【环球时代】北京外国语大学高翻考研复试材料Building excitement(视译)
北外英语学院翻译考研真题一、英译汉Passage 1:The Price of EducationThe fact that university education has become such a lucrative business has attracted much attention. Universities in the United States, for example, constantly compete to attract students, and they do so by offering various inducements.Some universities offer better facilities, and try to create an attractive environment in which to live and study. Increasingly, however, the quality of education is also being judged by the percentage of graduates who are able to find employment after graduation. Employers, it seems, are no longer satisfied with a university education per se, but want to be assured that graduates will have the skills necessary for the job. To ensure this, some universities are offering simulated work experience as part of their degree programs. Some universities even venture into the realm of industry and commerce, regarding themselves as training colleges rather than as scholarly institutions.The motives behind this new emphasis on practical training are not entirely altruistic. Many universities in the United Kingdom, for example, rely heavily on government funding. The thinking is that by producing employable graduates, universities are not only ensuring that their graduates get good jobs and earn good money, they are also reducing the burden on thestate. Indeed, in some countries, universities that fail to achieve high levels of graduate employment are actually penalized financially.But what is sacrificed in this obsession with practicality? The traditional concept of a university is based on the belief that knowledge is valuable in itself, and that the purpose of education is the pursuit of truth. To surrender this belief and degrade the university to the role of industry training center is to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Certainly, graduates must be able to find employment to support themselves, but a society that puts material gain above all else is a society that has lost its soul.Passage 2:Another Look at Cross-cultural CommunicationThe common expectation of much cross-cultural training is that it is designed to help business people improve their cross-cultural communication competence, thus increasing performance in a variety of multicultural or international contexts. Cross-cultural training often takes the form of brief seminars, sometimes with hands-on experiential exercises and is meant to be enjoyable, eye-opening and informative. Many authors believe that by offering such training, organizations are doing the right thing for their employees because effective cross-cultural communication skills can be a competitive advantage in business.However, less attention has been given to understanding the linkage between the skills and competencies that have been delineated and measured and the ability of learners to effectively apply such knowledge and abilities in specific situations they are likely to encounter at work. Despite the proliferation of studies advocating the use of cross-cultural training toenhance global management effectiveness, very little is known about how training may affect the actual performance of individuals or groups that are experiencing business or mission/aid-related challenges outside of their native cultural contexts.In today’s globalized and technological world, businesses and individuals are more connected across cultural boundaries than ever. In fact, almost all businesses from small to multinational employ individuals who have some form of cross-cultural interactions on a daily basis. By increasing our understanding of the linkages between knowledge, skills and abilitiesand desired training outcomes, we may be able to help individuals and organizations more effectively navigate the challenges associated with increasingly dynamic and complex cross-cultural task environment in which they operate.二、汉译英翻译 Passage 1:教育的代价大学教育已成为一个利润丰厚的生意,这一事实引起了广泛关注。
北京外国语大学翻译硕士 复试大纲、复试真题
抽到了一个我很无奈的文章,讲avantar,我想了半天才知道是阿凡达,没看过!第一个问题:the main idea of the article第二个问题:what's reason for people to see the movie?第三个问题:have you seen it? (我诚实地说没有,说不喜欢看这类的,喜欢看the reader那种的)第四个问题:what impress you most in the reader?第五个问题:文章中提到科学怪人会看,你觉得不爱科学的会看吗?(自己是这么理解的)第六个问题:这个问题比较长,大意是说有人说science fiction在中国不像西方流行,因为中国special,你怎么看?整个面试下来感觉自己很无厘头,平时自己没准备这么家常的话题。
北京外国语大学高翻英汉同传考研备考资料 英译汉练习题
