英语国家概况Unit 1

Unit 1
A Brief Introduction
Full name: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Shortened form: United Kingdom or UK Popular names: the UK, Britain, England, British Isles In 1927 the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland was adopted.
Nickname: John Bull
The Union Flag/Union Jack
St. George's Cross ,
St, Andrew’s Cross,
St. Patrick’s Cross
The national anthem: God Save the Queen (King) The national emblem: the British Royal Arms
The differences of British society
1. Britain is divided economically: it is a society with a class-structure. 2. Another difference which marks British society is that of region. Even within each of the four countries there are different regions. 3. Part of the reason for that economic difference between north and south is found in another distinction which marks British society: the difference between the capital and the provinces. (the significant role of London.
英语国家概况 Chapter 1

The United Kingdom——The Land
Location and Size
William Shakespeare
• • • An English poet and playwright The greatest writer in the English language The world's preeminent dramatist
The Name of the Country
1. What are the different names of the country? 2. What is the difference between UK, England and Great Britain? 3. What separate nations make up the country?
2. What are the neighboring countries of
the country?
3. What is the size of the country?
4. What is the importance of UK in the
The United Kingdom——The Land
The United Kingdom——The Land
5. Norway 6. Belgium 7. The Irish Republic 8. Iceland
Location and Size
3. What is the size of the country?
• • • • •
Rather small, 242,514 square kilometers Less than 2% of the land of the world 75th in size among countries South—north (966 km) East—west (483 km)

目前( 1991年) ,英联邦有50个成员国。

英语国家概况A BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO ENGLISH-SPEAKING COUNTRIESPart One The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland第一部分大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国第一章国土与人民Chapter 1 Land and PeopleⅠ.英国的不同名称及其区域1. Different Names for Britain and its Parts人们说到英国时常常使用不同的名称:不列颠、大不列颠、英格兰、不列颠群岛、联合王国等。
这些名称一样吗?还是有所区别? When people refer to Britain, they often use different names such as Britain, Great Britain, England, the British Isles, the United Kingdom or the U.K. Do they mean the same thing? Or are they different?严格地讲,不列颠诸岛、大不列颠和英格兰都是地理名称。
1949 年始爱尔兰独立,首都是都柏林。
Strictly speaking, the British Isles,Great Britain and England are all geographical names. They are not the official name of the country. The British Isles are made up of two large islands and hundreds of small ones. The two large islands are Great Britain andIreland. Great Britain is the larger of these two islands. It forms the United Kingdom with Northern Ireland—the northern part of Ireland. So the official name of the United Kingdom is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. But it is too much of a mouthful to say such a long name for a country, so people just say Britain, the United Kingdom or simply U.K. This is one country on the British Isles and its capital is London. There is another country called the Republic of Ireland or Eire on the British Isles. It takes up the remainder of Ireland—the southern part of Ireland. It has been an independent republic since 1949 and its capital is Dublin.大不列颠岛上有三个政治区:英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士。

Introduction to English-speaking Countries第一章英国●Full NameThe United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,简称“UK(联合王国)”。
●Geography位于欧洲大陆西北部的Great Britain Island(大不列颠岛)上,东濒North Sea(北海),西临Atlantic(大西洋),南与European Continent(欧洲大陆)以English Channel(英吉利海峡)、Denver Channel(多佛海峡)相隔。
由Great Britain(包括England、Scotland、Wales和Ireland东北部)和附近大约5500多个小岛组成。
陆界与Republic of Ireland (爱尔兰共和国)接壤。
市里有University of Glasgow(格拉斯哥大学)、St Monger(圣蒙戈)大教堂和Hampton Court Park(汉普登公园)。
Edinburgh(爱丁堡)——第二大城市,为苏格兰自治政府所在地,历史悠久,素有“Northern Athens(北方雅典)”之美誉。
城区以Princes Street(王子大街)为界,一边是New Town,一边是Old Town。
著名古迹有:Edinburgh Castle(爱丁堡城堡)、St Giles′Cathedral(圣吉尔教堂)、National Gallery of Scotland(苏格兰国立美术馆)、Scott Monument(司各特纪念碑)、Palace of Holyroodhouse(圣十字架宫)等。
英语国家概况 第一章

Eastern (东部) ---Balto-Slavonic (波罗的—斯拉夫语族) Baltic ---Lettish ---Lithuanian Slavonic ---Russian ---Bulgarian ---Czech ---Polish ---Serbian ---Indo-Iranian (印度-伊朗语族) ---Sanskrit (焚语) ---Persian ---Languages of India ---Albanian ---Armenian
3.Major Cities
ndon , the capital of both England and the United Kingdom , is the political, industrial , culture and financial center of the country. Landmark: Guildhall and St . Paul`s Cathedral (圣保罗大教堂) 2.Edinburgh , the capital of Scotland,is famous for the University of Edinburgh . Edinburgh is Scotland`s administrative , financial , legal , medical and insurance center. 3.Cardiff is the Europe`s youngest capital fashionable city and shopping center. city of Wales. Most
The Clyde River ,most important river in Scotland. Edinburgh is its capital. Tourism is the most important industries.(conclud drinking Scotch whisky and enjoying Scotsmen wearing kilts and playing bagpipes [ˈ ɡpaip]) bæ

