
Cover封面Content目录Design Explanation设计说明Master Plan总平面Space Sequence Analysis景观空间分析Function Analysis功能分析Landscape Theme Analysis景观景点主题分析图Traffic Analysis交通分析Vertical Plan竖向平面布置图Lighting Furniture Layout灯光平面布置示意图Marker/Background Music/Garbage Bin标识牌/背景音乐/垃圾桶布置图Plan平面图Hand Drawing手绘效果图Section剖面图Detail详图Central Axis中心公共主轴Reference Picture参考图片Planting Reference Picture植物选样材料类:aluminum铝asphalt沥青alpine rock轻质岗石boasted ashlars粗凿ceramic陶瓷、陶瓷制品cobble小圆石、小鹅卵石clay粘土crushed gravel碎砾石crushed stone concrete碎石混凝土crushed stone碎石cement石灰enamel陶瓷、瓷釉frosted glass磨砂玻璃grit stone/sand stone砂岩glazed colored glass/colored glazed glass彩釉玻璃granite花岗石、花岗岩gravel卵石galleting碎石片ground pavement material墙面地砖材料light-gauge steel section/hollow steel section薄壁型钢light slates轻质板岩lime earth灰土masonry砝石结构membrane张拉膜、膜结构membrane waterproofing薄膜防水mosaic马赛克quarry stone masonry/quarrystone bond粗石体plaster灰浆polished plate glass/polished plate磨光平板玻璃panel面板、嵌板rusticated ashlars粗琢方石rough rubble粗毛石reinforcement钢筋设施设备类:accessory channel辅助通道atrium门廊aisle走道、过道avenue道路access通道、入口art wall艺术墙academy科学院art gallery画廊arch拱顶archway拱门arcade拱廊、有拱廊的街道axes轴线air condition空调aqueduct沟渠、导水管alleyway小巷billiard table台球台bed地基bedding cushion垫层balustrade/railing栏杆byland/peninsula半岛bench座椅balcony阳台bar-stool酒吧高脚凳beam梁plate beam板梁bearing wall承重墙retaining wall挡土墙basement parking地下车库berm小平台block楼房broken-marble patterned flooring碎拼大理石地面broken stone hardcore碎石垫层curtain wall幕墙cascade小瀑布、叠水corridor走廊couryard内院、院子canopy张拉膜、天篷、遮篷coast海岸children playground儿童活动区court法院calculator计算器clipboard纤维板cantilever悬臂梁ceiling天花板carpark停车场carpet地毯cafeteria自助餐厅clearage开垦地、荒地cavern大洞穴dry fountain旱喷泉driveway车道vehicular road机动车道depot仓库、车场dry fountain for children儿童溪水广场dome圆顶drain排水沟drainage下水道drainage system排水系统discharge lamp放电管entrance plaza入口广场elevator/lift电梯escalator自动扶梯flat roof/roof garden平台fence wall围墙、围栏fountain喷泉fountain and irrigation system喷泉系统footbridge人行天桥fire truck消防车furniture家具、设备firepot/chafing dish火锅gutter明沟ditch暗沟gully峡谷、冲沟valley山谷garage车库foyer门厅、休息室hall门厅lobby门厅、休息室industry zone工业区island岛inn小旅馆jet喷头kindergarten幼儿园kiosk小亭子(报刊、小卖部)lamps and lanterns灯具lighting furniture照明设置mezzanine包厢main stadium主体育场outdoor terrace室外平台oil painting油画outdoor steps/exterior steps室外台阶pillar/pole/column柱、栋梁pebble/plinth柱基pond/pool池、池塘pavilion亭、阁pipe/tube管子plumbing管道port港口pillow枕头pavement硬地铺装path of gravel卵石路public plaza公共休闲广场communal plaza公共广场pedestrian street步行街printer打印机resting plaza休闲广场区rooftop/housetop屋顶pile桩piling打桩pump泵ramp斜坡道、残疾人坡道riverway河道sunbraking element遮阳构件sanitation卫生设施skylight天窗skyline地平线scanner扫描仪shore岸、海滨sash窗框slab楼板、地下室顶板stairhall楼梯厅staircase楼梯间secondary structure/minor structure次要结构secondary building/accessory building次要建筑street furniture小品(椅凳标志)solarium日光浴室terrace平台chip/fragment/sliver/splinter碎片safety