北京外国语大学高翻英汉同传考研备考资料英译汉练习题1.将下列段落译为汉语In the pre-modern era,political,economic,and social life was governed by a dense web of interlocking relationships inherited from the past and sanctified by region.Limited personal freedom and material benefits exited alongside a mostly unquestioned social solidarity.Traditional local orders began to erode with the rise of capitalism in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, as the increasing prevalence and dominance of market relationships broke down existing hierarchies.The shift produced economic and social dynamism,an increase in material benefits and personal freedoms and a decreasing in communal feeling.As this process continued,the first modern political ideology,classical liberalism,emerged to celebrate and justify.Liberalism stressed the importance of the rule of law,limited government,and free commercial transactions.It highlighted the manifold rewards of moving to a world dominated by markets rather than traditional communities,a shift the economic historian Karl Polanyi would call“the great transformation.”But along with the gains came losses as well-of a sense of place of social and psychologycal stability,of traditional bulwarks against life’s vieissitudes.Left to itself,capitalism produced long-term aggregate benefits along with great volatility and inequality.This is combination resulted in what Polanyi called a“double movement”a progressive expansion of both market society and reactions against it.1.将下列短文译为汉语The European Union was established with a legal treaty and is feounded on the principle of the rule of law.This concept centers on a set of rules governing all socity’s processes and interactions and being above all society’s institutions and organizations.The rules or laws set the moral and ethical standards by which the behaviour of members of society and organizations are judged.For the rule of law and thereby civil society to flourish,it requires the citizens of a country to respect and trust legal processes,and the law to be applied in a consistent way to all.This gives people a feeling of inclusiveness and optimism about their future.The European Union’s Governance for Equitable Development(GED)project,implemented by the United Nations Development Programme(UNDP)from2007to2012,has assisted China to benefit from knowledge of Europe’s developed legal system and civil society through technical exchange, research and knowledge sharing.As people’s incomes grow and material living standards rise,their expectation about the quality of life,participation in civil society,protection of property and individual rights increase. Meeting these expectation for a better life in a rapidly urbanizing society with a still significant rural population is one of the key challenges facing China today.This is where the GED project has supported China in moving to a more equitable,inclusive and vibrant civil society,based on the rule of law.The project has worked with three key Chinese agencies,the National Peoples’Congress,the Supreme People’s Court and the Ministry of Civil Affairs on topics ranging from law drafting and court efficiency to registration of civil society organizations.The project has produced remarkable results over five years,leading to an improved environment for civil society to flourish in China, increased citizen participation in law marking,reduced barriers to seeking justice,increased transparency and efficiency of selected courts and progress in the consistency of court decisions.。
北京外国语大学考研——MTI英语(口译、笔译)复试问题集锦1、老师问我的问题:对于翻译的理解、希望在研究生阶段学些什么、看过哪些翻译著作、知道哪个当代的翻译家、报考院校里有哪些著名教授及其翻译作品2、通过什么途径知道所报考的学校3、你有过翻译经验吗4、什么是自然科学、什么是社会科学?在翻译中哪个更重要?5、犹太人为什么不吃猪肉?应该怎么发展那个城市?6、你为什么选择我们学校的MTI项目?你去年毕业后干了什么?你做翻译的时候遵从什么原则?7、你认为翻译的Professionalism体现在哪些地方?8、先进行自我介绍,然后问了我自己的专业关于新闻学的一些东西,谈谈对mti的认识,有没有学第二外语9、从大学翻译课程里学到了什么?知道哪些翻译技巧?列举中国一些翻译大家?平时怎样提高自己翻译水平?是否读过翻译方面原著?10、如果你做笔译的话有什么优势?11、老师让我翻译了阅读文章里的一段话,类似于英译汉视译12、some people say that translators are servants for two masters :the reader and the author .what's your understanding of this statement ?13、我是跨专业考研,问的就是为什么选MTI14、如何提升英汉双语互译的技巧、策略?15、怎样将翻译和大学所学专业结合起来?16、有没有翻译兼职过?17、所在大学的翻译怎么样?18、怎样提高翻译技能?19、when we speak, we are translating others. what do you think of this statement?20、译者需要什么素质21、翻译的本质是什么22、你最喜欢的翻译家是谁,介绍一下他的作品23、口译和笔译的区别是什么24、做一名译者,你有何优势。
北京外国语大学考研—高翻学院英语 MTI 备考经验考研是一个长期的过程, 尤其是对于二战的同学来说, 尤其磨练心智。
因此, 保持一个良好、稳定的心态是取得胜利的大前提。
1. 基础英语基础英语的题型包括:改错、阅读、判断正误、 gap filling 和翻译。
改错可以用专八的真题来练练, 量不在多, 我每天就练一到两篇, 做完总结一下每道题考的语法点是什么、自己错在哪里, 我认为这样慢慢积累就会形成一定的感觉。
阅读我觉得大家可以把历年的真题反复多做几遍, 琢磨琢磨老师的出题风格和思路,然后自己再根据需要适当找一些题来做。
我自己是用星火的报刊阅读, 上面的文章涵盖的话题比较广, 我认为还比较适合练习。
也有研友用专八、托福雅思或考研英语阅读练习的, 都是可以的。
个人认为高翻的阅读题出题思路还有所不同, 所以最重要的还是练真题, 自己再找题也就是练练手感, 保持做题的速度了。
Gap filling 的练习除了真题以外,有同学给我推荐了《张剑考研英语黄皮书2014考研英语阅读理解 Part B高分突破(新题型 40篇》 ,里面有一个版块就是 gap filling,比较适合练习用。
