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巴黎圣母院的好句大全 巴黎圣母院大教堂是一座位于法国巴黎市中心、 西堤岛上教堂建筑, 也是天 主教巴黎总教区主教座堂。 下面是小编整理的巴黎圣母院好句大全, 希望对你有 所帮助! 1、奋斗需要坚持! Struggle needs to adhere to! 2、穷困不假,潦倒未必。 Poverty is not false, not down. 3、生活,就是昂首前瞻。 Life is looking up. 4、时光盲目,人则愚昧。 Time is blind, man is stupid. 5、智者嗜酒也会放弃学业。 A wise man will give up their alcohol. 6、痛苦总是守在欢乐旁边。 The pain is always on the side of joy. 7、疯狂人民,拥挤疯狂。 Crazy people, crowded crazy. 8、重大事件必有难以估量后果。 Significant events must have a hard to predict consequences. 9、不美人生来就错!美只爱美。 Life is not beautiful, it is wrong! Beauty only beauty. 10、孤立状态能促进一切事物成长。 Isolated state can promote the growth of all things. 11、时间施虐烝民,民则暴殄天物。 By the time the sadistic people, Bo Tim Tin Mat. 12、种子已然撒进犁沟,将来必定丰收。 The seed is planted in furrows, will harvest. 13、树干总是一成不变,树叶却时落时生。 The tree trunk is always the same, but the leaves fall. 14、时间一久,最好肥肉也要哈喇变味。 For a long time, the best meat to rancid taste. 15、我听见了她呼吸,我看见了她梦。
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I hear her breathing, I see her dreams. 16、凡是重大事件,其后果往往难以预料。 All the major events, the consequences are often There's no telling. 17、一个人对一个人奉承其实是口蜜腹剑。 A person of a person is actually a form of flattery. 18、树干总是一成不变,枝叶却纷披而伸展。 The trunk is always the same, but the branches and leaves are stretched and stretched. 19、这是黄昏夕阳,我们却当做震旦旭日。 This is the evening sunset, we are the rising sun as aurora. 20、白天是属于所有人,为什么只给我黑暗? The day belongs to all, why does it give me darkness? 21、宽宏大量,是惟一能够照亮伟大灵魂光芒。 Kind and generous, is only able to illuminate the light of the great soul. 22、无法又无天,无家又无业,王不管,天不怜。 No and no day, no family and no industry, no matter the king, days without pity. 23、要想叫观众耐心等待,先得向他们声明马上开演。 To ask the audience wait to begin their first statement. 24、伟大建筑,如同高山一样,是多少世纪产物。 A great building, like a mountain, is a product of centuries. 25、时间和革命破坏,至少光明正大,不失为公正。 Time and the revolution destroyed, at least it is just work in just ways. 26、这是黄昏太阳,我们却把它当成了黎明曙光。 This is the dusk of the sun, we put it as the dawn of the dawn. 27、人穷滋味,饥寒交迫,他更感到各种需要催逼。 The poor people suffer hunger and cold, taste, he felt more needs of the crowd. 28、当热情头脑开始失望时候,科学变得多么空虚! When the passion of the mind begins to despair, science becomes empty! 29、安抚观众最好办法,就是让他们知道戏即将开始。 The best way to appease the audience is to let them know that the play is about to begin. 30、我知道,那些都是谎话,但最可怕是我还爱着你。 I know, those are lies, but the most terrible is that I still love
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you. 31、骄傲会使人倒霉,骄傲后面往往紧跟着毁灭和羞辱呢。 Pride can make a man bad luck, and behind it is often followed by destruction and shame. 32、人一旦有了一种思想,在任何事物中都能发现这种思想。 Once you have an idea, you can find it in everything. 33、好愿望,并不能给菜汤里增添一个葱头,只能帮助上天堂。 Good wishes, and can give the soup to add an onion, can only help to heaven. 34、诗人如缺少对现实和人类感情,便无从和大地建立联系。 The poet, as the lack of reality and human feelings, will not be able to establish contact with the earth. 35、人处于什么情况,都不如身上一文不名这样富于冒险精神。 In what situation, as the body so adventurous penniless. 36、保持健康秘密就是适当节制食物、饮料、睡眠和爱情。 The secret of staying healthy is the proper control of food, drink, sleep, and love. 37、极端痛苦,像极端欢乐一样不能经久,因为它过于猛烈。 The extreme pain, like extreme joy, cannot be prolonged because it is too violent. 38、不幸人往往如此。他珍惜生命,却看见地狱就在他背后。 Unfortunately, people tend to be so. He treasures his life, but sees the hell behind him. 39、小树往往辜负园丁苦心,固执地朝空气和阳光方向伸展。 The trees tend to live up to the hard gardener, stubbornly toward the air and sunlight direction. 40、一丝微笑和一声叹息不时在他嘴边相遇,这微笑比叹息还痛苦。 A smile and a sigh from time to time in his mouth, this smile is also more painful than a sigh. 41、恶行半途而废,那就是疯狂!罪恶登峰造极就产生狂热欢欣。 That's crazy evil give up halfway! Sin has a feverish triumph reach the peak of perfection. 42、平民之间感情交流是敏捷,迅速,甚至可以说是坦然。 The feelings of the common people of the exchange is agile, rapid, and even can be said to be calm. 43、我知道我长得丑,被扔石头无所谓,但让你害怕让我觉得很难过。 I know I'm ugly, and it doesn't matter, but it makes me feel bad to make you afraid.
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