Chapter 1第⼀章Land and People英国的国⼟与⼈民I. Different Names for Britain and its Parts英国的不同名称及其各组成部分1.Geographical names: the British Isles, Great Britain and England.地理名称:不列颠群岛,⼤不列颠和英格兰。
2.Official name: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.官⽅正式名称:⼤不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国。
3.The British Isles are made up of two large islands-Great Britain (the larger one) and Ireland, and hundreds of small ones.不列颠群岛由两个⼤岛—⼤不列颠岛(较⼤的⼀个)和爱尔兰岛,及成千上万个⼩岛组成。
4.Three political divisions on the island of Great Britain: England, Scotland and Wales.⼤不列颠岛上有三个政治区:英格兰、苏格兰和威尔⼠。
(1) England is in the southern part of Great Britain. It is the largest, most populous section.英格兰位于⼤不列颠岛南部,是,⼈⼝最稠密的地区。
(2) Scotland is in the north of Great Britain. It has three natural zones (the Highlands in the north; the Central lowlands; the south Uplands) Capital: Edinburgh苏格兰位于⼤不列颠的北部。
英语国家概况Chapter 1

South Wales
West Wales
Northern Ireland
• Northern Ireland takes up the northern fifth of
Ireland and has an area of 14,147 square km. Its capital is Belfast. • Northern Ireland is composed of the six Irish counties that elected to remain in the union with Great Britain when the remaining 26 counties of Ireland obtained autonomy in 1921.
Major Cities
●London ●Birmingham ●Glasgow ●Manchester ●Edinburgh ●Plymouth
• 英国首都伦敦位于英格兰东南部,跨泰晤士河下游两岸,
距河口88公里,是英政治、经济、文化中心。由伦敦城 距河口88公里,是英政治、经济、文化中心。由伦敦城 (亦称金融城)及周围32个市组成,面积 1650平方公里, 亦称金融城)及周围32个市组成,面积 1650平方公里, 人口700万,伦敦始建于二千多年以前,公元四三年罗 人口700万,伦敦始建于二千多年以前,公元四三年罗 马人占领大不列颠岛时已是重要的商业中心。十一世纪 成为商业和政治中心,十八世纪为世界最大的港口和国 际贸易中心。伦敦金融城是世界最大的金融中心之一; 际贸易中心。伦敦金融城是世界最大的金融中心之一; 西伦敦是王官、议会、政府各部门所在地,也是大商店、 剧院和高级住宅区; 剧院和高级住宅区;东伦敦以下至河口为伦敦港区、船 坞、码头、仓库林立。希思罗机场是世界最大的航空港 之一。海格特墓地有马克思墓。伦敦还有许多著名建筑 物,如伦敦塔、白金汉宫、西敏寺教堂、圣保罗大教堂、 格林威治天文台原址等。格林威治天文台原址( 格林威治天文台原址等。格林威治天文台原址(天文台 1948年迁至伦敦东南96公里处) 1948年迁至伦敦东南96公里处)为地球经度起算点。

Chapter 1 The Land and History英国全称大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国,由英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士及北爱尔兰构成,位于大西洋东部的不列颠群岛,是个岛屿国家,由大不列颠岛,爱尔兰岛北部和众多小岛组成。
I. General IntroductionMap of British Isles1. Location and the Four NationsThe full name of the UK is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is made up of four nations: England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales. It is located to the northwest of continental Europe, separated by the English Channel. Geographically, it is an island country, covering an area of about 244,019 km2, and consists of Great Britain and northeastern part of Ireland, together with many small islands of British Isles.Great Britain accounts for over 90% of the country’s tota l landmass. It is the largest island off the northwestern coast of mainland Europe with England, Scotland and Wales on it. Ireland is the second largest island of British Isles located to the northwest of Great Britain. It is divided into two parts: Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland (an independent country).England is the largest part of the UK and occupies most of the southern two thirds of Great Britain. The total area of England is 130,410 km2 with a population of around 53.9 million (Mid-2013 estimated), which covers more than 84% of the total UK population. It is the most populous and highly urbanized part of the UK. London, the capital of the UK and England, as well as the seat of government, is located in its southeastern part.Scotland is the second largest and most mountainous part of the UK in the north of Great Britain. Compared with that of England, the population density is quite low. There are only 5.3 million people with an area of 78,789 km2. Edinburgh, its largest city, is the capital of Scotland. Scotland is famous for its beautiful natural scenery, such as Scottish Highlands1and Loch Ness2, as well as many historical places, like the Edinburgh Castles.Wales is on the western side of central southern Great Britain. The total area of Wales is 20,779 km2, which accounts for 1/4 parts of the UK. It is also a mountainous part of Great Britain, particularly in the north and central regions. The southeast region is the most built up region of Wales, and the majority of its population live there and a large proportion of its industry is based there. Its capital city, Cardiff, is also in this region.Northern Ireland lies in the northeast of the island of Ireland, covering14,139 km2, which constitutes 1/6 of the island. It is the smallest part among the four nations of the UK, as well as the second sparsely populated part after Scotland. The capital is Belfast, the largest city in Northern Ireland both in population and in area. It is the center for government, economic, arts, higher education, business, law of Northern Ireland. Additionally, it is the birthplace of Titanic, and voted one of the world’s top destinations.2. ClimateThe overall climate in the UK is temperate maritime, which means that it is mild with temperatures neither much lower than 0℃in winter nor much higher 32℃in summer. Generally, the UK has warm summers and cool winters, with July and August as the warmest month, and January and February as the coldest. However, due to the influence of Gulf Stream3, the summers are cooler than those in continent while the winters are milder. Normally, the temperature in summer is around 20℃,with the high rarely going above 30℃. The average temperature in winter is around 0℃and seldom go below -10℃even in the most northern part of the country.Meanwhile, since Britain is an island country and surrounded by the sea, the climate is considerably changeable compared with other countries. Since the variable climate changing day to day, it is hard for people to predict what the weather will be like the next day. Additionally, the unique geographical position is also the reason for the dampness of the climate. The rainfall is fairly distributed throughout the year. Although it does not rain every day, it is always advisable for people to bring an umbrella or waterproof clothing every day.II. History1. The Founding of the NationThe recorded history of the UK begins with the Roman invasion in 55BC. In 55 and 54BC, Britain was twice invaded by Julius Caesar and his Roman troops. However, it was not until 43AD that the Roman led by Claudius I finally successfully invaded and Britain became part of the Roman Empire. The native Celtic were driven to the mountain regions of Scotland and Wales, which remained unconquered by the Romans.The Romans have great impact on many aspects of the British culture. The Roman civilization was introduced to the Britain during this period. For example, Roman style baths and temples were built, cities like London and towns were constructed, and the system of government was also introduced. With the decline of the Roman Empire, when the Germanic troops attacked Rome in 410 A.D., the Romans had to withdraw in order to protect their own nation, which led to the end of Roman occupation.After the leave of the Romans, three groups of Germanic tribes called the Jutes, the Angles and the Saxons came to Britain from the European continent in the mid-4th century. They conquered different regions of Britain:1Scottish Highlands:苏格兰高地,是对苏格兰高地边界断层以西和以北的山地的称,被认为是欧洲风景最优美的地区。