belt/safety strap/life belt安全带safety passageway安全通道shelf/stand架子sunshade天棚small mountain stream山塘小溪subway地铁safety glass安全玻璃streetscape街景画sinking down plaza下沉广场sidewalk人行道footpath步行道设计阶段:existing condition analysis现状分析analyses of existings城市现状分析construction site service施工现场服务conceptual design概念设计circulation analysis交通体系分析construction drawing施工图complete level完成面标高details细部设计、细部大样示意图diagram示意图、表elevation上升、高地、海拔、正面图development design扩初设计fa鏰de/elevation正面、立面general development analysis城市总体发展分析general situation survey概况general layout plan/master plan总平面general nature environment总体自然分析grid and landmark analysis城市网格系统及地标性建筑物分析general urban and landscape concept总体城市及景观设计概念general level design总平面竖向设计general section总体剖面图layout plan布置图legend图例lighting plan灯光布置图plan drawing平面图plot plan基地图presentation drawing示意图perspective/render效果图pavement plan铺装示意图reference pictures/imaged picture参考图片reference level参考标高图片site overall arrangement场地布局space sequence relation空间序列specification指定、指明、详细说明书scheme design方案设计sketch手绘草图sectorization功能分区section剖面site planning场地设计reference picture of planting植物配置意向图reference picture of street furniture街道家具布置意向图设计描述:a thick green area密集绿化administration/administrative行政administration zone行政区位function analysis功能分析arc/camber弧形askew歪的、斜的aesthetics美学height高度abstract art抽象派artist艺术家、大师art nouveau新艺术主义acre英亩architect建筑师be integrated with与……结合起来bisect切成两份、对开bend弯曲boundary/border边界operfloor架空层budget预算estimate评估beach海滩building code建筑规范。

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印刷术语英文翻译(1)印后术语2(转全国标准技术委员会)3 装订工艺binding process将印张加工成册所采用的各种加工技术。
3.1 平装paper-cover binding书籍常用的一种简单装订方式,以纸质软封面为主要特征。
3.2 精装hard-cover binding常用硬纸板作书壳的,表面装潢讲究和耐用、耐保存的一种书籍装订方式。
3.3 骑马订装saddle stitching用金属丝从书帖折缝中穿订的装联方式。
3.4 线装chinese traditional thread sewing用线把书页连封面装订成册,订线露在外面的中国传统装联方式。
3.5 活页装loose-leaf binding以各种夹、扎、穿等方式把散页连在一起并可分拆装联方式。
3.6 螺旋装spiral binding把打好孔的散页用螺旋形金属条或塑料条穿在一起的装联方式。
3.7 特殊装special binding非常用的装联方式,如卷轴装、经折装和蝴蝶装等。
3.8 胶粘订(无线胶订)perfect binding书帖、书页用胶黏剂粘成书册的装联方式。
3.9 锁线订thread sewing配页后的书帖逐帖用线穿订成书芯的装联方式。
3.10 铁丝订wire side-stitching用铁丝在订口边穿订成芯的装联方式。
3.11 塑料线烫订plastic thread sealing用塑料线与纱线的混合线把书页穿订并熔融成书帖的装联方式。
3.12 折页folding将印张折叠成书帖的工序。
3.13 配页collating将书帖或单页按页码顺序配集的工序。
3.14 压平nipping (pressing)用压平机将书帖或书芯压实的工序。
3.15 铣背milling用铣削刀具将书芯的背按要求铣削平整,使所有书页在书背处露出。
3.16 开槽notching胶粘装订中在书芯背横断面上开槽、以便注胶,使书芯与封面粘接更牢固。