基英的翻译比较偏文学, 我买了张培基散文 108篇, 虽然每翻完一篇对照张老师的译文都会觉得很受挫, 但还是慢慢会有进步的。
2. 英汉互译大家应该都了解, 英汉互译中英各两段, 一长一短。
中翻英有一段是政府公文, 找政府的各种报告参考参考还是比较好把握的。
小品文就比较口语化了, 我在准备的时候觉得十分头疼。
能找到的资料很有限, 并且翻完没有参考译文也觉得心里没底, 没办法提高。
英译汉除了真题以外, 我还按照前辈们的指点,在 Eco 论坛上找了一些经济学人上的文章来练习,另外 FT 上面有双语阅读的文章, 也是不错的练习材料。
北京外国语大学高翻复试资料 英汉同声传译技巧
例如:My delegation will show flexibility in the consultations on the program of work.可以转换词类,译为“我国代表团将灵活地磋商工作计划”。
被动句在同传中可以变为主动句译,但同传时为了达到顺译的目的,还可以采取其它一些变通方法,比如将谓语动词和主语合并译为名词短语作汉语主语:The economic freedom was provided by breaking up large concentration of power.经济自由的获得是因为打破了高度集中的权力。
综合起来,可以应用以下几种手段:1、独立成句This has been a major engine of economic growth comparable to the earlier experiences in South East Asian neighboring countries.这大大带动了经济增长,类似于东南亚各国早期的发展历程。
参考译文:The ancient philosopher Wang Yangming offended some powerful officials of the imperial court and was demoted to the position of a local official in the remote province of Guizhou. During his term, he arrested the head of a burglary gang. In the trial, the suspect said, "I have committed a death penalty crime. You can kill me or torture me all you want but spare me the moral talk. A guy like me never talks morals. I don't even think about them."Wang replied, "OK, I won't talk morals with you today but since it's hot, I suggest we take off our coats before the trial.""OK," said the suspect, and took his coat off."It's still too hot, perhaps we should take off our shirts too," said Wang.The gangster naturally didn‟t mind being bare-chested, so he took off his shirt. Now both of them had nothing left but their pants. Wang then said, "What about the pants? We‟ll be more comfortable if we‟re naked.""No way! No way!" protested the suspect.At this point, Wang cut to his point and said, "The reason why you wouldn't take off your pants is that you still know shame. This proves that even a notorious and ruthless manlike yourself is concerned with morality. "The suspect was so impressed by Wang's argument that he confessed all his crimes.2009年研究生入学试题参考译文和分析(“国庆节返乡”部分)/李长栓星期三, 05/06/2009 - 07:57 —李长栓《国庆节回家》翻译中的主要问题北京外国语大学高级翻译学院李长栓理解问题汉语中充满了歧义。
我选择考MA 是因为我更喜欢MA的考试科目,觉得比起汉语写作和背百科词条,自己更擅长做英语题目。
政 治 55 199
英语 55
报考人数 录取人数 考录比 复试总分 单 科 线 专业科目
(政治、 总分线
政 治 55 216,每门
英语 55 专业课线
复试视译和复述重点考察的是考生的听力及外语的语言表达能力 ,面试常常会涉及经济、
针对视译,大家在掌握了完善的视译技巧之后,要找材料来做大量的练习,在复试之前 要坚持练习,直到复试。 如果对于视译技巧并不熟悉,或者没有经过相应的训练和培训, 建议参加复试辅导课程,以免将错误的方法越练越熟,影响复试成绩。
【环球时代】北京外国语大学高翻考研复试材料Building excitement(视译)
Building excitementCan China avoid a bubble?THE property market illustrates the growing divergence between rich-world and emerging economies. In most developed countries (with a few exceptions, such as Australia and Canada) governments are trying to breathe life into property. In developing ones they are trying to cool things down. In the West the question is when prices will stop falling. In the East it is whether they will stop rising.For many institutional investors, emerging markets, however buoyant, are not worth taking big bets on. Thanks to the bust, the rich world offers high-quality properties in liquid markets at lowish prices. The developing countries are a riskier development prospect, with new homes, offices and malls being built at speed to cope with fast-rising demand.That demand is undoubtedly enormous. Brazil is thought to be short of some 8m homes; the whole of India has fewer hotel rooms than Las Vegas; in Saudi Arabia a long-awaited mortgage law is expected to kickstart a residential boom. Yet the pitfalls are also cavernous. Legal issues are one source of uncertainty. Investors complain that China’s system is capricious, for instance. “China will be one of the biggest property markets in the world in five years’ time,” says one b ig fund manager. “But if you put millions into a building in China and sell it, it is not clear that you will be able to take your money out.” Retail lenders express similar misgivings about the process for repossessing homes in developing markets.The biggest worry of all is the rush of new supply. The pace of development is often frantic, nowhere more so than in China. According to Barclays Capital, more than 40% of the skyscrapers due for completion in the next six years will be in China, increasing the number of tall buildings in Chinese cities by more than half. Landscapes are changing in a matter of days. One of the more hypnotic items on YouTube is a time-lapse video of a 15-storey prefabricated hotel in Changsha being put up in just six days. “The range of outcomes in London and New York is pretty limited,” says one