Unit 1 A Brief Introduction to the United Kingdom1. the full name of the UK: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Irelanda member of the European Union P3The Commonwealth of Nations2. a multiracial and multicultural societyBritain is a multiracial society which produces a population of which 1 in 20 are of non-European ethnicity. P3Many are Muslims, while most British people(in name at least)are Christian. Immigrants have brought aspects of their own cultures. P4religions(denomination): mainly Christianity(基督教)--Christian, others: Buddhism(佛教)--Buddhist, Hinduism(印度教)--Hindu, Judaism(犹太教)--Jewish, Islam(伊斯兰教)--Muslim, Sikhism(锡克教)--SikhChristianity: (1)Roman Catholic Church: 罗马天主教(2)Protestant Church 新教(3)Orthodox Eastern Church东正教London is in the south of the country, and is dominant in the United Kingdom in all sorts of ways. It has great influence on the UK in all fields including government, finance, and culture. P43. the significant role of London: P4(1) the largest city in the country, with about one seventh of the nation's population(2)the seat of government(3)culture center, home to all the major newspapers, TV stations, the widest selection of galleries, theatres and museums.(4)business centre, headquarters of the vast majority of Britain's big companies(5)financial centre of the nation, one of the four major international financial centers in the worldLondon is a huge weight in Britain's economic and cultural life4. brief history of invasions: P5Before the 1st century AD, Britain was made up of many tribal kingdoms of Celtic people.4.1 invasions from the Roman Empire: P5in 43 ADEngland and Wales(though not Scotland or Ireland)become a part of the Roman Empire for nearly 400 years.As the Roman Empire came under threat from the east, the Roman armies and Roman protection were withdrawn from Britain, and Britain was again divided into small kingdoms.again it came under threat from outside, this time from Germanic peoples: the Angles, and the Saxons.(about 5th-6th century AD)4.2 settlement of the Anglo-Saxons:It is said that King Arthur drove the Saxons back and united Britain with his magical sword. (his real existence is in doubt) P5He created the famous "round table".Whatever Arthur's success was, legend or not, it did not last, for the Anglo-Saxons did succeed in invading Britain, and either absorbed the Celtic people, or pushed them to the western and northern edges of Britain. P6They are the forefather of the English; the founders of "Angle-land" or "England"4.3 Vikings from Scandinavia(from the late 8th century on)Scandinavia n.斯堪的纳维亚(北欧国家的原称,指:瑞典、挪威、丹麦、芬兰、冰岛)King Alfred the Great turned the tide in the south against the Vikings. P6Next invaders were the Normans, from northern France, who were descendants of Vikings.4.4 William the Conqueror: P6(1)crossed the English Channel in 1066;(2)defeated an English army under King Harold in the Battle of Hastings;(3)took the English throne and became William the First of England;(4)built The Tower of London.5. physical features P7Scotland: the second largest of the four nations, both in population and in geographical area5.1 Wales P1OIt is the smallest among the three nations on the British mainland, though larger than Northern Ireland. It is very close to the most densely populated parts of central England. It's good at getting investment from abroad, particularly Japan and the United States.physical features of Wales P10Though it is hillier and more rugged than adjacent parts of England there is no natural boundary.5.2 Northern Ireland P19"Ulster"smallest of the four nations, both in are and population. Capital: BelfastThough it is small it is significant because of the political troubles there.physical features of Northern Ireland P20Physically, it is mostly rural, with low hills, a beautiful lake district in the south-west, and a rugged coastline, which includes its most famous landmark, the "Giant's Causeway", a rocky promontory made up of black hexagonal columns formed by cooling lava millions of years ago.Finn MaCool P28 note 25.3 England P5highly urbanised; capital: London; also cultural and economic dominancephysical features of England P5physically the largest of the four nations, and it has by far the largest population.5.4 physical features of Scotland P7capital city: Edinburgh largest city: Glasgowthe most rugged part of the UK, with areas of sparsely populated mountains and lakes in the north(the Highlands), and in the south(the Southern Uplands)6. culture division between highland and lowlandThree quarters of the population lives in the lowland zone which spans the country between these two highland areas. P7British Celts displaced from the south by Saxon invasion occupied the around what is now Glasgow, and in this same period(around the 6th century AD)people from northern Ireland invaded the south-west. They were called the Scots, and it is they that gave the modern country of Scotland its name. The original Scottish Celts, called the Picts, were left with the extensive but unproductive highland zone. The division between highland and lowland Scotland remains a cultural divide today, in much the same way as north and south England see themselves as different from each other. There are even areas in the highlands where(in addition to English)people speak the old Celtic language, called "Gaelic". P87.1 strong Scottish identityMany Scots sought their fortune outside Scotland - in England, America, Canada, or Australia. So there are more people of Scottish descent outside Scotland than in it, and many of those come back to find their "roots", forming a good target for the sellers of such souvenirs. P97.2...strong English/Irish/Welsh identity附:1. The island of Great Britain is made up of England, Scotland and Wales.2. Charles the First, king of Britain, was executed, because he attempted to overthrow parliament in the English revolution. P73. The battle of Bannockburn led by Robert the Bruce succeeded in winning the full independence of Scotland. P84. Both Scottish and Welsh people elect their members of parliaments to the London Parliament and each holds 72 and 38 seats respectively. P9,P11名词解释:P337-338London, Robin Hood, The Anglo-Saxons, King Arthur, King Harold。