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英语报刊常见栏目名称Ad/Advertisement 广告Agony ['ægənɪ] Column 答读者问专栏;私事广告专栏Anecdote ['ænɪkdəʊt]趣闻轶事Around Nation 国内新闻Around The Country 国内新闻版Around The World 国际新闻版Backgrounding 新闻背景Blurb [blɜːb]商品信息Book Page 书评专页Book Review 书评Books 书评Brief 简讯;简明新闻Briefing 简报Budget 要闻索引Bulletin ['bʊlɪtɪn]新闻简报Business/Trade 商业/贸易Business 商业版Campus Life 校园生Candid ['kændɪd] Camera 抓拍镜头;有照为凭Caricature ['kærɪkətʃɚ] 漫画;讽刺画Chitchat ['tʃɪttʃæt] Column 闲话栏City 本市新闻版City Edition 本埠新闻版;地方新闻版City Page 金融和商业新闻版Classified Ads/Classified Advertising 分类广告Column 专栏;栏目Comic Strip 连环画Continued Story 连载故事Correspondence Column 读者来信栏Cover Story (杂志)封面报道Critique [krɪ'tiːk] 评论(区别:critic,批评家/评论家)Crossword 猜字游戏;纵横填字字谜Culture/Science 文化/科技Digest [daɪ'dʒɛst]文摘document 文件摘要Domestic 国内新闻Domestic News 国内新闻Double Dayoff Supplement 双休特刊Economics And Business 经贸版Editor's Note 编者按Editorial Page/Editorials 社论版;言论版英文报刊常用术语accredited [ə'kredɪtɪd] journalist n.特派记者advance n.预发消息;预写消息affair n.桃色新闻;绯闻assignment [ə'saɪnmənt]n.采写任务attribution [,ætrə'bjʊʃən]n.消息出处;消息来源back alley news n.小道消息Bad news travels quickly. 坏事传千里banner n.通栏标题beat n.采写范围blank vt.“开天窗”body n.新闻正文boil vt.压缩(篇幅)box n.花边新闻brief n.简讯byline ['baɪlaɪn] n.署名文章caption n.图片说明carry vt.刊登censor ['sɛnsɚ]vt.审查(新闻稿件),新闻审查chart n.(每周流行音乐等)排行榜clipping n.剪报contributing editor特约编辑contributor n.投稿人contribution n.(投给报刊的)稿件,投稿copy desk n.新闻编辑部copy editor n.文字编辑correction n.更正(启事)correspondent n.驻外记者,常驻外埠记者cover vt.采访,采写cover girl n.封面女郎covert ['kovɝt] coverage隐性采访,秘密采访crop vt.剪辑(图片)crusade [kruː'seɪd]n.宣传攻势cut n.插图vt.删减(字数)cut line n.插图说明daily n.日报dateline n.新闻电头deadline n.截稿时间dig vt.深入采访,追踪(新闻线索),“挖”(新闻)digest n.文摘editorial n.社论editorial office编辑部editor's notes编者按exclusive n.独家新闻expose n.揭丑新闻,新闻曝光extra n.号外eye-account n.目击记,记者见闻faxed photo传真照片feature n.特写,专稿feedback n.信息反馈file n.发送消息,发稿filler n.补白First Amendment(美国宪法)第一修正案(内容有关新闻、出版自由等)five "W's" of news新闻五要素flag n.报头,报名folo (=follow-up)n.连续报道Fourth Estate第四等级(新闻界的别称)freedom of the Press新闻自由free-lancer n.自由撰稿人full position醒目位置Good news comes on crutches ['krʌtʃɪz].好事不出门。

印后术语2(转全国标准技术委员会)3 装订工艺binding process将印加工成册所采用的各种加工技术。
3.1 平装paper-cover binding书籍常用的一种简单装订方式,以纸质软封面为主要特征。
3.2 精装hard-cover binding常用硬纸板作书壳的,表面装潢讲究和耐用、耐保存的一种书籍装订方式。
3.3 骑马订装saddle stitching用金属丝从书帖折缝中穿订的装联方式。
3.4 线装chinese traditional thread sewing用线把书页连封面装订成册,订线露在外面的中国传统装联方式。
3.5 活页装loose-leaf binding以各种夹、扎、穿等方式把散页连在一起并可分拆装联方式。
3.6 螺旋装spiral binding把打好孔的散页用螺旋形金属条或塑料条穿在一起的装联方式。
3.7 特殊装special binding非常用的装联方式,如卷轴装、经折装和蝴蝶装等。
3.8 胶粘订(无线胶订)perfect binding书帖、书页用胶黏剂粘成书册的装联方式。
3.9 锁线订thread sewing配页后的书帖逐帖用线穿订成书芯的装联方式。
3.10 铁丝订wire side-stitching用铁丝在订口边穿订成芯的装联方式。
3.11 塑料线烫订plastic thread sealing用塑料线与纱线的混合线把书页穿订并熔融成书帖的装联方式。
3.12 折页folding将印折叠成书帖的工序。
3.13 配页collating将书帖或单页按页码顺序配集的工序。
3.14 压平nipping (pressing)用压平机将书帖或书芯压实的工序。
3.15 铣背milling用铣削刀具将书芯的背按要求铣削平整,使所有书页在书背处露出。
3.16 开槽notching胶粘装订中在书芯背横断面上开槽、以便注胶,使书芯与封面粘接更牢固。
3.17 扒圆rounding圆背精装书在上书壳前,先把书芯背部处理成圆弧形的工序。

标书中英文翻译样本及常用词汇1. 投标书Tender1.1 投标人应完整地填写招标文件中提供的商务投标书、技术投标书、投标一览表和投标报价表(包括投标报价汇总表和分项报价表)。