investor. “In Shenzhen you can be building a block of apartments with four others going up alongside.”One way to manage the risk of oversupply is to take capital out of emerging markets as quickly as possible. ING’s real-estate asset-management arm (soon to be part of CBRE) works with local firms to build flats and homes for sale in markets such as China, enabling it to realise profits in two or three years. Another is to go for the less crowded parts of the market. Mr White of CBRE thinks that the logistics sector is one of the more promising avenues for foreign investors, in part because the market is dominated by a handful of global firms based in America. Shopping centres are another area where foreigners still have an edge over locals.But many investors who have raised funds for deployment in emerging markets will have trouble finding a home for their money. One reason is that these markets are thin: there is very little buying and selling of existing properties. Another is competition from locals. Mainland Chinese developers are wildly optimistic because they have seen values rise, says David Ellis of MayerBrown JSM, a law firm. “They are using a different spreadsheet.”All this helps explain why many people are nervous about the state of the Chinese property market in general, and the residential part of it in particular. High-profile hedge-fund managers such as Jim Chanos give warning (self-servingly) of a property crash even wo rse than Dubai’s. In January three of the ten biggest short positions in Hong Kong-listed mainland companies were held in property firms. Nationally, incomes in China have largely kept pace with rising prices (see chart 7), but an IMF report in December sa id that in some big cities prices “appear to be increasingly disconnected from fundamentals”.Rationing the air supplyThe Chinese government has unveiled a series of measures since April 2010 to mute house-price inflation. They include raising the minimum downpayment for first-time buyers to 30% of a home’s value, up from 20% before, and a stop on mortgages for people buying a third or subsequent home. These measures have had some success. The year-on-year price rise has slowed down: in December it was 6.4%, not that much higher than the overall inflation rate.Even so, the market continues to look extremely buoyant on many measures. Total property loans outstanding last year rose by 27.5%, which at least was slower than in 2009. Policymakers lean towards further tightening. A property tax was announced in Shanghai and Chongqing at the start of this year, causing a rush to seal deals before it takes effect. Transactions in Shanghai in the first half of January reportedly jumped by more than a third year-on-year, according to local estate agents. Wen Jiabao, China’s prime minister, has said he wants to see the residential market return to a “reasonable level” before his term of office ends in 2013.As well as dampening down demand, the Chinese have been trying to increase supply. That may seem counterintuitive in a country with a home-ownership rate of about 80%. But that startlingly high rate was the result of a huge, one-off transfer of government housing to private ownership in the late 1990s. Much of i t is dilapidated and most people want to move out and up. “There is pent-up demand that has been building for 50 years,” says Michael Klibaner of JLL in Shanghai.The problem for the average buyer is that prices have been driven higher not just by other would-be homeowners but by a complex chain of speculative activities that reaches right back to another arm of China’s government, the local authorities. Land sales are a big source of revenue for local governments, and by drafting development plans for the land the government can hike its value several times over.Until recently, local governments would sell this land to developers for very little upfront. A firm could buy land worth 5 billion yuan with just 500m yuan ($75.9m) in working capital, says Jinsong Du of Credit Suisse. Even better, the developer could then offer that land as collateral for a loan of, say, 2.5 billion yuan from a bank. And instead of ploughing those borrowed billions into developing the site, they could use it to buy more land. Developers were not too worried about generating cash flow, because in a pinch they assumed they could always sell the land at a profitor flog as-yet-unbuilt flats to eager buyers on the back of blueprints alone.The viability of this model depends on ever-growing demand, which often comes from speculative investors looking for a