than North and Mid-Wales.
Northern Ireland: It’s mostly hilly.
Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press
Total territory: about 243,000 square kilometers
Interesting Fact: No one in the UK lives more than 120 km (75 miles) from the sea.
Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press
A Guide to English-Speaking
England: It consists of lowland terrain, with some mountainous
terrain in the northwest, north and southwest.
Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press
A Guide to English-Speaking
Location and territory
Location of the UK:
The mainland areas lie between ▪ latitudes 49°N and 61°N and ▪ longitudes 8°W to 2°E
❖ 1. Geographical Features ❖ 2. Climate ❖ 3. Major Cities
英语国家概况(谢福之) chapter 1

"I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" ---William Wordsworth I wandered lonely as a cloud我好似一朵孤独的流云, That floats on high o‘er vales and hills, 高高地飘游在山谷之上, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils水仙花; Beside the lake, beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze. Continuous as the stars that shine And twinkle on the milky way, They stretched in never-ending line Along the margin of a bay: Ten thousand saw I at a glance, Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.
Percentage of total UK Population
Ethinc Groups
White British White Irish White (other) Mixed race Indian Pakistani Bengali Other Asian (non-Chinese) Black Caribbean Black African Black (others) Chinese Other
Major Cities—Belfast
the second largest city capital of Northern Ireland an important historic city
英语国家概况 I Unit 1

内蒙古师范大学外国语学院英语系 田超
Unit 1 A Brief Introduction to the United Kingdom
3. Four different elements the island of Great Britain: England, Scotland, Wales Northern Ireland
2006-2007第二学期 内蒙古师范大学外国语学院英语系 田超 4
Unit 1 A Brief Introduction to the United Kingdom
2. Effects of its imperial past the European Union: an economic and political union established in 1993 after the ratification of the Maastricht Treaty by members of the European Community. Austria, Finland, and Sweden joined in 1995. Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia joined in 2004. The establishment of the European Union expanded the political scope of the European Economic Community, especially in the area of foreign and security policy, and provided for the creation of a central European bank and the adoption of a common currency, the euro.

Learning objectives
To understand the history and development of the English language
To familiarize yourself with the culture and society of the English speaking countries
Language changes
During this period, English experienced significant linguistic changes, including the loss of graphical gender and the development of a strong verb system
Britain has a temperature marine climate, with cool winters and correlated mill summers The weather is often cloudy, with frequent rainfalls
United States
The climate of the United States is diverse, with each region having its own unique weather patterns The country experiences all four seasons, with variations in temperature, rainfall, and snowfall depending on the location
英语国家概况 Chapter 1 (1)

Foreign Language School
Chen Shilei
Chapter 1 American and British Social Life
英 语 国 家 概 况
Q: As to America and Britain, what do you know? Speak out the key words you think of.
_____ _____ is the national flag of UK, which combines the _____ of St. George (patron saint of England), St. Andrew (patron saint of Scotland) and St. Patrick (patron saint of Ireland).
because of religion persecution.
Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press
There are about 29 million people in the USA who mainly came from Africa. The first group of blacks was brought into Virginia colony as slaves in 1619. Since the colonies were in need of labor, the slave system developed rapidly. The Civil War ended the slave system. Black people got many more rights than before. In 1964, the US Congress passed the Civil Rights Act, which protected the black people’s rights to vote, to use public facilities and to enjoy the same education as white people.