Among the tender documents, tenderers shall fill out completely the Business Tender, Technical Tender, Tender List and Tender Quotation. The Quotation (all items in the Quotation shall be filled out except for the prices) and three copies (one Original and two Duplicates) of the Instructions to Quotations as well as the letter of guarantee from the bank of tenderers must be sealed separately, and be submitted together with the tender documents.1.2 在投标文件澄清后提交的附件6价格表部分正、副本应用信封单独密封,封面上注明项目名称、招标编号、投标人名址、“正本”“副本”字样及“分项价格”和“保密”字样。
The Attachment 6 to be submitted after the tender documents have been clarified the Original and Duplicate copies of the Quotation must be sealed separately in different envelops, on which the item names, tender codes, tenderer addresses, words of ‘Original’, ‘Duplicate’ and ‘Item Price’ and ‘Confidential’ must be written. An e-version of the Quotation (in WORD format) that is separately sealed must be furnished at the same time.2. 投标报价Tender Offers2.1 投标人应在投标报价汇总表和投标分项报价表上标明本合同拟提供货物的单价(如适用)和总价。
华尔街日报封面文章摘录 翻译 英文学习 新闻

2018/5/9When the concept of “Chimerica” first appeared in these pages 11 years ago, it was intended to encapsulate a new economic world order—one based on Chinese export-led growth and American overconsumption. That put the U.S., the sole global superpower, in an unlikely financial relationship with its most likely future rival. Now, after the non-meeting of minds between American and Chinese trade negotiators last week in Beijing, is that marriage finally on the rocks?当“Chimerica”这个概念在11年前首次出现在这些网页中时,它的目的是要概述一个新的世界经济秩序——一个基于中国出口导向型增长和美国过度消费的秩序。
现在,在美国和中国贸易谈判代表上周在北京举行非正式会议之后,这场婚姻终于要在破裂了吗?The foundation of Chimerica came in the years after China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001, integrating its massive labor force and savings surplus into the world economy. That pushed up global returns on capital by reducing labor costs while depressing the cost of capital.中国加入世界贸易组织之后的几年中,Chimerica的基础就是其庞大的劳动力和储蓄盈余融入世界经济。

封面:LOGO住宅、商务、公馆、商业Residence, Commerce, Private house, BusinessP3人们记忆中的城市,必定雕刻着某种杰出思想:罗马即征服,耶路撒冷即信仰,雅典即古典艺术的卓越品质……The cities which are in people’s memory,must be carved by the outstanding thought: Rome means conquest, Jerusalem means religion,Athens means supereminent quality of the classical art ……P4-P5:世界的每个城市,以空前的步伐传递、交换思索的时候,国际化生活走近我们。
When the cities from all over the world transfer and change the thought in a step that has never ever been as fast as now, internationalization life-style approaches us.P6-P7:一个城市运营者的剪影——湖南福泰房地产投资有限公司立足株洲、服务株洲The Epitome of a Operator of a City--Hunan Futai Realty &Investment Compan yEstablishing in and serving Zhuzhou湖南福泰房地产投资有限公司成立于2006年8月17日,自成立以来,以勤奋务实、勇于开拓、灵活思变和恪守承诺的浙商精神,坚持“演绎建筑魅力,构筑品质生活”的开发理念,深植本土文脉,沉实而专注,策动株洲城市新高度。