chance of quick capital gains. Some are wealthy private individuals; many are enterprises that have been diverting money from capital investment, hoping for juicier returns from property.All of this is a big headache for the central government, which is aiming to keep property affordable for the masses. A huge social-housing programme will eventually bring lots of cheaper housing on stream. In the meantime the government is trying to draw the air out of the speculative part of the market (by restricting mortgages taken out for investment purposes, and by banning many state-owned enterprises from buying land) and to put developers under pressure to build and release properties quickly. Banks now have to put money into an escrow account instead of lending directly to developers. The cash is paid out when construction reaches certain milestones. Downpayments from developers to local governments have shot up, too, and now total 60-70% of the land’s value. That stretches developers’ balance-sheets, encouraging them to drop prices.Carpeted landingThe slowdown in property-price rises suggests that these policies are having some effect. But the upward pressure is still immense. To get round the new rules, some mainland developers are reportedly borrowing money offshore and dressing it up as equity when it comes onshore. The restrictions are not always properly implemented, particularly in smaller cities. A 2009 law allowed mainland insurers to invest another wall of money in property for the first time. Individual savers keep an enormous amount of cash in low-yielding bank deposits and have relatively few investment options, which increases the appeal of property—as does rising inflation.Nonetheless, in two critical respects, comparisons between China and places such as Dubai are misplaced. One is underlying growth in demand. Some places in China may well be getting ahead of themselves: for example, it is not clear whether so many industrial cities really need a brand new central business district. If prices were to turn, the amount of vacant property being held as investment would make a wave of forced selling more likely. But China, with urbanisation and income growth on a massive scale, is clearly different from Dubai’s model of “build it and they will come.”There are better parallels in the Middle East. Emile Habib of GulfRelated, a property-development joint venture in the region, says Dubai is saturated and the best prospects are places with lots of internal demand like Saudi Arabia.The second difference is the amount of leverage in the system. The IMF reckons that loans to developers and mortgages accounted for under 20% of total outstanding loans in late 2009, compared with 52% in Hong Kong and 57% in America. Again, nobody should draw too much comfort from this. In a cash-driven market, liquidity can flow out of the sector quickly; mortgage debt is rising fast from a low base; and a property bust could spill over into other fields to whichbanks have lots of exposure. But as Western policymakers would now wearily agree, less debt means less systemic risk for the banks if and when the property cycle turns.。
二、强大的应试阅读能力。如果你对自己的应试能力有信心,在各种标准 化考试中成绩突出,也可以考虑报考 MA。
我建议大家不要闭门造车,一定要把自己的译文拿给别人看,打破自我保 护的屏障。最好的选择是报网上带批改服务的翻译班,具体哪个班我就不 推荐了,只要是接受过系统翻译训练的人(翻译教师、翻译资深从业者、 优秀院校的 MTI 在读学生)应该都能轻松找出考研学生的译文毛病。
第三,扩大词汇量。这里所说的扩大词汇量,不是让大家去死磕单词书, 而是通过科学的方法,比如学习构词法,达到触类旁通、举一反三的效果。 同时,也要注意到平时常用的单词的一些不常用的词义。 第四,多关注时事,尤其是和翻译相关的时事。这一点比较明显地体现在 作文上。通过上面列出的真题,我们发现,很多学校最后的作文题都涉及 到了机器翻译的话题,而这正是当下一直被广泛探讨的问题。如果平时就 有关注和积累这方面的素材,那么发挥起来也是游刃有余的。
01 抓住必要扣分点 既然“翻错了就一定会丢分”,那首先当然得明确什么叫做“翻错了”。 从李长栓老师给出的改卷范例来看,我认为研究生入学考试中的英译汉, 在你的汉语能达到成年汉语母语使用者平均水平的前提下,对你的考察只 会停留在: 一、能否准确理解原文(英语水平); 二、是否具有基本背景知识(常识水平)。 因此,无论你是归化还是异化,大幅调整语序还是遵照原文逻辑,这些都 不是必要扣分点,而既然不是必须扣分,阅卷人为照顾公平就不会轻易扣 分。所以在翻译的时候,也就不用过多去纠结这些风格上的问题,抓住要 害,不要为细枝末节分心。 02 “快狠准”而非“精雕细琢”
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Building excitementCan China avoid a bubble?THE property market illustrates the growing divergence between rich-world and emerging economies. In most developed countries (with a few exceptions, such as Australia and Canada) governments are trying to breathe life into property. In developing ones they are trying to cool things down. In the West the question is when prices will stop falling. In the East it is whether they will stop rising.For many institutional investors, emerging markets, however buoyant, are not worth taking big bets on. Thanks to the bust, the rich world offers high-quality properties in liquid markets at lowish prices. The developing countries are a riskier