• The Irish people were also Celtic in origin • immigrants
The English Language
French replaced English as the official language, and English became the Language of lower class
• pig — pork • sheep — mutton • cattle — beef
The Canterbury Tales
British Isles
The United Kingdom(联合王国)
• The “United Kingdom of Great Britain” was formed in 1707 by the Act of Union that created a single kingdom with a single parliament.
• England • Scotland • Wales • Northern Ireland
Union Flag of U.K.
Royal Coat of Arms
Royal Coat of Arms (Scotland)
Main characteristics: Temperate, with warm summers, cold winters and plenty rainfall
• the island northwest of France and east of Ireland • comprises the main territory of the United Kingdom • a political term describes the combination of England,
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Chapter1Land and PeopleGreat Britain is the largest island in Europe. It is made up of England, Scotland, and Wales.Together with Northern Ireland, it forms the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern lreland. This is the full name of the country which constitutes all these places. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, or the United Kingdom, is “the UK" for short. However,most people call the UK ”Britain" or “Great Britain,” and some people simply say “England," which is incorrect and particularly annoys the Scots.According to the 2011 census, the total population of the UK was around 63 million. It is the third-largest in the European Union (behind Germany and France) and the 22nd-largest in the world.The UK is a developed country. According to 2013 statistics it has the sixth-largest national economy in the world (and third-largest in Europe) measured by nominal GDP and eighth-largest in the world (and second-largest in Europe) measured by purchasing power parity (PPP). It was the world's first industrialized country and the world's foremost power during the 19th and early 20th centuries. The UK remains a great power because it still has considerable economic,cultural,military,scientific and political influence internationally.The capital of the UK is London, which is among the world's leading commercial, financial,and cultural centers. Other major cities include Birmingham,Liverpool, and Manchester in England, Belfast and Londonderry in Northern Ireland, Edinburgh and Glasgow in Scotland, and Swansea and Cardiff in Wales.I.Geographical Features1. The UK's Geographical Location and Its SizeThe UK is bordered on the south by the English Channel. It is bordered on the east by the North Sea, and on the west by the Irish Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. The UK's only land border with another nation is between Northern Ireland and Ireland.The UK is separated from the rest of Europe by the English Channel. The English Channel between England and France is quite narrow and the narrowest part is called the Suraits of Dover, which is only 33 km across. In 1985 the British government and the French government decided to build a channel tunnel under the Straits of Dover so that England and France could be joined together by road. After eight years of hard work this channel tunnel, which is called"Chunnel,” was open to traffic in May 1994.The UK covers a total area of 244,110 sq km. lt runs 1,000 km from north to south and extends,at the widest part, about 500 km. So no part of the UK is very far from the coast and it provides a valuable resource. The British coast is long and has good, deep harbors. Sea routes extend far inland, providing cheap transportation.England is the largest, most populous, and wealthiest division of the UK. It makes up 130,400 sq km of the UK's total area.The area of Scotland is 78,800 sq km, the area of Wales is20,800 sq km, and the area of Northern Ireland is 14,100 sq km.This means that England makes up 53.4% of the area of the UK, Scotland 32.3%, Wales 8.5%, and Northern Ireland 5.8%.2.Rivers and LakesSince the UK has a moist climate with much rainfall, it has many rivers and lakes.Rivers in central and eastern Britain tend to flow slowly and steadily all year long because they are fed by the frequent rain. Many have been navigable, and from the earliest times they have served peoples interested in either commerce or invasion. The Highlands act as a divide and determine whether rivers flow west to the Irish Sea or east to the North Sea.Rivers and streams moving westward down from the Highlands tend to be swift and turbulent; rivers flowing eastward tend to be long and gentle, with slowly moving waters.The Thames and the Severn are the longest rivers in Britain and are almost equal in length. The Severn flows south out of the mountains of central Wales to the Bristol Channel at Bristol. It is 354 km long. The Thames,338 km long, flows eastward out of the Cotswold Hills and weaves through the metropolis of London. The Thames provides water to the city of London and is used to carry commercial freight. Other important rivers in England are the Mersey,which enters the Irish Sea at Liverpool; the River Humber on the east coast,into which the Trent River and several other rivers flow; and the Tyne River in northern England,which flows past Newcastle upon Tyne to the North Sea.In Scotland the important rivers are the Clyde and the Forth, which are joined by a canal. The River Clyde flows northwest, past Glasgow, and empties into the Atlantic at the Firth of Clyde. (Firth is the Scottish name for an arm of the sea that serves as the broad estuary of a river.) The River Forth flows eastward into the Firth of Forth, where Edinburgh rises on its south bank.The most important rivers in Northern Ireland are the Lagan, the Bann, and the Foyle.Most of the large lakes in the UK are located in the upland areas of Scotland and northern England,although Lough Neagh in Northern Ireland is the largest lake in the UK. Loch Lomond, on the southwestern edge of the Highlands of Scotland, is the largest on the island of Great Britain, measuring 37 km long and from 1.6 to 8 km ke Windermere is the largest of 15 major lakes in the famous Lake District of northwestern England.It is about 1.6 km wide and more than 16 km long.