二○○○年二月十三日主题词:国家标准规定通知抄送:中国标准出版社、中国标准研究中心国家质量技术监督局办公室2000年2月12日印发国家标准英文版翻译指南国家质量技术监督局标准化司二○○○年二月目次1 前言2 格式3 用词和用语4 引用标准化中心附录A:封面格式附录B:首页格式一、前言为适应我国加入世界贸易组织和我国对外开放的需要,我局从1997年起开始将一部分国家标准翻译成英文。
本指南适用于将我国国家标准翻译成英文文本的标准化中心二、格式2.1 等同/修改(等效)采用国际标准的国家标准应使用原英文版本,并符合ISO/IEC指南21(1999版)的要求。
2.2 对于非等效采用国际标准的国家标准,在翻译时应尽可能与原英文版本格式保持一致。
2.3 对于非采用国际标准的国家标准,在翻译时应尽可能以相应国际标准作为格式参考。
2.4 封面和首页格式见附录A和附录B。
三、用词和用语3.1 封面封面用语的英文表述3.1.1 中华人民共和国国家标准National Standard of the People's Republic of China3.1.2 国家质量技术监督局发布Issued by China State Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision3.1.3 国家技术监督局发布Issued by China State Bureau of Technical Supervision3.1.4 国家标准局发布Issued by China State Bureau of Standards3.1.5 发布日期Issue date3.1.6 实施日期Implementation date3.1.7 等同采用IDT3.1.8 修改(等效)采用MOD3.1.9 非等效采用NEQ3.2 目次目次用语的英文表述3.2.1 目次contents3.2.2 附录annex3.2.3 参考文献bibliography3.2.4 索引index(es)3.2.5 图figure(s)3.2.6 表table(s)3.3 前言前言部分用语的英文表述3.3.1 前言Foreword3.3.2 本国家标准等同采用IEC (ISO) ××××标准: This national standard is identical to IEC (ISO) ××××3.3.3 本国家标准修改(等效)采用IEC(ISO) ××××标准:This national standard is modified in relation to IEC (ISO) ××××3.3.4 本国家标准非等效采用IEC (ISO) ××××标准:This national standard is not equivalent to IEC (ISO) ××××3.3.5 本国家标准附录××××是标准的附录(补充件)Annex ××××/Annexes ×××× of this national standard is/are normative3.3.6 本国家标准附录××××是提示的附录(参考件)Annex ××××/annexes ×××× of this national standard is/are informative3.3.7 本国家标准对先前版本技术内容作了下述重要修改There have been some significant changes in this national standard over its previous edition in the following technical aspects3.3.8 本国家标准与所采用国际标准的主要技术差异The main technical differences between the national standard and the international standard adopted3.3.9 本国家标准从实施日期起代替××××This national standard will replace ×××× from the implementation date of this standard3.3.10 本国家标准由××××提出This national standard was proposed by ××××3.3.11 本国家标准由××××归口This national standard is under the jurisdiction of ××××3.3.12 本国家标准由××××起草This national standard was drafted by ××××3.4 引言3.4.1 引言introduction3.5 范围范围部分用语的英文表述:3.5.1 主题和范围subject and the aspect(s) covered3.5.2 本国家标准规定……的尺寸This national s tandard specifies the dimensions of ……3.5.3 本国家标准规定……的方法This national standard specifies a method of ……3.5.4 本国家标准规定……的性能This national standard specifies the characteristics of ……3.5.5 本国家标准规定……的系统This national standard establishes a system for ……3.5.6 本国家标准规定……的基本原理This national standard establishes general principles for3.5.7 本国家标准适用于……This national standard is applicable to ……3.6 引用标准引语的英文表述(根据中文文本从a, b中选取):a. 下列标准中所包含的条文,通过在本标准中引用而构成为本标准的条文。

