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第23卷第11期2003年11月生 态 学 报ACT A ECOLOGICA SINICA V ol.23,No.11N ov.,2003苔藓植物生殖生态学研究


(1.南京大学生命科学学院,南京 210093;2.南京林业大学森林资源与环境学院,南京 210037)



作者简介:王中生(1972~),男,安徽桐城人,博士,讲师。主要从事植物生态学及分子系统学研究。E -mail :W an gzs @nju

Foundation item :T he 973-project of the M inis try of S cience an d Tech nology (No.2002CB111504)an d the National Natu -ral S cience Foundation of China(No.30270110)

Received date :2003-06-08;Accepted date :2003-09-10

Biography :W ANG Zhong -Sh eng ,Ph .D .,mainly en gaged in th e res earch of plant ecology and molecular sys tematics .E -mail:Wangzs @



Review of reproductive ecology of Bryophytes

WANG Zho ng -Sheng 1,AN Shu -Qing 1,FANG Yan -M ing 2 (1.S chool of L if e Science ,N anj ing U -

niv ersity ,N anj ing 210093,Ch ina ; 2.College of F ore st R esour ces &Env ir onment ,N anj ing F or estry Univ ersity ,N an -j ing 210037,China ).Acta Ecologica Sinica ,2003,23(11):2444~2452.

Abstract :Recently inv estig atio ns on r epro ductiv e ecolog y of Br yo phy tes hav e go t remar kably pro gr esses,mainly including breeding system,cost and stra tegy o f repr oduction,as w ell as influence o f r epr o ductiv e patter n o n g enetic diver sity of population .R atio s o f sex ual repro ductio n wer e lo w because o f prim itiv e re-pr oductiv e patt ern w ith part icular requirem ent o f wa ter and co mmon dioecio us pheno menon .F requency o f sexual repro ductio n was especially low in female (fro m gam ete pr oductio n thr oug h spor ophyt e matur atio n),so the co st o f r ealized sex ual r epr oductio n incur r ed by fem ale was restr icted t o sex expr essio n (gam ete pro ductio n ).O n aver age ,male incurr ed a g reat er co st in g amete pr oduct ion than female did ,so that female -dominat ed sex r atio might be a pro duct of a hig her aver age cost o f sex expr ession in ma le .Spor ophyte abor tio n w ould be influenced by reg ulat ion of resour ce allo catio n in mater nal seg ment.A sex ual repr oduction in heter og eneo us habit ats sho w ed a g r eater fitness v alue,w hich w as beneficial to po pulatio n dev elopment and maint enance .Hig her genetic diver sity w as discov ered in Br y ophy te po pulation using kinds o f m olecular mar ker ,and ther e w as no direct r elationship betw een repro ductive pat terns and g enet ic var iabilit y,but differ ent disper sal ability betw een spor e and v egetat ive fra gment wo uld ar ouse pr ofo und in-fluence on po pulation differentiatio n.