Ⅱ.Climate1.A Maritime ClimateWhen we say climate we mean the average weather conditions at a certain place over a period of years.We don’t mean the day-to-day weather conditions at a certain place. Though it seems that people are always complaining about the weather in the UK because it is rainy and so changeable and unpredictable,the climate in the UK is in fact a favorable one. The UK has a maritime climate. Winters are mild,not too cold and summers are cool,not too hot.It has a steady reliable rainfall throughout the whole year.It has a small range of temperature.The average temperature in winter in the north is 4—6℃and in summer in the south is 12—17℃.So even in winter one can still see stretches of green grass in the open country,in the parks and round the houses.2.Factors Which Influence the ClimateThe UK is an island country which lies between latitude 50°to 60°north. It lies farther north than even the northernmost par of Heilonjiang Province of China. Compared with other countries of the same latitudes it has a more moderate climate. This is influenced mainly by three factors:(1)The surrounding waters tend to balance the seasonal differences by heating up the land in winter and cooling it off in summer. As the sea heats up and cools off relativelyb slowly it brings warm air in winter and cool air in summer.(2)The prevailing southwest winds or the Westerlies (winds which come from the west) blow over the country all the year round, bringing warm and wet air in winter and keeping the temperatures moderate.(3) The North Atlantic Drift, which is a warm current, passes the western coast of the British Isles and warms them.Since the UK's climate is of the maritime type, it is characterized by cool temperatures, frequent cloudy days and rainstorms. It changes from day to day, and this makes it difficult to forecast. It is so changeable that sometimes one can experience four seasons in the course of a single day. Day may break as a fine spring morning; an hour or so later black clouds may have appeared from nowhere and rain may be pouring down. At midday conditions may really be wintery with the temperatures down to about 8 °C. Then in the Jater atfternoon the sky will be clear, the sun will begin to shine again, and for an hour or two before darkness falls, it will be summer. It has been said that the uncertainty about the weather has had a definite effect upon the Englishman's character. It tends to make him cautious, for example. You may laugh when you see an Englishman going out on a brilliantly sunny morning wearing a raincoat and carrying an umbrella. However, most frequently it comes in drizzles and you don't necessarily need an umbrella.3.RainfallThe UK has a steady reliable rainfall throughout the whole year.The average annual rainfall in the UK is over 1,000 mm. It has 750 mm to 1,250 mm of rainfall along the coast in the east and south except a small area in the southeastern corner of the country which receives less than 750 mm. In the west there is as much as 1,250 mm to 2.000 mm of rainfall and in some areas in the northwest it is over 2,000 mm.The Westerlies blow over the UK all the year round, bringing warm and wet air from the Atlantic Ocean. They rise, climb the highlands and the mountains in the west, become colder and then cause heavy rainfall. There is not so much rainfall in the east because after climbing over the highlands and mountains the air gets warmer and drier when it descends and does not give so much rain.As a result of the rainfall distribution in Britain there is a water surplus in the north and west, and a water deficit in the south and east. Reservoirs have therefore to be built in such highland areas as Central Wales,the Lake District and the Scottish Highlands, so that water can be stored here and then transferred to the more populated and industrial areas of lowland Britain.Generally speaking,the climate in the UK is favorable and equable (neither too hot nor too cold).Extremes of heat or cold, or of drought or prolonged rainfall are rarely experienced. It is estimated that on average about 3-6 cubic meters of rain per person per day fall over the UK. Thisis far more than is needed,but problems still remain. Sometimes there are several months of drought, and at other times too much rain causes flooding. Fog,smog, frost and severe gales are not uncommon and often cause great damage to crops and to people's life. In 1952 the sulphur dioxide in the four-day London smog,an unhealthy atmosphere formed by mixing smoke and dirt with fog, left 4,000 people dead or dying.Since then most cities in the UK have introduced “clean air zones” whereby factories and households are only allowed to burn smokeless fuel.Although the UK does not experience hurricanes, that is,storms with a strong fast wind such as typhoons or cyclones, many areas are subjected to severe gales, especially in winter.III.Plant and Animal Life1.Plant LifeThe mild climate,ample rain, and long growing season in the UK support a great variety of plants,which grow exceptionally well. Most of the UK was once covered with thick,deciduous forests in which oak trees predominated.(Deciduous trees are those that lose their leaves every year.)The impact of centuries of dense human polpulation has massively altered the flora of the UK, and only tiny remnants of these forests remain today.Before they were affected by centuries of clearing and human use, the great oak forests spread over the best soils in Britain. Forests were unable to establish themselves in the poorer soils of the mountains,wetlands,heath,and moorlands.The plants common to these wilder areas are heather,gorse and peat moss.These regions have been altered by heavy grazing of livestock and by controlled burning.Controlled burning creates environments suitable for game birds,which feed on the shoots of the new covered by towns and farmland.The marginal wetlands that remain continue to be threatened by reclamation for farms and homes,and some wetland plant species now grow only in conservation areas.2. Animal LifeBritain has many smaller mammals, and the larger ones tend to be gentle. The only surviving large mammals are red deer, which live in the Scottish Highlands and in Exmoor in southwestern England, and roe deer, foud in the woodlands of Scotland and southern England. At one time boars (wild pigs) and wolves roamed Britain, but they were hunted to extinction.Many smaller mammals inhabit Britain, including foxes,otters, red squirrels, and wildcats. Otters are found mainly in southwestern England and in the Shetland and Orkney islands.The red squirrel, driven out of most of its range by the imported gray squirrel, is now limited mainly to the Isle of Wight and Scotland. Wildcats are found only