daily ⽇报 morning edition 晨报 evening edition 晚报 quality paper ⾼级报纸 popular paper ⼤众报纸 evening paper 晚报 government organ 官报 part organ 党报 trade paper 商界报纸 Chinese paper 中⽂报纸 English newspaper 英⽂报纸 vernacular paper 本国⽂报纸 Japanese paper ⽇⽂报纸 political news 政治报纸 Newspaper Week 新闻周刊 the front page 头版,第⼀版 bulldog edition 晨版 article 记事 headline 标题 banner headline 头号⼤标题 byline 标题下署名之⾏ dateline ⽇期、发稿地之⾏ big news 头条新闻 hot news 最新新闻 exclusive news 新闻 scoop 特讯 feature 特写,花絮 criticism 评论 editorial 社论 review, comment 时评 book review 书评 topicality 时事问题 city news 社会新闻 column 栏 letters 读者投书栏 general news column ⼀般消息栏 cartoon, comics 漫画 cut 插图 weather forecast 天⽓预报 serial story 新闻⼩说 obituary notice 讣闻 public notice 公告 advertisement ⼴告 classified ad 分类⼴告 flash-news ⼤新闻 extra 号外 the sports page 运动栏 literary criticism ⽂艺评论 Sunday features 周⽇特刊 newsbeat 记者采访地区 news blackout 新闻管制 press ban 禁⽌刊⾏ yellow sheet 低俗新闻 tabloid 图⽚版新闻 "Braille" edition 点字版 newspaper office 报社 publisher 发⾏⼈ proprieter 社长 bureau chief, copy chief 总编辑 editor-in-chief 总主笔 editor 编辑, 主笔 newsman, newspaperman, journalist 新闻记者 cub reporter 初任记者 reporter 采访记者 war correspondent, campaign badge 随军记者 columnist 专栏记者 star reporter ⼀流通讯员 correspondent 通讯员 special correspondent 特派员 contributor 投稿家 news source 新闻来源 informed sources 消息来源 newspaper campaign 新闻战 free-lancer writer ⾃由招待会 press box 记者席 news conference, press conference 记者招待会 International Press Association 国际新闻协会 distribution 发⾏ circulation 发⾏份数 newsstand, kiosk 报摊 newspaper agency 报纸代售处 newsboy 报童 subscription (rate) 报费 newsprint 新闻⽤纸 Fleet Street 舰队街 Publication magazine 杂志 periodical 期刊 back number 过期杂志 pre-dated 提前出版的 world news 国际新闻 home news 国内新闻 news agency 新闻社 editor 编辑 commentator 评论员 reporter, correspondent, journalist 记者 resident correspondent 常驻记者 special correspondent 特派记者 editorial, leading article 社论 feature, feature article 特写 headline 标题 banner headline 通栏标题 news report, news story, news coverage 新闻报导 serial, to serialize 连载 serial story ⼩说连载 editor's note 编者按 advertisement, ad ⼴告 press commnique 新闻公报 press conference 记者招待会 publication 出版 publishing house, press 出版社 publisher 发⾏者 circulation 发⾏量 edition 版本 the first edition 初版 the second edition 再版 the third edition 第三版 the first impression 第⼀次印刷 the second impression 第⼆次印刷 de luxe edition 精装本 paperback 平装本 pocket edition 袖珍本 popular edition 普及版 copyright 版权 royalty 版税 type-setting, composition 排版 proof-reading 校对⼯作 proof-reader 校对(者) editing 编辑(⼯作) editor 编辑(者) printing 印刷 printing machine 印刷机 type-setter, compositor 排字⼯⼈ folio 对开本 quarto 四开本 octavo ⼋开本 16-mo ⼗六开本 32-mo 三⼗⼆开本 64-mo 六⼗四开本 reference book 参考书 booklet, pamphlet ⼩册⼦, ⼩书 periodical 期刊 magazine 杂志 daily ⽇报 weekly 周刊 fortnightly 半⽉刊 monthly ⽉刊 bimonthly 双⽉刊 quarterly 季刊 annual 年刊 year-book 年鉴 extra issue (报纸)号外 special issue 特刊 daily paper ⽇报 evening paper 晚报 morning paper 晨报 Sunday newspaper 星期⽇报 manual, handbook ⼿册 document. paper 公⽂ pictorial magazine 画报 memorial volume 纪念刊 selected works, selections 选集 complete works 全集 anthology ⽂集, ⽂选 scientific literature 科学⽂献 index 索引 original edition 原版(书) new edition 新版 revised edition 修订版 reprint 重印, 翻印 cheap edition, paperback 廉价本 encyclopaedia, encyclopedia 百科全书 textbook 教科书 reader 读本 best seller 畅销书 accredited journalist n. 