的视场 (12)3.6显微镜物镜设计中应校正的像差 (13)3.7实际参数确定 (13)第四章40X显微镜物镜光学系统仿真过程 (121)4.1选择初始结构并设置参数 (121)4.2自动优化 (121)4.3物镜的光线像差(RAY ABERRATION )分析................................. 1 234.4物镜的波像均方差(OPD)分析 (18)4.5物镜的光学传递函数(MTF)分析 (123)4.6最终仿真参数分析 (24)第五章心得体会 (21)第六章参考文献 (21)摘要物镜是显微镜的结构组成中最为重要的光学元器件之一,它的原理则是利用光的折射成像原理,使被检测得物体通过光迹被物镜折射成像再传入人眼中,所以如何衡量一台显微镜质量的好坏,物镜的各项光学技术参数就成为了最为直接和影响成像质量的最重要的标准。

荧光显微镜技术参数1.工作条件及用途适于在气温为摄氏-40℃~+50℃的环境条件下运输和贮存,在电源220V ( 10%)/50Hz、气温摄氏-5℃~40℃和相对湿度85%的环境条件下运行。
2.主要技术指标2.1 研究级正置显微镜2.1.1 研究级正置显微镜,可作明场、偏光和荧光的观察2.1.2 光学系统:无限远校正光学系统,齐焦距离必须为国际标准45mm2.1.3 调焦:载物台垂直运动方式距离不小于25mm,带聚焦粗调限位器,粗调旋钮扭矩可调,最小微调刻度单位≤1微米2.1.4 观察镜筒:宽场三目观察筒,倾角为30°*2.1.5 照明装置:内置透射光柯勒照明器,12V100W卤素灯,光强预调开关,内置式滤色镜(日光平衡滤色片、ND25、ND6),左右手均可操作。
*2.1.6 物镜:万能平场半复消色差物镜4X(N.A≥ 0.13,W.D≥17)10X(N.A≥0.3,W.D≥10)20X(N.A≥0.5,W.D≥2.1 spring)40X(N.A≥0.75,W.D≥0.51 spring)100X(N.A≥1.30,W.D≥0.2 spring,oil)2.1.7 载物台:右手油式载物台,带有旋转装置和扭矩调节装置,高抗磨损性陶瓷覆盖层载物台。
2.1.8 目镜:10X宽视野目镜,带屈光度校准2.1.9 物镜转换器:六孔物镜转换器2.1.10 聚光镜:摇摆式聚光镜,N.A.≥ 具备ECO环保节能感应开关,操作人员离开30分钟后自动关闭透射光源。
2.2 荧光照明系统2.2.1 荧光照明器:八孔荧光照明器,配置ND25、ND6、ND1.5中灰滤色片,无需工具即可更换滤色镜组*2.2.2荧光光源:130W长寿命荧光光源,通过冷光纤导入,减少热传递。
2.2.3 通用高性能荧光紫外、蓝色带通、绿色激发滤色镜组,滤色镜均带有干涉镀膜。
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