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• 东西方文化对创新的内涵有不同的理解和定义,亚洲传统 比较保守,西方近代的文化则比较开明,但两者在创新方 面则各有千秋。东方传统教育强调脚踏实地地打基础,将 基础知识一步一步建立起来。然而东方传统中过于重视基 础,强调死记硬背,影响了对新现象、新问题的大胆设想 .论证。
• The understanding and definition of creativity between the Eastern and the Western cultures may differ, as traditional Asian culture is more conservative, while modern culture of the West is more liberal. But in terms of creativity, their influences are equally significant. The traditional Eastern eduation system stresses building a solid foundation, and then builds up the basic knowledge step by step. However, Eastern tradition places too much emphasis on foundations. The insistence on rote learning affects the initiative to make bold hypotheses and argumentation about new situation and new problems.
Biblioteka Baidu 翻译练习
• 有个大三的女生,不算漂亮,甚至还多少有点丑。她见到 同班的女生都有了男友,唯独自己形影相吊,便感到挺自 卑,还常常悄悄掉眼泪。教心理学的老师觉察到这件事, 就假冒一个男生的名义,给她写了封匿名的求爱信,这封 信的末尾是;一个希望得到你的青睐的极其善良的男同胞。 就这么一封信,也就一举改造了一个人。……于是我突然 明白了爱情的定义。爱情是什么?它就是给人一个会展翅 高飞的希望。
• There was a junior college girl who could not be rated as beautiful and was even sort of uglylooking. Seeing that her fellow girl students had their courting parterners one by one and that she alone had only her shadow in her company, she was all blues with a sense of inferiority and shed tears when she was by herself. Having detected what ws happening, her psychology tercher got an idea. In the name of a boy, he wrote her an anonymous letter of love which ended with “a kind gentleman awaiting your favor”. The letter brought about tansformation. I suddenly understand the definition of love. What is love? It is the hope with which one strives to achieve greatest heights.
• 在长江中下游南岸,有一座被人称赞为聚 宝盆的城市,这就是湖北省黄石市。离城 区三十公里的铜绿山是我国少有的富铜矿 之一。1959年,钻探工作在这里大规模展 开,地质工作者克服了复杂的地质条件带 来的重重困难,奋战五年,揭开了铜绿山 深处的奥秘。那里不但有一座全国少有的 富铜矿,而且还有一座大型金矿和中型铁 矿。
• On the south bank of the Changjiang River in the middle reach,there lies a city which is celebrated as the Treasure Bowl. This city is the yellowstone(HS) City in HubeiProvince. The Tonglu Mountain which is 30 kilometers from the city proper, is one of the rarely large and rich copper deposits in our country. In 1959, extensive prospecting was launched here. The geologists unraveled the mystery of the Tonglu Mountain in its depth, after 5 years' hard work, conquering many different complex geological structures represented by a large-sized gold mine and a medium-sized iron mine in addition to the rich copper mine in China.
• 进入21世纪,发达国家所面临的共同问题,不是缺资金, 而是缺人才,不是缺最新的资讯,而是缺最新的知识。知 识变成了一个国家是否进步的关键因素。把相关的知识有 系统地运用到经济活动中,现在泛称为知识经济。唯有通 过外在的教育与学习,浩瀚的资讯才可能变成系统的知识。
• Entering the 21st century, the developed countries are facing a common problem: shortage of talent, not fund,and lack of latest knowledge, not latest information. Knowledge has become a crucial factor in the process of a country.(‘是否’放在谓语之前, 是汉语的一种肯定句,翻译成英语要省译) The systematic application of relevant knowledge to economy makes what we now generally call knowledge economy.(‘把’字句通常要省译‘把’,将其后的宾语 调整到动词之后。这里还要将动词‘运用’转换成名词短 语application of sth.to。 增加make,we等词。)Only through education and training, which people receive from outside, can the huge volume of information be trained into systematic knowledge.