development prospect, with new homes, offices and malls being built at speed to cope with fast-rising demand.That demand is undoubtedly enormous. Brazil is thought to be short of some 8m homes; the whole of India has fewer hotel rooms than Las Vegas; in Saudi Arabia a long-awaited mortgage law is expected to kickstart a residential boom. Yet the pitfalls are also cavernous. Legal issues are one source of uncertainty. Investors complain that China’s system is capricious, for instance. “China will be one of the biggest property markets in the world in five years’ time,” says one b ig fund manager. “But if you put millions into a building in China and sell it, it is not clear that you will be able to take your money out.” Retail lenders express similar misgivings about the process for repossessing homes in developing markets.The biggest worry of all is the rush of new supply. The pace of development is often frantic, nowhere more so than in China. According to Barclays Capital, more than 40% of the skyscrapers due for completion in the next six years will be in China, increasing the number of tall buildings in Chinese cities by more than half. Landscapes are changing in a matter of days. One of the more hypnotic items on YouTube is a time-lapse video of a 15-storey prefabricated hotel in Changsha being put up in just six days. “The range of outcomes in London and New York is pretty limited,” says one investor. “In Shenzhen you can be building a block of apartments with four others going up alongside.”One way to manage the risk of oversupply is to take capital out of emerging markets as quickly as possible. ING’s real-estate asset-management arm (soon to be part of CBRE) works with local firms to build flats and homes for sale in markets such as China, enabling it to realise profits in two or three years. Another is to go for the less crowded parts of the market. Mr White of CBRE thinks that the logistics sector is one of the more promising avenues for foreign investors, in part because the market is dominated by a handful of global firms based in America. Shopping centres are another area where foreigners still have an edge over locals.But many investors who have raised funds for deployment in emerging markets will have trouble finding a home for their money. One reason is that these markets are thin: there is very little buying and selling of existing properties. Another is competition from locals. Mainland Chinese developers are wildly optimistic because they have seen values rise, says David Ellis of MayerBrown JSM, a law firm. “They are using a different spreadsheet.”All this helps explain why many people are nervous about the state of the Chinese property market in general, and the residential part of it in particular. High-profile hedge-fund managers such as Jim Chanos give warning (self-servingly) of a property crash even wo rse than Dubai’s. In January three of the ten biggest short positions in Hong Kong-listed mainland companies were held in property firms. Nationally, incomes in China have largely kept pace with rising prices (see chart 7), but an IMF report in December sa id that in some big cities prices “appear to be increasingly disconnected from fundamentals”.Rationing the air supplyThe Chinese government has unveiled a series of measures since April 2010 to mute house-price inflation. They include raising the minimum downpayment for first-time buyers to 30% of a home’s value, up from 20% before, and a stop on mortgages for people buying a third or subsequent home. These measures have had some success. The year-on-year price rise has slowed down: in December it was 6.4%, not that much higher than the overall inflation rate.Even so, the market continues to look extremely buoyant on many measures. Total property loans outstanding last year rose by 27.5%, which at least was slower than in 2009. Policymakers lean towards further tightening. A property tax was announced in Shanghai and Chongqing at the start of this year, causing a rush to seal deals before it takes effect. Transactions in Shanghai in the first half of January reportedly jumped by more than a third year-on-year, according to local estate agents. Wen Jiabao, China’s prime minister, has said he wants to see the residential market return to a “reasonable level” before his term of office ends in 2013.As well as dampening down demand, the Chinese have been trying to increase supply. That may seem counterintuitive in a country with a home-ownership rate of about 80%. But that startlingly high rate was the result of a huge, one-off