in parts of Scotland.Bird-watching is a popular national pastime. Britain is home to a large variety of birds, due in lange measure to its position as a focal point of a migratory network.Saltwater fish were once important to Britain's economy. Cod, herring and mackerel are still caught off the coasts of Britain, although quotas are now imposed. Lobster, crab,and other shellfish are caught along inshore waters.IV. People1.Ethnic GroupsFor centuries people have migrated to the British Isles from many parts of the world,some to avoid political or religious persecution, others to find a better way of life or to escape poverty. In historic times migrants from the European mainland joined the indigenous population of Britain during the Roman Empire and during the invasions of the Angles,Saxons,Jutes,Danes,and Normans. The Irish have long made homes in Great Britain.Many Jews arrived in Britain toward the end of the 19th century and in the 1930s. After 1945 large numbers of other European refugees settled in the country. The large immigrant communities from the West Indies and South Asia date from the 1950s and 1960s. There are also substantial groups of Americans, Australians, and Chinese, as well as various other Europeans, such as Greeks, Russians,Poles, Serbs, Estonians, Latvians, Armenians,Turkish Cypriots, Italians, and Spaniards. Beginning in the early 1970s, Ugandan Asians and immigrants from Latin America, Southeast Asia, and Sri Lanka have sought refuge in Britain. People of Indian, Pakistani, and Bangladeshi origin account for more than half of the total ethnic minority population, and people of West Indian origin are the next largest group. The foreign-born element of the population is concentrated in inner-city areas, and more than half live in Greater London.nguagesOf the surviving languages the earliest to arrive in Britain were the two forms of Celtic: the Goidelic (from which Irish, Manx, and Scottish Gaelic derive) and Brythonic (from which the old Cornish language and modern Welsh have developed). Among the contemporary Celtic languages Welsh is the strongest: about one-fifth of the total population of Wales are able to speak it. Scottish Gaelic is strongest among the inhabitants of the islands of the Outer Hebrides and Skye, although it is still heard in the nearby North West Highlands.In Northern Ireland very little Irish is spoken. The last native speakers of Cornish died in the 18th century.The second link with Indo-European is through the ancient Germanic language group, two branches of which, the North Germanic and the West Germanic, were destined to make contributions to the English language. Modern English is derived mainly from the Germanic dialects spoken by the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes (who all arrived in Britain in the 5th century AD) and heavily influenced by the language of the Danes (Vikings), who began raiding the British Isles in about 790 and later colonized parts of northern and eastern England.Under the Norman and Angevin kings, England formed part of a continental empire,and the prolonged connection with France retained by its new rulers and landlords made a deep impression on the English language. Many additions to the English language have been made since the 14th century,but the Normans were the last important linguistic group to enter Britain.3.ReligionThe various Christian denominations in the UK have emerged from schisms that divided the church over the centuries.The greatest of these occurred in England in the 16th century, when Henry VIII rejected the supremacy of the Pope. This break with Rome facilitated the adoption of some Protestant tenets (a principle or belief held by a person) and the founding of the Church of England,still the state church in England,although Roman Catholicism has retained adherents (supporters).In Scotland the Reformation gave rise to the Church of Scotland,which was governed by presbyteries—local bodies composed of ministers and elders—rather than by bishops,as was the case in England.Roman Catholicism in Ireland as a whole was almost undisturbed by theseevents,but in what became Northern Ireland the Anglican and Scottish (Presbyterian) churches had many adherents.The British tradition of religious tolerance has been particularly important since the 1950s, when immigrants began to introduce a great variety of religious beliefs.There are large and growing communities that pactice Islam, Hinduism, and Sikhism.The largest number of Muslims came from Pakistan and Bangladesh.,The lange Sikh and Hindu communities originated in India. There are also many Buddhist groups.4.UrbanizationBy any standard the UK is among the most urbanized of countries. The greatest overall change that accompanied Britain's early industrial development was, in fact, the large-scale urbanization. The increasing percentage of employees in offices and service industries ensures continued urban growth, Of every 10 people in the UK, nine live in towns and more than three of them in one of the country's 10 largest metropolitan areas. The Greater London metropolitan area—the greatest port, the largest center of industry, the most important center of office employment, and the capital city—is by far the largest of these. The need for accommodating business premises (offices) has displaced population from Inner London, and this outward movement, in part, has led to the development of new towns outside the 16-km-wide Green Belt that surrounds London's built-up area.Large metropolitan areas also formed in industrial areas during the 19th and early 20th centuries.Although coalfields or textile manufacture started the initial growth of many of these urban areas, coal mining had virtually ceased in all of them by the end of the 20th century, and heavy industry and textile production had given way to a more diverse form of manufacturing and service activities. Birmingham dominates the extensive built-up area of the West Midlands metropolitan area,but the industrial Black Country—named for its formerly polluted skies and grimy buildings—also has several large and flourishing towns.In Greater Manchester, with a similar number of inhabitants, urbanization accompanied the mechanization of the cotton textile industry. Across the Pennines similar mechanization of wool textiles created the West Yorkshire metropolitan area, with Leeds and Bradford as its twin centers. The metropolitan area of Tyne and Wear (centered