特派记者 advertisement n.⼴告. advance n.预发消息;预写消息 affair n.桃⾊新闻;绯闻 anecdote n.趣闻轶事 assignment n.采写任务 attribution n. 消息出处,消息来源 back alley news n. ⼩道消息 backgrounding n.新闻背景 Bad news travels quickly. 坏事传千⾥。

daily 日报morning edition 晨报evening edition 晚报quality paper 高级报纸popular paper 大众报纸evening paper 晚报government organ 官报part organ 党报trade paper 商界报纸Chinese paper 中文报纸English newspaper 英文报纸vernacular paper 本国文报纸Japanese paper 日文报纸political news 政治报纸Newspaper Week 新闻周刊the front page 头版,第一版bulldog edition 晨版article 记事headline 标题banner headline 头号大标题byline 标题下署名之行dateline 日期、发稿地之行big news 头条新闻hot news 最新新闻exclusive news 独家新闻scoop 特讯feature 特写,花絮criticism 评论editorial 社论review, comment 时评book review 书评topicality 时事问题city news 社会新闻column 栏letters 读者投书栏general news column 一般消息栏cartoon, comics 漫画cut 插图weather forecast 天气预报serial story 新闻小说obituary notice 讣闻public notice 公告advertisement 广告classified ad 分类广告flash-news 大新闻extra 号外the sports page 运动栏literary criticism 文艺评论Sunday features 周日特刊new**eat 记者采访地区news blackout 新闻管制press ban 禁止刊行yellow sheet 低俗新闻tabloid 图片版新闻"Braille" edition 点字版newspaper office 报社publisher 发行人proprieter 社长bureau chief, copy chief 总编辑editor-in-chief 总主笔editor 编辑, 主笔newsman, newspaperman, journalist 新闻记者cub reporter 初任记者reporter 采访记者war correspondent, campaign badge 随军记者columnist 专栏记者star reporter 一流通讯员correspondent 通讯员special correspondent 特派员contributor 投稿家news source 新闻来源informed sources 消息来源newspaper campaign 新闻战free-lancer writer 自由招待会press box 记者席news conference, press conference 记者招待会International Press Association 国际新闻协会distribution 发行circulation 发行份数newsstand, kiosk 报摊newspaper agency 报纸代售处new**oy 报童subscription (rate) 报费newsprint 新闻用纸Fleet Street 舰队街Publicationmagazine 杂志periodical 期刊back number 过期杂志pre-dated 提前出版的world news 国际新闻home news 国内新闻news agency 新闻社editor 编辑commentator 评论员reporter, correspondent, journalist 记者resident correspondent 常驻记者special correspondent 特派记者editorial, leading article 社论feature, feature article 特写headline 标题banner headline 通栏标题news report, news story, news coverage 新闻报导serial, to serialize 连载serial story 小说连载editor's note 编者按advertisement, ad 广告press commnique 新闻公报press conference 记者招待会publication 出版publishing house, press 出版社publisher 发行者circulation 发行量edition 版本the first edition 初版the second edition 再版the third edition 第三版the first impression 第一次印刷the second impression 第二次印刷de luxe