transfer of government housing to private ownership in the late 1990s. Much of i t is dilapidated and most people want to move out and up. “There is pent-up demand that has been building for 50 years,” says Michael Klibaner of JLL in Shanghai.The problem for the average buyer is that prices have been driven higher not just by other would-be homeowners but by a complex chain of speculative activities that reaches right back to another arm of China’s government, the local authorities. Land sales are a big source of revenue for local governments, and by drafting development plans for the land the government can hike its value several times over.Until recently, local governments would sell this land to developers for very little upfront. A firm could buy land worth 5 billion yuan with just 500m yuan ($75.9m) in working capital, says Jinsong Du of Credit Suisse. Even better, the developer could then offer that land as collateral for a loan of, say, 2.5 billion yuan from a bank. And instead of ploughing those borrowed billions into developing the site, they could use it to buy more land. Developers were not too worried about generating cash flow, because in a pinch they assumed they could always sell the land at a profitor flog as-yet-unbuilt flats to eager buyers on the back of blueprints alone.The viability of this model depends on ever-growing demand, which often comes from speculative investors looking for a chance of quick capital gains. Some are wealthy private individuals; many are enterprises that have been diverting money from capital investment, hoping for juicier returns from property.All of this is a big headache for the central government, which is aiming to keep property affordable for the masses. A huge social-housing programme will eventually bring lots of cheaper housing on stream. In the meantime the government is trying to draw the air out of the speculative part of the market (by restricting mortgages taken out for investment purposes, and by banning many state-owned enterprises from buying land) and to put developers under pressure to build and release properties quickly. Banks now have to put money into an escrow account instead of lending directly to developers. The cash is paid out when construction reaches certain milestones. Downpayments from developers to local governments have shot up, too, and now total 60-70% of the land’s value. That stretches developers’ balance-sheets, encouraging them to drop prices.Carpeted landingThe slowdown in property-price rises suggests that these policies are having some effect. But the upward pressure is still immense. To get round the new rules, some mainland developers are reportedly borrowing money offshore and dressing it up as equity when it comes onshore. The restrictions are not always properly implemented, particularly in smaller cities. A 2009 law allowed mainland insurers to invest another wall of money in property for the first time. Individual savers keep an enormous amount of cash in low-yielding bank deposits and have relatively few investment options, which increases the appeal of property—as does rising inflation.Nonetheless, in two critical respects, comparisons between China and places such as Dubai are misplaced. One is underlying growth in demand. Some places in China may well be getting ahead of themselves: for example, it is not clear whether so many industrial cities really need a brand new central business district. If prices were to turn, the amount of vacant property being held as investment would make a wave of forced selling more likely. But China, with urbanisation and income growth on a massive scale, is clearly different from Dubai’s model of “build it and they will come.”There are better parallels in the Middle East. Emile Habib of GulfRelated, a property-development joint venture in the region, says Dubai is saturated and the best prospects are places with lots of internal demand like Saudi Arabia.The second difference is the amount of leverage in the system. The IMF reckons that loans to developers and mortgages accounted for under 20% of total outstanding loans in late 2009, compared with 52% in Hong Kong and 57% in America. Again, nobody should draw too much comfort from this. In a cash-driven market, liquidity can flow out of the sector quickly; mortgage debt is rising fast from a low base; and a property bust could spill over into other fields to whichbanks have lots of exposure. But as Western policymakers would now wearily agree, less debt means less systemic risk for the banks if and when the property cycle turns.。