on Newcastle upon Tyne) and the Greater Glasgow metropolitan area are also located on coalfields. Greater Glasgow has about one-third of Scotland's people. Merseyside (centered on Liverpool) has traditionally served as a seaport and distribution center for Greater Manchester and the rest of Lancashire.Other large metropolitan areas in Great Britain include South Yorkshire(centered on Sheffield),Nottingham,and Bristol.About one-fifth of Northern Ireland’s people live in Belfast.In addition to these large metropolitan areas,there are many other minor urban areas and large towns,several of which line the coast.With so much urban and suburban concentration, the problems of air,water,and noise pollution have caused much concern in the UK. Clean-air legislation has brought considerable progress in controlling air pollution.Smoke-control areas have been established in most cities and towns, and there has been a shift from coal to cieaner fuels.Pollution of the rivers remains a large problem, particularly in the highly industrialized parts of the UK, but vigilance,research, and control by the National River Authorities and general public concern for the environment are encouraging features of contemporary Britain.5. Population GrowthFrom the 18th century until well into the 19th century, Britain's population soared as the death rate dropped and the birth rate remained high. During this period the total population increased from about 6 million in the 1760s to 26 million in the 1870s. Toward the end of the 19th century and into the 20th century the birth rate stabilized and the death rate remained low. The population took on the characteristics of a modern, developed,and prosperous state. Family size decreased and the median age of the population pared to the rest of the world, the UK has a smaller percentage of younger people and a higher percentage of older people, with more than 20% over the age of 60; those under the age of 15 make up only 13% of the population. Britain's population has been growing slowly, slower than the average for countries in the European Union (EU).6. Migration PatternsBeginning in the 1950s, the immigration of nonwhite(“New Commonwealth") people from such developing nations as India, Pakistan, and the countries of the West Indies became significant, and from 1957 until 1962 there was a net migration gain. Since then restriction on the entry of New Commonwealth citizens has decreased the primary inflow,but dependents of immigrants already in the UK are still admitted. The reasons for restricting entry were in part economic but were also associated with the resistance of the existing population to the new arrivals. Nevertheless, thc UK continues to gain people from the New Commonwealth.Migration within the UK has at times been sizable. Until 1700 the relatively small population was sparsely distributed and largely rural and agricultural, much as it had been in medieval times. From the mid-18th century, scientific and technological innovations created the first modern industrial state.At the same time, agriculture underwent technical and tenurial changes that allowed increased production with a smaller workforce, and revolutionary improvements in transport made the movement of materials and people easier. As a result,by the late 19th century a mainly rural population had largely become a nation of industrial workers and town dwellers.Industry, as well as the urban centers that inevitably grew up around it, concentrated near the coalfields,while the railway network, which grew rapidly ather 1830,enhanced the commercial importance of many towns.The migration of people,especially young people, from the country to industrialized towns took place at an uprecedented rate in the early railway age, and such movements were relatively confined geographically.Migration from agricultural Ireland was an exception, for, when the disastrous potato disease of 1845-1849 led to widespread famine, large numbers moved to Great Britain to become urban workers in Lancashire,Clydeside (the Glasgow region), and London.The rural exodus (a lot of people leaving a place at the same time) went on, but on a greatly reduced scale after 1901.Soon after World War I, new interregional migration flows began when the formerly booming 19th-century industrial and mining districts lost much of their economic momentum. Declining heavy industry in Clydeside, northeastern England, South Wales, and parts of Lancashire and Yorkshire caused a lot of people to lose jobs, and many migrated to the relatively more prosperous Midlands and southern England. This movement of people continued until it was checked by the relatively full employment conditions that occurred soon after the start of World War II.In the 1950s job opportunities in the UK improved with government sponsored diversification of industry, reducing the volume of migration to the south. The decline of certain northern industries—coal mining, shipbuilding, and cotton textiles in particular—had nevertheless reached a critical level by the late 1960s, and the emergence of new growth points in the West Midlands and southeastern England made the drift to the south a continuing feature of British economic life. During the 1960s and 1970s the areas of most rapid growth were East Anglia, the South West, and the East Midlands, partly because of limitations on growth in Greater London and the development of new towns in surrounding areas.During the 1980s the government largely abandoned subsidies for industry and adopted a program of rationalization and privatization. This resulted in the collapse of coal mining and heavy industry in the north and the West Midlands of England and in the Lowlands of Scotland and a similar loss of heavy industry in Northern Ireland, thus creating a wave of migration from these regions to the more prosperous south of England, especially East Anglia,the East Midlands,and the South West.As the economy became stable during the 1990s,migration from Scotland, Northern Ireland, and northern England decreased.While the South East (including Greater London) was the chief destination of external immigrants into Britain, this region, along with the West Midlands, produced a growing internal migration to surrounding regions of England during the 1990s. This pattern reflected a larger trend of migration out of older urban centers throughout Britain to surrounding rural areas and small towns at the end of the 20th century.。