edition 精装本paperback 平装本pocket edition 袖珍本popular edition 普及版copyright 版权royalty 版税type-setting, composition 排版proof-reading 校对工作proof-reader 校对(者)editing 编辑(工作)editor 编辑(者)printing 印刷printing machine 印刷机type-setter, compositor 排字工人folio 对开本quarto 四开本octavo 八开本16-mo 十六开本32-mo 三十二开本64-mo 六十四开本reference book 参考书booklet, pamphlet 小册子, 小书periodical 期刊magazine 杂志daily 日报weekly 周刊fortnightly 半月刊monthly 月刊bimonthly 双月刊quarterly 季刊annual 年刊year-book 年鉴extra issue (报纸)号外special issue 特刊daily paper 日报evening paper 晚报morning paper 晨报Sunday newspaper 星期日报manual, handbook 手册document.paper 公文pictorial magazine 画报memorial volume 纪念刊selected works, selections 选集complete works 全集anthology 文集, 文选scientific literature 科学文献index 索引original edition 原版(书)new edition 新版revised edition 修订版reprint 重印, 翻印cheap edition, paperback 廉价本encyclopaedia, encyclopedia 百科全书textbook 教科书reader 读本best seller 畅销书accredited journalist n. 特派记者advertisement n.广告.advance n.预发消息;预写消息affair n.桃色新闻;绯闻anecdote n.趣闻轶事assignment n.采写任务attribution n. 消息出处,消息来源back alley news n. 小道消息backgrounding n.新闻背景Bad news travels quickly. 坏事传千里。

西安标书翻译:标书中英文翻译样本及常用词汇发布时间:2010—7-29 阅读次数:699 字体大小:【小】【中】【大】西安标书翻译:标书中英文翻译样本及常用词汇1. 投标书Tender1.1 投标人应完整地填写招标文件中提供的商务投标书、技术投标书、投标一览表和投标报价表(包括投标报价汇总表和分项报价表)。
Among the tender documents, tenderers shall fill out completely the Business Tender, Technical Tender, Tender List and Tender Quotation. The Quotation (all items in the Quotation shall be filled out except for the prices) and three copies (one Original and two Duplicates) of the Instructions to Quotations as well as the letter of guarantee from the bank of tenderers must be sealed separately, and be submitted together with the tender documents。

英文单词书翻译成英语作文英文:When it comes to the translation of the word "book", there are a few different translations depending on the context. In general, "book" can be translated as "书" in Chinese. However, if we are talking about a specific type of book, such as a textbook, we can use the word "教科书" instead. Similarly, if we are talking about a notebook, we can use the word "笔记本".There are also some idioms and phrases related to the word "book" that are worth mentioning. For example, "don't judge a book by its cover" means that we shouldn't make assumptions about something or someone based solely on their appearance. Another common phrase is "to hit the books", which means to study hard or to start studying.In terms of usage, the word "book" can be used as a noun or a verb. As a noun, it refers to a written orprinted work that is bound together and usually has a cover. As a verb, it can mean to reserve or to make a reservation, as in "I need to book a hotel room for my trip next week".中文:关于单词“book”的翻译,根据上下文不同,有几种不同的翻译。