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KEY WORDS: supply chain management, supply chain environment, integrate supply chain, process optimization, Clothing & Shoes Class Company
上海交通大学 学位论文原创性声明
本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立 进行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不 包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。对本文的研究 做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意 识到本声明的法律结果由本人承担。
学位论文作者签名:吴开尧 日期:2007 年 01 月 28 日
Because Chinese interacts with international economy more deeply, Chinese information technology catching up with international pace more quickly, Chinese logistic developing more quickly, Chinese industries have environment suit for supply chain management in Chinese companies, based on their matureness. Chinese companies must adopt SCM to innovate in their company operation, “changing Chinese manufacture to Chinese creation’’. But there is much mistake in the cognition of SCM in Chinese company. This thesis perspectives the development, the principle of SCM and supply chain environment in Clothing & Shoe industry firstly. Then explains in detail about 5 points on how to successfully implement SCM in Chinese Clothing & Shoe Company, taking Lining company as the example. This thesis in its four parts hopes to clear the cognition mistake in Chinese company, from the
angle of company strategy. The first part introduce the significance, the structure and main points of
this ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้hesis. The second part traces the changes of environment, which companies
operate in, and the main operation system problem they had. Companies must keep changing its operation system because the changes of customer demand, the changes of economy environment and the challenge its operation system encountered. Then continues on the development of Supply Chain Management, and explains the big changes it brought to company management performance. Based on the inherent mechanism and pole experiments of SCM in the world, this thesis briefly introduced 5 key points on how to successfully implement SCM. At the end of first chapter, the analysis framework is displayed for reference when the analysis is extending on the topic.
上海交通大学 硕士学位论文 国内服装鞋类企业供应链管理分析——以李宁公司为例 姓名:吴开尧 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:工商管理 指导教师:朱启贵
服装鞋类企业供应链管理分析--以李宁公司为例 摘要
由于中国诸多产业的发展成熟,更由于中国更深入地与国际经济进 行互动、资讯科技的快速跟进以及中国物流的快速发展,中国诸多产业 具备适于企业采取供应链管理模式的经济环境。中国企业应该利用供应 链管理进行企业经营创新,“变中国制造为中国创造”,但是目前很多企 业对于供应链管理存在一些与企业目标不相一致、片面强调单点突破的 认识误区。本文从供应链管理与企业目标一致性的角度透视供应链管理 的历史发展、运行原理以及服装鞋类产业的供应链环境,以李宁公司的 案例具体解释服装鞋类企业实施供应链管理时保持与企业目标一致的 5 个要点。本文分四部分来进行论述。
[注:此页从(网址:http : //www.asom.sjtu.edu.cn-“MBA 教育”中)“文档下载”处直接下载。]
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The third introduces the characters of Clothing & Shoes Class Industry and its development. Customer demand changed requires companies in the industry change its operation system to comply with. IT application, global economy integration and logistic development is describe in the industry, concluding that brand influence is the key momentum what determines the industry competence in the world market. Symmetrically this thesis introduces the Chinese & Clothing Shoes Class Industry, then infer that Chinese Clothing & Shoes Class Company can lever the opportunity that
international and mainland supply chain environment offered and upgrade to SCM.
The fourth emphasizes on how to implement SCM in Chinese Clothing Shoes Class Companies, taking Lining Company as example. Firstly introduces the history of Lining Company, in order to expose its resource, ability and the condition of its management system, then comes to the 5 key points about how to successfully implement SCM, including regard customer as the center, structure core competition capability, integrate supply chain, IT push process optimization and have a totally performance inspection system. Theorems and facts are referred, problems raised, and advice also designed in detailed.
本文认为供应链管理由于有助于中国企业的经营创新,从而对于中 国“变中国制造为中国创造”的国家战略具有重要意义,做好供应链管 理、并使之与企业的目标一致应该为中国的诸多行业的企业所重视。
关键字:供应链管理,供应链环境,供应链协同,流程优化,服装 鞋类企业
This thesis concludes that SCM is the model suit for Chinese Clothing Shoes Class Companies and companies in other Chinese industries, having the same condition, to renovate in operation system. It is so important to Chinese company in current environment, that it must be totally realized, well mastered and carefully implemented.
第一部分为绪论部分,说明本文选题的意义、本文结构及主要论点。 第二部分回顾企业经营系统所处环境和基本问题的变迁;企业为了 适应变化了的顾客需求、竞争等经济环境,面临不断升级的经营挑战, 必须不断地革新经营管理模式,供应链管理模式也因此应运而生;将描 述供应链管理的发展演进、运用效果;并根据供应链管理模式的内部机 理结合全球标杆经验导出实施供应链管理与企业目标保持一致的 5 个要 点。 第三部分透过服装鞋类企业全球、国内供应链环境以及其运营管理 模式发展的介绍,分析运营管理模式发展与服装鞋类企业的内在一致性, 以及在全球、国内供应链环境下实施供应链管理同样是保持与企业目标
的一致。同时说明国内企业在实施供应链管理时,不能照搬先进经验, 必须根据自身环境和条件的限制,理顺各方面的关系,特别是实施供应 链管理与企业目标的关系,把握好向供应链管理模式转变的进度和速度。
第四部分通过李宁公司的实例来说明如何实施供应链管理,以保持 其与企业目标的一致性。首先通过对李宁公司管理历史渐变的回顾,来 透视李宁公司运营管理系统的变化与不同阶段企业目标的内在一致性, 接着从以顾客为中心、建立核心竞争力、信息技术推动流程优化、供应 链协同以及综合绩效考核五个方面阐述李宁公司供应链管理与其目标的 一致性的问题,对其缺失提出解决方案。